中国儿童青少年的BMI、腰围指数2016(发表于Environmental research and public health)



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科研热词 推荐指数 糖尿病 3 高尿酸血症 1 食管癌 1 身高 1 脂肪酶 1 脂联素 1 肺部感染 1 肥胖 1 糖基化终产物-肽 1 甲基化 1 环境危险因素 1 横断面研究 1 普查 1 手术 1 岭回归 1 危险因素 1 前列腺癌 1 儿童 1 体质量 1 体块指数 1 中国 1 世界卫生组织 1 prostate cancer 1 obesity 1 methylation 1 lipase 1 environmental factors 1 diabetes mellitus 1 bp人工神经网络 1 apc基因 1 adenomatosis polyposis coli gene 1 2型 1
2011年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
2011年 科研热词 推荐指数 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征2 遗传易感性 2 脂联素 2 胰岛素抵抗 2 肾癌 2 单核苷酸多态性 2 非酒精性脂肪肝 1 谷氨酰胺 1 表皮生长因子 1 腹腔感染 1 脂肪细胞型脂肪酸结合蛋白 1 胰岛素抗药性 1 肥胖 1 肠瘘 1 结肠肿瘤 1 神经肽y 1 白蛋白合成速率 1 白细胞介素-4 1 气相色谱质谱 1 小檗碱 1 呼吸暂停低通气指数 1 体重指数 1 rxr-α 基因 1 ppar-γ 基因 1 bp神经网络 1 2型糖尿病 1
2010年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30




















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国家学生体质健康标准评价指标及所占权重 1
表1-2. 肺活量单项评分标准(单位:毫升)
表1-3. 50米跑单项评分标准(单位:秒)
表1-5. 立定跳远单项评分标准(单位:厘米)




中国学龄儿童青少年超重、肥胖筛查bmi分类标准-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述在当前社会背景下,随着生活水平的提高和社会快节奏的生活方式,学龄儿童青少年超重、肥胖已经成为一个全球性的公共卫生问题。






1.2 文章结构文章结构部分包括了引言、正文和结论三个部分。





文章的目的是通过对中国学龄儿童青少年超重、肥胖的筛查和BMI 分类标准进行研究和探讨,深入理解超重和肥胖对学生身体健康和生活质量的影响,提高社会对此问题的关注度,促进相关政策和措施的制定和实施,有效防控学龄儿童青少年超重、肥胖问题,促进他们健康成长。


": {} }}}请编写文章1.3 目的部分的内容2.正文2.1 超重与肥胖的定义超重和肥胖是指人体脂肪组织过多所导致的健康问题。




图5 BMI值表






方法采用分层二阶段整群抽样的原则在四川省随机抽取1440名年龄10~18岁生活在海拔3000 m以上高原地区的藏族青少年( n=707)和生活在低海拔地区的汉族青少年(n=733)。

用Biodynamics BI-310身体成份分析仪对青少年进行身体成分检测。

结果藏族青少年的平均身高略低于汉族(男性:150.06 cm比154.03 cm, P<0.001;女性:147.28 cm比151.06 cm, P<0.001)。

藏族青少年男性的平均体重和体重指数与汉族差异均无统计学意义;藏族青少年女性的平均体重和汉族差异无统计学意义,但其体重指数略大(19.33 kg/m2比18.46 kg/m2,P<0.001)。

藏族青少年男性和女性的瘦体重都显著低于汉族(男性:35.20 kg比39.05 kg,P<0.001;女性:32.25 kg比35.60 kg,P<0.001),而脂肪体重明显高于汉族(男性:5.90 kg比3.40 kg, P<0.001;女性:9.65kg比7.25 kg, P<0.001);藏族青少年的脂肪体重指数显著高于汉族,但去脂体重指数显著较低。





%Objective To compare body composition between Tibetan adolescents and Han adolescents with a large-scale population survey .Methods Totally, 707 Tibetan adolescent living in a 3000-meter-altitude area and 733 Han adolescents living in a low-altitude area, all aged from 10-18 years, weresurveyed in Sichuan province with two-stage stratified clustersampling .Their body composition were arrayed with Biodynamics BI-310 body composition analyzer . Results The average height of Tibetan adolescents was lower than that of Hans ( male:150.06 cm vs.154.03 cm,P<0.001;female:147.28 cm vs.151.06 cm, P<0.001 ) .There were not significant differences in body weight and body mass index in boys ;the body weight in girls also showed no&nbsp;significant difference , while Tibetan girls'body mass index was bigger than that of Hans ( 19.33 kg/m2 vs. 18.46 kg/m2 , P<0.001 ) .The lean body mass of Tibetan adolescents was significantly smaller than that of Hans (male:35.20 kg vs.39.05 kg,P<0.001; female:32.25 kg vs.35.60 kg, P<0.001), but fat body weight of Tibetan adolescents was significantly larger than that of Hans ( male:5.90 kg vs.3.40 kg, P<0.001;female:9.65 kg vs.7.25 kg, P<0.001).Fat mass index of Tibetan adolescents was higher than that of Hans , but fat-free mass index in Tibetan adolescents was significantly lower .The body fat percentages of Tibetan boys and girls were higher than Han adolescents by 6.62% ( 14.89% vs.8.27%, P <0.001 ) and 6.42%(23.26%vs.16.84%,P<0.001), respectively.In the age range of 10-17 years, body fat percentage of Tibetan adolescents was larger by 4% to 7% than that of Han adolescents in all age groups in both sexes . Conclusions The body compositions of Tibetan adolescents living in high-altitude areas may be significantly dif-ferent from that of Hans living in low-altitude areas because of genetic , environmental , and other factors .Tibetan adolescentshave higher body fat percentage compared with Han adolescents in same age and sex .【期刊名称】《协和医学杂志》【年(卷),期】2016(007)002【总页数】5页(P110-114)【关键词】身体成分;脂肪百分比;藏族;青少年;高海拔【作者】徐涛;韩少梅;朱广瑾;刘军廷【作者单位】中国医学科学院基础医学研究所北京协和医学院基础学院 1 流行病及统计学系;中国医学科学院基础医学研究所北京协和医学院基础学院 1 流行病及统计学系;病理生理学系,北京100005;首都儿科研究所流行病室,北京100020【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q984研究认为身体成分与许多健康问题和疾病之间都有密切的关系,如肥胖症、糖尿病、代谢综合征、高血压、高脂血症、心血管疾病等[1-5]。



