
约翰被迫赞成贵族提出的“男爵法案”(Articles of the Barons)。

权利法案中英文版The Rights Bill 英文原文:The Rights Bill, officially known as the Bill of Rights, is a crucial piece of legislation in many countries around the world, including the United States. Its purpose is to protect and guarantee certain fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals. The Bill of Rights forms an essential part of the constitution and ensures that the government respects and upholds the rights of its citizens.The Rights Bill is a cornerstone of democratic societies and embodies the principles of equality, justice, and liberty. It includes provisions that safeguard citizens' freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and the right to bear arms. These rights are considered fundamental and are deemed necessary for the functioning of a free and fair society.One of the most significant aspects of the Rights Bill is its protection of individual rights against government abuse of power. It establishes rules and limitations on governmental actions, preventing encroachments on civil liberties. The Bill ensures that the government cannot unlawfully search or seize property without probable cause, guarantees the right to a fair trial, and prohibits cruel and unusual punishment.Moreover, the Rights Bill grants citizens the right to privacy and protects them from unreasonable searches and surveillance. It underscores the importance of personal autonomy and establishes clear boundaries regarding government intrusion into people's private lives.The Rights Bill also addresses issues of due process and protects individuals from arbitrary deprivation of life, liberty, or property. It ensures that all citizens are entitled to fair and impartial treatment by the legal system. Additionally, it guarantees the right to legal representation, the right to confront accusers, and the right to remain silent during police interrogations.In addition to protecting individual rights, the Rights Bill also includes provisions regarding the rights of minority groups. It prohibits discrimination based on race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. This ensures equal treatment and opportunities for all individuals within society.The Rights Bill is not without controversy. Some argue that certain rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights may conflict with the greater good or national security. There are ongoing debates regarding the interpretation and application of these rights in specific situations. Balancing individual freedoms with collective interests remains a challenge for lawmakers and the judiciary.In conclusion, the Rights Bill plays a vital role in safeguarding the rights and freedoms of individuals in democratic societies. Its provisions protect citizens from government encroachment, ensure due process, and promote equality. The Bill of Rights symbolizes the commitment to a fair and just society, where every individual is entitled to basic human rights and liberties.。

公正陪审团予以迅速和公开的审判,该地区应事先已由法律确定;得 知控告的性质和理由;同原告证人对质;以强制程序取得对其有利的 证人;并取得律师帮助为其辩护。 第七条 Amendment VII In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law. 译文:在习惯法的诉讼中,其争执价额超过二十美元,由陪审团审判 的权利应受到保护。由陪审团裁决的事实,合众国的任何法院除非按 照习惯法规则,不得重新审查。 第八条 Amendment VIII Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. 译文:不得要求过多的保释金,不得处以过重的罚金,不得施加残酷 和非常的惩罚。 第九条 Amendment IX The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
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《权利法案》名词解释《权利法案》英文原名是Bill of Rights,由马萨诸塞州议会通过,该法案授予英国国王在美国境内自由发行钞票、铸造货币、征收关税、统领海军等权力。

