2016-2017学年上海中学高一(下)期中数学试卷一.填空题1.已知角θ的终边在射线y=2x(x≤0)上,则sinθ+cosθ= .2.若,则= .3.函数的最小正周期为.4.在△ABC中,若,则△ABC为三角形(填“锐角”、“直角”或“钝角”)5.若,,则tanαtanβ= .6.已知,则x= (用反正弦表示)7.函数y=2sin2x﹣3sinx+1,的值域为.8.将函数y=cos2x﹣sin2x的图象向左平移m个单位后,所得图象关于原点对称,则实数m 的最小值为.9.若函数y=sin3x+acos3x的图象关于对称,则a= .10.若函数f(x)=sinx和定义域均是,则它们的图象上存在个点关于y轴对称.11.已知k是正整数,且1≤k≤2017,则满足方程sin1°+sin2°+…+sink°=sin1°•sin2°…sink°的k有个.12.已知函数f(x)=Asin(ωx+φ)+B,其中A、B、ω、φ均为实数,且A>0,ω>0,|φ|<,写出满足f(1)=2,,f(3)=﹣1,f(4)=2的一个函数f(x)= (写出一个即可)二.选择题13.若﹣<α<0,则点(cotα,cosα)必在()A.第一象限 B.第二象限 C.第三象限 D.第四象限14.下列函数中,既为偶函数又在(0,π)上单调递增的是()A.y=tan|x| B.y=cos(﹣x) C.D.y=|cot|15.将函数y=sin(2x﹣)图象上的点P(,t)向左平移s(s>0)个单位长度得到点P′,若P′位于函数y=sin2x的图象上,则()A.t=,s的最小值为B.t=,s的最小值为C.t=,s的最小值为D.t=,s的最小值为16.若α、β∈,且αsinα﹣βsinβ>0,则下面结论正确的是()A.α>βB.α+β>0 C.α<βD.α2>β2三.简答题17.求证:﹣2cos(α+β)=.18.已知,.(1)求tanθ的值;(2)求的值.19.写出函数的值域、单调递增区间、对称轴方程、对称中心坐标(只需写出答案即可),并用五点法作出该函数在一个周期内的图象.20.已知集合A={f(x)|f(x)+f(x+2)=f(x+1)},.(1)求证:g(x)∈A;(2)g(x)是周期函数,据此猜想A中的元素一定是周期函数,判断该猜想是否正确,并证明你的结论;(3)g(x)是奇函数,据此猜想A中的元素一定是奇函数,判断该猜想是否正确,并证明你的结论.21.已知函数f(x)=sin(ωx+φ)(ω>0,0<φ<π)的最小正周期为π,其图象的一个对称中心为,将函数f(x)图象上的所有点的横坐标伸长为原来的2倍(纵坐标不变),再将所得图象向右平移个单位长度后得到函数g(x)的图象.(1)求函数f(x)与g(x)的解析式;(2)求实数a与正整数n,使得F(x)=f(x)+ag(x)在(0,nπ)内恰有2017个零点.2016-2017学年上海中学高一(下)期中数学试卷参考答案与试题解析一.填空题1.已知角θ的终边在射线y=2x(x≤0)上,则sinθ+cosθ= ﹣.【考点】G9:任意角的三角函数的定义.【分析】根据三角函数的定义,直接求出sinθ和cosθ【解答】解:在射线y=2x(x≤0)上任取一点(﹣1,﹣2),∴r==,∴sinθ==,cosθ==,∴sinθ+cosθ=﹣,故答案为:.2.若,则=sin.【考点】GI:三角函数的化简求值.【分析】利用二倍角的余弦公式的应用,以及三角函数在各个象限中的符号,化简所给的式子,可得结果.【解答】解:若,则===|sin|=,故答案为:sin.3.函数的最小正周期为 .【考点】H1:三角函数的周期性及其求法.【分析】利用y=Asin (ωx+φ)的周期等于 T=,得出结论.【解答】解:函数的最小正周期为,故答案为:.4.在△ABC中,若,则△ABC为 直角 三角形(填“锐角”、“直角”或“钝角”) 【考点】GI :三角函数的化简求值.【分析】诱导公式、两角和的正弦公式求得sin (A+B )=sinC=1,C 为直角,从而得出结论. 【解答】解:△ABC中,∵,即sinAcosB=1﹣sinBcosA ,∴sin (A+B )=sinC=1,∴C=,故△ABC 为直角三角形, 故答案为:直角.5.若,,则tan αtan β=.【考点】GP :两角和与差的余弦函数.【分析】由已知利用两角和与差的余弦函数公式可得cos αcos β﹣sin αsin β=,cos αcos β+sin αsin β=,联立解得cos αcos β,sin αsin β,利用同角三角函数基本关系式即可计算得解.【解答】解:∵,,∴cos αcos β﹣sin αsin β=,cos αcos β+sin αsin β=,∴联立,解得:cos αcos β=,sin αsin β=,∴tan αtan β==.故答案为:.6.已知,则x=(用反正弦表示)【考点】H2:正弦函数的图象.【分析】本题是一个知道三角函数值及角的取值范围,求角的问题,由于本题中所涉及的角不是一个特殊角,故需要用反三角函数表示出答案【解答】解:由于arcsin 表示上正弦值等于的一个锐角,由,则x=,故答案为:.7.函数y=2sin 2x ﹣3sinx+1,的值域为 .【考点】HW :三角函数的最值.【分析】令sinx=t ,求出t 的范围,得出关于t 的二次函数,利用二次函数的性质求出最值即可.【解答】解:令sinx=t ,则y=2t 2﹣3t+1=2(t ﹣)2﹣,∵x ∈[,],∴t ∈[,1],∴当t=时,y 取得最小值﹣,当t=或1时,y 取得最大值0.故答案为:.8.将函数y=cos2x ﹣sin2x 的图象向左平移m 个单位后,所得图象关于原点对称,则实数m的最小值为.【考点】HJ:函数y=Asin(ωx+φ)的图象变换.【分析】利用函数y=Asin(ωx+φ)的图象变换规律,正弦函数的图象的对称性,求得m的最小值.【解答】解:把函数f(x)=cos2x﹣sin2x=cos(2x+)象向左平移m(m>0)个单位,可得y=cos(2x+2m+)的图象,根据所得函数图象关于原点对称,可得2m+=kπ+,k∈Z,即m=+,则m的最小值为,故答案为:9.若函数y=sin3x+acos3x的图象关于对称,则a= ﹣.【考点】GL:三角函数中的恒等变换应用.【分析】利用三角恒等变换得出y=sin(3x+φ),根据对称轴得出φ的值,再利用sinφ=﹣得出a的值.【解答】解:y=sin(3x+φ),其中,sinφ=,cosφ=,∵函数图象关于x=﹣对称,∴﹣+φ=+kπ,即φ=+kπ,k∈Z.∵cosφ=>0,∴φ=﹣+2kπ,∴sinφ=﹣,∴=﹣,解得a=﹣.故答案为:.10.若函数f(x)=sinx和定义域均是,则它们的图象上存在 2 个点关于y轴对称.【考点】H2:正弦函数的图象.【分析】根据题意,在同一坐标系中画出函数f(x)=sinx和的图象,其中x∈,根据函数图象即可得出结论.【解答】解:在同一坐标系中画出函数f(x)=sinx和的图象,其中x∈,如图所示;则f(x)的图象上存在2个点关于y轴对称,分别是(﹣π,0)和(π,0)与(0,0);g(x)的图象上存在2个点关于y轴对称,分别是(﹣π,﹣)和(π,﹣)与(,0).故答案为:2.11.已知k是正整数,且1≤k≤2017,则满足方程sin1°+sin2°+…+sink°=sin1°•sin2°…sink°的k有11 个.【考点】GI:三角函数的化简求值.【分析】由三角函数的值域可知,除k=1外当等式sin1°+sin2°+…+sink°=s in1°•sin2°…sink°的左右两边均为0时等式成立,由此可得正整数k的个数.【解答】解:由三角函数的单调性及值域,可知sin1°•sin2°…sink°<1.∴除k=1外只有当等式sin1°+sin2°+…+sink°=sin1°•sin2°…sink°的左右两边均为0时等式成立,则k=1、359、360、719、720、1079、1080、1439、1440、1799、1800时等式成立,满足条件的正整数k有11个.故答案为:11.12.已知函数f(x)=Asin(ωx+φ)+B,其中A、B、ω、φ均为实数,且A>0,ω>0,|φ|<,写出满足f(1)=2,,f(3)=﹣1,f(4)=2的一个函数f(x)= sin(x﹣)+(写出一个即可)【考点】H2:正弦函数的图象.【分析】根据题意得出f(x)满足的条件,求出A、ω、φ对应的值即可写出f(x)的解析式.【解答】解:根据题意,函数f(x)=Asin(ωx+φ)+B是周期函数,且满足,其中A>0,ω>0,|φ|<,∴sin(4ω+φ)=sin(ω+φ),∴4ω+φ=ω+φ+2kπ,k∈Z,∴ω=,k∈Z,取ω=;∴Asin(+φ)+B=2①且Asin(2π+φ)+B=﹣1②;∴①﹣②得A=3∴A(cosφ﹣sinφ)=3∴A(cos cosφ﹣sin sinφ)=∴Acos(φ+)=令A=,则φ=﹣;∴写出满足条件的一个函数为f (x )=sin (x ﹣)+;故答案为:.二.选择题13.若﹣<α<0,则点(cot α,cos α)必在( )A .第一象限B .第二象限C .第三象限D .第四象限 【考点】GC :三角函数值的符号. 【分析】根据三角函数值的符号判断即可.【解答】解:∵﹣<α<0,∴cos α>0 tan α<0 tan α•cot α=1 ∴cot α<0∴点(cot α,cos α)在第一象限. 故选:D .14.下列函数中,既为偶函数又在(0,π)上单调递增的是( )A .y=tan|x|B .y=cos (﹣x )C .D .y=|cot|【考点】3J :偶函数;3E :函数单调性的判断与证明. 【分析】化简各选项,画出草图,根据图象选出答案.【解答】解:y=sin (x ﹣)=﹣sin (﹣x )=﹣cosx 故选C .15.将函数y=sin(2x﹣)图象上的点P(,t)向左平移s(s>0)个单位长度得到点P′,若P′位于函数y=sin2x的图象上,则()A.t=,s的最小值为B.t=,s的最小值为C.t=,s的最小值为D.t=,s的最小值为【考点】HJ:函数y=Asin(ωx+φ)的图象变换.【分析】将x=代入得:t=,进而求出平移后P′的坐标,进而得到s的最小值.【解答】解:将x=代入得:t=sin=,将函数y=sin(2x﹣)图象上的点P向左平移s个单位,得到P′(+s,)点,若P′位于函数y=sin2x的图象上,则sin(+2s)=cos2s=,则2s=+2kπ,k∈Z,则s=+kπ,k∈Z,由s>0得:当k=0时,s的最小值为,故选:A.16.若α、β∈,且αsinα﹣βsinβ>0,则下面结论正确的是()A.α>βB.α+β>0 C.α<βD.α2>β2【考点】3L:函数奇偶性的性质;H5:正弦函数的单调性.【分析】观察本题的形式,当角的取值范围是时,角与其正弦值符号是相同的,故αsinα与βsinβ皆为正,αsinα﹣βsinβ>0可以得出|α|>|β|,故可以确定结论.【解答】解:y=sinx是单调递增的偶函数.∵,∴αsinα,βsinβ皆为非负数∵αsinα﹣βsinβ>0,∴αsinα>βsinβ∴|α|>|β|,∴α2>β2故选:D三.简答题17.求证:﹣2cos(α+β)=.【考点】GJ:三角函数恒等式的证明.【分析】先转换命题,只需证sin(2α+β)﹣2cos(α+β)•sinα=sinβ,再利用角的关系:2α+β=(α+β)+α,(α+β)﹣α=β可证得结论.【解答】证明:∵sin(2α+β)﹣2cos(α+β)sinα=sin﹣2cos(α+β)sinα=sin(α+β)cosα+cos(α+β)sinα﹣2cos(α+β)sinα=sin(α+β)cosα﹣cos(α+β)sinα=sin=sinβ.两边同除以sinα得﹣2cos(α+β)=.∴原式得证18.已知,.(1)求tanθ的值;(2)求的值.【考点】GL:三角函数中的恒等变换应用.【分析】(1)由,.利用二倍角公式即可出tanθ的值;(2)根据tanθ的值求出sinθ和cosθ,利用二倍角和和与差的公式化简可求出的值.【解答】解:(1)由tan2θ=,.可得: tan2θ﹣tanθ﹣=0,∵.∴tanθ=.(2)由(1)可知tanθ=,即,sin2θ+cos2θ=1,可得:sinθ=,cosθ=.那么===2.19.写出函数的值域、单调递增区间、对称轴方程、对称中心坐标(只需写出答案即可),并用五点法作出该函数在一个周期内的图象.【考点】GL:三角函数中的恒等变换应用;HI:五点法作函数y=Asin(ωx+φ)的图象.【分析】先化简f(x)的解析式,根据正弦函数的图象与性质列出不等式或等式得出各结论.【解答】解:y=﹣(cos2x﹣sin2x)+2sinxcosx=﹣cos2x+sin2x=2sin(2x﹣),∴函数的值域:;令﹣+2kπ≤2x﹣≤+2kπ,解得﹣+kπ≤x≤+kπ,∴函数的递增区间:,k∈Z;令2x﹣=,解得x=+,∴函数的对称轴:x=+,k∈Z;令2x﹣=kπ得x=+,∴函数的对称中心:(+,0),k∈Z;作图如下:(1)列表:作出图象如下:20.