Business negotition skills语言沟通的艺术
Business Negotiating SkillsAbstract: This paper makes an introduction to business negotiating skills. In order to illustrate the importance of negotiation skills, this paper narrates some related skills during the process of negotiation, especially in the process of offer and counter-offer. It is advisable for a negotiator to utilize verbal and non-verbal communication skills so that they could take advantage of negotiation reach the purpose for signing the contract smoothly and gaining the best benefit. Proper usage of business negotiating skills will help negotiators to meet success in negotiation, strengthen her/his self-confidence. This paper also points out some negotiators are not skillful in controlling negotiating skills and negotiating skills still need us to research and innovate.Key words: negotiating procedures; negotiating skills; etiquette;culture differences摘要:本文介绍了商务谈判过程中的一些相关技巧。
湖北经济学院法商学院专科毕业论文(设计) 题目:商务谈判中的语言艺术专业:商务英语系(部):外语系班级:商英11302学号:***********名:**指导教师:**职称:讲师湖北经济学院法商学院教务部制目录摘要 (2)Abstract (3)引言 (4)一、语言艺术在商务谈判中的重要性 (5)(一)语言艺术能够处理谈判双方人际关系 (5)(二)准确无误地陈述谈判者的意图,表达双方各自的目的与要求 (5)(三)创造和谐的谈判氛围,融洽双方关系,从而有利于谈判的顺利进行 (5)二、商务谈判语言技巧的运用原则 (6)(一)客观性原则 (6)(二)针对性原则 (6)(三)逻辑性原则 (7)(四)灵活性原则 (7)三、商务谈判中的语言表达注意事项 (7)(一)准确、正确地运用语言 (7)(二)积极倾听,及时肯定对方 (8)(三)尊重对方、谅解对方 (8)(四)不威胁、不赌气,口头用语要避免 (8)四、商务谈判的语言运用策略 (9)(一)商务谈判中的硬语言和软语言 (9)(二)商务谈判的取胜技巧 (9)结语 (12)参考文献 .................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
致谢 (15)摘要商务谈判是指有差别的经济实体各方为了自己的经济利益和满足对方的需求,通过言语进行沟通、协商、妥协、协作的过程,把有机会的商机确定下来的活动过程。
商务英语谈判技巧语言艺术01Dialogue 1A: Is there any way you can cut us a better deal on your wholesale price for this order?B: We did the best that we could to give you a low price. Did you get our latest estimate?A: Based on the estimate you gave us, by the time we figure in transportation and other expenses, our profit is shot. With the offer you’ve given us, we’re making next to nothing. Can’t you do any better?B: I’ve already given you a discount of 20% off of what we normally charge… if I go any lower, we’ll have loss on the project.I really want to work with you on this, but we’ve already gone as low as we could go.A: To be honest… Our budgeted cost can’t exceed more than $150 dollars per unit. That’s our bottom line. If you can meet that price, you will get a deal. Otherwise…B: I’ll say that… I’l l go over the numbers again with our financial team and see what I can do. I can’t give you any guarantees, but I’ll try.Dialogue 2A: You’ve got the email with all the specifications for the project from us, we’ll be accepting bids until noon on Tuesday,if you have any questions in the meantime, please let me know…B: Actually, I do have a question. We’d like to know what you had in mind for a budget on this project. We’re hoping to put together a really competitive bid, but at the same time, we’d like to hit your target price too.A: I understand, but unfortunately it is our policy not to disclose our bottom line. You can be assured that price is a weighty consideration when we review the proposals, but we also take other elements into consideration, including design and practicality. We also give weight to the reputation of the submitting company.B: Do you have any price range? Is there any way you can give me some ideas of which direction to go, or how high is too high?A: We are just looking for a reasonable price according to the specifications in our project blueprint. That’s all I can say.商务英语谈判技巧语言艺术02Using effective questioning问一些有建设性的问题问一些有建设性的问题是成功协商议题的基石。
1. 温和与礼貌:在商务谈判中,使用温和和礼貌的语言非常重要。
2. 明确与简洁:在商务谈判中,语言要明确而简洁。
3. 利用积极的措辞:在商务谈判中,使用积极的措辞可以增强自己的说服力。
4. 善于倾听:商务谈判中,倾听是非常重要的。
5. 灵活运用语言技巧:在商务谈判中,灵活运用一些语言技巧可以增加说服力和影响力。
1.建立良好的人际关系,取得他人的信任 2.分析你的意见可能导致的影响 3.简化对方接受说服的程序
定式思维 方式
❖ 1.强调式发问 ❖ 2.求索式发问 ❖ 3.诱导式提问 ❖ 4.封闭式提问 ❖ 5.开放式提问
❖ 6.证实式提问 ❖ 7.选择式提问 ❖ 8.借助式提问 ❖ 9.婉转式提问 ❖ 10.协商式提问
(1)不应提出带有敌意的问题 (2)不应提出有关对方个人生活和工作方面的问题 (3)不要直接指责对方品质和信誉方面的问题 (4)不要为了表现自己而故意提问
(1)互作让步 (3)寻求共同点
(2)获取信息 (4)代替“No”
1.回答前要慎重思考,不要贸然说话 2.搞清对方提问的目的,以便确定回答的策略
1.不确切、不正面的回答 2.利用回避的艺术 3.对于不知道的问题不要回答 4.对棘手问题可以答非所问 5.以问代答 6.有时可以采取推卸责任的方法 7.运用辩论回答问题
1. 相互尊重在商务谈判中,相互尊重是非常重要的,双方应该尊重对方的地位、权威和意见。
2. 清晰表达在商务谈判中,清晰准确的语言表达是非常重要的,双方需要明确自己的诉求和要求。
3. 主动交流在商务谈判中,主动交流是非常重要的,双方需要积极主动地进行信息的交流和共享。
4. 合作共赢在商务谈判中,合作共赢是双方共同追求的目标,语言艺术也应体现在如何在语言上促进合作共赢的目标。
所以,我们在对外商务交流的过程中,首先要尊重和了解谈话方的习惯,即便是临时造访,也需要和其先预约,Id like/want to make an appointment with somebody(我希望能与某人约见)。
当我们在商务交流时,首先要表现自己愿意倾听对方的意见和想法,适时让对方表达看法,这时可附上一句Id like/want to hear your ideas/opinions about this problem(我想听听你关于这个问题的看法)。
Business negotition skills语言沟通的艺术
![Business negotition skills语言沟通的艺术](
Business negotiation skills语言沟通的艺术Business negotiation activities are the battlefield without smoke of powder. On the negotiation table, things are pretty changeable, which we usually called amidst the winds of change, that always causes negotiants be hard to put to cope with the situation,even though ones who are full of experience.As known, negotiation is a process of exchanging information in double ways, and the information’s sending and receiving largely depend on negotiants’ communication skills. When negotiating, language then becomes the most vital instrument of communication. Not only can we express our standpoint, acquires, opinions by using language, but also we can know better about the opponents' views, thoughts, standpoint. That is to say, language is a barrier which influences negotiation to goes smoothly or not. Due to this linguistic divide, one side may not understand the other side’s meaning and content correctly but to make the misunderstandings and divergences to break negotiation down. Thus, we need to make a choice, which language should we use.1.1the role of language communicationIn business negotiation, language expressing ability is very important,because it is powerful to convince the opponent and achieve mutualunderstanding , coordinate the interests and goals of both parties by make your expression filled with clear narration,clear arguments,sufficientevidence.The major role of language communication is to convince the opponent.During the negotiation, negotiants are uauslly locked in combat for theirown personal interests, then, which side can convince the other side totake its point and make concession, the side win the game, otherwise, itloses.Clearing the atmosphere and strengthen relationships are the other roleof language communication. Negotiation is a head-to-head meeting, itinfluences by the atmosphere from beginning to end. Atmosphere varyswith the communication between both parties. To form a harmoniousatmosphere needs both sides to work hard, however, it can be ruinedeasily by pieces of words. Hence, wise negotiants often take care of theirexpression and diction, even when they are discussing the bifurcationproblem, they never lose their temper easily and criticize opponents,naturally, those hurt-feeling words never jump out.1.2types of negotiation languageHuman language is rich, and every nation has its own language, and all trades and professions use their own language. On the basis of the speaker’s attitude, purpose and roles of the language, we can devide negotiation language into six types: Courtesy communicative language, Professional communication language, Legal language,Diplomatic language, Literary language, Military language.To the negotiator, it is necessary to learn about and study these different kinds of language.1.3 Negotiation principle1.31 Don’t Believe Everything You See and HearPart of a good salesperson’s skill is to learn to read people and situations very quickly. However, when it gets down to negotiationg, you have to take everything you see and hear with a grain of salt. Buyers are good negotiators, and thus they are good actors. You may be the only person who has what she needs, but everything she does and says, from body language to the words she uses, will be designed to lead you to believe that unless she gets an extra 10% off, she is going with the competition. Be skeptical. Be suspicious. Test, probe, and see what happens.1.3.2 don’t offer your bottom line early in the