






41. Physical Humor滑稽动作Equipment: noneGroup: 10* participantsDuration: 1—2 minutesPretend you can't open the door when you arrive on the first day, trip over your chair, drop your books and cards as often as possible, lose your marker in plain sight, bump your head on something…The kids will go nuts with laughter, they will relax, and you'll have their undivided attention.在破冰阶段,这一动作游戏可以促进同伴间的熟识。


42. Point to It点中它Equipment: various (flashcards/ body parts/ classroom objects/colors/ other vocabulary items)Group: 5* participantsDuration: 3—4 minutesStudents merely point to the item that the teacher says. Allow students to look at their friends' responses for this. This can be used for the presentation stage of the lesson, but needs to be kept brief. It can also be used to review items prior to a speaking activity in games such as "Snakes and Ladders" and "Follow the Wire".该游戏训练的是学生对词汇与物体进行匹配的能力,其背后的依据是图式理论。

英语课堂游戏 Games in Class

英语课堂游戏 Games in Class

Games in ClassAlphabet Shout OutRandomly choose an alphabet flashcard and award a point to the first student who shouts out a word beginning with that letter.Alphabet Writing RelayDivide and line up the students into two teams. Divide the board into two halves and have one student from each team run to the board, write 'A', then run to the back of the line. The next student writes 'B', etc. The first team to finish wins.Alphabet Erase relayAs 'Alphabet Writing Relay', but this time, write the alphabet on each half of the board and have each team race to erase the letters in order.Alphabet SculpturesDivide the students into teams and call out a letter of the alphabet. Award a point to the first team that can form the letter with their bodies.Alphabet SoupGive each student an alphabet flashcard and have them skip around the room to the 'ABC Song'. Stop the tape at random and have the students rush to line up in order, e.g. A-K.Alphabet TouchCall out letters and have the students find and touch them in the classroom, on posters, etc.Alphabet WaveGive each student a few ordered alphabet flashcards and play the 'ABC Song'. Have the students hold up the cards that correspond to the letters they hear in the song.Animal CrackersTake a big dice and assign an animal to each number. Have the students roll the dice and act like the animal!The BallThrow the ball to a student and ask that student a question. The student answers and throws the ball to another student asking the same question. E.g. "Can you...?", "Yes, I can. / No, I can't." "Do you like...?", "Yes, I do. / No, I don't."Balloon TossHave the students stand in a circle. Toss a balloon to one student and elicit vocabulary or a structure from that student. They must be able to tap the balloon in the air without missing the vocabulary or structure E.g. S1: "My name's Miki. What's your name?" (tap) "My name's Hiro. What's your name?" (tap).Basic Flashcard FunThe teacher simply holds up a flash card and elicits the answer from the students. This can be done in teams with points awarded for correct answers.can beat their fastest time.BingoBingo can be used with any topic. Blank Bingo sheets can be used, and students can write of draw randomly in the boxes. The winner is the first student to cross out all the numbers/letters etc. on the sheet.Blindfold ConversationArrange the class in a circle and choose one student to stand in the circle with a blindfold on. Spin the student and tell him/her to point. Tell the student to guess the name of the student he/she is pointing at by talking to him/her. E.g. "Hello. How are you? Do you like...?"BluffThe object of the game is to be the first student to get rid of all his/her cards. Divide the students into small group and deal flashcards to each student. Player 1 chooses a card from his/her hand and throws it face down on the table saying, for example, "I have (a cat)". Player 1 may be telling the truth or bluffing. If player 2 has a 'cat' in his/her hand then there's a good chance player 1 is bluffing. Player 2 should say "No, you don't". If player 1 was bluffing, player 2 gives player 1 a penalty card from his/her hand. If player 1 was telling the truth then he/she gives player 2 a penalty card from his/her hand. Continue until one student is out of cards.The BombPass a ball, object or a flash card around a circle of students. When the timer rings, the student holding the ball must answer a question, make a sentence or say a word.Car RaceArrange the flash cards in a long line with starting and finishing points. Give each student a counter. The first student throws the dice and moves. The student must say the word on the flashcard he/she lands on. If the student makes a mistake, he/she goes back to his/her original place. Add colored paper between cards to represent 'Take Another Turn', and assign a crash number e.g. #4 on the dice which means the student must return to the beginning.Catch The FruitToss a piece of plastic fruit to a student and ask, "What is it?" Elicit and prompt the correct vocabulary. Gesture the student to throw it back to you and repeat with different fruit and students. For a variation see 'The Ball'.CharadesDivide and line up the class into two teams. The first student from each team comes to the front. The teacher whispers a word or shows a flashcard to the two students and they act it out. The first team to call out the correct word gets a point. E.g. sleeping, eating, playing soccer...ClustersPlay any music and have the students walk, skip, jump, hop, etc around the room randomly. Stop the music and call out a number between 1-8. The students must quickly get together in a group or groups of that number, and the odd students must sit out until the next round.CommandoThe teacher is the commando and gives commands to the class and/or individual students. This is a great energy burner as well as review of actions colors, numbers or anything else you can throw in. E.g. "Jump 10 times", "Touch your (body part)", "Touch (classroom object", "Turn around", "Stand up / Sit down".saying the vocabulary. If the flashcards are a match, the student keeps the cards. If they are different, they remain face down. The student with the most pairs is the winner.Conversation RelayLine up the students in two teams and have the last student in each team tap the shoulder of the student in front and have a conversation E.g. "What's you name?", "How are you?". The student answering then starts the same conversation with the student in front, and so on. When the conversation reaches the front, the student at the front must run to the back and continue the procedure. The first team to get all the students back in their original positions wins.Crazy TrainStudents line up behind the teacher in a choo choo train line. Give commands such as "faster", "slower", "turn left", and "stop".Dance Of The OstrichesPair up students and attach a flashcard to their backs. The object of the game is to look at the other student's flash card and yell out the word before they see yours.Draw It RelayDivide the students into two teams. Whisper a flashcard to the first member of both teams and have them run to the board and draw the word as fast as possible. Award points to the fastest team.Duck Duck GooseStudents sit in a circle and the teacher starts by walking round the outside of the circle tapping the students on the head saying "duck". When the teacher says "goose" the student whose head was touched must jump up and chase the teacher round the circle. The teacher must sit down in the student's spot before being tagged. If tagged, the teacher must continue tapping heads. If not, the student walks around the circle touching heads. It might be easier to use vocabulary like "cat, cat, dog" or similar, or even "duck, duck, dog" to practice awareness of 'u' vs 'o' and 'g' vs 'ck' sounds.Fashion ShowHave each student stand up one at a time and elicit from the class what he or she is wearing.Find ItThe teacher holds up a letter flashcard. The students must search around the room to find either a corresponding object/picture that begins with that letter or find that same letter written somewhere in the room. The purpose of this game is letter recognition. It can be played as a relay race with two teams racing to find the letters first.First letterGive the students various picture flashcards. Go through the ABC's and instruct students to hold up the flashcards that begin with that letter.Flash Card Act OutChoose one or more students to come to the front. Show a flash card or whisper a word, and have the students act it out. Reward the first student to guess the correct answer. This can be used with many subjects (e.g. sports, actions, verbs, animals, etc.)Flash Card WalkArrange the flashcards in a big circle. Play some music while the students walk around the circle. When the music stops, call out a flashcard, and the student standing next to the flashcard wins.GesturesUse western gestures in your class.Expressions GesturesHello waveGoodbye waveIt's cold put arms around shouldersIt's hot fan your face with handsNo! shake your head "no"Come here move your index fingerMe! Touch your chestOK make the OK signI don'tpull shoulders and hands upknowShhhh index finger in front of mouthStop hand up, palm outStand up raise hand slightly, palm upSit down lower hand slightly, palm downGo FishHave students choose two flashcards each. Have the students hold the flashcards face up but not to show anyone. Choose a student and ask "Do you have a cat?" If the answer is yes, they have to give you the flash card. Have each student ask other students questions. A student with no cards is out.GrabUse Lego. Spread out the Lego and call out "(Five!)". The students should take five blocks, join them together to make a pattern and hold them up. Next say "two blue, one yellow" and other combinations to 5.Grab It Relay / Race to TouchLay the flashcards on the floor at one end of the room, and have the students line up in teams at the other end of the room. Call out a flashcard and have the first person in each team race to grab the card. Those students then go to the back and the next students race to grab the next flashcard the teacher calls.HangmanUse review words from past lessons. The teacher chooses a word and writes the appropriate number of spaces on the board. Students guess a letter one by one. If the student guesses correctly, write that letter in the space and give the student another turn. If they guess wrongly, start drawing a hanging man and have the next student guess a letter. Let the first student to guess the word take the teacher's place. You may prefer to draw a hanging spider (Spiderman?) instead.Hot PotatoPlay like 'Pass It' using a time limit for added motivation. Set the timer for 10 seconds. When the timer goes off, the student holding the flashcard must say the vocabulary / structure.I SpyThe teacher says "I spy with my little eye something beginning with G". Students try to guess the object (E.g. garbage can). Use classroom objects and with younger students use colors rather than letters e.g. "I spy with my little eye something (red)."sitting. Go at a fast pace so the students are sitting and standing rapidly.JeopardyMake a jeopardy grid on the white board as follows: Jeopardy Fruit Sports Animals Body1 0 ____________________________2 0 ____________________________3 0 ____________________________4 0 ____________________________5 0 ____________________________In teams, or individually, let the students randomly pick a category and the points to be attempted. The teacher will then ask a question and (a 40 point question should be more difficult than a 10 point question) if the students get the correct answer their team name is written in that box. When all the boxes are filled the team with the most points wins.Jumping The LinePut a piece of tape across the middle of the floor or draw an imaginary line dividing the room. Designate ones side as 'true' and the other side as 'false'. Line up the students on the line, hold up a flashcard and say a word. If the students think you said the word that matches the flashcard, they should jump to the 'true' side, otherwise they should jump to the 'false' side. Students who make a mistake should sit out until the next round.LegoSpread Lego on the floor and call a color for the students to pick up. Continue until all the colors have been called. Allow the students to play with the blocks for a few minutes before packing up. While the students are playing, talk to them about what they're making and the colors they're using.Letter To Word MatchGive each student an alphabet flashcard, and spread alphabet picture cards randomly around the room. Play and sing the 'ABC Song'. When finished, have the students match their alphabet card to an alphabet picture card and say the letter and vocabulary. Change cards and repeat.Listen and OrderPut the students into pairs and give them number cards (1-10). Call out numbers (out of order) and have the students put their cards in that order. When finished, have the students chant the numbers in the order you gave them.Magic FingerPrint a letter of the alphabet on the board. Instruct the students to stand and face the board. Raise your 'magic finger' and trace the letter in the air. Be silly and use other parts of your body to trace the letter, e.g. elbow, foot, nose, tongue.Make A SentencePut the students into teams and lay out a selection of flashcards or items. One student from each team chooses a vocabulary item and uses it correctly in a sentence. Give each student ten seconds on the timer. Reduce the time in the second and thirdUse a world map and elicit "Where are you from?", "Where do you live?", "Where do people speak Spanish?", "Where's China?", and any other questions you can think of. Also show and tell the students about where you are from.Memory BuzzHave the students sit in a circle and start building a sentence. Student 1 says "In the classroom, I see a clock", student 2 says "In the classroom, I see a clock and a map", student 3 says "In the classroom I see a clock, a map and a chair" etc. For a variation, see 'Question Chain'.Memory MasterHave the students sit in a circle. Designate one student to be the Memory Master. Arrange the flashcards face up in the center. Each student chooses a flashcard and says the word. They cannot touch the flashcards. After everyone has chosen, the Memory Master must hand the correct flash cards to each student.Memory TrayBring in a tray of various review or new objects. Elicit the names of the objects and give the students a minute to memorize what's on the tray. Take the tray away and see how many objects can be remembered. Older students should write a list of objects. The student who remembers the most objects gets a point. Can be done with flashcards.Musical ChairsLine up the chairs and place a flashcard on each one. Play some music and have the students walk, skip, jump around the chairs. When the music stops, the students should sit down on a chair and shout out their flash cards. For more excitement remove a chair while the music is playing and make the chair-less student sit out until the next round.Object TossSelect three soft objects. Assign object#1 the question "Do you want some milk?", assign object#2 the response "Yes, I do." And object#3, "No, I don't". Toss each object to a student and have them use the appropriate phrase. Then they toss the objects to different students.On My BackLine up the students in two teams and have them face the front. Show an alphabet flashcard to the student at the back of each line and have them use their finger to draw the letter on the back of the student in front. The next student draws on the next student and so on. The student at the front of each line then writes the letter on the board.Paper Airplane ContestGive students a couple of minutes to make an airplane and one minute to test them. Divide the students into two teams and have the teams stand at the back of the room. Ask a student a question and if the answer is correct that student gets a throw. Assign points to different objects in the room (white board = 10pts., far wall = 15pts., etc.). Each student should be asked a question and teammates can help if needed.Pass ItHave the students sit in a circle. The teacher holds up a flashcard or object (e.g. ball, pen, eraser, etc.), says the word and passes it to the next student. That student holds up the card/object and says the vocabulary and passes it on. After a couple of rounds start the flash cards/objects going in the opposite direction. Also try a speed round.Pass The SecretHave the students sit in a circle. Show them that they have to whisper to the person next to them. Start the secret by whispering it to the student next to you, e.g. "It's Windy." Have the students pass the secret around the circle. The last student says theHave a student come up to the front and show him/her a flashcard. That student should draw it on the board. The first student to guess the picture gets a point. This can also be played in teams.Question ChainHave the students sit in a circle. The teachers starts by asking the student on the right a question. That student must answer the question and ask the next student the same question. Go round the class then change the question. For a variation, see 'The Bomb'.Quick PeekCover a flashcard and quickly show it so the students get just a quick peek. Reward the student who can guess it correctly.Run And Get ItDivide the class into two teams and have them stand in two lines facing each other. Assign each team member a number from one to four. Place a few flashcards in the middle of the two teams. Call a number and a flashcard, e.g. "Student three - rabbit". The students assigned that number must run into the center and touch the flashcard and shout "rabbit". The member who touched and called first can take the flashcard to their side.ScrabbleWrite a selection of letters on the board. Explain to the students that they have to make up as many words as possible from the given letters. Model one or two examples on the board for them. Give them a time limit.Ship In The FogMake an obstacle course, put a blindfold on a student and have the other students verbally help him or her through the course. For example: Take 2 steps, turn left, one small step, etc.Shiri ToriThis is a popular Japanese game. Have everyone sit in a circle. The teacher says a word and each student must add a word that begins with the last letter of the word just spoken e.g. apple-egg-girl-lion-neck-etc.Shoot The BasketThis can be done in teams or individually. Ask a student a question and if the student answers correctly then he/she gets a shot at the basket. Variations include rolling a ball between 'posts', throwing a ball to knock a stuffed animal off a box, bouncing a ball into a bucket, etc. Award points.ShoppingUse plastic fruits, vegetables or corresponding flashcards. Gather the students around you and let them ask for what they want using a dialog such as: "What do you you want?", "An apple, please.", "Here you are.", "Thank you.", "You're welcome." Then the teacher calls back the objects from the students, "Apple, please". Then the students put the fruit back into the basket.Simon SaysPlay Simon Says as a review using "touch" body parts, classroom objects, etc., or with actions. E.g. "Simon says touch your toes" = Students touch their toes. "Touch your eyes" = Students don't move. When a student makes a mistake, he/she must sit out until the next round.SlamSlow MotionPut a flashcard in a bag or behind something. Pull it out very slowly showing only the top part of the picture at a time. Reward the first student who can guess it correctly.Spelling BeeThis can be done with the whole class or in two teams. The first player on team one is given a word to spell orally. The teacher writes the letters on the board as they are spelled out loud. If correct, the team gets a point. If you do a class competition, line the students up and give them words one by one. When they make a mistake they must sit down. The last student standing is the winner.Spelling GamePut a name or word on the board and have teams or individuals make as many words as possible from those letters, e.g. Brad Pitt = bat, rat, bad, at, etc.Spin The BottleUse the bottle to ask each student questions. The teacher spins the bottle and asks the student it points to a question. First ask basic warm-up questions and then move on to target structures or review structures.TenStudents stand in a circle and chorus counting from 1-10. Instruct the students to each call out one, two or three of the numbers in numerical order. The student who calls out 'ten' must sit down. Continue until only one student is standing. That student wins the game. E.g. "one, two", "three, four, five", "six", "seven, eight, nine", "ten (sits down)", "one"..... Try playing it backwards as an extra challenge.Tongue TwistersUse these tongue twisters with older students. They work well as an extension activity.1) She sells seashells by the seashore.2) Rubber baby buggy bumpers.3) Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.4) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?Topic TagGive a topic, e.g. fruit. The students must run around the room trying to avoid the teacher's tag. If the student is tagged, he/she has five seconds to name a fruit. If no fruit can be named or the fruit has already been said, that student should sit out until the next round.TouchOrder the students to touch various objects around the classroom e.g. "Touch your book", "Touch something red".Vocab with Rock, Scissors, PaperLay the flashcards in a straight line on the floor. Assign two teams and have them line up at each end of the flashcard line. When you say 'Go' the first member from each team starts to walk from their end of the line, straddling the flashcards, reading the vocabulary out loud as they walk. When the two students meet they have to Rock, Scissors, Paper, the losing student goes to the back of his/her line and the winning student continues along the flashcard line. The second student from the losing team starts walking and reading the vocabulary until the two students meet and Rock, Scissors, Paper, and so on. Give points for reaching the opposite end of the line.take away one flashcard. Tell the students to open their eyes and ask, "What's missing?". Reward the student that guesses correctly.What Time Is It, Mr. Wolf?Have the students line up against the back wall. The teacher should stand with his/her back turned to the class. The students must ask the teacher "What time is it, Mr. Wolf (or teacher's name if easier)?". The teacher answers with a random time, e.g. "It's four o'clock" - the students take four steps toward the teacher. The students should move the corresponding number of steps. If the teacher says "It's lunch time!", the students must run to safety at the back wall. The teacher chases the students and if tagged, the student must sit out until the next round.Who's Got What?Have the students sit in a circle and secretly pass a few objects or flashcards from hand to hand under the table or behind their backs. Say, "Stop", and ask "Who has the (apple)?" The students should point to who they think has the (apple) and say "He/She does." The first student to guess correctly should be rewarded.The Wind is Blowing (submitted by Wyatt Crane)A great game for all kids ages 6+, as long as they're producing full sentences, in a group of maybe 8-15 people. It is best played outside or in an area with a lot of space. Have the students make a spacious circle with you in the middle (there should be maybe a meter between each student). Each student needs to leave one item at there feet to mark a fixed spot in the circle (a shoe, a pencil case, a backpack, a rock... something they don't mind possibly getting stepped on). You start the game by making a statement that will correspond to some or all of the students. If it corresponds to them, they have to leave their spot and find a different one. So, for a food unit, you can use a beginner command structure: "Move if... you like bananas," or "Move if... you don't like onions," an intermediate structure: "You have to move if... you like bacon on your pizza," or an advanced structure: "The wind is blowing for everybody that..." (The command structures can be used with lots of different verbs and themes e.g. "have" for family members, "are wearing" for clothes, "want" for Christmas presents) Once you make the command, you have to run to take an abandoned spot, and one student will be left in the middle. For younger kids, its fun to chant "_______'s in the middle, ________'s in the middle!" in a sing-songy voice. That person is then in charge, and has to make a sentence using the same structure that you used. The game goes on for as long as you want, cycling through lots of students and putting them on the spot to make sentences using relevant vocab.Winner Says MA variation on the activity 'Ten'. Write a big 'M' on the board and have the students take turns reciting the alphabet, saying one or two letters each. The student who says "M" is the winner. E.g. "A", "BC", "DE", "F", "G", "HI", "J", "KL", "M" (winner)! Variations: Numbers 1-21 (winner says 21), Days of the week (winner says Sunday), Months of the year (winner says December).。



