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1. Is that a _________ [nju:] car ?

2. Who’s she ? She is ________ [mai] mother.

3. They are good __________ [frendz] .

4. We are in the ___________ [seim] school.

5. This is my sister . She is my classmate, _______ [tu:].

6. What day is today? Today is __________ [`wenzdi] .

7. There are three ________ [bә:dz] in the tree .

8. ______ [mei] I use your pen?

9. What’s your _____________ [`n mbә] ?

10. I go to ________ [sku:l] by bus everyday.


1. their (同音词) ____________

2. big (反义词) _____________

3. that (复数) ______________

4. she (宾格) _______________

5. let’s (完全形式) __________

6. two (序数词) ____________

7. our (单数) _______________ 8. four (同音词) _____________

9. child (复数) ______________ 10. go to bed (对应词组) ___________


( ) 1. Is it time _______ home?

A. to go

B. to go to

C. go

D. go to

( ) 2. – Is your brother a middle school student?

-- ______________________.

A. Yes, it is

B. No, she isn’t

C. Yes, he is

D. No, it isn’t

( ) 3. I buy a coat _____ my son, because _____ cold now .

A. for; it’s

B. give ,it’s

C. to, it’s

D. for, its

( ) 4. “The book on the desk” in Chinese is _______.


B. 桌子上的那本书

C. 一个书桌

D. 书

( ) 5. – What does your uncle do ?

-- He is _________ .

A. working

B. a doctor

C. from China

D. at home ( ) 6. There is ____ “u” in the word “use”.

A. an

B. the

C. a

D. on

( ) 7. “What’s the matter ____ you ?” the doctor asked .

A. from

B. with

C. for

D. at

( ) 8. ______ is the first day of a week .

A. Sunday

B. Monday

C. Tuesday

D. Saturday ( ) 9. The plane is flying ______ the mountain .

A. on

B. in

C. at

D. over

( ) 10. – Is this coat ____ ?

-- Yes , It’s ____.

A.yours ; mine

B. yours ; my

C. yours ; my

D. your ; my ( ) 11. – Is he a driver ____ a teacher ?

-- Go ____ ask him .

A.and ; and

B. or ; and

C. or ; or

D. and ; or ( ) 12. My father _____ English now .

A. reads

B. reading

C. is reading

D. read

( ) 13. -- ____ do they go to the zoo?

-- By taxi.

A. Where

B. What

C. Which

D. How

( ) 14. I _____ sing .My sister _____ sing ,but she can dance .

A. can ; can’t

B. can ; can

C. can’t ,can

D. can’t ; can’t ( ) 15. Please don’t drink _____ dirty water .

A. some

B. a

C. any

D. many

( ) 16. Have you a map _____ Dalian ?

A. ’s

B. in

C. over

D. of

( ) 17. – How _____ is your pen ?

-- Eleven yuan .

A. many

B. often

C. old

D. much

( ) 18. – Who is she ?
