富士变频器说明书VP_4远隔操纵面板说明书追加版 免费下载
远隔操作面板追加版「TP-E1」富士电机系统株式会社 INR-SI47-1351-C第1章 安装和接线1.1变频器安装后出现异常振动的解决办法 操作面板的固定(30kW 以下)① 请取下端子盖,主机上盖。
(取下的方法请参照「2.3.1端子盖和主机上盖的拆卸与安装方法」) ② 将操作面板安装在主机上盖上,然后从主机盖内侧用操作面板附属的螺钉(2根)固定。
附属螺钉(M3×12)主机上盖内侧拧紧用扭矩:0.7 N·m图2.5 操作面板的固定1.2安装顺序■ 固定在主机上盖上时① 沿着箭头的方向向下按住,然后顺势向前就可以取下操作面板。
图2.31 取下操作面板12② 如图所示按照箭头的方向把操作面板和塑料挡板分开。
图2.32 远隔操作时操作面板的分离和安装③ 在要安装操作面板的柜子上,开出一个切口。
④ 用两根螺钉把操作面板固定到柜子上。
(参照图2.33)(拧紧扭矩:0.7N ・m)图2.33 操作面板的安装⑤ 用延长电缆(CB-5S,CB-3S,CB-1S)或者一般销售的网线(双绞型)将操作面板的RJ-45接口和变频器本体的RJ-45接口连接起来。
(图2.34)图2.34 连接操作面板・变频器本体的延长电缆或者网线操作面板塑料挡板螺钉孔螺钉孔RJ-45接头操作面板内侧柜板M3×12 客户自备RJ-45接头 模块接口 远隔操作用延长电缆 或者为网线柜板操作面板RJ-45接头接到变频器本体的RJ-45接口3第2章 操作面板的操作 2.1操作面板各部分名称和功能用操作面板可以进行运转・停止操作,各种数据的表示,功能代码数据的设定,I/O 检查,维护信息,报警状况的表示。
表3.1 操作面板各部分的名称和功能概要项目表示部和按键功能概要数 据 表示部4枚7段LED 监视。
■ 运转模式时:运转信息(输出频率,输出电流,输出电压等) ■ 程序模式时:菜单,功能代码,功能代码数据等 ■ 报警模式时:表示保护功能动作原因的报警代码操作模式可以切换。
功率因数改进用 电容器的撤销
即使在变频器的输入侧(初级侧)加入了功率因数改进用电容器也不会有效果,因 此请不要安装。变频器的功率因数改进可通过「直流电抗器」进行。
此外,请不要在变频器的输出侧(次级侧)加入功率因数改进用电容器。否则将会 发生「过电流跳闸」而无法运转。
浪涌抑制器的撤销 请不要在变频器的输出侧(次级侧)安装浪涌抑制器。
本操作说明书的著作权归富士电机机器制御株式会社所有。 本书中记载的公司名称和产品名称一般是各公司的商标或注册商标。 有时会在没有预告的情况下对规格进行变更。
非常感谢您选购本公司的通用变频器“FRENIC-Lift”系列。本产品是可使 3 相异步电动机(以下为异步电动机) 及永磁同步电动机进行可变速运转的装置,为上下搬运装置专用变频器。
〒141-0032 东京都品川区大崎一丁目 11 番 2 号(Gatecity 大崎 东塔) URL http://www.fujielectric.co.jp/fcs/
Copyright © 2004-2005 Fuji Electric FA Components & Systems Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
y FRENIC-Lift 不可用于生命维持装置等与人体事故直接相关的用途。 y 本产品是在严格的质量管理监督下生产的,将其适用于可能因偶发的故障而导致重大事故或损失的设备时,请设
y 请安装在金属等不可燃物上。 y 请不要安装在可燃物附近。
^ F u j i E l e c t r i c C o ., L t d .(2) 按裝方向和空間 (3) 捧裝螺釘和開孔 (4) 電纜通孔電路連接 -------(1 )主回路連接 (2) 控制回路連接(3) 外部制動電阻單元〔選件〕的連接 (4) 根本原理接線圖鐽盤面板 -----------------(1)部件名稱及功能 (1) 鐽盤面板的控制方法 (2) 顯示和鍵的操作 運行 ---- 一 -------- -- '(2) 運行前的檢查 (3) 試運行的檢查要點 (4) 選擇操作方法 (5) 設定數據碼(6) 控制回路的連接和操作(6 )高級操作5数_1^:- ----------- 絲,a ) 功能碼表b ) 功能説明c ) 跳閘記錄的核查方法d )監視鏈接運行的功能設定e ) ----------------- 聯合鍵接操作的功能設定 @護和檢查 --------------- * 檢查項目* 定期更換零件 *測量要點和儀表檢查及排除故障一--5 81)標準技術規範a. 外形尺寸b.應用的配線和設備(4〗_子功能 (5)控制原理框圖富士電機 富士逆變器Fuji Inverters FVR-G7S-EXm a x .1>替1|譲通過該鍵可讀寫每個功能的數據。
感謝您購買富士 F V R _ G 7 S 逆變器。
富士逆變器採用3 2位數字信號處理器〔D S P) ,獲得了多功能和至高的性能。
銘牌②④⑤ ⑦-4^ 7 汰■在X/. SOURCE ' :3(i> 200>23D y ; 50/60H z O U T P U T .; 3A①適配的電動機004—>0.4kw 008—>0.75 kw015-^1.5kw022^2.2kw 040~>4.0kw 055->5.5kw 075^7.5kw 110->11 kw 150-^15kw 185^18.5kw 220^22kw②③④ 電源系列相數:30 3相 2EX — 200V 系列 4EX -^400V 系歹電壓範圍200 ~ 230V -» AC200V 系列 380 ~ 460V -» AC400V 系列⑤頻率:50/60 H z' • '丨•:⑥額定輸出電流 .备G 200V 系歹}|.. dA-^UU4(U.4I<W) 5A-^008(0.75kw) 8A-^015(1.5kw) 11A-^022(2.2kw) 17A->040(4.0k w ) 25A ^055(5.5k w ) 33A -^075(7.5kw) 46A ^110(11 k w ) 59A —>150(15k w) 74A->185(18.5kw) 87A ^220(22k w )A C 400V 系列 2.5A ^008(0.75k w ) 3.7A -^015(1.5k w ) 5.5A -^022(2.2k w ) 9.0A ^040(4.0k w ) 13A —055(5.5k w ) 18A ^075(7.5k w ) 24A ^110(11k w ) 30A -^150(15k w ) 39A -^185(18.5k w ) 45A -^220(22k w )⑦輸出頻率範圍:0.2〜400 H z⑧生產序號罩蓋...接線端子蓋板通風罩 引線板 操作面板 散熱片 按裝螺孔 罩_巻輝絲 接線端子蓋螺絲 銘牌冷卻風昆〔但 F V R 0 0 4〜0 0 8型除外〕橡據襯圈〔附件〕罩蓋接線端子蓋板 通M3 引線板 操作面板 散熱片 按裝螺孔 罩盖螺絲 接線端子盍螺絲 銘牌 冷卻風局 電解質電容器 橡膠襯圈〔附件)霞:FVR110 〜220G7S-2 EX FVR110 〜220G7S-4 EX結構及拆裝F V R —G 7 S 系列逆變器的特點除冷卻風扇外,是全封閉結抗惡劣環境能力。
富士变频器说明书VP_1泵控制系统说明书 免费下载
VP泵控制 功能说明书VP泵控制 功能说明书使用说明书初 版 2003年 12第2版 2004年7富士电机机器制御株式会社未经允许禁止将本手册内容的部分或全部进行转载和复制。
目录第1章 概要 (2)第2章 功能规格 (2)1) 变频器驱动的电机固定方式 (3)2) 变频器驱动的电机循环方式 (4)3) 输出端子的分配 (5)第3章 功能代码 (5)1) 功能代码一览 (5)2) 功能代码的说明 (7)第4章 PID设置相应功能代码说明 (16)1d)不能使用PID控制的低水量停止功能。
J01数据功能0 不动作1 过程控制(正动作)2 过程控制(反动作)反馈端子【12】输入J02)控制指令值的方法。
功能/ 键,通过显示系数(E40、E41)可以以转换为易于识别的显示值,对处理指令的进行设定。
上 100mm
左 10mm
右 10mm
下 100mm
图 2.1
安装方向・ 周围的空间
(3) 安装方向 请将 4 个螺钉或螺栓(型号 M4)相对于安装面垂直安装,这样可以看见「FRENIC-Mini」标记的正面。
请不要上、下颠倒或水平安装。这样变频器的散热效果会降低,并导致过热保护功能动作而 不能正常运转
标准适用 电动机(kW)
螺钉 尺寸
紧固力矩 (N·m)
0.2 0.4
FRN0.2C1□-2J** FRN0.4C1□-2J**
3相 200V
表示 S E
结构 标准型 EMC 滤波器内置型
输入电源 3 相 200V 3 相 400V 单相 100V 单相 200V
结构 标准型(IP20) EMC 内置形(IP20)
注)选配件内置:无,制动关联:无制动电阻器(标准)时,根据标准规格,最后 2 位不显示。
SOURCE : 输入相数(3相时为 3PH、单相时为 1PH)、输入电压、输入频率、输入电流 OUTPUT : 输出相数、输出额定容量、额定输出电压、输出频率范围、额定输出电流、过载能力 SER.No. : 制造编号
几乎不含有盐分。 (一年内在 0.01 mg/cm2 以下)
1,000m 以下(注 3)
86~106 kPa
中压变频器是660V 或1140V的,如ABB的AC5000,丹佛斯的FC200。
变频器逆变环节往往采用正弦脉宽调制法(SPWM)法,其输出部分线电压是正弦脉宽、幅值相等的窄矩形波,其三相的相电压是阶梯波,如图4所示,其非线性是由SPWM 脉宽调制的性质所定的;电流波形和载波频率比有关,载波频率比越高,越接近正弦波,波形中会含有和载波频率相关的高次谐波,高次谐波电流对负载直接干扰,还会通过电缆向空间辐射,干扰邻近电气设备。
