OMRON E2E型接近传感器使用说明书
![OMRON E2E型接近传感器使用说明书](
• 有助于实现预防性维护,防止生产线停转。
• 配线作业时间及铜线使用量仅为3线式的三分之二。 • 电流消耗量大幅降低至10%以下。 (直流2线式与直流3线式相比)
导线引出型 (2m)
PVC (耐油) - - PUR (耐油强化) PVC (耐油) PUR (耐油强化)
M12 接插件型 M8 接插件型 M12 SmartClick 接插件中继型 (0.3m)
导线引出型 (2m) M12
M12 接插件型
PVC (耐油) -
M12 标准接插件中继 型 (0.3m)
产品系列中包含小口径型号 (3、 4、 5.4、 M5)
• 所有小口径型号均采用屏蔽结构。即使将传感器安装在狭小区域或嵌入金属中,仍然具有较高的工作稳定性。 • 配有明亮醒目的指示灯,轻松查看安装环境。
宽广的使用环境温度 -40~+85C (M8~M30型)
• 小口径型号同样具备宽广的使用温度范围:-25C~+70C • 适用于光电传感器难以胜任的低温和高温应用场合。
Ⳉ⌕2㒓ᓣ E2E-XƶDƶ ѸⳈ⌕ϸ⫼2㒓ᓣ E2E-XƶT1 ᦦӊЁ㒻SmartClickൟ E2E-XƶDƶ-M1TGJ-(U) ᦦӊЁ㒻ൟ E2E-XƶD1-M1(G)J-(T) ᦦӊൟ E2E-XƶDƶ-M1(G) E2E-XƶEƶ-M1 E2E-XƶYƶ-M1
HUMAN MACHINEINTERFACESENERGYMANAGEMENTSOLUTIONSFA COMPONENTSMACHINE VISIONSYSTEMSUV CURINGSYSTEMSCX-400CY-100EX-10EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440EQ-30EQ-500MQ-WRXRT-610Hardly affected by colorThe color or size of the object does not affect its sensingperformance.Hardly affected by backgroundThe sensor does not detectthe background beyond theset distance since it is ofdistance adjustable type.RobustIts robust enclosure is made of die-cast zinc alloy.High-speed response time: 1 msIt can be used on a high speed assembly line.BASIC PERFORMANCEWaterproof IP67 (IEC)The equipment on which the sensor is mounted can bewashed without any problem.ENVIRONMENTAL RESISTANCENote: H owever, take care that if it is exposed to water splashesduring operation. It may detect a water drop itself.Insusceptible to dustThe sensing performanceis less affected by dust asit does not depend on theincident light intensity.has a specular surface.Adjustable Range Reflective Photoelectric SensorRX-LS200344FIBER SENSORSLASER SENSORS PHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMSMEASURE-MENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS PLC HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FACOMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSEX-Z CX-400CY-100EX-10 EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440EQ-30EQ-500RX RT-6105 m cable length type5 m 16.404 ft cable length type (standard: 3 m 9.843 ft ) is also available for NPN output type.Model No.: RX-LS200-C5Accessory• MS-RX-1 (Sensor mounting bracket)Narrow-view slit mask• OS-RXL-□Protective tubeTwo M4 (length 16 mm 0.630 in )hexagon-socket-head bolts are attached.056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONIC AG345Adjustable Range Reflective Photoelectric Sensor RX-LS200FIBERSENSORSLASERSENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRICSENSORSAREASENSORSSAFETY LIGHTCURTAINS /SAFETYCOMPONENTSPRESSURE /FLOWSENSORSINDUCTIVEPROXIMITYSENSORSPARTICULARUSESENSORSSENSOROPTIONSSIMPLEWIRE-SAVINGUNITSWIRE-SAVINGSYSTEMSMEASURE-MENTSENSORSSTATICCONTROLDEVICESLASERMARKERSPLCHUMANMACHINEINTERFACESENERGYMANAGEMENTSOLUTIONSFACOMPONENTSMACHINEVISIONSYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSEX-ZCX-400CY-100EX-10EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440EQ-30EQ-500RXRT-610I/O circuit diagram Wiring diagramSymbols … D : Reverse supply polarity protection diodeZ D : Surge absorption zener diodeTr : NPN output transistor±10 %RX-LS200NPN output type 056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONICAGAdjustable Range Reflective Photoelectric SensorRX-LS200346FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORSAREA SENSORS SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMSMEASURE-MENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS PLC HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FACOMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UVCURINGSYSTEMSEX-Z CX-400CY-100EX-10EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440EQ-30EQ-500RX RT-610I/O circuit diagramWiring diagramNote: T he output does not incorporate a short-circuit protection circuit.Do not connect it directly to a power supply or a capacitive load.Symbols … D : Reverse supply polarity protection diodeZ D : Surge absorption zener diode Tr : PNP output transistorto 24 V DCSensing fields• Setting distance: 200 mm 7.874 in (Horizontal)• Setting distance: 200 mm 7.874 in (Vertical)• Setting distance: 150 mm 5.906 in (Horizontal)• Setting distance: 150 mm 5.906 in (Vertical)• Setting distance: 150 mm 5.906 in with slit mask (Vertical)• Setting distance: 150 mm 5.906 in with slit mask(Horizontal)0.3940.394Left Center in )S e t t i n g d i s t a n c e L (m m i n Up Center Operating point ℓ (mm in )0.3940.394S e t t i n g d i s t a n c e L (m m in Left Center in)0.1570.157S e t t i n g d i s t a n c e L (m mi nUp Center in )0.1570.157S e t t i n g d i s t a n c e L(m m i nLeft Center Operating point ℓ (mm in )0.1570.157S e t t i n g d i s t a n c e L (m m i nUp Operating point ℓ (mm in )0.1570.157S e t t i n g d i s t a n c e L (m m i nCorrelation between sensing object size and sensing range0.787 1.575 2.362 3.1503.937 in , 7.874 in , each, with white non-glossy 1.969 × 1.969 in ).side length a (mm in )S e n s i n g r a n g e L (m m i n D i s t a n c e L (m m i n RX-LS200-P PNP output type056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONIC AG347Adjustable Range Reflective Photoelectric Sensor RX-LS200FIBERSENSORSLASERSENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRICSENSORSAREASENSORSSAFETY LIGHTCURTAINS /SAFETYCOMPONENTSPRESSURE /FLOWSENSORSINDUCTIVEPROXIMITYSENSORSPARTICULARUSESENSORSSENSOROPTIONSSIMPLEWIRE-SAVINGUNITSWIRE-SAVINGSYSTEMSMEASURE-MENTSENSORSSTATICCONTROLDEVICESLASERMARKERSPLCHUMANMACHINEINTERFACESENERGYMANAGEMENTSOLUTIONSFACOMPONENTSMACHINEVISIONSYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSEX-ZCX-400CY-100EX-10EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440EQ-30EQ-500RXRT-610Correlation between material (50 × 50 mm 1.969 × 1.969 in) and sensing range200 mm 7.874 in100 mm 3.937 in50 mm 1.969 inWhitenon-glossypaperPlywoodCardboardCeramiccircuitboardGraynon-glossypaper(Lightness:3)BlackrubbeMirrorThese bars indicate the sensing rangewith respective objects when thedistance adjuster is set at the sensingrange of 200 mm 7.874 in, 100 mm3.937 in and 50 mm 1.969 in long,each, with white non-glossy paper.(GreenmaskedsurfaceGlassepoxyprintedcircuitboardSensingrangeL(mminWiring• The output of RX-LS200-P does not incorporate a short-circuit protection circuit. Do not connect it directly to apower supply or a capacitive load.Others• Do not use during the initial transient time (50 ms) afterthe power supply is switched on.Mounting• The tightening torque should be 1.17 N·m or less.• Care must be taken regarding the sensor mountingdirection with respect to the object’s direction of movement.Do not make the sensordetect an object in thisdirection because it maycause unstable operation.Sensing object Sensing object Sensing objectintersection of the “ ”mark on the lens faceand the “ ” line.• When detecting a specular object (aluminum or copperfoil) or an object having a glossy surface or coating,please take care that there are cases when the objectmay not be detected due to a small change in angle,wrinkles on the object surface, etc.• When a specular body is present below the sensor, usethe sensor by tilting it slightly upwards to avoid wrongoperation.Use conditions to comply with CE Marking• Following work must be done in case of using thisproduct as a CE marking (European standard EMCDirective) conforming product.Ensure that the shield is connected to 0 V or the actualground.• In case of connecting a sensor to power supply 0 V by usinga shield (piping, etc.)• In case of grounding by using a shield (piping, etc.)Note: The shield (piping, etc.) must be insulated.• If a specular body is present in the background, wrongoperation may be caused due to a small change in theangle of the background body. In that case, install thesensor at an inclination and confirm the operation withthe actual sensing object.• Do not install the sensor at a distance of less than 50 mm1.969 in from the object because the sensing is unstablein this range.Correct Correct Incorrect056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONICAGAdjustable Range Reflective Photoelectric SensorRX-LS200348FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORSSAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORSINDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORSSENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMSMEASURE-MENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS PLC HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FACOMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSEX-Z CX-400CY-100EX-10 EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440EQ-30EQ-500RX RT-610Distance adjustmentSensorRX-LS200 RX-LS200-PProtective tube (Optional)PT-RX500 PT-RX1000MS-RX-1Sensor mounting bracket (Accessory)Assembly dimensions• Follow only steps 1 and 2 respectively. Since the sensing point may change depending on the sensing object, be sure to check the operation with the actual sensing object.<When a sensing object is approaching / moving away from the sensor><When a sensing object moves horizontally to the sensor>) hexagon-socket-AdjustersAdjusting procedure056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONIC AG。
OMRON 电压传感器 SDV 说明书
![OMRON 电压传感器 SDV 说明书](
*1. 输入阻抗为基准值,与实测值稍有区别。 *2. DC电源时脉动率在5%以下。
消耗电力 使用环境温度
额定值负载 AC220V 5A(cosφ=1)
DC24V 5A(cosφ=1)
AC220V 2A(cosφ=0.4)
DC24V 2A(L/R=7ms)
电压传感器 SDV 1007
●种类 单动作型 过电压检出或电压不足检出(通过开关切换)
直流及交流用 通过开关 切换
0.2~12V 10~300V
交流控制电源 (不结冰)
*2 DC12V
125V DC电源 变动范围 80~130% AC100/110V
200/220V (50/60Hz) AC电源 变动范围 85~110%
1008 电压传感器 SDV
接点电压的最大值 AC250V、DC125V
接点电流的最大值 5A
开关容量的最大值 1,100VA(cosφ=1)
过电压及电压不足 1a、1b
OMRON MEMS流量传感器D6F-V03A1说明书
![OMRON MEMS流量传感器D6F-V03A1说明书](
The unique dust separating structure, developed by OMRON is a compact and highly efficient FLOW-SENSOR.•A dust-resistant design has been taken into consideration, by the original dust segregation structure, of OMRON.•+/-10% Full-Scale repeatable accuracy achieves consistent air velocity measurement.•Applications include clogged-filter detection and air velocity.Sensor specificationAbsolute maximum ratingOutput characteristicMeasurement condition: Power-supply voltage 3.3VDC, ambient temperature 25°C and dry air.Note:1.Air velocity is the value converted from the mass-flow in OMRON regulation wind tunnel phi48mm.2.The air velocity, set to the Measurement Law, is not shown. Please confirm in a real use environment in use.3.T emperature characteristics:Over ambient temperature range -10 to +60°C: within ±20% F .S. of detected characteristics Of at +25°C.Type D6F-V03A1Flow Range 0 – 3 m/s @ 25°C, 1 atmosphere Case Material Thermoplastic resin GasAirAmbient Temperature -10 to +60°C (with no condensation)Using Humidity Max. 85% RH (with no condensation)Storage Temperature -40 to +80°C (with no condensation)Preservation Humidity Max. 85% RH (with no condensation)Power Supply Voltage 3.15 to 3.45 VDCOutput Signal Analog output 0.5 to 2 VDC (non-linear output)Load resistance min. 10k ΩCurrent Consumption Max. 15mA (No-load, V CC = 3.3 VDC, 25°C)Insulation Resistance20Mohm min. (500VDC, between lead terminal and the case)Dielectric Withstanding Voltage Leakage current is 1mA max. (at 500 VAC, 50/60Hz for one minute).500VAC, 50/60Hz judged at 1mA max. (between the lead terminals and the case)ItemSymbol Rating Unit Power supply voltage V CC 12.0VDC Output voltageV OUT3.0VDCFlow Velocity (m/sec)00.75 1.50 2.25 3.00Output Voltage (VDC)0.50±0.150.70±0.151.11±0.151.58±0.152.00±0.15DimensionsOmron Electronic Components, LLCTerms and Conditions of Sales1.Definitions: The words used herein are defined as follows.