政治学专用词汇一画一院制Unicameral一党制国家One—party States二画人权Human rights人权宣言Declarations of the Rights of Man and the Citizen三画工会Trade unions下议院House of Commons上议院House of Lords个人主义Individualism女权主义Feminism马列主义Marxism—Leninism马克思主义Marxism马基雅维里主义Machiavellism四画王权Crown无产阶级Proletariat无产阶级专政Dictatorship of the proletariat 无政府主义Anarchism专制Despotism专制政府/绝对专制主义Absolute government/absolutism中央与地方的关系Central/Local relations 分权Separation of powers公共行政Public administration公民权利Civil rights公民自由Civil liberties五画正义Justice可审判性Justiciability平等Equality奴隶制Slavery占统治地位的党Dominant party代表Delegate代议员Representative代议制政府Representative government代表制Representation主权Sovereignty市民社会Civil society市(镇)长Major立宪主义Constitutionalism 立宪政体Constitutional government立法机关Legislatures立法否决Legislative veto立法委员会Legislative committees立法起草Legislative drafting半总统制Semi-presidential systems议长Speaker议会制度Parliamentary system司法机构Judiciary司法行政官Magistrate司法审查Judicial review民主Democracy民主党Democratic Party民主集中制Democratic centralism民意测验Opinion polls六画共产党Communist Parties共和国Republic机构/制度Institution权力Power权利Rights权利法案Bill of rights权威Authority妇女选举权Women’s suffrage地方长官Prefect地方政府Local government地方政府财政Local government finance 地方政治Local politics同意Consent同意投票Approval voting团体理论Group theory邦联Confederation邦联条例Articles of Confederation自由Freedom自由党Liberal parties自由裁量权Discretion自决Self-determination自治Self-government自治领Dominion行为主义Behaviouralism行政Administration行政机关Executives行政委员会Administrative board行政法庭Administrative tribunal行政法院Administrative court州长Governor多元主义Pluralism多元社会Plural society多头制Polyarchy多数派政府Majority government多数统治Majority rule决策Decision making决策理论Decision theory农奴制Serfdom阶层/阶级Class七画麦迪逊,詹姆斯Madison,James苏格拉底Socrates极权主义Totalitarianism否决权Veto投票V oting投票率Turnout护宪Entrenchment财产权Property利益Interests利益表达与聚合Interest articulation and aggregation利益集团Interest group言论,表达和出版自由Freedom of speech,expression,and the press社区/共同体Community社团主义Corporatism社会主义Socialism社会民主主义Social democracy社会契约论Social contract君主制Monarchy八画责任Responsibility责任政府Responsible government直接民主Direct democracy直接行动Direct action杰斐逊,托马斯Jefferson,Thomas欧洲议会European Parliament欧洲共同体European Community歧视Discrimination国际法International Law国家State国家元首Head of state 国家消亡Withering away of the state国家财政危机Fiscal crisis of the state非暴力反抗Civil disobedience非暴力行为Non-violent action制定法Statute Law制衡Checks and balance委任Patronage委员会Commission质询Interpellation法Law法令Act法官Judge法治Rule of law法律的正当程序Due process of law法案,议案Bill宗教自由Freedom of religion审判Adjudication审查制度Censorship官僚制/官僚Bureaucracy实证主义Positivism九画封建主义Feudalism革命和反革命Revolution and counter-revolution政体Polity政纲platform政变Coup D’etat政府Government政府组成过程Government formation process 政府首脑Head of government政府调查Public inquiry政治Politics政治义务Political obligation政治文化Political culture政治中的种族问题Race in politics政治心理学Political psychology政治发展Political development政治行动委员会(美国)Political action committee政治行为研究Political behaviour政治地理学Political geography政治权力Political power政治局(及常务委员会)Politburo(and Pesidium)政治沟通Political communication政治体系/政治系统Political system政治参与Political participation政治财政Political finance政治科学Political science政治社会化Political socialization政治社会学Political sociology政治学的定量方法Quantitative methods in politics政治态度Political attitudes政治腐败Political corruption政治继承Political succession政治理论Political theory政治暴力Political violence政治影响Political influence政治整合/政治一体化Political integration政党分赃制Spoils system政党认同Party identification政党代表大会Party convention政党功能Parties,political:functions of政党组织Party organization政党核心集团Machine政党秘密会议Caucus政策分析Policy analysis政策实施Implementation政策输出研究Policy output studies城市政府City government城邦国家City state贵族/贵族制Aristocracy思想库Think tank看守政府Caretaker government选区Constituency选民登记Registration of electors选择投票Ticket-splitting选择领导Leadership selection选举Elections选举团Electoral college选举纲领Election program选举制度Electoral system选票Ballot重农主义Physiocracy重划选区Redistribution重商主义Mercantilism种族灭绝Genocide 种族主义Racism种族隔离Apartheid顺从Deference保守主义Conservatism保守党Conservative parties保护主义Clientelism修正主义Revisionism独立机构Independent agency独立宣言Declaration of Independence独裁主义,权威主义Authoritarianism独裁制Autocracy帝国Empire帝国主义Imperialism美国革命American Revolution美国国会Congress美国辉格党Whig:U.S.首相(总理)/首相(总理)制政府Prime minister/Prime ministerial government总统,总统制President/Presidential system 总罢工General strike总督Governor-General派别Faction咨询和同意Advice and consent宣传Propaganda宪法Constitutional law宪法规约Convention of the constitution宪法/宪政Constitution/constitutionalism神权政治Theocracy神授王权Divine right of kings费边主义Fabianism绝对专制主义Absolutism统治阶级Ruling class统治能力Governability十画恐怖Terror恐怖主义Terrorism格劳修斯Grotius监护Tutelage监察专员Ombudsman党派首领Boss罢免Recall恩格斯Engels缺席投票Absence voting特权Prerogative特许状Charter秘密警察Secret police倒台与政权更迭Breakdown and regime change候选人选择candidate selection爱国主义Patriotism被保护国Protectorate竞争性政党制度Competitive party system竞选运动Election campaign部门Department部长,部Minister/Ministry部长会议Council of Ministers准司法Quasi-judicial准--非政府组织Quango资历制Seniority资产阶级Bourgeoisie资本主义Capitalism浮动投票人Floating vote浪漫主义Romanticism宽容Toleration家长型控制Paternalism调查委员会Select committee预算,预算编制Budget/Budgeting陪审团Jury十一画理性Rationality理性选择方法Rational choice教权主义Clericalism教会与国家Church and State基本权利Fundamental right基层党组织Primary party organization职能代表Functional representation授权立法Delegated legislation授权学说Mandate theory常设委员会Standing committee累计投票Cumulative vote唯心主义Idealism领导Leadership第二院,上议院Second chambers康德Kant混合政府Mixed government弹劾Impeachment隐私Privacy十二画殖民统治Colonial government联合,联合政府Coalition/Coalition government联合民主Consociational democracy联合国United Nations联邦制Federalism联邦党人文集Federalist Papers联盟,联合League超载Overload超国家政府Supranational government博爱Fraternity斯大林Stalin斯宾诺莎Spinoza斯密,亚当Smith,Adam最低下限Droop quota最高行政法院Conseil d’AEtat最高法院Supreme court黑格尔Hegal辉格党与托利党Whigs and Tories等级Estates集体主义Collectivism集体行动Collective action集体领导Collective leadership集合理论Coalition theory街区选举,集团投票Block vote普通法Common law游说Lobbying雇主组织Employer’s organization强制性投票Compulsory voting十三画鼓励性行动Affirmative action路德,马丁Luther,Martin解散议会Dissolution of parliament意识形态Ideology新左派New Left新右派New Right新政New deal新教政党Protestant parties福利国家Welfare state群众性政党Mass membership party十四画僭主制/暴政Tyranny寡头制Oligarchy寡头政治铁律Iron law of oligarchy 精英,精英主义Elites,Elitism精英理论Doctrine of elites腐败选区Rotten borough弊政Maladministration熊彼特Schumpeter十五画影子内阁Shadow cabinet暴力Violence潘恩Paine十六画霍布斯Hobbes穆勒Mill激进主义Radicalism激进政党Radical parties十七画整体主义Holism辩证法Dialectic辩证唯物主义Dialectical materialism 十九画警察Police警察国家Police state。

权利法案原文第一条Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.译文:国会不得制定关于下列事项的法律:确立国教或禁止信教自由;剥夺言论自由或出版自由;或剥夺人民和平集会和向政府请愿伸冤的权利。
第二条A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.译文:纪律严明的民兵是保障自由州的安全所必需的,人民持有和携带武器的权利不可侵犯。
第三条No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.译文:未经房主同意,士兵平时不得驻扎在任何住宅;除依法律规定的方式,战时也不得驻扎。
第四条The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.译文:人民的人身、住宅、文件和财产不受无理搜查和扣押的权利,不得侵犯。

权利法案中英文版(最新版)目录1.权利法案的概述2.权利法案的中英文版本对比3.权利法案对社会的影响正文1.权利法案的概述权利法案,又称《权利法案 1689》,是英国议会于 1689 年通过的一项宪法性法案,旨在限制国王的权力,保障议会的立法权、财政权等权力,从而确立英国的君主立宪制。
2.权利法案的中英文版本对比权利法案共有 13 条条款,其中最为重要的是第 1 条和第 4 条。
第 1 条明确规定了国王必须依法行使权力,不能滥用权力;第 4 条规定了英国国民有权向国王请愿,要求国王停止滥用权力。
英文版(Bill of Rights, 1689):First: That the King"s Majesty may not suspend the exercise ofthe laws, or the execution of justice, without cause;Fourth: That the subjects" rights may not be infringed or broken by him; but that they may be preserved inviolably, and without any change made in the ancient and fundamental laws of this realm.通过对比可以发现,中文版本较为简洁明了,而英文版本则更为严谨,详细阐述了国王不能停止法律执行和保障国民权利的原则。