富士变频器说明书pdf富士变频器使用说明1.外围线路配置1.1 数字量输入:端子FWD正向运行C板:Y 4 F板:JP 10.4端子REV反向运行C板:Y5 F板:JP10.5端子X1 E01=0 多段速频率选择SS1 F板:JP10.7端子X2 E02=1 多段速频率选择SS2 F板:JP10.8端子X3 E03=2 多段速频率选择SS4 F板:JP10.9端子CM 公共端C板:COM2 F板:JP10.101.2 数字量输出(继电器):Y5C-Y5A 变频器运行信号可编程E24=0C板:串入抱闸接触器线圈回路F板:JP2.1030A-30C 变频器故障C板:X13 F板:JP2.21.3 模拟量输入:12 - 11(0~10V -0V)C板:V1-V0 F板:JP6.3-JP6.2 2.一些重要参数说明:F01=1 频率设定模拟量(电压型)F02=1 运行操作外部信号(FWD/REV正反向运行)F07 加速时间1 O13 S曲线1F08 减速时间1 O14 S曲线2E10 加减速时间3 O15 S曲线3bE11 加减速时间4 O16 S曲线4E12 加减速时间5 O17 S曲线5 数字量可调节参数值E13 加减速时间6 O18 S曲线6 模拟量不用,都为0E14 加减速时间7 O19 S曲线7E15 加减速时间8 O20 S曲线8O21 S曲线9O22 S曲线10F03 最高输出频率F04 基本频率此四个参数值须根据电机铭牌设F05 额定电压F06 最高输出电压F17 频率设定增益(模拟量)F18 频率偏置(模拟量)F26 载波频率15KHz 一般不调,仅当电机动作正常,但声音尖锐异常时可调整(≤15KHz)E33=1 过负载预报按输出电流预报E34: OL预报值额定电流150%**E37 过负载预报额定电流150%**C07 爬行速度C08 检修速度数字量可调节参数值C09 单层速度模拟量不用,都为0C10 双层速度C11 多层速度C33 模拟量输入滤波时间0.04P01 电机极数P=120f/N (f-电机额定频率;N-电机额定转速)一般情况,N >1000rpm,P=4极N≤1000rpm,P=6极P02 电机功率此两个参数值须根据电机铭牌设P03 电机额定电流P04 电机空载电流初始值设为p04的40%,自整定后自动生成O01=1 (闭环);0(开环)O03 编码器脉冲数(分频在PG卡上实现)O04 速度环P常数(高速时)O05 速度环I常数0.5O06 速度检测滤波常数0.003O07 速度环P常数切换频率1 5O08 速度环P常数切换频率2 10O09 速度环P常数(低速时)H03 数据初始化(一般不用)3. 特殊参数调试说明3.1 H03 数据初始化(一般不用)这个参数用法可参考第一章“3.1 A1-03=0 初始化”,与之用法类似。
请确认产品输入电源的相数、额定电压是否与连接电源的相数、电压等规格一致。 请不要将电源线连接到变频器输出端子(U、V、W)上。
请不要将制动电阻器连接在端子 P(+)-N(-)之间,端子 P1-N(-)之间,端子 P(+)-P1 之间,端子 DB-N(-)之间以
及端子 P1-DB 之间。 否则可能会引起火灾、事故
Copyright © 2005 Fuji Electric FA Components & Systems Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
本使用说明书的著作权属于富士电机设备控制株式会社。 本书中刊登的公司名及产品名一般情况下均为各公司的商标或注册商标。 产品规格如有变更,恕不另行通知。
FRENIC-Multi 不可直接用于维持生命装置等直接关系到生命安全的用途。
安全装置,以防不测。 否则可能会引起重大事故
请安装在金属等阻燃物体上。 请勿安装在可燃物附近。
危险Βιβλιοθήκη 变频器连接电源时,请适配各变频器推荐的配线用断路器、漏电断路器(带有过电流保护功能)进行配线。请
感谢您选购本公司通用变频器「FRENIC-Multi」系列产品。该产品是控制三相异步电动机转速的 装置。 在使用前,请仔细阅读本使用说明书、正确使用。如果使用错误,会影响正常运转,降低寿命或 引起故障。 以下是 FRENIC-Multi 的相关资料。请根据实际需要查阅。 FRENIC-Multi 用户手册 RS485 通信用户手册 资料将持续修订更新,使用时请购买最新版资料。
z 报警历史(最近发生的和以前三次)记录
z 最近报警发生的信息监视
z 运行信息(功率,设定频率值,转矩,转矩电流,电动机功率,
对应通信专用 功能(M 代码)
z 运行状态,通用输出端子状态
z 维护(运行累计时间,直流中间电压,变频器内部温度,散热
z 所有功能数据的检查和变更 (但是,有关 RS485 通信的功能数据不能变更)
值 16 进制 01H 30H~33H39H 30H~39H 05 H 15 H
52 H 57 H 41 H 45H
46 H 45 H 43H 50 H 48H 41H 6FH 53 H 4D H 30H~34 H 30H~39H 20 H 20 H 20 H 34 H~35H 30 H~3FH 03 H 30H~3FH 30H~3FH
值 16 进制 01H 30H~33H39H 30H~39H 05 H
52 H 57 H 41 H 45H
46 H 45 H 43H 50 H 48H 41H 6FH 53 H 4D H 30H~34 H 30H~39H 20 H 30H~3F H 30H~3F H 30H~3F H 30H~3F H 03 H 30H~3F H 30H~3F H
BCC 对象
8 SP
13 ETX
14 BCC
ASCII 码 SOH ‘0’~‘3’, ‘9’ ‘0’~‘9’ ENQ
FUJI ELECTRIC技术资料FRENIC 5000VG5N升降机专用目录页号1.功能 (21—1功能表 (21—2功能说明 (9(1 速度设定 (9(2 加减速时间设定 (10(3 启动,停止功能 (10(4 转矩偏移功能 (16(5 停止模式下的移动距离的预测值表示 (192.加减速时间,移动时间的计算方法 (21VG5N操作面板使用说明FUJI VG5N变频器可以通过控制板上的LED+按键的键盘部分及操纵面板部分对系统进行参数设定、状态监视、控制驱动器的运行/停止等操作。
熟悉键盘的功能与操作方法,是掌握调试FUJI VG5N变频器系统的前提,因此,建议调试之前仔细阅读本说明一、操作面板部分说明操纵面板的键盘,主要由LED数码管,LCD(液晶显示屏,按键三部分组成,其外形及功能区如图1所示:图1 操作面板示意图1、按键功能说明说明:操纵面板中,FWD/REV和JOG键无效。
这些指示灯在键盘各种状态下处于点亮、熄灭或闪烁状态,其功能及含义见表2-2:表2-2 面板指示说明运行指示灯:位于运行键正上方,该灯有点亮、熄灭两种状态。
单位指示灯:由三个指示灯组成,位于LED 数码管的右侧,其显示状态的不同组合分别对应六种单位,指示当前LED 数码管参数的单位,组合状态与单位对应关系见图2-1所示,按键可以切换LED 显示参数。
>本系列變頻器體積雖小但性能高,0.5Hz時電動機的起動轉矩爲200%,~~ •一 ....... fJ 低速範圍轉矩脉動比以前的變頻器約小一半。
丨具有各種智能化功能,如自動節能、PID控制、自整定和RS485通彳I 奪,^ 並增强了維護/保護功能,如增加輸入電涌電流抑制和壽命預報等。
動態轉矩矢量控制■ Risk of Injury or Electric Shock;議:、Refer to the user's manual before installation arSope^oper. -Risk of Electric Shock* 動態轉矩矢量控制系統通過高速計算.確定電動機對^ 應負載狀態的所需功率,富士公司專有技術能最正确控1 11 (|1 1 11 I1 ' i '■1 J - I - ! 1;>wer ana-:w e r..•-;:[1j i J|辦?p制電壓和電流矢量,輸出最大轉矩。
轉矩特性電動機[r/minl100200-300危険2.小型化參統一高度尺寸對 3.7KW及以下容量機種的高度統一爲130mm,便於設計按裝。
轉速脉動特性以前的富士變頻器FVR-E11S 電動機速度丨r/min|參全機種都能連接制動電阻由於内部裝有制動晶體管.因此可以連接制動電阻選件.以提高再生制動能力,這樣能滿足應用在傳送帶和輸送機械時所需較大制動力的要求。
项目三 富士变频器
3.外端子 ★主电路端子 ⑴电源端子:L1、L2、L3;⑵负载端子:U、V、W; ⑶RO、TO端子:控制电源辅助输入端,当主电路断电
时保持控制电路不断电。需接在电源接触器之前。0.75kW 以下的变频器无此端子。
⑷⑺⑻P1、P(+) :直流电抗器连接端子,出厂时短 路,需外接电抗器时去掉短路片。
(3) 语种
(4) 灯指示
项目三 富士变频器 (5)键盘结构
项目三 富士变频器
2.运行控制设定 (1) 运行操作
键盘面板:FWD键、REV键、STOP键。 端子输入:正转/停止命令、反转/停止命令、报警复 位、自由旋转命令、加减速选择、多步频率选择等。 (2) 频率设定 键盘增、减键设定;外部电位器设定;模拟输入控制; 外端子(UP、DOWN端子)控制;多步频率选择(由4个接 点输入信号的组合选定,可选定15种频率);连接运行 (接通信接口);程序段速运行;点动运行。
项目三 富士变频器
(1) LCD数码屏显示
(2) LED液晶屏显示
注意:若变频器不接制动单元,P(+)、N(-)端子必须 保持开路状态。
