Homework3ak 北大周黎安微观经济学作业和答案
《微观经济学》课后习题答案第一章一、选择题1.C 2.D 3.E 4.B 5.ABC 6.B二、判断题1.×2.√3.√4.×5.×6.√三、问答题1.参照课本P7 第三段2.略3.参照课本P13-144.参照课本P55.略第二章一、选择题1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.A 9.A 10.B 二、判断题1.×2.√3.×4.√5.×6.×7.×8.×9.×10.×三、计算题1.(1)D=103-5P(2)弹性为-100/3,销量为3。
四、问答题1.参照课本P292.参照课本P36-373.上升4.减少5.略第三章一、选择题1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.D 9.C 10.B 二、判断题1.√2.√3.×4.√5.√6.√7.√8.√9.√10.×三、计算题2. 商品1的数量是9,商品2的数量是12。
3.(1)消费者收入为60(2)商品2的价格为3(3)2X1+3X2=60(4)预算线的斜率为-2/3(5)MRS12=2/34.(1)328Y P Y(2)Y 对X 的交叉弹性为0。
此人对X 的收入弹性为1。
(3)不加入5.消费10个单位的X ,50个单位的Y 。
四、问答题1.参照课本P612.参照课本P71-733.P744.略第四章一、选择题1.AD 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.B10.D 二、判断题1.× 2.√ 3.√ 4.√ 5.×三、计算题1. 参照P111图4-1。
Homework3 北大周黎安微观经济学作业和答案
Question 2: US Saving Rate
Go to the BEA web page () and get quarterly data for U.S. personal saving rate from 1980 to 2009. (Look for “Personal saving as a percentage of disposable personal income” on Table 2.1 Personal Income and Its Disposition. Be smart and download the data, NOT copy them by hand). Plot the saving rate data over time (turn in the figure only do not show the table). What do you see? Can we find saving rate data for China? If so, do the same thing for the US.
Question 3: GDP Growth Rates Data
Go to Penn World Table (/php_site/pwt63/pwt63_form.php) and compute the average per capita real GDP growth rate for 10 countries between in 1971 and in 2000: you should choose 5 countries from “G7 countries” and another 5 countries should be less developed/developing countries and use “Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Laspeyres), derived from growth rates of c, g, i”. Briefly describe what you see in the data.
北大微观经济学习题和答案 (15)
要求: 1.本次作业在下周一(9 月 19 日)下午上课时由各班学习委员收齐交给习 题课老师。逾期没交的同学,本次作业以零分计算。 2.虽然同学在做作业时可以相互讨论,但希望同学能够最后独立完成作业。 一旦发现相互有抄袭现象,抄袭者和被抄袭者将都以零分计成绩。
1.请建立一个供求模型来说明北大周边的房屋租赁市场。在模型中,请着重分析 如下问题: (1)为什么北大周围的房屋租赁价格这些年一直坚挺?今后还会有上升的趋 势? (2)如果想让房租降下来,你能给出什么样的建议? (3)要检验你的上述模型的正确性,你会采取什么样的检验方法?(可以说 出多种方法) (注:解答本题不要泛泛而谈,而要结合课堂上所讲的建模的有关理论来解 答问题) 2.确定对于定义域x1>0,x2>0,下列效用函数是否是严格拟凹的? (1)U=x1x2 (2)U=x12+x22 (3)U=x1+x2调变换? (1)v=2u-18 2 (2)v=-1/u (3)v=1/u2 (4)v=-e-u (5)v=lnu 2 (6)v=u (7)v=u2 对于u>0 (8)v=u2 对于u<0 3 (9)v=u 对于u>0 3 (10) v=u 对于u<0 4.英文教科书:Chapter 3, Problem, 3.2, Page 86.
Homework4_answer 北大周黎安微观经济学作业和答案
Question 2 Consider two consumers (consumer A and consumer B), which live for two periods. Both have income Y1 = 60 in the first period and Y2 = 40 in the second period. They can borrow and save at the interest rate r = 10%. Their utility functions are respectively: Consumer A’s utility function: U A (C1 , C 2 ) ln C1 ln C 2
(1 r )
C2 [ (1 r )]2 C1
Since they have the same income profile:
C2 Y 40 Y1 2 60 1 r 1 r 1 r
Consumer A: C2 1 1.1 1 C1 C2 C C1 1.1
C2 Y1 = 210, Y2 = 0
New optimal choice
C1 = C2 = 100
C1 Clearly from the picture, the higher interest rate restricts Jill’s possible choices. Therefore, she will be worse off.