(a) Terms:These terms and conditions(b) Seller:Omron Electronic Components LLC and its subsidiaries(c) Buyer:The buyer of Products, including any end user in section III through VI(d) Products:Products and/or services of Seller(e) Including:Including without limitation2.Offer; Acceptance: These Terms are deemed part of all quotations, acknowledgments,invoices, purchase orders and other documents, whether electronic or in writing, relating to the sale of Products by Seller. Seller hereby objects to any Terms proposed in Buyer's purchase order or other documents which are inconsistent with, or in addition to, these Terms.3.Distributor: Any distributor shall inform its customer of the contents after and includingsection III of these Terms.1.Prices; Payment: All prices stated are current, subject to change without notice by Seller.Buyer agrees to pay the price in effect at time of shipment. Payments for Products received are due net 30 days unless otherwise stated in the invoice. Buyer shall have no right to set off any amounts against the amount owing in respect of this invoice.2.Discounts: Cash discounts, if any, will apply only on the net amount of invoices sent toBuyer after deducting transportation charges, taxes and duties, and will be allowed only if (a) the invoice is paid according to Seller's payment terms and (b) Buyer has no past due amounts owing to Seller.3.Interest: Seller, at its option, may charge Buyer 1.5% interest per month or the maximumlegal rate, whichever is less, on any balance not paid within the stated terms.4.Orders: Seller will accept no order less than 200 U.S. dollars net billing.5.Currencies: If the prices quoted herein are in a currency other than U.S. dollars, Buyershall make remittance to Seller at the then current exchange rate most favorable to Seller; provided that if remittance is not made when due, Buyer will convert the amount to U.S. dollars at the then current exchange rate most favorable to Seller availableduring the period between the due date and the date remittance is actually made.ernmental Approvals: Buyer shall be responsible for all costs involved in obtainingany government approvals regarding the importation or sale of the Products.7.Taxes: All taxes, duties and other governmental charges (other than general real propertyand income taxes), including any interest or penalties thereon, imposed directly orindirectly on Seller or required to be collected directly or indirectly by Seller for themanufacture, production, sale, delivery, importation, consumption or use of the Products sold hereunder (including customs duties and sales, excise, use, turnover and license taxes) shall be charged to and remitted by Buyer to Seller.8.Financial: If the financial position of Buyer at any time becomes unsatisfactory to Seller,Seller reserves the right to stop shipments or require satisfactory security or payment in advance. If Buyer fails to make payment or otherwise comply with these Terms or any related agreement, Seller may (without liability and in addition to other remedies) cancel any unshipped portion of Products sold hereunder and stop any Products in transit until Buyer pays all amounts, including amounts payable hereunder, whether or not then due, which are owing to it by Buyer. Buyer shall in any event remain liable for all unpaid accounts.9.Cancellation; Etc: Orders are not subject to rescheduling or cancellation unless Buyerindemnifies Seller fully against all costs or expenses arising in connection therewith. 10.Force Majeure: Seller shall not be liable for any delay or failure in delivery resulting fromcauses beyond its control, including earthquakes, fires, floods, strikes or other labor disputes, shortage of labor or materials, accidents to machinery, acts of sabotage, riots, delay in or lack of transportation or the requirements of any government authority.11.Shipping; Delivery: Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing by Seller:(a) All sales and shipments of Products shall be FOB shipping point (unless otherwisestated in writing by Seller), at which point title to and all risk of loss of the Products shall pass from Seller to Buyer, provided that Seller shall retain a security interest in theProducts until the full purchase price is paid by Buyer;(b) Delivery and shipping dates are estimates only; and(c) Seller will package Products as it deems proper for protection against normalhandling and extra charges apply to special conditions.12.Claims: Any claim by Buyer against Seller for shortage or damage to the Productsoccurring before delivery to the carrier must be presented in detail in writing to Seller within 30 days of receipt of shipment.1.Suitability: IT IS THE BUYER’S SOLE RESPOINSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT ANYOMRON PRODUCT IS FIT AND SUFFICIENT FOR USE IN A MOTORIZED VEHICLE APPLICATION. BUYER SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING APPROPRIATENESS OF THE PARTICULAR PRODUCT WITH RESPECT TO THE BUYER’S APPLICATION INCLUDING (A) ELECTRICAL OR ELECTRONICCOMPONENTS, (B) CIRCUITS, (C) SYSTEM ASSEMBLIES, (D) END PRODUCT, (E) SYSTEM, (F) MATERIALS OR SUBSTANCES OR (G) OPERATING ENVIRONMENT.Buyer acknowledges that it alone has determined that the Products will meet theirrequirements of the intended use in all cases. Buyer must know and observe allprohibitions of use applicable to the Product/s.e with Attention: The followings are some examples of applications for whichparticular attention must be given. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all possible use of any Product, nor to imply that any use listed may be suitable for any Product:(a) Outdoor use, use involving potential chemical contamination or electricalinterference.(b) Use in consumer Products or any use in significant quantities.(c) Energy control systems, combustion systems, railroad systems, aviation systems,medical equipment, amusement machines, vehicles, safety equipment, andinstallations subject to separate industry or government regulations.(d) Systems, machines, and equipment that could present a risk to life or property.3.Prohibited Use: NEVER USE THE PRODUCT FOR AN APPLICATION INVOLVINGSERIOUS RISK TO LIFE OR PROPERTY WITHOUT ENSURING THAT THE SYSTEM AS A WHOLE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO ADDRESS THE RISKS, AND THAT THE PRODUCT IS PROPERLY RATED AND INSTALLED FOR THE INTENDED USEWITHIN THE OVERALL EQUIPMENT OR SYSTEM.4.Motorized Vehicle Application: USE OF ANY PRODUCT/S FOR A MOTORIZEDVEHICLE APPLICATION MUST BE EXPRESSLY STATED IN THE SPECIFICATION BY SELLER.5.Programmable Products: Seller shall not be responsible for the Buyer's programming ofa programmable Product.1.Warranty: Seller's exclusive warranty is that the Products will be free from defects inmaterials and workmanship for a period of twelve months from the date of sale by Seller (or such other period expressed in writing by Seller). SELLER MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ABOUT ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE OF THE PRODUCTS.2.Buyer Remedy: Seller's sole obligation hereunder shall be to replace (in the formoriginally shipped with Buyer responsible for labor charges for removal or replacement thereof) the non-complying Product or, at Seller's election, to repay or credit Buyer an amount equal to the purchase price of the Product; provided that there shall be noliability for Seller or its affiliates unless Seller's analysis confirms that the Products were handled, stored, installed and maintained and not subject to contamination, abuse,misuse or inappropriate modification. Return of any Products by Buyer must beapproved in writing by Seller before shipment.3.Limitation on Liability: SELLER AND ITS AFFILIATES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FORSPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR PRODUCTION OR COMMERCIAL LOSS IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE PRODUCTS, WHETHER SUCH CLAIM IS BASED IN CONTRACT,WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABILITY. FURTHER, IN NO EVENT SHALL LIABILITY OF SELLER OR ITS AFFILITATES EXCEED THE INDIVIDUAL PRICE OF THE PRODUCT ON WHICH LIABILITY IS ASSERTED.4.Indemnities: Buyer shall indemnify and hold harmless Seller, its affiliates and itsemployees from and against all liabilities, losses, claims, costs and expenses (including attorney's fees and expenses) related to any claim, investigation, litigation or proceeding (whether or not Seller is a party) which arises or is alleged to arise from Buyer's acts or omissions under these Terms or in any way with respect to the Products.1.Intellectual Property: The intellectual property embodied in the Products is the exclusiveproperty of Seller and its affiliates and Buyer shall not attempt to duplicate it in any way without the written permission of Seller. Buyer (at its own expense) shall indemnify and hold harmless Seller and defend or settle any action brought against Seller to the extent that it is based on a claim that any Product made to Buyer specifications infringedintellectual property rights of another party.2.Property; Confidentiality: Notwithstanding any charges to Buyer for engineering ortooling, all engineering and tooling shall remain the exclusive property of Seller. All information and materials supplied by Seller to Buyer relating to the Products areconfidential and proprietary, and Buyer shall limit distribution thereof to its trustedemployees and strictly prevent disclosure to any third party.3.Performance Data: Performance data is provided as a guide in determining suitabilityand does not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of Seller's test conditions, and the users must correlate it to actual application requirements.4.Change In Specifications: Product specifications and description may be changed at anytime based on improvements or other reasons. It is Seller’s practice to change part numbers when published ratings or features are changed, or when significantengineering changes are made. However, some specifications of the Product may be changed without any notice.5.Errors And Omissions: The information on Seller’s website or in other documentationhas been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for clerical, typographical or proofreading errors or omissions.6.Export Controls: Buyer shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations and licensesregarding (a) export of the Products or information provided by Seller; (b) sale ofProducts to forbidden or other proscribed persons or organizations; (c)disclosure to non-citizens of regulated technology or information.1.Waiver: No failure or delay by Seller in exercising any right and no course of dealingbetween Buyer and Seller shall operate as a waiver of rights by Seller.2.Assignment: Buyer may not assign its rights hereunder without Seller's written consent.w: These Terms are governed by Illinois law (without regard to conflict of laws). Federaland state courts in Illinois have exclusive jurisdiction for any dispute hereunder.4.Amendment: These Terms constitute the entire agreement between Buyer and Sellerrelating to the Products, and no provision may be changed or waived unless in writing signed by the parties.5.Severability: If any provision hereof is rendered ineffective or invalid, such provision shallnot invalidate any other provision.Certain Precautions on Specifications and UseOMRON ON-LINEGlobal - USA - Cat. No. J01C-E-01Printed in USAOMRON ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS LLC55 E. Commerce Drive, Suite B Schaumburg, IL 60173847-882-228801/07 Specifications subject to change without noticeComplete “Terms and Conditions of Sale” for product purchase and use are on Omron’s website at – under the “About Us” tab, in the Legal Matters section.ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE IN MILLIMETERS.T o convert millimeters into inches, multiply by 0.03937. To convert grams into ounces, multiply by 0.03527.。
Omron QM Series 光电传感器说明书
![Omron QM Series 光电传感器说明书](
Photoelectric Sensors tSEN-69
For the latest prices, please check .
