



国内外微电网典型示范工程1. 美国美国自上世纪90年代以来发生了几次较大的停电事故,使其电力行业十分关注电能质量和供电可靠性。








1) 威斯康辛麦迪逊分校微电网示范工程L5: 7.6kW配电网480V208VL4: 7.6kW45kVA75kVADCACL3: 7.6kWL2: 7.6kWL1: 7.6kW直流稳压电源480/208静态开关DC45kVAAC直流稳压电源图XXX 威斯康辛麦迪逊分校微电网示范工程结构如图XXX所示,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校微电网示范工程搭建的微电网中有两台位置对等的直流稳压电源,稳压电源经逆变器输出,输出经电抗器和变压器连接到微电网公共母线上。



2) CERTS微电网示范工程配电网13.8kV远程监控系统75kVA公共母线静态开关馈线B馈线A480V 60Hz馈线C95kW电阻负荷燃气轮机60kWDCACACDC95kW电阻负荷燃气轮机60kW蓄电池DCAC蓄电池ACDC燃气轮机60kWDCAC蓄电池ACDC95kW电阻负荷电动机20kW95kW电阻负荷 M 图XXX CERTS微电网示范工程结构图如图XXX所示, CERTS微电网示范工程中分布式电源为60kW微型燃气轮机,微型燃气轮机经整流后既经逆变器给负荷供电,也可以给直接给蓄电池充电。



德国“工业4.0”战略的核心是建立一个高度数字化的生产平台,实现生产 过程的自动化、智能化、精益化。这个平台包括了生产设备、物流系统、控制系 统等各个方面,通过互联网、物联网等技术手段实现互联互通和数据共享。在这 个平台上,企业可以灵活地调整生产模式和生产流程,快速响应市场需求的变化。
美国是全球科技创新的中心之一,也是智能制造发展的另一个领军者之一。 美国政府提出了“先进制造业”战略,旨在通过技术创新和数字化转型等手段, 提高制造业的竞争力和创新能力。美国在智能制造领域拥有很多领先的企业和技 术,如通用电气、惠普、苹果等企业都在积极推进智能制造的实践。
我国已经具备了一定的自主创新能力,如数控机床、工业机器人等智能装备 的研发和应用已经得到了广泛的应用。
然而,我国智能制造仍然存在一些问题和挑战。首先,我国制造业基础依然 薄弱,大部分企业的技术水平和管理水平还比较落后;其次,我国智能制造发展 不平衡,东部地区发展较快,中西部地区相对滞后;最后,我国智能制造发展还 面临着人才短缺和技术瓶颈等问题。
国内外智能电网的发展现状与 分析
01 一、国际智能电网的 发展现状
三、智能电网发展的 挑战与未来趋势
二、中国智能电网的 发展现状
04 参考内容
智能电网是电力系统的一种现代化形态,通过采用先进的信息、通信和控制 技术,可以实现对电力系统的监测、控制、分析和优化。在国内外,智能电网的 发展正在不断推进,对于提高电力系统的效率、可靠性和安全性起到了重要作用。 本次演示将探讨国内外智能电网的发展现状及未来趋势。
其次,我们需要加强人才培养和技术创新。智能制造需要大量的高素质人才 和技术创新成果的支持。政府和企业应该加强人才培养和技术创新的投入力度, 建立更加完善的人才培养和技术创新体系。




关键词:微电网;分布式发电;微电源;应用前景中图分类号:TM7文献标识码:B文章编号:1006-6519(2009)03-0056-04Current Research on Microgrid and Its ApplicationProspects in ChinaLOU Shu-qing,LI Qing-feng,XU Hua-qiang,LIU Lu-dan随着电力工业的发展,我国电力系统已发展成为以“大机组、大电网、高电压”为主要特征的集中供电单一系统。



鉴于上述问题,发达国家甚至包括一些发展中国家,开始研究并应用多种一次能源的形式结合、高效、经济的新型电力技术———分布式发电技术(DG Distributed Generation),并取得了突破性进展。




