



托福写作模板以及技巧托福写作模板以及技巧1.托福的作文就是英文的〝八股〞,有套路,所以模板用得上.2.词汇和固定短语要识记,主要是3类:~环境的,经济的,社会进步等题目经常涉及的名词或者名词短语;~表示程度等的形容词和能够恰当修饰动词的副词;~起承转合作用的连接词和短语.3.在正确,易懂的基础上,力求句型的变化多端,插入语,从句,倒装,虚拟等.4.看清题目要求写什么,有比较的,要写出两者的不同,不要只说你支持的.5.不同的reason不要糅合到一块去,每段中心要明确,且reason段落,要用英文写作的方式,开门见山的在段落开头指出;既然要成段,那么你所选择的reason 一定要能扩展,也就是有东西好写,不要为赋新辞强说愁;所以虽然一个论点你可能有N个理由,但那些很有道理,但是你用英文无法表达清楚的,就不用写了,这不是上万字的论文.on一出就要有e_ample,两三个case足以,并且事例逻辑上能够支持原因.7.整篇文章不要出现第二人称you,your,这是enjoylife等前辈的指点(指点了pumpkin,然后她又〝数落〞我的),多用people;你想,you就是阅卷人,你凭什么张口就用人家的书面语言教导人家呢?8.个人的观点:尽可能的避免单独使用he/she,考虑到性别歧视问题.但是,如果你要顶字数的话,也请用 he or she.9.口语化是初级者的大问题之一,写作文的时候往往是先想中文改怎么说,然后做个翻译工作;本来对非母语就很能驾驭,这样一来,说大白话,就直接导致句式的单一;所以还是要看看真题阅读文章的文法.托福作文技巧〝五段锦〞第一段,对题目改写,再用模板的套话扯一下,常用的手法是正反一提.第二段,最大的reason,事例论据支持.第三段,次大的reason,事例论据支持.第四段,一个小的reason,外加一个不碍大事的however的对立.第五段,对各段reason改写总结,也可以再加展望,但是不要号召.托福综合写作的注意事项英美人写文章的总体逻辑可以概括为总分或总分总.而托福综合写作的阅读材料多为前者布局,且多为四段式(首段总起,三段分别展开).首段主要用来提供背景信息或者提出话题,(注意:阅读和听力是同一个话题,极少考到观点相互补,多为观点相对立.)而作者的立场或论点多位于首段的最后一句,聪明的考生会把注意力多集中于首段的尾句,确定作者的立论点,从而对于下一阶段的听力大致话题和论述做到心中有底.随后的段落即展开给出作者之所以立论的三个分论点或论据,在单个的段落当中,又遵循了西方人惯有的总分模式,单个段落的首句多为topicsentence,考生可以只关注三个段落的首句以快速获取段落主要内容,从而避免全文通读速度不够而导致的来不及看完阅读.二.听力:判断说话人立场,记录观点和支持性论据听力环节的笔记很重要,是决定综合写作能否顺利完成的关键因素.没有经过训练或者疏于练习的同学会对于该记什么无从下手,结果就是笔记做了,自己看不懂,或者笔记太过凌乱,毫无可利用性.要知道听力该记什么怎么记,此时应当牢记心里的仍然是西方人的逻辑性.〝总分〞表明了在听力的开始段是表明说话者立场和论点的,那么按照我们之前分析的,阅读和听力必然是同主题,所以听力开始时候大家不必忙着乱记一通,事实上,什么都不用写,镇定情绪,听清说话者的立场即可.接着,和阅读中相似,说话者会从三个方面阐述支持自己的观点,很多情况下,这三点和阅读中的三点是刚好契合,一一对应的.但听力三方面的分论据往往是从阅读中无法推断的,所以分论点及论据是需要同学进行笔记的,应当记的是keywords,切忌洋洋洒洒想记全一句话,最后自己也难以读懂.三.综合写作中,要将阅读和听力观点整合起来时,如果在准备阶段备有一套好用的模板,那么就是如虎添翼了.好的模板在课堂上就会发给同学,但是我们建议考生应当备有自己独一无二的模板,通过对同义换词,句型多变,做到集多个好模板于一身,又毫无雷同的独家模板.想办法提高自己的记忆容量.四.各位考生不妨观察一下自己抄写英文句子的情况.大多数未经训练的第二语言学习者很可能都是每写下一个词就要回去重新读一次才能继续抄下去——有的时候甚至可能需要每写一个字母就要返回文本重看一眼才能继续.这说明此人的记忆容量只能容纳一个词(或者甚至连一个词都容纳不了).记忆容量大的人理解文本更为容易,又因为能够理解所以记忆文本更加容易,进而又因为能够记得住而联系上下文更为轻松,而记忆容量过小的人基本上连看完一篇文章都非常吃力.不过,只要稍加训练,记忆容量就会扩充至足够用的地步.迅速将自己的英文记忆容量提高到〝够用〞的地步,最好的方法就是通过〝跟读〞.〝朗读〞训练平日积累.因为朗读可以非常有效而又迅速地提高文字理解能力.这很关键,记不住的最重要原因并非〝记忆力差〞——无论记忆力多好,都很难记住无法理解.无法关联的信息——听得懂才容易记得住.托福写作的高分词汇积累lively恶作剧的,顽皮的--prankish naughty impish elfish devilish mischievous puckish笨拙的,麻烦的--cumbersome bulky burdensome clumsy troublesome unmanageablebothersome gauche antic awkward ham-handed暴乱,骚动--agitation bother commotion fret stir riot squall大风暴--tempest violence storm大混乱,大灾难--havoc calamity catastrophe misfortune disaster mishaptragedy巨大的,惊人的--prodigious colossal enormous e_traordinary gigantic hugeimmense mammoth vast tremendous例外的,奇特的,罕见的--e_ceptional remarkable stupendous奇妙的,不可思议的--miraculous wonderful marvelous大胆的,莽撞的--audacious bold brave daring gallant heroic valiant prowess多产的,丰富的,繁茂的--prolific fecund fertile fruitful productivemunificent prosperous affluent flourish opulent well-off plentifulabundant贫瘠的,不孕的,不毛之地--barren sterile托福写作范文赏析A company is going to give some money either to support the arts or toprotect the environment . Which do you think the company should choose? Usespecific reasons and e_amples to support your answer.Deciding between supporting the arts and protecting the environment is adifficult choice to make, but I think I would choose protecting the environment.Arts help to maintain our culture and serve as a source of entertainment.However, we need a healthy environment in order to survive so we must protectit. We need to protect the environment now to help prevent health problems, tomaintain the ecosystem, and to preserve the Earth for our children.Pollution from factories and cars can cause damage to the environment.Moreover, pollution causes health problems particularly for children and theelderly who have weaker immune systems. We need to ensure that there are controls on the amount of pollution when possible so as to prevent healthproblems caused by breathing dirty air.We also need to pay attention to the ecosystem. Trees, plant life, and peopleall depend on each other. An unhealthy environment can have harmful effects onthe ecosystem. For e_ample, if a plant dies because of changes to theenvironment and that plant is food for a animal, that animal won t have anyfood. If humans use that animal as a food source, there could be bigproblems.If we do not respect our environment now, it will continue to get worse andour children will suffer the consequences. They would not have the same qualityof air to breathe or natural beauty to admire. That would be sad.Without clean air to breathe, a healthy ecosystem, and a future for ourchildren, the human race would not survive. That s why protecting ourenvironment is important. If we have a healthy environment, we have healthychildren who will be able to participate and appreciate the arts.托福写作模板以及技巧。



