



河北省五个一联盟(石家庄一中、保定一中等)2017届高三第一次模拟考试数学(文)试题第I卷(选择题,共60分)一、选择题:本题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1. 已知集合错误!未找到引用源。



=A. 错误!未找到引用源。

B. 错误!未找到引用源。

C. AD. B【答案】C【解析】由错误!未找到引用源。





,故选C.2. 若复数错误!未找到引用源。

为纯虚数,则实数a的值为A. 错误!未找到引用源。

B. 0C. 1D. -1【答案】C【解析】错误!未找到引用源。



,故选C.3. 设等差数列错误!未找到引用源。







A. 错误!未找到引用源。

B. 错误!未找到引用源。

C. 错误!未找到引用源。

D. 错误!未找到引用源。

【答案】D【解析】试题分析:根据韦达定理可得:,,故选D.考点:等差数列的性质【方法点睛】本题考查了等差数列的性质以及和的问题,重点说说等差数列求和公式的使用问题,(1),通过设等差数列的基本量首项和公差,联立方程组,求解数列,(2)或是变形为,当时,将数列的前n项和看成没有常数项的二次函数,,可以结合二次函数的图像以及对称性的问题,考察数列的性质问题,(3),这个公式使用的时候,经常结合等差数列的性质整体求,比如时,,时,,这样就整体求得,再求和就比较简单了.4. 某人午觉醒来,发现表停了,他打开收音机,想听电台整点报时,则他等待时间不多于10分钟的概率为A. 错误!未找到引用源。

