

LG PF1000UG-GL投影机 使用说明书

LG PF1000UG-GL投影机 使用说明书
注意 • 不要将新旧电池混
用。 --电池爆炸或泄漏
可能导致损坏或伤 害。 • 如果投影仪长期不 用,务必拔出电源插 头。 --灰尘堆积可能造成 过热、着火或绝缘 不良,易引发火灾 或触电。
• 不要将硬币、发卡或 金属碎屑等金属片或 纸、火柴等易燃材料 插入投影仪。 --这可避免触电或火 灾。
• 如液体或异物掉入投 影仪内,请将其关闭 并从电源插座中拔出 插头,然后联系我们 的服务中心。 --否则可能引发火灾 或触电。
• 当用新的遥控器电池 更换旧电池时,请确 保儿童不要吞咽电 池。请将电池置于儿 童接触不到的地方。 --如果儿童吞下电 池,请立即就诊。
本产品经过杜比实验室的许 可而制造。杜比和双 D 符号 是杜比实验室的注册商标。 该 DivX Certified® 认证设 备已通过严格测试,确保能 播放 DivX® 视频。 为播放购买的 DivX 电影, 需首先在 注册 设备。在设备设置菜单中的 DivX VOD 部分找到注册码。 通过 DivX Certified® 认证, 能播放 DivX® 视频,最高可达 HD 1080p,包括付费内容。 DivX®,DivX Certified® 以 及相关标志是 DivX, LLC 的 商标,经授权使用。 受 DivX 专利 7,295,673 、7,515,710、RE45,052 及 其他在 [/ patents] 中列出的专利保护
• 不要让儿童倚靠或攀 爬投影仪。 --否则可能导致投影 仪跌落,造成受伤 或死亡。
• 不要将本产品安装在 不通风的位置(例 如,书架上或壁橱 中)或者地毯或软垫 上。 --可能因内部温度升 高引发火灾。
• 不要将本产品放在蒸 汽、油或油雾源头 (如加湿器或橱柜) 附近。 --否则可能会导致火 灾、触电或腐蚀。

GuardShield Safe 4 安全光幕 说明书

GuardShield Safe 4 安全光幕 说明书

ᷛ䆚೼ॅ䰽⦃๗ϟৃ㛑ᇐ㟈⟚⚌ˈ䖯㗠䗴៤ҎਬӸѵǃ䋶ѻᤳണ៪㒣⌢ᤳ༅ⱘ㸠 Ў៪ᚙ‫ֵⱘމ‬ᙃDŽ
䞡㽕џ乍 ⊼ǂᛣ
ᷛ䆚ᇍ៤ࡳᑨ⫼੠⧚㾷ѻક᳝䞡㽕԰⫼ⱘֵᙃDŽ ᷛ䆚ৃ㛑Ӯᇐ㟈ҎਬӸѵǃ䋶ѻᤳണ៪㒣⌢ᤳ༅ⱘ㸠Ў៪ᚙ‫ֵⱘމ‬ᙃDŽ⊼ᛣヺো ৃᐂࡽᙼ⹂ᅮॅ䰽ǃ䙓‫ॅܡ‬ᆇᑊњ㾷ৃ㛑ⱘৢᵰDŽ
专业人员 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
设备的应用范围 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 正确使用 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 一般保护注意事项和保护措施 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
೼䗝ᢽ੠ᅝ㺙GuardShield Safe 4 ᅝܼ‫ܝ‬ᐩПࠡˈ䇋ࡵᖙ䯙䇏੠⧚㾷ϟ߫㽕∖DŽGuardShield ᅝܼ‫ܝ‬ᐩ᮶ᰃ᪡԰⚍ᅝܼ㺙㕂ˈজᰃ਼⬠᥹䖥ᅝܼ㺙㕂DŽᅝܼ‫ܝ‬ᐩ⫼Ѣ೼৘辵ᴎẄϞЎҎਬ ᦤկ᪡԰⚍੠਼⬠᥹䖥ᅝܼ䰆ᡸDŽ GuardShield Safe 4ᅝܼ‫ܝ‬ᐩ㋏߫ᰃ䗮⫼ⱘᄬ೼ᛳᑨᓣ䆒໛ˈЏ㽕⫼Ѣֱᡸ೼ᴎ఼Ϟ៪ᴎ఼䰘 䖥Ꮉ԰ⱘҎਬDŽ ᅝ㺙GuardShield Safe 4ᅝܼ‫ܝ‬ᐩᯊˈᖙ乏䙉ᅜ㘨䙺ǃᎲ੠ᔧഄⱘ᠔᳝䗖⫼⊩ᕟ੠⊩㾘DŽ 䲛Џ᳝䋷ӏཹ୘ᅝ㺙ǃ᪡԰੠㓈ᡸ㺙᳝GuardShield Safe 4ᄬ೼ᛳᑨᓣ䆒໛ⱘѻક੠ᴎ఼DŽ GuardShield Safe 4ᅝܼ‫ܝ‬ᐩᖙ乏⬅ড়ḐҎਬཹ୘ᅝ㺙DŽ GuardShield Safe 4ᅝܼ‫ܝ‬ᐩЎᄬ೼ᛳᑨᓣ䆒໛ˈ᮴⊩ЎҎਬᦤկ⛁䰆ᡸǃ࣪ᄺ䰆ᡸ៪亲㸠䚼 ӊ䰆ᡸDŽᅗӀⱘⳂᷛ⫼䗨ᰃ೼ᛳᑨऎ㹿։ܹᯊথߎֵোˈ‫ذ‬ℶᴎ఼ⱘॅ䰽ࡼ԰DŽ GuardShield Safe 4ᅝܼ‫ܝ‬ᐩা㛑⫼Ѣৃ䱣ᯊ೼‫਼៪⿟ކ‬ᳳ‫ذݙ‬ℶⱘᴎ఼DŽ GuardShield Safe 4ᅝܼ‫ܝ‬ᐩϡᕫ⫼Ѣ䞛⫼ܼ䕀ᓣ行ড়఼ⱘᴎ఼DŽ GuardShield Safe 4ᅝܼ‫ܝ‬ᐩⱘᬜᵰপ‫އ‬Ѣᴎ఼᥻ࠊಲ䏃ⱘᅠᭈᗻDŽ㺙᳝GuardShield Safe 4 ᄬ೼ᛳᑨᓣ䆒໛ⱘᴎ఼ᑨ‫݋‬໛䞛⫼ᬙ䱰ᅝܼ䆒䅵ⱘ᥻ࠊಲ䏃DŽ ᑨᅮᯊẔᶹᴎ఼ⱘ৘辵‫ذ‬ℶᴎᵘˈ⹂ֱ݊Ꮉ԰ℷᐌDŽফ䰆ᡸⱘᴎ఼ᖙ乏‫݋‬᳝ৠㄝⱘৃ䴴ᗻҹঞ ৠㄝⱘৃ䞡໡‫ذ‬ℶᯊ䯈DŽ



LES系列区域传感器(光幕)使用说明天津市杰泰克自动化技术有限公司LES系列区域传感器(光幕)使用说明一、产品型号定义说明:①选C为带RS485串口通讯功能,不选为常规;②光轴间距:12、20、40、80mm;③光轴数;④故障报警输出(发射器)形式,NPN/PNP型晶体管,常开(O)/常闭(C)⑤检测输出(接收器)形式,NPN/PNP型晶体管,常开(O)/常闭(C);;例:LES1248NCNO,光轴间距12mm,光轴数48,报警输出为NPN型常闭,检测输出为NPN型常开;LESC1248NN,带RS485串口通讯功能,光轴间距12mm,光轴数48,报警输出为NPN 型,检测输出为NPN型;二、产品组成及其性能参数2.1、产品组成LES系列光幕由发射器、接收器及其配套4芯电缆(带RS485串口通讯功能的产品,接收器配套电缆为6芯)组成。