托福写作万能模板一、文章开头方法:【抨击旧观点/方法】发问式开头:常理式引入+will it? Has it? Is this really the case? But is this a wise method?We are often told to do/ that…, SB believe that…will…But will it?/ Is this really the case?执行命令(如签到、关手机):But is there any proven co-relation between … and …? Yet the value of…is now being questioned by more and more…Now it is time we asked ourselves: Does the method/treatment work?针对错误观点:Close examination doesn’t bear out the claim.(科学理论)The information I’ve collected over last few years leads me to believe that…(生活常识)【分析社会现象】热门问题:Recently, the alarm about the problem of … have caused wide public concern, and understandably so.现象+The findings set off many people thinking.不良现象蔓延:Perhaps most dangerous for our nation now is the (official corruption ) which is rampant in nearly every field of our society. Once… , they now…A virtual epidemic of… is under way in this nation’s … population (阶级、人群)趋势:With the prospect of coal and petroleum being depleted and with air pollution becoming an increasing concern, more and more countries are now seeking alternative source of energy. Among them is nuclear power whose environmental advantages over coal and oil is increasingly recognized.(环保类)With a domestic market of 13 billion increasingly prosperous consumers and an economy that grows by an impressive 12--14 percent each year,China is now becoming a huge magnet for more and more foreign business corporations.(经济类)In recent years, there is an increasingly number of people, especially…people, who…(…的人越来越多)【无对立现象】开门见山法:Nothing, we have been told these years, is more…than…Perhaps no issue in this world is as basic to individual and national survival as food.Society Students and their parents educationIt is about time somebody exploded that old myth/shattered the fiction/ frees ourselves from the illusion about…【时间推移】比较法:Until recently, discoveries in science and technology had been thought of as the result of dramatic accidents. But the view is changing now. Contrary to the notion of “instant” scientific discoveries, distinguishedscientific accomplishment is a matter of opportunity and of continuous and concentrated effort over long years.(科技发展)Until recently, the general attitude toward …remained hostile…, But now some people are taking a fresh look at …(看法被推翻)General attitude toward Sth has undergone a great change. Twenty or thirty years ago, very few people believed that….Now, however, it is widely held that …(想法被推广)It is a traditional custom for SB to do sth… But in the recent decades, the pendulum has swung in the opposite direction. According to a study in XXXX, … Why … ? (习俗被改变)或:Traditionally,… But now the pendulum seems to be swinging to the other way.最后问为何出现这种现象:Why do people …?Why has such a big change taken place?【经典开头】下划线部分可替换为作文题目What does it to succeed in one’s studies or career? Opinions vary widely. Give approximately equal circumstances, some claim the success factor largely a matter of luck-----being in the right place and the right time. Others speak of utter devotion to work, combined with a degree of ruthlessness. Still others maintain that it is undoubtedly a matter of how much intelligence you have or simply how much education your mother had.( 成功的因素)After a good many years of observing human nature in action, I have firmly concluded that two qualities make the difference between leaders and men of average performance. They are curiosity and discontent. These deep human urges work together, I believe, to motivate all human discovery and achievement. (成功的因素2)Traditionally,young adults are preoccupied with business careers, financial success, the accumulation of possessions and comfortable living. But now the pendulum seems to be swinging the other way. According to a recent census, many counterculture ideas have entered mainstream culture. More people are defining success in terms of intangibles ----creativity, autonomy, pleasure, participation, adventure, simulation, and love. Many are questioning the kinds of work society offers and the payoffs it provides. And many are dissatisfied with the traditional socialidentities of wife and husband.(成功定义)“Why have I chosen to attend college? Is the four-year academic life worthwhile?” I have put these questions to myself at many times in the past XX years. Have I come because of the parental influence, or because I have some goal of my own that I wish to pursue? After pondering these questions on many occasions, I have finally reached the conclusion that I have come to college not for money nor for fame but for knowledge, for a better understanding of the world around me.( 为何继续深造)二、展开观点【回顾过去】To understand the truth/point of this, it is necessary/essential to have a clear unsentimental picture of the way … were in the past.Accounts of … date back virtually as far as recorded history. 某现象可以追溯到上古时期【强调必要性】To understand the necessity of doing sth, it is necessary to analyze its weakness.To get better understanding of how… We’d better have a bird’s eye viewof …【深入阐述】But that’s only part of the explanation for … Perhaps the most significant/remarkable/surprising …(阐述解释)But that’s not only part of the story. The most remarkable thingabout …may be its usefulness in doing sth. (递进)Another equally important aspect/role/function/consideration is …(平行)Closely related in this factor is another feature characteristic of contemporary culture.【众人皆睡我独醒】Although everyone believes that … I doubt whether the argument bears much analysis. +举例In all the discussion and debate over …, one important fact is generally overlooked.【排比】可以认为,还可以认为,但是我不敢肯定…It would be possible to believe that a person’s success is to a large extent determined by the opportunity he has. And it would be also possible to think that a good opportunity can turn a quite ordinary man into the envy of his friends and colleagues. Yet I’m not so sure that everyone can seize the rare opportunity even if it occurs right before him.我们可以认为一个人成功在很大程度上取决于他获得的机会,我们也可以认为一个好的机会可以让一个很普通的人成为人群中的焦点,然而我不敢肯定所有人在这种稀有的机会出现的时候都能紧紧抓住。