B. 错误!未找到引用源。

河北省五个一联盟(邯郸一中、石家庄一中等)2017届高三数学二模试卷(文科) Word版含解析

河北省五个一联盟(邯郸一中、石家庄一中等)2017届高三数学二模试卷(文科) Word版含解析

2017年河北省五个一联盟(邯郸一中、石家庄一中等)高考数学二模试卷(文科)一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有且只有一项符合题目要求.1.已知i是虚数单位,若z(1+i)=1+3i,则z=()A.2+i B.2﹣i C.﹣1+i D.﹣1﹣i2.已知全集U=R,集合,则A∩(∁U B)=()A.(﹣1,+∞)B.[3,+∞)C.(﹣1,0)∪(3,+∞) D.(﹣1,0]∪[3,+∞)3.已知命题p,q是简单命题,则“¬p是假命题”是“p∨q是真命题”的()A.充分不必要条件 B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分又不必要条件4.已知角θ的顶点与原点重合,始边与x轴正半轴重合,终边在直线y=3x上,则sin(2θ+)=()A.B.﹣C.D.﹣5.设变量x,y满足约束条件,则z=x﹣2y的最大值为()A.﹣12 B.﹣1 C.0 D.6.设函数f(x)是定义在R上的奇函数,且f(x)=,则g(﹣8)=()A.﹣2 B.﹣3 C.2 D.37.在区间[﹣2,3]中任取一个数m,则使“双曲线﹣=1的离心率大于”的概率是()A.B.C.D.8.函数f(x)=sinωx(ϖ>0)的图象向右平移个单位得到函数y=g(x)的图象,并且函数g(x)在区间[,]上单调递增,在区间[]上单调递减,则实数ω的值为()A.B.C.2 D.9.已知圆C:(x﹣1)2+(y﹣2)2=2与y轴在第二象限所围区域的面积为S,直线y=3x+b分圆C的内部为两部分,其中一部分的面积也为S,则b=()A.﹣1±B.1C.﹣1﹣D.1﹣10.秦九韶是我国南宋时期的数学家,普州(现四川省安岳县)人,他在所著的《数书九章》中提出的多项式求值的秦九韶算法,至今仍是比较先进的算法.如图的程序框图给出了利用秦九韶算法求某多项式值的一个实例,若输入x的值为2,则输出的v值为()A.9×210﹣2 B.9×210+2 C.9×211+2 D.9×211﹣211.如图,网格纸上正方形小格的边长为1,图中粗线画出的是某几何体的三视图,则该几何体的体积为()A.B.C.D.412.若函数f(x)=a(x2+)﹣lnx(a>0)有唯一零点x0,且m<x0<n(m,n为相邻整数),其中自然对数e=2.71828…,则m+n的值为()A.1 B.3 C.5 D.7二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分,把答案填写在题中横线上.13.已知F1、F2为椭圆=1的两个焦点,过F1的直线交椭圆于A、B两点,若|F2A|+|F2B|=12,则|AB|=.14.已知点A(1,0),B(1,),点C在第二象限,且∠AOC=150°,=﹣4+λ,则λ=.15.若f(x)+f(1﹣x)=4,a n=f(0)+f()+…+f()+f(1)(n∈N+),则数列{a n}的通项公式为.16.已知矩形ABEF所在的平面与矩形ABCD所在的平面互相垂直,AD=2,AB=3,AF=,M为EF的中点,则多面体M﹣ABCD的外接球的表面积为.三、解答题:本大题共70分,其中(17)-(21)题为必考题,(22),(23)题为选考题.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.17.在△ABC中,角A,B,C所对的边分别为a,b,c,且2acosC﹣c=2b.(Ⅰ)求角A的大小;(Ⅱ)若c=,角B的平分线BD=,求a.18.某校高一(1)班的一次数学测试成绩的茎叶图和频率分布直方图都受到不同程度的污损,可见部分如图.(Ⅰ)求分数在[50,60)的频率及全班人数;(Ⅱ)求分数在[80,90)之间的频数,并计算频率分布直方图中[80,90)间矩形的高;(Ⅲ)若要从分数在[80,100)之间的试卷中任取两份分析学生失分情况,求在抽取的试卷中,至少有一份分数在[90,100)之间的概率.19.如图,在三棱锥A﹣BCD中,△ABD为边长等于正三角形,CD=CB=1.△ADC 与△ABC是有公共斜边AC的全等的直角三角形.(Ⅰ)求证:AC⊥BD;(Ⅱ)求D点到平面ABC的距离.20.已知抛物线C:y2=4x的焦点为F,过F的直线l交C于A,B两点,M为线段AB的中点,O为坐标原点.AO、BO的延长线与直线x=﹣4分别交于P、Q两点.(Ⅰ)求动点M的轨迹方程;(Ⅱ)连接OM,求△OPQ与△BOM的面积比.21.已知函数f(x)=ax2+bx﹣lnx(a,b∈R)(Ⅰ)设a≥0,求f(x)的单调区间(Ⅱ)设a>0,且对于任意x>0,f(x)≥f(1).试比较lna与﹣2b的大小.请考生在第(22),(23),二题中任选一题作答,如果多做,则按所做的第一题记分.[选修4-4:坐标系与参数方程](共1小题,满分10分)22.在平面直角坐标系中,曲线C的参数方程为(α为参数).以坐标原点O为极点,x轴正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,直线l的极坐标方程为ρcos(θ+)=.l与C交于A、B两点.(Ⅰ)求曲线C的普通方程及直线l的直角坐标方程;(Ⅱ)设点P(0,﹣2),求|PA|+|PB|的值.[选修4-5:不等式选讲](共1小题,满分0分)23.已知关于x的不等式|x﹣3|+|x﹣m|≥2m的解集为R.(Ⅰ)求m的最大值;(Ⅱ)已知a>0,b>0,c>0,且a+b+c=m,求4a2+9b2+c2的最小值及此时a,b,c的值.2017年河北省五个一联盟(邯郸一中、石家庄一中等)高考数学二模试卷(文科)参考答案与试题解析一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有且只有一项符合题目要求.1.已知i是虚数单位,若z(1+i)=1+3i,则z=()A.2+i B.2﹣i C.﹣1+i D.﹣1﹣i【考点】复数代数形式的乘除运算.【分析】直接利用复数代数形式的乘除运算化简得答案.【解答】解:由z(1+i)=1+3i,得,故选:A.2.已知全集U=R,集合,则A∩(∁U B)=()A.(﹣1,+∞)B.[3,+∞)C.(﹣1,0)∪(3,+∞) D.(﹣1,0]∪[3,+∞)【考点】交、并、补集的混合运算.【分析】求解A,B中的不等式的定义域可得集合A,集合B,根据集合的基本运算即可求.【解答】解:由可得,x>﹣1,∴集合A={x|x>﹣1},由log3x<1可得0<x<3,∴集合A={x|0<x<3},则(∁U B)={x|x≥3或x≤0}那么:A∩(∁U B)={x|0≥x>﹣1或x≥3},故选D3.已知命题p,q是简单命题,则“¬p是假命题”是“p∨q是真命题”的()A.充分不必要条件 B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分又不必要条件【考点】必要条件、充分条件与充要条件的判断.【分析】根据复合命题的真假结合充分必要条件,判断即可.【解答】解:¬p是假命题,则p是真命题,推出p∨q是真命题,是充分条件,反之,不成立,故选:A.4.已知角θ的顶点与原点重合,始边与x轴正半轴重合,终边在直线y=3x上,则sin(2θ+)=()A.B.﹣C.D.﹣【考点】两角和与差的正弦函数.【分析】根据定义求解sinθ和cosθ的值,利用两角和与差的公式以及二倍角公式即可化简并求解出答案.【解答】解:由题意,已知角θ的顶点与原点重合,始边与x轴正半轴重合,终边在直线y=3x上,可知θ在第一或第三象限.根据正余弦函数的定义:可得sinθ=,cosθ=±,则sin(2θ+)=sin2θcos+cos2θsin=sinθcosθ+==故选:A.5.设变量x,y满足约束条件,则z=x﹣2y的最大值为()A.﹣12 B.﹣1 C.0 D.【考点】简单线性规划.【分析】先画出满足约束条件的可行域,并求出各角点的坐标,然后代入目标函数,即可求出目标函数z=x﹣2y的最大值.【解答】解:满足约束条件的可行域如下图所示:由图可知,由可得C(,),由:,可得A(﹣4,4),由可得B(2,1),当x=2,y=1时,z=x﹣2y取最大值0.故选:C.6.设函数f(x)是定义在R上的奇函数,且f(x)=,则g(﹣8)=()A.﹣2 B.﹣3 C.2 D.3【考点】函数奇偶性的性质.【分析】根据题意,设x<0,则有﹣x>0,由函数的解析式可得f(x)=g(x),f (﹣x)=log(﹣x+1),又由函数f(x)的奇偶性,结合函数奇偶性的性质可得g (x)=﹣log(﹣x+1),计算g(﹣8)计算可得答案.【解答】解:根据题意,设x<0,则有﹣x>0,又由f(x)=,则有f(x)=g(x),f(﹣x)=log(﹣x+1),又由函数f (x )为奇函数, 则有g (x )=﹣log (﹣x +1),故g (﹣8)=﹣log [﹣(﹣8)+1]=﹣2; 故选:A .7.在区间[﹣2,3]中任取一个数m ,则使“双曲线﹣=1的离心率大于”的概率是( )A .B .C .D .【考点】双曲线的简单性质;几何概型.【分析】双曲线﹣=1的离心率大于,则>3,解得﹣2<m<﹣1或1<m <,可得区间长度,求出在区间[﹣2,3]上随机取一个实数m 的区间长度,即可得出结论.【解答】解:因为双曲线﹣=1的离心率大于,则>3,解得﹣2<m <﹣1或1<m <,所求概率为=.故选B .8.函数f (x )=sinωx (ϖ>0)的图象向右平移个单位得到函数y=g (x )的图象,并且函数g (x )在区间[,]上单调递增,在区间[]上单调递减,则实数ω的值为( )A .B .C .2D .【考点】函数y=Asin (ωx +φ)的图象变换.【分析】根据平移变换的规律求解出g (x ),根据函数g (x )在区间[,]上单调递增,在区间[]上单调递减可得x=时,g (x )取得最大值,求解可得实数ω的值.【解答】解:由函数f(x)=sinωx(ϖ>0)的图象向右平移个单位得到g(x)=sin[ω(x)]=sin(ωx﹣),函数g(x)在区间[,]上单调递增,在区间[]上单调递减,可得x=时,g(x)取得最大值,即(ω×﹣)=,k∈Z,ϖ>0.当k=0时,解得:ω=2.故选:C.9.已知圆C:(x﹣1)2+(y﹣2)2=2与y轴在第二象限所围区域的面积为S,直线y=3x+b分圆C的内部为两部分,其中一部分的面积也为S,则b=()A.﹣1±B.1C.﹣1﹣D.1﹣【考点】直线与圆相交的性质.【分析】由题意,圆心到直线y=2x+b的距离为1,建立方程,即可得出结论.【解答】解:由题意,圆心到直线y=3x+b的距离为1,∴=1,∴b=﹣1±,故选:A.10.秦九韶是我国南宋时期的数学家,普州(现四川省安岳县)人,他在所著的《数书九章》中提出的多项式求值的秦九韶算法,至今仍是比较先进的算法.如图的程序框图给出了利用秦九韶算法求某多项式值的一个实例,若输入x的值为2,则输出的v值为()A.9×210﹣2 B.9×210+2 C.9×211+2 D.9×211﹣2【考点】程序框图.【分析】由题意,模拟程序的运行,依次写出每次循环得到的k,v的值,当k=﹣1时,不满足条件k≥0,跳出循环,输出v的值.【解答】解:初始值v=10,x=2,程序运行过程如下表所示:k=9,v=10×2+9,k=8,v=10×22+9×2+8,…k=0,v=9×211+2,跳出循环,输出v的值为9×211+2.故选:C.11.如图,网格纸上正方形小格的边长为1,图中粗线画出的是某几何体的三视图,则该几何体的体积为()A.B.C.D.4【考点】由三视图求面积、体积.【分析】如图所示,由三视图可知该几何体为:四棱锥P﹣ABCD.【解答】解:如图所示,由三视图可知该几何体为:四棱锥P﹣ABCD.连接BD.其体积V=V B ﹣PAD +V B ﹣PCD==. 故选:B .12.若函数f (x )=a (x 2+)﹣lnx (a >0)有唯一零点x 0,且m <x 0<n (m ,n 为相邻整数),其中自然对数e=2.71828…,则m +n 的值为( ) A .1B .3C .5D .7【考点】利用导数研究函数的极值.【分析】由题,可将函数有零点的问题转化为方程x 2+=lnx 有一个根,进而再转化为g (x )=x 2+与r (x )=lnx 有一个公共点,然后研究两个函数的单调性,再结合代入整数值比较函数值的大小,确定出两函数公共点的横坐标的取值范围,从而得出m ,n 的值,问题得解.【解答】解:∵函数f (x )=a (x 2+)﹣lnx (a >0)有唯一零点x 0∴方程x 2+=lnx 有一个根,即g (x )=x 2+与h (x )=lnx 有一个公共点,g′(x )=∴g (x )=x 2+在(0,1)减,在(1,+∞)上增,而由题意知,h (x )=lnx 是一个增函数,故两函数在(1,+∞)上有一个公共点,且过该点存在一条为两函数的公共切线,不妨令该点坐标(s ,t ),则必有两式联立,消去a可得,,令s=1可得等号左式的值为3,右侧为0;令s=2可得等号左式的值为5,右侧为7ln2≈4.85<5;令s=3可得等号左式的值为9+,右侧为(18﹣)ln3>10.综上得s∈(2,3),即2<x0<3,所以m=2,n=3.∴m+n的值为5.故选:C.二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分,把答案填写在题中横线上.13.已知F1、F2为椭圆=1的两个焦点,过F1的直线交椭圆于A、B两点,若|F2A|+|F2B|=12,则|AB|=8.【考点】椭圆的简单性质.【分析】运用椭圆的定义,可得三角形ABF2的周长为4a=20,再由周长,即可得到AB的长.【解答】解:椭圆=1的a=5,由题意的定义,可得,|AF1|+|AF2|=|BF1|+|BF2|=2a,则三角形ABF2的周长为4a=20,若|F2A|+|F2B|=12,则|AB|=20﹣12=8.故答案为:814.已知点A(1,0),B(1,),点C在第二象限,且∠AOC=150°,=﹣4+λ,则λ=1.【考点】平面向量的基本定理及其意义.【分析】根据向量的基本运算表示出C的坐标,利用三角函数的定义进行求解即可.【解答】解:∵点A(1,0),B(1,),点C在第二象限,=﹣4+λ,∴C(λ﹣4,),∵∠AOC=150°,∴tan150°==﹣,解得λ=1.故答案为:1.15.若f(x)+f(1﹣x)=4,a n=f(0)+f()+…+f()+f(1)(n∈N+),则数列{a n}的通项公式为a n=2(n+1).【考点】数列与函数的综合.【分析】由题意可得自变量的和为1时函数值的和为4,运用数列的求和方法:倒序相加求和,计算即可得到所求和.【解答】解:由f(x)+f(1﹣x)=4,可得自变量的和为1,则函数值的和为4,由a n=f(0)+f()+f()…+f()+f(1),a n=f(1)+f()+f()+…+f()+f(0),相加可得2a n=[f(0)+f(1)]+[f()+f()]+…+[f(1)+f(0)]=4+4+…+4=4(n+1),解得a n=2(n+1).故答案为:a n=2(n+1).16.已知矩形ABEF所在的平面与矩形ABCD所在的平面互相垂直,AD=2,AB=3,AF=,M为EF的中点,则多面体M﹣ABCD的外接球的表面积为16π.【考点】球的体积和表面积.【分析】设球心到平面ABCD的距离为d,利用矩形ABEF所在的平面与矩形ABCD所在的平面互相垂直,AF=,M为EF的中点,可得M到平面ABCD的距离为,从而R2=()2+d2=12+(﹣d)2,求出R2=4,即可求出多面体E﹣ABCD 的外接球的表面积.【解答】解:设球心到平面ABCD的距离为d,∵矩形ABEF所在的平面与矩形ABCD所在的平面互相垂直,AF=,M为EF的中点,∴M到平面ABCD的距离为,∴R2=()2+d2=12+(﹣d)2,∴d=,R2=4,∴多面体E﹣ABCD的外接球的表面积为4πR2=16π.故答案为:16π.三、解答题:本大题共70分,其中(17)-(21)题为必考题,(22),(23)题为选考题.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.17.在△ABC中,角A,B,C所对的边分别为a,b,c,且2acosC﹣c=2b.(Ⅰ)求角A的大小;(Ⅱ)若c=,角B的平分线BD=,求a.【考点】正弦定理.【分析】(Ⅰ)由正弦定理、两角和的正弦公式化简已知的条件,求出cosA的值,由A的范围和特殊角的三角函数值求出角A的值;(Ⅱ)由条件和正弦定理求出sin∠ADB,由条件求出∠ADB,由内角和定理分别求出∠ABC、∠ACB,结合条件和余弦定理求出边a的值.【解答】解:(Ⅰ)由2acosC﹣c=2b及正弦定理得,2sinAcosC﹣sinC=2sinB,…2sinAcosC﹣sinC=2sin(A+C)=2sinAcosC+2cosAsinC,∴﹣sinC=2cosAsinC,∵sinC≠0,∴cosA=,又A∈(0,π),∴A=;…(Ⅱ)在△ABD中,c=,角B的平分线BD=,由正弦定理得,∴sin∠ADB===,…由A=得∠ADB=,∴∠ABC=2()=,∴∠ACB==,AC=AB=由余弦定理得,a2=BC2═AB2+AC2﹣2AB•AC•cosA=2+2﹣2×=6,∴a=…18.某校高一(1)班的一次数学测试成绩的茎叶图和频率分布直方图都受到不同程度的污损,可见部分如图.(Ⅰ)求分数在[50,60)的频率及全班人数;(Ⅱ)求分数在[80,90)之间的频数,并计算频率分布直方图中[80,90)间矩形的高;(Ⅲ)若要从分数在[80,100)之间的试卷中任取两份分析学生失分情况,求在抽取的试卷中,至少有一份分数在[90,100)之间的概率.【考点】古典概型及其概率计算公式;频率分布直方图;茎叶图.【分析】(Ⅰ)先由频率分布直方图求出[50,60)的频率,结合茎叶图中得分在[50,60)的人数即可求得本次考试的总人数;(Ⅱ)根据茎叶图的数据,利用(Ⅰ)中的总人数减去[50,80)外的人数,即可得到[50,80)内的人数,从而可计算频率分布直方图中[80,90)间矩形的高;(Ⅲ)用列举法列举出所有的基本事件,找出符合题意得基本事件个数,利用古典概型概率计算公式即可求出结果.【解答】解:(Ⅰ)分数在[50,60)的频率为0.008×10=0.08,由茎叶图知:分数在[50,60)之间的频数为2,∴全班人数为.(Ⅱ)分数在[80,90)之间的频数为25﹣22=3;频率分布直方图中[80,90)间的矩形的高为.(Ⅲ)将[80,90)之间的3个分数编号为a1,a2,a3,[90,100)之间的2个分数编号为b1,b2,在[80,100)之间的试卷中任取两份的基本事件为:(a1,a2),(a1,a3),(a1,b1),(a1,b2),(a2,a3),(a2,b1),(a2,b2),(a3,b1),(a3,b2),(b1,b2)共10个,其中,至少有一个在[90,100)之间的基本事件有7个,故至少有一份分数在[90,100)之间的概率是.19.如图,在三棱锥A﹣BCD中,△ABD为边长等于正三角形,CD=CB=1.△ADC 与△ABC是有公共斜边AC的全等的直角三角形.(Ⅰ)求证:AC⊥BD;(Ⅱ)求D点到平面ABC的距离.【考点】点、线、面间的距离计算;直线与平面垂直的性质.【分析】(Ⅰ)取BD中点M,连AM、CM,证明BD⊥面ACM,即可证明AC⊥BD;(Ⅱ)证明面ABCE⊥面DEC,过D作DF⊥EC,交EC于F,DF即为D点到平面ABC 的距离.【解答】(Ⅰ)证明:取BD中点M,连AM、CM∵AD=AB∴AM⊥BD,又∵DC=CB,∴CM⊥BD,CM∩AM=M,∴BD⊥面ACM,AC⊂面ACM,∴BD⊥AC …(Ⅱ)过A作AE∥BC,AE=BC,连接EC、ED,则AB∥EC,AB=EC∵BC⊥AB,∴BC⊥EC,又∵BC⊥DC,EC∩DC=C,∴BC⊥面DEC∵BC⊂面ABCE,∴面ABCE⊥面DEC过D作DF⊥EC,交EC于F,DF即为所求,在△DEC中,DE=DC=1,EC=,∴DF=…20.已知抛物线C:y2=4x的焦点为F,过F的直线l交C于A,B两点,M为线段AB的中点,O为坐标原点.AO、BO的延长线与直线x=﹣4分别交于P、Q两点.(Ⅰ)求动点M的轨迹方程;(Ⅱ)连接OM,求△OPQ与△BOM的面积比.【考点】轨迹方程.【分析】(1)先根据抛物线方程求得焦点坐标,进而设出过焦点弦的直线方程,与抛物线方程联立消去y,根据韦达定理表示出x1+x2,进而根据直线方程求得y1+y2,进而求得焦点弦的中点的坐标的表达式,消去参数k,则焦点弦的中点轨迹方程可得.(2)求出P,Q的坐标,可得面积,即可求△OPQ与△BOM的面积比.【解答】解:(Ⅰ)设A (x1,y1),B(x2,y2),由题知抛物线焦点为(1,0)设焦点弦方程为y=k(x﹣1)代入抛物线方程得所以k2x2﹣(2k2+4)x+k2=0由韦达定理:x1+x2=2+所以中点M横坐标:x=1+代入直线方程,中点M纵坐标:y=k(x﹣1)=.即中点M为(1+,)消参数k,得其方程为:y2=2x﹣2,当线段PQ的斜率不存在时,线段PQ中点为焦点F(1,0),满足此式,故动点M的轨迹方程为:y2=2x﹣2…(Ⅱ)设AB:ky=x﹣1,代入y2=4x,得y2﹣4ky﹣4=0,y1+y2=4k,y1•y2=4,联立,得P(﹣4,﹣),同理Q(﹣4,﹣),…|PQ|=4|y1﹣y2|,=8|y1﹣y2|,∴S△OPQ=|y1﹣y2|,故△OPQ与△BOM的面积比为32.…又∵S△OMB21.已知函数f(x)=ax2+bx﹣lnx(a,b∈R)(Ⅰ)设a≥0,求f(x)的单调区间(Ⅱ)设a>0,且对于任意x>0,f(x)≥f(1).试比较lna与﹣2b的大小.【考点】导数在最大值、最小值问题中的应用;利用导数研究函数的单调性;不等关系与不等式.【分析】(Ⅰ)由函数的解析式知,可先求出函数f(x)=ax2+bx﹣lnx的导函数,再根据a≥0,分a=0,a>0两类讨论函数的单调区间即可;(Ⅱ)由题意当a>0时,是函数的唯一极小值点,再结合对于任意x>0,f(x)≥f(1).可得出=1化简出a,b的关系,再要研究的结论比较lna与﹣2b的大小构造函数g(x)=2﹣4x+lnx,利用函数的最值建立不等式即可比较大小【解答】解:(Ⅰ)由f(x)=ax2+bx﹣lnx(a,b∈R)知f′(x)=2ax+b﹣又a≥0,故当a=0时,f′(x)=若b≤0时,由x>0得,f′(x)<0恒成立,故函数的单调递减区间是(0,+∞);若b>0,令f′(x)<0可得x<,即函数在(0,)上是减函数,在(,+∞)上是增函数、所以函数的单调递减区间是(0,),单调递增区间是(,+∞),当a>0时,令f′(x)=0,得2ax2+bx﹣1=0由于△=b2+8a>0,故有x2=,x1=显然有x1<0,x2>0,故在区间(0,)上,导数小于0,函数是减函数;在区间(,+∞)上,导数大于0,函数是增函数综上,当a=0,b≤0时,函数的单调递减区间是(0,+∞);当a=0,b>0时,函数的单调递减区间是(0,),单调递增区间是(,+∞);当a>0,函数的单调递减区间是(0,),单调递增区间是(,+∞)(Ⅱ)由题意,函数f(x)在x=1处取到最小值,由(1)知,是函数的唯一极小值点故=1整理得2a+b=1,即b=1﹣2a令g(x)=2﹣4x+lnx,则g′(x)=令g′(x)==0得x=当0<x<时,g′(x)>0,函数单调递增;当<x<+∞时,g′(x)<0,函数单调递减因为g(x)≤g()=1﹣ln4<0故g(a)<0,即2﹣4a+lna=2b+lna<0,即lna<﹣2b请考生在第(22),(23),二题中任选一题作答,如果多做,则按所做的第一题记分.[选修4-4:坐标系与参数方程](共1小题,满分10分)22.在平面直角坐标系中,曲线C的参数方程为(α为参数).以坐标原点O为极点,x轴正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,直线l的极坐标方程为ρcos(θ+)=.l与C交于A、B两点.(Ⅰ)求曲线C的普通方程及直线l的直角坐标方程;(Ⅱ)设点P(0,﹣2),求|PA|+|PB|的值.【考点】简单曲线的极坐标方程;参数方程化成普通方程.【分析】(Ⅰ)利用三种方程互化方法,曲线C的普通方程及直线l的直角坐标方程;(Ⅱ)点P(0,﹣2)在l上,l的参数方程为为(t为参数),代入5x2+y2=1整理得,3t2﹣2t+3=0,即可求|PA|+|PB|的值.【解答】解:(Ⅰ)曲线C的参数方程为(α为参数),普通方程为C:5x2+y2=1;直线l的极坐标方程为ρcos(θ+)=,即ρcosθ﹣ρsinθ=2,l:y=x﹣2.…(Ⅱ)点P(0,﹣2)在l上,l的参数方程为(t为参数)代入5x2+y2=1整理得,3t2﹣2t+3=0,由题意可得|PA|+|PB|=|t1|+|t2|=|t1+t2|=…[选修4-5:不等式选讲](共1小题,满分0分)23.已知关于x的不等式|x﹣3|+|x﹣m|≥2m的解集为R.(Ⅰ)求m的最大值;(Ⅱ)已知a>0,b>0,c>0,且a+b+c=m,求4a2+9b2+c2的最小值及此时a,b,c的值.【考点】绝对值不等式的解法;函数的最值及其几何意义.【分析】(Ⅰ)利用|x﹣3|+|x﹣m|≥|(x﹣3)﹣(x﹣m)|=|m﹣3|,对x与m 的范围讨论即可.(Ⅱ)构造柯西不等式即可得到结论.【解答】解:(Ⅰ)∵|x﹣3|+|x﹣m|≥|(x﹣3)﹣(x﹣m)|=|m﹣3|当3≤x≤m,或m≤x≤3时取等号,令|m﹣3|≥2m,∴m﹣3≥2m,或m﹣3≤﹣2m.解得:m≤﹣3,或m≤1∴m的最大值为1;(Ⅱ)由(Ⅰ)a+b+c=1.由柯西不等式:(++1)(4a2+9b2+c2)≥(a+b+c)2=1,∴4a2+9b2+c2≥,等号当且仅当4a=9b=c,且a+b+c=1时成立.即当且仅当a=,b=,c=时,4a2+9b2+c2的最小值为.2017年3月7日。






