直流母线电压信号法 DC-Bus Signaling
双UPS并机直流母线过压故障研究廖百睿,刘鹍鹏,江梁智,孙晓伟,易炳强(广州地铁集团有限公司,广州 510415)摘要:针对广州地铁6号线海珠广场站信号系统UPS 并机改造后频繁报直流母线过压等报警故障,深入分析论证报警故障原因,提出故障解决方案,总结UPS 并机改造注意事项,以期对各城市同行提供借鉴、参考。
关键词:UPS 并机;直流母线;过压中图分类号:U231.7 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673-4440(2023)12-0088-05Research on DC Bus Overvoltage Fault in Double UPS Parallel OperationLiao Bairui, Liu Kunpeng, Jiang Liangzhi, Sun Xiaowei, Yi Bingqiang(Guangzhou Metro Group Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510415, China)Abstract: In view of such frequent alarm-triggering failures as DC bus overvoltage reported by the signal system of Haizhu Square Station of Guangzhou Metro Line 6 after the transformation into UPS parallel operation, this paper provides an in-depth analysis, demonstrates the causes, and puts forward a solution of such failures. It also summarizes the matters needing attention in the transformation into UPS parallel operation, with a view to providing reference for peers in various cities.Keywords: UPS parallel operation; DC bus; overvoltageDOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-4440.2023.12.016收稿日期:2022-11-16;修回日期:2023-11-24基金项目:广州地铁集团有限公司技术改造(包括国产化)项目(16B0040)第一作者:廖百睿(1989—),男,工程师,本科,主要研究方向:城市轨道交通信号,邮箱:********************。
直流电压同步锁相方法通常包括如下几个步骤:1. 信号采集:首先需要对电路中的直流电压信号进行采集,通常使用模拟电路中的采样电路或者数字电路中的ADC进行采样。
2. 信号处理:采集到的直流电压信号需要经过一定的处理,包括滤波、放大、数字化等步骤,以便后续的锁相处理。
3. 锁相检测:经过信号处理的直流电压信号需要与一个参考信号进行比较,以检测信号的相位差和频率偏差,并对信号进行相位调整。
4. 反馈控制:根据锁相检测的结果,可以通过反馈控制的方式来调整电路中的控制参数,以达到系统稳定和性能的要求。
第二篇示例:直流电压同步锁相方法(DC voltage synchronization phase-locked loop,简称DCVSP)是一种在电子领域中广泛应用的同步控制技术。
DC-BUS系统组成 1、光伏发电装置 包括太阳能电池模组、管理系统、汇流升压模块、电池充
2、风能发电装置 包括风机、管理系统、整流升压模块、电池充电模块等 3、MW级储能单元 NAS电池、液流电池或铅酸电池等 4、市电充电装置 负载采用原有的接入系统,不需做任何改动 充电装置需要接入市电充电装置
1、接入绿色新能源发电,减少碳排放。 2、增加用户的电力稳定性,去除对外电网的依赖
,在外网故障或停电时能孤网运行,确保负载不 停机。
3、提高电能质量,改善功率因数和减少谐波电流 ,减少对外电网的污染和冲击。
负荷“平坦化”容量: 时
瞬时压降,停电补偿时间: NAS电池容量x7.2小时/实际负荷电力
电池电压变动: 486V(放电末)-
常规电网 枢纽变电站
燃气 轮机
内燃机 飞轮
燃气 轮机
光伏 电池
商业建 筑
工厂企业 居民
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
2 auxiliary contact + one entry两个辅助触点 +一个外部指令信号接入端
DC BUS 直流母线
PFC AC Charger 带功 率因数校正交流充电器
太阳能与发电机(柴油机)混合系统,系统运行模式是蓄电池(直流侧) 供电优先 。当蓄电池电压下降到设定值时或逆变器过载时,继电器触点会 发出信号,启动柴油机,切入供电系统中。 当柴油机启动后,转移开关自动导通,优先给负载供电,多余电流给蓄电 池充电(Power Sharing 功率分配) 当蓄电池电压上升到设定值时或过载消失后,Xtender会通过继电器触点 自动关闭发电机,改为蓄电池(直流侧)供电 。 •Up to最大 140 A •I/U/U0 +++多阶段充电 •100% programmable完全设置
交流并接:组件和并网逆变器, 连接在XTENDER双向逆变器 AC OUT端
50Hz 52Hz AC OUT
230V AC
直流并接:组件和 MPPT充电器,并接 在直流母线上
50安培 转移开关
外置交流 接触器
2 auxiliary contact + one entry两个辅助触点 +一个外部指令信号接入端
DC BUS 直流母线
PFC AC Charger 带功 率因数校正交流充电器
太阳能与市电混合系统,系统运行模式是蓄电池供电优先 。 当蓄电池电压下降到设定值时或逆变器过载时,继电器触点会发出信号, 将 外部的市电切入系统中。 当外部交流源切入时,优先给负载供电,多余电流给蓄电池充电(Power Sharing 功率分配),延长蓄电池寿命。 当蓄电池电压上升到设定值时或过载消失后,Xtender会通过继电器触点 自动切断市电,改为蓄电池(直流侧)供电 。 •Up to最大 140 A •I/U/U0 +++多阶段充电 •100% programmable完全设置
直流母线电压监视装置原理图-------------------------------------------1 直流绝缘监视装置----------------------------------------------------------1 不同点接地危害图----------------------------------------------------------2 带有灯光监视的断路器控制回路(电磁操动机构)--------------------3 带有灯光监视的断路器控制回路(弹簧操动机构)--------------------5 带有灯光监视的断路器控制回路(液压操动机构)-------- -----------6 闪光装置接线图(由两个中间继电器构成)-----------------------------8 闪光装置接线图(由闪光继电器构成)-----------------------------------9 中央复归能重复动作的事故信号装置原理图-------------------------9 预告信号装置原理图------------------------------------------------------11 线路定时限过电流保护原理图------------------------------------------12 线路方向过电流保护原理图---------------------------------------------13 线路三段式电流保护原理图---------------------------------------------14 线路三段式零序电流保护原理图---------------------------------------15 双回线的横联差动保护原理图------------------------------------------16 双回线电流平衡保护原理图---------------------------------------------18 变压器瓦斯保护原理图---------------------------------------------------19 双绕组变压器纵差保护原理图------------------------------------------20 三绕组变压器差动保护原理图------------------------------------------21 变压器复合电压启动的过电流保护原理图---------------------------22 单电源三绕组变压器过电流保护原理图------------------------------23 变压器过零序电流保护原理图------------------------------------------24 变压器中性点直接接地零序电流保护和中性点间隙接地保------24线路三相一次重合闸装置原理图---------------------------------------26自动按频率减负荷装置(LALF)原理图--------------------------------29储能电容器组接线图------------------------------------------------------29小电流接地系统交流绝缘监视原理接线图---------------------------29变压器强油循环风冷却器工作和备用电源自动切换回路图------30变电站事故照明原理接线图---------------------------------------------31开关事故跳闸音响回路原理接线图------------------------------------31二次回路展开图说明(10KV线路保护原理图)-----------------------32直流回路展开图说明------------------------------------------------------331、图E-103为直流母线电压监视装置电路图,请说明其作用。
上海电驱动--伊顿电机及控制器系统使用说明 书20140216
![上海电驱动--伊顿电机及控制器系统使用说明 书20140216](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6c50ffbe6edb6f1afe001f0b.png)
车用电机及其控制系统技术要求与说明Specification and Instruction of E-motor and PowerElectric Used in EV车用电机及其控制系统采用永磁同步电动机作为驱动电机,电机转子位置传感器采用旋转变压器,电机控制器控制电路采用TMS240F2407作为主控芯片,功率部分采用IGBT作为功率变换元件,采用永磁同步电机变压变频矢量控制方法,实现对永磁同步电动机的转矩闭环控制。