下面是小编给大家带来的托福写作的12点思路汇总,希望能帮到大家!托福写作的12点思路汇总下面是托福综合写作考试的满分要求:A response at this level successfully selects the important information from the lecture and coherently and accurately presents this information in relation to the relevant information presented in the reading. The response is well organized and occasional language errors that are present do not result in inaccurate or imprecise presentation of content or connections。



那么在托福写作中应该如何打开思路呢?下面是新托福写作经验12个写作角度,希望对大家有所帮助:1、从方便角度说;(Convenience)2、从情感角度说;(Emotion)3、从经验角度说;(Experience)4、从成就感角度说;(Achievement)5、从效率角度说;(Efficiency)6、从节约角度说;(Frugality)——时间与成本两方面7、从健康角度说;(Health)——身体与心理两方面8、从安全角度说;(Security)9、从性格角度说;(Personality)10、从乐趣角度说;(Happiness)11、从长久、耐久角度说;(Durable)12、从环保角度说;(Environment Protection)以上就是小编介绍的几点托福写作思路,希望各位考生认真备考,积极准备,争取早日实现自己的梦想!托福写作如何避让华而不实环球托福:在托福考试写作中,华丽的词藻不如实在的论点论据。





来看看吧!“万金油”金句汇总1【海量信息】We can have an easy access to a huge amount of information on the internet. The internet is a vast ocean of knowledge in both natural sciences and social sciences. Search engine like google can lead us to the information we need in no time and considerably broaden our horizon2【提升健康】It can improve health condition and enhance our ability to respond quickly. Besides, as long as we keep doing it frequently, we can effectively lose weight and keep ourselves in good shape. In addition, it can better prepare us for any physical challenge in the future3【宽容】He should tolerate relatively small mistakes committed by others. Making mistakes is somehow inevitable, as long as it’s unintentional, he is supposed to forgive it. The tolerance will breed gratitude from others.“万金油”金句汇总24【人际交往】During the process of communication, my interpersonal skills will improve considerably. This can help me cooperate with others more effectively, and render me more opportunities to make new acquaintance. With more friends, I could live happily and more likely to succeed.5【增加幽默感】The humorous style could also develop my sense of humor. This will make others more willing to listen to my stories and bring fun to my life and the lives of others. Consequently, it can improve my interpersonal skills and make me more popular “万金油”金句汇总3【促进就业】This will contribute to the increase of employment rate. I mean, it can provide the local people with a prodigious amount of jobs. As a result, it would in turn bring benefits to the social stability and economic development【环保】Another point worth mentioning is that, it is environment friendly. With the help of this, we can better protect our planet and prevent our environment from deterioration. No one can deny that it is significant nowadays when we’re facing ecological crisis【了解文化】This can definitely help me improve the understanding of the culture, custom, history and many interesting stuff about the country. The deeper insight into culture can not only broaden my horizon but also help me comprehend the living style and thinking mode of the local people【更好地学习】With the help of this, students can concentrate on study, and learn all kinds of useful knowledge more effectively and efficiently. Thus, it can put them in a better position in the future job market“万金油”金句汇总4【与家人共享天伦】More importantly, I can go home from time to time and visit my parents and grandparents. My mom will prepare me the foodI like the most, my father will talk to me and help me figure outa way to solve the problem I encounter at work. My feeling can be best described by an old saying, “East, West, home is the best”【隐私】This can help me protect my privacy. Even though I am not secluded and literally gregarious instead, I still need my privacy. Cause being attended sometimes makes me feel uncomfortable, sometimes I just need some private time and deal with my personal stuff like calling my friends【有营养】They are nutritious which have a lot of body-building nutrition and vitamin we really need.【享受美食】I can have some tasty food. It serves the amazing dumpling of all kinds of flavors, pork flavor, chicken flavor and so on. One thing I like the most is the caraway there, it really help enrich the taste of dumplings. Anyway, it never fails to make my mouth water.“万金油”金句汇总5【生活便利】Living in the city makes life easier.I can buy all stuff I need anytime and I have an easy access to theaters and cinemas where I can relax myself. Moreover, I can find the hospital nearby whenever I don’t feel well. To put all into a nutshell, it’s convenient.【安全】The most important point is that it’s much safer. The possibility of being stole or robbed is relatively small. With a safeenvironment, I can better concentrate on my own business without worrying about possible jeopardy.16【便于携带】It is not heavy and big like the others, it’s portable so I can take it anywhere. On the bus, in the dining hall,you see, the convenience is undeniable.17【有更多知识】As the saying goes, “Knowledge is power”, sufficient knowledge can carve out a way to success. With more knowledge, we would have a broader horizon andcan figure out some possible solutions when we encounter a problem.。