negotiationHow many times have you been asked to “give me your best price?” and have you ever given your best price only to discover that the buyer still wanted more? You have to play the game. It is expected. If you could drop your price by 10%, start out with 0%, or 2%, or 4%. Leave yourself room to negotiate some more. Who knows—you may get it for a 2% reduction. You might have to go all the way to 10%, but often you won’t. a little stubbornness pays big dividends.1.3.3 do a thorough search and reaearch for informationInformation is the lifeblood of the negotiating process. To go into a negotiation with no information is to go in blind. It is essential to begin searching for information from the very beginning, even before your initial contact with the other party.There are there primary sources of information. The first is databases. Information can be found in numerous locations such as the Internet ,newspaper and other related research sources.The second source of information is third parties who may know about or have had dealings with the people with whom you are negotiating. Friends, acquaintances and business associates may have some of the information that you need, or they may have friends who could give you that information.The third source of information is the party with whom you are negotiating and their associates. Try to develop multiple contacts within their organization and piece together bits of information from all of these contacts.While the research for information is the most intensive prior to the beginning of the negotiation, it never stops. Additional information can be gained across the bargaining table or between negotiating sessions.The search for information continues even after a negotiation is concluded, asyou implement your agreement and prepare for future negotiation.1.3.4, be patien tFinally, and most important, be patient. Sales are a high energy, fast moving business. Patience is one commodity that is in relatively short supply, but if you’re impatient in a negotiation, you will lose your shirt. If I am negotiating with you and I know that you are impatient, I will hold out just a little longer, no matter how desperate I am to make a deal with you. As long as I know you are in a hurry, I will wait. So be patient. Take the time that you need, don’t rush to give in, don’t show your anxiety, stay cool and don’t panic. Ne gotiation is a process and a game. Use the process and play the game. You will be astonished at the difference that it makes.1.3.5, don’t let emotions carry you awayNegotiation is a process that deeply invovles our ego and our emotions. We must be consciously aware of the impact of emotion on our negotiating ability. Do not let your emotion carry you away in such a manner that you undermine the entire process or sacrifice real issues in order to satisfy emotional needs.Bearing the above in mind, the chance of success in business negotiation will be more closely at hand.2. arts of language communicationNegotiation is a double—way communication. It is about communicating one party’s needs and wants to the other party while at the meanwhile being attentive to the other party’s wants and needs. Lots of times negotiations break down not because the two parties can not compromise, but because they have not adequately communicated those wants and needs to each other in a way that would bring the negotiation to a successful conclution.An effective communication is required.2.1 arts of listeningListening is one of the most important skills of a good negotiant. A common refrain from many mothers is,”You should listen more than you should speak. God gav e you two ears but just only one mouth.” And in the negotiating context, that means each side must be able to hear and make themselves understood what the other side is saying if an agreement is going to be reached.2.1.1 barriers to listeningLots of thin gs can block a person’s ability to be a good listening. According to Jason De Boer’s theory, there are four posssible barriers.The first category includes psychological barriers, which include prejudice, apathy, or fear on the part of the listener. It is important to keep an open mind when listening to the other party speak. Some negotiants will not take it seriously while listening to a woman or someone from a ethnic group. Others refuse to listen because the other party is discussing issues that are of little personal interest to them at the stage of the negotiation. Each of these paychological barrier is difficult to detect and correct, but they must be overcomeif a negotiator is to become a good lisyener.The second category involves physical barriers. These includes a disability, fatigue, or poor health. For example, if a negotiator is suffering jet lag or other travel fatigue, he may be hard to concentrate for long periods while the other party is talking. Nevertheless, these barriers are much easier to identify but require vigilance to overcome.The third one might be environmental barriers. These problems can include street traffic, heat registers or anything else that might interfere with parties hearing from each other. All these factors need to be assessed ahead of the negotiation so that no surprise occur.A last barrier could be expectation barriers, include problems brought to the negotiation even before either party begins to speak. There is an old saying, if someone is looking for trouble, they will always find it. Entering the negotiations with a positive attitude and outlook will only help listening skills.2.1.2 concentrate on listeningIn a negotiation, due to the language difference, negotiants will stick in a double language transforming situation for a long periods. As a human being, we may feel tired after long run, we may be absent—minded, then we would cause some important information missed. Concentrate on your listening. While the other party is speaking, you should not only catch all the words, but also you need to observe his/her behavior, gesture, and countenance in order to understand the information.2.1.3 listening with respectful attentionListening seriously means respecting your opponents. During your listening, you should be natual facial expression, amiable sight, and your body shoule face towards your opponents. When the other party say something, you should react to it positively, such as nod your head appropriately. In this way, both of sides can share a harmonious atmosphere, what is more, you will receive your respect in return.2.1.4 listening selectivelySometimes the negotiation can be very verbose and multifarious, which results from negotiators are talking as they still in thoughts. They do not have enough time to clear up. As a efficient listener, you need to choose and catch the points, eliminate the fault and remain the truth, then negotiation goes smoothly.2.1.5 make notesIt is a recommendable habit when the other party make its statement and you write the essential stuff down. And after that, you gain lots of material to structure your speak. The another reason is that our memory is limited, we can’y remember everything, but record can. Also making notes will focus our attention in some way.2.1.6 sumWe can do more attempts to turn into a good listener, such like rational and objective listening and something other things. Here I have to emphasize one thing that we should never ignore the decorum, always a polite motion(smile,nod) pushs the end towards the better extreme.2.2 arts of askingIn business negotiation, asking used to make clear the other party’s needs, psychology and express one’s emotions. How to make an asking can be very particular, and apply arts of asking, you will achieve many purposes.In general, an asking includes three elementts: content, time and way. To be prominent in asking questions means you are the master of negotiation.2.2.1 types of asking in business negotiationa.sealed questioningSealed questioning refers to questions which can bring special replies(yes or no) in special area. The answerer don’t need to think too much to give the answer, but times it