1. 文体分类与特点:文体学论文会对不同文体进行分类和分析,如散文、诗歌、小说、新闻报道等。
2. 修辞手法与语言运用:文体学论文会研究不同文体中的修辞手法和语言运用方式。
3. 文体与意义的关系:文体学论文会探讨文体和意义之间的关系。
4. 文体的演变与变异:文体学论文还会研究文体的演变和变异过程。
5. 文体与读者的交流:文体学论文还会探讨文体选取与读者交流的关系。
Abstract:―Hawsmoot‖ is a short story written by Peter L. Sandberg. This paper attempts to analyze it from the angle of stylistics and to describe the most significant stylistic features of this story and the function of these stylistic features. Based on the stylistic theory, this thesis explores the stylistic effects made by the stylistic characters reflected in the short story from the following aspects: discourse analysis, phonological features, graphological features, syntactic features, lexical features, and rhetorical features. Key Words: stylistic features; effects; style; vividI. Introduction―Hawsmoot‖ is a narrative story about climbing. The protagonist Hawsmoot who had climbed on the cliff of the Grand Giraffe for thirty years without using a rope. One day, there came a young German also climbed the Grand Giraffe without using a rope. The story developed with the two people climbing. My paper tries to analyze the stylistic effects to the story‘s theme made by the stylistic features. Stylistic analysis can enhance our understand ing of the ways in which impressions, effects and meanings are communicated by language in literary works and prepare the way to the intrinsic study of literary works.―Hawsmoot‖has its own distinctive characteristics, which are shown in vocabulary, sentence, grammar and the whole discourse. In this thesis, I will make an analysis of it based on the stylistic theory. And I will explore the special effects of every stylistic feature to the theme and author‘s attitude. The author‘s successful apply of these stylistic devices makes the story interesting, attractive as well as understandable for readers.II.Stylistic Analysis2.1 Discourse AnalysisThe story is set in the base of the Grand Giraffe, and the field of discourse about this story is climbing. Referring to different fields and subject matters, people have to use different sets of vocabulary. In this story, the author uses lots of mountaineering terms, and I will analyze this aspect in the fifth part. Here I will explore another important aspect of the field—the purpose which the language serves in a social activity. The conversations in this story mainly talked between the young German, Hawsmoot and a group of young climbers. And the function of these conversations are most expressive and co native. The former expresses the addresser‘s feelings and emotions and the latter is used to influence the addressee‘s behavior or attitude. In this story line 4 ―…good climb…great climb alone‖, what the young German said expresses confidence and passion towards the climb without a rope. Besides, in line 43 and 44―…climb…overhang…‖ the two sentences vividly show us that the young German‗s arrogant and self-importance character as the author said he is cocksure. The language used here successfully shows the purpose of expressive function. In line 125―Don‘t …without……‖ and the line 148 ―You shouldn‘t do it.‖, here, the function of thegirl‘s words is co native. It aims at influencing Hawsmoot‘s behavior—persuading him to use a rope. In this story, there are also other persuasive sentences, all of these show that the girl is worrying about Hawsmoot, because she thinks that Hawsmoot is old now and she is not confident that he can climb the Grand Giraffe without using a rope. The girl‘s persuasion greatly attracts our attention, because that also was readers want to say, and we also worried about Hawsmoot. From what Hawsmoot said, we can feel that he is a poised and polite man. He seldom talks with others, instead he concentrating on the climb, but when others talks to him, Hawsmoot replies them always in a poised and polite way. In this story, the author let us see that this is because of the wide variety of language that is possible in each case. People have more choice of language in conversation and literature than in other domains.Another aspect of discourse is tenor—the addresser‘s attitude. In this story, the writer usesnumerous informal expressions. The use of slang and colloquialism characterizes this story‘sinformal styles. Some informal expressions, such as, ―cocksure‖, ―came over him‖, ―eatcrow‖, ―so and so‖, etc. All of these show that the conversations between the climbers arecasual, and the climbers‘uninhibited personalities.2.2 Phonological Features2.2.1 Sound PatterningSound patterning is not only a source of aesthetic satisfaction, but also a phonological means of emphasis, establishing relationship between the patterned words. In this story, the authoruses various types of sound patterning, such as, alliteration, reverse rhyme, consonance and end rhyme. Firstly, let‘s see the alliteration. In line 13―climbing clubs‖⁄klaɪmɪŋ–klʌb⁄—C V C, in line115 ―heart begin to hammer‖⁄hɑrt–'hæmɚ⁄, in line 146, ―hands over his head‖⁄hænd–hɪz–hed ⁄, in line 151 and 152, ―hands stuck hard to the holds‖⁄hænd–hɑrd–hold]⁄, and so on. We know that alliteration is the repetition of the same consonant sound in several words close together in a sentence or in a line. The use of alliteration can produce specialsound effects to make the text a harmonious rhythm, rhyme sonorous, a symmetrical form,and reads fluently. The listed examples all show the sound patterning of alliteration,especially the latter three. When we read these phrases, we can feel a strong sense of rhythm and a tense atmosphere. This let us can‘t help being nervous and worrying about Hawsmoot. There are also sound patterning of reverse rhyme used in this story. In line 98 ―wind was whipping‖⁄wɪnd –wɪpɪŋ⁄—C V C, in line 152―sometimes in summer‖⁄'sʌmtaɪmz–sʌmə⁄, reverse rhyme is used here. Reverse rhyme, repeating the initial consonants and the vowels. Itreads fluently and enhances rhythm of language. Besides, consonance and end rhyme are also used in this short story. In line 235 ―the ground, confused, alarmed‖⁄ɡraʊnd–kən'fjuzd–ə'lɑrmd⁄—C V C. In line 154 and 155 ―the words and the sounds‖⁄wɜːdz–saʊndz⁄—C V C . All of them attribute to the rhythmic sound effects.2.2.2 OnomatopoeiaSome linguists have pointed out that ―onomatopoeia is actually the mutual reinforcement ofsense by sound and sound by sense‖. In this story, in line 109 ―The dry leaf rustle on the slopedied‖, here the word rustle show us a vividly dynamic picture, as if we have heard the sound of the leaves blowing. It describes the environment and situation of the Grand Giraffe they climbed.2.3 Graphological FeaturesGraphology is considered very useful as an orientational device clarifying the writer‘sintention by the order and the way in which items of information are presented. In the latter part of this story, the author uses italic many times. The italic sentences are all about thesuggestion to use a rope. Here, the function of it is to emphases and attract readers‘ attention. By author‘s emphasis readers realize that at that time Hawsmoot‘s determination of no ropesis shaking, he is always hearing the sound of using a rope, and maybe he realizes that he is oldnow and have to use ropes from now on. It is attributive to the reveal of the theme—the passing of time.2.4 Syntactic Features2.4.1 Types of Verb MeaningIn the former part of this story, the author mainly describes the characters about the youngGerman and Hawsmoot, and clauses are most stative situation types. The third and tenthparagraphs respectively describe the young German‘s and Hawsmoot‘s appearance featuresusing the stative verbs, such as, ―was, had, wore…‖. These stative verbs refer to a state of being, and show us the two character‘s basic appearance situations. There are also manystative verbs referring to states of perception, states of emotion and attitude. In line 235 and 236 ―He felt a great desire to drop off, to let go; he was weary, tired out.‖ This sentence vividly expresses Hawsmoot‘s extremely tire condition. When describes the climbing scenes, the author uses many dynamic verbs. For example, in line 240 to 243 ―…kicked…missed …hung out…‖this dynamic sentence his actions when he missed his hold and theseries of dynamic verbs create a tense atmosphere, giving readers a feeling of nervous and exciting.2.4.2 Participant RolesIn this story, the author constantly shows us Hawsmoot‘s mental states, and all these mental states involve two participant roles: a senser and a phenomenon. When climbing Hawsmoot constantly recalled the past, what he sensed is sentimental and a kind of reminiscence. In dynamic situations, the agentive role embodied in the story all the time. Besides, external forces ―wind‖ plays an important role in this story. It is the destructive external force for all climbers.2.5 Lexical FeaturesAs a story focusing on climbing, the author uses lots of special mountaineering terms, such as―lederhosen, climbing parka, overhang, foothold, lever, inched…‖ The use of the specialized vocabulary brings about a sense of profession and makes the story more interesting. General terms are often too vague to convey any precise meaning. In this story, author chooses to use more specific words. The use of specific words makes the story more informative in detail and evokes vivid images in the reader‘s mind. In line 119 to 123, the specific words ―hung, raise, following, kicking, moving, levering‖ makes Hawsmoot actions more vividly presented to us. Besides, author uses more short words which make the story more vivid and understandable.2.6 Other Rhetorical FeaturesIn short stories, in order to better convey meanings, figurative language is often employed. We can find the use of different figures of speech in this short story.2.6.1SimileThis story is rich in simile. In paragraph 3, when describes the young German, authorcompares his smile as the distant lake below him, and his eyes to the cold autumn sun. Theuse of simile makes readers have a more vivid perception about his image. This descriptionsuccessfully portrays his cold and arrogant characteristic. In line 166 and 167, ―…fall like…‖Hawsmoot sees the falling pieces of grit as the dropping water, from this we can see that howhigh he is above the ground, and this expresses a feeling of tense. The writer uses the directmethod to make readers to think, to feel and to appreciate the scenes of the climbing.2.6.2 ParallelismA figure of speech that uses similar structures in separate sentences to express related ideasand with which the sentence is emphatic and forceful. For example, in line 157 to 161 ―It wasafter…It was after…It was either just before…‖ these forceful sentences express Hawsmoot‘sstrong emotion as he recalls the painful past, and it helps to build up an emotional climax. III. ConclusionThe above analysis let us have a better and deep understanding about the stylistics as well as the theme of this story. The specialized vocabulary, the informal conversations, the dynamic verbs and also some rhetorical devices combined show readers series dynamic and vivid scenes, and make the story more interesting, attractive and easier to understand. Definitely, there are some aspects which are worthy making the further research, such as the sequence,segmentation, and the other rhetorical features.Bibliography:[1] Qian Yuan. ―STYLISTICS: A Course book for Chinese EFL Students ‖ [M]. Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2006.[2]姚琴. 情景语境观下的话语生成与理解[J].江苏大学外国语学院, 2010.[3]张庆云. 徐晓光.对短篇小说《爱的牺牲》的功能文体分析[J]. 泰山学院大学外语教学部,2012.。