1.甲、乙、丙、丁四河流上游河段有明显错误的是A.甲 B.乙C.丙D.丁2.某极限运动爱好者在P处(P处为悬崖)做绳降运动,他准备的绳长最适宜的是A.58米B.80米C.108米D.98米我国北方和南方地区麦收后,都会留有大面积土地种植玉米。




























河北省“五个一”(邯郸一中、石家庄一中、张家口一中、保定一中、唐山一中)名校联盟2019-2020学年高二联考地理试题学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________一、单选题1. 下图为某区域经纬网示意图。


【小题1】a、e两地的距离是()A.3330km B.6660km C.9990km D.19980km【小题2】b、d两地的区时相差()A.4小时B.4小时20分C.5小时D.5小时20分【小题3】一架飞机从c地起飞,沿最短航线飞往e地,其正确的飞行方向是()A.一直向西北飞行B.先向正北飞行,后向正南飞行C.一直向东北飞行D.先向正南飞行,后向正北飞行2. 下图为某区域等高线地形图。


【小题1】图示①②③④四条河流中,绘制错误的是()A.①B.②C.③D.④【小题2】图示a.b.c、d四村落中,规模最大的是()A.a B.b C.c D.d【小题3】若在P处筑坝修建水库,则需要搬迁的村落是()A.a、c B.b、e C.c、d D.a、e3. 下图黑色区域示意某类太阳活动。


【小题1】图中太阳活动类型及分布位置依次是A.耀斑色球层B.黑子光球层C.日珥日冕层D.黑子色球层【小题2】图中该类太阳活动A.周期一定为11年B.为太阳内部核裂变反应C.与耀斑活动同步D.区域温度高于周围地区【小题3】在太阳活动的高峰期,地球A.无线电短波通信畅通B.低纬地区出现极光现象C.山脉雪线明显下移D.海上航行方向可能受到干扰4. 下图示意6月某日M.N两地太阳高度变化。


【小题1】M地位于N地的()A.东北方向B.西北方向C.东南方向D.西南方向【小题2】该日M、N两地()A.M地先看到日出B.同时看到日出C.N地先看到日落D.同时看到日落【小题3】由图可判断()①M地位于南半球②N地位于北半球③M地位于东半球④N地位于西半球A.②③④B.①②④C.①③④D.①②③5. 下图为某时刻甲、乙、丙、丁四地到达地面的太阳辐射强度与太阳光线经过大气的路程之间的关系图。


在平面直角坐标系中,曲线 的参数方程为 ,( 为参数)。以坐标原点 为极点, 轴正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,直线l的极坐标方程为 。 与 交于 两点.
(Ⅰ)求曲线 的普通方程及直线 的直角坐标方程;
(Ⅱ)设点 ,求 的值.
已知关于 的不等式 的解集为 .
A. B. C. D.
A. B. C. D.4
11.已知椭圆 的左、右顶点分别为 , 为椭圆 的右焦点,圆 上有一动点 , 不同于 两点,直线 与椭圆 交于点 ,则 的取值范围是()
A. B.
C. D.
A. B. C. D.
5.已知角 的顶点与原点重合,始边与 轴正半轴重合,终边在直线 上,则 ()
A. B. C. D.
6.设函数 是定义在 上的奇函数,且 ,则 ()
7.函数 的图像向右平移 个单位得到函数 的图像,并且函数 在区间 上单调递增,在区间 上单调递减,则实数 的值为()
A. B. C.2D.
8.设变量 满足约束条件 ,则 的最大值为()
A. B. C. D.
9.秦九韶是我国南宋时期的数学家,普州(现四川省安岳县)人,他在所著的《数书九章》中提出的多项式求值的秦九韶算法,至今仍是比较先进的算法,如图所示的程序框图给出了利用秦九韶算法求某多项式值的一个实例,若输入 的值为2,则输出v的值为()
(Ⅰ)求 的最大值;
(Ⅱ)已知 ,且 , 求 的最小值及此时 的值.