已知集合A={f(x)|f(x)+f(x+2)=f(x+1)},.(1)求证:g(x)∈A;(2)g(x)是周期函数,据此猜想A中的元素一定是周期函数,判断该猜想是否正确,并证明你的结论;(3)g(x)是奇函数,据此猜想A中的元素一定是奇函数,判断该猜想是否正确,并证明你的结论.【考点】3P:抽象函数及其应用.【分析】(1)利用三角恒等变换化简g(x)+g(x+2),判断与g(x+1)的关系即可;(2)由f(x)+f(x+2)=f(x+1)可得f(x+1)+f(x+3)=f(x+2),两式相减即可得出f (x+3)=﹣f(x),从而有f(x+6)=f(x),得出f(x)周期为6;(3)以f(x)=cos()为例即可得出结论.【解答】解:(1)证明:g(x)+g(x+2)=sin()+sin(+)=sin()﹣sin()+cos()=sin()+cos()=sin(+)=sin()=g(x+1),∴g(x)+g(x+2)=g(x+1),∴g(x)∈A.(2)A中的函数一定是周期函数,证明如下:∵f(x)+f(x+2)=f(x+1),∴f(x+1)+f(x+3)=f(x+2),f(x+1)﹣f(x)=f(x+2),∴f(x+3)=﹣f(x),∴f(x﹣3+3)=﹣f(x﹣3),即f(x)=﹣f(x﹣3),∴f(x+3)=f(x﹣3),即f(x+6)=f(x),∴f(x)是以6为周期的函数.(3)A中的元素不一定是奇函数,令,则f(x)+f(x+2)=cos()+cos(+)=cos()﹣cos()﹣sin()=cos()﹣sin()=cos(+)=f(x+1).∴f(x)=cos(x)∈A,而f(x)=cos(x)是偶函数,故A中的元素不一定是奇函数.21.已知函数f(x)=sin(ωx+φ)(ω>0,0<φ<π)的最小正周期为π,其图象的一个对称中心为,将函数f(x)图象上的所有点的横坐标伸长为原来的2倍(纵坐标不变),再将所得图象向右平移个单位长度后得到函数g(x)的图象.(1)求函数f(x)与g(x)的解析式;(2)求实数a与正整数n,使得F(x)=f(x)+ag(x)在(0,nπ)内恰有2017个零点.【考点】HJ:函数y=Asin(ωx+φ)的图象变换;H2:正弦函数的图象.【分析】(1)依题意,可求得ω=2,φ=,利用三角函数的图象变换可求得g(x)=sinx;(2)依题意,F(x)=asinx+cos2x,令F(x)=asinx+cos2x=0,方程F(x)=0等价于关于x的方程a=﹣,x≠kπ(k∈Z).问题转化为研究直线y=a与曲线y=h(x),x ∈(0,π)∪(π,2π)的交点情况.通过其导数,分析即可求得答案.【解答】解:(1)∵函数f(x)=sin(ωx+φ)(ω>0,0<φ<π)的周期为π,∴ω==2,又曲线y=f(x)的一个对称中心为(,0),φ∈(0,π),故f()=sin(2×+φ)=0,得φ=,∴f(x)=cos2x.将函数f(x)图象上所有点的横坐标伸长到原来的2倍(纵坐标不变)后可得y=cosx的图象,再将y=cosx的图象向右平移π个单位长度后得到函数g(x)=cos(x﹣)的图象,∴g(x)=sinx.(2)∵F(x)=f(x)+ag(x)=cos2x+asinx=0,∵sinx≠0,∴a=﹣,令h(x)=﹣=2sinx﹣,h′(x)=2cosx+=,令h′(x)=0得x=或,∴h(x)在(0,)上单调递增,(,π)与(π,)上单调递减,(,2π)上单调递增,当a<﹣1时,h(x)=a在(0,π)内有2个交点,在(π,2π)内无交点;当﹣1<a<1时,h(x)=a在(0,π)内有2个交点,在(π,2π)内有2个交点;当a>1时,h(x)=a在(0,2π)有2解;则a=1时,h(x)=a在(0,π)∪(π,2π)有3解,而2017÷3=672…1,所以n=672×2+1=1345,∴存在a=1,n=1345时,F(x)有2017个零点.2017年6月6日。
答案一律写在答题纸上)相对原子质量:;;;;;Fe-56一、单选题(本题共40分,每小题2分,只有1个正确答案)1.下列与生活相关的叙述不科学的是()A.经过氯化铵溶液浸泡幕布,可以防止幕布着火B.在自来水的净化处理时,常使用明矾C.植物吸收氮肥,属于氮的固定D.在煤的燃烧过程中添加生石灰,可以有效防止酸雨的产生【答案】C2.通过单质之间直接化合,难以得到的是( )A.Mg3N2B.NO2C.NO D.Cu2S【答案】B【解析】A.金属镁在氮气中燃烧生成氮化镁,可以直接化合得到,故A错误;B.氮气和氧气直接化合得到的是一氧化氮,不会直接得到二氧化氮,故B错误;C.氮气和氧气直接化合得到的是一氧化氮,可以直接化合得到,故C正确;D.铜在硫蒸汽中燃烧生成Cu2S,可以直接化合得到,故D正确;故选B。
3.可以用浓硫酸干燥的气体是( )A.H2S B.HBr C.SO2D.NH3【答案】C【解析】A.硫化氢为酸性且有还原性的气体,能被浓硫酸氧化,不能用浓硫酸干燥,可用二氧化二磷或无水氯化钙干燥,故A错误;B.HBr具有还原性,能够被浓硫酸氧化,不能用浓硫酸干燥,故B错误;C.二氧化硫为酸性气体,可以用浓硫酸、五氧化二磷或无水氯化钙干燥,故C正确;D.氨气为碱性气体,不能用浓硫酸干燥,可用碱石灰干燥,故D错误;故选C。
上海奉贤区2023-2024学年高一下册期中数学质量检测模拟试题一、单选题1.下列各角中与60 终边相同的角是()A .300-B .240-C .120D .390【正确答案】A根据终边相同的角的概念可得出合适的选项.【详解】30060360-=- ,24060300-=- ,0106602=+ ,39060330=+ ,因此,只有A 选项中的角与60 终边相同.故选:A.2.若点()M 在角α的终边上,则tan α=()AB .3-C D .【正确答案】B【分析】根据任意角三角函数的概念直接求解.【详解】解:∵点()M 在角α的终边上,∴tanα=-故选:B.3.在平面直角坐标系中, ,,,AB CDEF GH 是圆221x y +=上的四段弧(如图),点P 在其中一段上,角α以O ��为始边,OP 为终边,若tan cos sin ααα<<,则P 所在的圆弧是A . AB B . CDC . EFD . GH【正确答案】C【详解】分析:逐个分析A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项,利用三角函数的三角函数线可得正确结论.详解:由下图可得:有向线段OM 为余弦线,有向线段MP 为正弦线,有向线段AT 为正切线.A 选项:当点P 在 AB 上时,cos ,sin x y αα==,cos sin αα∴>,故A 选项错误;B 选项:当点P 在 CD上时,cos ,sin x y αα==,tan y x α=,tan sin cos ααα∴>>,故B 选项错误;C 选项:当点P 在 EF上时,cos ,sin x y αα==,tan y xα=,sin cos tan ααα∴>>,故C 选项正确;D 选项:点P 在 GH上且 GH 在第三象限,tan 0,sin 0,cos 0ααα><<,故D 选项错误.综上,故选C.点睛:此题考查三角函数的定义,解题的关键是能够利用数形结合思想,作出图形,找到sin ,cos ,tan ααα所对应的三角函数线进行比较.4.已知3cos 5α=-,0πα<<,则tan α的值为()A .34-B .43C .43-D .43±【正确答案】C【分析】根据α的范围和cos α的值,求出sin α的值,从而求出tan α的值即可.【详解】∵3cos 5α=-,0πα<<,∴4sin 5α===,∴sin tan cos ααα=445335==--.故选:C.5.已知点(6,8)P -是角α终边上一点,则πsin 2α⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭()A .45-B .45C .35-D .35【正确答案】D【分析】根据三角函数定义得到3cos 5α=,再根据诱导公式计算得到答案.【详解】点(6,8)P -是角α终边上一点,故3cos 5α=,π3sin cos 25αα⎛⎫+== ⎪⎝⎭.故选:D6.函数π43sin 2y x ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭+的图象相邻的两条对称轴之间的距离是()A .2πB .πC .π2D .π4【正确答案】C【分析】确定函数的周期,再根据周期确定对称轴的距离.【详解】π43sin 2y x ⎛⎫= ⎝⎭+,则2ππ2T ==,则相邻的两条对称轴之间的距离是π22T =.故选:C.7.已知函数()()cos π1f x x =-+,则()A .()f x 是偶函数,最大值为1B .()f x 是偶函数,最大值为2C .()f x 是奇函数,最大值为1D .()f x 是奇函数,最大值为2【正确答案】B【分析】利用诱导公式将函数化简,再结合余弦函数的性质分析即可.【详解】因为()()cos π1cos 1f x x x =-+=-+,定义域为R ,则()()()cos 1cos 1f x x x f x -=--+=-+=,所以()f x 是偶函数,且1cos 1x -≤≤,所以1cos 1x -≤-≤,则0cos 12x ≤-+≤,所以()[]0,2f x ∈,即()f x 的最大值为2.故选:B8.已知菱形ABCD 的边长为,60a ABC ∠=︒,则DA CD⋅=()A .212a-B .214a-C .214aD .212a【正确答案】A【分析】直接根据向量数量积的公式计算即可.【详解】21cos1202DA CD a a a ⋅=⨯⨯︒=- .故选:A9.函数()sin cos 2f x x x =-在区间[]0,2π上的零点个数为()A .2B .3C .4D .5【正确答案】B【分析】利用二倍角余弦公式得2()2sin sin 1f x x x =+-,令其为0,解出sin x 值,再根据x 的范围,即可得到零点.【详解】令()22()sin 12sin 2sin sin 10f x x x x x =--=+-=,解得sin 1x =-或1sin 2x =,又[0,2]x πÎ,则3π2x =或π6x =或5π6x =,则函数()sin cos 2f x x x =-在区间[]0,2π上的零点个数为3个.故选:B.10.如图,某摩天轮最高点距离地面高度为120m ,转盘直径为110m ,开启后按逆时针方向匀速旋转,旋转一周需要30min .游客在座舱转到距离地面最近的位置进舱,开始转动t min 后距离地面的高度为H m ,则在转动一周的过程中,高度H 关于时间t 的函数解析式是()A .()55cos()65030152H t t ππ=-+≤≤B .()55sin()65030152H t ππ=-+≤≤C .()55cos()65030102H t t ππ=-++≤≤D .()55sin()65030102H t t ππ=-++≤≤【正确答案】B【分析】根据题意,设()()sin()030H t A t B t ωϕ=++≤≤,进而结合题意求解即可.【详解】解:根据题意设,()()sin()030H t A t B t ωϕ=++≤≤,因为某摩天轮最高点距离地面高度为120m ,转盘直径为110m ,所以,该摩天轮最低点距离地面高度为10m ,所以12010A B A B +=⎧⎨-+=⎩,解得55,65A B ==,因为开启后按逆时针方向匀速旋转,旋转一周需要30min ,所以,230T πω==,解得15πω=,因为0=t 时,()010H =,故1055sin 65ϕ=+,即sin 1ϕ=-,解得2,Z 2k k πϕπ=-+∈.所以,()()55sin()65030152H t t t ππ=-+≤≤故选:B 二、填空题11.19cos6π=__________.【正确答案】【分析】根据给定条件,利用诱导公式结合特殊角的三角函数值求解作答.【详解】1977coscos 2cos cos cos 66666πππππππ⎛⎫⎛⎫=+==+=-= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭.故12.cos 77cos 32sin 77sin 32︒︒+︒︒=______.【正确答案】2【分析】直接利用两角差的余弦公式求解即可.【详解】解:()cos 77cos 32sin 77sin 32cos 7732cos 452︒︒+︒︒=︒-︒=︒=,故答案为.213.