Stylistic Analysis of a Conversation系名称:外语系年级:12 级班级:二班*名:***学号:**********Stylistic Analysis of a Conversation IntroductionConversation is without doubt the most commonly used kind of language, and therefore, it is a variety familiar to the majority of English-speaking people. This variety is used in everyone’s daily life. And it has its own distinct stylistic features. So it is necessary for us to analyze it from the perspective of general stylistics.The material for analysis is a conversation between two housewives who are in the same age rank <mid-thirties> and have known each other for some time. The occasion is that B is invited to A' house for an evening chat over coffee.The conversation focused on the lives of two housewives. Therefore such conversation regularly lacks an overall theme. So the participants may chat about some irrelevant and random things. Changes of subjects can be often found. Stylistic Analysis1. At the Phonological LevelPhonology refers to speech sounds in a language. Here, the main focus is on stress, elision, pause, para-linguistic devices and overlapping of words.Conversation can be divided into two major kinds: spontaneous conversation and non-spontaneous conversation. This conversation belongs to the former one. Words to be spoken sound very natural and spontaneous(a general lack of planning).1.1 StressStress refers to the prominence of sounds. It is a very important way of expressing different feelings or implying different meanings in oral communication. It has the following functions in this conversation:a) To show emphasis:I'll be all right in a MINUTE.It implies“It is in a minute(not too long)I'll be all right.”STUpid I had er about five thousand BOOKS to take back to senate HOUSE YESterday.It emphasizes how stupid I was,what,where,and when.b) To show surprise,anger, doubt, horror or excitement:You got a COLDIn this sentence, “cold”is stressed, which indicates A's doubt as if saying “Did you get a cold? ”.1.2 ElisionElision is one of the distinct phonological style makers in conversation, which is frequently used by the speakers involved. In the conversation, the most frequent elisions are I'm ,I've, I'll, it's, I'd, hasn’t, you're, and that's. These elisions can perfectly indicate the informality of the conversation as well as intimate relationship between two neighbors.1.3 PausePause can be seen as a signal of ending a thought unit. In English,there are voiced pauses (um, er,ah) , and silent pauses-silent breaks between words, such as the pause at the end of a sentence, the pause between a dependent clause and its main clause, and the pause between words or phrases. In this conversation, both kinds of pauses can be frequently found./= short pause //=long pauseIn this conversation, the usually overuse of pauses may reflect certain feeling or attitude of speaker, such as nervousness, hesitation, confusion, or uncertainty.1.4 Para-linguistic devicesA andB in the conversation often resort some para-linguistic devices, such as laughters (laughs for/laughs quietly for-)and monitoring signals(such as you know, well, I thought, what have you got ) to help convey the meanings and feelings.For example, "no, I thought you sounded as if you were"1.5 Overlapping of words or phrasesOverlapping of words or phrases of A and B is also very common in this conversation.*=overlapping of words of two participantsWhen one person comes up with a new idea, he may not always wait for his turn till the other person finishes his sentence. Instead, he utters his words in a high pitch and a quick tempo till the other person stops.1.6 Normal non-fluencyNormal non-fluency is very common in this , which is resulted from overlapping of words and other factors such as sudden change of subject matter, hesitation, nervousness, and a lack of planning of the conversation. For example:No, just a bit sniffy cos I'm-I am cold2. At the Lexical LevelLexis refers to the choice of words and expressions and here, we will focus our attention on the use of colloquial words and general words.2.1 Use of colloquial wordsIt is normal and natural to see so many colloquial words in this conversation, such as yeah, got, just, well, cos(because), etc. These words can express the speaker's attitude or surprise, disgust, or some feelings. Colloquial words are also the signal of informality.2.2 General wordsGeneral words are also used very frequently in this conversation, such as do, clour, go, and, nice, etc. These general words may not convey specific meanings, but there is no need to be so specific in daily conversation. And probably general meaning is what the participants require.3. At the Syntactic/Grammatical LevelSyntax refers to the rules for ordering words into sentence. In this part, we mostly concentrate on sentence types and voice.It is found that sentences (as far as length and structures are concerned) in the conversation are not complicated to understand. More minor sentences and short sentences are used, which are style makers of informality.3.1 Preference for interrogative sentencesInterrogative sentences appear frequently in this short conversation. Conversation is the communication between at least two people. It mainly takes the form of asking and answering. In this way the oral communication between people can proceed. Thus, apart from declarative sentences, which are used most frequently in all varieties. Interrogative sentences are frequently used here. There are 7 interrogative sentences in all 30 sentences, occupying 23 percent of the total number of sentences, which is much higher compared with other varieties.3.2 Use of active voiceIn conversations, speakers usually are the major active characters. Their words mainly express their own feelings or narrate an event. In this way, active voice will be the most suitable voice to achieve such effects. In this conversation, most of sentence are in active voice. And most of them have such beginning “I + verb ”. For example, you got, I thought, you want, I got, it is, I get, and so forth. According to this, we can assume in the process of conversation the speaker is usually the most important factor, who will conduct or lead the proceeding of conversation.3.3 Frequent use of elliptical sentencesDaily conversation is not as formal as the written variety. Elliptical sentences are used frequently. Elliptical sentences sometimes may cause inexplicitness of the language. However due to their intimate relationships, and para-linguistic means, such as gestures,laughters, or facial expressions, the characters can understand each other well. It is unnecessary to use complete sentences.4. At the Semantic LevelSemantics refers to the meaning of words or expression, and by what means the meaning is conveyed from the addresser to addressee. Here, we will touch upon some figures of the conversation.In this conversation, there are not very distinct semantic style makers.But we should not deny there are some semantic features in conversation. In fact, the occasional use figures can be found here./ No / just a / bit sniffy / cos I’m——I AM COLD /Repetition is used here. The clause of “I’m ”appeared two times, which can imply B’s doubt and nervousness./ That’s not a tinny GARment. /Understatement is reflected here. B wanted to express that this is a big garment.in the days when I was a human BEing. //*Satire can be found here.5. Contextual Factors AnalysisFirstly, the conversation all happened in informal place-A' house. Dialogues in private place must be casual and informal. Secondly, the intimate relationship among two housewives decides what they will talk about. They talked about their life trivial matters. Moreover, sometimes words may reveal the speaker's status, job, education and so on. For example,A: It /GROWS quickly//B: / YEAH/ I get very fed UP//It implies A is pregnant.Furthermore, another feature should be pointed out here. Conversation is characterized by randomness of subject matter, a general lacking of planning. The subjects, ranging from health to work, come back to garment.ConclusionWe have made a very rough stylistic analysis of the conversation, mainly concentrating on the phonological, lexical, syntactic/grammatical and semantic level and finally some contextual factors are touched upon. Taking these analyses into consideration, the conversation belongs to the informality. In this conversation, there are still some perspectives untouched upon, such as textual analysis, graphological style makers.etc. Taking these factors into consideration, it still needs our further researches.。
【关键词】文体学;语篇;语言特点;信息传递Abstract: Stylistics is used to study and analyze different kinds of articles. In order to show how the following two passages put forward the information suessfully, this paper points out the characteristic ways the two passages employ.Key Words: Stylistics, Passage,characteristics,information文体学是研究文体的学问。
这也就是所谓的`共核语言(the mon core) , 它的惯常用法构成语言的常规(norm) , 而一种文体的特殊用法则是对这种常规的变异(deviation) 。
于是,在神舟十号与天宫一号遨游太空的时候,在举国上下畅想着中国梦的时候, 我开始编织我的中国梦。
文体学论文第一篇:文体学论文A Stylistic Analysis of the Speech I Have a dreamCourse: English Stylistics and Rhetoric Lecturer: Zhang Xuhong Credit: 2 Time of Assigned on 28/11/2013 Time of Submission:19/12/2013 Student No:2010010225 Name:杜敏Class:(Grade 2001)Class 1English Dept, Harbin Normal Univ.从文体学的角度分析演讲稿《我有一个梦》杜敏摘要:本文根据文体学理论从文体手段角度试图对美国著名黑人领袖马丁.路德.金的著名演讲《我有一个梦》中所使用的文体手段进行了详尽的分析,作者在此基础上进而对演讲文体的风格进行了简要的论述。
