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1. 产品科技含量technological element of product

2. 大学生创业university students’ innovative undertaking

3. 双赢局面win-win situation

4. 首创精神pioneering spirit

5. 振兴中华make China powerful and strong;

6. 富裕affluence

7. 繁荣boom

8. 购买力buying powe r

9. 竞争competition

10. 生活费用cost of living

11. 解决问题crack the nuts

12. 大家公认it is universally acknowledged that

13. 全力以赴bring one’s talent into full play

14. 适应新的形势变化adapt/adjust/accommodate oneself to new environment/change

15. 获得成功achieve/accomplish success

16. 提出观点advance/put forward/come up with arguments/ideas

17. 较好地驾驭生活be a better pilot of one’s life

18. 对……很好的了解have a better understanding of

19. 把某种因素考虑进去take sth. into account/consideration;

20. give much thought to

21. 品味人生/自由/青春savor the life/freedom/youth

22. 交流经验share experience/ideas/problems/knowledge

23. 发挥,起到积极作用play an important/active/great role/part

24. 面临困难危险be confronted with danger/difficulty; in the face of

25. 阻碍了成功stand in the way of success; be an obstacle/barrier to

26. 缩小差别narrow/fill the gap/gulf (between city and country)

27. 把成功/错误归因于attribute/owe one’s success/failure to

28. 对……重要be vital/important/indispensable to

29. 施加压力exert/put pressure on

30. 重视attach/assign much importance/significance to

31. 把注意力集中在focus/concentrate one’s attention/efforts upon

32. 抓住机会grab/seize/take the opportunity

33. 有可能there is (little/much) possibility/likelihood that

34. 献身于devote/dedicate/commit oneself to a cause/career

35. 真正重要的是what really matters/counts is

36. 影响思想,态度shape one’s thinking/attitude

37. 实现自己的理想,愿望realize/fulfill/achieve one’s dream/hope;

38. 减轻压力,紧张reduce/alleviate the stress/pressure

39. 提高社会地位upgrade social status; enhance social position

/advance/enhance the

41. 随着生活节奏的加快with the quickening pace of modern life

42. 充满激情have a burning desire for

43. 充满渴望have a great passion for

44. 沮丧的gloomy; 客观的objective; 主观的subjective

45. 乐观的optimistic ;悲观的pessimistic;

46. 怨恨的resentful ;可敬的respectable

47. 深远的影响far-reaching consequences

48. 以其最强有力的形式in its strongest form

49. 挣钱养活自己earn one’s living

50. 赡养父母support one’s parents

51. 普遍现象common phenomenon

52. 现代社会modern society

53. 相互对立in opposition to each other

54. 不管no matter how

55. 如何对待财富与幸福how to approach wealth and happiness?

56. 一个更美好更光明的未来a much better and brighter future

57. 从失败中吸取教训draw useful lessons from

58. 丧失信心并退却了lose heart and give in

59. 人民对待……的看法截然不同people are quite different from each other in their opinions on…

60. 无可否认there is no denying the fact that

61. 赏识他的非凡的能力appreciate his exceptional ability

62. 人才招聘会job-hunting

63. 大势所趋the wave of the future

64. 一时冲动an impulse activity

65. 体力劳动physical labor

66. 灵活的flexible

67. 充分发挥……的积极性bring one’s initiative into full play


1. 入学enter;entrance

2. 登记;注册become a member of;to enroll;enrollment;register;registration

3. 录取admission;be admitted to;accept

4. 获取进一步教育obtain further education

5. 要求;录取条件requirements

6. 录取标准admission standards

7. 学习成绩academic record;academic achievements

8. 索要申请材料request for application material

9. 教育目标educational goals

10. 文凭diploma

11. 学位degree

12. 教育体制educational system

13. 学前教育pre-school education

14. 小学primary schools;elementary schools

15. 中学middle schools;high schools

16. 初中junior middle school;junior high school

17. 高中senior middle school;senior high school