<历史>重要词汇中英文对照表马可·波罗Marco Polo达·迦马Vasco Da Gama麦哲伦Ferdinand Magellan印第安人Indian乔托Giotto米开朗琪罗Buonarroti Michelangelo 拉菲尔Raphael马基雅维利Niccolò Machiavelli塞万提斯Miguel de Cervantes伽利略Galileo中世纪Medieval Period哥伦布Christopher Columbus 商业革命Commercial Revolution 殖民主义colonialism奴隶贸易slave trade文艺复兴Renaissance人文主义humanism但丁Dante达·芬奇Leonardo da Vinci莎士比亚William Shakespeare哥白尼Nicolaus Copernicus 宗教改革The Reformation马丁·路德Martin Luther闵采尔Thomas Müntzer胡格诺派Huguenots加尔文派Calvinists亨利八世He nry Ⅷ圈地运动enclosure movement 都铎王朝House of Tudor斯图亚特王朝House of Stuart詹姆士一世James Ⅰ查理一世Charles Ⅰ英国国教the Anglican Church 清教徒Puritan克伦威尔Oliver Cromwell护国公Lord Protector查理二世Charles Ⅱ詹姆士二世James Ⅱ辉格党Whig托利党Tory光荣革命Glorious Revolution 《权利法案》Bill of Rights君主立宪制Constitutional Monarchy波旁王朝House of Bourbon哈布斯堡王朝House of Habsburg重商主义mercantilism路易十四Louis ⅩⅣ彼得大帝Peter the Great腓特烈二世Frederick Ⅱ凡尔赛宫The Palace of Versailles约瑟夫二世Joseph Ⅱ开明专制enlightened despotism英国东印度公司British East India Company《航海条例》Navigation Acts七年战争Seven Years’ War启蒙运动Enlightenment霍布斯Thomas Hobbes洛克John Locke伏尔泰Voltaire孟德斯鸠Charles Louis de Secondat Montesquieu卢梭Jean Jacques Rousseau狄德罗Denis Diderot百科全书派Encyclopedists第三等级the Third Estate路易十六Louis ⅩⅥ三级会议the Estate-General国民议会National Assembly制宪议会Constituent Assembly巴士底监狱the Bastille法国大革命French Revolution《人权宣言》Declaration of the Rights of Man andof the Citizen雅各宾派the Jacobins罗伯斯庇尔Maximilien de Robespierre热月政变Thermidorian Reaction督政府Directory Government雾月政变Coup d' Etat of Brumaire拿破仑Napoleon Bonaparte执政府the Consulate法兰西第一帝国the First French Empire《拿破仑法典》the Code Napoleon滑铁卢战役Battle of Waterloo杰斐逊Thomas Jefferson富兰克林Benjamin Franklin《常识》Common Sense大陆会议The Continental Congress 乔治·华盛顿George Washington《独立宣言》Declaration of Independence 杜桑·卢维杜尔Toussaint-Louverture伊达尔哥Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla玻利瓦尔Simón Bolívar圣马丁José de San Martín幕府Shogunate武士samurai锁国令Sedusion Orders丰臣秀吉Toyotomi Hideyoshi巴布尔Baber莫卧儿帝国the Mughal Empire阿克巴Akbar工业革命Industrial Revolution飞梭flying-shuttle珍妮纺纱机spinning-jenny骡机spinning-mule水力织布机water-frame瓦特James Watt富尔顿Robert Fulton史蒂芬孙George Stephenson蒸汽时代the Age of Steam亚当·斯密Adam Smith《国富论》The Wealth of Nations维也纳会议the Congress of Vienna维也纳体系Vienna System神圣同盟Holy Alliance四国同盟(1813)Quadruple Alliance卢德运动Luddite movement马克思Karl Marx恩格斯Friedrich Engels《共产党宣言》The Communist Manifesto 共产主义者同盟Communist League科学社会主义Scientific Socialism马克思主义Marxism国际工人协会International Working-men'sAssociation第一国际First International巴黎公社Commune of Paris西进运动Westward Movement自由州Free State蓄奴州Slave State《宅地法》Homestead Act林肯Abraham Lincoln《解放黑人奴隶Emancipation Proclamation 宣言》美国内战Civil War (U.S.)俾斯麦Otto von Bismarch铁血政策Iron and Blood明治维新Meiji Restoration克里米亚战争Crimean War奥斯曼帝国the Ottoman Empire巴布教Bābism西门子Ernst Werner von Siemens 爱迪生Thomas Alva Edison贝尔Alexander Graham Bell马可尼Guglielmo Marconi卡特尔Cartel辛迪加Syndicat托拉斯Trust洛克菲勒John D. Rockefeller容克Junker《江华条约》The Treaty of Kanghua 《朴茨茅斯和约》The Treaty of Portsmouth 苏伊士运河Suez Canal第二国际Second International列宁Vladimir Ilich Lenin奥匈帝国Austria-Hungary斯拉夫人Slaves威廉二世William Ⅱ三国同盟the Triple Alliance三国协约the Triple Entente斐迪南大公Archduke Ferdinand第一次世界大战World War Ⅰ萨拉热窝事件Assassination at Sarajevo笛卡尔René Desc artes牛顿Isaac Newton莱布尼茨Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz法拉第Michael Faraday麦克斯韦James Clerk Maxwell赫兹Heinrich Rudolf Hertz波义耳Robert Boyle拉瓦锡Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier道尔顿John Dalton阿伏加德罗Amedeo Avogadro门捷列夫Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleyev 哈维William Harvey林奈Carolus Linnaeus施莱登Matthias Jakob Schleiden施旺Theodor Schwann拉马克Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck达尔文Charles Robert Darwin伦琴Wilhelm Konrad Röntgen居里夫人Marie Sklodowska Curie爱因斯坦Albert Einstein巴斯德Louis Pasteur培根Francis Bacon歌德Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 拜伦George Gordon Byron司汤达Stendhal狄更斯Charles Dickens果戈理Nikolay Gogol普希金Alexander Pushkin安徒生Hans Christian Andersen易卜生Henrik Ibsen马克·吐温Mark Twain泰戈尔Rabindranath Tagore德拉克洛瓦Eugène Delacroix列宾Ilya Yefimovich Repin莫扎特Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart贝多芬Ludwig van Beethoven舒伯特Franz Peter Schubert约翰·施特劳斯Johann Strauss肖邦Frédéric Chopin李斯特Franz Liszt柴可夫斯基Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky莫里哀Molière二月革命February Revolution布尔什维克Bolshevik苏维埃Soviet罗曼诺夫王朝Romanov Dynasty俄国临时政府Russian Provisional Government 东宫Winter Palace十月革命October Revolution红军Red Army战时共产主义Wartime Communism新经济政策New Economic Policy非暴力不合作运动civil disobedience(文明不服从运动)凯末尔 A. Kemal Atatürk甘地M. K. Gandhi印度国民大会党Indian National Congress苏联Union of Socialist Soviet Republics(USSR)斯大林J. Stalin五年计划Five-Year Plan巴黎和会Paris Peace Conference三巨头Big Three威尔逊Woodrow Wilson十四点The Fourteen Points《凡尔赛和约》Treaty of Versailles国际联盟The League of Nations国际联盟盟约Covenant of the League of Nations 华盛顿会议Washington Conference英联邦the British Commonwealth of Nations 自治领Self Governing Dominion法西斯党Fascist Party马克Mark道威斯计划Dawes Plan《洛迦诺公约》Locarno Pact大危机The Great Depression新政New Deal富兰克林·罗斯福 F. D. Roosevelt《国家工业复兴法》The National Industrial Recovery Acts 德国民族社会主义Nation Socialist Workers’工人党Party纳粹Nazi希特勒Adolf Hitler国会纵火案Reichstag Fire西班牙内战Spanish Civil War国际纵队International Brigades美国的中立法American Neutrality Acts《反共产国际协定》Anti-Comintern Pact轴心国Axis Powers绥靖政策Policy of Appeasement慕尼黑协定The Munich Agreement慕尼黑阴谋Munich scheme《苏德互不侵犯Treaty of Non-Aggression条约》Between Soviet Union and Germany 闪击战Blitzkrieg东方战线Eastern Front马奇诺防线Maginot Line自由法国Free French戴高乐Charles de Gaulle不列颠之战Battle of Britain丘吉尔Winston Churchill珍珠港Pearl Harbour《大西洋宪章》Atlantic Charter《联合国家宣言》Declaration by Union Nations中途岛Midway Island诺曼底Normandy开罗会议Cairo Conference《开罗宣言》Cairo Declaration德黑兰会议Teheran Conference雅尔塔会议Yalta Conference《波茨坦公告》The Potsdam Proclamation杜鲁门Harry S. Truman《联合国宪章》Charter of the United Nations联合国大会The General Assembly of the UnitedNations安理会The Security Council冷战Cold War马歇尔计划The Marshall Plan北大西洋公约组织The North Atlantic TreatyOrganization (NATO)华沙条约组织The Warsaw Pact Organization德意志联邦共和国German Federal Republic德意志民主共和国German Democratic Republic柏林墙Berlin Wall越南战争Vietnam War朝鲜战争Korean War欧洲共同体European Communities欧洲煤钢联营European Coal and Steel Community 欧洲经济共同体European Economic Community欧洲原子能联营European Atomic Energy Community 马丁·路德·金Martin Luther King, Jr.民权运动Civil Rights Movement越南民主共和国The Democratic Republic of Vietnam 古巴导弹危机Cuban Missile Crisis中东战争Middle East War尼赫鲁J. Nehru巴勒斯坦Palestine自由军官组织Free Officer's Organization亚非会议The Afro-Asian Conference不结盟运动Non-Aligned Movement第三世界the Third World纳米比亚Namibia77国集团Group of 77石油输出国组织Organization of Petroleum ExportingCountries (OPEC)戈尔巴乔夫Gorbachev白俄罗斯Byelorussia俄罗斯联邦The Russian Federation独立国家联合体Commonwealth of Independent States(CIS)欧洲联盟European Union霸权主义hegemonism《全面禁止核试验Comprehensive条约》Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty经济全球化economic globalization亚太经济合作组织Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC)知识经济knowledge economy可持续发展sustainable development存在主义existentialism汤因比 A. J. Toynbee经济学economics凯恩斯J. M. Keynes未来学futurology萧伯纳G. B. Shaw海明威 E. Hemingway 毕加索P. Picasso爵士乐jazz摇滚乐rock and roll 好莱坞Hollywood卓别林 C. Chaplin。

