


——by 李冬芳 2011.芬奇 外文名:Leonardo Di Ser Piero Da Vinci 国籍:意大利(佛罗伦萨共和国) 出生地:佛罗伦萨芬奇镇 出生日期:1452年4月15日 逝世日期:1519年5月2日 职业:画家,科学家 信仰:天主教 主要成就:留下众多传世名画。深入研究 自然科学各学科,推动文艺复兴进程 代表作品:《蒙娜丽莎》《岩间圣母》 《最后的晚餐》
《达•芬奇密码》还教会了我做人要讲诚信: 老教授把自己的物品存在的那家瑞士银行就 做到了这一点,尽管银行行长可能也有一些 私心,但是他们的银行确实让我佩服,做到 永远的保密,永远的承诺,这也意味着信赖 与安全,这也意味着责任与守候……
Thanks THE END!
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该书是关于主角,哈佛大学的宗教符号学教授罗伯特·兰登,解决巴黎卢 浮宫声望卓著的馆长雅克·索尼埃被谋杀一案。索尼埃赤裸的尸体是以列奥纳 多·达·芬奇的名画维特鲁威人的姿态在卢浮宫被发现的,索尼埃死前在身边写 下一段隐秘的信息并且用自己的血在肚子上画下五芒星的符号。一些达芬奇 的著名作品中隐含的信息,包括《蒙娜丽莎》和《最后的晚餐》等,都在解 密的过程中真相大白……
《达•芬奇密码》这本书集合了谋杀, 侦探,解谜,悬疑,追捕等常规的悬疑 小说畅销要素,又加进了大量艺术史、 宗教史、象征学等文化作料。激起了大 众对某些基督宗教理论的浓厚兴趣。



The novel has several concurrent storylines that follow different characters throughout different parts of the book. Eventually all the storylines and characters are brought together and resolved in its denouement. The unraveling of the mystery requires the solution to a series of brain-teasers, including anagrams and number puzzles. The solution itself is found to be intimately connected with the possible location of the Holy Grail and to a mysterious society called the Priory of Sion, as well as to the Knights Templar. The story also involves the Catholic organization Opus Dei.
That’s all,thank u!
This book ,to a seven million five hundred thousand novel break the sales record,have been sold to the globa accumulated 40 millin copies into a history of the best selling.The book is a thriller and intellectual puzzle of apotheosis.


13-3-2-21-1-1-8-5 O, Draconian Devil! 啊!严酷的魔王! Oh, lame saint 啊!跛腿的圣徒! 教授罗伯特‧兰登為了讓自己洗刷清白,與精通隱語密碼的蘇菲‧ 露芙 (傑克‧索尼埃的孫女) 追查線索。在整理一大堆密碼的過程中, 發現線索竟然就隱藏在达芬奇的作品裡面!蘭登猛然領悟,索尼埃其 實是錫安會的盟主。这个秘密组织成员还包括牛顿、波奇切利、雨果、 达芬奇……他感觉自己正在寻找一个石破天惊的历史秘密。他們必須 解開這個千年懸謎,否則錫安會之秘事——那令人震驚的古老真相, 將被永遠埋藏於歷史的陰暗之中。
秀的妇女,她与耶稣形成M形,是My Mary Magdalena之意。所有馬利亞玛达肋及其后代就更是 “王室血统”。 但天主教主业会势力极力压制Magdalena的传统和后 代,為了保護耶穌的血脈,一個有著千年歷史的秘密組 織─錫安騎士修會--- [錫安會] 多年來一直隱藏身份, 暗中保護耶穌與馬利亞玛达肋那的後裔。 馬利亞玛达肋那是耶穌12門徒之一,是「神聖女性」, 也是耶穌的妻子,由於受到其餘11個門徒的嫉妒,她在 耶穌被釘十架後,帶著耶穌的後代逃離耶路撒冷,其子 嗣在錫安會的秘密保護下一直活到了今天。
秘密地点,而主业会则不计一切方法、甚至谋杀手段,以 求得到耶稣的圣杯,并消灭文史资料的秘密。 这也是为什么锡安会一直秘密行事的原因。 随着他们对密码的研究,他们最终发现了关于耶稣以及后 世基督宗教的秘密。
耶穌娶了馬利亞玛达肋那為妻,她是本雅明支派的公主。 因为耶稣深爱她,所以门徒们在耶稣去世之后,对她的 嫉妒转变为憎恨。馬利亞玛达肋遂逃往法国一个小镇, 且生下一名女兒名叫莎拉(Sarah希伯來文意思=公主) 。 因为耶稣最后晚餐说:“这是我的血”,但晚餐却没有