A. B. C. D.
5.已知角 的顶点与原点重合,始边与 轴正半轴重合,终边在直线 上,则 ()
A. B. C. D.
6.设函数 是定义在 上的奇函数,且 ,则 ()
7.函数 的图像向右平移 个单位得到函数 的图像,并且函数 在区间 上单调递增,在区间 上单调递减,则实数 的值为()
在 中, , 所对的边分别为 ,且 .
(Ⅰ)求 的大小;
(Ⅱ)若 , 的平分线 ,求 .
空气质量指数(Air Quality Index,简称AQI)是定量描述空气质量状况的指数,空气质量按照AQI大小分为六级:0~50为优;51~100为良;101~150为轻度污染;151~200为中度污染;201~300为重度污染;>300为严重污染.
∴ ,
∵ ,∴
而 ,∴ .(6分)
(Ⅱ)在 中,由正弦定理得,
∴ ,
∴ ,(9分)
∴ , ,
由余弦定理,BC= = .(12分)
解:(Ⅰ)从茎叶图中可发现该样本中空气质量优的天数为 ,空气质量良的天数为 ,故该样本中空气质量优良的频率为 ,(2分)
(Ⅰ)由题意可得 解得
故椭圆 的方程为 .(5分)
(Ⅱ)由题设可知 、
因此直线 的斜率 ,设直线 的方程为: .
由 得 .
设 , ,则 , (7分)



(邯郸一中,石家庄一中,张家口一中,保定一中,唐山一中)2017届高三历史上学期第一次模拟考试试题(扫描版)邯郸市一中高三年级第一次模拟考试历史参考答案1—5 DDBCA 6—10 DACBD 11—15 DBACC 16—20 BBADC 21—24 CABD25.(11分)(1)政治结构:三公九卿制向三省六部制转变;或者从贵族制度向官僚制度转变。

