权利法案中英文版Title: The Bill of Rights (English and Chinese Versions)Introduction:The Bill of Rights is a pivotal document that ensures the protection of individual rights and liberties. This article presents an English and Chinese version of the Bill of Rights, highlighting its significance and impact on society.Section 1: BackgroundThe Bill of Rights is a set of amendments to the United States Constitution, introduced and adopted in 1791. It guarantees fundamental rights such as freedom of speech, religion, and assembly. This section provides a brief overview of the historical context and importance of the Bill of Rights.Section 2: English VersionThe following is the English translation of the Bill of Rights:Amendment I:Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.Amendment II:A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.[Continuation of Amendments III - X in English version]Section 3: Chinese VersionNow, we present the Chinese translation of the Bill of Rights:修正案第一条:国会不得制定任何有关建立宗教、禁止其自由行使,或者限制言论自由、新闻出版自由,或者限制人们和平集会和向政府请愿的法律。

普通法1.普通法的概念“普通法(common law)”一词是一个含义相当丰富的词汇,最初来自于中世纪教会法学家所称的ius commune、lex communis,表示教会的一般法律,以区别于各种地方习惯。
2.普通法的基本原则与特征1) 普通法的基本原则——“遵循先例”2) 普通法的基本特征——“程序优于权衡平法1.衡平法的概念“衡平”一词是一个相当古老的词汇,早在古希腊时期就被哲学家用来指称平均或按比例分配的原则,同时也包含有公平正义之意。
2.衡平法的主要内容1) 衡平法的格言(Maxims) 其中主要有:(1) 衡平法不允许有不法行为而无补救。
(2) 衡平追随法律。
(3) 请求衡平救济者须公平行事。
(5) 衡平法注重内容而非形式。
(6) 衡平法寻究履行债务的原意。
(7) 衡平法将应做之事视为已经做完。
(10) 衡平法可对人为一定行为。
(12) 平等即衡平。
2) 衡平法上的权利:(1) 以用益(Use)或信托(Trust)为依据的受益人权利。
(2)衡平法上的赎回权(Equity of redemption)。
3) 衡平法的救济方法:(1) 特别履行(Specific Performance)。

(李湛意 上海外国语大学法学院)第一讲中我们讲了法律的体系和分类,今天我们更进一步,了解普通法(common law)的重要代表——美国法律,它的宪法和法院系统的知识。
(一)美国宪法(the Constitution)“美国宪法”通常指的是1787年制定并生效的美国的联邦宪法,至今它已经有26条宪法修正案(amendments to the Constitution),其中,前十条合在一起又叫做《权利法案》(The Bill of Rights)。
amendments 修正案;补充条款美国宪法规定了美国政治法律生活中处于中心的位置。
其中所涉及的制度和原则包括了:联邦制(federalism)、分权制(separation of powers)、总统制(presidency)等等意义深远的制度,处处体现着美国人最引以为豪的自由、民主的精神。
下面这句话很好地解释了联邦制(federalism)的含义:Federalism is the basis for the structure of government in the United States. Federal form of governmentis one in which the states form a union and the sovereign power is divided between a central governingauthority and member states.联邦制是美国政府结构的基础,它指一种由诸州形成联邦,并在中央统治当局与成员州之间分开行使主权的政府形式。
下面的这段话很能说明问题:The Constitutional Convention created a federal system of government in which the states delegatedcertain enumerated powers to the national government and reserved all other powers to themselves.“制宪会议”创造了一种政府联邦制度,在该这制度中,各州将一些明确的权力授予中央政府,其他权力则由自己保留。

