WIND POWER GENERATION1.INTRODUCTIONThere is continuing interest in wind turbines, especially those with a rated power of many megawatts。
This popularity is largely driven by both environmental concerns and also the availability of fossil fuels。
Legislation to encourage the reduction of the so called carbon footprint is currently in place and so interest in renewables is currently high。
Wind turbines are still viewed as a well established technology that has developed from fixed speed wind turbines to the now popular variable speed technology based on doubly-fed induction generators.. ADFIG wind turbine is variable speed with the rotor converter being controlled so that the rotor voltage phase and magnitude is adjusted to maintain the optimum torque and necessary stator power factor。
DFIG technology is currently well developed and is commonly used in wind turbines。
新能源产业专业词汇1.单晶硅片 mono-crystalline silicon wafer多晶硅片 polycrystalline silicon wafer晶向 orientation少数载流子寿命 lifetime导电类型 conductivity type位错密度 dislocation硅单晶片厚度 thickness硅单晶片的弯曲度 surface camber准方单晶硅片 : quasi-square mono-crystalline silicon wafer2.太阳电池 solar cell3.薄膜太阳电池 film solar cell4.光电转换 photo-electricity conversion5.太阳电池组件 solar module多晶硅太阳电池组件 polycrystalline solar module单晶硅太阳电池组件mono-crystalline solar module6.太阳能户用系统solar home system(分为:太阳能直流户用系统;太阳能交流户用系统;太阳能交直流户用系统)7.太阳能电站solar power station(分为:离网型太阳能电站 off-grid solar power station ;并网型太阳能电站 grid-connected solar power station )8.太阳能热水器solar water heater9.太阳能热水系统:solar heating system10.太阳能直流式热水系统 : solar direct heating system11.太阳能强迫循环热水系统 solar compelling cycle heatingsystem12.太阳能自然循环热水系统 solar spontaneously cycle heatingsystem13.真空管太阳能集热器 vacuum tube solar centralized heatingsystem14.平板型太阳能集热器 flat type solar centralized heatingsystem15.全玻璃真空太阳能集热器full-glass vacuum solarcentralized heating system16.热管式真空管太阳集热器heat-tube vacuum solarcentralized heating system17.采光面积 : lighting area18.太阳能幅照度 solar radiant intensity19.太阳能控制器:solar controller20.太阳能逆变器:solar inverter21.太阳能通讯基站 solar telecommunication power systems22.石油和天然气管道太阳能阴极保护电站:solar power stationsfor cathode protection of the oil and gas feeding pipes23.太阳能电池方阵 solar array24.太阳能通讯电源 solar communication power station25.太阳能自动跟踪装置 solar automatic tracker26.太阳能移动电源车(站) solar mobile electrical vehicle(station)27.光伏水泵 solar pump28.太阳能杨水系统 solar pumping system29.光—网---柴互补系统complementary system for solar–grid-diesel oil30.风---光互补系统 complementary system for solar - wind31.太阳能交通信号灯 solar traffic signal light32.太阳能交通警示标志 solar traffic warning symbol33.太阳能道钉 solar road mark34.太阳能庭院灯 solar garden light35.太阳能路灯 solar street light36.太阳能草坪灯 solar lawn light37.太阳能广告牌 solar billboard38.太阳能电话亭 solar telephone booth39.综合楼 Management and Control building40.管理区Living quarter41.132kV升压站 132kV substation42.支架 The mounting structure43.围栏 Railing44.围墙 Enclosure45.平面布置图 layout46.水泵房 Water Pump House47.门卫室 Guard house48.砂砾碎石Graded crushed gravel49.泥结碎石 Glay mixing gravel50.场地平整 ground leveling51.原始高程(自然地面高程)Natural Ground Level.(简写:N.G.L)52.升压变压器 Step-up transformer53.逆变器 Inverter54.临设区域 The laydown area55.边界线 Boundary line56.等高线 Gontour57.子方阵 Sub-arrays58.电缆 cable59.汇流箱 Combiner Box60.发电单元Generating Unit61.主控室 Local control room62.33KV配电室 33KV Switchgear room63.电缆沟 Cable Trenchesyout drawing 平面布置图65.主变压器 Main transformer66.SVC reactive compensation device SVC无功补偿装置67.Ground connection transformer 接地变压器68.guard room 门卫室69.SF6 breaker SF6 断路器70.132kv current transformer 132KV电流互感器71.132kv disconnecting switch 132KV隔离开关72.132kv zinc oxide arrester 132KV氧化锌避雷器73.132kv voltage transformer 132KV电压互感器74.Meter Panel 电度表屏75.太阳能扬水和照明综合应用系统:the comprehensive utilization system of solar pumping and lighting76.变频调速交流异步电机:high-efficient frequency conversion alternating asynchronous motors(这个产品不是太阳能产品)77.送电到乡: Power Supply to Township78.丝绸之路光明工程: Silk Road Brightness Project79.太阳能亮化工程 solar brightness project80.太阳能与建筑一体化 integrate solar energy with building81.活动Activity82.活动定义:Activity Definition83.活动描述/说明:AD=Activity Description84.活动历时估算:Activity Duration Estimating85.箭线网络图(双代号网络图):AOA=Activity-On-Arrow86.节点式网络图(单代号网络图):AON=Activity-on-Node87.已执行工作实际成本:ACWP=Actual Cost of Work Performed88.实际完成日期:AF=Actual Finish Date89.实际开始日期:AS=Actual Start Date90.行政收尾:Administrative Closure91.箭线:Arrow92.箭线图示法:ADM=Arrow Diagramming Method93.逆推计算法:Backward Pass94.横道图:Bar Chart95.基准计划:Baseline96.完工预算:BAC=Budget At Completion97. 概算:Budget Estimate98.已执行预算成本:BCWP=Budgeted Cost of Work Performed99.计划执行预算成本:BCWS= Budgeted Cost of Scheduled 100.日历单位:Calendar Unit101.变更控制委员会:CCB=Chang Control Board102.沟通规划:Communications Planning103.并行工程:Concurrent Engineering104.意外费用:Contingencies105.意外准备金:contingency Allowance106.意外规划:Contingency Planning107.意外储备:Contingency Reserve108.合同:Contract109.合同管理:Contract Administration110.合同收尾:Contract Close-out111.控制:Control112.控制图:Control Chart113.纠正措施:Corrective Action114.费用预算:Cost Budgeting115.费用控制:Cost Control116.费用做算:Cost Estimating117.质量成本:Cost of Quality118.费用绩效指数:CPI=Cost Performance Index119.费用偏差:CV=Cost Variance120.赶工:Crashing121.关键工序:Critical Activity122.关键路线:Critical Path123.关键路线法:CPM=Critical Path Method124.当前完成日期:Current Finish Date125.当前开始日期:Current Start Date126.数据日期:DD=Data Date127.交付物:Deliverable128.依赖关系:Dependency129.虚活动:Dummy Activity130.延续时间:DU=Duration131.延续时间压缩:Duration Compression132.最早完工日期:EF=Early Finish Date133.最早开始日期:ES=Early Start Date134.挣值法:EV=Earned Value135.挣值分析:Earned Value Analysis136.人工量:Effort137.估算:概算:Estimate138.在完成时的费用估算:EAC=Estimate At Completion 139.到完成时的估算:ETC=Estimate To Complete140.单节点事件图:Event-on-Node141.例外报告:Exception Report142.完成日期:Finish Date143.完成到完成关系:FF=Finish-to-Finish144.完成到开始关系:FS=Finish-to-Start145.时差:机动时间:浮动时间:Float146.顺推计算法:Forward Pass147.自由时差:FF=Free Float148.职能经理:Functional Manager149.职能组织:Functional Organization150.甘特图:Gantt Chart151.图解评审技术:GERT=Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique152.集合工作:Hammock153.悬摆:Hanger154.信息分发:Information Distribution155.立项:Initiation156.成本/进度综合报告:Integrated Cost/Schedule Reporting 157.邀标:IFB= Invitation for Bid158.关键事件进度计划:Key Event Schedule160.滞后量:Lag161.最晚完成日期:LF=Late Finish Date162.最晚开始日期:LS=Late Start Date163.提前量:Lead164.全生命期成本估算:Life-cycle Costing165. 产品经理:Line Manager166. 逻辑图:Logic Diagram167.逻辑关系:Logical Relationship168.回路:Loop169.管理储备量:Management Reserve170.主进度计划:Master Schedule171.矩阵型组织:Matrix Organization172.里程碑:Milestone173.里程碑进度计划:Milestone Schedule174.现代项目管理:MPM=Modern Project Management175.监控:Monitoring176.蒙托卡罗分析:Monte Carlo Analysis177.次关键工作:Near-Critical Activity178.网络:Network179.网络分析:Network Analysis180.网络逻辑:Network Logic181.网络路线:Network Path182. 节点:Node183.组织分解结构:OBS=Organizational Breakdown Structure 184.组织规划:Organizational Planning185.整体变更控制:Overall Change Control186.重叠:Overlap187.参数估算法:Parametric Estimating188.线路:Path189.线路时差:Path Float190.完成百分比:PC=Percent Complete191.执行报告:Performance Reporting192.执行机构:Performing organization193.计划评审技术图:PERT Chart194.计划的完成日期:PF=Planned Finish Date195.计划的开始日期:PS=Planned Start Date196.优先图示法:PDM=Precedence Diagramming Method197.优先关系:Precedence Relationship198.紧前工作:Predecessor Activity199.采购规划:Procurement Planning200.工程:Program201.计划评审技术:PERT=Program Evaluation and Review Technique 202.项目:Project203.项目许可证、项目章程:Project Charter204.项目沟通管理:Project Communication Management205.项目费用管理:Project Cost Management206.项目人力资源管理:Project Human Resource Management 207.项目综合管理:Project Integration Management208.项目生命周期:Project Life Cycle209.项目管理:PM=Project Management210.项目管理知识体系:PMBOK=Project Management Body of Knowledge211.项目管理软件:Project Management Software212.项目管理团队:Project Management Team213.项目经理:PM=Project Manager214.项目网络图:Project Network Diagram215.项目阶段:Project Phase216.项目计划:Project Plan217.项目计划开发:Project Plan Development218.项目计划实施:Project Plan Execution219.项目规划:Project Planning220.项目采购管理:Project Procurement Management221.项目质量管理:Project Quality Management222.项目风险管理:Project Risk Management223.项目进度计划:Project Schedule224. 项目范围管理:Project Scope Management225.项目团队成员:Project Team Member226.项目时间管理:Project Time Management227.项目型组织:Project Organization228.质量保证:QA=Quality Assurance229.质量控制:QC=Quality Control230.质量规划:Quality Planning231.剩余持续时间:RDU=Remaining Duration232.请求建议书:RFP=Request for Proposal233.请求报价单:RFQ=Request for Quotation234.储备量:Reserve235.资源平衡:Resource Leveling236.资源约束进度计划:Resource-Limited Schedule237.资源规划:Resource Planning238.责任分配矩阵:RAM=Responsibility Assignment Matrix 234.责任图:Responsibility Chart235.责任矩阵:Responsibility Matrix236.保留金:Retain age237.突发事件:Risk Event238.风险识别:Risk Identification239.风险应对控制:Risk Response Control240.风险应对开发:Risk Response Development241.曲线:S-Curve242.进度计划:Schedule243.进度计划分析:Schedule Analysis244.进度计划压缩:Schedule Compression245.进度计划控制:Schedule Control246.进度执行指数:SPI=Schedule Performance Index247.进度偏差:SV=Schedule Variance248.计划完成日期:SF=Scheduled Finish Date249.计划开始日期:SS=Scheduled Start Date 250.范围:Scope251.范围基准计划:Scope Baseline252.范围变更:Scope Change253.范围变更控制:Scope Change Control 254.范围定义:Scope Definition255.范围规划:Scope Planning256.范围验证:Scope Verification257.时差:Slack 258.询价:Solicitation259.询价规划:Solicitation260.工作人员招募:Staff Acquisition261.项目相关者:Stakeholder262.开始日期:Start Date263.开始到完成关系:Start-to-Finish264.开始到开始关系:Start-to-Start265.工作说明:SOW=Statement of Work266.子网:Subnet 267.子网络:Subnet Work268.后续工作:Successor Activity269.目标完成日期:TC=Target Completion Date 270.目标时度计划:Target Schedule271.任务:Task 272.团队建设:Team Development273.团队成员:Team members274.时标网络图:Time-Scaled Network Diagram 275.目标完成日期:TF=Target Finish Date 276.目标开始日期:Ts=Target Start Date277.总时差:TF=Total Float278.全面质量管理:TQM=Total Quality Management 279. 权变措施:Workaround280.工作分解结构:WBS=Work Breakdown Structure 281.工作包:Work Package。