智能电网的变电运行分析发布时间:2022-05-12T03:19:02.836Z 来源:《中国电业与能源》2022年3期作者:刘飞[导读] 随着城市化的不断发展,人们生活水平的不断改善,用电量也越来越多,促使智能电网的不断扩大。

刘飞内蒙古电力(集团)有限责任公司鄂尔多斯供电分公司内蒙古鄂尔多斯市 017000摘要:随着城市化的不断发展,人们生活水平的不断改善,用电量也越来越多,促使智能电网的不断扩大。














能技术 、 先进电力电子技术等实现集 中供 电与分布式发 电
的高效紧密结合 ,并积极鼓 励社会 各界广泛参 与 电力 市 场, 共同推进电网发展 。微电网以其智能性 、 能量利用多元 化 等特 点也成为 欧洲未来 电网的重要组成。 目前 , 欧洲 已 初步形 成 了微 电网的运行 、 控制、 保护 、 安 全及 通信 等理 论, 并在实验室微 电网平 台上对这些 理论 进行了实验 。其
图 1 美 国提 出的 微 电 网结构
图 中包括 3 条馈线 A, B和 C及 1 条负荷母线 , 网络整
c i t i z e n ) 。此外 , 紧紧 围绕全系统能量 的供 电理念 是微 电网
的 2个重要特征。在接 口问题上 , 微 电网的入 网标准只针
收 稿 日期 : 2 0 1 3 — 0 9 — 1 0
控制 。当负荷变化时 , 潮流控制器根据本地频率 和电压 信 息进行潮流调节 , 当地微电源相应增加或减少 其功 率输 出 以保持功率平衡。 图中 , 还示范 了针对 3类具有不 同供 电质量要求的负
荷的个性化微 电源供电方案 。 对于连接在馈线 A上 的敏感
③ 可靠 性 : 提高 电力供应 的可靠性 与安全性以满足数
1 _ 2 基本 结构
图1 是美 国电力可靠性技术解决方 案协会( C E R T S ) 提
出 的微 电 网基 本 结 构 。
含有 电力 电子界面的小型机组( 小于 1 0 0 k W) , 包 括微 型燃 气 轮机 、 燃 料电池 、 光伏 电池 以及 超级 电容 、 飞轮 、 蓄 电池 等储能装置 。它们接在用户侧 , 具 有低 成本 、 低 电压、 低污
字化时代 的电力需求 。 ④经济性 : 通过技术创新 、 能源有效管理 、 有序市场竞



智能电网一周动态研究简报目录一、国外主要政府动态 (2)二、主要国外电力公司动态 (3)三、国外大型电力设备公司动态 (4)(一)大型电力设备公司 (4)(二)其他电力设备公司及行业信息 (4)四、国内智能电网研究动态 (5)(一)国家政策动态 (5)(二)地方政府/电力公司动态 (6)1、江苏 (6)2、上海 (6)3、北京 (7)(三)电力行业总体动态 (8)(四)电网公司动态 (10)1、国家电网公司 (10)2、南方电网公司 (13)(五)电力设备公司动态 (14)一、国外主要政府动态美韩就智能电网达成协议三星LG参与其中美国伊利诺斯州(Illinois)的产官学合作团体Illinois Science and Technology Coalition(ISTC),与包括韩国智能电网研究所(Korea Smart Grid Institute)在内的韩国官民团体签署了智能电网相关备忘录(MOU)(PDF格式的英文发布资料)。


ISTC的成员包括伊利诺斯州政府、美国伊利诺斯大学(University of Illinois)、美国伊利诺斯理工大学(Illinois Institute of Technology)以及美国芝加哥市等。

韩国方面,除了韩国智能电网研究所以外,参与此次项目的还有韩国政府机构知识经济部(Korean Ministry of Knowledge Economy)和三星电子、LG电子(LG Electronics)、通信运营商KT以及韩国智能电网协会(Korea Smart Grid Association)。