b. Suppose the interest rate increasetion in the first period? Is Jack better off or worse off than before the interest rate increase? Show your result in graphs. Jack is initially consuming his own income (he does not borrow or save):
北大微观经济学习题和答案 (6)
Chapter chapter4(1-2) answer下列问题:际产量是递减的,那么平均产量也一定是递减的,边际产量递减,但是只要存在MPL>APL ,平均产MPL<APL 的时候,平均产量才会递减1. 请回答(1) 如果边对不对?请解释之。
不对分析:因为量就会增加,只有在(2) 在实际生活中,我们很难找到厂商会在生产的第三阶段进行生产的情况,但是也会有例外。
(3) 如果边际报酬递减规律不成立的话,整个世界的食品供应就可以在花盆中进行?这句话对还是错?为什么?对:因为如果边际报酬递减规律不成立,那么只要无限地增加劳动力的投入,而无需增加其它投入,就可以不断地增加产品,获得食物,于是整个世界的食品供应可以在花盆中进行。
(4) 如果总产量曲线是一条经过原点的直线,请说明并作出相应的平均产量曲线和边际产量曲线。
这样的总产量曲线是否有可能出现?为什么?分析: 可把生产函数写成Q=a*L+b*K所以AP L =a 、MP L =a ,为一条水平直线。
所以短期内这种情况是可能出现的2、 假定某为:Q=-0.1L 3+6L (1)劳动的平均产量AP L =Q/L=QF.O.C : 解得: L=30所以当雇佣30人时,平均产量AP L 为极大(2) 劳动的边际产量MP L 为极大时雇用的劳动人数F.O.C 解得: L=20所以当雇佣20人的时,劳动的边际产量MP L 为极大(3) 平均产量与边际产量相等的时候劳动人数AP L =MP L即:-0.1L 2+6L+12=-0.3L 2+12L+12解得:L=30,L=0(舍去)所以当雇佣30人时,平均产量与边际产量相等(4) 请确定生产的三个阶段具体区间MP L =AP L 时,L=30MP L =0时,L=40.9,取整数L=41第一阶段(0,30)第二阶段(30,40]第三阶段 [41,∞)厂商只有一种可变要素劳动L,生产一种产品Q,固定成本为既定,短期生产函数2+12LAP L 为极大时雇用的劳动人数=-0.1L 2+6L+12L0.260L L =−+=AP L∂∂20.31212L QMP L L L ∂==−++∂0.6120LdMP L dL =−+=(5) 假如每人工资W=360 元,产品价格P=30 元,求利润极大化时雇用的劳动人数利润极大化时,即: -0.3L 2+12L+12=12解得:L=40所以雇佣40人时,利润极大化。
Homework 微观经济练习
This is a group assignment. You can arrange your own groups.Due: Monday November 21st, 10am.Please turn in your homework to class captain/monitor. He/she will turn in everything to Mr. Tao in Office 104 by 10am. Be sure to turn in your homework before that time. Late submission will receive NO credit.Please PRINT your homework. NO handwritten work will be accepted.If you have any questions, you can email me at *****************. All questions must be submitted before the end of Saturday, otherwise they will NOT be answered.There are 10 pages total, including this one.Class Number:Group member 1 & student ID:Group member 2 & student ID:Group member 3 & student ID:Group member 4 & student ID:Group member 5 & student ID:Group member 6 & student ID:Multiple Choice (2pts X 20 = 40pts).Please write down your choice next to the number of the question.1. Suppose your own demand curve for tomatoes slopes downward. Suppose also that, for the lasttomato you bought this week, you paid a price exactly equal to your willingness to pay. Thena. you should buy more tomatoes before the end of the week.b. you already have bought too many tomatoes this week.c. your consumer surplus on the last tomato you bought is zero.d. your consumer surplus on all of the tomatoes you have bought this week is zero.Table 1The only four consumers in a market have the following willingness to pay for a good:2. Refer to Table 1. Who experiences the largest loss of consumer surplus when the price of the goodincreases from $20 to $22?a. Quilanab. Wilburc. Ming-lad. All three buyers experience the same loss of consumer surplus.3. Consider the following problems: Overcrowded public highways, overfishing in the ocean, pollutedair, and the near-extinction of the wild rhinoceros. What do these problems have in common?a. Private markets could easily solve them if governments left the markets alone.b. They would all go away if the government sponsored an intensive public-informationcampaign.c. They are all the result of a failure to establish clear property rights over something ofvalue.d. They are all the result of a failure of corrective taxes.4. Which of the following statements is not correct?a. Patents help internalize the externalities associated with technological advances.b. Economists typically prefer regulations to corrective taxes because regulations providemore incentives for firms to seek continued reductions in pollution.c. Allowing firms to trade pollution permits will lower the total cost of reducing pollution.d. A big impediment to implementing the Coase theorem in many cases is high transactionscosts.5. Which of the following will cause a decrease in producer surplus?a. the imposition of a binding price ceiling in the marketb. an increase in the number of buyers of the goodc. income increases and buyers consider the good to be normald. the price of a complement decreases6. The deadweight loss from a $3 tax will be largest in a market witha. inelastic supply and elastic demand.b. inelastic supply and inelastic