新能源专业英语1.Put the following phrase into English.Unit 11.温室效应the greenhouse effect2.可再生能源renewable energy3.太阳能电池solar cell4.风力发电系统wind turbine system5.核能nuclear energy6.海洋能ocean energyUnit 21.辐射度 irradiance2.负载 load3.耐候性weather fastness4.光电效应photoelectric effect5.光生伏打效应photovoltaic effectUnit 31.风电场wind farm2.装机容量installed capacity3.涡轮机turbine4.水泵water pumping5.风光互补wind and photovoltaic hybrid power6.混合动力装置hybrid power system7.电网utility grid8.电池batteryUnit 41.热交换器heat exchanger2.核反应堆nuclear reactor3.浓缩铀enriched uranium4.低温冷却水subcooled water5.千瓦kilowatt6.沸水反应堆boiling water reactor7.商用发电站commercial power plant8.快速中子反应堆a fast neutron reactor Unit 51.生物质 biomass2.植物vegetation3.肥料manure4.残留物residue5.光合作用photosynthesis6.碳水化合物carbohydrate7.化石燃料fossil fuels8.固定碳carbon fixedUnit 61.万有引力gravitational pull2.潮汐tide3.大陆架continental shelf4.海岸线coastline5.农历lunar6.港湾harbor7.月亮角度正交moon quadrature8.局部共振local resonanceUnit 71.火山爆发volcanic eruption2.放射性衰变radioactive decay3.间歇岩geyser4.注射injection5.水库reservoir6.裂纹crackUnit 81.利用 harness2.盐度salinity3.潮汐tide4.动能kinetic energy5.水力发电hydro-electric power6.引力gravitational pull2.Translate the following sentences.Unit 11.Energy is an important material and energy foundation of human survival and development , its plays a vital role in the development of human civilization . New energy usually refers to the new energy technologies based on new development and utilization of energy , including solar , biomass , wind , geothermal , ocean energy and hydrogen etc.能源是人类生存和发展的重要材料和能量基础,它在人类文明的发展中扮演着至关重要的角色。
RO-19200WFGH风光互补发电系统基本参数型号RO-2000-FJ产品名称风力发电机额定电压(DCV)48v/120v额定电流(DCA)41/20额定功率(W)2000启动风速(米/秒) 2.5额定风速(米/秒)12安全风速(米/秒)45发电机工作形式永磁同步发电机风轮直径(米) 3.2风机寿命(年)15-20工作环境温度-45-75度部件说明一、风力发电机发电机1、外壳采用铝合金一次压制成型,重量轻2、矽钢片采用武钢600冷轧片,损耗小,不易发热3、转子采用H级钕铁硼稀土永磁材料,效率高,耐高温4、尾舵采用玻璃纤维板切割成型,柔韧性好,强度高·类型: RO系列电机·额定: 2000W·发电机:永磁发电机(钕铁硼)·证书(CE)二、风叶·风轮:·三叶型,上风式·直径: 3.2米三、2000W控制器RO-2000W-S-W高性能风光互补控制器二、PWM型产品特性◆本产品依照JB/T6939.1-2004号行业标准,GB/T19115.1-2003号国家标准生产,也可根据用户技术要求生产。
◆采用两套控制系统,PWM恒压系统 + 刹车系统。
◆ PWM恒压控制是风力发电机额定功率的120%。
◆ PWM控制。
Put thefollowingphraseintoEnglish.Unit11.温室效应thegreenhouseeffect2。
可再生能源renewableenergy3.太阳能电池solar cell4。
风力发电系统windturbinesystem5.核能nuclearenergy6.海洋能oceanenergyUnit21.辐射度irradiance2.负载load3.耐候性weatherfastness4.光电效应photoelectriceffect5.光生伏打效应photov oltaiceffectUnit31.风电场windfarm2.装机容量installedcapacity3.涡轮机turbine4。
商用发电站comme rcialpowerplant8.快速中子反应堆afastneutronreactorUnit51.生物质biomass2.植物vegetation3.肥料manure4.残留物residue5.光合作用photosynthesis6.碳水化合物carbohydrate7.化石燃料fossilfuels8.固定碳carbonfixedUnit61.万有引力gravitationalpull2。
外文翻译题目:独立混合太阳能风力发电系统的最佳规模的研究现状沈阳农业大学学士学位论文外文翻译独立混合太阳能风力发电系统的最佳规模的研究现状周炜娄承芝黎仲实陆林杨宏星可再生能源研究小组(RERG ),屋宇设备工程学系,香港理工大学,香港环境科学与技术学院,天津大学,天津,中国摘要:太阳能和风能可以说是无处不在,自由,环保,他们被视为最具有前途的发电来源之一。
关键词:太阳能风力混合能源系统;可行性研究;建模;优化目录1.引言.. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. (1)2.气象数据生成的可行性研究. . ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . ... . . .. (1)2.1.时间序列气象数据 . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. (1)2.2.气象数据统计. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . .. (1)3.太阳能风力的混合动力系统组件的仿真建模. . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. (2)3.1光伏发电系统建模. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3)3.2风能系统建模. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . (3)3.3电池存储系统的建模. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . (3)4太阳能风力的混合动力系统优化标准. . . . . ... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .... . (4)4.1电力可靠性分析 . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ... .. (4)4.2系统的成本分析 . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... .. (4)5太阳能风力混合系统的优化上浆方法. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . .. (4)5.1模拟和优化软件. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . (4)5.2太阳能风力的混合动力系统的优化技术. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (5)5.2.1根据不同的气象数据的优化方案 . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .... .. . .. (5)5.2.2最优化技术 . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (5)5.3小结优化技术 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ...... . (7)6结论 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . (7)致谢 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . . . . . . . . .. (8)参考文献 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . (8)独立混合太阳能风力发电系统的最佳规模的研究现状1.引言由于化石燃料资源的快速枯竭需在全球范围内寻找替代能源,以满足社会的需求。
太阳能路灯solar street light风光互补型路灯太阳能市电互补路灯太阳能庭院灯solar garden light太阳能草坪灯/地埋灯solar lawn light / underground light太阳能交通信号灯/道钉灯solar traffic signal lights,/ Solar Spike Light;Solar Clip Bolt Lights太阳能监控系统Solar Monitoring System风光互补型监控系统太阳能手机/笔记本电脑充电器Solar Mobile Charger ,Solar Notebook Charger太阳能背包Solar Backpack太阳能帐篷Solar tents太阳能便携式电源箱Solar portable power box家用小型太阳能发电系统small solar power generator system for household (PV SYSTEM) 地下停车场照明用太阳能发电系统PV SYSTEM for underground parking lighting晶棒Ingot移动信号塔太阳能发电装置Solar PV power systems for mobile communication signal stations分段cropping移动通信基站-直放站电源PV power systems for GSM base stations开方squaring小型并网光伏电站small on-grid PV power station切片slicing大型并网光伏电站large on-grid PV power station更换砂浆slurry exchange乡镇公路太阳能路灯的应用Solar streetlights for rural roads断线wire break城市太阳能庭院灯的应用Solar garden lights for cities热场hot zone郊区太阳能草坪灯工程Solar lawn lights for suburbs石英quarts城乡风光互补路灯实例Wind and PV hybrid streetlights加热器heater电极electrode光伏系统额定功率Nominal power of the PV system搀杂剂dopant模块倾斜度Inclination of modules电机motor模块方位度Orientation (azimuth) of modules籽晶seed反射相关估计损耗Estimated loss due to angular reflectance effects电阻率resistivity屋顶光伏电源系统Roof-mounted PV power system切削液glycol独立家庭电源系统Off-grid home power system石墨坩埚graphite crucible小区太阳能发电系统Residential area PV power system头尾tops & tails排气air exhaust电气柜electric cabinet进给启始/终止位feed start/end position总厚度差异TTV切割进给速度cutting feed rate导轮wire guide roll固定/活动轴承fixed/mobile bearing触摸屏touch screen转化器inverter变压器Transformer半导体pn结semiconductor pn junction空腔电子对hole - electron pairs光电二极管semiconductor photodiode电池串联或并联cells are connected in series or parallel单晶硅电池Monocrystalline silicon solar cell多晶硅薄膜电池Polycrystalline silicon thin film solar cell, Ampere的缩写, 安培a-Si, amorphous silicon的缩写, 含氢的, 非结晶性硅。
风力发电机用专业英语中文对照风力发电机windturbine风电场windpowerstationwindfarm风力发电机组windturbinegeneratorsystemWTGS水平轴风力发电机horizontalaxiswindturbine垂直轴风力发电机verticalaxiswindturbin风力发电机用专业英语中文对照风力发电机wind turbine风电场 wind power station wind farm风力发电机组 wind turbine generator system WTGS水平轴风力发电机 horizontal axis wind turbine垂直轴风力发电机 vertical axis wind turbine轮毂(风力发电机) hub (for wind turbine)机舱 nacelle支撑结构 support structure for wind turbine关机 shutdown for wind turbine正常关机 normal shutdown for wind turbine紧急关机 emergency shutdown for wind turbine空转 idling锁定 blocking停机 parking静止 standstill制动器 brake停机制动 parking brake风轮转速 rotor speed控制系统 control system保护系统 protection system偏航 yawing设计和安全参数 design situation设计工况 design situation载荷状况 load case外部条件 external conditions设计极限 design limits极限状态 limit state使用极限状态 serviceability limit states极限限制状态 ultimate limit state最大极限状态 ultimate limit state安全寿命 safe life严重故障 catastrophic failure潜伏故障 latent fault dormant failure风特性wind characteristic风速 wind speed风矢量 wind velocity旋转采样风矢量 rotationally sampled wind velocity 额定风速 rated wind speed切入风速 cut-in speed切出风速 cut-out speed年平均annual average年平均风速 annual average wind speed平均风速mean wind speed极端风速 extreme wind speed安全风速 survival wind speed参考风速reference wind speed风速分布 wind speed distribution瑞利分布RayLeigh distribution威布尔分布 Weibull distribution风切变 wind shear风廓线风切变律 wind profile wind shear law风切变指数wind shear exponent对数风切变律 logarithmic wind shear law风切变幂律 power law for wind shear下风向down wind上风向 up wind阵风gust粗糙长度 roughness length湍流强度 turbulence intensity湍流尺度参数turbulence scale parameter湍流惯性负区 inertial sub-range风场 wind site测量参数 measurement parameters测量位置 measurement seat最大风速 maximum wind speed风功率密度 wind power density风能密度 wind energy density日变化 diurnal variation年变化 annual variation轮毂高度 hub height风能 wind energy标准大气状态 standard atmospheric state风切变影响 influence by the wind shear阵风影响 gust influence风速频率 frequency of wind speed环境 environment工作环境 operational environment气候 climate海洋性气候 ocean climate大陆性气候 continental climate露天气候 open-air climate室内气候 indoor climate极端 extreme日平均值 daily mean极端最高 extreme maximum年最高 annual maximum年最高日平均温度 annual extreme daily mean of temperature 月平均温度 mean monthly temperature空气湿度 air humidity绝对湿度 absolute humidity相对湿度 relative humidity降水 precipitation雨 rain冻雨 freezing rain霜淞 rime雨淞 glaze冰雹 hail露 dew雾 fog盐雾 salt fog雷暴 thunderstorm雪载 snow load标准大气压 standard air pressure平均海平面 mean sea level海拔 altitude辐射通量 radiant flux太阳辐射 solar radiation直接太阳辐射 direct solar radiation天空辐射 sky radiation太阳常数 solar constant太阳光谱 solar spectrum黑体 black body白体 white body温室效应 greenhouse effect环境温度 ambient temperature表面温度 surface temperature互联 interconnection输出功率output power额定功率 rated power最大功率 maximum power电网连接点 network connection point电力汇集系统 power collection system风场电器设备 site electrical facilities功率特性power performance静电功率输出 net electric power output功率系数 power performance自由流风速 free stream wind speed扫掠面积 swept area轮毂高度 hub height测量功率曲线 measurement power curve外推功率曲线 extrapolated power curve年发电量 annual energy production可利用率 availability数据组功率特性测试 data set for power performance measurement 精度 accuracy测量误差 uncertainty in measurement分组方法 method of bins测量周期 measurement period测量扇区 measurement sector日变化 diurnal variations浆距角 pitch angle距离常数 distance constant试验场地 test site气流畸变 flow