“P.S”, The key, the sentence on the painting, Langdon realized all the clues pointed to a secret group -----An -----An ancient and secret church -----Priory -----Priory of Sion (郇山隐修会) grail(圣杯 圣杯) This group had big secret of holy grail(圣杯) and Christianity(基督教) for almost 2000 years. They Christianity(基督教) 基督教 were the guardians of the holy grail.
They found oil painting “Mona Lisa” on the wall. They found some words written by the dead man in unique ink: So dark the con of Man
And behind his another painting. they found a necklace ,in --a other word, --a key.
Langdon and Sophie must unlock the second code, so they tried to find the answer in London Library . • A pope 一位教皇—A. Pope 蒲伯(英国诗人)---Knight 一位教皇— 蒲伯(英国诗人)---Knight was Newton 牛顿 1 when Eve ate the apple, make God very angry, and this made women fall. 2 The apple hit on Newton’s head, he changed many things. 3 And Newton was an important member of Priory of Sion, the same as Da Vince and Sophie’s grandfather.



第十个人是马修,早年的马修是个公务员, 帮罗马政府收税的,后来开始追随耶稣。
指反应了他的心烦意乱和不满,他曾 前往印度传教,但是遭人嫉妒被矛刺
Renaissance painting and Da Vinci Art
达·芬奇密码筒是《达·芬奇密码》中根据达·芬奇手稿复制出 来的。其造型之古典,内涵着文艺复兴特质,设计之优雅,符合 达·芬奇的睿智风格。
按照故事情节,密码筒里藏匿着关于郇山隐修会乃至整个基 督教最大秘密的纸卷。要打开密码筒,必须解开一个五位数的密 码。密码筒上有5个转盘,每个转盘上有26个字母,可能作为密码 的排列组合多达11881376种。
在电影《达·芬奇密码》中,达·芬奇密码筒的密码为 Sofia (女主角索菲的名字,古文智慧)、apple(其目的是为了纪念英 国科学家艾萨克·牛顿是因为苹果才发现万有引力的。)
这种密码筒中,一般装有一个放满醋的玻璃瓶和一张写了答 案的莎草纸,如强行打开,玻璃瓶就会破碎,那么里面的醋就会 流出来
莎草纸也就会融化(醋的酸性会融化莎草纸)。而那个秘密, 也将会永远消失在历史的尘埃之中。
意大利文艺复兴时期伟大的绘画家、雕塑家、建筑师和诗人,文艺复兴时期雕 塑艺术最高峰的代表,与拉斐尔和达芬奇并称为文艺复兴后三杰。
米开朗基罗以人体作为表达感情的主要手段,其雕刻作品刚劲有力、气魄宏大, 充分体现了文艺复兴时期生机勃勃的人文主义精神。

presentation The Da Vinci Code达芬奇密码

presentation The Da Vinci Code达芬奇密码
The Da Vinci Code
——Dan Brown
Dan Brown (born June 22, 1964) is an American author of thriller fiction who is best known for the 2003 bestselling novel, The Da Vinci Code. Brown‘s novels are treasure hunts set in a 24hour period, and feature the recurring themes of cryptography(密码), keys, symbols, codes, and conspiracy(阴谋) theories. His books have been translated into 52 languages, and as of 2012, sold over 200 million copies. Two of them, The Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons, have been adapted into films.
· the characters and plots are fascinating and elaborate · Christianity and the bible,western culture · interest in literature,A. Pope---Alexander Pope
The Da Vinci Code is a mystery-detective novel. It follows symbologist Robert Langdon and cryptologist(密码破译员) Sophie Neveu as they investigate a murder in Paris's Louvre Museum and discover a battle between the Priory of Sion(峋山隐修会)and Opus Dei (主业会) over the possibility of Jesus having been married to Mary Magdalene. The title of the novel refers to, among other things, the fact that the murder victim is found in the Grand Gallery of the Louvre, naked and posed like Leonardo da Vinci's famous drawing, the Vitruvian Man, with a cryptic message written beside his body and a pentagram drawn on his chest in his own blood.

