权利法案中英文版【原创实用版】目录1.权利法案的背景和意义2.权利法案的中英文版本概述3.权利法案的主要内容4.权利法案对社会的影响正文1.权利法案的背景和意义权利法案,又称《权利法案 1689》,是英国历史上一部具有重要意义的宪法性文件。
它于 1689 年由英国国会通过,以法律的形式对国王的权力进行了明确的制约,保证了英国公民的基本权利。
2.权利法案的中英文版本概述权利法案共有 13 条条款,其中英文原文可参见附件。

因此,《宪法》补充了10条修正案,统一称为《权利法案》,英文叫The Bill of Rights。
第一条Amendment ICongress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.译文:国会不得制定关于下列事项的法律:确立国教或禁止信教自由;剥夺言论自由或出版自由;或剥夺人民和平集会和向政府请愿伸冤的权利。
第二条Amendment IIA well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.译文:纪律严明的民兵是保障自由州的安全所必需的,人民持有和携带武器的权利不可侵犯。
第三条Amendment IIINo Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.译文:未经房主同意,士兵平时不得驻扎在任何住宅;除依法律规定的方式,战时也不得驻扎。

权利法案(Bill of Rights)通常指的是特定国家的法律文件,它旨在保障公民的基本自由和权利不受政府侵犯。
以下是英国和美国各自的权利法案中英文对照概述:英国《权利法案》(1689年)中文标题:国民权利与自由和王位继承宣言英文全称:An Act Declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject and Settling the Succession of the Crown内容摘要:确立了议会至上的原则,限制国王的权力。
美国《权利法案》(1791年)英文名称:The Bill of Rights内容摘要:1. 第一条修正案:保障信仰、言论、出版、集会、请愿的自由。
2. 第二条修正案:保障人民持有并携带武器的权利。
3. 第三条修正案:禁止在和平时期无住宅主人同意的情况下驻扎士兵。
4. 第四条修正案:禁止非法搜查和扣押,除非有合理的理由和搜查令。
5. 第五条修正案:保障正当程序,包括不经合法程序不得剥夺生命、自由或财产;禁止双重危险及强迫自证其罪。
6. 第六条修正案:规定刑事审判中的各项权利,如迅速公开审判、由犯罪行为发生地的州和区公正陪审团审判、被告知指控详情、面对证人和获取律师帮助的权利等。
7. 第七条修正案:民事诉讼中,当案件涉及金额超过一定数额时,享有由陪审团审判的权利。
8. 第八条修正案:禁止施加过重的保释金、罚款以及残酷和非常规的惩罚。
9. 第九条修正案:保留未明确列举于宪法但属于人民的权利。
10. 第十条修正案:保留给各州或人民的那些未被宪法授予联邦政府、也未禁止各州行使的所有权力。

文艺复兴:是指13 世纪末在意大利各城市兴起,以后扩展到西欧各国,于16 世纪在欧洲盛行的一场思想文化运动,带来一段科学与艺术革命时期,揭开了近代欧洲历史的序幕,被认为是中古时代和近代的分界。
13 世纪末期,在意大利商业发达的城市,新兴的资产阶级中的一些先进的知识分子借助研究古希腊、古罗马艺术文化,通过文艺创作,宣传人文精神。
启蒙运动:Enlightenment),通常是指在18 世纪初至1789 年法国大革命间的一个新思维不断涌现的时代,与理性主义等一起构成一个较长的文化运动时期。
达摩克斯之剑:“达摩克利斯剑”(Sword of Damocles)源自古希腊传说:迪奥尼修斯国王请他的大臣达摩克利斯赴宴,命其坐在用一根马鬃悬挂的一把寒光闪闪的利剑下,由此而产生的这个外国成语,意指令人处于一种危机状态,“临绝地而不衰”。

