H. GLEITER纳米材料综述
由于以上特性的存在,使纳米金 属材料成为材料研究的热点,同 时金属及其合金纳米材料在现代 工业、国防和高技术发展中充当 着重要的角色。
1.钴(Co)高密度磁记录材料 2.吸波材料 3.表面涂层材料 4.高效催化剂 5.导电浆料 6.高性能磁记录材料 7.高效助燃剂 8.高硬度、耐磨WC-Co纳米复合材料 9.Al基纳米复合材料 10.其他应用
均匀的膏状物(可联想成牙膏、油漆等样子)。 厚膜技术是集电子材料、多层布线技术、表面微组装及平面集成技术于一体的微电子技术。
6.高性能磁记录材料 利用纳米铁粉矫顽力高、饱和磁化强度大、信噪比高和
抗氧化性能好等优点,可大幅度改善磁带和大容量软硬磁盘 的性能。
液相法特别适合制备组成均匀、纯度高的复合氧化物纳米粉体,但其缺点是 溶液中形成的粒子在干燥过程中,易发生相互团聚,导致分散性差,粒子粒度变 大。应用于液相法制备纳米微粒的设备比较简单,其生成的粒子大小可以通过控
铜及其合金纳米粉体用作催化剂效率高,选择性强,可用于二氧化碳和氢 合成甲醇等反应过程中的催化剂。通常的金属催化剂铁、铜、镍,钯、铂等制成 纳米微粒可大大改善催化效果。由于比表面积巨大和高活性,纳米镍粉具有极强 的催化效果,可用于有机物氢化反应、汽车尾气处理等。
用纳米铜粉替代贵金属粉末制备性能优越的电子浆料可大大降低成本,此 技术可促进微电子工艺的进一步优化。
关键词:纳米材料;应用;前景展望中图分类号:s219.04 文献标识号:a 文章编号:2306-1499(2013)03-(页码)-页数1.纳米技术引起纳米材料的兴起1959年,著名物理学家、诺贝尔奖获得者理查德·费曼预言,人类可以用小的机器制作更小的机器,最后实现根据人类意愿逐个排列原子、制造产品,这是关于纳米科技最早的梦想。
纳米材料综述功能材料与应用论文(已处理)纳米材料综述摘要概述了纳米材料的基本概念、分类方法及结构特征, 重点介绍了纳米材料的光谱、催化、光电化学及反应性等化学特性及应用.1、纳米材料的基本概念纳米材料是指颗粒尺寸为纳米量级 0.11 nm, 100nm 的超微粒子纳米微粒及由其聚集而构成的纳米固体材料。
其中纳米晶体材料按其结构形态又可分为四类:1 零维纳米晶体, 即纳米尺寸超微粒子;2 一维纳米晶体, 即在一维方向上晶粒尺寸为纳米量级, 如一维纤维, 一维碳纳米管;3 二维纳米晶体, 即在二维方向上晶粒尺寸为纳米量级, 如纳米薄膜、涂层;4 三维纳米晶体, 指晶粒在三维方向上均为纳米尺度, 如纳米体相材料, 纳米陶瓷材料。
另外, 还有纳米复合材料, 以复合方式不同分为0-0、0-2、0-3 型复合, 即零维纳米粒子分别与纳米粒子、二维及三维材料复合而成的固体材料。
纳米材料科学是现代化学、物理学、材料学、生物学等多门学科相互交叉、相互渗透的新兴学科, 其研究内容主要包括两个方面:1 系统地研究纳米材料的性能、微结构和谱学特性,通过和常规材料对比, 找出纳米材料的特殊规律, 建立描述和表征纳米材料的新概念和新理论, 发展完善纳米材料科学体系;2 探索新的制备方法, 发展新型的纳米材料, 研究制备工艺与材料结构、性能之间的关系规律, 并拓宽其应用领域。
粒子的表面原子占很大比例,并且是无序的类气状结构, 而在粒子内部则存在有序-无序结构,这与体相样品的完全长程有序结构不同。
从人类认识世界的精度来看,人类的文明发展进程可以划分为模糊时代江业革命之前)、毫米时代江业革命到20世纪初)、微米和纳米时代(20世纪40年代开始至今)>i n。
纳米材料是指特征尺寸在纳米数量级通常指1一100 rm)的极细颗粒组成的固体材料。
1国内外研究现状50年代末,美国著名物理学家Richard.P Feyn-man曾经设想“如果有一天能按人的意志安排一个个原子和分子,将会产生什么样的奇迹?”他提出逐级地缩小生产装置,以致最后直接由人类按需排布原子以制造产品。
进入60年代后,人们就开始对分立的纳米粒子进行了真正有效的研究;70年代末,德雷克斯勒成立了NST (NanoscaleScience & Technology)研究组;1984年德国科学家G 1e ite r首先制成了金属纳米材料,同年在柏林召开了第二届国际纳米粒子和等离子簇会议,使纳米材料成为世界性的热点之一;1990年在美国巴尔的摩生;1994年在德国斯图加特举行的第二届NST会议,表明纳米材料已成为材料科学和凝聚态物理等领域的焦点。
碳纳米材料综述课程:纳米材料日期:2015 年12 月碳纳米材料综述摘要:纳米材料是一种处于纳米量级的新一代材料,具有多种奇异的特性,展现特异的光、电、磁、热、力学、机械等物理化学性能,这使得纳米技术迅速地渗透到各个研究领域,引起了国内外众多的物理学家、化学家和材料学家的广泛关注,也成为当前世界最热门的科学研究热点。
纳米材料是指特征尺寸在纳米数量级(通常指1—100 nm)的极细颗粒组成的固体材料。
关键词纳米薄膜;薄膜制备; 微结构;性能21 世纪,由于信息、生物技术、能源、环境、国防等工业的快速发展, 对材料性能提出更新更高的要求,元器件的小型化、智能化、高集成、高密度存储和超快传输等要求材料的尺寸越来越小,航空航天、新型军事装备及先进制造技术使材料的性能趋于极端化。
因此, 新材料的研究和创新必然是未来的科学研究的重要课题和发展基础,其中由于纳米材料的特殊的物理和化学性能, 以及由此产生的特殊的应用价值, 必将使其成为科学研究的热点[1]。
事实上, 纳米材料并非新奇之物, 早在1000 多年以前, 我国古代利用蜡烛燃烧的烟雾制成碳黑作为墨的原料, 可能就是最早的纳米颗粒材料;我国古代铜镜表面的防锈层, 经验证为一层纳米氧化锡颗粒构成的薄膜,这大概是最早的纳米薄膜材料。
人类有意识的开展纳米材料的研究开始于大约50 年代,西德的Kanzig 观察到了BaTiO3 中的极性微区,尺寸在10~ 100纳米之间。
苏联的G. A. Smolensky假设复合钙钛矿铁电体中的介电弥散是由于存Kanzig微区导致成分布不均匀引起的。
60 年代日本的Ryogo Kubo在金属超微粒子理论中发现由于金属粒子的电子能级不连续,在低温下, 即当费米能级附近的平均能级间隔> kT 时, 金属粒子显示出与块状物质不同的热性质[ 4]。
西德的H. Gleiter 对纳米固体的制备、结构和性能进行了细致地研究[ 5]。
随着技术水平的不断提高和分析测试技术手段的不断进步, 人类逐渐研制出了纳米碳管, 纳米颗粒,纳米晶体, 纳米薄膜等新材料, 这些纳米材料有一般的晶体和非晶体材料不具备的优良特性, 它的出现使凝聚态物理理论面临新的挑战。
纳米材料自动化11-12班刘湘澎04111497纳米材料著名科学家费曼于1959年所作的《在底部还有很大空间》的演讲中,以“由下而上的方法”(bottom up) 出发,提出从单个分子甚至原子开始进行组装,以达到设计要求。
[2]2 纳米知识介绍2.1纳米纳米(Nanometer),是一种长度单位,即1米的十亿分之一,单位符号为 nm。
纳米技术的发展大致可以划分为3个阶段:第一阶段(1990年即在召开“Nano 1”以前)主要是在实验室探索各种纳米粉体的制备手段,合成纳米块体(包括薄膜),研究评估表征的方法,探索纳米材料的特殊性能。
第二阶段 (1990年~1994年)人们关注的热点是设计纳米复合材料:•纳米微粒与纳米微粒复合(0-0复合),•纳米微粒与常规块体复合(0-3复合),•纳米复合薄膜(0-2复合)。
纳米二氧化硅的简要介绍自1984 年Gleiter 教授成功制备出块状纳米材料以来, 纳米材料的研究已经成为材料领域的一个热点。
研究表明, 任何材料进入纳米尺寸(1~ 100 nm) 时都会具有奇异或反常的特性, 如表面界面效应、小尺寸效应、量子尺寸效应和宏观量子隧道效应等。
这些特性使纳米微粒结构表现出奇异的物理、化学特性, 具有卓越的光、电、力、热、放射、吸收等特殊功能[1]。
纳米材料是21 世纪各国产业革命的支柱,科学研究的热门,生产厂商的奋斗目标。
纳米SiO2为无定形白色粉末, 是一种无毒、无味、无污染的无机非金属材料, 粒径通常为20~200nm, 其微粒结构非常特殊, 表面存在不饱和的残键及不同键合状态的羟基, 其分子状态呈三维状结构( 三维网状结构或三维硅石结构等)[3]。
纳米SiO2化学纯度高, 分散性好, 比表面积大, 耐磨、耐腐蚀,广泛应用于电子封装材料、高分子复合材料、塑料、涂料、橡胶、颜料、精密陶瓷、胶粘剂、玻璃钢、粘结剂、高档填料、光导纤维、精密铸造、药物载体、化妆品及抗菌材料等领域[4]。
第47卷第1期6送坊Vol.47,No.l 2021年1月Sichuan Building Materials January,2021纳米材料改性水泥基注浆材料的作用机理与研究现状欧阳泽斌,杨坪(同济大学土木工程学院,上海200092)摘要:由于工程地质条件的复杂性,注浆材料需要满足速凝早强、抗分散性、耐久性好的要求。
