Abstract: Comprehensive evaluation system is analyzed on modern CNC machine tool. The index system is determined based on the full function and full-performance integrated design method of the products by Prof. Wen Bangcun. The index of modern CNC machine tool is analyzed with theoretical evaluation, the mechanical product's test and user's test. The comprehensive evaluation system is constructed about modern CNC machine tool.关键词:数控机床;质量评价;机械设计Key words: CNC machine tool;evaluation method;mechanical design中图分类号:TH11 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2013)13-0029-02————————————收稿日期:2012年9月20日。
0 引言所谓评价,一般是指按照目标测定对象的属性,并把它变成主观效用(满足主体要求的程度)的行为,即明确价值的过程。
隔离层可采用a 干铺塑料膜、b 土工布c 卷材d 铺抹低强度等级的砂浆八、分格缝设置1 用细石混凝土作保护层或为刚性防水层时,混凝土应密实,表面抹压光,并按纵横间距6m设置分格缝,缝中钢筋应断开,其保护层厚度不小于10,缝宽20,与女儿墙之间留缝30,缝内嵌填密封材料2 用块体材料作保护层时,按100m设置分格缝,用水泥砂浆作保护层时每1m设表面分格缝3 铺贴卷材防水层的水泥砂浆或细石混凝土找平层宜高级置分格缝,纵横间距6m,缝宽20,当兼作排气屋现的排气道时可适当加宽,并与保温层连通。
缝上加铺300宽卷材一层,单边粘贴,上另铺一层胎体增强材料的附加层,约900宽九、保温层材料A 聚苯板(保温板)B 胶粉聚苯颗粒(保温砂浆) C发泡聚氨酯保温屋面的保温层和长平层干燥有困难时,宜采用排气屋面,即设置排汽道与排汽孔,排汽道应纵横连通不得堵塞,其间距为6m,并同与在大气连通的排汽孔以不大于36m设置一个为宜,排汽孔必须做好防水处理。
ASTM F 1941M-2005螺纹紧固件上电镀覆层的标准
![ASTM F 1941M-2005螺纹紧固件上电镀覆层的标准](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/213c209a51e79b8968022648.png)
Designation:F1941M–05METRICStandard Specification forElectrodeposited Coatings on Threaded Fasteners[Metric]1 This standard is issued under thefixed designation F1941M;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTIONThis specification covers the coating of steel metric screw threaded fasteners by electrodeposition. The properties of the coatings shall conform to the ASTM standards for the individualfinishes listed. Coating thickness values are based on the tolerances for M series metric threads having the following tolerance positions:6g and4g6g for external threads,and6H for internal threads.The coating must not cause the basic thread size to be transgressed by either the internal or external threads.The method of designating coated threads shall comply with ASME B1.13M.With normal methods for depositing metallic coatings from aqueous solutions,there is a risk of delayed failure due to hydrogen embrittlement for case hardened fasteners and fasteners having a hardness40HRC or above.Although this risk can be managed by selecting raw materials suitable for the application of electrodeposited coatings and by using modern methods of surface treatment and post heat-treatment(baking),the risk of hydrogen embrittlement cannot be completely eliminated. Therefore,the application of a metallic coating by electrodeposition is not recommended for such fasteners.1.Scope1.1This specification covers application,performance and dimensional requirements for electrodeposited coatings on threaded fasteners with metric screw threads.It specifies coating thickness,supplementary chromatefinishes,corrosion resistance,precautions for managing the risk of hydrogen embrittlement and hydrogen embrittlement relief for high-strength and surface-hardened fasteners.It also highlights the differences between barrel and rack plating and makes recom-mendations as to the applicability of each process.1.2The following precautionary statement pertains to the test method portion only,Section9,of this specification:This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limita-tions prior to use.2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:2B117Practice for Operating Salt Spray(Fog)Apparatus B487Test Method for Measurement of Metal and Oxide Coating Thickness by Miocroscopical Examination of a Cross SectionB499Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thickness by the Magnetic Method:Nonmagnetic Coatings on Mag-netic Basis MetalsB504Test Method for Measurement of Thickness of Me-tallic Coatings by the Coulometric MethodB567Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thickness by the Beta Backscatter MethodB568Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thickness by X-Ray SpectrometryB659Guide for Measuring Thickness of Metallic and Inorganic Coatings1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F16onFasteners and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F16.03on Coatings on Fasteners.Current edition approved May1,2005.Published May2005.Originally approved st previous edition approved in2000as F1941M–00.2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.1Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.E 376Practice for Measuring Coating Thickness by Magnetic-Field or Eddy-Current (Electromagnetic)Exami-nation MethodsF 606Test Methods for Determining the Mechanical Prop-erties of Externally and Internally Threaded Fasteners,Washers,and RivetsF 1470Guide for Fastener Sampling for Specified Mechani-cal Properties and Performance InspectionF 1624Test Method for Measurement of Hydrogen Em-brittlement Threshold in Steel by the Incremental Step Loading TechniqueF 1940Test Method for Process Control Verification to Prevent Hydrogen Embrittlement in Plated or Coated Fasteners2.2ASME Standard:3B1.13M Metric Screw Threads -M Profile 2.3National Aerospace Standard (AIA):4NASM-1312-5Fast Test Method -Method 5:Stress Dura-bility2.4IFI Standard:5IFI-142Hydrogen Embrittlement Risk Management 3.Terminology 3.1Definitions:3.1.1local thickness —mean of the thickness measurements,of which a specified number is made within a reference area.3.1.2minimum local thickness —lowest local thickness value on the significant surface of a single article.3.1.3reference area —area within which a specified number of single measurements are required to be made.3.1.4significant surface —significant surfaces are areas where the minimum thickness to be met shall be designated on the applicable drawing or by the provision of a suitably marked sample.However,if not designated,significant surfaces shall be defined as those normally visible,directly or by reflection,which are essential to the appearance or serviceability of the fastener when assembled in normal position,or which can be the source of corrosion products that deface visible surfaces on the assembled fastener.Figs.1and 2illustrate significant surfaces on standard externally threaded and internally threaded fasteners.4.Classification4.1Coating Material —The coating material shall be se-lected and designated in accordance with Table 1.4.2Coating Thickness —The coating thickness shall be selected and designated in accordance with Table 2.4.3Chromate Finish —The chromate finish shall be selected and designated in accordance with Table 3.5.Ordering Information for Electroplating5.1When ordering threaded fasteners to be coated by electrodeposition in accordance with this specification,the following information shall be supplied to the electroplater:5.1.1The desired coating,coating thickness and the chro-mate finish,or the classification codes as specified in Tables 1-3.