Instruction ManualFVR-C9S-7UX Drive Series Single-phase 240 V A C Input TypeCAUTION•Make sure that you read this instruction manual thoroughly before installing, wiring, operating and inspecting this drive.•Please make sure that this instruction manual accompanies the drive to the end user.•Keep this instruction manual so that it will always be available for the duration of the drive’s operating life.•Product specifications are subject to change without notice.Thank you for purchasing the Fuji “FVR-C9S” drive marketed by GE Fuji Drives USA, Inc. This instruction manual is included with the drive and equipment and is provided for the conve-nience of the end user. Please be sure it accompanies the drive.CONTENTS0.Safety Precautions (4)1.Inspection Upon Receipt (6)2.Part Names (7)3.Warning and Caution (7)4.Specifications (8)5.External Dimensions (10)6.Installation Instructions (12)7.Wiring (12)8.Basic Wiring Diagrams (14)9.Application of Wiring and Equipment (16)10.Terminal Function Explanation (17)11.Operation (19)12.Keypad Panel (21)13.Function Explanation (23)14.Protective Functions (34)15.Warranty Parts and Service (35)16.Electromagnetic Compatibility (37)17.EC Declaration of Conformity (40)FVR-C9S-7UX 0. Safety PrecautionsBefore carrying out installation, wiring, mainte-nance or inspection of the drive, read this in-struction manual thoroughly to gain a full under-standing of the correct operation procedures. Make sure that you have read all product details, safety information, warnings and cautions before use. The following classifications for warnings and cautions are used throughout this manual.WARNING:Denotes operating procedures and practices that may result in severe injury or loss of life if not correctly followed.CAUTION:Denotes operating procedures and practices that, if not strictly observed, may result in per-sonal injury or damage to the equipment.WARNING:FIRE AND PERSONAL INJURY HAZARD This drive is designed for variable-speed opera-tion of three-phase induction motors. It cannot be used with single-phase motors or for any other applications, otherwise fire may result.The drive cannot be used by itself for elevators, life-preservation equipment or other equipment which is directly related to human safety. In such situations, sufficient consideration should be given to overall system configuration, not just to the drive, otherwise serious accidents could result.INSTALLATIONWARNING:FIRE AND PERSONAL INJURY HAZARD Install the drive to a non-flammable surface such as a metal surface, otherwise fires may result.Do not place the drive near flammable materials, otherwise fires may result.Do not hold the drive by its cover when trans-porting. Otherwise the drive could be damaged and cause injury to personnel.Do not let any scraps of thread, paper, sawdust, dirt, metal shavings or other foreign objects get inside the drive or onto the cooling fins, other-wise fire or problems with operation may result. AC input fuses are required to validate UL listing of this device.Do not install and operate the drive if it is dam-aged or if some of the parts are missing. Doing so may result in severe personal injury.Do not touch the drive cooling fin because the cooling fin reaches high temperatures during operation, otherwise personal injury may result.Install the drive in the environment of pollution degree 2. If environment is pollution degree 3 or 4, the drive should be installed in a cabinet ofIP54. Required for CE Certification. WIRINGWARNING:FIRE AND ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD. When connecting the drive to a power supply, be sure to connect it via a circuit breaker, a leakage current breaker or a fuse, otherwise fires may result.AC input fuses are required to validate the UL listing of the drive.Use only fuses and circuit breakers with rated capacities that are suitable for use with the drive. Failure to do so may result in fire.Connect the drive with a secure ground, other-wise electric shocks or fires may result.Wiring work should only be carried out by suit-ably qualified personnel, otherwise electric shocks may result.Make absolutely sure that the power supply is turned off (open) before wiring, otherwise electric shocks may result.Wiring work should only be carried out after the drive has been installed, otherwise electric shocks or injury may result.CAUTION:Do not touch the cooling fins, as they become hot during drive operation.Because it is relatively easy to set the drive to high speed operation, be sure to check the capacity of the motor and the equipment being operated before changing the drive function setting.The drive braking function cannot be substituted for mechanical means. Attempting to do so may result in injury.MAINTENANCE, INSPECTION AND PART REPLACEMENTWARNING:ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARDWait at least five minutes after turning off the power before carrying out inspection. Check that the charge indication lamp has gone out. Do not touch the drive parts if the lamp is still lit, other-wise electric shocks may result.Maintenance, inspection and parts replacement should only be carried out by suitably qualified