2017年河北省五个一名校联盟(邯郸一中、石家庄一中、张家口一中、保定一中、唐山一中)联考高考英语一模试卷副标题一、阅读理解(本大题共11小题,共22.0分)AA team of engineers at Harvard University has been inspired by Nature to create the first robotic fly.The mechanical fly has become a platform for a series of new high-tech integrated systems.Designed to do what a fly does naturally,the tiny machine is the size of a fat housefly.Its mini wings allow it to stay in the air and perform controlled flight tasks."It's extremely important for us to think about this as a whole system and not just the sum of a bunch of individual components (元件)," said Robert Wood,the Harvard engineering professor who has been working on the robotic fly project for over a decade.A few years ago,his team got the go-ahead to start piecing together the components."The added difficulty with a project like this is that actually none of those components are off the shelf and so we have to develop them all on our own," he said.They engineered a series of systems to start and drive the robotic fly."The seemingly simple system which just moves the wings has a number of interdependencies on the individual components,each of which individually has to perform well,but then has to be matched well to everything it's connected to," said Wood.The flight device was built into a set of power,computation,sensing and control systems.Wood says the success of the project proves that the flying robot with these tiny components can be built and manufactured.While this first robotic flyer is linked to a small,off-board power source,the goal is eventually to equip it with a built-in power source,so that it might someday performdata-gathering work at rescue sites,in farmers' fields or on the battlefield."Basically it should be able to take off,land and fly around," he said.Wood says the design offers a new way to study flight mechanics and control atinsect-scale.Yet,the power,sensing and computation technologies on board could have much broader applications."You can start thinking about using them to answer open scientific questions,you know,to study biology in ways that would be difficult with the animals,but using these robots instead," he said."So there are a lot of technologies and open interesting scientific questions that are really what drives us on a day to day basis."1.The difficulty the team of engineers met with while making the robotic fly was that______ .A. they had no model in their mindB. they did not have sufficient timeC. they had no ready-made componentsD. they could not assemble the components2.It can be inferred from paragraphs 3 and 4 that the robotic fly ______ .A. consists of a flight device and a control systemB. can just fly in limited areas at the present timeC. can collect information from many sourcesD. has been put into wide application3.Which of the following can be learned from the passage?______A. The robotic flyer is designed to learn about insects.B. Animals are not allowed in biological experiments.C. There used to be few ways to study how insects fly.D. Wood's design can replace animals in some experiments.4.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?______A. Father of Robotic FlyB. Inspiration from Engineering ScienceC. Robotic Fly Imitates Real Life InsectD. Harvard Breaks Through in Insect Study【答案】【小题1】C 【小题2】B 【小题3】D 【小题4】C【解析】1.C.细节理解题.根据第二段最后一句"The added difficulty with a project like this is that…可知事实上那些元件没有一件能现货供应的,所以选项C就是对本句的同义替换,故为正确答案.根据文章第一段Designed to do what a fly does naturally,the tiny machine is the size of a fat housefly.是有制作模型的,故排除A.根据文章第二段"It's extremely important for us to think about …,"the Harvard engineering professor who has been working ….可知选项B不合适;而选项D他们不会组装元件,是对原文的误解,并不是要组装,故排除选项D.2.B.推理判断题.题干要求在第三段和第四段来推测,所以根据文章内容but then has to be matched well to everything it's connected to,"said Wood.The flight device was built into a set of power,computation,sensing and control systems.故选项A是片面的,排除;根据第四段so that it might someday perform data-gathering work at rescue sites,infarmers'fields or on the battlefield.可知选项C.中的from many sources应为 from many sites/places,故排除;选项D定位在第五段Yet,the power,sensing and computation technologies on board could have much broader applications.可知已经大量应用是错误的,故排除.纵观三四两段,尤其是第四段尾句"Basically it should be able to take off,land and fly around,"he said.可推断出只有B正确.3.D.推理判断题.文章末段的to study biology in ways…would be difficult with animals,but using these robots instead告诉我们这些机器人可以替代动物,故D项正确.需要注意的是,说明文末段尤其带有转折关系的路标词往往是题眼所在.根据第四段so that it might someday perform data-gathering work at rescue sites,in farmers'fields or on the battlefield.可知A选项错误,故排除.文章最后一段中指出"You can start thinking about using them to answer open scientific questions,you know,to study biology in ways that would be difficult with the animals,but using these robots instead,"he said.,并没有说:不允许拿动物进行生物实验,故排除B选项.根据文章最后一段Wood says the design offers a new way to study flight mechanics and control at insect-scale.及"So there are a lot of technologies and open interesting scientific questions that are really what drives us on aday-to-day basis."可知,以后会有更多的问题等待我们去探索,但并不是说过去在研究昆虫飞行方面常常方法很少,故排除C.4.C.主旨大意题.本题考查考生理解全文、提炼信息、概括总结的能力.选择最佳标题,一般来说,考生只有通篇理解文章传递的信息,才可能概括出全文的最佳标题.对比四个选项,A选项意为"机器人苍蝇之父",文章的主题主要说明"机器人苍蝇",故排除.B选项"来自工程学中的灵感"与文章的主题"机器人苍蝇"关系不大,故排除.D选项"哈福大学在昆虫研究领域的突破",并没有点明主题"机器人苍蝇",故排除.C选项既交待了"Robotic Fly"又讲了与真实生活中昆虫的关系,所以正确答案为C.本文为一篇说明文,讲述机器人苍蝇的研发,面临的困难以及前景.第一部分为第一段,讲了哈佛大学的一组技师在自然界的激发下,创造了第一部机器人苍蝇.进而描述了机器人苍蝇的样子与用途.第二部分为第二段,机器人苍蝇要的是一套完整的体系,而不是一组独立原件简单地相加.哈佛大学Robert Wood教授数十年都在致力于研究机器人苍蝇这个课题.几年前,他的团队就开始了拼装原件.但这个项目也遇到了困难:那些元件没有一件能现货供应的,只能自己做.第三部分为第三段、第四段,从两个方面说明机器人苍蝇:一.机器人苍蝇所需要的一套体系.看上去相当简单地能够移动翅膀的系统却在那些单个原件中有很多相互依赖的成份,每个成分不仅要各自运转良好,还要和与它相连的所有成分都配合好.二.机器人苍蝇配有内置电源,是为了将来有一天能在营救点,在牧场上或者战场上从事数据收集工作.第五部分为第五段,此设计为研究飞行力学和控制昆虫规模提供了一种崭新的方法.然而(搭载的)动力设备,传感以及运算技术会有更广泛的应用.Wood设计的机器人苍蝇在某些动物实验方面可以用来代替动物.考查细节理解题和推理判断题.在做细节理解题时,首先根据题目要求迅速在文章里找出相应的段落、句子或短语.认真比较选项和文中细节的区别,在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.BWith fuel costs rising and airlines finding more fees to impose on travelers every day,airfare isn't getting any cheaper.Since you can't drive to all your dream destinations,flying is the only way to go sometimes and,undeniably,the fastest.Luckily,there are plenty of ways to find the most affordable fares and also avoid paying as many extra charges as possible when you plan ahead.Getting the best fare.Airlines put out their fare sales on Tuesday morning,making this day the best day to book a flight for less.Fly during the least popular times.Tuesday,Wednesday and Saturday are the slowest days to fly,which means cheaper deals than the rest of the week.You can also find reduced rates on early morning flights,since many people don't like to get up before the sun to get to the airport.Earlier boarding times can also considerably cut down your chances of getting bumped on an overbooked flight or delayed because of other delayed flights or mechanical issues.Choose your seat later.Some airlines charge you to pick your seat when you book online,adding even more to the bottom line of your ticket cost.If you show up early on your travel day,you can still get suitable seats.Some of the best seats get held back until flight day,unless others are willing to pay extra for them ahead of time,so you still have the chance at one of those.Fly on holidays.You already know that summer is the most expensive time to fly,and even though most other times are more affordable,the days surrounding holidays can be crazy.Save big if you're willing to travel on major holidays,such as Thanksgiving and Christmas.Don't wait until the last-minute to book.Many travelers don't know that there's a sweet spot for booking and getting the best price on your tickets.Book too early or too late and you could end up paying more than you need to.The best time to book is between three months and six weeks from when you want to travel.Avoiding extra fees Airlines will charge for just about anything these days.Some have even toyed around with charging customers for using the restroom.All those extra fees can certainly add up,but there's no reason to pay them if you don't have to.Here are some tips to keep money in your wallet once you get to the airport.Avoid the upgrade it's not necessary.Sometimes upgrades are free,but mostly you will be charged for seeking a last-minute bump to first class,and the cost can be hefty.Fly carry-on only.Baggage fees vary wildly,but almost all airlines charge them and charge big.Why pay for your clothes to fly with you?If everyone in your travel party checks a bag,your bill can be astronomical before you ever even get to your destination.It's easy to reduce the amount of stuff you pack:Make sure all your clothing coordinates,so you can take less and still make more outfit combinations,take only two pair of shoes,plan to do a bit of laundry on your trip and bring only travel-sized toiletries.Pack your own snacks.Unless you're flying internationally,it's rare your flight comes with a free meal.Snacks on the plane are not cheap and almost never healthy.Don't rely on what's on the small menu and instead tuck some of your own snacks - granola bars,homemade muffins,fruit and trail mix all make fantastic travel foods - into your bag and eat a lot better,and cheaper,than other passengers.Do you have a tried and true method of getting the best deal on your flights?Let us know.5.Tuesday is the best to book a ticket at a lower cost for ______ .A. fewer people travel on Tuesday.B. the flights are slower than usual.C. fare sales are usually announced on Tuesday.D. flights are seldom delayed on Tuesday.6.Which of the following will help to cost you less for a flight?______A. Book your flight on Thursday.B. Travel surrounding Christmas.C. Pick your seat the moment you book onlineD. Book early morning flights7.The underlined word "hefty" here has the same meaning as ______ .A. largeB. heavyC. fierceD. acceptable8.To save the cost for the flight,you should ______ .A. check whether the upgrade is free before you bump to the first class.B. make sure your clothes and shoes are fit for a lot of walk.C. share your own snacks with other passengers.D. plan to do the washes on flight.【答案】【小题1】C 【小题2】D 【小题3】A 【小题4】A【解析】1.C.细节理解题.由第三段Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday are the slowest days to fly, which means cheaper deals than the rest of the week,星期二星期三星期六飞机飞得慢,所以这是以低价订票的好时机.故选C.2. D.细节理解题.根据第三段第三句You can also find reduced rates on early morning flights,since many people don't like to get up before the sun to get to the airport.可知,预订早班航班将有助于你节省花费,因为早班机坐的人少,票价较便宜.故选D.3. A.词义猜测题.根据倒数第四段中Sometimes upgrades are free,but mostly you will be charged for seeking a last-minute bump to first class,and the cost can be hefty.可知,升级座位只是有时候免费,但是大多数情况下,你会在最后一分钟寻找头等舱时被收费,而且成本是昂贵的,故选A.4. A.推理判断题.根据倒数第四段Sometimes upgrades are free,but mostly you will be charged for seeking a last-minute bump to first class,and the cost can be hefty.可知,升级座位只是有时候免费,所以在升级成头等舱时要先确认.故选A.本文讲述了买到便宜的飞机票的几个窍门.任何一篇文章中的句子在内容上都不是绝对孤立的,都跟句子所在的段落及整整篇文章有关.利用上下文提供的情景和线索,进行合乎逻辑的综合分析进而推测词义,是阅读过程中的一大关键,这也是近年来高考考查的热点.最常见的就是利用上下文语境、常识和语法关系推断词义.CMy mom takes pride in the fact that I was talking in three and four word sentences before I was ten months old.Some say it's a gift while others simply think I talk too much.As my thirties came to a close,I found myself reflecting on my life.I'm very happy and have no significant regrets.However,when I looked back on those times of difficulty,I saw a clear common denominator(特征);I didn't seem to know when to stop talking.Whether it was hurting someone's feelings,or having carelessly told a secret,the incident could have been avoided had I closed my mouth sooner.So I decided to practice the power of quiet.To take this step,I needed to understand how people could sit comfortably in a group and not talk.Why does my husband feel completely content to say nothing in a conversation?He's highly intelligent and has wonderful opinions but he'll sit quietly and just listen.Even when he's asked a pointed question,he'll answer with few words while still communicating effectively.What a talent!Can you imagine being happy just listening?In surveying those I know who talk less than I do,I got two answers-they either didn't feel confident enough to speak up,or they just didn't feel the need to participate in the conversation.Of course there were other reasons for not talking,but these were the two most popular answers.The first one didn't work for me.I'm just fine letting people know what I think about them,and hopefully it will make the conversation much more interesting.The second one didn't work either.I do feel the need to participate.I feel it physically like an electrical pulse through my body;sometimes it's so strong that it causes me to behave badly in the form of interrupting or speaking in an unusually loud voice.I had to look further.An interesting thing happened on this journey to the power of quiet.During my weekly yoga class,it came to me like an answer so clear that the words rang in my head like soft,heavenly bells.I talked too much so people would know I cared about them.It was my way of taking care of those I love.I decided before my fortieth birthday,that from that day forward,those around me would know I loved them,and cared what they thought and felt,but I was going to practice the power of quiet.As my forty-second birthday approaches,I can say that deciding to talk less has been more about focusing on quality rather than quantity.I've found that listening more shows those who I care about that I really do care how they feel.Now when I break in,it means more to them.Oh,sure,I still have my short periods of talking too much,but for the most part this has been one resolution that I can call a success.9.In Paragraph 3the writer mentions her husband mainly ______ .A. to show how one communicates effectivelyB. to explain the reason for his silence in a conversationC. to give her high opinion of his communication skillsD. to give an example of those who have the power of quiet10.By "I had to look further",the writer means she had to ______ .A. look into the future in order to succeed in practicing the power of quietB. try harder to prevent herself from talking too muchC. find out other reasons why she should talk lessD. survey people in other areas who talk little11.Which of the following best describe the writer's character?______A. Kind but pessimistic.B. Selfless but proud.C. Loving and active.D. Stubborn and sensitive.【答案】【小题1】D 【小题2】C 【小题3】C【解析】1.D.细节理解题.根据第三段"Why does my husband feel completely content to say nothing in a conversation?He's highly intelligent and has wonderful opinions but he'll sit quietly and just listen.Even when he's asked a pointed question,he'll answer with few words while still communicating effectively",作者发现丈夫有一种可以少说话也能有效交流的能力,而正是她所没有的,因此是为了举例说明那些有安静力量的人,故选D.2.C.细节理解题.根据第五段The first one didn't work for me和The second one didn't work either,作者说明话少的人的两种原因都不适合自己,因此自己需要继续寻找,自然是寻找话少的原因,故选C.3.C.推理判断题.根据文中I talked too much so people would know I cared about them. It was my way of taking care o f those I love.我说得多了,人们就会知道我关心他们.这是我照顾我所爱的人的方式.表明她是个充满爱的、积极的人,故选C.作者从小就爱说话,一些人认为这是天赋,而另一些人认为说话太多并不好,作者打算以后要安静些.做这类题材阅读理解时要求考生对文章通读一遍,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.二、阅读七选五(本大题共5小题,共10.0分)Today we eat on the go,at our desks and even in front of computers.We eat takeout,delivered and packaged meals.(1)______"Over the past three decades,people have started eating out more than ever before and purchasing more prepared foods at the grocery store,which tend to contain more fat,salt and sugar than their homemade foods," noted US healthy living website SparkPeople.(2)______ It encourages us to value the time we spend preparing,sharing and consuming food;as a recent USA Today article put it.It all started in 1986 with the efforts of Slow Food's founding father,Italian activist Carlo Petrini,who wanted to bring back food varieties and flavors that had gone dark in the face of industrialization.(3)______ Now,his idea is almost the mainstream.Starting at the table,the movement promotes an unhurried way of life founded on the idea that everyone has a right to cooking pleasure,and that everyone must also take responsibility to "protect the heritage(遗产)of food,tradition and culture that make this celebration of the senses possible",wrote The Phnom Penh Post."(4)______ It means turning down the speed at which we eat and increasing the amount of time we spend dining together with other people," Althea Zanecosky,spokeswoman for theAmerican Dietetic Association,told The Huffington Post."(5)______ Dinner table conversations keep families together,"noted the Belgian nonprofit organization Greenfudge.A.It is a way to bring back the social togetherness of yesterday.B.It seems that we have adapted our foods to our fastpaced lives.C.So,the Slow Food Movement has occurred against this fastfood trend.D.Slow Food doesn't necessarily mean food that takes a long time to cook.E.It is based on the idea that we should spend as much time as possible on cooking.F.It's not only the food itself but also the time we spend living together that matters.G.At that time,he asked people to follow a more sustainable(可持续的)living model.12. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G13. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G14. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G15. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G16. A. A B. B C. C D. D E.E F.F G. G【答案】【小题1】B 【小题2】C 【小题3】G 【小题4】D 【小题5】A 【解析】36.B.推理判断题.根据文章We eat takeout,delivered and packaged meals我们吃外卖、送货和包装食品;可知我们似乎已经使食物适应了快节奏的生活;故选B.37.C.推理判断题.根据文章It encourages us to value the time we spend preparing,sharing and consuming food; as a recent USA Today article put it它鼓励我们珍惜我们花在准备、分享和消费食物上的时间;可知因此,慢食运动已经发生在这一快餐趋势上;故选C.38.G.推理判断题.根据文章Italian activist Carlo Petrini,who wanted to bring back food varieties and flavors that had gone dark in the face of industri alization意大利活动家卡洛•佩特里尼(Carlo Petrini)的努力,他想要带回在工业化面前变得黑暗的食品品种和口味;可知在那个时候,他要求人们遵循一个更可持续的(可持续的)生活模式;故选G.39.D.推理判断题.根据文章It means turning down the speed at which we eat and increasing the amount of time we spend dining together with other people这意味着降低我们吃饭的速度,增加我们和其他人一起吃饭的时间;可知少吃食物并不一定意味着需要很长时间才能烹饪的食物;故选D.40.A.推理判断题.根据文章Dinner table conversations keep families together,"noted the Belgian nonprofit organization Greenfudge在餐桌上的对话让家庭团结在一起,"比利时非营利组织Greenfage指出;可知这是使昨天的社会团结起来的一种方法;故选A.本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了吃饭是很重要的,尤其是和家人一起用餐,可以提升和家人的感情.七选五阅读是完成性阅读,和完形填空很类似,不同的是一个选词,一个选句子.解题时,要注意上下文语境,充分考虑信息词(选项中和空格前后句子中相同或相近七的词),选出最符合语境的句子.三、完形填空(本大题共20小题,共30.0分)One day,I went to my favorite cafe for lunch.I (17) a burger and went to the outdoor seats.While waiting for my meal,a homeless man on a bicycle stopped to ask if there was a grocery store nearby.After I gave him(18),he asked if I had (19)from Santa Clara University.(I was wearing a SCU T-shirt.)I told him,yes.Little did I know thatthis(20)response would lead to a 90-minute conversation.The man,Michael,told me he was very intelligent.(21),drug use had ruined both his formal education and his pursuit of (22) in his work.He drifted from one topic to another,(23)the fact that I was ready for my lunch.He clearly had more of a(24)to talk than I did.I made every(25) to give him my full attention,never (26) our talk would go on and on…Eventually,I did eat my meal,bite bybite(27)responses in our conversation.Michael was a bit strange.(28) his interests and viewpoints.We had little in(29),but he was fascinated with talking with,as he (30) it,"intelligent people."I have to admit,I wish our conversation had been (31) to ten or fifteen minutes,but when Michael finally(32) off,he thanked me for listening so(33)to him and for my(34)to talk with him for so long.It was then that I (35)that,just maybe,that was my purpose in life for today …to be there,in that place,at that time,to (36) in that conversation.17. A. booked B. ordered C. made D. selected18. A. commands B. contributions C. introductions D. directions19. A. quitted B. 1eft C. graduated D. 1earned20. A. simple B. careless C. timely D. significant21. A. Unfortunately B. Unnecessarily C. Consequently D. Additionally22. A. power B. success C. luck D. strength23. A. admitting B. recognizing C. ignoring D. covering24. A. benefit B. ambition C. need D. chance25. A. use B. difference C. decision D. effort26. A. wondering B. expecting C. attempting D. requesting27. A. between B. in C. beyond D. among28. A. in terms of B. in favor of C. in case of D. in place of29. A. public B. vain C. particu1ar D. common30. A. took B. saw C. put D. got31. A. applied B. 1imited C. compared D. referred32. A. drove B. raced C. rode D. turned33. A. attentively B. clearly C. honestly D. casually34. A. weakness B. quietness C. business D. willingness35. A. struck B. occurred C. realized D. complained36. A. result B. engage C. 1ead D. compete【答案】【小题1】B 【小题2】D 【小题3】C 【小题4】A 【小题5】A 【小题6】B 【小题7】C 【小题8】C 【小题9】D 【小题10】B 【小题11】A 【小题12】A 【小题13】D 【小题14】C 【小题15】B 【小题16】C 【小题17】A 【小题18】D 【小题19】C 【小题20】B 【解析】21-25 BDCAA 26-30 BCCDB 31-35 AADCB 36-40 CADCB21 B 考查动词.根据文章上文"One day,I went to my favorite cafe for lunch."可知,作者到小餐厅吃午饭,点了一份汉堡包.故选B.22 D 考查名词.根据文章上文"if there was a grocery store nearby."可知,作者的回答应该是告诉这个无家可归的人杂货店的方向.故选D.23 C 考查动词.根据文章下文"(I was wearing a SCU T-shirt.)"可知,这个无家可归的人是根据作者所穿的衣服来推测作者可能已经从SCU大学毕业了,所以向作者提出了这个问题.故选C.24 A 考查形容词.根据文章上文"I told him,yes."以及下文"lead to a 90-minute conversation."可知,作者并不知道这一简单的回应会引发后面长达90分钟的交流.故选A.25 A 考查副词.根据文章上文"intelligent"以及此处"drug use had ruined"可知,前后两句是转折关系,所以Unfortunately符合语境.故选A.26 B 考查名词.根据文章上文"pursuit"以及下文"in his work"可知,吸毒毁掉了他的学业和工作前途.故选B.27 C 考查动词.根据文章上文"He drifted from one topic to another"可知,这个人一直在和作者说话,忽略了作者正准备吃午饭这一事实.故选C.28 C 考查名词.根据文章上文"He drifted from one topic to another"以及下文"give him my full attention"可知,对方一直在说,作者一直在听,因此作者认为,这个人比自己更需要与他人交流.故选C.29 D 考查名词.根据文章下文"give him my full attention"可知,作者一直在尽力全神贯注地听他说.此处make every effort 意为"尽力、努力".故选D.30 B 考查动词.根据文章上文"Little did I know that this(24)response would lead to a 90-minute conversation."可知,此处应该选expecting,与句中的"know"表达相近的意思,属于同义替换.指作者没有预料到自己与这个无家可归的人的对话会一直进行下去.故选B.31 A 考查介词.根据文章上文"I made every(29)to give him my full attention"可知,作者一直在全神贯注地听他讲话.由此可知,作者在听的过程中趁着回答问题的间隙吃口饭.此处用between 表示在作者回答的间隙中.故选A.32 A 考查短语.根据文章上文"Michael was a bit strange."可知,作者认为就Michael 的兴趣和观点而言他有点奇怪.故选A.33 D 考查形容词.根据文章上文"Michael was a bit strange."可知,作者认为二人在兴趣与观点上几乎没有共性.此处in common 意为"共同、共有",符合语境.故选D.34 C 考查固定搭配.根据文章句子"We had little in(33),but he was fascinated with talking with,as he (34)it,"intelligent people."结合语境可知,作者和Michael互不相识,作者之所以知道Michael特别喜欢和"聪明的人"交流,应该是因为Michael说过.此处as sb.put it 为固定搭配,意为"正如某人所说".故选C.35 B 考查固定搭配.根据文章上文"never (30)our talk would go on and on…"以及下文"to ten or fifteen minutes"可知,作者原本以为可以把两人的谈话限定在10或15分钟,但没想到却持续了90分钟.此处limit…to…意为"把…限定在…",是一个固定搭配.故选B.36 C 考查动词.根据文章第一段"a homeless man on a bicycle stopped to ask if there was a grocery store nearby."可知,此处应用ride的过去式,对应"on a bicycle",指Michael是骑着自行车离开的.故选C.37 A 考查副词.根据文章上文"I made every(29)to give him my full attention"可知,此处应用attentively对attention进行同义替换,指这位无家可归的人感谢作者一直在专心听他讲话.故选A.38 D 考查名词.根据文章上文"I have to admit,I wish our conversation had been (35)to ten or fifteen minutes,but when Michael finally(36)off,he thanked me for listening so (37)to him"可知,此处指Michael感谢作者能够如此专心地听他讲话而且愿意与他交流这么长时间.故选D.39 C 考查动词.根据文章下文"just maybe,that was my purpose in life for today …to be there,in that place,at that time,to (40)in that conversation."可知,此处指Michael临走时感谢作者能够如此专心地听他讲话,作者才意识到自己在那个地点和时间与Michael进行的那次对话是有理由的.故选C.40 B 考查固定搭配.根据文章句子"It was then that I (39)that,just maybe,that was my purpose in life for today …to be there,in that place,at that time,to (40)in that conversation."结合语境可知,在那个地点,那个时间,作者和Michael进行了那次对话.故选B.【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文.主要讲述了偶然的一次机会与一名流浪汉长达90分钟的交流让作者意识到我们每天所做的每件事都是有理由的,都值得我们认真去做.本类考查人物故事类阅读理解,以细节题的考查为主,解此类题需要结合上下文提供的语境和信息进行简单的概括和判断;同时抓住每一个细节,认真分析,做出正确答案.四、语法填空(本大题共1小题,共15.0分)37.That Beijing,together with Zhangjiakou,succeeded in getting the chance to host the2022 Winter Olympic Games,speeds up the development of Zhangjiakou City.Word came(1)______ the Beijing-Zhangjiakou high-speed railway,(2)______ (locate)in North China,is currently under construction,and(3)______ (expect)to be completed by 2020 in preparation for the cities to host the 2022 WinterOlympics.Starting from Beijing North Railway Station,heading west through the Great Wall three times in the capital's territory,the project is a big challenge,(4)______ designers say the explosions needed to dig the tunnels will not have an impact on thestructure.The line has a(5)______ (long)of 174 km as a double tracked passenger dedicated line,with ten stations situated along its route.Having a(6)______ (totally)investment of 31.17 billion yuan (﹩5 billion),the trip between the two cities will onlytake 40 minutes,with the train(7)______ (travel)at an average of250km/h.According to the plan,the high-speed railway will build two branch lines-one is to Yanqing Station and the other(8)______ Taizicheng of Chongli,(9)______ the Olympic village lies.The full railway,which includes 70-kilometer section through Beijing,will be completed in four and(10)______ half years.【答案】【小题1】as【小题2】located【小题3】is expected【小题4】but【小题5】length【小题6】total【小题7】traveling【小题8】to【小题9】where【小题10】a【解析】1.as.考查固定短语.此处为非限定性定语从句,译为正如报道的那样,故用as.2.located.考查过去分词.此处为过去分词作定语,修饰railway,…be located in ,与所修饰词为被动关系,所以用过去分词.3.is expected.考查被动语态.此处在句中作谓语,表示有望被完成,所以用被动语态.4.but.考查连词.根据语境可知,虽然是个挑战,但设计师说会想办法解决.所以表示转折关系.5.length.考查固定短语.Has a length of 174,表示有多长6.total.考查形容词.此处修饰investment ,名词前用形容词.。