BILL OF RIGHTS1689An Act Declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject and Settling the Succession of the CrownWhereas the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons assembled at Westminster, lawfully, fully and freely representing all the estates of the people of this realm, did upon the thirteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred eighty-eight [old style date] present unto their Majesties, then called and known by the names and style of William and Mary, prince and princess of Orange, being present in their proper persons, a certain declaration in writing made by the said Lords and Commons in the words following, viz.:Whereas the late King James the Second, by the assistance of divers evil counsellors, judges and ministers employed by him, did endeavour to subvert and extirpate the Protestant religion and the laws and liberties of this kingdom;By assuming and exercising a power of dispensing with and suspending of laws and the execution of laws without consent of Parliament;By committing and prosecuting divers worthy prelates for humbly petitioning to be excused from concurring to the said assumed power;By issuing and causing to be executed a commission under the great seal for erecting a court called the Court of Commissioners for Ecclesiastical Causes;By levying money for and to the use of the Crown by pretence of prerogative for other time and in other manner than the same was granted by Parliament;By raising and keeping a standing army within this kingdom in time of peace without consent of Parliament, and quartering soldiers contrary to law;By causing several good subjects being Protestants to be disarmed at the same time when papists were both armed and employed contrary to law;By violating the freedom of election of members to serve inParliament;By prosecutions in the Court of King's Bench for matters and causes cognizable only in Parliament, and by divers other arbitrary and illegal courses;And whereas of late years partial corrupt and unqualified persons have been returned and served on juries in trials, and particularly divers jurors in trials for high treason which were not freeholders;And excessive bail hath been required of persons committed in criminal cases to elude the benefit of the laws made for the liberty of the subjects;And excessive fines have been imposed;And illegal and cruel punishments inflicted;And several grants and promises made of fines and forfeitures before any conviction or judgment against the persons upon whom the same were to be levied;All which are utterly and directly contrary to the known laws and statutes and freedom of this realm;And whereas the said late King James the Second having abdicated the government and the throne being thereby vacant, his Highness the prince of Orange (whom it hath pleased Almighty God to make the glorious instrument of delivering this kingdom from popery and arbitrary power) did (by the advice of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and diversprincipal persons of the Commons) cause letters to be written to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal being Protestants, and other letters to the several counties, cities, universities, boroughs and cinque ports, for the choosing of such persons to represent them as were of right to be sent to Parliament, to meet and sit at Westminster upon the two and twentieth day of January in this year one thousand six hundred eighty and eight [old style date], in order to such an establishment as that their religion, laws and liberties might not again be in danger of being subverted, upon which letters elections having been accordingly made;And thereupon the said Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons,pursuant to their respective letters and elections, being now assembled in a full and free representative of this nation, taking into their most serious consideration the best means for attaining the ends aforesaid, do in the first place (as their ancestors in like case have usually done) for the vindicating and asserting their ancient rights and liberties declare:That the pretended power of suspending the laws or the execution of laws by regal authority without consent of Parliament is illegal;That the pretended power of dispensing with laws or the execution of laws by regal authority, as it hath been assumed and exercised of late, is illegal;That the commission for erecting the late Court of Commissionersfor Ecclesiastical Causes, and all other commissions and courts of like nature, are illegal and pernicious;That levying money for or to the use of the Crown by pretence of prerogative, without grant of Parliament, for longer time, or in other manner than the same is or shall be granted, is illegal;That it is the right of the subjects to petition the king, and all commitments and prosecutions for such petitioning are illegal;That the raising or keeping a standing army within the kingdom in time of peace, unless it be with consent of Parliament, is against law;That the subjects which are Protestants may have arms for their defence suitable to their conditions and as allowed by law;That election of members of Parliament ought to be free;That the freedom of speech and debates or proceedings in Parliament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Parliament;That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted;That jurors ought to be duly impanelled and returned, and jurors which pass upon men in trials for high treason ought to be freeholders;That all grants and promises of fines and forfeitures of particular persons before conviction are illegal and void;And that for redress of all grievances, and for theamending,strengthening and preserving of the laws, Parliaments ought to be held frequently.And they do claim, demand and insist upon all and singular the premises as their undoubted rights and liberties, and that no declarations, judgments, doings or proceedings to the prejudice of the people in any of the said premises ought in any wise to be drawn hereafter into consequence or example; to which demand of their rights they are particularly encouraged by the declaration of his Highness the prince of Orange as being the only means for obtaining a full redress and remedy therein.Having therefore an entire confidence that his said Highness the prince of Orange will perfect the deliverance so far advanced by him, and will still preserve them from the violation of their rights which they have here asserted, and from all other attempts upon their religion, rights and liberties, the said Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons assembled at Westminster do resolve that William and Mary, prince and princess of Orange, be and be declared king and queen of England, France and Ireland and the dominions thereunto belonging, to hold the crown and royal dignity of the said kingdoms and dominions to them, the said prince and princess, during their lives and the life of the survivor to them, and that the sole and full exercise of the regal power be only in and executed by the said prince of Orange in the names of the said prince and princessduring their joint lives, and after their deceases the said crown and royal dignity of the same kingdoms and dominions to be to the heirs of the body of the said princess, and for default of such issue to the Princess Anne of Denmark and the heirs of her body, and for default of such issue to the heirs of the body of the said prince of Orange. And the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons do pray the said prince and princess to accept the same accordingly.And that the oaths hereafter mentioned be taken by all persons of whom the oaths have allegiance and supremacy might be required by law, instead of them; and that the said oaths of allegiance and supremacy be abrogated."I, A.B., do sincerely promise and swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to their Majesties King William and Queen Mary. So help me God.""I, A.B., do swear that I do from my heart abhor, detest and abjure as impious and heretical this damnable doctrine and position, that princes excommunicated or deprived by the Pope or any authority of the see of Rome may be deposed or murdered by their subjects or any other whatsoever. And I do declare that no foreign prince, person, prelate, state or potentate hath or ought to have any jurisdiction, power, superiority, pre-eminence or authority, ecclesiastical or spiritual, within this realm. So help me God."Upon which their said Majesties did accept the crown and royal dignity of the kingdoms of England, France and Ireland, and the dominions thereunto belonging, according to the resolution and desire of the said Lords and Commons contained in the said declaration.And thereupon their Majesties were pleased that the said Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons, being the two Houses of Parliament, should continue to sit, and with their Majesties' royal concurrence make effectual provision for the settlement of the religion, laws and liberties of this kingdom, so that the same for the future might not be in danger again of being subverted, to which the said Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons did agree, and proceed to act accordingly.Now in pursuance of the premises the said Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in Parliament assembled, for the ratifying, confirming and establishing the said declaration and the articles, clauses, matters and things therein contained by the force of law made in due form by authority of Parliament, do pray that it may be declared and enacted that all and singular the rights and liberties asserted and claimed in the said declaration are the true, ancient and indubitable rights and liberties of the people of this kingdom, and so shall be esteemed, allowed, adjudged, deemed and taken to be; and that all and every the particulars aforesaid shall be firmly and strictly holden and observed as they are expressed inthe said declaration, and all officers and ministers whatsoever shall serve their Majesties and their successors according to the same in all time to come.And the said Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons, seriously considering how it hath pleased Almighty God in his marvellous providence and merciful goodness to this nation to provide and preserve their said Majesties' royal persons most happily to reign over us upon the throne of their ancestors, for which they render unto him from the bottom of their hearts their humblest thanks and praises, do truly, firmly, assuredly and in the sincerity of their hearts think, and do hereby recognize, acknowledge and declare, that King James the Second having abdicated the government, and their Majesties having accepted the crown and royal dignity as aforesaid, their said Majesties did become, were, are and of right ought to be by the laws of this realm our sovereign liege lord and lady, king and queen of England, France and Ireland and the dominions thereunto belonging, in and to whose princely persons the royal state, crown and dignity of the said realms with all honours, styles, titles, regalities, prerogatives, powers, jurisdictions and authorities to the same belonging and appertaining are most fully, rightfully and entirely invested and incorporated, united and annexed. And for preventing all questions and divisions in this realm by reason of any pretended titles to the crown, and for preserving a certainty in the succession thereof, in andupon which the unity, peace, tranquility and safety of this nation doth under God wholly consist and depend, the said Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons do beseech their Majesties that it may be enacted, established and declared, that the crown and regal government of the said kingdoms and dominions, with all and singular the premises thereunto belonging and appertaining, shall be and continue to their said Majesties and the survivor of them during their lives and the life of the survivor of them, and that the entire, perfect and full exercise of the regal power and government be only in and executed by his Majesty in the names of both their Majesties during their joint lives; and after their deceases the said crown and premises shall be and remain to the heirs of the body of her Majesty, and for default of such issue to her Royal Highness the Princess Anne of Denmark and the heirs of the body of his said Majesty; and thereunto the said Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons do in the name of all the people aforesaid most humbly and faithfully submit themselves, their heirs and posterities for ever, and do faithfully promise that they will stand to, maintain and defend their said Majesties, and also the limitation and succession of the crown herein specified and contained, to the utmost of their powers with their lives and estates against all persons whatsoever that shall attempt anything to the contrary.And whereas it hath been found by experience that it is inconsistentwith the safety and welfare of this Protestant kingdom to be governed by a popish prince, or by any king or queen marrying a papist, the said Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons do further pray that it may be enacted, that all and every person and persons that is, are or shall be reconciled to or shall hold communion with the see or Church of Rome, or shall profess the popish religion, or shall marry a papist, shall be excluded and be for ever incapable to inherit, possess or enjoy the crown and government of this realm and Ireland and the dominions thereunto belonging or any part of the same, or to have, use or exercise any regal power, authority or jurisdiction within the same; and in all and every such case or cases the people of these realms shall be and are hereby absolved of their allegiance; and the said crown and government shall from time to time descend to and be enjoyed by such person or persons being Protestants as should have inherited and enjoyed the same in case the said person or persons so reconciled, holding communion or professing or marrying as aforesaid were naturally dead; and that every king and queen of this realm who at any time hereafter shall come to and succeed in the imperial crown of this kingdom shall on the first day of the meeting of the first Parliament next after his or her coming to the crown, sitting in his or her throne in the House of Peers in the presence of the Lords and Commons therein assembled, or at his or her coronation before such person or persons who shall administer the coronation oath to him or herat the time of his or her taking the said oath (which shall first happen), make, subscribe and audibly repeat the declaration mentioned in the statute made in the thirtieth year of the reign of King Charles the Second entitled, _An Act for the more effectual preserving the king's person and government by disabling papists from sitting in either House of Parliament._ But if it shall happen that such king or queen upon his or her succession to the crown of this realm shall be under the age of twelve years, then every such king or queen shall make, subscribe and audibly repeat the same declaration at his or her coronation or the first day of the meeting of the first Parliament as aforesaid which shall first happen after such king or queen shall have attained the said age of twelve years.All which their Majesties are contented and pleased shall be declared, enacted and established by authority of this present Parliament, and shall stand, remain and be the law of this realm for ever; and the same are by their said Majesties, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same, declared, enacted and established accordingly.II. And be it further declared and enacted by the authority aforesaid, that from and after this present session of Parliament no dispensation by _non obstante_ of or to any statute or any part thereof shall be allowed, but that the same shall be held void and of no effect, except a dispensation be allowed of in such statute, and except in such cases asshall be specially provided for by one or more bill or bills to be passed during this present session of Parliament.III. Provided that no charter or grant or pardon granted before the three and twentieth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred eighty-nine shall be any ways impeached or invalidated by this Act, but that the same shall be and remain of the same force and effect in law and no other than as if this Act had never been made.。
世界历史学 重要词汇术语 中英文对照表 完整对译版