distortion障碍物 obstacles复杂地形带 complex terrain风障 wind break声压级 sound pressure level声级 weighted sound pressure level; sound level 视在声功率级 apparent sound power level指向性 directivity音值 tonality声的基准面风速 acoustic reference wind speed标准风速 standardized wind speed基准高度 reference height基准粗糙长度 reference roughness length基准距离 reference distance掠射角 grazing angle风轮风轮 wind rotor风轮直径 rotor diameter风轮扫掠面积 rotor swept area风轮仰角 tilt angle of rotor shaft风轮偏航角 yawing angle of rotor shaft风轮额定转速 rated turning speed of rotor风轮最高转速 maximum turning speed of rotor风轮尾流 rotor wake尾流损失 wake losses风轮实度 rotor solidity实度损失 solidity losses叶片数 number of blades叶片 blade等截面叶片 constant chord blade变截面叶片variable chord blade叶片投影面积 projected area of blade叶片长度 length of blade叶根 root of blade叶尖tip of blade叶尖速度 tip speed浆距角 pitch angle翼型 airfoil前缘 leading edge后缘tailing edge几何弦长 geometric chord of airfoil平均几何弦长 mean geometric of airfoil气动弦线 aerodynamic chord of airfoil翼型厚度 thickness of airfoil翼型相对厚度 relative thickness of airfoil厚度函数 thickness function of airfoil中弧线 mean line弯度 degree of curvature翼型族 the family of airfoil弯度函数 curvature function of airfoil叶片根梢比 ratio of tip-section chord to root-section chord叶片展弦比 aspect ratio叶片安装角setting angle of blade叶片扭角 twist of blade叶片几何攻角 angle of attack of blade叶片损失blade losses叶尖损失tip losses颤振flutter迎风机构orientation mechanism调速机构 regulating mechanism风轮偏测式调速机构 regulating mechanism of turning wind rotor out of the wind sideward变浆距调速机构regulating mechanism by adjusting the pitch of blade整流罩 nose cone顺浆 feathering阻尼板spoiling flap风轮空气动力特性 aerodynamic characteristics of rotor叶尖速度比 tip-speed ratio额定叶尖速度比 rated tip-speed ratio升力系数 lift coefficient阻力系数 drag coefficient推或拉力系数 thrust coefficient偏航系统滑动制动器sliding shoes偏航 yawing主动偏航active yawing被动偏航 passive yawing偏航驱动 yawing driven解缆 untwist塔架tower独立式塔架 free stand tower拉索式塔架 guyed tower塔影响效应 influence by the tower shadow <<功率特性测试>>功率特性 power performance净电功率输出 net electric power output功率系数 power coefficient自由流风速 free stream wind speed扫掠面积swept area测量功率曲线 measured power curve外推功率曲线 extrapolated power curve年发电量 annual energy production数据组 data set可利用率 availability精度 accuracy测量误差 uncertainty in measurement分组方法 method of bins测量周期 measurement period测量扇区 measurement sector距离常数 distance constant试验场地 test site气流畸变 flow distortion复杂地形地带 complex terrain风障 wind break声压级 sound pressure level声级 weighted sound pressure level视在声功率级 apparent sound power level指向性 directivity音值 tonality声的基准风速 acoustic reference wind speed 标准风速 standardized wind speed基准高度 reference height基准粗糙长度 reference roughness基准距离 reference distance掠射角 grazing angle比恩法 method of bins标准误差 standard uncertainty风能利用系数 rotor power coefficient力矩系数 torque coefficient额定力矩系数 rated torque coefficient起动力矩系数starting torque coefficient最大力矩系数maximum torque coefficient过载度 ratio of over load风力发电机组输出特性 output characteristic of WTGS调节特性 regulating characteristics平均噪声 average noise level机组效率efficiency of WTGS使用寿命 service life度电成本 cost per kilowatt hour of the electricity generated by WTGS 发电机同步电机 synchronous generator异步电机 asynchronous generator感应电机 induction generator转差率 slip瞬态电流 transient rotor笼型 cage绕线转子 wound rotor绕组系数 winding factor换向器 commutator集电环 collector ring换向片 commutator segment励磁响应 excitation response制动系统制动系统 braking制动机构 brake mechanism正常制动系 normal braking system紧急制动系 emergency braking system空气制动系 air braking system液压制动系 hydraulic braking system电磁制动系 electromagnetic braking system机械制动系 mechanical braking system辅助装置 auxiliary device制动器释放 braking releasing制动器闭合 brake setting液压缸 hydraulic cylinder溢流阀 relief valve泻油 drain齿轮马达 gear motor齿轮泵 gear pump电磁阀solenoid液压过滤器 hydraulic filter液压泵hydraulic pump液压系统 hydraulic system油冷却器 oil cooler压力控制器pressure control valve压力继电器pressure switch减压阀reducing valve安全阀 safety valve设定压力setting pressure切换switching旋转接头rotating union压力表pressure gauge液压油hydraulic fluid液压马达hydraulic motor油封oil seal刹车盘 brake disc闸垫 brake pad刹车油 brake fluid闸衬片 brake lining传动比 transmission ratio齿轮gear齿轮副gear pair平行轴齿轮副 gear pair with parallel axes 齿轮系 train of gears行星齿轮系 planetary gear train小齿轮 pinion大齿轮 wheel , gear主动齿轮 driving, gear从动齿轮 driven gear行星齿轮 planet gear行星架 planet carrier太阳轮 sun gear内齿圈 ring gear外齿轮external gear内齿轮internal内齿轮副 internal gear pair增速齿轮副 speed increasing gear增速齿轮系 speed increasing gear train中心距 center distance增速比 speed increasing ratio齿面 tooth flank工作齿面 working flank非工作齿面non-working flank模数 module齿数 number of teeth啮合干涉 meshing interference齿廓修行 profile modification , profile correction 啮合 engagement, mesh齿轮的变位 addendum modification on gears变位齿轮 gears with addendum modification圆柱齿轮 cylindrical gear直齿圆柱齿轮 spur gear斜齿圆柱齿轮 helical gear single-helical gear节点 pitch point节圆pitch circle齿顶圆 tip circle齿根圆 root circle直径和半径 diameter and radius齿宽 face width齿厚 tooth thickness压力角 pressure angle圆周侧隙 circumferential backlash蜗杆 worm蜗轮 worm wheel联轴器 coupling刚性联轴器 rigid coupling万向联轴器 universal coupling安全联轴器 security coupling齿 tooth齿槽 tooth space斜齿轮 helical gear人字齿轮 double-helical gear齿距 pitch法向齿距 normal pitch轴向齿距 axial pitch齿高 tooth depth输入角 input shaft输出角 output shaft柱销pin柱销套roller行星齿轮传动机构planetary gear drive mechanism 中心轮 center gear单级行星齿轮系 single planetary gear train柔性齿轮 flexible gear刚性齿轮 rigidity gear柔性滚动轴承 flexible rolling bearing输出联接 output coupling刚度 rigidity扭转刚度 torsional rigidity弯曲刚度 flexural rigidity扭转刚度系数 coefficient of torsional起动力矩 starting torque传动误差 transmission error传动精度 transmission accuracy固有频率 natural frequency弹性联接 elastic coupling刚性联接 rigid coupling滑块联接 Oldham coupling固定联接 integrated coupling齿啮式联接 dynamic coupling花键式联接 splined coupling牙嵌式联接 castellated coupling径向销联接 radial pin coupling周期振动 periodic vibration随机振动 random vibration峰值 peak value临界阻尼 critical damping阻尼系数 damping coefficient阻尼比 damping ratio减震器 vibration isolator振动频率 vibration frequency幅值 amplitude位移幅值displacement amplitude速度幅值 velocity amplitude加速度幅值 acceleration amplitude控制与监控系统远程监视 telemonitoring协议 protocol实时 real time单向传输 simplex transmission半双工传输 half-duplex transmission双工传输 duplex transmission前置机 front end processor运输终端 remote terminal unit调制解调器 modulator-demodulator数据终端设备 data terminal equipment接口 interface数据电路 data circuit信息 information状态信息 state information分接头位置信息 tap position information监视信息 monitored information设备故障信息 equipment failure information告警 alarm返回信息 return information设定值 set point value累积值 integrated total integrated value瞬时测值 instantaneous measured计量值 counted measured metered measured metered reading 确认 acknowledgement信号 signal模拟信号 analog signal命令 command字节 byte位bit地址 address波特 baud编码 encode译码 decode代码 code集中控制 centralized control可编程序控制 programmable control 微机程控 minicomputer program模拟控制 analogue control数字控制 digital control强电控制 strong current control弱电控制weak current control单元控制unit control就地控制local control联锁装置interlocker模拟盘analogue board配电盘switch board控制台control desk紧急停车按钮emergency stop push-button 限位开关limit switch限速开关limit speed switch有载指示器on-load indicator屏幕显示screen display指示灯display lamp起动信号starting signal公共供电点point of common coupling闪变flicker数据库data base硬件hardware硬件平台hardware platform层layer level class模型model响应时间response time软件software软件平台software platform系统软件system software自由脱扣trip-free基准误差basic error一对一控制方式one-to-one control mode 一次电流primary current一次电压primary voltage二次电流secondary current二次电压secondary voltage低压电器low voltage apparatus额定工作电压rated operational voltage额定工作电流rated operational current运行管理operation management安全方案safety concept外部条件external conditions失效failure故障fault控制柜control cabinet冗余技术redundancy正常关机normal shutdown失效-安全fail-safe排除故障clearance空转idling外部动力源external power supply锁定装置locking device运行转速范围operating rotational speed range 临界转速activation rotational speed最大转速maximum rotational speed过载功率over power临界功率activation power最大功率maximum power短时切出风速short-term cut-out wind speed外联机试验field test with turbine试验台test-bed台架试验test on bed防雷系统lighting protection system外部防雷系统external lighting protection system 内部防雷系统internal lighting protection system 等电位连接equipotential bonding接闪器air-termination system引下线down-conductor接地装置earth-termination system接地线earth conductor接地体earth electrode环形接地体ring earth external基础接地体foundation earth electrode等电位连接带bonding bar等电位连接导体bonding conductor保护等级protection lever防雷区lighting protection zone雷电流lighting current电涌保护器surge suppressor共用接地系统common earthing system接地基准点earthing reference points持续运行continuous operation持续运行的闪变系数flicker coefficient for continuous operation 闪变阶跃系数flicker step factor最大允许功率maximum permitted最大测量功率maximum measured power电网阻抗相角network impedance phase angle正常运行normal operation功率采集系统power collection system额定现在功率rated apparent power额定电流rated current额定无功功率rated reactive power停机standstill起动start-up切换运行switching operation扰动强度turbulence intensity电压变化系数voltage change factor风力发电机端口wind turbine terminals风力发电机最大功率maximum power of wind turbine风力发电机停机parked wind turbine安全系统safety system控制装置control device额定载荷rated load周期period相位phase频率frequency谐波harmonics瞬时值instantaneous value同步synchronism振荡oscillation共振resonance波wave辐射radiation衰减attenuation阻尼damping畸变distortion电electricity电的electric静电学electrostatics电荷electric charge电压降voltage drop电流electric current导电性conductivity电压voltage电磁感应electromagnetic induction励磁excitation电阻率resistivity导体conductor半导体semiconductor电路electric circuit串联电路series circuit电容capacitance电感inductance电阻resistance电抗reactance阻抗impedance传递比transfer ratio交流电压alternating voltage交流电流alternating current脉动电压pulsating voltage脉动电流pulsating current直流电压direct voltage直流电流direct current瞬时功率instantaneous power有功功率active power无功功率reactive power有功电流active current无功电流reactive current功率因数power factor中性点neutral point相序sequential order