国外实用教学游戏F L A S H C A R D S G A M E SAAdjective Action: T writes on the board an activity like "bush your teeth." S/He picks one student, they come to the front of the class. The T then shows the S a card with an adjective written on it, such as "slowly". The chosen student then does the activity in the way of the adjective. The other Ss have to guess the adjective. The one who guesses right gets a point and mimes the next action which the teacher writes on the board. To help them you can give them a list of options, if you think they need somehelp. (Submitted by Libby McArthur).Alphabet Line Up: This is a good way to teach the alphabet to your class. Give each S an alphabet flashcard with a different letter of the alphabet on it, starting at "A" (eg if you have 7 Ss, give flashcards A through to G). Have them move around the room to music. When the music stops, they must line up in order. You can also play with missing letters (eg. Give a "c", then an "f", a "k", an "o", etc). That way they are really learning the order, not just memorizing. (Submitted by Gena).Alphabet Soup: Place plastic letters in a bowl. Divide flashcards by their beginning letters. Each student draws a letter from the bowl and then finds the flashcards associated with that letter. (Submitted by Lori Supernaw)Alphabet Wave: Divide the a-z flashcards among all your students. Put Ss in a line and play the ABC song. As it plays each student must hold up their corresponding alphabet flashcard.BBacks to the Board Game: This one is good for higher level kids. Make two teams and stand one S from each team in front of the board, facing away from it. Place a flashcard picture on the board (e.g. "hamburger") and the Ss have to explain that word to their team member (e.g. you can buy it in McDonalds, it's got cheese and ketchup in it). The first S out of the two standing in front of the board to guess the word wins a point for his/her team.Basketball: Ss take a shot at the trashcan/box/etc. First show a flashcard to S1. If s/he answers correctly then s/he can have a shot at the basket. If the S gets the ball in the basket then s/he wins 2 points. If the S hits the basket without going inside then s/he wins 1 point. The person who gets the most points is the winner. This can also be played in teams.Basketball Card Line-Up: This game is like basketball game but more educational. Place 2 lines of several cards. You need 2 players and a basket far away. To shoot the basket from far away is hard so the players need to say the card and make their way closer and closer to the basket. When they feel that they can throw and hit the basket, they make their attempt.Battleship: Age: 4+, Level: All levels, Target: Vocabulary, Phrases, Listening and Conversation. Make a grid. The size of the grid depends on the number of students and the time limits of the class. Basically the students pick a grid reference, as " A1" or “ B7”and then you reveal the card.Bean Bag Toss: Lay out flashcards face down up the floor. Ss toss the bean bag and identify the flashcard it lands on. (Submitted by Betty).CCatch me if you can: Have students sit in a circle. After reviewing the chosen set of flashcards, place them in a pile in the center of the circle. Take the first card and show it to everybody. Have one student walk around the outside of the circle saying words from the specific subject – like fruits or days - while touching each student's of the circle on the head. When the "magic" word is said, the student whose head is touched at that time, must stand up and chase the student who touched them around the circle. The first one to sit in that spot remains seated and chooses the next "magic" word. The student standing begins again; "Sunday...Monday…"Charades: Have a S come to the front of the class and show a FC or whisper a word to that S. The S then acts out that word and the first S to guess can be the next player. This works very well with action verbs. Variation: divide the class up into teams - the first S to guess wins a point for his/her team.Concentration: You need 2 sets of flashcards for this game. Place both sets face down on the floor. Ss take turns in turning over 2 cards (saying the cards aloud). If the cards match then the S keeps the cards. If the cards are different the cards are turned back over again in their original places. The S with the most pairs at the end of the game is the winner.Concentration 2: Level: requires basic reading. Make a set of cards. On half of them put a picture of a theme related subject (for example body parts, food, furniture etc) on the other half put the word relating to each picture (ex. nose, mouth, lips, eye...). Laminate if possible. Place all cards face down on the table. The first player turns two at a time (or three for the very young) over to match the word to the picture. If it matches the player can keep the pair if not, the cards are returned and then next player goes. These cards can also be used so that a child or team simply matches the words to the pictures. Cross the River: Place flashcards on floor in winding manner. Each represents a stepping stone in the river, as students must say word/phrase/question/etc in order to step on it and cross the river! (submitted by Michelle K).DDarts: You need a magnetic dartboard (you can get in cheap $1 stores). Place flashcards on the board and number them. Divide class into 2 to 4 teams. Then ask, "What's picture number 3?". If the student answers correctly then s/he may throw a dart for points. You can also say the vocabulary word and have students point instead of speak if their are younger or at a more basic level. (Submitted by Tania Bibbo).EEasy Hard: You need at least 20 cards to play which you divide into 2 piles face down:An Easy and a Hard pile. Give each team 50 points from beginning. Pick a student and ask if they would like an easy or a hard card, also ask how many points they would like to risk on knowing the answer: Easy 1-5 and Hard 5-10.FFast as rabbits: T puts some flashcards on the board. Then a pair of students go to the board facing the flashcards. T says words (from the flashcards) and the 2 children must touch the correct flashcard as fast as they can. The winner is who touches more flashcards first. (Submitted by Paco Santos Juanes).Fish: Before this game you need to have the students in pairs draw and cut out a picture of a fish for each pair. While they are doing that put 2 parallel lines of tape on the floor a few meters apart. Have Ss play in twos - each student behind a different line. T shows S1 a flashcard and asks what it is. If the S answers it correctly s/he can blow once to propel the fish forward. Next, T asks S2. The S who blows the fish over the tapped line is the winner.Flashcard Fun: Hold up a flashcard and elicit the answer from a S. Ss can win the flashcard if they answer correctly. The S with the most flashcards at the end is the winner.Four Corners: T hangs a flashcard (4 in total) in all 4 corners of the room. One S is chosen to stand in the middle with his/her eyes closed and counts to ten while the other students scramble to one of the four corners. At the count of ten, the S in the middle shouts "STOP" and picks one corner by naming it's corresponding flashcard. The students in that corner are "out" and must sit down. Continue game until only one student remains; he/she is then "it" (the counter in middle). (Submitted by Sister Soco).GGive Me Game: You can use with flashcards or objects. Elicit the different flashcards you have. Then place all the flashcards around the classroom. Once the Ss have collected the flashcards (they'll probably do their best to hide them in their pockets, etc.) T says "Give me a (bus)". The S with the (bus) flashcard should approach the T and hand it to him/her: "Here you are". Avoid having the flashcards thrown back to you as they can go anywhere and takes a long time to finish this game.Guessing Question Game: This is good practice for asking simple questions. T hides any flash card behind his/her back and Ss try to guess what the object is by asking questions: "Is it a dog?", "Is it a ball?", "Is it a book?", etc. until they guess the flashcard. (Submitted by Nagwa).HHint Animal Game: Well I tried this activity once and the children really loved it, so I kept doing it. As a review on animals cards, hold some cards without showing any. Then tell the kids that they are going to receive 3 hints, so they need to listen carefully.For example: 1. I am yellow. 2. I have long hair. 3. I am strong. Who am I? Well, a lion of course! Youcan make it in deferent levels depending on how much English you useor which vocab you use.IJJump On It: Spread out flashcards on the floor and have Ss stand at one end of the room. Shout out a card and the Ss have to find the card and jump on it. The first S to do this wins a point. Variation: Make 2 teams for a relay race. The first 2 Ss try and jump on the flashcard first to win a point for their team.KKaruta: Lay flashcards on a table or the floor, picture side up. Teacher calls out the word/phrase/etc. and students compete to be the first person to grab or touch the card. If they touch it, they keep it. Game continues until all cards have been picked up. (Submitted by Blythe Musteric)Keep the in Order: Each student has a set of cards (pictures with names) similar to the teacher. The teacher places his/her cards in a particular order in two or three rows, and so do the students following instructions. T starts calling the cards in pairs so that the two cards named change positions. Make a few changes in this way (don´t let students see the changes, they must follow them only by listening carefully). Afterwards, T. calls a student to say the cards in order. If all the cards are well placed the student can lead a new game. Students love the game and learn a lot of vocabulary. (Submitted by Amparo Andrés) LLightning Flashcards: T stands at front of class with flashcards. Ss form two teams standing in aline. Two Ss go first and face away from the T, T says 1.2.3. what is it? and Ss quickly turn around and the first S to call out the correct answer wins a point for their team (good for review of vocab). (Submitted by Laurie Pich)Line True or False: Put a line of tape on the floor and designate one side "True" and the other "False". Hold up a flashcard or object and say its word. If Ss think the you have said the correct word they jump on the True side, if not they jump on the False side. Incorrect Ss sit out until the next game. MMusical Flashcards: Ss walk around some flashcards in a circle as some music is playing. When the music stops T shouts out a flashcard and the Ss must race to step on that card. The first S to step on it keeps the card (1 point) and the game continues.Musical Chair Alphabet: Place chairs in the form of musical chairs with alphabet flashcards placed on them. Start the music when the music stops the students pick up their flashcards and have to read the sound on the flashcard. The child who is unable to read is out of the game. (Submitted by Farah Najam) NOOstrich Game:This game is really good fun. You need some clothes pegs. Pair up Ss and peg a card onto each S's back. Both Ss face each other with hands behind backs waiting for T to shout "Go!". At this point they must try to discover his/her partner's hidden flashcard without letting their partner see theirs. When the S finally sees his/her partner's card s/he has to shout it out to become the winner. The Ss look like ostriches when playing this game.Over-under: Line up the kids in two teams. Give the two kids at the front each a flash card. When you say go, the first in line says the word and passes the f/c over their head, the next kid says the word and passes the card under between their legs, the next kid over, then under, etc. The last kid in line races to the front to hand the f/c to the teacher and says the word. The first team to do so gets a point. (submitted by Sarah Litwin-Schmid).PPaper Rock Scissors: A good vocabulary game. Teach students the new vocabulary (E.g. clothes, colors, animals, etc.). Spread the flashcards in a row on the floor. Divide Ss into two teams. Have students walk on the cards from the opposite sides repeating the vocab just learned. When they are standing on the last card from their end the T says "1... 2.... 3" and the students have to put their hand in front in the form of paper or scissors or the rock. Scissors cut the paper, paper covers the rock and rock break the scissors. Repeat the activity with each student from different teams. The winning Ss can play again. (submitted by Reena Unterreiner-lal).Pass: Sit the Ss with you in a circle. T holds up a flashcard or object and says its name (e.g. "Pen"). T passes it on to the next S who also says its name and passes it on to the next S. Variations: change directions, speed rounds, have many objects going round at the same time.Pictionary: Good for reviewing vocab. Pick a S and show him/her a flashcard picture or whisper a word into his/her ear. The S draws the picture on the board and the first S to guess the picture gets to draw the next picture. This can also be played in teams with a point system.Picture Recognition Game: Have all the Ss stand at one end of the room and the T in the middle. Hold up one picture flashcard and Ss come forward and whisper the word in the T's ear. If correct they can go over to the other side of the room. Ss can have as many guesses as they like.QQuick Peek: T holds a flashcard with the picture facing towards him/her. T quickly shows it to the Ss for a quick peek. The S who guesses the card wins a point.RRace Track: Lay out the flashcards like a race track with a start and finish line. Ss play in pairs or teams. S1 rolls a dice and moves a counter along the track. The S must say the flashcard landed on and if wrong must move back to the original position. Variation: put in some 'throw again' cards (e.g. brightly colored cards) and a nominate a 'crash' number on the die (e.g. if Ss throws a 6 they crash and must stay where they are and miss a turn).Roll that Dice: Split class into 2 to 4 teams. Place flashcards on board and number them. Younger Students: T says: Point to the ______. S should point to that card. If correct then S rolls dice for points. If incorrect S gets help from team. Older Students: T says: What's picture number 4? S says the vocabulary word. If correct then S rolls dice for points. If incorrect S gets help from team. (Submitted by Tania Bibbo).Rope Jump: you need a rope for this one! Have Ss stand behind each other in a line. Hold a rope (have a S hold the other end) at a height that the Ss should be able to jump over. On the other side of the rope spread out some flashcards or objects and a box. Call out the name of one of the flashcards/objects to the first S. S/he has to jump over the rope, pick up the correct flashcard and put it in the box. For other rounds you can hold the rope down low, so Ss have to crawl/roll under.SShopping: This can be used with a wide range of flashcards (food pictures work well). Gather all the Ss and show them all the flashcards you have. Ask a S "What do you want?" (or maybe "What would you like?" to higher levels). The S should reply (e.g. "a hamburger, please"). T then says "Here you are" and the S finishes with "Thank you". At the end collect the objects by playing the 'Give Me' game.Slam: Sit the Ss in a circle and place some flashcards in the middle of the circle. Tell Ss to put their hands on their heads. T shouts out the word of one of the flashcards and the Ss race to touch it. The S who touches it first get to keep the object. The S who has the most flashcards at the end of the game is the winner.Slow motion: T holds a pack of flashcards with the pictures facing towards him/her. The last card should be turned around so it is facing the Ss but is hidden as it is behind the pack. Slowly pull the flashcard up inch by inch so the Ss can only see part of the flashcard. As the picture is slowly revealed Ss try and guess what it is. The first S to guess correctly keeps the card (for 1 point). Variation: To make it a little more difficult turn the flashcard upside down.Snap: You need 2 sets of flashcards all shuffled together. Sit the Ss in a circle and deal out all the cards to the Ss. S1 places down a card in the middle of the circle and says the word aloud, followed by S2 placing his/her card down to form a pile. At some point 2 identical cards may be placed on top of each other and the Ss race to slam the pile and shout "Snap!". The S who slams last takes the pile. Ss should try and lose all their cards. The last S left with all the cards is the loser.Speed lines: Have the students in two lines facing the teacher. The first students in each line are the players. Show a flashcard and the first student to correctly name it is the winner. These two students then go to the back of their respective lines and you repeat the process with the next two students. If both students say the name of the card together let them quickly Janken to decide the winner. A very important ingredient is the speed. Have lines of unequal number so that on progressive rounds the students are playing with different people. This way you don't have to worry about pairing slower students with quicker ones.Spin the Bottle: Sit Ss in a circle with a bottle in the middle. T Spins the bottle. When it stops spinning the S it is pointing to is shown a flashcard and asked to say what it is. If the answer is correct then that S can spin the bottle. This is a good vocab review activity.TTic Tac Toe: Place 9 flashcards (representing words, phrases, questions, etc) face down and numbered (or letters of alphabet) on a large taped grid on the floor. Students call out number or letter to see flashcard. S or team with correct response claims that space with an X or O. (submitted by Michelle K). Touch: Place flashcards around the room and have Ss run around the classroom touching the flashcards that T orders them to do (e.g. "Touch the car" "Touch the bicycle" "Touch the bus").Tornado: Supplies: flashcards (pictures or questions on one side, numbers on the other), 'Tornado Cards' (flashcards with numbers on one side and a tornado picture on the other). Stick the numbered cards on the board with either pictures or questions on the back (depending on the age group) facing the board. Also include 6 Tornado cards and mix them in with the picture cards. Students then choose a number card. If they answer the question correctly then their team can draw a line to draw a house. If they choose a tornado card then they blow down their opposing teams part drawing of a house. The first team to draw a house wins. (submitted by Sally Lloyd).UUp and Down: You need 2 sets of flashcards for this game. Give each of your Ss a flashcard from one set. T keeps the other set. Arrange the Ss so that they are all sitting down. T holds up one flashcard and the S with the same flashcard stands up and says the word and then sits down again. Play the game at a fast pace so that Ss are standing up and sitting down rapidly. Variation: Give each S 2 or 3 flashcards.Uncover: After the vocabulary has been thoroughly taught sit and slowly expose a flashcard until someone can guess what it is. Reward everyone as they will tend to guess at the same time. (Submitted by: Gregory Stein)VVanishing Flashcards Game: place a number of flashcards in front of the Ss. Give them a few moments to memorize the pictures and then tell them to close their eyes. Take away one of the flashcards and then tell the Ss to open their eyes again. The first S to guess the missing flashcard can win that flashcard (for 1 point) and take away a flashcard in the next round.Vocabulary Tunnel: Make a tunnel for Ss to crawl through. T stands at one end and holds up a flashcard for the first S to say. After the S says the correct word, s/he can go through the tunnel. Then hold up a flashcard for the next S. (submitted by Kim Horne).WWindow Game: You can only do this if your classroom has a window that you can stand outside of and look into the classroom (don't try this on the 10th floor!). Model first: stand the Ss in front of the window and go out of the room. Wave to them through the window and silently mouth some words (so it seems like they can't hear you through the glass). Look at a flashcard and then mouth the word a few times. Go back in and the S who first tells you the word you were saying can have a turn.XYZZoo Game: This is a fun activity for young learners on the topic of animal noises. After teaching the animals and their noises sit each S in a different part of the classroom and assign them as different animals (to make it clearer you can give each S a flashcard of the animal they are representing). Walk around the room and talk to each S, who can only reply as an animal. E.g. T: "Hello Yumi", S1:"Moo! (cow). T: "What's your name?" S2: "Roar!" (lion). T: "How are you, Kenta?" S3: "Bow-wow!" (dog).Copyright ©2002-2006 ESL KidStuff - Terms & Conditions。

























