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Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
4.ceremonies and rituals
❖ 还有从很多的典礼和仪式 我们也能看出文化的不同。 例如升旗仪式。
❖ There are many ceremonies and rituals from we can see different cultures. For example,the flag-raising ceremony.
Cultural differences between Chinese and western diet
❖ 西方:是一种理性的、讲求科学的饮食观念,他们强调饮食的营养价值。
❖ The west is a rational, scientific diet idea, they stressed the nutritional value of food.
But,in china,gifts are never opened in front of giver,and doing so is considered bad manners.So people had to hide his feelings.
这是社会做法的外在表现的一方面。 This is the outward manifestations aspect of social practices.
Wedding ceremony
Eastern and Western cultures
❖ This is the American way to open gifts,they usually opened directly after dinner received a gift.Directly express their own joy.
❖ Chinese people mostly used "eat?" "Where?" And so on the reflected a kind of friendly feeling between people. For westerners, this way of greeting will make the other side feel suddenly, embarrassed, and even unhappy, because westerners will put this question to understand become a "questioned", feel each other in asking for their private lives. In the west, greet everyday they just say "Hello" or by time points, say "good morning!" "Good afternoon!" "Good evening!" Is ok. And the British meeting said: "it's nice weather today!"
❖ 西方人认为在吃东西时发出声音是不合适的。但是,在亚洲地区吃东 西发出声音则被看做是对厨师的赞赏和满足。
❖ In life some minor a neglected social practice can also be seen as the differences in Western culture.For example, Westerners think the sound while eating is not appropriate. But eat in Asian the sound is considered to the cook, appreciation and satisfaction.
Chopsticks and knife and fork
❖ 刀叉和筷子,不仅带来了进食习惯的差异,进而影响了东西方人生活 观念。
❖ Knife and fork and chopsticks, not only brought the eating habits of the differences, thus has affected the eastern and western people live.
❖ 还有不同文化中不同的祷告仪式。 ❖ There are different culture in different prayer.
Different culture in different prayer.
❖ 东西方文化中不同的葬礼仪式
❖ Different in the form of a funeral. Chinese usually took the form of weeping mourners.Americans are in a manner of silence to honor.
This is the different table manners in different countries.
❖ 中国人大多使用“吃了吗?” “上哪呢?”等等 这体现了人与人之间的一 种亲切感。可对西方人来说,这种打招呼的方式会令对方感到突然、尴尬, 甚至不快,因为西方人会把这种问话理解成为一种“盘问”,感到对方在询 问他们的私生活。在西方,日常打招呼他们只说一声“Hello”或按时间来分, 说声“早上好!”“下午好!”“晚上好!”就可以了。而英国人见面会说: “今天天气不错啊!”
❖ 中国人的饮食强调感性和艺术性,追求饮食的口味感觉,而不注意食物的营 养成分。
❖ The Chinese diet emphasize perceptual and artistic quality, the pursuit of the diet taste feeling, and do not pay attention to the nutrition of food.