已知2a = ,3b =r ,,60a b <>=︒,则2a b -= ______.【分析】根据数量积公式,可得a b ⋅的值,见模平方,结合数量积公式,即可得答案.【详解】由题意得cos ,3a b a b a b ⋅=<>= ,所以2a b -=14.函数tan 2y x =的定义域为___________________【正确答案】2,4k x x k Z ππ⎧⎫+≠∈⎨⎬⎩⎭.【分析】由正切函数tan y x =的定义域得出()22x k k Z ππ≠+∈,解出不等式可得出所求函数的定义域.【详解】由于正切函数tan y x =为,2x x k k Z ππ⎧⎫≠+∈⎨⎬⎩⎭,解不等式()22x k k Z ππ≠+∈,得()24k x k Z ππ+≠∈,因此,函数tan 2y x =的定义域为2,4k x x k Z ππ⎧⎫+≠∈⎨⎬⎩⎭,故答案为2,4k x x k Z ππ⎧⎫+≠∈⎨⎬⎩⎭.本题考查正切型函数定义域的求解,解题时需结合正切函数的定义域列不等式进行计算,考查计算能力,属于中等题.15.如果函数()f x 的图像可以通过()g x 的图像平移得到,称函数()f x 为函数()g x 的“同形函数”.在①2cos y x =;②2sin cos y x x =;③44sin cos y x x =-;④sin 2tan y x x =⋅中,为函数cos 2y x =的“同形函数”的有________________________.(填上正确选项序号即可)【正确答案】②③【分析】由给定条件利用三角恒等变形化简①,②,③中函数,再与函数cos 2y x =比对即可判断,分析④的定义域即可判断并作答.【详解】由“同形函数”的意义知,两个函数是“同形函数”,则它们定义域必相同,①,②,③中函数与函数cos 2y x =的定义域均为R ,①中,211cos cos 222y x x ==+需先把cos 2y x =图象上的每点纵坐标缩短为原来的12,横坐标不变,再向上平移0.5个单位,显然两者的形状不同,即①不是;②中,2sin cos sin 2cos 2()4y x x x x π===-的图象可把cos 2y x =图象右移4π个单位而得,即②是;③中,442222sin cos (sin cos )(sin cos )cos 2cos 2(2y x x x x x x x x π=-=-+=-=-的图象可把cos 2y x =图象右移2π个单位而得,即③是;④中,sin 2tan y x x =⋅定义域是{|,}2x R x k k Z ππ∈≠+∈与cos 2y x =的定义域不同,即④不是,综上为函数cos 2y x =的“同形函数”的有②③.故②③三、解答题16.已知向量(),1a m = ,()1,2b =- ,()2,3c =.(1)若a b + 与c垂直,求实数m 的值;(2)求cos ,b c <>的值.【正确答案】(1)12(2)【分析】(1)确定()1,1a b m +=+-,再根据向量垂直解得答案.(2)直接根据向量的夹角公式计算得到答案.【详解】(1)()1,1a b m +=+- ,且a b + 与c 垂直,故()()2130a b c m +⋅=+-= ,解得12m =.(2)cos ,b c b c b c×<>==17.(1)已知tan 2α=-,且α是第二象限的角,求sin ,cos αα;(2)已知7sin cos 13αα+=,π02α-<<,求tan α的值.【正确答案】(1)cos 55αα==;(2)512-【分析】(1)确定sin 2cos αα=-,22sin cos 1αα+=,解得答案.(2)根据7sin cos 13αα+=得到1202sin cos 169αα=-,计算17cos sin 13αα-=,得到答案.【详解】(1)tan 2α=-,且α是第二象限的角,故sin 2cos αα=-,sin 0,cos 0αα><,因为22sin cos 1αα+=,将sin 2cos αα=-代入得25cos 1α=,所以cos αα==(2)因为7sin cos 13αα+=,所以249(sin cos )169αα+=,所以1202sin cos 169αα=-,又因为π02α-<<,所以sin 0,cos 0αα<>,所以17cos sin 13αα-==,所以125cos ,sin 1313αα==-,所以5tan 12α=-.18.已知π,π2α⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭,且4sin 5α=.(1)求πtan 4α⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭的值;(2)求2sin 2cos 1cos 2ααα-+的值.【正确答案】(1)7(2)116-【分析】(1)利用同角三角函数平方和商数关系可求得tan α,根据两角和差正切公式可求得结果;(2)利用二倍角正弦公式化简所求式子为正余弦的齐次式,由此可配凑成关于tan α的式子来求解.【详解】(1)π,π2α⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭ ,4sin 5α=,3cos 5α∴=-,sin 4tan cos 3∴==-ααα,4π1tan tanπ34tan 7π441tan tan 143ααα---⎛⎫∴-=== ⎪⎝⎭+-.(2)由(1)知:4tan 3α=-,22281sin 2cos 2sin cos cos 2tan 11131cos 22cos 226αααααααα-----∴====-+.19.函数()()sin f x A x =+ωϕ的部分图象如图所示,其中0A >,0ω>,ϕπ<.(Ⅰ)求()f x 的解析式;(Ⅱ)求()f x 在区间,2ππ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦上的最大值和最小值;(Ⅲ)写出()f x 的单调递增区间.【正确答案】(Ⅰ)()3sin 26f x x π⎛⎫=+⎪⎝⎭;(Ⅱ)最大值为32,最小值为3-;(Ⅲ)单调递增区间为(),36k k k Z ππππ⎡⎤-+∈⎢⎣⎦.【分析】(Ⅰ)由函数()y f x =的最大值可求得A 的值,从图象可得出函数()y f x =的最小正周期,可求得ω的值,再将点,36π⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭的坐标代入函数()y f x =的解析式,结合ϕπ<可求得ϕ的值,进而可求得函数()y f x =的解析式;(Ⅱ)由,2x ππ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦可求得26x π+的取值范围,结合正弦函数的基本性质可求得函数()y f x =在区间,2ππ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦上的最大值和最小值;(Ⅲ)解不等式()222262k x k k Z πππππ-≤+≤+∈,可得出函数()y f x =的单调递增区间.【详解】(Ⅰ)由图象可得()max 3A f x ==,且函数()y f x =的最小正周期为766T πππ=-=,22Tπω∴==,3sin 23sin 3663f πππϕϕ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=⨯+=+= ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭ ,得sin 13πϕ⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭,πϕπ-<< ,24333πππϕ∴-<+<,32ππϕ∴+=,可得6πϕ=.因此,()3sin 26f x x π⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭;(Ⅱ)2x ππ≤≤ ,7132666x πππ∴≤+≤,所以,当3262x ππ+=时,函数()y f x =取得最小值,即()min 3f x =-;当13266x ππ+=时,函数()y f x =取得最大值,即()max 1333sin3sin 662f x ππ===.因此,函数()y f x =在区间,2ππ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦上的最大值为32,最小值为3-;(Ⅲ)解不等式()222262k x k k Z πππππ-≤+≤+∈,得()36k x k k Z ππππ-≤≤+∈.所以,函数()y f x =的单调递增区间为(),36k k k Z ππππ⎡⎤-+∈⎢⎥⎣⎦.本题考查利用三角函数图象求函数解析式,同时也考查了正弦型函数最值和单调区间的求解,考查计算能力,属于中等题.20.已知函数()2sin cos π32f x x x ⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭.(1)求函数()f x 的单调递减区间;(2)若()f x 在[]0,m (0m >)上单调递增,求m 的取值范围.【正确答案】(1)7ππ,π1212πk k ⎡⎤++⎢⎥⎣⎦,Z k ∈(2)π0,12⎛⎤ ⎥⎝⎦【分析】(1)化简得到()πsin 23f x x ⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭,取ππ3π2π22π232k x k +≤+≤+,解得答案.(2)取πππ2π22π232k x k -+≤+≤+得到函数的单调递增区间,得到[],π05π1212,m ⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦⊆,解得答案.【详解】(1)()12sin cos sin 2π2sin cos 3x x f x x x x ⎝⎛⎫= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎭⎭21sin cos sin sin 2(1cos 2)sin 222223πx x x x x x ⎛⎫=+=--+=+ ⎪⎝⎭,令ππ3π2π22π232k x k +≤+≤+,Z k ∈,解得π7πππ1212k x k +≤≤+,Z k ∈,故()f x 的单调递减区间为7ππ,π1212πk k ⎡⎤++⎢⎥⎣⎦,Z k ∈;(2)令πππ2π22π232k x k -+≤+≤+,Z k ∈,解得5ππππ1212k x k -+≤≤+,Z k ∈,所以()f x 的单调递减区间为5πππ,π1212k k ⎡⎤-++⎢⎥⎣⎦,Z k ∈;所以[],π05π1212,m ⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦⊆,故m 的取值范围为π0,12⎛⎤ ⎝⎦.21.已知()2sin cos cos 444x x xf x =+.(1)求()f x 的对称中心;(2)若()1f α=,求cos π2α⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭的值;(3)将函数()y f x =的图像向右平移π2个单位得到()y g x =的图像,若函数()y g x k =-在5π0,2⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦上有唯一零点,求实数k 的取值范围.【正确答案】(1)π1(2π,)(Z)22k k -∈(2)0(3)102k ≤<或12k =【分析】(1)先利用倍角公式和辅助角公对()f x 化简,再利用sin y x =的性质即可求出结果;(2)根据条件求出πsin 224α⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭,再利用诱导公式求出πcos 224α⎛⎫-= ⎪⎝⎭,再利用余弦的倍角公式即可求出结果;(3)将零点问题转化成两图像的交点为,再借助图像即可求出结果.【详解】(1)因为()2111sin cos cos sin cos sin 4442222222421x x x x x x f x π⎛⎫=+=++=++ ⎪⎝⎭,由4ππ2x k +=()k ∈Z ,整理得ππ22x k =-()k ∈Z ,所以函数的对称中心为π1(2π,)22k -+()k ∈Z .