小学英语趣味教学“六步法”英语有一句谚语:“Education must be fun.”(教育必须是有趣的。








(案例一)在人教PEP版四下Unit4《Weather》一课中,设计Flash cards的游戏。

卡上有以下词组:play computer games; listen to music; fly a kite; watch TV; do homework.第二步:趣味活动引入。


(案例二)根据人教PEP版四下Unit4《Weather》的内容改编的阅读课《The story of a pig》导入新课,用“猜一猜”的游戏:Play a guessing game: Draw a circle on the blackboard.Ask the question: What do you think of when you see the circle?利用趣味性的游戏导入新课能吸引学生的注意力,通过饶有兴致的猜,活跃他们的思维,充分发挥学生的想象力,激起学生想用英语表达的欲望,使学生自然投入新课学习的氛围之中,同时降低新内容的难度,实现新旧知识的自然过渡,优化教学效果。

幼儿园英语教学游戏 Teaching games(英文版)

幼儿园英语教学游戏 Teaching games(英文版)

幼儿园英语教学游戏Teaching games(英文版)Teaching gamesThe games for step 1A The touching gameType of game: Whole class or single kidResources needed: Flash cards, blow-up hammersRules of the game:1.For level 1, the teacher could show one card to one kid and ask the kid read the wordor the sentence three times, then the kid could touch the card gently.2.For level 2, at first the teacher will put down all the cards in different places of theclassroom. Then invite two kids to come to the front and start to look for the word they are told by the teacher. After that the kids should hit the card and go back to the teacher and say the word or the sentence three times.3.For level 3, the teacher will prepare two tables first, putting two blow up hammers onone table and some cards on the other table. Then the teacher will invite two kids to come to the front, after they are told the order:” please touch the …., one, two, three, go” they will repeat three times and then take the hammer and see who can hit the correct card first with it. When they finish, the kids must put the hammer on the table and then go back to their seats.B Loudly and softType of game:Small group gameResources needed: flash cardsRules of the game1.For level 1, the teacher will show the cards to the kids and let all the kids read afterteacher three times. Then the teacher will tell them, when the teacher raises the card high, the kids will read it three times loudly. And when the teacher puts down the card, the kids should read it softly.2.For level 2, first the kids will divide into two groups. One is for boys and one is forgirls. Then the teacher will ask them the sentence they are learning, let the two groups have a match. Which group is louder and faster, which one will get a point. At last which team get more points , they will be the winner.3.For level 3, the teacher could change the actions. For example, the teacher will tellthe kids tapping the face means say the sentence loudly and touching the face means say it softly.C The fruit gameType of game: Small group gameResources needed: cardsRules of the game:Divide your class into groups of two or three. Give each team one name. Such as: Apple Team, Orange Team, Banana Team, Pear Team and so on. Then teacher takes one card and begin the game. Eg: Teacher says: “Apple” Little kids crouch and say: “apples down, apples down, apples down then bananas down.”Then this team points another team to do like this. Thing to consider:1.This game is suitable for large or middle kids in the kindergarten.2.Crouching can be changed to different actions, such as swinging, jumping, etc.D Traffic lightsType of game: Small group gameResources needed: Flash cards, two pieces of paper (one has a picture of a red light; the other has a picture of a green light drawn on it), blindfold,Rules of the game:1.First the teacher will tell all the kids to stand up and make a circle, inviting a kidto come to the centre of the circle with a blindfold on.2.When the kid in the centre says, “green light”, all the other kids will walk aroundthe circle, at the same time repeating the target language sentence, such as, “I like ice cream” or “I like bread”. The content of the target language will be based on the flash card that the teacher holds up for the students to see.3.But when the kid says, “red light”, all the kids must stop and squat down quietly. Thekid in the centre will try to tag somebody. When he/she touches somebody, all the other kids should ask, “What do you like?” The one who was tagged will answer according to the card. All the kids repeat the same sentence three times.4.Change the kid in the circle. Continue the game.Things to consider:This game is only suitable for the kids of level 2 and level 3. Monitor the game well to make sure the student who tags others does it gently and avoids hitting others in the face. Demonstrate how you want the students to tag others.To make the activity more fun you can ask the students to hop around the circle, fly around, swim around… Keep in mind safety and classroom furniture or other hazards when letting the students be more active.E The train gameType of game:Small group gameResources needed: cardsRules of the game:First, the teacher drive the train to be the locomotive, drive the train to the front of a child. The teacher asks: “What’s your name?” Children say three times:”My name is~~.”After the children draws the teacher's clothes on the small train. The teacher and children drive the train to the front of second child .Then the second child say three times :”My name is~~.” The second child who answers right and loudly can pull the first child clothes on the train. Go on to ask, until make a long train.Notice:1. A small child asked to answer the question can only number can be less 4-8 people.2. In the army of the children can ask their children to read the sentence. The t rain can be a little more, the number of 6-10 people.3. In the army of the children can play several groups of people at the same time. At the same time, each group chooses a child to be the locomotive. The teacher in charge of children answers and asks.F Raising the cardsType of game: Group work or pair workResources needed: Flash cardsRules of the game:1. For level 1, the teacher should divide all the kids into three groups, and put down different cards in front of the three groups. When the teacher says the word loudly according to the card of group 1, all the kids of group 1 have to repeat it three times and stand up with their own arms rising. Then continue this game by using the card fromgroup 2 and then group 3.2. For level 2, the teacher can invite 6---8 kids to the front and stand behind them. Each kid should hold one card. After the teacher walks to one kid’s back, all the other kids will say the word or sentence showing on his/her hand three times. Then the kid who is holding the card should raise the card and say it loud as soon as possible. If the kid doesn’t do this he/she needs to go back to his/her seat. The one who is the last one to go back is the winner.3. For level 3, the teacher should invite 6---8 kids come to the front and face back to the other kids. Each kid need hold one card. At first, all the other kids will ask a question, and the teacher should point at one kid. Then he/she should turn around and show the card to them, at this moment all the other kids should say the sentence three times together. When the 6---8 kids finished, they can act as a little teacher, showing the card to each kid sitting on the chairs and ask a question, and the kids sitting on the chairs have to answer the question according to the different cards. At last, the teacher should collect the cards and the new game goes on.G Colorful footprintsType of game: small group gameResources needed: Flash cards, different colour footprintsGame rules for level 11.The teacher will put down different colored footprints on the floor. The number offootprints will be determined by the colors the students are learning.2.The teacher invites 4---6 kids to come to the front. The teacher then shows the kids atthe front of the class a flashcard, and asks them with the help of all the other kids, “What color is it?” First, the 4---6 kids answers the teacher three times, then look for the same color footprints on the floor and quickly put their own foot on it. This game could be dangerous if children run into each other or stomp on each other’s feet. Encourage the children to be careful, to look out for others and not to run or stomp on others. Also, you can make giant colored feet, so students can stand on it together, you can make many little feet of the same color so that they all have their own colored foot to stand on, or you can put a small colored foot in the middle of a hula-hoop and the students can place one foot into the hoop not directly into the colored foot.Game rules for level 2 and 3 (This can be done as a relay)1.The teacher puts all the footprints on the floor in one line.2.Divided the kids into two groups and line them up in two lines at in front of the lineof colored feet, with one line of students on one side of the footprints and the other line of students on the other side. When the teacher says, “One two three, go!” The first kid at the front of each line starts jumping along the footprints. The two kids will be jumping side by side with the colored feet in between them.3.The teacher and the other kids will ask, “What color is it?” continuously. The kidswho are jumping will answer according to the color of the footprints. They keep jumping to the next one and then the next one calling out the color each time. After they finish all the footprints, they run back and must clap hands with the second kid in their own group.4.The game continues until all the members of the same team finish. The team, who is faster,is the winner.Make sure the kids don’t just jump from foot to foot without saying the correct target language. Space the feet out so that the students don’t have to jump too far each time. Demonstrate to the students how to jump down their lane and then return on the same side to their waiting team mate. If the students in line are not behaving well, sit them down and only let the jumping students stand.H Throwing the diceType of game:Group work or whole class gameResources needed: Flash cards, a big diceRules of the game:1. For level 1, teacher should prepare a big dice before the class, sticking six cards on different sides. At the beginning of the class, the teacher should lead all the kids to learn the six words and sentences. The teacher throws the big dice, and then asks: what do you see? (or some other questions). All the kids need to answer it three times according to the picture on the top side of the dice. Next round, the teacher should invite one kid to throw the dice, then the teacher and all the other kids should answer it.2. For level 2, the teacher can mark the number 1---6 on the six sides of the dice. Prepare 6 flash cards and number them from 1 to 6. At the beginning of the class, the teacher should lead all the kids to learn six words and sentences together. Then the teacher throws the dice first, after it falls down, the kid needs to choose the picture from the teacheraccording to the number on the top side of the dice. And teacher asks:”what do you see?”The kid answers the question. At the same time all the other kids must repeat after him/her three times.3. For level 3, the teacher should mark the number 1---6 on the six sides. At the beginning of the class, the teacher should lead all the kids to learn the six words and sentences. Then the teacher needs to write down six old sentences on the black board. Then the teacher throws the dice, after it falls down, the kid should choose the sentence according to the number on the top side of the dice. And asks all the other kids, all of the kids should answer it three times or after the dice falls down, the number on the top side is 5, all the kids should repeat the sentence five times.I Clapping my handsType of game: Pair work or the whole classResources needed: Flash cardsRules of the game:1.For level 1, first the teacher does a demo, clap hands twice, and then clap legs twice.Then the teacher organizes all the kids to do the same actions. When they are familiar with the actions, the teacher will ask them to say ‘ It’s a book. ’ at the same time of clapping hands. When they clap the legs, say nothing.2.For level 2, first the teacher does a demo, clap hands twice, and then clap legs twice.Then the teacher organizes all the kids to do the same actions. When they are familiar with the actions, the teacher asks the kids ‘What’s this’ at the same time of clapping hands. When all the kids clap the legs, they should answer ‘It’s a book. ’ And then the game goes on.3.For level 3, firstly the teacher orders the kids to count 1, 2, 1, 2… then asks all theNo. 