腰围是一个简单的评估腹部囤积脂肪的指标。7岁及以上儿 童青少年的腰围界值可参考中国卫生行业标准“7岁-18岁 儿童青少年高腰围筛查界值”(WS/T611-2018),儿童腰 围≥同年龄同性别儿童腰围的P90作为高腰围的筛查界值, 提示儿童可能存在向心性肥胖。
4 儿童肥胖的危害有哪些?
影响长高 骨龄的变化与雌激素密切相关,肥胖可能存 在雌激素分泌过多的风险,从而导致骨龄加 速,最终可能影响成年身高。
青春期提早发育 目前儿童早熟的发病率很高,尤其女孩子发 育提前年龄更明显,这与肥胖关系密切。
增加患病风险 中重度肥胖可让孩子出现如高血压、血脂异 常、高血糖、高尿酸、脂肪肝等传统观念中 的“成年慢性病”。
【健康科普】 肥胖的危害,不只
你家宝宝是不是“小胖墩”?宝宝胖嘟嘟的是很 可爱,可是胖胖的真的健康吗?有些家长一定会 说:“我家宝宝是壮,才不是胖呢!”
请注意,健壮与胖是有明显区别的。健壮的孩子 充满活力,运动能力强,动作敏捷、协调,反应 快。而肥胖的孩子一般缺乏活力,运动能力差, 动作迟缓,肢体协调性差,缺乏自信。
增加患病风险 中重度肥胖可让孩子出现如高血压、血脂异 常、高血糖、高尿酸、脂肪肝等传统观念中 的“成年慢性病”。
出现心理问题 肥胖引起心理问题的儿童很常见。肥胖的孩子表 现穿衣不自信,有自卑感,不喜欢人际交往及户 外运动,害怕被人取笑,过于担忧自己形象。同 时还会出现行为异常、性格缺陷、交往困难等问 题,都会随着肥胖的程度和持续时间而加重。
培养良好的饮食习惯 饮食控制的目的不是节食,而是通过培养良 好的饮食习惯,正确的饮食方式使体重下降。 家庭膳食推荐低能量、低脂肪、适量优质蛋 白质和全谷物。




A.淀粉类食品,如剩饭等B.肉类C.罐头D.海鲜【答案】 B2、引起霉变甘蔗中毒的毒素是()。

A.黄曲霉毒素B.龙葵素C.3-硝基丙酸D.亚硝酸盐【答案】 C3、体内缺铁处于缺铁性贫血期的表现是( )。

A.红细胞比积上升B.血清铁浓度升高C.运铁蛋白浓度升高D.血红蛋白浓度下降【答案】 D4、2007年中国营养学会对《、中国居民膳食指南》进行了重新修订,指出健康成年人每人每天的饮水量应达到()ml。

A.1000B.1200C.1500D.2000【答案】 D5、消化腺是分泌()的器官。

A.粘液B.消化液C.胃酸D.胃酶【答案】 B6、红细胞超氧化物歧化酶是检测()缺乏的指标。

A.核黄素B.硫胺素C.硒D.铜【答案】 D7、维生素B1主要是参与()辅酶形成。

A.TPPC.磷酸吡哆醛D.FADE.腺甲基钴胺索【答案】 A8、含淀粉最少的豆类是( )。

A.大豆B.蚕豆C.绿豆D.小豆【答案】 A9、男性的腰臀比超过()时为中心性肥胖。

A.0.5B.0.7C.0.8D.0.9【答案】 D10、尿液保存时加入()防腐效果较好,但能干扰尿糖测定。

A.浓盐酸B.甲苯C.氯仿【答案】 C11、胃分泌的内因子不足时,则()吸收不良,影响红细胞的生成,造成了巨幼红细胞性贫血。

A.维生素B1B.维生素AC.维生素B2D.维生素B12【答案】 D12、粮谷类和薯类食物含()较多,是膳食能量最经济的来源。

A.膳食纤维B.油脂C.植物蛋白D.碳水化合物【答案】 D13、以下说法不正确的是()。

A.平衡膳食宝塔建议量均为食物可食部分的生重B.每日膳食要严格按照膳食宝塔建议的各类食物的量吃C.一定要经常遵循膳食宝塔各层中各类食物的大体比例D.一般一周各类食物摄入量的平均值应当符合宝塔的建议量【答案】 B14、孕期维生素B12或叶酸缺乏可使孕妇出现()。










中国儿童青少年bmi指数标准全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:BMI指数(Body Mass Index,身体质量指数)是一种用来衡量人体肥胖程度的常用指标。




根据中国儿童青少年BMI指数标准,BMI指数的计算方法是体重(kg)除以身高(m)的平方,即BMI = 体重(kg)/ 身高(m)²。













我国北、中、南区域3~6岁男童体型特征分析孙磊;朱秀丽;屠晔;孔媛【期刊名称】《浙江理工大学学报》【年(卷),期】2012(029)003【摘要】The article studies northern, central and southern boy's body characteristics. Representative area is selected in the national scope. Three to six years old boys are selected at random and static measurements. In this paper the mean analysis and variance analysis are applied to analyze boy for bodily form feature analysis in three regions, different regional boy of bodily form feature difference and correspondence to the national standard and the contrast between the parts. Boys'characteristics in height and circumferences in these three areas are greatly distinctive except head circumference. Compared with other two areas, boys in Northern area is much higher. The boy's waistline is partial thick in the central area, so it is not obvious in Chest-waist difference and Hip-waist difference to boys in central area. Through the coverage we see in 100 cm, 110 cm, 120 cm file height chubby boy ratio increased. The result can provide a guide for the improvement of size design of the children and product research.%对我国北部、中部、南部三大区域3~6岁男童的体型特征进行对比研究.在全国三大区域选择代表性城市,对男童进行随机抽样和手工测量,运用均值和方差分析三大区域男童体型特征,对不同区域间男童体型特征的差异及与国标相对应部位之间进行对比.结果显示:除头国外,在身高和围度方面都存在显著性差异;北部区域男童体型相对其他区域更偏高大;中部区域男童的腰围偏粗,所以胸腰差、臀腰差相对不是很明显;通过覆盖率比较得出身高100、110、120 cm的男童偏胖的比例增大.该结果可为童装号型标准的改进和产品开发提供参考.【总页数】5页(P357-360,378)【作者】孙磊;朱秀丽;屠晔;孔媛【作者单位】浙江理工大学服装学院,杭州310018;浙江理工大学服装学院,杭州310018;浙江理工大学服装学院,杭州310018;浙江理工大学服装学院,杭州310018【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TS941.17【相关文献】1.我国辽宁地区6~9岁男童体型划分及号型探讨 [J], 吴世刚2.饲料型油菜南种北种产量及品质特征分析 [J], 肖佳雷;来永才;邵立刚;傅廷栋;涂金星;李炜;毕影东;李琬3.辽宁地区6~9岁男童体型特征分析 [J], 吴世刚4.我国林业生产力布局做出战略性调整“东扩西治南用北休”区域发展战略出台[J], 无5.白酒业首提“南酱北清”概念区域酒企将谋跨区域合作 [J], 薛晨因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。