demand.c. elastic supply and elastic demand.d. elastic supply and inelastic demand.7. Which of the following ideas is the most plausible?a. Tax revenue is more likely to increase when a low tax rate is increased than when a hightax rate is increased.b. Tax revenue is less likely to increase when a low tax rate is increased than when a hightax rate is increased.c. Tax revenue is likely to increase by the same amount when a low tax rate is increasedand when a high tax rate is increased.d. Decreasing a tax rate can never increase tax revenue.8. When a nation first begins to trade with other countries and the nation becomes an importer ofcorn,a. this is an indication that the world price of corn exceeds the nation’s domestic price ofcorn in the absence of trade.b. this is an indication that the nation has a comparative advantage in producing corn.c. the nation’s consumers of corn become better off and the nation’s producers of cornbecome worse off.d. All of the above are correct.9. When a country allows trade and becomes an exporter of a good, which of the following is not aconsequence?a. The price paid by domestic consumers of the good increases.b. The price received by domestic producers of the good increases.c. The losses of domestic consumers of the good exceed the gains of domestic producers ofthe good.d. The gains of domestic producers of the good exceed the losses of domestic consumers ofthe good.10. The United States has imposed taxes on some imported goods that have been sold here by foreigncountries at below their cost of production. These taxesa. benefit the United States as a whole, because they generate revenue for thegovernment. In addition, because the goods are priced below cost, the taxes do not harmdomestic consumers.b. benefit the United States as a whole, because they generate revenue for the governmentand increase producer surplus.c. harm the United States as a whole, because they reduce consumer surplus by an amountthat exceeds the gain in producer surplus and government revenue.d. harm the United States as a whole, because they reduce producer surplus by an amountthat exceeds the gain in consumer surplus and government revenue.11. Suppose that electricity producers create a negative externality equal to $6 per unit. Furthersuppose that the government imposes a $8 per-unit tax on the producers. What is the relationship between the after-tax equilibrium quantity and the socially optimal quantity of electricity to be produced?a. They are equal.b. The after-tax equilibrium quantity is greater than the socially optimal quantity.c. The after-tax equilibrium quantity is less than the socially optimal quantity.d. There is not enough information to answer the question.12. Suppose that an MBA degree creates no externality because the benefits of an MBA areinternalized by the student in the form of higher wages. If there are no government subsidies for MBAs, then which of the following statements is correct?a. The equilibrium quantity of MBAs will equal the socially optimal quantity of MBAs.b. The equilibrium quantity of MBAs will be greater than the socially optimal quantity ofMBAs.c. The equilibrium quantity of MBAs will be less than the socially optimal quantity of MBAs.d. There is not enough information to answer the question.13. Mary and Cathy are roommates. Mary assigns a $30 value to smoking cigarettes. Cathy valuessmoke-free air at $15. Which of the following scenarios is a successful example of the Coasetheorem?a. Cathy offers Mary $20 not to smoke. Mary accepts and does not smoke.b. Mary pays Cathy $16 so that Mary can smoke.c. Mary pays Cathy $14 so that Mary can smoke.d. Cathy offers Mary $15 not to smoke. Mary accepts and does not smoke.14. Highway engineers have proposed improving a dangerous stretch of highway at a cost of $1.5million. They expect that it will reduce the risk of someone dying in an accident over the life of the highway from 18.3 percent to 7.8 percent. The project would be worth doing as long as a human life is worth at leasta. $117,000.b. $157,500.c. $274,500.d. $1.5 million.15. Which of the following is an example of the free-rider problem?a. Both Fred and Wilma receive low-cost dental care at the local dental school, so neither ofthem pays the full cost of the care.b. Elmer receives a free