A阿克巴Akbar安理会The Security Council奥斯曼帝国the Ottoman EmpireB巴勒斯坦Palestine巴黎公社Commune of Paris巴黎和会Paris Peace Conference 巴士底监狱the Bastille 霸权主义hegemonism 百科全书派Encyclopedis ts柏林墙Berlin Wall 北大西洋公约组织The North Atlantic Treaty北伐战争 the Northern Expedition 彼得大帝Peter the Great俾斯麦Otto von Bismarch毕加索P. Picasso波茨坦公告》The Potsdam Proclamatio 波旁王朝House of Bourbon玻利瓦尔Simón Bolívar不结盟运动Non-Aligned Movement不列颠之战Battle of Britain布尔什维克主义B olshevism C查理二世Charles Ⅱ查理一世Charles Ⅰ常识》Common Sense朝鲜战争Korean War 存在主义existentialis mD达·芬奇Leonardo da Vinci达·迦马Vasco Da Gama大陆会议The Continental Congress大危机The Great Depression大西洋宪章》Atlantic Charter大跃进运动 t he Great Leap戴高乐Charles de Gaulle但丁Dante道威斯计划Dawes Plan德国民族社会主义Nation Workers’Socialism德黑兰会议Teheran Conference 德意志联邦共和国German Federal Republic德意志民主共和国German Democratic Republic狄德罗Denis Diderot第三等级the Third Estate第三世界the Third World第一国际First International 东方战线Eastern Front 东宫Winter Palace都铎王朝House of Tudor督政府Directory Government 独立国家联合体Commonwea lth of Independent States独立宣言》Declaration of IndependencHarry S. Truman杜桑·卢维杜尔Toussaint-Louverture 俄罗斯联邦The Russian Federation鄂豫皖根据地H ubei-Henan-Anhui Base Area 恩格斯Friedrich EngelsF法国大革命French Revolution 法兰西第一帝国the First French Empire法西斯党Fascist Party 凡尔赛宫The Palace of Versailles 凡尔赛和约》Treaty of Versailles反共产国际协定》Anti-Comintern Pact飞梭flying-shuttle 非暴力不合作运动civil disobedience 腓特烈二世Frederick ⅡToyotomi Hideyoshi伏尔泰Voltaire富尔顿Robert Fulton富兰克林Benjamin Franklin富兰克林·罗斯福F. D. Roosevelt富农r ich peasant G甘地M. K. Gandhi戈尔巴乔夫Gorbachev哥白尼Nicolaus Copernicus 哥伦布Christopher Columbus根据地b ase area 工人党Party工业革命Industrial Revolution 共产党宣言》The Communist Manifesto共产主义者同盟Communist League古巴导弹危机Cuban Missile Crisis顾维钧W ellington KooGlorious Revolution贵族院(日本)t he House of Peers国富论》The Wealth of Nations 国会纵火案Reichstag Fire国际工人协会International Working-men's国际联盟The League of Nations 国际联盟盟约Covenant of the League of Nations 国际纵队International Brigades国家工业复兴法》The National Industrial Recovery国民议会National AssemblyH哈布斯堡王朝House of Habsburg海明威E. Hemingway 航海条例》Navigation Acts好莱坞Hollywood 亨利八世Henry Ⅷ红军Red Army胡格诺派Huguenots 护国公Lord Protector华沙条约组织The Warsaw Pact Organization 华盛顿会议Washington Conference 滑铁卢战役Battle of Waterloo辉格党Whig Party 霍布斯Thomas HobbesJ加尔文派Calvinists杰斐逊Thomas Jefferson解放黑人奴隶宣言》Emancipatio n禁止核试验条约》Nuclear-Test-Ban经济全球化economic globalization 伽利略Galileo爵士乐jazz君主立宪制Constitutiona l Monarchy K开罗会议Cairo ConferenceCairo Declaration 开明君主专制enlightened despotism凯恩斯J. M. Keynes 凯末尔A. Kemal Atatürk凯末尔革命Kemal Revolution 科学社会主义Scientific Socialism可持续发展sustainable development 克里米亚战争Crimean War 克伦威尔Oliver CromwellL拉菲尔Raphael冷战Cold War联合国United Nation(UN)联合国军United-N ational Army联合国大会The General Assembly of UN联合国家宣言》Declaration by Union Nations》Charter of the United Nations林肯Abraham Lincoln卢德运动Luddite movement卢梭Jean Jacques Rousseau路易十六Louis ⅩⅥ路易十四Louis ⅩⅣ罗伯斯庇尔Maximilien de Robespierre 骡机spinning-mule洛迦诺公约》Locarno洛克John Locke M马丁·路德Martin马丁·路德·金Martin马可·波罗Marco Polo 马克思Karl Marx马克思主义Marxism马奇诺防线Maginot Line 马歇尔计划The Marshall Plan麦哲伦Ferdinand Magellan满洲国M anchuriaku o法American Neutrality Acts美国内战Civil War (U.S.)门户开放政策O pen Door Treaty孟德斯鸠CharlesLouis de Secondat Montesquieu 米开朗琪罗Buonarroti Michelangelo民权运动Civil Rights Movement民主集中制 d emocratic centralism闵采尔Thomas Müntzer明治维新Meiji Restoration命令主义c ommandism 莫卧儿帝国the Mughal Empire幕府Shogunate慕尼黑协定The Munich Agreement慕尼黑阴谋Munich schemeN拿破仑·波拿巴Napoleon Bonaparte》the Napoleon纳粹党Nazi纳米比亚Namibia南京临时约法P rovisional Constitution of Nanking 南洋兄弟烟草公司South-ocean Brothers Tobacco Companies 尼赫鲁J. Nehru农业合作社A gricultural Producer's Cooperative 奴隶贸易slave trade诺曼底NormandyO欧洲共同体European Communities 欧洲经济共同体European Economic Community欧盟European Union(EU)欧洲煤钢联营European Coal and Steel Community联营European Atomic Energy Community Q七年战争Seven Years’War七十七国集团Group of 77启蒙运动Enlightenme nt乔托Giotto乔治·华盛顿George Washington 清教徒Puritan丘吉尔Winston Churchill圈地运动enclosure movement权利法案》Bill of Rights R热月政变Thermidoria n Reaction 人权宣言》Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the人文主义humanism日俄战争R usso-JapaneseS三反运动T hree-Antis Campaign 三级会议the Estate-General三巨头Big Three莎士比亚William Shakespeare 闪击战Blitzkrieg商业革命Commercial Revolution 神圣同盟Holy Alliance圣马丁José de San Martín十四点The Fourteen Points十月革命October Revolution 石油输出国组织Organization of Petroleum Exporting史蒂芬孙George Stephenson 斯大林J. Stalin斯大林模式Stalinism Mode水力织布机water-powered frame斯图亚特王朝House of Stuart四国同盟(1813)Quadruple Alliance苏德互不侵犯条约》Treaty Between Soviet Union and苏联Union of Socialist Soviet Republics绥靖政策Policy of Appeasement 锁国令Sedusion Orders汤因比A. J. ToynbeeT铁血政策Iron and Blood土地改革 Land reform 土地改革Land Reform 托利党Tory托洛茨基 Leon Trotsky W瓦特James Watt外蒙古O uter Mongolia威尔逊Woodrow Wilson维也纳会议the Congress of Vienna维也纳体系Vienna System文化大革命 t he Cultural Revolution 文艺复兴Renaissance五年计划Five-Year Plan武士道Samurai DO 雾月政变Coup d' Etat of Brumaire X西班牙内战Spanish Civil War西进运动Westward Movement 西门子Ernst Werner von Siemens 希特勒Adolf Hitler 下院t he Lower House萧伯纳G. B. Shaw 小匈牙利事件M iniature Hungarian Incident辛丑条约 Protocol of 1901新经济政策New Economic Policy新政New Deal蓄奴州Slave State Y雅尔塔会议Yalta Conference 雅各宾派the Jacobins 亚当·斯密Adam SmithThe Afro-Asian Conference亚太经济合作组织APEC亚太经济合作组织Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 样板戏M odel Opera 摇滚乐rock and roll 一五计划F irst Five Year Plan伊达尔哥Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla印第安人Indian印度国民大会党Indian National Congress英国东印度公司British East India Company英国国教the Anglican Church英联邦the British Commonwea lth of Nations右倾保守主义Right conservatism 右倾机会主义者Right opportunist和国The Democratic Republic of Vietnam越南战争Vietnam WarZ宅地法》Homestead Act詹姆士二世James Ⅱ詹姆士一世James Ⅰ战时共产主义Wartime Communism 珍妮纺纱机spinning-jenny珍珠港Pearl Harbour蒸汽时代the Age of Steam知识经济knowledge economy执政府the Consulate殖民主义colonialism 制宪议会Constituent Assembly中东战争Middle East War中世纪Medieval Period中途岛Midway Island重商主义mercantilism 轴心国Axis PowersSubjectivism 卓别林Chales“自由法国”Free French自由军官组织Free Officer's Organization 自由州Free State自治领Self Governing Dominion宗教改革The Reformation 左倾教条主义Leftist Doctrinairis。