(For example,Fe/Zn 5C denotes yellow zinc plated with a minimum thickness of 5µm on significant surfaces.)5.1.2The identification of significant surfaces (optional).5.1.3The requirement,if any,for stress relief before elec-troplating,in which case the stress-relief conditions must be specified.5.1.4The requirements,if any,for hydrogen embrittlement relief by heat treatment (baking)stating the tensile strength or surface hardness of the fasteners and/or baking time and temperature.N OTE 1—Fasteners with a specified maximum hardness of 34HRC and below have a very low susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement and do not require baking.3Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME),345E.47th Street,New York,NY 10017.4Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk,DODSSP,Bldg.4,Section D,700Robbins Ave.,Philadelphia,PA 19111-5098.5Available from Industrial Fasteners Institute (IFI),1717East 9th Street,Suite 1105,Cleveland,OH44114–2879.N OTE 1—Black dot (•)indicates test surface.FIG.1Significant surfaces on Externally ThreadedFastenersN OTE 1—Black dot (•)indicates test surface.FIG.2Significant surfaces on Internally Threaded FastenersTABLE 1Designation of Common Coating MaterialsCoating DesignationCoating Type Fe/Zn Zinc Fe/Cd Cadmium Fe/Zn-Co Zinc Cobalt Alloy Fe/Zn-Ni Zinc Nickel Alloy Fe/Zn-FeZinc Iron AlloyTABLE 2Designation of Coating ThicknessN OTE 1—The conversion factor from microns to inch is 3.94310–5(for example,5µm =0.0002in.).Thickness DesignationMinimum Thickness µm3355881212F 1941M –055.1.5The requirements,if any,for the type of electroplating process (barrel-plating or rack-plating).See Section 10and Appendix X1.5.1.6The designation of coated thread class shall comply with ASME B1.13M.6.Requirements6.1Coating Requirements —The electrodeposited coating as ordered shall cover all surfaces and shall meet the following requirements:6.1.1The coating metal deposit shall be bright or semi-bright unless otherwise specified by the purchaser,smooth,fine grained,adherent and uniform in appearance.6.1.2The coating shall be free of blisters,pits,nodules,roughness,cracks,unplated areas,and other defects that will affect the function of the coating.6.1.3The coating shall not be stained,discolored or exhibit any evidence of white or red corrosion products. discoloration that results from baking,drying,or electrode contact during rack-plating,or all of these,as well as slight staining that results from rinsing shall not be cause for rejection.6.2Corrosion Resistance —Coated fasteners,when tested by continuous exposure to neutral salt spray in accordance with 9.3,shall show neither corrosion products of coatings (white corrosion)nor basis metal corrosion products (red rust)at the end of the test period.The appearance of corrosion products visible to the unaided eye at normal reading distance shall be cause for rejection,except when present at the edges of the tested fasteners.Refer to Annex A1for neutral salt spray performance requirements for zinc,zinc alloy and cadmium coatings.6.3Thickness —The coating thickness shall comply with requirements of Table 2when measured in accordance with on Coating Thickness —This specification imposes minimum local thickness requirements at significant surfaces in accordance with Table 2.Thick or thin local thickness in a location other than a significant surface shall not be a cause for rejection.However the following restrictions apply: coating thickness at low current density areas,such as the center of a bolt or recesses,must be sufficient to provide for adequate chromate adhesion. Threads —Maximum coating thickness at high current density threaded tips must provide for basic (tolerance position h )GO thread gauge acceptance.Therefore,the thread after coating is subject to acceptance using a class 6hGO gauge for plated 6g class external threads and 4h6h GO gauge for plated 4g6g class external threads respectively. Threads —Maximum coating thickness of internal threads must provide for basic (tolerance position H )Go thread gauge acceptance.Therefore,the thread after coating is subject to acceptance using a class 6H GO gauge for 6H class internal threads. such as threads,holes,deep recesses,bases of angles,and similar areas on which the specified thickness of deposit cannot readily be controlled,are exempted from minimum thickness requirements unless they are specially designated as not being exempted.When such areas are subject to minimum thickness requirements,the purchaser and the manufacturer shall recognize the necessity for either thicker deposits on other areas or special racking.6.3.2Applicability to M Series Threads : applicability of the required coating to M series metric threads is limited by the basic deviation of the threads,and hence limited by the pitch diameter,allowance,and tolerance positions.Refer to Appendix X3as a guideline for the tolerances of the various thread sizes and classes and the coating thickness they will accommodate. of the inherent variability in coating thick-ness by the barrel-plating process,the application of a mini-mum coating thickness of 12µm is not recommended for a standard screw thread by this method due to the fact that dimensional allowance of many metric threaded fasteners normally does not permit it.If the size of the fastener is large enough to economically use the rack-plating process,then the latter shall be used to obtain this thickness requirement.If heavier coatings are required,allowance for the deposit buildup must be made during the manufacture of fasteners.6.3.3Applicability to Wood Screws and Thread Forming Screws —Any classification code in Table 2may be applied to screws that cut or form their own threads.6.4Hydrogen Embrittlement Relief :6.4.1Requirement for Baking —Coated fasteners made from steel heat treated to a specified hardness of 40HRC or above,case-hardened steel fasteners,and fasteners with captive wash-ers made from hardened steel,shall be baked to minimize the risk of hydrogen embrittlement.Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser,baking is not mandatory for fasteners with specified maximum hardness below 40HRC.N OTE 2—With proper care many steel fasteners can be plated without baking by correlating process conditions to the susceptibility of the fastener material to hydrogen embrittlement,and by applying adequate process control procedures,such as those outlined in X4.2.Test Method F 1940is a recognized verification method for process control to minimize the risk of hydrogen embrittlement.Upon agreement between the supplier and the purchaser,this test method can be used as a basis for determining if baking should be mandated in a controlled process environment.6.4.2Baking Conditions —At the time of publication of this specification it was not considered possible to give an exact baking duration.Eight hours is considered a typical example of baking duration.However,upon agreement between the pur-chaser and the manufacturer,baking times between 2and 24h at temperatures of 175to 235°C (350to 450°F)are suitable depending on the type and size of the fastener,geometry,TABLE 3Designation of Chromate FinishDesignationType Typical AppearanceA Clear Transparent colorless with slight iridescenceB Blue-bright Transparent with a bluish tinge and slight iridescenceC Yellow Yellow iridescentD Opaque Olive green,shading to brown or bronzeE Black Black with slight iridescenceFOrganicAny of the above plus organictopcoatmechanical properties,cleaning process and cathodic effi-ciency of the electroplating process used.The baking condi-tions shall be selected based on the results of recognized embrittlement test procedures such as Test Methods F1940, F1624,F606,or NASM1312- time and temperatures may require lowering to minimize the risk of solid or liquid metal embrittlement resulting from alloy compositions such as those containing lead or from the lower melting point of cadmium320°C(610°F)in comparison to zinc419°C(786°F). must be baked within4h,preferably1h after electroplating.Baking