Windows98常用快捷键<F1> 显示相关的[帮助]信息和[帮助]窗口<Shift>+<F1> 使鼠标指针附带问号,单击某对象可获取相关[帮助]信息<Ctrl>+<Esc> 显示[开始]菜单<Shift>+<F10> 显示选定对象的快捷菜单<Alt>+<Esc> 切换到下一个正在运行的应用程序<Alt>+<Tab>(按住<Alt>键重复按<Tab>键)向前切换到下一个正在运行的应用程序<Print Screen> 将整个屏幕的图像复制到“剪贴板”上<Alt>+<Print Screen> 将整个活动窗口的图像复制到“剪贴板”上<Alt>+空格键打开应用程序窗口的系统菜单<Alt>+<F4> 关闭当前应用程序窗口<Ctrl>+<F4> 关闭当前文档窗口<Alt>+<Enter> 将正在运行的非Windows应用程序在窗口方式和全屏幕之间切换<Alt>+下划线字符选择菜单命令/对话框选项Windows键+<Tab> 切换任务档上的按钮Windows键+ F 查找文件或文件夹Windows键+ D 最小化或还原窗口应用程序键右击菜单Windows键+ M+<Shift> 撤消最小化窗口Windows键+ E 打开资源管理器通用于“桌面”、“我的电脑”和“资源管理器”的快捷键<F10>+<Shift> 显示选定对象的快捷菜单<Del>+<Shift> 将选定对象直接删除而不放入“回收站”<F5> 刷新窗口显示的内容<F2> 重命名对象退格键Backspace 返回上一级左、右方向键折叠或展开文件夹F4 下拉式菜单1。
第一部分:选择题1. 已知集合A = {x|x^2 - 5x + 6 = 0},则A中的元素个数为()选项:A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4解析:将方程x^2 - 5x + 6 = 0进行因式分解得到(x - 3)(x - 2) = 0,所以方程的根为x = 3和x = 2。
2. 函数f(x) = x^3 - 3x + 6的极值为()选项:A. 无极值 B. 唯一极值点为(1, 4) C. 极大值为(1, 4) D. 极小值为(1, 4)解析:对函数f(x)进行求导得到f'(x) = 3x^2 - 3。
令f'(x) = 0,解得x = ±1。
计算得到f''(1) = 6 > 0,所以点(1, 4)为函数f(x)的极小值点,故选D。
3. 设a为实数,方程x^3 - 3x + a = 0有三个根x1、x2、x3,且满足x1 + x2 + x3 = 0。
则a的值为()选项:A. 0 B. 1 C. -1 D. -3解析:由韦达定理可知,方程的三个根的和等于0,即x1 + x2 + x3 = 0。
将a = -x1x2 - x2x3 - x3x1代入方程得到x1x2 + x2x3 + x3x1 = 0。
所以a = 0,故选A。
第二部分:解答题1. 求方程sin(x + π/6) = cos(x - π/3)的所有实根。
解析:根据三角函数的和角公式,sin(x + π/6) = sin(x)cos(π/6) +cos(x)sin(π/6) = (1/2)cos(x) + (√3/2)sin(x)。
cos(x - π/3) = cos(x)cos(π/3) + sin(x)sin(π/3) = (1/2)cos(x) - (√3/2)sin(x)。
actinicles 锕系元素
[227] Rn.7s26d1
232.04 Rn.7s26d2
231.04 Rn.7s25f26d1
238.03 Rn.7s25f36d1
[237] Rn.7s25f46d1
T i 23
50.942 Ar.4s23d3
V 24
51.996 Ar.4s13d5
Cr 25
M n 26
55.845 Ar.4s23d6
Fe 27
58.933 Ar.4s23d7
Ir 7 8
P t 79
Au 80
Hg 81
Tl 82
Pb 83
Bi 84
Po 85
At 81
178.49 Xe.6s24f145d2
180.95 Xe.6s24f145d3
183.84 Xe.6s24f145d4
186.21 Xe.6s24f145d5
200.59 204.38 207.2 208.98 [209] [210] [222] Xe.6s24f145d10 Xe.6s24f145d106p1 Xe.6s24f145d106p2 Xe.6s24f145d106p3 Xe.6s24f145d106p4 Xe.6s24f145d106p5 Xe.6s24f145d106p6
ftype加98号油的感受一、什么是ftype加98号油二、使用ftype加98号油的感受1. 引擎性能提升•加速能力增强•动力输出更加平稳2. 燃油经济性改善•油耗降低•经济性提升3. 减少发动机积碳•清洁燃烧•延长发动机寿命4. 环保性能提升•减少有害气体排放•对环境友好三、与其他油品的对比1. 与92号油对比•引擎性能•燃油经济性•环保性能2. 与95号油对比•引擎性能•燃油经济性•环保性能四、ftype加98号油的适用范围1. 高性能引擎车辆•豪华车型•跑车2. 长途驾驶•提高驾驶舒适性•降低燃油消耗3. 高海拔地区•保证引擎正常运行•提高车辆性能五、使用ftype加98号油的注意事项1. 查看车辆使用手册•确定适用油号•遵循厂家建议2. 注意加油站的信誉•选择正规加油站•避免购买劣质油品3. 定期更换机油和空气滤清器•保持发动机清洁•提高油品效果4. 注意加油时机•避免油箱过低•避免加油过满六、结论•ftype加98号油能提升引擎性能、改善燃油经济性、减少发动机积碳、提升环保性能。
1. 如何禁止使用ESC取消登录Windows 98本身并不是一个安全可靠的操作系统,我们直接点击“ESC”按钮就可以轻松进入系统,为了系统安全,我们可以通过下面的设置来禁止非法用户登录:运行regedit程序,打开注册表编辑器,进入主键[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Network\Logon],再在右边的工作区中单击右键,选择“新建/DOWRD值”。
将这个DOWRD值命名为“MustBeValidated”,然后双击该键值,弹出“编辑DOWRD 值”对话框,在“键值”中输入“1”。
以后再进入Windows 98时,在登录窗口中按“ESC”键就不能进入系统了。
2. 如何禁止修改显示器属性利用“显示器属性”我们可以设置Windows的外观和用户界面,通常在设置好后就不希望被其他人改变,这时我们可以进行如下设置:1.进入主键[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System ]。
3. 如何自动刷新每次我们在窗口添加一个文件夹或者删除一个对象后,必须按“F5”键对窗口进行重新刷新,特别麻烦。
2.将二进制值“UpdateMode”改为“00 00 00 00”。
4. 如何屏蔽“设备管理器”菜单Windows 98利用“系统属性”中的“设备管理器”菜单来设置硬件的中断和输入/输出范围等,如果别人任意更改这些参数,就可能引起硬件冲突,造成硬件不能正常工作。
目录引言1 W INDOWS98中文版简介 (1)第一章WINDOWS98简介和基本操作1 1、键盘和鼠标器的基本操作 (1)1.2.1键盘操作 (1)1.2.2鼠标器操作 (2)1.3桌面的组成与操作 (3)1.3.1桌面的组成 (3)1.3.2桌面的操作 (3)1.3.3任务栏的组成 (4)1.4窗口的组成与操作 (4)1.4.1窗口的组成 (4)1.4.2窗口的操作 (4)第二章【开始】菜单------------ 4 2.1一般菜单操作 (4)2.1.1菜单的约定 (4)2.1.2菜单的操作 (5)2.2打开[开始]菜单 (5)2.2.1利用[开始]菜单启动程序 (6)2.2.2自定义【开始】菜单 (6)2.2.3利用【开始】菜单中的【运行】命令来启动程序 (6)2.2.4【文档】菜单 (6)2.2.5【帮助】和帮助系统 (7)2.2.6【查找】和Windows98中文版的查找功能 (7)查找文件或文件夹 (7)第三章文件和文件夹的管理------ 7 3.1文件的特性和类型 (7)3.1.1文件的特性 (7)3.1.2文件的类型和图标 (8)3.3.2浏览文件和文件夹 (9)3.3.3使用【资源管理器】 (9)3.4.3查找文件和文件夹 (10)3.4.4文件夹选项的设置 (11)3.5管理文件和文件夹 (11)3.5.1创建一个新的文件夹 (11)3.5.2选择文件、文件夹和驱动器 (12)3.5.3复制及移动文件和文件夹 (12)3.5.4删除一个文件或文件夹 (14)第四章附件------------------- 14 4.1画图程序 (14)4.1.1【画图】简介 (14)4.1.2定制画布 (15)4.1.3复制、移动和保存选定区域 (16)4.2画图高级技术 (17)第五章控制面板--------------- 17 5.1设置鼠标的工作方式 (17)5.1.1鼠标按钮的配置 (17)5.1.2设置鼠标的双击速度 (18)5.1.3设置鼠标的指针 (18)5.1.4设置鼠标的轨迹 (18)5.2设置键盘的工作方式 (18)5.2.1字符重复速度和光标闪烁频率 (18)5.3.2键盘的所属语言和布局 (19)5.3设置中英文输入切换键和中文输入法切换键 (19)5.3.1添加、删除输入法 (20)5.3.2设置输入法的快捷键 (20)5.4调整事件的声音提示 (20)5.5调整日期与时间 (20)5.6设置显示器的属性 (21)5.6.1【背景】选项卡 (21)5.6.2【屏幕保护程序】选项卡 (21)5.6.3自定义桌面的外观 (22)引言Windows98中文版简介微软公司在Windows95获得巨大成功的三年后,终于推出了Windows95的后续版本Windows98。
F90-F98通常起病于童年与少年期的行为与情绪F90-F98通常起病于童年与少年期的行为与情绪* F90 多动性障碍* F91 品行障碍* F92 品行与情绪混合性障碍* F93 特发于童年的情绪障碍* F94 特发于童年与少年期的社会功能障碍* F95 抽动障碍* F98 通常起病于童年和少年期的其它行为与情绪障碍F90 多动性障碍总论诊断要点F90.0 活动与注意失调F90.1 多动性品行障碍F90.8 其它主动性障碍F90.9 多动性障碍,未特定F90 多动性障碍总论诊断要点本组障碍的特征是:发病早;多动与行为调节不良伴随注意不集中和无法长时间埋头做事;这些行为特征长期存在,在各种场合都存在。
RULE 1.10 c i: Q:If an ISP98 LC uses the following words,what do they mean? Callable Divisible Fractionable Transmissible
பைடு நூலகம்
A: They have no single meaning and should be disregarded.
RULE 1.10 ai:
An ISP98 L/C says “This L/C is unconditional” Q:What does the L/C term mean? Does it mean the issuer will pay even if the presentation is discrepant? A: It means that the issuer will pay on receipt
A2: ISP98.
RULE 1.06 a:
An ISP98 L/C does not indicate whether it is irrevocable or revocable.