lunch from the local "Meals on Wheels" program because of his lowmonthly income. Yet his next door neighbor, Dorothy, is not eligible for the free lunch.c. Max owns Fido, a large dog who barks whenever anyone walks near his house. Sally livesnext to Max, and Fido's barking can be heard whenever anyone walks near her house,too. Thus, Sally receives free protection from burglars because of Fido's barking.d. David purchases a burger at a fast food restaurant and gets a second burger free becausethe restaurant is having a buy one, get one free sale.16. Which of the following statements is not correct?a. Environmental degradation is an example of the Tragedy of the Commons.b. Cost-benefit analysis is an important tool that economists use to evaluate the benefits ofproviding a public good.c. Some goods, such as lighthouses, may be either private or public goods.d. The free-rider problem prevents governments from supplying public goods.17. Before considering any public project, the government should(i) compare the total cost and total benefits of the project.(ii) conduct a cost-benefit analysis.(iii) infer that citizens who vote for a project are willing to pay equally for it.a. (i) onlyb. (ii) onlyc. (i) and (ii) onlyd. (i), (ii), and (iii)18. On hot summer days, electricity-generating capacity is sometimes stretched to the limit. At thesetimes, electric companies may ask people to voluntarily cut back on their use of electricity. Aneconomist would suggest thata. every electric customer has an incentive to prevent the system from overloading, so thisvoluntary approach is the most efficient.b. it would be more efficient if the electric company raised its rates for electricity at peaktimes.c. it would be more efficient to have a lottery to decide who had to cut back their use ofelectricity at peak times.d. it would be more efficient to force everyone to cut their usage of electricity by the sameamount.19. Assume the supply curve for cigars is a typical, upward-sloping straight line, and the demand curvefor cigars is a typical, downward-sloping straight line. Suppose the equilibrium quantity in themarket for cigars is 1,000 per month when there is no tax. Then a tax of $0.50 per cigar is imposed.The effective price paid by buyers increases from $1.50 to $1.90 and the effective price received by sellers falls from $1.50 to $1.40. The government’s tax revenue amounts to $475 per month. Which of the following statements is correct?a. After the tax is imposed, the equilibrium quantity of cigars is 900 per month.b. The demand for cigars is more elastic than the supply of cigars.c. The deadweight loss of the tax is $12.50.d. The tax causes a decrease in consumer surplus of $380.20. Suppose a certain country imposes a tariff on a good. Which of the following results of the tariff ispossible?a. Consumer surplus decreases by $100; producer surplus increases by $100; andgovernment revenue from the tariff amounts to $50.b. Consumer surplus decreases by $200; producer surplus increases by $100; andgovernment revenue from the tariff amounts to $50.c. Consumer surplus increases by $100; producer surplus decreases by $200; andgovernment revenue from the tariff amounts to $50.d. Consumer surplus decreases by $50; producer surplus increases by $200; andgovernment revenue from the tariff amounts to $150.Integrated Task 1 (14pts)Table 2For each of three potential buyers of oranges, the table displays the willingness to pay for the first three oranges of the day. Assume Alex, Barb, and Carlos are the only three buyers of oranges, and only three oranges can be supplied per day.1. Refer to Table2. If the market price of an orange is $1.20, what is the market quantity of orangesdemanded per day? Show support to your answer. (2pts)2. Refer to Table 2. The market quantity of oranges demanded per day is exactly 5 if the price of anorange, P, satisfies (2pts)a. $1.00 < P < $1.50.b. $0.80 < P < $1.50.c. $0.80 < P < $1.00.d. $0.75 < P < $0.80.3. Refer to Table 2. If the market price of an orange is $1.20, what is consumer surplus? Show yourcalculation. (2pts)4. Refer to Table 2. If the market price of an orange increases from $0.60 to $1.05, what is thechange to total consumer surplus? Show your calculation. (2pts)5. Refer to Table 2. Who experiences the largest loss of