to relieve hydrogen embrittlement must be performed prior to the application of the chromate finish because temperatures above65°C(150°F)damage the chromatefilm thereby negating its performance.6.4.3Hydrogen Embrittlement Testing—Hydrogen em-brittlement testing is mandatory for fasteners with a specified hardness of40HRC or above,unless the electroplating process has been qualified in accordance with Test Method F1940(that is,the process has been shown not to cause embrittlement for a given product or class of product).This specification does not require mandatory testing of fasteners having a specified hardness below40HRC,unless otherwise specified by the purchaser.7.Dimensional Requirements7.1Threaded components,except those with spaced and forming threads,supplied for electrodeposited coating shall comply with ASME B1.13M.Screw threads that are specifi-cally manufactured to allow the application of12µm or greater coating thickness by the barrel-plating process,must adhere to a special allowance specified by the manufacturer or in ASME B1.13M.The other dimensional characteristics shall be as specified on the applicable standard or drawing.It should be noted that modifications to the threads of a fastener could affect its properties or performance,or both.Refer to Appendix X3 for further information on effects of coating on pitch diameter, allowances and tolerances for external and internal threads.8.Sampling8.1Sampling for coating thickness,salt spray and embrittle-ment testing shall be conducted based on lot size in accordance with Guide F1470.9.Test Methods9.1Coating Thickness—Unless otherwise specified,the re-quirement to measure coating thickness is applicable to sig-nificant surfaces only.The test methods for determining the coating thickness are defined in Test Methods B487,B499, B504,B567,B568,Guide B659or Practice E376as applicable.9.2Embrittlement Test Method—The embrittlement test method shall conform to those specified in Test Method F1940 for process verification,or Test Methods F606,F1624,or NASM-1312-5for product testing.9.3Corrosion Resistance—The requirement to determine corrosion resistance is applicable to significant surfaces only. When specified in the contract or purchase order,salt spray testing shall be conducted in accordance with Practice B117. To secure uniformity of results,samples shall be aged at room temperature for24h before being subjected to the salt spray test.10.Electroplating Processes10.1Two electroplating processes are most commonly used to apply a metallic coating by electrodeposition on threaded fasteners:barrel-plating and rack-plating.When threadfit or thread integrity,or both,is a concern for externally threaded fasteners,rack-plating is preferable to barrel-plating.Refer to Appendix X1.11.Keywords11.1chromatefinish;electrodeposited coating;fasteners; hydrogen embrittlement relief;hydrogen embrittlement test-ing;surfacetreatmentANNEX(Mandatory Information)A1.NEUTRAL SALT SPRAY PERFORMANCETABLE A1.1Classification Code and Neutral Salt Spray Corrosion Protection Performance of Zinc and Cadmium CoatingsClassification Code Minimum Coating Thickness(µm)Chromate Finish DesignationFirst Appearance of White Corrosion Product,(hour)First Appearance of Red Rust Cadmium,(hour)First Appearance of Red Rust Zinc,(hour)Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 3A 3AA 32412Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 3B B 62412Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 3C C 243624Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 3D D 243624Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 5A 5A 64824Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 5B B 127236Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 5C C 4812072Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 5D D 7216896Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 5E E 1272Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 8A 8A 69648Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 8B B 2412072Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 8C C 72168120Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 8D D 96192144Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 8E E 2412072Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 12A 12A 614472Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 12B B 2419296Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 12C C 72240144Fe/Zn or Fe/Cd 12D D 96264168Fe/ZnorFe/Cd12BkE2419296ALow coating thickness impairs chromate adhesion and performance.TABLE A1.2Classification Code and Neutral Salt Spray Corrosion Protection Performance of Zinc-Cobalt CoatingsClassification CodeMinimum Coating Thickness (µm)Chromate Finish DesignationFirstAppearance of Zinc Alloy Corrosion Product (hour)FirstAppearance of Red Rust (hour)Fe/Zn-Co 5C 5C 96240Fe/Zn-Co 5D D 96240Fe/Zn-Co 5E E 100240Fe/Zn-Co 5F F 196340Fe/Zn-Co 8C 8C 96240Fe/Zn-Co 8D D 96240Fe/Zn-Co 8E E 100240Fe/Zn-Co 8F F 200340Fe/Zn-Co 12B 12B 12240Fe/Zn-Co 12C C 96400Fe/Zn-Co 12D D 96400Fe/Zn-Co 12E E 100400Fe/Zn-Co12FF196500APPENDIXES(Nonmandatory Information)X1.STANDARD ELECTRODEPOSITION PROCESSESX1.1Barrel-Plating Process —The preparation and metallic coating of threaded fasteners is usually accomplished by the barrel-plating process.In this process,quantities of an item are placed within a containment vessel,called a barrel.The barrel is designed to move the group of items,together,through each of the process steps,allowing ready ingress and egress of processing solutions and rinses.As the barrel is moved through the process steps,it is also rotated such that the individual items are constantly cascading over one another.This can damage the external threads of fasteners.The effect of thread damage is worse on heavy fine threaded fasteners than on light coarse threaded fasteners.In some of the process steps,notably the electrocleaning and electroplating steps,an electric current is applied to the group of items.The cascading action randomly exposes the surface of each individual piece to the process electrodes while also maintaining electrical continuity between all the parts.The local coating thickness on a part is a result of the electrical current density at that location.Therefore,the coating thickness on an individual screw or bolt tends to be greatest at the extremities (head and threaded tip).The extremi-ties being the high current density areas receive the greatest coating thickness.In contrast,the center or recesses such as the bottom of the threads,which are the low current density areas,receive the lowest coating thickness.This phenomenon is accentuated with increasing length and decreasing diameter of the screw or bolt.The extremity-to-center coating thickness ratio increases with increasing length and decreasing diameter,but is also a function of process parameters such as plating solution chemistry and efficiency,anodic/cathodic efficiency,average current density and plating time.TABLE A1.3Classification Code and Neutral Salt Spray Corrosion Protection Performance of Zinc-Nickel CoatingsClassification CodeMinimum Coating Thickness (µm)Chromate Finish DesignationFirstAppearance of Zinc Alloy Corrosion Product (hour)FirstAppearance of Red Rust (hour)Fe/Zn-Ni 5B 5B 20150Fe/Zn-Ni 5C C 120500Fe/Zn-Ni 5D D 180750Fe/Zn-Ni 5E E 100500Fe/Zn-Ni 5B/F B/F 150300Fe/Zn-Ni 5C/F C/F 240620Fe/Zn-Ni 5D/F D/F 3001000Fe/Zn-Ni 5E/F E/F 220620Fe/Zn-Ni 8B 8B 20240Fe/Zn-Ni 8C C 