关键词:文体学;文体学理论;文体手段;文体的风格;分析;演讲A Stylistic Analysis of the Speech I Have a dreamDuMinAbstract: On the base of the definition of stylistics, this thesis gives a detailed analysis of some the of stylistic devices used in the famous speech by the well-known American civil rights movement leader Martin Luther King, Jr., and then probes into the stylistic characteristics of speech as a style.Key words: Stylistics, Stylistic devices, Analysis, Speech.Introduction As an interdisciplinary field of study, stylistics promises to offer useful insights into literary criticism and the teaching of literature with its explicit aims and effective techniques.It is very useful in the analysis of various styles of writing.In this thesis, the author tries to offer a stylistic analysis of the famous speech by Martin Luther king, Jr.I Have a Dream.1.Introduction: Definition of Stylistics andStylistic Analysis As far as the definition of stylistics is concerned different scholars define the branch of study in different ways.Wales defin es stylistics simply as “ the study of style”(1989:437), while Widdowson provides a more informative definition as “the study of literary discourse from a linguistic orientation” and takes “a view that what distinguishes stylistics from literary criticism on the one hand and linguistics on the other is that it is essentially a means of linking the two”(1975:3).Leech holds a similar view.He defines stylistics as the “study of the use of language in literature”(1969:1)and considers stylistics a “meeting-ground of linguistics and literary study”(1969:2).From what Widdowson and Leech say, we can see that stylistics is an area of study that straddles two disciplines: literary criticism and linguistics.It takes literary discourse(text)as its object of study and uses linguistics as a means to that end.Stylistic analysis is generally concerned with the uniqueness of a text;that is, what it is that is peculiar to the uses of language in a literary text for delivering the message.This naturally involves comparisons of the language of the text with that used in conventional types of discourse.Stylisticians may also wish to characterize the style of a literary text by Systematically comparing the language uses in that text with those in another.Halliday points out, “The text may be seen as …this‟ in contrast with …that‟, with another poem or another novel;stylistics studies are essentially comparative in nature…”(1971:341).On this points, Widdowson is of the same opinion as Halliday.He says:“All literary appreciation is comparative, as indeed is a recognition of styles in general”(1975:84).Thus, we may conclude that stylistic analysis is an activity that is highly comparative in nature.2.A StylisticAnalysis of the Speech(An analysis of some of the stylistic devices used in the speech.Martin Luther King‟s speech of August 28, 1963 is widely regarded as one of the most powerful ever delivered in the United States.Although this address was delivered orally, it was read from a written text composed with GREat care.It is an example of formal English with a convincing style.Here are some of the stylistic devices(which maybe considered traditionally as rhetorical devices)used by Dr King to inspire and persuade.2.1 Repetition Throughout the speech, Dr.King repeats words and sentence.This is a very outstanding feature in this speech called repetition.It belongs to the stylistic device of syntactic over-regularity.The term repetition is restricted to mean the case of exact copying of a certain previous unit in a text such as a word, phrase or even a sentence(Leech, 1969), because all the over-regular features in literature are in some sense ed in speech, repetition not only makes it easy for the audience to follow what the speaker is saying, but also gives a strong rhythmic quality to the speech and makes it more memorable.In paragraphs 8 through 16, for example, King uses the words “I have a dream” nine times.This repetition helps to achieve the function of coherence in discourse and the function of reinforcement in mood and emotion, expressing the speaker‟s strong emotion of longing for freedom, justice, righteousness and a much more united nation of all of God‟s children.If we study the whole speech more carefully, it is easy for us to find many other examples of repetition used.(1)But one hundred years later, we must face the tragic fact that the Negro is still not free.One hundred years later, the life of the Negro(2)is still sadly crippled by the manacles of seGREgation and the chains of discrimination.One hundred years later, the Negro liveson a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity.One hundred years later, the Negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land.Here the phrase “one hundred years later” has been repeated three times, seemingly indicating that it is really a long time for the Negro to wait for the coming of the time of justice and righteousness.(3)But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt.We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the GREat vaults of opportunity of this nation.(Par.4)(4)Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy.Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of seGREgation to the sunlit path of racial justice.Now is the time to open the doors of opportunity to all of God‟s Children.Now Is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood.(Par.4)In this short passage, the clause “Now is the time to…” has been used four times to emphasize the fierce urgency of “NOW” and to encourage and persuade the blacks to take immediate action to rise above and gain their own rights and freedom.2.2 Use of Parallelism Parallelism is another syntactic over-regularity.It means exact repetition in equivalent positions.It differs from simple repetition in that the identity does not extend to absolute duplication, it “requires some variable feature of the pattern-some contrasting elements which are …parallel‟ with respect to their position in the pattern”(Leech, 1969:66).To put it simply, parallelism means the balancing of sentence elements that are grammatically equal.To take them parallel, balance nouns with nouns, verbs with verbs, prepositional phrases with prepositional phrases, clauses with clauses, and so forth.In his speech, Martin Luther King uses parallelism to create a strong rhythm to help theaudience line up his ideas.Here are few examples:(5)…by the manacles of seGREgation and the chains of discriminat ion…(Par.2, two parallel noun phrases)(6)“This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drag of gradualism.”(Par.4, two parallel infinitive phrases: “to engage…to take…”)(7)“there will be neither rest nor tranquility in America…”(Par.5, two parallel nouns joined with “neither…nor”)It is traditionally believed that parallelism is used for the purpose of emphasizing and enhancing, esp.in speech, the ideas expressed by the speaker(or author in written versions), thus always encouraging and inspiring the audience.We need not to be very carefully to find out many more examples of parallelism used in King‟s speech and classified as is followed: 2.2.1 Parallel Nouns:(8)This not was a promise that all men would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.(Par.3, three parallel nouns as attributive)(9)1963 is not an end, but a beginning(Par.5, two parallel nouns joined with “not…but…”)(10)Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force.(Par.6)2.2.2 Parallel Noun Phrases:(11)So we have to came to cash this check-a check that will give as upon demand the riches of freedom and The security of justice.(Par.4)(12)I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brother hood(Par.10)2.2.3 Parallel Infinitive Phrases:(13)It would be fetal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment and to underestimate the determination of the Negro.(Par.5, two parallel infinitive phrases)(14)With this faith, wewill be able to work together, to pray together, to straggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.(Par.7, five parallel infinitive phrases).2.2.4 Parallel Prepositional Phrases(15)I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.(Par.12)(16)…, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, …(Par.25)E.Parallel clauses:(17)…, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny and(that)their freedom is inextricably bound t our freedom.(Par.6, two parallel objective clause)2.3 Use of Similes and Metaphors As two very important types of meaning transference in literature, similes and metaphors are comparisons that show similarities in things that are basically different, which can be used to add vividness and vitality to writing.As Leech points out, metaphor is associated with a particular rule of transference which may be called the “metaphoric rule”(1969: 151).That is, the figurative meaning is derived from the literal meaning or it is, as it were, the literal meaning.Throughout the speech, King makes extensive use of similes and metaphors.In paragraph 1, for example, King compares The Emancipation Proclamation to two forms of brilliant light cutting through darkness.The first-“a joyous daybreak”-compares it to the sunrise, which(in this case)ends “the long night of captivity”.In paragraph 2, he speaks of “the manacles of seGREgation and the chains of discrimination,” comparing segregation and discrimination under which the Negro people live to the manacles and chains once used on slaves.Therefore, it is very clear that the using of similes and metaphors can definitely add vividness and vitality to writing andmake it easy for the readers or audience to understand.Now let‟s cite some of the similes and metaphors used in King‟s speech.(18)One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity.(Par.2, metaphors)(19)But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt.We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the GREat vaults of opportunity for this nation(Par.4, metaphors)(20)This is no time … to take the tranquilizing drag of gradualism.(Par.4, metaphor)2.4 Use of Contrast Although maybe a rhetorical device instead of a stylistic one, contrast has also been used effectively, like repetition, in this speech, achieving the function of making clear the ideas of the speaker.In paragraph l, for example, “GREat beacon ligh t of hope” is contrasted with “flames of withering injustice,” and “joyous daybreak” with long night of captivity.”As it is defined, contrast is used to show the difference between two things.Therefore, it is not very difficult for us to understand why the speaker king uses so many contrasts in his speech.