潍坊一中学案Book 5 Unit1复习学案




Book 1 unit 5基础知识检测导学案编制:郭香芹高鲁丽高华审核:高鲁丽审批:【学习目标】1. 扎实掌握词汇用法,提升自己的理解力、记忆力。

2. 自主学习,合作探究;学会分析与总结的方法,并能学以致用。

3. 激情投入,疯狂记忆,体验学习的快乐。

I.词汇检测:(words)1)质量,品质___________ 数量___________ 2)慷慨的__________3)积极的_________→ n.___________ 4) 舞台,阶段__________5) 投票v&n.__________ 6)进攻,攻击_____________ 7) 相等的___________ 8)逃跑vi.____________9) 教育,训练v._________;educated _____________10) 报酬,奖金v&n._________ 11) 观点____________12) 合法的_________→(反义词)_______________13)hopeful_____________ 14)principle_______________15)peaceful_______________ 16)guidance__________________ 17) selfless______________ 18)devoted______________ Phrases:1)献身于______________ 2)失业_____________3)实际上_______________ 4)处于危险、麻烦中____________5)使充气_____________ 6)乐意干________________7)求助于,转向____________ 8)丧失信心____________9)当权,上台_______________ 10)被判处_____________________11) 设立,建立________12)fight against___________/fight for_________II.知识点检测1.devote 献身于,专心于1)She has _________ ________ _____ ____________blind people.他一生致力于帮助盲人。



必修一第五章自然地理环境的整体性与差异性5.1自然地理环境的整体性编写:赵兰审核:王瑞霞时间:2013—12---20 【学习目标】:1. 记忆自然地理环境整体性的组成要素2、掌握自然地理环境整体性的表现3.理解自然地理环境各要素之间相互作用产生的新功能课前预习案【主干知识梳理】(可结合教材和非常学案P57)1、自然地理环境有哪5大组成要素?2、自然地理环境各要素间有什么内在联系?画简图表示其关联性3、地理要素间相互作用产生了哪两个新功能?4、生产功能的概念和过程是怎样的?平衡功能是怎样的?举例说明5、自然地理环境整体性的表现有哪两个方面?1课堂探究案【自主学习】(检查基础知识,标识自己疑惑)【合作探究一】教材85—86页活动题目阅读教材案例1思考生物是如何改造大气圈、水圈和生物圈的?【合作探究二】教材86页活动,结合材料,在下图中填上适当的内容(上升、下降、增加、减少)【合作探究三】教材90页修建水库对自然地理环境产生的影响3 【规律总结】1、 地理要素间相互作用产生新功能自然地理环境除了具有每个地理要素独特的地理功能外,还具有整体功能,而且整体大于部分之和。


2、 地理环境整体性的表现可用六个字来理解记忆,即“关联性”、“制约性”。

关联性就是指地理环境各要素之间的密切联系和统一的演化过程;制约性就是指某一要素的变化会导致其他要素甚至整个环境的改变,以及一个区域的变化不可避免地会影响到其他区域【当堂检测】下图为陆地环境主要构成要素的相互关联图,读图完成1—2题 1、松花江和珠江水文特征不同,关键是图中哪个箭头在起作用 A ① B ② C ③ D ④ 2、能表示黄土高原的箭头是 A ⑤ B ⑥ C ⑦ D ⑧3、读陆地环境各要素间的相互关系图,回答问题:(1)写出图中字母代表的内容:A ,B ,C ______________。




必修一《分子与细胞》知识回顾第5章 细胞的能量供应和利用一、酶在代谢中的作用(注意实验P79、83)酶的本质:酶是由活细胞产生的具有催化活性的有机物,其中大部分是蛋白质、少量是RNA 酶的特性:1、酶具有高效性 2、酶具有专一性 3、酶的作用条件比较温和 酶的作用:酶在降低反应的活化能方面比无机催化剂更显著,因而催化效率更高 影响酶活性的因素温度和PH 值偏高或偏低,酶活性都会明显降低。

在最适宜的温度和PH 值条件下,酶的活性最高。


二、ATP 在能量代谢中的作用元素组成:ATP 由C 、H 、O 、N 、P 五种元素组成结构特点:ATP 中文名称叫三磷酸腺苷,结构简式A —P~P~P ,其中A 代表腺苷,P 代表磷酸基团,~代表高能磷酸键。

水解时远离A 的磷酸键先断裂:新陈代谢所需能量的直接来源 ATP 在细胞内含量很少,但在细胞内的转化速度很快。

ATP 和ADP 相互转化的过程和意义:注:在ATP 和 ADP 转化过程中物质是可逆,能量是不可逆的 意义:能量通过ATP 分子在吸能反应和放能反应之间循环流通,ATP 是细胞里的能量流通的能量“通货” 三、光合作用 (1)概念:绿色植物通过叶绿体利用光能,把二氧化碳和水转化成储存能量的有机物,并释放出氧气的过程。