E-motor and its power electric used in Electric vehicle (EV) adopts permanent-magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) as the driving Motor, taking resolver as its rotor position sensor, and TMS240F2407 from TI as the main control chip, and IGBT as the power module, and using vector control of PMSM to achieve torque closed loop.1 The principal technical data of E-motor and power electric牵引电机及其驱动系统主要技术指标●Continues output mechanical power持续输出机械功率:30-40kW●Continues output torque持续输出转矩:240-320Nm●Rated speed额定转速:1000rpm●Peak power of e-motor电机峰值功率:65kW●Peak torque of e-motor电机峰值转矩:500-600Nm●Maxim speed最高转速:2500rpm●Time for peak torque/ peak power峰值转矩/功率持续时间:≤60s●Peak efficiency of e-motor and its control system电机及其控制系统峰值效率:≥92%●High efficiency area (over 80%) of motor and its control system电机及其控制系统高效区(效率≥80%):over 50% of total area占电机整个运行区间50%以上●Rated voltage of power electric电机控制器额定电压:330 – 350V●Range of normal working voltage正常电压范围:280 – 420V DC●Control method电机控制方式:Torque closed-loop转矩闭环●Energy feedback is available电机控制器具有能量回馈功能●Cooling style电机与控制器冷却方式:Water cooling水冷●Inlet temperature of cooling water冷却水进口温度:no more than 70 degreeC不超过70℃●Water flux冷却水流量:no less than 12L/min不低于12L/min●Ambient temperature of power and electric电机控制器工作环境温度:-30°C~+85°C●Ambient temperature of E-motor电机工作环境温度:-30°C~+105°C●Torque control error 转矩控制误差:no more than±5Nm不超过±5Nm●Communication mode通信方式:CAN●Protection rank防护等级:IP662 Basic operation principle of e-motor and power electric电机及其驱动系统的基本工作原理永磁电机转矩闭环控制基本控制系统原理如图1所示。
第54卷第12期2020年12月电力电子技术Power ElectronicsVol.54,No.12December2020大规模风/光互补制储氢系统协调控制策略研究杨文强>,邢小文覃姝仪2,范玉建I(1.北京低碳清洁能源研究院,北京102211; 2.西安交通大学,电气工程学院,陕西西安710049)摘要:针对现有大规模风/光互补制储氢系统中多源协调控制策略的不足,以直流母线电压信号(DBS)控制策略为基本思想,结合电解槽特性,提出了主动型大规模风/光互补制氢系统协调控制策略。
关键词:大规模风/光互补制储氢系统;直流母线电压信号;电解槽特性中图分类号:TM619文献标识码:A文章编号:1000-1OOX(2020)12-0024-04Study of Coordination Control Strategy of Large-scale Wind/PVHybrid Hydrogen Energy SystemYANG Wen-qiang1,XING Xiao-wen1,QIN Shu-yi2,FAN Yu-jian1('.National Institute of Clean-cuid-low-carbon Energy,Beijing102211,China)Abstract:Aiming at the deficiency of multi-source coordinated control strategy in large-scale wind/PV hybrid hydrogen system,an active coordinated control strategy is proposed based on the DC bus signaling(DBS)control strategy. Considering the controllability of hydrogen production equipment and the main purpose of the largest amount of hydrogen production,the priority of wind/PV/storage/hydrogen is divided according to the requirements of DBS control strategy,the working state of each equipment under the island and the grid connected operation mode is analyzed.In order to characterize the characteristics of the electrolyzer,the power voltage reverse droop control is introduced into the hydrogen production control to highlight the controllability of the electrolyzer,and it can actively participate in the coordinated control of the system with good dynamic performance.Finally,the simulation model of wind/PV hybrid hydrogen system constructed in Matlab/Simulink is verified.The simulation results show that the proposed control strategy is correct and feasible.Keywords:large-scale wind/PV hybrid hydrogen energy system;direct bus signaling;characteristics of electrolyzer Foundation Project:Supported by National Key Research and Development Plan of China(No.2018YFB1503100)1引言氢能作为21世纪最有前景的绿色能源,受到了各国的广泛关注。
根据交直流混合微功率控制的目标,国内外学术界和工业界已从不同角度展开了研究,但至今仍欠缺对其中 关键技术进行系统的概括与总结。为全面展示功率控制技术的研究成果,以下分别从交流子微、直流子微以及交 直流互联变换器3个方面对已有文献研究现状进行梳理评述。
无互联通信பைடு நூலகம்制技 术
基于高速通信的控 制技术
基于低速通信的控 制技术
图1在微发展初期,学者们通常以系统尺度小作为前提条件进行研究和实验,因此对于变换器间的高速通信互 联来说,实现起来相对简单。目前,基于高速通信的控制技术主要包括集中控制技术、主从控制技术以及电流链 控制技术。
图2一种适用于交流子微和直流子微的集中控制方法,控制框图如图1所示。集中控制技术由集中式控制器和 本地控制器构成。集中式控制器对总负载电流进行测量,根据并联变换器数量N及各台变换器容量,计算出各变换 器输出电流环的参考值,其中Σki=1(i=1, 2…,N),并利用高速通信线发送至各台变换器。本地控制器测量各自 变换器的输出电流,对高速通信线提供的参考值进行比较和跟踪。
电气传动2023年第53卷第12期ELECTRIC DRIVE 2023Vol.53No.12摘要:针对传统电解电容变频器体积大、使用寿命短的问题,采用薄膜电容代替电解电容构成无电解电容交-直-交结构的变频器。
针对无电解电容变频器V/F 运行在低频过程中母线电压振荡的问题,首先根据感应电机的等效电路模型分析不同工作模式下的母线电压纹波和谐振特性,采用劳斯稳定判据分析无电解电容驱动系统的稳定条件;其次根据无电解电容驱动系统的数学模型,分析振荡过程中母线电压和定子无功电流的关系;最后提出基于定子电压定向的无功电流反馈控制策略抑制母线电压振荡,提高系统稳定性。
关键词:无电解电容变频器;无功电流;感应电机;谐振抑制中图分类号:TM732文献标识码:ADOI :10.19457/j.1001-2095.dqcd24931Research on Bus Voltage Oscillation Suppression of Electrolytic Capacitor -less InverterYANG Yifan 1,YIN Han 2,LU Zhiye 3,YU Xueying 3(1.Aerospace Architecture Design and Research Institute Co .,Ltd .,Beijing 100162,China ;2.Shenyang Aerospace Mitsubishi Motors Engine Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.,Shenyang 110179,Liaoning ,China ;3.Institute of Electrical and Information ,Northeast Agricultural University ,Harbin 150030,Heilongjiang ,China )Abstract:In order to solve the problems of large volume and short service life of the traditional electrolytic capacitor frequency converter ,the thin film capacitor was used to replace the electrolytic capacitor