consumer surplus when the price of anorange increases from $0.70 to $1.40? Show your calculation. (2pts)6. Refer to Table 2. Who experiences the largest gain in consumer surplus when the price of anorange decreases from $1.05 to $0.75? Show your calculation. (2pts)7. Refer to Table 2. Which of the following statements is correct? (2pts)a. Neither Barb’s consumer surplus nor Carlos’s consumer surplus can exceed Alex’sconsumer surplus, for any price of an orange.b. All three individuals will buy at least one orange only if the price of an orange is less than$0.25.c. If the price of an orange is $0.60, total consumer surplus is $4.90.d. All of the above are correct.Integrated Task 2 (16pts) Show your calculationFigure 1The vertical distance between points A and B represents a tax in the market.1.Refer to Figure 1. What is the change in quantity if tax is imposed? (1pt)2.Refer to Figure 1. What is the amount of tax revenue received by the government? (1pt)3.Refer to Figure 1. What is the amount of deadweight loss as a result of the tax? (2pts)4.Refer to Figure 1. What is the loss of consumer surplus as a result of the tax? (2pts)5.Refer to Figure 1. What is the loss of producer surplus as a result of the tax? (2pts)6.Refer to Figure 1. What is the loss of consumer surplus associated with marginal buyers? (2pts)7.Refer to Figure 1. What is the loss of consumer surplus for those buyers of the good who continue to buy it after the tax is imposed? (2pts)8.Refer to Figure 1. What is the loss of producer surplus associated with marginal seller? (2pts)9. Refer to Figure 1. What is the loss of producer surplus for those sellers of the good who continueto sell it after the tax is imposed? (2pts)0.51 1.52 2.53 3.54 4.55123456789101112Figure 21. Refer to Figure2. If this market is currently producing at Q4, then what should be the quantity tomaximize total economic well-being? (1pt)2. Refer to Figure 2. If all external costs were internalized, then what should be the market’sequilibrium output? (1pt)3. Refer to Figure 2. Without government intervention, what would be the equilibrium quantity?(1pt)4. Refer to Figure 2. Externalities in this market could be internalized if (2pts)a. there were a tax on the product.b. there were a subsidy for the product.c. production were stopped.d. the Coase theorem failed.5. Refer to Figure 10-4. At Q3, (2pts)a. the marginal consumer values this product less than the social cost of producing it.b. every consumer values this product less than the social cost of producing it.c. the cost to society is equal to the value to society.d. the marginal consumer values this product more than the private cost.6. Refer to Figure 2. What type of externality do this graph indicate and why? (3pts)7. Refer to Figure 2. Who should take action and which action(s) could be taken? (4pts)Using the graph below, assume that the government imposes a $1 tariff on hammers. Answer the following questions given this information.1. What is the domestic price and quantity demanded of hammers after the tariff isimposed? (2pts)2. What is the quantity of hammers imported before the tariff? (1pt)3. What is the quantity of hammers imported after the tariff? (1pt)4. What would be the amount of consumer surplus before the tariff? (2pts)5. What would be the amount of consumer surplus after the tariff? (2pts)6. What would be the amount of producer surplus before the tariff? (2pts)7. What would be the amount of producer surplus after the tariff? (2pts)8. What would be the amount of government revenue because of the tariff? (2pts)9. What would be the total amount of deadweight loss due to the tariff? (2pts)。
1、(第一章)假定某消费者关于某种商品的消费数量Q 与收入M 之间的函数关系为M=100Q 2。
2、(第一章)假定需求函数为N MP Q -=,其中M 表示收入,P 表示商品价格,N(N>0)为常数。
4、(第二章)假定某商品市场上只有A 、B 两个消费者,他们的需求函数各自为P Q d A 420-=和P Q d B 530-=。
5、(第二章)、假设某消费者的效用函数为x x U 5.025.01=,两商品的价格分别为P 1,P 2,消费者的收入为M 。
7、(第三章)已知某企业的生产函数K L Q 3132=,劳动的价格2=ω,资本的价格r =1。
求:1) 当成本C =3000时,企业实现最大产量时的L ,K ,Q 值。
2) 当产量Q =800时,企业实现最小成本时的L ,K ,C 值。
8、(第四章)已知某企业的短期总成本函数是5108.004.0)(23++-=Q Q Q Q STC ,求最小的平均可变成本值。
9、(第五章)已知某完全竞争行业中的单个厂商的短期成本函数101521.023++-=Q Q Q STC 。
试求:(1)当市场上产品的价格为P =55时,厂商的短期产量和利润;(2)当市场价格下降到多少时,厂商必需停产;(3)厂商的短期供给函数。
10、(第五章)已知某完全竞争市场的需求函数为D =6400-400P ,短期市场供给函数为SS’=3000+1500P ;单个企业在LAC 曲线最低点的价格为6,产量为50;单个企业的成本规模不变。
.1 微观经济学主要研究什么问题?