光能 方程式: CO 2 + H 20 ——→ (CH 2O ) + O 2叶绿体 (2)色素:包括叶绿素3/4 和 类胡萝卜素 1/4 色素提取实验:无水乙醇提取色素, 二氧化硅使研磨更充分 ,碳酸钙防止色素受到破坏( P98) 叶绿素a 和叶绿素b 主要吸收蓝紫光和红光,类胡萝卜素主要吸收蓝紫光。

在滤纸条上的色素顺序(从上到下):胡萝卜素、叶黄素、叶绿素a 、叶绿素b (3)光反应阶段 场所:叶绿体囊状结构(类囊体)薄膜上 条件:必须有光,色素、光合作用的酶 步骤:①水的光解,水在光下分解成氧气和还原氢 ②ATP 生成,ADP 与Pi 接受光能变成ATP 能量变化:光能变为活跃的化学能(ATP) (4) 暗反应阶段场所:叶绿体基质条件:有光或无光均可进行,二氧化碳、能量、暗反应有关的酶步骤:①二氧化碳的固定,二氧化碳与五碳化合物结合生成两个三碳化合物②二氧化碳的还原,三碳化合物接受还原氢、ATP 生成有机物能量变化:ATP 活跃的化学能转变成化合物中稳定的化学能关系:光反应为暗反应提供ATP 和[H] ,暗反应为光反应提供ADP 和Pi(5)总结 C02浓度,光照强度,温度 ,水 ,无机盐等 五、细胞呼吸 (1)有氧呼吸的概念与过程 过程:第一阶段:C 6H 12O 6→2丙酮酸+2ATP +4[H ](在细胞质基质中) 第二阶段:丙酮酸+6H 2O →6CO 2+20[H ]+2ATP (线粒体基质中) 第三阶段:24[H ]+6O 2→12H 2O +34ATP (线粒体内膜上)总反应式: C 6H 12O 6 + 6H 2O + 6O 2 酶 6CO 2 + 12H 2O + 能量(2)无氧呼吸的概念与过程概念:在指在无氧条件下通过酶的催化作用,细胞把糖类等有机物不彻底氧化分解,同时释放少量能量生成少量ATP 的过程。