to constitute the AC -DC -AC frequency converter without electrolytic capacitor.Aiming at the problem of bus voltage oscillation in the process of low frequency V/F operation of electrolytic capacitor-less inverter ,firstly ,the bus voltage ripple and resonance in different working modes were analyzed according to the equivalent circuit model of induction motor ,and the stability condition of electrolytic capacitor-less drive system was analyzed by using Rous stability criterion.Secondly ,according to the mathematical model of the drive system without electrolytic capacitor ,the relationship between the bus voltage and the stator reactive current during the oscillation process was analyzed.Finally ,a reactive current feedback control strategy based on stator voltage direction was proposed to suppress bus voltage oscillation and improve system stability.The simulation and experimental results show that the proposed control strategy can realize the stable operation of the induction motor in the global range and effectively improve the stability of the system.Key words:electrolytic capacitor-less inverter ;reactive current ;induction motor ;resonance suppression作者简介:杨逸帆(1991—),男,硕士,工程师,主要研究方向为电机驱动控制与故障诊断,Email :***********************无电解电容变频器的母线电压振荡抑制研究杨逸帆1,尹晗2,陆治冶3,于雪莹3(1.航天规划设计集团有限公司,北京100162;2.沈阳航天三菱汽车发动机制造有限公司,辽宁沈阳110179;3.东北农业大学电气与信息学院,黑龙江哈尔滨150030)近年来,通用变频器在工业传动的诸多领域都得到了广泛的应用,现在变频器拓扑普遍采用交-直-交变换结构,通过直流母线电容实现整流侧和逆变侧的隔离,同时直流电容为逆变模块提供稳定的直流电压[1]。
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DC-Bus Signaling:A Distributed Control Strategy for a Hybrid Renewable NanogridJohn Schönberger,Student Member,IEEE,Richard Duke,Member,IEEE,andSimon D.Round,Senior Member,IEEEAbstract—A dc nanogrid is a hybrid renewable system since renewable sources supply the average load demand,while storage and nonrenewable generation maintain the power balance in the presence of the stochastic renewable sources.The system is power electronic based,with converters being used to interface both the sources and loads to the system.The nanogrid is controlled using dc-bus signaling(DBS),a distributed control strategy in which the control nodes,the source/storage interface converters, induce voltage-level changes to communicate with the other con-trol nodes.This paper explains the control structure required for the converters to permit the use of DBS,and explains a procedure for implementing a system-wide control law through independent control of the source/storage interface converters.Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the operation of this novel control strategy.Index Terms—DC system,distributed control,hybrid system, renewable system.I.I NTRODUCTIOND ISTRIBUTED generation using renewable sources isgaining popularity due to environmental concerns over burning fossil fuels,deregulation of the electricity industry,and technological advances in power electronics and renewable en-ergy systems.Distributed renewable sources can be harnessed by using power-electronic converters to link them directly with the existing power system,or by combining them with local loads to form an independent power system[1].A nanogrid falls into this category.In this paper,the term nanogrid is used to describe a hybrid power system that supplies a cluster of loads with a peak rating in the order of2–20kW,since small-scale renewable generation tends to be more expensive than conventional forms of gener-ation,nanogrids are mainly suited for niche applications such as power supplies for remote isolated locations.Constructing a standalone system to supply a cluster of remote loads is often cheaper than connecting the remote loads to the conventional ac system.The structure of a standalone hybrid renewable nanogrid is shown in Fig.1.The building blocks of the nanogrid are power-electronic interface converters.Step-up converters allow lowManuscript received November26,2004;revised May10,2005.Abstract published on the Internet July14,2006.J.Schönberger was with the Department of Electrical and Computer En-gineering,University of Canterbury,Christchurch8020,New Zealand.He is now with the Power Electronic Systems Laboratory,Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,8092Zürich,Switzerland(e-mail:schoenberger@lem.ee.ethz.ch). R.Duke is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Canterbury,Christchurch8020,New Zealand.S.D.Round is with the Power Electronic Systems Laboratory,Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,8092Zürich,Switzerland.Digital Object Identifier10.1109/TIE.2006.882012voltage sources to discharge into the nanogrid,and step-down converters allow the loads to draw power from the nanogrid.A bidirectional converter allows the storage node to charge from and discharge into the nanogrid.The nanogrid operates at dc since dc offers advantages such as improved transmission efficiency and ease of interfacing asynchronous sources such as wind