(21)One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity.(Par.2)(22)Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of seGREgation to the sunlit path of racial justice.(Par.4)(23)Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood(Par.4)ConclusionAs we have analyzed above, stylistic devices are frequently used in the discourse of literary works especially in speech, to achieve certain specific purposes.Thus making the style of a speech somewhat particular to the others.Generally speaking, aspeech may have the following stylistic characteristics: To begin with, it must be very persuasive.Thus the sentence patterns are very well-organized, with repetitions, parallelism and contrasts frequently used.Secondly, it should be emotional so as to be convincing, because the speaker should face the audience directly and his words should not only be orderly and informative but also be expressive and inspiring.Therefore, the stylistic devices such as similes and metaphors are often involved.Finally, in many cases, written-conversational style is usually used with not very formal diction and not very complicated sentence structure.Reference [1].Martin Luther King, Jr., I Have a Dream, August 28, 1963 [2].Wang Shouyuan, Essentials of English Stylistics, Shandong University Press, July, 2000 [3].Pan Shaozhang, English Rhetoric and Writing, Shanghai Transportation University Press, December, 1998 [4].Widdowson,H.G.Stylistics and the Teaching of Literature, Longman, 1975[5].Leech, G.N.“ …This bread I break‟Language and interpretation”.In D.C.Freeman.(ed.).Linguistics and Literature Style.New York:Holt, Rinhart & Winston.第二篇:英语文体学论文范式题目:1)stylistic analysis of …………..2)comparative study of a and b from the perspective of stylisticsabstract in englishkey words(3-5)introduction(the text you analyze)ⅰat the phonological levelⅱat the gr aphological levelⅲat the lexical levelⅳat the syntactic levelⅴat the semantic levelconclusionreferences(including at least 2 references)appendix(the text you analyze)1.根据所学内容对某个文本进行分析。
Stylistic Analysis of Daily ConversationI. IntroductionDaily conversation, the representation of spoken English, is an important part of the study of discourse. This paper is going to analyze the daily conversation, which excerpts from Gossip Girl, one of the most popular American soap opera. It is well known that Gossip Girl mainly talks about the story of Manhattan's upper social class, and shows the lives of the rich kids. In this soap opera, what attracts the audience attention is not only the fashion, but also the ups and downs of friendship, love, family, and so on.The conversation, which I am going to analyze, between Blair and Serena, the two main characters in Gossip Girl, focuses on their friendships. Blair and Serena used to be best friends, but a year ago, Serena’s leaving without notice completely broke Blair’s heart, now her return is absolutely a threat to Blair’s queen status. At the same time, the unusual relationship between Blair's boyfriend, Nate and Serena makes Blair more sensitive. So, at the beginning, Blair is hostile to Serena. Can Serena fix their friendship succeful The conversation centers around this issue.II. Textual Analysis1. At the Phonological Level1) Using stressThrough the overall analysis of the conversation, the stress is frequently used at beginning of the sentence. For example: In [Appendix A]Blair:You can go now. Sorry.Serena:No, that's okay. I got a lot of stuff to do anyway.Serena:No, go ahead. Blair! Think we could meet tonightIn [Appendix C]Blair:I must have totally blanked on the part where I invited you over.Serena:I called you. Blair, it's Sunday morning. Coffee, croissants. "Breakfast at Tiffany's." It's our tradition.Blair:I have new traditions now.In the above examples, the marked words are stress words. Frequently using the stress can attract the audience attention. Also, the strong emotions are expressed by these stress words. Here, Blair uses you and I to indicate that their friendship has been changed, expressing her unhappiness. While Serena affects not to care about not being invited by saying No. Certainly, the changing emotion is a bright spot to attract the audience.2) Using quick tempoThe overall tempo of the speakers trends to very quick. They make the tempo go fast by using elision, such as in the above examples, blanked,invited ,called. More to the point, because of the fast tempo, the contractions are frequently used, such as in [Appendix A], when's, you're, we're, that's, I'd, in [Appendix B]how's, I'm, didn't, don't, Let's, it's. In real life, the pace of life is always very fast. So to reflect the life truly, quick tempo is used.3) Normal non-fluencyThe normal non-fluency appears in the conversation. For example, in [Appendix B]Serena: No, I-I know, I was just...Boarding school is like...Serena: I just...I-I had to go. I just…I need to get away from everything. Please, just trust me.Serena: Let's fix that. I saw you at school with... With Katy and is, and I-I get it. I-I don't want to take any of that away from you...Serena: No, that... That's not what I mean. I...I miss you.As I have mentioned at the introduction, Blair is hostile to Serena. Facing Blair’ doubt, Serena is trying to explain and fix their friendship. But maybe because of her nervousness or anxiety, her words are not well planned. That is the normal non-fluency, Like I was just... like... I just... with... that... you... I...I miss.2. At the Graphological LevelFrom the viewpoint of graphological, the features of daily conversation are not obvious. In general, the conversation are arranged in the flush-left. Moreover, occurring in the daily life, between two good friends, the conversation is full of randomness and spontaneity. so the choice of punctuation is not strict. Periods , commas, apostrophes and ellipsis, are frequent used.3. At the Lexical Level1) Short and simple Anglo-Saxon wordsMost of the words are short and simple Anglo-Saxon words, and most of them are informal, monosyllabic. Such as , in [Appendix A], can go, got, do, meet, but; in [Appendix B], for, call, write, need, me, fix , take, have, keep. These words are very good to read and easy understand. Because Gossip Girl, as a popular soap opera, should be geared to the needs of public audience, who come from the different social background. So to help the audience understand the story better, simple words are used.2) Colloquial words and slangsSome colloquial words and slangs are used in the conversation. For example, kinda, okay ,Yeah , Well, Hmm,um, are colloquial words. While, In [Appendix C] Serena:Hey, I got two bone-dry caps and Audrey.Gossip Girl:Serena's visit was short and apparently not very sweet. But you know what is Revenge is a dish best served cold.Here, the mark words are slangs. Bone-dry caps refers to the non-milk cappuccino, and Audrey refers to the film starred by Audrey Hepburn. These thing are well known by average people. All the scenes in the Gossip Girl are of daily life, and the speakers are good friend, thus deciding that it is no need to use those formal and official words.4. At the Grammatical Level1) Simple sentences, using active voice and direct speechTypically, most of the sentences are simple sentences, using active voice and direct speech. Also, the tense are mostly past tense and simple present tense. For example: in [Appendix A]Serena:Hi. So...When's the partyBlair:You can go now. Sorry.Serena:No, that's okay. I got a lot of stuff to do anyway.Serena:No, go ahead. Blair! Think we could meet tonightUsing the simple sentences, on one hand, make the plot easy to understand. On the other hand, it sounds more like the dialogue in daily life, very casual, rather than the art of theater Performances. This is the reason why Gossip Girl is so popular.2) Incomplete, loosely coordinated sentencesThere are some incomplete, loosely coordinated sentences, such as:Serena:The palace. 8:00 Nate will wait.Serena: Let's fix that. I saw you at school with... With Katy and is, and I-I get it.Serena: …You know, and with our families...We need each other.Serena:I called you. Blair, it's Sunday morning. Coffee, croissants, "Breakfast at Tiffany's." It's our tradition.The marked sentences are incomplete, which do not square with the accepted rules of grammar. But here, this conversation occurs mainly between two friends, that is, the atmosphere is very easy and casually. So the speaker do not need to pay much attention to the grammar. More to the point, such loose sentences are closed to our daily life.5. At the Semantic Level1) Exophoric expressionsThere are some exophoric expressions in this conversation, such as:Serena: Let's fix that. I saw you at school with... With Katy and is, and I-I get it. I-I don't want to take any of that away from you...Serena: Blair, how can I fix thisIn the example, that refers to Serena left without notice, and this refers to Serena hided her affair with Blair’s boyfriend. All these things are known by themselves, and they do not need to speak out. Using these exophoric expressions implies their intimate relationship.2) Randomness of subject matterThe subject matter they are talking about is changing randomly, such as: in [Appendix B]Serena: So how's your mom doing with the divorce and everything…Serena: No, I-I know, I was just...Boarding school is like...Blair: I don't even know why you went, to boarding school to being with. Do you know how it felt, …Serena: Let's fix that. I saw you at school with... With Katy and is,…Serena: I just want things to go back to the way they used to be... Blair: You missed some classic Eleanor Waldorf meltdowns.…In this conversation, the marked phrases are the subjects the two speakers have talked, which are changing in high frequency. By changing the subject constantly, they make an in-depth communication and gain a good understanding of each other, thus helping to fix their friendship. For the audience, the randomness of subject matter brings them the sense of reality and homely.III. ConclusionThrough the stylistic analysis of the daily conversation in Gossip Girl, we can draw a conclusion that, in the overall, this conversation shows the features of socialization, filling with colloquialism, realism.Though I have been exposed to the concept of stylistics nearly a semester, I find that my understanding just rests on the theoretical level. So this paper is definite good chance for me to put the theory into practice. But obviously, the analysis of this paper is not comprehensive enough, because to some extent, I just select those aspects in Gossip Girl, which are more representative in stylistics, and try my best to make the analysis intensive, from a well-grounded understanding of Gossip Girl. During this process of analyzing, I gain a better comprehension of daily conversation. And more importantly, it make me know that our study should be thorough, in-depth and systematic, instead remaining at the theoretical level. Especially to those theoretical courses, it is preferable for us to have our own notions of the theory and try to make our judgments.References[1]张德禄. 英语文体学教程[M]. 高等教育出版社2021.2[2012/6/12][2] 邓小丽.从文体学角度分析电影对白中的随意会话[J]. 2021.07[2012/6/12].[3]朱曼.从文体学角度看<<老友记>> 台词的文体特征[J]. 2021.03[2012/6/12]。