Q: Is it irrevocable? A: Yes
贷款: USD2810亿
网上银行用户: 330万
评级:S&P:A+ MOODY:Aa3
(1)海外银行网络密布 美联在世界主要国家和地区均设有代表处 或分行,便于与当地的银行联系。 (2)为同业提供便利的查询服务 (网上查询:CYBER INQUIRY)
汉字拼音音1音2音3音4音5音6音7音8d s cdàn/shàn/chǎn(dan4/shan4/chan3)bānɡ(bang1)bōu/ou5(ou1/ou5)o owù/wò/ě(wu4/wo4/e3)w w eōu(ou1)ozōnɡ(zong1)zlǔn/lùn(lun3/lun4)l lɡānɡ(gang1)gláo(lao2)lshàn/chǎn(shan4/chan3)s cwéi/wěi(wei2/wei3)w wxínɡ(xing2)xhuà(hua4)hxiān/yǎn/jìn(xian1/yan3/jin4)x y jzé/cè(ze2/ce4)z cɡuī/zuī(gui1/zui1)g zmǎn(man3)msong2(song2)slì(li4)lwéi(wei2)wdié/dì(die2/di4)d dhū/wú(hu1/wu2)h wlán(lan2)lxīn/qiàn(xin1/qian4)x qkōu(kou1)kc z zchōu/zǒu/zhū(chou1/zou3/zhu1)wěi(wei3)wxiàn(xian4)xhū/wǔ/méi(hu1/wu3/mei2)h w mz c t zzhūn/chún/tún/zhuō(zhun1/chun2/tun2/zhuo1)yǎn(yan3)yjiā(jia1)jzhì(zhi4)zmàn/ǒu/wàn(man4/ou3/wan4)m o wtuán/zhuān(tuan2/zhuan1)t zpèi(pei4)pɡuó(guo2)gwú(wu2)wōu/òu(ou1/ou4)o oxún/qián(xun2/qian2)x qchóu(chou2)cc d cchǎn/dǎn/chàn(chan3/dan3/chan4)hé(he2)hhuī/xūn(hui1/xun1)h xsānɡ(sang1)slú(lu2)ldànɡ(dang4)dxún(xun2)xyíng(ying2)ylàn(lan4)lsuì(sui4)sjì(ji4)jxián/jiàn(xian2/jian4)x jdài(dai4)dquè/hú(que4/hu2)q hdá(da2)dlán(lan2)lɡōnɡ(gong1)gtuán(tuan2)tchá(cha2)cxún(xun2)xdǎn(dan3)dyīn(yin1)ytīnɡ(ting1)thuán/huàn/wàn(huan2/huan4/wan4)h h wq q z qiàn/qīnɡ/zhēnɡ(qian4/qing1/zheng1)chēn/shēn(chen1/shen1)c szhǔn/zhùn(zhun3/zhun4)z zyǎn/yǐn(yan3/yin3)y ymò(mo4)mr x s rǎnɡ/xiānɡ/sānɡ(rang3/xiang1/sang1)màn(man4)mliǎnɡ(liang3)lpín/pínɡ(pin2/ping2)p pyì(yi4)ydōnɡ(dong1)dxū/xǔ(xu1/xu3)x xxuān(xuan1)xjiàn(jian4)jhé(he2)hhěn(hen3)hzhì(zhi4)zlián(lian2)lé/ě(e2/e3)e eyīn(yin1)yshì/dì(shi4/di4)s dyǐn(yin3)yhuì(hui4)hshènɡ(sheng4)smǔ(mu3)mxié(xie2)xbà(ba4)bqí(qi2)qhuàn/huán(huan4/huan2)h hzhì(zhi4)zxún(xun2)xmào(mao4)mnónɡ(nong2)nɡānɡ/ɡōnɡ(gang1/gong1)g gyì(yi4)ywéi(wei2)wpī/bī/bǐ(pi1/bi1/bi3)p b b chǎnɡ(chang3)cjīn/yǐn/yín(jin1/yin3/yin2)j y y lún/fēn(lun2/fen1)l fshù/xù(shu4/xu4)s xlú(lu2)lh s s huán/shēn/shén(huan2/shen1/shen2)zhāo(zhao1)zmǔ(mu3)myónɡ/yánɡ(yong2/yang2)y ymài(mai4)mdù(du4)dhónɡ(hong2)hpiān(pian1)ppénɡ/bènɡ(peng2/beng4)p bd c d duì/chún/duò(dui4/chun2/duo4)bō(bo1)bzhēn/qián(zhen1/qian2)z qxiàn(xian4)xhóu(hou2)hɡē(ge1)glv4(lv4)ljiàn(jian4)jwēnɡ(weng1)wwèi(wei4)wpiě(pie3)pxǐ(xi3)xsù(su4)shēi(hei1)hlín(lin2)lsuì(sui4)sjiān/xì/mǎ(jian1/xi4/ma3)j x m ɡē(ge1)gyīn(yin1)yɡāi/ái/qí(gai1/ai2/qi2)g a q jī(ji1)jtuí(tui2)twěi/xuē(wei3/xue1)w xdí(di2)dwěi(wei3)wtái(tai2)tbì(bi4)bài/hé(ai4/he2)a hyì/yē/èn(yi4/ye1/en4)y y epī(pi1)plónɡ/zǎnɡ(long2/zang3)l zjiōnɡ(jiong1)jshēn(shen1)stú(tu2)tlánɡ/liánɡ(lang2/liang2)l lfēi(fei1)fhuō(huo1)hxiá(xia2)xlín(lin2)lhuān(huan1)hjiè(jie4)jjū/qú/ɡǒu(ju1/qu2/gou3)j q gtuó(tuo2)tzhào(zhao4)zwéi(wei2)wqí/yì(qi2/yi4)q ylà(la4)lliàn(lian4)ljì(ji4)jwēnɡ(weng1)wxián(xian2)xjì(ji4)jxǐ/xī(xi3/xi1)x xzhēn(zhen1)zjué/ɡuī(jue2/gui1)j gchú(chu2)cbū/pū/pú/bǔ(bu1/pu1/pu2/bu3)b p p b yǎn(yan3)yyuè(yue4)yxiān(xian1)xzhuó(zhuo2)zfán(fan2)fmóu(mou2)mxiè(xie4)xyǐ/qǐ(yi3/qi3)y qchǔ(chu3)czhòu/zhū(zhou4/zhu1)z zwāi(wai1)whǎn(han3)hhǎn(han3)hzhòu(zhou4)zɡānɡ(gang1)gkuǎi(kuai3)ksǒnɡ(song3)ssǒnɡ(song3)sɡānɡ(gang1)gkuì(kui4)ktà(ta4)tlóu(lou2)lcǎn/shān/cēn(can3/shan1/cen1)c s cchōu(chou1)cbà/bēi(ba4/bei1)b bbà/bēi(ba4/bei1)b bz c c zzhuān/chuán/chún/zhuǎn(zhuan1/chuan2/chun2/zhuan3) qiónɡ(qiong2)qkuì/huì(kui4/hui4)k hkuì/huì(kui4/hui4)k hxīn(xin1)xyàn(yan4)yqínɡ(qing2)qqínɡ(qing2)qzǔ(zu3)zshàn(shan4)syé/yá(ye2/ya2)y ypō(po1)pshàn(shan4)szhuō(zhuo1)zshàn(shan4)sjué(jue2)jchuài(chuai4)czhènɡ(zheng4)zchuài(chuai4)czhènɡ(zheng4)zyú(yu2)yyìn(yin4)ychūn(chun1)cqiū(qiu1)qyú(yu2)yténɡ(teng2)tshī(shi1)sjiāo(jiao1)jliè(lie4)ljīnɡ(jing1)jjú(ju2)jtī(ti1)tpì(pi4)pyǎn(yan3)y吖ā/yā(a1/ya1)a y啊ā/á/ǎ/à/ɑ/è(a1/a2/a3/a4/a5/e4)a a a a a eā/xiànɡ(a1/xiang4)a x锕ā(a1)aā(a1)aā(a1)a錒ā/kē(a1/ke1)a k嗄á/ɑ/shà/xià(a2/a5/sha4/xia4)a a s xāi(ai1)a哎āi(ai1)a哀āi(ai1)a埃āi/zhì(ai1/zhi4)a zāi(ai1)a唉āi/ǎi/ài(ai1/ai3/ai4)a a a㶼āi/xī(ai1/xi1)a xa a e e e e x 欸āi/ǎi/ēi/éi/ěi/èi/xiè(ai1/ai3/ei1/ei2/ei3/ei4/xie4)āi(ai1)a溾āi(ai1)aāi(ai1)a锿āi(ai1)aāi(ai1)a鎄āi(ai1)a挨āi/ái(ai1/ai2)a aái(ai2)a捱āi/ái(ai1/ai2)a a啀ái(ai2)a皑ái(ai2)a娾ái/ǎi/è(ai2/ai3/e4)a a e凒yí(yi2)y嵦ái/kǎi(ai2/kai3)a k溰ái(ai2)a㱯ái(ai2)a嘊ái(ai2)a敱ái/zhú(ai2/zhu2)a z皚ái(ai2)aái(ai2)aái(ai2)aái(ai2)a癌ái/yán(ai2/yan2)a yái(ai2)aái(ai2)a䶣ái/ɡái(ai2/gai1)a g毐ǎi(ai3)a昹ǎi(ai3)a㢊ǎi/yǐ(ai3/yi3)a y矮ǎi(ai3)aǎi(ai3)aǎi(ai3)aǎi/yá(ai3/ya2)a y躷ǎi(ai3)aǎi(ai3)a濭ǎi/kài/kè(ai3/kai4/ke4)a k k 䨠ǎi(ai3)a䑂ǎi(ai3)a藹ǎi(ai3)a霭ǎi(ai3)a譪ài(ai4)a靄ǎi(ai3)a艾ài/yì(ai4/yi4)a y伌ài(ai4)aài(ai4)aài(ai4)a㘷ài(ai4)a㤅ài/jì/xì(ai4/ji4/xi4)a j x ài(ai4)a㕌ài(ai4)a砹ài(ai4)a爱ài(ai4)a硋ài(ai4)aài(ai4)a㗒ài(ai4)a隘ài/è(ai4/e4)a e塧ài(ai4)a碍ài(ai4)aài(ai4)aài(ai4)a嗳āi/ǎi/ài(ai1/ai3/ai4)a a a 嗌ài/wò/yì(ai4/wo4/yi4)a w y 愛ài(ai4)a㾢ài(ai4)aài/xì(ai4/xi4)a x嫒ài(ai4)a瑷ài(ai4)a叆ài(ai4)a暧ài/nuǎn(ai4/nuan3)a nài(ai4)a䔽ài(ai4)a䝽ài(ai4)a䅬ài(ai4)a僾ài(ai4)a壒ài(ai4)aài(ai4)a鴱ài(ai4)a薆ài(ai4)a㿄ài(ai4)aài(ai4)a懓ài(ai4)a嬡ài(ai4)a璦ài(ai4)aài(ai4)aài(ai4)aài/kē(ai4/ke1)a kài(ai4)a賹ài/yì(ai4/yi4)a y曖ài(ai4)aài(ai4)aài(ai4)aài(ai4)a瞹ài(ai4)aài(ai4)a馤ài(ai4)a皧ài(ai4)aài/chī(ai4/chi1)a c礙ài/yí(ai4/yi2)a yài(ai4)aài(ai4)aài(ai4)a鑀ài(ai4)aa n y y y 譺ài/nǐ/yí/yǐ/yì(ai4/ni3/yi2/yi3/yi4)ài(ai4)aài(ai4)a鱫ɑi(ai5)a安ān(an1)aān(an1)a㸩ān(an1)a侒ān/ǎn(an1/an3)a a䢿ān(an1)a峖ān(an1)a桉ān/àn(an1/an4)a a㫨ān(an1)a氨ān(an1)a㞄ān(an1)a庵ān/è/yǎn(an1/e4/yan3)a e y䀂ān(an1)a谙ān(an1)aān(an1)a葊ān(an1)a萻ān(an1)a啽ān/án(an1/an2)a a媕ān/è/yǎn(an1/e4/yan3)a e ya a y y y 䅖ān/ǎn/yān/yǎn/yè(an1/an3/yan1/yan3/ye4)腤ān(an1)a痷ān/è/yè(an1/e4/ye4)a e y蓭ān(an1)aān(an1)a誝ān(an1)a鞍ān(an1)aān(an1)aān(an1)a鞌ān(an1)a盦ān(an1)aān(an1)a諳ān/tǒu(an1/tou3)a ta a a y y 闇ān/ǎn/àn/yīn/yǐn(an1/an3/an4/yin1/yin3)馣ān(an1)a鮟ān/àn(an1/an4)a a盫ān(an1)aān/hàn(an1/han4)a hān/àn(an1/an4)a aān(an1)a鵪ān/yā(an1/ya1)a y䨄yàn(yan4)y韽ān(an1)a鶕ān(an1)aān(an1)a䳺yàn(yan4)yān(an1)aán(an2)a雸án(an2)aán(an2)aán(an2)a䜙án/è(an2/e4)a e垵ǎn(an3)a俺ǎn/yàn(an3/yan4)a yǎn/yǎn(an3/yan3)a y埯ǎn/yǎn(an3/yan3)a y唵ǎn/n/nɡ(an3/n5/ng5)a n n铵ǎn(an3)a隌ǎn(an3)a揞ǎn/yàn/yè(an3/yan4/ye4)a y y晻ǎn/àn/yǎn(an3/an4/yan3)a a yǎn/yǎn(an3/yan3)a y㽢ǎn(an3)a罯ǎn(an3)a銨ǎn(an3)a㜝ǎn/yǎn(an3/yan3)a yǎn(an3)aǎn(an3)aǎn(an3)aa a h j 犴án/àn/hān/jiàn(an2/an4/han1/jian4)àn(an4)a㟁àn(an4)a岸àn(an4)a按àn(an4)a荌àn(an4)a洝àn/è/yàn(an4/e4/yan4)a e yàn/wǎn(an4/wan3)a wàn(an4)a豻àn(an4)a胺àn/è(an4/e4)a eàn(an4)a案àn(an4)a堓àn(an4)aàn(an4)a䅁àn(an4)a婩àn/nüè(an4/nve4)a nàn(an4)aàn(an4)aàn/yǎn(an4/yan3)a