高中英语第一单元学案人教新课标必修五 学案

高中英语第一单元学案人教新课标必修五 学案

必修5 Unit 1 Great Scientists 自学提纲第一部分词汇学习【学习目标】了解词的构成;掌握重点词的用法.【课前自学】查字典,了解下列词的词性变化,并写出其正确形式.1. character _________________(n.特征;特性)2. paint _____________(n.画家;油漆匠)3. science ________________(adj.科学的) _______________(n.科学家)4. vi. 结束,推断出________________ n. 结论;结束__________________5. vt.分析________________; n.分析_________________; adj.分析的________________6. n.物理______________; n.物理学家______________; adj.身体的________________;n.内科医生______________7. vt.暴露,揭露______________; (n.)___________________8. vt.污染,弄脏_________________; ________________(n.)9. vt.宣布,通告________________; ________________(n.); _________________n.播音员10. vt. 命令,指示________________ n. 命令,指示,用法说明_________________adj. 有教益的_________________11. adj.有责任的,负责的_______________; (adv.)_________________; (n.)____________12.vt.建设,修建________________; n.___________________; adj.______________________13. vt.捐献,贡献________________; n.______________________14. create vt. ; ________________(n.); _________________(adj.)15. adj.积极的,肯定的_______________; (反义词)___________________16. adj.热情的,热心的_________________ n. ____________________【问题展示】重点词汇学习.阅读并翻译下列句子,体会其用法的不同,并进行归纳总结.1.concludeThe meeting concluded without an agreement.He concluded his speech with some amusing remarks.He concluded from the evidence that she was guilty.You should think twice before making the decision. Don’t jump to conclusion.He _______ the conclusion that the room must have been empty.★【拓展延伸】你知道“得出结论”有几种表达方式吗?_________________________________________________________________________ 归纳: ___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2.attendHe did not attend the meeting yesterday.The school was attended almost entirely by local chidren.There was no one to attend (on) him but Tina.Who will attend ( to )the patient if you go out?I’ll attend to that problem later.★【拓展延伸】你知道“参加”有几种表达方式吗?他们有什么不同吗?___________________________________________________________________________ 试辨别:As he had to ______ the summer course, he didn’t go on a visit to Qingdao with his parents.A. joinB. attendC. take partD. join inThey had a quiet wedding ─only a few friends ______ it.A. joinedB. attendedC. took partD. join in3.cureThe medicine should cure you of your cold.Parents try to cure their children of bad habits.An effective cure for cancer has not yet been found.归纳:_______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 【拓展延伸】辨别treat/cureThe doctor _______ her cancer with a new medicine but didn’t _______ her.The doctor ______ her broken leg now.The doctor ______ the patient of his illness.4.absorbClever children absorb knowledge easily.Aspirin is quickly absorbed by /into the body.The big company has gradually absorbed these small companies into its own organization.The writer was absorbed in his writing.归纳:_______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 5.suspectShe strongly suspected that her husband had been lying.He’s suspected of murder.He was suspected of giving false information.Two suspects were arrested today in connection with the robbery.The evidence against him was highly suspect.归纳:_______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 6.blameHe blamed his brother for breaking the window.The driver was not to blame for the accident.Don’t always put the blame for your failure on others.You must bear/take the blame for the accident.归纳: ______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________- 7.contributeThe writer personally contributed$10,000 to the earthquake fund.He offered to contribute to the Red Cross.She had contributed to a newspaper.Plenty of fresh air contributes to good health.He made great contributions to the film industry.归纳: ______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________8.rejectThe proposal was firmly rejected.I’ve been rejected by all the universities I applied to.【拓展延伸】辨别reject/refuseChoose the good apples and _______ the bad ones.He ________ any idea of reforming the system.He ________ to make any changes.【课堂检测】1. ______ writing the article, Mrs. Curie even forgot her dinner.A. Absorbed inB. Absorbing atC. Having absorbed by...D. To absorb in2. The doctor telephoned to say that he couldn't ______the meeting because he had to ______ a patient.A. come to; attend toB. attend; attendC. join; treat D . attend on; look after3. The president ____ the new economic policy.A announcedB toldC informedD promised4. Before using the machine, you must ____ carefully to these instructions .A joinB join inC take part inD attend5. This medicine will ____ him of his cough.A recoverB cureC treatD heal6. To our surprise, the man, who was looked down upon by others in the past, is now ____the whole project.A beyond controlB in control ofC out of controlD losing control of7._______ the injures to his face and hands,he broke his left leg.A. BesideB. DespiteC. Apart fromD. Because of8. I feel it is your husband who _______ for the spoiled child.A. is to blameB. is going to blameC. is to be blamedD. should blame【课后作业】1. This new e _______________for the car works well.2. She has a strong c_________________.3. The farmers in this area had a good harvest last year thanks to the s______________farming.4. The doctor had my eyes e_____________for weakening.5. The meeting c________________at eight o'clock.6. They were d _______________ in their attempt(企图)to reach the top of the mountain.7. The little brave girl e _________________ the crime(罪行)of the criminal(罪犯).8. He was a____________________in the book.9. He b ____________________ me for my negligence(疏忽大意).10. I think you are too s_________________ on the boy.11. He finished his work in a__________________(积极的) way.12. We must try to _________________(分析)the causes of the strike.13. He became____________________(狂热的) about classical music.14. He has______________________(完成)the whole job already.15. In the factory the workers______________(纺成线)wool into thread.16. Be c_________________when you cross the street.17. You should not r_________________the invitation from your old friend.18. What is your v__________________on Chinese education?19. The police are watching the man's m_________________secretly.20. The class needs a s__________________teacher.21. Kindness is one of the prime minister's __________________(特征).22. Britain_________________(议定) a trade agreement with China.23. Don't ________________(暴露) your skin to the sun or you will be burned.24. The ________________(贵重的) culture relics will be on show in Guangzhou Art Museum in October.25. The famous Korean play actor got an________(热情的) reception in Hong Kong. 26. The most important thing is not to admit ________________(失败)-27. Water and salt are _____________(吸收) into our blood stream everyday.28. If a doctor or a medical treatment c__________someone's illness, they make thepeople well again.29. A v_________________is a kind of germ that can cause disease.30. If you a_____________something, you consider it carefully or use some methods in order to fully understand it.第二部分Reading ⅠJohn Snow Defeats “King Cholera”编写:赵明依审核;梁秀丽【学习目标】1.知识与能力:1)熟练掌握文中重点单词和短语,并了解重要句型的表达法。



Book1unit5导学案教师版必修1 导学案Unit 5 Nelson Mandela--a modern heroClass:____________ No: _____ Group:____________ Name:______________Part 1 Words and Expressions【使用说明与学法指导】1.预习案:I. 练读词汇表、听录音跟读。

II. 熟背词汇拓展表。





【预习案】【训练案】一、单词拼写1. Quality (质量)is more important than quantity.2. He's generous (慷慨的) and, you know, very nice, very polite.3. She is not only beautiful, but also well educated (有教养的).4. She did a very good job and got a reward (报酬)from the company.5. Nobody likes being treated with violence (暴力).6. To learn a language we must follow the principle (原则) of gradual improvement.7. In our country people of or over 18 have the right to vote(投票).8. They selflessly(无私地)gave their all to the great cause of education9. Boys are usually not active (积极的)in English class.10. He broke the law and was put in prison(监狱).11. I found that he had a beautiful, devoted (忠诚的)wife anda small child.12. Children need discipline(纪律), but they need guidance(指导)even more.13. They have no identity papers, so they cannot obtain legal (合法的)work.14.Youth (青年时期) is the time of physical growth.15. He was released from prison after serving a sentence (宣判) of five years.16. In the eyes of the scientist all things are equal(平等的).17. To hit a weaker person is a sign of cruelty(残忍).18. The best way to defend is to attack(进攻).19. Your speech didn't come across; nobody understood your opinion(看法).20. Once being in danger of life, he would hit on the way to escape(逃脱).二、单句语法填空。

