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desire / demand / request / require / ask

1“坚持” insist 2“命令” order, command 3“建议” advise, suggest, propose, recommend 4“要求” ask, demand, require, request, desire + (that) sb (should) do ... 宾语从句 或是 (that) sb / sth (should) be done
(四) 宁愿,但愿
sb did … 与现在或将来
would rather
sb had done … 与过去情况相反
I would rather you returned me my money now.
I would rather you came tomorrow. I would rather we hadn’t told her the bad news.
我们建议Tom 去休息一下。 他坚持要我与他同行。 他们要求派Tom去那儿工作。 老师要求作业要及时完成。
We suggested ___________________ (that) Tom have a rest . (that) I (should ) go with him . He insisted _________________________ They requested (that) Tom (should) be sent to work there _________________________________ . The teacher asked (that) our homework (should) be finished in time _________________________________ .
as if / as though
• When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it were broken. • The dark clouds are gathering. It looks as if it is going to rain.
他坚持说我看过他的信。 他坚持要我看他的信。
had done The man in prison insisted that he _______(do)nothing should be be) set free. and ________( wasn’t The patient insisted that he _______(not be)ill and shouldn’t be ___________ (not be) sent to the hospital.
• She made a request that the doctor(should)be sent for at once. • The teacher gives us a suggestion that we (should) practise reading English everyday.
• The / One’s insistence / order / command / suggestion / advice / proposal / recommendation / request / requirement / demand / desire is / was that … (should) do
It’s _______ strange that she _______________ (should) refuse to come to the party.
3). 鸟在树上安歇 / 休息是很自然的。
(should) rest It is ______ in natural that a bird _______________ trees.
The suggestion given by our teacher is that we (should) practise reading English everyday.
a / the suggestion / request (等) that … (should) do …
If it hadn’t been for…… 与过去事实相反
but for
• If it were not for lacking money, I would go travelling right now. but for = Were it not for lacking money, … • If it had not been for your help, we couldn’t have finished the work yesterday. = Had it for not been for your help , … but
三. 可用可不用虚拟语气的情况
1. if 2. insist, suggest 3. as if/though
insist / suggest 各有两种意思,用不同的语气
insist : “坚决/持要求做某事”用虚拟语气 should do;
insist : “坚持认为, 坚持说”用陈述语气
He insisted that I had read his letter. He insisted that I should read his letter.
The subjunctive mood 虚拟语气
1. 名词性从句
2. 固定句式 3. 可用可不用虚拟语气的情况
一 .名词性从句中的虚拟语气 一坚持
名词性从句中的虚拟语气 insist
order / command
should do! should do! suggest / advise / propose / recommend should do!
only if 只要……就,只有…才
(三)犹如,好像,仿佛as if / as though
♥假设情况非事实时,用虚拟语气。 ♥若从句表示内容为事实或很可能是事实,用陈述语气: It looks as if we will be late. 试比较: He walks as if he is drunk. He walks as if he were drunk. 他真的醉了。 他没有醉。
(should) practise 1. The teacher suggested that we ______________ (practise) more after class.
2. Her pale face suggests that she _____ (be) ill today.
(二)If only … !
If only I were a bird!
与 wish 的宾语从句相似
If only we had followed your advice! If only she would go with me!
Only if a teacher has given permission is a student 引导的从句位于句首Leabharlann Baidu allowed to enter the room.
• It’s suggested that the plan (should) be carried out at once . 主语从句
• The old woman’s demand is that her son (should) come to see her once a week. 表语从句
• suggest : “建议”用虚拟语气,即should do;
• suggest : “表明、暗示”用陈述语气
He suggests we should go at once.
Her expression suggested she was very angry. 她脸上的表情显示她生气了.
2). 从句的动作发生在主句动作之前 (可以 理解成与过去事实相反)
She talked about Rome as though she __________ had been (be) there herself.
3). 从句的动作发生在主句动作之后 (可以 理解成与将来事实相反)
He coughed (咳嗽) twice as if someone would come. 他咳嗽两声就好像有人要来了。
快要下雨了。 It looks as if it is going to rain. It looks as if it were going to rain. 不会下雨。
As if /as though在虚拟语气中的用法
sb did (were) …
as if / as though
sb had done …
1. 判断是否虚拟 2. 判断虚拟类型 3. 判断虚拟时间
1. I advised that you ___ the job as soon as possible . A finished B finishing C to finish D finish
• We are in favor of the advice that the factory
(should) be closed down.
二. 虚拟语气特殊句型与固定句式
(一) 两个常考虚拟语气句型
—— 要不是…… (固定句式)
If it weren’t for……
sb would /could do…
与 wish 的宾语从句相似
1). 从句的动作与主句动作同时发生 (可以 理解成与现在事实相反)
He behaves as if he______(own) the house. owned
He behaves as if he ______ were (be) the owner of the house.
(五) It is (high / about ) time (that)
“是时候…... (做某事)”
sb did
sb should do
注意: should不能省略.
• 是时候采取措施来保护环境了。 • It is ( high / about ) time that we took / should take measures to protect the environment. • 你该走了。 • It’s (high / about) time that you went / should go.
这些动词相对应的名词性从句也用should do
(一). 主语从句
It is ordered / commanded / suggested / advised / requested / required / demanded … that … (should) do that不可省略
• It is suggested that we (should) practise reading English everyday.
(六). 在表达惊异、惋惜、遗憾、理应如此 等意义的固定句式中常使用虚拟语气
It’s necessary / strange / natural (自然的, 理应 如此的) / important … + that sb (should) do
( should ) master 1). It is important that we ________________ ( master 精通 ) a foreign language. 2). 真奇怪,她竟然拒绝来参加party。