y暗àn(an4)aàn(an4)a貋hàn(han4)hàn(an4)aàn(an4)aàn(an4)a儑án/àn(an2/an4)a a錌àn(an4)aàn(an4)aàn(an4)a䮗àn/yàn(an4/yan4)a yàn(an4)a䬓àn(an4)aàn(an4)a黯ān/àn(an1/an4)a a䯥àn/qì(an4/qi4)a qa g h肮ānɡ/ɡānɡ/hánɡ(ang1/gang1/hang2)ānɡ(ang1)a骯ānɡ/kǎnɡ(ang1/kang3)a kānɡ(ang1)a䒢ánɡ(ang2)a岇ánɡ(ang2)a枊ànɡ(ang4)aánɡ(ang2)a㭿ánɡ(ang2)a䩕ánɡ/yìnɡ(ang2/ying4)a yánɡ(ang2)a䭹ánɡ(ang2)aánɡ(ang2)a䇦ǎnɡ/yīnɡ(ang3/ying1)a y䭺ǎnɡ(ang3)aǎnɡ(ang3)aànɡ(ang4)aànɡ(ang4)a盎ànɡ(ang4)aànɡ(ang4)aànɡ(ang4)aànɡ(ang4)aànɡ(ang4)aànɡ(ang4)a醠ànɡ(ang4)a凹āo/wā(ao1/wa1)a w㘭ào(ao4)a㕭āo/ào(ao1/ao4)a a柪āo/ào(ao1/ao4)a a軪āo/ào(ao1/ao4)a aāo(ao1)aāo(ao1)a㩠āo/piǎo/póu(ao1/piao3/pou2)a p p 䫜āo(ao1)a爊āo(ao1)aāo(ao1)aāo/jiāo(ao1/jiao1)a jāo(ao1)aáo(ao2)a敖áo/ào(ao2/ao4)a a㿰áo/bì(ao2/bi4)a báo(ao2)a厫áo(ao2)a隞áo(ao2)a嗸áo(ao2)a嶅áo/ào(ao2/ao4)a a遨áo(ao2)aáo(ao2)a蔜áo(ao2)a嗷áo(ao2)a㟼áo(ao2)a㠂áo(ao2)a璈áo(ao2)a獒áo(ao2)aáo(ao2)aáo(ao2)a摮áo/qiāo(ao2/qiao1)a q熬āo/áo(ao1/ao2)a aáo(ao2)aáo(ao2)a磝áo/qiāo(ao2/qiao1)a q聱áo/yóu(ao2/you2)a y螯áo(ao2)aáo(ao2)a翱áo(ao2)a謷áo/ào(ao2/ao4)a a䦋áo(ao2)a翶ɑo(ao5)a鳌áo(ao2)a翺áo(ao2)aáo(ao2)a鏖áo/biāo(ao2/biao1)a báo(ao2)aáo(ao2)a䵅áo(ao2)a鷔áo/ào(ao2/ao4)a a鰲áo(ao2)a䥝áo(ao2)a鼇áo(ao2)a芺ǎo(ao3)aǎo(ao3)a㑃ǎo(ao3)a㤇ǎo(ao3)a袄ǎo(ao3)a镺ǎo(ao3)a媪ǎo/wò/yǔn(ao3/wo4/yun3)a w y ǎo(ao3)a媼ǎo(ao3)asōu(sou1)sǎo/yǒu(ao3/you3)a yǎo(ao3)aǎo(ao3)a襖ǎo(ao3)aǎo/wò(ao3/wo4)a w䯠ǎo(ao3)a䴈ǎo(ao3)a扷ào(ao4)a抝ǎo/ào/niù(ao3/ao4/niu4)a a n岙ào(ao4)a垇ào(ao4)a坳āo/ào/yǒu(ao1/ao4/you3)a a y岰ào(ao4)aào(ao4)aào(ao4)a奡ào/xiào(ao4/xiao4)a x傲áo/ào(ao2/ao4)a a奥ào/yōu/yù(ao4/you1/yu4)a y y嫯ào(ao4)a骜ào(ao4)aáo/ào(ao2/ao4)a a奧ào(ao4)aào(ao4)a慠áo/ào(ao2/ao4)a a㜜ào(ao4)a㥿ào(ao4)a擙ào(ao4)a㠗ào(ao4)a嶴ào(ao4)a澳ào/yù(ao4/yu4)a y懊ào/yù(ao4/yu4)a y㜩ào(ao4)a䐿ǎo/ào(ao3/ao4)a a謸áo(ao2)aào(ao4)a鏊ào(ao4)a䫨ào(ao4)aào(ao4)a䜒ào(ao4)a驁ào/yào(ao4/yao4)a y䮯ào(ao4)aào(ao4)aào/yǒu(ao4/you3)a y八bā/bá(ba1/ba2)b b丷hɑ(ha5)h仈bā(ba1)b巴bā/bɑ(ba1/ba5)b bb b b p 扒bā/bài/bié/pá(ba1/bai4/bie2/pa2)叭bā/bɑ/pā(ba1/ba5/pa1)b b pbā(ba1)b玐bā(ba1)b朳bā(ba1)bbā(ba1)bbā(ba1)b芭bā/pā(ba1/pa1)b pbā(ba1)bbā(ba1)b㺴bā(ba1)b㸭bā(ba1)bbā(ba1)bbā(ba1)b疤bā(ba1)b㿬bā(ba1)b捌bā/bié(ba1/bie2)b b蚆bā(ba1)b哵bā(ba1)b笆bā/bɑ(ba1/ba5)b b釟bā(ba1)b釛bā(ba1)b羓bā(ba1)b粑bā(ba1)b紦bɑ(ba5)b㭭bā/bèi/biē(ba1/bei4/bie1)b b bbā(ba1)b豝bā(ba1)bbā(ba1)bbā(ba1)bbā(ba1)bbā(ba1)b鲃bā(ba1)b魞bɑ(ba5)bbā(ba1)b䰾bā/bà(ba1/ba4)b bbā(ba1)b䶕bā/bà(ba1/ba4)b b犮bá(ba2)b叐bá(ba2)b抜bá(ba2)b坺bá(ba2)bb b b b b f 拔bá/bɑ/bèi/bié/bō/fá(ba2/ba5/bei4/bie2/bo1/fa2)茇bá/fèi/pèi(ba2/fei4/pei4)b f pbá(ba2)b妭bá/bō(ba2/bo1)b b胈bá(ba2)bbá(ba2)b炦bá(ba2)b癹bá(ba2)bbá(ba2)bbá(ba2)b菝bá(ba2)b跋bá/bèi(ba2/bei4)b b䟦bá(ba2)b詙bá/bó(ba2/bo2)b b魃bá(ba2)b颰bá/fú(ba2/fu2)b fbá(ba2)b䮂bá(ba2)b墢bá/fèi(ba2/fei4)b fbá(ba2)b鼥bá/fèi(ba2/fei4)b f把bǎ/bà/pá(ba3/ba4/pa2)b b p㞎bǎ/pā(ba3/pa1)b pbǎ(ba3)b靶bǎ/bà(ba3/ba4)b bbǎ(ba3)b坝bà(ba4)b弝bà(ba4)b爸bà/bɑ(ba4/ba5)b bbà(ba4)b垻bà/bèi(ba4/bei4)b bbà(ba4)b罢bà/bɑ(ba4/ba5)b bbà(ba4)b䩗bà(ba4)b鲅bà/bō(ba4/bo1)b b䇑bà/pī(ba4/pi1)b pb b b b p p 罷bà/bɑ/bǎi/bǐ/pí/pì(ba4/ba5/bai3/bi3/pi2/pi4)bà(ba4)b鮁bà/bō(ba4/bo1)b b䩻bà(ba4)b覇bà(ba4)b矲bà(ba4)b䆉bà(ba4)bbà(ba4)b霸bà/pò(ba4/po4)b p㶚bà(ba4)b壩bà(ba4)bbà(ba4)b灞bà(ba4)b欛bà(ba4)b䃻bà(ba4)bbà(ba4)b吧bā/bɑ/pā(ba1/ba5/pa1)b b pbɑ(ba5)bbɑ(ba5)bbāi(bai1)b掰bāi(bai1)b䪹bāi/péi/pī(bai1/pei2/pi1)b p p bāi(bai1)b白bái/bɑi/bó(bai2/bai5/bo2)b b b bái(bai2)b㿟bái(bai2)bbái(bai2)b䳆bái(bai2)bbǎi(bai3)b百bǎi/bó/mò(bai3/bo2/mo4)b b m 佰bǎi/mò(bai3/mo4)b m柏bǎi/bó/bò(bai3/bo2/bo4)b b b 栢bǎi(bai3)b瓸bǎi(bai3)b捭bā/bǎi/bǐ(ba1/bai3/bi3)b b b 竡bɑi(bai5)b粨bǎi(bai3)b絔bǎi/mò(bai3/mo4)b m摆bǎi(bai3)b擺bǎi(bai3)b襬bǎi/bēi(bai3/bei1)b b䒔bài(bai4)bbài(bai4)b庍bài/tīnɡ/xìn(bai4/ting1/xin4)b t x 拝bài(bai4)bbài(bai4)b败bài(bai4)b拜bài(bai4)bbài(bai4)bbài(bai4)b䢙bài(bai4)b敗bài(bai4)bbài(bai4)b稗bài(bai4)bbài(bai4)bbài(bai4)bbài(bai4)b粺bài(bai4)b薭bɑi(bai5)b㠔bài(bai4)bbài(bai4)b㔥bài/pí(bai4/pi2)b pbài(bai4)b贁bài(bai4)b韛bài/fú(bai4/fu2)b fbài(bai4)b㗑bɑi(bai5)bbān(ban1)b扳bān/pān(ban1/pan1)b pbān(ban1)b攽bān/bīn(ban1/bin1)b bbān(ban1)bbān(ban1)b班bān(ban1)bb b b p 般bān/bǎn/bō/pán(ban1/ban3/bo1/pan2)颁bān(ban1)bbān(ban1)bbān(ban1)b斑bān(ban1)b搬bān/sù(ban1/su4)b sbān(ban1)b頒bān/fén(ban1/fen2)b f斒bān(ban1)bbān(ban1)bbān(ban1)b䃑bān/pán(ban1/pan2)b pbān(ban1)bbān(ban1)b瘢bān(ban1)bbān(ban1)b䈲bān/pán(ban1/pan2)b pbān/fān(ban1/fan1)b f癍bān(ban1)b辬bān(ban1)bbān(ban1)bbān(ban1)bbān(ban1)bbān/pán(ban1/pan2)b p阪bǎn(ban3)b坂bǎn(ban3)bbǎn(ban3)b岅bǎn(ban3)b板bǎn(ban3)b瓪bǎn(ban3)b昄bǎn(ban3)b版bǎn(ban3)bbǎn(ban3)b钣bǎn(ban3)b覂bǎn/fěnɡ(ban3/feng3)b f舨bǎn(ban3)b粄bǎn(ban3)b䬳bǎn(ban3)b蝂bǎn(ban3)bbǎn(ban3)b魬bǎn(ban3)b闆bǎn/pǎn(ban3/pan3)b p办bàn(ban4)b半bàn/pàn(ban4/pan4)b pbàn(ban4)b伴bàn/pàn(ban4/pan4)b p㚘bàn/fú/hè(ban4/fu2/he4)b f h坢bàn/pǎn/pàn(ban4/pan3/pan4)b p p拌bàn/pān(ban4/pan1)b p怑bàn(ban4)b姅bàn(ban4)b绊bàn(ban4)bbàn(ban4)b㪵bàn(ban4)b秚bàn(ban4)b湴bàn/pán(ban4/pan2)b p絆bàn(ban4)b跘bàn/pán(ban4/pan2)b pbàn(ban4)bbān/bàn/pān(ban1/ban4/pan1)b b p鉡bàn(ban4)b靽bàn(ban4)bbàn(ban4)bbàn(ban4)bbàn(ban4)b辦bàn(ban4)bbàn(ban4)b瓣bàn(ban4)bbàn(ban4)bbàn/biàn(ban4/bian4)b bb b f f h 扮bàn/bɑn/fēn/fěn/huǒ(ban4/ban5/fen1/fen3/huo3)邦bānɡ(bang1)b帮bānɡ(bang1)b垹bānɡ(bang1)bbānɡ(bang1)bbānɡ(bang1)bbānɡ(bang1)b㙃bānɡ(bang1)b捠bānɡ(bang1)b梆bānɡ(bang1)b浜bānɡ/bīn(bang1/bin1)b b邫bānɡ(bang1)b㨍bānɡ(bang1)b幚bānɡ(bang1)bbānɡ(bang1)b㿶bānɡ(bang1)bbānɡ(bang1)b幫bānɡ(bang1)bbānɡ(bang1)bbānɡ(bang1)b鞤bānɡ(bang1)b䩷bānɡ(bang1)bbānɡ(bang1)b绑bǎnɡ(bang3)b㮄bǎnɡ(bang3)bbǎnɡ(bang3)b綁bǎnɡ(bang3)bb b b p p榜bǎnɡ/bànɡ/bēnɡ/pánɡ/pénɡ(bang3/bang4/beng1/pang2/peng2)牓bǎnɡ/pānɡ(bang3/pang1)b pbǎnɡ(bang3)bbànɡ(bang4)bbànɡ(bang4)b玤bànɡ(bang4)b㭋bànɡ(bang4)b䂜bànɡ(bang4)bb b f p蚌bànɡ/bènɡ/fēnɡ/pí(bang4/beng4/feng1/pi2)䖫bànɡ(bang4)bbànɡ(bang4)b棒bànɡ(bang4)bb b b p p棓bànɡ/bēi/bèi/péi/pǒu(bang4/bei1/bei4/pei2/pou3)硥bànɡ/mǎnɡ(bang4/mang3)b mbànɡ(bang4)bb b p p傍bànɡ/bēnɡ/pánɡ/pénɡ(bang4/beng1/pang2/peng2)谤bànɡ(bang4)b䧛bànɡ/pénɡ(bang4/peng2)b p塝bànɡ(bang4)b蒡bànɡ/pánɡ(bang4/pang2)b pbànɡ(bang4)b稖bànɡ(bang4)b䎧bànɡ/póu(bang4/pou2)b pbànɡ(bang4)b蜯bànɡ(bang4)bb p p磅bànɡ/pānɡ/pánɡ(bang4/pang1/pang2)镑bànɡ(bang4)b䰷bànɡ(bang4)bbànɡ(bang4)b艕bànɡ(bang4)b鎊bànɡ/pānɡ(bang4/pang1)b pb f pbànɡ/fǎnɡ/pénɡ(bang4/fang3/peng2)bànɡ(bang4)b勹bāo(bao1)b包bāo/fú/páo(bao1/fu2/pao2)b f pbāo(bao1)b佨bɑo(bao5)bbāo(bao1)bb b p苞bāo/biāo/páo(bao1/biao1/pao2)bāo(bao1)b孢bāo(bao1)blónɡ(long2)l胞bāo/páo/pào(bao1/pao2/pao4)b p p笣bāo(bao1)bbāo(bao1)bbāo(bao1)b龅bāo(bao1)b煲bāo(bao1)b蕔bāo(bao1)b褒bāo(bao1)b闁bāo(bao1)b襃bāo/póu(bao1/pou2)b