(2)因为()1f α=,所以π1sin 12242α⎛⎫++= ⎪⎝⎭,即πsin 224α⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭,又因为ππππcos sin ()sin 2222444ααα⎛⎫⎡⎤⎛⎫-=--=+=⎪ ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎣⎦⎝⎭所以2πππcos cos2()2cos 1022442ααα⎛⎫⎛⎫-=-=--= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭.(3)由函数()y f x =的图象向右平移π2个单位得到()1sin 222x y g x ==+的图像,由于5π0,2x ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,所以5π0,24x ⎡⎤∈⎢⎣⎦,则函数()y g x k =-在区间5π0,2⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦上有唯一零点,即得函数sin 22xy =与12y k =-图像在区间5π0,2⎡⎤⎢⎣⎦上只有一个交点,所以当5π2π,2x ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦或πx =,即5ππ,24x ⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦或π22x =时,直线12y k =-与函数2xy =的图像只有一个交点,则由11sin ,02222x k ⎡⎫-=-⎪⎢⎣⎭或1π2222k -=,解得102k ≤<或12k =,即当102k ≤<或12k =时,函数()y g x k =-在5π0,2⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦上有唯一零点.上海奉贤区2023-2024学年高一下册期中数学质量检测模拟试题一、单选题1.已知α∈,2ππ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭,且sin α=35,则tan α=()A .34B .34-C .43D .43-【正确答案】B【详解】由sin α=35,α∈,2ππ⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭得cos α4,5所以tan α=sin 3.cos 4σσ=-故答案为B .2.已知向量(),1a t = ,()1,2b = .若a b ⊥,则实数t 的值为()A .-2B .2C .12-D .12【正确答案】A由题意利用两个向量垂直的性质,两个向量的数量积公式,求出t 的值.【详解】解:∵向量()1a t = ,,()1,2b = ,若a b ⊥ ,则20a b t ⋅=+= ,∴实数2t =-,故选:A.本题考查向量垂直的求参,重在计算,属基础题.3.如图,角α以Ox 为始边,它的终边与单位圆O 相交于点P ,且点P 的横坐标为35,则sin()2πα+的值为()A .35-B .35C .45-D .45【正确答案】B【分析】由题意利用任意角的三角函数的定义,求得sin()2πα+的值.【详解】角α以Ox 为始边,它的终边与单位圆O 相交于点P ,且点P 的横坐标为35,所以3cos 5α=则sin()3cos 52παα==+;故选:B .本题主要考查任意角的三角函数的定义,属于基础题.4.向量a b c,,在边长为1的正方形网格中的位置如图所示,则()a b c -⋅= ()A .4-B .4C .2D .8-【正确答案】A【分析】将a ,b ,c平移至同一个起点并构建直角坐标系,写出相关向量的坐标,再应用向量数量积的坐标表示求()a b c -⋅.【详解】将a ,b,c 平移至同一个起点位置,如下图O 点位置,建立直角坐标系xOy ,则(2,2),(2,0),(1,2)a b c →===-- ,所以()(0,2)(1,2)4a b c -⋅=⋅--=-.故选:A5.已知向量a ,b,满足1a = ,()2,1b =- ,且2a b -= ,则a b ⋅= ()A .-1B .0C .1D .2【正确答案】C【分析】求出b的模,利用2a b -= 即可求出a b ⋅ 的值.【详解】由题意,1a = ,()2,1b =-,且2a b -= ,∴b =2a b -== ,解得:1a b ⋅=,故选:C.6.设函数()πsin()(0)6f x x k ωω=-+>,若()π3f x f ⎛⎫≤ ⎪⎝⎭对任意的实数x 都成立,则ω的一个可取值为()A .4B .5C .7D .8【正确答案】D【分析】由()π3f x f ⎛⎫≤ ⎪⎝⎭对任意的实数x 都成立得ππsin 136ω⎛⎫⋅-= ⎪⎝⎭,即有πππ2π,362m m ω⋅-=+∈Z ,求解即可【详解】∵()π3f x f ⎛⎫≤ ⎪⎝⎭对任意的实数x 都成立,故ππsin()136ω⋅-=,则πππ2π,362m m ω⋅-=+∈Z ,故26,m m ω=+∈Z ,故当1m =时,一个可能取值为8.故选:D7.已知P 为ABC 所在平面内一点,2BC CP =uu u ruur,则()A .1322AP AB AC =-+uu u r uu ur uuu r B .1233AP AB AC=+C .3122AP AB AC =-uu u r uu u r uuu rD .2133AP AB AC =+uu u r uu u r uuu r 【正确答案】A【分析】根据题意作出图形,利用向量线性运算即可得到答案.【详解】由题意作出图形,如图,则11()22AP AC CP AC BC AC AC AB =+=+=+-1322AB AC =-+,故选:A.8.设R α∈,则“α是第一象限角”是“sin cos 1αα+>”的A .充分而不必要条件B .必要而不充分条件C .充分必要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件【正确答案】C【详解】充分性:若α是第一象限角,则sin 0,cos 0αα>>,()2cos 12cos 1sin sin αααα+=+>,可得sin cos 1αα+>,必要性:若sin cos 1αα+>,α不是第三象限角,()2cos 12cos 1sin sin αααα+=+>,sin cos 0αα>,则α是第一象限角,“α是第一象限角”是“sin cos 1αα+>”的充分必要条件,故选C.【方法点睛】本题通过任意角的三角函数主要考查充分条件与必要条件,属于中档题.判断充要条件应注意:首先弄清条件p 和结论q 分别是什么,然后直接依据定义、定理、性质尝试,p q q p ⇒⇒.对于带有否定性的命题或比较难判断的命题,除借助集合思想化抽象为直观外,还可利用原命题和逆否命题、逆命题和否命题的等价性,转化为判断它的等价命题;对于范围问题也可以转化为包含关系来处理.9.已知函数()sin y A x ωϕ=+的部分图象如图所示,将该函数的图象向左平移t (0t >)个单位长度,得到函数()y f x =的图象.若函数()y f x =的图象关于原点对称,则t 的最小值()A .π12B .π6C .π4D .π3【正确答案】B【分析】结合函数图像求出函数()sin y A x ωϕ=+的图像距离原点最近的点的坐标,即可确定t 的值【详解】解:如图设函数()sin y A x ωϕ=+的部分图像与x 轴的交点为,,A B C ,由图可知,62f a f a ππ⎛⎫⎛⎫-==- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,所以62f f ππ⎛⎫⎛⎫-=- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,所以点,6a π⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭与点,2a π⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭关于点A 对称,设(,0)A A x ,则262A x ππ-+=,解得6A x π=,因为将函数()sin y A x ωϕ=+函数的图像向左平移t (0t >)个单位长度,得到函数()y f x =的图像,且图像关于原点对称,所以平移后的函数()y f x =为奇函数,即(0)0f =相当于把()sin y A x ωϕ=+的图像与x 轴最近的交点平移到坐标原点即,由图可知此点为,06A π⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭,所以6t π=,故选:B10.函数()f x 的图象如图所示,为了得到函数2sin y x =的图象,可以把函数()f x 的图象A .每个点的横坐标缩短到原来的12(纵坐标不变),再向左平移π3个单位B .每个点的横坐标伸长到原来的2倍(纵坐标不变),再向左平移π6个单位C .先向左平移π6个单位,再把所得各点的横坐标伸长到原来的2倍(纵坐标不变)D .先向左平移π3个单位,再把所得各点的横坐标缩短到原来的12(纵坐标不变)【正确答案】C【详解】根据函数()f x 的图象,设f x Asin x ωϕ=+()(),可得12222236A ,,.πππωω=⋅=-∴=再根据五点法作图可得2022633f x sin x πππϕϕ⨯+=∴=-=-,,()(),故可以把函数()f x 的图象先向左平移6π个单位,得到222233y sinx sin x ππ=+-=()的图象,再把所得各点的横坐标伸长到原来的2倍(纵坐标不变),即可得到2y sinx =函数的图象,故选C .二、填空题11.已知()1,2a =-r ,()2,b x =- ,若a b ∥,则实数x 的值为______.【正确答案】4【分析】根据向量平行的坐标表示:12210a b x y x y ⇔-=∥即可求解.【详解】因为12210a b x y x y ⇔-=∥,所以()()1220x ⨯--⨯-=,解之得.4x =故4.12.在平行四边形ABCD 中,已知向量(1,2)AB = ,(2,3)AD = ,则AC =__.【正确答案】(3,5)根据向量加法的平行四边形法则知AC AB AD =+,利用向量的坐标运算即可.【详解】因为在平行四边形ABCD 中,所以AC AB AD =+ ,又因为(1,2)AB =,(2,3)AD = ,所以AC =(2,3)(1,2)(3,5)=+,故(3,5)本题主要考查了向量加法的平行四边形法则,向量的坐标运算,属于容易题.13.已知向量(1,2)a = ,(3,1)b = ,则向量a ,b夹角的大小为______.【正确答案】4π【分析】直接利用cos ,a b a b a b⋅=⋅,即可能求出向量a 与b的夹角大小.【详解】∵平面向量()1,2a =r,()3,1b =r ,∴322cos ,2510a b a b a b ⋅+===⋅⋅,又∵0,a b π≤≤ ,∴,4a b π= ,∴向量a 与b 的夹角为4π,故答案为4π.本题考查两向量的夹角的求法,解题时要认真审题,注意平面向量坐标运算法则的合理运用,是基础题.14.直线y kx =与函数ππtan 22y x x ⎛⎫=-<< ⎪⎝⎭的图象交于M ,N (不与坐标原点O 重合)两点,点A 的坐标为,02π⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭,则()AM AN AO +⋅= ___.【正确答案】2π2【分析】根据向量加法的平行四边形法则以及向量的数量积,即可求解.【详解】解:如图所示,根据向量加法的平行四边形法则以及向量的数量积,得()22π222AM AN AO AO AO AO +⋅=⋅== ,故2π215.已知函数()2sin()(0)f x x ωϕω=+>,曲线()y f x =与直线3y =距离为6π,则ω的所有可能值为__________.【正确答案】2或10令2sin()3x ωϕ+=2,3x k k Z πωϕπ+=+∈或22,3x k k Z πωϕπ+=+∈,根据存在相邻两个交点间的距离为6π,得到2136x x w ππ-==或21536x x w ππ-==,即可求解,得到答案.【详解】由题意,函数()2sin()(0)f x x ωϕω=+>,曲线()y f x =与直线y =相交,令2sin()x ωϕ+=sin()2x ωϕ+=,解得2,3x k k Z πωϕπ+=+∈或22,3x k k Z πωϕπ+=+∈,由题意存在相邻两个交点间的距离为6π,结合正弦函数的图象与性质,可得2122(),33k w x x k Z πππ-+=-∈,令0k =,可得2136x x wππ-==,解得2w =.