turbines to the system[2].In standalone hybrid renewable systems,uncontrollable re-newable sources supply the average load demand,while stor-age acts as an energy buffer,balancing short-term differences between the source and load powers.Nonrenewable generation is included to improve system reliability in the event of a long-term shortage of renewable energy.To maximize the use of the renewable sources,the system must be controlled in an optimal fashion according to a system control law.The conventional means of achieving this objective is to use a central controller that is aware of each component in the system[3],[4].However,the reliability of the system is degraded as a practical implementation of this control strat-egy creates dependence on a central controller and commu-nication link.To improve the system reliability while allowing the imple-mentation of a control law,a distributed control strategy is preferred,as the system becomes independent of the central controller.DC-bus signaling(DBS)is a means of controlling a hybrid renewable system in a distributed fashion.This control strategy maintains the reliability inherent in the structure of the system by using the dc bus itself as the communication link. DBS is an extension of the concept of using charge/discharge thresholds to schedule individual sources in a distributed fash-ion[5].Scheduling of the sources is achieved by making the operation of the source/storage interface converters dependent on the level of the dc bus in relation to their charge/discharge threshold;however,voltage droop is included to allow multi-ple converters to operate at each threshold[6].V oltage-level changes on the dc bus,which occur as changes in the system, force these converters to switch between constant voltage and constant power operation.These voltage-level changes on the dc bus are used by the source and storage interface converters to determine their mode of operation.DBS is a low-cost strategy that is implemented by setting the voltage threshold at which each source/storage interface converter becomes active.This paper explains the mechanism by which DBS operates and outlines the control structure required for the source/storage interface converters to permit the implementation of DBS in a nanogrid.A procedure for implementing a system control law is given,and a prototype system based on a case study is presented to demonstrate the0278-0046/$20.00©2006IEEEFig.1.Structure of a stand-alone hybrid renewable nanogrid.practicality of the DBS in a system comprising renewable sources,battery storage,and backup generation.II.DBSThe sources in a nanogrid can be controlled in a centralized, decentralized,or distributed fashion.With centralized control, each source is controlled from a single point using a central controller and communication link.A control law can be imple-mented easily since the central controller is aware of each node in the system,but the reliability of the system is degraded since the system depends on the communication link and controller for correct operation.On the other hand,with decentralized control,each source operates independently using terminal quantities.Thus,the reliability inherent in the structure of a nanogrid is maintained. The drawback is that,implementing a control law to operate the system in an optimal fashion is impossible,since each node is unaware of the other nodes in the system.With distributed control,the control function is distributed throughout the network.This strategy improves the reliability of the system over centralized control,since the system can still function if a node fails.Nevertheless,the system is dependent on an external communication link for correct operation.The control strategy for a nanogrid should ideally maintain the advantages present in the distributed structure of the system while permitting implementation of a control law.None of the above control strategies can achieve both of these goals.There-fore,a hybrid distributed control strategy,DBS,is adopted in a bid to allow the implementation of a control law without the dependence on an external communication link.As with distributed control,the control function for DBS is distributed among the source controllers that are located throughout the system.However,since the communication between the source controllers takes place over the dc bus rather than an external communication link,the sources are effectively controlled using terminal quantities,as with decen-tralized control.Thus,the DBS allows the implementation of a distributed control scheme with the same reliability advantages as decentralized control.Control based on the voltage level of the dc bus has also been proposed to ensure high-priority loads in dc systems enjoy an uninterrupted supply of power under overload conditions[7], [8].Prioritized load shedding is performed under overload con-ditions by controlling the loads to shut down