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O rthopaedic B iomechanics M aterials A nd C linical S tudy
doi: 10.3969/j.issn. 1672-5972.2019.02.014
立兔关节炎模型,测量造模前、后24 d致炎侧的足趾周长变化;摄X线片,观察其软组织肿胀及骨性变化;用
滑膜组织H E染色方法观察组织病理学变化。结果造模后24d致炎侧足趾周长较正常组肿胀明显Ci><0.05); X
[中图分类号]R593.22 [文献标识码]B
Evaluation of adjuvant arthritis model in New Zealand rabbits
Chen Fang1,Liu Q i n W a n g Liping', etal. 1 Department o f M edical Experiments; 2 Department o f I ntegrated Traditional
and Western Medicine, Central Theater Command General Hospital o f the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Wuhan
Hubei, 430070; 3 Department o f Wound Repair, Liyuan Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University o f
Science and Technology, Wuhan Hubei, 430077, China
[Abstract] Objective To establish a simple and feasible animal model of r abbit adjuvant arthritis and to identify it. Me
thods The rabbits were injected complete Freund's adjuvan (CFA) to establish the model of a djuvant arthritis. Adjuvant
arthritis (AA) rabbits the perimeters of t he hind toe were measured before and after modeling. The changements of soft
tissue and bone were assessed by X-rays. Pathological changes were observed by HE staining method in synovial tissue.
Results Before modeling, the perimeters of the toe in four groups showed great difference compared with normal group
(^O.OS). Through X ray pictures, compared with the normal group, the edema of model group soft tissue was more
serious, joint space loss or even obscured, articular surface is not smooth. During the extraction process, it was found
that the model rabbit j oint cavity had obvious effusion, and the model rabbit toe was dissected with obvious microvascular
hyperplasia and inflammation. After the synovial tissue HE staining, the synovial cells in the normal group showed a
beaded pattern arrangement, and the synovial cells in the model group were disordered and edema. Conclusion The
animal model of rabbit adjuvant arthritis is successfully established, the method is simple and the success rate is high,
which provides a good experimental animal model for further research.
[Key words] Adjuvant arthritis model; Pathological changes; Evaluation
类风湿性关节炎(RA)是一种慢性自身性免疫性疾病, 其病因和发病机制尚未完全明确,在治疗方面亦无特效治疗 措施[1]。全球有0.5%〜1%的人群受到此疾病的影响,该病 不仅致残率高,还可引起血管炎、心包炎等并发症,严重影 响患者的生活质量,造成巨大的家庭和社会负担B]。寻找安 全、有效缓解RA病情的药物是目前治疗R A的重点[3]。佐
作者单位:中国人民解放军中部战区总医院1医学实验科;2中西医结合科, 湖北武汉,430070; 3华中科技大学同济医学院附属梨园医院创面修复科,湖北武汉,430077剂性关节炎(adjuvant arthritis,AA)动物模型已经广泛用于类风湿性关节炎发病机制的研宄和评估潜在的抗类风湿性 关节炎药物的临床应用'而从报道文献来看,兔RA动物 模型普遍存在标准不一、流程各异和细节不清的问题,特别 是检测指标不统一等,甚至只是从肉眼来判断,诸多设计思 路也值得商榷。如何复制出更接近R A的动物病理模型一直 成为困扰风湿免疫科研工作者的难题,因此寻找发病机制更 接近R A的动物模型具有重要的临床意义[a。本研宄旨在建 立一个较完整的兔佐剂性关节炎动物模型,为研宄关节疾病 的发病机制、病理变化以及药物疗效、作用机制提供一个实