QM Series Photoelectric Sensors
2m [6.5 ft] cable
Diagram 1
$44.50 $44.50
0–1m [0 – 3.28 ft]
Visible Red
4-pin M8 quick-disconnect 2m [6.5 ft] cable
Diagram 1 Diagram 2
Note: Purchase reflectors separately.
Emission Type
Visible Red 630nm
Infrared 850nm
Connection 2m [6.5 ft] cable 4-pin M8 quick-disconnect 2m [6.5 ft] cable 4-pin M8 quick-disconnect 2m [6.5 ft] cable 4-pin M8 quick-disconnect 2m [6.5 ft] cable 4-pin M8 quick-disconnect 2m [6.5 ft] cable 4-pin M8 quick-disconnect 2m [6.5 ft] cable 4-pin M8 quick-disconnect
For the latest prices, please check .
OMRON F3S长距离检测型单光束安全传感器 说明书
![OMRON F3S长距离检测型单光束安全传感器 说明书](
长距离检测型单光束安全传感器F3SSᅝܼ Ӵᛳ఼相关信息 产品线...................................F-26 共通注意事项 ........................ 后-2 技术指南 ................................ 46560m的长距离检测。
最适合于流水线上整体的防护及大型设备的 多面侵入检测等人体检测用(4级)的对射型光电传感器■最多4套可防止相互间干扰 ■符合IEC标准,北美标准 (已取得IEC61496-1、 -2、 UL/CSA标准的认证) 可以作为北美劳动安全现场所必须的OSHA规范中规定的安全防护装置使用 ■不需要专用控制器。
只用传感器便可实现人体侵入检测功能 ■具有防止输出自动复位的 “启动/重启互锁功能” 。
F3SJ F3SN-A F3SN-B F3SH-A F3SL■投/受光透镜上安装加热器。
■即使在发生结露的环境下也可以安心使用 ■备有玻璃制和不锈钢制的反射镜作为可选件请参照294页 「请正确使用」 。
E3FS E3ZS F3SS种类主体检测方式 形状 外壳材质 连接方法 内部基板上的 端子台连接 检测距离 输出规格 组合型号(交货期请向经销商咨询)㑶ܝ对射型铝0.360mPNP输出F3SS-AT60P注. 投光器:F3SS-AT60P-L受光器:F3SS-AT60-D也可以单独订购。
附件(另售)种类 激光校准工具(光轴调整用) 玻璃反射镜 不锈钢反射镜 45度反射镜金属安装配件 墙壁用反射镜金属安装配件 φ42圆柱传感器金属安装配件注. 配线是内置端子台方式。
型号 F39-LLK F39-MSG F39-MSS F39-LM45 F39-LA F39-LSP290长距离检测型单光束安全传感器F3SS额定值/性能项目 检测方式 外壳材质 连接方法 电源电压 有效开口角 消耗电流 检测距离 标准检测物体 响应时间 控制输出 型号 F3SS-AT60P 对射型 铝(外壳、盖) 由内部基板上的端子台连接 DC24V±10% 波纹(p-p) ±2.5°(3m的情况下) 投光器:170mA以下 受光器:800mA以下 0.3~60m φ31mm以上的不透明体 35ms以下 PNP晶体管输出×2输出 负载电流:250mA输出残留电压1V以下(因导线延长的电压降除外) 入光时ON 自动启动模式 启动互锁模式 启动/重启互锁模式 用受光器内的切换开关可以选择任一模式 4s以内 工作时·保存时:各0~+55℃ (不结冰、不结露) 工作时·保存时:各35~95%RH (不结冰、不结露) 误操作·耐久:10~55Hz 双振幅0.77mmX、 Y、 Z各方向20次 误操作·耐久:100m/s2X、 Y、 Z各方向1000次 IEC标准IP65 红外发光二极管(880nm) 投光器:橙/表示电源、红/表示故障 受光器:橙/表示光量、红/表示遮光、绿/表示投光、黄/表示互锁 电源接反保护、负载短路保护 约2.5kg(1套) IEC(EN)61496-1 Type4 ESPE *1 IEC(prEN)61496-2 Type4 AOPD *2 使用说明书、金属安装配件一套、导管用盖ᅝܼ Ӵᛳ఼工作模式 电源接通后启动时间 环境温度 环境湿度 耐振动 耐冲击 保护结构 光源 表示 保护电路 重量(包装状态) 适用标准 附件F3SJ F3SN-A F3SN-B F3SH-A F3SLE3FS E3ZS F3SS*1. Electro-Sensitive Protective Equipment *2. Active Opto-electronic Protective Device连接将所有的电源切断之后,进行F3SS的配线。
OMRON欧姆龙光电传感器的特点1. 精度高OMRON欧姆龙光电传感器能够对物体进行快速、准确的检测,可以测量到微小物体,其测量精度高于通常的机械传感器。
2. 适用范围广OMRON欧姆龙光电传感器能够应用于各种不同的环境和场合。
3. 反应时间短OMRON欧姆龙光电传感器反应时间快,达到亚毫秒级别。
4. 安全性高OMRON欧姆龙光电传感器使用低功率发射器,可以保证在使用过程中的安全性。
⌟ 䎱 行
20 Ẕ⌟⠽ԧ˖ⱑ㒌 Ẕ⌟䎱行˖1m
⥛嗻 10
100 200 300 400 500 600
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
放大器内置光电开关 (长距离)
ᬒ఼ߚ行ൟ 型10m距离设定型2m
ᬒ఼ݙ㕂ൟ ■小型机可检测10m长距离。若将传统的对射型 换成回归反射型则可省布线、省空间。
⬉⑤ݙ㕂ൟ ■距离设定型带有示教式功能。 ■带有稳定状态一目了然的稳定显示灯。
光源 (发光波长) 红色发光二极管 (700nm)
红外光二极管 (860nm)
φ70mm以下 (检出距离1m时)
DC10~30V [包括脉动(p-p)10%]
DC12~240V±10% 脉动(p-p)10%以下 AC24~240V±10% 50/ 60Hz
DC10~30V [包括脉动(p-p)10%]
⫼䗨ߚ㉏ ■输出可选择晶体管输出(NPN/PNP转换) 或继电器输出。
ೈ䆒 ■按用途有导线/接插件/端子台连接方式。
详情请参阅225页的 「请正确使用」。
相关信息 技术指南 (技术篇) .............1290
Omron E3F1光电传感器说明书
![Omron E3F1光电传感器说明书](
1•M18 size Photoelectric sensor with best value at competitive price •Bright visible red LED enabling easy alignment•Compact and robust housing for easy integration into machines •Reliable operation in all industrial environmentsOrdering InformationSensors [Refer to Dimensions on page 5.]Reflectors [Refer to Dimensions on page 6.]Reflectors required for Retro-reflective Sensors: A Reflector is not provided with the Sensor. Be sure to order a Reflector separately.Mounting brackets [Refer to Dimensions on page 6.]A Mounting Bracket is not enclosed with the Sensor. Order a Mounting Bracket separately if required.*2The Reflector is sold separately.Red lightSensorSensing distanceAppearanceModelQuantityRemarksE 3F1-R @0.1 to 3 m E39-R1S 1for E 3F1-R @E3F12Sensor I/O connectorsModels for Connectors: A Connector is not provided with the Sensor. Be sure to order a Connector separately. SpecificationsSensor Size Cable Appearance Cable type ModelM12 connector types M12S tandard2 m4-wireXS2F-M12PVC4S2M-EU5 m XS2F-M12PVC4S5M-EU2 m XS2F-M12PVC4A2M-EU5 m XS2F-M12PVC4A5M-EUSensing method Through-beam Retro-reflective Diffuse-reflective Model NPNoutputPre-wired E3F1-TN11 2M E3F1-RN11 2M E3F1-DN11 2M E3F1-DN12 2MM12 Connector E3F1-TN21E3F1-RN21E3F1-DN21E3F1-DN22 PNPoutputPre-wired E3F1-TP11 2M E3F1-RP11 2M E3F1-DP11 2M E3F1-DP12 2MItem M12 Connector E3F1-TP21E3F1-RP21E3F1-DP21E3F1-DP22Sensing distance15 m0.1 to 3 m(with E39-R1S)100 mm(white paper:300⨯300mm)300 mm(white paper:300⨯300mm)Spot diameter (typical)——40 ⨯ 45 mmS ensing distanceof 100 mm40 ⨯ 50 mmS ensing distanceof 300 mmDirectional angle2° min.2° min.——Light source (wavelength)Red LED (624 nm)Power supply voltage10 to 30 VDC (include voltage ripple of 10%(p-p) max.)Current consumption40 mA max.(Emitter 25 mA max.Receiver 15 mA max.)25 mA max.Control outputNPN/PNP (open collector)Load current: 100 mA max. (Residual voltage: 3 V max.), Load power supply voltage: 30 VDC max. Operation mode Light-ON/Dark-ON selectable by wiringIndicatorOperation indicator (orange)S tability indicator (green)Power indicator (green): only Emitter of Through-beamProtection circuitsReversed power supply polarity protection, Output short-circuit protection and Reversed output po-larity protectionResponse time0.5 msSensitivity adjustment One-turn adjusterAmbient temperature range Operating: -25 to 55°C/ S torage: -30 to 70°C (with no icing or condensation)Ambient humidity range Operating: 35 to 85%RH/ S torage: 35 to 95%RH (with no condensation)Degree of protection IEC: IP66Weight(packedstate/onlysensor)Pre-wired cable (2M)Approx. 110 g/Approx. 50 g,respectivelyApprox. 60 g/ Approx. 50 gConnectorApprox. 30 g/Approx. 10 g,respectivelyApprox. 20 g/ Approx. 10 gMaterialCase AB SLens and Display PMMAAdjuster POMNut AB SAccessoriesInstruction sheetM18 nuts (4 pcs)Instruction sheetM18 nuts (2 pcs)S traightAngleE3F13Output circuit diagramPNP OutputNPN OutputConnector Pin ArrangementM12 Connector Pin ArrangementConnectors (Sensor I/O connectors)M12 4-wire Connectors3124Classification Wire color Connector pin No.Application DCBrown ➀Power supply (+V)White ➁L/on · D/on selectable Blue ➂Power supply (0 V)Black➃OutputE3F14Nomenclature*The Emitter has two Power indicators (Green) instead of the S tability indicator (Green) and the Operation indicator (Orange).Safety PrecautionsRefer to Warranty and Limitations of Liability.This product is not designed or rated for directly orindirectly ensuring safety of persons. Do not use itfor such a purpose.Never use the product with an AC power supply.Do not use the product with voltage in excess of therated voltage.Do not use the product with incorrect wiring.Otherwise, explosion, fire, malfunction may result.Be sure to follow the safety precautions below for added safety.1.Do not use the sensor under the environment with explosive,flammable or corrosive gas.2.Do not use the sensor under the oil or chemical environment.3.Do not use the sensor in the water, rain or outdoors.4.Do not use the sensor in the environment where humidity is highand condensation may occur.5.Do not use the sensor under the environment under the otherconditions in excess of rated.6.Do not use the sensor in place that is exposed by direct sunlight.7.Do not use the sensor in place where the sensor may receivedirect vibration or shock.8.Do not use the thinner, alcohol, or other organic solvents.9.Never disassemble, repair nor tamper with the sensor.10.Please process it as industrial waste.ying S ensor wiring in the same conduit or duct as high-voltagewires or power lines may result in malfunction or damage due toconduit or use shielded cable.2.Do not pull on the cable with excessive force.3.If a commercial switching regulator is used, ground the FG (frameground) terminal.4.The sensor will be available 100 ms after the power supply is tunedON. S tart to use the sensor 100 ms or more after turning ON thepower supply. If the load and the sensor are connected to separatepower supplies, be sure to turn ON the sensor first.5.Output pulses may be generated even when the power supply isOFF. Therefore, it is recommended to first turn OFF the powersupply for the load or the load line.6.The sensor must be mounted using the provided nuts. The propertightening torque range is between 0.4 and 0.5 N·m.St ab ility indic a tor(Green)Oper a tion indic a tor(Or a nge)Sen s itivity a dj us terStraightwith an adjuster:E3F1-T@-DE3F1-R@E3F1-D@without an adjuster:E3F1-T@-L *WARNINGCAUTIONPrecautions for Safe UsePrecautions for Correct UseE3F15DimensionsSensors(Unit: mm)Tolerance class IT16 applies to dimensions in this data sheet unless otherwise specified.dia.0 (AWG26)standard length 2 mPre-wired Models E3F1-T @E3F1-R @E3F1-D @Suitable models E3F1-T @11Suitable models E3F1-R @11E3F1-D @1@*Suitable models E3F1-T @11-D E3F1-R @12E3F1-D @1@Mounting HolesLeft side viewLeft side viewFront viewM12 Connector Models E3F1-T @E3F1-R @E3F1-D@dia.0Suitable models E3F1-T @21Suitable models E3F1-R @21E3F1-D @2@Mounting HolesTerminal No.Specification1+V 2L/on · D/on selectable 30V 4Output*Suitable models E3F1-T @21-D E3F1-R @22E3F1-D @2@Left side viewLeft side viewFront viewRight side viewAttached nutE3F16Accessories (Order Separately)E3F17Read and Understand This CatalogPlease read and understand this catalog before purchasing the products. Please consult your OMRON representative