潍坊一中学案第5节 细胞中的无机物

潍坊一中学案第5节   细胞中的无机物














②__________________________叫做结合水,大约占细胞内全部水分的;________________________ 叫做自由水。





()知识点二、细胞中的无机盐一、自主学习1.无机盐的存在形式:细胞中大多数无机盐以的形式存在,阳离子有___ ______等;阴离子有__________________________等。


同学们,今天我们将要学习的是《一般现在时态》这一章节。在开始之前,我想先问大家一个问题:“你们在日常生活中是否遇到过描述习惯性动作或日常活动的情况?”(如:每天上学,周末购物等)这个问题与我们将要学习的内容密切相关。通过这个问题,我希望能够引起大家的兴趣和好奇Leabharlann ,让我们一同探索一般现在时态的奥秘。

潍坊一中学案高三有机学案第1讲 认识有机化合物

潍坊一中学案高三有机学案第1讲  认识有机化合物


但有的含碳化合物不是有机物,如2、有机物特点(1)种类繁多,但结构很有规律;(2)熔沸点;(3) 溶于水,溶于有机溶剂;(4) 燃烧;大多反应,通常伴有,在方程式中用连接反应物和产物。





















潍坊一中英语复习策略文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-2009至2010年度高三英语复习策略与计划--潍坊一中高三英语组 2009-9一、指导思想以教学大纲,考试说明为依据,以新课程标准为准绳,以人教版新教材为依托和基础,根据本届高三在高一、高二的学习情况和高考的要求,制定全面的、科学的、系统的、针对性强的高三新授课阶段教学计划和第一轮复习计划,从而达到进一步提高我校学生的英语水平之目的。





同时,在教学过程中,要采取积极可行的措施,促进学困生,抓住边缘生,进一步提高优等生,力争在2010 年高考中取得更加令人满意的成绩。








必修5 Unit1学案

必修5 Unit1学案

临开一中高二年级(上)英语学教稿编号5课题: BOOK5 Unit1 Great scientists课型:ReadingⅡ主备人:毛旭峰审核人:时间:(第×周)【学习目标】通过学习阅读材料,掌握关于防治“霍乱”的词汇用法及句型表达,同时能够了解如何防治霍乱,养成洁身自好,远离传播源,保护身体健康的好习惯,为社会发展作出自己的贡献。


【学习过程】Ⅰ.重点展示1.Previewing work1) Do you know the meanings of the following words. Write down their Chinese translations.expert______ attend______ physician______ expose______ challenge______ victim______ absorb______ suspect______ enquiry______ instruct______ pump______ foresee______ blame______ pollute______ handle______ link______ announce______ neighbourhood______2) Translate the following sentences1.没有足够的证据很难作出结论。

(draw a conclusion)___________________________________________________________________2.这些科学的探索将有助于我们项目的成功。

(scientific enquiry; contribute)__________________________________________________________________3.他常提出些不同寻常的计划,你在加入之前要慎重对待。

人教新课标Book5 Unit1 复习学案1

人教新课标Book5 Unit1 复习学案1

Book5 Unit1 复习学案1编写:刘付玲审核:王元涛【自主复习】Ⅰ.高频单词必记1.vt.分析2.vt. 打败;战胜;使受挫n. 失败3.vt. 照顾;护理;出席;参加4.vt.& n. 治愈;痊愈;治疗5.n. 挑战vt. 向……挑战6.vt. 吸收;吸引;使专心7.vt. 认为;怀疑n. 被怀疑者;嫌疑犯8.vt. 责备谴责n. 过失;责备9.vt.& n. 连接;联系10.n. 柄;把手vt. 处理;操纵11.vt.& vi.结束;推断出→n.结论;结束12.vt.暴露;揭露;使曝光→adj.无遮蔽的;无保护的;风险高的13.vt.污染;弄脏→n.污染14.vt.宣布;通告→n.通知;宣告15.vt.& vi.捐献;贡献;捐助→n.捐献;贡献;捐助16.vt.拒绝;不接受;抛弃→n.拒绝;抛弃17.vt.指导;教导;命令→n.教授;传授→n.说明书18.vt.建设;修建→n.建设;建筑物Ⅱ.重点短语必背1.提出 2. 得出结论3. 使显露;暴露4. 将……和……联系或连接起来5. 除……之外;此外6. 讲得通;有意义7.对……严格的8. 应受谴责9.面对挑战10.导致Ⅲ.经典句型必会1.its cause its cure understood.人们既不知道它的病源,也不了解它的治疗方法。

2.So many thousands of people died there was an outbreak.每次爆发霍乱时,都有成千上万惊恐的人病死。

3.you put the sun there the movements of the other planets in the sky . 只有把太阳放在中心位置上,天空中其他行星的运动才能讲得通。

