
share, equity, stock 股票、股权bond, debenture, debts 债券negotiable share 可流通股份convertible bond 可转换债券treasury /government bond 国库券/政府债券corporate bond 企业债券closed-end securities investment fund 封闭式证券投资基⾦fund manager 基⾦经理/管理公司open-end securities investment fund 开放式证券投资基⾦fund custodian bank 基⾦托管银⾏market capitalization 市值p/e (price/earning) ratio 市盈率mark-to-market 逐⽇盯市payment versus delivery 银券交付clearing and settlement 清算/结算commodity/financial derivatives 商品/⾦融衍⽣产品put / call option 看跌/看涨期权margins, collateral 保证⾦rights issue/offering 配股bonus share 红股ADR(American Depository Receipt)美国存托凭证/存股证dividend 红利/股息GDR(Global Depository Receipt) 全球存托凭证/存股证retail / private investor 个⼈投资者/散户institutional investor 机构投资者broker/dealer 券商proprietary trading ⾃营insider trading/dealing 内幕交易market manipulation 市场操纵 prospectus招股说明书IPO(Initial Public Offering) 新股初始公开发⾏merger and acquisition收购兼并securities 证券 warrant 认股权证premium 溢价raised capital/proceeds 筹资share capital 股本component index 成份指数composite index 综合指数turnover rate 换⼿率capital market 资本市场monetary market 货币市场liquidity 流通性hedge fund 对冲基⾦highly-leveraged institutions(HLI) ⾼杠杆交易机构self-regulatory organization(SRO)⾃律组织subscribe 申购issuer 发⾏⼈underwriter承销商intermediary 中介机构road show 路演secondary listing 第⼆上市primary market ⼀级市场secondary market ⼆级市场information disclosure 信息披露controlling shareholder 控股股东blue chips 蓝筹股red chips红筹股gilt-edged bond ⾦边债券junk bond ⽴即债券rating agency 评级机构securities loan 融券credit trading 信⽤交易financing 融资open/close a position 建/平仓。

英语中100个股市常用词汇及示例句子一、股票交易相关词汇1. Stock (股票)- I bought 100 shares of this stock last week.我上周买了这只股票的100股。
2. Share (股份)- Each share of the company is currently priced at $50.公司每股目前价格为50美元。
3. Portfolio (投资组合)- My investment portfolio includes technology and healthcare stocks.我的投资组合包括科技股和医疗股。
4. Dividend (股息)- The company announced a 5% dividend for its shareholders.公司宣布给股东发放5%的股息。
5. Capital gain (资本收益)- I realized a significant capital gain after selling my shares.卖出股票后,我获得了可观的资本收益。
6. IPO (首次公开募股)- The company's IPO was very successful.公司的首次公开募股非常成功。
7. Blue-chip stock (蓝筹股)- Investing in blue-chip stocks is considered safer.投资蓝筹股被认为风险较小。
8. Stock exchange (证券交易所)- The New York Stock Exchange is one of the largest stock exchanges in the world.纽约证券交易所是世界上最大的证券交易所之一。
9. Trader (交易员)- The trader executed my order immediately.交易员立即执行了我的订单。

证券常用英语词汇实用单词一、证券与股票常用英语词汇All Ordinaries Index (澳大利亚)股市指数AMEX(American Stock Exchange) 美国股票交易所amortize 摊提,分期偿还债务annuity 年金享受权asking price 卖主的开叫价assess 对(财产等)进行估价,确定(款项)的金额back 拖欠的bad loan 呆账,坏账bailout 帮助摆脱困境balloon (分期付款中)最后数目特大的一笔barometer 晴雨表,[喻]标记,指标basis point 基点(一个百分点的百分之一)bear markets 熊市blue-chip (股票等)热门的,(在同行中)最赚钱的for ex foreign exchangebond 债券,公债course 交易所,证券交易所bull markets 牛市bullish 牛市的Bunin-change 快速的大幅度变化CAC-40 Index (法国)股市指数CD(certificate-of-deposit) 大额存款单Chicago Mercantile Exchange 芝加哥商业交易所Consumer Price Index 消费者价格指数contagion 蔓延correction 调整coupon rate 券根利率CTA(Commodities Trading Ad visor) 农矿产品交易顾问Currency board 货币委员会DAX index (法兰克福)德国股市指数dead loan 死帐Delibes 从上市证券表中除名derivatives 衍生金融商品(由利率或债券、外汇或汇率以及股票或股价指数等现货市场衍生出来,主要有期货futures、期权option trading与掉期swap三种类型,品种多达100余种。
) discount 贴现discount rate 贴现率DJIA Dow-Jones Industrial Average 道?琼斯公用事业股价平均数。

一、投资词汇1. Investment(投资)指将资金或其他资源用于期望获取回报的行为或活动。
2. Portfolio(投资组合)指个人或机构持有的所有投资项目的集合。
3. Asset(资产)指拥有的有价值的物品或权益,如股票、债券、不动产等。
4. Equity(股权)指投资者在公司中所持有的股份或股权。
5. Risk(风险)指投资可能面临的损失或不确定性。
6. Return(回报)指投资所产生的利润、收益或回报。
7. Diversification(分散投资)指将资金投资于多个不同的资产类别或领域,以降低风险。
二、证券交易词汇1. Stock(股票)指公司向公众发行的股份,代表持有者在公司中的权益。
2. Shareholder(股东)指持有某公司股份的个人或机构。
3. Dividend(红利)指公司根据盈利情况向股东支付的利润分配。
4. Bond(债券)指借款人以借款为基础发行给债权人的债务证券。
5. Coupon(票息)指债券上规定的每年支付给债券持有者的利息。
6. Principal(本金)指债券上规定的借款人要偿还给债权人的原始金额。
7. Maturity(到期日)指债券或其他金融产品到期的日期。
8. Yield(收益率)指投资产品的盈利能力及其相对于投资成本的比例。
三、其他相关词汇1. Broker(经纪人)指在买卖证券或货币等产品过程中充当中介的个人或公司。
2. Exchange(交易所)指进行证券交易的市场,例如纽约证券交易所(NYSE)。
3. Bull market(牛市)指证券市场价格持续上涨的市场状态。