120720Fe/Zn-Ni 8D D 180960Fe/Zn-Ni 8E E 100720Fe/Zn-Ni 8B/F B/F 150400Fe/Zn-Ni 8C/F C/F 240840Fe/Zn-Ni 8D/F D/F 3001200Fe/Zn-Ni 8E/F E/F 220840Fe/Zn-Ni 12B 12B 20500Fe/Zn-Ni 12C C 120960Fe/Zn-Ni 12D D 1801000Fe/Zn-Ni 12E E 100960Fe/Zn-Ni 12B/F B/F 150620Fe/Zn-Ni 12C/F C/F 2401080Fe/Zn-Ni 12D/F D/F 3001500Fe/Zn-Ni12E/FE/F2201080TABLE A1.4Classification Code and Neutral Salt Spray Corrosion Protection Performance of Zinc-Iron CoatingsClassification CodeMinimum Coating Thickness (µm)Chromate Finish DesignationFirstAppearance of Zinc Alloy Corrosion Product (hour)FirstAppearance of Red Rust (hour)Fe/Zn-Co 5E 5E 144312Fe/Zn-Co 8E 8E 144312Fe/Zn-Co 12E12E144480X1.2Rack-Plating Process —The preparation and metallic coating of threaded fasteners can be accomplished by the rack-plating process,particularly on large size fasteners where thread fit and/or damage is a concern,or for smaller size fasteners when it is economically feasible.In this process,quantities of an item are placed on a support,called a rack.The rack is designed to move the group of items,together,through each of the process steps,allowing ready ingress and egress of processing solutions and rinses.In some of the process steps,notably the electrocleaning and electroplating steps,an electric current is applied to the group of items.The electrical continuity is maintained between the parts by the rack itself.The average current density is usually low enough such that the extremity-to-center coating thickness ratio is much lower than with barrel-plating.The external thread damage is also mini-mized in comparison to barrel-plating due to the absence of tumbling.X2.GUIDELINES FOR CHOOSING BETWEEN BARREL-PLATING AND RACK-PLATINGX2.1Table X2.1indicates the recommended electroplating process for each size of externally threaded metric fasteners for all thickness classes in Table 2.For internally threaded fasteners barrel-plating is generally suitable.X3.COATING ACCOMMODATION TOLERANCES FOR EXTERNALLY AND INTERNALLY THREADED FASTENERSX3.1Short screws and bolts are those with a length-to-diameter ratio equal to or less than 5.Long screws and bolts have a length-to-diameter ratio greater than 5but less than 10.Special processing is normally required for bolts with a ratio greater than 10in order to minimize the extremity-to-center thickness ratio.X3.2This specification does not impose maximum thick-ness values on high current density areas,where the coating thickness tends to be the greatest.On an externally threaded fastener this occurs at the threaded tip.Measuring coating thickness on the threaded portion of a fastener is possible but impractical for in-process quality control verification.For this reason the control mechanism specified in this document is by means of GO thread gauges.Nevertheless Table X3.1,which is supplied as an informative guideline,illustrates the maximum coating thickness permitted by the allowance for tolerance classes 6g and 4g6g.N OTE X3.1—The following information is based on ASME B1.13M .That standard should be consulted for more detailed information.X3.3Size limits for standard tolerance classes 6g and 4g6g apply prior to coating.The external thread allowance may thusbe used to accommodate the coating thickness on threaded fasteners,provided the maximum coating thickness is no more than 1⁄4of the allowance (see Fig.X3.1).Thus,threads after coating are subject to acceptance using a class 6h GO gauge for plated 6g class external threads and 4h6h GO gauge for plated 4g6g class external threads respectively.Class 6g and 4g6g shall be used as respective NOT-GO gauges.X3.4In certain cases size limits must be adjusted,within the tolerances,prior to coating,in order to insure proper thread fit.This applies to the following cases:X3.4.1Standard internal threads,because they provide no allowance for coating thickness.X3.4.2Where the external thread has no allowance,such as in class h external threads.X3.4.3Where allowance must be maintained after coating for trouble free thread fit.X3.5Table X3.1provides maximum coating thickness values based only on the allowance for external thread toler-ance classes 6g and 4g6g.It assumes that the external thread pitch diameter is at the maximum and that the internal thread pitch diameter is at the minimum of the tolerance.TABLE X2.1Recommended Electroplating Process for Each Size of Externally Threaded Metric FastenersN OTE 1—Barrel-plating process (B)and rack-plating process (R).Diameter (D),(in.)Length (L)L #5D5D <L #10D10D <L #20D20D <L #30DL >30D M1.6-M4B B B B R M5-M6B B B R R M8-M10B B B R R M12B B R R R M14B B R R R M16B B R R R M20B R R R R M24R R R R R M30-M100RRRRRTABLE X3.1Coating Accommodation Tolerances for ExternallyThreaded Class 6g and 4g6g Metric FastenersThread Pitch,mm Diameter,(in.)Pitch Diameter Allowance for 6g and 6g4g Tolerance Positions,(µm)Maximum Allowable Coating Thickness on Threaded Tip(µm)0.35M1.6–1940.4M2–1940.45M2.5–2050.5M3–2050.6M3.5–2150.7M4–2250.8M5–2461M6–2661.25M8–2871.5M10–3281.75M12–3482M14,M16–3892.5M20–42103M24–48123.5M30–53134M36–60154.5M42–63155M48–71175.5M56–75186M64,M72,M80,M90,M100–8020FIG.X3.1Metric Tolerance System for ScrewThreadsX4.APPLICATION REQUIREMENTSX4.1Cleaning of Basis Metal—Thorough cleaning of the basis metal is essential in order to ensure satisfactory adhesion, appearance and corrosion resistance of the coating.X4.2Hydrogen Embrittlement Risk Management:X4.2.1Process Considerations—The following are some general recommendations for managing the risk of hydrogen embrittlement.For more detailed information refer to IFI-142. X4.2.1.1Clean the fasteners in non-cathodic alkaline solu-tions and in inhibited acid solutions.X4.2.1.2Use abrasive cleaners for fasteners having a hard-ness of40HRC or above and case hardened fasteners.X4.2.1.3Manage anode/cathode surface area and efficiency, resulting in proper control of applied current densities.High current densities increase hydrogen charging.X4.2.1.4Use high efficiency plating processes such as zinc chloride or acid cadmiumX4.2.1.5Control the plating bath temperature to minimize the use of brighteners.X4.2.1.6Select raw materials with a low susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement by controlling steel chemistry,micro-structure and mechanical properties.X4.2.2Process Control Verification—Test Method F1940 should be used as a test method for process control to minimize the risk of hydrogen embrittlement.Periodic inspections should be conducted according to a specified test plan.The test plan should be designed based upon the specific characteristics of a process,and upon agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.The testing frequency should initially estab-lish and subsequently verify over time,the ability of a process to produce parts that do not have the potential for hydrogen embrittlement.PARISON OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF SPECIFICATION F1941M–00VERSUS ISO4042–99X5.1Table X5.1provides the main differences that exist between Specification F1941M–00versus ISO4042–99.In many cases,both standards do not use the same numbering system to address a similar provision.If needed,the reader must refer to the related paragraph(s)of each standard in its entirety to fully appreciate thecomparison.。
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按照实际情 况和建模要求 参数的选 择.选用 挤 塑型 聚苯板 ( P ) 导 热 系数 A= .4 ( ES , 0 00 W/m。 K 按照设计要求所选择的厚度一般是 1 c ; ) 5. m 内墙按照冷库设计规范 , 修正系数选取 13 ..