或21722(),33k w x x k Z πππ-+=-∈,令0k =,可得21536x x w ππ-==,解得10w =.故2或10.本题主要考查了三角函数的图象与性质的应用,以及三角方程的求解,其中解答中熟练应用三角函数的图象与性质,列出方程求解是解答的关键,着重考查了推理能力与计算鞥能力,属于中档试题.三、解答题16.函数()π2sin 26f x x ⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭.(1)求函数()f x 的单调递增区间和最小正周期;(2)请用“五点法”画出函数()f x 在长度为一个周期的闭区间上的简图(先在所给的表格中填上所需的数值,再画图);xπ26x -y(3)求函数()f x 在π2,π123⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦上的最大值和最小值,并指出相应的x 的值.【正确答案】(1)单调递增区间是πππ,kπ63k ⎡⎤-++⎢⎥⎣⎦,k ∈Z ;最小正周期π;(2)填表见解析;作图见解析;(3)最大值为2,最小值为-1,2π3x =时()f x 取得最小值,π3x =时()f x 取得最大值.【分析】(1)根据正弦函数的图象与性质求出函数()f x 的单调递增区间和最小正周期;(2)列表,描点、连线,画出函数()f x 在长度为一个周期的闭区间上的简图;(3)求出π2π,123x ⎡⎤∈-⎢⎥⎣⎦时函数()f x 的最大值和最小值,以及对应x 的值.【详解】解:(1)函数()π2sin 26f x x ⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭,令πππ2π22π262k x k -+≤-≤+,k ∈Z ;解得π2π2π22π33k x k -+≤≤+,k ∈Z ;即ππππ63k x k -+≤≤+,k ∈Z ;所以函数()f x 的单调递增区间是πππ,kπ63k ⎡⎤-++⎢⎥⎣⎦,k ∈Z ;最小正周期2ππ2T ==;(2)填写表格如下;xπ12π37π125π613π124π3π26x -0π2π3π22π5π2y 020-202用“五点法”画出函数()f x 在长度为一个周期的闭区间上的简图为;(3)π2π,123x ⎡⎤∈-⎢⎥⎣⎦时,π7π20.66x ⎡⎤-∈⎢⎥⎣⎦,π1sin 2,162x ⎛⎫⎡⎤-∈- ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎣⎦,所以函数()π2sin 26f x x ⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭在π2,π123⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦上取得最大值为2,最小值为-1,且2π3x =时()f x 取得最小值,π3x =时()f x 取得最大值.本题考查正弦型函数的性质以及“五点法”作图,本题要掌握基础函数的性质以及整体法的应用,同时熟悉“五点法”作图,考查分析能力以及作图能力,属中档题.17.已知函数()1πsin 23f x x ⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭(1)求()f x 的单调递减区间及对称轴方程;(2)设()x m m =∈R 是函数()y f x =图像的对称轴,求sin 4m 的值;(3)把函数()f x 的图像向左平移ϕ个单位,与()f x 的图像重合,直接写出一个ϕ的值:(4)把函数()f x 的图像向左平移ϕ个单位,所得函数为偶函数,直接写出ϕ的最小值;(5)当[]0,x t ∈时,函数()f x 的取值范围为[]1,1-,直接写出t 的最小值;(6)已知函数()f x 在[]0,t 上是一个中心对称图形,直接写出一个符合题意的t 的值:(7)设函数()()()πcos 2sin πf x x g x x ⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭=+,直接写出函数()g x 在[]0,2π上的单调递减区间.【正确答案】(1)单调递减区间为()π7π+4π,4π,Z 33k k k ⎡⎤+∈⎢⎥⎣⎦.;对称轴方程为()π+2πZ 3x k k =∈(2)3sin 42m =(3)4π(4)π3(5)7π3(6)8π3(7)π,π3⎡⎫⎪⎢⎣⎭和()2π,π【分析】函数()1πsin 23f x x ⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭,由正弦函数的图像和性质,依次解决各小题中的单调区间、对称轴、值域、奇偶性、图像平移等问题.【详解】(1)由()π1π3π+2π2πZ 2232k x k k ≤+≤+∈,解得()π7π+4π4πZ 33k x k k ≤≤+∈,所以()f x 的单调递减区间为()π7π+4π,4π,Z 33k k k ⎡⎤+∈⎢⎥⎣⎦.由1ππ+π232x k +=,解得()π+2πZ 3x k k =∈,所以()f x 的对称轴方程为()π+2πZ 3x k k =∈;(2)由(1)知()π+2πZ 3m k k =∈,πsin 44πsin +8πsin 33k m ⎛⎫=- =⎪=⎝⎭(3)函数最小正周期为2π4π12T ==,所以ϕ的一个值可以是4π;(4)把函数()f x 的图像向左平移ϕ个单位,所得函数()1π11πsin +=sin +23223y x x ⎡⎤⎛⎫=++ ⎪⎢⎥⎣⎦⎝⎭ϕϕ,由函数为偶函数,1ππ=+π232k +ϕ,π+2π3k =ϕ,ϕ的最小值为π3;(5)当[]0,x t ∈时,1πππ,23323t x ⎡⎤+∈+⎢⎥⎣⎦,函数()f x 的取值范围为[]1,1-,23π3π2t +≥,π37t ≥,t 的最小值为7π3;(6)[]0,x t ∈时,1πππ,23323t x ⎡⎤+∈+⎢⎥⎣⎦,已知函数()f x 在[]0,t 上是一个中心对称图形,33π5π=2t +时符合条件,此时8π3t =;(7)设函数()()()()()()πcos sin 2sin πsin f x x f x x g x f x x x⎛⎫+ ⎪-⎝⎭===+-,由(1)中结论和sin 0x ≠,函数()g x 在[]0,2π上的单调递减区间为π,π3⎡⎫⎪⎢⎣⎭和()2π,π.18.已知函数()2sin 3cos 3f x x x =++,(x ∈R ).(1)判断函数()f x 的奇偶性并说明理由;(2)求()f x 的最小值并指出函数取得最小值时x 的值;(3)直接写出函数()f x 在[]0,2π上的零点.【正确答案】(1)()f x 是偶函数,理由见解析.(2)()π2πx k k =+∈Z 时,()f x 取得最小值为0.(3)π【分析】(1)判断()f x -与()f x 的关系即可.(2)可转化为关于cos x 的二次函数求最值.(3)先求出cos x 的值,再结合定义域可得()f x 的零点.【详解】(1)解:()f x 的定义域为R ,因为()22sin ()3cos()3sin 3cos 3()f x x x x x f x -=-+-+=++=,所以()f x 是偶函数.(2)解:()22sin 3cos 31cos 3cos 3f x x x x x =++=-++22325cos 3cos 4(cos )24x x x =-++=--+,因为1cos 1x -≤≤,所以当cos 1x =-即()π2πx k k =+∈Z 时,()f x 取得最小值为0.(3)函数()f x 在[]0,2π上的零点为π.19.已知函数()f x 的定义域为R ,若存在常数0T ≠,使得()()f x Tf x T =+对任意的x ∈R 成立,则称函数()f x 是Ω函数.(1)判断函数()F x x =,()sin πh x x =是否是Ω函数,不必说明理由;(2)若函数()f x 是Ω函数,且()f x 是偶函数,求证:函数()f x 是周期函数;(3)若函数()sin f x kx =是Ω函数.求实数k 的取值范围;(4)定义域为R 的函数()g x 同时满足以下三条性质:①存在0R x ∈,使得()00g x ≠;②对于任意x ∈R ,有()()29g x g x +=.③()f x 不是单调函数,但是它图像连续不断,写出满足上述三个性质的一个函数()g x ,则()g x =.(不必说明理由)【正确答案】(1)()F x x =不是Ω函数,()sin πh x x =是Ω函数(2)证明见解析(3){}|π,Z k k t t =∈(4)()3sin 2πx g x x =(答案不唯一)【分析】(1)根据所给定义判断即可;(2)根据Ω函数的定义、偶函数的性质及周期函数的定义证明即可;(3)依题意可得sin sin cos cos sin kx T kx kT T kx kT =+对任意的x ∈R 成立,即可得到1cos kT T =、sin 0kT =,从而得解;(4)根据所给性质找到符合题意的函数解析式,再一一验证即可.【详解】(1)函数()F x x =不是Ω函数,()sin πh x x =是Ω函数,证明:假设函数()F x x =是Ω函数,则()()F x TF x T =+,即()x T x T =+对任意的x ∈R 成立,令0x =得20T =,所以0T =,这与0T ≠相矛盾,故假设不成立,所以函数()F x x =不是Ω函数;因为当1T =-时,()()sin[π(1)]sin(ππ)sin(ππ)sin πTh x T x x x x h x +=--=--=-==,根据定义可知()sin πh x x =是Ω函数.(2)因为函数()f x 是Ω函数,所以存在常数0T ≠,使得()()f x Tf x T =+对任意的x ∈R 成立,所以()()f x Tf x T -=-+,又()f x 为偶函数,所以()()f x f x -=,所以()()Tf x T Tf x T -+=+,因为0T ≠,所以()()f x T f x T -+=+,又()f x 为偶函数,所以()()f x T f x T -+=-,所以()()f x T f x T -=+,所以()(2)f x f x T =+,因为0T ≠,所以()f x 是周期为2T 的周期函数.(3)因为函数()sin f x kx =是Ω函数,所以存在常数0T ≠,使得()()f x Tf x T =+对任意的x ∈R 成立,即()()sin sin sin kx T k x T T kx kT =+=+,即sin sin cos cos sin kx T kx kT T kx kT =+对任意的x ∈R 成立,所以cos 1sin 0T kT T kT =⎧⎨=⎩,因为0T ≠,则1cos sin 0kT T kT ⎧=⎪⎨⎪=⎩,又22sin cos 1kT kT +=,所以11T=±,即1T =±,此时πk t =,Z t ∈,即实数k 的取值范围是{}|π,Z k k t t =∈.(4)令()3sin 2πx g x x =.因为114401π3sin 342g ⎛⎫== ⎝⎭≠⎪,故满足①;又()()()()22223sin 2π23sin 2π4π3sin 2π93sin 2π9x x x x g x x x x x g x ++++=+=+==⨯=,故满足②;因为sin 2πy x =在定义域上不单调且最小正周期为1,函数在1,4k k ⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭,Z k ∈上单调递增,且函数值为正数,在13,24k k ⎛⎫++ ⎪⎝⎭,Z k ∈上单调递减,且函数值为负数,3x y =在定义域上单调递增且函数值为正数,所以()3sin 2πx g x x =在定义域上不单调,显然函数是连续函数,故满足③;故()3sin 2πx g x x =(答案不唯一).关键点睛:本题是给出函数的新定义,由此去判断求解问题,解答本题的关键就是要理解函数的新定义,明确其含义,依此去判断解决问题.。
有界函数”,注: ,若 , ,则关于函数 、 在 上是否为“绝对差有界函数”的判断正确的是()
A. 与 都是
B. 是而 不是
C. 不是而 是
D. 与 都不是
17.如图, 、 是单位圆 上的点,且 、 分别在第一与第二象限, 是单位圆与 轴正半轴的交点,若△ 为正三角形,点 的横坐标为 .