of the phase电气元件electrical device接线端子terminal电极electrode地earth接地电路earthed circuit接地电阻resistance of an earthed conductor 绝缘子insulator绝缘套管insulating bushing母线busbar线圈coil螺纹管solenoid绕组winding电阻器resistor电感器inductor电容器capacitor继电器relay电能转换器electric energy transducer电机electric machine发电机generator电动机motor变压器transformer变流器converter变频器frequency converter整流器rectifier逆变器inverter传感器sensor耦合器electric coupling放大器amplifier振荡器oscillator滤波器filter半导体器件semiconductor光电器件photoelectric device 触头contact开关设备switchgear控制设备control gear闭合电路closed circuit断开电路open circuit通断switching联结connection串联series connection并联parallel connection星形联结star connection三角形联结delta connection主电路main circuit辅助电路auxiliary circuit控制电路control circuit信号电路signal circuit保护电路protective circuit换接change-over circuit换向commutation输入功率input power输入input输出output负载load加载to load充电to charge放电to discharge有载运行on-load operation空载运行no-load operation开路运行open-circuit operation 短路运行short-circuit operation满载full load效率efficiency损耗loss过电压over-voltage过电流over-current欠电压under-voltage特性characteristic绝缘物insulant隔离to isolate绝缘insulation绝缘电阻insulation resistance品质因数quality factor泄漏电流leakage current闪烙flashover短路short circuit噪声noise极限值limiting value额定值rated value额定rating环境条件environment condition 使用条件service condition工况operating condition额定工况rated condition负载比duty ratio绝缘比insulation ratio介质试验dielectric test常规试验routine test抽样试验sampling test验收试验acceptance test投运试验commissioning test维护试验maintenance test加速accelerating特性曲线characteristic额定电压rated voltage额定电流rated current额定频率rated frequency温升temperature rise温度系数temperature coefficient 端电压terminal voltage短路电流short circuit current可靠性reliability有效性availability耐久性durability维修maintenance维护preventive maintenance工作时间operating time待命时间standby time修复时间repair time寿命life使用寿命useful life平均寿命mean life耐久性试验endurance test寿命试验life test可靠性测定试验reliability determination test 现场可靠性试验field reliability test加速试验accelerated test安全性fail safe应力stress强度strength试验数据test data现场数据field data电触头electrical contact主触头main contact击穿breakdown耐电压proof voltage放电electrical discharge透气性air permeability电线电缆electric wire and cable电力电缆power cable通信电缆telecommunication cable油浸式变压器oil-immersed type transformer 干式变压器dry-type transformer自耦变压器auto-transformer有载调压变压器transformer fitted with OLTC 空载电流non-load current阻抗电压impedance voltage电抗电压reactance voltage电阻电压resistance voltage分接tapping配电电器distributing apparatus控制电器control apparatus开关switch熔断器fuse断路器circuit breaker控制器controller接触器contactor机械寿命mechanical endurance电气寿命electrical endurance旋转电机electrical rotating machine直流电机direct current machine交流电机alternating current machine同步电机synchronous machine异步电机asynchronous machine感应电机induction machine励磁机exciter饱和特性saturation characteristic开路特性open-circuit characteristic负载特性load characteristic短路特性short-circuit characteristic额定转矩rated load torque规定的最初起动转矩specifies breakaway torque交流电动机的最初起动电流breakaway starting current if an a.c. 同步转速synchronous speed转差率slip短路比short-circuit ratio同步系数synchronous coefficient空载no-load系统system触电;电击electric block正常状态normal condition接触电压touch voltage跨步电压step voltage对地电压voltage to earth触电电流shock current残余电流residual current安全阻抗safety impedance安全距离safety distance安全标志safety marking安全色safety color中性点有效接地系统system with effectively earthed neutral检修接地inspection earthing工作接地working earthing保护接地protective earthing重复接地iterative earth故障接地fault earthing过电压保护over-voltage protection过电流保护over-current protection断相保护open-phase protection防尘dust-protected防溅protected against splashing防滴protected against dropping water防浸水protected against the effects of immersion过电流保护装置over-current protective device保护继电器protective relay接地开关earthing switch漏电断路器residual current circuit-breaker灭弧装置arc-control device安全隔离变压器safety isolating transformer避雷器surge attester ; lightning arrester保护电容器capacitor for voltage protection安全开关safety switch限流电路limited current circuit振动vibration腐蚀corrosion点腐蚀spot corrosion金属腐蚀corrosion of metals化学腐蚀chemical corrosion贮存storage贮存条件storage condition运输条件transportation condition空载最大加速度maximum bare table acceletation 电力金具悬垂线夹suspension clamp耐张线夹strain clamp挂环link挂板clevis球头挂环ball-eye球头挂钩ball-hookU型挂环shackleU型挂钩U-bolt联板yoke plate牵引板towing plate挂钩hook吊架hanger调整板adjusting plate花篮螺栓turn buckle接续管splicing sleeve补修管repair sleeve调线线夹jumper clamp防振锤damper均压环grading ring屏蔽环shielding ring间隔棒spacer重锤counter weight线卡子guy clip心形环thimble设备线夹terminal connectorT形线夹T-connector硬母线固定金具bus-bar support 母线间隔垫bus-bar separetor母线伸缩节bus-bar expansion外光检查visual ins振动试验vibration tests老化试验ageing tests冲击动载荷试验impulse load tests 耐腐试验corrosion resistance tests 棘轮扳手ratchet spanner专用扳手special purpose spanner 万向套筒扳手flexible pliers可调钳adjustable pliers夹线器conductor holder电缆剪cable cutter卡线钳conductor clamp单卡头single clamp双卡头double clamp安全帽safety helmet安全带safety belt绝缘手套insulating glove绝缘靴insulating boots护目镜protection spectacles缝焊机seam welding machine。
2.1风力机和风力发电机组2.1.1风力机wind turbine将风的动能转换为另一种形式能的旋转机械。
2.1.2风力发电机组wind turbine generator system;WTGS(abbreviation)将风的动能转换为电能的系统。
2.1.3风电场wind power station;wind farm由一批风力发电机组或风力发电机组群组成的电站。
2.1.4水平轴风力机horizontal axis wind turbine风轮轴基本上平行于风向的风力机。
2.1.5垂直轴风力机vertical axis wind turbine风轮轴垂直的风力机。
2.1.6轮毂(风力机)hub(for wind turbines)将叶片或叶片组固定到转轴上的装置。
2.1.8支撑结构(风力机)support structure(for wind turbines)由塔架和基础组成的风力机部分。
2.1.9关机(风力机)shutdown(for wind turbines)从发电到静止或空转之间的风力机过渡状态。
2.1.10正常关机(风力机)normal shutdown(for wind turbines)全过程都是在控制系统控制下进行的关机。
2.1.11紧急关机(风力机)emergency shutdown(for wind turbines)保护装置系统触发或人工干预下,使风力机迅速关机。
2.1.12空转(风力机)idling(for wind turbines)风力机缓慢旋转但不发电的状态。
2.1.13锁定(风力机)blocking(for wind turbines)利用机械销或其它装置,而不是通常的机械制动盘,防止风轮轴或偏航机构运动。
光伏发电板(电池) (Cell-photovoltaic)太阳能发电板中最小的组件.光伏发电系统平衡(BOS or Balance of System - photovoltaic) 光伏发电系统除发电板矩阵以外的部分. 例如开关, 控制仪表, 电力温控设备, 矩阵的支撑结构, 储电组件等等.光伏矩阵或发电板阵(Array - photovoltaic) 太阳能发电板串联或并联连接在一起形成矩阵.阻流二极管(Blocking Diode)用来防止反向电流, 在发电板阵中, 阻流二极管用来防止电流流向一个或数个失效或有遮影的发电板(或一连串的太阳能发电板) 上. 在夜间或低电流出的期间, 防止电流从蓄电池流向光伏发电板矩阵."旁路二极管(Bypass Diode)是与光伏发电板并联的二极管. 用来在光电板被遮影或出故障时提供另外的电流通路.充电显示器(表) (Charge Monitor/Meter) 用以测量电流安培量的装置, 安培表.充电调节器(Charge Regulator)"用来控制蓄电池充电速度和/或充电状态的装置, 连接于光伏发电板矩阵和蓄电池组之间. 它的主要作用是防止蓄电池被光伏发电板过度充电, 同时监控光伏发电矩阵和/或蓄电池的电压."组件(Components)指用于建立太阳能电源系统所需的其他装置.交直流转换器(Converter) 将交流电转换成直流电的装置.晶体状(Crystalline)具有三维的重复的原子结构.直流电(DC)"两种电流的形态之一, 常见于使用电池的物件中, 如收音机, 汽车, 手提电脑, 手机等等."无序结构(Disordered)减小并消除晶格的局限性. 提供新的自由度, 从而可在多维空间中放置其他元素. 使它们以前所未有的方式互相作用. 这种技术应用多种元素以及复合材料它们在位置, 移动及成分上的不规则可消除结构的局限性, 因而产生新的局部规则环境. 而这些新的局部环境决定了这些材料的物理性质, 电子性质以及化学性质. 因此使得合成具有新颍机理的新型材料成为可能.电网连接- 光伏发电(Grid-Connected - photovoltaic) 是一种由光伏发电板阵向电网提供电力的光伏发电系统. 这些系统可由供电公司或个别楼宇来运作.直流交流转换器(Inverter)用来将直流电转换成交流电的装置.千瓦(Kilowatt)1000 瓦特, 一个灯泡通常使用40至100 瓦特的电力.百万瓦特(Megawatt)1,000,000 瓦特光伏发电板(Module - photovoltaic) 光伏电池以串联方式连在一起组成发电板.奥佛电子(Ovonic)[以S. R. 奥佛辛斯基(联合太阳能公司创始人)及电子的组合命名] - 用来描述我们独有的材料, 产品和技术的术语.奥佛辛斯基效应(Ovshinsky effect) 一种特别的玻璃状薄膜在极小电压的作用下从一种非导体转变成一种半导体的效应..并联连接(Parallel Connection)一种发电板连接方法. 这种连接法使电压保持相同, 但电流成倍数增加峰值输出功能(Peak Power)持续一段时间(通常是10 到30 秒)的最大能量输出.光伏(Photovoltaic - PV)光能到电能的直接转换.光伏发电板(电池) (Photovoltaic Cell) 经过特殊处理可将太阳能辐射转换成电力的半导体材料.卷到卷工序(Roll-to-Roll Process) 将整卷的基件连续地转变成整卷的产品的工序.串联连接(Series Connection)电流不变电压倍增的连接方式.太阳能(Solar)来自太阳的能量.太阳能收集器(Solar Collectors)用以捕获来自太阳的光能或热能的装置. 太阳收集器用于太阳能热水器系统中(常见于住家), 而光伏能收集器则是用于太阳能电力系统.太阳能加热(Solar Heating) 利用来自太阳的热能发电的技术或系统. 太阳能收集器用于太阳能热水器系统中(常见于住家), 而光伏能收集器则是用于太阳能电力系统中太阳能发电模块或太阳能发电板(Solar Module or Solar Panel) 一些由太阳能发电板单元所组成的太阳能发电板板块.稳定能量转换效率(Stabilized Energy Conversion Efficiency) 长期的电力输出与光能输入比例.系统, 平衡系统(Systems; Balance of Systems)"太阳能电力系统包括了光伏发电板矩阵和其它的部件. 这些部件可使这些太阳能发电板得以应用在需要可控直流电或交流电的住家和商业设施中. 用于太阳能电力系统的其它部件包括:接线和短路装置, 充电调压器,逆变器, 仪表和接地部件."薄膜(Thin-Film)在基片上形成的很薄的材料层.瓦特(Watts)用电压乘以电流的值来衡量的电力度.MWpMWp 的具体解释:M 是兆瓦,1MW 是1000KW ,WP 是太阳能电池的瓦数,是指在1000W/ 平方光照下的太阳能电池输出功率,与实际太阳光照照强度有区别.伏特(Volts)电动势能单位•能促使一安培的电流通过一欧姆的电阻•电压(Voltage)电势的量. 电压表(Voltage Meter)用以测量电压的装置.屋顶光伏屯源系统Rt K)f-UK>untedPVpciwersystern独立家庭电源系统Off- gi idhi)int?p<>ivei systt*i TI小述太阳能发屯系统Resident L4JtlureuPVp<jw or ay stem光伏建筑一体化BIPVproducts太阳能境电在1 芒馆、学校中的应用Appl icat ionsof solarPV 1 nhote 1 sandschc ml a移动信号塔太阳能发电猥胃So larPVp< iwersystemsformobi 1 ecomiitur] i cations i gnalstat i ons移动通f方垒汨T工放汕电源PVpt用systpnisf<>rGS\fljnsesttil ioils小型并网光伏社站sjna】lon^gridPVpowerstation人平井网光伙i|l?[S liirg&i en]-^ridPVp(i'WPrstci t iori乡tft公路太阳能路灯灼应用Solarstreet 1 ightsforrura 1 roadsA L R I 能建设新农村工程Solarprojec tssfornowvil Iagos城rfl A阳能庭院灯的応ffl SolargardenL ight sforci t ies乡镇太阳能庭院灯的应用So 1 ar gar de n 1 i gh t s f or town s郊区太阳能冲坪灯工程Sol ar 1 awn 1 i gh t s f<)r suburbs太阳能交通";弓灯匸程 Installationof solar trafficsigns成乡风光互补路灯丈例WindanclI^hybridstre?!! ights卜区风光互补系统 WindandPVhybridpowersysteinsforresidentialareas入力发屯系统的应用Windgeneratingsysterns人阳能方血专业术语「I1英文对照诠脅[原文地址]比伏发电板(电池)(Cell-photovoltaic)太阳能发屯板屮最小的组件.光伏发电系统平衡(BOS or Balance of System 一photovoltaic)光伏发屯系统除发电板矩阵以外的部分.例如开关,控制仪丧,电力温控设备,矩P 芟撑结构,储电组件等等.此伏矩阵或发电板阵(Array - photovoltaic)太阳能发电板串联或并联连接在一起形成矩阵.目流二极管(Blocking Diode)您影的发电板(或一连小的太阳能发电板)上.在夜间或低电流出的期间,防止电流》社池流向光伏发电板矩阵・"旁路二极管(Bypass Diode)足与光伏发电板并联的二极管・用來在光电板被遮影或川故障时捉供刃外的电流通学充电显示器(表)(Charge Monitor/Meter'用以测量屯流安培量的装置,安培表.充电调节器(Charge Regulator)"川來悴制薔电池充电速度利/或充电状态的装置,连接于光伏发电板矩阵和蒂电池彳nJ.它的主要作用足防止需电池被光伏发电板过度充屯,同时监拧光伏发屯矩阵和/或他的电压・"组件(Components)指用于建立太阳能电源系统所需的戏他装置.交直流转换器(Converter)将交流电转换成直流电的装買.晶体状(Crystalline)具有三维的重复的原子结构.直流电(DC)"两种电流的形态Z- 常见于使用电池的物件中,如收音机,汽车,手提电脑,T无序结构(Disordered)减小并消除晶格的局限性.提供新的自山度,从而可在多维空间屮放置戏他兀素・{ 门以丽所未冇的力武互相作用.这种技术应用多种兀素以及复介材科.它们在位胃,I 及成分I】的不规则诃消除姑构的局限性,因而产生新的局部规则环境.而这此新的局* 竟决定了这些材料的物理性质,电了性质以及化学性质.冈此使得合成具冇新颍机理G 型材料成为可能.电网连接-光伏发电(Grid-Connected - photovoltaic)是一种由光伏发电板阵向电网捉供电力的光伏发电系统.这映系统可曲供电公司或彳 *宇来运作.I直流交流转换器(Inverter)用来将恵流电转换成交流电的装置.