表4.1 各指示灯功能定义注:若接收器电源指示灯常亮,发射器电源指示灯闪烁/常灭,则发射器和接收器之间通讯异常。

五、产品接线图六、测试说明6.1、接线首先将光幕发射器和接收器按照光幕接线图(见图5.1)接线并检查接线是否正确(接线时必须断开电源),然后将光幕发射器和接收器在有效检测距离内(1.0m ~ 5.5m)面对面放好并对准。


位置的要求,否则,仍存在发生事故的可能。 3.1.1. 安全距离的计算 ※ 安全距离是指光电保护装置的光幕平面与模具刃口之间的最小距离,其
mm 850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50
警告: 未能遵守此警告通知可能会导致失败或故障。 警告: 未能遵守此警告通知可能导致人身伤害/或损坏机台。
1.4 使用指南 此操作说明中所描述的产品,仅作为此型号 产品操作说明,不可作为其他型
号或者其他产品的操作。 安装过程中安全开关必须全程使用,严格按照操作说明的步骤和方法进行安装。
1.5 一般安全说明 用户必须遵守安全指示操作说明书和具体国家的安装标准,以及所有现行的
六.使用、检查与保养 6.1 检查与保养···········································································10
一、基本介绍 1.1 功能
此操作的说明手册提供所有的信息,您需要安装和调试,为确保安全运行和 拆卸安全,请必须认真阅读说明书!
GT/GTD M继电器信号接线方式
The receiver
The transmitter



