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1.I’m happy ________ a friend of ________.

A.to visit, my B.visiting my C.to visit, mine D.visiting, my 2.Look at the________on the ground, and it’s telling us autumn has come.

A.leaves B.leaf C.leafs D.leafes 3.Look, this is________ bedroom.

A.my father and mother’s B.my father’s and mother’s

C.my father’s and mother D.my father and mother

4.Those _________ plans for the holiday sound great. How about ________?

A.girl’s ; yours B.girls’; you

C.girls ; your D.girls’; yours

5.Good food and_______help her_______better.

A.exercise; study B.exercise; studies

C.exercises; studying D.exercises; to study

6.—Look.There’re lots of______here.

—Great.We can make______soup.

A.egg;egg B.eggs;egg

C.egg;eggs D.eggs;eggs

7.Peter would like a bowl of ________noodles.

A.tomato and egg B.tomato and eggs

C.tomatoes and eggs D.tomatoes and egg

8.—What is your _______, Lingling?

—I really enjoy reading _______ stories at night.

A.interests; interesting B.interests; interest

C.interest; interesting D.interesting; interest

9.The computer is _______________.

A.Amy's and Lily's B.Amy and Lily C.Amy's and Lily D.Amy and Lily's 10.Thanks for the two _______________you gave(给)to me.

A.tape player B.tapes players C.tape players D.taper players 11.I am hungry. But there is little left. I have to go and buy some. A.sandwiches B.potatoes C.water D.bread 12.________the________Mike’ s and Jack’s?

A.Is, rooms B.Are, room C.Are, rooms D.Is, room 13.—What do animals eat?

—Some eat_______ and some eat_______.

A.meat ,leafs B.meats, leafs

C.meat ,leaves D.meats ,leaves

14.—________ shows are getting more and more popular.

—That's true. And many people are truly________.

A.Talent; talent B.Talent; talented C.Talented; talented D.Talented; talent 15.—May I take your order,sir? —________.

A.Chicken with vegetables and two bowls of rices

B.Chicken with vegetables and two bowls of rice

C.Chickens with vegetable and two bowl of rices

D.Chickens with vegetables and two bowls of rices

16.—What would you like for breakfast? —I'd like ________.

A.tomato noodle B.tomato noodles

C.tomatoes noodle D.tomatoes noodles

17.--What kind of noodles you like?

--I’d like noodles.

A.do;tomatoes B.would;tomato C.do;tomato D.would;tomatoes 18.I want to buy ________.

A.a bread B.some breads C.two piece of bread D.two bags of bread 19.—_______everyone with kindness even those who are impolite to you. Remember: not because they are worth it, but because you are nice.

一Everyone should treat others with_______.

A.To treat; warmly B.Treat; warmth C.Treating; warm 20.These aren’t.They’re my brother’s.

A.pen;mine B.pens;mine

C.pen;my D.pens;my

21.Learning English in a classroom is important, but using English in real ________ will improve skills greatly.

A.conditions B.situations C.events D.positions

22.He has over 20 years teaching ________. I bet he is quite________.

A.experience; experience B.experience; experienced C.experienced; experience D.experienced; experienced

23.Mary, please get some ________for me.

A.orange B.pear C.tomato

24.—How many________ doctors are there in your hospital?

—________ them________ over one hundred

A.woman; The number of; is B.women; The number of; is

C.women; A number of; are

25.I share my room ______ a friend of _________.

A.to, me B.with, mine C.with, me D.from, mine