1 kids to stand up, shake their hands and sit down. After this, the teacher asks all the No. 2 kids to stand up, jump and sit down. Then all No.1 kids have to make pairs with the person who is on the right. In each pair, both of them have to clap their own hands when they ask questions. During answering, both of them have to clap their partner’s hands.The games for step 2A The guessing gameType of game:Whole class or group workResources needed: flash cardsRules of the game1.For level 1, the teacher will show the card to all the kids first and ask them repeatthree times. Then teacher will put down all the cards on the floor, and put the last card facing down. The teacher will request all the kids to read the words or sentence which they are learning three times, when they see the last card the teacher asks all the kids to guess what it is. After this, put the card on the first place and put the last card facing down. Go on the game.2.For level 2, firstly the teacher will review all the flashcard, then show part of theflash card which is covered with a white paper and ask all the kids to guess what it is.Also the teacher could divide all the class into 3 groups, inviting one by one group to attend the game.3.For level 3, the teacher marks all the cards with number of 1---6, then put the cardsfacing down. Let all the kids or one group of kids guess what the No 1 card is and then No 2,…B Turn and shoutType of game:Group game or pair workResources needed: Flash cardsRules of the game:1.For level 1, first, the teacher should invite two kids to come to the front and give eachof them a flash card to hold in front of their bodies.Then ask them to stand back to back.When teacher says ‘1, 2, 3, go’, the two kids need to start slowly walking forward.After the teacher and all the other kids finish saying the question three times, the two kids should turn all around and shout out the sentence according to their partner’s card.2.For level 2, the teacher should invite two groups of kids to the front. And give a cardto one of the kids in each group. Then follow the same rules as No 1 above.3.For level 3, the kids should put the cards on their own back as the teacher and the otherkids say the question sentence three time, the kids with cards on their backs should turn around and around. When the teacher and other students stop talking, the two kids should shout out the sentence according to their partner’s card.C Whispering gameType of game:group gameResources needed: Flash cardsRules of the game:The teacher should first let all the kids sit in a semicircle, and then divide them into two groups.The teacher should then invite the first kid of each group to come to the front and tell them a sentence, phrase or a word. (This should depend on the range of ages and levels) When the teacher says, one two three go! The two kids will go back and tell the next kid in their group.Finally, the last kids from each group will come to the front and speak out what they’ve heard.D What’s the next one?Type of game:Group game or whole class gameResources needed: Flash cardsRules of the game:1.The teacher will show all the flash cards one by one to the kids, and review them withall the kids.2.The teacher put all the cards on the floor or the blackboard that all the cards are facingdown.3.The teacher divides all the kids into three groups, first the teacher will ask the kidsof group 1, what’s this? The kids of the group 1 answer together by guessing the first card This is a … At this time, the teacher will pick up the first card. And then the group 1 will ask the kids of group 2, and the kids of group 2 answer it by guessing the second card. Then the kids of group I and 2 ask group 3, the group 3 answers. At last, all the kids ask the teacher, and the teacher answers.E Changing chairsType of game: Whole class gameResources needed: flash cardsRules of the game:Have all the students sit in a circle or semicircle with the teacher standing in the middleholding a pile of flash cards. The teacher reveals one of the cards that they are holding and asks the students, “What do you like?” The students answer according to the picture on the card. The teacher then says, “One two three, change!” The students stand up and then exchange seats. At this point the teacher enters the game and sits down in a seat, causing one student to miss out on a getting a new seat. This student then takes a different card from the teacher, shows it to the class and asks three times, “What do you like?”The class answer three times according to the flash card. Once again the teacher calls out, “One two three, change!” The game continues for as long as the teacher decides. The teacher can give other instructions or change the sentence pattern according to the lesson objectives. Such as only students wearing red can change seats…Things to consider:This game can be played without the teacher stealing a chair. The teacher can create a game atmosphere and let the students compete for the chairs. If the teacher is not involved in stealing the chairs then they will need to choose someone each round to start, or they need to reduce the students’ chairs by one to begin with.If the language content is too difficult for the junior class, then make it easier for them and only have the students repeat the sentence, don’t require them to practice the question sentence at the same time.The senior level students should practice both the sentence and the questions for each round.F Pick up peasType of game: small group gameResources needed: Flash cards, colourful peasRules of the game1.The teacher will put down many colorful peas on the table and floor, and then put somebaskets on the table.2.The teacher will invite 6---8 kids to come to the front and will show them a flash card.After the teacher asks, “What color is it?” the kids must answer three times, for example, “It’s red, it’s red, it’s red.” The teacher will then say, “One, two, three, go”, the students take a basket and start to pick up the same color peas as shown on the flash card. When the teacher and other students finish saying the sentence It’s red five times, all the kids should stop picking up peas and put down their basket. The teacher will showa new card to the kids and repeat the activity.3.After several times, the game is over, all the kids should count how many peas they haveand tell the other kids.4.Change to another 6---8 kids, and continue the game. Make sure the students pay attentionto any furniture in the room and other students. If playing with peas on the floor, there is a risk that students might bump their heads together if they rush or bend down to pick up the same pea or basket. To avoid this you can start the students in different places or have them start from a squatting position, so they can’t move too quickly and they won’t blindly bend down. Place the baskets around the room and use lots of peas so they all have enough to collect close to their position. If playing at a table, space the students around the table and make them aware of each others’ fingers. Anyone who is grabbing too roughly or too quickly can be told to sit out the game. Demonstrate how you want them to collect peas in a safe manner before starting the game.G The bomb gameType of game: Group work or the whole classResources needed: Flash cardsRules of the game:1.For level 1, the teacher shows all the cardsand marks one card (as a bomb). The teacherpoints to the cards by order. Have all the kids read. Explain to the kids whenever they see this marked card they should keep quiet.Note: teacher should show a demo before the whole class are ready to do it.2.For level 2, the teacher shows all the cards and then marks one or two cards. Explainto the kids whenever they see this marked card they should keep quiet. Before doing the game, the teacher should divide all the kids into two groups. For the first time, the kids of group 1 act as teachers, they should ask group 2. Group 2 answer the question according to the card which is pointed by the teacher. Then exchange. Group 2 act as the teacher.3.For level 3, the teacher shows all the cards and marks one or two cards. Explain to thekids whenever they see this marked card they should say:”Mom, mom I love you” three times. Before doing the game, the teacher should divide all the kids into three groups.Firstly, each of the first kid from the three groups can be invited to attend the game.When they heard the other kids’ question, they must answer it as soon as possible, and the quickest one can get one point for his own group. And then continue the game. Finally,the group gets the highest score will be the winners.The games for step 3A Name fourType of game:group gameResources needed: Flash cardsRules of the game:First the teacher and all the kids will ask something they have learned.For example: “What animals do you like?”Then the teacher will ask one kid to stand up and answerKid 1: “I like cats.”All the other kids should repeat three times.Secondly, the teacher and all the kids should ask the same question. Invite kid 2.Kid 2: I like cats and dogs.All the other kids should repeat three times.Then the teacher and all the kids ask the same question and invite kid 3 to answer.Kid 3: “I like cats, dogs and rabbits.”All the other kids will repeat three times.Finally, the teacher and all the kids ask the same question. Invite kid 4 to answer. Kid 4: “I like cats, dogs, rabbits, and tigers.All the other kids should repeat three times.The teacher can change the question. And according to the children’s levels, let the kids ‘Name three’ or ‘Name five’.B .What’s this?Type of the game: whole class; group work; pair workResources needed: flash cards, teacher’s pointerRules of the game:1.For level 1,the teacher should face all the kids and then show themone card and ask them, “What’s this?” Ask all the kids to answer together.2.For level 2, first the kids should be divided into two groups. The teacher will inviteone group to come to the front and act as the teachers, and then ask the other group to come to the front to answer.3.For level 3, the kids should be put into pairs. The No 1 kid acts as a teacher, askingthe No. 2 kid. The No. 2 kid should answer as quickly as they can.C What’s missing?Type of the game: group work; pair workResources needed: flash cardsRules of the game:1.For level 1, the teacher will show all the cards to the kids and put them downon the floor. Then the teacher should ask all the kids to cover their eyes. Once all the kids have their eyes closed, the teacher should take one card away. After this the teacher should let all the kids open their eyes and read the remaining cards with the teacher three times. Finally, the teacher will ask all the kids, “What’s missing?”2.For the level 2 and 3, the kids could be separated into 3 or 5 groups. Theteacher can invite the kids to do the game one group at a time. The teacher may take away one or two cards.D Yes or noType of the game: small group or pair gameResources required: flash cardsRules of the game:Divide the class into two groups. Place two chairs in the front of the class, one chair represents “yes” and the other represents “no”. Ask two students to stand up to compete against each other. The teacher then makes a statement about the flash card, for example they hold up a picture of a yellow balloon and say, “The balloon is yellow”. If the balloon is yellow, then the students race to the “yes” chair. If the balloon is not yellow, they race to the “no” chair. The child who is correct and the first to sit down gains one point for their team. Alternatively, the teacher holds up a flash card and asks a “yes” or “no”question. For example, they hold up a picture of a yellow balloon and ask, “Is this a yellow balloon?” Again the students race to the correct chair. The teacher then asks the next pair of students to play and the game continues.Things to consider:For level 3, the students could be put into 4 teams and set up two pair of chairs for thefour teams to race again each other. But make sure the students are clear which pair of chair they are competing for. For example teams one and two compete for the first pair of chairs, while teams 3 and 4 compete for second pair of chairs.E Wolf is comingType of game:Small group gameResources needed: cardsRules of the game:The teacher takes a flash card in their hand and shows it a group of students and then asks the group of students to stand up. After the teacher shows the students the flash card they should ask the students a question. The students then need to answer the teacher’s question according to the flash card. The students who answer correctly and promptly can take one step forward. The students who are incorrect or too slow to answer cannot take a step forward. The teacher should continue to change the cards as the game continues. When the teacher reveals a blank flash card, the teacher should call out in a loud voice, “Wolf is coming”. The students must then rush back to their seats. The students who are slow t return to their seats must sit out the next round of the game.Things to consider:1.For level 1 kindergarten class, make the groups smaller, between 4 to 6 students pergroup. If the content is too difficult you can have the students merely repeat the answers the teacher gives according to the flash cards2.For level 2, the groups can be larger, between 6 to 8 students per group. Have thestudents ask the teacher questions and then answer according to the flash card.3.If the students are already familiar with this game, you can ask one student to cometo the front to act as the wolf.F Hug gameType of game: Group work or whole classResources needed: flash cardsRules of the game:1.For the level 1, firstly all the kids make a circle and walk around. When the teachershows the flash card to the kids, all the kids should ask the question three times ‘How many … do you see?’ The teacher answers ‘I see 2 birds’. At the same time, 1 kid mustsnuggle up to another kid. The kid with no partner exits and next round, he/she should be with teacher and answer the question ‘I see…’2. For the level 2 and 3, firstly all the kids make a circle and walk around. When the teachershows the flash card to the kids, all the kids should ask the question three times ‘How many … do you see?’ and then all the kids should answer three times ‘I see 2 birds’.After they finish saying the sentence, 1 kid must snuggle up to another kid. The kid with no partner exits.Some of other games:Teacher Says or Simon SaysTeacher gives simple commands. If teacher says ‘Simon says’. you need to do the action. If teacher doesn’t say ‘Simon says’, you don’t need to perform it. If you do it, you will lose and quit the activity. The children who leave the activity at last will be the winners.Passing GamePassing the cards or some papers, when the kid holds the card, he must speak it loudly pass it to the next one.Who is the quickest one?Divide the whole class into three groups. And then invite one kid of each group to the front, after the teacher says a word or a sentence, the kids will touch the card quickly. The quickest one will get one point for the group. And then go on the competition.Duck, duck, gooseBeach Ball GameYou stand in one large circle or several small circles. Teacher names the topic. One child says something about the topic and throws the ball to another child. The one who catches the ball continues this action. Teacher may change the topic every few minutes Example:Teacher: What fruit do you like? Child A: I like apple.Child A: What fruit do you like? Child B: I like banana.Child B: What food do you like? Child C: I like bread.If there is a large class, the teacher could prepare 2 or 3 balls for the kids and play the game at the same time.。