【要点回顾】1.conclude vt.& vi.结束;推断出①He concluded from their remarks that they were not in favour of the plan.。



课题:Module5 unit1 You like western classical music, don’t you?(山东省潍坊市临朐县冶源初中张立杰)一、教学背景本模块以“western music”为话题进行学习和训练。



二、教材分析1.知识与能力掌握本单元的重点词汇:blues, classical, jazz, pop, techno, beautiful……以及熟练运用本单元的句型进行交流:Who is it by? You’ve heard of him, haven’t you? He was German, wasn’t he?.能用所学的句型及他人灵活自如的展开会话,并了解音乐方面的知识。







三.教学设计:Step 1 课前准备Warming up: Listen to some music(/so?q=%E5%90%84%E7%A7%8D%E4%B9%90%E5%99% A8%E5%9B%BE%E7%89%87%E5%8F%8A%E5%90%8D%E7%A7%B0&fm=360 onebox )通过图片了解乐器,然后通过各种乐器了解音乐。

山东省潍坊第一中学人教新课标英语6 Unit 1 Art Reading 学案

山东省潍坊第一中学人教新课标英语6 Unit 1 Art Reading 学案

Book 6 Unit 1 ArtReading: A short history of western painting编写:周文娟审核:高二英语组Learning aims:1) Get to know the four different styles of Western art and their features。

2)Practise the reading skills,getting the main idea and find detailed information。

I. Fast reading1.What’s the main idea of the text?2. How many periods of western paintings are mentioned in the text? What are they?How is the passage organized?II. Scan the text and choose the best answer.1。

Which of the following statements is true?A。

Paintings in Middle Ages were very realistic。


Western art has changed a lot since the 5th century.C。

Impressionist paintings were painted mainly indoors.D. Modern art began in the Renaissance.2. In the Renaissance,painters ___。


painted religious scenes in a more realistic style.B. focused more on religion than on humans。

山东省潍坊第一中学初中英语九年级全册Unit 5经典测试(答案解析)

山东省潍坊第一中学初中英语九年级全册Unit 5经典测试(答案解析)

一、选择题1.Tea is _________ in many different areas in China,such as Anxi and Hangzhou. A.producing B.grown C.made D.found B解析:B【详解】句意:茶叶在中国的许多不同地区都有种植,如安溪和杭州。

A. producing生产;B. grown种植;C. made制造;D. found发现。

根据such as Anxi and Hangzhou. 安溪和杭州。



2.One afternoon he found___________ handbag. There was ___________"s" on the corner of ___________handbag.A.a; an; the B.a; a; the C.an; an; an D.the; a; a A解析:A【详解】句意:一天下午他发现一个手提包。






3.They are from_______,they’re ________.A.Germany; Germans B.Germans; GermanyC.German; Germany D.Germany; Germen A解析:A【分析】【详解】句意:他们来自德国,是德国人。