【详解】 .
故答案为: .
【详解】函数 的最小正周期 .
故答案为: .
【分析】依题意可得 ,进而可得结果.
【详解】依题意可得 ,所以 ,因此 ,所以 .
故答案为: .
【详解】解:由 ,∴ ,即 ,
因为 有意义,所以 , ,
∴ ,又在 中,所以 或 ,
13.在 中,角 、 、 的对边分别为 、 、 ,若 ,则角 的值为()
A. B. C. 或 D. 或
A. B.
C. D.
15..已知函数 ,则 是()
A.最小正周期为 的奇函数B.最小正周期为 的奇函数
C.最小正周期为 的偶函数D.最小正周期为 的偶函数
8. 已知 是第四象限角,且 sin( ) 3,则 tan( )
9. 无穷数列{a }由 k 个不同的数组成, S 为{a }的前 n项和,若对任意 n N * , S {1,3},
则 k 的最大值为
10. 在锐角 ABC中,若 sin A 3sin BsinC ,则 tan AtanB tanC 的最小值是
1; 2
(1)若 tan 1 ,求 f ( ) 的值; 2
(2)求函数 f (x) 的最小正周期及单调递增区间;
19. 设 ABC的三个内角 A、 B 、 C 对边分别是 a 、 b 、 c ,且满足 acosC 1 c b ; 2
(1)求角 A 的大小; (2)若 a 1,求 ABC的周长 l 的取值范围;
使得 f (m) g (m) ,则 a b
二. 选择题
13. 若 MP 和 OM 分别是角 7 的正弦线和余弦线,则( ) 6
A. MP OM 0
B. OM 0 MP
C. OM MP 0
D. MP 0 OM
14. 已知, (0, ) ,则下列不等式一定成立的是( ) 2
11. 已知 f (x) asin3 x b 3 x cos3 x 4 ( a, b R ),
且 f (sin10) 5,则 f (cos100)
12. 设 a 、 b 均为大于 1 的自然数,函数 f ( x) a(b sin x) , g ( x) b cos x ,若存在实数 m ,
A. 11
B. 9
C. 7
D. 5
三. 简答题 15. 在 ABC 中, a2 c2 b2 2ac ; (1)求 B 的大小; (2)求 cos A 2 cosC 的最大值;
8. (3 分)将函数 y=cos2x﹣sin2x 的图象向左平移 m 个单位后,所得图象关于原 点对称,则实数 m 的最小值为 【解答】解:把函数 f(x)=cos2x﹣sin2x= 个单位, 可得 y= cos(2x+2m+ )的图象, =kπ+ ,k∈Z, . cos(2x+ )象向左平移 m(m>0)
],且 αsinα﹣βsinβ>0,则下面结论正确的是
A.α>β 三.简答题 17.求证: 18.已知 (1)求 tanθ 的值; (2)求
﹣2cos(α+β)= , .
方程、对称中心坐标(只需写出答案即可) ,并用五点法作出该函数在一个周 期内的图象. 20.已知集合 A={f(x)|f(x)+f(x+2)=f(x+1)}, (1)求证:g(x)∈A; (2)g(x)是周期函数,据此猜想 A 中的元素一定是周期函数,判断该猜想是 否正确,并证明你的结论; (3)g(x)是奇函数,据此猜想 A 中的元素一定是奇函数,判断该猜想是否正 确,并证明你的结论. 21.已知函数 f(x)=sin(ωx+φ) (ω>0,0<φ<π)的最小正周期为 π,其图 象的一个对称中心为 ,将函数 f(x)图象上的所有点的横坐标伸长 个单位长度后得到 .
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2016-2017 学年上海中学高一下学期期中数学试卷
2017学年奉贤区奉贤中学高一第二学期期中试卷II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.A student at the university of Glasgow’s Dental school 1 (create) a society encouraging the city’s homeless to care for their teeth. Claudia Wasiage. 22, who is originally from Kenya, was first inspired to help vulnerable communities after 2. (visit) the ever-lasting Food Bank, in Dennison, east Glasgow, with her church in 2013.Initially 3. (work)as a befriender, he met a man who was struggling to eat without any teeth. After persuading him to seek treatment, she identified a small number of students at the dental school 4 were already working in the city’s streets promoting oral health. With them, she approached pharmaceutical companies for toothpaste and toothbrushes5 (distribute) at Glasgow’s food banks and night shelters. With Ms. Waisge in place as president. Over the next three years the group grew to 120members and became the Glasgow Oral Health Improvement Society.When you work in a food bank or a night shelter, the people you interact with have gone through a lot,” She said,” we just try to have a conversation from one human being to 6 .” An official committee of students was formed last summer and a training program developed, with volunteers writing advice worksheets to distribute at monthly outreach sessions.As well as providing food bankers with information on 7 to get treatment in the city, students are coached on ways to cope emotionally with their work through the society. Ms. Wasige said, “People who were usually very extroverted became unable to speak because of the shock of what is happening on their doorstep.Funds for buying resources —8 denture fixative(假牙固定剂),which is difficult9 (find) at food banks because of its price—are raised through bake sales and a small number of sponsors, though the society is keen to find extra income.“Our biggest problem at the minute is 10 we probably could go to more food banks and we have plenty of volunteers but we need a steady source of supplies of things to give out,” Ms. Weisige added.【答案】1. has created;2. visiting;3. working;4. who/that;5. distributed;6. another;7. where;8. including;9. to find; 10. that 【解析】1. 本句缺少谓语动词,动词考虑谓语,句子意思是学生创造了环境,创造这个动作为主动,而且已经完成,因此用现在完成时has created。
2016-2017学年上海中学高一(下)期中数学试卷一.填空题1.(3分)已知角θ的终边在射线y=2x(x≤0)上,则sinθ+cosθ=.2.(3分)若,则=.3.(3分)函数的最小正周期为.4.(3分)在△ABC中,若,则△ABC为三角形(填“锐角”、“直角”或“钝角”)5.(3分)若,,则tanαtanβ=.6.(3分)已知,则x=(用反正弦表示)7.(3分)函数y=2sin2x﹣3sinx+1,的值域为.8.(3分)将函数y=cos2x﹣sin2x的图象向左平移m个单位后,所得图象关于原点对称,则实数m的最小值为.9.(3分)若函数y=sin3x+acos3x的图象关于对称,则a=.10.(3分)若函数f(x)=sinx和定义域均是[﹣π,π],则它们的图象上存在个点关于y轴对称.11.(3分)已知k是正整数,且1≤k≤2017,则满足方程sin1°+sin2°+…+sink°=sin1°•sin2°…sink°的k有个.12.(3分)已知函数f(x)=Asin(ωx+φ)+B,其中A、B、ω、φ均为实数,且A>0,ω>0,|φ|<,写出满足f(1)=2,,f(3)=﹣1,f(4)=2的一个函数f(x)=(写出一个即可)二.选择题13.(3分)若﹣<α<0,则点(cotα,cosα)必在()A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限14.(3分)下列函数中,既为偶函数又在(0,π)上单调递增的是()A.y=tan|x|B.y=cos(﹣x)C.D.y=|cot|15.(3分)将函数y=sin(2x﹣)图象上的点P(,t)向左平移s(s>0)个单位长度得到点P′,若P′位于函数y=sin2x的图象上,则()A.t=,s的最小值为B.t=,s的最小值为C.t=,s的最小值为D.t=,s的最小值为16.(3分)若α、β∈[﹣,],且αsinα﹣βsinβ>0,则下面结论正确的是()A.α>βB.α+β>0 C.α<βD.α2>β2三.简答题17.求证:﹣2cos(α+β)=.18.已知,.(1)求tanθ的值;(2)求的值.19.写出函数的值域、单调递增区间、对称轴方程、对称中心坐标(只需写出答案即可),并用五点法作出该函数在一个周期内的图象.20.已知集合A={f(x)|f(x)+f(x+2)=f(x+1)},.(1)求证:g(x)∈A;(2)g(x)是周期函数,据此猜想A中的元素一定是周期函数,判断该猜想是否正确,并证明你的结论;(3)g(x)是奇函数,据此猜想A中的元素一定是奇函数,判断该猜想是否正确,并证明你的结论.21.已知函数f(x)=sin(ωx+φ)(ω>0,0<φ<π)的最小正周期为π,其图象的一个对称中心为,将函数f(x)图象上的所有点的横坐标伸长为原来的2倍(纵坐标不变),再将所得图象向右平移个单位长度后得到函数g(x)的图象.(1)求函数f(x)与g(x)的解析式;(2)求实数a与正整数n,使得F(x)=f(x)+ag(x)在(0,nπ)内恰有2017个零点.2016-2017学年上海中学高一(下)期中数学试卷参考答案与试题解析一.填空题1.(3分)(2017春•徐汇区校级期中)已知角θ的终边在射线y=2x(x≤0)上,则sinθ+cosθ=﹣.【解答】解:在射线y=2x(x≤0)上任取一点(﹣1,﹣2),∴r==,∴sinθ==,cosθ==,∴sinθ+cosθ=﹣,故答案为:.2.(3分)(2017春•徐汇区校级期中)若,则=sin.【解答】解:若,则===|sin|=,故答案为:sin.3.(3分)(2017春•徐汇区校级期中)函数的最小正周期为.【解答】解:函数的最小正周期为,故答案为:.4.(3分)(2017春•徐汇区校级期中)在△ABC中,若,则△ABC 为直角三角形(填“锐角”、“直角”或“钝角”)【解答】解:△ABC中,∵,即sinAcosB=1﹣sinBcosA,∴sin(A+B)=sinC=1,∴C=,故△ABC为直角三角形,故答案为:直角.5.(3分)(2017春•徐汇区校级期中)若,,则tanαtanβ=.【解答】解:∵,,∴cosαcosβ﹣sinαsinβ=,cosαcosβ+sinαsinβ=,∴联立,解得:cosαcosβ=,sinαsinβ=,∴tanαtanβ==.故答案为:.6.(3分)(2017春•徐汇区校级期中)已知,则x=(用反正弦表示)【解答】解:由于arcsin表示[﹣,]上正弦值等于的一个锐角,由,则x=,故答案为:.7.(3分)(2017春•徐汇区校级期中)函数y=2sin2x﹣3sinx+1,的值域为[﹣,0] .【解答】解:令sinx=t,则y=2t2﹣3t+1=2(t﹣)2﹣,∵x∈[,],∴t∈[,1],∴当t=时,y取得最小值﹣,当t=或1时,y取得最大值0.故答案为:.8.(3分)(2017春•徐汇区校级期中)将函数y=cos2x﹣sin2x的图象向左平移m个单位后,所得图象关于原点对称,则实数m的最小值为.【解答】解:把函数f(x)=cos2x﹣sin2x=cos(2x+)象向左平移m(m>0)个单位,可得y=cos(2x+2m+)的图象,根据所得函数图象关于原点对称,可得2m+=kπ+,k∈Z,即m=+,则m的最小值为,故答案为:9.(3分)(2017春•徐汇区校级期中)若函数y=sin3x+acos3x的图象关于对称,则a=﹣.【解答】解:y=sin(3x+φ),其中,s inφ=,cosφ=,∵函数图象关于x=﹣对称,∴﹣+φ=+kπ,即φ=+kπ,k∈Z.∵cosφ=>0,∴φ=﹣+2kπ,∴sinφ=﹣,∴=﹣,解得a=﹣.故答案为:.10.(3分)(2017春•徐汇区校级期中)若函数f(x)=sinx和定义域均是[﹣π,π],则它们的图象上存在2个点关于y轴对称.【解答】解:在同一坐标系中画出函数f(x)=sinx和的图象,其中x∈[﹣π,π],如图所示;则f(x)的图象上存在2个点关于y轴对称,分别是(﹣π,0)和(π,0)与(0,0);g(x)的图象上存在2个点关于y轴对称,分别是(﹣π,﹣)和(π,﹣)与(,0).故答案为:2.11.(3分)(2017春•徐汇区校级期中)已知k是正整数,且1≤k≤2017,则满足方程sin1°+sin2°+…+sink°=sin1°•sin2°…sink°的k有11个.【解答】解:由三角函数的单调性及值域,可知sin1°•sin2°…sink°<1.