关键词:纳米材料;注浆;作用机理;研究现状中图分类号:TD745文献标志码:A文章编号:1672-4011(2021)01-0001-03DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1672-4011.2021.01.001The action mechanism and research status of nano-materials modified cement-based grouting materialsOUYANG Zebin,YANG Ping(School of Civil Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai200092,China)Abstract:Due to the complexity of engineering geological conditions,grouting materials need to meet the requirements of quick setting,early strength,dispersion-resistance and good durability.Nanomaterials can improve the mechanical properties,dispersion-resistance and durability of cement-based grouting materials,providing a new direction for the development of grouting materials.In this paper,the action mechanism and research status of nano-materials modified cement-based grouting materials are summarized and analyzed,and it is pointed out that the research results of model test and numerical simulation on grouting parameters should be related to engineering practice,and the grouting materials more in line with specific engineering requirements should be developed,so as to provide guidance for grouting practice.Key words:nanomaterials;grouting;action mechanism;research statuso前言随着我国基础建设的不断推进,越来越多的工程项目面临复杂的工程地质条件,易发生突涌水等地质灾害,造成人员伤亡和经济损失。
纳米材料综述 论文
纳米材料综述1 引言纳米材料是指晶粒尺寸为纳米级(10-9米)的超细材料,它的微粒尺寸大于原子簇,小于通常的微粒,一般为100一102nm。
2 纳米材料特性一般在宏观领域中,某种物质固体的理化特性与该固体的尺度大小无关。
当物质颗粒小于100 nm时,物质本身的许多固有特性均发生质的变化。
三维纳米材料概述1 定义所谓纳米材料,指的是具有纳米量级(1~100nm)的晶态或非晶态超微粒构成的固体物质。
三维纳米结构(3D nanostructure)是指由零维、一维、二维中的一种或多种基本结构单元组成的复合材料,其中包括:横向结构尺寸小于100nm的物体;纳米微粒与常规材料的复合体;粗糙度小于100nm的表面;纳米微粒与多孔介质的组装体系等。
2 分类三维纳米材料主要包括:纳米玻璃、纳米陶瓷、纳米介孔材料、纳米金属和纳米高分子。
2.1 纳米陶瓷纳米陶瓷是指陶瓷材料的显微结构中,晶粒、晶界以及它们之间的结合都处于纳米量级水平,包括晶粒尺寸、晶界宽度、第二相分布、气孔与缺陷尺寸等都是纳米级。
2.2 纳米玻璃纳米玻璃属于无机非晶质材料,它是指在透明玻璃连续相中周期排列着纳米尺寸的第二相(微粒子、分相、结晶或气孔)的玻璃材料。
2.3 纳米介孔材料1992年美国Mobile公司的科学家们首次运用表面活性剂作为模板合成出介孔二氧化硅,命名为MCM—41。
表面,因此只要在材料上制备出一定厚度的纳米结构表层,即实现表面纳米化 (Surface Nanocrystallization-- SNC ),就可以通过表面组织和性能的优化提高材料的整体性能和服役行为[28]。基于这一点,在1999年卢柯和吕坚提出了“表面纳米化”这一新概念[29-31],该项技术既着眼于当前的科技水平又面向实际工程应用,为利用纳米技术提高传统工程金属材料的性能和使用寿命提供了一
米尺度的图案材料(Patterning material on the nanometre scale)。它的基本内涵是以纳米颗粒以及由它
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NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS:BASIC CONCEPTS ANDMICROSTRUCTUREpH.GLEITERForschungszentrum Karlsruhe,Institute of Nanotechnology,D-76021Karlsruhe,Germany(Received 1June 1999;accepted 15July 1999)Abstract ÐNanostructured Materials (NsM)are materials with a microstructure the characteristic length scale of which is on the order of a few (typically 1±10)nanometers.NsM may be in or far away from ther-modynamic equilibrium.NsM synthesized by supramolecular chemistry are examples of NsM in thermo-dynamic equilibrium.NsM consisting of nanometer-sized crystallites (e.g.of Au or NaCl)with di erent crystallographic orientations and/or chemical compositions are far away from thermodynamic equilibrium.The properties of NsM deviate from those of single crystals (or coarse-grained polycrystals)and/or glasses with the same average chemical composition.This deviation results from the reduced size and/or dimen-sionality of the nanometer-sized crystallites as well as from the numerous interfaces between adjacent crys-tallites.An attempt is made to summarize the basic physical concepts and the microstructural features of equilibrium and non-equilibrium NsM.#2000Acta Metallurgica Inc.Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Nanostructured materials;Chemical stability;Thermodynamics;Mechanical properties;Micro-structure1.BASIC CONCEPTS1.1.Categories of nanostructured materialsOne of the very basic results of the physics and chemistry of solids is the insight that most proper-ties of solids depend on the microstructure,i.e.the chemical composition,the arrangement of the atoms (the atomic structure)and the size of a solid in one,two or three dimensions.In other words,if one changes one or several of these parameters,the properties of a solid vary.The most well-known example of the correlation between the atomic structure and the properties of a bulk material is probably the spectacular variation in the hardness of carbon when it transforms from diamond to parable variations have been noted if the atomic structure of a solid deviates far from equilibrium or if its size is reduced to a few intera-tomic spacings in one,two or three dimensions.An example of the latter case is the change in color of CdS crystals if their size is reduced to a few nano-meters [1].The synthesis of materials and/or devices with new properties by means of the controlled