与此次的备忘录相关的智能电网项目如下:1.Illinois Smart Buildings Project:将芝加哥市内的高层建筑接入网络,以节能为目标的项目。






以下是一些发展现状的例子:1. 美国:美国是全球微电网发展最为成熟的国家之一。



2. 德国:德国是欧洲微电网发展的领军国家之一。



3. 中国:中国是全球最大的微电网市场之一。



4. 智能微电网:随着人工智能和物联网技术的快速发展,智能微电网逐渐成为微电网发展的新趋势。


5. 学术研究:微电网领域的学术研究也在不断深入。


6. 国际合作与标准制定:为了促进微电网领域的国际合作与交流,各国各地区之间加强了合作与经验分享。






【摘要】@@ 智能电网的应用代表了电力行业的发展趋势.但是,如果要使智能电网有益于提高经济效益、引导用户合理用电和环境保护,就需要开发其潜能.而采用一些有无智能电网均可行的基本政策,以及正确评估智能电网相对于其他清洁能源投资的价值,至关重要.美国各州应在其他高价值行动的背景下考虑智能电网的净效益.
1.解读美国最新的智能电网政策 [J], 张扬
2.美国智能电网优势显著政策、法律起关键作用 [J], 邬明罡
3."十三五"智能电网政策环境分析:智能电网成为经济增长点 [J],
4.全球智能电网联合会呼吁调整智能电网政策促进投资 [J],
5.美国智能电网的低碳法律政策及启示 [J], 董岩;田国兴







进入20 世纪80 年代,各种分散布置的、小容量的发电技术又开始引起人们的关注,经过20 多年的发展,分布式发电已成为一股影响电力工业未来面貌的重要力量。

1) 应对全球能源危机的需要。


2) 保护环境的需要。

CO2 排放引起的全球气候变暖问题,已引起各国政府的高度重视,并成为当今世界政治的核心议题之一。

为保护环境,世界上工业发达国家纷纷立法,扶持可再生能源发电以及其他清洁发电技术(如热电联产微型燃气轮机) ,有利地推动了DG的发展。

3) 天然气发电技术的发展。


4) 避免投资风险。




在国际上,DG 的发展方兴未艾。

在美国,1978 年修改了《公共事业法》,以法律的形式要求各电力公司接受用户的小型能源系统,特别是热电机组并网;2000 年,热电联产装机容量已占总装机容量的7 %,预计到2010 年将占其总装机容量的14 %;2008 年,风力发电装机容量达2500 万kW;太阳能装机容量达87 万kW。






