Wales(1990: 373)指出方法的科学化是现代文体学摆脱主观、走向客观的重要特征。
3字数要求:1500以内文末参考文献格式:论文Thomas,J.D.2012."ScienceandtheSacred:IntertextualityinRich ardPowers'sTheGoldBugVariations."Critique51,no.1:18-31.AcademicSourcePremier,EBSCOhost(accessedDecember7,201 2).专著Hung,Eva.2002(ed.).Teachingtranslationandinterpretation4:B uildingbridges.Amsterdam-Philadelphia:JohnBenjamins.4.论文截止时间:18周周二三四节,打印版:A4纸打印,(学委收齐后按学号排序)电子版(文件名:班级+中文姓名+论文题目)由学委收齐后,按学号排序,打包压缩发至(电子版可延至18周周五交。
文体学 期末论文
On the Stylistic Features of Public Speech through Hillary Rodham Clinton on the killing of Osama bin LadenAbstract: Public speech carries the characteristics of oral language as well as the written language. It has attracted many experts and scholars. This paper analyzes the characters through grammatical features, lexical features, phonological features semantic features.Key Words: stylistic features, public speech, grammatical features, lexical features, phonological featuresWith the development of Stylistics, works beyond literature have been paid more and more attention to. Public speech is also one of them. Public speech is special art which has the characteristics of both written and oral languages, unlike spoken speeches, fictions, poem and many other literally styles. This paper is going to analyze the stylistic features of pubic speech through grammatical features, lexical features, phonological features, semantic features and so on. Here set Hillary Rodham Clinton on the Killing of Osama bin Laden as an example.ⅠGrammatical FeaturesⅰVariation in sentence lengthIn the speech, there are 34 sentences in all, the longest of which has 51words and the shortest 3 words. The average length is 17.5 words, which is much longer than that (8 words per sentence) of casual conversation. And among all the sentences, there are just a few sentences with less than 10 words or more than 30 sentences. The sharp variation in length reflects the emotional state of mind of speaker and her effort to evoke an active response from the audience. The short sentences are brief and attention-captured. Long sentences tend to express complicated concept and be more serious. Therefore, variation in sentences can change the rhythm of the speech and avoid dullness so that it may keep the attraction to the audience.ⅱVariation sentence types(ⅰ) The use of statementsPublic speeches used to inform, to persuade and to appeal, so speakers tend to use statements to directly confirm the listeners. Here Hillary Clinton 34 statements to make the auditions to be agree with her that Osama bin Laden’s death is really a good news to the world and people around the world should combine together to fight against the terrorist.(ⅱ) The use of “we”, “our”It is usual for speakers to use general types such as “we”, “our” to add a touch of intimacy and to get more agreements of others. Here in this speech Hilary Clinton use plenty of this kind of words, for example:We suffer grievous losses…From our troops and our intelligence experts…Here at the State Department, we have worked to…We have drawn together the effort…Our partnerships, including our close cooperation… Continued cooperation will…, because even as we mark this milestone, we should not…to renew our resolve and redouble our efforts. ( to name just a few)(ⅲ) The use of repetitionRepetition plays a very important role in speech delivery. It helps to connect the whole paragraph or the whole passage, to strengthen the tone and to better express the speaker’s strong emotion so that it can cause resonance of the audience. Following are the repetition in Hillary’s speech:Here at the State Department, we have worked to forge a worldwide…we have drawn together the effort and…You cannot wait us out. You cannot defeat us. But you can make the choice to abandon al-Qaida and participate in a peaceful political process.History will record that bin Laden’s death came at a time of great movements toward freedom and democracy, at a time when the people across the…First, I want to…Second, I want to… (Repetition in paragraphs)(In this whole address, there are 7 main repetitions, here just name a few.)ⅲMore complex-looking group structures(ⅰ) The use of post-modificationPost-modification is necessary for more and accurate information, and at the same time is not likely to pose much difficulty on the audience’s receiving process. Since the referent has already been stated, it is simple for a hearer with no text before him or her to attach modifiers to it. Here in this speech, we have many post-modification, such as V-ed, preposition phrases, attributive clauses, to-do structures, of-phrases and so on. Here we have:…I want to say a few words about what this means…First, I want to offer my thoughts and prayers to the thousands of families whose loved ones were killed…Second, I want to join the…the courage and commitment of the brave men and women who serve our country…We have drawn together the effort…and allies on every continent.(ⅱ) The use of parallelismParallelism plays the same role of repetition. For this, we have:All over world we will press forward, bolstering our partnership, strengthening our network, investing in a positive of peace and progress, and relentlessly pursuing the murderers who target innocent people.ⅡLexical FeaturesⅰThe use of clear and accurate expressionsA good speaker tends to use concrete, familiar, colloquial words and expressions to make his or her speech clear and accurate and much easier for the audience to understand.ⅱThe use of abstract wordsAbstraction is needed in talking about concepts, qualities or attributes and is in keeping with the solemnity of a speech. (Xu Youzhi, English Stylistics) Here Hillary just uses a few of them, just like, the U.S.S. Cole, NATO. But they are all inevitable.ⅢPhonological FeatureAs address is one kind of communication, the speaker will use many methods to make the speech clear and different to the daily conversation, for example: he or she may pronounce the words more clearly and work to control volume, pitch, speed, pause, rhythm and articulation.In Hillary’s speech on Osama bin Laden’s death, she use a plain and slow volume at the very beginning; then in the middle part when she expresses her prayers and gratefulness, she turns to be Cordial, proud; then when she comes to express the attitude to Osama bin Laden’s death and the call for participate in the peaceful fight against the terrorists she speaks a little fast and her voice became stronger. Besides, she speaks really slowly so that we can catch every word of her address. What is more, proper eye-contacts help to convey her speech.ⅣSemantic FeaturesⅰEffective way of organizationIt plays an important role to organize a speech effective and well, because it helps to enhance its credibility and make it easier for the audience to understand the message.As everyone knows, terrorism is a sensitive topic in international world, especially when we talk about terrorism and the USA. At the beginning of the speech, Hillary comes to Osama bin Laden’s death directly, and says that she would like to say something about it. That attracts people’s attention without doubt, because people are curious what will she say about that, and whether she will release some moredetails of bin Laden’s death. Then, she tells us the damage bin Laden has done to our human beings and expresses her gratefulness to the ones who have already done a lot in fighting against the terrorists. This informs people that the existing of the terrorism is really a threat to us human so that make people feel the necessity of the anti-terrorist work. So at last, she tells us what we shall do to the battle for peace and democracy.(ⅰ) The use of internal previews and summarieseg: And today, I want to say a few words about what this means for our efforts going forward. (Internal preview)First, I want to offer my thoughts and pra yers to … (Transition)Second, I want to join the President in honoring… (Transition)Indeed, we must take this opportunity to renew our resolve and redouble our efforts. (Transition)…So this is a day, not only for …but also for …yes, with continued vigi lance, but more so with growing hope and renewed faith in what is possible. (Summary) The internal previews make the listeners know what the speaker will take up next, whereas the latter reminds them of what they have just heard. Both are used with transition. (Xu Youzhi, English Stylistics)(ⅱ) The use of signposte.g.: First…Second…Here at the State Department…In Afghanistan …In Pakistan …All above make the paragraphs combine together as a whole, and help the audience to follow the steps of the speakerⅤConclusionFrom the study above, we can see that pubic speech is an art with the characteristics of written and oral languages. Its well organized sentences andparagraphs, the carefully chosen words, the skillful way of expression, and the proper phonological skills make the speech formal, serious, easy-understanding, and persuasive.Bibliography[1]李晓劲.公众演讲语言的文体分析[J].现代企业教育,2007(6):161-162.[2]张庆文.英语公众演讲的文体特色[J].青岛远洋船员学院学报,1997(2):80-83.[3] 邵慧.英语公众演讲的句法特征[J].辽宁教育学院学报,2003,6(6):69-70.[4] 万一平.公众演讲特征论[J].黔东南民族师范高等专科学院学报,2004,2(1):36-38.[5] 徐有志.英语文体学教程[M].高等教育出版社,2008,12,7:121-134.。
example1:he was a hindu, a puny wisp of a man,with a shaven head and vague liquid eyes. he had athick,sprouting moustache,absurdly too big for his body,rather like the moustache of a comic man on the films.此处是在描写一个即将被实施绞刑的,但具有喜剧特点的印度囚徒。
这里在形容他身材瘦小时,用“puny wisp of ”而没用“thin”,“puny wisp of ”小小的一缕夸张生动地说明了他瘦小至极,而“thin”只是一般词汇。
