

哈佛大学 英文介绍PPT课件

哈佛大学 英文介绍PPT课件

color: dark red
the main part: three books symbol: the relationship
between reason and revelation
"VERITAS" has the meaning of "truth" in Latin. Meaning:
➢ Harvard University was founded in 1636, until now, it had more than 370 years history
➢ She is called as the think tank of American government. She successively born 7 American presidents, 40 Nobel prize new owner and 30 Pulitzer prize winner.
• AmicusSPclahtoo,oAl mmicoutstAoristotle, sed Magis Amicus
VERITAS • Let Plato be your friend, and Aristotle, but more let your
continually life part of - studies also is unable to conquer, what but also can make?
Barack Hussein Obama , 1961-



牛津大学(University of Oxford),建校于1167年。 位于英国的牛津大学具 有世界声誉,它在英国 社会和高等教育系统中 具有极其重要的地位, 有着世界性的影响。英 国和世界很多的青年学 子们都以进牛津大学深 造作为理想。
Campus scenes
Campus scenes
(later than three years at the
university of Sydney), the oldest
university of Victoria, is also one of
Celebrities in Oxford
Stanford university is the United States as a private university, is recognized as the world‘s most distinguished universities. It is located in California, near the Stanford, San Francisco. It is America's second largest university.
The Johns Hopkins University
The Johns Hopkins University
• as Hopkins or JHU, founded in 1876, is America's first research University, it is also one of 14 founding of The American association of University school, is a famous private universities of The world's top. 33 year in a row, the national science foundation to the school listed as the top scientific research funding university in the United States. Until now, the school faculty and staff of 36 people won the Nobel Prize. Us news and world report 2014 world university rankings will be listed as the world's 11th, 9 in the United States; The Times higher education supplement as its 15th in the world.

世界名校之牛津大学哈弗大学英文ppt -

世界名校之牛津大学哈弗大学英文ppt -

Here we receive lightsacred draughts.
景点1:雷德克里夫广 场 景点2:博得利图书馆

独特的建筑风格 知名校友
历史 ”。

雷德克利夫广场(RadicliffeSquare)是大学 举行庆典及各项文艺活动的中心,这是整个 古城的中心,它远隔了主要街道的喧闹。
(包括奥巴马) 奥巴马1988年入读哈佛法学院,1991年以 magna cum laude 极优等成绩毕业。 除此之外的7位包括
John Adams, 1735-1826 President, 1797-1801 (约翰·昆 西·亚当斯)
John Quincy Adams, 1767-1848 President, 1825-29 (约翰·亚 当斯) Rutherford B. Hayes, 1822-93 President, 1877-81 (卢瑟福) Theodore Roosevelt, 1858-1919 President, 1901-09 (罗斯福) Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1882-1945 President, 1933-45 (富兰克林) John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963 President, 1961-63 (肯尼迪) George W. Bush, 1946- President, 2001-2009 (布什) 美国前国务卿亨利· 基辛格也出自哈佛
Let Plato be your friend and Aristotle but more let your friend be trut



the scene of the library at 4:30 a.m.
Harvard University of the United States
Harvard University of the United States
summary about Harvard University the origin of its name--Harvard University the development of Harvard University the current president of Harvard University the features of Harvard University
the development of Harvard University
A resolution to build an institute was adopted in 1636. “Harvard University” in 1780
The school “Harvard opened in1638. College” in (9 students) 1639 Today, Harvard has developed into a big university.
dining hall
the library of Harvard University
the world’s fourth largest ‘mega-libraries’ (The first three are the library of Congress, British Library and Bibliotheque Nationale(French) ) has got the most donation of all research institution


Harvard University
授课:XXX 2021/3/25
Harvard University (Harvard University) ,one of the longest and the first-class academic institution in U.S. history, is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and at Boston and across theXXX 2021/3/25 4
Yale University
Yale University was founded in 1701, is a private university. It and Harvard, and Princeton University share the honor, common for the United States over the years and the University Graduate School top position. Professor lineup school, curriculum, teaching his first class facilities. Beautiful Goethe George Dynastystyle architecture and modern construction of buildings and to each other films, the whole show was very classical and beautiful campus. Autumn leaves fall over the campus frequently, those tan sun shines Elite built antique style towering buildings.



