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One Potato 一个土豆

One potato, two potatoes, 一个土豆,二个土豆Three potatoes, four, 三个土豆,四个土豆,Five potatoes, six potatoes, 五个土豆,六个土豆,Seven potatoes, more. 七个土豆,更多土豆。

One Little Flower 一朵花

One little flower, one little bee, 一朵小花,一只小蜜蜂

One little blue bird high in the tree,一只蓝色的小鸟高高的在树上

One little brown deer smiling at me,一只棕色的小鹿对我微微笑

One is the number I like, you see. 你知道吗,一是我最喜欢的

Three Little Monkeys 三只小猴

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed. 三只小猴床上跳

One fell off and bumped his head. 一只摔下去,头上撞个包

Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said: 妈妈给医生打电话,医生说

“No more little monkeys jumping on the bed.”“小猴不要再在床上跳。”

My Rainbow Song 我的彩虹歌

Gold is the sun, 金色是太阳,Blue is the sea. 蔚蓝是大海,

Sliver is a morning star, 银色是晨星,Green is a tree. 绿色是小树,

This is my rainbow song,这是我的彩虹歌,Would you sing it with me?请你跟我唱。

I Had a Dog 我有一条狗

I had a dog and his name was Dandy 我有一条狗,它名叫丹迪

His tail was long and his legs were bandy 它的尾巴很长,还是个罗圈腿

His eyes were brown and his wat was sandy它的眼睛是棕色的外套是浅黄色的

The best in the world was my dag Dandy 我的小狗丹迪是世界上最棒的

Two Little Birds 两只小鸟

Two little birds sitting on the wall 两只小鸟蹲墙头

One named Peter and one named Paul 一只叫彼得,一只叫保罗

Fly away Peter, Fly away Paul. 彼得飞走了,保罗飞走了

Come back Peter, Come back Paul 彼得回来了,保罗回来了。

Hickory Dickory Dock 小老鼠上钟台

Hickory dickory dock!滴答,滴答,滴答The mouse ran up the clock.老鼠爬上了灯台

The clock struck one, 钟敲了一下The mouse ran down.老鼠跑了下来

Hichory Dickory Dock!滴答,滴答,滴答

Going Fishing 我捉了一条鱼

One, two, three,four, five, 一二三四五Once a caught a fish alive, 我活捉了一条鱼

Six, sevev, eight, nine, ten, 六七八九十Then I let it go again.我又把它放走了。

One Two Three Four 一个两个三个四个

One two three four 一个两个三个四个Mary’s at the kitchen door 玛丽站在厨房门口

Five six seven eight 五个六个七个八个Mary’s at the garden gate 玛丽站在花园门口

O-U-T spells out! O-U-T 拼成出局!

Apple tree 苹果树

Way up high in the apple tree,苹果树,高又高 A big red apple smiled at me.大红苹果对我笑I shook that tree as hard as I could我抱着苹果树用力摇一摇Down came the apple,大红苹果落下来Mmm, it tasted good. 嗨,真是好味道

The Bottom Of The Sea 我下到海底

Down at the bottom我下到海底Of the deep blue sea在蓝色海洋的深处

I catch fishes捉了几条鱼One, two, three一,二,三

A Good House 好房子

This is the roof of the house so good, 这所房子的屋顶盖得很不错

These are the walls are made of wood, 四周的墙壁都是木头做

These are the windows that let it in the light, 窗子开得大,阳光好进来

This is the door that shuts so tight, 门儿关的紧,风儿吹不开

This is the chimney so straight and tall, 屋顶上的烟囱又直又高

Oh! What a good house for one and all. 嘿!人人都夸好

Ten Pigs 十只小猪

Momma pig, Poppa pig lived in a pen 猪爸爸,猪妈妈,猪圈里喜事多

They had eight babies and that made ten 添了八个猪宝宝加起来整十个

These four babies were absolute white 四个宝宝白花花

These four babies were black as night 四个宝宝黑鸦鸦

All eight babies were terribly fat 黑黑白白胖乎乎

Rolling, running 挤成一团老打架

And fighting all together like that

The Chimney 烟囱

Here is the chimney这是一个烟囱Here is the top这是入口

Open the lid打开盖子Out Santa will pop!圣诞老人跳出来了

Dance Your Fingers 手指跳舞

Dance your fingers up 手指向上跳Dance your fingers down 手指向下跳

Dance your fingers to the side 手指旁边跳Dance them all around 手指到处跳

Dance them on your shoulders 手指肩上跳Dance them on your head 手指头下跳

Dance them on your tummy 手指肚上跳And put them all to bed 手指睡大觉