第1篇Introduction:The new energy industry is a rapidly growing sector that encompasses a wide range of technologies and practices aimed at reducing environmental impact and increasing the efficiency and sustainability of energy use. This interview is designed to assess the candidate's knowledge, skills, and experience in the field of new energy. The questions are structured to cover various aspects, including technical expertise, problem-solving abilities, and industry-specific knowledge.Section 1: Technical Knowledge and Background1. Can you describe the main differences between renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power? Provide examples of each and discuss their advantages and disadvantages.2. Explain the process of photovoltaic (PV) cell conversion of solar energy into electricity. What are the key components of a PV system and how do they work together?3. How do fuel cells operate? Compare and contrast fuel cells with other energy conversion technologies such as internal combustion engines.4. Describe the role of batteries in energy storage and their importance in the integration of renewable energy sources into the grid. Discuss the different types of batteries available and their respective applications.5. What is the concept of smart grids? How do smart grids improve the efficiency and reliability of electricity distribution?Section 2: Industry Trends and Challenges6. Discuss the current trends in the new energy industry. How do you think these trends will evolve in the next decade?7. What are the main challenges faced by the new energy industry in terms of technology, policy, and market adoption? How would you address these challenges?8. Explain the role of government policies and incentives in the adoption of new energy technologies. Give examples of successful policy interventions in the industry.9. How do you think advancements in technology will impact the cost and accessibility of new energy solutions for consumers?10. What are the environmental and social impacts of transitioning to a new energy economy? How can these impacts be mitigated?Section 3: Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking11. Imagine a scenario where a new energy project is facing delays due to technical issues. As the project manager, what steps would you take to identify the problem and find a solution?12. How would you evaluate the feasibility of a new energy project in a rural area with limited infrastructure? What factors would you consider in your assessment?13. Describe a situation where you had to overcome a technical challenge in your previous role. What was the challenge, how did you address it, and what was the outcome?14. What strategies would you use to ensure the safety and reliability of new energy installations, particularly in high-risk environments?15. How would you communicate complex technical information to a non-technical audience, such as stakeholders or the public?Section 4: Personal Experience and Skills16. Tell us about your professional experience in the new energy industry. What projects have you worked on, and what were your roles and responsibilities?17. What skills do you believe are most important for a successful career in the new energy industry? How do your skills and experience align with these requirements?18. How do you stay updated with the latest developments in new energy technologies? What resources do you use to keep your knowledge current?19. Describe a time when you had to work as part of a team to achieve a common goal. What was the goal, and what was your role in the team?20. What motivates you to work in the new energy industry? How do you envision your future contribution to this field?Conclusion:This comprehensive set of interview questions is designed to provide a holistic view of the candidate's expertise, experience, and suitability for a position in the new energy industry. It covers a wide range of topics, from technical knowledge and industry trends to problem-solving skills and personal motivations. By answering these questions,candidates will have the opportunity to demonstrate their qualifications and commitment to the field of new energy.第2篇Introduction:The new energy industry is rapidly evolving, and with it comes a demand for skilled professionals who can contribute to the development and implementation of sustainable energy solutions. This interview guide provides a comprehensive list of questions that can be used to assess candidates' knowledge, skills, and experience in the field of new energy. The questions are categorized into different sections to cover various aspects of the role, from technical expertise to soft skills andindustry-specific knowledge.I. Technical Expertise1. Can you explain the basic principles of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power?2. Describe the working mechanism of a lithium-ion battery and its role in energy storage systems.3. What are the key components of a photovoltaic (PV) system, and how do they interact to produce electricity?4. How do you calculate the efficiency of a wind turbine?5. Explain the concept of grid parity and its significance in the adoption of renewable energy technologies.6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using biofuels as an alternative energy source?7. Discuss the challenges associated with energy storage and how they can be addressed.II. Project Management and Implementation8. Describe a project you have managed in the new energy sector. What were the key challenges, and how did you overcome them?9. How do you ensure the successful integration of renewable energy systems into existing power grids?10. What strategies do you use to manage project timelines and budgets?11. Can you provide an example of a project where you had to workclosely with stakeholders from different backgrounds?12. How do you prioritize tasks and allocate resources in a fast-paced, project-based environment?III. Industry Knowledge and Trends13. What do you think are the most promising new energy technologies on the horizon?14. How do you stay updated with the latest developments in the new energy industry?15. Discuss the role of government policies in promoting the adoption of renewable energy.16. What are the potential impacts of climate change on the new energy sector?17. How do you see the future of electric vehicles and their impact on the energy grid?18. What are the challenges and opportunities associated with the transition to a decentralized energy system?IV. Regulatory and Safety Considerations19. What are the key regulatory requirements for new energy projects in your country?20. How do you ensure compliance with these regulations throughout the project lifecycle?21. Describe a situation where you had to prioritize safety over other project considerations.22. What are the common safety risks associated with new energy installations, and how do you mitigate them?23. How do you handle emergencies or unforeseen incidents during project implementation?V. Communication and Soft Skills24. Describe a time when you had to explain a complex technical concept to a non-technical audience. How did you approach the task?25. How do you handle conflicts or disagreements with team members or stakeholders?26. What is your approach to problem-solving, and can you provide an example?27. How do you ensure effective communication within a diverse and geographically dispersed team?28. What do you think are the most important personal qualities for a successful professional in the new energy industry?VI. Case Studies and Scenario-Based Questions29. Imagine you are working on a large-scale solar farm project. The local community is concerned about the impact on wildlife. How would you address these concerns?30. You are responsible for the installation