千瓦(Kilowatt)1000瓦特,一个灯泡通常使用40至100瓦恃的屯力.13■万瓦特(Megawatt)1, 000, 000 瓦特光伏发电板(Module - photovoltaic)光伏电池以串联方式连在一起组成发电板,奧佛电了(Ovonic)[以S. R•奥佛辛斯基(联合太阳能公司创始人)及电子的组合命名]-用來描述我们勺材料,产品和技术的术语.奥佛辛斯基效应(Ovshinsky effect)一种特别的玻璃状薄膜在极小电压的作用卜从一种非导体转变成一种半导体的效应… | 并联连接(Parallel Connection)一种发电板连接力法.这种连接法使电爪保持相同,但电流成倍数增加峰值输出功能(Peak Power)持续一段时间(通常是10到30秒)的敲大能量输出.光伏(Photovoltaic PV)光能到电能的宜接转换.光伏发电板(电池)(Photovoltaic Cell)经过特殊处理可将太阳能辐射转换成电力的半导体材料.卷到卷工序(Roll-to-Roll P roe ess)将整卷的基件连续地转变成整卷的产品的工序.巾联连接(Series Connection)电流不变电压倍增的连接方式.太阳能(Solar)米自太阳的能量.太阳能收集器(Solar Collectors)用以捕快來自太阳的光能或热能的装胃.人阳收集器用于K阳能热水器系统小(常贝「家人1ft]光伏能收集器则是用于太阳能电力系统.I太阳能加热(Solar Heating)利用來自人阳的热能发电的技术或系统.太阳能收集器用丁太阳能热水器系统小(常七家),血光伏能收集器则是用于太阳能电力系统中太阳能发屯模块或太阳能发屯板(Solar Module or Solar Panel)一些山太阳能发电板单元所组成的太阳能发电板板块.稳定能量转换效率(Stabilized Energy Conversion Efficiency)长期的电力输出与光能输入比例.系统,平衡系统(Systems; Balance of Systems)"人阳能电力系统包括了光伏发电板矩阵和其它的部件.这些部件可使这些太阳能发写以应用在需喪吋控玄流电或殳流电的住家和商业设施川・用于太阳能电力系统的!代乍但括:接线和短路装置,充电调圧器•逆变器,仪表和接地部件・"薄膜(Thin-Film)在基片上形成的很鞠的材料层.瓦特(Watts)用电压乘以电流的值來衡量的电力度.MWpMWp的具体解释:M是兆瓦,1MV是1000KW , WP是太阳能电池的瓦数,是指在1000W/平!«卜的太阳能电池输出功率,与实际太阳光照照戲度冇区別•伏特(Volts)电动势能单位.能促使一安培的电流通过一欧姆的屯阻.屯压(Vol tage)电势的•量.电压表(Vo 1 tage Me ter)用以测虽电压的装置.甸立国的太阳能屯池专业英语Ampere的缩写,安培amorph silicon的缩写,含氢的,非结晶性硅.absorption,吸收.ibsorption of the photons:光吸收;为能量大于禁带宽度的光子入射时.太阳电池内r能量从价带迁到导____________________________________________________;卜产生电子——空穴对的作用.称为光吸收•\b s or p t i on scoef f i c i en t,吸收系数,吸收强度.C,交流电.k安培小时.\cceptor,接收者,在半导体中可以接收一个电了.\lternating current,交流电•简称“交流.-般扌旨人小和力向随时I可作周期性变化衣或电流.它的最基木的形式是正弦屯流.我国交流电供电的标准频率规定为50赫兹,交流电随时间变化农可以是多种多样的。
太阳能专业英文翻译屋顶光伏电源系统 Roof-mounted PV power system独立家庭电源系统 Off-grid home power system小区太阳能发电系统 Residential area PV power system光伏建筑一体化 BIPV products太阳能发电在宾馆、学校中的应用 Applications of solar PV in hotels and schools移动信号塔太阳能发电装置Solar PV power systems for mobile communication signal stations 移动通信基站-直放站电源PV power systems for GSM base stations小型并网光伏电站 small on-grid PV power station大型并网光伏电站 large on-grid PV power station乡镇公路太阳能路灯的应用 Solar streetlights for rural roads太阳能建设新农村工程 Solar projects for new villages城市太阳能庭院灯的应用 Solar garden lights for cities乡镇太阳能庭院灯的应用Solar garden lights for towns郊区太阳能草坪灯工程 Solar lawn lights for suburbs太阳能交通信号灯工程 Installation of solar traffic signs城乡风光互补路灯实例 Wind and PV hybrid streetlights小区风光互补系统Wind and PV hybrid power systems for residential areas 风力发电系统的应用 Wind generating systemsAC交流电Alternating currentAmorphous silicon solar cell 非晶硅太阳能电池Thin-film solar cells are usually produced by evaporating several semi-conductor films onto a so-called "substrate"Ampère 安培Unit indicating the strength of electric currentAssembling system 集成系统System to install solar modules on roofs, façades or in the field.Azimuth angle 方位角Describes the deviation from the South towards East-western directionBuilding-integrated PV (BIPV)Used to describe a structure where PV replaces conventional materials and is integrated into the building. Typically, a photovoltaic array is incorporated into the roof or walls of a building. Roof tiles with integrated PV cells can now be purchased. Arrays can also be retrofitted into existing buildings; in this case they are usually fitted on top of the existing roof structure. Alternatively, an array can be located separately from the building but connected by cable to supply power for the building.By-pass diode 旁路二极管Conducts the electricity automatically past a module in case it is shadowed in one series. This is supposed to prevent any destruction due to overheating.Circuit 电路A system of conductors that convey electricity.CdTe solar cell碲化镉太阳能电池Thin-film solar cell made of very thin CdTe semi-conductor films (< 3 microns)CIS solar cellThin-film solar cell made of several films of differently doped copper-indium-diselenideCircuit breaker 断路开关A safety device that shuts off power when it senses too much current.Combiner box 和路箱Where the electrical wiring from the PV modules is joined together in parallel to combine electrical currents.Conductor 导体A material that is used to convey electricity, i.e. wires.Conversion efficiency 转换效率The percentage of electricity that is created by a solar cell as compared to the amount of energy needed to generate that electricity.Current 电流The flow of electricity between two points. Measured in amps.DC 直流电Direct currentEnergetic amortization period 能量偿还期Period of time a photovoltaic system requires to produce the energy required for production.Efficiency 功率The ratio of output energy to input energy.Electrical grid 电网光伏词汇A large distribution network that delivers electricity over a wide area.Electrode 电极A conductor used to lead current into or out of a nonmetallic part of a circuit.Energy 能量Usable power. Measured in kWh.Energy audit 能量审核A process that determines how much energy you use in your house or apartment.Energy yield 能量输出Electric energy indicated in kWh yielded by a photovoltaic systemENSEquipment to control the grid with attributed all-pole control element in series. The ENS includes a redundant voltage and frequency control of the electricity grid and evaluates any leaps ascertained in the grid impedance. If the set limits are exceeded, the ENS will switch off the inverter. When the line voltage is re-established, the inverter will restart operation automatically. European efficiency rateWeighted efficiency rate is calculated by weighting different partial load efficiency rates and the full-load efficiency rate in line with the frequency of their appearance.Facade system 正面系统Photovoltaic system installed on the facade of a building or an integral part of a facade.Feed-in meter 输入计Measuring instrument for the supply of electric energy into the public power grid (unit in kWh) Mismatching interconnection of better and worse modules in one string as a consequence of which the worst module of one series determines the electricity.Field system 野外系统Photovoltaic system installed in a fieldFlat-roof system 平台屋顶系统Photovoltaic system installed on a flat roof.Fossil fuels 矿物燃料Fuels that are formed underground from the remains of dead plants and animals. i.e. oil, natural gas, and coal are fossil fuels.Global radiation 总辐射Sum of diffuse, direct and reflected solar radiation onto a horizontal surface.Greenhouse effect 温室效应When heat from the sun becomes trapped in the Earth's atmosphere due to certain gases. Greenhouse gases 温室气体The gases responsible for trapping heat from the sun within the Earth's atmosphere. i.e. water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, chlorofluorocarbons, and nitrogen oxides.Grid 电网A distribution network, including towers, poles, and wires that a utility uses to deliver electricity. Grid-connected PV system 并网光伏系统When the electricity grid is available but electricity from a clean source (solar) is desired, solar panels can be connected to the grid. Provided that sufficient panels are placed, the appliances in the house/building will then run on solar electricity. A grid-connected solar electricity system basically consists of one or more solar panels, an inverter, cables, the electric load and a support structure to mount the solar panels.Hertz (HZ) 赫兹The frequency of electrical current described in cycles per second, i.e. Appliances in the United States use 60 HZ.Inverter 逆变器Converts the DC output of the PV system into usable AC output that can be fed directly into the building load.Irradiance 辐照度the amount of solar energy that strikes a surface during a specific time period. Measured in kilowatts.I-V curve IV曲线A graph that plots the current versus the voltage from the solar cell as the electrical load (or resistance) is increased from short circuit (no load) to open circuit (maximum voltage). The shape of the curve characterizing cell performance. Three important points on the IV curve are the open-circuit voltage, short-circuit current, and peak or maximum power (operating) point. Junction box The point on a solar module where it connects, or is strung, to other solar modules. In-roof installation 镶嵌屋顶系统Photovoltaic system which is integrated into the roof claddingIsland system 独立系统Grid-independent power supply systemkWh – kilowatt hourUnit indicating energy/work and corresponding with the performance of one kilowatt during a period of one hourkWp - Kilowatt peakUnit indicating the maximum performance under standard test concitions (STC)Load 负载The amount of electrical demand used in the building at any given time.Mono-crystalline silicon solar cell 单晶硅太阳能系统Basic raw material is a monocrystal drawn from melted silicon.Multi-crystalline silicon solar cell 多晶硅太阳能电池Basic raw material is solar silicon cast in blocks.National Electrical Code (NEC) 国家电气代码The U.S. minimum inspection requirements for all types of electrical installations, including solar systems.National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) 国家电力生产商协会The U.S. trade association that develops standards for the electrical manufacturing industry. NREL The National Renewable Energy Laboratory 国家可再生能源实验室A national lab that concentrates on studying and developing renewable energy sources.Open circuit voltage 开路电压Maximum voltage in an electric circuit which is generated when the electricity I equals zero (depending on termperature).Performance guarantee 性能质保Extended guarantee of the module producer for the performance of the solar modules. Performance tolerance 性能公差Tolerance stated by the producer with regards to the nominal power.Poly-cristalline solar cell 多晶硅太阳能电池See multi-crystalline silicon solar