在途中,兰登向索菲解释了隐修会的历史。1099年,戈 弗提国王攻占了耶路撒冷,在那里创建了郇山隐修会。他 继承了一个具有极大威力的秘密,从基督时代起这个秘密 就在他的家族中世代流传。国王怕他死后秘密失传,就指 定了郇山隐修会来保守这个秘密。后来,隐修会得知希律 神庙的废墟下埋藏着一些文件,可以用来确认戈弗提国王 的那个秘密,为了保护废墟中的文件,他们成立了一支 “圣殿武士团”。伊诺森八世教皇下达了一个通告,赋予 “圣殿武士团”至高无上的权力。13世纪,武士团急剧扩 张,这让克莱蒙五世教皇下定决心对此采取一些遏制措施。 最后,无数的武士团成员被绑在柱子上烧死。但武士团其 中的一些成员逃过了梵蒂冈的屠杀。如今,人们还在调查、 揣测这些文件的下落,所有的文件,所包含的秘密都与一 样东西有关——圣杯(Sangreal)。圣杯既是是耶稣在“最后 的晚餐”上用过的杯子,又被约瑟夫到十字架前用来装耶 稣的鲜血。但圣杯的故事另有寓意,意指一些更具威力的
在圣殿教堂,他们骗过了祭台助手,进入礼拜堂,却发现这 里地下不是坟墓,而只有雕像。这时,提彬的仆人雷米放走了塞 拉斯,一起抢走了密码筒,带走了提彬。在提彬城堡的马房里发 现了窃听设备后,贝祖· 法希明白了索菲和兰登是无辜的。雷米 威 把密码筒送到教主那,教主让雷米喝下了加了花生粉的科纳克白 斯 兰地,除掉了雷米,雷米对花生有致命的过敏反应,他将赛拉斯 敏 斯 藏在主业会伦敦总部的消息匿名举报给警方。索菲和兰登前往国 特 王学院电子图书馆查询,却发现密码里面说的并非是一位中世纪 教 的爵士,而是指由亚历山大 · 蒲柏主持葬在西敏寺的伊萨克· 牛顿 堂 爵士,其墓碑被摆放在威斯敏斯特教堂。在那,兰登与索菲见到 了本应被绑架的提彬,提彬告诉他们,他就是幕后的“导师”。 他知道郇山隐修会的领袖们的身份,并对他们的办公室进行窃听。 他用伪装的法国口音和阿林加洛沙主教联系,并哄骗阿林加洛沙 资助寻找圣杯的计划,想利用主业会的决心来找到圣杯。他相信 郇山隐修会将会背弃将圣杯的秘密在约定时间公诸于世的誓约, 因而他计划偷取那些圣杯文件后自己向世人公开它们。他和雷米 一起上演那出人质戏是为了不暴露出真实阴谋地得到拱心石。



The Lost Symbol (失落的密符 2009年) Background: Mother; a professional musician, playing organ at church. Father; a prominent mathematics teacher, writing textbooks and teaching highschool mathematics at Phillips Exeter Academy 。(science vs religon)
对圣杯最传统的解释是在耶稣受难时,用来盛放耶稣鲜 血的圣餐杯。很多传说相信,如果能找到这个圣杯而喝 下其盛过的水就将返老还童而且永生,这个传说广泛延 续到很多文学、影视、游戏等作品中,比如亚瑟王传奇
The Da Vinci Code The Lost Symbol
(骗局 2001)
(达芬奇密码 2003) (失落的密符 2009)
Dan Brown
Born; June 22, 1964 Occupation(s); Novelist,teacher Magnum opus;
The Da Vinci Code (达芬奇密码 2003年)
Digital Fortress Angles & Demons
(数字城堡 1998) (天使与魔鬼 2000)
Deception Point