证券和股票英语术语证券 s e c u r i t i e s证券法 s e c u r i t i e s l a w资本市场 c a p i t a l m a r k e t证券市场 s e c u r i t i e s m a r k e t中国证券监督管理委员会 C h i n a S e c u r i t i e sR e g u l a t o r y C o m m i s s i o n(C S R S)股票、股权 s h a r e;e q u i t y;s t o c k上市公司 l i s t e d c o m p a n y机构投资者 i n s t i t u t i o n a l i n v e s t o r个人投资者/散户 r e t a i l/p r i v a t e i n v e s t o r证券中介机构 s e c u r i t i e s i n t e r m e d i a r y证券公司;券商 s e c u r i t i e s c o m p a n y;b r o k e r-d e a l e r自营 p r o p r i e t a r y t r a d i n g证券交易所 s e c u r i t i e s e x c h a n g e纽约证券交易所 N Y S E,N e w Y o r k S t o c k E x c h a n g e 巴黎证券交易所 P a r i s B o u r s e交易大厅 t r a d i n g f l o o r证券登记结算机构 s e c u r i t i e s r e g i s t r a t i o n a n d c l e a r i n g i n s t i t u t i o n证券行业自律组织 s e l f-r e g u l a t o r y o r g a n i z a t i o n f o r s e c u r i t i e s证券监督管理机构 s e c u r i t i e s r e g u l a t o r ya u t h o r i t y证券发行 o f f e r i n g o f s e c u r i t i e s;i s s u i n g o fs e c u r i t i e s证券分析 s e c u r i t i e s a n a l y s i s公开发售 p u b l i c o f f e r i n g;d i s t r i b u t i o n配股 r i g h t s i s s u e/o f f e r i n g红股 b o n u s s h a r e;红利;股息 d i v i d e n d购买力 p u r c h a s i n g(B u y i n g)P o w e r招股说明书 p r o s p e c t u s新股/初始公开发行 i n i t i a l p u b l i co f f e r i n g(I P O)收购兼并 m e r g e r a n d a c q u i s i t i o n资产重组 r e o r g a n i z a t i o n证券发行审核制度 v e r i f i c a t i o n s y s t e m f o rs e c u r i t i e s o f f e r i n g发行人 i s s u e r机构投资者 i n s t i t u t i o n公开发行 p u b l i c o f f e r i n g私募发行 p r i v a t e o f f e r i n g;p r i v a t e p l a c e m e n t 发行价格 i s s u i n g p r i c e平价发行 f a c e v a l u e i s s u i n g证券和股票英语专业术语溢价发行 p r e m i u m i s s u i n g 折价发行 d i s c o u n t e d i s s u i n g新发行 n e w i s s u e发行日 o f f e r i n g d a t e已发行流通股 i s s u e d-a n d-o u t s t a n d i n g S t o c k s认购比率 s u b s c r i p t i o n r a t i o股东 s t o c k h o l d e r s;p r i n c i p a l s登记日 r e c o r d d a t e承销 u n d e r w r i t i n g承销团 u n d e r w r i t i n g s y n d i c a t i o n上市 l i s t i n g o f s e c u r i t i e s上市公司 l i s t e d c o m p a n y被摘牌的公司被摘牌的公司 d e l i s t e d c o m p a n y 上市辅导 p r e-l i s t i n g t u t o r i n g上市推荐人 l i s t i n g s p o n s o r证券交易 t r a d i n g o f s e c u r i t i e s主板市场 m a i n b o a r d二板市场 s e c o n d b o a r d创业板市场 s t a r t-u p b o a r d高科技板块 h i g h-t e c h s e c t o r场内交易 o n b o a r d t r a n s a c t i o n场外交易 o f f b o a r d t r a n s a c t i o n柜台交易 o v e r-t h e-c o u n t e r t r a n s a c t i o n信用交易 m a r g i n t r a n s a c t i o n流动性 l i q u i d i t y;m a r k e t a b i l i t y流通性 n e g o t i a b i l i t y要价 o f f e r卖方要价 o f f e r i n g(a s k e d)P r i c e场外委托 o f f-f l o o r o r d e r场内委托 o n-f l o o r o r d e对敲指令 m a t c h e d o r d e r s市场价格 m a r k e t p r i c e市场价值 m a r k e t v a l u e面值 f a c e v a l u e除息日 e x-d i v i d e n d(X D)(w i t h o u t d i v i d e n d)d a t e 到期日 e x p i r a t i o n d a t e除权 e x-r i g h t(X R T)证券和股票常用英语术语行情显示 o n t h e t a p e 股市行情 t h e u p s a n d d o w n s o f t h e s t o c k m a r k e t 大盘 t h e b i g b o a r d行情看涨 B u l l i s h行情看跌 B e a r i s h股价指数 i n d e x成份指数 c o m p o n e n t i n d e xC A C-40I n d e x法国巴黎C A C-40指数道琼斯工业指数 D o w J o n e s i n d u s t r i a la v e r a g e(D J I A)德国法兰克福D A X指数F r a n k f u r t D A X I n d e x英国伦敦金融时报指数 L o n d o n s F T S E100那斯达克 N A S D A Q,N a t i o n a l A s s o c i a t i o n o fS e c u r i t i e s D e a l A u t o m a t e d Q u o t a t i o n s日经指数 N i k k e i I n d e x拉塞尔2000指数 t h e R u s s e l l2000标准普尔500指数 t h e S t a n d a r d a n d P o o r s500交易授权 t r a d i n g a u t h o r i z a t i o n当日委托指令 d a y o r d e r竞价系统 a s k-b i d s y s t e m开盘价 o p e n i n g开盘委托指令 o p e n i n g o n l y o r d e r收盘价 c l o s e收盘指令 A t-t h e-C l o s e O r d e r按市价 A t-t h e-M a r k e t下降顶点趋势 d e s c e n d i n g t o p s回调谷 d i p整理区 d i s t r i b u t i o n a r e a双底 d o u b l e b o t t o m双顶 d o u b l e t o p托盘 h o l d i n g t h e m a r k e t横盘 h o r i z o n t a l p r i c e m o v e m e n t支撑区 s u p p o r t支撑线 s u p p o r t l e v e l趋势 t r e n d趋势线 t r e n d l i n e总成交量 t o t a l v o l u m e行情显示系统 t i c k e r t a p e抛售 d u m p i n g跳水 i n t h e t a n k放量(买/卖)c l i m a x(b u y i n g/s e l l i n g)清仓 l i q u i d a t i o n价差 s p r e a d冻结账户 f r o z e n a c c o u n t证券和股票行业英语词汇带翻译攫利者 s t a g 暴利w i n d f a l l p r o f i t滞帐 s t a g f l a t i o n萧条 s t a g n a t i o n旺市 t i g h t m a r k e t疲软市场 s o f t m a r k e t提供消息 t i p投机 s p e c u l a t i o n(股票指数)创历史新高 r e c o r d h i g h总成本 t o t a l c o s t交易日 t r a d e d a t e交易商 t r a d e r交易授权 t r a d i n g a u t h o r i z a t i o n买空 s h o r t p u r c h a s e卖空 s h o r t s a l e平仓交易 c l o s i n g t r a n s a c t i o n佣金 c o m m i s s i o n股票交易印花税 s t a m p t a x f o r s t o c k t r a n s a c t i o n 股票交易所得税 c a p i t a l g a i n s t a x f o r s t o c kt r a n s a c t i o n证券结算 s e c u r i t i e s s e t t l e m e n t清算 c l e a r i n g交收 d e l i v e r y市盈率 p r i c e-e a r n i n g r a t i o每股收益率 e a r n i n g p e r s h a r e(E P S)换手率 t u r n o v e r r a t e业绩报表 e a r n i n g r e p o r t财务报表 f i n a n c i a l s t a t e m e n t损益表 i n c o m e s t a t e m e n t信息披露 i n f o r m a t i o n d i s c l o s u r e金融违规行为 f i n a n c i a l i r r e g u l a r i t i e s/i m p r o p r i e t i e s证券欺诈 s e c u r i t i e s f r a u d虚报盈利 i n f l a t e p r o f i t s虚假帐务 d e c e p t i v e a c c o u n t i n g内幕交易 i n s i d e r t r a d i n g内幕人 i n s i d e r操纵市场 m a n i p u l a t i o n o f s e c u r i t i e s m a r k e t 关联交易 r e l a t e d-p a r t y t r a n s a c t i o n股票 s t o c k。

下面是YJBYS 小编收集整理的证券行业英语常用词汇,欢迎参考!
share, equity, stock股票、股权;
bond, debenture, debts债券;
negotiable share可流通股份;
convertible bond可转换债券;
treasury/government bond国库券/ZF 债券;
corporate bond企业债券;
closed-end securities investment fund 封闭式证券投资基金;
open-end securities investment fund 开放式证券投资基金;
fund manager基金经理/管理GS;
fund custodian bank基金托管银行;
market capitalization市值;
p/e ratio市盈率;(price/earning)
payment versus delivery银券交付;
clearing and settlement清算/结算;
commodity/financial derivatives 商品/金融衍生产品;
put / call option看跌/看涨期权;
margins, collateral保证金;
rights issue/offering配股;
bonus share红股;