美国《权利法案》,又译《人权法案》(英文:United States Bill of Rights)指的是美国宪法中第一至第十条宪法修正案。
权利法案原文及译文:第一条Amendment ICongress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.译文:国会不得制定关于下列事项的法律:确立国教或禁止信教自由;剥夺言论自由或出版自由;或剥夺人民和平集会和向政府请愿伸冤的权利。
第二条Amendment IIA well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.译文:纪律严明的民兵是保障自由州的安全所必需的,人民持有和携带武器的权利不可侵犯。
权利法案(美国)-the Bill of Rights(中英文)

因此,《宪法》补充了10条修正案,统一称为《权利法案》,英文叫The Bill of Rights。
(左下图:美国威廉姆斯堡总督府的一个小会议室,就是《弗吉尼亚州权利法案》-后来成为美国宪法中《权利法案》蓝本的制定地) 第一条 Amendment II . F reedom of Speech, Press, Religion and Petition Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. 译文:国会不得制定关于下列事项的法律:确立国教或禁止信教自由;剥夺言论自由或出版自由;或剥夺人民和平集会和向政府请愿伸冤的权利。
第二条 Amendment IIII . Right to keep and bear arms A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. 译文:纪律严明的民兵是保障自由州的安全所必需的,人民持有和携带武器的权利不可侵犯。
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The Bill of Rights
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
Amendment III
No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Amendment VI
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.
Amendment VII
In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.
Amendment VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
Amendment IX
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
Prepared by Gerald Murphy (The Cleveland Free-Net - aa300) Distributed by the Cybercasting Services Division of the National Public Telecomputing Network (NPTN).
Permission is hereby granted to download, reprint, and/or otherwise redistribute this file, provided appropriate point of origin credit is given to the preparer(s) and the National Public Telecomputing Network.。