Germany名词,德国; German名词,德国人,Germans是复数形式。










1.准确掌握 48个国际音标,分清元音音素和辅音音素。

2. 开口有益。

元音[i:]读单词e we he she meee see feet wheel bee speedea tea sea beach ease seasonie piece niece believe thief读句子He is Mr Steven's Chinese teacher.After reading for three minutes, I fell into a deep sleep.Please read it carefully.She was happy to be eating cheese.Each of the three will agree to have some meat and tea.[i] 读单词i sit hit big milke beside excuse eraser prettyay Sunday holiday Monday Tuesdayey money monkey volleyball honeyy study city busy only读句子His little sister is eating meat and drinking milk.It’s a pity that Jim is sick.Dick lives in a big city.A lazy monkey is sitting in a green taxi.A pig lives in a big pit.His sixty-year-old sister is a very rich lady.[ə:]读单词ir first bird girl birthdayur nurse hurt fur curtainor doctor work worker worste(a)r her certainly term person early earth search learn读句子We search and search for the bird he heard in the church.He learned the first English word at school.Earl has worked in that firm for thirty months.The girl gave her a purse.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.Her work is better than Mary's.[ə]读单词o today polite tomorrowa about again China husbander river ruler whether overor doctor worker monitorure pleasure measure picture sure读句子A famous professor will give us a lecture.The river there is full of rubbers,My brother and sister are doctors.This summer went faster and further than last.Good advice is beyond all price.My brother can not afford a holiday this summer [u:]读单词o do two who moveu glue ruler duty stupidoo zoo food afternoon noodleue blue due cruelou group though you youthew threw new flew读句子1 choose three shoes to take to school to use.Drink fruit juice when you have the flu.Do not move during June and July.It's true that the new school is a gloomy place,1 have just bought a new blue suit.You should choose between the two.[u]读单词u full putoo wood foot book understood look cook good football woolu could would should读句子Have a look at the book which is near the brook. (小调)A good-looking woman is reading a good book.I would rather go there on foot.We pulled the wolf from the woods to the boulevard (林荫大道).They should put on their hoods (兜帽).The woman stood as long as she could. [ɔ:] 读单词or short sport corn moreal talk volleyball small alwaysar warm wharf quarter warau daughter autumn author Paul读句子He is only four, but he can walk and talk.He was born on August the fourth.The cat crawled across the lawn with its hurt paw.Paul calls from the hall and stands on the floor.The storm draws near, we ought to go indoors.[ɔ] 读单词a what water what want watch washo shop college problem dollar sorry boss opera doctor cotton socks borrow o'clock 读句子My boss has a pot of hot water.The dog is standing in the shop.Look at the frog on the log.He was positive about the honor of Cod.The coffee is of top quality.When the shop is robbed, everybody was shocked.[a:] 读单词a dance plant grass father fast basketar car start yard large star smart读句子It's hard to start the ear.The guard can hardly push the cart.Last week I went to see my father after the party.There are lots of shows in the bar.I have many demands upon my time.1 like to pass through the garden park.[A]读单词o come some nothing otheru bus butter sun umbrellaoo flood bloodou double young rough enough读句子Come here to study Russian.A mother's love is above that of another.She loves nothing but money.You must come for supper with us and join the fun.Well begun is half done.Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.[æ]lab happy jam stamp man land angry ran sat fact dad bag apple flag hat glad add black passage 读句子The man ran back to get his cap and bag.The passengers are standing back there.We pat the black cat in the van with a hat.1 am very happy to know that Jack is back.Harry has a happy family in Canada.[e] 读单词e rest seven else wellea dead ready head alreadyue guess guest question request读句子Ben sent ten letters to the enemy.Ed is one of my best friends.Let me tell you a better story.He sells the best hen's eggs every Wednesday. Better late than never.East or west, home is the best.2.双元音[ei]读单词a waste late paper radio name snake stationai mail wait train gain rain afraiday play say pray bay may读句子No pains,no gains.He became famous in the late 1980s.Can you stay and play another game?The lazy cat lay in the shade of the apple tree all day. Call a spade a spade.[ai]读单词i climb tiger nine quite kind tiger time rice y style why by cry flyie die pie anxiety diet dieigh night right sight fight night读句子I drive five miles on Friday night with Mike.I'd buy my ties before the price begins to rise. There is a quite nice typewriter in the dining room. It's the right time to find a gold mine in the sky. Great minds think alike.The kite is flying high in the sky.[ɔi]读单词oi soil point poison voice join choice avoid oy toy joy destroy loyal enjoy annoy读句子Did you enjoy your voyage in Europe?I enjoy the boy ' s voice.Spare the rod,spoil the child.Boil the fish,then broil it without any oil.One man's meat is another's poison.[əu] 读单词o go rose no brokeoa road float coalow show own yellow slowoe poem toe Joe foe rose whole so ghost show yellow boat loaf 读句子Go and open the window.The roses won't grow even slowly in this cold.Men propose, god disposes.[au] 读单词ou south about loud bound house out mouse town doubtow cow down flower crowd brown now shower读句子They found it around the house.He counted the hours and vowed to get out of the house.We have found a roundabout without any doubt.Sound in body; sound in mind.She is out of town every now and then.[iə] 读单词ear near tear dear hearere here sincereeer deer engineer beer读句子See the end of the pier (码头) is near.My dear deer drinks beer.The earrings fell down to the nearby pool.I fear we can't hear him clearly.You're serious but sincere, my dear.[eə]air fair stair hair chairear pear bear wearere where thereare care fare share hare读句子That's a rare pair for a female to wear.A careful mayor wants to repair his chair with the bear.An air of excitement rarely blares down.This affair is unfair compared to that one.How did You fare there ?It is over there on the chair.[uə] 读单词oor poor moor poorlyour tour touristure sure unsure pure lure endure fury furious cure读句子I'm sure you can endure the long tour.The pure girl buys the jewel on the tour.A poor man is looking for his pure gold辅音1.清辅音[p] 读单词p pen picture pretty painpp apple happy pepperpig picture apple people top hope up replace jump rope happy person pink paper top price 读句子I put the book on the top of the CD player.They had planned to plant some trees in the park.Plenty of people are coming to this place.Please open the packet for Pester's pet pig.Practice makes perfect.Please try to make the impossible possible.读单词t tall town talk time fat sport but fit boattt little written bottle twitter buttered worked jumped washed liked读句子Tom and Ted are taller than their parents.He is too young to tell the time.What a terrible T-shirt is that for little Timmy!Don't tell Tony that his cat is beaten by Tim.It's just a waste of time.What's the date today?