can be threatening.b.emphatic questioningEmphatic questioning is aimed at emphasizing own views and position, such as “this agreement could not come into force until the notarization? ” or “according to your requires, could it be said that the points of my party are not clear enough?”c.heuristic questioningHeuristic questioning points at the other party’s answers and require s them to illustrate some cases to find a new way or question. In this way, asker can dig out more effective information and show the your attention no that question.d.suggestive questioningSuggestive questioning is the way to the third party’s opinion t o influence opponent’s opinion, like”how does Mr.X think about your plan?” usually it can exert strong influence on the other party, but sometimes it may drive the other party to be obnoxious. So use it cautiously.2.2.2 appropriate time to aska.intermitt ence of opponent’s speakWhen the opponent pauses his speak, catch the opportunity to ask him to win over the initiative. For example:”Just now, what did you mean?” “We will discuss some details, can you talk more about your main view?”b. till the speak is overwhen the other party is making a statement, disturbing him is impolite. But you can make use of time to think out some questions according to the statement. After the speaker finished his work, then you come up with your questions, those questions are much easier to grasp the main point and useful for understanding the intention.c.before own side gives the speakwhen it turns to your own side to speak, before your speaking, you can raise questions about the other party’s speaking, but you answer it by yourself in order to be initiative,such as “how can your speech prove anything? My understanding is……”2.2.3 gists of questioninga.prepare your questions before you askbefore the negotiation, you need to do some research about the other party. To be prepared. You need to know what kinds of question can be discussing, what kind is beyond dispute or something like that.b.control the speedusually when a negotiant speaks, he will speak in a normal speed, because if you speak too fast, the others may ca n’t follow you and think you are impatient; conversely, it would make people feel dull and think you don’t prepare enough and you don’t value the negotiation.e conditional questionClassical conditional question includes two sentential form,”what …if,” and “if…then.”There are many special advantages, such as searching the common points, interacted concessions, replacing the “NOs”, avoiding the be sincereIt is in favour of emotional communication.2.2.4 sumAsking could never be easy. How to make asking better bothers all the negotiants. However, try more and be experienced can simplify things. You need to learn what to ask and what not, judge the weight, on the other hands, you also need to learn how to tell the facial emotion and behavioral emotion.2.3 arts of respondingWhere there is a question, there could be a answer. In business negotiation, negotiators have to take the responsibility for all what they said. In other words, their words would be regarded as a commitment. Thus, a good negotiant is the person who can do well in responding questions.Answering in negotiation means explaining about opponents’ asking, retorting the attacks, illustrating own points and the opportunity to convince opponents. So as to respond every question effectively, before the negotiation, negotiators can assume some possible issues for deliberating. You prepare more adequately, your answer gonna be better.In generally, during the negotiation, negotiators should be aimed at the other party’s quest ion and answer it positively, however, since business negotiation is variable, what lies behind a simple question may be a trap, that means answering needs techniques.2.3.1 before you answer the question, allow yourself plenty of time to havea think.As for negotiation, we can’t conclude that it is better when you immediately. Conversely, some experienced negotiators says that take the time to make an answer and do not care much more about your respond time. So after the other party puts forward with its question, you can use some formal motion such as drink some water or type your documents to prolong your prepare time, and take it easy.2.3.2 make clear about purposes of the questionsWhen negotiators come up with a question, they always insert their purposes in it. Sometimes, the asker would make the question equivocally, which drives answerer misjudge the question, to create an opportunity to obtain more benefits. As a result, before you begin to answer the question, think more and carefully, never take things for granted, and you can judge the purposes accuratelly.2.3.3 never answer once and allIn a negotiation, we actually don’t need to answer all the questions, as some questions are not worth to answering. It depends. For example, as for some boring and image—damaging question, ignoring them is the best way, but in the meanwhile ,you need to take care of your manner.2.3.4 arts of avoidanceAvoidance will be able to open up a new communication channel for some valid reasons. At times, the other party put up with a problem that you can answer it hard or you can’t answer it positively, what is more, you can’t either take refusal as your final answer, then you’d better try to avoid the problem by answering deviate to crack opponents’ offensive.2.3.5 replace answering by askin gIt’s pretty useful when you struggle to cope with a problem, then you can kick it back like a football, make the other party think over the question again. By means of deliberating the question between both sides, then the negotiation can clear out the embarrassment.2.3.6 pass the buckWhen you facing a unprepared question, you may lose your head, and you do not know what to do then. With regard to this kind problem, you can say like this,”well, for this question, although I haven’t done the research, I heard it before”, or “I have seen it on newspaper years ago, it is said…”2.3.7 sumHow to answer well is a difficult question. So many factors interfere you to determine what you should respond. Just calm down. With your ample thoughts, you have done your best already. But one more things, never answer that question which you are not familiar with, or you will be a joke.3. sumA successful negotiation results from many factors. Even though every negotiant wants to obtain more benefits through the communication, the result always is barely satisfactory. Arts of language communication may be helpful for your own side, but the most important thing is that both sides should respect each other and try their best to receive a double-wins result. Both of sides should be sincere and tell the truth and regard things from a long-term perspective.At last, I would say,”everything is negotiable,”make your use of arts of the language communication in business negotiation to reach a perfect end.。
05 谈判技巧培训
![05 谈判技巧培训](
自以为是 中途打岔
注重和 建立共同点
Training in business negotiation skills
“那么我们就同意”|“我同意你的观点”|“让我们看一下, 我们对哪几点达成了同意” “这更象”| “想象一下”|“我看见我们正在”
“那么我们就同意”|“我同意你的观点”|“让我们看一下, 我们对哪几点达成了同意” “这更象”| “想象一下”|“我看见我们正在”
将此过程不断循环, 直至双方对问题得 到一致的了解
强调报酬或奖赏组织所提供的奖赏能 够与个体的需要保持一致
应该知道为什么某些结果对员工有吸 引力,而另一些结果则无吸引力
01 02 03
反馈数据 /内容
倾听他人以了解其观点、意见和 感觉,展示你是积极地这样做的。
倾听他人以了解其观点、意见和 感觉,展示你是积极地这样做的。
倾听他人以了解其观点、意见和 感觉,展示你是积极地这样做的。
找别人 话中的漏洞
自己讲 完话后休息
伺机打断别人 讲话,滔滔不绝不留
01 02 04
选择适当的时间和 地点
选择适当的媒介(书 面、口头、非语言)
选择双方都能明 白的字眼
沟通的过程 留意对方的反应 及时作出反馈
营造融洽的气氛 边交谈边作记录
表达 的技巧
Training in business negotiation skills
比如,在“by sending your check for 280 today,you would be able to keep your resent credit reputation.”这句话中,既明确表达了我方的意图,又让对方认识到本次的商务活动对他们企业也是有益的,那么对方就容易接受我方的建议,达成合作关系。
在商务谈判中语言运用的成功与否 对谈判的进程与结果起着举足轻重的作用。
两边的接触 沟通与合作都是通过反复的陈述观点 提问 回答和说服等语言技术来实现的 巧妙应用语言艺术提出制造性的解决方案 不仅满足两边利益的需要 也能减缓沉闷的谈判气氛 使两边都有轻松感 有利于谈判的顺利进行。
因此巧妙的语言艺术为谈判增添了成功的砝码 起到事半功倍的效果。