一、金融市场词汇1. Securities(证券): Financial instruments used for investment, such as stocks, bonds, and derivatives.2. Stock exchange(股票交易所): A marketplace where stocks and other securities are bought and sold.3. Bull market(牛市): A market characterized by rising prices and optimistic investor sentiment.4. Bear market(熊市): A market characterized by falling prices and pessimistic investor sentiment.5. Futures(期货): Contracts that require the buyer to purchase an asset or the seller to sell an asset at a predetermined price and date in the future.6. Options(期权): Financial derivatives that give the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset at a predetermined price and date.7. Exchange rate(汇率): The rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another currency.8. IPO (Initial Public Offering)(首次公开募股): The first sale of stock by a company to the public.二、投资理财词汇1. Portfolio(投资组合): A collection of financial assets, such as stocks, bonds, and cash, held by an investor.2. Diversification(多元化投资): Spreading investments across different assets to reduce risk.3. Risk tolerance(风险承受能力): The degree to which an investor is willing to accept the potential loss in an investment.4. Return on Investment (ROI)(投资回报率): The percentage gain or loss on an investment relative to the amount invested.5. Asset allocation(资产配置): The distribution of investments across various asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate.6. Mutual fund(共同基金): An investment vehicle that pools money from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of securities.7. Hedge fund(对冲基金): An investment fund that employs various strategies to generate high returns, often taking both long and short positions.8. Stock market index(股票市场指数): A measurement of the performance of a group of stocks representing a particular market or sector.三、财务管理词汇1. Financial statement(财务报表): A formal record of a company's financial activities, including the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement.2. Budget(预算): A financial plan that estimates income and expenses over a specific period of time.3. Cash flow(现金流): The movement of money in and out of a business or individual's accounts.4. Revenue(收入): The income generated from sales of goods or services.5. Expenses(费用): The costs incurred in the operation of a business or individual's daily life.6. Asset(资产): Anything of value owned by a business or individual, such as cash, inventory, or real estate.7. Liability(负债): Debts or obligations owed by a business or individual.8. Gross profit(毛利润): The difference between revenue and the cost of goods sold.以上是一份金融英语词汇大全,涵盖了金融市场、投资理财和财务管理等方面的词汇。

常用证券英语术语证券与股票常用英语专业术语普通股 common share优先股 preferred share劣后股 deferred share红股 bonus share;红利;股息 dividend蓝筹股 blue chip stock红筹股 red chip stock证券 securities证券法 securities law资本市场 capital market证券市场 securities market中国证券监督管理委员会 China Securities Regulatory Commission CSRS 股票、股权 share; equity; stock上市公司 listed company机构投资者 institutional investor个人投资者/散户 retail / private investor证券中介机构 securities intermediary证券公司;券商 securities company; broker-dealer自营 proprietary trading证券发行 offering of securities; issuing of securities证券分析 securities analysis公开发售 public offering; distribution配股 rights issue/offering购买力 purchasingBuying Power招股说明书 prospectus新股/初始公开发行 initial public offeringIPO收购兼并 merger and acquisition资产重组 reorganization证券发行审核制度 verification system for securities offering 发行人 issuer机构投资者 institution公开发行 public offering私募发行 private offering; private placement发行价格 issuing price平价发行 face value issuing溢价发行 premium issuing折价发行 discounted issuing新发行 new issue发行日 offering date已发行流通股 issued-and-outstanding Stocks认购比率 subscription ratio股东 stockholders ; principals登记日 record date承销 underwriting承销团 underwriting syndication上市 listing of securities上市公司 listed company被摘牌的公司被摘牌的公司 delisted company 上市辅导 pre-listing tutoring上市推荐人 listing sponsor证券交易 trading of securities主板市场 main board二板市场 second board创业板市场 start-up board高科技板块 high-tech sector场内交易 on board transaction场外交易 off board transaction柜台交易 over-the-counter transaction信用交易 margin transaction流动性 liquidity; marketability流通性 negotiability要价 offer卖方要价 offering asked Price场外委托 off-floor order场内委托 on-floor orde对敲指令 matched orders市场价格 market price市场价值 market value面值 face value除息日 ex-dividendXDwithout dividend date 到期日 expiration date除权 ex-rightXRT行情显示 on the tape股市行情 the ups and downs of the stock market大盘 the big board行情看涨 Bullish行情看跌 Bearish股价指数 index成份指数 component indexCAC-40 Index 法国巴黎CAC-40指数道琼斯工业指数 Dow Jones industrial averageDJIA德国法兰克福DAX指数Frankfurt DAX Index英国伦敦金融时报指数 London's FTSE 100那斯达克 NASDAQ,National Association of Securities Deal Automated Quotations日经指数 Nikkei Index拉塞尔2000指数 the Russell 2000标准普尔500指数 the Standard and Poor's 500交易授权 trading authorization当日委托指令 day order竞价系统 ask-bid system开盘价 opening开盘委托指令 opening only order收盘价 close收盘指令 At-the-Close Order按市价 At-the-Market下降顶点趋势 descending tops 回调谷 dip整理区 distribution area双底 double bottom双顶 double top托盘 holding the market横盘 horizontal price movement 支撑区 support支撑线 support level趋势 trend趋势线 trendline总成交量 total volume行情显示系统 ticker tape抛售 dumping跳水 in the tank放量买/卖 climaxbuying/selling 清仓 liquidation价差 spread冻结账户 frozen account攫利者 stag暴利windfall profit滞帐 stagflation萧条 stagnation旺市 tight market疲软市场 soft market提供消息 tip投机 speculation股票指数创历史新高 record high总成本 total cost交易日 trade date交易商 trader交易授权 trading authorization买空 short purchase卖空 short sale平仓交易 closing transaction佣金 commission股票交易印花税 stamp tax for stock transaction股票交易所得税 capital gains tax for stock transaction 证券结算 securities settlement清算 clearing交收 delivery市盈率 price-earning ratio每股收益率 earning per share EPS换手率 turnover rate业绩报表 earning report财务报表 financial statement损益表 income statement信息披露 information disclosure金融违规行为 financial irregularities /improprieties 证券欺诈 securities fraud虚报盈利 inflate profits虚假帐务 deceptive accounting内幕交易 insider trading内幕人 insider操纵市场 manipulation of securities market关联交易 related-party transaction股票 stock未发行股票 unissued Stock周期性股票 cyclical stock工业股票 industrial stock证券交易所 securities exchange纽约证券交易所 NYSE,New York Stock Exchange巴黎证券交易所 Paris Bourse交易大厅 trading floor证券行业自律组织 self-regulatory organization for securities证券监督管理机构 securities regulatory authority证券登记结算机构 securities registration and clearing institution 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