第2 7卷
选 用 1 1 5 0 g 密度 是 2 . 2 k/ 聚 氨 4 2 . / , B 7 5 gm
酯材料导热系数 : 0 041 ( A= .2 2 W/m ・ ) . 。 K ]按 照设计要求所选择 的外墙保温厚度是 8Cl I; l 按照 冷库 设 计规 范 , 正 系数 选 取 14; 墙 保 温 层 热 修 . 外
材 料单 价 :4元/ 。面积 6 厚 度 l m, 1 m, 0m , 5c
为简化结构, 降低成本 , 减少保温层厚度 , 消灭 冷桥 , 提高冷库工作效 率, 结合 已有技术和实际施
工要 求 , 对保 温 层进 行了 如下 优化 设计 .
计算材料成本为 16元. 2
13 3 采 用复合 保温 层 的材料 成本 模 型 ..
先计算用聚氨酯的成本 : 将面积 6 厚度 2 0m , 选用导热系数A= . 4 2 / m ・ ) 00 ( K 聚氨 c 修 正 系数 13计 算得 到 聚 氨酯 成 本 为 80元 , 2 1W m, . 6 酯材 料和 导热 系数 A= .4 00 0w/( . 聚 苯材 再计 算使 用聚 苯 板 的成 本 : 面 积 6 I, 度 1 m K) 将 01。厚 T 0 料, 喷涂 约厚 度 l11 1 聚氨酯材料 , 3 在铺设厚度约 a 计 算 聚 苯 板 成 本 为 7 m, 4元 , 后得 到 材 料 成 本 最
等通过原位 表面改性制备
入三口瓶中, 然后加入甲苯和钛酸酯偶联剂 , 搅拌并 超声振荡 , 而后升温至指定温度, 回流, 然后抽滤 , 洗 涤, 放入烘箱中干燥 , 制得改性后的纳米 SiO2。 ( 3) 硬脂酸改性纳米 S i O2 将一定量的硬脂酸和 NaOH 置于三口瓶中, 加 入适量开水, 升温搅拌, 待硬脂酸和 NaOH 全部溶解 加入一 定量的 纳米 SiO2。恒温 搅拌一 定时 间, 抽 滤, 用无水乙醇洗 去表面的有机 物, 再用水 洗涤一 次, 干燥, 即制得改性后的纳米 S i O 2。 1 4 改性效果的表征 ( 1)亲油化度的测定 将 1g 改性后的纳米 S i O 2 粉体置于 40mL 蒸馏 水中 , 然后逐滴地滴定甲醇, 当漂浮在水面上的粉体 完全润湿后, 记录甲醇的加入量 V ( mL ) , 则 亲油化度 = ( V / 40+ V ) ∀ 100 % ( 2)吸水率的测定 将 1 000g 改性后的产品均匀铺洒在表面皿上, 然后放入盛有适量水的干燥器中 , 放置一定时间后, 称量并计算粉体增加的质量 m, 按下面的公式计算 其吸水率。 吸水率 = (m / 1 000) ∀ 100 %
充效果, 所以 , 有必要对其进行表面改性。目前, 采 用硅烷偶联剂、 钛酸酯偶联剂对纳米 S i O2 进行表面 改性的研究有报道 , Zh iW en W ang 等
CO 2 为溶剂、 以钛酸酯偶联剂 NDZ 201 为改性剂对 纳米 SiO2 进行了表面改性 , 修饰后纳米 S i O 2 由亲 水变为疏水, I R 和热重分 析表明纳米 S i O 2 和钛酸 酯偶联剂主要 是通过化学键相互作用的。 Yan lo ng T a i等
实 验 结 果 羊lJ实 验 条 件 分 别 列 人 表 1、表 2 表 3和 表 示 在 图 l和 图 2中
3.1 实验 结 果 的 误 差来 源
实验 结果的误差来源是多方 面的 从总 体 讲 现代分析技术 引起实验结 果的误差 远 比由实验本身带来 的误差小 就本 研究而 言,微 量元素在少 量实验产物 中的不均匀分布 可 能是 引起误差 的主要原 因 为 了克服 这一缺陷 ,我们 曾采取先让初始 物在高于液相线 温 度充分熔化 ,然后缓慢 冷 却至实验要求 的温 度值 ,并在这些 温压下保 持 72h的措施 ,但 仍 不能完 全避 免微 量元素分布 的不均匀 性。其次 ,部分 实验曾采用 天然锂云母钠长 花 岗 岩 作 为 初 始 物 ,陵花 岗 岩 的 Nb O 和 Ta O 含 量 仅 为 万 分 之 几 ,由于 在 实 验 中 形 成 了 Nb、Ta的 独 立 矿 物 及 部 分 Nb、l'a的水 解 ,故 在 残 余 熔 体 及 流 体 中 的 Nb、Ta含 量 低 而 不 能精 确测定 。第 三,尽 管我们采 用快 速淬火 高压釜进行实 验,但仍 可能有少量 Nb、Ta在 淬火过 程中脱离 流体 ,甚 至在高 温 F水解 的 Nb、Ta在 淬火至 低温 时也可 能部 分返熔 到 流 体 中 但 整体 看 ,我 们 的 实验 达 到 了平 衡 ,大 多 数 实 验 产 物 中 的 元 素 分 布 比较 均 匀 ,所 得 元 素 分 配 系 数 接 近 其 真 值 、尤 其 是 实 验 结 果 显 示 的规 律 性 是 可 信 的 。
室 验 编 号
韧 介 f , 宴 实 时 间
始 物
验 验
S】o TiO Al2o1 FeO M I1O M gO CaO K20
( o e e f u m t n B i gU ie i f ot n e c m n a o sB i g 1 0 7 ,C ia C  ̄ g t a o , e i n r t o s a dT l o mu i t n, e i 0 8 6 h ) oA o i j n v sy P e ci j n n
1 空 间 机 械 臂 末 端 与 对 接 口 的 简 化 模 型 以 及 数 据 定 义
空 间 机 械 臂 末 端 与 对 接 口 的 机 械 结 构 较 为 复 杂 ,为
态进行 了几何分析 以及动力学分析 : rn 4 Sai or To ̄1 hh po 在 n
研 究 的 基 础 上 对 动 态 装 配 过 程 进 行 几 何 分 析 .所 提 出 的
便 于分 析 ,将 对 接 模 型 简化 如 图 1所 示 。 图 中 :r 空 一
间 机 械 臂 末 端 半 径 : R 对 接 口 内 一
模 型可 以更 清 楚 了解 动态 装 配机 制 :CC C eg 通 过分 .. h n m 析 插孔 作业 过 程 ,提 出 了一种 新 的被 动柔 顺 设备 来 较好