if you have any questions orcomments.WARRANTYOMRON's exclusive warranty is that the products are free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year (or other period if specified) from date of sale by OMRON.OMRON MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF THE PRODUCTS. ANY BUYER OR USER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE BUYER OR USER ALONE HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PRODUCTS WILL SUITABLY MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THEIR INTENDED USE. OMRON DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.LIMITA TIONS OF LIABILITYOMRON SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR COMMERCIAL LOSS IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE PRODUCTS, WHETHER SUCH CLAIM IS BASED ON CONTRACT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE, OR STRICT LIABILITY.In no event shall the responsibility of OMRON for any act exceed the individual price of the product on which liability is asserted.IN NO EVENT SHALL OMRON BE RESPONSIBLE FOR WARRANTY, REPAIR, OR OTHER CLAIMS REGARDING THE PRODUCTS UNLESSOMRON'S ANALYSIS CONFIRMS THAT THE PRODUCTS WERE PROPERLY HANDLED, STORED, INSTALLED, AND MAINTAINED AND NOTSUBJECT TO CONTAMINATION, ABUSE, MISUSE, OR INAPPROPRIATE MODIFICATION OR REPAIR.SUITABILITY FOR USEOMRON shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes, or regulations that apply to the combination of products in the customer's application or use of the products.At the customer's request, OMRON will provide applicable third party certification documents identifying ratings and limitations of use that apply to the products. This information by itself is not sufficient for a complete determination of the suitability of the products in combination with the end product, machine, system, or other application or use.The following are some examples of applications for which particular attention must be given. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all possible uses of the products, nor is it intended to imply that the uses listed may be suitable for the products:•Outdoor use, uses involving potential chemical contamination or electrical interference, or conditions or uses not described in this catalog.•Nuclear energy control systems, combustion systems, railroad systems, aviation systems, medical equipment, amusement machines, vehicles, safety equipment, and installations subject to separate industry or government regulations.•Systems, machines, and equipment that could present a risk to life or property.Please know and observe all prohibitions of use applicable to the products.NEVER USE THE PRODUCTS FOR AN APPLICATION INVOLVING SERIOUS RISK TO LIFE OR PROPERTY WITHOUT ENSURING THAT THESYSTEM AS A WHOLE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO ADDRESS THE RISKS, AND THAT THE OMRON PRODUCTS ARE PROPERLY RATED ANDINSTALLED FOR THE INTENDED USE WITHIN THE OVERALL EQUIPMENT OR SYSTEM.PROGRAMMABLE PRODUCTSOMRON shall not be responsible for the user's programming of a programmable product, or any consequence thereof.CHANGE IN SPECIFICA TIONSProduct specifications and accessories may be changed at any time based on improvements and other reasons.It is our practice to change model numbers when published ratings or features are changed, or when significant construction changes are made.However, some specifications of the products may be changed without any notice. When in doubt, special model numbers may be assigned to fix or establish key specifications for your application on your request. Please consult with your OMRON representative at any time to confirm actualspecifications of purchased products.DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTSDimensions and weights are nominal and are not to be used for manufacturing purposes, even when tolerances are shown.PERFORMANCE DA TAPerformance data given in this catalog is provided as a guide for the user in determining suitability and does not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of OMRON’s test conditions, and the users must correlate it to actual application requirements. Actual performance is subject to the OMRONWarranty and Limitations of Liability.ERRORS AND OMISSIONSThe information in this document has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for clerical,typographical, or proofreading errors, or omissions.Cat. No. E94E-EN-01In the interest of product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. OMRON EUROPE B.V.Wegalaan 67-69,NL-2132 JD, Hoofddorp,The NetherlandsPhone:+31 23 568 13 00Fax:+31 23 568 13。
1. 光电传感器:光电传感器是基于光电效应工作的。
2. 距离传感器:距离传感器基于超声波或激光测距原理。
3. 压力传感器:压力传感器通过测量物体施加在传感器上的压力来工作。
4. 温度传感器:温度传感器通过测量物体的温度来工作。
三、Omron传感器的应用1. 机器人控制:Omron传感器被广泛应用于机器人控制中,如视觉传感器用于识别物体、距离传感器用于避障等。
2. 自动化生产线:Omron传感器被广泛应用于自动化生产线中,如光电传感器用于检测物体的位置和颜色、压力传感器用于控制生产线的速度等。
3. 安全控制:Omron传感器也被广泛应用于安全控制中,如温度传感器用于检测过热、烟雾探测器用于检测烟雾和气体等。
![OMRON MEMS热敏传感器D6T说明书](
MEMS Thermal SensorsD6TContactless measurementcreating energy-efficient and comfortable living spacesMEMS Thermal Sensors D6THigh Accuracy, Smaller Footprint, East to Work WithOMRON's unique MEMS technology allows combining thermopile elements and ASICs into one package resulting to ultra-compact footprint.Infrared rayAchieving the highest level of SNR* in the world ** SNR: Signal-to-Noise Ratio. Compares the level of a signal to the level of background noise *2 As of December 2017, according to OMRON researchConverts sensor signal to digital temperature output allowing easy use of microcontrollerSpace-saving design,well-suited for embedded applicationsEasy connectionCompact sizeSilicon lens far-infrared focusingDetection principleThermopileHot junctionInfrared ray Cold junctionMEMS Thermal (IR* sensor) measures the surface temperature of objects without touching them when the thermopile element absorbs the amount of radiant energy from the object.*IR: Infrared RayLow noiseCross-section view of D6T sensorThe sensor utilizes the seebeck effect in which thermoelectric force is generated due to the temperature difference that occurs 3Detection results of temperature distribution5MEMS Thermal Sensors D6TObject DetectionD6T sensors can detect objects by pinpointing the target object temperature.6D6T sensor meets customer needs byproviding a wide range of application support from home appliances to industrial use.D6T sensors let you measure temperature without the need to physically touch the object.This allows measuring temperature where it was not possible for contact thermal sensors due to space shortage.The sensors can be used in a wide range of applications including FEMS (Factory EnergyManagement System).7MEMS Thermal Sensors D6TComparison with Pyroelectric SensorAble to detect human (object) motionUnable to detect stationary human (object) presenceAble to detect human (object) motionAble to detect both stationary and motion state of humans (objects).Both the pyroelectric sensor and non-contact MEMS thermal sensor can detect even the slightest amount of radiant energy from objects such as infrared radiation and convert them into temperaturereadings. However, unlike pyroelectric sensor that relies on motion detection, non-contact MEMS thermal sensor is able to detect the presence of stationary humans (or objects).Converts temperature readings only when detecting “temperature changes in the radiant energy” in its field of view.Converts temperature readings by “continuously detecting the temperature of radiant energy” in its field of view8X = 58.0°Y = 58.0°X = 111cmY = 111cmX = 222cmY = 222cmX = 333cmY = 333cmX = 47cmY = 47cmX = 94cmY = 94cmX = 141cmY = 141cmX = 103cmY = 10cmX = 206cmY = 20cmX = 309cmY = 30cmX = 81cmY = 84cmX = 162cmY = 169cmX = 244cmY = 253cmX = 200cmY = 200cmX = 400cmY = 400cmX = 600cmY = 600cm1(1x1)8(1x8)16(4x4)X = 26.5°Y = 26.5°X = 54.5°Y = 5.5°X=44.2°Y=45.7°1024(32x32)X=90.0°Y=90.0°Viewing Angle and Measurement AreaChoose your preferred sensor viewing angle to meet your application needs.* The sizes of measurement area indicated above are for reference only.* The size of measurement area changes according to sensor mounting angle.DistanceNumber ofelementsAppearanceSize ofmeasurementareaDistance 1mDistance 2mDistance 3mNumber ofelementsX-directionY-directionDistance Distance Distance910D 6THigh Sensitivity Enables Detection of Stationary Human Presence•OMRON’s unique MEMS and ASIC technology achieve a high SNR.•Superior noise immunity with a digital output.•High-precision area temperature detection with low cross-talk field of view characteristics.Ordering InformationThermal SensorsAccessories (Sold separately)Model Number Legend(1) Number of elements 44L : 16 (4 ✕ 4)8L : 8 (1 ✕ 8)1A : 1 (1 ✕ 1)32L : 1024 (32 ✕ 32)(2) Viewing angle06: X direction=44.2°, Y direction=45.7°09: X direction=54.5°, Y direction=5.5°01: X direction, Y direction=58.0°02: X direction, Y direction=26.5°01A : X direction, Y direction=90.0°(3) Special Functions H : High-temperature type Non-display : Standard sensorRoHS CompliantRefer to Safety Precautions on page 17.Type Model Cable HarnessD6T-HARNESS-0211D6TMEMS Thermal SensorsD 6TRatings, Specifications, and FunctionsRatingsCharacteristicsFunctions*1.Refer to Field of View Characteristics .*2.Refer to Object Temperature Detection Range .