manipu-lation of their microstructure on the atomic level has become an emerging interdisciplinary ®eld based on solid state physics,chemistry,biology and materials science.The materials and/or devices involved may be divided into the following three categories [2].The ®rst category comprises materials and/or devices with reduced dimensions and/or dimension-ality in the form of (isolated,substrate-supported or embedded)nanometer-sized particles,thin wires or thin ®lms.CVD,PVD,inert gas condensation,var-ious aerosol techniques,precipitation from the vapor,from supersaturated liquids or solids (both crystalline and amorphous)appear to be the tech-niques most frequently used to generate this type of microstructure.Well-known examples of technologi-cal applications of materials the properties of which depend on this type of microstructure are catalysts and semiconductor devices utilizing single or multi-layer quantum well structures.The second category comprises materials and/or devices in which the nanometer-sized microstructure is limited to a thin (nanometer-sized)surface region of a bulk material.PVD,CVD,ion implantation and laser beam treatments are the most widely applied procedures to modify the chemical compo-sition and/or atomic structure of solid surfaces on a nanometer scale.Surfaces with enhanced corrosion resistance,hardness,wear resistance or protectiveActa mater.48(2000)1±291359-6454/00/$20.00#2000Acta Metallurgica Inc.Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.All rights reserved.PII:S 1359-6454(99)00285-2/locate/actamatpThe Millennium Special Issue ÐA Selection of Major Topics in Materials Science and Engineering:Current status and future directions,edited by S.Suresh.coatings (e.g.by diamond)are examples taken from today's technology in which the properties of a thin surface layer are improved by means of creating a nanometer-sized microstructure in a thin surface region.An important subgroup of this category are materials,the surface region of which are structured laterally on a nanometer scale by ``writing''a nano-meter-sized structural pattern on the free surface.For example,patterns in the form of an array of nanometer-sized islands (e.g.quantum dots)con-nected by thin (nanometer scale)wires.Patterns of this type may be synthesized by lithography,by means of local probes (e.g.the tip of a tunneling microscope,near-®eld methods,focussed electron or ion beams)and/or surface precipitation processes.Processes and devices of this sort are expected to play a key role in the production of the next gener-ation of electronic devices such as highly integrated circuits,terrabit memories,single electron transis-tors,quantum computers,etc.In this paper we shall focus attention on the third category of bulk solids with a nanometer-scale microstructure.In fact,we shall focus on bulk solids in which the chemical composition,theatomic arrangement and/or the size of the building blocks (e.g.crystallites or atomic/molecular groups)forming the solid vary on a length scale of a few nanometers throughout the bulk.Two classes of such solids may be distinguished.In the ®rst class,the atomic structure and/or the chemical composition varies in space continuously throughout the solid on an atomic scale.Glasses,gels,supersaturated solid solutions or implanted materials are examples of this type (cf.Fig.1).In many cases these types of solids are produced by quenching a high-temperature (equilibrium)struc-ture,e.g.a melt or a solid solution to low tempera-tures at which the structure is far away from equilibrium.In the last two decades a second class of ma-terials with a nanometer-sized microstructure has been synthesized and studied.These materials are assembled of nanometer-sized building blocksÐmostly crystallitesÐas displayed in Fig.2.These building blocks may di er in their atomic structure,their crystallographic orientation and/or their chemical composition.If the building blocks are crystallites,incoherent or coherent interfaces may be formed between them,depending on the atomic structure,the crystallographic orientation and/or the chemical composition of adjacent crystallites.In other words,materials assembled of nanometer-sized building