∴除k=1外只有当等式sin1°+sin2°+…+sink°=sin1°•sin2°…sink°的左右两边均为0时等式成立,则k=1、359、360、719、720、1079、1080、1439、1440、1799、1800时等式成立,满足条件的正整数k有11个.故答案为:11.12.(3分)(2017春•徐汇区校级期中)已知函数f(x)=Asin(ωx+φ)+B,其中A、B、ω、φ均为实数,且A>0,ω>0,|φ|<,写出满足f(1)=2,,f(3)=﹣1,f(4)=2的一个函数f(x)=sin(x﹣)+(写出一个即可)【解答】解:根据题意,函数f(x)=Asin(ωx+φ)+B是周期函数,且满足,其中A>0,ω>0,|φ|<,∴sin(4ω+φ)=sin(ω+φ),∴4ω+φ=ω+φ+2kπ,k∈Z,∴ω=,k∈Z,取ω=;∴Asin(+φ)+B=2①且Asin(2π+φ)+B=﹣1②;∴①﹣②得A[sin(+φ)﹣sinφ]=3∴A(cosφ﹣sinφ)=3∴A(cos cosφ﹣sin sinφ)=∴Acos(φ+)=令A=,则φ=﹣;∴写出满足条件的一个函数为f(x)=sin(x﹣)+;故答案为:.二.选择题13.(3分)(2017春•徐汇区校级期中)若﹣<α<0,则点(cotα,cosα)必在()A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限【解答】解:∵﹣<α<0,∴cosα>0 tanα<0tanα•cotα=1∴cotα<0∴点(cotα,cosα)在第一象限.故选:D.14.(3分)(2003•上海)下列函数中,既为偶函数又在(0,π)上单调递增的是()A.y=tan|x|B.y=cos(﹣x)C.D.y=|cot|【解答】解:y=sin(x﹣)=﹣sin(﹣x)=﹣cosx故选C.15.(3分)(2016•北京)将函数y=sin(2x﹣)图象上的点P(,t)向左平移s(s>0)个单位长度得到点P′,若P′位于函数y=sin2x的图象上,则()A.t=,s的最小值为B.t=,s的最小值为C.t=,s的最小值为D.t=,s的最小值为【解答】解:将x=代入得:t=sin=,将函数y=sin(2x﹣)图象上的点P向左平移s个单位,得到P′(+s,)点,若P′位于函数y=sin2x的图象上,则sin(+2s)=cos2s=,则2s=+2kπ,k∈Z,则s=+kπ,k∈Z,由s>0得:当k=0时,s的最小值为,故选:A.16.(3分)(2014•上海二模)若α、β∈[﹣,],且αsinα﹣βsinβ>0,则下面结论正确的是()A.α>βB.α+β>0 C.α<βD.α2>β2【解答】解:y=sinx是单调递增的偶函数.∵,∴αsinα,βsinβ皆为非负数∵αsinα﹣βsinβ>0,∴αsinα>βsinβ∴|α|>|β|,∴α2>β2故选:D三.简答题17.(2016春•林芝地区期末)求证:﹣2cos(α+β)=.【解答】证明:∵sin(2α+β)﹣2cos(α+β)sinα=sin[(α+β)+α]﹣2cos(α+β)sinα=sin(α+β)cosα+cos(α+β)sinα﹣2cos(α+β)sinα=sin(α+β)cosα﹣cos(α+β)sinα=sin[(α+β)﹣α]=sinβ.两边同除以sinα得﹣2cos(α+β)=.∴原式得证18.(2017春•徐汇区校级期中)已知,.(1)求tanθ的值;(2)求的值.【解答】解:(1)由tan2θ=,.可得:tan2θ﹣tanθ﹣=0,∵.∴tanθ=.(2)由(1)可知tanθ=,即,sin2θ+cos2θ=1,可得:sinθ=,cosθ=.那么===2.19.(2017春•徐汇区校级期中)写出函数的值域、单调递增区间、对称轴方程、对称中心坐标(只需写出答案即可),并用五点法作出该函数在一个周期内的图象.【解答】解:y=﹣(cos2x﹣sin2x)+2sinxcosx=﹣cos2x+sin2x=2sin(2x﹣),∴函数的值域:[﹣2,2];令﹣+2kπ≤2x﹣≤+2kπ,解得﹣+kπ≤x≤+kπ,∴函数的递增区间:,k∈Z;令2x﹣=,解得x=+,∴函数的对称轴:x=+,k∈Z;令2x﹣=kπ得x=+,∴函数的对称中心:(+,0),k∈Z;作图如下:(1)列表:2x﹣0π2πxy020﹣20作出图象如下:20.(2017春•徐汇区校级期中)已知集合A={f(x)|f(x)+f(x+2)=f(x+1)},.(1)求证:g(x)∈A;(2)g(x)是周期函数,据此猜想A中的元素一定是周期函数,判断该猜想是否正确,并证明你的结论;(3)g(x)是奇函数,据此猜想A中的元素一定是奇函数,判断该猜想是否正确,并证明你的结论.【解答】解:(1)证明:g(x)+g(x+2)=sin()+sin(+)=sin()﹣sin()+cos()=sin()+cos()=sin(+)=sin()=g(x+1),∴g(x)+g(x+2)=g(x+1),∴g(x)∈A.(2)A中的函数一定是周期函数,证明如下:∵f(x)+f(x+2)=f(x+1),∴f(x+1)+f(x+3)=f(x+2),f(x+1)﹣f(x)=f(x+2),∴f(x+3)=﹣f(x),∴f(x﹣3+3)=﹣f(x﹣3),即f(x)=﹣f(x﹣3),∴f(x+3)=f(x﹣3),即f(x+6)=f(x),∴f(x)是以6为周期的函数.(3)A中的元素不一定是奇函数,令,则f(x)+f(x+2)=cos()+cos(+)=cos()﹣cos()﹣sin()=cos()﹣sin()=cos(+)=f(x+1).∴f(x)=cos(x)∈A,而f(x)=cos(x)是偶函数,故A中的元素不一定是奇函数.21.(2017春•徐汇区校级期中)已知函数f(x)=sin(ωx+φ)(ω>0,0<φ<π)的最小正周期为π,其图象的一个对称中心为,将函数f(x)图象上的所有点的横坐标伸长为原来的2倍(纵坐标不变),再将所得图象向右平移个单位长度后得到函数g(x)的图象.(1)求函数f(x)与g(x)的解析式;(2)求实数a与正整数n,使得F(x)=f(x)+ag(x)在(0,nπ)内恰有2017个零点.【解答】解:(1)∵函数f(x)=sin(ωx+φ)(ω>0,0<φ<π)的周期为π,∴ω==2,又曲线y=f(x)的一个对称中心为(,0),φ∈(0,π),故f()=sin(2×+φ)=0,得φ=,∴f(x)=cos2x.将函数f(x)图象上所有点的横坐标伸长到原来的2倍(纵坐标不变)后可得y=cosx的图象,再将y=cosx的图象向右平移π个单位长度后得到函数g(x)=cos(x﹣)的图象,∴g(x)=sinx.(2)∵F(x)=f(x)+ag(x)=cos2x+asinx=0,∵sinx≠0,∴a=﹣,令h(x)=﹣=2sinx﹣,h′(x)=2cosx+=,令h′(x)=0得x=或,∴h(x)在(0,)上单调递增,(,π)与(π,)上单调递减,(,2π)上单调递增,当a<﹣1时,h(x)=a在(0,π)内有2个交点,在(π,2π)内无交点;当﹣1<a<1时,h(x)=a在(0,π)内有2个交点,在(π,2π)内有2个交点;当a>1时,h(x)=a在(0,2π)有2解;则a=1时,h(x)=a在(0,π)∪(π,2π)有3解,而2017÷3=672…1,所以n=672×2+1=1345,∴存在a=1,n=1345时,F(x)有2017个零点.:whgcn;caoqz;w3239003;zhczcb;742048;sxs123;wubh2011;杨南;豫汝王世崇;xintrl;涨停;左杰(排名不分先后)2017年6月6日。
曙光中学2017学年第二学期期中考试高一英语试卷II. Grammar and Vocabulary 20%Section A 10%Directions:After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.stopped the blood to the brain. After 30 minutes he turned the blood back on. He warmed the blood again. After their operations the monkeys were like they had been before. They were healthy and busy. Each one could still do答案:1-5 without they will a If6-10 longer After operated When taught解析:1.由空格所在位置及句意判断可知2.分析句子结构和句意可知3.分析句子结构和句意可知4.由空格所在位置及句意判断可知5.分析句子结构和句意可知6.分析上下句可知7.分析句子结构和句意可知8.分析句子结构和句意可知9.分析句子结构和句意可知10.判断Section B 10%Directions:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Ever since humans have lived on the earth, they have made use of various forms of communication.feelings.答案:1-5 CAKJF 6-10 IDHEB解析:1.词性判断可知填入形容词,结合句意可知2.词性判断可知填入过去分词,结合句意可知3.综合语法和词性判断可知填入动词,结合句意可知4.词性判断可知填入过去分词,结合句意可知5.词性判断可知填入副词,结合句意可知6.分析句意可知7.词性判断可知填入名词,结合句意可知8.词性判断可知填入形容词,结合句意可知9.词性判断可知填入动词,结合句意可知10.词性判断可知填入动词,结合句意可知III.Reading Comprehension 39%Section A 15%Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.My Emotional (感人的) Experience in JaipurI came to India in February 2012 to complete a volunteer practicum(实习课) requirement with some friends.It was really an unforgettable experience!Before we set off I thought it would be a hard job 1that I could not adapt to the poor living conditions. After arriving in Jaipur we went straight to the hotel that the Center had 2for us; a relief to us as we were tired from the journey. During the following days we were introduced to the city and had Hindi lessons with our guide Ravi.On our fourth day in Jaipur we were taken to the head office. There we were 3for the Child Development Program and over the course we 4two studies related to child work and child rights. We focused on the experiences of the children who were working and the 5that pushed them into work. The experience was entirely new for me and I learned so much through the process. The best part of the work ,however, was 6being in the communities and interacting with the children and their parents. I was 7to a way of life completely different from my own. In spite of the poor living situations people in Jaipur were 8. We found that the parents communicated openly with each other and they were always 9to share their own thoughts and feelings with their children. I could 10that people in Jaipur have positive relationships with their family and community members. Talking with the people there and hearing their stories was something that had a strong effect on myworldview continuing to 11how I understand everything around me now. I have been12by the people that I met through this experience.On the weekends I spent time in Jaipur, 13the city and shopping. We were lucky enough to be there during Holi an exciting and colorful celebration in February end or early March in India! We really 14every minute of the life in Jaipur!Generally my practicum experience with Volunteering India was extremely positive. I know that I will be thinking about everything that I saw learned and 15in India and look forward to the day that I can return to this amazing country.1.A. expecting B. worrying C. determining D. promising2.A. booked B. covered C. reported D. designed3.A. responsible B. available C. famous D. powerful4.A. described B. conducted C. exchanged D. benefited5.A. standards B. chances C. fears D. causes6.A. really B. simply C. properly D. generally7.A. exposed B. selected C. compared D. delivered8.A. independent B. attractive C. comfortable D. cheerful9.A. careful B. willing C. upset D. ashamed10.A. predict B. advise C. sense D. wonder11.A. influence B. reflect C. analyze D. test12.A. reminded B. witnessed C. admitted D. inspired13.A. identifying B. exploring C. representing D. charging14.A. valued B. delayed C. confirmed D. permitted15.A. declared B. experienced C. imagined D. promoted答案:1-5 BAABD 6-10 AAABC 11-15 ADBAB解析:1.