5.游戏目标:所学的英语单词游戏方式:抢椅子游戏人群:4-6岁 (可根据小朋友的年龄来设计游戏的难易程度)游戏步骤:① 由老师带领小朋友们用Flash cards(闪卡)的形式集体复习所学的英语单词② 老师在小朋友们的前面放上五张椅子,排成一个圈③ 老师请六位小朋友来进行游戏 (最好男生和女生各进行一轮)④ 老师将事先做好的炸弹卡片放进所学单字卡片⑤ 小朋友们绕着排成圈的椅子走⑥ 老师将出示手中的卡片,如果老师出示的是英语单词卡片,小朋友就要迅速地用英语说出卡片上的单词。





6.游戏目标:所学的英语单词游戏方式:老鹰捉小鸡游戏人群:3-6岁 (可根据小朋友的年龄来设计游戏的难易程度)游戏步骤:① 由老师带领小朋友们用Flash cards(闪卡)的形式集体复习所学的英语单词;② 老师请一些小朋友在前面站成一排(选一个小朋友做eagle,再选一个小朋友做mummy,其他的小朋友跟在mummy后面做chicken (eagle和mummy每一轮都要更换其他小朋友);③ 老师将事先做好的单词卡片贴在chicken的背上(有图画那面朝外);④ 老师说出其中任何一只chicken背上的单词,eagle就要迅速的去抓住那只chicken,mummy要尽全力保护好那只 chicken;⑤ 如果那只chicken被eagle抓住,那只chicken就做为eagle,那只eagle则做为mummy,mummy则改做chicken (老师可以根据自己班上小朋友的情况来安排);⑥ 最后一个没被抓住的小朋友即为胜利者。


9、现在你也站在我这边(Now You’re On My Side)
[游戏目的] 1、巩固复习句型:Are you…? Yes, I am./No, I’m not. 2、提高学生的听力和表达能力。
[年龄] 四岁左右
2、电话游戏(Telephone Game)
[游戏目的] 1、听、懂得数字的顺序;2、学习如何用英语接电话;3、学习接打电话的技巧。
[年龄] 六岁左右
[组数] 8―20
[材料] 两种写有电话号码的相同系列的但颜色不同的卡片。 (说明:必须是学生较熟悉的电话号码。
[时间] 15―20分钟
[游戏过程] 1、混淆两种卡片后,给每个学生一张卡片。并告诉他们,红色的卡片上写的电话号码是他们自己的,绿色的是其它同学的。2、持绿色卡的同学说出自己打的电话号码,持红色卡片的同学就要留意是否打自己的电话号码。3、当听到自己的电话号码时,就做接电话的动作并跟打电话人进行对话。4、由老师先打电话给持绿色卡片的同学,然后接到老师电话的同学就根据手持的电话号码打电话给其它同学。5、如有学生拨错电话号码,他或她就必须重拨。当所有持绿色卡片的学生都接和打完了电话,就重新分配过电话号码。(说明:打电话的内容可由老师自定。)
教师拍球,游戏继续进行,如果他讲错了,就让别的学生纠正。 (4) 哪组学生得分多
,就为胜者。 (5) 变化:教师拍球时可以在中间来个停顿。如先拍4下,停一停,再拍
3下,接着问:“What’s the number?”学生应答“Seven”或“Four plus three



英语教师系列:超级好用的英语教学游戏(三)安静游戏(6)简介:安静游戏(或被动游戏)(Quiet/Passive Games)总共80个,本篇介绍第171-180个游戏。




171. Magazine Treasure Hunt杂志寻宝Equipment: magazines, markers, scissorsGroup: 10* participantsDuration: 35—40 minutesThis game involves overcoming the fear of English print materials, involves healthy competition, organizing information, reading practice, and building vocabulary.Obtain some subject-appropriate (but different) magazines that would be of interest to your class. Popular magazines, teen magazines, cooking, home magazines, etc.Review each magazine and compile them—specific lists of 15—25 random items which they must "find" that are their "treasure".Divide the class into two or more teams. Let them pick fun team names.Before giving each team a list and a magazine, explain the game to them through a couple of examples. Have a mock list and magazine and illustrate what they are about to do.Do not explain the vocabulary words—you know your class level and can pick words that you have studied and need practice remembering and using. The words can be funny and creative, can be descriptions of people, adjectives and colors, rooms in a house, clothing, etc. Don't explain the words —they shouldn't be too hard, but just challenging enough. Your mock demonstration should simply show them the game's process.Each team should pre-determine a labeler, a cutter, and someone to mark off each word that is found. Everyone should look through the magazine together, but upon finding one of the pictures, one person should cut it out, one should label the picture with the right word, and the others should check off or cross out the word from the list. This promotes teamwork, organized communication, and gives all levels a role which they can perform.Start the clock. Give the teams about twenty minutes to finish or until the first team completes all words on the list. You will witness a lot of laughter, discussion, and participation.Upon completion, the group must organize the words in the appropriate order written on the list. That involves someone reading the word and someone locating the picture (with the correct label) and placing it in order. This repeats the English word identification process.Wait for the others to finish. Each group should then elect a reader and a presenter. The reader will read each word and the presenter will show the correct picture. There can be much discussion over whether or not the picture is a true representation of the listed word! If it is correct and it is labeled, they get a point. The team with the most correct pictures wins the round!This game recycles key words over and over again. There is visual identification, writing and reading practice, presentation practice, and sound/letter identity. They are in complete control of the process, practicegroup communication and team work.英语阅读对于很多中小学生而言,并非是一种愉悦的经历。



常用英语课堂教学游戏汇总例如: high and low voice简单但不容易,技巧是,首先老师要大声说,学生小声说,起输入作用,然后学生大声,老师小声。


跟学生讲解(配合肢体语言):When I say the word in high voice, yo u should say it in low voice. When I say it in low voice, you should say it in high voice. Ok? ... First, let’s have a try! … Great, you did a very good job. Are you ready? …变换形式:1)句型加长,更复杂,适合大一点的孩子。

将句子分成段,一段high,一段low2)引入竞争机制(比赛),有奖励3)选出一名学生当老师,让他说出一个句子,后面照常4)按学生排列顺序进行高低声,如高-低-高5)按学生身高,声音随身高变化6)将学生分组,一组声音大,下一组更大,再下组更大…Teacher says students do(I say you guess)重要的输入游戏,还可以按实际情况安排成I show cards you guess。


2、Magic fingers如集体输出单词cat,老师伸出1只手指,students说cat,伸出2只手指,students说cat、cat…变形:1)拍1次手掌,students说cat,拍2次手掌,students说cat、cat…2)跺1次脚,students说cat,跺2次脚,students说cat、cat…3)伸左手为男生读,右手为女生读注意:在老师做动作指挥到一定程度后,可请学生当小老师来指挥。

3、Super guesser在输出和检验学生对单词的掌握时,准备好单词卡,老师随意抽出一张,藏起来让学生看不到内容;然后让学生看、读老师手上的单词卡,以此来猜是哪个单词被藏起来了。

小学英语课堂游戏Games for English Teaching

小学英语课堂游戏Games for English Teaching
-West Cowboy
Teacher asks two students back to back, each of them holds a card in front of the body. When teacher counts one, two, three, the two students
– Passing Words or Sentences
Teacher will divide students into two groups, then murmur a word or sentence to the first two students. Then the two students should pass the word or sentence to the next student. Which group is faster, which group is the winner.
g) Cross the River
Teacher puts a rope on the floor, then makes the rope like a river, and puts some flashcards in a row in the river, when teacher reads one of the words, students should jump over the card and read aloud the word.
a) Touching Game Teacher reads the words and students touch the cards with hands, hammers, or fly pats. b) Matching Game Teacher asks the students to match the letters, like A and a, B and b;picture and word. c) Jumping or hopping to the flashcards Teacher reads the words and asks students to jump or hop to the flashcards. d) Yes/No Chair/Wall Game Teacher reads a right or wrong word or a

在小学低年段利用sight words视觉词提升小学生阅读能力的实践研究

在小学低年段利用sight words视觉词提升小学生阅读能力的实践研究

在小学低年段利用sight words 视觉词提升小学生阅读能力的实践研究你知道“sight words视觉词”吗?它们还有个别名,叫作“高频词”,顾名思义,就是在英语启蒙读物中出现频率最高的词汇。


没有学好sight words视觉词,孩子们往往会因为有太多看不懂的单词,而无法真正进入阅读。



一、认识视觉词sight words ——视觉词,是孩子无需解码直接能读出来的单词。



这220个视觉词也因他而得名“dolch sight words”。

dolch视觉词表分为前预备级(pre-primer)、预备級(primer)、一级(1st grade)、二级(2nd grade)、三级(3rd grade)共五个级别。



(二)部分视觉词没有实义,而且意思多变部分视觉词意义抽象,比如the,of, to, a, by, off 等,无法用图片或语言来解释,只能靠视觉强化记忆,而且用法灵活,在不同情境中可能拥有不同的含义。




1. Board RaceThere isn't an EFL teacher I know who doesn't use this game in the classroom. Board Race is a fun game that is used for revising vocabulary, whether it be words from the lesson you've just taught or words from a lesson you taught last week. It can also be used at the start of the class to get students active. It is a great way of testing what your students already know about the subject you're about to teach.Why use it? Revising vocabulary; grammarWho it's best for: Appropriate for all levels and agesHow to play:First, watch this helpful video of real teachers using this game in the classroom by BridgeTEFL:This is best played with 6 students or more - the more, the better. I've used it in classes ranging from 7-25 years of age and it's worked well in all age groups. Here's a step by step explanation:∙Split the class into two teams and give each team a colored marker.∙If you have a very large class, it may be better to split the students into teams of 3 or 4.∙Draw a line down the middle of the board and write a topic at the top.∙The students must then write as many words as you require related to the topic in the form of a relay race.∙Each team wins one point for each correct word. Any words that are unreadable or misspelled are not counted.2. Call My Bluff / Two Truths and A LieCall My Bluff is a fun game which is perfect at the start of term as a'getting to know you' kind of game. It is also a brilliant ice breaker between students if you teach classes who do not know one another -- and especially essential if you are teaching a small class size.The game is excellent for practicing speaking skills, though make sure you save a time for after the game to comment on any mistakes students may have made during the game. (I generally like to reserve this for after the game, so you don't disrupt their fluency by correcting them as they speak).With older groups you can have some real fun and you might be surprised what you'll learn about some of your students when playing this particular EFL game.∙Why use it? Ice-breaker; Speaking skills∙Who it's best for: Appropriate for all levels and ages but best with older groupsHow to play:∙Write 3 statements about yourself on the board, two of which should be lies and one which should be true.∙Allow your students to ask you questions about each statement and then guess which one is the truth. You might want to practice your poker face before starting this game!∙If they guess correctly then they win.∙Extension: Give students time to write their own two truths and one lie.∙Pair them up and have them play again, this time with their list, with their new partner. If you want to really extend the game and give students even more time to practice their speaking/listening skills, rotate partners every five minutes.∙Bring the whole class back together and have students announce one new thing they learned about another student as a recap.3. Simon SaysThis is an excellent game for young learners. Whether you're waking them up on a Monday morning or sending them home on a Fridayafternoon, this one is bound to get them excited and wanting more. The only danger I have found with this game is that students never want to stop playing it.∙Why use it? Listening comprehension; Vocabulary; Warming up/winding down class∙Who it's best for: Young learnersHow to Play:∙Stand in front of the class (you are Simon for the duration of this game).∙Do an action and say Simon Says [action]. The students must copy what you do.∙Repeat this process choosing different actions - you can be as silly as you like and the sillier you are the more the children will love you for it.∙Then do an action but this time say only the action and omit 'Simon Says'. Whoever does the action this time is out and must sit down.∙The winner is the last student standing.∙To make it harder, speed up the actions. Reward children for good behavior by allowing them to play the part of Simon.Take your students outside for interactive games4. Word Jumble RaceThis is a great game to encourage team work and bring a sense of competition to the classroom. No matter how old we are, we all love a good competition and this game works wonders with all age groups. It is perfect for practicing tenses, word order, reading & writing skills and grammar.∙Why use it? Grammar; Word Order; Spelling; Writing Skills∙Who it's best for: Adaptable to all levels/agesHow to play:This game requires some planning before the lesson.∙Write out a number of sentences, using different colors for each sentence. I suggest having 3-5 sentences for each team.∙Cut up the sentences so you have a handful of words.∙Put each sentence into hats, cups or any objects you can find, keeping each separate.∙Split your class into teams of 2, 3, or 4. You can have as many teams as you want but remember to have enough sentences to go around.∙Teams must now put their sentences in the correct order.∙The winning team is the first team to have all sentences correctly ordered.5. HangmanThis classic game is a favorite for all students but it can get boring quite quickly. This game is best used for 5 minutes at the start to warm the class up or 5 minutes at the end if you've got some time left over. It works no matter how many students are in the class.∙Why use it? Warming up / winding down class∙Who it's best for: Young learnersHow to play:In case you've never played, here's a quick rundown.∙Think of a word and write the number of letters on the board using dashes to show many letters there are.∙Ask students to suggest a letter. If it appears in the word, write it in all of the correct spaces. If the letter does not appear in the word, write it off to the side and begin drawing the image of a hanging man.∙Continue until the students guess the word correctly (they win) or you complete the diagram (you win).6. PictionaryThis is another game that works well with any age group; children love it because they can get creative in the classroom, teenagers love it because it doesn't feel like they're learning, and adults love it because it's a break from the monotony of learning a new language - even though they'll be learning as they play.Pictionary can help students practice their vocabulary and it tests to see if they're remembering the words you've been teaching.∙Why use it? Vocabulary∙Who it's best for: All ages; best with young learnersHow to play:∙Before the class starts, prepare a bunch of words and put them in a bag.∙Split the class into teams of 2 and draw a line down the middle of the board.∙Give one team member from each team a pen and ask them to choose a word from the bag.∙Tell the students to draw the word as a picture on the board and encourage their team to guess the word.∙The first team to shout the correct answer gets a point.∙The student who has completed drawing should then nominate someone else to draw for their team.∙Repeat this until all the words are gone - make sure you have enough words that each student gets to draw at least once!7. The MimeMiming is an excellent way for students to practice their tenses and their verbs. It's also great for teachers with minimal resources or planning time, or teachers who want to break up a longer lesson with something more interactive. It's adaptable to almost any language point that you might be focusing on.This game works with any age group, although you will find that adults tire of this far quicker than children. To keep them engaged, relate what they will be miming to your groups' personal interests as best as possible.∙Why use it? Vocabulary; Speaking∙Who it's best for: All ages; best with young learnersHow to play:∙Before the class, write out some actions - like washing the dishes - and put them in a bag.∙Split the class into two teams.∙Bring one student from each team to the front of the class and one of them choose an action from the bag.∙Have both students mime the action to their team.∙The first team to shout the correct answer wins a point.∙Repeat this until all students have mimed at least one action.Don't be afraid to be a little goofy8. Hot SeatThis is one of my students' favorite games and is always at the top of the list when I ask them what they want to play. I have never used this while teaching ESL to adults, but I imagine it would work well.Hot Seat allows students to build their vocabulary and encourages competition in the classroom. They are also able to practice their speaking and listening skills and it can be used for any level of learner.∙Why use it? Vocabulary; Speaking and Listening∙Who it's best for: All ages and levelsHow to play:∙Split the class into 2 teams, or more if you have a large class.∙Elect one person from each team to sit in the Hot Seat, facing the classroom with the board behind them.∙Write a word on the board. One of the team members of the student in the hot seat must help the student guess the word by describing it. They have a limited amount of time and cannot say, spell or draw the word.∙Continue until each team member has described a word to the student in the Hot Seat.9. Where Shall I Go?This game is used to test prepositions of movement and should be played after this subject has been taught in the classroom. This game is so much fun but it can be a little bit dangerous since you'll be having one student in each pair be blindfolded while the other directs them. So make sure to keep your eyes open!It is also excellent for the adult EFL classroom, or if you're teaching teenagers.∙Why use it? Prepositions; Speaking and Listening∙Who it's best for: All ages and levelsHow to play:∙Before the students arrive, turn your classroom into a maze by rearranging it. It's great if you can do this outside, but otherwise push tables and chairs together and move furniture to make your maze.∙When your students arrive, put them in pairs outside the classroom. Blindfold one student from each pair.∙Allow pairs to enter the classroom one at a time; the blindfolded student should be led through the maze by their partner. The students must use directions such as step over, go under, go up, and go down to lead their partner to the end of the maze.10. What's My Problem?This is a brilliant EFL game to practice giving advice. It should be played after the 'giving advice' vocabulary lesson has taken place. It is a great way for students to see what they have remembered and what needs reviewing. This game works well with any age group, just adapt it to fit the age you're working with.∙Why use it? Speaking and Listening; Giving Advice∙Who it's best for: All ages and levelsHow to play:∙Write ailments or problems related to your most recent lesson on post-it notes and stick one post-it note on each student's back.∙The students must mingle and ask for advice from other students to solve their problem.∙Students should be able to guess their problem based on the advice they get from their peers.∙Use more complicated or obscure problems to make the game more interesting for older students. For lower levels and younger students, announce a category or reference a recent lesson, like "Health", to help them along.。