p齙bāo(bao1)bbǎo(bao3)bbáo(bao2)b窇báo(bao2)b䨌báo(bao2)b䪨báo(bao2)b雹báo(bao2)bbáo(bao2)b䨔báo(bao2)b䈏báo/fú(bao2/fu2)b fb b b b 薄báo/bó/bò/bù(bao2/bo2/bo4/bu4)㵡báo(bao2)bbáo(bao2)bbáo/bó(bao2/bo2)b b㿺báo(bao2)b䥤báo(bao2)b宀mián(mian2)mbǎo(bao3)b㝉zhù(zhu4)z饱bǎo(bao3)b怉bǎo/bào(bao3/bao4)b b宝bǎo(bao3)bbǎo(bao3)b珤bǎo(bao3)b㻄bǎo(bao3)b㙅bǎo(bao3)bbǎo(bao3)b㹱què(que4)q䎂bǎo(bao3)b堢bǎo(bao3)b葆bāo/bǎo(bao1/bao3)b b堡bǎo/bǔ/pù(bao3/bu3/pu4)b b p媬bǎo(bao3)b飹liǔ(liu3)l飽bǎo(bao3)b寚bǎo(bao3)b駂bǎo(bao3)b褓bǎo(bao3)b鳵bǎo(bao3)bbǎo/něi/piǎo(bao3/nei3/piao3)b n p鴇bǎo(bao3)b緥bǎo(bao3)bbǎo(bao3)b賲bǎo(bao3)b䳈bǎo(bao3)b䭋bǎo(bao3)b藵bɑo(bao5)bbǎo(bao3)b寳bǎo(bao3)b䳰bǎo(bao3)b寶bǎo(bao3)b靌bǎo(bao3)b䴐bǎo(bao3)bbǎo(bao3)b勽bào(bao4)bbào(bao4)b报bào(bao4)b抱bào/pāo/pǒu(bao4/pao1/pou3)b p p㲒bào/qú(bao4/qu2)b qbào(bao4)bbào(bao4)bbào(bao4)b㫧bào(bao4)bb bc p z 趵bào/bō/chuò/páo/zhuó(bao4/bo1/chuo4/pao2/zhuo2)铇bào(bao4)b豹bào(bao4)b菢bào(bao4)b袌bào/páo/pào(bao4/pao2/pao4)b p p報bào/fù(bao4/fu4)b f鉋báo/bào/páo(bao2/bao4/pao2)b b pbào(bao4)b鲍bào(bao4)bbào(bao4)bfēn(fen1)fbào(bao4)b靤bào(bao4)b骲bào(bao4)bbào(bao4)b髱bào(bao4)b暴bào/bó/pù(bao4/bo2/pu4)b b pbào(bao4)b虣bào(bao4)b鮑bāo/bào/pāo(bao1/bao4/pao1)b b p曓bào(bao4)bbào(bao4)b儤bào(bao4)bbào(bao4)bbào(bao4)b爆bào/bó(bao4/bo2)b bbào(bao4)b忁bào(bao4)b䤖bào(bao4)bbào(bao4)bbáo/bào(bao2/bao4)b b鑤bào(bao4)b萡bo(bo5)b陂bēi/bì/pí/pō(bei1/bi4/pi2/po1)b b p p杯bēi(bei1)bb b b b p 卑bān/bēi/bǐ/bì/pí(ban1/bei1/bi3/bi4/pi2)盃bēi(bei1)bbēi(bei1)bbēi(bei1)b桮bēi(bei1)bbēi(bei1)b揹bēi(bei1)b悲bēi(bei1)bbēi(bei1)bbēi(bei1)b碑bēi(bei1)b㽡bēi(bei1)b㗗bēi(bei1)bbēi(bei1)b鹎bēi(bei1)bbēi(bei1)bbēi(bei1)b鵯bēi(bei1)bbēi(bei1)b䎱bà/bēi(ba4/bei1)b bbēi(bei1)b䥯bà/bēi(ba4/bei1)b bbēi(bei1)b北běi/bèi(bei3/bei4)b b北běi(bei3)b㤳běi(bei3)bběi(bei3)b鉳běi(bei3)bběi(bei3)b䋳běi(bei3)b贝bèi(bei4)bbèi/pō(bei4/po1)b p孛bèi/bó(bei4/bo2)b b邶bèi(bei4)b貝bèi(bei4)b狈bèi(bei4)b苝bèi(bei4)bbèi(bei4)bbèi/pèi(bei4/pei4)b pbèi/lù(bei4/lu4)b lbèi(bei4)b昁bèi(bei4)b㸬bèi(bei4)b牬bèi(bei4)b备bèi(bei4)b背bēi/bèi(bei1/bei4)b b钡bèi(bei4)bbèi(bei4)bbèi(bei4)bbèi(bei4)b俻bèi(bei4)b倍bèi/péi(bei4/pei2)b p狽bèi(bei4)b悖běi/bèi(bei3/bei4)b b被bèi/bì/pī/pì(bei4/bi4/pi1/pi4)b b p p 㛝bèi(bei4)b珼bèi(bei4)b梖bèi(bei4)bbèi(bei4)b鄁bèi(bei4)bbèi/fú(bei4/fu2)b f㫲bèi(bei4)b㔨bèi(bei4)b琲bèi(bei4)b辈bèi(bei4)b軰bèi(bei4)b備bèi(bei4)b僃bèi(bei4)bbèi(bei4)bbèi(bei4)b惫bèi(bei4)b焙bèi(bei4)b蓓bèi(bei4)b䔒bèi(bei4)b愂bèi(bei4)b碚bèi(bei4)b㻗bèi(bei4)b蛽bài(bai4)b禙bei(bei5)b㣁bèi(bei4)bbèi(bei4)bbèi(bei4)bbèi(bei4)b䟺bèi/pèi(bei4/pei4)b p骳bèi(bei4)b犕bèi(bei4)b㸢bèi(bei4)b誖bèi(bei4)b褙bèi(bei4)bbèi(bei4)bbèi(bei4)b輩bèi(bei4)b䩀bèi(bei4)b鋇bèi(bei4)b䰽bèi(bei4)bbèi(bei4)b憊bèi(bei4)bbèi(bei4)b糒bèi(bei4)bbèi(bei4)bbèi(bei4)bb b b f 鞴bài/bèi/bù/fú(bai4/bei4/bu4/fu2)㰆bèi(bei4)b㶔bèi(bei4)b鐾bèi(bei4)b呗bài/bei(bai4/bei5)b b唄bài/bei(bai4/bei5)b bbēn(ben1)b倴bēn/bèn(ben1/ben4)b b逩bēn/bèn(ben1/ben4)b b喯bēn/pèn(ben1/pen4)b p渀bēn/bèn(ben1/ben4)b bbēn(ben1)bb b b f f f l p 賁bān/bēn/bì/féi/fén/fèn/lù/pān(ban1/ben1/bi4/fei2/fen2/fen4/lu4/pan1)犇bēn(ben1)b锛bēn(ben1)b錛bēn(ben1)bbēn(ben1)bbēn(ben1)b本bēn/běn(ben1/ben3)b b夲běn/tāo(ben3/tao1)b t苯běn(ben3)b㡷běn(ben3)b奙běn(ben3)b畚běn(ben3)b翉běn(ben3)b楍běn(ben3)b㮺běn(ben3)bběn(ben3)b坌bèn(ben4)b㤓bèn(ben4)bbèn(ben4)bbèn(ben4)b捹bèn(ben4)b桳bèn(ben4)b笨bèn(ben4)bbèn(ben4)b㨧bèn(ben4)b䬱bèn(ben4)b㮥bèn/fàn(ben4/fan4)b f撪bèn(ben4)bbèn(ben4)bbèn(ben4)b輽bèn(ben4)bbèn(ben4)b伻bēnɡ(beng1)bbēnɡ(beng1)bbēnɡ(beng1)bbēnɡ/yònɡ(beng1/yong4)b y㔙bēnɡ(beng1)b挷pénɡ(peng2)pbēnɡ(beng1)b奟bēnɡ/kēnɡ(beng1/keng1)b k崩bēnɡ(beng1)bbēnɡ/hé(beng1/he2)b hbēnɡ(beng1)bb b b 绷bēnɡ/běnɡ/bènɡ(beng1/beng3/beng4)bēnɡ(beng1)b閍bēnɡ(beng1)b䑫bēnɡ(beng1)bbēnɡ(beng1)bb b p 絣bēnɡ/bīnɡ/pēnɡ(beng1/bing1/peng1)嵭bēnɡ(beng1)b傰bēnɡ/pénɡ(beng1/peng2)b p痭bēnɡ/bìnɡ/pénɡ(beng1/bing4/peng2)b b p 䙀běnɡ(beng3)bbēnɡ(beng1)bbēnɡ(beng1)b嘣bēnɡ(beng1)bbēnɡ(beng1)bbēnɡ(beng1)b綳bēnɡ(beng1)bbēnɡ/pénɡ(beng1/peng2)b p䨜bēnɡ(beng1)bbēnɡ(beng1)bb b b 繃bēnɡ/běnɡ/bènɡ(beng1/beng3/beng4)bēnɡ(beng1)b甭bénɡ/qì(beng2/qi4)b q㑟běnɡ(beng3)bběnɡ(beng3)bběnɡ(beng3)b埲bànɡ/běnɡ(bang4/beng3)b b菶běnɡ(beng3)bběnɡ(beng3)b琫běnɡ(beng3)b琣běnɡ/pěi(beng3/pei3)b pběnɡ/lèi(beng3/lei4)b lbānɡ/běnɡ(bang1/beng3)b bběnɡ(beng3)bběnɡ(beng3)b䋽běnɡ(beng3)b䩬běnɡ/fěnɡ(beng3/feng3)b f鞛běnɡ(beng3)bběnɡ(beng3)b䳞běnɡ(beng3)b泵bènɡ/liú/pìn(beng4/liu2/pin4)b l p 㼜ànɡ(ang4)abènɡ(beng4)bbènɡ(beng4)bb b p 跰bènɡ/bǐnɡ/pián(beng4/bing3/pian2)bènɡ(beng4)bbènɡ(beng4)b塴bènɡ(beng4)bbènɡ(beng4)bbènɡ(beng4)b㷯bènɡ(beng4)b甏bènɡ(beng4)b镚bènɡ(beng4)bbènɡ(beng4)b䭰bènɡ(beng4)bbènɡ(beng4)bbènɡ(beng4)bbènɡ(beng4)b蹦bènɡ(beng4)bbènɡ(beng4)b鏰bènɡ(beng4)bbènɡ(beng4)b䨻bènɡ(beng4)b皀bī/jí/xiānɡ(bi1/ji2/xiang1)b j x 屄bī(bi1)bbī(bi1)b悂bī/pī/pǐ(bi1/pi1/pi3)b p p 偪bī/fù(bi1/fu4)b f逼bī(bi1)b毴bī(bi1)b鈚bī/bǐ/pī(bi1/bi3/pi1)b b p bī(bi1)b楅bī(bi1)b榌pi(pi5)p㡙bī(bi1)bbī(bi1)bbī(bi1)b䫾bī/bì(bi1/bi4)b bbī(bi1)bbī(bi1)b豍bī/biǎn(bi1/bian3)b bbī(bi1)b䚜bēi/bī(bei1/bi1)b bbī(bi1)bbī(bi1)bbì(bi4)b鵖bī(bi1)b鲾bī(bi1)b鰏bī(bi1)b柲bì/bié(bi4/bie2)b b荸bí(bi2)bbí(bi2)b鼻bí(bi2)bpí(pi2)pbí(bi2)b嬶bi(bi5)b匕bǐ/pìn(bi3/pin4)b p比bǐ/bì/pí/pǐ(bi3/bi4/pi2/pi3)b b p p 㠲bǐ(bi3)b朼bǐ(bi3)b夶bǐ(bi3)b吡bǐ/bì/pǐ(bi3/bi4/pi3)b b 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物质基 础
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普 冲突地 区
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秩稀务答稳 手折拥兵换 用貌朋办胸 八风佣从你 儿勿角欠多
放义衣认询 道交前闪次 少汽肖没沟 庭粕粗府底 客宾农空宛
叉 * 能源工 物资部 业
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GFDSA G 五于天末开 F 十寺城某域 D 三夺大厅左 S 本票顶林模 A 七革苦莆式
H 睛睦非盯瞒 J 量时晨果晓 K 号叶顺呆呀 L 车团因困轼 M 赋财央崧曲
T 年等知条长 R 后质拓打找 E 且肚须采肛 W 全什估休代 Q 钱针然钉氏
Windows 98 启动盘的详细讲解
![Windows 98 启动盘的详细讲解](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d35b9751f01dc281e53af086.png)
device=btdosm.sys 这项是 Mylex/BusLogic CD-ROM 驱动程序
device=flashpt.sys 这项是 Mylex/BusLogic CD-ROM 驱动程序
device=btcdrom.sys /D:mscd001 这项是 Mylex/Bus件
Extract.exe 解压 Ebd.cab 文件的文件
Fdisk.exe 磁盘分区工具
Findramd.exe 启动过程中查找 RAMDrive 的实用程序
Flashpt.sys Mylex/BusLogic CD-ROM 驱动程序
9=淡蓝色 10=淡绿色 11=淡青色 12=淡红色 13=淡红紫色 14=黄色 15=淡白色
[CD] 这个标签是当菜单选项选择了 CD 标签就对应着执行这项
device=himem.sys /testmemff 这项是 XMS 内存管理程序
device=oakcdrom.sys /D:mscd001 这项是 ATAPI CD-ROM 驱动器的通用设备驱动程序
Btcdrom.sys Mylex/BusLogic CD-ROM 驱动程序
Btdosm.sys Mylex/BusLogic CD-ROM 驱动程序
DOS 命令解释程序(在启动时用到的第四个文件)
驱动器无法正常工作,那么,就必须使用 CD-ROM 驱动器所附带的驱动程序。
Windows 98 启动盘里面共有文件 24 个, 下面先把这 24 个文件
关系式 y = y v .
axdydz (z (x2 y2
a)2 z2)
a2 x2 y2 的上侧, a 为大
化为椭圆柱面方程 2 4 2 4 ,求 a, b 的值和正交矩阵 P .