浙江大学医学院 社会医学与卫生事业管理
硕士研究生 缪艳瑶

师 王红妹 副教授
目的我国肥胖及超重青少年的生命质量研究开展较晚,目前还缺乏相应的工具。 本研究的目的在于对原有体重有关生命质量量表进行汉化,采用定性研究半结构 访谈法了解我国青少年独特的与体重有关的生活感受,发展新条目,研制YQoL.w 量表的中文版初稿,为量表内容效度提供重要的证据。 方法根据华盛顿大学卫生服务系关于量表翻译过程的指南,通过前译、后译得到 量表初始版本,并在目标人群中进行两轮认知访谈,对条目语言及用词进行修改 使之适用于青少年,对量表进行文化调适。运用定性研究经典理论“扎根理论”,采 用半结构访谈法,对杭州市不同地区、不同BMI指数的11.1 8岁青少年进行访谈。 访谈进行现场录音,并逐字转录。应用AtlaS ti 5.7.1软件对数据进行编码分析。发 现新概念,设计新条目,对新条目进行认知访谈。将修改后的新条目与已有量表 相结合,组成青少年体重有关生命质量量表的测试版. 结果量表大部分条目在翻译的时候并无困难,可以用中文精确表达,根据两轮认 知访谈的结果,对部分条目进行了修正.访谈杭州市22名来自城市、农村和移民 群体的肥胖、超重、正常的青少年,从22个转录稿中总共抽取出129个与体重有 关的片段、句子、段落,其中19条分类为“自我”领域(14.7%);54条分类为“社 会”领域(41.9%);56条分类为“环境”领域(43.4%).其中14条文本与源量表概 念不匹配,根据内容独特性以及代表性等标准撰写了5个新条目.在目标人群中 对新条目进行三轮认知访谈,反复修改,使条目内容反映概念,文字表达符合青 少年的特点. 结论本研究运用扎根理论,发展适用于中国青少年、具有文化敏感性的体重特异









关键词:儿童青少年超重与肥胖早期死亡遗传因素环境因素长期作用AbstractObesity has been becoming one of the serious global public health problems in the 21 st century. Obesity of children and adolescents in China is entering a period of high incidence rate. Obesity whose reasons are complex is the result of multifactorial, long-term effects. Genetic factors determine the obesity susceptibility for individuals and various environmental factors promote the occurrence of obesity. Sound dietary behaviors developed early in life not only promote good nutrition of children, but also be likely to help form good dietary habits in adult and affect health condition in later life.With the change of living environment following economic growth and urbanization, prevalence of obesity also showed a clear increasing trend. The damages are far-reaching for obese children and adolescents,not only leading to physical and mental disorders and physiological dysfunction obstacle, affecting the ability to learn.It is more serious that the obesity of children and adolescents canbe carried to adults, leading to high blood pressure, heartdisease,diabetes and other chronic diseases, even long-term morbidity and early death.[Key words] Children and adolescents Overweight and obesity early death Genetic factors Environmental factors long-term effects1 引言肥胖是指长期能量摄入超过消耗,导致体内过多的能量以脂肪的形式储存,脂肪的聚集达到损害健康的程度。







BMI(Body Mass Index,体重指数)是目前国际上普遍用来评价一个人是否超重、肥胖的指标之一,计算方法为:BMI=体重(kg)/身高(m)的平方。












BMI指数的计算公式为:BMI = 体重(kg)/ 身高(m)的平方。



根据中国国家卫生健康委员会发布的《儿童青少年生长发育与健康监测技术规范》,中国儿童青少年BMI指数标准如下:1. 体重过低:BMI指数<18.5,体重过轻,需要加强营养补充;2. 正常体重:BMI指数为18.5~23.9,体重正常,建议保持良好的饮食和运动习惯;3. 超重:BMI指数为24~27.9,较重,需要控制饮食,增加运动;4. 肥胖:BMI>28,肥胖,需要积极采取减重措施,避免引发健康问题。












1. 儿童BMI的意义BMI,即身体质量指数,是用体重公斤数除以身高米数的平方得出的数字。



2. 我国居民膳食指南中的儿童BMI标准值表格我国居民膳食指南中的儿童BMI标准值表格是根据国内外大量儿童的BMI数据综合分析和总结的,具有科学性和权威性。


3. 儿童BMI标准值的参考范围在我国居民膳食指南中提出的儿童BMI标准值表格中,各芳龄段的BMI标准值范围是根据研究结果和国际标准综合考量而确定的。


4. 家长的责任和作用家长是孩子健康成长的重要监护者,他们应该根据儿童BMI标准值表格的指导,注意孩子的饮食和运动习惯。



5. 学校和社会的支持除了家长的关注和干预外,学校和社会也应该为儿童BMI的健康提供更多的支持和关注。


6. 结语我国居民膳食指南中的儿童BMI标准值表格对于儿童健康成长至关重要,家长和监护人应该重视并遵循指导,合理管理孩子的饮食和运动,共同关注孩子的身体健康,使他们能够茁壮成长,健康快乐地度过每一天。




在科学界和医学界,BMI(Body Mass Index,身体质量指数)被广泛应用于评估肥胖和健康状况。




















A.Gomez分类法B.离差法C.百分位数评价D.方差法【答案】 B2、下列哪项法规对预包装食品的相关术语、基本要求等进行了规定()。

A.《食品卫生法》B.《预包装食品通则》C.《食品包装使用规范》D.《预包装食品标签通则》【答案】 B3、中国青少年比胸围标准值为()。

A.35—40B.40—45C.45—50D.50—55【答案】 D4、婴儿应在()时开始添加含铁丰富的食物。

A.2~4个月B.3~4个月C.4~6个月D.6~8个月【答案】 C5、蛋白质和热能缺乏引起的营养不良,I临床表现有消瘦型和()。

A.水肿型B.夜盲型C.亚健康型D.佝偻型【答案】 A6、细菌菌相是共存于食品中的()和相对数量的构成。

A.细菌的分布B.细菌的结构特征C.细菌种类D.细菌的大小【答案】 C7、男性和女性皮褶厚度分别为()是肥胖的界限。

A.<10 mm;<20 mmB.>50 mm;>40 mmC.10~40 mm;20~50 mmD.>40 mm;>50 mm【答案】 D8、真空冷却多用于表面大的叶蔬菜,冷却的温度一般在()℃为最佳温度。