at different voltage levels as the bus voltage collapses due to the overload.The main difference between the load shedding based on the voltage level of the dc bus and DBS is that DBS uses the dc-bus voltage for source scheduling,not load shedding.With DBS,the source and storage interface converters operate autonomously based on the voltage level of the dc bus.Each converter is assigned to a voltage threshold to trigger the point at which it begins discharging or charging.The converters not only respond to the level of the dc bus, but they also change the level of the dc bus,automatically controlling other converters in the system.This autonomous operation is achieved by controlling the converters to exhibit three modes of operation:off,constant voltage,and constant power.Load changes and variations in generator output cause the interface converters to switch between constant voltage and constant power operation,changing the level of the dc bus. The utilization priority of each source is therefore dependent on the discharge/charge thresholds,hence,a control law is implemented by prioritizing these thresholds.The use of DBS to schedule interface converters supplying power to a nanogrid,or discharging,is illustrated in Fig.2.The example system,portrayed in Fig.2(a),comprises a renewable source,a nonrenewable source,and a constant power load.The control law for the system has two operating states to prioritize the utilization of these sources.In state1,only the renewable source is online,and in state2,the nonrenewable source comes online.The control law is implemented by assigning the renewable source to discharge at threshold V0,and the nonrenewable source to discharge at threshold V1,as shown in Fig.2(b).When the load is less than the maximum power point(MPP) of the renewable source,PS1,the renewable source interface converter alone is online.The converter operates in a con-stant voltage mode,regulating the bus voltage to its discharge threshold,V0.The bus voltage decreases slightly as the load current increases due to the voltage-droop characteristic of the converter.Thus,with a load of PL1,the system operates at point A in Fig.2(b).When the load exceeds the MPP of the renewable source, increasing to PL2,the renewable source interface converter operates in a constant power mode,limiting its output power to PS1.The bus voltage tends to collapse as the constant power load attempts to consume more power than the system canSCHÖNBERGER et al.:DBS:DISTRIBUTED CONTROL STRATEGY FOR A HYBRID RENEW ABLE NANOGRID1455 Fig.2.Discharge scheduling using DBS.(a)System with discharge schedul-ing.(b)DBS operation—discharge.provide.The converters’output capacitors temporarily supportthe dc bus;therefore,the decrease in the bus voltage is given byV bus(t)=2C bust(P S1(t)−P L2(t))dt.(1)When the bus voltage decreases to discharge threshold V1, the nonrenewable source interface converter comes online to supply the balance of power.The system now operates at point B.The use of DBS to schedule the charging action of multiple storage interface converters is accomplished in a similar fash-ion.Since charging tends to collapse the dc bus,the storage node with the highest priority is assigned to the lowest voltage state.The storage interface converters charge while the bus voltage is above their charge threshold,and turn off when the bus voltage decreases below their charge threshold.III.C ONVERTER C ONTROL S TRUCTURETo permit the use of DBS in a nanogrid,the source/storage interface converters are controlled to exhibit different modes of operation when discharging or charging.The operational mode of each converter is based on the voltage level of the dc bus in relation to its discharge/chargethreshold.1456IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS,VOL.53,NO.5,OCTOBER2006Fig.5.Case study.control structure shown in Fig.4,all excess power from the re-newable sources is used to charge the storage device,and thebatteries are discharged up to their maximum rate regardless ofthe battery cycle or the depth of discharge.Local informationmust therefore be used in addition to the state of the dc bus tohelp optimize charging and discharging operations.By usinga supervisory controller to dynamically adjust the charge anddischarge limits based on the state of the battery bank,thelifetime of the batteries may be extended.For simplicity though,optimal cycling of a battery bank is not considered in this paper.C.Load Interface ConverterControlling the load interface converter to exhibit differentmodes of operation based on the voltage level of the dc busis not a requirement for the implementation of a control lawusing DBS.However,it is worth noting that DBS has thepotential to include demand side management by incorporatingthis strategy.Since the voltage level of the dc bus reflects aheavy load or a deficiency in available generation,a demand-side management strategy can be