cell.PSC 电力供应公司Power supply companies.Peak load 最大负荷The largest amount of electricity being used at any one point during the day.Photovoltaic (PV) 光伏the conversion of light into electricity. The term "photo" comes from the Greek "phos," meaning light. "V oltaic" is named for Alessandro V olta (1745-1827), a pioneer in the study of electricity for whom the term "volt" was named. Photovoltaics, then, means "light electricity."Photovoltaic (PV) module 光伏组件A number of photovoltaic cells electrically interconnected and mounted together, usually in a sealed unit of convenient size for shipping, handling and assembling into arrays. The term "module" is often used interchangeably with the term "panel.Photovoltaic array 光伏阵列An interconnected system of solar modules that function as a single electricity-producing unit. Photovoltaic cell 光伏电池(格)This is the basic unit of a solar module that collects the sun's energy.Photovoltaic system 光伏系统A complete set of components that converts sunlight into usable electricity.Rectifier 整流器Transforms alternating current into direct currentRoof inclination 屋顶倾斜度Angle of a roof towards the horizontalRated power 额定功率Nominal power output of an inverter; some units cannot produce rated power continuously. Semiconductor A material that has an electrical conductivity in between that of a metal and an insulator. Typical semiconductors for PV cells include silicon, gallium arsenide, copper indium diselenide, and cadmium elluride.Short-circuit electricity 短路电流Maximum electricity in an electric circuit, which is generated when the voltage U at the terminals equals zero (proportional to solar radiation).Solar generatorSum of solar modules.Specific energy yield 能量生产率(比能率)Electric energy indicated in kWh and yielded by a photovoltaic system divided by the installed performance (kWp).Standard Test Conditions – STC 标准测试条件General conditions under which the perfomance of a solar module is measured in a laboratory. Constant factors for measuring are: Irradiance of 1,000W/m²5f; light spectrum after penetration of 1.5fold density of the atmosphere (AM1,5); temperature of the solar cell 25°C. Supply meter 电源表Measuring instrument for the supply of electric energy from the public power grid (unit in kWh) Termperature coefficient 温度系数Indicates to what extent the individual factor changes with the temperature. Temperature-independent factors are voltage, electricity and consequently also performance.Thin-film solar cell 薄膜太能能电池Roughly a hundred times thinner than crystalline cells. Industrial production procedure (evaporation, atomization procedure…) onto the substrate lowers the cost. Doping specific contamination of purest silicon with impurity atoms. In a so-called diffusion procedure, impure atoms (e.g. borum, phosphor), which can give off electrons, are transported below the surface of the wafers.Three-phase voltage control 三相电压控制器Equipment to control the grid. V oltage control of the three phases. If a voltage falls below a stipulated limit, the equipment will be switched off.Tilt angle 倾斜角The angle of inclination of a module measured from the horizontal.Transformer 变压器Used to step up or down the voltage emerging from the inverter to match the required voltage of the onsite load or the utility interconnection.V olt 伏特Unit indicating the voltage.Watt 瓦特Unit indicating the performance.WhUnit indicating the watthour.WpUnit indicating the wattpeak。
在远离电网的地区, 独立供电系统就成为人们最需要的电源, 需要低成本、高可靠性的独立电源系统。
在此种环境下风光互补供电系统较为合理, 因为现代能源服务尚不能达到的地方往往是盆藏着丰富风能和太阳能资源的地方。
因此对于满足偏远地区能源需要和中国最贫困地区的可持续发展, 风光互补发电是一项关键的能源建设技术手段。
风光互补供电系统是由太阳能电池与风力发电机发电, 经蓄电池贮能, 给负载供电的一种新型电源, 目前广泛应用于徽波通信、基站、电台、野外活动、高速公路、无电山区、村庄和海岛.偏远地区一般用电负荷都不大, 所以用电网送电就不经济, 在当地直接发电最常用的就是采用柴油发电机。
但柴油的储运对偏远地区成本太高, 所以柴油发电机只能作为一种短时的应急电源。
要解决长期稳定可靠的供电问题, 只能依赖当地的自然能源。
太阳能和风能是最普遍的自然资源, 也是取之不尽的可再生能源。
太阳能是地球上一切能源之源, 太阳照射着地球的每一片土地。
风能是太阳能在地球表面的另外一种表现形式, 由于地球表面的不同形态如沙土地面、植被地面和水面对太阳光照的吸热系数不同, 在地球表面形成温差, 地表空气的温度不同形成空气对流而产生风能。
我国西部地区是世界上最大也是世界上最丰富的太阳能资源地区之一, 尤其是西藏地区, 空气稀薄, 透明度高年日照时间长达3400h, 每天日照6h 以上年平均天数在275~330天之间,辐射强度大,年均辐射总量7000MJ/m地呈东向西递增分布,呈峰型变化, 资源优势得天独厚, 应用前景十分广阔。
我国风能资源丰富储量3200GW, 可开发的装机容量约253GW, 居世界首位与可开发的水电装机容量380GW为同一级。
2005年我国风电装机容量超过1GW,2020年风能发电规模预计达 3 0 G W 。
新能源常用语中英文对照新能源常用语对照英文传统能源Conventional energy source可再生能源Renewable energy sources高能效技术Energy-efficient technology环境友好型Environmentally friendly可持续性发展Sustainable development生态平衡系统Balanced ecological system生物燃料Biofuel矿物燃料Fossil fuel绿色电力Green power温室气体Greenhouse gases (GHG)温室气体减排GHG emission reduction生态系统Ecosystem全球变暖Global warming京都议定书Kyoto Protocol风力发电场Wind power plant地热发电厂Geothermal power plant光伏发电Photovoltaic power generation水力发电Hydroelectric generation潮汐发电厂Tidal power station核电站Nuclear power plant垃圾电厂Refuse power plant国际固体废物协会International Solid Waste Association (ISWA)0.风力发电Wind Power Generation风力机、风轮机Wind turbine风力发电机Wind-driven generator风力发电机组Wind turbine generator system (WTGS) 风能发电机集群Wind farm风能利用率Utilization rate of wind energy风矢量Wind velocity海上风力发电场Offshore wind farm标准大气压Standard/normal atmospheric pressure 标准风速Standardized wind speed风场布置Wind farm layout风地图Wind atlas电力汇集系统(风力发电机组)Power collection system (for WTGS)电网连接点(风力发电机组)Network connection point ( for WTGS) 电网阻抗相角Network impedance phase angle风力机端口Wind turbine terminal马格努斯效应式风力机Magnus effect type wind turbine风车Windmill风轮实度Rotor solidity风轮尾流Rotor wake风轮偏侧式调速机构Regulating mechanism of turning wind rotor out of the wind sideward尾翼Tail fins顺桨Feathering桨距角Pitch angle节圆Pitch circle, nodal circle节点Pitch point, nodal point变速箱Gearbox旋转采样风矢量Rotationally sampled wind velocity 变速风力发电机Variable speed wind turbine变桨距调节机构Regulating mechanism by adjusting the pitch of blade定桨距失速调节型Constant pitch stall regulated type 变桨距调节型Variable pitch regulated type主动失速调节型Active stall regulated type双馈型风力发电机Double-fed wind turbine generator永磁直驱风力发电机Permanent magnetic direct-driven wind turbine generator恒速恒频Constant speed and frequency变速恒频Variable speed constant frequency 节距角Pitch angle叶尖速比Tip speed ratio叶轮Blade整流罩Spinner, nose cone叶片数Number of blades叶片安装角Blade angle, setting angle of blade 齿数Number of teeth齿市Tooth depth齿面Tooth flank工作齿面Work flank齿槽Tooth space齿根圆Root circle齿顶圆Tip circle柱销套Roller叶根Blade root蜗轮Worm wheel叶片展弦比Aspect ratio叶片根梢比Ratio of tip section chord to root section chord等截面叶片Constant chord blade变截面叶片Variable chord blade叶片扭角Twist of blade增强型玻璃钢翼型叶片Enhanced GRP/FRP airfoil blade叶片几何攻角Angle of attack of blade叶片投影面积Projected area of blade瑞利分布Rayleigh distribution威布尔分布Weibull distribution平均几何弦长Mean geometric chord of airfoil机械寿命Mechanical endurance啮合干涉Meshing interference比恩法Method of bins滑块联接Oldham coupling前缘Leading edge弯度Degree of curvature弯度函数Curvature function of airfoil弯曲刚度Flexural rigidity升力系数Lift coefficient背风Leeward软并网Soft cut-in自动/人工解缆Automatic /manual cable untwisting 停车机构Halt gear风电场Wind farm, wind field, wind power station 风力气象站Wind synoptic station气流Wind stream, airflow气流畸变Flow distortion颤振Flutter外部动力源External power source外推功率曲线Extrapolated power curve自由流风速Free stream wind speed风气候Wind climate风玫瑰图、风向图Wind rose风系、风况Wind regime横向风Cross wind风能潜势Wind energy potential风能密度Wind energy density风功率密度Wind power density风能利用率Utilization rate of wind energy 风资源评估Wind resource assessment启动风速Start-up wind speed切入风速Cut-in wind speed切出风速Cut-out wind speed短时切出风速Short term cut-out wind speed 极端风速Extreme wind speed额定风速Rated wind velocity距离常数Distance constant位移幅值Displacement amplitude对数风切变律Logarithmic wind shear law风廓线风切变律Wind profile wind shear law 对数变幂律Power low for wind shear声的基准风速Acoustic reference wind speed 视在声功率级Apparent sound power level 衰减Attenuation齿啮式联接Dynamic coupling齿宽Face width, tooth width齿廓修形Profile modification齿向修形Axial modification径向销联接Radial pin coupling支撑结构Support structure下风向Downwind direction上风向Upwind direction指向性Directivity (for WTGS)风轮扫掠面积Rotor swept area风剪切Wind shear塔影效应Tower-shadow effect三维旋转效应Three-dimensional (3-D) rotational effect非定常空气动力特征Unsteady aerodynamic characteristic风切变影响Influence by the wind shear风切变指数Wind shear exponent大风安全保护Security protection against gale (strong wind) 迎风机构Orientation mechanism, windward rudder风速表、风速计Anemometer,anemograph风速测定站Anemometry station安全风速Survival wind speed极端风速Extreme wind speed参考风速Reference wind speed水平轴风力机Horizontal axis wind turbine垂直轴风力机Vertical axis wind turbine翼型族The family of airfoil可变几何翼型风力机Variable geometry type wind turbine文丘里管式风力机Venturi tube wind turbine风机控制器Controller for wind turbine全永磁悬浮风力发电机All-permanent magnet suspension wind power generator风场电气设备Site electrical facilities湍流强度、扰动强度、紊流强度Turbulence intensity湍流尺度参数Turbulence scale parameter湍流惯性负区Inertial sub range环境温度Ambient temperature空气动力学Aerodynamics空气制动系统Air braking system室内气候Indoor climate透气性Air permeability防滴Protected against dropping water防溅Protected against splashing防浸水Protected against the effect of immersion 风轮空气动力特性Aerodynamic characteristics of rotor基准粗糙长度Reference roughness length容量可信度Capacity confidence level光电器件Photoelectric device太阳轮Sun gear内齿圈Annulus gear,ring gear内齿轮副Internal gear pair圆柱齿轮Cylindrical gear人字齿轮Double helical gear柔性齿轮Flexible gear刚性齿轮Rigid gear从动齿轮Driven gear主动齿轮Driving gear变位齿轮Gear with addendum modification 小齿轮Pinion大齿轮Gearwheel, main gear行星齿轮Planet gear单级行星齿轮系Single planetary gear train多级行星齿轮系Multiple stage planetary gear train 行星齿轮传动机构Planetary gear drive mechanism 增速齿轮副Speed increasing gear pair非工作齿轮Non working flank齿轮扳手Ratcher spanner柔性滚动试验Flexible rolling bearing空载最大加速度Maximum bare table acceleration 过载度Ratio of overload风力机最大功率Maximum power of wind turbine 最大转速Maximum rotational speed最大系数Maximum torque coefficient风轮最高转速Maximum turning speed of rotor 风轮仰角Angle of rotor shaft空转Idling锁定blocking停机Parking静止Standstill尾迹损失Wake loss轮毂高度Hub height变桨系统Pitch system变桨调节Pitch regulation活动桨Active pitch调向系统Yaw system静音离网型Silent off-network主动偏航Active yawing被动偏航Passive yawing风轮偏航角Yawing angle of rotor shaft气动弦线Aerodynamic chord of airfoil轴向齿距Axial pitch球头挂环Ball eye球头挂钩Ball hook可调钳Adjustable pliers联板Yoke plate接闪器Air termination system发动机舱Engine nacelle微观选址Micro-siting集网风能Central-grid wind energy孤网风能Isolated-grid wind energy 离网风能Off-grid wind energy风柴混合互补系统Wind-diesel hybrid system 潜伏故障Latent fault, dormant failure 严重故障Catastrophic failure使用极限状态Serviceability limit state最大极限状态Ultimate limit state。