A.2—3B.4—5C.5.5—6D.6—7【答案】 A9、婴幼儿2岁半时胸围小于头围,则要考虑()。

A.智力障碍B.营养良好C.骨骼发育不良D.营养不良【答案】 D10、下列属于必需氨基酸的是()。

A.苏氨酸、苯丙氨酸、谷氨酸、缬氨酸B.异亮氨酸、亮氨酸、缬氨酸、苏氨酸C.蛋氨酸、色氨酸、精氨酸、赖氨酸D.苯丙氨酸、苏氨酸、甘氨酸、缬氨酸【答案】 B11、体内维生素E营养状况的常用指标是()。

A.α-生育酚B.β-生育酚C.γ-生育酚D.δ-生育酚【答案】 A12、对高血压的评价正确的是()。

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International Journal ofEnvironmental Researchand Public HealthArticleBMI,Waist Circumference Reference Valuesfor Chinese School-Aged Children and AdolescentsPeige Song1,2,Xue Li1,2,Danijela Gasevic2,Ana Borges Flores3and Zengli Yu1,*1School of Public Health,Xinxiang Medical University,Xinxiang453003,China;peigesong@(P.S.); for Population Health Sciences,University of Edinburgh,Edinburgh EH89AG,UK;danijela.gasevic@3School of Philosophy,Psychology and Language Sciences,University of Edinburgh,Edinburgh EH89AD, UK;ablborges@*Correspondence:yuzengli@;Tel.:+86-371-6778-1929Academic Editor:Paul B.TchounwouReceived:16March2016;Accepted:2June2016;Published:14June2016Abstract:Background:Childhood obesity has become one of the most serious public health challenges in the21st century in most developing countries.The percentile curve tool is useful for monitoring and screening obesity at population level,however,in China,no official recommendations on childhood body mass index(BMI)and waist circumference(WC)reference percentiles have been made in practice.Aims:to construct the percentile reference values for BMI and WC,and then to calculate the prevalence of overall and abdominal obesity for Chinese children and adolescents.Methods:A total of5062anthropometric records for children and adolescents aged from7to18years(2679boys and2383girls)were included for analysis.The participants were recruited as part of the national representative“China Health and Nutrition Survey”(CHNS).Age,gender,weight,height,and WC were assessed.Smoothed BMI and WC percentile curves and values for the3rd,5th,10th,15th,25th, 50th,75th,85th,90th,95th and97th percentiles were constructed by using the Lambda-Mu-Sigma (LMS)method.The prevalence estimates of the overall and abdominal obesity were calculated by using the cut-offs from our CHNS study and the previous“Chinese National Survey on Students’Constitution and Health”(CNSSCH)study,respectively.The difference between prevalence estimates was tested by a McNemar test,and the agreement between these prevalence estimates was calculated by using the Cohen’s kappa coefficient.Results:The prevalence values of overall obesity based on the cut-offs from CHNS and CNSSCH studies were at an almost perfect agreement level in boys(κ=0.93). However,among girls,the overall obesity prevalence differed between the studies(p<0.001)and the agreement was weaker(κ=0.76).The abdominal obesity prevalence estimates were significant different according to the two systems both in boys and girls,although the agreement reached to0.88, which represented an almost perfect agreement level.Conclusions:This study provided new BMI and WC percentile curves and reference values for Chinese children and adolescents aged7–18years, which can be adopted in future rge longitudinal study is still needed to reveal the childhood growth pattern and validate the inconsistence between different percentile studies. Keywords:BMI;waist circumference;childhood obesity;China1.IntroductionChildhood obesity,defined as an excessive fat accumulation status in children[1,2],has become one of the most serious public health challenges in the21st century[3].Globally,approximately 170million children(aged less than18years)are suffering from the physical and psychological consequences caused by overweight or obesity[4,5],which may result in decreased life quality Int.J.Environ.Res.Public Health2016,13,589;doi:10.3390//journal/ijerphand increased risk of developing non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, type2diabetes and cancers in their later adulthood life[6,7].Although there are still many regions struggling with child hunger,such as South-eastern Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa[8],the childhood obesity has already reached endemic proportions by extending to developing countries,including China[9,10].At the population level,percentile curve is a useful tool for monitoring and screening obesity among school-aged children and adolescents[11].For measuring overall obesity,the most commonly used indicator is Body Mass Index(BMI)[12].Generally,overweight and obesity in children are defined respectively based on the85th percentile and95th percentile of BMI among children[13]. Although BMI has been used to demonstrate the weight-for-height relationship and to some extent can provide an estimate of the body fat percentage,BMI alone cannot reflect the fat distribution very comprehensively,such as the abdominal fat deposits[14].Abdominal obesity,which is the deposition of visceral fat,is associated with higher risk of metabolic complications,such as hyperlipidaemia,and diabetes[15,16].Commonly adopted predictive indicators of abdominal obesity include waist circumference(WC)and related indices such as the waist-to-height and waist-to-hip ratios[16–18].WC is a relatively simple and convenient measure and can be readily used to estimate the accumulation of abdominal fat[19].Given that children are growing and their bodies are developing over the years,a uniform referent value may not be appropriate. Previous literates suggest the use of age-and gender-specific WCě90th percentile as the threshold for abdominal obesity[18,20,21].In China,no official recommendations on childhood BMI and WC reference percentiles have been made in clinical or population practice,however,based on different investigations,several reference percentiles have been established at both local and national levels[22–26].Among them,the most nationally representative BMI and WC percentiles were generated based on a large cross-sectional school-based study conducted in2005,namely,the“Chinese National Survey on Students’Constitution and Health”(CNSSCH)[24,27],which