[k] 读单词c can cry music cute becausek lake kind seek kite walkingck kick back chick truck blackcc occupy according occasionch Christmas school ache chemistry读句子The cook is baking a cake.Take good care of my kid Kitty's cat.Eat the chicken and put your book in your basket.We walked back to camp in a park.A cat can look at the king.[f] 读单词f fat face knife lifeph photo nephew dolphin phonegh enough cough laughff stiff coffee cuff staffface knife after if photo nephew enough rough读句子Fanny cut half a loaf with a fine knife.Five dolphins fly to find their fat mother for a few days. Philip will be free after four o'clock in the afternoon.I would prefer a face-to-face talk with my friends. Here's a photo of me feeding food to an elephant.读单词s seven maths six sleepc face pencil icesc science scissors sceness miss kiss discuss pass读句子Susan makes a silly mistake.Face to your exercises and drink off your juice at once. These boys miss the famous sports star.Speak less and listen more.A still tongue makes a wise head.[ θ]读单词thank three birthday bath month youth three thousand 读句子Something is better than nothing.Cathy looks thin this month.Please think about your teeth when you see your birthday cake. Wish you both health and wealth.The rumor passed from mouth to mouth.[ʃ]读单词s sure sugarsh ship short show fishss pressure Russia读句子She should spend her vacation at the season.1 wish I would have a pair of shoes.She sells sea shells on the seashore.Shall I show you the shop for and shirts?She is not sure about her decision.[tʃ]读单词ch chair rich child teacher her China change churchtch watch match catch读句子The child has French rice for lunch.They choose Chinese children to take the challenge.Catch the bus to watch the match at the church.The man from China has a chair and a chain.We went much to the church at the weekends.Didn’t you watch the speech on Channel7?[ts]读单词gates prints adults hats seats sheets gets bats lots coats shorts 读句子She points at the cats at the gates.Mary hates the cats and the bats.He starts to play the bats with the pets.Kate’s cat sends gifts to its friends.I saw lots and lots of cats and hats.He meets Kate’s pets in a shop of shirts.[tr]读单词truck train true country读句子Can I try the trousers on?I always try lo play trick and treat with my friend.A stranger is walking along the street.He treated me to some strong drinks.[h]读单间h here hello hole hear ham have high hale helpwh who whose whole whom读句子When he dose his homework, his brother often helps him. Her now home is on a high hill.Does she have any hope?Her husband has a huge house.2.浊辅音[b]读单词b big bet cab tablebb cabbage rabbit读句子The rubber ball is on the table.The boy hid behind the back fence.Better to be too early than to be too late.Bill is beating a big beast with his big fist.Bring back your beautiful blue bike.Working in a big bank is not a bad job.[d]读单词d dog carddd middle daddy add读句子A friend in need is a friend indeed.The child hid under the bed.Don 't ride your old bike to go down the road.My daddy doesn't find his old duck until he walks to the pond. The doctor has a deaf daughter.A good beginning makes a good ending.[g]读单词g good dog again game bag grandma gate angrygg begging egggu guy guess guardgue dialogue vague league读句子Anne’s younger sister is angry with her grandpa.A good beginning makes a good ending.Give the big dog a box of big bones.Mr.Green gives the gray shirt to the good guy.I agree with the girl on going there by that green bus.[v]读单词view vocation drive seven move have leave读句子She’s never been very clever.David loves his wife very much. because she gives him a vest(马夹). He has a very high fever.He invited you to visit at five past eleven.[z]读单词z zoo zero lazy magazine zips use music busy eraser nose读句子He gives me his zip code and music magazinePass me your eraser to make the board useful.He's always busy with his roses and bees.Use the scissors to cut the newspaper.Susan is busy in reading magazines.[ð ]读单词them breathe though within leather father clothe mother读句子That girl is playing with a smooth mirror.My mother stands well with my father.It's difficult for them to breathe in such cold weather.His other brother is talking with his mother.This is smoother than that.Either of them is healthy.[ʒ]读单词s usual measure读句子It's my pleasure to measure the table.Turn down the television.He loves treasure and wants to get all of them in the future. Measure for measure.They watch television for pleasure.[dʒ]读单词j jeep Japan jam jacket just job majorg age orange page danger pagedge bridge judge读句子Jim has some jam on his jeep near the bridge.John’s got a job in Germany.Jack walks on the large bridge.Jim,in his jeans, jumped into his jeep.There is a strange message on Page1.[dz]读单词words kinds weekends birds heads读句子Richard's hands are dirty and his friends shake their heads. David's father gives his friends some shoes.He holds two books in his hands.Thousands of birds are our good friends.There are lots of odds and ends in the fields.[dr]读单词dress dream drink children hundred drive address读句子These children have hundreds of strange dreams.You shouldn't drive alter a big drink..The driver is drawing a picture in the street.Drop your hand and drink some water.The dragonfly (蜻蜓) becomes a dragon in his dream. [1]读单间l line blouse look girlll tell fell bull challenge读句子The little girl at last left the large house.Look, the fool is still in the school.All's well that ends well.Like father like son.[m]读单词m mine make map some move woman army same Rome mb comb lamb climb bombmm comment commit commonmn column condemn damn读句子Tom makes many mistakes in his homework.I scream,you scream, we all scream for ice cream.Jim has come for more music for Adam's mother.Ten men, many minds.Much will have more.[n]读单词n nice fine then noon need funkn knife knight knee knock knitnn annual annoy announce读句子Nine men knocked at the nice dour near the net,The name of that nine-year-old boy with a long neck is Nick.I know nothing about my new neighbour.Did Dan earn any money during the winter?No sooner said than done.The sun's going down now.[ŋ]读单词n ink blanket thank pinkng spring wing nothing读句子All the thanks are for your charming songs.The singer sang too many long songs.He thanked the king for the things the king had done for him. We are planning to go to England this spring.Remember to bring the ring to the wedding.[r]读单词r road red rose grass right rain fry great crossrr tomorrow arrive mirrorwr wrong write wrinkle读句子Rose is afraid of crossing the river.The boss refuses to reduce the book's price.You need much practice in reading and writing.That rich man can’1 catch a red toy rat,The store is just around the corner.[w]读单词w work wool window want walk awaywh what when white which why wheet wealth读句子The worker in white is waiting for his wife.Snow White is sweeping the floor with her friends.Don’t walk to work in the woods on weekends.The map of the world on the wall is too old.Where there is a will, there is a way.What a wonderful wedding it was![j]读单词year Young few year Europe unit newnew yearyour university读句子Yesterday she came hack from Now York.The young boy in yellow is ten years old this year,I have used the useful box for years.The young teacher is very popular with his students,Make full use of your youth to learn more knowledge.语法篇1.词法(1)名词( noun)①名词的分类。