implemented by controllingthe load interface to limit its output power or shed loads whenthe dc-bus voltage indicates a generation shortage.IV.I MPLEMENTATION P ROCEDUREIn a hybrid renewable nanogrid,the renewable sources,stor-age,and backup generation must be utilized in a prioritizedfashion to maximize the use of the renewables.The utiliza-tion priority for the sources is defined by a system controllaw,which consists of a number of operating states.Thecontrol law is implemented using DBS byfirst prioritizingthe charge/discharge thresholds for the interface converters.Because DBS relies on the bus voltage level to convey systeminformation,reliable operation of the system according to thesystem control law is then ensured by calculating each thresholdwith the aid of a dc loadflow.Calculating the thresholds ensuresthat each converter can accurately infer the current operatingstate of the system despite the bus voltage propagating un-equally throughout the system.To prioritize the sources that discharge into the system,the sources that take the higher priority operating states areassigned to come online at higher discharge thresholds thanthe lower priority sources.Since the voltage level of the dc busdecreases as a group of sources is consumed,those sources withthe higher discharge thresholds come onlinefirst.SCHÖNBERGER et al.:DBS:DISTRIBUTED CONTROL STRATEGY FOR A HYBRID RENEW ABLE NANOGRID1457 Fig.6.Experimental system.Prioritizing the charging of storage nodes is accomplished in the opposite fashion,since charging tends to decrease the bus voltage rather than support it.The storage devices with the highest charging priority are assigned to the lowest charge thresholds.The thresholds are calculated beginning with the highest threshold.Each successive threshold is calculated to ensure that when the sources assigned to the previous threshold are online,a voltage drop in the system,caused by a transmission line resistance and voltage droop,does not prematurely activate sources assigned to the next threshold.In general,thefirst discharge threshold V0is set to the nominal operating voltage of the system.Each successive discharge/charge threshold V n is calculated by subtracting the voltage drop and a margin of error from the preceding thresholdV n≤V n−1−V d n−V e(5) whereV n−1is the preceding threshold,corresponding to operat-ing state n−1;V d n is the maximum voltage drop that occurs with the system operating in the state n−1;V e is a margin of error that accounts for measurement inaccuracies and voltage ripple on the dc bus.A dc loadflow is used to determine V d n.The dc load flow is performed with the system operating in state n−1 for all permutations of generation and loading conditions.The worst-case voltage drop is the difference between V n−1and the minimum voltage at the point where any source assigned to threshold V n is connected with the system.Calculating the thresholds is designed to ensure that the system operates according to the system control law under steady-state operating conditions.This procedure also ensures that the power balance in the system is maintained according to the system control law under transient operating conditions. Provided that the thresholds are calculated to account for the worst case voltage drop in each operating state,the bus voltage level will always indicate the generation required to balance the load.Under a startup transient for example,the DBS may bring an additional source online as the initial surge of current causes the bus voltage to decrease,but the system will settle in itsfinal operating state once the bus voltage has stabilized.It should beTABLE IS YSTEM DESIGN1458IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS,VOL.53,NO.5,OCTOBER2006 Fig.7.Source interface and controller implementation.A battery bank and backup generator maintain a continuous supply of power in the presence offluctuations in the sources and loads.The parameters of the full-scale system are given as follows:The nominal transmission voltage is700V,and the transmission network is an overhead line with a dc resistance of 0.783Ω/km,an inductance of0.983mH/km,and a capacitance of10pF/km.The experimental system is designed to be a scaled repli-cation of the case study.The experimental system,shown in Fig.6,operates at70V,and has an average load demand of 200W.The key parameters of the system modules are summa-rized in Table I.It should be noted that the voltage and power ratings of the converter modules are one-tenth the value they would be in the full-scale system.For simplicity,12-V laboratory power supplies are used in place of the renewable and nonrenewable sources.Since these supplies do not have an MPP characteristic,the MPP of the renewable sources is accounted for by varying the power limit of the source interface converters.The source interface is a step-up dc–dc converter that boosts the supply voltage from12to70V for