证券与股票常用英语专业术语普通股 common share优先股 preferred share劣后股 deferred share红股 bonus share;红利;股息 dividend蓝筹股 blue chip stock红筹股 red chip stock证券 securities证券法 securities law资本市场 capital market证券市场 securities market中国证券监督管理委员会China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRS)股票、股权 share; equity; stock上市公司 listed company机构投资者 institutional investor个人投资者/散户 retail / private investor证券中介机构 securities intermediary证券公司;券商 securities company; broker-dealer自营 proprietary trading证券发行 offering of securities; issuing of securities证券分析 securities analysis公开发售 public offering; distribution配股 rights issue/offering购买力 purchasing(Buying) Power招股说明书 prospectus新股/初始公开发行 initial public offering(IPO)收购兼并 merger and acquisition资产重组 reorganization证券发行审核制度 verification system for securities offering 发行人 issuer机构投资者 institution公开发行 public offering私募发行 private offering; private placement发行价格 issuing price平价发行 face value issuing溢价发行 premium issuing折价发行 discounted issuing新发行 new issue发行日 offering date已发行流通股 issued-and-outstanding Stocks认购比率 subscription ratio股东 stockholders ; principals登记日 record date承销 underwriting承销团 underwriting syndication上市 listing of securities上市公司 listed company被摘牌的公司被摘牌的公司 delisted company上市辅导 pre-listing tutoring上市推荐人 listing sponsor证券交易 trading of securities主板市场 main board二板市场 second board创业板市场 start-up board高科技板块 high-tech sector场内交易 on board transaction场外交易 off board transaction柜台交易 over-the-counter transaction信用交易 margin transaction流动性 liquidity; marketability流通性 negotiability要价 offer卖方要价 offering (asked) Price场外委托 off-floor order场内委托 on-floor orde对敲指令 matched orders市场价格 market price市场价值 market value面值 face value除息日 ex-dividend(XD)(without dividend) date到期日 expiration date除权 ex-right(XRT)行情显示 on the tape股市行情 the ups and downs of the stock market大盘 the big board行情看涨 Bullish行情看跌 Bearish股价指数 index成份指数 component indexCAC-40 Index 法国巴黎CAC-40指数道琼斯工业指数 Dow Jones industrial average(DJIA)德国法兰克福DAX指数Frankfurt DAX Index英国伦敦金融时报指数 London's FTSE 100那斯达克NASDAQ,National Association of Securities Deal Automated Quotations日经指数 Nikkei Index拉塞尔2000指数 the Russell 2000标准普尔500指数 the Standard and Poor's 500 交易授权 trading authorization当日委托指令 day order竞价系统 ask-bid system开盘价 opening开盘委托指令 opening only order收盘价 close收盘指令 At-the-Close Order按市价 At-the-Market下降顶点趋势 descending tops回调谷 dip整理区 distribution area双底 double bottom双顶 double top托盘 holding the market横盘 horizontal price movement支撑区 support支撑线 support level趋势 trend趋势线 trendline总成交量 total volume行情显示系统 ticker tape抛售 dumping跳水 in the tank放量(买/卖) climax(buying/selling)清仓 liquidation价差 spread冻结账户 frozen account攫利者 stag暴利windfall profit滞帐 stagflation萧条 stagnation旺市 tight market疲软市场 soft market提供消息 tip投机 speculation(股票指数)创历史新高 record high总成本 total cost交易日 trade date交易商 trader交易授权 trading authorization买空 short purchase卖空 short sale平仓交易 closing transaction佣金 commission股票交易印花税 stamp tax for stock transaction股票交易所得税 capital gains tax for stock transaction 证券结算 securities settlement清算 clearing交收 delivery市盈率 price-earning ratio每股收益率 earning per share (EPS)换手率 turnover rate业绩报表 earning report财务报表 financial statement损益表 income statement信息披露 information disclosure金融违规行为 financial irregularities /improprieties证券欺诈 securities fraud虚报盈利 inflate profits虚假帐务 deceptive accounting内幕交易 insider trading内幕人 insider操纵市场 manipulation of securities market关联交易 related-party transaction股票 stock未发行股票 unissued Stock周期性股票 cyclical stock工业股票 industrial stock证券交易所 securities exchange纽约证券交易所 NYSE,New York Stock Exchange巴黎证券交易所 Paris Bourse交易大厅 trading floor证券行业自律组织 self-regulatory organization for securities 证券监督管理机构 securities regulatory authority证券登记结算机构securities registration and clearing institution。

本金:principal保证金:margins贷方:creditor借方:debtor低息贷款:soft loan成交量:transaction value; turnover债券:bond; debts证券:securities国库券/政府债券:treasury/government bond国债回购:government securities repurchase垃圾债券:junk bond股本:equity; share capital股票:share; stock红股:bonus share股息:dividend股东:shareholder建/平仓:open/close a position空仓:short position补仓:margin call价格回升:rally蓝筹股:blue chips红筹股:red chips概念股:concept stock牛市:bull market熊市:bear market抛空/沽空:short selling申购:subscribe反弹:rebound风险基金:venture capital fund风险评级:risk rating封闭式基金:close-ended fund开放式基金:open-ended fund融资:financing/provision of credit跨境融资:cross-boarder financing融资成本:financing cost融资结构:financing structure融资渠道:financing channel买空:buy long卖空:sell short份额:quota定期存款:time deposit活期存款:demand deposit 宏观调控能力:macro-control货币回笼:withdrawal of currency from circulation获利吞吐:profit taking监事会:supervisory board开盘价:opening price收盘价:closing price看跌:falling tendency看涨:rising tendency纳斯达克指数:Nasdaq Index日经指数:Nikkei Index综合指数:composite index普通股:common stock(US); ordinary share(UK)优先股:preferred stock(US); preference share(UK)市值:market capitalization贴现率:discount rate特别提款权:Special Drawing Right(SDR)现金流量:cash flow资本流动:capital flow资本项目:capital item资不抵债:insolvency资产收益率:return on asset(ROA)新股发行:initial public offering(IPO) 跌停板:falling limit;limit down涨停板:raising limit; limit up证券经纪人:stockbroker变现:liquidity不良贷款:non-performing loan(NPL) 财政赤字:financial deficit操纵证券市场:manipulation of securities market超额认购:over-subscription电话银行:telephone banking电子汇款:electronic funds transfer(EFT)电子银行:electronic bank; e-bank浮动汇率:floating exchange rates个人理财:personal financing汇率机制:exchange rate regime金融电子化:financial computerization 金融监管:financial supervision and regulation金融体系的脆弱性:financial system vulnerabilities金融体系的稳定性:financial system stability经营业绩:operating performance利息税:interest tax首期按揭:down-payment刷卡:punch the card透支:overdraft; overdraw外汇管制:foreign exchange control外债:foreign debt网上银行:online bank 洗钱:money laundering虚拟银行:virtual bank银行网点:bank outlets由市场决定的浮动货币:market-determined floating currency有价证券:marketable securities在线金融:online finance债转股:debt to equity支付能力:payment capacity住房抵押贷款:residential mortgage loan资本重组:recapitalization资产证券化:assets securitization自由兑换货币:convertible currency。