幼儿户外活动英语游戏教案Title: Outdoor Activities English Game Lesson Plan for Preschoolers。

Introduction:Outdoor activities are essential for the physical and mental development of preschoolers. Engaging in outdoor games not only helps children stay active but also enhances their social and cognitive skills. In this lesson plan, we will explore various English games that can be played outdoors, allowing preschoolers to have fun while learning and practicing their language skills.Objective:The objective of this lesson plan is to provide preschoolers with an opportunity to engage in outdoor activities while learning and practicing English language skills. Through these games, children will improve their vocabulary, listening, speaking, and social interaction abilities.Materials:Flashcards with pictures of objects, animals, and actions。



有趣的88个英语游戏少儿英语教学适用1.鸵鸟游戏准备用具:闪卡,长尾夹游戏玩法:全班围成一圈坐下,选出两个学生来做游戏,这两个学生彼此面对面,在两个学生背后用长尾夹随意各夹一张闪卡,他们必须一直把手背在背后假装自己是鸵鸟,听老师说“ready,go”之后,两个学生开始伸长脖子偷看对方背后的闪卡究竟是什么,先看到的举手回答答案,答案正确就得分.注意事项:其他的学生必须安静,不能提示答案,并确定比赛学生两只手一直在背后.2.数字游戏准备用具:无游戏玩法:老师说:“Group of”和一个数字,“5”或“8”.学生们必须跑动起来并且按老师说的数字跟其他学生组成一个与这个数字相同人数的小组.组好了就坐下来,没有围城圈子的学生必须去数圈子的人数.注意事项:注意空间必须大一些,跑动时不要发生推挤现象,以免危险.也可以延伸为分组游戏,老师说“Group of”和一个单词,代表该单词的学生就必须组在一起,代表其他单词的学生就不能动,否则出局.3.画画游戏准备用具:无游戏玩法:将全班分组,在黑板上按组划分成几个区块,每组轮流派人上去画单词的图,画完就换下一个人,必须在限定时间内把学过的单词尽量画完,时间到老师一个个问学生所画的,该组学生必须说出正确单词,说的正确的该组就得一分,看看哪组画得最多,答案有最正确的获胜.注意事项:学生可能会很吵,可以放些音乐增加游戏的气氛.时间快到的时候可以用英文倒数十秒“ten,nine,eight…”增加游戏的刺激性.4.大风吹准备用具:椅子比游戏人数少一张游戏玩法:全部学生围城一个圈,椅子比人数少一张,先选一个学生当鬼,他没有椅子可坐,其他孩子可以先坐下,用两三种水果或动物等来将孩子分类,每个学生选其中一种水果作为自己的代表,当鬼的学生随意说出其中一种水果例如apple,所有该种水果的学生必须站起来换位子,当鬼的学生趁机抢位子坐下,没抢到位子的生生继续当鬼,以此类推下去.注意事项:可以一次念两种水果apple and pear 或是念fruit让全班一起换位子,增加游戏的刺激度.5.问候游戏准备用具:椅子比游戏人数少一张游戏玩法:全部学生围城一个圈,椅子比人数少一张,先选一个学生当鬼,他没有椅子可坐,其他孩子可以坐下,他绕着外圈走,随意拍两个坐下学生的肩膀,被拍到的两个学生必须站起来分别往相反的方向跑,做鬼的乘机坐在其中一个的那张椅子坐下,没抢到的就当鬼,以此类推下去.注意事项:可以练习各种问候,例如good morning, how do you do .... .6.颜色游戏准备用具:无游戏玩法:全班问老师“what color”老师任意指定一个颜色并发命令,例如说“touch red”,全班学生就得赶快去找教室里红色的东西,不乱衣服,铅笔盒或是身边带的任何东西都可以,找到了就立即touch,晚一步没touch到的人就当下一个发命令的人,以此类推玩下去.注意事项:也可以规定用身体哪一个部位来touch,增加游戏的趣味性. 7.大野狼联系时间准备用具:各种时间的闪卡和一张小羊的图案游戏玩法:可怕的大野狼肚子饿了,要捉可爱的小羊吃哪先选一个学生当大野狼,其他学生当小羊,站在离大野狼约一公尺的地方,小羊一起问大野狼“What time is it now”老师开始依次翻出闪卡,大野狼照着老师给的指示回答时间,当老师拿出小羊的图片,大野狼就开始去抓小羊,大野狼就开始去抓小羊,抓到的小羊就被吃掉并且要当新的大野狼继续玩下去.注意事项:空间必须大一些,注意学生不要发生推挤冲撞的危险.8.口香糖准备用具:无游戏玩法:全班问老师“口香糖,粘哪里”,老师任意指定一个东西并发命令,例如说“粘table”,全班学生就得赶快去找教室的桌子,找到了立即粘住,晚一步没有粘到的人就当下一个发命令的人,以此类推玩下去.注意事项:这个游戏用来粘五官会很有趣.可以规定口香糖走路过去粘东西的方式,增加游戏的趣味性.也可以用全英语来发命令.9.找到另一半准备用具:闪卡,长尾夹游戏玩法:这是一个配对游戏,适合反义字的练习,老师请全班闭上眼睛,然后把闪卡夹在每一个人的背后,夹好后老师请学生张开眼睛,请学生自己尝试着找到另一半,学生一边要猜出自己背后闪卡是什么,一边要找出反义词,找到就根据自己的闪卡练习说“You are big,but I an small”或是“You are small,but I am big .”注意事项:也可以加入不同对象变化ball…etc.“Your ball is big,but my ball is small.”10.寻宝游戏准备用具:要藏的东西或是闪卡游戏玩法:将全班分成两队,第一次有A队藏宝,B队寻宝,发给A队每个人一张图片,B队每一个人发一张写有英文单词的纸,在外面等候或是闭上眼睛,A队在教室里各处藏图片,时间到B队就进来开始找,A队开始用英文数数,数到某个数字就算时间到,看看找到几张闪卡就得积分,数闪卡时可同时再度练习念出英文单词,第二次反过来,同样的玩法继续玩下去.注意事项:也可配合句型“Where is the -----”“It’s on /under/in the--------.”11.字母歌曲游戏准备用具:无游戏玩法:唱字母歌,但每一次省掉一个字母自己选择,唱完一次问学生刚才省掉的字母是哪一个,“What’s the missing letter”学生回答“It’s letter------”注意事项:可一次遮掉两三个字母增加游戏的变化性.12.丢图片游戏丢手帕也可准备用具:手帕,单词闪卡游戏玩法:全班围成一个圈,先决定由谁开始先丢,拿着闪卡或是手帕丢在一个人的背后,被丢到的人应该立刻捡起闪卡去追丢的人,追到就拍他一下,丢的人要尽力绕一圈跑到被丢的人的位子上坐下,输的人必须到前面做下一个丢闪卡的人,他必须说“I have a ------.”全班说“You have a-------.”注意事项:注意跑的方向必须与当初绕圈的方向一致才行,两个人要同个方向跑.13.猜卡片游戏准备用具:跟全班人数数目一样的闪卡游戏玩法:老师先将准备好的闪卡给全班学生看,要他们记住,并一一复习一次,请全班学生将手放在头上,不准偷看,老师将闪卡一一发下去,请学生拿在手中,顶在头上,当老师说“Go”的时候,所有学生开始看别人头上的闪卡是什么,并在限定时间内推测自己的闪卡是哪个单词,时间到,猜出单词的学生就得分.注意事项:用在职业类单词还可以联系句型“I am a ------”14.钓鱼游戏准备用具:磁铁数个,拴上绳子,绑在筷子上回形针数个别在闪卡上游戏玩法:将全班分成两组,分别展开钓鱼比赛,轮流派人上前听老师指令钓鱼“Catch the apple.”先完成的那一队并说“Apple. ”就得分,以此类推玩下去,看哪一组得分最高就获胜.注意事项:也可以不分组全班一起玩,增加游戏的刺激性.15.纸箱寻宝游戏准备用具:两个大纸箱,两组同样单词闪卡游戏玩法:将全班分成两组,将闪卡分别放在两个纸箱内,但纸箱内分别放一些撕碎的纸,将闪卡藏在碎纸内,两组轮流派人出来比赛,按照老师的指示找出正确的图片“Find the----”,先找到并说“I foung the ----”的就得分,以此类推玩下去.注意事项:其他同组的学生不能帮忙找,必须保持距离.找到了老师还可以问一些延伸的问题,例如“Do you have the----”16.画画接力游戏准备用具:图画纸和画笔游戏玩法:将全班分成两组,每一组发一张大图画纸,轮流一个一个传下去按照老师的指令画画,“Draw a big right eye.”“Draw a nose……”学生一边跟着老师念,一边老师一直发命令道画完为止,让两组学生来展示自己的画画作品.注意事项:每次必须确认全班一起跟老师念.17.雪人游戏准备用具:各种动物有特色的五官游戏玩法:在黑板上画出雪人的外观,但没有五官,轮流让学生到台前来,老师先发命令,例如:“Put an eye on the snowman.”然后把学生眼睛蒙起来转三圈,直接带到黑板面前要他把眼睛贴上,以此类推玩下去.主要事项:当学生在转圈的时候,老师也可以发明小小的朗诗跟着念,例如:eye,eye,eye,put an eye18.风景画游戏准备用具:准备两张一模一样的风景画,上头有课程单词的图,磁铁数个游戏玩法:老师可以先用这两张风景图复习今天所学的单词,“What do you see”“I see….”,之后开始展开游戏,将全班分成两队,看谁先能听明白老师所说的物品,并尽快的找到,比较快的就得一分.老师:Put the magnet on the -----.Go学生按照老师的指示去做.注意事项:可以将单词图片巧妙的安排在风景画中,增加寻找的趣味.19.吊死鬼游戏准备用具:各类单词图片卡游戏玩法:将全班分成两队,老师按照所选单词的字母数,分别画出底线来,让全班猜猜这是什么字,先猜拳决定猜的先后顺序队伍,猜对了就把字母填进去,猜错了就换另一队回答,并在猜错的该队上画上一条线.注意事项:可以改成开花的图,一次开一个花瓣,或是其他的图,重点是一次一个步骤.20.鱼尾配对游戏准备用具:数条鱼和鱼尾至少五个,但越多越刺激游戏玩法:分别画出鱼的身体和尾巴剪下来,鱼的身体上画上各字母单词的图画,尾巴写上代表字母,将之分散放在地上或是桌子上,每个学生轮流上前把鱼和鱼尾接上,并且正确的把字母和代表字母读出来.注意事项:这是配对游戏,所以也可以应用在单词和图片的配对,或是同义词和反义词的配对.21.打击魔鬼点名游戏准备用具:软剑或是空气锤一个游戏玩法:老师先指定一位学生当打击魔鬼的使者,手持软剑或是空气锤,然后老师随便喊某位学生的英文名字,要这名使者跑过去打被叫到名字的学生,而被叫到名字的学生要在被打到之前喊出另外一个学生的英文名字,否则要当下一个使者.注意事项:让学生彼此熟悉全班同学的英文名字,通常在学期开始的钱几堂课使用.22.校园巡礼准备用具:绳索一条,各种地点的图片游戏玩法:老师用绳索将所有小朋友围在圈内,并将各地点图片放在教师的各个区块内,轮流叫不同的学生当带头,带领大家到不同的地点,如:“David,go to the library.”叫David的学生就必须当带头,将绳索内所有的学生带到正确的区块.