关键字 商务谈判语言特点技术Business negotiation is an activity which is carried out by the two trade sides to conclude the business or settle certain disputes. The language used is a success or failure plays an important role in the process of negotiations. The skillful language is realized between two parties by contacting, communicating and cooperating through restate opinions, asking question, responses and persuades etc. Putting forward a creating solving scheme is not only applying with the art of language skillful, but also meets the demands on mutual benefit and relieves the dull atmosphere on negotiation. It will create a comfortable atmosphere for the two parties and is good for the success of negotiation. So using language skillfully can enhance a great success on negotiation and get double effects.Keywords: Business negotiation language features skills三、参考文献3[1]姜望琦:今世语用学[M].北京大学出版社,2006[2]刘园:国际商务谈判[M].对外经济与贸易大学出版社,2005[3]章瑞华徐志华黄华新等:现代谈判学———成功谈判的技术与隐秘[ ].浙江大学[4] 杨劫 李芳 国际商务谈判中的委婉表达[J] 湖南科技学院学报20o6(2)260—262[5]刘文广:商务谈判[M]. 北京高等教育出版社The Art of language in Business Negotiation中文摘要:商务谈判是经济贸易合作的两边为达到某种交易或解决某种争端而进行的协商洽谈活动。
The Art of Language in Business Negotiation商务谈判中的语言艺术
![The Art of Language in Business Negotiation商务谈判中的语言艺术](
The Art of Language in Business Negotiation商务谈判中的语言艺术INTRODUCTIONNegotiation cannot get away from talking word, that is to say cannot get away from the words people used for communicating. Words are the foundation which negotiating businessmen used for communicating, linking and consulting. The using of the words in business negotiation is the main tool to solve the negotiating problem, and it relating to whether the negotiation will be successful. A good negotiating businessman is also a superior who can use the words properly. The negotiating businessman must understand and used the words properly so that the words can be served for the negotiating. This article emphasizes to relate the skill of using words in international business negotiation.In the wake of China joins WTO, the foreign business activity of China has become more and more frequently, the chance of the foreign business negotiation also increased. More and more foreign businessman swarm into our country to deal with their business activity; more and more Chinese enterpriser go out our country to touch the international market.Just we all know, the business activity couldn't stray from the business negotiation. And the business negotiation is the important content of the business activity, also is the necessary means of thebusiness activity. The business negotiation is make an important role in the business activity and a corporation. The successful business1negotiation can make a big economic returns and social benefits. So, if we want develop the business activity favorably, we must make the business negotiation successfully.In order to make the business activity favorably, we must demandedthe business negotiation more easily、cleanly、concretely and perfectly.These are so many issues that Chinese corporation and business negotiators need to address in order to be successful in today’s international business environment.2CHAPTER ONEThe Implication and Importance of the Words Art1.1 The Implication of the Words ArtNegotiation is the behavior and process which people in order to moderating relation of each other through a confabulation to carry out the opinion consistent. And the words is the basic tool which people communicate with each other and also is the tool which human depend on with carrying on thinking, so the process of negotiation cannot get away from expressing and communicating. In spite of words, people also can apply other tools in the process of carrying on a consultation, like the war signal, light signal, various secret password and the facial expression, signal, body language, etc. The word in negotiation is amatch oral language and body language to call which people used for negotiating. The implication of negotiation words: first, it is the word’s concr ete usagein the international business negotiation, directly serviced for carrying on the end purpose of the negotiation, the each kind of information which express the will, emotion and inform the reasonableness, emotion and reality. Secondly, the words in business negotiation is also the particular performance of the thinking and the intelligence ability in the negotiating, appreciate the negotiation language of opponent then do a reaction, with a certain performance way to carry on advising to guide, threaten, probe into, allusion and cross31.2 The Importance of the Words ArtBusiness negotiation behavior concentrates the behavior of language communicating, as the result; the level of the words art decides the relationship between the both parties even whether the negotiation will be successful. It’s very important to stress the words art in business negotiation.1.3 Assist to Express the Point and Enforce the StrategyIn the international business negotiation, if both parties want to express they own thinking result of judgment, reason logically and argument, they have to use the words art properly. Also if they want to make the own negotiation strategy effectively carries out to achieve success they must understand how to use the words art. Such as whilemake use of the “red and white face” strategy, the person who arts as the“white face” not only perform the attitude strong and tough, also let anything reasonable, all the points have its basis, to keep the good image. The strategy doesn’t mean that the “white face” should speak loudly orimpoliteness. An idiom, a literary reference, a parable or a joking smile can defend self-interest.1.4Assist to Deal with the Relationship with Each OthersIn international business negotiation, the relationship between the both parties are performed by the words communication, the words express their own wishes and request. The level of the words art may let the4relationship between the both parties adjust, improve, strengthen and develop; also it may cause disintegration, break so that the negotiation fail. In the beginning, businessman should make use of the language art to create a kind of easy, nature, harmonious and pleased atmosphere; successfully create a good premise for the negotiation.After greeting with each other, begin your negotiation use the humor words” whether wecan open the purdah or not” or “how about preannounce our program first” etc. it will be good for your beginning of the negotiation. If you just harping, far away from the point, or cold eyes horizontal eyebrow, keeping silent or the not smooth word would possible break thebeginning. Higher level of the word art can express the purpose exactly and can keep the good relationship between both parties, even reaction or deny the oth er’s request, can also say tactfully, and let the other party satisfy yoursuggestion. Otherwise the word what praise, approve, or support the other’s point may also make the opponent impression.5CHAPTER TWOThe Point of the Negotiation Words2.1 Serve for the Negotiation purposeThe negotiation, which has bright sense of purpose, is one kind of coordination, the negotiators’ language expression in business negotiationmust consistent with the negotiation goal, the characteristic of the opponent and the language environment, also must obey the negotiation purpose basically. Organize the language expression pointed according to the concrete situation, this can achieve the effect of the negotiation language expression, can realize the negotiations goal.Each negotiator has the individuality language characteristic, their individuality language characteristic is a series of factors like own status, the experience, the occupation, the cultural accomplishment, the thought disposition and so on manifest in the language utilization synthesis, so-called “one's words echo what is in one's heart”,“style shows the man”. But the negotiators’ language expression in business negotiationmust consistent with the negotiation goal, the characteristic of the opponent and the language environment. Therefore, negotiation requests the negotiator conceals own language style temporarily in front of the specific condition and the character, to deal with the opponent by new pointed language. So-called sees different person