participants included students from primary and high schools aged7–18years[28].The main limitation of the study was that the percentiles were established based on only cross-sectional data,this may therefore limit the reflection of the real BMI and WC growth pattern with age[24,27].In addition,the childhood growth pattern changes with time,economic and social development,so it needs to be regularly updated[29,30],the current CNSSCH BMI and WC reference percentiles were based on data in the year of2005,the usage may be implausible.Another prospective household-based study“China Health and Nutrition Survey”(CHNS),which has been conducted successively in the years of1989,1991,1993,1997,2000,2004,2006,2009and2011 covering nine provinces(Guangxi,Guizhou,Heilongjiang,Henan,Hubei,Hunan,Jiangsu,Liaoning and Shandong)with different geographies,economic development levels,and health indicators[31,32], has both the merits of national representativeness and longitudinal follow-up quality which allows better reflection of growth pattern[31].To the best of our knowledge,no percentile curves for BMI and WC have been established based on the data from CHNS for school-aged children and adolescents (7–18years old)in China.In addition,although the CNSSCH BMI and WC percentiles have made inter-national comparisons with the percentiles proposed by WHO and the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention,it is still imperative to address the previous study limitations and describe percentiles based on a new national dataset and then conduct an intra-national comparison.In this study,we aim to construct the percentile reference values for BMI and WC based on CHNS data,and then to calculate the prevalence of overall and abdominal obesity by using CHNS and CNSSCH cut-offs and make an intra-national comparison.2.Materials and Methods2.1.Study SampleDetailed information on the CHNS study design has been published elsewhere[31].The study procedures were approved by the Institutional Review Boards of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and the Chinese Centre for Disease Control[33].This study is a secondary data analysis using public and de-identified dataset obtained from the most recent four CHNS(2004,2006,2009and 2011)to construct the percentile values,no ethics approval was needed[34].A total of3262school-aged participants were included in the analysis,among them,100(3.07%)participants had the complete four follow-ups from2004to2011,314(9.63%)were followed for three times,872(26.73%)were followed for two times,and1976(60.58%)were only investigated for once,not all the participants were enrolled in thefirst survey in2004,new participants were gradually added in the following surveys,the average timed measurement was1.55for one rge sample size is essential for constructing percentile values at each age group[35],so we included all the anthropometric records in these four CHNS and adopted the mixed cross-sectional/longitudinal sample.Finally,a total of 5062anthropometric records(2679boys and2383girls)were included and assessed for age,gender, weight,height,and WC.2.2.AnthropometryStandard procedures were followed to conduct anthropometric measurements by well-trained examiners.Weight was measured to the nearest0.1kg in light clothing by using the calibrated beam scale.Height was measured to the nearest0.1cm without shoes by using a portable stadiometer, and WC was measured at a midpoint between the lowest rib and the iliac crest in a horizontal plane by using non-elastic tape[33,36].All data collection staff were trained in an interobserver reliability testing before surveys[37].BMI was calculated as weight(kg)divided by height squared(m2).2.3.Statistical AnalysisGeneral characteristics of the children and adolescents were reported as mean˘SD or as counts and percentages.Gender-specific percentile values were calculated and smoothed by the Lambda-Mu-Sigma(LMS)method with the LMS Chart Maker Pro version2.3software(The Institute of Child Health,London,UK)[38],which summarizes a changing percentile at every age point based on Box–Cox power transformation by three smoothed curves:L(lambda,skewness),M(mu,median) and S(sigma,coefficient of variation).We presented the following percentile curves for BMI and WC: 3rd,5th,10th,15th,25th,50th,75th,85th,90th,95th and97th.The5th,50th and95th percentiles of BMI,and the10th,50th and90th percentiles of WC were plotted to compare between boys and girls and with the corresponding values in the CNSSCH references.Overall obesity was defined as having age-and gender-specific BMI percentileě95th and abdominal obesity was defined as having age-and gender-specific WC percentileě90th.The prevalence of obesity was determined for the CHNS study subjects by adopting the cut-offs of the CHNS and CNSSCH classification systems,respectively,and McNemar test was used to compare the differences in prevalence.The agreement between these prevalence was tested by the Cohen’s kappa coefficient(κ).The agreement ofκ<0.00indicates“poor”, 0.00ďκď0.02“slight”,0.21ďκď0.40“fair”,0.41ďκď0.60“moderate”,0.61ďκď0.80“substantial”and0.81ďκď1.00“almost perfect”agreement[39–41].All statistical analyses were conducted in IBM SPSS Statistics19.Statistical significance was considered at p<0.05and all tests were two-sided.3.ResultsThe descriptive characteristics of the anthropometric records are shown in Table1.Among all the 5062records for school-aged children and adolescents,2679(52.9%)were boys and2383(47.1%)were girls.The average BMI were18.2˘3.33kg/m2in boys and17.9˘3.24kg/m2in girls,the average WC were64.9˘10.89cm in boys and62.2˘9.42cm in girls.Figures1and2show the full set of smoothedpercentile curves of BMI and WC respectively for Chinese children and adolescents aged from 7to 18years according to gender.The corresponding 3rd,5th,10th,15th,25th,50th,75th,85th,90th,95th and 97th percentile values for BMI and WC are presented in Tables 2and 3.Table 1.Characteristics of the anthropometric records (n =5062,mean (SD)).AgeBoys (n =2679)Girls (n =2383)n (%)BMI (kg/m 2)WC (cm)n (%)BMI (kg/m 2)WC (cm)8(8.0–8.9)223(8.32)16.4(3.00)57.0(7.96)203(8.52)16.1(2.93)54.9(6.76)9(9.0–9.9)236(8.81)16.8(3.30)58.4(7.55)241(10.11)16.3(3.11)56.1(7.22)10(10.0–10.9)257(9.59)17.2(3.15)60.9(8.57)219(9.19)16.5(2.85)57.9(7.62)11(11.0–11.9)278(10.38)18.0(3.36)63.8(9.29)239(10.03)17.2(2.98)60.8(8.17)12(12.0–12.9)235(8.77)17.9(2.89)64.2(8.92)231(9.69)17.7(3.00)63.1(8.46)13(13.0–13.9)243(9.07)18.8(3.24)66.9(8.82)211(8.85)18.4(2.58)65.4(7.05)14(14.0–14.9)231(8.62)19.1(2.96)69.7(9.09)274(11.50)19.1(2.66)67.3(8.10)15(15.0–15.9)227(8.47)19.8(3.14)71.9(10.25)186(7.81)19.6(2.70)68.3(7.97)16(16.0–16.9)212(7.91)19.9(2.62)73.3(8.34)176(7.39)19.9(2.25)68.7(6.88)17(17.0–17.9)181(6.76)20.4(2.63)74.6(8.88)132(5.54)20.2(2.76)69.6(7.49)18(18.0–18.9)95(3.55)20.3(2.98)74.2(9.42)68(2.85)20.0(2.35)69.8(7.96)Total (7.0–18.9)2679(100.00)18.2(3.33)64.9(10.89)2383(100.00)17.9(3.24)62.2(9.42)n (%) BMI (kg/m 2)WC (cm)n (%)BMI (kg/m 2) WC (cm)7 (7.0–7.9) 261 (9.74) 15.8 (2.44) 54.1 (7.33) 203 (8.52) 16.0 (3.71) 52.9 (6.30) 8 (8.0–8.9) 223 (8.32) 16.4 (3.00) 57.0 (7.96) 203 (8.52) 16.1 (2.93) 54.9 (6.76) 9 (9.0–9.9) 236 (8.81) 16.8 (3.30) 58.4 (7.55) 241 (10.11) 16.3 (3.11) 56.1 (7.22) 10 (10.0–10.9) 257 (9.59) 17.2 (3.15) 60.9 (8.57) 219 (9.19) 16.5 (2.85) 57.9 (7.62) 11 (11.0–11.9) 278 (10.38) 18.0 (3.36) 63.8 (9.29) 239 (10.03) 17.2 (2.98) 60.8 (8.17) 12 (12.0–12.9) 235 (8.77) 17.9 (2.89) 64.2 (8.92) 231 (9.69) 17.7 (3.00) 63.1 (8.46) 13 (13.0–13.9) 243 (9.07) 18.8 (3.24) 66.9 (8.82) 211 (8.85) 18.4 (2.58) 65.4 (7.05) 14 (14.0–14.9) 231 (8.62) 19.1 (2.96) 69.7 (9.09) 274 (11.50) 19.1 (2.66) 67.3 (8.10) 15 (15.0–15.9) 227 (8.47) 19.8 (3.14) 71.9 (10.25) 186 (7.81) 19.6 (2.70) 68.3 (7.97) 16 (16.0–16.9) 212 (7.91) 19.9 (2.62) 73.3 (8.34) 176 (7.39) 19.9 (2.25) 68.7 (6.88) 17 (17.0–17.9) 181 (6.76) 20.4 (2.63) 74.6 (8.88) 132 (5.54) 20.2 (2.76) 69.6 (7.49) 18 (18.0–18.9) 95 (3.55) 20.3 (2.98) 74.2 (9.42) 68 (2.85) 20.0 (2.35) 69.8 (7.96) Total (7.0–18.9) 2679 (100.00) 18.2 (3.33) 64.9 (10.89) 2383 (100.00) 17.9 (3.24) 62.2 (9.42)Figure 1. Gender- and age- specific BMI percentile curves for Chinese children and adolescents aged7–18 years.Figure 2. Gender- and age- specific WC percentile curves for Chinese children and adolescents aged7–18 years. Figure 1.Gender-and age-specific BMI percentile curves for Chinese children and adolescents aged7–18years.n (%) BMI (kg/m )WC (cm)n (%)BMI (kg/m ) WC (cm)7 (7.0–7.9) 261 (9.74) 15.8 (2.44) 54.1 (7.33) 203 (8.52) 16.0 (3.71) 52.9 (6.30) 8 (8.0–8.9) 223 (8.32) 16.4 (3.00) 57.0 (7.96) 203 (8.52) 16.1 (2.93) 54.9 (6.76) 9 (9.0–9.9) 236 (8.81) 16.8 (3.30) 58.4 (7.55) 241 (10.11) 16.3 (3.11) 56.1 (7.22) 10 (10.0–10.9) 257 (9.59) 17.2 (3.15) 60.9 (8.57) 219 (9.19) 16.5 (2.85) 57.9 (7.62) 11 (11.0–11.9) 278 (10.38) 18.0 (3.36) 63.8 (9.29) 239 (10.03) 17.2 (2.98) 60.8 (8.17) 12 (12.0–12.9) 235 (8.77) 17.9 (2.89) 64.2 (8.92) 231 (9.69) 17.7 (3.00) 63.1 (8.46) 13 (13.0–13.9) 243 (9.07) 18.8 (3.24) 66.9 (8.82) 211 (8.85) 18.4 (2.58) 65.4 (7.05) 14 (14.0–14.9) 231 (8.62) 19.1 (2.96) 69.7 (9.09) 274 (11.50) 19.1 (2.66) 67.3 (8.10) 15 (15.0–15.9) 227 (8.47) 19.8 (3.14) 71.9 (10.25) 186 (7.81) 19.6 (2.70) 68.3 (7.97) 16 (16.0–16.9) 212 (7.91) 19.9 (2.62) 73.3 (8.34) 176 (7.39) 19.9 (2.25) 68.7 (6.88) 17 (17.0–17.9) 181 (6.76) 20.4 (2.63) 74.6 (8.88) 132 (5.54) 20.2 (2.76) 69.6 (7.49) 18 (18.0–18.9) 95 (3.55) 20.3 (2.98) 74.2 (9.42) 68 (2.85) 20.0 (2.35) 69.8 (7.96) Total (7.0–18.9) 2679 (100.00)18.2 (3.33)64.9 (10.89) 2383 (100.00) 17.9 (3.24) 62.2 (9.42)Figure 1. Gender- and age- specific BMI percentile curves for Chinese children and adolescents aged 7–18 years.Figure 2. Gender- and age- specific WC percentile curves for Chinese children and adolescents aged7–18 years. Figure 2.Gender-and age-specific WC percentile curves for Chinese children and adolescents aged 7–18years.Int.J.Environ.Res.Public Health2016,13,5895of13 Table2.Gender-and Age-specific BMI percentile values for Chinese children and adolescents aged7–18years(n=5062).AgePercentiles for Boys Percentiles for Girls3rd5th10th15th25th50th75th85th90th95th97th3rd5th10th15th25th50th75th85th90th95th97th712.612.913.413.714.215.416.917.918.720. 812.713.013.513.914.515.817.518.719.621.222.512.312.613.113.514.115.517.318.619.621.422.9 912.913.213.714.114.816.218.119.420.422.323.812.512.813.313.714.315.717.518.819.821.623.1 1013.213.514.114.515.116.718.720. 1113.613.914.514.915.617.119.220.621.723.825.413.313.614.114.515.116.618.419.720.722.423.8 1214.014.314.915.316.017.619.621. 1314.514.815.415.816.518.120.121.522.624.526.114.614.915.515.916.517.919.821.021.923.624.9 1415.015.416.016.417.118.620.622.023.024.926.315.315.616.116.517.218.620.421.622.524.125.3 1515.615.916.516.917.619.221.122.423.425.226.515.816.116.717.117.719.120.922.123.024.525.7 1616.016.416.917.418.119.621.522.723.725.426.716.216.617.117.518.219.621.322.423.324.825.9 1716.316.617.217.718.319.921.823.024.025.726.916.316.717.217.618.319.721.522.623.525.026.1 1816.216.617.217.618.319.921.923.224.225.927.216.316.717.217.618.319.721.522.723.625.126.2 Table3.Gender-and Age-specific WC percentile values for Chinese children and adolescents aged7–18years(n=5062).AgePercentiles for Boys Percentiles for Girls3rd5th10th15th25th50th75th85th90th95th97th3rd5th10th15th25th50th75th85th90th95th97th741.142.344.445.848.253.158.962.665.269.672.740.541.944.245.848.152.757.560.262.064.866.6 843.244.546.648.150.555.561.565.267.972.475.542.243.645.847.449.754.359.261.963.866.768.6 945.246.548.650.152.657.763.867.570.374.877.943.845.247.448.951.255.860.763.665.568.570.5 1047.248.550.752.354.860. 1149.150.452.754.356.862.168.472.275.079.582.748.149.451.553.055.359.965. 1250.752.154.456.058.563.970.274.076.881.384.550.551.853.955.457.762.467.770.873.076.578.9 1352.754.156.458.060.666.072.476.279.083.586.752.854.156.257.659.964.770.173.375.679.281.8 1454.956.458.760.463.068.574.978.881.686.189.354.655.957.959.461.766.471.875.177.481.283.9 1557.058.560.962.565.270.777.281.183.988.491.656. 