AWorlds of FunLocation: Worlds of Fun is located off Highway 435 in Kansas City, Missouri.History: Worlds of Fun was opened on May 26, 1973, at a cost of 25 million dollars. Loosely themed around the Jules Verne book, Around the World in Eighty Days, the park was founded by Hunt Midwest Company. In 1982, Hunt Midwest bought a nearby water park, Oceans of Fun. In 2013, Worlds of Fun and Oceans of Fun were combined to a one ticket admission, providing all guests with access to 235 acres of amusement and water rides.Hours: Worlds of Fun is open from April through Halloween.Tickets: Buy and print online. Always try to buy your tickets in advance, to save time when you get to the park.Reservations: Worlds of Fun sells ―Fast Lane‖ cards that save riders’ time by allowing them to bypass the majority of wait for most of rides and attractions including Mamba, Prowler, and Patriot. Ride as many times as you want all day long.Strategy: Most visitors tend to begin the day with Prowler, the hottest attraction in the park. Use that tendency to your advantage and head to the Patriot first. After that, try the Dragons. Then work your way back to the Prowler. After riding the Prowler, there is only one coaster left, Mamba. Hit it next. If the park is not very crowded, you can ride Boomerang on the way to Mamba. After riding Mamba, head back for a ride on the Wolf. By then you will have tried most of the popular rides and attractions in the shortest possible time.News: In 2017, Worlds of Fun is adding Steel Hawk, a ride that will take guests up 301 feet in the air and spin them at a 45-degree angle for a 60-second flight. Wait to have a try!21. When did Hunt Midwest’s two parks start to share one ticket?A. In 1937B. In 2013C. In 1982D. In 2014解析:细节题:从文章第二段的句子:In 2013, Worlds of Fun and Oceans of Fun were combined to a one ticket admission, providing all guests with access to 235 acres of amusement and water rides. 可知Hunt Midwest的两个公园是在2013年共用一张票,选B。