to speak different speech, only like this, can consistent with the opponent in the language6and in psychology, with the environment and the condition, can more advantageous to the bilateral communication when needs to communicate, can carry on the successful negotiations effectively.The negotiations language expression is a quite complex process. When the expression side defers to the anticipated goal to send out the language information, because sometimes expresses improper, or lacks the science unde rstanding of the opponent, possibly causes another party’s misunderstanding or the repugnance. At this time must perform to control and adjust, that is to say replace one kind of expression form, let the opposite party easy to understand and to accept. Sometimes in the negotiations initial stage the negotiation is carries on according tothe original goal, but in the process of the negotiation might off the subject, deviated the original goal, this needs to adjust the negotiations language similarly, so that can return to come up with the negotiations goal.Moreover, the uniformity between the language expression and the negotiations goal also restrict by the negotiation itself. Although negotiation has filled with many skills and art, negotiation itself needs to solve the bilateral solid divergence point, achieves the assignment and the coordination of some benefit. Therefore, the negotiations language generally in language essential factors and the expression form like the words expressions, sentence type, rhetoric and so on request tactful, accurate, avoids using the words too magnificent and the ambiguous7literary elegance, thus we can transmit explicitly our own standpoint, the viewpoint, the request to the opposite party.2.2 The Pointed and Flexibility of the Negotiation WordsBecause there are many varies types of negotiation, the participated negotiation person frequently because aspects of nationality, state, region, age, sex, occupation, duty, status and so on are different cause the manners and customs, the cultural accomplishment, the disposition, the psychology and so on many aspect difference. The negotiations’ aim is tolet the both parties to reach a kind of coordination on the basic of understand mutually, if the negotiation language expression enables opposite party to understand accurately, then negotiation activity also not to be able to achieve the anticipated goal. The pointed of the negotiation words is refers to the language to have to revolve thenegotiations throughout the benefit, with a clear goal, enhances the efficiency of the language .To be specific, the pointed of negotiation words includes: in view of one kind of negotiations, in view of one subject of negotiations, in view of one concrete match, in view of identical match different request and so on. The business negotiations have many kinds , including the different negotiations type, the different negotiations subject, the different negotiations environment and so on, this request negotiations language must have very strongly pointed.The negotiations advancement is frequently changes constantly,8complex and free, the negotiation opponents’ mental and emotionalso arein the changing. Although the businessmen all completely have made the full preparation before the negotiations and have formulated the one whole set countermeasure and the plan, nobody can know beforehand the negotiation opponents’ speech and their performance. Therefore the specific language expression also needs the negotiator to be on site the organization, according to the circumstance, let the negotiations language expression pointed and the flexibility unifies closely, thus gain language exchange desired effect.2.3 Strong Logical of the Negotiation WordsThe logical of the negotiation words i s refers to negotiators’ languagehave to conform to the thought rule, the expression concept must be explicit, the judgment must be accurate, the inference must be strict, the proof must have the persuasive power. Massive materials, which are collected by negotiator before the negotiations, after the process of analysis and reorganization, only then conform through the logical language to express, can make the negotiation match understanding. In negotiations process, regardless of narrates the question, composes the memorandum, proposed each opinion, the tentative plan or the request,all need to pay attention to the logical of the negotiation words, this is the basic premise of closely holds opposite party, then convinces opposite party. At the same time, when you are asking the question, answering the9question, or attempting to convince the opposite party, also mustpay attention to the logical of the language. The inquiry must watch a person's every mood, grasps the opportunity, unifies the negotiations advancement closely, and must pay attention to the connection of the question; replied the question must be relevant to the subject, accurately, do not irrelevantly reply generally; attempt to convince the opposite party, must make the language filled with formidable logic strength, make the opposite party hard brush-off.2.4 Objective of the Negotiation WordsAlthough the business negotiation field is vain and unfathomable, to use your language to persuade opponent, make the other party feel aheartfelt admiration, as a whole must conform to the objectivity principle---- must respect the fact, reflects the truth, practical and realistic.. As for the seller, the objectivity of the negotiations language mainly displays in: the introduction of the enterprise situation must be real; the introduction of the commodity performance, the quality need to appropriately; can demonstrate the real object and the operation demonstration, but also can introduce the users’ appraisal objectively; thequoted price should suitably feasible, gives dual attention to the bilateral benefit; the determination of payment way needs to consider the bilateral condition fully and so on. For the buyer, the objective principle mainly manifests in: the introduction of own purchasing power shouldn’t10exaggerate not in accordance with the fact; appraises opposite party’sthe performance and the quality of commodity must be critical, cannot disparage willfully; the counter-offer must have the sincerity, if want to propose the reduction, must have the full reason and so on. Following the principle of the objectivity of business negotiation language, is the basic condition to establish the mutual confidence, is a standard to weigh the negotiations match moral character, also is the effective guiding ideology to convince the negotiations match.11CHAPTER THEREThe Types of the WordsThe thinking of the negotiator all express by the words and facial expression, through the words can express the self require and on the other hand can research the point and request of the other party bytheir words and facial expression. The negotiation is the direct war of the kinds of words. The effect and the result of the negotiation depend the level of the words art, so must note the research and application of the negotiation words in the business negotiate. We can divide the international business negotiation words into some kinds through the words usage characteristic. 