of a new wind turbine. During the testing phase, the turbine fails to start. What steps would you take to diagnose and resolve the issue?31. You are part of a team developing a new energy storage solution. The prototype is performing well in lab tests but poorly in real-world conditions. How would you approach this problem?32. A client is considering a renewable energy project but is hesitant due to the high initial investment cost. What strategies would you use to persuade them to proceed?VII. Personal and Professional Development33. What are your long-term career goals in the new energy industry?34. How do you plan to continue developing your skills and knowledge in this field?35. Describe a professional development activity that you have found particularly valuable. What did you learn from it?36. How do you stay motivated in a field that can be challenging and ever-changing?37. What personal qualities do you believe have contributed to your success in the new energy sector?Conclusion:This comprehensive list of interview questions for new energy industry positions is designed to help hiring managers and recruiters assess candidates' qualifications and suitability for various roles within the sector. By asking a mix of technical, project management, industry knowledge, communication, and personal development questions,interviewers can gain a well-rounded understanding of each candidate's abilities and potential contributions to their organization.第3篇Introduction:In recent years, the global shift towards renewable energy sources has been more pronounced than ever before. This interview aims to explore various aspects of renewable energy, including current challenges, technological advancements, and the future of this industry.Participants will be expected to demonstrate their knowledge, critical thinking skills, and ability to articulate their opinions on the topic. The following questions are designed to provide a comprehensive assessment of the candidate's expertise in renewable energy.Section 1: Understanding Renewable Energy1. What are renewable energy sources, and how do they differ from conventional energy sources?2. Explain the main types of renewable energy sources and provide examples of each.3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy sources compared to conventional energy sources?4. How does the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources impact their integration into the grid?5. Discuss the role of renewable energy in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change.Section 2: Technological Advancements6. What are some of the latest technological advancements in renewable energy?7. Explain how energy storage solutions, such as batteries, are enhancing the reliability of renewable energy systems.8. How are smart grids facilitating the integration of renewable energy into the existing power infrastructure?9. Discuss the potential of renewable energy in remote and rural areas, and the challenges faced in these settings.10. What are some innovative renewable energy technologies that are currently being researched and developed?Section 3: Challenges and Solutions11. Identify the main challenges faced by the renewable energy industry today.12. Discuss the role of government policies and incentives in promoting the adoption of renewable energy.13. How can we overcome the financial and technological barriers to widespread renewable energy adoption?14. What is the role of public awareness and education in the transition to renewable energy?15. How can we balance the economic, environmental, and social aspects of renewable energy development?Section 4: The Future of Renewable Energy16. What do you predict will be the most significant technological breakthrough in renewable energy in the next decade?17. How do you think the global energy landscape will change as renewable energy becomes more prevalent?18. What role do you think renewable energy will play in the future of transportation?19. How can the renewable energy industry collaborate with other sectors to achieve a sustainable future?20. What are your thoughts on the potential of renewable energy to provide energy access to developing countries?Section 5: Case Studies and Applications21. Choose a specific renewable energy project or company and discussits success and challenges.22. Analyze the potential of renewable energy in a specific region or country, considering its geographical, economic, and political factors.23. Discuss the role of renewable energy in the context of a specific industry, such as agriculture or manufacturing.24. How can renewable energy contribute to the development of sustainable cities?25. What are some of the ethical considerations in the development and deployment of renewable energy technologies?Conclusion:This comprehensive interview is designed to assess the candidate's understanding of renewable energy, their ability to analyze complex issues, and their vision for the future of this industry. Candidates are encouraged to provide well-reasoned answers, supported by evidence and examples. The following is a detailed breakdown of the expected content for each section:Section 1: Understanding Renewable Energy- Define renewable energy sources and compare them to conventional energy sources.- Discuss the environmental, economic, and social benefits of renewable energy.- Explain the intermittency of renewable energy sources and its implications for the grid.- Discuss the importance of renewable energy in mitigating climate change.Section 2: Technological Advancements- Highlight recent technological breakthroughs in renewable energy, such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power.- Discuss the role of energy storage solutions, smart grids, and innovative technologies in enhancing the reliability and efficiency of renewable energy systems.- Analyze the potential of renewable energy in remote and rural areas and the challenges faced in these settings.Section 3: Challenges and Solutions- Identify the main challenges faced by the renewable energy industry, such as financial constraints, technological limitations, and public opposition.- Discuss the role of government policies and incentives in promoting the adoption of renewable energy.- Analyze the importance of public awareness and education in the transition to renewable energy.- Discuss the need for a balanced approach to renewable energy development, considering economic, environmental, and social aspects.Section 4: The Future of Renewable Energy- Predict the most significant technological breakthroughs in renewable energy in the next decade.- Discuss the potential of renewable energy in shaping the global energy landscape.- Analyze the role of renewable energy in the future of transportation and other sectors.- Discuss the potential of renewable energy to contribute to sustainable development and reduce poverty in developing countries.Section 5: Case Studies and Applications- Analyze a specific renewable energy project or company, considering its success, challenges, and impact on the industry.- Analyze the potential of renewable energy in a specific region or country, considering geographical, economic, and political factors.- Discuss the role of renewable energy in the context of a specific industry, such as agriculture or manufacturing.- Discuss the potential of renewable energy to contribute to the development of sustainable cities and communities.- Analyze the ethical considerations in the development and deployment of renewable energy technologies.By answering these questions, candidates will demonstrate their comprehensive understanding of renewable energy, their ability to critically analyze complex issues, and their vision for the future of this industry.。




