Advance-Decline Theory 涨跌理论Arbitrage 套利Arbitrageur 套利者As Agent 做代理Ask-Bid System 竞价系统At-the-Close Order 收盘指令At-the-Market 按市价At-the-Opening(Opening Only)Order 开盘指令Back Up 逆向变化Bar Chart 条线图Base Market value 基准市场价值Bearish 行情看跌Bear Market 熊市Bear Raiders 大量抛空者Bid-and-Asked Quotation(or Quote) 买方报价和卖方报价(报价) Blowout 畅销Blue-Chip Stocks 蓝筹股Breakout 突破Bullish 行情看涨Bull Market 牛市Buying Power 购买力Cancellation 取消Capitalization 资本Certificate 证券证书Climax(Buying/Selling) 放量(买/卖)Close 收盘价Closing Transaction 平仓交易Commission 佣金Congestion Area 震荡区Cornering the Market 垄断市场Corporation 股份公司Cum Rights 含权Cyclical Stock 周期性股票Date of Record 登记日Day Order 当日委托指令Day Trading 日交易Dealer 交易商Descending Tops 下降顶点趋势Dip 回调谷Distribution Area 整理区Diversification 分散投资Dividends 红利Don't Fight the Tape 顺行情交易Double Bottom 双底Double Top 双顶Dumping 抛售Effective Date 生效日期Ex-Distribution(X Dis) 无分配额Ex-Dividend(XD)(Without Dividend) Date 除息日Expiration Date 到期日Ex-Right(XRT) 除权Face value 面值Floor 交易大厅Floor Order Tickets 场内委托单Free-Riding 自由放纵投机行为Frozen Account 冻结账户Fundamental Analysis 基本面分析Futures 期货Gap 跳空Head and Shoulders 头肩形Highballing 高价交易Holder of Record 登记持股人Holding the Market 托盘Horizontal Price Movement 横盘Hot Issue 抢手证券Inactive Market 不活跃市场Index 指数Insider 内幕人Institution 机构投资者In the Tank 跳水Issued-and-Outstanding Stocks 已发行流通股Issuer 发行人Joint Account 联合账户Last Trading Day 最后交易日Liquidation 清仓Liquidity 流动性Listed Stock 上市股票Long Market value 所持证券市场价值Long Position 多头头寸Manipulation 操纵Marketability 流动性Market Price 市场价格Market value 市场价值Matched Orders 对敲指令Merger 合并Negotiability 流通性New Issue 新发行Offer 要价Offering (Asked) Price 卖方要价Offering Date 发行日Off-Floor Order 场外委托On-Floor Order 场内委托On the Tape 行情显示Opening 开盘价Opening Only Order 开盘委托指令Opening Transaction 建仓交易Oversold 超卖Overvalued 估值过高P(rice)/E(arnings) Ratio 市盈率Paper Loss/Profit 账面损益Pennant 尖旗形Picture 行情Place 发售Portfolio 证券组合Position 头寸Price Range 价格范围Primary Distribution(Offering) 初次发售Primary Market 次级市场Primary Movement 大趋势Principals(Stockholders) 股东Principal value 本金值Profit Taking 获利回吐Public Offering(Distribution) 公开发售Purchasing(Buying) Power 购买力Rally 反弹Reading the Tape 看盘Record Date 登记日Reorganization 资产重组Resistance 阻挡区Resistance level 阻挡线Reversal 反转Rigged Market 受操纵的市场Rising Bottom 上升谷底趋势Rounding Bottom(Saucer) 圆底Rounding Top 圆顶Screen(Stocks) 选股Secondary Distribution(Offering) 二次发售Secondary Market 二级市场Securities Analysis 证券分析Security 证券Seek a Market 寻求入市机会Selling Off(Sell-Off) 止损抛售Share 股份Short Position 空头头寸Soft Market 疲软市场Speculation 投机Split Down 并股Spread 价差Stag 攫利者Stagflation 滞胀Stagnation 萧条Stockholder(Shareholder) 持股人Stocks 股票Subion Ratio 认购比率Substitution(Swap) 替代(互换)Support 支撑区Support Level 支撑线Sweetener 甜头Takeover 接管(Ticker) Tape 行情显示系统Technical Analysis 技术分析Technical Sign 技术讯号Tight Market 旺市Tip 提供消息Total Cost 总成本Total Volume 总成交量Trade Date 交易日Trader 交易商Trading Authorization 交易授权Trading Floor 交易大厅Trend 趋势Trendline 趋势线Triangle 三角形Undervalued 估价过低Unissued Stock 未发行股票Uptrend 上升趋势Volume 交易量Weak Market 弱市Wedge 楔形W Formation W底Without Dividend 除息。

证券行业必备英语专业术语,证券行业必备英语专业术语1. 上市公司 listed pany2. 被摘牌的公司被摘牌的公司 delisted pany3. 上市辅导 pre-listing tutoring4. 上市推荐人 listing sponsor5. 证券交易 trading of securities6. 主板市场 main board7. 二板市场 second board8. 创业板市场 start-up board9. 高科技板块 high-tech sector10. 场内交易 on board transaction证券行业必备英语专业术语11. 场外交易 off board transaction12. 柜台交易 over-the-counter transaction13. 信用交易 margin transaction14. 流动性 liquidity; marketability15. 流通性 negotiability16. 要价 offer17. 卖方要价 offering (asked) Price18. 场外委托 off-floor order19. 场内委托 on-floor orde20. 对敲指令 matched orders21. 市场价格 market price22. 市场价值 market value23. 面值 face value24. 除息日 ex-dividend(XD)(without dividend) date25. 到期日 expiration date26. 除权 ex-right(XRT)27. 行情显示 on the tape28. 股市行情 the ups and downs of the stock market29. 大盘 the big board30. 行情看涨 Bullish31. 行情看跌 Bearish32. 股价指数 index33. 成份指数 ponent index34. CAC-40 Index 法国巴黎CAC-40指数35. 道琼斯工业指数 Dow Jones industrial average(DJIA)36. 德国法兰克福DAX指数Frankfurt DAX Index37. 英国伦敦金融时报指数 London's FTSE 10038. 那斯达克NASDAQ,National Association of Securities Deal Automated Quotations39. 日经指数 Nikkei Index40. 拉塞尔2000指数 the Russell 200041. 标准普尔500指数 the Standard and Poor's 50042. 交易授权 trading authorization43. 当日委托指令 day order44. 竞价系统 ask-bid system45. 开盘价 opening46. 开盘委托指令 opening only order47. 收盘价 close48. 收盘指令 At-the-Close Order49. 按市价 At-the-Market50. 下降顶点趋势 descending tops。