3.1 Social Communication Words Business negotiation is one of the social communication behavior,and it can not away from the usage of the social communication words.The communication words in the business negotiation don’t involve the delivering of the substantial information, the main function of itis building the relation between the both parties, promoting bothparties’understanding and mollifying the atmosphere of the negotiation etc. The most important character of the social communication words is to pay attention to etiquette and the certain affection of the proper restraint, expression, such as “we are appreciate to cooperate with you”3.2 Literature LanguageLiterature language, which negotiator uses affection color and idiom,12proverb etc in business negotiation, is the language that carries on parable, exaggeration to reflect the social life and form the art imaging. In business negotiation, literature language points to the words that draw on the essence of literature language and express extremely, fresh and vivid. The feature of it is vivid, alacrity, grace, humor and rich in imagine. If the atmosphere in the negotiation is strain, tediousness, not smooth, use the literature language properly can explain the problems vividly an clearly, also can alleviate, active the negotiation atmosphere.3.3 Professional LanguageProfessional language means some business technical terms relatewith the negotiation contents. The different negotiation business contains different professional term. Such as in the purchase-and-sell product negotiation, there are technical terms as supply, market, price, quality, pack, transport, payment and insurance etc. And in the engineering building negotiation, there are terms as built price, work expect time, start construction, finish construction and consign to using etc. The feature of these terms is simple, explicit and withsingle mind.3.4 Legal LanguageAll the industry customary terms which related with transactionslike the business, trade, economy, technology and relevant laws, rules and regulations are professional legal language. Each kind of legallanguage and its terminology has specific connotation, cannot explainthe use at13will. Its characteristic is legal compulsory and theversatility .This kind of language is created and supplied by experts, the servicers, as well as international firms and other related agencies, and this language continuous developed, this language is the most foundation language for the negotiator. The usage of legal language can make the both parties’respective rights and obligations clearly, provide the basis and the guarantee for the transactions and that to avoid unnecessary disputes3.5 Diplomatic LanguageThe so-called diplomatic language, is not only by no means of the certain specific languages which diplomat used in specially in social communication occasion, but rather refers to the smooth expression way and the terminology of tactful, politeness .It is a flexible language,its characteristic is calm, solemn, with fuzzy, cushion and smooth. The usage of the diplomatic language in the negotiations can meet the needs of the other party self-respect, also may avoid one's own side impolite; not only can illustrate the problem, but also leave room for the advance and retreat .Like I am very sorry that my authority is even slightly limited; I am very regret that I cannot meet your requirement;, please forgive, this condition need to be examined and so on are all the diplomatic language.It should be noted that the excessive use of diplomatic language may let the other side feel cool, dodges and the non-cooperation sincerity.3.6 Military Language14The military language is by means of the strategic and the tactical language used in the situation can indicate attacks, defends, enters, and draws back. This language characteristic is simply, agile, succinct, firm, self-confident and command. In the negotiations, military language removed ambiguous, the indecisive point of view, the indication of it is the manner and the standpoint which succinct, frank and cannot be changed. Use the military language suitably may rouse the spirit, enhances the confidence, and speeds up the negotiations advancement.15CONCLUSIONThe negotiation as the one kind of special type of the human communication, the usage of language in the business negotiation has the very high request. If the business negotiator wants to be able to achieve success one way or another in the international business negotiation, he must be fastidious language utilization skill and the method, that is so-called word art, so that the language expression obtains the desired effect, displays the biggest effect. The language expression power of negotiator is the foundation of international business negotiations ability; it is directly affecting the result of international business negotiations. The word as the most important toolin the international business negotiation we cannot neglect its function. Every negotiator should note his or her language in the negotiation, a good usage of the word can promote the negotiation but the bad usage of the word may let the other party feel the own oneself have no sincerity. All the negotiator should understand how to use the word, should notethe word art in international business negotiation.16References:[ 1 ] 陈双喜. 国际商务谈判[ M ]. 中国商务出版社, 2006.[ 2 ] 张煜. 商务谈判[M ]. 四川大学出版社, 2005.] 白远[M].国际商务谈判[M ],中国人民大学出版社,2002. [ 3[ 4 ] 蒋春堂. 经济谈判案例精选评析[M]. 武汉测绘科技大学出版社,199817。
英语毕业论文商务谈判中的语言艺术AbstractWith economic development, business negotiations are carried out frequently. Language is the key element throughout the whole process of business negotiations. It is not only an important tool to persuade the other party, but also an art. Therefore, it is necessary to study the language arts in business negotiation. In this paper, the author makes an overview of the language in business negotiation at first, expounding the importance of language in the business negotiation and listing its features. Then, the second chapter makes a classification of the language arts in business negotiation, including the verbal and non-verbal language arts. Finally, the author gives some practical suggestions for improving language arts in business negotiation, such as mastering terms professionally, using fuzzy words flexibly, noticing eye-contact and so on.Key words: Business negotiation; Language arts; Feature; Classification; Suggestion摘要随着经济的发展,商务谈判变得更加频繁,而语言是贯穿整个谈判过程的关键元素,它不仅是说服对方的重要工具,同时还是一门艺术。
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Business negotiation skills语言沟通的艺术Business negotiation activities are the battlefield without smoke of powder. On the negotiation table, things are pretty changeable, which we usually called amidst the winds of change, that always causes negotiants be hard to put to cope with the situation,even though ones who are full of experience.As known, negotiation is a process of exchanging information in double ways, and the information’s sending and receiving largely depend on negotiants’ communication skills. When negotiating, language then becomes the most vital instrument of communication. Not only can we express our standpoint, acquires, opinions by using language, but also we can know better about the opponents' views, thoughts, standpoint. That is to say, language is a barrier which influences negotiation to goes smoothly or not. Due to this linguistic divide, one side may not understand the other side’s meaning and content correctly but to make the misunderstandings and divergences to break negotiation down. Thus, we need to make a choice, which language should we use.1.1the role of language communicationIn business negotiation, language expressing ability is very important,because it is powerful to convince the opponent and achieve mutualunderstanding , coordinate the interests and goals of both parties by make your expression filled with clear narration,clear arguments,sufficientevidence.The major role of language communication is to convince the opponent.During the negotiation, negotiants are uauslly locked in combat for theirown personal interests, then, which side can convince the other side totake its point and make concession, the side win the game, otherwise, itloses.Clearing the atmosphere and strengthen relationships are the other roleof language communication. Negotiation is a head-to-head meeting, itinfluences by the atmosphere from beginning to end. Atmosphere varyswith the communication between both parties. To form a harmoniousatmosphere needs both sides to work hard, however, it can be ruinedeasily by pieces of words. Hence, wise negotiants often take care of theirexpression and diction, even when they are discussing the bifurcationproblem, they never lose their temper easily and criticize opponents,naturally, those hurt-feeling words never jump out.1.2types of negotiation languageHuman language is rich, and