blocks are microstructurally hetero-geneous consisting of the building blocks (e.g.crys-tallites)and the regions between adjacent building blocks (e.g.grain boundaries).It is this inherently heterogeneous structure on a nanometer scale that is crucial for many of their properties and dis-tinguishes them from glasses,gels,etc.that are microstructurally homogeneous (cf.Figs 1and 2).Materials with a nanometer-sized microstructure are called ``Nanostructured Materials''(NsM)orÐsynonymouslyÐnanophase materials,nanocrystal-line materials or supramolecular solids.In this paper we shall focus on these ``Nanostructured Materials''and use this term exclusively.The synthesis,characterization and processing of such NsM are part of an emerging and rapidly growing ®eld referred to as nanotechnology.R&D in this ®eld emphasizes scienti®c discoveries in gen-eration of materials with controlled microstructural characteristics,research on their processing into bulk materials with engineered properties and tech-nological functions,and introduction of new device concepts and manufacturing methods.1.2.E ects controlling the properties ofnanostructured materialsAs the properties of solids depend on size,atomic structure and chemical composition,NsM exhibit new properties due to one or several of the follow-inge ects.Fig.1.Two-dimensional model of an Al 2O 3glass[3].Fig.2.Two-dimensional model of a nanostructured ma-terial.The atoms in the centers of the crystals are indi-cated in black.The ones in the boundary core regions arerepresented as open circles [13].2GLEITER:NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS1.2.1.Size e ects.Size e ects result if the charac-teristic size of the building blocks of the microstruc-ture (e.g.the crystallite size,Fig.2)is reduced to the point where critical length scales of physical phenomena (e.g.the mean free paths of electrons or phonons,a coherency length,a screening length,etc.)become comparable with the characteristic size of the building blocks of the microstructure.An example is shown in Fig.3.If the thickness of the layers of a superlattice is comparable with the wavelength of the electrons at the Fermi edge,dis-crete energy levels for electrons and holes are formed in the quantum wells.Such size e ects mod-ifying the mechanical and optical properties are dis-played in Figs 7(a)and (b).1.2.2.Change of the dimensionality of the system.If a NsM consists of thin needle-shaped or ¯at,two-dimensional crystallites (cf.Fig.6),only two or one dimension of the building blocks becomes com-parable with the length scale of a physical phenom-enon.In other words,in these cases the NsM becomes a two-or one-dimensional system with respect to this phenomenon.1.2.3.Changes of the atomic structure.Changes in the atomic structure result if a high density of inco-herent interfaces (Fig.2)Ðor other lattice defects such as dislocations,vacancies,etc.Ðis incorpor-ated.The cores of lattice defects represent a con-strained state of solid matter di ering structurally from (unconstrained)crystals and/or glasses.As a consequence,a solid containing a high density of defect cores di ers structurally from a defect-free solid with the same (average)chemical composition.The boundaries in Fig.2represent an example of this e ect:the mis®t between adjacent crystalliteschanges the atomic structure (e.g.the average atomic density,the nearest-neighbor coordination,etc.)in the boundary regions relative to the perfect crystal (cf.Section 2.1.3).At high defect densities the volume fraction of defect cores becomes com-parable with the volume fraction of the crystalline regions.In fact,this is the case if the crystal diam-eter becomes comparable with the thickness of the interfaces,i.e.for crystal sizes on the order of one or a few nanometers as is the case in NsM.1.2.4.Alloying of components (e.g.elements)that are immiscible in the solid and/or the molten state.The following cases of this type of immiscible com-ponents in NsM may be distinguished:soluteatomsFig.3.Energy-band diagrams for undoped GaAs±Al x Ga 1Àx As superlattices showing conduction and valence-band edges with heterostructure potential wells at x 0X 3,D E c 9300meV X The horizontal