关键词:风能,太阳能,风光互补系统,微型计算机AbstractEconomizing energy sources and protecting environment has been two subject of the world, nowadays. The wind-force and solar-energy, a green reborn resource free from the pollution, is the most ideal to generate electricity. Now, this is already unimportant project for us to develop and study. Solar and Wind Hybrid Generation Systems is to make up the independent generating set which the traditional electric power the insufficiency designs. It is a system which becomes by the solar cell module and the wind-driven generator coordination, through microcomputer's remote control, and realized has exempted the maintenance the function.Keyword: Wind power,Solar power,Wind-solar hybrid power system,Micro-computer目录1 绪论 (1)2 系统框图 (1)3 太阳能电池 (2)3.1太阳能电池的原理 (2)3.2太阳能电池板的计算 (4)4 蓄电池的工作特性 (5)4.1蓄电池充电状态的检测 (6)4.2蓄电池的容量计算 (6)5控制电路 (7)5.1控制电路原理 (7)5.28051单片机 (7)5.3ADC0809逐次逼近式8位A/D转换器 (8)5.3.1 ADC0809特性介绍 (8)5.3.2ADC0809与单片机的连接 (9)5.4显示接口电路 (9)5.5分频电路 (10)5.6模拟量输入电路 (11)5.7光电隔离器工作电路 (11)5.8逆变电路 (12)6 软件设计 (14)7 抗干扰问题 (14)结论 (15)致谢 (15)参考资料 (17)附录1 (18)附录2 (19)1 绪论电力在现实生活中占主导地位,但是受客观环境的限制,有些地区根本无法实现电业的发展和建设。
风光互补发电技术邵洪涛【摘要】Wind and solar energy is clean energy. The application of wind-light complementary system is preceded by the increasing maturity of photovoltaic technology and wind power generation technology and the constant improvement of products in the process of their functionalization. Wind-solar complementary power system, mainly composed of wind driven generator, solar cell array, intelligent controller, storage battery, multifunctional inverter, electric cable and other support and auxiliary parts, feeds its power into regular grid. Complementary power generation system promotes the development of China's energy conservation and environmental protection, and the construction of a resource-conserving and environment-friendly society.%风能和太阳能都是清洁能源,随着光伏发电技术、风力发电技术的日趋成熟及实用化进程中产品的不断完善,为风光互补发电系统的推广应用奠定了基础。
风力是一DFIG 变速与转子变频器控制是转子电压相位和大小调整以保持最佳扭矩和必要的定子功率因数文【1】~【3】。
DFIG 技术是目前发达,是常用的风力涡轮机。
钉子的DFIG 是直接连接到网络与电力电子转子变化器之间,用以转子绕组的网络。
先前的工作已经显示了IG模式能够运作的DFIG 滑到80%。
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在远离电网的地区, 独立供电系统就成为人们最需要的电源, 需要低成本、高可靠性的独立电源系统。
在此种环境下风光互补供电系统较为合理, 因为现代能源服务尚不能达到的地方往往是盆藏着丰富风能和太阳能资源的地方。
因此对于满足偏远地区能源需要和中国最贫困地区的可持续发展, 风光互补发电是一项关键的能源建设技术手段。
风光互补供电系统是由太阳能电池与风力发电机发电, 经蓄电池贮能, 给负载供电的一种新型电源, 目前广泛应用于徽波通信、基站、电台、野外活动、高速公路、无电山区、村庄和海岛.偏远地区一般用电负荷都不大, 所以用电网送电就不经济, 在当地直接发电最常用的就是采用柴油发电机。
但柴油的储运对偏远地区成本太高, 所以柴油发电机只能作为一种短时的应急电源。
要解决长期稳定可靠的供电问题, 只能依赖当地的自然能源。
太阳能和风能是最普遍的自然资源, 也是取之不尽的可再生能源。
太阳能是地球上一切能源之源, 太阳照射着地球的每一片土地。
风能是太阳能在地球表面的另外一种表现形式, 由于地球表面的不同形态如沙土地面、植被地面和水面对太阳光照的吸热系数不同, 在地球表面形成温差, 地表空气的温度不同形成空气对流而产生风能。
我国西部地区是世界上最大也是世界上最丰富的太阳能资源地区之一, 尤其是西藏地区, 空气稀薄, 透明度高年日照时间长达3400h, 每天日照6h以上年平均天数在275~330天之间, 辐射强度大, 年均辐射总量7000MJ/m,地呈东向西递增分布,呈峰型变化, 资源优势得天独厚, 应用前景十分广阔。
我国风能资源丰富储量3200GW, 可开发的装机容量约253GW, 居世界首位与可开发的水电装机容量380GW为同一级。
白天太阳光最强时, 风很小, 晚上太阳落山后, 光照很弱, 但由于地表温差变化大而风能加强。
在夏季太阳光强度大而风小冬季, 太阳光强度小而风大。
太阳能和风能在时间上的互补性使风光互补发电系统在资源上具有最佳的匹配性, 风光互补发电系统是一个最好的独立电源系统。
光电系统是利用光电板将太阳能转换成电能, 通过控制器对蓄电池充电, 再通过逆变器对用电设备供电的一套系统。
该系统的优点是供电可靠性高, 运行维护成本低,但是系统造价高。
风电系统是利用小型风力发电机, 将风能转换成电能, 通过控制器对蓄电池充电, 再通过逆变器对用电设备供电的一套系统。
该系统的优点是发电较大, 系统造价较低, 运行维护成本低。
风电和光电系统都存在由于资源的不确定性导致发电与用电负荷的不平衡问题, 风电和光电系统都必须通过蓄电池储能才能稳定供电, 但每天的发电要受天气的影响很大,会导致系统的蓄电池组长期处于亏电状态, 这也是引起蓄电池组使用寿命降低的主要原因。
由于太阳能与风能的互补性强, 风光互补发电系统在资源上弥补了风电和光电独立系统在资源上的缺陷。
同时, 风电和光电系统在蓄电池组和逆变环节是可以通用的, 所以风光互补发电系统的造价可以降低, 系统成本趋于合理。
它将太阳能电池组件与风力发电机有机地配合组成一个系统, 可充分发挥各自的特性和优势, 最大限度的利用好大自然踢予的风能和太阳能。
对于用电大、用电要求高, 而风能资源和太阳能资源又较丰富的地区, 风光互补供电无疑是一种最佳选择。
风光互补发电系统可以根据用户的用电负荷情况和资源条件进行系统容的合理配里, 即可保证系统供电的可靠性, 又可降低发电系统的造价。
无论是怎样的环境和怎样的用电要求, 风光互补发电系统都可做出最优化的系统设计方案来满足用电的要求。
应该说, 风光互补发电系统是最合理的独立电源系统。
目前, 推广风光互补发电系统的最大障碍是小型风力发电机的可靠性问题。
几十年来, 小型风力发电机技术有了很大的发展, 产业发展也取得了一定的成就, 但从根本上说, 可靠性问题一直没有得到解决。
长期以来, 出于成本的考虑, 先进的液压控制技术没有在小型风力发电机的限速保护上采用,只是采用简单的机械控制方式进行限速保护。
机械限速结构的特点是小型风机的机头或某个部件处在自然条件下,由于风速和风向的变化太复杂, 而且自然环境恶劣, 不可避免的会引起振动和活动部件的损坏, 从而使机组损坏。
风光互补发电系统可以根据用电负荷情况和资源条件进行系统容的合理配置, 即可保证系统供电的可靠性,又可降低发电系统的造价。
无论是怎样的环境和怎样的用电要求, 风光互补发电系统都可做出最优化的系统设计方案来满足要求。
应该说, 风光互补发电系统是最合理的独立电源系统。
风光互补发电系统由太阳能光电板、小型风力发电机组、系统控制器、蓄电池组和逆变器等几部分组成, 发电系统各部件容的合理配对保证发电系统的可靠性非常重要。
一般来说, 系统配里应考虑以下两方面因素。
最大用电负荷是选择系统逆变器容的依据, 而平均日用电量则是选择风机及光电板容和蓄电池组容的依据。
太阳能和风能的资源状况太阳能和风能的资源状况是系统光电板和风机容量选择的依据, 根据资源状况来确定光电板和风机的容, 再按日用电考虑容量系数, 最后审定光电板和风机的容量。
大风限速保护是风机输人的能量大于系统当时所能消耗的能以及系统所能储存的能量总和的时候我们姑且称之为风机处于过功率状态, 能有效地减小风机吸收风能, 使风机不致超速运行。
目前, 全球各型风机的限速保护方案大致可以归为两类。
机械限速保护以某种机构使风轮偏离风向, 减小风轮迎风面积, 从而减小风能的吸收。
以某种机构利用风轮叶片的离心力改变桨距, 降低风轮的风能利用率, 从而达到减小风能吸收的效果。
机械限速保护装置可靠性差, 除了设计不当的因素以外, 实际上是其固有弊端。
同时, 风速风向的变化频繁而又迅速, 任何机械装里都不可能瞬时响应实际风的变化, 加上长期运行导致的机械磨损会使装置的配合间隙增大。
所有这些均会导致保护滞后、失效以及剧烈的展动, 引发风机飞车、过载和剧烈展动等破坏性结果磁电限速保护在当风机处于过功率二状态时给发电机一个反向磁阻力矩,大幅增加发电机所消耗的功率, 使之大于风轮输出的功率, 从而使风轮转速下降。
风轮转速的下降, 使风轮的叶尖速比减小, 从而降低定桨距风轮的风能利用率, 减小风轮吸收的风能, 从而进一步减低风轮转速。
为此连锁作用所产生的实际效果是减速而不是限速, 而磁电响应的过程, 使保护动作十分安全可靠。
这一限速保护的优点在于舍弃了机械限速结构, 排除了限速机构的机械故障隐患, 从根本上解决了小型风力机长期安全可靠运行问题。
Solar and Wind Hybrid Generation SystemsThe dependence more and more is now strong in the world people to the electricity. It is being far away the electrical network the area, the independent power supply system becomes the power source which the people most need, needs the low cost, the redundant reliable independent power supply system .It is reasonable in this kind of environment leeward light supplementary power supply system, because the modern energy service still could not achieve the place often was the trough hides the rich wind to be able with the solar energy resources place. Moreover the wind, the light make up some nature which system itself is in sole possession of also exactly with these local natural condition to tall. Therefore regarding satisfies the remote districts energy to need with the Chinese most poor area sustainable development, the scenery supplementary electricity generation is an essential energy construction technology method .The scenery supplementary power supply system is by the solar cell and the wind-driven generator electricity generation, after the accumulator cell stored energy, to the load power supply one kind of new power source, widely applies at present in the emblem wave correspondence, the base depot, the broadcasting station, the open country activity, the highway, the radio mountainous area, the village and the island.Remote districts use electricity the load not to be all big generally, therefore is uneconomical with the electrical network power transmission, directly generates electricity commonly used in the locality uses the diesel electric engine .But the diesel oil storage and transport too is high to the remote districts cost, therefore the diesel electric engine only can take one kind of short-time emergency power supply .Must solve the long-term stability reliable power supply problem, only can rely on local the natural energy source .The solar energy gentle breeze can be most universal Natural resource, also is the inexhaustible renewable energy .The solar energy is on the Earth source of the all energy, the sun is shining Earth's each land .The wind can be the solar energy in the earth's surface other one kind of manifestation, as a result of the earth's surface different shape like sandy soil ground, the vegetation ground and the water surface is different to the solar illumination heat absorption coefficient, forms the temperature difference in the earth's surface, the surface air temperature forms the air convection to produce differently creates an incident energy .Our country the western area is in the world most greatly also is in the world one of richest solar energy resources areas, the Tibet area, the thin air, the transparency high year sunshine time long reaches 3400h in particular, above daily sunshine 6h the annual mean number of days between 275~330 days, the radiation intensity is big east, yearly average radiation total quantity 7000MJ/m, the city assumes increases progressively the distribution to the west, the annual variation assumes the peak, the resources superiority is advantageous, the application prospect is extremely broad .My national customs can resources rich reserves 3200GW, potential installing equipment accommodate approximately 253GW, occupies the world first place and potential water and electricity installed capacity 380GW is the same level .In 2005 I national customs electricity installing equipment allow to surpass 1GW, In 2020 the wind electricity scale estimatedreaches 30GW.Future the wind electricity very possibly will become with the solar energy side-by-side new energy profession .My national customs can develop the use the potential to be very big, belong to the wind to be able the resources to be possible to use the area .Specially the solar energy and the wind can all have the very strong complement in the time and in the place city .When the sunlight is daytime strongest, the wind is