connection to the system.A full-bridge hard-switched topology is used,and the control scheme for the converter is shown in Fig.7.The source interface controller is implemented using an analog inner current control loop and a digital voltage/power control loop.The inner current loop is based on average current mode control,and the outer control loop is implemented using an Atmel Atmega168-bit microcontroller.A supervisory con-trol block selects the mode of operation based on the output power of the converter.When the converter’s output power exceeds the MPP of the source,the supervisory controller switches from voltage control to power control mode.The voltage/power control loops are implemented in the microcon-troller,and they control the output of the converter by con-trolling the reference current for the inner loop.A bus voltage conditioning circuit is included in the source interface control-ler to prevent high-frequency voltage transients above10kHz from affecting the operation of the DBS control strategy.TABLE IIS YSTEM C ONTROL LAWSCHÖNBERGER et al.:DBS:DISTRIBUTED CONTROL STRATEGY FOR A HYBRID RENEW ABLE NANOGRID1459 The transmission line is constructed as a series R−L net-work,with its parameters derived from the transmission lineused in the case study.The parameters of the transmissionline are scaled down by a factor of ten,such that the per unitresistance of the line in the experimental system is approxi-mately the same as that of the line in the full-scale2-kW system.Transmission line capacitance is neglected since this parasiticcomponent is negligible compared to the output capacitance ofthe source interface converters.B.System Control LawThe system control law is designed such that the renewablesources begin dischargingfirst,followed by the storage andbackup generator.The storage charges using any excess powerfrom the renewable sources.The system control law is summa-rized in Table II.To implement the control law,the three discharge thresholdsand single charge threshold are prioritized as shown in Table III,and the voltage level for each threshold is calculated using(5).The worst case voltage drop is subtracted from the precedingthreshold to account for the effect of transmission line im-pedance,and a margin of error of at least2V is used to preventvoltage ripple on the dc bus and measurement inaccuracies fromaffecting the mechanism of DBS.It should be noted that the generator has a startup mode ofoperation to prevent rapid on/off cycling.When the generatorcomes online,it initially takes the same utilization priority asthe renewable sources.Its discharge threshold is increased fromV3to V0for a minimum cycle time.VI.R ESULTSDisturbances to the loads and sources are applied to theexperimental system to demonstrate how the control structureof the interface converters forces changes in the bus voltagethat automatically bring other sources online.The results areportrayed in Fig.8.The load and source powers are varied toforce a transition between the operating states of the system.Fig.8(a)shows the variations in the load currents,andFig.8(b)shows the supply currents from the renewable sources.The current from the storage and diesel nodes required tobalance the load demand is shown in Fig.8(c),while Fig.8(d)shows the voltage level changes on the nanogrid at bus V1.Initially,load1is25W,load2is50W,and the MPP of thewind turbine and PV array is70W.Since the renewable sourcesare capable of supplying the load,the system operates in state1.The storage node extracts the excess power from the renewablesources up to their MPP by regulating the bus voltage at itscharge threshold.The resultant charge current is−1A.At0.5s,load1is increased to50W and load2to75W.Thesystem still operates in state1,since the renewable sources areable to meet the load demand.However,the storage reduces itscharging current to−0.2A as the excess renewable power isdiminished.At1.5s,load1is increased to75W while load2remainsat75W.The system now operates in state2since the loadexceeds the power available from the renewable sources.The1460IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS,VOL.53,NO.5,OCTOBER2006taking the same priority as the renewable sources,while the storage remains discharging in order to balance the load.At3.5s,the loads are returned to their initial operating condi-tions.The backup generator remains online since its minimum cycle time has not elapsed,and the storage node charges from the excess power available from the generator and the wind turbine.The results have shown that the DBS successfully allows the system to operate according to the system control law based on voltage level changes on the dc bus.Disturbances applied to the system introduced deviations on the dc bus that automatically changed the storage and backup generator’s mode of operation to maintain the power balance in the system.VII.D ISCUSSIONAlthough the results have verified the