SG-BWS-T4-MTSERIESSafety control unit with double mutingQUICK GUIDESAFETY INFORMATIONThe following points must be observed for a correct and safe use of thesafety light curtains of the SG-BWS-T4-MT series:The stopping system of the machine must be electrically controlled. This control system must be able to stop the dangerous movement of the machine within the total machine stopping time T as per par. 3.4 of the complete manual inside the CD and during all working cycle phases.The safety system should be installed and connected by a qualified technician in compliance with the instructions specified in this manual and industry rules.The photocells must be securely installed in a particular position so that access to the dangerous zone is not possible without the interruption of the beams (see 3.3 “General information on sensors positioning” of the complete manual inside the CD). The personnel operating in the dangerous area must be well trained and must have adequate knowledge of all the operating procedures of the safety control unit.The START and TEST buttons must be located outside the protected area because the operator must check the protected area during all Test and Reset operations.Please carefully read the instructions for the correct functioning before powering the SG-BWS-T4-MT.Precautions to be observed for the choice and installation of the deviceMake sure that the protection level assured by the SG-BWS-T4-MT device (Type 4) is compatible with the real danger level of the machine to becontrolled, according to EN 954-1 and EN 13849-1.∙ The outputs (SAFCN) of the ESPE must be used as machine stopping devices and not as commanddevices. The machine must have its own START command. ∙ The dimension of the smallest object to be detected must be larger than the resolution level of theinstalled safety sensors.∙ The ESPE must be installed in a room complying with the technical characteristics indicated in section9 “Technical data” of the complete manual inside the CD. ∙ Do not install the sensors close to strong and/or flashing light sources or close to similar devices. ∙ Strong electromagnetic disturbance might negatively affect device operation. Should this be the casecontact Datalogic Automation Technical Service. ∙ The operating distance of the safety sensors can be reduced in presence of smog, fog or airbornedust. ∙ A sudden change in environment temperature, with very low minimum peaks, can generate a smallcondensation layer on the sensors lenses and so jeopardise functioning.∙ Pay special care when positioning the safety photocells so to offer effective protection. The safetysensors should be installed in such a way that the dangerous area can only be entered after detecting the sensitive area. Photocells position is fixed by normative and must respect measures in Tab. 4 of the complete manual inside the CD.The failure to respect the safety distance reducesor cancels ESPE the protection function.For more detailed information about calculation of safety distance,please refer to the complete manual contained in the CD supplied.CONNECTIONSSIGNAL CONTACT CONNECTION FUNCTIONVDC 1 24 Vdc ext. Power START 2 NO contact toward 24VDC Reset Function TEST/RESET 3 NC contact toward 24VDCTest/Reset functionEDM 4 - NC contact of external relay toward 24VDC (with EDM enabled)- NOT CONNECTED (with EDM disabled)EDM Input0 V 2 0 Vdc ext. Power MUTEN A 6 NO contact toward 24VDC Muting enable MUTEN B 7 NO contact toward 24VDC Muting enable DEFLAMP 8 Warning device positive terminal Lamp failure warningMUTA1 9 PNP output of muting sensor A1 Muting input OVRA1 10 Override A1 NO contact toward 24VDC Override input MUTB1 11 PNP output of muting sensor B1 Muting input OVRB1 12 Override B1 NO contact toward 24VDC Override input MUTA2 13 PNP output of muting sensor A2 Muting input OVRA2 14 Override A2 NO contact toward 24VDC Override input MUTB2 15 PNP output of muting sensor B2 Muting input OVRB2 16 Override B2 NO contact toward 24VDC Override input LAMPA- 17 Negative terminal of muting lamp A Muting lamp output LAMPA+ 18 Positive terminal of muting lamp A Muting lamp output SAFNC11 19Relays output NO 230V 1Safety contact SAFNC21 20 Safety contact LAMPB- 21 Negative terminal of muting lamp B Muting lamp output LAMPB+ 22 Positive terminal of muting lamp B Muting lamp output SAFNC12 23Relays output NO 230V 2Safety contact SAFNC22 24 Safety contact RX1 25 PNP output of receiver photocell 1 (black) Photocell Input RX2 26 PNP output of receiver photocell 2 (black) Photocell Input RX3 27 PNP output of receiver photocell 3 (black) Photocell Input RX4 28 PNP output of receiver photocell 4 (black) Photocell Input TX1 29 TEST of emitter photocell 1 (black) Photocell Output TX2 30 TEST of emitter photocell 2 (black) Photocell Output TX3 31 TEST of emitter photocell 3 (black) Photocell Output TX4 32 TEST of emitter photocell 4 (black) Photocell Output 24VRX12 33 24VDC photocell receivers 1 and 2 (brown) Power supply output 0VRX12 34 0VDC photocell receivers 1 and 2 (blue) Power supply output 24VRX34 35 24VDC photocell receivers 3 and 4 (brown) Power supply output 0VRX34 36 0VDC photocell receivers 3 and 4 (blue) Power supply output 24VTX12 37 24VDC photocell emitters 1 and 2 (brown) Power supply output 0VTX12 38 0VDC photocell emitters 1 and 2 (blue) Power supply output 24VTX34 39 24VDC photocell emitters 3 and 4 (brown)Power supply outputSIGNAL CONTACT CONNECTION FUNCTION 0VTX34 40 0VDC photocell emitters 3 and 4 (blue) Power supply output OSSD11 41 OSSD 1 output of light curtain 1 (grey) Safety light curtain input OSSD21 42 OSSD 1 output of light curtain 2 (grey) Safety light curtain input24LRX12 43 24VDC light curtain receivers 1 and 2(brown)Power supply output0LRX12 44 0VDC light curtain receivers 1 and 2 (brown) Power supply output OSSD12 45 OSSD 2 output of light curtain 1 (pink) Safety light curtain input OSSD22 46 OSSD 2 output of light curtain 2 (pink) Safety light curtain input 24LTX12 47 24VDC light curtain emitters 1 and 2 (brown) Power supply output 0LTX12 48 0VDC light curtain emitters 1 and 2 (brown) Power supply outputNO: Normally Open – NC: Normally ClosedMinimum connection (1 photocell, no EDM, automatic RESTART)The control unit terminals layout and the minimum connection to check system operation are shown below.The photocells set power (blue and brown wires) reaches terminals 33-34, 37-38 as specified in the table in the complete manual inside the CD.For the other configuration (for example concerning muting and override) please refer to section 4 in the complete manual inside the CD.SIGNAL CONTACT CONNECTION FUNCTIONext. PowerVdcVDC 1 24TEST/RESET 3 24 Vdc ext. Test function0 V 2 0 Vdc ext. PowerRX1 25 PNP output of receiver photocell 1 (black) Photocell InputTX1 29 TEST of emitter photocell 1 (black) Photocell OutputRX2 26 TX2 (30) Photocell InputRX3 27 TX3 (31) Photocell InputRX4 28 TX4 (32) Photocell InputOSSD11 41 OSSD21 (42) Safety light curtain input OSSD21 42 24LRX12 (43) Safety light curtain input OSSD12 45 OSSD22 (46) Safety light curtain input OSSD22 46 24LTX12 (47) Safety light curtain input24VRX12 33 24VDC power supply RX (brown) Power supply output 0VRX12 34 0VDC power supply RX (blue) Power supply output24VTX12 37 24VDC power supply TX (brown) Power supply output0VTX12 38 0VDC power supply TX (blue) Power supply outputSG-BWS-T4-MT as MPCE (Machine Primary Control Equipment)SG-BWST-T4-MT can be directly used as a Machine Primary Control Equipment (MPCE) since it’s equipped with internal monitored relays which can switch a maximum load of 3,6A at 250V. The proper connections are shown in the next figure.SG-BWS-T4-MT as external safety relays controllerWhen utilizing SG-BWS-T4 for external safety relays control proper connections are shown in the following figure.K1K2SAFCN11 (19)SAFCN21 (20)SAFCN12 (23)SAFCN22 (24)B W S -T 4-M TMain Supply VoltageT o machine powerALIGNMENT SAFETY DEVICESOnce all components are in place and connected, emitters and receivers shall be mutually aligned.In alignment mode, the OSSD safety outputs are open. The alignment mode and relevantprocedure are described here below:∙Cut off control unit power supply.∙Power on the control unit while holding pressed Test button (Test contact open)∙The 7-segment display shows the first device to be aligned (Photocells 1-4, light curtains 5-6)∙∙The control unit will run the initial test routines and display a countdown, the display will then turn off and the control unit will switch to NORMAL OPERATION status ( NORMAL).Now carry out the following inspections:∙The ESPE stays in SAFE mode during photocells and light curtains beam interruption using the suitable “Test Piece”, along the entire protected area.∙Enabling the TEST function, the OSSD outputs should open ( SAFE and the controlled machine stops).∙The response time upon machine STOP (including response time of the ESPE and of the machine) is within the limits defined for the calculation of the safety distance (see section 3 “Installation” of the complete manual inside the CD).∙The safety distance between the dangerous areas and the safety sensors is in accordance with the instructions included in section 3 “Installation” of the complete manual inside the CD.∙Access of a person between sensors and machine dangerous parts is not possible nor is it possible for him/her to stay there.∙Access to the dangerous area of the machine from any unprotected area is not possible.During alignment or normal operation, make sure that the photocells connected to the same or other units do not interfere with each other. Should you find interference, change their position, for instance you could set some emitter sets on the side of the other receivers. In case of interference, the control unit will lock out and display the relevant error code.DIP-SWITCHES CONFIGURATIONAt control unit top part you will find two units made up of 8 Dip-Switches each: SG-BWS-T4-MT safety rating requires installation of two switches for setting up each function, so that the setup defined for the first unit shall be set even for the second unit.The table below is a list of possible settings selectable through the 8 Dip-Switches available.DIP PURPOSE OFF(Default) ON1 ENABLEEDM ENABLED DISABLED2 RESETMODE AUTOMATIC MANUAL3 MUTING TIME-OUT 10 MINUTES INFINITY4 MUTINGDIRECTION T L5 TRIGGEROVERRIDE LEVEL FRONT6 MUTINGSELECTIONVedi tabella seguente7 MUTINGSELECTION8 MUTINGSELECTIONDatalogic Automation supplies the control unit in the “Default” setup (all switches OFF).The Dip-Switches 6-7-8 allow user to couple the single devices to the 2 muting channels available on the SG-BWS-T4-MT.Activating a channel muting involves temporarily suspending the safety function of all devices associated to it. Extreme care is hence required when associating channel to devices: any dangerous settings shall be avoided.DIAGNOSTICS AND SIGNALLINGSG-BWS-T4-MT is equipped with a user interface featuring 3 LEDs and a 7-segment display.LED INDICATIONPOWER Device is powered correctlyNORMAL No danger: safety outputs closedSAFE Danger or fault: safety outputs openThe 7-segment display shows detailed information on control unit current status Normal operation signallingINDICATION STATUS DESCRIPTION TO DO POWERNORMALSAFE NORMALOPERATIONThe Override function is active on channel A, B or both. The muting indicator isflashing.POWERNORMALSAFE NORMALOPERATION One of the two muting lampsis disconnected or faulty(only one muting channel isactive).Change the faulty lamp.It is not necessary torestart.POWER⇨NORMALSAFEInterlockWaiting for the STARTcommand in manual resetmodePush reset controlPOWER/ NORMAL/ SAFE NORMALOPERATION/SAFE The decimal point indicates that the EDM function isactive (see 4.7)POWER NORMALSAFESAFE TEST push-button pressed(contact 3 open)Check TEST push-button connections (see4.9)Failure state signallingINDICATION STATUS DESCRIPTION WHATTODO POWERNORMALSAFEOff Power disconnected or innerfuse blown due to overload.Check power supply. Iferror persists, pleasecontact the TechnicalService.POWER NORMAL SAFEINTERNALDEVICEMONITORINGFAILURELOCKOUTInternal relays contactsmonitoring test has failed.Reset the control unit(see 4.6). If errorpersists, please contactthe Technical Service.POWER NORMAL SAFE INTERNALOSSDFAILURELOCKOUTInternal OSSD test routinehas failed.Reset the control unit(see 4.9). If errorpersists, please contactthe Technical Service.INDICATION STATUS DESCRIPTION TODO POWERNORMALSAFE EDM FAILURELOCKOUT EDM test has failedCheck EDMconnections (see 4.7)or disable EDMfunction (see 4.4) ifyou do not wish to useit.POWERNORMAL SAFEMICRO-PROCESSORFAILURELOCKOUTOne of microprocessor testshas failedDisconnect powersupply and reconnectit. If error persists,please contact theTechnical Service.POWERNORMALSAFE DIPSWITCHES FAILURE LOCKOUTThe Dip-Switches settingconsistency test has failedMake sure that thesettings of the two setsof switches is the same(see 4.4). Reset thecontrol unit (see4.9). If error persists,please contact theTechnical Service.POWERNORMAL SAFE RESTARTFAILURELOCKOUTStart signal time-out tripped.Make sure you hold theStart button depressedfor less than 5s.POWER NORMAL SAFESENSOR FAILURE LOCKOUT Test of indicated safetysensor has failed.- F 1-4: Make surethere is no interferenceacross differentphotocell sets.- F 5-6: Check lightcurtains OSSDconnections (see4.5).POWERNORMAL SAFELAMPFAILURELOCKOUTMuting lamp faulty ordisconnected.Change the faultylamp, then Reset thecontrol unit (see4.9)POWERNORMALSAFE OVERRIDEFAILUREThe Override commandactivation test has failed(push-buttons not pressed atthe same time)Press the Overridepush-buttons at thesame time.DECLARATION OF CONFORMITYWe DATALOGIC AUTOMATION declare under our sole responsibility that these products are conform to the 2006/42/EC and successive amendments.WARRANTYDATALOGIC AUTOMATION warrants its products to be free from defects.DATALOGIC AUTOMATION will repair or replace, free of charge, any product found to be defective during the warranty period of 36 months from the manufacturing date.This warranty does not cover damage or liability deriving from the improper application of Datalogic Automation products. DATALOGIC AUTOMATION srlVia Lavino 265 - 40050 Monte S.Pietro - Bologna – ItalyTel: +39 051 6765611 - Fax: +39 051 6759324 DATALOGIC AUTOMATION cares for the environment: 100% recycled paper.DATALOGIC AUTOMATION reserves the right to make modifications and improvements without prior notification.© 2009 – 2014 Datalogic Automation - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Protected to the fullest extent under U.S. and international laws. • Copying, or altering of this document is prohibited without express written consent from Datalogic Automation. Datalogic and the Datalogic logo are registered trademarks of Datalogic S.p.A. in many countries, including the U.S.A. and the E.U.830000502 rev.C。