(Green Templeton College)哈里斯˙曼彻斯特学院
(Harris Manchester College)赫特福德学院(Hertford
College)耶稣学院(Jesus College)基布尔学院(Keble
College)凯洛格学院(Kellogg College)玛格莉特夫人学
General introduction:Oxford University was established in the 13th century, one of the world's top ten universities, to the beautiful university city known around the world, fairy tales, Alice in Wonderland that is as the background for the story. Oxford everywhere in the Gothic spire beautiful building, it is "steeple of the city". Oxford University is the UK's first national university, and encouraged many of the top outstanding personalities. The school contains 36 colleges, in addition to their different architectural features, each Institute is an independent teaching institution, providing students with academic and life guidance. The University has more than 30 colleges, all unique. Oxford University courses, whether arts or science, you can obtain a BA degree or equivalent with an honors degree, students pick their own by the instructor, after three years of study, a bachelor's degree. In recent years, Oxford also has a combination of two or more subjects in subjects such as philosophy and mathematics, classical literature and modern literature, fully embodies the contemporary academic multi-angle, multi-edge, trend and needed trends in resource sharing .


As the oldest university in the English-speaking world, Oxford is respected internationally as a teaching and research centre. Although the Oxford University does not have an exact date of foundation, its history can be traced back to the end of the 11th century.
TMheuresaereualmso many famous museums in the University. AOOTcFA据FAFTOTcA书书OADOAPA(据ooaaahhhrtlslscsuxxxxxttimmmmmh统籍籍考统ceeefffffmtrhhttoooooohimrrrhhooooonppeeerrrrrere计 能 能 古 计eeuuuuudddddgoodoaiaMeggsssoosssiloUUUUU,培培学,nrreeenhhllfffeeeviddagnnnnnrriiindevgggtt牛养养)牛ssneeaaiiiiiithhivvvvvruuu,,osssllodMeesseeeeetaarrrtt8f津我我津eeooieeerrrrrsnnnOOuutnusssssrctssshddmm大们们大snnaiiiiiecxxsBttttte,teiieffnyyyyyaaraavvioo学的的学usi1ccteennshahhattrrtuttm2ahrrwddyylliaaaooss总道道总rcsstiosssinoorr(ooesiihUUettwss,.mmmltt共德德共yys..nnhhvchht阿i,eehiiaaniioooeevvnnO产情情产nssegrrrrrsee什eeextttattrrfftOu生操操生hhfhhssaaihttto莫nreexiieehhhmmattrytf了,,了yyaaadEEt,osss林oonnntnneetddrahuu给给22hedccggoon111博a位位sseaoollee000Udsii我我cssnnssOss000物h英英eenahhtddxnnw们们nnlii--lllwnviiif馆sslloo国国iibbboeaaeoogppa巨巨ttrrrrrnrrrree)yaaae国国ggdshhtaasaarrrixee大大yaathiiikknniissb士士eeeyvvssAiiattdd的的tnneessseptdre,,,ll,,egghjjciiraaduuwwwbb精精ngohewwnnnnrrr44dhhhbiaatnwoooiiee神神88hiiiuioorrcccswrrxxo位 位yyOecrrhhhhllaa力力ddrenxiioccwlnnmmaaa诺诺,,ddfttprorrr量量OOoastteeaseeeddr贝贝hhrpxxmmodaaolt,,dddeeffdilottdoof尔尔dabbiiiee’UUvvvtslrrC鼓鼓seeeyaiiiddooKKlddda奖奖srreleiffss,,tn舞舞eeeiinnaassBBfftdddpoo得得trudooerroool我我uffmeeyiiiiuurnnnndd主主bttabssnnahhbgttt们们llpplueeddoooviseee,,ceeariieaaaar1前前cccycccUUmrtt.nnooo022ottayiinneeoou进进lll9d66fLLllliiiddnneee6sm位位evvtiibbe,,wgggee.miipnniirrueeerr英英ttoaassoittmssclllrreeiiriiiKttyyhh国国bbbrrtiyy,,iannnaiirrrnsswwniiaaasn首首aagttnntrrrdoottthhsiiiiiivvteeerr相相tooiioouccaayyesssnnnhhftrra,,,,,ccaaiiieEossscooaahhlluuunhllnnnuuoaa11yybbbgi.ssssf22nbbaaljjjateee位位gaammsseehncccrrcaaeeeootttttd圣圣err---aarrtt,aambbbneeeessf徒徒ccaaat,,oaaotteersssssrcchhesddeee和和bbiinni-nn22hhmlllaaeiiigg0088bbbcciaapg位位,,kkaarrrss00ohaaann00ttwwrt大大rrrooddt00iiiNrreeea,,ttrrii主主00nsssotthheeee00tbaaasseerr教教00eemnnnesseeaalddd,,vvunn。。rrPeeoorrrccsddrcceeellehhiuuoooozsssummccenneeeffmeeooaaattweennhhrrrsmmsscccittee..norrhhhiisseenf11ttlll..eaiii11ssbbb,,rrttrrrsthhssaaa,accrrrcctiiniiiweeeeeeednnnnsssett...ttaniiuursstcrrttyyyssh-..,,saiexoBlorigtiysh
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School badge
布朗大学的校 徽由太阳、书 本和十字架等 要素构成。整 个图形构成像 一间教室,整 齐的课桌上摆 放着书本,学 生迎着太阳追 求知识。