B. 9 210 2 D. 9 211 2 )
11. 如图,网格纸上正方形小格的边长为 1, 图中粗线画出的是某几何体的三视图, 则该几何体的体积为 (
2 3 8 C. 3
2 12.若函数 f x a x
4 3
D. 4

2 ,其中自然对数 lnx a 0 有唯一零点 x0 ,且 m x0 n ( m, n 为相邻整数) x
10.秦九韶是我国南宋时期的数学家,普州(现四川省安岳县)人,他在所著的《数书九章》中提出的多项 式 s 求值的秦九韶算法,至今仍是比较先进的算法: 如图的程序框图给出了利用秦九韶算法求某多项式值的 一个实例,若输入 x 的值为 2,则输出的 v 值为( )
A. 9 210 2 C. 9 211 2
4.已知角 的顶点与原点重合,始边与 x 轴正半轴重合,终边在直线 y 3x 上,则 sin 2 ( 3

3 4 3 10
43 3 10
34 3 10
43 3 10

x y 1 0 5.设变量 x y 满足约束条件 x y 0 ,则 z x 2 y 的最大值为( , x 2 y 4 0
【河北省五个一联盟(邯郸一中、石家庄一中等) 】2017 年高考数学二模 (文科)试卷
一、选择题.共 12 小题,每小题 5 分,共 60 分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有且只有一项符合题目要求. 1.已知 i 是虚数单位,若 z (1 i) 1 3i ,则 z ( A. 2 i B. 2 i C. 1 i ) D. 1 i



2 (A) -12(6)设函数/(x )是概念在R 上的奇函数,且/(x ) =log 3(x + l)x >0 .g(x)x<0则巩一8)=河北省“五个一名校联盟〃2017届高三教学质量监测(二)数学试卷(文)说明:一、 本试卷分为第I 卷和第II 卷.第I 卷为选择题:第II 卷为非选择题,分为必考和选 考两部份.二、 答题前请仔细阅读答题卡上的“注意事项”,依照“注意事项”的规泄答题. 三、 做选择题时,每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的标号涂黑.如需改 动,用橡皮将原选涂答案擦干净后,再选涂英他答案.一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,有且 只有一项符合题目要求.(1)已知i 是虚数单位,若z (l + /) = l + 3Z,则?=(A ) 2+i(B ) 2-i(C ) —l + i(D ) -1-/(2)已知全集 U = R ,集合 A =12v > | j , B = {xllog 3^<l},则 An (Q^) =(A ) (-1,-KZ >)(B ) [3,2)(C ) (_l,0)U (3,+s ) (D ) (_1,O]U[3,P )(3) 已知命题是简单命题,则"r?是假命题”是“ pyq 是真命题”的(A )充分没必要要条件 (B )必要不充分条件 (C )充要条件(D )既不充分又没必要要条件(4) 已知角&的极点与原点重合,始边与x 轴正半轴重合,终边在直线y = 3x 上,则 sin(2& +彳)=x-y-1S 0(5)设变量兀,y 知足约束条件x+y>0,贝iJz = x-2y 的最大值为x+2y-4>0(A)3_4亦 10(D)4-3忑10(A) -2 (B) -3 (C) 2 (D) 3(7) 在区间[-2,3]中任取一个数… 则使“双曲线-4—= 1的离心率大于JT'〃广 一1 4-/77的槪率是(A) —(B) —(C)- (D)-101055(8) 函数/(兀)=sin0工(0>0)的图像向右平移+个单位取得函数y = g(x)的图像,且12函数g(x)在区间[彳,彳]上单调递增,在区间[彳,扌]上单调递减,则实数0的值7 3 5 (A) -(B)-(C)2(D)-424(9) 已知圆C :(A-l)2+(y-2)2=2与y 轴在第二象限所围区域的面积为S ,直线 y = 3x + b 分圆C 的内部为两部份,其中一部份的而积也为S,则/?=(A ) -i±Vio (B ) i±>/io(o-l-VFo(D > 1-Vio(10) 秦九韶是我国南宋时期的数学家,普州(现四川省安岳 县)人,他在所著的《数书九章》中提岀的多项式求值的秦九 韶算法,至今仍是比较先进的算法•如图的程序框图给出了利用 秦九韶算法求某多项式值的一个实例,若输入X 的值为2,则输 岀的V 值为(A) 9x2,0-2(B) 9x2'°+ 2 (C) 9x2"+2<D) 9x2n -2(ID 如图,网格纸上正方形小格的边长为1,图中粗线画岀的是某几何体 的三视图,则该几何体的体积为24 (A)—( B )—3 3 8 (C)- (D) 43/输小•/V 10./<9k = k-l. L^JF+吕一lnx(a>0)有唯一零点%,且in <x0<n(m,n为相(12)若函数f{x) = a(D) 7第II卷邻整数),其中自然对数e = 2.71828...,则m+n的值为(A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 5二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分,把答案填写在题中横线上.2 2(13)已知斥、耳为椭圆+ y = 1的两个核心,过片作的直线交椭圆于A、B两点,若|^| + |^| = 12,贝ij\AB\ = __________________ .(14)已知点A(l,0), B(l, JJ),点 C 在第二彖限,且ZAOC = 150 , OC = -4OA + AOB ,则兄= _______ .(15)若/(兀)+八一工)=4,“=/(0)+ 卍卜...+ ”乎卜/(1)0"),则数列{®}的通项公式为_________ .(16)已知矩形ABEF所在的平而与矩形ABCD所在的平而彼此垂直,AD=2, AB=3, AF= 主,M为EF的中点,贝ij多而体M - ABCD的外接球的表而积为______________ .2三、解答题:本大题共70分,其中(1刀一(21)题为必考题,(22),(23)题为选考题.解承诺写岀文字说明、证明进程或演算步骤.(17)(本小题满分12分)在△&BC中,角A, B, C所对的边别离为a, b, c,且2acosC-c=2b・(I)求角人的大小:(II)若c=d角B的平分线BD=d求Q・(18)(本小题满分12分)某校高一(1)班的一次数学测试成绩的茎叶图和频率散布直方图都受到不同程度的污损,可见部份如下图.茎叶568623356897234455556898958(I)求分数在[50.60)的频率及全班人数:(II)求分数在[80.90)之间的频数,并计算频率散布直方图中[80.90)间矩形的髙;(III)若要从分数在[80」00)之间的试卷中任取两份分析学生失分情形,求在抽取的试卷中,至少有一份分数在[90,100)之间的概率.(19)(本小题满分12分)如图,在三棱锥A-BCD中,AABD为边长等于迈正三角形,CD=CB = 1.ZXADC与ZXMC是有公共斜边AC的全等的直角三角形.(I )求证:ACLBD,(II)求D点到平面A8C的距离.(20)(本小题满分12分)已知抛物线C:y2=4x的核心为F,过F的直线/交C于4 B两点,M为线段处的中点,O 为坐标原点40、80的延长线与直线* = 一4别离交于卩、Q两点.< I)求动点M的轨迹方程;(II )连接OM,求△OPQ与△BOM的而积比.(21)(本小题满分12分)已知函数f(x) =ax2^-bx —Inx/a’b WR)(I )设aNO,求幷刃的单调区间;(II)设a>0,且对于任意x>0, f(x)Mf⑴.试比较Ina与—2b的大小.请考生在第(22),(23),二题中任选一题作答,若是多做,则按所做的第一题记分.作答时用2B铅笔在答题卡上把所选题目对应的题号涂黑.在平而直角坐标系中,曲线C的参数方程为辰sa(a为参数).以坐标原点O[y=sin a为极点.x轴正半轴为极轴成立极坐标系,直线/的极坐标方程为pcosW+夕)二迈・/与C 交于A、B两点.(I)求曲线C的普通方程及直线/的直角坐标方程;(II)设点P(0-2)^\PA\ + \PB\的值.(23)(本小题满分10分)选修4-5:不等式选讲已知关于X的不等式X—3 + x—m的解集为R.(I )求m的最大值;(II )已知cr>0, b>0, c>0,且a+b+c=m,求4o24-9b2H-c2的最小值及现在a, b, c的值.XXXXXXXX 考试文科数学参考答案一'选择题:ADACC ABCAC BC二、 填空题:(13) 8(14)1(15) crn=2(n+l) (16) 16n三、 解答题:(17)(本小题满分22分)解:(【)2QCOS C —c=2b,由正弦定理得 2sin&cosC —sinC=2sinB,2sie4cosC —sinC=2sin(A + C) = 2 sin/^cosC+2cos/AsinC» —sin C=2cos&sinC, 1T sinCH0, /. cos/4 = —y,ABslnA• : sin ZADB BD n .n:.ZADB=^9 •:厶BCp ZACB由余弦宦理,BC=^AB2 +&C2—2A3・ACcosA=&・(18)(本小题满分12分)解:(I )分数在[50.60)的频率为X10=,由茎叶图知:分数在[50.60)之间的频数为2,所以全班人数为错误!=25.・・・4分 (II)分数在[80.90)之间的频数为25-22 = 3;3频率散布直方图中[80,90)间的矩形的髙为茅10=・-7分(III)将[80,90)之间的3个分数编号为如",心,[90.100)之间的2个分数编号为bg 在[80.100)之间的试卷中任取两份的大体事件为: AB BD(II)在△逊中,由正弦定理得,sinZ 趣一畑AC=AB=\[2•••12 分得厂(x )=(的上 1) , ("2 , b 2) ,@3 上]),("3 ,加),(b ]上2)共 10 个, 其中,至少有一个在[90J00)之间的大体事件有7个, •••10 分7 故至少有一份分数在[90J00)之间的概率是缶. •••12 分(19)(本小题满分12分) 解: (I )取BD 中点连AM. CM 9:AD=AB•••&M 丄 3D, 又 9:DC=CB. •'•CM 丄BD, CMQAM=M / :.3D 丄面 ACM, ACC :面 ACM, :.BDLAC …6 分(II)过&作处2“ (II )设 AB : ky=x — 1,代入得)2_4 灯 _4=0, y\+yi=4k. yi • y2=4, 一 一一 26 一 —16 联立 九,WP(-4,——),同理 Q(-4Z —), lx= -4 X1力 IP (2l=4lyi-y 2l, •: Sa 。