LG DLP投影机 BX503B BX403B 使用说明书

LG DLP投影机 BX503B BX403B 使用说明书

将投影机安装在桌上时,注意不要 移动前,断开电源和所有连接。 放在边缘。
投影机可能会跌落,对儿童或成人造成 严重伤害,并会将投影机损坏。 只使用适当的支架。
只在平整、稳固的表面使用本投影 机。
投影机可能跌落,造成人员受伤和/或 损坏本机。
第三个插脚的接地线一定要正确连接。如果 不连接接地线,则可能有发生触电或火灾的 危险。切忌略去接地线的安全功能。 不要将地线连接到电话线、避雷针或煤气 管。
安裝與組合 安裝指示........................................... 12 投影機基本操作..................................... 13 使用 Kensington 防盜安全系統.......................14 開啟投影機......................................... 15 關閉投影機......................................... 15 螢幕影像的焦距與位置............................... 16 選擇訊源模式....................................... 16
資訊 支援的顯示器顯示................................... 39 更換燈泡........................................... 40 如何將鏡頭蓋固定到投影機........................... 44 規格............................................... 45 备忘录............................................. 46 有毒有害物质成份及含量表........................... 47

Schneider Electric XUSL4E30H016N 安全光幕说明书

Schneider Electric XUSL4E30H016N 安全光幕说明书

T h e i n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d i n t h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n c o n t a i n s g e n e r a l d e s c r i p t i o n s a n d /o r t e c h n i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e p r o d u c t s c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .T h i s d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s n o t i n t e n d e d a s a s u b s t i t u t e f o r a n d i s n o t t o b e u s e d f o r d e t e r m i n i n g s u i t a b i l i t y o r r e l i a b i l i t y o f t h e s e p r o d u c t s f o r s p e c i f i c u s e r a p p l i c a t i o n s .I t i s t h e d u t y o f a n y s u c h u s e r o r i n t e g r a t o r t o p e r f o r m t h e a p p r o p r i a t e a n d c o m p l e t e r i s k a n a l y s i s , e v a l u a t i o n a n d t e s t i n g o f t h e p r o d u c t s w i t h r e s p e c t t o t h e r e l e v a n t s p e c i f i c a p p l i c a t i o n o r u s e t h e r e o f .N e i t h e r S c h n e i d e r E l e c t r i c I n d u s t r i e s S A S n o r a n y o f i t s a f f i l i a t e s o r s u b s i d i a r i e s s h a l l b e r e s p o n s i b l e o r l i a b l e f o r m i s u s e o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d h e r e i n .Product data sheetCharacteristicsXUSL4E30H016NXUSL type 4 - For hand protection - Stdsensing range - Hp = 160 mm, R=30mmMainRange of product Preventa Safety detection Product or component typeSafety light curtain type 4Device short name XUSL4EOutput type2 safety outputs OSSD solid-state PNP (integrated arc suppression)Product specific appli-cation For hand protection [R] Resolution 30 mm[Sn] nominal sensing distance0...4 m by cabling 0...12 m by cabling [Hp] Height protected 160 mm Number of beams 8Type of start / restart Automatic ManualExternal Device Moni-toring (EDM)Selected by wiringComplementaryDetection system Transmitter-receiver system Response time 4 msKit composition1 user guide with certificate of conformity on CD-ROM 1 transmitter(s)1 receiver(s)Adjustable mounting bracket(s)[EAA] effective aperture angle +/- 2.5 ° at 3 m EmissionIR LED (λ = 950 nm)[Us] rated supply voltage 24 V DC (+/- 20 %)SupplyPower supply must meet requirements of IEC 60204-1Power supply must meet requirements of IEC 61496-1[Ie] rated operational current 2 ACurrent consumption900 mA with maximum load (receiver)42 mA (transmitter)83 mA no-load (receiver)42 mA no-load (transmitter)Output current limits 0.4 A for safety outputs OSSD Output voltage 24 V Output circuit type DC Voltage drop <= 0.5 VLocal signalling 2 dual colour LEDs (receiver)1 multi-colour LED (transmitter)Electrical connection 1 male connector M12 8 pins (receiver)1 male connector M12 5 pins (transmitter)Function availableLED display of operating modes and faultsMuting through external safety module XPSLCMUT1160Test Marking CEMaterialEnd caps : polypropylene Front panel : polycarbonate Casing : aluminium Housing colourRAL 3000 : redFixing mode By fixing bracketsProduct weight0.4 kgOffer type Standard distanceEnvironmentDirectives89/336/EEC - electromagnetic compatibility2002/96/EC - WEEE directive2002/95/EC - RoHS directive98/37/EEC - machinery89/655/EEC - work equipmentProduct certifications CECULusTÜVSafety level (correctly wired)PL = e conforming to EN/ISO 13849-1Category 4 conforming to EN/ISO 13849-1SILCL 3 conforming to IEC 62061SIL 3 conforming to IEC 61508Type 4 conforming to IEC 61496-1Optical characteristic Resistance to light disturbance conforming to EN/IEC 61496-2 Mission time20 yrSafety reliability data PFHd = 7.8E-9 1/h conforming to IEC 61508Ambient air temperature for operation-10...55 °C14...131 °FAmbient air temperature for storage-25...70 °C-13...158 °FRelative humidity<= 95 % without condensationIP degree of protection IP67IP65Shock resistance10 gn for 16 ms conforming to IEC 61496-1Vibration resistance0.35 +/- 0.05 mm (f = 10...55 Hz) conforming to IEC 61496-1Offer SustainabilitySustainable offer status Green Premium productRoHS (date code: YYWW)Compliant - since 1425 -Schneider Electric declaration of conformityREACh Reference not containing SVHC above the thresholdProduct environmental profile Available Download Product EnvironmentalProduct end of life instructions Available Download End Of Life ManualContractual warrantyPeriod18 monthsDimensions Drawings DimensionsBrackets DimensionsMounting and Clearance Mounting and Clearance(1)Insert(2)Bracket(3)Washer(4)Spring washer(5)NutConnections and SchemaWiring DiagramsTransmitter Connections(1)+24 Vdc(2)Configuration_0(3)0 Vdc(4)Configuration_1(5)FEReceiver Connections(1)OSSD1(2)+ 24 V(3)OSSD2(4)Configuration_A(5)K1_K2 Feeback/Restart(6)Configuration_B(7)0 Vdc(8)FEReceiver Configurations and Operating ModesAutomatic Start/RestartWithout External Device Monitoring (EDM) feedback loopWith External Device Monitoring (EDM) feedback loopManual Start/RestartWithout External Device Monitoring (EDM) feedback loop(1)RestartWith External Device Monitoring (EDM) feedback loop(1)RestartConnection SchematicsStandalone ApplicationXUSL4E light curtains are conforming to Type 4 (IEC 61496-1), SIL3 (IEC 61508) - SILCL3 (IEC 62061) and PLd- Cat.4 (EN ISO 13849-1:2008)Example of wiring diagram with manual start, external device monitoring and low range(1)Power supply(2)XUSL Receiver(3)XUSL transmitter(4)Low range(5)StartThe contactors K1/K2 must have :*Normally closed mirror contact, according to IEC 60947-4-1 for power contactors*Linked contacts (or force guided contacts), according to IEC 60947-5-1 or EN 50205 for auxiliary contactors or control relays。