Brown University's motto isthe meaning is like that God believed in the truth. This motto comes from a saying, motto first appeared in the civil war. With the expansion of Christian influence, the mot to first appeared in the United States in 1864 and issued two cents coins. In 1956, a bill passed Congress, "we believe in God" officially became the official motto of the United states.In the thirtysixth edition of the American code, the article reads, "we believe in God" as the national motto of the 302.
将“诚朴雄伟”与“励学敦行”两句合为一起,既反映了南京 大学的优良传统与特色,又能体现学校办学的理想追求和实现途径。
八字校训既各自独立成意,各有侧重,又相互联系,浑然一体, 涵盖了教育思想、科学精神、品格修养等各个方面。
校徽(School badge)
Nanjing university ‘s school badge shape is used shield design style, which is passed down from the Central College. The lower left and lower right of school badge is “UNIVERSITY “ in English. This school badge uses the specific value of purple as the standard color, and name it South Dazi.
Brown University is a private Ivy League research university in Providence, Rhode Island, United States, founded in 1764 as "The College in the English Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations." Brown is the seventholdest institution of higher education in the United States and one of the nine Colonial Colleges established before the American Revolution.
校徽正中为南京市—— 雪松,寓意南大坚忍不拔的 精神。雪松的下方为书图案 及“1902”字样,点明南京 大学的建校时间为1902年。 校徽的上方部位为由“南京” 的艺术字体所组成的圆形图 案,其两旁各有一只辟邪神 兽(貔貅),是南京的标志。
The University of Chicago(芝加哥大学)
At its foundation, Brown was the first college in the United States to accept students regardless of their religious affiliation. Its engineering program was established in 1847 and was the first in the Ivy League.
Beijing Institute of Technology is a co-educational public university, located in Beijing, China, established in 1940, Yan'an. It is a major research university under the supervision of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. As a member university of National Key Universities, Project 211 and Project 985, it has been given priority sponsor from the Chinese government, the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Beijing metropolitan Government.
南京大学校徽外形采用 盾形的设计风格,该风格 为中央大学时期所流传下 来。校徽的左下方及右下 方为英文 “NANJING UNIVERSITY”。南大校徽 确定了特定色值的紫色为 标准色,并将其命名为南 大紫。
The middle of the school badge is cedar, which means the spirit of perseverance.for design Below cedar is the picture of book and the "1902", which points out the founding time of Nanjing University. Above the school badge is circular design which consists of the art font "nanjing", each side of which has a god beast--- the mythical wild animal, the sign of Nanjing.
The school badge of Brown University is made up of the sun, and the cross of books. The whole figure like a classroom, neatly placed on the desk books, students face the sun to pursue knowledge.
A possible source of "in God we hope" is the National Anthem of the United States in the last section of the "Star Spangled Banner". The "Star Spangled Banner" by Francis Scott Key was created in 1814. This song contains an early version of the phrase: "this is our motto: 'God is our faith'." (And this be motto:'In is our trust'), another possible source is Abraham Lincoln`s private secretary John Milton Hay. The motto of the Brown University is always leading the development of Brown University, with the development of history, it has penetrated in all aspects of Brown University
official mascot of various
sports team at the University
of Chicago.The phoenix
symbols the spirit of Chicago.
In 1871, Chicago was
destroyed by a fire, which was 这只凤凰也是芝加哥大学各个
南京大学(Nanjing University), 简称“南大”,是一所源远流长的 高等学府。追溯学脉古为源自孙吴 永安元年的南京太学,近代校史肇 始于1902年筹办的三江师范学堂, 历经多次变迁,1949年“国立中央 大学”易名“国立南京大学”,翌 年径称“南京大学”,沿用至今。
校训 诚朴雄伟,励学敦行
Understanding refers to the moral ,objective truth as the realm of responsibility; learning refers to the rigorous scholarship, to grasp the profound academic ideal for the benefit of mankind.
“诚朴雄伟,励学敦行”八字校训,不仅言简意赅,琅琅上口, 易于传记,而且端庄大气,寓意深刻,富有哲理。
“诚朴雄伟”原是中央大学时期的校训。“励学敦行”是从中 国古代前贤名句中选取而来。
“励学”二字在古文中常有出现,宋真宗写过一首名为《励学 篇》的诗,劝勉人勤奋学习;“敦行”见于《礼记·曲礼上》: “博闻强识而让,敦善行而不怠,谓之君子。”