lines represent quantum-well discrete energy levels for electrons and holes con®ned in the GaAs layers[5].Fig.4.Schematic model of the structure of nanostructured Cu±Bi and W±Ga alloys.The open circles represent the Cu or W atoms,respectively,forming the nanometer-sized crystals.The black circles are the Bi or Ga atoms,respect-ively,incorporated in the boundaries at sites of enhanced local free volume.The atomic structure shown was deduced from EXAFS and X-ray di raction measurements[6].GLEITER:NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS 3(Fig.4)with little solubility in the lattice of the crystallites frequently segregate to the boundary cores (e.g.the free energy of the system in several alloys is reduced if large solute atoms segregate to the boundary core).The second case of nanostruc-tured alloys results if the crystallites of a NsM have di erent chemical compositions.Even if the con-stituents are immiscible in the crystalline and/or molten state (e.g.Fe and Ag),the formation of solid solutions in the boundary regions of the NsM has been noticed (Fig.5)[7].Finally,it may be pointed out that NsM are by no means limited to polycrystalline materials con-sisting of the type displayed in Fig.2.In semicrys-talline polymers,nanometer-sized microstructures are formed that consist of crystalline and non-crys-talline regions di ering in molecular structure and/or chemical composition (Figs 19and 20).Polymeric NsM will be discussed in Sections 2.1.8and 2.1.9.NsM synthesized by supramolecular chemistry result if di erent types of molecular building blocks are self-assembled into a large var-iety of one-,two-or three-dimensional arrays (Figs 23±27).NsM of this type will be considered in Section 2.2.The remarkable potential the ®eld of NsM o ers in the form of bulk materials,composites or coating materials to optoelectronic engineering,magnetic recording technologies,micro-manufacturing,bioen-gineering,etc.is recognized by rge-scale programs,institutes and research networks have been initiated recently on these and other topics in the United States,Japan,EC,China and other countries.In order to keep this article within the length required,it will be limited to considering the micro-structure of equilibrium and non-equilibrium NsM.In other words,nanostructured devices,carbon-based nanostructures (e.g.fullerenes,nanotubes),high surface area (nanometer-sized)materials,sus-pensions of nanometer-sized crystals,thin ®lms and materials with nanostructured surface regions will not be discussed.Concerning recent review articles on NsM we refer to Refs [2,4,8±13].2.MICROSTRUCTURESMaterials with nanometer-sized microstructures may be classi®ed according to their free energy into equilibrium NsM and NsM far away from thermo-dynamic equilibrium which will be called ``non-equilibrium NsM''.2.1.Non-equilibrium Nanostructured Materials Non-equilibrium NsM are materials composed of structural elementsÐmostly crystallitesÐwith a characteristic size (at least in one direction)of a few nanometers (Fig.2).In other words,non-equili-brium NsM are inherently heterogeneous on a nano-meter scale consisting of nanometer-sized building blocks separated by boundary regions.The various types of non-equilibrium NsM di er by the charac-teristic features of their building blocks (e.g.crystal-lites with di erent or identical chemical composition,di erent or identical atomic structure,di erent or identical shape,size,etc.).However,the size,structure,etc.of the building blocks are not the only microstructural features distinguishing di erent NsM.In fact,the boundary regions between them play a similar role.The chemical composition,atomic structure,thickness,etc.of the boundary regions are equally crucial for the proper-ties of NsM (e.g.Figs 2,4and 5).In other words,even if the building blocks,e.g.the crystallites of two NsM,have comparable size,chemical compo-sition,etc.,the properties of both NsM may deviate signi®cantly if their interfacial structures di er.Di erent interfacial structures may result if the two NsM have been synthesized by di erent procedures.For example,nanocrystalline Ni (crystal size about 10nm,density about 94%)prepared by consolida-tion of Ni powder