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-# smitty -----System Environments ------Change / Show Characteristics of Operating System -------Maximum number of PROCESSES allowed per user [1200]
8. SSA卡的设置: 对于使用SSA卡的用户,卡上的快写缓存可以极大的提高磁盘的I/O性能, 用户应首先检查SSA卡上是否配置了快写缓存。 # lscfg -vl ssa0
Change Method of Installation Type the number of your choice and press Enter. 1 New and Complete Overwrite Overwrites EVERYTHING on the disk selected for installation. Warning: Only use this method if the disk is totally empty or there is nothing on the disk you want to preserve. 2 Preservation Install Preserves SOME of the existing data on the disk selected for Installation. Warning: This method overwrites the user (/usr), variable (/var), temporary (/tmp), and root (/) file systems. Other product (application) files and configuration data will be destroyed. 3 Migration Install Upgrades the Base Operating System to current release. Other product (application) files and configuration data will be spared. 88 Help ? 99 Previous Menu >>> Choice [3]: 1
Type the number for the Cultural Convention (such as data, time, and money), language and keyboared for this system and press Enter, or type 4 and press Enter to create your own combination. Cultural Convention Language Keyboard >>>1. C(POSIX) C(POSIX) C(POSIX) 2. English(United States) English(United States) English(United States) 3. Russian English(United States) Russian 4. Create your own combination of Cultural Convention, Language and Keyboards. 88 Help ? 99 Previous Menu Choice [1]:
# df –k
3. 设置网络 : 用以下命令检查所有网卡的ip地址配置: # ifconfig -a 用如下命令配置网络: #smit mktcpip
4. 修改系统时区: #smit chtz 5. 修改系统时间: #smit date
6.设置交换空间(paging space) BOS安装后,交换区设为512M, 不满足系统要求。 用以下命令察看交换空间的使用情况:
将AIX操作系统的第一张CD插入CD-ROM 驱动器,在系统提示处输入快速路径 smitty install_all。在Input device / directory for software 选项中按F4 选择/dev/cd0。 在SOFTWARE to install选项中键入 [*] 安装完上述软件包.成功后按F10 退出。
# lsps –a
用以下命令改变交换区的大小: #smit chps 一般设为内存的两倍,如内存很大,不需内存的两倍。
7. 配置用户:
缺省系统只允许2个非root用户登陆,用户可根据自己的需求增加用户数。 --# smitty -----System Environments ------Change / Show Number of Licensed Users -------Maximum number of FIXED licenses [32] -改变每用户的最大进程数,有些应用软件需要单一用户启很多进程 (如oracle数据库)。可按下述方法改变用户最大进程数。
如果配置了快写缓存,改变SSA磁盘的配置,使其使用快写缓存 -# smitty device -----SSA Disks ------SSA Logical Disks -------Change/Show Characteristics of an SSA Logical Disk --------hdisk? Available 11-08-L SSA Logical Disk Drive ---------Enable Fast-Write yes
第一部分 AIX5.1安装介绍
一、安装准备: IBM小型机在出厂时一般都预装了操作系统,不需要重新安装。 用如下命令验证当前系统的版本和维护级别: #oslevel –r 若重新安装,则准备如下: (1) 检查显示器、键盘、鼠标是否与主机正确连接; (2) 把介质(操作系统光盘第一张)插入驱动器; (3) 打开外设及主机电源。(磁盘阵列要先打开)
二、BOS安装: (1)主机加电后,在主机的两声响之间敲击键盘5,将从安装介质引导。 (2)显示器显示信息,要求用户选择控制台,键入1并回车,定义当前设备 为主控台。 (3)选择安装系统时所用的语言, 一般选择英文。 (4)在这一步检查所有的安装设置:
Welcome to Base Operating System Installation and Maintenance Type the number of your choice and press Enter. Choice indicated by >>> 1 Start Install now with Default Settings 2 Change/Show Installation Settings and Install 3 Start Maintenance Mode for System Recovery 88 Help ? >>> Choice [1]: 2
1. AIX的软件包与补丁
-AIX操作系统安装时只安装一些基本的软件包(fileset),而有些软件包是用户经 常用到的但没有被安装。建议在安装完AIX操作系统后再安装以下一些软件包:** bos.adt* bos.perf* bos.compat* bos.sysmgt* bos.acct *
在安装完上述软件包后,需要给系统打补丁。使用随AIX系统盘所带的Update CD 或从IBM得到的最新的补丁盘。插入CD-ROM 驱动器,在系统提示处输入快速路径 smitty update_all,在 Input device / directory for software 选项中按F4 选择/dev/cd0 。 注意:当操作系统增加了任何软件包后,都要按上述方法重新打补丁。
Installation Settings Either type 0 or press Enter to install with current settings, or type the number of the setting you want to change and press Enter 1 System Settings Method of installation …………… New and Complete Overwrite Disk where you want to Install …... hdisk0 2 Primary Language Environment Settings (AFTER install) Cultural Convention ……………… C (POSIX) Language …………………………. C (POSIX) Keyboard …………………………. C (POSIX) 3 Install Trusted Computing Base …….. no 0 Install with the settings listed above 88 Help ? 99 Previous Menu >>> Choice [1]:_
Base Operating System installation is complete Please perform the following steps to activate the changes made during this installation. 1. Remove the installation media. 2. Press the ENTER key to restart (reboot) the system.
Change Disks Where You Want to Install Type one or more numbers for the disk(s) to be used for installation and press Enter. To cancel a choice, type the corresponding number and press Enter. At least one bootable disk must be selected. The current choice is indicated by >>>. Size VG Name Location Code (MB) Status Bootable 1 hdisk0 00-01-00-0.0 305 rootvg yes 2 hdisk1 00-01-00-1.0 305 rootvg no >>> 0 Continue with choices indicated above 66 Disks not known to Base Operating System Installation 88 Help ? 99 Previous Menu >>> Choice [0]:_
# instfix -i | grep AIX_ML #oslevel -r
2. 设置文件系统
AIX操作系统安装完后,会建立一些缺省得的文件系百度文库,其中 ‘/’,‘/tmp’和 ‘ /var’文件系统对于整个系统的正常运行是至关重要的,因此要保证这三个 文件系统有足够的剩余空间。可用如下命令对空间的使用情况进行查询。
可以不使用Installation Assistant,而统一使用SMIT完成。
许多用户在操作系统安装完后,不对系统进行一些基本设置,而使用系统的 缺省参数。由于系统的缺省参数值一般比较小,在以后的运行过程中会出现 这样或那样一些本来很容易避免的问题。