托福写作七大夺分技巧一、熟悉可能涉及的话题可用official guide提供的185个topics,或去下载题库,然后反复阅读题目。

185个topics从写作模式上分可分为:解释现象类:(如解释一下为什么现代人的寿命比以前的长)对立观点类:给出两个对立的事物或者一个事物对立的两个方面,要求考生支持一方并进行说明(如Some people tend to study a subject in a very intensive way over a shortperiod of time, while others tend to study a subject constantly over a longperiod of time. What do you think is a better way of learning? Explainwhy.);或给出两个对立事物或一个事物对立的两个方面,要求考生说明二者为什么不同或比较它们的优缺点,并给出理由(Some people like different friends. Other likes similar friends. Compare the advantages of these two kinds of friends. Which kind of friend do you prefer? Explain why.)185个topics从内容上可分为:学习类:(如自学还是跟老师学,学广还是学精)工作类:(如在大公司还是小公司)生活类:(如食品烹饪便捷是否提高生活质量,如喜欢在家里吃饭还是在餐厅吃饭)电视电影类:(如电视电影疏远了家人的情感,你是否同意)消费类:(如花在娱乐上,还是事业上)环境类:(如政府投入环保的力度是否应该大于投入经济发展的力度)古老建筑类:(如是否应该保留老建筑)成功类:(如成功与运气无关,你是否同意?如成功的衡量标准是金钱和荣耀,你的看法如何)性格类:(如聪明的朋友比幽默的朋友重要,你是否同意)二、形成自己的答案资源库熟悉了写作题目之后,就要准备自己的答案资源库了。

托福 新东方写作万金油

托福 新东方写作万金油

一.经济economy表达:economy--economic(efficient,efficacious)经济的,有效率的--economical(saving,provident节俭的)节约的,节省的成本(cheap):costless for,economical,cost-effective,reduce the costs of (expensive):cost more,costly费钱的,increase the financial burden负担 on 收益增收:generate生成 incomes,provide financial benefits to,increase sales and profits of producer减收:suffer financial loss遭受经济损失范围:job hunting就业,career,work,profession,occupation职业,agriculture,farming农业,industry,manufacture工业,service industry服务业,business world/area/realm/field商业,wage,payment工资,income,revenue收入,expenses,consume支出,efficiency效益[080302] the best to travel is in a group led by a tour gaide.二.便利convenience表达:convenience--time/energy/labor-saving,effortless=easy不费力的,accessible可进入的,flexible有弹性的,suitable for适合inconvenience--time consuming费时的,laborious费体力的,troublesome麻烦的,stubborn顽固的,onerous繁重的[080223] technology makes people’s lives more complicated三.健康与安全 health and safety表达:(促进健康)improve health:①allow participants to engage/join in physical exercise.推论:physical exercise improves muscular and bone development, strength, endurance持久力 and immunity免疫力.②(释放压力)relieve stressallow people to immerse themselves in沉浸于…推论:provide a temporary暂时的 escape from the day-to-day life.take people’s minds off matters that cause worry and stress.(危害健康)undermine/endanger health:①reduce/take up/occupy physical exercise and make life overly sedentary久坐的.it’ll cause some problems/leading to…obesity肥胖,hypertension高血压,heart diseases②create excessive过度的 stress/anxiety焦虑/depression抑郁/mood swing纠结③unhygienic不卫生(用于饮食,宠物话题)bacterium细菌,parasites寄生虫,contagious传染的 diseases(影响安全)safety/security:*:financial loss,physical injuries,accidents,crimes,unemployment…① increase/entail/heighten the risks of + *② protect sb. against/involve less risks of + *范围:nutrition营养,food safety食品安全,life style,habit生活习惯,take exercise,do sports体育锻炼,life生命,property,possession,belongings财产[140] some people prefer to spend their free outdoors. other people prefer to spend their leisure time indoors.[150] watching television is bad for children四.知识与学习 knowledge and learning表达:(正面影响)① provide plenty of useful information about nature, science, local/foreignhistory, culture and customs, products and services.broaden horizon to be open-minded.supplement补充 school education and improve academic performance.② enhance life skills强化技能communication/ organizing/ planning skills. leadership(负面影响)adversely affect the academic performances① distract破坏 students from studies分心.② excessively过度地 consume消耗 time and energy for study.范围:travel旅行,media媒体,activity活动,party聚会[080607] playing computer games is a waste of time. children should not be allowed to do so.五.品格与观念 merits and values表达:establish values and principles价值观和品质(原则)的建立persistence坚持不懈,perseverancehardworking勤奋努力,diligence勤奋,sedulity(sedulous adj.)optimism积极乐观,discipline纪律,independence独立,responsibilityteamwork团队合作,cooperation,collaborationdedication奉献,devotionnational pride爱国,patriotism,national unityhonesty诚实/consideration关心/tolerance宽容/confidence自信/modesty谦虚/enthusiasm热情/generosity慷慨/prudence谨慎/bravery勇敢/sportsmanship体育精神/integrity正直(负面)(abasement减少) negative habits/attitudes/thoughtIndolence懒惰,slothArrogance自负/selfishness自私/irresponsibility不负责任/timidity 胆怯/self-complacence自满/self-contempt自虐[090509] it is better for parents to let children manage their pocket money when they are young[23] a good idea? in some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students [182] such relationships good? many people have a close relationship with their pets. these people treat their birds, cats, or other animals as members of their family.六.成功 success表达:accumulate积累 experience,knowledge,skills,and capital资本provide blue print and lay good foundations基础create healthy pressure and competition to motivate推动 individualsprovide advice to dilemma困境 and solution to problems(个人选择题万能)the source of motivation, confidence, and self-actualization, the sense of achievement[090307] it is better to use our personal knowledge and experience to solve problems, rather than asking other people for advice.[64] would you rather work someone else or own a business?七.关系与交流 relationship and communication表达:有利: improve personal relationship①建立 establishallow people to meet friends of diverse多种多样的(varies) backgrounds widen circles and build social connection人脉关系网/net workprovide company, relieve loneliness(can enrich life, broaden horizon, boost career)②加强 enhanceimprove effective communicationincrease quality time有效陪伴有害:estrange疏远 personal relationshipreduce effective communication (quality time)八.生态与环境 ecology and environment表达:(有利):eco-friendly环境友好的have minimally最低 negative impacts on the environmentcontribute to sustainable development可持续发展(concept of SD可持续发展观)(有害):have negative impacts on the environment[080426] governments should spend more money on medical care than on protecting the environment。




那么怎样的修辞手法才能引得审阅官的注意呢?下面是学习啦小编给大家带来的掌握这3个答题方法让你写作托福高分作文,供大家参考!掌握这3个答题方法让你写作托福高分作文华丽词藻创造完美第一印象:You never have a second chance to leave the first impression。