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Book 5 Unit11._______ to nuclear radiation, even for a short time, may produce variants of genes in human bodies.A. Being exposedB. Having exposedC. ExposedD. After being exposed2. –Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed me?-Yes, I gave it to her ______ I saw her.A. whileB. the momentC. suddenlyD. once3. The thief _______ by the police is an orphan.A. questionedB. has been questionedC. having been questionedD. questioning4._______ to the sunlight is harmful to your skin.A. ExposedB. Being exposedC. ExposingD. Having exposed5.He ________ the reasons for her absence in a long letter.A. set outB. set aboutC. set offD. set up6.A terrible disease hit the area and soon the _______ people died.A. affectingB. effectedC. affectedD. being affected7.It seemed that Tom _______ for the fire that broke out last night.A.was blameB. should blameC. must be blameD. was to blame8.What kind of conclusion can we _______ after having discussed for such a long day?e outB. come toC. bring upD. lead to9.-Why did the policeman question Bob yesterday?-He was ________ of taking part in the car bombing.A. doubtedB. consideredC. remindedD. suspected10.I wondered _______ of you is _______ such an accident.A. who; to be blamed onB. whom; blaming toC. which; to blame forD. who; to be blamed for11.He always brings me a pretty gift _______ he comes to visit me.A. by the timeB. every timeC. sometimesD. at times12. The ____ expression on his face suggested that he was not able to work out the ____ problem.A. confused; confusingB. confusing; confusedC. confused; confusedD. confusing; confusing13.I have read the material several times but it doesn’t make any ______ to me.A. meaningB. importanceC. senseD. sign14. It was announced that only when the fire was under control _____ to return to their homes.A. the residents would be permittedB. had the residents been permittedC. would the residents be permittedD. the residents had been permitted15.He placed a _____ sun at the centre of the solar system with the planets _____round it.A.fixed; goingB. fixing; goneC. fixed; goneD. fixing; wentUnit21. I saw an old woman ______ under a tall tree with her hands _______ thinking.A. seating; crossingB. seated; crossingC. seating; crossedD. seated; crossed2. News reports say peace talks between the two countries_______ with no agreement reached.A. have broken downB. have broken outC. have broken inD. have broken up3._____ to start work tomorrow?A. Will you convenientB. Will it be convenient for youC. Are you convenientD. Are you going to be convenient4.The teacher stressed again that the students should not ___ any important details while retelling the story.A. bring outB. let outC. leave outD. make out5. -What will the shop owner do next?-He will have all these goods ordered ____ to the customers today.A.to deliverB. deliveringC. deliveredD. deliver6.The team _____ 10 experts from different universities.A.is consisted ofB. consists ofC. made up ofD. makes up7.The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _____ the next year.A. carry outB. carrying outC. carried outD. to carry out8. Tom rushed out in a hurry, ______ the door _______.A. leaving; unlockedB. leaving; unlockingC. left; unlockedD. to leave; unlocking9. It’s ____ thrill to have ____ ten-year research project completed with the desired result.A. /;theB. a; theC. the; aD. a; a10. - I’d like a table for six.- Sorry, sir, but we don’t have any tables ____ right now.A. usableB. suitableC. comfortableD. available11. The cities in UK are not as large as ____ in China.A. the oneB. onesC. thoseD. these12. When people ______ England, you find Wales ______ as well.A. refer to; includedB. refer to; includingC. referred to; includingD. referring to; included13.I can remember very few occasions ______ he had to cancel because of ill health.A. whereB. whenC. in whichD. that14. It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism ____ and died in London.A. might have livedB. should have livedC. must have livedD. could have lived15. The beautiful countryside scenery in England is really attractive. You can’t ____ it.A. afford missingB. be afford to missC. afford to missD. be afford missing。