设 A 是 n 阶矩阵,若存在正整数 k ,使线性方程组 Ak x 0 有解向量 ,且 Ak1 0 , 证明:向量组 , A ,, Ak1 是线性无关的.
区域 D 上服从均匀分布,则 ( X ,Y ) 关于 X 的边缘概率密度在 x 2 处的值为 _ .
(1) 设 f (x) 连续,则 d x tf (x2 t2 )dt
dx 0
(A) xf (x2 )
(B) xf (x2 )
(C) 2xf (x2 )
y ( x
f (xy) y(x y)
yf (xy) (x y) y(x y).
评注:本题中, f , 中的中间变量均为一元,因此本题实质上是一元复合函数的求导,只要注
意到对 x 求导时, y 视为常数;对 y 求导时, x 视为常数就可以了. (3)【答案】12a
(A) 相交于一点
(B) 重合
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ISP98The ISP98 are the International Standby Practices that govern the operation of standby letters of credit.ISP98 consists of 89 rules written specifically for standby that offer a precise and detailed framework for practitioners dealing with standby letters of credit.You can view the text of ISP98 by selecting the articles to the left of the screen. Alternatively, you can search this section for specific informationThe International Standby Practices - ISP98 1998FOREWORDPROLOGUEby Dr. Gerold Herrmann, Secretary, United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)It was an extremely interesting and enriching experience for me to assist in drafting ISP98. This participation allowed me to witness (and now bear witness to) the very thorough and pragmatic drafting process in a superbly selected group, with representatives of all interested sectors actively involved in standby letter of credit practice such as: bankers, especially those responsible for letter of credit operations and global trade transactions, bank counsel,attorneys, academics, regulators, government officials, corporate treasurers, and likelyinfluential beneficiaries. The treasure trove of experience and expertise and the diversity of interests and perspectives proved invaluable in determining- as was continuously done byexamining concrete practical examples- whether on a given issue an operational rule would be desirable and useful and, if so, which solution would work best and reflect good practice.Continued participation in the preparatory work has also convinced me- as, I am sure, it would have anyone else- of the special characteristics of standbys at the operational level of practical detail and usage. Their special features, in my view, not only justify but also necessitate special contractual rules designed for standbys. As the constant comparison with the UCP clearly revealed, quite a few UCP Articles are inappro-priate for standbys and quite a few issues of paramount importance in standby practice are not addressed at all in the UCP. While a similar disparity in practice exists between the standby and the independent guarantee (the bank or demand guarantee European style), this seems particularly, if not exclusively, true for those types of actual use (e.g. financial standby, direct-pay standby) hitherto found only extremely rarely in guarantee practice. For this and other reasons, including firmness of the undertaking, I would not be surprised to see not only standbys but also some demand guarantees issued subject to ISP98.For a professional unifier of law, participation in the preparatory work was particularlysatisfying because of its interconnection with other harmonisation and reform efforts. Inaddition to the concordance with revised Article 5 UCC (the letter-of-credit law of the homeland of the standby) and the similarly close contact (and personal overlap) with the 1993 UCPrevision task force, I am referring in particular to UNCITRAL's work which culminated in the adoption in 1995 by the General Assembly of the "United Nations Convention on Inde-pendent Guarantees and Stand-by Letters of Credit." The idea of preparing special operational rules for standbys was born during the extensive debates comparing national laws as well as the two instruments to be married by that Convention. Since bride and groom were presented there in all facets and critically scrutinized by their future in-laws, UNCITRAL's travaux preparatoires make for highly informative reading (as will future abstracts of court decisions to be published in UNCITRAL's case collection system called CLOUT; homepage: www.un.or.at/uncitral). It was gratifying to see the group preparing ISP98 refer continuously to the UNCITRAL Convention in order to ensure complete consistency. I must admit to special gratification by overhearing one of the world's leading letter of credit expert's remark to his banking colleague: "The more Ilook at this UN Convention, the more I really like it."The above coordination or cooperation in the universal harmonisation and modernization efforts is welcome and in fact crucial because of the (often neglected or ignored) interdependence between the two very different levels of legal norms: the contractual level, where such sets of rules like ISP98, UCP 500, or URDG become effective by agreement of the individual parties, and the statutory level, where internationally elaborated law like the UN Convention or domestic law (e.g. Art. 5 UCC) recognise and give full effect to the exercise of that party autonomy and regulate certain issues that can effectively be settled only at that level (e.g. standards of fraud exception, injunctive relief and other court matters). Therefore, ISP98 and the Convention supplement each other in an ideal manner and together lay the necessary basis for a smooth functioning of standby practice worldwide.PREFACEPrefaceThe International Standby Practices (ISP98) reflects generally accepted practice, custom, and usage of standby letters of credit. It provides separate rules for standby letters of credit in the same sense that the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP) and the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG) do for commercial letters of credit and inde-pendent bank guarantees.The formulation of standby letter of credit practices in separate rules evidences the maturity and importance of this financial product. The amounts outstanding of standbys greatly exceed the outstanding amounts of commercial letters of credit. While the standby is associated with the United States where it originated and where it is most widely used, it is truly an international product. Non-U.S. bank outstandings have exceeded those of U.S. banks in the United States alone. Moreover, the standby is used increasingly throughout the world.For convenience, standbys are commonly classified descriptively (and without operative significance in the application of these Rules) based on their function in the underlying transaction or other factors not necessarily related to the terms and conditions of the standby itself. For example:ll A "Performance Standby" supports an obligation to perform other than to pay money including for the purpose of covering losses arising from a default of the applicant in completion of the underlying transactions.l An "Advance Payment Standby" supports an obligation to account for an advance payment made by the beneficiary to the applicant.l A "Bid Bond/Tender Bond Standby" supports an obli-gation of the applicant to execute a contract if the applicant is awarded a bid.l A "Counter Standby" supports the issuance of a separate standby or other undertaking by thebeneficiary of the counter standby.l A "Financial Standby" supports an obligation to pay money, including any instrument evidencing an obligation to repay borrowed money.l A "Direct Pay Standby" supports payment when due of an underlying payment obligation typically in connection with a financial standby without regard to a default.l An "Insurance Standby" supports an insurance or reinsurance obligation of the applicant.l A "Commercial Standby" supports the obligations of an applicant to pay for goods or services in the event of non-payment by other methods.In the past, many standbys have been issued subject to the UCP even though it was intended for commercial letters of credit. The UCP reinforced the independence and documentary character of the standby. It also provided standards for examination and notice of dishonor and a basis to resist market pressures to embrace troublesome practices such as the issuance of standbys without expiration dates.Despite these important contributions, it has long been apparent that the UCP was not fully applicable nor appropriate for standbys, as is recognized in UCP 500 Article 1 which provides that it applies to the extent to which they may be applicable. Even the least complex standbys (those calling for presentation of a draft only) pose problems not addressed by the UCP. More complex standbys (those involving longer terms or automatic extensions, transfer on demand, requests that the beneficiary issue its own undertaking to another, and the like) require more specialized rules of practice. The ISP fills these needs.The ISP differs from the UCP in style and approach because it must receive acceptance not only from bankers and merchants, but also from a broader range of those actively involved in standby law and practice corporate treasurers and credit managers, rating agencies, government agencies and regulators, and indenture trustees as well as their counsel. Because standbys are often intended to be available in the event of disputes or applicant insolvency, their texts are subject to a degree of scrutiny not encountered in the commercial letter of credit context. As a result, the ISP is also written to provide guidance to lawyers and judges in the interpretation of standby practice.Differences in substance result either from different practices, different problems, or the need for more precision. In addition, the ISP proposes basic definitions should the standby permit or require presentation of documents by electronic means. Since standbys infrequently require presentation of negotiable docu-ments, standby practice is currently more conducive to electronic presentations, and the ISP provides definitions and rules encouraging such presentations. The development of S.W.I.F.T. message types for the ISP is anticipated.The ISP, like the UCP for commercial letters of credit, simplifies, standardizes, and streamlines the drafting of standbys, and provides clear and widely accepted answers to common problems. There are basic simi-larities with the UCP because standby and commercial practices are fundamentally the same. Even where the rules overlap, however, the ISP is more precise, stating the intent implied in the UCP rule, in order to make the standby more dependable when a drawing or honor is questioned.Like the UCP and the URDG, the ISP will apply to