presentation The Da Vinci Code达芬奇密码

presentation The Da Vinci Code达芬奇密码

Presentation the Da Vinci CodeBrown's interest in secrets and puzzles stems from their presence in his household as a child, where codes and ciphers ['saɪfə] were the linchpin tying together the mathematics, music and languages in which his parents worked. The young Brown spent hours working out anagrams and crossword puzzles, and he and his siblings participated in elaborate treasure hunts devised by their father on birthdays and holidays. On Christmas, for example, Brown and his siblings did not find gifts under the tree, but followed a treasure map with codes and clues throughout their house and even around town to find the gifts. Brown's relationship with his father inspired that of Sophie Neveu and Jacques Sauniere in The Da Vinci Code, and Chapter 23 of that novel was inspired by one of his childhood treasure hunts.At the beginning of the book, Brown has emphasized that all descriptions of artwork, architecture, documents, and secret rituals in this novel are accurate. However, as the book is largely related to Christianity, strong criticism has sprung up among people, especially those who are devout Christians. An official of Rome even burnt a book of The Da Vinci Code in front of a church. And they focus on the following questions: is Jesus god?Is the Holy Grail the “sacred feminine”? Is the “Priory of Sion” a real group? And does Da Vinci’s The last Supper really contain a code?In my opinion, there is no denying that Dan Brown may have really misled readers into the misunderstanding of Christianity. But as a fiction, the characters and plots are fascinating and elaborate. Besides, to find out the truth about the hot debate among people, we may be interested in Christianity and the bible and therefore we may read the bible and search for more about Christianity. This way, we can know more about western culture. And what’s more, it may stimulate your interest in literature. I remember a plot in the book that Professor Langdon searched a code—A. Pope and the result showed the famous British poet Alexander Pope, and Langdon continued his detection through this clue. To this point, we may become interested in Alexander Pope. In a word, I do think The Da Vinci Code is worth reading.。



兰登感觉到他们是在找寻一个石破天惊的历史秘密,这是个数世纪以来 就证明了的既能给人启迪又很危险的秘密。在这场足迹遍及巴黎以及伦 敦的追逐中,兰登与奈芙发现他们在跟一位始终不露面的幕后操纵者斗 智斗勇。
最后他们找到了杀害馆长的凶 手赛拉斯,他是一个患有白化 病的主业会献身者,严格遵守 肉体苦修的修行戒律。他受到 一位名叫阿林加洛沙的主教的 庇护。在小说情节开始以前, 阿林加洛沙让他与导师联系并 听其命令。按照导师的命令, 他谋杀了雅克·索尼埃和其它 三位郇山隐修会的领袖,为的 是得到郇山隐修会的拱心石的 下落。他并不知道导师的真实 身份,只是个协从的杀手,他 明白这是罪恶的事,但只因他 坚信自己的行为能拯救天主教 会,还是做了这些坏事。
是美国作家丹·布朗的一部小说,这本书集合 了侦探,惊悚和阴谋论等多害。在人 生的最后时刻,馆长脱光了衣服,将自己的身体摆成达·芬奇 名画“维特鲁威人”的样子,躺倒在地板上,还在尸体旁边 留下了一个密码以及罗伯特·兰登的名字。 警察将兰登的名字除去,并联系了兰登。
耶稣是个凡人,他还有妻子,就是抹大拉的玛利 亚。耶稣是神这件事情,是教会专门组织会议, 在会议上投票通过了确定耶稣是神这件事情。郇 山隐修会几千年来所做的事情就是保护从原始社 会以来对女性神的崇拜,也就是崇拜的是那个玛 利亚,不是耶稣。所以,如果郇山隐修会所保护 的秘密属实,也就意味着基督教是伪宗教,他所 说的一切,耶稣是神等等,就全被颠覆了。
索菲·纳芙的祖母告诉纳芙和兰登, 虽然圣杯和 秘密文件曾被埋在罗丝林 礼拜堂的地下宫殿中,但几年前郇山 隐修会已把它们转移到了法国。地点 藏在拱心石中。 祖母还告诉了他们索菲其实是耶稣的 后代。
其实在圣经中,抹大拉的玛利亚, 是一个妓女,遇见 耶稣后,受到救赎。而《达芬奇密码》想说的是,圣 经中的抹大拉的玛利亚其实就是《最后的晚餐》中坐 在耶稣旁边的那个人,是十二门徒的一员,那个人是 个女人。就是耶稣的妻子。而圣经中对抹大拉的玛利 亚的描述是对耶稣妻子的污蔑和丑化。