personnel. Remove any metallic accessories such as watches and rings before starting work,and use only properly insulated tools, otherwise electric shocks may result.DISPOSALCAUTIONDisposal of the drive should be entrusted to a suitably-qualified disposal agency, otherwise injury may result.PACKINGCAUTIONDo not stand or sit on the drive as injury may result.The number of packing cartons that can be stacked together is printed on the packingcontainer. Do not stack the containers any higher than this or injury may result.CAUTION:Check that the phase and voltage of the AC power supply being connected matches the input phase and rated input voltage of the ing an improper power supply may cause injury or damage to the equipment.Do not connect AC power to the output termi-nals (U, V , W) otherwise injury may result.The drive, motor and wiring produce electromag-netic noise during operation. Make sure that this does not interfere with the operation of sensors or other equipment nearby, otherwise accidents may result.OPERATIONWARNING:ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARDAlways install the drive cover before turning on the power supply. In addition, do not remove the drive cover while the power is on. Failure to observe these precautions may result in electric shocks.Do not operate any of the switches with wet hands, otherwise electric shocks may result.WARNING:FIRE AND PERSONAL INJURY HAZARDIf the retry function has been activated and a trip occurs, the drive will restart automatically de-pending on the cause of the trip. Make sure that the system is set up properly so that there will be no danger to personnel when the drive starts.The STOP key is only effective when keypad panel operation has been selected in the func-tion settings. A separate switch should be installed for emergency stopping purposes.If an alarm reset is carried out while a run signal (FWD/REV) is being input, the drive will suddenly restart. Always check that the run signal is not being input before carrying out the alarm reset,otherwise accidents may occur.Never touch the drive terminals while the power is fed to the drive, regardless of whether the drive is running or not.1. Inspection Upon ReceiptPlease inspect the following items upon receipt of your drive.• Check the name plate to insure the specifica-tions correspond to those ordered.• Inspect the unit for damage which may have occurred during shipping.If you have any problems or questions regarding the drive, please contact the nearest Fuji sales office or the distributor where the unit was purchased.NameplateUL/CSAWARNING / AVERTISSEMENTHazard of electrical shock. Disconnect incoming power before working on this control.Risque de choc electrique. Couper l’alimentation avant le depannage de sette commande.More than one live circuit. See diagram. Cet equipment renferme plusieurs circuits sous tension. Voir le schemaCAUTION ATTENTIONDangerous voltage exists until charge light is off.Prede tensions dangereuses tant que le voyant n’est pas eteint.Suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than 5,000 rms symmetrical amperes.240V maximum.• Use 60/75° C copper wire only.• Use Class 1 wire only.• Open type equipment• Tightening torque and wire range for field wiring terminals are as follows:ModelRequired Wire torque (N.m)range FVRF12C9S-7UX 0.9814FVRF25C9S-7UX 0.9814FVRF50C9S-7UX 0.9814FVR001C9S-7UX 0.9814FVR002C9S-7UX 0.9814Control board terminal0.724Use the listed quick-acting fuse in series. Fac-tory recommendation is a Bussman type JKS or equivalent. Fuses are required to validate the UL and CSA listings.ModelDist. fuse size,600VFVRF12C9S-7UX 20FVRF25C9S-7UX 20FVRF50C9S-7UX 20FVR001C9S-7UX 20FVR002C9S-7UX30Field wiring connection shall be made by a UL listed and CSA Certified closed-loop terminal connector sized for the wire gauge involved.Connector must be fixed using the crimp tool specified by the connector manufacturer.OTHERWARNING:FIRE AND PERSONAL INJURY HAZARDDo not carry out any modifications to the drive.Doing so may result in electric shock and injury.GENERAL CAUTIONAll of the illustrations in this instruction manual show the drive with the covers and other protec-tive equipment removed in order to facilitate explanation of detailed parts of the drive. Beabsolutely sure to return all covers and protective equipment to the prescribed positions before operating the drive, and make sure that all opera-tions are carried out in accordance with theinstructions in this manual.1.Type2.Phase: 