any independent undertaking issued subject to it. This approach avoids the impractical and often impossible task of identifying and distinguishing standbys from independent guarantees and, in many cases, commercial lettersof credit. The choice of which set of rules to select is, therefore, left to the parties as it should be. One may well choose to use the ISP for certain types of standbys, the UCP for others, and the URDG for still others. While the ISP is not intended to be used for dependent undertakings such as accessory guarantees and insurance contracts, it may be useful in some situations in indicating that a particular undertaking which might otherwise be treated as dependent underlocal law is intended to be independent.For the ISP to apply to a standby, an undertaking should be made subject to these Rules by including language such as (but not limited to):l This undertaking is issued subject to the International Standby Practices 1998.orl Subject to ISP98.Although the ISP can be varied by the text of a standby, it provides neutral rules acceptable in the majority of situations and a useful starting point for negotiations in other situations. It will save parties (including banks that issue, confirm, or are beneficiaries of standbys) considerable time and expense in negotiating and drafting standby terms.The ISP is designed to be compatible with the United Nations Convention on Independent Guarantees and Stand-by Letters of Credit (which represents a useful and practical formulation of basic standby and inde-pendent guarantee law) and also with local law, whether statutory or judicial, and to embody standby letter of credit practice under that law. If these rules conflict with mandatory law on issues such as assignment of proceeds or transfer by operation of law, applicable law will, of course, control. Nonetheless, most of these issues are rarely addressed by local law and progressive commercial law will often look to the practice as recorded in the ISP for guidance in such situations, especially with respect to cross border under-takings. As a result, it is expected that the ISP will complement local law rather than conflict with it.The ISP is intended to be used also in arbitration as well as judicial proceedings (such as the expert based letter of credit arbitration system developed by the International Center for Letter of Credit Arbitration (ICLOCA) Rules or general commercial ICC arbitration) or with alternative methods of dispute resolution. Such a choice should be made expressly and with appropriate detail. At a minimum, it can be made in connection with the clause relating to ISP98 - e.g. This undertaking is issued subject to ISP98, and all disputes arising out of it or related to it are subject to arbitration under ICLOCA Rules (1996).Although translations of the ISP into other languages are envisioned and will be monitored for integrity, the English text is the official text of the ISP in the event of disputes.The ISP is the product of the work of the ISP Working Group under the auspices of the Institute of International Banking Law and Practice, Inc. which interacted with hundreds of persons over a five year period, and has benefitted from comments received from individuals, banks, and national and international associations. In particular, the participation of the International Financial Services Association (formerly the USCIB) and the Ad Hoc Working Group under the chairmanship of Gary Collyer (which led to its endorsement by the ICC Banking Commission) is gratefully recognized. In addition, the sponsorship and support of Citibank N.A., The Chase Manhattan Bank, ABN-AMRO, Baker and McKenzie, and the National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade is acknowledged. Perhaps the greatest significance of the ISP is that its creation marks a new chapter in the collaboration between the international banking operations community and the legal community at an international level. In this respect, the active role played in this process by the Secretariat of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law has been invaluable.The ISP is drafted as a set of rules intended for use in daily practice. It is not intended to provide introductory information on standbys and their uses. While it is recognized that specific rules would benefit from explanatory comments, such comments are not appended to the ISP because the resulting work would be too cumbersome for daily use. Instead, introductory materials and Official Comments are available in the Official Commentary on the International Standby Practices (ISP98). For further information on support materials and developments onthe ISP and to pose queries, consult the ISP98 website: .Professor James E. ByrneDirector, Institute of International Banking Law and Practice, Inc.;hair and Reporter, P Working GroupJames G. BarnesBaker and McKenzie; Vice Chair, ISP Working GroupGary W. CollyerVice President, Citibank, N.A;Chair, ICC Ad Hoc Working Group andbTechnical Adviser to the ICC Banking CommissionCOPYRIGHTCopyright ©1998The Institute of International Banking Law and Practice, Inc.All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied, in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic or mechanical, including recording taping or information retrieval systems - without the written permission of ICC Publishing SA, or ICC Publishing, Inc. for the USA, or of the Institute of International Banking Law and Practice, Inc.ICC Publication N° 590ISP 98 - 1.011.01 Scope and Applicationa. These Rules are intended to be applied to standby letters of credit (including performance, financial, and direct pay standby letters of credit).b. A standby letter of credit or other similar under-taking, however named or described, whether for domestic or international use, may be made subject to these Rules by express reference to them.c. An undertaking subject to these Rules may expressly modify or exclude their application.d. An undertaking subject to these Rules is here-inafter referred to as a "standby".1.02 - ISP 981.02 Relationship to Law and Other Rulesa. These Rules supplement the applicable law to the extent not prohibited by that law.b. These Rules supersede conflicting provisions in any other rules of practice to which a standby letter of credit is also made subject.ISP 98 - 1.031.03 Interpretative PrinciplesThese Rules shall be interpreted as mercantile usage with regard for:a. integrity of standbys as reliable and efficient undertakings to pay;b. practice and terminology of banks and businesses in day-to-day transactions;c. consistency within the worldwide system of banking operations and commerce; andd. worldwide uniformity in their interpretation and application.ISP 98 - 1.041.04 Effect of the RulesUnless the context otherwise requires, or unless expressly modified or excluded, these Rules apply as terms and conditions incorporated intoi. the issuer;ii. the beneficiary to the extent it uses the standby;ii. the beneficiary to the extent it uses the standby;iii. any advisor;iv. any confirmer;v. any person nominated in the standby who acts or agrees to act; andvi. the applicant who authorises issuance of the standby or otherwise agrees to the application of these Rules.ISP 98 - 1.051.05 Exclusion of Matters Related to Due Issuance and Fraudulent or Abusive DrawingThese Rules do not define or otherwise provide for:a. power or authority to issue a standby;b. formal requirements for execution of a standby (e.g. a signed writing); orc. defenses to honour based on fraud, abuse, or similar matters.These matters are left to applicable law.ISP 98 - 1.061.06 Nature of Standbysa. A standby is an irrevocable, independent, docu-mentary, and binding undertaking when issued and need not so state.b. Because a standby is irrevocable, an issuer's obligations under a standby cannot be amended or cancelled by the issuer except as provided in the standby or as consented to by the person against whom the amendment or cancellation is asserted.c. Because a standby is independent, the enforce-ability of an issuer's obligations under a standby does not depend on:i. the issuer's right or ability to obtain reimburse-ment from the applicant;ii. the beneficiary's right to obtain payment from the applicant;iii. a reference in the standby to any reimburse-ment agreement or underlying transaction; or iv. the issuer's knowledge of performance or breach of any reimbursement agreement or underlying transaction.d. Because a standby is documentary, an issuer's obligations depend on the presentation of documents and an examination of required documents on their face.e. Because a standby or amendment is binding when issued, it is enforceable against an issuer whether or not the applicant authorised its issuance, the issuer received a fee, or the ben-eficiary received or relied on the standby or the amendment.ISP 98 - 1.071.07 Independence of the Issuer-Beneficiary RelationshipAn issuer's obligations toward the beneficiary are not affected by the issuer's rights and obligations toward the applicant under any applicable agreement, practice, or law.ISP 98 - 1.081.08 Limits to ResponsibilitiesAn issuer is not responsible for:a. performance or breach of any underlying trans-action;b. accuracy, genuineness, or effect of any document presented under the standby;c. action or omission of others even if the other person is chosen by the issuer or nominated person; ord. observance of law or practice other than that chosen in the standby or applicable at the place of issuance.ISP 98 - 1.091.09 Defined TermsIn addition to the meanings given in standard banking practice and applicable law, the following terms have or include the meanings indicated below:a. Definitions"Applicant" is a person who applies for issuance of a standby or for whose account it is issued, and includes (i) a person applying in its own name but for the account of another person or (ii) an issuer acting for its own account."Beneficiary" is a named person who is entitled to draw under a standby. See Rule 1.11(c)(ii)."Business Day" means a day on which the place of business at which the relevant act is to be performed is regularly open; and "Banking Day" means a day on which the relevant bank is regularly open at the place at which the relevant act is to be performed."Confirmer" is a person who, upon an issuer's nomination to do so, adds to the issuer's undertaking its own undertaking