Text analysis for the Course of Stylistics Topic 1: Register Analysis and relevant featuresThis essay is due to analyze the text “What does i t mean to be a digital native?”. (/2012/12/04/business/digital-native-prensky/index.html)Firstly, author will analyze the register of the text, and then discuss three significant features of the text in different aspects which related to the register.1.RegisterTo analyze the register, it is necessary to know the definition of register. Here is the description from Wiki-pedia:In linguistics, a register is a variety of a language used for a particular purpose or in a particular social setting. For example, when speaking in a formal setting, an English speaker may be more likely to adhere more closely to prescribed grammar, pronounce words ending in -ing with a velar nasal instead of analveolar nasal (e.g. "walking", not "walkin'"), choose more formal words (e.g. father vs. dad, child vs. kid, etc.), and refrain from using contractions such as ain't, than when speaking in an informal setting.We can get the register’s definition clearly from above sentences. To say it popularly, it is different types of texts.Back to the text “What does i t mean to be a digital native?”, without stylistic feature, it is better to consider in three aspects: the text’s publication site, text’s content and itspurpose.(1)Publication siteThis text is published at CNN’s website in December 8, 2012, by a journalist of CNN. Usually, there are three registers of essays will be put in a public website: News Report, Conversations and Speeches, Science and Technology. It is obvious that the register is not belong to Conversations and Speeches.(2)ContentReading the whole text through, we could get the main idea of this text: It introduces the situation about people adapting to digital age in nowadays and gives the prospect in the future. The content does not have the timeliness, while it is a summarize of recent situation. What’s more, the text introduces situations of many places around the world. Therefore, the register of it must not be News Report. As a result, it belongs to Science and Technology part.(3)PurposeThe purpose of this text is simple: To let readers know the situation of people within digital age nowadays. To a large extent, it is like popular science readings. The purpose of it is conveying knowledge to its readers. So the register is Science and Technology without question.From analysis of these three aspects, it is obvious that the register of this text is Science and Technology. Specifically, in terms of field of Science and Technology, it is a typical scientific reading concerned with social science and digital science. In terms of tenor, it is concerned with communication between specialist and layman. In terms of mode, it is a monograph.2.Significant featuresThe language of Science and Technology includes texts of a large variety of registers. And the texts of each register of Science and Technology have developed their own stylistic characteristics. Thus we should aim at the specific features, in order to precisely analysis the text and its register. According to the text book <A Course book on English Stylistics>, it is better to analysis in three aspects: Semantic features, grammatical features and lexical features.(1)RelationalizationThe development of Science and Technology mainly refers to the development of the semantic system of language. The most distinct semantic feature we could see from the text is relationalization.As the major aim of scientific language is to convey information and tell the truth to the other experts or the masses, it will not focus on the actions and events concerned with the scientific investigation, but the relations between these actions and events. So the actions and events will be relationalized into things and concepts, while the relations become the verbal links between them. It is a prominent feature of the English of science and technology.E.g.…any slowdown in the digital age is a "myth," as innovation will only press forward……as the globe's dominant demographic, while the "digital immigrant," becomes a relic…Here “as” and “while” is used for precise modification and clear logical relations. They make the relationship explicit.E.g. Prensky defines digital natives as those born into an innate "new culture" whilethe digital immigrants are old-world settlers.Here we could see that all conjunctive relations are explicit. Normally we have a large number of conjunctive relations made implicit as the listener can infer from the text, while here we could clearly understand the opposite definitions of “natives” and “immigrants”.E.g. …as innovation will only press forward "faster... And faster and faster."“will” here expresses “future” and “should”“obligation”. In Science and Technology register, there are few clauses express wishes, requests, emotions, judgments, etc.E.g. …and the class systems that will be shaped by access to digital technologies.E.g. Today the latest high-tech gizmos can be passed even before hitting the shop floors.E.g. …it can be akin to learning a whole new language.We may find a lot of “be” in the text for the reason that the majority of the clauses in the text have relational processes, mainly expressed by “be”.These devices make the ever-changing world static, as if the world were not composed of events and things, but the relations between these things. It is often in conformity to our general way of research only when we can pin something down can we really study it.(2)Participial phrasesExcept for relational process, there are one notable grammar features in the text: participial phrases.E.g. Computers and handsets are becoming an extension of body and mind, creating aCyborg-like population.E.g. In India, over two-thirds of the population live on less than $2 a day, according to the World Bank.E.g. he chief of the Strategic News Service -- specializing in technology news.E.g. …a term coined by U.S. a uthor Marc Prensky in 2001…E.g. …is the new hierarchies created by digital literacy and the class systems that…All of the examples above have participial phrases. With participial phrases, we could distinctly receive a large amount of knowledge in relatively short and concise sentences.(3)Particular lexical functionWhen people invented something, they must also create a word to represent it in language, so scientific words occurred the earliest in the register of science and technology. The main function of scientific words is to provide information for readers. To a great extent this function is realized through scientific words.E.g. …but with iPhones and floppy disks.E.g. What does it mean to be a digital native?These words, like “floppy disks”“digital”, is to convey general concepts which can be used in a variety of registers. Out of the Science and Technology register, these words are usually appearing in common registers.E.g. …who have lived in the analogue age and immigrated to the digital world.E.g. …becoming an extension of body and mind, creating a Cyborg-like population.E.g. As technology filters into every corner of the globe and…These words are technical and professional to some extent. Their usage is to convey concepts in a specific field.E.g. Connecting with one another in the modern world requires a knack for social networking and texting, which is the norm for the digital native.These are non-finite verbs. They are due to indicate process in the form of active or passive voice.3.ConclusionWith careful analysis, we could affirm that the register of this text is Science and Technology. In detail, we also summarize three features from the text to prove the thesis in this essay: Relationalization, participial phrases and particular lexical function. All of them are features of certain register. While this text is not the typical register of Science and Technology which is between specialists on research. It should belong to such kind of popular scientific reading. Be that as it may, the text still has a lot of obvious features of Science and Technology register.【Reference】1.张德禄张国.A Coursebook on English Stylistics 英语文体学教程.高等教育出版社.2.刘向红安志红欧阳双龙佘锡铭.科技英语文体的语域特征[J].韶关学院学报,2009(1):-.3.夏丽华.从语域分析的角度探讨科技英语的词汇特征[J].华北矿业高等专科学校学报,2001,3(4):105-106.4.童远鹏.试论科技英语的语域概念[J].语文学刊:高等教育版,2007(2):65-68.5.赵萱.科技英语语域及其语言特点[J].山西农业大学学报:社会科学版,2006,5(1):47-48,52.【Appendix】What does it mean to be a digital native?By Oliver Joy, CNNDecember 8, 2012 -- Updated 1147 GMT (1947 HKT)(CNN) -- The war between natives and immigrants is ending. The natives have won.It was a bloodless conflict fought not with bullets and spears, but with iPhones and floppy disks. Now the battle between the haves and have-nots can begin.The post-millennial "digital native," a term coined by U.S. author Marc Prensky in 2001 is emerging as the globe's dominant demographic, while the "digital immigrant," becomes a relic of a previous time.The digital native-immigrant concept describes the generational switchover where people are defined by the technological culture which they're familiar with.Read more: China looks to lead the Internet of ThingsPrensky defines digital natives as those born into an innate "new culture" while the digital immigrants are old-world settlers, who have lived in the analogue age and immigrated to the digital world.Although not Luddites, the immigrants struggle more than natives to adapt to hi-tech progress.Read more: 'Father of the internet': Fight for its freedomThe author of "Teaching Digital Natives," whose success pushed him onto the speaking circuit, says the explosion of technology over the last 10 years is just the start of a symbiotic new world. Computers and handsets are becoming an extension of body and mind, creating a Cyborg-like population.Prensky cites the 100-meter runner Oscar Pistorius, an athlete with prosthetic legs, as an example of how technology is used to enhance our lives. He told CNN: "For humans, what used to be this body of flesh and bone, all that is now just the center... Being human is a moving target."The human race and its struggle to keep up with technologyPrensky says that at no time in history has technology moved so fast. Today the latest high-tech gizmos can be passe even before hitting the shop floors.In the past -- during the post-industrial revolution era, for example -- accelerating technology has plateaued. So, with the meteoric rise of new social media outlets including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Skype, history suggests the world is overdue for a slowdown.Read more: Why aren't robots doing my dishes yet?But