首先 移 动机 械 臂末 端 位置 使力 接 触 为零 。控 制 方法
如下 :使 末端 朝着 使接 触力 为 零 的方 向运 动 。 即 对 于 当前 末 端 位 姿 (。y, , , P) 保 持 Z, 。 x,eZ B ,e , ed , B , 变 ,按照 式 ( ) 动 位姿 为 (。 Y。Z,【 3, 。 。P 不 2移 x ,e e0 , …1 P)
第2 5卷 第 1期
21 0 2年 1月
D v lp n & In v t n o a h n r & E e t c lP o u t e eo me t n o ai f c iey o M l cr a r d cs i
2 3飘 5
5 3 嚣 ^ 83 I ∞
3 ,T ∞ 8 瑚 ‘ 3
表1 长6 油层组层内非均质系数统计表
2 层 间 非 均 质 性 层 内 非 均 质 性 是 指 一 个 单 砂 层 内 部 在 垂 向上 的 储 层 性
质变化 ,它是 直接控制 单砂层 内水淹 厚度及 系数 的关键地
最墨 熏数
事均曩蛙 哭进 羹异 墓数 j数 l
14 .2 1 封 . 2∞
± - 长虹
08 { 1I .
0 竹 .
g2 .3 掌5 .6
l ‘ l3
1 2 .l l 75
1 4前
0 ∞蝣 . O O ∞ B
0 0 ● .O3
0 计 . 8 麓 .
媾 |. 1 街
0. l 0
0 2 0
0。 啪
0.I 0o
呻 帕’柚
O嘲 .
l ∞
稚鑫 j事 x 瞻 帕 D} 图1 长6 段井渗透率垂 向韵律 性 收稿 日期:2 1 一 7 3 修 回 日期:2 1 一 8 2 0 1O —0 0 1O— 6 基金项 目:国家重大专项 ( 编号 :y s 2 1 k — 一 1 。 cy 0 Oy C 0 )
鄂 尔 多 斯 盐 地 已 探 明 低 渗 透 储 量 1. 8 5 1 , 是 12 5 × 0t
坝 砂 体 有 这 种 特 征 。 复 合 韵 律 是 由 向上 水 淹 及 驱 油 速 度 变 化 更 大 , 易 图2 形成 多段 水淹 , 纵 向 上 水 驱 不 均 匀 。
l 层内非均质性
1 1储 层垂 向上的粒序性 . 根 据直罗地 15 井 岩心 资料统 计,长6  ̄ 7j 1 E 储层 内部渗透
国外长隧道的设计施工概况 精品
![国外长隧道的设计施工概况 精品](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/df8d437c783e0912a2162ab8.png)
地质大致分为7个地段从法国侧洞口到4km附近是砂页岩互层,其 上分布冰河堆积物和岩堆。接着的3km是比较复杂的不良的石灰岩 类,其次的15km是比较稳定的砂岩、粘板岩。在车站附近是比较复 杂的结晶片岩,也比较稳定。车站东侧是石灰质片岩因与河流交差, 在施工上是比较困难的地段。在法、意边境的16km范围内是良好的 片麻岩,但埋深超过2000m,有可能出现岩爆和高压的突发涌水。 该地域的岩石强度超过200MPa是比较硬的,特别是结晶片岩的石 英质岩非常硬。在6,5km附近和30km处有较大的断层构造,形成石 膏层。此石膏层遇水膨胀,同时使河水污染。 从钻孔得知,在隧道底版附近的温度可能达50℃。 目前工程正在进行详细的导致调查并开始修建辅助坑道,预计 2006 年主洞开工 2015 年开通。到 2000 年地质调查费用已投入约 1 亿 3000万欧元(ECU)。隧道的建设费包括轨道、电气、其他设备等 约2200亿里拉。
北工区 南工区
外径 长度 刀头
12.29m 8.7m 76个 73个
切削能力21t/刃) 包括后方台车全长 出碴 衬 砌 初期支护(现场制 作的管片) 防水板
220m 螺旋皮带运输机 螺栓联结, 7 个,t=30cm 聚乙烯板t=3mm t=30cm的模筑混凝土
1· 新圣哥达隧道(瑞士) 57km 铁路隧道 作为铁道王国的瑞士,提出了铁道改良计划“铁道2000”和以长隧 道为主体的“新阿尔卑斯横断铁道计划( NEAT )”向 21 世纪的经 济增长和环境保护挑战。“铁道 2000” 是强化瑞士东西干线的计划 ,“NEAT”是用长隧道南北贯穿阿尔卑斯山的计划。实际上,意大 利和瑞士在1882年就兴建了圣哥达隧道(14.998km)。但随着南北 货运量的大幅度增加,欧洲共同体强烈要求采用铁道方式把增加的 货运量运出去。再加上1999年的勃郎峰公路隧道的火灾事故,促使 了 “ NEAT” 计 划 的 实 施 。 NEAT 计 划 中 的 隧 道 有 东 部 线 的 Zimmerberg(19.7km)、Gotthard(57km)和Ceneri等3座隧道,其 中包括正在修建的长57km的新圣哥达隧道(比老圣哥达隧道标高降 低 600m )(图 2 )。西部线有长 36km 的 Lotschberg (列奇堡)隧道 。东西线的3座隧道全部完成后,目前运行的特快列车从3小时40分 钟 缩 短 到 1 小 时 30 分 钟 。 目 前 这 几 座 隧 道 , 作 为 第 1 期 工 程 的 Lotschberg(列奇堡)隧道和圣哥达隧道已开始施工。
+II Sm(4f66s2) Sm(4f6)
Eu(4f76s2) Tm(4f136s2) Yb(4f146s2) Eu(4f7) Tm(4f13) Yb(4f14)
从4f电子层结构来看,其接近或保持全空、半满及全 满时的状态较稳定(也存在热力学及动力学因素)。
Ce4+(4fo) > Pr4+(4f1) Sm2+(4f6) < Eu2+(4f7)
1. 镧系金属单质的化学性质
碱金属 Eo = -2.9左右 碱土金属 Eo = -2.3—2.9
Al E o = -1.96
Ln E o = -2.3左右
(1) 活泼性仅次于碱金属和Ca、Sr、Ba而与Mg 类似;
89 Ac 90 Th 91 Pa 92 U 93 Np 94 Pu 95Am 96 Cm 97 Bk 98 Cf 99 Es 100 Fm 101Md 102No 103 Lr