比如在描述“我每天都想你”这个句子时,大部分学生会写“I miss you every day”。

这样的表达单一乏味,毫无创新,高分作文的表达方式是“Never does a day go by without missing you.(不想你一天都过不去)”。


托福写作备考周期:1 个月 综合写作篇 一个月备考期的话,综合写作局部的练习建议在模考软件中 遵照考试流程来进展,在规定的时间内读阅读、听听力、然后计 时写作,写的过程中留意以下几点: 1.单词的拼法,边打字边检查; 2.三单的问题,也就是每句话的谓语要重点关注语态和时态; 3.不能出现与阅读内容连续超过 6words 的重复,也就是说写 作中须要用到阅读内容时必需要自己改写; 4.留意听力内容的转述,不要盲目概括,要清晰听力内容的 逻辑; 5.不要去套用网络上盛行的各种模板,自己的创新更重要; 温馨提示:有些同学遇到听力一遍听不懂的状况,最好再去
[译] 虽然在理解气味的生物学和化学性质上已经取得了重 大进展,但是许多根本问题还没有得到解答。
2.构造解析 此构造可表达 A 这方面取得了重大进展的意思,这里 A 是一 个名词性成分。这个构造可以用来表示某个问题的探究取得进展, 或者某个方面得到改善。这个构造的亮点是运用了被动语态,可 以 强 调 significant advances , 而 无 视 谁 带 来 的 significantadvances。我们在作文的时候,可以比拟一下这个句 型和你常用的句型,明白它们之间的区分,从而选用适宜的句型。 3.效仿运用 Inrecent years, significant advances have been made in the quality of life。 [译] 近几年,生活质量有了很大的提高。 句子构造(二)
托福写作不同阶段该如何打算? 托福写作备考周期:2 个月以上 综合写作篇 2 个月相对来说是比拟普遍的一个备考期,2 个月的时间足够 让那些综合写作听力听不懂的童鞋有一个质的飞跃。如何短期内 攻破综合写作的听力,获得高分,有些步骤和 1 个月备考期稍显 不同: 1.先 3min 读阅读,找出阅读的主题和 3 个中心论点;