LG DLP投影仪 PW1500G-GL 使用说明书

LG DLP投影仪 PW1500G-GL 使用说明书
LG MiniBeam
DLP 投影仪
PW1500G-GL PW1000G-GL
P/NO : SAC37034636 (1803-REV02)
版权 © 2017 乐金电子(中国)有限公司版权所有。
不同型号所支持的许可证可能会有所不同。有关许可证的详细信息,请访 问 。
• 如投影仪冒烟或发出烧焦异味, 请立即停止使用本产品。将电源 线从电源插座上断开,然后联系 客户服务中心。 --否则可能引发火灾。
• 要关闭电源,请拔掉电源插头。 电源插头的安置应便于接触以进 行操作。
• 始终握住插头拔出交流适配器或 电源线。 --否则可能导致火灾或产品损 坏。
• 避免长时间弯折交流适配器的 电源线。 --如果电源线长时间过度弯折, 则线缆内部可能发生折断现 象。这可能引发火灾或触电。
• 如果有水或异物进入交流适配 器、电源线或投影仪内部,按电 源键关闭投影仪。拔下所有线 缆,然后联系客户服务中心。 --否则可能引发火灾或触电。
• 交流适配器表面烫手。务必将交 流适配器放到儿童无法触及的位 置,避免触摸正在使用中的交流 适配器。
• 切勿拆卸电源设备(交流适配 器/电源线等)。 --否则可能导致电源线损坏,引 发火灾或触电。
• 请勿触碰镜头,否则会导致烧伤 或镜头损坏。镜头和装置在使用 过程中和刚使用后可能会很热。 搬放装置时务必小心,让其适 当冷却。
• 仅使用接地插座。(不接地的设 备除外。)
• 电源插头应当完全插入电源插 座中。 --连接松动可能会引起火灾。
• 请勿将重物放置在电源线上。 --否则可能引发火灾或触电。









SSGS20安全光栅故障及处理 (接收单元)

LG ProBeam DLP投影仪 BF50NST-GL 使用说明书

LG ProBeam DLP投影仪 BF50NST-GL 使用说明书

用户手册DLP 投影仪使用产品前请阅读使用说明。


BF50NST-GLBF60PST-GLP/NO : SAC37813575 (2112-REV00)版权 © 2021 乐金电子(中国)有限公司版权所有。

2中文目录许可证 3开源软件提示信息 4安全预防措施 5准备工作 17安装 25遥控器 34连接设备 37规格 43标志 49故障排除 503中文许可证不同型号所支持的许可证可能会有所不同。

有关许可证的详细信息,请访问 。

HDMI、HDMI高清晰度多媒体接口以及HDMI标志是HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc.在美国和其他国家的商标或注册商标。


杜比, 杜比视界,杜比音效,杜比全景声,和双 D 符号是杜比实验室的注册商标。

有关 DTS 专利,请参阅 。

在获得 DTS Licensing Limited 许可的条件下制造。

DTS、符号、DTS 与符号同时出现、DTS 2.0 Channel、DTS 2.0+Digital Out、DTS-HD 和 DTS Virtual:X 是 DTS, Inc. 在美国和/或其他国家/地区的注册商标或商标。

© DTS, Inc. 保留所有权利。

注意• 所示的图像可能与您的投影仪有所不同。

• 投影仪的 OSD(在屏显示)可能与此手册的显示略有不同。

4中文开源软件提示信息为取得本产品内搭载的 GPL、LGPL、MPL 及其他开源证书下的源代码,请您访问 https:// 。


LG Electronics 也可以 CD-ROM 的形式为您提供开源代码,如有需要,请发送电子邮件至******************,仅收取执行配送的费用(如介质费用、运输费和手续费)。





LES系列区域传感器(光幕)使用说明天津市杰泰克自动化技术有限公司LES 系列区域传感器(光幕)使用说明一、 产品型号定义说明:LES 产品系列号;① 选C 为带RS485串口通讯功能,不选为常规; ② 光轴间距:12、20、40、80mm ; ③ 光轴数;④ 故障报警输出(发射器)形式,NPN/PNP 型晶体管,常开(O)/常闭(C) ⑤ 检测输出(接收器)形式,NPN/PNP 型晶体管,常开(O)/常闭(C);;例:LES1248NCNO ,光轴间距12mm ,光轴数48,报警输出为NPN型常闭,检测输出为NPN 型常开;LESC1248NN ,带RS485串口通讯功能,光轴间距12mm ,光轴数48,报警输出为NPN 型,检测输出为NPN 型;二、产品组成及其性能参数2.1、产品组成LES 系列光幕由发射器、接收器及其配套4芯电缆(带RS485串口通讯功能的产品,接收器配套电缆为6芯)组成。