feasibility of DBS, several issues must be addressed in order for DBS to operate successfully in a practical system.In practice,the startup time of the backup generator is likely to be in the order of seconds. Therefore,a means of maintaining the power balance in the system while the backup generator is starting is needed.Short-term storage may be used for this purpose.Being a system based on power-electronic converters,high-frequency stability is also a major issue.The load interface con-verters exhibit a negative input impedance at low frequencies due to their constant power characteristics.Since the sources have a higher output impedance at low frequencies,interaction between the sources and loads can result in performance degra-dation or even instability in the system.Although this issue must be addressed in a practical system,this paper does not attempt to examine this issue since methods of dealing with this problem have been proposed[9],[10].VIII.C ONCLUSIONDBS is a method of scheduling the sources in a power-electronic-based dc nanogrid without the use of a central con-troller.DBS is made possible by independently controlling each source and storage interface converter to act as a constant voltage source with a constant power limit.Changes in the load and generation available create voltage-level changes on the dc bus as the converters switch between constant voltage and constant power operation.The dc bus therefore acts as a communication link between the sources,allowing a system control law to be implemented through a local control of each node.Experimental results obtained from a prototype system have demonstrated the operation of this control strategy.R EFERENCES[1]sseter,“Microgrids,”in Proc.IEEE Power Eng.Soc.WinterMeeting,2002,vol.1,pp.305–308.[2]J.Bryan,R.Duke,and S.Round,“Distributed generation—Nanogridtransmission and control options,”in Proc.Int.Power Eng.Conf., Nov.2003,vol.1,pp.341–346.[3]W.Dalbon,M.Roscia,and D.Zaninelli,“Hybrid photovoltaic systemcontrol for enhancing sustainable energy,”in Proc.IEEE Power Eng.Soc.Summer Meeting,2002,vol.1,pp.134–139.[4]R.Chedid and S.Rahman,“Unit sizing and control of hybrid wind-solarpower systems,”IEEE Trans.Energy Convers.,vol.12,no.1,pp.79–85, Mar.1997.[5]J.Bryan,R.Duke,and S.Round,“Decentralised control of a nanogrid,”in Proc.Australas.Univ.Power Eng.Conf.,Christchurch,New Zealand, Sep.2003.CDROM.[6]——,“Decentralized generator scheduling in a nanogrid using dc bussignaling,”in Proc.IEEE Power Eng.Soc.Summer Meeting,Jun.2004, pp.977–982,CDROM.[7]B.K.Johnson and sseter,“An industrial power distribution systemfeaturing ups properties,”in Proc.IEEE Power Electron.Spec.Conf.,Jun.1993,pp.759–765.[8]W.Tang and sseter,“An lvdc industrial power supply systemwithout central control unit,”in Proc.IEEE Power Electron.Spec.Conf., 2000,vol.2,pp.979–984.[9]X.Feng,J.Liu,and F.C.Lee,“Impedance specifications for stable dcdistributed power systems,”IEEE Trans.Power Electron.,vol.17,no.2, pp.157–162,Mar.2002.[10]G.S.Thandi,R.Zhang,K.Xing,F.C.Lee,and D.Boroyevich,“Mod-eling,control and stability analysis of a pebb based dc dps,”IEEE Trans.Power Del.,vol.14,no.2,pp.497–505,Apr.1999.John Schönberger(S’01)received the B.E.(Hons)and Ph.D.degrees from the University of Canter-bury,Christchurch,New Zealand,in2002and2006,respectively.In April2006,he joined the Power ElectronicSystems Laboratory,Swiss Federal Institute of Tech-nology,Zürich,Switzerland,as a Postdoctoral Re-searcher.His areas of interest include renewableenergy systems and the control of distributed dc–dcconverter-basedsystems.Richard Duke(S’75–M’79)received the Ph.D.degree from the University of Canterbury,Christchurch,New Zealand,in1979.He is currently an Associate Professor with theDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineeringat the University of Canterbury.From1995to2003,he was the Head of Department.His research in-terests include power electronics and power systemharmonics.Simon D.Round(S’87–M’89–SM’01)received theB.E.(Hons)and Ph.D.degrees from the Universityof Canterbury,Christchurch,New Zealand,in1989and1993,respectively.From1992to1995,he held positions of a Re-search Associate with the Department of ElectricalEngineering at the University of Minnesota and a Re-search Fellow with the Norwegian Institute of Tech-nology,Trondheim,Norway.From1995to2003,hewas a Lecturer/Senior Lecturer(Assistant/AssociateProfessor)with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Canterbury.Recently,he has worked as a power electronic Consultant with Vectek Electronics,where he developed a“state-of-the-art”digital controller for high-power inverter sys-tems.In September2004,he joined the Power Electronic Systems Laboratory at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,Zürich,Switzerland,as a Senior Research Associate.His research interests are in the area of grid-connected systems and digital control of power electronic systems.。