1658.760.262.664.367.072.578.982.885.690. 1759.861.363.765.368.073.579.883.686.490.893.857.758.860.762.064.168.673.977.179.683.586.4 1860.461.864.265.868.473.880.083.786.490.693.658.359.461.262.464.568.874.077.279.783.686.5Figure3shows the comparison of BMI and WC percentiles between boys and girls respectively. For BMI curves,before the age of8,the upper95th percentile values were higher for girls than boys. Between the ages of8and12.5years,5th,50th and95th percentiles for boys remained above those for girls.After the age of12.5years,the lower5th percentile values for girls were higher than those for boys.However,from17years,the5th and50th BMI percentile values were similar for both boys and girls.WC for boys and girls increased with age,and10th,50th and90th percentile values for boys were higher than those for girls.The curves started to beflat from17years for boys and15years for girls,and the overall absolute increase in WC was greater among boys than girls.parison of the BMI and WC percentile curves for Chinese boys and girls aged7–18years.Figures4and5show the comparison of the5th,50th and95th percentile curves based on CHNS and CNSSCH data.For BMI(Figure4),the CHNS and CNSSCH percentiles showed a similar shift in distribution;however,among boys,the CHNS-based percentiles started toflatten from17years while CNSSCH-based curves continued with increasing trend after17years.parison of the CHNS and CNSSCH BMI percentile curves for Chinese boys and girlsaged7–18years.parison of the CHNS and CNSSCH WC percentile curves for Chinese boys and girls aged7–18years.Among girls,the CHNS-based upper5th percentile values were higher than those derived from CNSSCH data,and this trend was more apparent before the age of12years.For WC(Figure5),the increasing patterns of the CHNS and CNSSCH percentiles were slightly different.Among boys,the CHNS percentiles showed a rapid growth pattern before17years and then started toflatten while the CNSSCH-based curves showed a continuous increasing trend across ages.Among girls,the difference of WC changing patterns was not very obvious,both the CHNS-and CNSSCH-based percentile curves started toflatten from the age of15years,and values for CNSSCH were lower at all10th,50th and 90th percentiles.The prevalence values of overall obesity calculated by the CHNS and CNSSCH cut-offs are shown in Table4.The overall obesity prevalence was5.7%for males aged7–18years according to the CHNS reference,which was slightly lower than that calculated based on the CNSSCH reference(5.8%).There was no significant difference(p>0.05)between the prevalence,and the coefficient of agreementκwas0.93,which represented an almost perfect agreement level.Among girls aged7–18years,the overall obesity prevalence was5.0%according to the CHNS reference,which was significantly lower (p<0.001)than that according to the CNSSCH reference(7.7%).The coefficient of agreementκwas only0.76,which represented a substantial agreement level.The prevalence of abdominal obesity calculated by the CHNS and CNSSCH cut-offs were shown in Table5,the abdominal obesity prevalence was9.9%for male children and adolescents aged7–18years according to the CHNS reference,which was significantly lower(p<0.001)than that according to the CNSSCH reference(11.8%).The coefficient of agreementκwas0.88,which represented an almost perfect agreement.Among girls aged7–18years,the overall obesity prevalence was10.2%according to the CHNS reference,which was also significantly lower(p<0.001)compared to that based on the CNSSCH reference(12.5%),although the agreement was also almost perfect(κ=0.88).Table4.Prevalence of overall obesity among Chinese boys and girls aged7–18years and the comparison based on the CHNS and CNSSCH cut-offs.GenderPrevalence of Overall Obesity(%)Agreement of Prevalenceby Different Cut-offs CHNS CNSSCH p ValueκAgreementBoys7 5.4 5.4 1.000 1.00**almost perfect87.69.00.2500.91**almost perfect97.28.90.1250.89**almost perfect10 5.1 5.4 1.0000.88**almost perfect117.68.30.6250.90**almost perfect12 5.5 5.1 1.0000.96**almost perfect13 5.8 5.3 1.0000.96**almost perfect14 4.3 4.3 1.000 1.00**almost perfect15 6.2 5.30.5000.92**almost perfect16 3.3 2.8 1.0000.92**almost perfect17 3.9 3.3 1.0000.92**almost perfect18 5.3 4.2 1.0000.88**almost perfect Total(7–18) 5.7 5.80.6640.93**almost perfect Girls77.414.3<0.001*0.65**substantial8 6.413.8<0.001*0.60**moderate9 5.411.2<0.001*0.62**substantial10 4.610.0<0.001*0.60**moderate11 4.2 6.30.0630.79**substantial12**almost perfect13 3.8 3.8 1.000 1.00**almost perfect14 4.7 5.1 1.0000.96**almost perfect15 3.8 4.3 1.0000.93**almost perfect16 3.4 3.4 1.000 1.00**almost perfect17 4.5 6.10.5000.85**almost perfect18 1.5 1.5 1.000 1.00**almost perfect Total(7–18) 5.07.7<0.001*0.76**substantial Both genders7 6.39.3<0.001*0.79**substantial87.011.3<0.001*0.75**substantial9 6.310.1<0.001*0.75**substantial10*0.73**substantial11*0.86**almost perfect12 6.2 6.4 1.0000.91**almost perfect13 4.8 4.6 1.0000.98**almost perfect14 4.6 4.8 1.0000.98**almost perfect15 5.1 4.8 1.0000.92**almost perfect16 3.4 3.1 1.0000.96**almost perfect17 4.2 4.5 1.0000.88**almost perfect18 3.7 3.1 1.0000.91**almost perfect Total(7–18) 5.3 6.7<0.001*0.84**almost perfect Notes:*Difference of prevalence significant(p<0.05);**Kappa coefficient significant(p<0.0001).Table5.Prevalence of abdominal obesity among Chinese boys and girls aged7–18years and the comparison based on the CHNS and CNSSCH cut-offs.Gender Prevalence of Overall Obesity(%)Agreement(κ)of Prevalenceby Different Cut-offs CHNS CNSSCH p ValueκAgreementBoys7*0.67**substantial811.712.60.5000.96**almost perfect9 5.9 6.4 1.0000.96**almost perfect108.98.20.5000.95**almost perfect1113.712.60.2500.95**almost perfect1210.610.6 1.000 1.00**almost perfect1311.511.5 1.000 1.00**almost perfect1411.314.30.016*0.86**almost perfect1512.316.30.004*0.84**almost perfect169.914.20.004*0.80**substantial178.816.6<0.001*0.66**substantial189.514.70.0630.75**substantial