证券英语词汇汇总(Q-R)qualified corporation 合资格法团qualified lender 合资格借出人qualified overseas schem合资格海外计划qualified shares 合资格股份qualifying client 合资格客户qualifying credit rating 合资格信贷评级qualifying debt securities合资格债务证券ranking liabilities 认可负债recipient 接收人reckless misrepresentation 罔顾实情的失实陈述recognized certificate 认可证书recognized certification authority认可核证机关recognized clearing house 认可结算所recognized counterparty 认可对手方recognized exchange company 认可交易所recognized exchange controller 认可控制人recognized futures market 认可期货市场recognized investor compensation company认可投资者赔偿公司recognized occupational retirement scheme认可职业退休计划recognized stock market 认可证券市场record 纪录redeemable shares 可赎回股份register of companies 公司登记册register of directors’ and chief executives’ interests and short positions董事及最高行政人员权益及淡仓登记册register of interests in shares and short positions股份权益及淡仓登记册registered 注册registered company 注册公司registered institution 注册机构Registrar of Companies 公司注册处处长registration 注册regulated activity 受规管活动regulated function 受规管职能regulated investment agreement 受规管投资协议regulated person 受规管人士regulations 规例regulatory body 规管机构related assets 有连系资产relevant agreement 有关协议relevant authority 有关当局;监管当局relevant authorized automated trading services有关认可自动化交易服务relevant communication 有关通讯relevant condition 有关条件relevant contract 有关合约relevant contravention 违例事件relevant corporation 相关法团relevant date 有关日期relevant event 有关事件relevant exchange company 有关交易所公司relevant information 有关消息relevant market 有关市场relevant offer 有关要约relevant office-holder 有关人员relevant overseas market 有关境外市场relevant period 有关期间relevant property 有关财产relevant provisions 有关条文relevant recognized exchange controller 相关认可控制人relevant recognized market 有关认可市场relevant securities 有关证券relevant share capital 有关股本relevant shares 有关股份relevant time 有关时间remittance 转付remuneration 报酬repealed Ordinance 已废除条例repealed Securities Rules 已废除的《证券规则》report 报告reportable matter 须报告事项reportable position 须申报的持仓量reporting currency 申报货币reporting day 申报日reporting period 申报期representation 陈述representative 代表repurchase transaction 回购交易required liquid capital 规定速动资金required liquid capital deficit 规定速动资金短欠数额respondent 答辩人responsible officer 负责人员review 复核rights issue 供股Risk Management Committee 风险管理委员会rolling balance cash client 滚存结余现金客户rules 规章ruling 裁定证券英语词汇汇总(S)Secretary 局长securities 证券securities adviser 证券顾问Securities and Futures Appeals Tribunal上诉审裁处securities and futures industry 证券期货业securities and futures market 证券期货市场securities borrowing and lending agreement证券借贷协议securities collateral 证券抵押品securities consultant 证券顾问securities dealer 证券交易商;证券经纪securities margin financing 证券保证金融资Securities Market Maker 证券庄家segregated account 独立账户SEOCH 期权结算公司served 送达service bureau 服务单位settlement 交收settlement date 交收日期shadow director 幕后董事share 股份share registrar 股份登记员Share Repurchase Code 《股份购回守则》shareholder controller 股东控制人short position 淡仓short selling 卖空short selling order 卖空指示special debt securities 特别债务证券specified amount 指明款额specified amount requirements 指明数额规定specified bank regulator 指明银行规管当局specified credit rating 指明信贷评级specified debt securities 指明债务证券specified decision 指明决定specified exchange 指明交易所specified futures exchange 指明期货交易所specified instrument 指明文书specified investments 指明投资项目specified jurisdiction 指明司法管辖区specified licensed corporation 指明持牌法团specified licensing condition 指明发牌条件specified percentage level 指明百分率水平specified person 指明人士specified recipient 指明收受者specified risks 指明风险specified securities 指明证券specified securities or futures contracts指明证券或期货合约specified stock exchange指明证券交易所specified titles 指明称衔stabilizing action 稳定价格行动stabilizing manager 稳定价格操作人stabilizing period 稳定价格期间stabilizing price 稳定价格standby subordinated loan facility备用后偿贷款融通standing authority 常设授权stock adviser 股票顾问stock dealer, stockbroker 股票经纪Stock Exchange Company 联交所stock futures contract 股票期货合约stock market 证券市场stock options contract 股票期权合约stock return 证券交还subordinated loan 后偿贷款substantial shareholder 大股东systems of control 监控系统证券英语词汇汇总(T-W)take delivery 提取take-over offer 收购要约Takeovers Appeal Committee 收购上诉委员会Takeovers Code 《收购守则》Takeovers Panel 收购委员会target corporation 目标法团the corporation concerned 有关法团title 称衔top 3 collateral 首3位抵押品top margin client 前列保证金客户trade date 交易日期trader 交易商trading day 交易日trading right 交易权Tribunal 审裁处trust corporation 信托法团trustee 受托人Type 1 intermediary 第1类中介人Type 1 intermediary or representative第1类中介人或代表Type 2 intermediary 第2类中介人Type 4 intermediary or representative第4类中介人或代表Type 6 intermediary or representative第6类中介人或代表unconscionable 不合情理underlying shares 相关股份Unified Exchange 联合交易所Unified Exchange Compensation Fund 联交所赔偿基金unit trust 单位信托unsolicited call 未获邀约的造访valid business registration certificate有效商业登记证variable required liquid capital 可变动规定速动资金whitewash document清洗交易文件whitewashed offer 清洗交易要约written direction 书面指示written document书面文件关文章:1.常用金融英语词汇大全2.与金融词汇有关的谜语大全及答案3.金融英语4.金融英语词汇5.银行晨会猜谜语。

股市常用英文大盘点[综合用词] ShanghaiCompositeIndex上证综合指数ShenzhenComponentIndex深证成份股指数HongKong'sHangSengIndex香港恒生指数A-sharemarketA股市场B-sharemarketB股市场bourse证券交易所trading交易,买卖turnover成交额tradingvolume交易额,成交量weighting权重morningsession早盘afternoonsession午盘insidertrading内幕交易trader交易者speculator投机者investor投资者broker证券经纪人brokerage券商(股民开立账户的地方)marginfinanceaccount保证金融资账户(相当于借钱炒股)securitiesregulator证券监管机构[牛市常用词]surge大涨gain上涨soar飞涨climb攀升rally回升buoy提振bullish看涨的;上扬的fundinflow资金流入capitalinflow资金流入outperform跑赢(大盘)hover徘徊returns收益,回报pickup回升edgeup微升[熊市常用词]slump暴跌tumble暴跌slip下跌retreat下跌fall下跌drop下降decline下降bearish看跌的,下跌的loseground下跌edgedown微降dip微降equitiesbubble股市泡沫。

证券与股票常用英语词汇A l l O r d i n a r i e s I n d e x (澳大利亚)股市指数A m e x(A m e r i c a n S t o c k E x c h a n g e)美国股票交易所 a m o r t i z e摊提,分期偿还债务a n n u i t y年金享受权a s k i n g p r i c e卖主的开叫价a s s e s s对(财产等)进行估价,确定(款项)的金额b ac k拖欠的b a d l o a n呆账,坏账b a i l o u t帮助摆脱困境b a l l o o n(分期付款中)最后数目特大的一笔b a r o m e t e r晴雨表,[喻]标记,指标b a s i s p o i n t基点(一个百分点的百分之一)b e a r m a r k e t s熊市b l u e-c h i p(股票等)热门的,(在同行中)最赚钱的f o r e x f o r e ig n e x ch a n g eb o n d债券,公债b o u r s e交易所,证券交易所b u l l m a r k e t s牛市b u l l i s h牛市的b u n j i-c h a n g e快速的大幅度变化C A C-40I n d e x(法国)股市指数C D(c e r t i f i c a t e-o f-d e p o s i t)大额存款单C h i c a g o M e r c a n t i l e E x c h a n g e芝加哥商业交易所 C o n s u m e r P r i c e I n d e x消费者价格指数c o n t a g i o n蔓延c o r r e c t i o n调整c o u p o n r a t e券根利率C T A(C o m m o d i t i e s T r a d i n g A d v i s o r)农矿产品交易顾问C u r r e n c y b o a r d货币委员会D A X i n d e x(法兰克福)德国股市指数d e a d l o a n死帐d e l i s t从上市证券表中除名d e r i v a t i v e s衍生金融商品(由利率或债券、外汇或汇率以及股票或股价指数等现货市场衍生出来,主要有期货f u t u r e s、期权o p t i o n t r a d i n g与掉期s w a p三种类型,品种多达100余种。

股票与证券行业英语词汇share, equity, stock股票、股权bond, debenture, debts债券negotiable share可流通股份convertible bond可转换债券treasury/government bond国库券/政府债券corporate bond企业债券closed-end securities investment fund 封闭式证券投资基金open-end securities investment fund 开放式证券投资基金fund manager基金经理/管理公司fund custodian bank基金托管银行market capitalization市值p/e ratio市盈率(price/earning)mark-to-market逐日盯市payment versus delivery银券交付clearing and settlement清算/结算commodity/financial derivatives 商品/金融衍生产品put / call option看跌/看涨期权margins, collateral保证金rights issue/offering配股bonus share红股dividend红利/股息ADR美国存托凭证/存股证(American Depository Receipt) GDR全球存托凭证/存股证(Global Depository Receipt) retail/private investor个人投资者/散户institutional investor机构投资者broker/dealer券商proprietary trading自营insider trading/dealing内幕交易market manipulation市场操纵prospectus招股说明书IPO新股/初始公开发行(Initial Public Offering) merger and acquisition收购兼并All Ordinaries Index (澳大利亚)股市指数Amex(American Stock Exchange) 美国股票交易所amortize 摊提,分期偿还债务annuity 年金享受权asking price 卖主的开叫价assess 对(财产等)进行估价,确定(款项)的金额back 拖欠的bad loan 呆账,坏账bailout 帮助……摆脱困境balloon (分期付款中)最后数目特大的一笔barometer 晴雨表,[喻]标记,指标basis point 基点(一个百分点的百分之一)bear markets 熊市blue-chip (股票等)热门的,(在同行中)最赚钱的forex foreign exchangebond 债券,公债bourse 交易所,证券交易所bull markets 牛市bullish 牛市的bunji-change 快速的大幅度变化CAC-40 Index (法国)股市指数CD(certificate-of-deposit) 大额存款单Chicago Mercantile Exchange 芝加哥商业交易所Consumer Price Index 消费者价格指数contagion 蔓延correction 调整coupon rate 券根利率CTA(Commodities Trading Advisor) 农矿产品交易顾问Currency board 货币委员会DAX index (法兰克福)德国股市指数dead loan 死帐delist 从上市证券表中除名derivatives 衍生金融商品(由利率或债券、外汇或汇率以及股票或股价指数等现货市场衍生出来,主要有期货futures、期权option trading与掉期swap三种类型,品种多达100余种。