1.2 微观经济学如何研究人们的经济活动?
A.减少 B。
相关商品价格下降 D.消费偏好变化4。
一种商品价格下降对其互补品最直接的影响是( )。
互补品的需求曲线向右移动 B。
互补品的需求曲线向左移动C.互补品的供给曲线向右移动D.互补品的价格上升5.如果某种商品供给曲线的斜率为正,在保持其余因素不变的条件下,该商品价格上升,导致( )。
《第二章 供求理论》作业(参考答案)P67~69.2、解:5.123200322002/)100300(2/)42(243001002/)(2/)()1(2121==∙--=++∙---=++∙∆∆-=Q Q P P P Q e d 67.0323002)100()2(==∙--=∙-=Q P dP dO e d (3)根据本题需求函数或需求表所作出的几何图形为: PO Q 100 200 300 400 500 600所以,用几何方法计算的本题中P=2的需求价格的点弹性应该是:67.032300200300300500===-==OG GB e d (可见与(2)的结果一样) 3、解:33.13464242/)84(2/)53(35482/)(2/)()1(2121==∙=++∙--=++∙∆∆=Q Q P P P Q e s 5.123432)2(==∙=∙=Q P dP dQ e s (3)根据本题供给函数或供给表所作出的几何图形为:所以,用几何法求点A (即P=4)的供给点弹性应为:5.12346====∙=∙=OB CB OB AB AB CB Q P dP dQ e s (可见与(2)的结果一样)4、解:(1)根据求需求的价格弹性的几何方法,可以很方便地推知:分别处于三条不同的线性需求曲线上的a 、b 、e 三点的需求的价格点弹性是相等的。
其理由是,在这三点上都有:AFFOe d =(2)根据求需求的价格点弹性的几何方法,同样可以很方便地推知:分别处于三条不同的线性需求曲线上的a 、e 、f 三点的需求的价格点弹性是不相等的,且有:e d a <e d f <e d e 。
其理由是在于:在a 点有:OG GB e ad =,在f 点有:OG GC e f d =,在e 点有:OGGD e ed = 在以上三式中,由于GB<GC<GD ,所以,e d a <e df <e d e 。
5.边际替代率:边际替代率(marginal rate of substitution):为了保持同等的效用水平,消费者要增加1单位X物品就必须放弃一定量的Y物品,这二者之比率被称为边际技术替代率。
7.恩格尔系数(Engel’s coefficient):用于食物的支出占总支出的比例。
北京大学14春微观经济学作业答案单选题血(鼓励独立完成作业,严惩抄袭)(第一章)1、不同的时期产生了不同的经济学流派,按照吋间先后顺序排列的是:()A. A.重商主义,边际效用学派, 新古典综介派, 理性预期学派B. B.边际效用学派,重商主义, 新古典综合派, 理性预期学派C. c.頂商主义,新古典综合派, 理性预期学派, 边际效用学派D. D.边际效用学派,重商主义, 理性预期学派, 新打典综合派2.(第二章)2、需求曲线一条向()倾斜的曲线。
国A. A.右下方匚B. B.右上方匚C. C.左下方D. D.左上方(第二章)3、某月内,X商品的替代品的价格上升和互补品的价格上升,分别引起X商品的需求变动量为50单位和80 单位,则在它们的共同作用下,该月X商品的需求数量为()oC A. A.增加30单位国 B. B.减少30单位C C. C.增加130单位匚 D. D.减少130单位。
E A. A. 12 元匚B. B. 36元C. C. 3 元C D. D. 108 元(第三章)5、某消费者消费更多的某种商品吋,则()匚 A. A.消费者获得的总效用递增匚B. B.消费者获得的总效用递减匚C. C.消费者获得的边际效用递增E D. D.消费者获得的边际效用递减(第四章)6、当边际产量大于平均产量时(C B. B.平均产量递増匸 C. C.平均产量不变匚D. D.总产量递减7.(第五章)7、随着产量的增加,短期固定成本()。
C A.儿增加C B. B.减少国C. C.不变匚D. D.先增后减(第五章)8、已知产量为8个单位时,总成本为80元,当产量增加到9个单位时,平均成本为11元,那么,此时的边际成本为()。
匚A. A. 1元目B. B. 19元匸C. C. 88元匚D. D. 20元(第六章)9、在()条件下,厂商的AR曲线、MR曲线和需求曲线d三条线是重叠的。
参考答案:机会成本(opportunity costs)就是在既定的资源和技术条件下,人们把某一既定资源投入于某一特定用途时,所放弃的利用该资源在其他用途中可能给选择者带来的最大收益。
合计上4 年学的机会成本是11万元。
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rgdpl 17077.73 15445.62 15875.21 14294.75 20229.9 3684.3 1502.73 3670.07 2683.18 2844.43
year 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
and s .