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1. What did the man give the woman for her birthday?A. SweetsB. PhotosC. A sirt2. Where are the two speaers probably taling?A. On the road.B. In the classroom.C. In the hospital.3. When will the man return home?A. On Friday.B. On Wednesday.C. On Thursday.4. What is the woman going to do this weeend?A. Watch a film.B. Go shopping.C. Stay at home.5. Where will the two speaers probably go net?A. The man’s house.B. A restaurant.C. The classroom第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。


听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。


听第 6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。

6. How is the woman?A. She is ill.B. She is tired.C. She is sad.7. How will the two speaers go to Forest Par?A. On foot.B. By bus.C. By tai.听第7 段材料,回答第8、9 题。

8. Where is the woman going to meet the man’s sister?A. At the school gate.B. At the entrance of the shopping center.C. At the bus stop.9. What does the woman want to buy?A. A guitar for the man’s aunt.B. Some new clothes.C. Some food and flowers.听第8 段材料,回答第10 至12 题。

10. Where does the conversation most probably tae place?A. At a restaurant.B. At a shop.C. Over the phone.11. What is the woman’s phone number?A. (207)5551211.B. (206)5551211.C. (207)5551212.12. When does the conversation happen?A. At 1100 pm.B. At 1120 am.C. At 1100 am.听第9 段材料,回答第13 至16 题。

13. According to the survey, how many teens fail to get enough sleep?A. About one quarter of all teens.B. About half of all teens.C. About three quarters of all teens.14. What ind of person is the man?A. He is very lay all the time.B. He lies getting up early.C. He is active.15. How many hours of sleep do teens need every night?A. 6 hours.B. 7 hours.C. 8 to 9 hours.16. What does the woman thin schools should do to help ensure teens do not arrive atschool feeling tired?A. Have PE classes in the morning.B. Start the morning classes later.C. Cancel the morning classes.听第10 段材料,回答第17 至20 题。

17. When was basetball invented?A. In 1891.B. In 1895.C. In 1946.18. Which country has won the most medals in volleyball?A. The Soviet Union.B. The United States.C. Brail.19. Where did the best women volleyball players come from?A. The Soviet Union.B. The United States.C. Japan.20. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The Americans introduced volleyball to the Olympics.B. Beach volleyball is not very popular.C. Volleyball is very popular in many countries.第二部分阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

AIn the United States, Julia Roberts, Will Ferrell, Elton John and over 65 stars are coming together to have fun, raise money and change lives on The Red Nose Day Special.The Special will feature Julia Roberts’ recent trip to Phoeni to visit projects that tae care of children who are facing serious health issues without the means to afford basic medical treatment. Jac Blac, who went to Uganda last year to shed light on the issue of children living in poor conditions, returned to give a heartwarming report about Feli, a young boy he met there who had been living on the streets for three years. He will reveal what life is lie for Feli today after being helped by a program that aims to change the lives of homeless ids.Music will also tae centre stage, with both Elton John and Blae Shelton performing very special songs. The Red Nose Day Special also shows a great night of comedy, including Tracy Morgan putting his own unique spin on the classic Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs while reading to ids, and many other comedy acts.Red Nose Day launched in the U.S. in 2015 as a special day to come together, have fun and mae a difference to ids who are most in need. In its first year in America, morethan US $23 million was raised for the Red Nose Day Fund, with the money now at wor in all 50 states across America and 15 countries internationally through programs to eep children and young people safe, healthy and educated.The money raised by Red Nose Day USA 2016 will help support projects in some of the neediest communities in the U.S. and some of the poorest communities in the world. People from all wals of life are encouraged to get involved, have fun and raise money by buying red noses sold only at Walgreens stores nationwide, organiing fundraising events and watching and donating during the television special.21. In the show, who went to Uganda and met Feli there?A. Julia Roberts.B. Will Ferrell.C. Elton JohnD. Jac Blac.22. What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?A. The main activities on Red Nose Day.B. Information about Red Nose Day.C. The money raised by the Red Nose Day Fund every year.D. Information about The Red Nose Day Special.23. How can ordinary people raise money for Red Nose Day?A. By visiting the poorest communities.B. By having fun during the television special.C. By maing red noses for sale at Walgreens stores.D. By organiing fundraising events.BWhile the other ids seemed ecited about celebrating the end-of-term party by playing games and sharing treats, Jeremy hated the very idea of the gathering.Afraid to raise the pressure too high, I decided to contribute something that was easy to purchase on the wal to school.Off we went the day of the party, approaching his school as if nothing was planned.I reminded him of our need to mae a purchase, entered his favorite shop, and ased him to select the ripest (成熟的) bunch of grapes. He shot me an anious loo and insisted none of his classmates ever be able to notice he had something to bring to the party. My vision of a successful parenting method, resulting in delivering a sociable child to his school,diverted(转移)sharply from reality.Bac on route, I did my best to hide the sining feeling of fear. How could I possibly drop him off and then wal into my own classroom to teach a successful class?My net move was born in the heat of the moment. I said a quic goodbye at the front gate and rushed to his classroom through the emergency eit. I managed to inform his teacher about the grapes in the bacpac and be out of the classroom before I could be spied by my son.So, what happened on that June day? His teacher, a caring educator, wored wonders. My son and I still laugh about the way Mr. B started the day with an unusual question, “Does anyone have any grapes?” While Jeremy admits feeling a bit uncomfortable, the words encouraged him to tae out the fruit. Because of the support he received, he remembers that day with pride for his courage.24. Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “vision” inParagraph 3?A. researchB. imaginationC. surveyD. use25. How did the author feel when she left the shop?A. GratefulB. SatisfiedC. RegretfulD. Worried.26. Why did the author hurry to her son’s classroom?A. She went there to give her a lesson.B. She was afraid of her son being punished.C. She went to as the teacher for help.D. She was invited to tae part in the celebration.27. What does the passage mainly tal about?A. The author helped Jeremy to become sociable.B. Jeremy prepared for the coming party.C. The author taught Jeremy to select goods.D. The teacher inspired Jeremy to share grapes.CSome houses are designed to be smart. Others have smart designs. An eample of the second type of house won an Award of Ecellence from the American Institute of Architects.Located on the shore of Sullivan’s Island off the coast of South Carolina, the award-winning cube-shaped beach house was built to replace one smashed to pieces by Hurricane Hugo 10 years ago. In September 1989, Hugo struc South Carolina, illing 18 people and damaging or destroying 36,000 homes in the state.Before Hugo, many new houses built along South Carolina’s shoreline were poorly constructed, and enforcement (执行) of building codes (建筑法规) wasn’t strict, according to architect Ray Huff, who created the cleverly-designed beach house. In Hugo’s wae, all new shoreline houses are required to meet stricter, better-enforced codes. The new beach house on Sullivan’s Island should be able to resist a Category 3 hurricane with pea winds of 179 to 209 ilometers per hour.At first sight, the house on Sullivan’s Island loos anything but hurricane-proof. Its redwood shell maes it resemble “a large party lantern” at night, according to one observer. But loos can be deceiving. The house’s wooden frame is reinforc ed with long steel rods to give it etra strength.To further protect the house from hurricane damage, Huff raised it 2.7 meters off the ground on timber pilings (桩) —long, slender columns of wood anchored deep in the sand. Pilings might appear insecure, but they are strong enough to support the weight of the house. They also elevate (提升) the house above storm waves. The pilings allow the waves to run under the house instead of running into it. “These swells of water come ashore at tremendous speeds and cause most of the damage done to beach-front buildings,” said Huff.Huff designed the timber pilings to be partially concealed by the house’s ground-to-roof shell. “The shell mass the pilings so that the house doesn't loo lie it’s standing with its pant legs pulled up,” said Huff. In the event of a storm surge, the shell should brea apart and let the waves rush under the house, the architect eplained.28. After the tragedy caused by Hurricane Hugo, new houses built along South Carolina’s shore line s hould ________.A. be easily reinforcedB. loo smarter in designC. be designed in the shape of cubesD. satisfy higher building standards29. Huff raised the house 2.7 meters off the ground on timber pilings in order to ____.A. prevent water from rushing into the houseB. mae stronger pilings deep in the sandC. brea huge sea waves into smaller onesD. withstand pea winds of about 200 m/hr30. The main function of the shell is _______.A. to strengthen the pilings of the houseB. to protect the wooden frame of the houseC. to give the house a better appearanceD. to slow down the speed of the swelling water31. It can be inferred from the passage that the shell should be _____.A. fancy-looingB. water-proofC. etremely strongD. easily breaableDA good joe can be the hardest thing to understand when studying a foreign language. As a recent article in The Guardian newspaper noted, “There’s more to understanding a joe in a foreign language than understanding vocabulary and grammar.”Being able to understand local joes is often seen as an unbelievable ice-breaer for a language learner eager to form friendships with native speaers. “I always felt that humor was a ceiling that I could never brea through,” Hannah Ashley, a public relations account manager in London, who once studied Spanish in Madrid, told The Guardian, “I could never spea to people on the same level as I would spea to a native English speaer.I almost came across as quite a boring person because all I could tal about was facts.”In fact, most of the time, joes are only funny for people who share a cultural bacground or understand humor in the same way. Chinese-American comedian Joe Wong found this out first-hand. He had achieved huge success in the US, but when he returned to China in 2008 for his first live show in Beijing, he discovered that people didn’t thin his Chinese joes were as funny as his English ones.In Australia, meanwhile many foreigners find understanding joes about sports to be the biggest headache. “The hardest joes are related to rugby because I now nothing about rugby,” said Melody Cao, who was once a student in Australia. “When I heard joes I didn’t get, I just laughed along.”In the other two major English-speaing countries, the sense of humor is alsodifferent. British comedian Simon Pegg believes that while British people use irony (反话)—basically, saying something they don’t mean to mae a joe—every day, people in the US do n’t see the point of using it so often. “British joes tend to be more subtle and dar, while American joes are more obvious with their meanings, a bit lie Americans themselves,” he wrote in The Guardian.32. It is implied in the noted sentence in Paragraph 1 that ________.A. there tends to be something behind the words of a joe in a foreign languageB. humor is always conveyed to foreigners through vocabulary and grammarC. vocabulary and grammar help you understand joes in a foreign languageD. maing joes is a possible way for one to learn better a foreign language33. What can we guess about Hannah Ashley?A. She thins that Spanish people generally do not have much of a sense of humor.B. She believes that one had better rely on facts when speaing a foreign language.C. She had a better command of the Spanish language than of the EnglishD. She found humor was a barrier to her getting along well with Spanish people.34. Joe Wong is used as an eample to _________.A. show that i t’s hard to put joes into another languageB. suggest that there are cultural differences in humorC. prove that local people have different taste in humorD. show that epressing ability affects the sense of humor35. From the article we can learn that ________.A. joes about sports are difficult for people to understandB. Americans are generally more humorous than British peopleC. British people’s dar joes often mae people uncomfortableD. not all English native speaers can understand English joes easily第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