very small, after evening the sun falls the mountain, the illumination is very weak, but the wind can strengthen greatly as a result of the surface temperature difference change .But in the summer sun light intensity the wind small winter, the solar light intensity weak the wind is greatly big .The solar energy gentle breeze can enable the scenery supplementary generating system in the time complement to have the best match on the resources, the scenery supplementary generating system is a best independent power supply system.Light and electricity system is transforms using the light and electricity board the solar energy the electrical energy, through controller to battery charging, again through invert to current collector power supply set of systems .This system merit is the power supply reliability is high, the movement maintenance cost is low, but the system construction cost is high .The wind electricity system is the use small wind-driven generator, can transform the wind the electrical energy, through controller to battery charging, again through invert to current collector power supply set of systems .This system merit is the electricity generation is big, the system construction cost is low, the movement maintenance cost is low .The shortcoming is the small wind-driven generator reliability is low .The wind electricity and the light and electricity system all exist because the resources uncertainty causes the electricity generation with to use electricity the load not balanced question, the wind electricity and the light and electricity system all must be able to supply power stably through the accumulator cell stored energy, but the daily electricity generation causes the weather influence congress the system the battery unit to be at for a long time very much owes the electricity condition, this also causes the battery unit loss of life primary cause .As a result of the solar energy and the wind can complement, The scenery supplementary generating system has made up the wind electricity and the light and electricity independent system on resources flaw on the resources .At the same time, the wind electricity and the light and electricity system are may use in common in the battery unit and the link, therefore the scenery supplementary generating system construction cost may reduce, the system cost tends to reasonably .The solar cell may transform the energy of light the electrical energy .It coordinates the solar cell module and the wind-driven generator to compose organically a system, but displays respective characteristic and the superiority fully, the maximum limit use very big nature kicks the wind which gives to be able with the solar energy .Regarding uses the TV University, to use electricity requests high, but the wind can the resources and the solar energy resources rich area, the scenery supplementary power supply be one kind of best choice without doubt .In the scenery supplementary generating system may use electricity the load situation according to the user and the capital sends the condition to carry on the system to allow to match reasonably, then guarantees the system power supply the reliability,also may reduce the generating system the construction cost .Regardless of is how environment and how uses electricity the request, the scenery supplementary generating system all may make the request which optimized the system design plan satisfies uses electricity .Should say that, the scenery supplementary generating system is Reasonable independent power supply system .At present, the promoted scenery supplementary generating system biggest barrier is the small wind-driven generator.For several dozens years, the small wind-driven generator technology had the very big development, the industrial development has also obtained certain achievement, but fundamentally said, the reliable question has not always been solved .Since long ago, stemming from the cost consideration, the advanced hydraulic control technology has not used in the small wind-driven generator regulating protection, only is uses the simple machinery control mode to carry on the regulating protection .The mechanical regulating structure characteristic is the small air blower nose or some part occupies under the natural condition, because wind speed gentle breeze to the change too is complex, moreover the natural environment is bad, inevitable can cause vibrates and moves the part the damage, thus causes the unit to damage .Wants the thorough settlement small wind-driven generator the reliable question to have to have the best solution in the regulating way .The scenery supplementary generating system may act according to uses electricity the load situation and the resources condition carries on the reasonable disposition which the system accommodates, then guarantees the system power supply the reliability, also may reduce the generating system the construction cost .Regardless of is how environment and how uses electricity the request, the scenery supplementary generating system all may do Leaves optimized the system design plan to satisfy the request .Should say that, the scenery supplementary generating system is the most reasonable independent power supply system.Leaves optimized the system design plan to satisfy the request .Should say that, the scenery supplementary generating system is the most reasonable independent power supply system .The scenery supplementary generating system matches the scenery supplementary generating system to electroplate reasonably, the small wind power generation unit by the solar energy light, the central controller, the battery unit and the invert and so on several parts is composed, the generating system various parts accommodate the reasonable pair guarantee generating system reliability is extremely important .Generally speaking, is in the uniform allocation should consider following two aspect factor .Uses electricity the load characteristic to have to understand uses electricity the biggest load and the mean diurnal use electricity .Uses electricity loses Holland is most greatly the basis which the selective system invert accommodates, but the mean diurnal electricity consumption is chooses the air blower and the light electroplates accommodates the basis which accommodates with the battery unit .The solar energy gentle breeze can the capital solar energy gentle breeze can the resources condition is the system light electroplates with the air blower capacity choice basis, according to the resources condition determined the light and electricity board and air blower accommodating,daily uses electricity again the consideration volume efficiency, finally examines and approves the light and electricity board and the air blower capacity.Gale regulating protection was the air blower loses human's energy to be bigger than the system at that time to be able to consume energy sum total time which could as well as the system can store up we called for the time being it was at the overpower condition the air blower, could reduce the air blower to attract the end of exercise period energy effectively, caused the air blower not to send the speed moment .At present, the global each air blower regulating protection plan approximately may converge two kinds .The mechanical regulating protection causes the wind wheel deviation wind direction by some kind of organization, reduces the wind wheel frontal area, thus reduces the breeze to be able absorption .By some kind of organization use wind wheel leaf blade's centrifugal force change prop pitch, reduces the wind wheel the wind to be able the use factor, thus achieved reduces effect which the breeze can absorb.The mechanical regulating protective device reliability is bad, except designs outside the improper factor, in fact is its inherent malpractice .The nature wind situation is extremely complex, the turbulent flow is the host condition, simultaneously, the wind speed wind direction change frequent and also is rapid in, any machinery installs all not the impossible transient response actual wind situation change, in addition the long-term movement causes the machinery wears can cause the equipment the tolerance clearance to increase .All these can cause the protection lag, the expiration as well as fierce unfolds moves, initiates the air blower speeding car, the overload and unfolds fiercely moves and so on the destructive results.Protection in the air blower is at” the overpower two conditions for a generator reverse magnetic resistance moment of force, largely increases the power which the generator consumes, causes it to be bigger than the power which the wind wheel outputs, thus causes the wind wheel rpm drop .The wind wheel rotational speed drop, causes the wind wheel the apex transmission ratio to reduce, thus reduces decides the prop pitch wind wheel the wind to be able the use factor, reduces wind energy which the wind wheel absorbs, thus further decreases the wind wheel rotational speed .The actual effect produces which for this chain-like function but is the deceleration is not a regulating, but the magnetoelectricity response process, causes the protection movement to be extremely safe reliably .This regulating protection merit lay in has discarded the mechanical regulating structure, removed the regulating organization mechanical breakdown hidden danger, fundamentally has solved the small anemometer long-term security reliable operational problems.。