every nation has its own language, and all trades and professions use their own language. On the basis of the speaker’s attitude, purpose and roles of the language, we can devide negotiation language into six types: Courtesy communicative language, Professional communication language, Legal language,Diplomatic language, Literary language, Military language.To the negotiator, it is necessary to learn about and study these different kinds of language.1.3 Negotiation principle1.31 Don’t Believe Everything You See and HearPart of a good salesperson’s skill is to learn to read people and situations very quickly. However, when it gets down to negotiationg, you have to take everything you see and hear with a grain of salt. Buyers are good negotiators, and thus they are good actors. You may be the only person who has what she needs, but everything she does and says, from body language to the words she uses, will be designed to lead you to believe that unless she gets an extra 10% off, she is going with the competition. Be skeptical. Be suspicious. Test, probe, and see what happens.1.3.2 don’t offer your bottom line early in the negotiationHow many times have you been asked to “give me your best price?” and have you ever given your best price only to discover that the buyer still wanted more? You have to play the game. It is expected. If you could drop your price by 10%, start out with 0%, or 2%, or 4%. Leave yourself room to negotiate some more. Who knows—you may get it for a 2% reduction. You might have to go all the way to 10%, but often you won’t. a little stubbornness pays big dividends.1.3.3 do a thorough search and reaearch for informationInformation is the lifeblood of the negotiating process. To go into a negotiation with no information is to go in blind. It is essential to begin searching for information from the very beginning, even before your initial contact with the other party.There are there primary sources of information. The first is databases. Information can be found in numerous locations such as the Internet ,newspaper and other related research sources.The second source of information is third parties who may know about or have had dealings with the people with whom you are negotiating. Friends, acquaintances and business associates may have some of the information that you need, or they may have friends who could give you that information.The third source of information is the party with whom you are negotiating and their associates. Try to develop multiple contacts within their organization and piece together bits of information from all of these contacts.While the research for information is the most intensive prior to the beginning of the negotiation, it never stops. Additional information can be gained across the bargaining table or between negotiating sessions.The search for information continues even after a negotiation is concluded, asyou implement your agreement and prepare for future negotiation.1.3.4, be patien tFinally, and most important, be patient. Sales are a high energy, fast moving business. Patience is one commodity that is in relatively short supply, but if you’re impatient in a negotiation, you will lose your shirt. If I am negotiating with you and I know that you are impatient, I will hold out just a little longer, no matter how desperate I am to make a deal with you. As long as I know you are in a hurry, I will wait. So be patient. Take the time that you need, don’t rush to give in, don’t show your anxiety, stay cool and don’t panic. Ne gotiation is a process and a game. Use the process and play the game. You will be astonished at the difference that it makes.1.3.5, don’t let emotions carry you awayNegotiation is a process that deeply invovles our ego and our emotions. We must be consciously aware of the impact of emotion on our negotiating ability. Do not let your emotion carry you away in such a manner that you undermine the entire process or sacrifice real issues in order to satisfy emotional needs.Bearing the above in mind, the chance of success in business negotiation will be more closely at hand.2. arts of language communicationNegotiation is a double—way communication. It is about communicating one party’s needs and wants to the other party while at the meanwhile being attentive to the other party’s wants and needs. Lots of times negotiations break down not because the two parties can not compromise, but because they have not adequately communicated those wants and needs to each other in a way that would bring the negotiation to a successful conclution.An effective communication is required.2.1 arts of listeningListening is one of the most important skills of a good negotiant. A common refrain from many mothers is,”You should listen more than you should speak. God gav e you two ears but just only one mouth.” And in the negotiating context, that means each side must be able to hear and make themselves understood what the other side is saying if an agreement is going to be reached.2.1.1 barriers to listeningLots of thin gs can block a person’s ability to be a good listening. According to Jason De Boer’s theory, there are four posssible barriers.The first category includes psychological barriers, which include prejudice, apathy, or fear on the part of the listener. It is important to keep an open mind when listening to the other party speak. Some negotiants will not take it seriously while listening to a woman or someone from a ethnic group. Others refuse to listen because the other party is discussing issues that are of little personal interest to them at the stage of the negotiation. Each of these paychological barrier is difficult to detect and correct, but they must be overcomeif a negotiator is to become a good lisyener.The second category involves physical barriers. These includes a disability, fatigue, or poor health. For example, if a negotiator is suffering jet lag or other travel fatigue, he may be hard to concentrate for long periods while the other party is talking. Nevertheless, these barriers are much easier to identify but require vigilance to overcome.The third one might be environmental barriers. These problems can include street traffic, heat registers or anything else that might interfere with parties hearing from each other. All these factors need to be assessed ahead of the negotiation so that no surprise occur.A last barrier could be expectation barriers, include problems brought to the negotiation even before either party begins to speak. There is an old saying, if someone is looking for trouble, they will always find it. Entering the negotiations with a positive attitude and outlook will only help listening skills.2.1.2 concentrate on listeningIn a negotiation, due to the language difference, negotiants will stick in a double language transforming situation for a long periods. As a human being, we may feel tired after long run, we may be absent—minded, then we would cause some important information missed. Concentrate on your listening. While the other party is speaking, you should not only catch all the words, but also you need to observe his/her behavior, gesture, and countenance in order to understand the information.2.1.3 listening with respectful attentionListening seriously means respecting your opponents. During your listening, you should be natual facial expression, amiable sight, and your body shoule face towards your opponents. When the other party say something, you should react to it positively, such as nod your head appropriately. In this way, both of sides can share a harmonious atmosphere, what is more, you will receive your respect in return.2.1.4 listening selectivelySometimes the negotiation can be very verbose and multifarious, which results from negotiators are talking as they still in thoughts. They do not have enough time to clear up. As a efficient listener, you need to choose and catch the points, eliminate the fault and remain the truth, then negotiation goes smoothly.2.1.5 make notesIt is a recommendable habit when the other party make its statement and you write the