八个万金油1.学生有压力:exhaustedfeel stressfulsuffer a lot of pressurebe under lots of stressfeel very relaxed and comfortablebe in a good moodnot have to do much thinking about my study and my lifebe in a good moodrelease/ reduce the pressure/relieve2.健康:●mental health(according to 1)●physical health1)Doing sports…...is beneficial for my body building.2)When I’m …, the sweat will run down my face and body, at that time, I feel the wastein my body can be discharged.●As everybody knows, proper exercise can protect people from heart disease.(keep fit/ healthy, get rid of heart disease)3)…… can build up muscles, and muscles must be strong enough to support the body asthe body grows older.(譬如讲一项我们国家很popular的运动,或event,我们就可以讲table tennis.. 加上it's our national ball, follow our heroes' steps,等等,就很漂亮了)3.交朋友:●have/share similar interests--- have fun--- kill the time●need: feel lonely,suffer loneliness●help each other:a)study: compare notes 交换笔记b)life: face up to emergencies4.文化:●beautiful scenery (attractive, picturesque如画的)a)bright and beautiful sunshineb)fresh and cool airc)soft breezed)listen to the sound of the wave●places of interestA.home countrythe Great Wall(grand/gorgeous/fantastic architecture,symbolize,ancient Chinese people’s wisdom and diligence,proverb/saying”the man who hasn’t been to the Great Wall isn’t a true man,Seven W onders in my mind,be honored as the eighth wonder”) Summer Palace, Palace of Museum, The Monument to the People's Heroes, Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, The Great Hall of the People, The Forbidden City, Beihai Park, Temple of Heaven, Echo Wall,Emei Mountain, West LakeB.foreign country:a)America: Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building, The Pentagon, The White House, Golden Bridge, Broadway ,the 5th Avenue, The United Nations, Chinatown, Metropolitan Museum of Art ,Yellow Stone Park, Great Canyon, Yosemite(Human beings cannot be separated from nature.Getting close to nature can help me better understand the harmony between humans and nature/the top of mountain is always be capped with whitesnow)b)France: Eiffel Tower , Arch of Triumph, Louvre Museum, Champs Elysees Avenuec)England: Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, London Bridge, the BritishMuseum, Westminster Abbeyd)Japan: Mount Fuji, Osaka(大阪),Nagoya(名古屋), Kobe(神户), Tokyo(东京)●people(friendliness, hospitality)harmonious relationship among the residents/ peaceful environment unique●food culture:dumplings(In Spring Festival,traditional Chinese food,symbolize coming of theNew Year,coins or candy bars into the dumplings,happen to,be full of fortune andhappiness)5.安全key words:a)by oneself, independently, individuallyb)night(可以联系题目work at night study on day or相反, 依此类推)6.学生永远穷:●do an internship/ do a part-time job/ a job related to my major●pay for the expensive tuition fee/ pay for the rent of the dormitory or the apartment●cost a big fortune/ cost an arm and a leg7.隐私:●make telephone calls/ write a diary/ chatting online●be used to doing Sth.// lead to conflicts or even hatred/ inconvenience// get rid ofdisturbance//inner feelings //disturb the peace of my life// private room8.兴趣:●work hard--- make achievements--- get promoted--- high salary/ decent paying/ high socialstatus---enjoy my life●study hard--- receive a better education--- have a bright future--- high salary--- enjoy my life ●suit my particular needs and interests /meet one’s needs/satisfaction各部分分别解题方法:TASK 11、2题审题注意:①.The most important,the best way②.人称—作答范围—说服力③.一些形容词:interesting important able more④.时态⑤.看清几个因素1、2题采分策略①.信息量大(在保证清晰表达的前提下提速)②.表达精彩③.发音地道TASK 3①.Taking notes_reading:what happened(1-2句)_listening:1+2(opinion+2reasons)②.注意:在保证reason的前提下,细节越多越好③.阅读笔记三步曲:1)topic 2)opening sentence 3)与首句中key point直接相关④.听力笔记技巧:1)记笔记勤换行 2)男左女右十字架法⑤.时间分配:reading:listening=10s50s—15s:45s⑥.Who+whatWho:university ,college ,school ,campus ,university library ,library system ,school dorm ,school apartment ,computer center ,campus lighting system ,computer labs ,housingoffice ,department ,tutoring center ,university health center ,the academic ,apartment dean系主任 ,president or principalWhat:change ,renovation ,decrease ,increase ,cancel ,install ,purchase ,permit ,require ,welcome ,eliminate ,extend(the hours),reduce(the member of ),approve the proposal ,accept(the application of)⑦.避免三种语法错误:1)人称2)时态,现在时3)三单加sTASK 4①.Taking notes_reading:1(+1)------定义和强调i._listening:examples②.阅读笔记四步曲:※1)题目——有一即可 2)定义3)寻找强调词—结论性语句—多在文章中后或尾句4)尾句时间分配:Reading:listening=15s:45—20s:40sTASK5:校园话题问题+解决+个人观点(50%)①.Taking notes:problem(准),situations(罗列),responses preferences(至少三句),偏好②.先说对方不好,自己好不好可说可不说③.时间分配:problem+situation:preference=30s:30s或40s:20s④.模块表达:i.之一:key words on personal views~about unfair~:It’s unfair for sb to do sth;Thenext time when others meet the same situation,they will follow the example;Wecannot break the rules;We cannot make exceptions a new ruleii.之二:about understanding:If A explains the situation to B,I believe B will understand A.The best friend is found in emergency situations.A friend in need isa friend indeed.One should learn to positively solve the problem;In this way,that’llbe less confusion.iii.之三:extracurricular activities 课外活动:sth is an extracurricular activity,As a student the main responsibility is to study well.For a student,study is always thebest policy.It’s one’s duty to attend class…TASK 6(1)Outline 框架:1+2①. 1 purpose+2 methods/ways 动物保护自己的两种措施②. 1 object+2 types/kinds 动物的保护色有两种③. 1 object+2 benefits/usages 产业聚集区的两个好处④. 1 object+2 components;factors/hypotheres 恐龙灭绝的两种假设⑤. 1 principle+1 controlled ecperient(2 groups) 靠单一感官判断事物不准确(2)主题类:topic paragraph:theories/hypotheses/methods/ways(3)examples:例子(4)descriptions(skills)关键点:①.首段中不罗列key point②.词汇多样化③.同意改写④.从句连接词的使用⑤.例子本身及结论性语句很重要模板:TASK 1TST法则:T_topic sentence.One sentence(1~2句)S_supporting ideas(personal ecperiences,figures,examples,reasons),easy to understand T_transition 过渡词(first because second finally)TASK 2:二选一,同意不同意1)Repeat the question(optional)2)Choose a position(opening sentence):I prefer to … I agree(disagree)3)Defend your choice by stating:1)1 adventage of A+1 advantage of A 2)+A+(-B)3)-B+(-B)TASK 31.According to the reading passage,the notice explains that now the university/thecollege/the school will…….In the listening passage,the students discuss the notice.The man/The woman strongly agree/disagrees with the policy/notice/announcement.Since firs tly,…Furthermore2.According to the reading passage,it is an open letter written by a student.He/She complainsthat…….In the listening passage,the students discuss the open letter.The man/The woman stongly agrees/disagrees that….,because he/she thi nks thatTASK 4According to the reading passage,it explains Sth(the topic)In the listening passage,the professor discusses an example/two examples to illustrate Sth.For example……TASK 5:In this listening material,the man/the woman has a problem that…Facing this problem,the man/woman has two possible solutions.Firstly,he can…The other solution is that…….As for me/As far as I am aoncerned,I prefer……..because…….TASK 6In this listening material,the professor describes Sth套路:Topic:听到的问题中的重要信息Supporting details: (paraphrasing):1.example2.example3.exampleConclusion(optional)12套方案1.11 Performer:Mickle Jackson:Well, my favorite musician is Mickle Jackson.'Cause firstly, he is considered as one of the most fantastic musicians all over the world. His passion and love for music deeply move me. Indeed, every time his compositions accomplished, they will definitely become the hot hits worldwide.Also, he really loves music. Like an expert, he really puts his heart on arts. So nobody in the world can be acknowledged as great and professional as him. Furthermore, he is not only a musician, but also a philanthropist. He did lotsof charity work. I mean, he donated much money to those people who're suffering from starvation in disaster areas.So in my mind, his life is much more brilliant and meaningful than other celebrities.So, without doubt, Mickle Jackson is my favorite musician.Ge You:1.excellent acting skills,vividly illustrateBaihua Award,Golden Rooster Award ,The Cannes Festival2.characteristic appearance,bald head _comedy,add a humorous element 增添幽默效果Bring people a lot of fun and laughters2.12 House:location:While choosing a house or an apartment, I consider the location as the most important factor.For example, if the house is located in a peaceful environment, it will never disturb the peace of my private life. Since i'm a university student, I really need a serene environment to concentrate on my study and research, but if the house's surroundings are always crowded and noisy, that will definitely influence my life. In fact, I don't want other things to distract my attention.Also, if the location that the house lies in has a developed transportation service, then I can easily go around to any place that I want to, like my university, my work place, a shopping center, an amusement