*3.Reference data*4.Taken to be the average value of the central 4 pixels.ItemModelD6T-44L-06/06HD6T-8L-09/09HD6T-1A-01D6T-1A-02D6T-32L-01A Power supply voltage 4.5 to 5.5 VDC Storage temperature range -10 to 60°C -20 to 80°C-20 to 80°C-40 to 80°C -20 to 80°C (with no icing or condensation)Operating temperature range 0 to 50°C 0 to 60°C 0 to 60°C-40 to 80°C -10 to 70°C (with no icing or condensation)Storage humidity range 85% max.95% max.95% max.95% max.95% max.(with no icing or condensation)Operating humidity range20% to 85%20% to 95%20% to 95%20% to 95%20% to 95%(with no icing or condensation)Item Model D6T-44L-06/06H D6T-8L-09/09H D6T-1A-01D6T-1A-02D6T-32L-01AView angle *1X direction 44.2°54.5°58.0°26.5°90°Y direction45.7°5.5°58.0°26.5°90°Object temperature output accuracy *2Accuracy 1±1.5°C max.Measurement conditions: Vcc = 5.0 V (1) Tx = 25°C, Ta = 25°C (2) Tx = 45°C, Ta = 25°C (3) Tx = 45°C, Ta = 45°CWithin ±3.0°CMeasurementconditions: Vcc = 5.0 V Tx = 25°C, Ta = 25°C Central 16-pixel area Accuracy 2±3.0°C max.Measurement conditions: Vcc = 5.0 V (4) Tx = 25°C, Ta = 45°C Within ±5.0°C Measurementconditions: Vcc = 5.0 V Tx = 80°C, Ta = 25°C Central 16-pixel areaCurrent consumption5 mA typical3.5 mA typical19 mA typicalItemModelD6T-44L-06/06H D6T-8L-09/09H D6T-1A-01D6T-1A-02D6T-32L-01A Object temperature detection range *25 to 50°C/5 to 200°C 5 to 50°C/5 to 200°C 5 to 50°C -40 to 80°C 0 to 200°C Reference temperature detection range *25 to 45°C5 to 45°C5 to 45°C-40 to 80°C0 to 80°COutput specifications Digital values that correspond to the object temperature (Tx) and reference temperature(Ta) are output from a serial communications port.Output formBinary code (10 times the detected temperature (°C))Communications formI2C compliant Temperature resolution (NETD) *30.06°C0.03°C0.02°C0.06°C0.33°C *412D6TMEMS Thermal SensorsD 6TObject Temperature Detection RangeD6T-44L-06, D6T-8L-09, D6T-1A-01D6T-44L-06H, D6T-8L-09HD6T-1A-02D6T-32L-01AConnectionsThermal Sensor Configuration Diagram<D6T-8L-09/09H>Note:The D6T-44L-06/06H has pixels 0 to 15.The D6T-1A-01/02 has pixel 0.The D6T-32L-01A has pixel 0 to 1023.Terminal Arrangement: Object temperature detection range5101520253035404550-10020406080100120140160180200Object temperature Tx (°C)R e f e r e n c e t e m p e r a t u r e T a (°C )Object temperature Tx (°C)R e f e r e n c e t e m p e r a t u r e Ta (°C ): Object temperature detection range-10102030405060708090-10020406080100120140160180200Terminal NameFunctionRemarks1GND Ground2VCC Positive power supply voltage input 3SDA Serial data I/O line Connect the open-drain SDA terminal to a pull-up resistor.4SCLSerial clock inputConnect the open-drain SCL terminal to a pull-up resistor.13D6TMEMS Thermal SensorsD 6TField of View CharacteristicsD6T-44L-06/06HField of view in X Directionence, the angular range where the Sensor output is 50% or higher whenthe angle of the Sensor is changed is defined as the view angle.X directionY direction++−−P0P4P1 P5P2 P6P3P7D6T-8L-09/09HField of view in X DirectionField of view in Y DirectionDetection Area for Each PixelNote:Definition of view angle: Using the maximum Sensor output as a refer-ence, the angular range where the Sensor output is 50% or higher whenthe angle of the Sensor is changed is defined as the view angle.14D6TMEMS Thermal SensorsD 6TD6T-1A-01Field of view in X DirectionField of view in Y DirectionDetection Area for Each PixelD6T-1A-02Field of view in X DirectionField of view in Y DirectionNote:Definition of view angle: Using the maximum Sensor output as a refer-ence, the angular range where the Sensor output is 50% or higher when the angle of the Sensor is changed is defined as the view angle.D6T-32L-01AField of view in X DirectionField of view in Y DirectionDetection Area for Each PixelNote:Definition of view angle: Using the maximum Sensor output as a refer-ence, the angular range where the Sensor output is 50% or higher when the angle of the Sensor is changed is defined as the view angle.15D6TMEMS Thermal SensorsD 6TDimensions (Unit: mm)Note:Unless otherwise specified, a tolerance of ±0.3 mm applies to all dimensions.D6T-44L-06/06HSupporting and Mounting Area (Shaded Portion)Top ViewNote:Due to insulation distance limitations, donot allow metal parts to come into contactwith the Sensor.D6T-8L-09/09HSupporting and Mounting Area (Shaded Portion)Note:Due to insulation distance limitations, donot allow metal parts to come into contact with the Sensor.16D6TMEMS Thermal SensorsD 6TD6T-1A-01/02Supporting and Mounting Area (Shaded Portion)Top Viewmetal parts to come into contact with the Sensor.17D6TMEMS Thermal SensorsD 6TSafety Precautions●Installation•The Sensor may not achieve the characteristics given in this datasheet due to the ambient environment or installation loca-tion. Before using the Sensor, please acquire an adequate understanding and make a prior assessment of Sensor char-acteristics in your actual system.●Operating Environment•Do not use the Sensor in locations where dust, dirt, oil, and other foreign matter will adhere to the lens. This may prevent correct temperature measurements.•Do not use the Sensor in any of the following locations.•Locations where the Sensor may come into contact with water or oil •Outdoors•Locations subject to direct sunlight.•Locations subject to corrosive gases (in particular, chlo-ride, sulfide, or ammonia gases).•Locations subject to extreme temperature changes •Locations subject to icing or condensation.•Locations subject to excessive vibration or shock.●Noise Countermeasures•The Sensor does not contain any protective circuits. Never subject it to an electrical load that exceeds the absolute maxi-mum ratings for even an instance. The circuits may be dam-aged. Install protective circuits as required so that the absolute maximum ratings are not exceeded.•Keep as much space as possible between the Sensor anddevices that generates high frequencies (such as high-frequency welders and high-frequency sewing machines) or surges.•Attach a surge protector or noise filter on nearby noise-generating devices (in particular, motors, transformers, solenoids, magnetic coils, or devices that have an inductance component).•In order to prevent inductive noise, separate the connector of the Sensor from power lines carrying high voltages or large currents. Using a shielded line is also effective.•If a switching requlator is used, check that malfunctions will not occur due to switching noise from the power supply.●Handling•This Sensor is a precision device. Do not drop it or subject it to excessive shock or force. Doing so may damage the Sensor or change its characteristics. Never subject the connector to unnecessary force. Do not use a Sensor that has been dropped.•Take countermeasures against static electricity before you handle the Sensor.•Turn OFF the power supply to the system before you install the Sensor. Working with the Sensor while the power supply is turned ON may cause malfunctions.•Secure the Sensor firmly so that the optical axis does not move.•Install the Sensor on a flat surface. If the installation surface is not even, the Sensor may be deformed, preventing correct measurements.•Do not install the Sensor with screws. Screws may cause the resist to peel from the board. Secure the Sensor in a way that will not cause the resist to peel.•Always check operation after you install the Sensor.•Use the specified connector (GHR-04 from JST) and connect it securely so that it will not come off. If you solder directly to the connector terminals, the Sensor may be damaged.•Make sure to wire the polarity of the terminals correctly. Incor-rect polarity may damage the Sensor.•Never attempt to disassemble the Sensor.•Do not use the cable harness to the other product.Precautions for Correct Use18Terms and Conditions AgreementRead and understand this catalog.Please read and understand this catalog before purchasing the products. Please consult your OMRON representative if you have any questions or comments.Warranties.(a) Exclusive Warranty. Omron’s exclusive warranty is that the Products will be free from defects in materials and workmanshipfor a period of twelve months from the date of sale by Omron (or such other period expressed in writingby Omron). Omron disclaims all other warranties, express or implied.(b) Limitations. OMRON MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ABOUTNON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A P ARTICULAR PURPOSE OF THEPRODUCTS. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT ALONE HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PRODUCTS WILLSUITABL Y MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THEIR INTENDED USE.Omron further disclaims all warranties and responsibility of any type for claims or expenses based on infringement by the Products or otherwise of any intellectual property right. (c) Buyer Remedy. Omron’s sole obligation hereunder shall be, at Omron’s election,to (i) replace (in the form originally shipped with Buyer responsible for labor charges for removal or replacement thereof) thenon-complying Product, (ii) repair the non-complying Product, or (iii) repay or credit Buyer an amount equal to the purchase priceof the non-complying Product; provided that in no event shall Omron be responsible for warranty, repair, indemnity or any other claims or expenses regarding the Products unless Omron’s analysis confirms that the Products were properly handled, stored, installed and maintained and not subject to contamination, abuse, misuse or inappropriate modification. Return of any Products by Buyer must be approved in writing by Omron before shipment. Omron Companies shall not be liable for the suitability or unsuitability or the results from the use of Products in combination with any electrical or electronic components, circuits, system assemblies or any other materials or substances or environments. Any advice, recommendations or information given orally or in writing, are not to be construed as an amendment or addition to the above warranty.See /global/ or contact your Omron representative for published information.Limitation on Liability; Etc.OMRON COMPANIES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR PRODUCTION OR COMMERCIAL LOSS IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE PRODUCTS, WHETHER SUCH CLAIM IS BASED IN CONTRACT, WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABILITY.Further, in no event shall liability of Omron Companies exceed the individual price of the Product on which liability is asserted.Suitability of Use.Omron Companies shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes or regulations which apply to the combination of the Product in the Buyer’s application or use of the Product. At Buyer’s request, Omron will provide applicablethird party certification documents identifying ratings and limitations of use which apply to the Product. This information by itself is not sufficient for a complete determination of the suitability of the Product in combination with the end product, machine, system,or other application or use. Buyer shall be solely responsible for determining appropriateness of the particular Product withrespect to Buyer’s application, product or system. Buyer shall take application responsibility in all cases.NEVER USE THE PRODUCT FOR AN APPLICA TION INVOLVING SERIOUS RISK TO LIFE OR PROPERTY OR IN LARGE QUANTITIES WITHOUT ENSURING THAT THE SYSTEM AS A WHOLE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO ADDRESS THE RISKS, AND THAT THE OMRON PRODUCT(S) IS PROPERL Y RATED AND INSTALLED FOR THE INTENDED USE WITHIN THE OVERALL EQUIPMENT OR SYSTEM.Programmable Products.Omron Companies shall not be responsible for the user’s programming of a programmable Product, or any consequence thereof.Performance Data.Data presented in Omron Company websites, catalogs and other materials is provided as a guide for the user in determining suitability and does not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of Omron’s test conditions, and the user must correlate it to actual application requirements. Actual performance is subject to the Omron’s Warranty and Limitations of Liability.Change in Specifications.Product specifications and accessories may be changed at any time based on improvements and other reasons. It is our practiceto change part numbers when published ratings or features are changed, or when significant construction changes are made. However, some specifications of the Product may be changed without any notice. When in doubt, special part numbers may be assigned to fix or establish key specifications for your application. Please consult with your Omron’s representative at any time to confirm actual specifications of purchased Product.Errors and Omissions.Information presented by Omron Companies has been checked and is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for clerical, typographical or proofreading errors or omissions.19• Application examples provided in this document are for reference only. In actual applications, confirm equipment functions and safety before using the product.• Consult your OMRON representative before using the product under conditions which are not described in the manual or applying the product to nuclear control systems, railroad systems, aviation systems, vehicles, combustion systems, medical equipment, amusement machines, safety equipment, and other systems or equipment that may have a serious influence on lives and property if used improperly. Make sure that the ratings and performance characteristics of the product provide a margin of safety for the system or equipment, and be sure to provide the system or equipment with double safety mechanisms.OMRON CorporationElectronic and Mechanical Components CompanyRegional ContactCat. No. A274-E1-020519(0318)Americas Europehttps:/// Asia-Paci ic China https://.sg/ https:///Korea Japan the interest of product improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice.© OMRON Corporation 2018-2019 All Rights Reserved.。
Omron 光电传感器选择指南说明书
![Omron 光电传感器选择指南说明书](
IntroductionThe tables on the following pages provide information to assist in your selection of the Omron photomicrosen-sor that best meets your requirements.The part number key on this page provides a breakdown of component information included in the part number itself.For example,if your requirements call for a photomicrosensor that is pulse-modulated and slotted,you would limit your search to the EE-SPX numbers, and use the tables to find specific information about slot width,dimensions,and modulation types.E E--S--PhotomicrosensorP=Pulse modulatedX=SlottedY=DiffuseZ=Fiber opticW=Through-beam3=Built-in Amp(Dark ON)4=Built-in Amp(Light ON)6=Built--in Amp(Light ON/OFF)2or3digit development numberDevelopment numberAmplified PhotomicrosensorsJ SLOT (TRANSMISSIVE)Slot width Appearance and dimensions (mm)Model Output Optical modulation Aperture width (mm)and orientationPage 3.6mm21.2EE-SPX740Dark-ON Modulated24257.4EE-SPX840Light-ON 2424EE-SPX301Dark-ON 58267EE-SPX401Light-ON 58EE-SPX306-W2ADark-ON 307.42521.2EE-SPX406-W2A Light-ON 3021.2EE-SPX742Dark-ON 24137EE-SPX842Light-ON 0.52421.2EE-SPX302-W2ADark-ON 30137EE-SPX402-W2ALight-ON 3021.2EE-SPX743Dark-ON 24137EE-SPX843Light-ON 2421.27EE-SPX304-W2ADark-ON 3013EE-SPX404-W2A Light-ON 305.0mm15.5EE-SPX741Dark-ON 2427.26.95EE-SPX841Light-ON 2427.215.5EE-SPX305-W2A Dark-ON3015.5EE-SPX405-W2A Light-ON 0.83013.0mmEE-SPX303Dark-ON 54267.4EE-SPX303-15426EE-SPX403Light-ON0.554(This table continues on the next page.)Slot (transmissive)--continued from previous pageSlot width Appearance and dimensions (mm)Model OutputOptical modulation Aperture width (mm)and orientationPage 5.0mm222EE-SX670Light-ON/Dark-ONNon-modulated3822.26.95EE-SX670A 4625.4EE-SX470Light-ON38155EE-SX671Light-ON/Dark-ON 3815.514.5EE-SX671A g 4626.2EE-SX471Light-ON38222EE-SX672Light-ON/Dark-ON3822.226EE-SX672A 4613.4EE-SX472Light-ON38222EE-SX673Light-ON/Dark-ON3822.212.8EE-SX673A 4613.4EE-SX473Light-ON 38155EE-SX674Light-OFF/ON3815.5215EE-SX674A 4621.513.6EE-SX474Light-ON 083818EE-SX770Dark-ON0.8344EE-SX770A31.1EE-SX870Light-ONEE-SX870A EE-SX771Dark-ON 342113EE-SX771AEE-SX871Light-ON18EE-SX871A EE-SX772Dark-ON3431.119.1EE-SX772AEE-SX872Light-ON12EE-SX872AJ DIFFUSESensing distance Sensing method Appearance and dimensions (mm)Model Output Optical modulation Features Page 5.0mmDiffuse reflective20Horizontal modelEE-SPY301Dark-ON ModulatedWide operating voltage range 64267EE-SPY401Light-ON (5to 24VDC)Built-in LED indicatorControl output:6420Vertical modelEE-SPY302Dark-ON p 80mA64267EE-SPY402Light-ON641to 5mm2525.46.95Horizontal modelEE-SY671Light-ON/Dark-ONNon-modulatedBuilt-in sensitivity adjusterWide operating voltage range (5722525.46.95Vertical modelEE-SY672Light-ON/Dark-ONto 24VDC)Output mode selectable72EE-SB5MLight-ON Incorporated 68222EE-SB5MC Dark-ON filter cuts off visible light 6822.2695EE-SB5V Light-ONSensitivity dj t t 686.95EE-SB5VC Dark-ON y adjustment 6819mm (3/4")25.4EE-SB5V-ELight-ON terminals incorporated 682to 6mm (approx.Convergent reflective 22.8Horizontal modelEE-SPY311Dark-ON ModulatedDetects objects against 761/4")268EE-SPY411Light-ON mirror-like surfacesat a distance of more 7622.8Vertical modelEE-SPY312Dark-ON 20mm or more.Detects minute or black objects.76268EE-SPY412Light-ON 76200mmDiffuse retro--EE-SPZ301-ADark-ON Long-distance detection with 80reflective7.42625EE-SPZ401-ALight-ONthe E39-R1Reflector80Note:The maximum detectable distance of each reflective photomicrosensor is based on detecting a piece of white paper with areflection factor of 90%.J FIBER-OPTIC7.42625J THROUGH--BEAMSensing distance Appearance and dimensions (mm)Model Output Optical modulation Detectable object (mm)Page 1m27EE-SPW311Dark-ON ModulatedOpaque:5dia.min.8625.48EE-SPW411Light-ON 8630cm125.8EE-SPW321(-A)Dark-ON Opaque:2dia.min.907.54610.712EE-SPW421(-A)Light-ON90Specialty PhotomicrosensorsSensing Distance Sensing Method Appearance and dimensions (mm)Model Output Optical modulation Features Page 4mmReflective3031.915.4Z4D-F04AAnalogNon-modulatedResolution down to 5μm.1024mmReflective3031.915.4Z4D-F04DON/OFFResolution down to 5μm.1025mmInductive sensing(unshielded)641.328E2R-A01NPN open collectorNoneHigh response frequency of 5khz minimum.98J LIQUID LEVEL SENSORSlot width Appearance and dimensions (mm)Model OutputOptical modulation Aperture width (mm)and orientationPage 13.0mm7.417.22616EE-SPX613Light-ON/Dark-ON Modulated0.896J CONNECTORSModel AppearanceApplicable sensorsEE-1001EE-SX470/470P/670/670P EE-SX471/471P/671/671P EE-SX472/472P/672/672P EE-SX473/473P/673/673P EE-SX474/474P/674/674P EE-1006The connectorincorporates a 2-m wire harness.EE-SX670A/670R EE-SX671A/671R EE-SX672A/672R EE-SX673A/673R EE-SX674A/674REE-SPX303/303-1/403EE-SY671/672EE-SB5M(C)/SB5V(C)EE-SB5V-EEE-SPY311/411/312/412EE-SPW311/411EE-1006A Connector HolderWhen using the EE-1006connectorEE-1006D,1006L The connectorincorporates a 2-m wire harness.EE-SPW311/411EE-1002EE-SPX301/-SPX401,EE-SPY301/-SPY401,EE-SPY302/-SPY402,EE-SPZ301-A/-SPZ401-A,EE-SPZ301Y-01/-SPZ401Y-01,EE-SPZ301W-01/-SPZ401W-01,EE-SPZ301W-02/-SPZ401W-02,EE-1003The connectorincorporates a 1-m wire harness.EE-SPZ301/-SPZ401EE-1003A Connector HolderEE-1010D Z4DEE-1013EE-SPX740/840E22-01E2R-A01J NPN-PNP OUTPUT CONVERTERModel Appearance Applicable sensor Page120 EE-2001EE-SPX301,EE-SPX401,EE-SPY301,EE-SPY401,EE-SPY302,EE-SPY402EE-SPZ301-A,EE-SPZ401-A,EE-SPZ301Y-01,EE-SPZ401Y-01,EE-SPZ301W-01EE-SPZ401W-01EE-SPZ301W-02,EE-SPZ401W-02,EE-SPZ301,EE-SPZ401120 EE-2002EE-SX670,EE-SX670-A,EE-SX671,EE-SX671-A,EE-SX672,EE-SX672-A,EE-SX673,EE-SX673-A,EE-SX470,EE-SX471,EE-SX472,EE-SX473,EE-SPY311,EE-SPY312,EE-SPY411,EE-SPY412,EE-SY671,EE-SY672,EE-SPX303,EE-SPX403,EE-SPW311,EE-SPW411,EE-SB5V,EE-SB5V-E,EE-SB5VC,EE-SB5M,EE-SB5MC。