注意事项:也可由学生主动发问“Teacher,may I go to the ---”老师问答“Yes,you may.”“No,you may not.”23.萝卜蹲准备用具:单词闪卡游戏玩法:按照单词数选出同样数目的学生到台前来,老师发给他们一人一张闪卡,然后老师先任意选一张开始游戏,如老师说:“apple”,拿apple 闪卡的学生就要“apple蹲,apple蹲,apple 蹲完banana蹲”并做蹲的动作,接下来由banana做同样的动作并制定下一个蹲的学生.注意事项:也可以将全班分成几组,一组一张闪卡,由组长带领大家选择下一组可以用全英语“单词一,-------,after------,单词二”,或是“单词一is here,-------is here.Where is 单词二”24.支持前线准备用具:无游戏玩法:将全班分成几组,听老师指令搜集东西,全班学生问老师“What do you want”老师回答“I want 3 shoes,2 coats, 2 hats.”每一组就开始按照指令搜集东西,搜集速度越快并且是正确东西的组就得分.注意事项:指定的东西可以改成教室内物品或是文具等.老师可以事先准备要搜集的东西给学生,有学生到台前来按照指令寻找. 25.迷魂椅准备用具:椅子,哨子游戏玩法:将椅子围城一个圈,全班边唱边绕着椅子走动,当老师吹哨子或是大喊“Stop”时,每个学生尽快找到一个位子坐下来,动作最慢的必须回答老师一个英文问题或是单词,以此类推继续玩下去.注意事项:也可以两个人一起坐一个位子,彼此练习会话.椅子也可以随意摆放,不过必须规定走动的路线.26.肢体写字准备用具:无游戏玩法:将全班分成若干小组,例如:A组代表先到台前,老师任意指定一个字母,然后他必须用头来写这个字母给该队组员猜,猜对就得分,猜不对则换别组猜,以此类推玩下去.注意事项:也可用身体其他部位来写字母,如手肘,腿…….等.27.套圈圈准备用具:塑料圈,闪卡或图卡游戏玩法:将孩子分成几组,老师将图卡散在地上,画条起始线要孩子站在线后方,然后要每个人想办法将塑料圈丢到老师念的闪卡上,丢到的孩子必须正确念出闪卡上的单词就得分.注意事项:也可用实际的物品代替图片来玩.28.炸弹字卡准备用具:闪卡,炸弹卡游戏玩法:首先将炸弹卡和其他闪卡混在一起,将全班分组,每一组各给十分,然后老师将闪卡一一翻给全班看,要全班一一念出来,若翻到炸弹卡,全班必须假装被炸到一边趴下,最慢趴下的那一组扣一分.注意事项:不分组也可以玩,最后趴下的那一个孩子就出局.29.排排乐准备用具:豆子,扭扣,筷子等游戏玩法:将全班分组,每一组发数目相等的豆子或钮扣等等,按照老师的指令排形状,如老师喊“circle”,每一组必须同心协力将自己组别的豆子排成圆形,最快排完并说“We made a circle.”的组就得分,当然,形状大小老师需事先统一规定,才算公平.注意事项:除了排形状,也可以排数字或是字母.30.捉迷藏准备用具:将全班分组,依照组数将椅子摆在前面,然后各组派一人坐在这些椅子上并闭起眼睛,等老师将闪卡藏在教师内不同地方后再出题问孩子,如“Where is the milk”这些代表孩子必须找出milk的闪卡,第一个找出闪卡并回答在哪里的孩子就得分“The milk is------”注意事项:也可以用不同的问答,例如:“What’s the weather like today”孩子依照找到的闪卡来回答,如果找到的是sunny,就回答It”s sunny. 31.投篮游戏准备用具:软球,呼啦圈,纸箱,闪卡游戏玩法:准备几个投篮的纸箱,上头贴上闪卡,一个纸箱贴一个,老师问全班“What sport do you like to play”孩子举手抢答,先举手的先答,答完了就按照答案到相应的纸箱前投篮,老师可拿呼啦圈增加投篮的难度,投进去就算得分.注意事项:可以用大小不同的呼啦圈来表示不同的得分.也可以应用在不同的英语问答练习上.32.盖房子准备用具:闪卡,积木游戏玩法:将全班分成两组,教室中间放有一篮积木,老师每次拿一张闪卡轮流问两组问题,答对就可以拿一块积木放在自己组的前面,每回答对一次迭加一块,一块一块迭上去,以此类推玩下去,最后使房子倒塌的那一组就算输.注意事项:注意所使用堆栈物品的安全性33.战舰游戏准备用具:无游戏玩法:先在白板上画一个5×5的格子图,一组一个图,各组另外在白纸上画两个相同的格子图,一个空白,一个暗藏有5艘战舰,然后两组各派一个队员互相轮流问答,如A组问B组,若B组答对了,可选择其中一格猜猜战舰是否在那一格,猜对则击沉A组战舰一艘,最后看哪一组所有战舰先被全部击沉的就算输.注意事项:可以设计炸弹在其中一格,当对方猜中炸弹格,则自动炸掉自己的战舰,增加游戏的刺激感.34.蛇与梯子准备用具:蛇与梯子的图表,可自行设计,磁铁数个,大骰子游戏玩法:画出蛇与梯子的图表大部分是24个方格子的表格,并将每一格编上编号,编号数字1是起始点,各组在该格子放一个磁铁做代表,老师问问题学生回答,回答对的组可以到前面来掷骰子,按照所掷出的数字移动磁铁,若幸运停在可爬梯子的格子,看哪一组先到达终点就获胜.注意事项:也可以在格子上直接写上要问的问题,便于孩子回答.格子内可加上不同的颜色,例如红颜色格子要再往前一步等,增加游戏的复杂性. 35.食人鲨准备用具:磁铁,骰子游戏玩法:将全班分成两组,一组是食人鲨shark,一组是游泳者swimmer,在白板上画图,食人鲨和游泳者距离十步,游泳者距离回家十步,终点是回家,游泳者必须在被鲨鱼抓到前回到家,老师可以问两组任何英文问题,先答对的就可以掷骰子移动磁铁,看是食人鲨先吃到游泳者还是游泳者先回到家.注意事项:同理可以设计各种追赶线性的图表,如魔鬼不想让圣诞老公公发送礼物等.36.睡怪准备用具:闪卡,空气锤游戏玩法:老师当睡怪,手中拿很多闪卡,假装趴在桌子上睡觉,然后孩子轮流拿空气锤打睡怪的屁股叫醒他,醒来的睡怪一边拿闪卡一边问叫醒他的孩子问题,一边起身准备抓他,孩子若答对并快速回到自己的座位便得一分.注意事项:不是真正要追孩子,只是增加游戏的趣味,若孩子跑的慢老师可以放慢速度,呵呵37.跳跳乐准备用具:闪卡游戏玩法:全班分成几组,将4-5张闪卡放在地上,间距各约半公尺,闪卡后面各画一条直线,各组代表全部站在同一条起始线上,老师每念一张闪卡,代表们必须跳到该闪卡后面画的直线上,跳错或是跳最慢的孩子要被淘汰,最后留下的孩子获胜.注意事项:老师可以加快念闪卡的速度,增加游戏的刺激性.38.老虎抓人准备用具:闪卡,老虎图卡游戏玩法:首先将老虎图卡和其他闪卡混合,然后老师在地上画个长方形也可用大型呼啦圈,所有孩子将自己的一只脚房子框框内,老师将卡片逐一翻给孩子看,孩子一一念出单词,但若翻到老虎卡,扮演老虎的老师就开始抓人,孩子必须迅速抽脚逃回自己的座位,被抓到的就扮演老虎继续玩.注意事项:若空间较小,只需要快速将脚抽离框框内即可.39.踢球游戏准备用具:软球或是海滩球游戏玩法:将全班孩子分成两组,面对面排成两排,相隔约一公尺,然后将球放在两排的中间,要两排瞄准正对方或其他人用脚踢球,但手不可以碰到球,轮到踢球的人要说一个今天所学的单词.注意事项:也可以说一句今天所学的新句子或是儿歌.40.手脚并用准备用具:闪卡或图卡游戏玩法:将全班分成两组,每组轮流派代表上来玩,老师先将8张闪卡散放在地上,然后老师随意念出其中一张,两队代表必须快速用手和脚按住正确闪卡,最快用四肢盖住闪卡的人获胜,以此类推玩下去.注意事项:闪卡不要散放得太开,以孩子的肢体伸展所及为限制.41.是非椅准备用具:两张椅子,闪卡或是物品游戏玩法:全班分成两组,将两张椅子放在台前,一张表示true,一张表示false,然后各组派一人站在起跑线后面,看老师展示的物品并听题目,如老师拿着一个黄色的气球并说“The balloon is yellow.”则代表必须跑去true的椅子上坐下,速度快又答对的为该组得一分.注意事项:句子必须是肯定句.42.一字马准备用具:无游戏玩法:将全班分成两组,每组各派一个代表上台,老师问台下孩子任意的英文问题,答对的组可要求答错的或答得慢的那一组将两脚张开,如此继续玩下去,一直到其中一个代表站不住为止,该组就算输.注意事项:每一次张开的大小可以要求,增加游戏的刺激度.43.烫手山芋准备用具:软球游戏玩法:老师问任意的问题,如“What day is today”,并把球丢出去给其中一个孩子,接到球的孩子必须在限定时间内回答问题并问下一个问题,把球丢给下一位孩子,超时则被判出局.注意事项:老师可将能问的问题列在黑板上供孩子参考,问过的问题就不能再问.也可用在儿歌上,下一个人接前一个人的句子把儿歌念完.44.“谁”不见了准备用具:闪卡游戏玩法:老师展示数张闪卡,让孩子看几分钟后请大家闭上眼睛,老师任意抽走一张或是数张闪卡,并将其他卡片变换位子,请孩子睁开眼睛,老师问“What’s missing”,说出正确答案的孩子即可得分.注意事项:若是孩子较小,可以不用变换闪卡的位子,以免太困难.45.反应游戏准备用具:手电筒游戏玩法:将一些闪卡放在地上,关掉教室内所有灯光,将手电筒打开,以绕圈圈方式照明这些闪卡可以一边念儿歌一边绕圈,最后停在一张闪卡上,最先正确读出闪卡单词的孩子就得分.注意事项:如果有孩子怕黑则避免玩此游戏,老师给要有一定的控制能力并注意安全.46.拍拍手准备用具:无游戏玩法:老师先设定一个需要拍手的情况,例如复习字母时,只要是元音字母A E I O U都必须用拍手来表示,不能念出该字母,活动开始,以轮流方式做字母接力,凡是忘了规定的人便被淘汰出局,持续最久的就算获胜.注意事项:也可以用声音或是其他的动作如踏脚来代替拍手.47.神奇字准备用具:无游戏玩法:老师事先念一首儿歌如:Hopscotch,选定其中一个字例如hop 为神奇字,并规定听到这个神奇字必须要做的动作例如拍手等,然后开始念这首儿歌,孩子只要听到这个字都必须做拍手的动作,做得慢的或是忘了做的就淘汰出局.注意事项:这是很好的听力练习,也可以把“神奇字”改成“神奇句子”来玩.48.制作大比萨准备用具:大毯子或是大棉被、大布,游戏玩法:老师将孩子分成许多小组,每个小组代表各种不同食物,老师先将大毯子铺在地上做比萨的面皮,然后分别喊不同食物的名字,例如eggs,喊到的小组就要回答“Here we are.”然后跳到毯子上,等到所有的孩子都跳到毯子上并躺好,老师就把它包起来或是设计烤的动作与孩子同乐.注意事项:同理也可以做三明治或是饺子等.49. 角力赛准备用具:报纸一张游戏玩法:将全班分成两组,报纸平铺在地上,各组派代表出来回答老师的问题,代表背对背各站在报纸的两个边上,老师任意问问题,先答出正确答案的代表就往后退一步,如此继续下去,直到两方的屁股相碰就开始角力赛,看谁先把对方挤出报纸外的就算获胜.注意事项:小心角力赛的安全性,桌椅最好移开些.50. 雕塑身体准备用具:大骰子数个游戏玩法:将全班分成若干组,在白板上依组数画出身体的躯干,旁边标示数字1—6,分别代表身体的各个部位画在旁边做参考,老师哨声响起,各组孩子们轮流上来掷骰子,并按照数字只是画出相应的身体部位,看哪一组先把一个完整身体画完就算获胜.注意事项:例如2是手臂,重复丢到数字2,第三次就算废弃,否则会画出一个怪物来.也可以用在脸部器官或是其他动物等.51.换位置准备用具:无。



一、Running Dictation(移动听写)1.准备若干份听写材料(句子、文章等),并分开张贴到教室四周墙上或室外。



二、Stop Game(暂停写单词)1.将学生分成若干小组,并给每个小组命名,向每个小组发一张白纸。



三、Listen and Say(传话不走样)1.准备几句与学习内容有关的句子。







先走的那一组先选择一个字母,教师说一句话,在这句话中含有一个单词,单词中含有这个字母,如A,教师说:I like eatA.学生答:apple。




五、Scramble for the Seat(抢坐位)1.将座位排成A状或B状,如下图:2.让所有同学围绕凳子慢走(同学的数量比凳子多一个),边走边说一句教师规定的英文句子,老师说stop,所有人停止行走,开始抢凳子,没有抢到的一位同学被淘汰。