Total(7–18)9.911.8<0.001*0.88**almost perfect Girls79.410.80.2500.92**almost perfect810.812.80.1250.91**almost perfect99.110.40.2500.93**almost perfect1011.011.0 1.000 1.00**almost perfect1112.611.30.2500.94**almost perfect1212.112.6 1.0000.98**almost perfect137.67.6 1.000 1.00**almost perfect1410.216.4<0.001*0.73**Substantial1511.314.50.031*0.86**almost perfect16 5.713.1<0.001*0.57**moderate1710.615.90.016*0.77**Substantial1814.719.10.0250.84**almost perfect Total(7–18)10.212.5<0.001*0.88**almost perfectBoth genders7 6.38.8<0.001*0.82**almost perfect811.312.70.031*0.93**almost perfect97.58.40.1250.94**almost perfect109.99.50.5000.98**almost perfect1113.212.00.031*0.95**almost perfect1211.411.6 1.0000.99**almost perfect139.79.7 1.000 1.00**almost perfect1410.715.4<0.001*0.79**substantial1511.915.5<0.001*0.85**almost perfect168.013.7<0.001*0.71**substantial179.616.3<0.001*0.71**substantial1811.716.60.008*0.80**substantial Total(7–18)10.012.1<0.001*0.88**almost perfectNotes:*Difference of prevalence significant(p<0.05);**Kappa coefficient significant(p<0.0001).4.DiscussionIn this study,we constructed the BMI and WC reference values for Chinese children and adolescents aged7–18years based on a large national representative study.To the best of our knowledge,this is the most up-to date national BMI and WC reference for school-aged children and adolescents in China.The proposed BMI and WC reference values can be adopted as useful references for monitoring both overall and abdominal obesity among Chinese children and adolescents.The current widely adopted BMI and WC reference values for identifying obesity among Chinese school-aged children and adolescents were based on the CNSSCH[24,27].Its large sample size can guarantee the study preciseness in generating reference values,but the cross-sectional study design may limit its use to reflect how BMI and WC change with age[24].In this study,the notably difference of BMI percentile curves was in CHNS reference curves,the BMI started to beflat before18years but the CNSSCH curve still showed increasing trend at18years,which was also observed among girls.In addition,the CHNS WC growth pattern also started to reach plateau before adulthood both among boys and girls,while the CNSSCH WC curve showed the potential to keep the increasing trend after18years among boys.This difference may be explained by the data property of these two studies,the mixed cross-sectional/longitudinal may have a better performance in reflecting the real growth pattern.BMI and WC are widely used to define obesity at population level[13,21].Generally,both the overall and abdominal obesity prevalence were overestimated by the CNSSCH cut-offs,this may because that the CNSSCH reference was only based on anthropometric data of children and adolescents aged7–18years at the year of2005,while the CHNS percentile curves were established by using more up-to-date data from2004to2011.These overall obesity prevalence estimates for boys were in good agreement with the CNSSCH study,however,the difference of overall obesity among girls were larger,which needs future validation.The abdominal obesity prevalence identified by these two reference systems were in high agreement both among boys and girls but still significantly different. In addition,the comparison between the prevalence of obesity based on CHNS and CNSSCH revealed that CNSSCH might overestimate the prevalence of obesity,which should be of caution in the future application.Both CHNS and CNSSCH reference systems have merits,the former was derived from mixed cross-sectional/longitudinal data,but the latter had a larger sample size.Since the absence of national BMI and WC percentile curves calculated by large longitudinal studies in Chinese or even Asian children and adolescents,it’s hard to conclude the best performing system in identifying obesity prevalence among school-aged children and adolescents,the difference between these two systems also reveals the urgent needs to build new reference values of BMI and WC by large national cohort study.However,the CHNS reference derived in this study may still be imperfect because it’s not a pure longitudinal study,and the sample size at the age of18years was not enough(less than100),this might also influence the accuracy of our reference estimation.Despite the limitations,this study has several strengths:first of all,this study is a national representative survey,the generated CHNS percentile curves can be used at the national level;secondly,the CHNS percentiles curves were based on both cross-sectional and longitudinal data which will better reflect the growth pattern during childhood.5.ConclusionsTo conclude,our study has provided new national BMI and WC percentile curves and reference values for Chinese children and adolescents aged7–18years,since ourfindings were based on a mixed cross-sectional/longitudinal database,the proposed percentiles should be considered as reference but not as the real growth pattern standard in future practice.Acknowledgments:This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China No.21577119. We are grateful to the National Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety,China Center for Disease Control and Prevention;the Carolina Population Center,University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill;the National Institutes of Health(NIH;R01-HD30880,DK056350,and R01-HD38700);and the Fogarty International Center,NIH, forfinancial support for the CHNS data collection and analysisfiles since1989.We thank those parties,the China-Japan Friendship Hospital,and the Ministry of Health for support for CHNS2009survey.Author Contributions:All authors participated in the design of the study,Peige Song and Xue Li collected and cleaned the data,Peige Song and Danijela Gasevic interpreted the results,Peige Song and Xue Li drafted the manuscript and all authors revised and approved thefinal manuscript.Conflicts of Interest:The authors declare no conflict of interest.。