图4.1 指示灯布置图表4.1 各指示灯功能定义注:若接收器电源指示灯常亮,发射器电源指示灯闪烁/常灭,则发射器和接收器之间通讯异常。

威格士 SAFEasyTM 光幕 SF2系列说明书

威格士 SAFEasyTM 光幕 SF2系列说明书

•Integrated light curtains for PRESENCE CONTROL PROTECTION •50 and 90 mm resolution and operating distance up to 15 m •31 x 32 mm compact profile•Versions with automatic or manual RESTARTThe SAFEasy TM light curtains of the SF2series, according to the IEC 61496-1 and IEC 61496-2 st andards, are very suit able for presence detection of operators exposed to risks.Different models are available with nine st andard heights ranging from 300 to 1500 mm, with 50 or 90 mm resolution and an operating distance reaching 15 m.The emitter and receiver unit s are optically synchronised and cont ain all the control circuits, test input and two safety outputs inside the housing.The connection with the machine stopping circuit s are guaranteed by unshielded M12 4-pole connectors for the emitter and M12 5-pole connectors for the receiver.The SAFEasy TM light curtains of the SF2series have also integrated the test function, automatically activated every 0.5 seconds, without stopping the machine's working cycle.A wide range of industrial applications, requiring operator safety , can be solved by the SAFEasy TM light curt ains, thanks to the extremely comp act dimensions (31x32 mm), easy installation and excellent performances.SF2-PRESENCE CONTROL SERIESSAFEasy ™TYPE 2 LIGHT CURTAINSS A F E T Y D E V I C E SPresence control is obt ained positioning horizontally the safety light curt ain. This inst allation allows to continuously control the presence of an obst acle inside a specific area. This is a p articularly useful solution when dangerous area, not visible from the machine control points, has to be protected.DIMENSIONSRECEIVER (RX)EMITTER (TX)CONNECTIONSOSSD1 PNPOSSD2 PNP0 V+24 Vdc+24 Vdc1= brown = +24 Vdc 2= white = OSSD13= blue = 0V 4= black = OSSD25=grey = TEST **= automatic RESTART (X version) TEST/RESET function= manual RESTART (Y version) TEST/RESTART/RESET functionCONTROLLEDHEIGHT L 1 L 2 (mm)300374294450521441600668588750815735900962882105011091029120012561176135014031323150015501470L 323153.314.9M 12 x 11L 2mm+24 VdcNOT USED NOT USED0 V 1= brown = +24 Vdc 2= white = NOT USED 3= blue = 0V4= black = NOT USEDPower supply (Vdd):24 Vdc ± 20% (SELV /PELV)Consumption:50 mA max. / 1 W (emitter)90 mA max. / 2.5 W (receiver without load)Light emission: infrared LED 880 nm Optic diameter:Ø 18 mmNumber of controlled beams: refer to table 1Optic interaxis: 37,5 mm (SF2-50); 74 mm (SF2-90) Resolution:50 / 90 mm Controlled height: refer to table 2Operating distance: 0.2 ... 15 mReceiver inputs:external switches for Test and Restart Receiver indicators: 2 yellow ALIGNMENT LEDs red BREAK LED green SAFE LEDEmitter indicators: yellow WORKING UNIT CHECK LED green POWER ON LED Output type:2 PNPshort-circuit protection:max.1.4 A at 55°Cmin. 1.2 A at 0 °COutput current (for all loads): 500 mA max. per output Output voltage ON min.:Vdd - 1 V Output voltage OFF max.:0.2 V Leakage current:0.65 mA Capacitive load (pure):100 nF max.Resistive load (pure):60 Ωmin.Response time:refer to table 3Receiver connection: M12 5-pole connector Emitter connection: M12 4-pole connector Safety category:type 2Electrical protection: class 1Mechanical protection: IP65 (EN 60529)IP67(connector part)Housing material:painted aluminium Cap end material:PBT Lens material:PMMACable length:50 m max * (at 100nF capacitive load and Vdd=24V)M12 conductors (according to EN 50044, EN 60947-5-2) poles Ø = 32x0.1mm, external Ø = 0.5mm Weight:1 Kg. max. / m of total height Operating temperature:0 ...+55 °C Storage temperature: -25 ... +70 °CReference standards:EN 954-1, IEC 61496-1, IEC 61496-2* = if a longer cable has to be used, please verify that the same specifications are respectedTECHNICAL DATATABLESModelSF2-50SF2-90SF2 height 30095SF2 height 450 137SF2 height 600179SF2 height 7502111SF2 height 900 2513SF2 height 1050 2915SF2 height 12003317SF2 height 1350 3719SF2 height 15004121Table 2: CONTROLLED HEIGHT (mm)ModelSF2SF2 height 300334SF2 height 450 481SF2 height 600628SF2 height 750775SF2 height 900 922SF2 height 1050 1069SF2 height 12001216SF2 height 1350 1363SF2 height 15001510Table 1:NUMBER OF CONTROLLED BEAMSTable 3: RESPONSE TIME (ms)ModelSF2SF2 height 30015SF2 height 450 16SF2 height 60017SF2 height 75018SF2 height 900 19SF2 height 1050 20SF2 height 120022SF2 height 1350 23SF2 height 1500 24II3DPlease refer also to Safey Device Accessories Distributed by:。

SAFEasyTM 光幕 - 手部保护说明书

SAFEasyTM 光幕 - 手部保护说明书

•Integrated light curtains for HAND PROTECTION •Version with 35 mm resolution •Special slot for device setting •35 x 40 mm compact profileThe SAFEasy TM light curt ains, according to the IEC 61496-1 e IEC 61496-2standards, are suitable for hand protection of operators exposed to risks.Different models with eleven st andard heights ranging from 150 to 1650 mm,35 mm resolution and an operating distance reaching 15 m are available.Specific dip-switches, that can be reached through a slot present on the front of the receiver protected by a lid and opened with a simple screwdriver , guarantee rapid and safe device setting.The operator is thus able to configure, according to the specific needs, the manual or automatic Restart, as well as the Muting and partial Muting functions.The emitter-receiver unit s are optically synchronised and cont ain all the control circuits, inputs and outputs inside the housing.The SAFEasy TM light curtains have also integrated the test function, automatically activated every second, without stopping the machine’s working cycle.A wide range of industrial applications, requiring operator safety , can be solved by the SAFEasy TM light curtains, thanks to the extremely comp act dimensions (35x40 mm) and easy connection and installation.SE2-HAND SERIESSAFEasy ™TYPE 2 LIGHT CURTAINSS A F E T Y D E V I C E SPower supply: ...............................................24 Vdc ± 20% (SELV/PELV)Consumption: ...............................................70 mA max. / 2.1 W (emitter)100 mA max. (receiver without load)Light emission: .............................................infrared LED 880 nm Number of controlled beams: ......................refer to table 1Optic interaxis: .............................................18.4 mm Resolution: ....................................................35 mm Controlled height: .........................................refer to table 2Through beam operating distance: ............0.2 ...15 mReceiver inputs: ............................................external switches for Muting, Test, Restartand OverrideReceiver indicators: .....................................green / red SAFE / BREAK LED2 yellow ALIGNMENT LEDs green POWER ON LEDEmitter indicators: ........................................yellow blinking FAILURE LEDgreen POWER ON LEDOutput type: ..................................................2 PNPOutput current: .............................................0.7 A max. (using both outputs)0.5 A max. (using one single output)0.25 A max. (for both outputs from 45°C - 55°C)short-circuit signalling and protectionResponse time: .............................................refer to table 3Selectable functions: ...................................Total / partial Mutingmanual / automatic Restart refer to table 4Time-out period: ...........................................Muting: 10 minutesOverride: 2 minutesMuting signalling lamp: ............................24 V3 W min. (125 mA), 7 W max. (300 mA)Receiver connection: ...................................8-pole M12 connector Emitter connection: ......................................4-pole M12 connectorCable length: .................................................50 m max. (with 50 nF capacitive load)Safety category: ............................................type 2Electrical protection: ....................................class 1Mechanical protection: ................................IP65IP67 (connector part)Housing material: .........................................aluminium with PC Makrolon plastic caps Weight: ...........................................................1.2 Kg max. / m of total height Operating temperature: ................................-10 ...+55 °C Storage temperature: ...................................-25 ... +70 °CReference standards: ...................................EN 954-1, IEC 61496-1, IEC 61496-2Certifications: ...............................................TECHNICAL DATATABLESModelSE2-35SE2 height 1508SE2 height 30016SE2 height 450 24SE2 height 60032SE2 height 75040SE2 height 900 48SE2 height 1050 56SE2 height 120064SE2 height 1350 72SE2 height 1500 80SE2 height 165088Table 2: CONTROLLED HEIGHT (mm)ModelSE2-35SE2 height 150180SE2 height 300327SE2 height 450 474SE2 height 600621SE2 height 750768SE2 height 900915SE2 height 1050 1062SE2 height 12001209SE2 height 1350 1356SE2 height 1500 1503SE2 height 16501650Table 1: NUMBER OF BEAMSTable 3: RESPONSE TIME (ms)ModelSE2-35SE2 height 15015SE2 height 30017SE2 height 450 18SE2 height 60020SE2 height 75022SE2 height 900 23SE2 height 1050 25SE2 height 120027SE2 height 1350 28SE2 height 1500 30SE2 height 165032II3DDIMENSIONSVERSIONS L 1 L 2 SE2-35-015-PP-W 256147SE2-35-030-PP-W 403294SE2-35-045-PP-W 550441SE2-35-060-PP-W 697588SE2-35-075-PP-W 844735SE2-35-090-PP-W 991882SE2-35-105-PP-W 11381029SE2-35-120-PP-W 12851176SE2-35-135-PP-W 14321323SE2-35-150-PP-W 15791470SE2-35-165-PP-W17261617L 403585.4510.8M 12 x 11L 2+ VdcNOT USEDNOT USED0 V。