锕 钍 镤 铀镎 钚 镅 锔 锫 锎 锿 镄 钔 锘 铹
镱 1879年 钇 1794年 镱 1878年
镥 1905-1907年 钇土1794年 铒 1843年 钪 1879年
硫酸盐 碳酸盐 草酸盐
不溶于M2SO4溶液 不溶于CO32-溶液 不溶于C2O42-溶液
溶于M2SO4溶液 溶于CO32-溶液 溶于C2O42-溶液
2. +IV化合物
Ce(4f15d16s2),Pr(4f36s2),Tb(4f96s2),Dy(4f106s2)能形 成+IV氧化态即Ce(4f0),Pr(4f1),Tb(4f7),Dy(4f8) 。
项目6 黑客口令攻击【开发语言及实现平台】1.开发语言Visual C++.NET 2003。
2.软件平台Windows NT/2000/XP/2003。
【实验目的】(1)熟悉V C++.NET 网络编程。
(3)了解黑客QQ 口令攻击的原理。
2.连接POP3服务器一般电子邮件的投递方式是首先在发送法和接收方之间建立起TCP 连接,然后再此连接上传递电子邮件。
cn al r n o ma in,B y sa si t na dS n h sz si t n o ig f i eif r to u a e in e t ma i n y t e i e tmai f o e o
息. 文提 出把无 失效 情 况 的结果 与引进 失效 信息后 的结果 进行 综合 处理—— 给 出综合估 计 法. 本
2 主 要 结 果 及 证 明
在 定时截 尾试 验 中 , 尾 时间 为 £ 一 1 2 … , 截 ( , , ), 相应 的试 验 样 品数为 ( 一 1 2 … , , , ), 果所有 结 样 品无一 失效. 5 一 + : … + ” 它表 示在 t 处还 未失 效 的样 品数. ( ,)为无 失效 数据 . 记 + , 称 £ I ,I 设产 品 的寿命 T服 从指 数 分布 , 分布 函数 : 其 。为
检验模 型 的研究 进展 情 况 , 提 醒人 们重 视检验 方 法本 身 的错 误 . 实 际问 题 中 , 些 工 程 技术 人 员 认为 根 并 在 有
据 无 失 效 数 据 直 接 进 行 可 靠 性 评 估 可 能 会 产 生 冒进 . 些 促 使 我 们 想 到 在 无 失 效 数 据 的 分 析 中 引 进 失 效 信 这
Ab t a t I he p pe , a ts a e s i ton ofpa a e e n y sa s i ton off iu e p ob — s r c : n t a r Le s qu r se tma i r m t ra d Ba e i n e tma i al r r a
Th y h sz s i a i n o la iiy Pa a e e fZe o Fa l r t e S nt e i e e tm to f Re i b lt r m t r o r - iu e Da a
getatr s[ ] JTh rcC ri acS r ,2 0 ,19 ra r i J . oa ado s ug 0 5 2 : ee v
粥 样 斑 块 脱 落形 成 脑 栓 塞 等 [ 。本 例 患 者 中 年 , 高 血 压 脑 3 ] 有 动 脉 硬 化 基础 , S 检 查 发 现 双 侧 颈 动 脉 窦 部 轻 度 狭 窄 , D A 动 脉瘤 栓塞 术 中 因为 微 导 管 张 力 过 大 致 使 导 引 导 管 移 位 , 能 可
atr s[] u C ritoa ug 0 9 5 8 98 4 rei J.E r adoh rcS r,2 0 ,3 : 7 —8 . e J
[] Ko ,Y gh r 7 hM a iaaT,Ue r muaH,e 1 nemeit rsl t .Itr dae eut a s
[ ] Kry n u l 3 ae b h N,Ere E,Oia ,e a.S mpo t n dm n sM t 1 y tmai a d c
sl n s h mi a s ca e t ir s r ia ci p n o i — i t i c e a s o i t d wih m c o u g c l lp i g f n e t a r n a n u y ms e a u to t i u in weg t d M RI r c a i la e r s v l a in wih d f so - i h e f
[ 3 J nsRG,Da an n m I 2 o e vg a a ,Coly S ta. Abii b fr l ,e 1 e c ma o x
其中,C(碳)、Si(硅)、Mn (锰)、P(磷)、S(硫)、Cr(铬)、Ni(镍)、Cu(铜)、Nb (铌)等元素的含量都有严格的要求,以确保不锈钢材料的主要成分符合标准规定,具有良好的耐腐蚀性能。
三、05Cr17Ni4Cu4Nb标准的应用范围05Cr17Ni4Cu4Nb标准的制定旨在规范该材料在不同领域的应用,主要包括以下几个方面:1. 化工设备制造:05Cr17Ni4Cu4Nb材料具有良好的耐腐蚀性能和耐高温性能,适用于制造化工设备中的容器、反应器、换热器等部件。
2. 食品设备制造:由于05Cr17Ni4Cu4Nb材料对食品具有良好的安全性和卫生性能,因此在食品加工设备的制造中得到广泛应用。
3. 船舶制造:不锈钢材料对海水和大气中的腐蚀具有较强的抵抗能力,因此适用于制造船舶的舱壁、甲板、舱口等部件。
4. 其他领域:05Cr17Ni4Cu4Nb材料还可用于制造化学品输送管道、医疗设备、建筑材料等领域。
二烯丙基氯化铵三元共聚物 , 此共聚物具有较好 的
耐 温 、 盐 能力 。王艳 新等 采用 溶 液 聚合 法 得到 抗 了 A A S共 聚 物 , M/ MP 再通 过一定 程 度 的 H f n omanபைடு நூலகம்
1 5 三 元共 聚物 的性 能测试 .