Prensky says this time, any slowdown in the digital age is a "myth," as innovation will only press forward "faster... And faster and faster."He told CNN: "We are not going through a transition to another faze of stability, and that is the key point. People will always be behind now and that will be a stress they have to cope with."The new normConnecting with one another in the modern world requires a knack for social networking and texting, which is the norm for the digital native. But for the immigrant, it can be akin to learning a whole new language.Prensky illustrates his point with former director of the CIA David Petraeus. In November, he was embroiled in a scandal that revealed he had an affair with Paula Broadwell.The FBI uncovered the affair while it investigated e-mails that Broadwell allegedly sent to a Petraeus family friend, Jill Kelley.Prensky labels this naivety by immigrants as "digital stupidity" -- by assuming that when people decide to post online or send e-mails, they believe privacy is automatically applicable."People get frightened by change and they should be. They need courage to face the future these days, especially those who feel left behind." Prensky said. "People adapt instinctively and humans are very good at that. The young people live in the context; the older people see the changing context and struggle."Digital povertyAs technology filters into every corner of the globe and tech cities spring up in some unlikely places from Bangalore to Tel Aviv, a new gulf is emerging to separate the digitally savvy from the disconnected: Poverty.In India, over two-thirds of the population live on less than $2 a day, according to the World Bank. But a United Nations report still says that mobile phones are more common than toilets, with nearly half of India's 1.2 billion population armed with a handset. Nishant Shah, a director at the Centre for Internet and Society in India, told CNN that defining natives and immigrants by generation is a "serious concern." According to Shah, Prensky's views were formed from the "privileged" position of living in the U.S.Shah added: "[Prensky's] observations may describe a generation gap that the U.S. faced, but if you transplant the same definition to other parts of the world, natives are sometimes indistinguishable from immigrants."The real fear for Shah is the new hierarchies created by digital literacy and the class systems that will be shaped by access to digital technologies.The call of the developing worldAs mobile networks extend their reach and areas become increasingly urbanized, Western tech companies are seeking to tap markets with large populations.Last year, Finnish phone maker Nokia released a range of smart phones targeted at consumers in emerging markets, particularly in Asia, to compete with cheaper Android devices.But Shah argues bombarding a country with technology and infrastructure is not a rounded solution to the digital poverty problem.India, for example, has connectivity and access in abundance, but the country continues to suffer from a generation of "digitally poor classes." He argues that simply providing the equipment does not help young people understand how that technology can better their lives without education and training.Shah told CNN: "Just because young people have tech access in India, it doesn't make them digital natives." He added, "It creates digital outcasts -- people whose supposed problem of access to the world has been resolved."Prensky, however, believes a "networked planet" is a sign developing nations will soon close the digital divide. Even those who don't yet have the technology still know that it exists, and will have it before long.The world in 2020By 2020, Prensky predicts people across the globe will be plugged into the "AORTA,"-- Always On RealTime Access -- a term coined by Mark Anderson, the chief of the Strategic News Service -- specializing in technology news. A future in which people are constantly able to access information and news from anywhere on the planet.Shah says that the works of science fiction may offer the most accurate insight into our futuristic society.He said: "The presents that we live in, are the futures that our pasts have imagined." "Let us hope that the technologies of the future will also be designed to protect that which is sacred, and that which is important in our own understanding of being human."。
A Stylistic Analysis of the SitcomFriends对情景喜剧老友记的文体学分析学生姓名:授课教师:所在班级:中国·哈尔滨2011年6月ContentsAbstract in English (I)Abstract in Chinese (II)Introduction (1)1.Literature Review (1)1.1What is Style and What is Stylistics? (2)1.1.1 Style (2)1.1.2 Stylistics (2)1.2 Major Levels of Stylistic Analysis (2)1.2.1 Linguistic Description (2)1.2.2 Textual Analysis (2)1.2.3 Contextua Factors Analysis (2)1.3 General Review of Some Speech Theories Related to ThisResearch..... ........ ................ ............................. (2)1.3.1 Speech Act Theory (2)1.3.2 Cooperative Principle (2)1.4 Sitcom..... ........ ................ ............................. (2)1.4.1 Sitcom and Its General Features (2)1.4.2 An Overview of Friends...........1.5 Review on the Precious Research on Friends (2)2. Linguistic Description of Friends (3)2.1Tyrannical women (3)2.2Hypocritical women (4)2.3 Lustful women (4)3. Attractiveness of Women (5)3.1Beautiful outward appearance (5)3.2Purity and quietness (6)Conclusion (7)AbstractIn recent years, there exists a great number of research of different varieties of English, such as novels, news broadcast, scientific readings, etc. Nevertheless, what cannot bear any of our negligence is that stylistics on sitcoms---a new type of language material, is in great scarcity. Hence,the author of this thesis intends to investigate Friends, a popularly shown English language sitcom from the perspective of general stylistics in terms of linguistic description, textual analysis and contextual analysis respectively.This thesis examines three randomly selected episodes by means of qualitative research unfolding their stylistic features, namely some similarities as well as disparities among them in terms of stylistics. Through this research, the author has the following findings:At the phonological level, the swift tempo throughout the episodes and the frequent use of nitial stress play a vital role. At the graphological level, the frequent employment of commas, uniqueness in spelling and emotion and action markers phrased in brackets are the most distinct stylistic features.At the lexical level, the employment of monosyllabic, informal, dynamic, colloquial, concrete and fluff words is typical of the selected episodes. At the grammatical/syntactic level, the overwhelming employment of simple sentences and active voice is the most distinct feature of the selected episodes.So far as textual analysis is concerned, this thesis has penetrated mainly into the lay-out of the selected episodes, discovering that all the three episodes share the same text lay-out, namely the prelude, the body as well as the ending scene.Contextual factors analysis is also conducted in this research. We have discovered that the field of discourse, the tenor of discourse and the mode of discourse are closely associated with the stylistic features found in linguistic description. In addition, the author has also explored the selected episodes by emplo如ng two speech theories of vital importance---Speech Act Theory and Cooperative Principle respectively, finding that the conversations in the selected episodes are in light with the former while always violating the latter.Key Words:stylistics sitcom linguistic description textual description textual analysis contextual factors analysis摘要近些年来,英语文体学研究在学术界得到了蓬勃发展。
Stylistic Analysis of a NewspaperIntroductionThere are tow main functions of newspapers: giving information and reflecting, shaping and guiding public opinion. We know that a newspaper is written and read by people in a hurry, so the main characteristics, no matter it is good or bad, of newspaper Eglish reflect the journalist’s desire to meet these requirements. He should design his headlines for dramatic eye_catching effect so as to intrigue the potential reader. He should compress his article into a limited space. He should present his material in the most readable and attractive way, with seeming objectivity, which is more often effective in swaying the reader’s opinion. But not all newspaper writing is alike. The same news item will be handled differently in different types of newspaper. Even in the same newspaper, there will be different langusge style.There are many languistic differences between a report and and an art article. In fact, it is very difficult to make a generalisation on the English of the press. Therefor we should restrict our attention to news reporting which serves the central function of a newspaper to give information.The article aims to make a simple analysis on the news reporting.一.At the Graphological Leveling different sizes or shpes of type for the main headlines and thesubheadlines. The sizes and shapes in this newspaper of the main headline and the subheadline are different. The main headlines are bold but the subheadline is not.ing short paragraphs. Journalists are fond of spitting a narrative intovery short paragraphs, especially at the beginning of an article. There are 17 paragraphs in the short newspaper and in fact none of them has over 3sentences. They are all very short paragraphs and the sentences are almost short and sinple. This is because they should use very simple sentences to attract more people, but if the article is too hard to read, then it is very difficult for them to attract readers, at least common readers.ing direct quotations. In this newspaper the writer usea “directsvidence”said by a senior law enforcement to give a stong impression of objectivity.二.At the syntactic leveling short sentences and avoid using complex sentences. The need forclarity and readbility underlines the choice of different sentence structures ina report, and it is possible to have a diversity of structure types, but if thesentences are too difficult it can not read by the common readers. So the writers tend to use simple snd short sentences.ing long adverbial phrases to introduce sentences. The sentence “TheFBI confirmed wendnesday that six current or former pentagon officials involved in procurement were served with search warrants this week”. And “The FBI provided a list of the companies and people whose offices ere searched Tuesday, but it did not say whether they were suspected of wrongdiong ”.ing simple present instead of the persent perfective and the past tense.In the headline “Procurement officials at pentagon are focus of bribes investigation” the writer uses the simple present.三.At the Lexical Leveling initials, acronyms and clipped forms. The writer of this article uses“FBI”, McDonnell douglas corp , Northrop corp, and so on.ConclusionFrom the above analysis, we can see that the news reporting has its owncharacteristics in Graphological level, syntactic level and also in Lexical level. We use different sizes and shapes in the headlines and also in the headlines amomg the article. We use short and simple paragraphs and sentences to express the truth and the real thoughts to attract more readers as possible. We sue long adverbial sentences and the simple present tense. we also use initials and acronyms and clipped forms in the article. In this way, we get our purpose-----to make the news easy to be understood and make them more attractive to get more readers. And at the same time, we can understand different kinds of newspapers better.。