DS272/DS27BAA/MS580/BS570DX273/DX27CAA/MX581/BX571DW275/DW27EAA/MW584/BW572DH278/DH27HAA/MH588/BH577DX283-ST/DX28CAA/MX595ST/BX585STDW284-ST/DW28DAAST/MW596ST/BW586ST ӦFCC 声明此设备经测试证实,符合 FCC 规则第 15 部分关于 B 级数字设备的限制要求。




如果此设备确实对无线电或电视接收造成有害干扰 (通过关闭后再打开存在疑问的设备来确定),建议用户尝试采取以下一项或多项措施来排除干扰:•调整接收天线的方向或位置•增大设备和接收器之间的间距•将设备和接收器分别连接到不同的电路插座上•咨询经销商或经验丰富的专业无线电/电视技术人员以获取帮助。

此设备符合 FCC 规则第 15 部分的要求。














康特里内x YBB-30系列安全光幕-手安全-说明书

康特里内x YBB-30系列安全光幕-手安全-说明书

ounting brackets included with all unitsnstruction manual and testing rod included• Type 4 and Category 4 PLe Hand-safePart Number PriceYBB-30S4-0250-G012Sender$277.00YBB-30R4-0250-G012Receiver$305.00YBB-30K4-0250-G012Set$485.00YBB-30S4-0400-G012Sender$331.00YBB-30R4-0400-G012Receiver$372.00Company InformationTerminal BlocksPower Distribution BlocksWiring AccessoriesZIPLink Connection SystemMulti-wire ConnectorsSensor Cables and ConnectorsM12 Junction BlocksPanel Interface ConnectorsWiring DuctCable TiesWireBulkMulti-conductor CablesWire Management ProductsPower SuppliesDC ConvertersTransformers and FiltersCircuit ProtectionToolsTest EquipmentEnclosuresEnclosure Climate ControlSafety: Electrical ComponentsSafety: Protective WearTerms and ConditionsContrinex Safety Light Curtains – Hand-safeNote: AutomationDirect does not recommend using these light curtains with any device other than our Safety Relay Light Curtain Controllers.Contrinex Safety Light Curtains – Hand-safeon the specific part number's web page at Company Information Terminal Blocks Power Distribution Blocks Wiring Accessories ZIPLink Connection System Multi-wire Connectors Sensor Cables and Connectors M12 Junction Blocks Panel Interface Connectors Wiring Duct Cable Ties Wire BulkMulti-conductor Cables WireManagement Products Power Supplies DC Converters Transformers and Filters Circuit Protection Tools Test EquipmentEnclosures Enclosure Climate Control Safety: Electrical Components Safety: Protective Wear Terms and ConditionsLight Curtain Protective Column• A utomatically bounces back after physical shock or vibration.• R obust baseplate allows radial and vertical alignment.• Solid aluminum profileYXW-0003-000YXW-0001-000YXL-0001-000Light Curtain Mirror Columns• M ulti-sided safe guarding of danger zones• R obust protective profile• 10% reduction of operating distance for mirrorContrinex Safety Light Curtains AccessoriesDimensions mm [in]Protective columnBeam Gap DCompany Information Terminal Blocks Power Distribution Blocks Wiring Accessories ZIPLink Connection System Multi-wire Connectors Sensor Cables and Connectors M12 Junction Blocks Panel Interface Connectors Wiring Duct Cable Ties Wire BulkMulti-conductor Cables WireManagement Products Power SuppliesDC Converters Transformers and Filters Circuit Protection Tools Test Equipment Enclosures Enclosure Climate Control Safety: Electrical Components Safety: Protective Wear Terms and ConditionsContrinex Safety Light Curtains AccessoriesDimensions mm [in]Laser Alignment Tool• C lips on YBB and YCA Curtains / Barriers• H igh quality lens for narrow output beam• Up to 50m [164ft] range • <1mW output power• Standard AA batteries includedWarning: Safety products sold by AutomationDirect are Safety components only.The purchaser/installer is solely responsible for the application of these components and ensuring all necessary steps have been taken to assure each application and use meets all performance and applicable safety requirements and/or local, national and/or international safety codes as required by the application. AutomationDirect cannot certify that our products used solely or in conjunction with other AutomationDirect or other vendors’ products will assure safety for any application.Any person using or applying any products sold by AutomationDirect is responsible for learning the safety requirements for their individual application and applying them, and therefore assumes all risks, and accepts full and complete responsibility for the selection and suitability of the product for their respective application. AutomationDirect does not provide design or consulting services, and cannot advise whether any specific application or use of our products would ensure compliance with the safety requirements for any application.。

爱窓光 EIZO XB2760HS 显屏使用说明书

爱窓光 EIZO XB2760HS 显屏使用说明书

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Eaton Digitrip RMS 310+ 型号的 LES 和 MES 防护设备说明说明书

Eaton Digitrip RMS 310+ 型号的 LES 和 MES 防护设备说明说明书

LES 310Digitrip RMS 310+ LES and MES Trip Units Supercede Digitrip RMS 310 LES and MES Trip UnitsLES 310+Eaton is pleased to introduce the Digitrip RMS 310+ trip units for Series C LD and MDL molded case circuit breaker frames. The LES and MES 310+ trip units will supercede LES and MES 310 trip units.The LES 310+ and MES 310+ trip units have the same form, fit, and function of the LES 310 and MES 310, respectively, and offer a wide range of selectable settings and optional features to fit your electrical needs.With the release of the LES 310+ and MES 310+ trip units, LES 310 and MES 310 will no longer be available.Catalog numbers and ordering process remain unchanged. Seebelow for side by side comparisons.Cause of TripN/AOptional External Modules with DisplayTechnical Data TD012050ENDigitrip RMS 310+ LES and MES Trip Units SupercedeDigitrip RMS 310 LES and MES Trip UnitsMES 310MES 310+Optional External Modules with DisplayNO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY, OR WARRANTIES ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE, ARE MADE REGARDING THE INFORMATION, RECOMMENDATIONS, AND DESCRIPTIONS CONTAINED HEREIN. In no event will Eaton be responsibleto the purchaser or user in contract, in tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise for any special, indirect, incidental or consequen-tial damage or loss whatsoever, including but not limited to damage or loss of use of equipment, plant or power system, cost of capital, loss of power, additional expenses in the use of existing power facilities, or claimsagainst the purchaser or user by its customers resulting from the use of the information, recommendations and description contained herein.Cause of Trip *The information, recommendations, descriptions, and safety notations in this document are based on Eaton’s experience and judgment with respect to Retro tting of Power Breakers. This instructional literature is published solely for information purposes and should not be considered all-inclusive. If further information is required, you should consult an authorized Eaton sales representative.The sale of the product shown in this literature is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in appropriate Eaton selling policies or other contrac-tual agreement between the parties. This literature is not intended to and does not enlarge or add to any such contract. The sole source governing the rights and remedies of any purchaser of this equipment is the contract between the purchaser and Eaton.EatonElectrical Sector1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273)© 2014 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. TD012050EN / TBG001176 Part Number: TD012050ENH02November 2014N/AIn addition to the short delay trip function, there is a fixed instantaneous override at 5620A in the LES trip units and 6800A in the MES trip units. If a fault current exceeds these override values, the breaker will trip instantaneously (apprx 20ms or less).。