二、欧姆龙PT100选型手册内容1. 产品概述:介绍欧姆龙PT100温度传感器的基本参数和特点,包括测量范围、精度、响应时间等。
2. 选型指南:根据不同的应用场景和需求,提供不同型号的PT100传感器的选型建议。
3. 安装指南:介绍PT100传感器的安装方法和注意事项。
4. 技术参数:详细列出了各个型号PT100传感器的技术参数,包括测量范围、精度、响应时间、线性度等。
5. 应用案例:提供一些典型的应用案例,展示PT100传感器在不同领域的应用。
6. 常见问题解答:总结了用户在使用PT100传感器过程中常遇到的问题,并提供了相应的解决方案。
omron E8MS E8M压力传感器 说明书
![omron E8MS E8M压力传感器 说明书](
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动作时、保护时:各35~85%RH (无结冰、凝露)
100MΩ以上 (DC500V兆欧表)所有充电部与外壳间
AC1,000V 1min
耐振动 (耐久)
10~150Hz 单振幅0.75mm或100m/s2 X、 Y、 Z各方向 8min×4扫描
DC12V±10% 波动 (p-p) 5%以下
10~150Hz 单振幅0.75mm或100m/s2 X、 Y、 Z各方向 8min×4扫描
Omron E3F2 线性光电传感器说明书
![Omron E3F2 线性光电传感器说明书](
Threaded Cylindrical PhotoelectricSensors with Built-in Amplifier for Use as an Optical Proximity Switch•M18 DIN-sized cylindrical housing•Housing materials: plastic, nickel plated brass and stainless steel•Axial and radial types (with integrated 90°-optics)•Enclosure rating IP67•DC switching types with connectors for easy maintenance •Full metal plug-in type•Sensing distance separate types: 7 m, 10 m •Retroreflective polarizing types: 2 m, 4 m•Background suppression type: 10 cm•Long detection distance (0.3 m, 1 m) with sensitivity adjust-er for diffuse type•Wide-beam characteristics (10 cm) for diffuse type •Wide operating voltage range(10 to 30 VDC or 24 to 240 VAC)•Short-circuit and reverse connection protection(DC switching type)•UL and CSA approved (AC switching types)•UL listed (DC switching types)Ordering Information■DC-Switching ModelsHousing Material: PlasticNote:Shaded models are normally stocked.Note:Standard cable length is 2 m. Models provided with a 5 m long cable are available. When ordering, specify the cable length by adding thelength of the cable (e.g. E3F2-R2RB4 2M or E3F2-R2RB4 5M). For other cable length please contact your OMRON sales representative.*1)with slit E39-ES18*2)with reflector E39-R1*3)with reflector E39-R1S■Housing material: Metal (Nickel plated brass)Note:Shaded models are normally stocked.Note:Standard cable length is 2 m. Models provided with a 5 m long cable are available. When ordering, specify the cable length by adding thelength of the cable (e.g. E3F2-R2RB4 2M or E3F2-R2RB4 5M). For other cable length please contact your OMRON sales representative.*1)with reflector E39-R1*2)with reflector E39-R1S■Housing material: Metal (Stainless steel)Note:Shaded models are normally stocked.Note:Standard cable length is 2 m. Models provided with a 5 m long cable are available. When ordering, specify the cable length by adding thelength of the cable (e.g. E3F2-R2RB4-S 2M or E3F2-R2RB4-S 5M). For other cable length please contact your OMRON sales representa-tive.■AC-Switching ModelsHousing material: PlasticNote:Shaded models are normally stocked.Note:Standard cable length is 2 m. Models provided with a 5 m long cable are available. When ordering, specify the cable length by adding thelength of the cable (e.g. E3F2-R2Z1 2M or E3F2-R2Z1 5M). For other cable length please contact your OMRON sales representative.■Accessories (Order Separately)Note:Shaded models are normally stocked.For detailed information about Accessories, refer to the main chapter “Accessories” at the end of the document.Note:1.T ypical sensing distance corresponds to 80% of the max. sensing distance. For details, please refer to “Engineering Data”.■Sensor I/O ConnectorsNote:Shaded models are normally stocked.NameSensing distance (typical) [1.]ModelRemarkReflectors0.1 - 3.7 m (axial)0.1 - 2.4 m (radial)E39-R160 x 40 mm (included in some models)0.1 - 4.3 m (axial)E39-R1S for E3F2-R40.1 - 4.2 m (axial)0.1 - 2.7 m (radial)E39-R784 mm 0.1 - 5.3 m (axial)0.1 - 3.1 m (radial)E39-R8100 x 100 mm 0.1 - 4.3 m (axial)E39-R4080 x 80 mm Tape ReflectorsE39-RSA 35 x 10 mm E39-RSB 35 x 40 mm E39-RS380 x 70 mmLens Cap E39-F31Mounting Bracket Y92E-B18screw mountY92E-G18quick access mounting SlitE39-ES18for E3F2-10@ - precision detectionSpecifications■Ratings / Characteristics of DC Switching ModelsNote:1.For stable sensing distance in detail, please refer to “Engineering Data”2.Typical sensing distance corresponds to 80% of the max. sensing distance.3.The enclosure rating IP67 of OMRON internal standards correspond to stricter test requirements than the standard IEC 60529 (refer to chapter “Precautions”)4.For other cable materials (e.g. PUR) please contact your OMRON sales representative.5.Material-specification for stainless steel housing case: 1.4305 (W.-No.), 303 (AISI), 2346 (SS). For other stainless steel materials please contact your OMRON sales representative.6.with slit E39-ES187.PNP models -B4: V CC to V CC -2.5 V: Emitting OFF (Source current: 3 mA max.) / Open or 0 to 2.5 V: Emitting ON (Leakage current: 0.1mA max.)NPN models -C4: 0 to 2.5 V: Emitting OFF (Source current: 3 mA max.) / Open or Vcc to Vcc -2.5 V: Emitting ON (Leakage current: 0.1mA max.)ItemE3F2-7@E3F2-10@E3F2-R2@4-@E3F2-R2R @E3F2-R4@-@E3F2-DS10@E3F2-DS30@E3F2-D1@4-@E3F2-LS10@4-@Sensing methodThrough-beam Retroreflective Diffuse reflective - multi purpose - Precision detection [6.]- test inputNon-polarizingPolarizingWide beam characteristicAdjustable sensing distance Background suppressionPower supply voltage 10 to 30 V DC 12 to 24 V DC 10 to 30 V DC Current consumption 50 mA max.25 mA max.30 mA max.25 mA max.30 mA max.Rated sensing distance [1.]7 m 10 m 0.1 - 2 m(with reflector E39-R1)0.1 - 4 m(with reflector E39-R1S)0.1 m(5 x 5 cm white mat paper)0.3 m(10 x 10 cm white mat paper)1 m(30 x 30 cm white mat paper)0.1 m(10 x 10 cm white mat paper)T ypical sensing distance for different reflector types (ref. to accesso-ries) [2.]–E39-R1: 4.0 m E39-R7: 4.5 m E39-R8:5.3 m E39-R1:axial3.7 m radial 2.4 m E39-R7:axial4.2 m radial 2.7 m E39-R8:axial5.3 m radial 3.1 mE39-R1S:4.3 m E39-R7: 4.8 m E39-R8: 5.6 mE39-R40:4.3 m E39-RS3: 2 m –Standard object Opaque: 11 mm dia. min.Opaque: 56 mm dia. min.–Directional angle 3° to 20°–Differential travel (hysteresis)–20% max.5% max Black/white error –3%Response time Operation and Reset: 2.5 ms max. 1 ms max 2.5 ms max. 1 ms max.Control output T ransistor (open collector), load current: 100 mA max. (residual voltage: 2 V max.)Power reset time 50 ms 100 ms max.50 ms 100 msAmbient illumination Incandescent lamp:3000 lx max. / Sunlight:10000 lx max.Ambient temperature Operating: -25 to 55 °C / Storage: -30 to 70 °C (with no icing or condensation)Ambient humidity Operating: 35% to 85% / Storage: 35% to 95% (without condensation)Insulation resistance 20 M Ω min. at 500 V DC between energized parts and caseDielectric strength 1000 VAC max., 50 / 60 Hz for 1 min between energized parts and case Vibration resistance 10 to 55 Hz, 1.5 mm double amplitude for 2 hrs each direction (X, Y, Z)Shock resistance Destruction: 500 m/s 2 each direction (X, Y , Z)Enclosure ratings IP67 [3.]; NEMA 1, 2, 4Light source Infrared LED (880 nm/850 nm)Red LED (660 nm)Infrared LED (880 nm)Red LED (660 nm)IndicatorsLight incident / power indi-cator for light source (red)Output (orange) / light emission (red)Light incident / power indicator for light source (red)Light incident (red) / stability (green)Light incident / power indicator for light source (red)Light incident (red) / stability (green)Output indicator (orange) / sta-bility (green)Sensitivity adjustment Fixed Fixed / AdjustableFixed Adjustable FixedConnection method 2 m, 5 m pre-wired cable (PVC, dia. 4 mm (18 / 0.12) [4.]) or M12-connector T est Input–[7.]–Operation mode Light-ON or Dark-ON selectable by wiringWeight (approx.)Plastic case pre-wired (2 m)120 g 60 g connector40 g 20 g Metal case pre-wired (2 m)180 g 90 g connector 120 g 50 gCircuit protection Output short-circuit and power supply reverse polarity Housing materialsPlastic (case: ABS; lens: PMMA)Nickel brass Nickel brass –Nickel brass Nickel brassNickel brass Nickel brass Nickel brass Nickel brass Stainless steel [5.]––Stainless steel [5.]–Stainless steel [5.]Stainless steel [5.]