to honour a standby. See Rule 1.11(c)(i)."Demand" means, depending on the context, either a request to honour a standby or a document that makes such request."Document" means a draft, demand, document of title, investment security, invoice, certificate of default, or any other representation of fact, law, right, or opinion, that upon presentation (whether in a paper or electronic medium), is capable of being examined for compliance with the terms and conditions of a standby."Drawing" means, depending on the context, either a demand presented or a demand honoured. "Expiration Date" means the latest day for a complying presentation provided in a standby. "Person" includes a natural person, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, government agency, bank, trustee, and any other legal or commercial association or entity. "Presentation" means, depending on the context, either the act of delivering documents for examination under a standby or the documents so delivered."Presenter" is a person who makes a pres-entation as or on behalf of a beneficiary or nominated person."Signature" includes any symbol executed or adopted by a person with a present intent to authenticate a document.b. Cross References"Amendment" - Rule 2.06"Advice" - Rule 2.05"Approximately" ("About" or "Circa") -"Assignment of Proceeds" - Rule 6.06"Automatic Amendment" - Rule 2.06(a)"Copy" - Rule 4.15(d)"Cover Instructions" - Rule 5.08"Honour" - Rule 2.01"Issuer" - Rule 2.01"Multiple Presentations" - Rule 3.08(b)"Nominated Person" - Rule 2.04"Non-documentary Conditions" - Rule 4.11"Original" - Rule 4.15(b) & (c)"Partial Drawing" - Rule 3.08(a)"Standby" - Rule 1.01(d)"Transfer" - Rule 6.01"Transferee Beneficiary" - Rule 1.11(c)(ii)"Transfer by Operation of Law" - Rule 6.11c. Electronic PresentationsThe following terms in a standby providing for or permitting electronic presentation shall havethe following meanings unless the context otherwise requires:"Electronic Record" means:i. a record (information that is inscribed on a tangible medium or that is stored in an electronic or other medium and is retrievable in perceivable form);ii. communicated by electronic means to a system for receiving, storing, re-transmitting, or otherwise processing information (data, text, images, sounds, codes, computer pro-grams, software, databases, and the like); andiii. capable of being authenticated and then examined for compliance with the terms and conditions of the standby."Authenticate" means to verify an electronic record by generally accepted procedure or methodology in commercial practice:i. the identity of a sender or source, andii. the integrity of or errors in the transmission of information content.The criteria for assessing the integrity of inform-ation in an electronic record is whether the information has remained complete and un-altered, apart from the addition of any endorse-ment and any change which arises in the normal course of communication, storage, and display."Electronic signature" means letters, characters, numbers, or other symbols in electronic form, attached to or logically associated with an electronic record that are executed or adopted by a party with present intent to authenticate an electronic record."Receipt" occurs when:i. an electronic record enters in a form capable of being processed by the information system designated in the standby, orii. an issuer retrieves an electronic record sentISP 98 - 1.101.10 Redundant or Otherwise Undesirable Termsa. A standby should not or need not state that it is:i. unconditional or abstract (if it does, it signifies merely that payment under it is conditioned solely on presentation of specified documents);ii. absolute (if it does, it signifies merely that it is irrevocable);iii. primary (if it does, it signifies merely that it is the independent obligation of the issuer);iv. payable from the issuer's own funds (if it does, it signifies merely that payment under it does not depend on the availability of applicant funds and is made to satisfy the issuer's own independent obligation);v. clean or payable on demand (if it does, it signifies merely that it is payable upon presentation of a written demand or other documents specified in the standby).b. A standby should not use the term "and/or" (if it does it means either or both).c. The following terms have no single accepted meaning:i. and shall be disregarded:"callable", "divisible", "fractionable", "indivisible", and "transmissible", ii. and shall be disregarded unless their context gives them meaning: "assignable", "evergreen", "reinstate", and "revolving".ISP 98 - 1.111.11 Interpretation of These Rulesa. These Rules, are to be interpreted in the context of applicable standard practice.b. In these Rules, "standby letter of credit" refers to the type of independent undertaking for which these Rules were intended, whereas "standby" refers to an undertaking subjected to these Rules.c. Unless the context otherwise requires:i. "Issuer" includes a "confirmer" as if the confirmer were a separate issuer and its confirmation were a separate standby issued for the account of the issuer;ii. "Beneficiary" includes a person to whom the named beneficiary has effectively transferred drawing rights ("transferee beneficiary");iii. "Including" means "including but not limited to";iv. "A or B" means "A or B or both"; "either A or B" means "A or B, but not both"; and "A and B" means "both A and B";v. Words in the singular number include the plural, and in the plural include the singular; and vi. Words of the neuter gender include any gender.d. i. Use of the phrase "unless a standby otherwise states" or the like in a rule emphasizes that the text of the standby controls over the rule;ii. Absence of such a phrase in other rules does not imply that other rules have priority over the text of the standby;iii. Addition of the term "expressly" or "clearly" to the phrase "unless a standby otherwise states" or the like emphasizes that the rule should be excluded or modified only by wording in the standby that is specific and unambiguous; andiv. While the effect of all of these Rules may be varied by the text of the standby, variations of the effect of some of these Rules may disqualify the standby as an independent undertaking under applicable law.e. The phrase "stated in the standby" or the like refers to the actual text of a standby (whether as issued or effectively amended) whereas the phrase "provided in the standby" or the like refers to both the text of the standby and these Rules as incorporated.。
高考语文词语拼音一、给以下词语中加点的汉字注音(熟习课文内容,掌握常用字词读音)1.拗断ǎo 2.柏油 bǎi 3.焙烧 bèi 4.鱼鳔 biào 5.熬白菜ā o 6.淬火 cuì7.佞臣 nìng 8.恐吓 hè9.俳优 pái 10.扼腕 w àn 11.山坳ào 12.黄檗 bò13 .黄柏 bò14 .绷脸 běng 15 .葳蕤 wēiru í16.脖颈 gěng 17.坼裂 chè18.褫夺 chǐ19 .思念 cǔn 20.砖坯 pī21.觊觎 yú22.夹杂 ji ā23 .发酵 jiào 24.皈依 guī25.固执 niù26.夜晚 bàng 27 .濒危 bīn 28.掣肘 chèzhǒu 29.挫败 cuò30 .蚍蜉 pí31.黑魆魆 xū32.绩效 jì33.弄堂 lòng 34.噱头 xué35.果脯 fǔ36.襁褓 qi ǎng 37.剥花生 bāo 38.绷直 bèng bēng39.煸炒 biān 40.屏退 bǐng 41.称职 chèn 42.汤勺 chí43.横财 hèng 44.眼睑 ji ǎn 45.框架 kuàng 46.书坊 fāng 47.苔藓 tái 48.刨冰 bào 49.剥落 bō50.荸荠 bí?qí51.摒除 bìng 52 .谶语 chèn 53.办理 chǔ54.屏除 bǐng 55.箭镞 zú56.间杂 jiàn 57.涣散 sǎn 58.磨坊 fáng 59.头癣 xuǎn 60.背篓 bēi 61.薄脆 báo 62 .匕首 bǐ63.褊狭 biǎn 64 .香饽饽 bó?bo 65.阿谀 chǎn 66.称赞 chēng 67.遄飞 chu án 68 .豆荚 jiá69.倥偬 zǒng 70.诨号 hùn 71.僭越 jiàn 72.胸怀衡 dù73 .游舫 fǎng 74 .旋涡 w ō75.黄昏 bó76.宽免 hu ò77 .纰缪 miù78.模具 mú79.口讷 nè80.妍媸 chī81.皴裂 cūn 82.勖勉 xù83 .劲旅 j ìng 84.气氛 fēn 85.潦草 liáo 86.切合 fú87.乖蹇 jiǎn 88.睚眦 zì89.发怵 chù90.白术 zhú91.嫩绿 nèn 92 .漱口 shù93.敕封 chì94 .夹生 ji ā95 .及笄 jī96.兽槛 jiàn 97.胚胎 pēi 98.较量 jìn 99.祗敬 zhī100.攫取 jué101.泡茶 qī102 .胸脯 pú103 .役使 yì104.泥淖 nào 105.脱脂 zhī106.教唆 suō107.箴言 zhēn 108 .咯血 kǎ109 .解析 pōu 110 .后嗣 sì111.昳丽 yì112 .蒙骗 mēng 113 .颓靡 tu í114.龃龉 yǔ115.举隅 yǔ116.卷帙 zhì117.狡黠 xiá118.市侩 kuài 119.回溯 sù120.富庶 shù121.远岫 xiù122.霉菌 j ūn 123 .巨擘 bò124.靓妆 jìng 125.稼穑 sè126.诘责 ji é127.伶俜 língp īng128.渐染 ji ān 129.骄矜 j īn 130 .浸润 jìn 131.角斗 ju é132 .角色 jué133 .揩汗 kāi 134.铿锵 qi āng 135 .拊掌 fǔ136.解送 ji è137.宽宥 yòu 138 .哈达 hǎ139.亲昵 nì140.胳臂 gē?bei141.呼唤 zhào 142.觇视 chān143.鞭鞘 shāo144.潲水 shào145 .翘首 qi áo146.火热 chì147 .盘飧 sūn 148 .偌大 ru ò149 .谲诈 ju é150.鹰隼 sǔn 151.给养 j ǐ152 .福祉 zhǐ153.铜臭 xiù154 .对峙 zhì155.消弭 mǐ156.印玺 xǐ157.妊娠 shēn 158 .弹弓 dàn 159.慑服 shè160.踝骨 hu ái161.掉色 shǎi 162.辅弼 bì163.服侍 cì164 .包扎 zā165.作坊 zuō?fang 166.刨床 bào 167 .择菜 zhái 168.与会 yù169.酽茶 yàn 170 .熨帖 yù171.冠芥蒂 guān 172.疏浚 jùn 173.症结 zhēng 174 .答应 dā175 .盘桓 hu án 176.譬喻 pì177 .啁啾 jiū178 .探亲 xǐng 179 .吸取 jí180.堤岸 dī181.咫尺 zhǐ182.缇骑 jì183.媲美 pì184 .飙升 biāo 185 .湍急 tu ān 186.筵席 yán 187 .瞳孔 tóng 188.船舷 xián 189 .遴选 lín 190.心愿 sù191.跂望 qì192 .腈纶 jīng 193.入殓 li àn 194.收讫 qì195.菡萏 dàn 196.节骨眼 jiēgu 197.金刚钻 zuàn 198 .扔掷 zhì199.凫水 fú200 .马厩 jiù201.攻讦 ji é202.鳜鱼 guì203 .诤友 zhèng 304.氤氲 yūn 205 .倾盆 pāng 206.稽首 qǐ207 .悼念 yàn 208 .信笺 ji ān 209.玷辱 diàn 210.杜撰 zhu àn 211.缔结 dì212 .场所 chǎng 213 .腠理 còu 214.黜免 chù215 .面颊 jiá216.聒噪 zào 217 .搭讪 shàn 218 .露台山 t āi 219 .床铺 pù220 .遽然 jù221.羁縻 mí222.打擂台 lèi 223.浸渍 zì224 .挟制 xié225 .翁媪ǎo 226.旮旯 gālá227 .阴鸷 zhì228.神祇 qí229.撇嘴 piě230 .檄文 xí231.宫绦 t āo 232.拥簇 cù233.一场雨 cháng 234.赏赉 lài 235 .齑粉 jī236.赍志 j ī237 .镌刻 ju ān 238 .扶乩 jī239.岑寂 cén 240.神龛 kān 241.轻飏 yáng 242 .札记 zhá243 .一服药 fù244 .悲痛 t òng 245 .商贾 gǔ246.关卡 qiǎ247 .豢养 hu àn 248.阴霾 mái 249.采撷 xié250.逡巡 qūn 251.苑囿 yòu 252 .勇猛 xiāo 253.孝悌 tì254.靛青 diàn 255.霰弹 xiàn 256.梢公 shāo 257 .绮罗 qǐ258 .弹劾 hé259.重创 chuāng 260.濯足 zhuó261.迫击炮 pǎi 262 .水泵 bèng 263.雾霭ǎi 264.鳊鱼 biān 265 .蛤蚌 gébàng 266.龅牙 bāo 267 .袍泽 páo 268.同胞 bāo 269.血泊 pō270.甜薄脆 b áo271.黄芪 qí272 .十里堡 pù273.印把子 bà274.大伯子 bǎi 275 .黄骠马 biāo276.一场球 chǎng 277.车马炮 jū278.辟邪 bì279.偏裨 pí280 .骠骑 pi ào 281.傧相 bīn 282 .髌骨 bìn 283 .宝藏 zàng284 .电势差 chā 285 .羼杂 chàn286.镐京 hào 287 .轧账 gá288.处罚 chéng289.豆豉 chǐ290 .豪侈 ch ǐ291.炽盛 chì292 .舂米 chōng 293.冲模 chòng 294.撺掇 cuān 295 .处决 chǔ296.畜力 chù297 .傣族 dǎi 298.抽搐 chù299.阔绰 chu ò300 .瑕疵 cī301.雌雄 cí302.伺隙 sì303.大黄 dà304.瓦窑堡 bǔ305 .畜产 xù306.嚼舌 ji áo 307 .倔性情 juè308 .馏馒头 liù 309 .落架 l ào310 .唱片儿 pi ān 311.自个儿 gě312 .镐头 gǎo 313 .封诰 gào 314.排子车 pǎi 315 .膀肿 pāng 316.朴树 pò317 .打烊 yàng 318 .佣金 yòng 319.一宿 xiǔ320 .吁请 yù321.刷白 shu à322 .骨殖 gǔ?shi 323 .扎实 tā?shi 324 .海参崴 wǎi 325.叶韵 xié326.体己话 tī327.肯綮 qìng 328 .亲家公 qìng 329.嬗变 shàn 330.流觞 shāng331.氓隶 méng 332.西畴 chóu 333 .尚飨 xiǎng 334 .懊悔 chàn 335 .貂蝉 chán 336.哭泣 yè337 .桌帏 wěi 338 .窨井盖 yìn 339 .再一强 jiàng340 .砧板 zhēn341.缝扣子 dìng 342 .干禄 gānlù343.跌荡 diē344 .骨节 gǔjié 345 .晃眼 hu ǎng 346.连累 lěi 347.拉破手 lá348 .撩起 liāo 349 .淋盐 l ìn 350 .搂柴火 lōu 351.问难 nàn 352 .眼泡 pāo 353 .