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Stylistic Analysis of An Extract ofConversationIntroductionConversation is the most commonly used kind of language. Therefore , it is especially a variety familiar to the majority of English -speaking people . This variety is used in everyone’s daily life . And it has its own distinct stylistic features . Stylistics is a branch of linguistics which studies style in a scientific and systematicway concerning the manners/linguistic features of different varieties of language at different levels.Causal style is the language used for situations in which no social barriers are felt by the participants. It is the language used among intimate friends, acquaintances, insiders, and people with shared knowledge. In casual visits ,chance meetings ,casual talks, or letters between friends this style is often found . Colloquial words, clipped words, clipped words, phrasal verbs, blend words are often used. Sentences are usually short, elliptical, with a lot of contractions. And the tone tends to be friendly and informal.This passage possesses almost all characteristics of conversation. It could be an appropriate material for stylistic analysis. This is a conversation between two housewives who are in the same age range<mid-thirties> and have known each other for some time. The occasion is that B was invited to A’s house for an evening chat over coffee.1.At the phonological levelPhonology refers to speech sounds in a language .Here the main focus put on elision, pause, and normal non-fluency.1.1ElisionElision is one of the distinct phonological style markers in conversation, which is frequently used by the speakers involved .In real conversation, what people concern most is whether the information has been conveyed, instead of catching every word clearly. And some functional words are pronounced in a low voice or even elided by the speakers. In conversation, people usually speak naturally fast, and because of the fast tempo, two wordsare pronounced as one word. Therefore, the frequent use of contractions can be found. In this extract, there are numerous contractions, such as I’m, I’ve, I’ll, I’d, it’s, you’re, couldn’t, hasn’t, that’s etc. all these contractions makes the conversation sound natural. This skill is either an important signal in spontaneous conversation.B:I’ve warmed upB:It’s just that I’mB:I’d left my coat in my locker and I just could’t......Those elision can perfectly indicate the informality of the conversation as well as intimate relationships between A and B.1.2PausePause refers to the brief interruption of the articulatory process between consecutive linguistic units. Pause can also be seen as a signal of ending a thought unit. In English, there are voiced pauses, and silent pauses. In this extract, both kinds of pauses can be frequently found. For example:A:You got a /cold //B:/No/just a/bit sniffy/cos I’m -I/am cold /and I’ll be all right once I’ve warmed up//-do I look as though I’ve got a cold//The pause aim to arouse the people’ attentionA: no I/ thought you sounded as if you were//B:/M/The pause aim to express talker’s uncertain attitude and cause suspense1.3stressStress refers to the prominence of sounds. It is the result of extract force used in pronouncing particular word or syllable. It is a very important way of expressing different feeling or implying different meaning in oral communication. It has the following functions: to show emphasis, surprise, anger, doubt, horror, excitement and to distinguish meaning of identical words or phrases. For example:A:you got a COLDB:No, just a bit SNIFFYIn this sentence, the speakers stress the word ”cold”, ”sniffy”which indicates the speakers emphasis.B:you are KNITTING? what are you KNITTING. That’s not a tiny GARment.A:NoIn this sentence, ”knitting” is stressed, which indicates the speaker’s surprise or doubt.B stresses the word of “knitting” at twice, to emphasize, which expresses that B is tofeel doubt about A. To her surprised, she does not think that A should have knitted the garment.2.At the Lexical LevelLexis refers to the choice of words and expressions, and here, we will focus our attention on the used of colloquial words, intensifiers, and verb phrases.2.1Use of colloquial wordsRegarding it is an extract of daily conversation, there’s no denyin g the fact that colloquial words can be often used.Since it is a casual conversation, it is normal and natural to see so manycolloquial words, such as yeah, got, just, ’cos, etc. These words can express the speaker’s attitude, surprise, worried, or some other feelings. Colloquial words are alsothe signal of informality.2.2 Use of VPsVerb phrases are frequently used in conversation. Conversation is a kind of informal variety. Thus hard verbs are rarely used by speakers in everyday talks. In this fragment, there are only 1 hard word. It takes up a very slim percentage of the total number of words(304)Table 1: accessibilityIn the above table, we can see that the percentage of hard words in the conversation is approximately 0.3%. And the fog index is 2.52, much lower than 10- the averagenumber of all varieties. So we can say that this conversation is easy to understand.3.At the Syntactic/Grammatical LevelSyntaxrefers to the rules for ordering words into sentences. In this part, wemostly concentrate on sentence types and voices.Table 2: sentence types (1)According to the above table, it is found that sentences (as far as length andstructures are concerned) in this fragments are not complicated to understand. More minor sentences and short sentences are used, which are style markers of informality. 3.1Simple sentenceB:It is a lovely colorA:It is niceUsing the simple sentence can make the conversation better to understand and much like the daily dialogue.3.2 Use of active voiceIn conversation, speakers usually are the major and active characters. Their words mainly express their own feelings or narrate an event. In this way active voice will be the most suitable voice to achieve such effects. In this conversation, most of sentences are in active voice. And many of them have such beginning “I + verb”. According to this, we can assume in the process of conversation the speaker is usually the most important factor, who will conduct or lead the proceeding of conversation.4 At the semantic levelSemantics refers to the meaning of words or expressions, and by what means the meaning is conveyed from the addresser to the addressee. Here, the emphasis is around some figures of speech.The charming of conversation is that it does not really start from anywhere, and no one has any idea where it will go. After all, conversation is not for making a point. Thus, there is normal non-fluency in conversation unlike in writing. Certainly, in this extract, speakers always use the skills of unintended repetition, pauses, and hesitation to help to convey the meanings. Semantically, people prefer to talk about everything as they like. This is because conversation is casual in nature. No one prepare in advance or plan for what to talk about before. What is more, the subjects ranging from the cold, meeting, car, arm to knit, all show their conversation is at random, lacking of planning.ConclusionConversation is actually a distinct variety, whose stylistic features do not lie in the above analysis only. We have just made a very tough stylistic analysis of the two housewives’ conversation, mainly concentrating on the phonological, lexical, syntactic/ grammatical levels. To sum up, conversation contains many stylistic features. These are some typical and familiar stylistic features.ReferencesCrystal, David & Derek Davy. 1969. Investigating English Style. London:Longman Group Ltd.董启明. 2008. 新编英语文体学教程. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社胡壮麟. 2001. 语言学教程. 北京:北京大学出版社.AppendixA Conversation between Two HousewivesA:You got a /cold //B:/No/just a/bit sniffy/cos I’m -I/am cold /and I’ll be all right once I’ve warmed up//-do I look as though I’ve got a cold//The pause aim to arouse the people’attentionA: no I/ thought you sounded as if you were//B:/M/A/ pull your CHAIR UP close if YOU WANT /// it is-* (obscured speech)*/B */YES/ I’ll be all right in a MINUTE /*/it’s just that I’mA STUpid // I/ had er about five thousandBOOKS/-to/take back to senateHOUSE YESterday //-and I got /allThe way through the college/to/where the CAR was/at the/parkingMeter at the OTHER end /and/realizedI’d left my COAT in my/LOCKer /and *just couldn’t*A*/M/*FACE going / all the way BACKagain/with/this great//you know my/ARMSWhere aching /A(M)B and I thought/ WELL/ I’ll/ get it on TUESDAY/-it’s a bit /SILLY?cos I/NEED it//A /M/ it’s gone/ very COLD?/HASn’t it //B /M/- it’s FREEZING//A/M/* I’m(2 syllables)//*B* you’re/ KNITTING?//*(laughs quietly for-)/ what are you KNITTING//That’s not a tiny GARment //A /No/B(Laughs for - )A/no it’s for ME/ but it’s/ very PLAIN//B it’s a /lovely COLour //-A it / is NICE //B/YEAH/-I / never di I could /never TAKE to KNITTING/ ex / cept on these / double o needles with STRING // you /KNOW/ That’s MY sort of knitting //*A */YEAH//B It / GROWS quickly//A/YEAH / I got fed UP //B /( 3 or 4 syllables) the PROcess though // do you / SEW / I / used to sew a lot (when)*A/NO(I/DON’T)//B in the / days when I was a human BEing//*(Crystal & Davy , 1969:97-99)。