horizontal axis, and output, consumption, investment and capital (per-capita) on the vertical axis. And show how these variables change over time as the economy converges to the new steady state. Answer: a) Since output is divided between consumption and investment, Y C I . Therefore,
We can get the real GDP per capita in 1971 and 2000 for each country from the Penn World Table. The above table presents real GDP per capita of five G7 countries and five developing countries in 1971 and in 2000. We can see from the second to sixth row real GDP per capita of G7 countries and rest of the rows present that of developing/less developed countries. From this information, the average growth rate can be obtained using the following formula:
I is investment. s is the fraction of output that saved. Assume L is constant
Lt 1 Lt L Yt K t Lt1 I t sYt K t 1 I t (1 ) K t
Show why it must be case that:
country Canada France Germany United Kingdom United States Algeria Bangladesh Fiji Philippines Zimbabwe
year 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971 1971
Guanghua School of Management, Peking University Intermediate 12
Homework Assignment 3 Due on May 30 Question 1: Growth Rates
C (1 s)Y
b) Dividing all the variables by L , we get
Y K L1 K t L yt t t kt L L L L I Y it t s t syt L L C Y ct t (1 s ) t (1 s ) yt L L K t 1 I t K kt 1 (1 ) t it (1 )kt L L L
(1 a) k 2
where a is the growth rate. Take log of the equation
ln 2 ln(1 a)
If we plug a .02 into this formula, the result is 35.002. Thus it takes around 35 years to double output with a growth rate of 2% per year.
Question 2: US Saving Rate
Go to the BEA web page () and get quarterly data for U.S. personal saving rate from 1980 to 2009. (Look for “Personal saving as a percentage of disposable personal income” on Table 2.1 Personal Income and Its Disposition. Be smart and download the data, NOT copy them by hand). Plot the saving rate data over time (turn in the figure only do not show the table). What do you see? Can we find saving rate data for China? If so, do the same thing for the US. Answer: Go to webpage and find the path: Home > National Economic Accounts> Interactive Table Home> Table Selection, select “Section 2 - Personal Income and Outlays”, then choose “Table 2.1. Personal Income and Its Disposition (A) (Q)”. In the bottom of table, find “Personal saving as a percentage of disposable personal income”, download and plot it over time, which shows a significant decreasing trend of saving rate from around 10% to 1~2% since 1980 in US. However, It started to increase in the beginning of 2008.
c) We use the following equation to solve the steady state
kt 1 it (1 )kt skt (1 )kt
If real GDP grows at 2% a year, how many years does it take for GDP to double? What is the general formula for the doubling of a time series that grows at x percent a year? Answer: In the general case, we are interested in the solution to k in the equation
The results are given in the sixth column. They show that the G7 countries or rich countries might have higher average growth rate than developing/less developed countries or poor countries, which indicates barriers to growth among many poor countries.
Question 3: GDP Growth Rates Data
Go to Penn World Table (/php_site/pwt63/pwt63_form.php) and compute the average per capita real GDP growth rate for 10 countries between in 1971 and in 2000: you should choose 5 countries from “G7 countries” and another 5 countries should be less developed/developing countries and use “Real GDP per capita (Constant Prices: Laspeyres), derived from growth rates of c, g, i”. Briefly describe what you see in the data. Answer:
Ct (1 s )Yt
b) Divide
Y , C , I and K by L . Denote these per-capita variables as y, c, i and k respectively.
Show how the equations of the model change. c) Solve for the steady state value of the capital stock as a function of the parameters How many steady states are there? d) What is the golden rule? How dose the golden rule tell you what the saving rate should be? Show how to solve the golden rule saving rate. e) Suppose that the economy is in the golden rule steady state with optimal saving rate s g . Now assume that the saving rate drops to sl , which is lower than s g . Draw a graph with time on the