Michael: Let's cover the talking points again, Your Eminence. Many call Opus Dei a brainwashing cult. Others, an ultraconservative Christian secret society.Bishop: We are a simple Catholic church.Michael: Simple? With a brand-new $47-million headquarters in Manhattan.Bishop: Our followers are generous, should we apologize for that?Michael: Perhaps a less defensive tack, Your Eminence. The press continue to beharsh with us.Bishop: We are not Cafeteria Catholics. We don't pick and choose which rules to follow. We follow doctrine. Rigorously.Michael: Does doctrine necessarily include vows of chastity, tithing and atonement for sins through self-flagellation and the cilice?Bishop: Many of our followers are married. Many of them have families. Only a small proportion choose to live ascetic lives in the cloisters of our residential halls. But we are all united in God’s work around the world. Surely that is an admirableway to lead one’s life.Michael: Why are some media referring to Opus Dei as “God’s mafia”?Bishop: Obviously, some people fear what they don't understand. And because thewar finally draws to a close.Michael: Bishop, we need to stay on message.Bishop: That will be all, Michael, thank you.妙语佳句,活学活用1. Talking point论据,尤指“有利的”论据。

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在这场足迹遍及巴黎以及伦敦的追逐中,兰 登与奈芙发现他们在跟一位始终不露面的幕 后操纵者斗智斗勇。他们必须解开这个错综 复杂的谜团,否则,峋山隐修会掩盖的秘密, 那隐藏了多年的令人震惊的古老真相,将永 远消逝在历史的尘埃之中。
The secret is that,
If you want to know the secret details, to see this movie.
Thank you!
Robert Langdon is a professor of religious iconology and symbology at Harvard University, In the beginning of the movie he is in Paris to give a lecture on his work. Having made an appointment to meet with Jacques Saunière, the curator of the Louvre, he is startled to find the French police at his hotel room door. They inform him that Saunièr has been murdered .People found an elusive password in his body.
Do you know him?
This is all his works.
He is the famous painter.
-- Leonardo da vinci.
This is a movie, the secret about Vinci.
哈佛大学的符号学丏家罗伯特·兰登在 法国巴黎出差期间的一个午夜接到一 个紧急电话,得知卢浮宫博物馆年迈 的馆长被人杀害在卢浮宫的博物馆里 ,人们在他的尸体旁边发现了一个难 以捉摸的密码。
法国一位颇有天分的密码破译丏家索菲· 奈芙,已故的馆长是她的爷爷,她从小 与爷爷一起生活。与兰登工作时,在对 一大堆怪异的密码进行整理的过程当中 ,发现一连串的线索就隐藏在达芬奇的 艺术作品当中,深感震惊。
Sophie Neveu is the granddaughter of Jacques Saunière. She is a French National Police cryptographer, who studied at the Royal Holloway, University of London Information Security Group. She was raised by her grandfather from an early age. She works with Langdon.In a lot of strange password finishing process,found a series of clues hidden in the works of Da Vinc,they were shocked.
In this footprint in Paris and London,Langdon and Neveu found they manipulate wits behind the scenes with a never seen. They must solve the perplexing mystery, or,Hidden for many years that the ancient shocking truth, will disappear in the dust of history.
These clues,you are clearly visible,but it was the artist cleverly hidden. 原视频欣赏
这些线索,大家都清楚 可见,然而却被画家巧 妙地隐藏起来。
Langdon inadvertently shocked to discover, Jacques Saunière is one of the most important members of a secret organization,its members include Newton, Victor Hugo and Da Finch and so on many historical celebrities. Langdon's instincts told him that he is in the secret history and Neveu find a groundbreaking.This is the number of the century have proved both enlightening and dangerous secrets.
原tish Royal Historian, a Knight of the Realm, Grail scholar, and friend of Harvard professor Robert Langdon. He also known the secret of Priory of Sion. He is the real Teacher in this film.
Silas is an albino numerary of the Catholic organization Opus Dei(主 业会), who practices severe corporal mortification(肉体苦修) He was imprisoned in Andorra until freed by an earthquake that destroyed the prison walls. He found refuge with a young Spanish priest named Manuel , who gave him the name Silas.
兰登无意之中非常震惊地发现,已故的博物馆馆长是峋山隐 修会(Priory of Sion)的成员——这是一个真实存在的秘 密组织,其成员包括艾撒克·牛顿爵士、波提切利、维克 多·雨果与达芬奇,这无疑给他们增加了风险。兰登感觉到 他们是在找寻一个石破天惊的历史秘密,这是个数世纪以来 就证明了的既能给人启迪又很危险的秘密。