essential stuff down. And after that, you gain lots of material to structure your speak. The another reason is that our memory is limited, we can’y remember everything, but record can. Also making notes will focus our attention in some way.2.1.6 sumWe can do more attempts to turn into a good listener, such like rational and objective listening and something other things. Here I have to emphasize one thing that we should never ignore the decorum, always a polite motion(smile,nod) pushs the end towards the better extreme.2.2 arts of askingIn business negotiation, asking used to make clear the other party’s needs, psychology and express one’s emotions. How to make an asking can be very particular, and apply arts of asking, you will achieve many purposes.In general, an asking includes three elementts: content, time and way. To be prominent in asking questions means you are the master of negotiation.2.2.1 types of asking in business negotiationa.sealed questioningSealed questioning refers to questions which can bring special replies(yes or no) in special area. The answerer don’t need to think too much to give the answer, but times it can be threatening.b.emphatic questioningEmphatic questioning is aimed at emphasizing own views and position, such as “this agreement could not come into force until the notarization? ” or “according to your requires, could it be said that the points of my party are not clear enough?”c.heuristic questioningHeuristic questioning points at the other party’s answers and require s them to illustrate some cases to find a new way or question. In this way, asker can dig out more effective information and show the your attention no that question.d.suggestive questioningSuggestive questioning is the way to the third party’s opinion t o influence opponent’s opinion, like”how does Mr.X think about your plan?” usually it can exert strong influence on the other party, but sometimes it may drive the other party to be obnoxious. So use it cautiously.2.2.2 appropriate time to aska.intermitt ence of opponent’s speakWhen the opponent pauses his speak, catch the opportunity to ask him to win over the initiative. For example:”Just now, what did you mean?” “We will discuss some details, can you talk more about your main view?”b. till the speak is overwhen the other party is making a statement, disturbing him is impolite. But you can make use of time to think out some questions according to the statement. After the speaker finished his work, then you come up with your questions, those questions are much easier to grasp the main point and useful for understanding the intention.c.before own side gives the speakwhen it turns to your own side to speak, before your speaking, you can raise questions about the other party’s speaking, but you answer it by yourself in order to be initiative,such as “how can your speech prove anything? My understanding is……”2.2.3 gists of questioninga.prepare your questions before you askbefore the negotiation, you need to do some research about the other party. To be prepared. You need to know what kinds of question can be discussing, what kind is beyond dispute or something like that.b.control the speedusually when a negotiant speaks, he will speak in a normal speed, because if you speak too fast, the others may ca n’t follow you and think you are impatient; conversely, it would make people feel dull and think you don’t prepare enough and you don’t value the negotiation.e conditional questionClassical conditional question includes two sentential form,”what …if,” and “if…then.”There are many special advantages, such as searching the common points, interacted concessions, replacing the “NOs”, avoiding the be sincereIt is in favour of emotional communication.2.2.4 sumAsking could never be easy. How to make asking better bothers all the negotiants. However, try more and be experienced can simplify things. You need to learn what to ask and what not, judge the weight, on the other hands, you also need to learn how to tell the facial emotion and behavioral emotion.2.3 arts of respondingWhere there is a question, there could be a answer. In business negotiation, negotiators have to take the responsibility for all what they said. In other words, their words would be regarded as a commitment. Thus, a good negotiant is the person who can do well in responding questions.Answering in negotiation means explaining about opponents’ asking, retorting the attacks, illustrating own points and the opportunity to convince opponents. So as to respond every question effectively, before the negotiation, negotiators can assume some possible issues for deliberating. You prepare more adequately, your answer gonna be better.In generally, during the negotiation, negotiators should be aimed at the other party’s quest ion and answer it positively, however, since business negotiation is variable, what lies behind a simple question may be a trap, that means answering needs techniques.2.3.1 before you answer the question, allow yourself plenty of time to havea think.As for negotiation, we can’t conclude that it is better when you immediately. Conversely, some experienced negotiators says that take the time to make an answer and do not care much more about your respond time. So after the other party puts forward with its question, you can use some formal motion such as drink some water or type your documents to prolong your prepare time, and take it easy.2.3.2 make clear about purposes of the questionsWhen negotiators come up with a question, they always insert their purposes in it. Sometimes, the asker would make the question equivocally, which drives answerer misjudge the question, to create an opportunity to obtain more benefits. As a result, before you begin to answer the question, think more and carefully, never take things for granted, and you can judge the purposes accuratelly.2.3.3 never answer once and allIn a negotiation, we actually don’t need to answer all the questions, as some questions are not worth to answering. It depends. For example, as for some boring and image—damaging question, ignoring them is the best way, but in the meanwhile ,you need to take care of your manner.2.3.4 arts of avoidanceAvoidance will be able to open up a new communication channel for some valid reasons. At times, the other party put up with a problem that you can answer it hard or you can’t answer it positively, what is more, you can’t either take refusal as your final answer, then you’d better try to avoid the problem by answering deviate to crack opponents’ offensive.2.3.5 replace answering by askin gIt’s pretty useful when you struggle to cope with a problem, then you can kick it back like a football, make the other party think over the question again. By means of deliberating the question between both sides, then the negotiation can clear out the embarrassment.2.3.6 pass the buckWhen you facing a unprepared question, you may lose your head, and you do not know what to do then. With regard to this kind problem, you can say like this,”well, for this question, although I haven’t done the research, I heard it before”, or “I have seen it on newspaper years ago, it is said…”2.3.7 sumHow to answer well is a difficult question. So many factors interfere you to determine what you should respond. Just calm down. With your ample thoughts, you have done your best already. But one more things, never answer that question which you are not familiar with, or you will be a joke.3. sumA successful negotiation results from many factors. Even though every negotiant wants to obtain more benefits through the communication, the result always is barely satisfactory. Arts of language communication may be helpful for your own side, but the most important thing is that both sides should respect each other and try their best to receive a double-wins result. Both of sides should be sincere and tell the truth and regard things from a long-term perspective.At last, I would say,”everything is negotiable,”make your use of arts of the language communication in business negotiation to reach a perfect end.。