美国ibm制订了“智慧地球”这一全球战略,其代表内容之一即是智能电网的建设,并且,ibm 不断地参与了世界各地的智能电网建设试点项目;美国google免费提供了名为“powermeter”的用电量监测软件,用户在家里可以通过电脑查看电力消费情况;美国英特尔和美国ti(得克萨斯仪器)加大了智能电表等设备中所使用的半导体的研发与销售;美国埃森哲公司计划通过规划信息系统参与到电力行业。










Angela Neville

2008年,在全面努力下,埃克西尔能源公司(Xcel Energy)开始引进智能电网技术,这将使科罗拉多州(Colo)博尔德市(BouIder)成为第一座智能电网城市。

【作者】Angela Neville
1.美国开始建设第一座压缩空气蓄能发电厂 [J], 熊一权
2.美国第一座网络化城市 [J], 星火
3.西藏第一座城市污水处理厂开工建设 [J], 希章
4.美国10座智能电网技术应用最佳城市 [J],
5.美国能源部出台用户参与智能电网建设指南 [J], 李新捷

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12月7日,南瑞集团邀请美国工程院院士、IEEE Fellow、美国伊利诺伊理工大学首席教授穆汗默德·谢罕德普(Mohammad Shahidehpour)来访,在“紫金论电”论坛作“微电网提升智慧城市的适应性、安全性、可靠性和经济性”的学术报告。





Dr. Mohammad Shahidehpour is a University Distinguished Professor, Bodine Chair Professor, and Director of the Robert W. Galvin Center for Electricity Innovation at Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT). He has also been the Principal Investigator of several research grants on power system operation and control. His project on Perfect Power Systems has converted the entire IIT
Campus to an islandable microgrid. His CSMART (Center for Smart Grid Applications, Research, and Technology) at IIT has promoted the smart grid cybersecurity research for managing the resilience of wireless networked communication and control systems in smart cities. His SPIKE initiative facilitated the design and the implementation of affordable microgrids in impoverished nations. He is the 2009 recipient of the honorary doctorate from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest. Dr. Shahidehpour was the recipient of the IEEE Burke Hayes Award for his research on hydrokinetics, IEEE/PES Outstanding Power Engineering Educator Award,
IEEE/PES Douglas M. Staszesky Distribution Automation Award, and the Edison Electric Institute’s Power Engineering Educator Award. He has co-authored 6 books and 500 technical papers on electric power system operation and planning, and served as the founding Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. He is a Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and a member of the US National Academy of Engineering.轻点蓝字, 查看相关微文
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