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AAdjective Action: T writes on the board an activity like "bush your teeth." S/He picks one student, they come to the front of the class. The T then shows the S a card with an adjective written on it, such as "slowly". The chosen student then does the activity in the way of the adjective. The other Ss have to guess the adjective. The one who guesses right gets a point and mimes the next action which the teacher writes on the board. To help them you can give them a list of options, if you think they need some help. (Submitted by Libby McArthur).Alphabet Line Up: This is a good way to teach the alphabet to your class. Give each S an alphabet flashcard with a different letter of the alphabet on it, starting at "A" (eg if you have 7 Ss, give flashcards A through to G). Have them move around the room to music. When the music stops, they must line up in order. You can also play with missing letters (eg. Give a "c", then an "f", a "k", an "o", etc). That way they are really learning the order, not just memorizing. (Submitted by Gena). Alphabet Soup: Place plastic letters in a bowl. Divide flashcards by their beginning letters. Each student draws a letter from the bowl and then finds the flashcards associated with that letter. (Submitted by Lori Supernaw)Alphabet Wave: Divide the a-z flashcards among all your students. Put Ss in a line and play the ABC song. As it plays each student must hold up their corresponding alphabet flashcard.BBacks to the Board Game: This one is good for higher level kids. Make two teams and stand one S from each team in front of the board, facing away from it. Place a flashcard picture on the board (e.g. "hamburger") and the Ss have to explain that word to their team member (e.g. you can buy it in McDonalds, it's got cheese and ketchup in it). The first S out of the two standing in front of the board to guess the word wins a point for his/her team.Basketball: Ss take a shot at the trashcan/box/etc. First show a flashcard to S1. If s/he answers correctly then s/he can have a shot at the basket. If the S gets the ball in the basket then s/he wins 2 points. If the S hits the basket without going inside then s/he wins 1 point. The person who gets the most points is the winner. This can also be played in teams.Basketball Card Line-Up: This game is like basketball game but more educational. Place 2 lines of several cards. You need 2 players and a basket far away. To shoot the basket from far away is hard so the players need to say the card and make their way closer and closer to the basket. When they feel that they can throw and hit the basket, they make their attempt.Battleship: Age: 4+, Level: All levels, Target: Vocabulary, Phrases, Listening and Conversation. Make a grid. The size of the grid depends on the number of students and the time limits of the class. Basically the students pick a grid reference, as " A1" or “ B7”and then you reveal the card.Bean Bag Toss: Lay out flashcards face down up the floor. Ss toss the bean bag and identify the flashcard it lands on. (Submitted by Betty).CCatch me if you can: Have students sit in a circle. After reviewing the chosen set of flashcards, place them in a pile in the center of the circle. Take the first card and show it to everybody. Have one student walk around the outside of the circle saying words from the specific subject – like fruits or days - while touching each student's of the circle on the head. When the "magic" word is said, the student whose head is touched at that time, must stand up and chase the student who touched them around the circle. The first one to sit in that spot remains seated and chooses the next "magic" word. The student standing begins again; "Sunday...Monday…"Charades: Have a S come to the front of the class and show a FC or whisper a word to that S. The S then acts out that word and the first S to guess can be the next player. This works very well with action verbs. Variation: divide the class up into teams - the first S to guess wins a point for his/her team.Concentration: You need 2 sets of flashcards for this game. Place both sets face down on the floor. Ss take turns in turning over 2 cards (saying the cards aloud). If the cards match then the S keeps the cards. If the cards are different the cards are turned back over again in their original places. The S with the most pairs at the end of the game is the winner.Concentration 2: Level: requires basic reading. Make a set of cards. On half of them put a picture of a theme related subject (for example body parts, food, furniture etc) on the other half put the word relating to each picture (ex. nose, mouth, lips, eye...). Laminate if possible. Place all cards face down on the table. The first player turns two at a time (or three for the very young) over to match the word to the picture. If it matches the player can keep the pair if not, the cards are returned and then next player goes. These cards can also be used so that a child or team simply matches the words to the pictures.Cross the River: Place flashcards on floor in winding manner. Each represents a stepping stone in the river, as students must say word/phrase/question/etc in order to step on it and cross theriver! (submitted by Michelle K).DDarts: You need a magnetic dartboard (you can get in cheap $1 stores). Place flashcards on the board and number them. Divide class into 2 to 4 teams. Then ask, "What's picture number 3?". If the student answers correctly then s/he may throw a dart for points. You can also say the vocabulary word and have students point instead of speak if their are younger or at a more basic level. (Submitted by Tania Bibbo).EEasy Hard: You need at least 20 cards to play which you divide into 2 piles face down:An Easy and a Hard pile. Give each team 50 points from beginning. Pick a student and ask if they would like an easy or a hard card, also ask how many points they would like to risk on knowing the answer: Easy 1-5 and Hard 5-10.FFast as rabbits: T puts some flashcards on the board. Then a pair of students go to the board facing the flashcards. T says words (from the flashcards) and the 2 children must touch the correct flashcardas fast as they can. The winner is who touches more flashcards first. (Submitted by Paco Santos Juanes).Fish: Before this game you need to have the students in pairs draw and cut out a picture of a fish for each pair. While they are doing that put 2 parallel lines of tape on the floor a few meters apart. Have Ss play in twos - each student behind a different line. T shows S1 a flashcard and asks what it is. If the S answers it correctly s/he can blow once to propel the fish forward. Next, T asks S2. The S who blows the fish over the tapped line is the winner.Flashcard Fun: Hold up a flashcard and elicit the answer from a S. Ss can win the flashcard if they answer correctly. The S with the most flashcards at the end is the winner.Four Corners: T hangs a flashcard (4 in total) in all 4 corners of the room. One S is chosen to stand in the middle with his/her eyes closed and counts to ten while the other students scramble to one of the four corners. At the count of ten, the S in the middle shouts "STOP" and picks one corner by naming it's corresponding flashcard. The students in that corner are "out" and must sit down. Continue game until only one student remains; he/she is then "it" (the counter in middle). (Submitted by Sister Soco). GGive Me Game: You can use with flashcards or objects. Elicit the different flashcards you have. Then place all the flashcards around the classroom. Once the Ss have collected the flashcards (they'll probably do their best to hide them in their pockets, etc.) T says "Give me a (bus)". The S with the (bus) flashcard should approach the T and hand it to him/her: "Here you are". Avoid having the flashcards thrown back to you as they can go anywhere and takes a long time to finish this game. Guessing Question Game: This is good practice for asking simple questions. T hides any flash card behind his/her back and Ss try to guess what the object is by asking questions: "Is it a dog?", "Is it a ball?", "Is it a book?", etc. until they guess the flashcard. (Submitted by Nagwa).HHint Animal Game: Well I tried this activity once and the children really loved it, so I kept doing it. As a review on animals cards, hold some cards without showing any. Then tell the kids that they are going to receive 3 hints, so they need to listen carefully.For example: 1. I am yellow. 2. I have long hair. 3. I am strong. Who am I? Well, a lion of course! You can make it in deferent levels depending on how much English you useor which vocab you use.IJJump On It: Spread out flashcards on the floor and have Ss stand at one end of the room. Shout out a card and the Ss have to find the card and jump on it. The first S to do this wins apoint. Variation: Make 2 teams for a relay race. The first 2 Ss try and jump on the flashcard first to win a point for their team.KKaruta: Lay flashcards on a table or the floor, picture side up. Teacher calls out the word/phrase/etc. and students compete to be the first person to grab or touch the card. If they touch it, they keep it. Game continues until all cards have been picked up. (Submitted by Blythe Musteric)Keep the in Order: Each student has a set of cards (pictures with names) similar to the teacher. The teacher places his/her cards in a particular order in two or three rows, and so do the students following instructions. T starts calling the cards in pairs so that the two cards named change positions. Make a few changes in this way (don´t let students see the changes, they must follow them only by listening carefully). Afterwards, T. calls a student to say the cards in order. If all the cards are well placed the student can lead a new game. Students love the game and learn a lot ofvocabulary. (Submitted by Amparo Andrés)LLightning Flashcards: T stands at front of class with flashcards. Ss form two teams standing in a line. Two Ss go first and face away from the T, T says 1.2.3. what is it? and Ss quickly turn around and the first S to call out the correct answer wins a point for their team (good for review ofvocab). (Submitted by Laurie Pich)Line True or False: Put a line of tape on the floor and designate one side "True" and the other "False". Hold up a flashcard or object and say its word. If Ss think the you have said the correct word they jump on the True side, if not they jump on the False side. Incorrect Ss sit out until the next game. MMusical Flashcards: Ss walk around some flashcards in a circle as some music is playing. When the music stops T shouts out a flashcard and the Ss must race to step on that card. The first S to step on it keeps the card (1 point) and the game continues.Musical Chair Alphabet: Place chairs in the form of musical chairs with alphabet flashcards placed on them. Start the music when the music stops the students pick up their flashcards and have to read the sound on the flashcard. The child who is unable to read is out of the game. (Submitted by Farah Najam) NOOstrich Game:This game is really good fun. You need some clothes pegs. Pair up Ss and peg a card onto each S's back. Both Ss face each other with hands behind backs waiting for T to shout "Go!". At this point they must try to discover his/her partner's hidden flashcard without letting their partner see theirs. When the S finally sees his/her partner's card s/he has to shout it out to become thewinner. The Ss look like ostriches when playing this game.Over-under: Line up the kids in two teams. Give the two kids at the front each a flash card. When you say go, the first in line says the word and passes the f/c over their head, the next kid says the word and passes the card under between their legs, the next kid over, then under, etc. The last kid in line races to the front to hand the f/c to the teacher and says the word. The first team to do so gets a point. (submitted by Sarah Litwin-Schmid).PPaper Rock Scissors: A good vocabulary game. Teach students the new vocabulary (E.g. clothes, colors, animals, etc.). Spread the flashcards in a row on the floor. Divide Ss into two teams. Have students walk on the cards from the opposite sides repeating the vocab just learned. When they are standing on the last card from their end the T says "1... 2.... 3" and the students have to put their hand in front in the form of paper or scissors or the rock. Scissors cut the paper, paper covers the rock and rock break the scissors. Repeat the activity with each student from different teams. The winning Ss can play again. (submitted by Reena Unterreiner-lal).Pass: Sit the Ss with you in a circle. T holds up a flashcard or object and says its name (e.g. "Pen"). T passes it on to the next S who also says its name and passes it on to the next S. Variations: change directions, speed rounds, have many objects going round at the same time.Pictionary: Good for reviewing vocab. Pick a S and show him/her a flashcard picture or whisper a word into his/her ear. The S draws the picture on the board and the first S to guess the picture gets to draw the next picture. This can also be played in teams with a point system.Picture Recognition Game: Have all the Ss stand at one end of the room and the T in the middle. Hold up one picture flashcard and Ss come forward and whisper the word in the T's ear. If correct they can go over to the other side of the room. Ss can have as many guesses as they like.QQuick Peek: T holds a flashcard with the picture facing towards him/her. T quickly shows it to the Ss for a quick peek. The S who guesses the card wins a point.RRace Track: Lay out the flashcards like a race track with a start and finish line. Ss play in pairs or teams. S1 rolls a dice and moves a counter along the track. The S must say the flashcard landed on and if wrong must move back to the original position. Variation: put in some 'throw again' cards (e.g. brightly colored cards) and a nominate a 'crash' number on the die (e.g. if Ss throws a 6 they crash and must stay where they are and miss a turn).Roll that Dice: Split class into 2 to 4 teams. Place flashcards on board and number them. Younger Students: T says: Point to the ______. S should point to that card. If correct then S rolls dice for points. If incorrect S gets help from team. Older Students: T says: What's picture number 4? S says the vocabulary word. If correct then S rolls dice for points. If incorrect S gets help from team. (Submitted by Tania Bibbo).Rope Jump: you need a rope for this one! Have Ss stand behind each other in a line. Hold a rope (have a S hold the other end) at a height that the Ss should be able to jump over. On the other side of the rope spread out some flashcards or objects and a box. Call out the name of one of the flashcards/objects to the first S. S/he has to jump over the rope, pick up the correct flashcard and put it in the box. For other rounds you can hold the rope down low, so Ss have to crawl/roll under.SShopping: This can be used with a wide range of flashcards (food pictures work well). Gather all the Ss and show them all the flashcards you have. Ask a S "What do you want?" (or maybe "What would you like?" to higher levels). The S should reply (e.g. "a hamburger, please"). T then says "Here you are" and the S finishes with "Thank you". At the end collect the objects by playing the 'Give Me' game.Slam: Sit the Ss in a circle and place some flashcards in the middle of the circle. Tell Ss to put their hands on their heads. T shouts out the word of one of the flashcards and the Ss race to touch it. The S who touches it first get to keep the object. The S who has the most flashcards at the end of the game is the winner.Slow motion: T holds a pack of flashcards with the pictures facing towards him/her. The last card should be turned around so it is facing the Ss but is hidden as it is behind the pack. Slowly pull the flashcard up inch by inch so the Ss can only see part of the flashcard. As the picture is slowly revealed Ss try and guess what it is. The first S to guess correctly keeps the card (for 1 point). Variation: To make it a little more difficult turn the flashcard upside down.Snap: You need 2 sets of flashcards all shuffled together. Sit the Ss in a circle and deal out all the cards to the Ss. S1 places down a card in the middle of the circle and says the word aloud, followed by S2 placing his/her card down to form a pile. At some point 2 identical cards may be placed on top of each other and the Ss race to slam the pile and shout "Snap!". The S who slams last takes the pile. Ss should try and lose all their cards. The last S left with all the cards is the loser.Speed lines: Have the students in two lines facing the teacher. The first students in each line are the players. Show a flashcard and the first student to correctly name it is the winner. These two students then go to the back of their respective lines and you repeat the process with the next two students. If both students say the name of the card together let them quickly Janken to decide the winner. A very important ingredient is the speed. Have lines of unequal number so that on progressive rounds the students are playing with different people. This way you don't have to worry about pairing slower students with quicker ones.Spin the Bottle: Sit Ss in a circle with a bottle in the middle. T Spins the bottle. When it stops spinning the S it is pointing to is shown a flashcard and asked to say what it is. If the answer is correct then that S can spin the bottle. This is a good vocab review activity.TTic Tac Toe: Place 9 flashcards (representing words, phrases, questions, etc) face down and numbered (or letters of alphabet) on a large taped grid on the floor. Students call out number or letter to see flashcard. S or team with correct response claims that space with an X or O. (submitted by Michelle K).Touch: Place flashcards around the room and have Ss run around the classroom touching the flashcards that T orders them to do (e.g. "Touch the car" "Touch the bicycle" "Touch the bus").Tornado: Supplies: flashcards (pictures or questions on one side, numbers on the other), 'Tornado Cards' (flashcards with numbers on one side and a tornado picture on the other). Stick the numbered cards on the board with either pictures or questions on the back (depending on the age group) facing the board. Also include 6 Tornado cards and mix them in with the picture cards. Students then choose a number card. If they answer the question correctly then their team can draw a line to draw a house. If they choose a tornado card then they blow down their opposing teams part drawing of a house. The first team to draw a house wins. (submitted by Sally Lloyd).UUp and Down: You need 2 sets of flashcards for this game. Give each of your Ss a flashcard from one set. T keeps the other set. Arrange the Ss so that they are all sitting down. T holds up one flashcard and the S with the same flashcard stands up and says the word and then sits down again. Play the game at a fast pace so that Ss are standing up and sitting down rapidly. Variation: Give each S 2 or 3 flashcards.Uncover: After the vocabulary has been thoroughly taught sit and slowly expose a flashcard until someone can guess what it is. Reward everyone as they will tend to guess at the same time. (Submitted by: Gregory Stein)VVanishing Flashcards Game: place a number of flashcards in front of the Ss. Give them a few moments to memorize the pictures and then tell them to close their eyes. Take away one of the flashcards and then tell the Ss to open their eyes again. The first S to guess the missing flashcard can win that flashcard (for 1 point) and take away a flashcard in the next round.Vocabulary Tunnel: Make a tunnel for Ss to crawl through. T stands at one end and holds up a flashcard for the first S to say. After the S says the correct word, s/he can go through thetunnel. Then hold up a flashcard for the next S. (submitted by Kim Horne).WWindow Game: You can only do this if your classroom has a window that you can stand outside of and look into the classroom (don't try this on the 10th floor!). Model first: stand the Ss in front of the window and go out of the room. Wave to them through the window and silently mouth some words (so it seems like they can't hear you through the glass). Look at a flashcard and then mouth the word a few times. Go back in and the S who first tells you the word you were saying can have a turn.XYZZoo Game: This is a fun activity for young learners on the topic of animal noises. After teaching the animals and their noises sit each S in a different part of the classroom and assign them as different animals (to make it clearer you can give each S a flashcard of the animal they are representing). Walk around the room and talk to each S, who can only reply as an animal. E.g. T: "Hello Yumi", S1:"Moo! (cow). T: "What's your name?" S2: "Roar!" (lion). T: "How are you, Kenta?" S3: "Bow-wow!" (dog).Copyright ©2002-2006 ESL KidStuff - Terms & Conditions。