park, a movie theatre and so on.So, you see the reasons why I regard the location is the most important factor while choosing a house or an apartment.3.3 Impact:airplane:Well, I think the airplane has the greatest impact on people's lives.'cause firstly, it is the airplane that obviously improves life efficiency. Specifically speaking, more and more people become fond of travelling around, since it is a good way to reduce the pressure that we' re suffering from the daily life. So, under this circumstance, airplanes play an important role to make people's lives much more efficiently. For instance, it'll take days to travel from Beijing to Hong Kong, but thanks to airplanes, we can just spend 3 hours to reach the destination.It's cool, isn't it?Also, services in an airplane are incomparably considerate. We can just relax ourselves by listening to some fantastic music, enjoying a fresh and nutritious meal, and even watching a great movie.So, I think the airplane has the greatest impact on people's lives.Computer:1.get access to the Internet,massive information,increase my knowledge dramatically(骤增),current envents&the latest news2.entertainments play…listen watchmunication ,get in touch with ,chat online by voice4.study2.3 Place:fragrance hill:You know, the place my friends and i often go to is fragrance hill.Firstly, it's just located near our school, so after a whole day's exhausting study, we always go to fragrance hill for fun. In the park, we chase for each other and really enjoy ourselves, 'cause at that time, we don't have to do much thinking about our study and the hardships of daily lives. Sometimes, we just lie down on the green grass, bask in the sun, enjoying the bright and beautiful sunshine, the fresh and cool air, even the soft breeze around us. It's always the most fantastic moment we have.Also, fragrance hill is noted for its maple trees, especially in autumn, the whole park is prevailing with a picturesque scenery, 'cause everywhere is red, it's so amazing, isn't it?So, you see why we'd like to go to fragrance hill when we have leisure time.4.17 Time:Well, my favorite time of a year is the Spring Festival.Cause' firstly, it seems like the only opportunity for a family to have a big family get-together, and even relatives in abroad will come back home to enjoy the sweet feelings of Spring Festival.Also,in every Spring Festival, we will have dumplings as the traditional Chinese food. As everybody knows, dumplings' Chinese name is Jiaozi, its meaning symbolizes the coming of the new year.Sometimes, we just put some coins or some candy into the dumplings. The one who happens to have that lucky dumpling will be full of fortune and happiness in the comingyear. Additionally,we'd like to play firecrackers in this festival. Without doubt, that'll make a big sound, which we believe will drive the evils and adversities away from our daily life. That is so interesting, you know.So, Spring Festival is my favorite time of a year .4.14 Future:In 5 years, I may have already been in America to study further.That is so great, cause' in the US, I will have the gold opportunity to receive a better education,since so many prestigious universities gather there. And at the meanwhile, I can easily get access to talented professors. Also, plenty of advanced technology will be available in world-famousschools. That is socool! Additionally, it seems like a wonderful chance for me to develop independence, for the reason that as a foreigner in a brand new environment, I have to deal with all kinds of situations by myself, I mean, nobody can help me at that time. Like, register for new courses, choose a roommate, pay for the tuition fee and even the rent of the dormitory. I believe I can challenge myself, but you know what, I like it!So, in 5 years, that may be a big change of my life, I mean, to study abroad.1.3Important Person:Well, my mother is the most important person in my life.Because she is always brave enough to face challenges, so she can always give me positive influence whenever I feel depressed. To tell you the truth, when I was preparing for the TOFEL test, I really encountered a big hardship, I mean, I can't remember those countless English words, since I always forgot those words that I remembered the day before, but in fact, I dream to study further in America one day. Without passing the TOEFL test I can't pursue my dream any more. So,I nearly gave it up at that time. However, my mother encouraged me that" You should keep holding on your dream, because nothing's gonna stop you. What is more, no pains no gains!". Suddenly I realized that it is only persistence that can make a person achieve success. So you see how my mother's words inspired and changed me a lot.So, without doubt, my mother is the most important person in my life.1.14 Quality:Well, I believe a good teacher should be very knowledgeable and patient. Because firstly, some of the classes are very boring like maths, chemistry, physics and so on, so the students will easilydoze off in class. However, a knowledgeable teacher will never make his courses boring, since he always knows how to vividly illustrate the key points of those tedious theories. In this way, students will feel deeply absorbed during the class, or they will definitely distract their attentions. Also, being patient still plays an important role. Because as a high school student, I always encounter some problems or difficulties in my studying, especially I haven't preview or review the knowledge immediately. So I believe a patient teacher would like to put his heart in his students and help the students solve their problems.So, all of the above are the reasons why I think a good teacher should be knowledgeable and patient.3.5 Interesting Book:I think Harry Portter is a very interesting book.First of all, the story of the book is very amusing. It strongly impresses me with its description of the magic and mysterious activities. In addition, the whole story of the book is full of imaginations and suspense which makes me hardly put it down once I start to read, so when I'm reading Harry Portter, I can always escape from the real world, which makes me feel tired and stressful.Furthermore, Harry sets a good example to indicate that braveness, persistence and kindness will finally defeat the evils and adversities, so I consider Harry as my hero that I should follow, especially when I encounter problems or difficulties.So, that’s why I love to read the book.3.4 Useful Book:Personally, I think the encyclopedia is a useful book.Since firstly, with this book I can increase my knowledge dramatically, I mean, I can always get the information that I'm interested in. For example, through the encyclopedia, I know that America is so natural, just like its national parks: Yellow Stone Park, Great Canyon and Yosemite.They are so beautiful and amazing! Just as the book tells us, human beings cannot be separated from nature and getting close to nature can help us better understand the harmony between humans and nature.What is more, when I'm reading this book, I'm always in a good mood,because at that time, I don't have to do much thinking about my study and my life, I mean, I can just feel deeply absorbed in the knowledge world, and at the meanwhile, I can broaden my horizon.So, I believe the encyclopedia is a useful book for me.5.20 Health:Personally, I have the following way to keep myself healthy.Firstly, I do a lot of exercise every day. For instance, every early morning, I would like to go outside for jogging, like half an hour.'Cause everybody knows that doing sports is beneficial for our physical health. I prefer jogging since it's a gentle activity, and when the sweat runs down my face and body, I feel the waste in my body can be discharged. You know, that really gives me a fresh feeling!Also, with the rapid pace of life nowadays, people suffer from lots of stress. I believe doing proper exercise is a good way to release the pressure. As for me, I'm really in a good mood whenever I' m doing the outdoor exercise. I feel so relaxed and comfortable when I breathe the fresh air.So, that is my way to keep myself healthy.4.27 Skill:The new skill that I want to learn is cooking.Since I believe that the one who masters cooking can always make fresh and nutritious food for himself. So if I've learned how to cook, I can create great recipes for myself whenever I feel hungry. In this way I don't have to go to a fast food restaurant to have junk food like French fries,cheese burger and so on. They're high in fat and heat. Also, I can change different recipes according to my taste and mood if I can cook for myself. Furthermore, cooking at home is an economical way. 'Cause what I need to do is to go to the supermarket to buy some fresh vegetables and meat which are much cheaper than those that are available in a restaurant.So, if I could learn a new skill, I would like to learn cooking.。