单边安全光幕 手册

单边安全光幕 手册




























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L E S系列光幕使用说明LES系列区域传感器(光幕)使用说明天津市杰泰克自动化技术有限公司LES 系列区域传感器(光幕)使用说明一、 产品型号定义说明:LES 产品系列号;① 选C 为带RS485串口通讯功能,不选为常规; ② 光轴间距:12、20、40、80mm ; ③ 光轴数;④ 故障报警输出(发射器)形式,NPN/PNP 型晶体管,常开(O)/常闭(C)⑤ 检测输出(接收器)形式,NPN/PNP 型晶体管,常开(O)/常闭(C);;例:LES1248NCNO ,光轴间距12mm ,光轴数48,报警输出为NPN 型常闭,检测输出为NPN 型常开;LESC1248NN ,带RS485串口通讯功能,光轴间距12mm ,光轴数48,报警输出为NPN 型,检测输出为NPN 型;二、产品组成及其性能参数2.1、产品组成LES 系列光幕由发射器、接收器及其配套4芯电缆(带RS485串口通讯功能的产品,接收器配套电缆为6芯)组成。






图4.1 指示灯布置图表4.1 各指示灯功能定义注:若接收器电源指示灯常亮,发射器电源指示灯闪烁/常灭,则发射器和接收器之间通讯异常。


图5.1 ()系列光幕接线图六、测试说明6.1、接线首先将光幕发射器和接收器按照光幕接线图(见图5.1)接线并检查接线是否正确(接线时必须断开电源),然后将光幕发射器和接收器在有效检测距离内(1.0m ~ 5.5m)面对面放好并对准。






表6.1七、LESC系列光幕出厂设置LESC系列光幕带有RS485串行通讯接口,以下参数可通过RS485串行接口进行修改,出厂时设置如下:1、有触发输出时,连续遮挡光轴数N1 = 1(固定为1);2、连续3个以下光轴被遮挡时,故障报警时间:T = 2(20s);3、检测输出型式:NPN或PNP(由客户指定)常开;4、故障报警输出型式:NPN或PNP(由客户指定)常开;5、光束强弱报警输出型式:未使用;6、扫描方式:常规扫描;八、串行通讯接口和发送、接收数据描述8.1、串行通讯接口●RS485串行接口,半双工、异步通讯方式;●波特率:固定为4800(暂定);●字符格式:1位起始位、8位数据位、1位停止位,无奇偶校验,发送和接收数据首先从低位开始8.2、发送和接收数据格式●数据格式:所有数据为16进制格式,每个发送和接收数据都包括:2个命令值字节、0~多个数据字节、1个校验码字节;●共有3个发送和接收命令,如表8.1所示。

表8.1说明:* 只有接收数据正确时,才进行发送。

接收数据错误包括:校验码错、命令值错(不是0x35、0x3A / 0x55、0x5A / 0x65、0x6A之一)。

N1 有触发输出时,连续遮挡光束的数目,固定为1;T 连续3束光被遮挡的时间(10*T秒),超过该时间进行报警,0< T <= 20;B 检测输出(第0位,接收器端)、光束强弱输出(第1位,发射器端,未用,固定为0)、报警输出(第2位,发射器端)常开/常闭标志,0 常开,1 常闭。

扫描方式标志(第3位),0 常规扫描,1 交叉扫描(暂未实现)。

0x30 ~ 0x3F。

N 总的光束数;n 要求传送光束信息的段数(8条光束为1段),0 < n <= N/8,当N/8有余数时增加1段;D1,…,Dn 各段光束信息(对于每条光束,导通为0,遮挡为1);CC 1字节校验码,为前面所有数值的累加和(十六进制)并去掉高8位;8.3、发送和接收数据说明1、光幕初始化设置为串行通讯接收方式,准备接收数据。



接收数据错误包括:校验码错、命令值错(不是0x35、0x3A / 0x55、0x5A / 0x65、0x6A之一);3、要求客户系统初始化设置为串行通讯发送方式,每次发送数据完成后,应立即将串行通讯方式设置为接收,准备接收光幕传送的数据;4、光幕接收到客户系统发送的数据后,在本次扫描周期结束后才进行数据发送。





9.2、安装1、安装要求●586以上的PC及兼容机;●中文或英文Windows 2000或XP操作系统;●带有RS232串行通讯口(9针);2、安装步骤●进入文件夹:PC机通讯软件\Installer;●点击install文件,进行LightScreen安装;●若机器内已有LightScreen,install首先执行删除操作,然后重新安装;●安装时,需要指定安装程序目录,然后点击Next开始安装;9.3、操作说明1、点击“开始”命令,选择“程序(P)\LightScreen\ LightScreen”,运行LightScreen程序;2、LightScreen运行后,首先出现图9.1左面的界面,点击该界面或等待10秒钟,出现右面登录界面;图9.1 进入界面3、输入用户名:abc,密码:1,然后点击确定,进入串口波特率选择界面,见图9.2。

图9.2 串口波特率选择界面4、设置波特率为4800,然后点击确定,进入LightScreen显示工作界面,见图9.3、图9.4;图9.3 数字显示工作界面图9.4 图形显示工作界面5、显示工作界面用于显示光幕的工作信息和状态信息,具体说明如下:●系统工作状态:当前状态框指明串口通讯是正常/异常,点击系统自检按钮,进行一次串口测试;●光幕读取:点击手动读取按钮,读取一次光幕状态信息;●光束传送设置:光幕传送段数设置框设置每次传送光束的段数,当读取光束按钮亮时连续传送光束信息;●光幕状态信息:显示光幕的光束总数,连续遮挡光束数(固定为1),遮挡报警时间(连续3束以下光被遮挡时的故障报警时间),检测输出、光束强弱输出(未用,固定为0)、故障报警输出常开/常闭标志以及扫描方式(固定为常规扫描)等标志位;●数字显示(见图9.3):指示灯(按段排列,最下面的光轴为第1位)显示每条光束的状态,遮挡时灯亮,未遮挡时灯灭;●图形显示(见图9.4):显示一段时间内通过光幕的物体的形状;●图形显示控制台:选择显示图形的颜色(前景色选择)、显示图形的背景颜色(背景色选择)、显示窗口的时间宽度(X轴时间)等。


6、选择参数设置 \ 系统参数菜单项时,显示参数设置界面(见图9.5),用于设置光幕的工作参数,具体如下:●光幕参数设置:设置连续遮挡光束数(固定为1),遮挡报警时间,各个标志位的输出方式等,其中:检测输出、光束强弱输出(未用,固定为0)、故障报警输出等标志被选中(方框内有√)时为常闭;●光幕参数显示:显示光幕的光束总数,连续遮挡光束数(固定为1),遮挡报警时间,检测输出、光束强弱输出(未用,固定为0)、故障报警输出常开/常闭标志以及扫描方式(固定为常规扫描)等标志位;●光幕参数设置完成后,点击确定按钮,显示重新设置光幕参数对话框,点击该对话框的确定按钮,进行光幕参数的设置,点击取消按钮,不进行光幕参数的设置。


图9.5 参数设置界面十、光幕与PC机通讯及参数设置10.1、光幕与PC机连接使用RS485→RS232转换器进行连接,将转换器9芯插座与PC机9针串口连接到一起,转换器另一端通过转接板与光幕RS485串行接口线(2线)进行连接(参见图5.1 光幕接线图),将转接板的TX+与光幕接收器的SYNA(绿线)连接到一起,TX-与光幕接收器的SYNB(灰线)连接到一起。