证券市场英语词汇总结CAC-40 Index 法国巴黎CAC-40指数Dow Jones industrial average(DJIA)道琼斯工业指数Frankfurt DAX Index 德国法兰克福DAX指数London's FTSE 100 英国伦敦金融时报指数NASDAQ,National Association of Securities Deal Automated Quotations 那斯达克Nikkei Index 日经指数YSE,New York Stock Exchange 纽约证券交易所Paris Bourse 巴黎证券交易所the Russell 2000 拉塞尔2000指数the Standard and Poor's 500 标准普尔500指数a bear market熊市a bull market牛市bench mark指标blue chip绩优股bonus share 红股component index成份指数convertible bond可转换债券core / non-core assets 核心/非核心资产corporate bond企业债券debt-for-equity swap 债权转股权deceptive accounting 虚假帐务earning report 业绩报表financial irregularities /improprieties 金融违规行为financial reorganization 金融重组financial statement 财务报表fund custodian bank基金托管银行fund manager基金经理/管理公司high-tech sector高科技板块income statement 损益表industrial stock工业股票inflate profits 虚报盈利listed company / delisted company 上市公司/被摘牌的公司record high (股票指数)创历史新高red chips红筹股return on equity股本回报率share, equity, stock 股票、股权bond, debenture, debts 债券negotiable share 可流通股份convertible bond 可转换债券treasury /government bond 国库券/政府债券corporate bond 企业债券closed-end securities investment fund 封闭式证券投资基金open-end securities investment fund 开放式证券投资基金fund manager 基金经理/管理公司fund custodian bank 基金托管银行market capitalization 市值p/e (price/earning) ratio 市盈率mark-to-market 逐日盯市payment versus delivery 银券交付clearing and settlement 清算/结算commodity/financial derivatives 商品/金融衍生产品put / call option 看跌/看涨期权margins, collateral 保证金rights issue/offering 配股bonus share 红股dividend 红利/股息ADR(American Depository Receipt)美国存托凭证/存股证GDR(Global Depository Receipt) 全球存托凭证/存股证retail / private investor 个人投资者/散户institutional investor 机构投资者broker/dealer 券商proprietary trading 自营insider trading/dealing 内幕交易market manipulation 市场操纵prospectus招股说明书IPO(Initial Public Offering)新股/初始公开发行merger and acquisition收购兼并the big board 大盘the ups and downs of the stock market股市行情treasury/government bond国库券/政府债券Wall Street华尔街windfall profit暴利share, equity, stock股票、股权bond, debenture, debts债券negotiable share可流通股份convertible bond可转换债券treasury/government bond国库券/政府债券corporate bond企业债券closed-end securities investment fund 封闭式证券投资基金open-end securities investment fund 开放式证券投资基金fund manager基金经理/管理公司fund custodian bank基金托管银行market capitalization市值p/e ratio市盈率(price/earning)mark-to-market逐日盯市payment versus delivery银券交付clearing and settlement清算/结算commodity/financial derivatives 商品/金融衍生产品put / call option看跌/看涨期权margins, collateral保证金rights issue/offering配股bonus share红股dividend红利/股息ADR美国存托凭证/存股证(American Depository Receipt) GDR全球存托凭证/存股证(Global Depository Receipt) retail/private investor个人投资者/散户institutional investor机构投资者broker/dealer券商proprietary trading自营insider trading/dealing内幕交易market manipulation市场操纵prospectus招股说明书IPO新股/初始公开发行(Initial Public Offering) merger and acquisition收购兼并All Ordinaries Index (澳大利亚)股市指数Amex(American Stock Exchange) 美国股票交易所amortize 摊提,分期偿还债务annuity 年金享受权asking price 卖主的开叫价assess 对(财产等)进行估价,确定(款项)的金额back 拖欠的bad loan 呆账,坏账bailout 帮助……摆脱困境balloon (分期付款中)最后数目特大的一笔barometer 晴雨表,[喻]标记,指标basis point 基点(一个百分点的百分之一)bear markets 熊市blue-chip (股票等)热门的,(在同行中)最赚钱的forex foreign exchangebond 债券,公债bourse 交易所,证券交易所bull markets 牛市bullish 牛市的bunji-change 快速的大幅度变化CAC-40 Index (法国)股市指数CD(certificate-of-deposit) 大额存款单Chicago Mercantile Exchange 芝加哥商业交易所Consumer Price Index 消费者价格指数contagion 蔓延correction 调整coupon rate 券根利率CTA(Commodities Trading Advisor) 农矿产品交易顾问Currency board 货币委员会DAX index (法兰克福)德国股市指数dead loan 死帐delist 从上市证券表中除名derivatives 衍生金融商品(由利率或债券、外汇或汇率以及股票或股价指数等现货市场衍生出来,主要有期货futures、期权option trading与掉期swap三种类型,品种多达100余种。
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证券市场英语词汇总结CAC-40 Index 法国巴黎CAC-40指数Dow Jones industrial average(DJIA)道琼斯工业指数Frankfurt DAX Index 德国法兰克福DAX指数London's FTSE 100 英国伦敦金融时报指数NASDAQ,National Association of Securities Deal Automated Quotations 那斯达克Nikkei Index 日经指数YSE,New York Stock Exchange 纽约证券交易所Paris Bourse 巴黎证券交易所the Russell 2000 拉塞尔2000指数the Standard and Poor's 500 标准普尔500指数a bear market熊市a bull market牛市bench mark指标blue chip绩优股bonus share 红股component index成份指数convertible bond可转换债券core / non-core assets 核心/非核心资产corporate bond 企业债券debt-for-equity swap 债权转股权deceptive accounting 虚假帐务earning report 业绩报表financial irregularities /improprieties 金融违规行为financial reorganization 金融重组financial statement 财务报表fund custodian bank 基金托管银行fund manager 基金经理/管理公司high-tech sector高科技板块income statement 损益表industrial stock工业股票inflate profits 虚报盈利listed company / delisted company 上市公司/被摘牌的公司record high (股票指数)创历史新高red chips红筹股return on equity股本回报率share, equity, stock 股票、股权bond, debenture, debts 债券negotiable share 可流通股份convertible bond 可转换债券treasury /government bond 国库券/政府债券corporate bond 企业债券closed-end securities investment fund 封闭式证券投资基金open-end securities investment fund 开放式证券投资基金fund manager 基金经理/管理公司fund custodian bank 基金托管银行market capitalization 市值p/e (price/earning) ratio 市盈率mark-to-market 逐日盯市payment versus delivery 银券交付clearing and settlement 清算/结算commodity/financial derivatives 商品/金融衍生产品put / call option 看跌/看涨期权margins, collateral 保证金rights issue/offering 配股bonus share 红股dividend 红利/股息ADR(American Depository Receipt)美国存托凭证/存股证GDR(Global Depository Receipt) 全球存托凭证/存股证retail / private investor 个人投资者/散户institutional investor 机构投资者broker/dealer 券商proprietary trading 自营insider trading/dealing 内幕交易market manipulation 市场操纵prospectus招股说明书IPO(Initial