1AC - Single-phase3.Voltage range: 220V - 240V AC200V Series4.Frequency: 50/60Hz5.Rated output capacity6.Rated output current7.Output frequency range: 1- 120 Hz 8.Serial No.2. Part Names2. Keypad Panel3. Frequency Setting VR4. Mounting Screw Holes5. Drive Cover Screw14F V R F 2 5 C 9 S 7 U XDrive SeriesApplicable motor output (Hp)Power Series: 200V UX Series3. Warning and CautionImproper wiring will result in damage to, and failure of the unit. Please carefully note the items listed below, and use the unit as indi-cated.WARNING AND CAUTION1.Do not connect the power supply tovoltage that exceeds the standard speci-fication voltage with permissible fluctua-tion. (Permissible voltage: AC220V -240V)2.Do not connect power supply to the drive output terminals (U, V , W). Connectpower supply only to the power terminals (L1, L2)3.Whenever removing the drive cover,always switch off the power supply. Do not switch on the power supply to the drive with the drive cover removed.4.Do not touch the live part until the CRG lamp located above the main circuit terminals goes out.5.Avoid using a magnetic contactor (ON/OFF) installed in the line side of the drive for RUN and STOP . Use the FWD-CM (forward) and REV-CM (reverse) terminals for RUN and STOP .6.Do not connect a power factor correcting capacitor to the output side of the drive.7.Do not perform a megger test between the drive terminals or on the control circuit terminals.4. SpecificationsType (FVR _ _ _ C9S-7UX)F12F25F50001002Applicable motor output 1[Hp]1/81/41/212Rated capacity 2[kVA] 1.5 2.7Voltage [V]Three-phase 220-240V 50/60 Hz (Output voltage is proportional to input voltage)Output RatingRated current[A]0.66 1.2 2.1 3.7 6.4Overload current rating 150% 1 min.Rated frequency[Hz]50/60 HzPhase, voltage, frequency Single-phase 220-240V 50/60 HzAllowable variation in Voltage: =10 - 15% Frequency: 15% (Imbalance in power Input power voltage/frequencysupply voltage: 3%)supplyInstantaneous voltage drop withstanding capacityRequired power supplycapacity[kVA] Max. freq.4 [Hz]50-120 Hz Setting variable (in increments of 1 Hz)Base freq. [Hz]50-120 Hz Setting variable (in increments of 1 Hz)Starting freq. [Hz]1-6 Hz Setting variable (in increments of 1 Hz)Output Accuracy Analog setting: ±1.0% of max. frequency (25±10°C) frequencyDigital setting: ±0.01% of max. frequency (-10 - +50°C)Setting resolutionAnalog setting:1/255 of max. frequency(ex. 0.25 Hz / 60 Hz, 0.5 Hz / 120 Hz)Digital Setting: 0.1 Hz (99.9 Hz max) 1 Hz (100-120 Hz)Control method Sine wave PWM control(Extremely low noise by high frequency carrier)Control Operation Keypad operation: Operation control by RUN/STOP keysTerminal strip:Forward command. Reverse command.Coast-to-stop command. Reset.External alarm.1) "Applicable motor" indicates a standard 4-pole motor.C92-7-132) "Rated capacity" indicates a capacity at 240V rating.3) This applies to the case where momentary power failure occurs under such conditions that rated voltage is inputted and load factor is 85%.4) Shows the case where an applicable motor equipped with an AC reactor (option) on the input side is used.Drive is kept running if voltage is 165V or more. If voltage drops more than 165V from rated voltage, drive is run for 15ms.3Type (FVR _ _ _ C9S-7UX)F12F25F50001002 Applicable motor output1[Hp]1/81/41/212 Frequency setting Key operation:Setting with UP/DOWN keysPotentiometer:Terminal for 1-5K ohm VR is providedAnalog signal:0-5 VDC 0-10 VDC(input resistance = 22k ohm) Display Run mode Output frequency is displayed. (3 digit LED)Fault mode Cause of fault is displayed.Other LED comes on with charging voltage applied.Acceleration/Deceleration time0-60s (Variable setting) Acceleration time and deceleration Control time can be set independently.Voltage frequency characteristics Setting of maximum frequency/base frequency is variable.Restart after momentary power failure"Automatic restart" setting makes it possible to keep motorrunning and restart drive in case of a momentary power failure.High Limiter & Low Limiter Upper limit and lower limit of frequency can be set.Bias setting Bias setting is possible with respect to analog frequency setting.Jump frequency Three jump points and one jump width can be set.Torque boost Setting variable in 32 steps.Starting torque[%]150% for 60 seconds.Braking torque5[%]150% 1 min.100% 1 min.50% 1 min. Braking DC brake Brake starting frequency: 3 Hz (fixed)Setting of braking current / braking time is variable.Overload Detects overload current and