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position available:空缺职位

unilateral provocation:单方面挑衅


tertiary industry:第三产业

optimize entrepreneurial ecology:优化创业生态

stock option:优先认股权


credit crisis:信用危机

weak investment:投资疲软

NAACP:National Association for the Advancement of Colored People美国有色人种协进会

FIFA:International Federation of Football Association国际足联FRB:Federal Reserve Board美联储

GM:General Motors美国通用汽车

ILO:International Labour Organization国际劳工组织


国有资产监督管理委员会The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission

治理环境污染:curb environmental pollution

信访制度:petitioning system


事业单位:public institution



流行歌曲排行榜:hit parade

新农合补助:rural cooperative medical care system

月球探测器:lunar probe

喊破嗓子不如甩开膀子Talking the talk is not as good as walking

the walk.

拿回扣:take kickbacks

房产税征收:realty tax levy

中签率:odds of winning

居住证:residence permit


Since1976,the US dollar’s role as an international currency has been slowly waning.International use of the dollar to hold foreign-exchange reserves,denominate financial transactions,invoice trade,and as a vehicle in currency markets is below its level during the heyday of the Bretton Woods era,from1945to1971.But most people would be surprised by what the most recent numbers show.

There is an abundance of explanations for the downward trend.Since the Vietnam War,US budget deficits,money creation,and current-account deficits have often been high.Presumably as a result,the dollar has lost value relative to other major currencies or in terms of purchasing power.Meanwhile,the US share of global output has declined.And,most recently,the disturbing willingness of some members of the US Congress to pursue a strategy that would cause the Treasury to default on legal obligations has undermined global confidence in the dollar’s privileged status.

Moreover,some emerging-market currencies are joining the club of international currencies for the first time.Indeed,some analysts have suggested that the Chinese renminbi may rival the dollar as the leading international currency by the end of the decade.

But the dollar’s status as an international currency has not fallen uniformly.Interestingly,the periods when the public is most concerned about the issue do not coincide with the periods when the dollar’s share in international transactions is in fact falling.

It is not an eternal law of nature that the dollar shall always be number one.The pound sterling had the top spot in the nineteenth century,only to be surpassed by the dollar in the first half of the twentieth century. The day may come when the dollar,too,succumbs to a rival.But today