exhibited little (<3%)ductility whereas nanocrystalline Ni (similar grain size and chemical composition)obtained by means of an electro-deposition process could be deformed exten-sively (>100%).The major di erence noticed between both materials was the energy stored in the interfacial regions suggesting di erent interfacial structures (cf.also Section 2.1.7).Numerous other examples emphasizing the signi®cance of the micro-structure for the properties of NsM may be found in the literature [4±13].One of the technologically attractive features of non-equilibrium NsM is the fact that theirmicro-Fig.5.Schematic model of nanocrystalline Ag±Fe alloys according to the data of Mo ssbauer spectroscopy.The alloys consist of a mixture of nanometer-sized Ag and Fe crystals (represented by open and full circles,respectively).In the (strained)interfacial regions between Ag and Fe crystals,solid solutions of Fe atoms in Ag crystallites,and Ag atoms in the Fe crystallites are formed although both components are immiscible in the liquid as well as in the solid state.Similar e ects may occur in the grain bound-aries between adjacent Fe and Ag crystals [7].4GLEITER:NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALSstructure (and properties)can be manipulatedÐas in all non-equilibrium systemsÐby the mode of preparation.This allows a wide variety of micro-structures (and hence properties)to be generated.Naturally,the other side of the coin is that any technological application of NsM is only possible if one is able to fully characterize and control their microstructure,and if the correlation between their properties and their microstructure is well under-stood so that NsM with controlled properties can be produced reproducibly.This is one of the reasons for focussing a large portion of this article on the microstructure of NsM.2.1.1.Classi®cation of Nanostructured Materials.Let us ®rst consider non-polymeric NsM .Non-poly-meric NsM consisting of nanometer-sized crystal-lites and interfaces may be classi®ed [2]according to their chemical composition and the shape (dimen-sionality)of their microstructural constituents (boundary regions and crystallites;Fig.6).According to the shape of the crystallites ,three cat-egories of NsM may be distinguished:layer-shaped crystallites,rod-shaped crystallites (with layer thick-ness or rod diameters in the order of a few nano-meters),and NsM composed of equiaxed nanometer-sized crystallites.Depending on the chemical composition of the crystallites,the three categories of NsM may be grouped into four families .In the most simple case (®rst family,Fig.6),all crystallites and interfacial regions have the same chemical composition.Examples of this family of NsM are semicrystalline polymers (consisting of stacked crystalline lamellae separated by non-crys-talline regions;®rst category in Fig.6)or NsM made up of equiaxed nanometer-sized crystals,e.g.of Cu (third category).NsM belonging to the sec-ond family consist of crystallites with di erent chemical compositions (indicated in Fig.6by di er-ent thickness of the lines used for hatching).Quantum well (multilayer)structures are probably the most well-known examples of this type (®rst category).If the compositional variation occurs pri-marily between crystallites and the interfacial regions,the third family of NsM is obtained.In this case one type of atoms (molecules)segregates preferentially to the interfacial regions so that the structural modulation (crystals/interfaces)is coupled to the local chemical modulation.NsM consisting of nanometer-sized W crystals with Ga atomssegre-Fig.6.Classi®cation schema for NsM according to their chemical composition and the dimensionality (shape)of the crystallites (structural elements)forming the NsM.The boundary regions of the ®rst and second family of NsM are indicated in black to emphasize the di erent atomic arrangements in the crystallites and in the boundaries.The chemical composition of the (black)boundary regions and the crystallites is identical in the ®rst family.In the second family,the (black)boundaries are the regions where two crystals of di erent chemical composition are joined together causing a steep concentrationgradient [2].GLEITER:NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS 5gated to the grain boundaries (Fig.4)are an example of this type (third category).An interesting new type of such materials was recently produced by co-milling Al 2O 3and Ga.It turned out that this procedure resulted in nanometer-sized Al 2O 3crys-tals separated by a network of non-crystalline layers of Ga [14].Depending on the Ga content,the thick-ness of the Ga boundaries between the Al 2O 3crys-tals varies between less than a monolayer and up to about seven layers of Ga.The fourth family of NsM is formed by nanometer-sized crystallites (layers,rods or equiaxed crystallites)dispersed in a matrix of di erent chemical composition.Precipitation-hardened alloys belong in this group of NsM.Nanometer-sized Ni 3Al precipitates dis-persed in a Ni matrixÐgenerated by annealing a supersaturated Ni±Al solid solutionÐare an example of such alloys.Most high-temperature ma-terials used in jet engines of modern aircraft are based on precipitation-hardened Ni 3Al/Ni alloys [cf.Fig.7(a)].The NsM considered so far consisted mostly of crystalline components.However,in addition,NsM are known in which one or all constituents are non-crystalline.For example,semicrystalline polymers consist of alternating (nanometer thick)crystalline and non-crystalline layers (cf.Figs 19and 20).The various types of microstructures that may be formed in polymeric NsM will be discussed in Section 2.1.8.Other NsM consisting of a crystalline and a non-crystalline structural component are par-tially crystallized glasses and nanocrystalline metal nitrides,carbides of the type M n N,M n C metal Ti ,Zr,Nb,W,V)embedded in an amor-phous matrix,e.g.a Si 3N 4matrix.Metal nitrides embedded in amorphous Si 3N 4have been prepared by high-frequency discharge,direct current dis-charge or plasma-induced chemical vapor depo-sition [15].The remarkable feature of these materials is their hardness which seems to be com-parable with or higher than that of diamond.Elastic image forces are argued to require a very high stress to force dislocations to cut through the nanometer-sized nitride crystallites.This high stress may,however,not lead to fracture because any crack formed in one of the crystallites is suggested to be stopped by the ductile amorphous Si 3N 4matrix surrounding the cracked crystallite.Another family of technologically interesting NsM consisting of nanometer-sized crystallites embedded in an amorphous matrix is nanocrystalline magnetic ma-terials.They are derived from crystallizing amor-phous ribbons of (Fe,B)-based metallic glasses.Their microstructure is characterized by 10±25nm-sized grains of a b.c.c.-a -FeX phase consuming about 70±80%of the total volume.This phase is homogeneously dispersed in an amorphous matrix.The two families of alloys showing the best per-formance characteristics are Fe±Cu±Nb±B±Si (FINEMET)and Fe±Zr±Cu±B±Si (NANOPERM).``Finemet''alloys have a saturation induction of about 1.2T and their properties at high frequencies are comparable with the best Co-based amorphous metals.The outstanding features of ``Nanoperm''alloys are the very low losses exhibited at low fre-quencies `100Hz o ering potential for appli-cations in electrical power distribution transformers.Spinodally decomposed glasses represent NsM in which all constituents are non-crystalline.Finally,crystalline or non-crystalline materials containing a high density of nanometer-sized voids (e.g.due to the a -particle irradiation)are NsM,one component of which is a gas or vacuum.A well-known example of a NsM with a void-type structure is porous Si.Porous Si has attracted considerable attention because of its strong photoluminescence in visible light.Two fundamental features of bulk Si limit its use in optoelectronic devices:the centrosymmetric crystal structure prevents a linearelectro-opticalFig.7.(a)Flow stress of Ni±13at.%Ni alloys as a function of the size of the Ni 3Al precipitates.