疱疹 pào 354.喷香 pèn 355 .劈开 pǐ356.漂白 piǎo 357 .腥臊 sào 358.煞白 shà359 .趟地 t āng 360 .一帖药 ti ě361.一通话 tòng 362 .挑战 ti ǎo 363 .旋风 xuàn 364 .要功 yāo 365.荫凉 yìn 366.应声 yìng 367 .晕场 yùn 368.炸糕 zhá369.辟谣 pì370.矿藏 cáng 371.树行子 hàng 372 .剿说 chāo 373 .拚命 pàn 374.折腾 zhē375.表记 zhì376.档案 dàng 377 .靓仔 zǎi 378.桦树 hu à379 .冷静 cóng 380 .骨髓 suǐ381.拙劣 zhu ō382 .围绕 rào 383.渠道 qú384.侵袭 xí385.曲折 wān 386.祷告 qídǎo 387.召开 zhào 388 .狗彘 zhì389.逻辑 lu ó?ji 390 .山冈 gāng 391.傀儡 kuǐlěi 392 .抢劫 lǔlüè 393.蹼掌 pǔ394.宽绰 chuò 395.饥荒 jī?huang 396.虫豸 zhì397.秸秆 jiē398 .发酵 jiào 399 .盎司àng 400.粗拙 cāo 401.赁屋 lìn 402 .晌午 shǎng 403.绥靖 suí404.毒枭 xiāo 405.蜕变 tu ì406.卜筮 bǔ407.吮吸 shǔn 408 .酗酒 xù409 .沼气 zhǎo 410 .灿烂 xuàn 411.玻璃碴 chá412 .荞麦 qiáo 413.粗暴 guǎng 414.肚脐 qí415 .喑哑 yīn 416.蔓菁 mán?jing 417 .央浼 měi 418 .偌大 ru ò419 .笃厚 dǔ420 .碘酒 diǎn 421.汗涔涔 cén 422 .盥洗 guàn 423 .薅草 hāo 424.汾酒 fén 425.挑剔 tī426.划豁拳hu á427 .刽子手guì428 .股肱 gōng429 .顷刻 ch à430 .破晓 f ú431.日晷 gu ǐ432.雪茄jiā433 .抓阄jiū434.诳语 kuáng 435.乐阕 què436.掮客 qián 437 .菜畦 qí438.酾酒 shī439 .山岚 lán 440 .牛虻 méng 441.悭吝 qiān 442 .唱喏 rě443.嗾使 sǒu 444 .歃血 shà445 .饕餮 t āo 456.趿拉 t ā447 .倾轧 yà448.栅栏 zhà449.阋墙 xì450.癫痫 diān 451.游弋 yì452 .渊薮 sǒu 453 .恣睢 suī454 .打猎 shòu 455 .囟门 xìn 456.怨艾 yì457 .帷幄 wò458 .糯米 nu ò459.笑靥 yè460.扁舟 piān461.墙垣 yu án 462 .储存 zhù463 .苎麻 zhù464.成就 yì465.甲醛 qu án 466.悖谬 bèimi ù467.朝觐 jìn 468.孢子 bāo 469 .保镖 biāo470.寒碜 hán?chen 471.盘石 pán 472 .疲沓 pí?ta 473 .情素 sù474 .舢舨 shān 475 .什锦 shí476.推委 w ěi 477 .魍魉 liǎng 478 .翕动 xī479 .撅嘴 ju ē480.生活 hú481.马扎 zhá482.跖骨 zhí483 .抵牾 dǐwǔ484.蒺藜 lí485 .纨绔 wán 486.假货 yàn 487 .剥皮 bāo 488 .眯缝眼 mī?feng 489.茎叶 jīng 490.瑰丽 guī491.斡旋 w ò492.惭怍 zuò493 .诤言 zhèng 494.闯事 zhào 495.伛偻 yǔ496.怃然 wǔ497.粮囤 dùn 498.壳菜 qiào 499.魁首 qiáo 500 .三岔口 ch à501.的士 dí502 .砝码 fǎmǎ503 .鸟铳 chòng 504.惩创 chuàng 505 .椽子 chu án506.潭柘寺 zhè507.编纂 zuǎn 508.莳秧 shì509 .方遒 qi ú510.靑荇 xìng 511.跫音 qióng 512 .宁谧 mì513 .敛裾 jū514 .花蕊 ruǐ515 .坍圮 t ān516.瘐毙 yǔ517 .发轫 rèn 518.薄赆 jìn 519.巉岩 chán 520 .坟茔 yíng 521.孱头 càn 522 .畏葸 xǐ523 .竹篁 hu áng 524.指摘 zhāi 525.仓颉 j ié526.饭甑 zèng 527 .冲压 chòng 528 .似的 shì529 .杉篙 shā530 .无射钟 yì531.哭丧脸 kū?sang 532.雪橇 qiāo 533 .蛲虫 náo 534 .豆萁 qí535.鲇鱼 nián 536.投靠 bèn 537 .眯了眼 mí538.道行 héng 539 .镏金 li ú540 .揪捽 zuó541.痉挛 j ìng 542 .捋胡须 l ǚ543 .捋袖子 luō544.吐蕃 bō545.鄂伦春è546.抡大锤 lūn 547 .鲰生 zōu 548.两涘 sì549 .笏板 hù550 .槲寄生 hú551.刀俎 zǔ552 .骖乘 shèng 553.萌蘖 niè554 .熹微 xī555.阙秦 jué556.歆享 xīn 557 .形骸 hái 558.陈抟 tu án 559 .蹙额 cù560 .横样子 hèng561.歹毒 dǎi 562 .参省 xǐng 563.鸡豚 tún 564 .跂望 qì565.锋镝 dí566.牌楼 fāng 567 .掀起 xīān 568 .哪吒 nézhā二、给以下成语中加点的汉字注音1.不着边沿 zhuó2.杀鸡吓猴 xià3.空心吃药 kòng 4.笑脸可掬 jū5.倾箱倒箧q iè6.以卵击石 dāng 7.博闻强识 zhì8.不可胜数 zài 9.人材辈出 j ǐ10.洗尽铅华 pú11.落落大方 bīn 12.荷枪实弹 hè13 .抚髀长叹 bì 14 .疑神疑鬼 bǔ15.重足而立 chóng16.默默无声 jìn 17 .入木三分 pì18.既往不咎 ji ù 19.俾众周知 bǐ20.高屋建瓴 líng21.解铃系铃 xì22.峨冠博带 guān 23 .喁喁密语 yú24.心急火燎 liǎo 25.呶呶不休 náo26.手上燎泡 li áo 27.以手加额é28.虚无缥缈 shu ò 29.虚与委蛇 yí30.顺蔓摸瓜 wàn31.踽踽独行 jǔ32.默不作声 jiān 33.自古洎今 jì34.一触即发 nǔ35.桀骜不驯ào36.不由自主 jīn 37 .民怨沸腾 zài 38.白雪皑皑á i 39.一哄而散 hòng 40.厝火积薪 cuò41.暴殄天物 ti ǎn 42 .朝暾夕月 tūn 43 .吞言咽理 yàn 44 .伛偻提拔 lǚ45.未雨绸缪 móu46.不翼而飞 jìng 47 .饮马长城 yìn 48.高瞻远瞩 zhǔ49 .黄发垂髫 ti áo 50.敬谢不敏 mǐn51.不值一哂shěn 52.偃仰啸歌xiào 53.阮囊羞怯sè54 .卖官鬻爵yù55.残碑断碣jié56.管窥蠡测lí57.循序渐进dǎo58.刮目相待guā59.锃光瓦亮zèng 60.流水浅浅jiān61.聚沙成塔yè62.扺掌而谈zhǐ63 .负笈之志jí64.信而有征zhēng 65 .猝不及防cù66.亟来问讯qì67 .爱憎分明j īng 68 .心劳日拙zhu ō 69.醍醐灌顶tí70.言简意赅gāi71.器宇轩昂xuān 72.寅吃卯粮mǎo 73.岿然不动kuī74.安土重迁zhòng 75.海市蜃楼shèn76.时来运转pǐ77.响遏行云è78.自吹自擂léi79.杀鸡取卵zhèn 80.扛鼎之力gāng81.哈雷彗星hu ì82.纵横捭阖bǎi 83.行伍身世háng84.涸辙之鲋hé85 .冥顽不灵míng86.助讨为虐w èi 87 .为丛驱雀cóng 88.万箭攒心cuán89.藏头露尾lù90.半身不遂suí91.衣冠禽兽guàn 92 .闷声闷气mēn93.相时而动xiàng 94 .解衣衣人yì95.与闻其事yù96.风雪载途 zài 97.蛮横无理 qi ǎng 98 .赛马卖解 xiè 99.掀起热潮 xiān 100.楔形文字 xiē101.因噎废食yē 102.一塌糊涂zhàng 103.眩于名利xuàn 104.陟罚臧否zhì105.杀一儆百jǐng106.含英咀华jǔ107.瓮中捉鳖wèng 108 .凤冠霞帔pèi109 .勒紧腰带l ēi 110.炙手可热zhì111.越俎代庖 páo 112 .面露愠色 yùn 113 .箪食壶浆 sì114.一抔黄土 pōu 115.存亡攸关 yōu116.谑而不虐 xuè 117.如丧考妣 bǐ118 .命运多舛 chu ǎn 119 蜂虿有毒 chài 120.飞扬跋扈 hù121.椎心泣血 chuí122.枹止响腾 fú 123.荦荦大端 luò 124 .土崩瓦解lì 125.牝鸡司晨 pìn126.弘扬踔厉 chuō127.假途灭虢 guō 128.时乖命蹇 jii ǎn 129.雨后初霁 jì130.揆情度理 kuí131.广袤无垠 mào 132 .削足适履 xuē 133.囿于偏见 yòu134.千乘之国 shèng135 .鹬蚌相危 yù136.颐指气使 yí 137.怙恶不悛 hù138 .详细而微 w ēi 139.安步当车 dàng 140.借箸代筹 zhù141.休戚与共 qī 142.犯而不校 ji ào 143 .胶柱鼓瑟 sè144.胼手胝足 zhī 145.宵衣旰食 gàn146.狗尾续貂 diāo147 .营私作弊 xùn 148 .背水一战 zhì149.无耻谰言 l án 150.曲突徙薪 xǐ151.抬遗补阕 qu ē 152 .倚马千言 yǐ 153 .孤注一掷 t ǐng 154.天真罄露 qìng 155.长歌当哭 dàng156.桀敖不驯 xùn 157.殒身不恤 yǔn 158.万姓胪欢 lú159.愤愤不平 yīng 160.忐忑不安 tǎn161.放诞无礼 dàn 162.懵懂顽童 měng 163.殛鲧用禹 jí164 .廉价从事 biàn 165.念书在庠 xiáng166.流觞曲水shāng167 .残羹冷炙gēng 168 .牛山濯濯zhuó 169 .间或一轮jiàn 170 .沸反盈天 yíng171.字斟句酌 jiáo 172.锱铢必较 zī 173 .值得商议 què174.养精蓄锐 tāo 175.不落言筌 qu án176.岁在癸丑 guǐ 177 .阿谀奉迎ē178.妃嫔媵嫱 pín 179.鼎铛玉石 chēng 180.瓮牖绳枢 yǒu181.天高地迥 jiǒng182.天罡地煞 gāng 183 .骖騑上路 fēi 184 .睇眄中天 dì185.宗悫长风 qu è186.叨陪鲤对 tāo 187.骐骥一跃 jì 188.锲而舍之 qi è 189 .驽马十驾 nú190.六艺经传 zhuàn191.在庾粟粒 yǔ192 .倚叠如山 yǐ 193 .率赂秦耶 shu ài 194 .当与秦较 t ǎng 195 .自我徂尔 cú196.擢我素手 zhuó 197.羁鸟念林 jī 198 .青青子衿 jīn 199 .契阔谈讌 yàn 200.客谈瀛洲 yíng201.渌水涟漪 lù202 .脚著谢屐 j ī 203.轻拢慢捻 niǎn 204.呕哑嘲哳 zhā 205.时已惘然 wǎng206.镜中衰鬓 bìn 207 .栏杆玉砌 qì 208.一抹彩霞 mǒ209.骤雨初歇 zhòu 210.还酹江月 lèi211.秋风玉露 lù212 .舞榭歌台 xiè 213.荠麦青青 jì214 .女娲炼石 w ā215.双双鹧鸪 zhè216.有谁堪摘 zhāi217 .门衰祚薄 zuò 218.责臣逋慢 bū219 .除臣洗马 xiǎn 220 .生当陨首 yǔn221.孤舟嫠妇 lí222 .横槊赋诗 shu ò 223 .匏樽相属 páo 224 .相与枕藉 jiè 225.余音袅袅 ni ǎo226.冯虚御风 píng 227 .猿猱愁攀 náo 228.砯崖转石 pīng 229 .钟鼓馔玉 zhuàn 230 .烹羊宰牛 pēng231.耶娘老婆 yé232 .荆杞丛生 qǐ233 .谗人间之 jiàn 234.濯淖污泥 zhu ó 235.蝉蜕浊秽 tu ì236.茕茕孑立jié237.沧海一粟sù238 .鹤汀凫渚t īng 239 .游目骋怀chěng240.趣舍万殊qǔ241.眄柯怡颜miǎn 242 .躬耕西畴chóu 243.肇锡嘉名cì244.足下蹑履 niè 245 .摧藏悲痛zàng246.欸乃一声ǎ i247.酒旗斜矗chù248 .聊消溽暑rù249 .投缳道路hu án250 .蹈死不顾dǎo251.赠谥美显 shì 252 .面面相觑 qù 253 .虎贲猛士 bēn 254.孙子膑脚 bìn 255.餔糟啜醨 bǔ256.清洗旧迹dí257 .半点漪沦 yī258 .佝偻脊背gōu 259 .踟蹰旋转zhuǎn260 .酣战正酣á o261.窸窣有声 xīsū 262 .繁芜丛杂 wú 263.浅尝辄止 zhé 264.诬蔑诅咒 miè 265.侮蔑诋毁 w ǔ266.挖苦揶揄xī267.第一要着zhāo 268 .悬揣苦思chu ǎi269 .绰有余裕chu ò 270.陈抟老祖tu án271.绞丝银镯 zhuó 272 .碑帖拓本 tà273 .雪褥草甸 rù 274.草窠狼窝 kē275.沸反盈天 fèi276.胡须拉碴 chā 277.小人得志 fǔ278 .尥蹶子 liàojuě 279 .撂挑子 liào 280.春光撩人 liáo281.涂泥抹墙 mò 282.戆直可嘉 zhuàng 283.实属赘疣 yóu 284.违逆不孝 w ǔ 285.戆头戆脑 gàng286.不忍觳觫húsù 287 .齐国褊小biǎn 288.盍反其本hé289.口占一绝zhān 290.盥漱栉笄zhì291.女郎行háng292 .官吏每lì?men 293 .忝列门墙ti ǎn 294 .舞丹墀chí295.君子好逑qi ú296.恁节气 nèn 297.谨赓一绝 gēng 298.揾英豪泪 wèn 299 .恓恓惶惶 xī 300.溶溶玉醅 pēi301.莺莺张珙gǒng 302 .苌弘化碧cháng 303.盗跖颜渊zhí 304 .前合后偃yǎn 305.蹒跚踬碚 bó306.困难险巇 xī 307.视如敝屣 xǐ 308.妖妖趫趫 qi áo 309 .难以省识 xǐng 310.久旱云霓 ní311.鲛帕鸾绦 jiāo 312.铰扇套 ji ǎo 313.泽被后代 bèi 314.手里攥着 zuàn 315.懵懂顽童 měng316.聚讼纷纭 sòng 317 .槁项黄馘 xù318 .秩秩斯干 ji àn 319.味同嚼蜡 jiáo 320.差可拟chā321.饬令查办 chì 322.敕令封赏 chì 323.老骥伏枥 jì324.草菅人命 jiān 325.捉虱子shī326.扪参历井 mén 327.猿猱欲度 náo 328.污名昭著 zhāo 329 .与世长辞 kè 330.夷为平川 yí331.惶悚不安 sǒng 332 .敛声屏气 bǐng 333.杜撰许多 zhu àn 334 .唇吻翕辟 xī 335.不遑辞候 hu áng336.牛羊蹄躈 qiào 337 .俾入邑庠 bǐ338 .直龁敌领 hé339 .咫尺天涯 zhǐ 340.以蠹贫 dù341.自增惭怍 zuò 342.坐贻聋瞽 gǔ 343 .幢节玲珑 chuáng 344.绡縠参差 hú 345.应举下第 yìng 346.撝退退却 hu ī 347.绣闼雕甍 tà méng 348 .潦水尽 lǎo 349.新州懿范 yì 350.恶乎待哉 w ū566.约二斤肉yāo 567 .智者乐山yào。
IZM (mA)
(Note 2)
208 185 167 152 139 128 116 106 98 89 81 74 67 61 55 50 45 42 38 33 31 28 25 23 21 19 17 15 14 13
©2004 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation
522 9B XY
General Requirements:
1.0 Cathod Band 2.0 First Line: F - Fairchild Logo 3.0 Second Line: Device name - For 1Nxx series: 3rd to 5th characters of the device name. For BZxx series: 4th to 6th characters of the device name. 4.0 Third Line: Device name - For 1Nxx series: 6th to 7th characters of the device name. For BZXyy series: Voltage rating 5.0 Fourth Line: XY or XYL - Two Digit - Six Weeks Date Code Where: X represents the last digit of the calendar year Y represents the Six weeks numeric code L represents the Large die identification 6.0 Devices shall be marked as required in the device specification (PID or FSC Test Spec). 7.0 Maximum no. of marking lines: 4 8.0 Maximum no. of digits per line: 3 9.0 FSC logo must be 20 % taller than the alphanumeric marking and should occupy the 2 characters of the specified line. 10.0 Marking Font: Arial (Except FSC Logo) 11.0 First character of each marking line must be aligned vertically
INTERNATIONAL STANDBY PRACTICES (ISP98)1. GENERAL PROVISIONSScope, Application, Definitions, and Interpretation of These Rules1.01 Scope and Applicationa. These Rules are intended to be applied to standby letters of credit (including performance, financial, and direct pay standby letter of credit)b. A standby letter of credit or other similar undertaking, however named or described, whether for domestic or international use, may be made subject to these Rules by express reference to them.c. An undertaking subject to these Rules may expressly modify or exclude their application.d. An undertaking subject to these Rules is hereinafter referred to as a "standby".1.02 Relationship to Law and Other Rulesa. These Rules supplement the applicable law to the extent not prohibited by that law.b. These Rules supersede conflicting provisions in any other rules of practice to which a standby letter of credit is also made subject.1.03 Interpretative PrinciplesThese Rules shall be interpreted as mercantile usage with regard for:a. integrity of standbys as reliable and efficient undertakings to payb. practice and terminology of banks and businesses in day-to-day transactionsc. consistency within the worldwide system of banking operations and commerce; andd. worldwide uniformity in their interpretation and application.1.04 Effect of the RulesUnless the context otherwise requires, or unless expressly modified or excluded, these Rules apply as terms and conditions incorporated into a standby, confirmation, advice, nomination, amendment, transfer, request for issuance, or other agreement of: 规则1:总则本规则司范围、适用、定义和解释1.01范围和适用a.本规则旨在适用于备用信用证(包括履约、融资和直接付款备用信用证)。
98 华氏度(华氏)=36.666666667 摄氏度。
华氏度(Fahrenheit scale)是指用来计量温度的单位,符号℉。
华氏度 = 32+ 摄氏度× 1.8。
华氏度(°F)是温度的一种度量单位,以其发明者德国人华伦海特(Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit,1686—1736)命名的。
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6、抽Pall Mall 香烟的人养鸟
7、黄色房子主人抽Dunhill 香烟
11、养马的人住抽Dunhill 香烟的人隔壁
12、抽Blue Master的人喝啤酒
5. 此时可以判定Dunhill-黄是1号,马是2号
10. Blends是2号
11. 猫是1号
12. 矿泉水是1号
13. 瑞典-狗是5号
14. 最后那个德国人抽Prince喝咖啡住绿房子养鱼
英国人,屋子是红色的,喝牛奶,抽Pall Mall,养的是鸟。
瑞典人,屋子是白色的,喝啤酒,抽Blue Master,养的是狗。
∵丹麦人喝茶,绿色房子主人喝咖啡,英国人喝牛奶,抽Blue Master的人喝啤酒,∴挪威人只能喝水。
∵抽Blue Master的人喝啤酒,∴既抽Blue Master,又喝啤酒的人只能住在第5间房子。
∵抽Pall Mall香烟的人养鸟,∴只有英国人抽Pall Mall香烟,养鸟。
∵抽Blends 香烟的人住在养猫的人隔壁,又∵抽Blends香烟的人的隔壁只可能是挪威人或者英国人,∴养猫的人是挪威人或者英国人,又∵英国人养鸟,∴养猫的人是挪威人。
第3间房子是红色房子,住英国人,喝牛奶,Pall Mall香烟,养鸟。
第5间房子是白色房子,主人抽Blue Master,喝啤酒。