––■Ratings / Characteristics of AC Switching ModelsNote:1.For stable sensing distance in detail, please refer to “Engineering Data”2.T ypical sensing distance corresponds to 80% of the max. sensing distance.3.The enclosure rating IP67 of OMRON internal standards correspond to stricter test requirements than the standard IEC 60529 (refer to chapter “Precautions”)ItemE3F2-3Z1E3F2-3Z2E3F2-R2Z1E3F2-R2Z2E3F2-DS10Z1E3F2-DS10Z2Sensing method Through-beamNon-polarizing RetroreflectiveDiffuse reflective(wide-beam characteristic)Power supply voltage 24 to 240 VAC ±10%, 50 / 60 Hz Current consumption 10 mA max. 5 mA max.Rated sensing distance[1.] 3 m 0.1 - 2 m(with reflector E39-R1)0.1 m(5 x 5 cm white mat paper)Typical sensing distance for dif-ferent reflector types [2.]–E39-R1: 3,4 m E39-R7: 3,9 m E39-R8: 5,2 m–Detectable object Opaque object: 11 mm min.Opaque object: 56 mm min.Opaque objects Directional angle 3° to 20°–Differential travel –20% max.Response time 30 ms max.Control output AC solid state (SCR) 200 mA max.; residual voltage: 5 V max. at 200 mA Power reset time 100 msAmbient illumination Incandescent lamp: 3000 lx max. Sunlight: 10000 lx max.Ambient temperature Operating: -25 to 55 °C / Storage: -30 to 70 °C (with no icing or condensation)Ambient humidity Operating: 35% to 85% / Storage: 35% to 95% (without condensation)Insulation resistance 20 M Ω min. at 500 V DC between energized parts and case Dielectric strength 1500 VAC, 50 / 60 Hz for 1 min between energized parts and case Vibration resistance 10 to 55 Hz, 1.5 mm double amplitude for 2 hrs each direction (X, Y , Z)Shock resistance 500 m/sqr (approx. 50 g) for each direction (X, Y , Z)Enclosure rating IP67 [3.]; NEMA 1, 2, 4Light source Infrared LED (880 nm)IndicatorsLight incident/power indicator for light source (red)Sensitivity adjustment FixedConnection method 2 m, 5 m pre-wired cable (PVC dia. 4 mm (14 / 0.15))Operation mode Light-ON or Dark-ON (fixed)Circuit protection NoneWeight (approx.)110 g (pre-wired 2 m cable)Housing materialsPlastic (case: ABS; lens: PMMA)Engineering Data (Typical)■Operating Range (typical)Through-beam Models (axial) E3F2-7@4-@Through-beam Models (axial)E3F2-3Z@Through-beam Models (axial)E3F2-10@Retroreflective Models (axial) E3F2-R2@4-@ (non polarizing) and reflectors Retroreflective Models (axial)E3F2-R2Z@ (non polarizing)and reflectorsRetroreflective Models (axial)E3F2-R2R@4-@ (polarizing)and reflectorsRetro-reflective Models (axial) E3F2-R4@4@-@ (polarizing)Retroreflective Models (radial) E3F2-R2R@41-@ (polarizing) and reflectors■Excess Gain Ratio vs. Distance (typical)Diffuse reflective Models (axial)E3F2-DS10@4-@ (wide-beam type)Diffuse reflective Models (axial)E3F2-DS10Z-@ (wide-beam type)Diffuse reflective Models (axial)E3F2-DS30@4-@Diffuse reflective Models (radial)E3F2-DS30@41-@Diffuse reflective Models (axial)E3F2-D1@4-@Through-beam Models (axial)E3F2-7@4-@Through-beam Models (axial)E3F2-3Z @Through-beam Models (axial)E3F2-10@Retroreflective Models (axial)E3F2-R2@4-@ (non polarizing)and reflectorsRetroreflective Models (axial)E3F2-R2Z @ (non polarizing)Retroreflective Models (axial)E3F2-R2R @4-@ (polarizing)Retroreflective Models (axial)E3F2-R4@4@-@Retroreflective Models (radial)E3F2-R2R @41-@ (polarizing)and reflectorsDiffuse reflective Models (axial)E3F2-DS10@4-@ (wide-beam type)Diffuse reflective Models (axial)E3F2-DS10Z-@ (wide-beam type)Diffuse reflective Models (axial)E3F2-DS30@4-@Diffuse reflective Models (radial)E3F2-DS30@41-@Diffuse reflective Models (axial)E3F2-D1@4-@■Light spot vs. sensing distance■Incline (left and right)■Incline (up and down)Background suppression Models E3F2-LS @Background suppression Models E3F2-LS @Background suppression Models E3F2-LS @■Object material vs. sensing distanceBackground suppression Models E3F2-LS @Operation■Output CircuitsStructure of Sensor I/O Connector■PNP OutputClassification Wire color Connector pin e DCBrown Power supply (+V)White Mode s election Lon/Don Blue Power supply (0 V)BlackOutput1234Note:T erminal numbers for connector type.■NPN Output■AC OutputDimensions Note: All units are in millimeters unless otherwise indicated ■DC-Switching Models, plastic, axial type■DC-Switching Models, plastic, radial type■DC-Switching Models, metal (brass and stainless steel), axial type■DC-Switching Models, metal (brass and stainless steel), radial type Array■AC-Switching Models, plastic, axial type■Accessories (Order Separately)E39-RSBSlit (for precision detection with E3F2-10@) E39-ES1830Two tightening nuts161 214PrecautionsThe E3F2 Photoelectric Sensor is not a safety component for ensur-ing the safety of people which is defined in EC directive (91/368/ EEC) and covered by separate European standards or by any other regulations or standards.■Degree of protectionThe E3F2 photoelectric sensors have a degree of protection rated with IP67. In this case, the sensors have passed the OMRON heat shock test before the IP67-test of IEC 60529 (submersion at 1m water depth for 30 min). Afterwards the sensors have been tested according to the OMRON waterproof test.Heat shock: The Alternating, fast temperature changes between -25°C and +55°C are executed for 5 cycles and 1 hourfor each temperature. Function and isolation arechecked.Water proof: The sensors are submerged alternating in water of +2°C and +55°C. 20 cycles with 1 hour for each tem-perature are executed. Function, water tightness andelectrical isolation are checked.Do not expose the photoelectric sensor to excessive shock during installation, keeping within IP 67 standards.■WiringI f the input/output lines of the photoelectric sensor are placed in the same conduit or duct as power lines or high-voltage lines, the photo-electric sensor could be induced to malfunction, or even be damaged by electrical noise. Separate the wiring, or use shielded lines as input/output lines to the photoelectric sensor.Do not connect the black wire to the brown wire without a load. Direct connection of these wires may damage the photoelectric sensor (AC switching type).When using the photoelectric sensor in the vicinity of an inverter motor, ensure to connect the protective earth ground wire of the motor to earth. Failure to ground the motor may result in malfunction of the sensor.When you use the photoelectric sensor at temperatures exceeding 45°C, the load current must be within the described values as shown in the figure below.■InstallationDo not exceed a torque of•2.0 Nm (20 kgf cm) when tightening mounting nuts for plastic models•20.0 Nm (200 kgf cm) when tightening mounting nuts for metal modelsCertain Terms and Conditions of SaleCertain Precautions on Specifications and UseOMRON ON-LINEGlobal - USA - /oei Canada - http://www.omron.caCat. No. E224-E3-04Printed in USAOMRON CANADA, INC.885 Milner AvenueToronto, Ontario M1B 5V8416-286-6465OMRON ELECTRONICS LLCOne Commerce Drive Schaumburg, IL 60173847-843-7900For US technical support or other inquiries:800-556-676604/05 Specifications subject to change without noticeComplete “Terms and Conditions of Sale” for product purchase and use are on Omron’s website at /oei – under the “About Us” tab, in the Legal Matters section.ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE IN MILLIMETERS.T o convert millimeters into inches, multiply by 0.03937. T o convert grams into ounces, multiply by 0.03527.。
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欧姆龙于1960年推出全球首款代晶体管的静态接近 开关。自此,欧姆龙成为接近器传感器领域的领跑者 ,并以非凡卓越的成绩走过了令人倍感自豪的50年历 城。目前为止,已有超过2亿个欧姆龙接近传感器被交 付之日本国内以及世界各地的客户手中。旨在以合理 的价格满足客户对传感器高品质和高可靠性的要求。
08:8 mm 12:12 mm 18:18 mm 30:30 mm
K:标准型 L:长螺纹型
WP: 导线引出型,PVC电缆,直径为4mm M1: M12接插件型 MC: M8接插件型(3针)
S:屏蔽型 N:非屏蔽型
C-直流三线式NPN输出 D-直流二线式输出 E-直流三线式NPN输出 F-直流三线式PNP输出 Y-交流二线式输出
1-动作状态NO 2-动作状态NC
广泛发生在传感器的前部。 • 屏蔽式相对于非屏蔽式检测距离短,不易受周属 影响。
传 感 器
气敏传感器 电阻式 电感式
电容式 电势式 有源传感器 无源传感器
传感器是一种检测装置,能感受到被测 量的信息,并能将感受到的信息,按一定 规律变换成为电信号或其他所需形式的信 息输出,以满足信息的传输、处理、存储 、显示、记录和控制等要求。它是实现自 动检测和自动控制的首要环节。
• E3Z系列命名
G0-有投光停止功能 M3J-是耐油型的插件中继型
6-NPN输出 8-PNP输出
T-对射型 R-回归反射型 D-扩散反射性
1-导线引出 2-导线引出 6-接插件式 7-接插件式
K-外壳材料在E3Z-□□□基础上进行 了防油性能上的改良。 H-只有扩散反射型有灵敏度调整旋钮, 对射型和回归反射型没有灵敏度调整 旋钮。
• 欧姆龙独创的“混合工艺”以“最佳的组 合”混用不同材料,是接近传感器综合两 种材料的性能最佳。 • 主题部分则采用全新的“热熔”工艺生产 ,显著降低成本。 检测部分是决定 传感器性能的关 键,为此OMRON 特意选用了坚固 耐用的环氧树脂。
位移传感器 压力传感器
速度传感器 温度传感器
1:NO(常开) 2:NC(常闭)
空白:接插件型 数字:电缆长度(有2M和
• 360°可视
本系列产品种类丰富,从中您定可挑选到满足您需要 的理想传感器。 这些传感器应用范围广泛,可用于机床和 包装等作业场合
• 发送器对准目标发射光束,发射的光束一般来源于半导体 光源,发光二极管(LED)、激光二极管及红外发射二极管 。光束不间断地发射,或者改变脉冲宽度。接收器有光电 二极管、光电三极管、光电池组成。在接收器的前面,装 有光学元件如透镜和光圈等。在其后面是检测电路,它能 滤出有效信号和应用该信号。
E2B-□□□□□-□-□□ □ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
M:圆柱型、公制螺纹、黄铜 S:圆柱型、公制螺纹、不锈钢
数字:检测距离:01 = 1.5 mm, 02 = 2 mm, 04 = 4 mm, 05 = 5 mm, 08 = 8 mm, 10 = 10 mm, 15 = 15 mm, 16 = 16 mm,20 = 20 mm, 30 = 30 mm
测距离最长,必须在两侧安装且都需要供电。可 以在安装了夹缝以检测为小物体,对物体颜色没 有严格要求。 回归反射型:必须和反射板配合使用。检测距离 比对射型近,必须在两侧安装,检测透明物体推 荐使用,如检测物体是反光亮强的镜面物体,建 议使用带M.S.R功能的回归反射型光电传感器。须 对准光轴,成本较低。 扩散反射型:单个使用。可单侧安装,对检测物 体有要求,检测物体要大、物体颜色要浅、检测 面要平整、物体要不透□-□□
X-圆柱形,有螺纹 C-圆柱形,无螺纹
G-接插件直流二线式 无-导线引入 M1-接插件式,M12 M3-接插件式,M8
R8-检测距离0.8mm 1R5-检测距离1.5mm 3-检测距离3mm
无-无自我诊断输出 S-有自我诊断输出
无-屏蔽式 M-非屏蔽式
优秀 优秀 IP69K -40~85℃ -DC 3线型 -DC 2线型 -AC 2线型 -AC/DC 2线型 -直径为3mm的型号
防水性 IP规格 环境温度
良好 良好 IP67 -25~70℃
DC 3线型
• 电容传感器由绝缘电极和装有测量介质的 圆柱形金属容器组成。当料位上升时,因 非导电物料的介电常数明显小于空气的介 电常数,所以电容量随着物料高度的变化 而变化。
• 电感式传感器是利用电磁感应把被测的物 理量如位移,压力,流量,振动等转换成 线圈的自感系数和互感系数的变化,再由 电路转换为电压或电流的变化量输出,实 现非电量到电量的转换。
• 光纤传感器是利用光纤对环境变化的敏感性,将输入物理量变换为调 制的光信号。其工作原理基于光纤的光调制效应,即光纤在外界环境 因素,如温度、压力、电场、磁场等等改变时,其传光特性,如相位 与光强,会发生变化的现象。因此,如果能测出通过光纤的光相位、 光强变化,就可以知道被测物理量的变化。