stops drive.Momentary overcurrent Protects drive In case of ground fault (detects at start) andshort circuit of output circuit.Overvoltage Detects overvoltage of DC bus and stops drive.Protection Overheating of cooling element Detects abnormal temp. rise of cooling element and stops drive.Motor protection Protects standard 4-pole motor and forced-air cooled motor bymeans of electronic thermal overload relay.Alarm protection Outputs contact signal in case of a trip for protection(1c contact capacity: AC250V 0.3A cos = 0.3)Installation location Indoor at an altitude of 3283 feet (1000m) or less and free ofdust, corrosive gas and oil mist.Ambient temperature-10 to 65°CAmbient humidity20 -90% RH (There shall be no dew condensation)Environment Vibration19 feet/s2 (5.9m/s2) or lessVibration frequency: 5 - 55 HzStorage temperature-25 to 65°CAtmospheric pressure Operation/storage: min 900 mb (equivalent to 3283 feet (1000m)Transport: min 660 mb (equivalent to 10720 feet (3265m) Enclosure IP20Cooling method Self-cooling (up to 1 Hp), forced-air cooling (2 Hp)5) This indicates average braking torque of a single motor. (Value varies according to motor efficiency.)C92-7-145. External DimensionsDWG 1: FVRF12C9S-7UX to FVROO1C9S-7UXDWG 2: FVR002C9S-7UXRated Current External Dimensions: inches (mm)DWG No.Type[A]D D1D2FVR002C9S-7UX 6.4 5.53 (140.5) 3.05 (77.5) 2.56 (65)DWG 27-'0051112Mounting plate: Heat sink temperature will reach +90°C during operation. Please use thermostable material for drive mounting plate.Multi-mounting: When 2 or more drives are installed within the drive switchboard, ar-range them side by side, keeping space (shown in the above figure) between each drive. If the drives must be lined up vertically,provide adequate ventilation so that the hot air from each drive will not affect the one above it.7. WiringPerform wiring in accordance with the fol-lowing procedure:1) Remove the cover mounting screw at the center of the cover.2) Hold the lower end of the cover, lift it up and remove the cover3) Remove the keypad panel from the main unit, and disconnect the harness from the CN2 at the same time.6. Installation InstructionsInstallation ConditionsInstall the drive in a location which meets the following requirements:•The ambient temperature should be be-tween -10°C and +50°C.•Install the drive in the environment ofpollution degree 2. If environment is pollu-tion degree 3 or 4, the drive should be installed in a cabinet of IP54.• Install the drive in the atmospheric pres-sure of 900mbar or more.•Install the drive in the vibration of 232inches/s 2 (5.9m/s 2) or less.Mounting Direction and SpaceNOTICE: The durability and reliability of the drive will be affected by the ambient tem-perature. Do not place the unit where ambi-ent temperature is not proper.Direction: Insert M4 size screws in the mounting screw holes in the left upper and right lower of the drive, and install the drive with these screws. Install the drive vertically.Horizontal or other positional installation will cause the drive to overheat.Space: The drive will generate heat during operation. Allow sufficient space around the unit as shown in the above figure.Side view of inverter134) Arrange the main circuit and the control circuit wiring as follows.1. Motor coast-to-stop2. Reset signal3. Reverse-direction operation command4. Forward-direction operation command5. External alarm6. Frequency setting VR7. Combined alarm relay outputNote 1)FWD and THR are connected to CMat the factory. In this condition,starting/stopping can be performed via RUN/STOP keys on the keypad panel.Note 2)In case of using an external potentiometer, remove the connector which the keypad panel and the CN2 on the drive main unit are connected.Note 3)Connect the power supply of overvoltage category II. If the power supply is over voltage category III,place the devices to limit the over voltage below 2.5kV .Required for CE Certification.5) Reinstall the cover. Connect the harness of the keypad panel to the CN2 on the main unit, then reinstall the keypad panel fitting it onto the guide pins.6) As shown below, reinstall the cover onto the drive main unit, and fix it with the mount-ing screw.B R S R E F W T HC 3O 3OSide view of inverter148. Basic Wiring Diagram1) Keypad Panel OperationFrom the factory, the drive is set for frequency control by means of the potentiometer control knob on the keypad panel. The RUN/STOP function of the drive is controlled by the RUN/STOP keys on the keypad panel.