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16、medical examination

1 Now Mr Jacob, I'd like to examine you. I just want to check one or two things, your heart and your lungs and abdomen. Would you just take off your clothes/just/ down to your underwear 内衣and put on this gown with the opening at the back.

2 Hop on/please get on/ the table for me, can you manage or shall I give you a hand?/ can you do it yourself or would you like me to help?

3 Right, give me your wrist, will you. I am going to take your pulse. That is fine.

4 Now let's take your blood pressure. Will you straighten your arm for me, please.

5 Now let's have a look at your eyes. Look up for me. please.

6 Let me check the reflexes in your arms and legs. Relax.

7 Turn your head to the right to look at the wall. I want to check the pulse in your neck.

8 Let me feel your windpipe… Let me just feel your glands. That’s fine.

9 Stick your tongue out for me, please. Open your mouth and say “ahh“.

10 Right, now I want to listen to your heart. Just breathe out quietly

11 Now sit forward when I listen at the back, hold your breath. ... Good. Now let's listen to your lungs. Take deep breaths through your mouth-- in ....out ... keep going.

12 I’d like to feel your abdomen. Put your arms down by your side and let your

tummy/stoma ch/ relax… that’s it. Are there any places that are tender or painful? Now I want to check your liver and spleen so take deep breath in, hold it...fine.

13 I'd just like to examine your prostate and rectum. Now this will be slightly uncomfortable, but it shouldn't hurt. Lie down on your left side and bend your knees right up to your chest…fine. I am going to insert a finger into your rectum. Don’t worry, you won't lose any control.


17 isotope scanning同位素扫描

1, you will receive an intravenous injection, make a tight fist, now open it, this injection contains the medicine which can be seen by the machine so that it is possible for us to scan your organ. you have to wait so the medicine can reach the organ. you must not move during the scan. we will sent the results to your doctor.

2, have you drunk anything today? you must drink four glasses before the scan.we will give you a water tablet during the scan, after which you will have to urinate more often then usual.do you take anything to keep your blood presure down?

3, a, before you get the injection you need lie on your back for ten minutes.

b, now you have to inhale a vapour for the test.this has no taste or smell. you'll need to sit in front of an inhaler, you'll get a clip for your nose so that you breath through your mouth. 4, before the examination you need drink a litre of the fluid over the period of twehours.before we call you you should go to the toilet to empty your bladder.otherwise we cann't scan your hip correctly.

5, you'll have to drink a sweetened solution which will contract your gallbladder, this tastes very sweet and in some people causes diarrhea

6, my colleage the cardiologist will explain the procedure,after you are given the isotope injection you have to consume fatty food or drink, such as milk, cheese or sandwish. this is