举个例子,比如说出the impacts of environmental pollution on people’s life. 我们可以给出一个观点是环境污染影响经济发展。




句与句之间一定要有承接的词汇或短语来表示出两句之间的逻辑关系,比如more specifically, under this condition, consequently, apparently等等,这样不仅增强了段落的逻辑性,还有助于使我们的思路更加清晰。






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3.经济(就业/职业/农业/工业/服务业/工资/收入/支出/效益/税收/旅游)Engel’s coefficient
Unwaged(无收入的无业的)running expense(日常花费)
medical charges(医药费)
Enjoy health
Replace pressure
With easy =easily have easy access to
5.旅游业提高就业机会Increase the opportune to obtain employment









托福考试作文常见的主题以及写作技巧和思路1. 教育类题目:-题目示例:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is better to have a teacher for your whole life than to have multiple teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.-写作思路:可以从持续的师生关系对学习的影响、不同老师的优势和劣势、个人学习风格和需求等方面展开讨论,并给出自己的观点。

2. 科技类题目:-题目示例:Some people believe that the internet has made people's lives more convenient. Others believe that the internet has made people's lives more complicated. Which viewpoint do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.-写作思路:可以从互联网的便利性与挑战、社交媒体的影响、信息获取的改变等方面进行讨论,并给出自己的观点。

3. 社会类题目:-题目示例:Some people prefer to spend their free time with a few close friends. Others choose to spend their free time with a large number of friends. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.-写作思路:可以从与亲密朋友相处的优点、与大量朋友相处的优点、个人性格和需求等方面展开讨论,并给出自己的观点。





以教育类的题目为例:Some people think that watching television is bad for children. Others say it is good for children to get knowledge. Discuss both views and give your opinion.该题甲方观点是说,看电视对于小孩来说有坏处,其分论点并不难想:一方面看电视在身体上(physically)有坏处:比方造成近视的(short-sighted)问题,长期坐着不运动肥胖(obesity)问题;另一方面看电视在行为上(behaviorally)也对小孩有不良影响:比方暴力内容(violent content)以及危险行为(dangerous behaviors)会让小伴侣仿照(imitate),对他人造成损害,比方以下新闻:而该题乙方观点是说,看电视对小孩获得学问有好处(good for children to get knowledge),这就很抽象了。

很多小伙伴能够首先想到的是看新闻(news),然后能想到看纪录片(documentary films),之后就一片空白,开始进入卡壳状态,以至于在考场上浪费了时间还写不够字数。


那看电视都看什么呢?你会看《动物世界》《Animal World》“春天来了,万物复苏。

”所以我们能在其中获得的学问就是自然科学(natural science)有关的学问。

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便利:convenient\convenience\easy\have easy access to
娱乐:entertainment\amuse\funny,recreational facilities
健身:fitness activity
购物:shopping\purchases\window shopping\online shopping\on sale
医疗:medical service\treatment
②健康和安全health and security/safety
健康:Keep healthy\keep fit\in shine\in facial conditional\robust(强壮的)\energetic\vigorous(有力的,精力充沛的)
健康physical and mental healthy,
生活习惯establish good living habits\life style,
体育锻炼Physical exercise\sports\fitness activities\sports equipment for public use,morning exercise,eye exercise
安全:身体伤害avoid body injuries,hurt\injure\injury,
安全secure the conditions of life
食品安全food safety
③经济因素economic factors(便宜cheep,贵expensive,
税收,利润gain profits,旅游tourism(注意拼写)、journey)经济:economy\economic\economical
就业:employment\job hunting\take up an occupation
跳槽job hop
失业:Out of job\
salary increase,offer an astronomical salary,handsome salary
税收:keep taxes high and fully paid t ax
缴税contribute tax\
收税collect tax
国家收税作用:1.基础设施建设fundamental facilities
infrastructure construction
carry on publicity progressively
2.保护环境、植树造林forest planting
4.帮助弱势群体vulnerable groups
旅游:tourism:1.提高就业率employment status\rate
运输业promote relative industries
3.增加税收increase the taxation
enhance public awareness\raise its profile
promote the popularity
Enhance visibility
reduce pressure,relax our mind properly,uplift our
forget exhausting school work,
2.career preparation
3.Increased knowledge
4.new experience
政府投资A or B:1.A比B更需要钱\花钱多
④社交social interaction(develop social skills,make a friendship(do part time jobs on campus))
交流:vulnerable groups交友:make friends
集体活动:Group activities
扩大信息量enlarge the amount of information,
增加信息途径broaden the way of gathering/gaining/obtaining the information
⑥环保environmental protection
生态平衡keep the balance of ecology
环境友好environmentally friendly,生态友好eco-friendly,用户友好user-friendly,
可持续发展sustainable development,
砍伐森林:deforest\the forest area is decreasing\reducing\declining\ shrinking
沙尘暴sandstorm,干旱drought,洪水flood,噪音noise,辐射radiation,酸雨:acid rain,
光污染light pollution,沙漠化:d esertification
酸雨:acid rain
合作:cooperate\work together\collaborate
坚忍不拔:persevere\perseverance\hold on\persist
勤奋:diligent\hard work\working hard
体贴:c onsiderate\
⑧教育education(academic performance)
⑨文化culture(语言linguistics,历史意义Historical significant,风俗习惯customs,宗教religion)
成功:success\successful\made it\get it\materialize\worth\value\成就感:sense of achievement
荣誉感:Sense of horror
自信:build\increase\establish self-confidence
⑪国家与文明State and Civilization
公益public welfare
人与自然的和谐people live in harmony with nature
文明的传承inherit和发扬promote:the inheritance of civilization