* PE terminal blocks for the drive and motor should be provided in the cabinet in which the drive is installed in.10V 1mAPower Supply AC220 - 240V 50/60 Hz 1-phase152) External Signal OperationEnsure that the connection is as shown in the following diagram in case of operating the drive by means of external frequency setting potentiometer or contact signal.Note 1) Set function F02 to 1.Note 2) In case of using an external frequency setting potentiometer, disconnect the potenti-ometer connector (CN2) from the keypad panel. Use of an external potentiometer together with the potentiometer on the keypad panel may result in damage to the drive.* PE terminal blocks for the drive and motor should be provided in the cabinet in which the drive is installed in.50/60Hz 1 PhaseForward-direction operation command Reverse-direction operation commandMotor coast-to-stop commandExternal alarm inputAnalog monitorAlarm reset516CAUTION:The control circuit terminal wiring should be kept as far as possible from the main circuit wiring to prevent operational error due to noise interference. Never install them in the same duct or conduit. (A separation distance of 4 inches [10cm] or more is recom-mended.) If the control circuit wiring must cross the main circuit wiring, make sure it crosses at a right angle.Use shielded, twisted wire for the control circuit wiring , which should be as short as possible (65 feet [20m] or less).Install a surge absorber in parallel with any magnet contactors, solenoids, relays or timer coils, which are close to the drive.Applicable motor output [Hp]1/81/41/212Drive typeFVRF12FVRF25FVRF50FVRF001FVRF002C9S-7UX C9S-7UX C9S-7UX C9S-7UX C9S-7UX Output rated capacity [kVA] 1.5 2.7Applicable wire size Main circuit 1412(AWG)Contol circuit 24MCCB 6101620ELCB 6101620Listed fuse*2030* The use of quick-acting fuses is required to validate UL listing. The factory C92-7-15recommendation is Bussman type JKS or equivalent.Long wiring lengths between the motor and the drive will result in increased capacitance and leakage current. This may cause earlier activation of such protective functions as:overcurrent protection, overheating protec-tion and electronic thermal overload, or the error in current detection may become large.To avoid these, adjust the length of wiring between the drive and the motor so that is does not exceed the length shown below.FVRF12C9S-7UX : 165 feet (50m)FVRF25 to 002C9S-7UX : 325 feet (100m)9. Application of Wiring and EquipmentTerminal Function ExplanationClassi-ficationTerminal Code Terminal Name Explanation of FunctionMain Circuit L1, L2Commercial power supply inputterminalsFor connection of 1-Phase 220 to 240V commercial powersupplyU, V, W Drive Output Terminals For connection of a 3-Phase motorE (G)Drive Grounding TerminalsGrounding terminal of drive chassis (case). Be sure to groundthe drive to prevent electric shock or to lower noiseFrequency Setting 13Power Supply for FrequencySettingUsed as a power supply for frequency setter (variableresistor: 1 - 5K ohm) (DC + 10V, 10mA max)12Frequency Setting Voltage Input DC 0 - +10V / 0 - 100% (Input resistance: 22K ohm)11*Frequency Setting CommonTerminalCommon terminal for frequency setting signals 12 and 13Control Input FWDForward/Stop Command InputTerminalForward-direction operation takes place when FWD-CM isclosed. Drive decelerates and stops when FWD-CM isopenedREVReverse/Stop Command InputTerminalReverse-direction operation takes place when REV-CM isclosed. Drive decelerates and stops when REV-CM is opened BXMotor Coast-to-Stop InputTerminal•Drive output is cut off instantly and motor will coast-to-stop when BX-CM is closed. Alarm signal is not outputted.•This functions as multistep frequency selection terminal X2when changing function.THR External Alarm Input Terminal•When THR-CM is opened during operation, drive output iscut (motor will coast-to-stop) and an alarm signal isoutputted. This signal is latched and reset by RST input.•This functions as multistep frequency selection terminal X1when changing functions.RST Alarm Reset Terminal When RST-CM is closed, the drive fault is reset.CM*Control Input Common Terminal Common terminal for control input signalsC92-7-03* Electric potential of 11 terminal is identical with that of CM terminal.10. Terminal Function Explanation17Terminal Function ExplanationClassi-ficationTerminal Code Terminal Name Explanation of FunctionOutput for Motor FM Analog MonitorOutputs + 10VDC between FM and CM terminals. Whenfrquency setting is equal to the maximum frequency setting,outputs + 10VDC at 150% current when monitoring outputcurrent.