(b)Photoluminescence spectra of nanocrystalline ZnO with di erent crystal sizes in comparison with thebulk material.The detection wavelength was 550nm [2].6GLEITER:NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALSe ect.Hence,Si cannot be used for light modu-lation.Secondly,the band gap of Si is indirect and lies in the infrared region Eg H1X170eV).As a con-sequence,Si was considered unsuitable for light-emitting technologies.In1990it was reported that porous Si could luminesce.Two lines of thought were put forward to explain the e ect:quantum con®nement and luminescence of chemical com-plexes attached to the free surface of the silicon crystallites.The quantum con®nement model pro-poses the carriers in porous Si to be con®ned to microcrystallites with a size of1±4nm formed due to the porosity of the Si.The chemical complexes capable of luminescing in the observed spectral range were proposed to be siloxene compounds,a complex of Si,H and O.Recently,``hybrid models'' were discussed where both,the interior and the sur-face of the porous Si are involved in the photolumi-nescence.Obviously,the model of a non-equilibrium NsM considered so far(Fig.2)is highly simpli®ed in thesense that it is based on a hard-sphere approach. Nonetheless,two characteristic features of a NsM are already borne out by this approach:the nano-meter-sized crystallites are expected to exhibit size and/or dimensionality e ects for the reasons given in the previous paragraph(Section1.2).Moreover, several properties(e.g.di usion,internal friction, etc.)of a NsM should be controlled by the presence of a high density of grain and/or interphase bound-aries.Indeed,these kinds of e ects have been revealed by a large number of experimental studies in recent years(see,e.g.[52]).For the sake of brev-ity,this paper will be limited to discussing only one or very few experiments as a representative example for each case.2.1.2.Size e ects.Figure7(a)shows the depen-dence of the¯ow stress of a nanocomposite consist-ing of nanometer-sized Ni3Al crystallites dispersed in a matrix made up of a NiAl solid solution.The total volume fraction of Ni3Al crystallites is the same for all Ni3Al crystal sizes shown in Fig.7(a); the only parameter varied is the size of the Ni3Al crystallites.Figure7(b)displays the blue shift in the luminescence spectra as a function of the crystal size for nanocrystalline ZnO(consisting of consoli-dated ZnO crystals separated by grain boundaries). The blue shift is a quantum size e ect.If the crys-tallite size becomes comparable or smaller than the de Broglie wavelength of the charge carriers gener-ated by the absorbed light,the con®nement increases the energy required for absorption.This energy increase shifts the absorption/luminescence spectra towards shorter wavelengths(blue). Another e ect related to the reduced size of the crystallites in NsM concerns the atomic structure of the interfaces.More precisely,the question:is the atomic structure of the interfaces between nano-meter-sized crystallites di erent from the structure of the interfaces between crystals of in®nite size (same chemical composition,orientation,relation-ship,etc.)?So far,only a few speci®c cases have been studied experimentally and theoretically by means of molecular dynamics computations.The results of these studies may be summarized as fol-lows:in metallic NsM,the low-temperature atomic structure of the boundaries of a NsM di ers from the structure of the boundaries in a coarse polycrys-tal primarily by the rigid body translation.The deviating rigid body relaxation of both types of boundaries results from the di erent constraints in both materials:in coarse-grained polycrystals adja-cent crystallites are free to minimize the boundary energy by a translational motion relative to one another(called rigid body relaxation).In a NsM the constraints exerted by the neighboring nano-meter-sized crystallites limit the rigid bodyparison of the vibrational density of states g(n)for nanocrystalline Cu(crystal size8.2A,solid line) with those for a Lennard±Jones glass(molecular-dynamics simulation,dash±dotted line)and for the perfect f.c.c.crystal(dashed line);n is the phonon frequency[29].parison of the temperature dependence of the total free energy of nanocrystalline Cu(for di erent grain sizes as indicated in the®gure)with a Lennard±Jones glass[29]and the perfect crystal.GLEITER:NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS7。