采用 Ncl 公司 A a r7 i e ot vt 30型傅里叶变换红外 a 光谱仪i 定三元共聚物 的 F I 贝 0 TR谱图 : 将合成的三
元共 聚 物用无 水 乙醇洗 涤 3次 , 6 于 0℃ 下真空 干燥 2 得 到 纯 三 元 共 聚物 , K r 片制 样 , 行 4h, 用 B 压 进 FI TR测试 。采用 T 公 司 S T 60型 热重 示 差 扫 A D Q0 描量 热仪 分析 三元 共 聚 物 的热性 能 : 样 为 纯 三元 试
1 6・ 21
P T 0 H MIAL T C N0 0 Y E R C E C E H L G
2 1 年第 4 01 0卷第 1 期 1
新 型 三元 共 聚物 降 失水 剂 的合成 与性 能 研 究
路 健 , 国强 林华君 周其华 , 宋 , , 马贵平
(1北京化工大学 材料科学 与工程学 院 , . 北京 10 2 ; . 0 09 2 常州 大学 制药与生命科学学院 , 江苏 常州 2 3 6 ; 114
3 浙江新东方油墨集团有限公司 , . 浙江 台州 38 2 ) 100
[ 要] 以丙烯酸( A 、 摘 A ) 丙烯酰胺 ( M) A 和一种含磺酸基 的单体为反应单体 , 过硫酸 铵/ 亚硫酸氢钠氧化 一 还原体 系为引发剂 , 采
SH T 1750-2005 冷热水管道系统用无规共聚聚丙烯(PP-R)专用料
![SH T 1750-2005 冷热水管道系统用无规共聚聚丙烯(PP-R)专用料](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2d10bf0b7e21af45b307a8be.png)
字符组 卜 聚丙烯 代号 无规共聚物代 号
字符 组 2:位登 1:挤 出
位 置2:着色 字符组 3:拉伸弹性 模量
简 支梁缺 口冲击 强度 烙体 质t流动速率 和试验条件
字符组 4:未使用 字符组 5:有关具体颇 色的附加 说明 命名: PP-R.E C.0 7-45-00.,G
保 压时间
用 《;B / T 17037.1- 1997标准 中的 A型模 具制备的 A型试样符合 LSO 527一1中 IA型试样 ,B型模 具制备 的 B型试样 为 80mmx 1 Ommx 4 mm 的长条形试样 。 5.2 试样 的状态调 节和试验的标准环境
试样 的 状 态调节和试验的标准环境为GB/T2 918-1998规定的标准环境(23/50)0 状 态 调 节的环境等级为 2,即空气温度 t为 23℃ 士29C 、相对湿度 U为 50% 士10%。试样状态调 节 时间至少 40h但不超过 %ho 所有 试 验都应在标 准试 验环境 (23/50)下进 行 ,且 环境 的温度 t为 23℃ 士29C、相对 湿度 U 为
处于 20℃ 一23℃之间 。加热 升温速率 为 120'C/h:t ] 09C/h o
5.10 熔融温度 TP, 从不 同 的 样品颗粒上剪取试样,以使试样有代表性。试样质量为5rng一6mg,精确到 0.lmgo 测 定 按 GB/T 19466.3-2004(ISO 11357一3:1999,I DT)规 定进行 。测定前 ,需 用标准 样品锢 校正
GB /T 1 033- 1986 塑料 密度和相对密度试验方法 GB /'r 1 250- 1989 极 限数值的表示方法和判定方法 GB /7 16 34.2-2004 塑料 负荷变形温度的测定 第 2部分:塑料和硬橡胶试验方法 (ISO/FDIS 75一2:2003,I DT) GB /T 2 5 46.1-XXXX 塑料 聚丙烯(PP)模塑和挤出材料 第 1部分:命名系统和分类基础’)(ISO 1873一1:1995, MOD) GB /T 2 546.2-2003 塑料 聚丙烯 (PP)模 塑和挤 出材 料 第 2部 分 :试样 制备 和性 能测定 (ISO 1873一2:1997, MOD) GB /T 2 547- 1981 塑料树脂取样方法 GB /T 2 918- 1998 塑料试样状态调节 和试 验的标 准环境(idtI SO 291:1997) GB /T 3 6 82-200(〕 热塑性塑料熔体质量流动速率和熔体体积流动速率的测定(idtIS O 1133:1997) GB /T 6 1 11-2003 流体输送用热塑性塑料管材耐内压试验方法 (ISO1 167:1996,B Yf) GB /T 9 341-2000 塑料弯曲性能试验方法 (idtIS O 178:1993) GB /T 9 3 52-1988 热塑性塑料压塑试样的制备(eqvIS O2 93:1986) GB /T 1 7037.1- 1997 热 塑性 塑料材料注塑试样的制备 第 1部分 :一般 原理及 多用途试样和长条 试样的制备(idtIS O2 94一1:1996) GB /T 1 7219- 1998 生活饮用水输配水设备及 防护材料 的安全性评价标准 GB /T 1 8251-2000 聚烯烃管材 、管件和混配料 中颜料及碳 黑分散的测定方法 GB /T 1 8252-2000 塑料管道系统 用外推法对热 塑性 塑料 管材长期 静液压强度的测定 GB /T 1 8742.1- 2002 冷热水用 聚丙烯 管道 系统 第 1部 分 :总则 GB /T 1 8 742.2-2002 冷热水用聚丙烯管道系统 第2部分:管材 GB /T 1 9466.3-2004 塑料 差示扫描 量热法 (DS()第 3部分 :熔融 和结晶的温度 及热焙 的测 定 (ISO 11357一3=1997, IDT)
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