• Two DC voltmeters (internal resistance of 10K ohm orgreater) can be connected.• In case of DC ammeter (1mA full scale), it is necessary toadd series resistance of 10K ohm (1/2W)• This output is a pulse output constant frequency (38. 1 Hz)which has a variable duty.Contact Output 30A, B, CCombined Alarm OutputTerminalsOutput via no volt signal (contact1c) to indicate that thedrive's protective function has been activated by an alarm.• Contact capacity (DC48V. 0.3A)C92-04Terminal Function Explanation cont.1811. OperationPre-Operation Inspection•Check for wiring errors.•Check that all loose wire stands, metal chips and unnecessary screws, etc. have been removed.•Check that no screws, terminals, etc. are loose.•Check that the wire ends of crimp terminal are not in contact with other terminals. Test Run Check Points•Smooth rotation and correct rotation direction.•No abnormal vibrations and noise from the motor.•Smooth acceleration and deceleration.Frequency Setting Method•Frequency setting by potentiometer con-trol (factory preset at the time of ship-ment; F01:1). As wired at the factory,frequency setting can be performed byturning the potentiometer control knob on the keypad panel. Turn the potentiometer control knob clockwise to increase fre-quency.• Frequency setting by digital signal (F01 :0). With the function F01 set to 0, fre-quency can be increased or decreased by theUP/DOWN) keys on the keypad panel.UP: Frequency upDOWN: Frequency downRUN/STOP Method•RUN/STOP by keypad panel operation (Factory preset at the time of shipmentF02:0).•The drive is shipped with a factory in-stalled jumper, between FWD-CM. Onlyforward operation is possible. T o enablereverse operation, remove the jumperfrom FWD/CM and install the jumperbetween REV-CM.•RUN/STOP by terminal operation (F02 : 1) Note: Open FWD and REV terminals when changing F02 data. Data cannot be changedif not open.FrequencyFrequency1920Selecting Operation MethodWith the FVR-C9S Series, the following methods can be selected to input the RUN/STOP signals and for frequency setting.Frequency Setting Function Code setting1F01=0202=0F01=13F01=042=1F 01=1C92-07* The frequency setting rate of change increases when FUNC/DATA key and UP/DOWN keysare pressed simultaneouslyF RUN/STOP Keypad panel operation RUN/STOP KeysTerminal operation (operation by external signal, FWD/REV terminals)F UP/DOWN Keys*Analog signal (DC0 - 10V)UP/DOWN Keys*Analog signal (DC0 - 10V)2112. Keypad PanelPart Names and FunctionsDigital monitor:key):and output current display) while operation is either stopped or running. During the pro-gram setting mode, this key can be used to read and write the function codes and data.RUN key: This key is used for starting operation. The LED (green) lights upduring operation. This key does not function when terminal opera- This key is is selected.decrease the frequency. When unit is in program setting mode, they change the function code or data values.Controlling Method for Keypad Panel1) Monitor changeDuring the normal mode, frequency display and output current display can be changed by pressing the FUNC/DATA key.2) Run/StopWhen F02 is _ _ 0): Press RUN to run drive; press STOP to stop drive.3) Frequency changeWhen F01 is _ _ 0: Press UP to increase frequency; press DOWN to decrease frequency.Note) If FUNC/DATA is pressed while pressing UP or DOWN, frequency changing speed increases.FUNC DATAFUNC DATA。
FUSIELECTRIC 富士电机说明手册5000G11S/P11S低噪声,高性能,多功能变频器标准内装RS485富士电机株式会社 INR-HF51190-C技成培训网 www .j c p e i x u n .c o m1.概要1-1.特点。
(对应多点)z FRENIC 5000的11系列采用共同的通信协议,同样主机的程序能对11系列所有机种进行运行停止控制。
1-2.菜单功能内容备注运行,停止z正转命令(FWD),反转命令(REV)z接点输入命令(X1—X9)z复位命令(RST)对应通信专用功能(S代码)频率值设定有两种设定方式可选择z±20000/最高频率z频率值(分辨率0.01HZ)…没有极性对应通信专用功能(S代码)运行监视z频率值命令z实际值(频率值,转矩,转矩电流,电动机功率,电流,电压)z运行状态,通用输出端子状态对应通信专用功能(M代码)维护监视z运行累计时间,直流中间电压z寿命(主电路电容器,印刷电路板电容器,冷却风扇)z机种代码,容量代码,ROM版本对应通信专用功能(M代码)报警监视z报警历史(最近发生的和以前三次)记录z最近报警发生的信息监视z运行信息(功率,设定频率值,转矩,转矩电流,电动机功率,电流,电压)z运行状态,通用输出端子状态z维护(运行累计时间,直流中间电压,变频器内部温度,散热板温度)对应通信专用功能(M代码)功能z所有功能数据的检查和变更(但是,有关RS485通信的功能数据不能变更)对应标准功能2.传送规范项目 规范物理电平 EIA RS485(和RS232C 主机连接时,应使用通信电平变换器)传送距离 最大500米推荐电缆 24AWG 屏蔽双绞线连接台数 主机一台,变频器31台(站号:01~31,广播:99)传送速度 19200,9600,4800,2400,1200 [BPS]同步方式 起始—停止同步 传送方式 半双工传送协议 查询/选择,广播字符代码ASCII 7位字符长 8位, 7位可选 停止位长 1位, 2位可选帧长 一般传送16字节固定,高速传送8或者12字节 奇偶校验 偶数,奇数或不用错误检查方式 校验和(BCC ),超限错误,帧错误3.连接3-1 控制端子(仅能信用) 端子符号端子名称功能说明DXA RS485通信数据(+) DXB RS485通信数据(-) RS485通信的输入,输出端子,按照多点连接方式,最多可连接31台变频器。