Public Offering)新股/初始公开发行merger and acquisition收购兼并the big board 大盘the ups and downs of the stock market股市行情treasury/government bond 国库券/政府债券Wall Street华尔街windfall profit暴利share, equity, stock 股票、股权bond, debenture, debts 债券negotiable share 可流通股份convertible bond 可转换债券treasury/government bond 国库券/政府债券corporate bond 企业债券closed-end securities investment fund 封闭式证券投资基金open-end securities investment fund 开放式证券投资基金fund manager 基金经理/管理公司fund custodian bank 基金托管银行market capitalization 市值p/e ratio 市盈率(price/earning)mark-to-market 逐日盯市payment versus delivery 银券交付clearing and settlement 清算/结算commodity/financial derivatives 商品/金融衍生产品put / call option 看跌/看涨期权margins, collateral 保证金rights issue/offering 配股bonus share 红股dividend 红利/股息ADR 美国存托凭证/存股证(American Depository Receipt) GDR 全球存托凭证/存股证(Global Depository Receipt)retail/private investor 个人投资者/散户institutional investor 机构投资者broker/dealer 券商proprietary trading 自营insider trading/dealing 内幕交易market manipulation 市场操纵prospectus 招股说明书IPO 新股/初始公开发行(Initial Public Offering) merger and acquisition 收购兼并All Ordinaries Index (澳大利亚)股市指数Amex(American Stock Exchange) 美国股票交易所amortize 摊提,分期偿还债务annuity 年金享受权asking price 卖主的开叫价assess 对(财产等)进行估价,确定(款项)的金额back 拖欠的bad loan 呆账,坏账bailout 帮助……摆脱困境balloon (分期付款中)最后数目特大的一笔barometer 晴雨表,[喻]标记,指标basis point 基点(一个百分点的百分之一)bear markets 熊市blue-chip (股票等)热门的,(在同行中)最赚钱的forex foreign exchangebond 债券,公债bourse 交易所,证券交易所bull markets 牛市bullish 牛市的bunji-change 快速的大幅度变化CAC-40 Index (法国)股市指数CD(certificate-of-deposit) 大额存款单Chicago Mercantile Exchange 芝加哥商业交易所Consumer Price Index 消费者价格指数contagion 蔓延correction 调整coupon rate 券根利率CTA(Commodities Trading Advisor) 农矿产品交易顾问Currency board 货币委员会DAX index (法兰克福)德国股市指数dead loan 死帐delist 从上市证券表中除名derivatives 衍生金融商品(由利率或债券、外汇或汇率以及股票或股价指数等现货市场衍生出来,主要有期货futures、期权option trading与掉期swap三种类型,品种多达100余种。
)discount 贴现discount rate 贴现率DJIA Dow-Jones Industrial Average 道?琼斯公用事业股价平均数。
Dow-Jones Composite Average of 65 representative stocks 65种有代表性的股票的道?琼斯公用事业股价平均数Dow-Jones Transpositions Average 道?琼斯运输业股价平均数Dow-Jones Utilities Average 道?琼斯公用事业股价平均数down 付现款equity (押款金额以外的)财产价值,证券,股票escrow 由第三者保存、等条件完成后即交受让人的契据(或证书等)face value 面值Federal Agency Issues 联邦机构债券fluctuation 起伏fluctuate 起伏fraud 欺骗,欺诈fraudulence 欺骗(欺诈)行为fraudulent 欺诈的FTSI Financial Times 100 Share Index (英国)金融时报100种股票指数good 有效的Hang Seng Index (香港)恒生指数holdings 占有的财产,股票Ibbotson Small Company Index Ibbotson Company Index中包括近2700家公司:即在纽约股市上交易的最后的20%股票imburse 赔偿initial share 原始股IRA Individual Retirement Account 个人退休账号junk bond 假债券junk bonds 垃圾债券lien 扣押权,留置权liquidate 清算,破产list (交易所)上市证券;把(证券)列人上市证券表long position 多头margin 差额,保险金mutual fund 公共基金NASD=National Association of Securities Dealers 全美证券交易者协会NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) 纳斯达克(全美证券交易者协会自动化摘要)NAV (Net Asset Value) 净资产值new issue ( IPOInitial Public Offering)新上市股票Nikkei Stock Aver age 日经股票平均指数nosedive (价格等)暴跌NYSE’Volume 纽约股票交易量NYSE’s composite index 纽约股票交易综合指数NYSE(New York Stock Exchange) 纽约股票交易所(也称或Big Board)obligation 契约,债券outstanding 拖欠的par value 票面价值plummet 骤然跌落policy 保险单pool 集合基金portfolio 有价证券preferred stock 优先股票premium 奖金,佣金,担保费premium 溢价proceeds 收入,收益rally (股票价格等)止跌,上扬rebound 反弹recoup 偿还,补偿recovery 恢复red-chip share 红筹股refund 偿还rescue package 一揽子救援计划resilience 回弹,复原力resilient 有回弹力的,恢复活力的risk 保险项目run 挤提存款,挤兑,争购Russell 2000 Russell 2000种小资本股票S&P 500(Standard & Poor’s 500 Composite Stock Price Index) 标准普尔股价指数SEC(Federal Securities and Exchange Commission) 联邦证券与交易委员会securities 证券,债券shares (英)股票=(美)stockshore up 支撑slash (大幅度)削减(工资等)slump 暴跌,不景气SMI index (苏黎士市)瑞士股票指数solvent 有偿还能力的speculate 投机speculation 投机speculator 投机者T-Bill (Treasury Bill) 美国短期国债(每星期发行一次)T-bond (Treasury Bond) 美国长期国债(期限为20年或30年)T-note (Treasury Note) 美国中期国债(期限为2年到10年)Technology-heavy Nasdaq 以技术为主的NasdaqTechnology-laden Nasdaq 以技术为主的Nasdaqterm 年限tech-heavy NASDAQ 以技术股票为主的NASDAQtechnology-rich stocks 技术股票technology-weighted index (NASDAQ) 反映技术股票的指数(NASDAQ)证券英语 Securities English证券发行 Issuing of Securities证券交易 Trading of Securities一般规定 General Regulations持续信息公开 Continuing Disclosure of Information禁止的交易行为 Prohibited Trading Acts上市公司收购 Takeover of Listed Companies证券交易所 Stock Exchanges证券公司 Securities Companies证券登记结算机构 Securities registration and Clearing Institutions证券交易服务机构 Securities trading Service Organizations证券业协会 The Securities Industry Association证券监督管理机构 Securities Regulatory Authorityshare, equity, stock 股票、股权;bond, debenture, debts 债券;negotiable share 可流通股份;convertible bond 可转换债券;treasury/government bond 国库券/政府债券;corporate bond 企业债券;closed-end securities investment fund 封闭投式证券投资基金; open-end securities investment fund 开放式证券资基金;fund manager 基金经理/管理公司;fund manager 基金经理/管理公司;fund custodian bank 基金托管银行;market capitalization 市值;p/e ratio 市盈率;(price/earning)mark-to-market 逐日盯市;payment versus delivery 银券交付;clearing and settlement 清算/结算;commodity/financial derivatives 商品/金融衍生产品;put / call option 看跌/看涨期权;margins, collateral 保证金;rights issue/offering 配股;bonus share 红股;dividend 红利/股息;ADR 美国存托凭证/存股证;(American Depository Receipt) GDR 全球存托凭证/存股证;(Global Depository Receipt) retail/private investor 个人投资者/散户;institutional investor 机构投资者;broker/dealer 券商;proprietary trading 自营;insider trading/dealing 内幕交易;market manipulation 市场操纵;prospectus 招股说明书;IPO 新股/初始公开发行;(Initial Public Offering) merger and acquisition 收购兼并。