分析句意可知作者担心...2.分析句意可知中心预定的酒店3.分析句意作者负责这个项目4.固定搭配做研究conduct study5.分析句意作者关注的是促使孩子工作的原因6.分析句意作者认为工作中最好的部分真的就是融入社区,成为其中的一员7.在那儿作者接触到不同的生活方式8.分析句意应该是独立的9.分析句意家长乐意分享10.分析句意作者能感受到这一切11.分析句意是能影响到我对一切的看法12.分析句意作者被鼓舞13.分析句意探索城市,才有购物14.分析句意重视比较恰当15.分析句意经历最为恰当Section B 20%Directions:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Gregory Talley used to sleep in a park or under a bridge. The 50-year-old has been homeless for more than 10 years."It is hard. It’s hard to live homeless. You filled every day trying to find out where you are going to get something to eat. If I hadn’t found wonderful Fairfax County Kennedy Shelter, I wouldn't know where I would be by now.I might be dead," Talley said.The Kennedy Shelter is one of the facilities New Hope Housing provides for homeless people.Pam Michell has has devoted her life to making the lives of this vulnerable(易受伤的) population better as executive director of the nonprofit organization.“I went to Africa in 1985. And I saw an immense amount of poverty, but I saw so much hope. And I decided that I should try to do something that would bring hope to people," Michell said.When Michell began working with New Hope Housing 25 years ago, its three shelters had about 80 beds. Now, it has 350 beds and serves about 1,500 homeless people every year.She has expanded the program beyond just providing beds for the night.“We do outreach(拓展), we do prevention, we do permanent housing, we do transitional housing. We have an education program with all sorts of different things to move people to end their homelessness,” she said."Our Out of Poverty program is not just about money," Michell said. "It's about you could be spiritually poor, you could be relationship poor ... you could be educationally poor. So it is focusing on how you get out of this poverty that has brought you to being homeless.”The program tries to teach the shelter residents self-reliance and work values, and includes courses on planning and personal responsibility.“I learned I still have opportunity to change it and I can change it," said shelter resident Lewis Webster. "It is just about going forth in doing necessary work to do it. I mean if you really want better, you would do better and that's the frame of mind of me now.”1. Gregory Talley’s story is told at the beginning of the text to .A. tell readers the situation for the poor in the US is getting worse.B. introduce a non-profit organization that is trying to help the poor in the US.C. disclose the truth that more and more homeless people are dying from hunger.D. remind readers that the homeless people in the US have no trouble getting food.2. According to Paragraph6, Pam Michell started to bring hope to the homeless by _____.A. providing food for themB. offering food for themC. building new house for themD. offering them shelter for the night3. What is the final purpose of the education program?A.To tell the homeless people the ways to make money.B. To help the homeless people find the cause of their poverty.C. To encourage the homeless to work and rely on themselves.D. To teach the poor how to live a better life in the shelters.4. What may be the best title for the text?fort in the Kennedy Shelter.B. Ways to achieve success.C. An opportunity to Flight Homelessness.D. An Organization to End Homelessness.答案:BDCD解析:1.细节理解题。
奉城高级中学2017学年第二学期期中考试高一语文试卷(2018.4)(完卷时间120分钟,满分100分)一、积累运用(12分)1. 按要求填空。
2. 按要求选择。
(6分)(1)下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一项是( )(2分)A. 在这些有口皆碑....的铁的事实面前,犯罪嫌疑人沮丧地低下头。
B. 辩论会上,他能抓住要点,随机应变....,击败对手。
C. 在任何事情面前,都不能甘于人后....,要一马当先。
D. 在这次科学盛会上,科学家们都能滔滔不绝,油嘴滑舌....地表明自己的见解。
(2)小明宣传“节俭用餐不浪费”,要在学校食堂张贴标语,以下句子合适的一项是()(2分)A. 由俭入奢易,由奢入俭难。
B. 俭,德之共也;侈,恶之大也。
C. 惟俭可以助廉,惟恕可以成德。
D. 奢者狼藉俭者安,一凶一吉在眼前。
A. 博物馆要有持久的影响力,就不能保持一成不变的严肃面孔B. 博物馆要有持久的影响力,面孔就不能保持一成不变的严肃C. 博物馆要有广泛的影响力,就不能保持一成不变的严肃面孔D. 博物馆要有广泛的影响力,面孔就不能保持一成不变的严肃二、阅读(48分)(一)阅读下文,完成第3-6题。
2016学年第二学期高一数学期中测试卷(完卷时间:90分钟,满分:100分)一.填空题(本大题满分36分)本大题共有12题,每个空格填对得3分,否则一律得零分. 1。
已知角的终边经过点,则__ __.2.若在扇形中,圆心角所对弧长等于半径,则这个圆心角的弧度数为。
若则 .4.不等式的解集为.5。
已知,,则 .6.行列式中元素3的余子式的值是________________.7.函数的单调减区间为________________。
已知,则12.关于函数,有下列命题:(1)函数的图像关于轴对称(2)当时,为增函数;当时,函数为减函数(3)没有最小值,也没有最大值(4)当或时,为增函数其中正确命题的序号是二、选择题(本大题满分16分)本大题共有4题,每题有且只有一个正确答案,选对得4分,否则一律得零分.13.“”是“”成立的………( ).充分非必要条件必要非充分条件充要条件既非充分又非必要条件14.设,则化简的结果是………( ).15.行列式中,元素的代数余子式的值为___________.……()ﻩ16.给出下列函数:(1)(2)(3)(4)其中为奇函数的是………( ).(1)与(2) (2)与(3) (3)与(4) (1)与(3)三、解答题(本大题满分48分)本大题共5题,解答下列各题,写出必要的步骤。
一、选择题1.(0分)[ID :12420]若四棱锥的三视图如图,则此四棱锥的四个侧面的面积中最大值为( )A .3B 13C .32D .332.(0分)[ID :12414]已知正四棱锥P ABCD -的所有顶点都在同一球面上,若球的半径为3,则该四棱锥的体积的最大值为( )A .643B .32C .54D .64 3.(0分)[ID :12353]已知圆()()22:341C x y -+-=和两点(),A m m -,(),B m m -()0m >,若圆C 上存在点P ,使得90APB ∠=︒,则m 的最大值为( ) A .2B .32C 322D .224.(0分)[ID :12349]已知三棱锥S ABC -的每个顶点都在球O 的表面上,ABC ∆是边长为3SA ⊥平面ABC ,且SB 与平面ABC 所成的角为6π,则球O 的表面积为( )A .20πB .40πC .80πD .160π 5.(0分)[ID :12344]用一个平面去截正方体,则截面不可能是( )A .直角三角形B .等边三角形C .正方形D .正六边形 6.(0分)[ID :12343]在三棱锥P ABC -中,PA ⊥平面1202,2ABC BAC AP AB ∠=︒==,,,M 是线段BC 上一动点,线段PM 长度最小3P ABC -的外接球的表面积是( )A .92πB .92πC .18πD .40π7.(0分)[ID :12393]点A 、B 、C 、D 在同一个球的球面上,2,AC=2,若四面体ABCD 体积的最大值为23,则这个球的表面积为( ) A .1256π B .8π C .2516π D .254π8.(0分)[ID :12390]已知实数,x y 满足250x y ++=,那么22x y +的最小值为( ) A .5 B .10C .25D .210 9.(0分)[ID :12386]已知AB 是圆22620x y x y +-+=内过点(2,1)E 的最短弦,则||AB 等于( )A .3B .22C .23D .25 10.(0分)[ID :12369]某锥体的三视图如图所示(单位:cm ),则该锥体的体积(单位:cm 3)是( )A .13 B .12 C .16D .1 11.(0分)[ID :12364]已知直线()()():21110l k x k y k R ++++=∈与圆()()221225x y -+-=交于A ,B 两点,则弦长AB 的取值范围是( ) A .[]4,10 B .[]3,5 C .[]8,10 D .[]6,1012.(0分)[ID :12419]陀螺是汉族民间最早的娱乐工具之一,也称陀罗,北方叫做“打老牛”.陀螺的主体形状一般是由上面部分的圆柱和下面部分的圆锥组成.如图画出的是某陀螺模型的三视图,已知网格纸中小正方形的边长为1,则该陀螺模型的体积为( )A .1073πB .32453π+C .16323π+D .32333π+ 13.(0分)[ID :12402]如图,在正方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,M ,N 分别是1BC ,1CD 的中点,则下列说法错误..的是( )A .MN 与1CC 垂直B .MN 与AC 垂直 C .MN 与BD 平行 D .MN 与11A B 平行14.(0分)[ID :12334]如图,在三棱柱111ABC A B C -中,1CC ⊥平面ABC ,ABC 是等腰三角形,BA BC =,123AC CC ==,,D 是AC 的中点,点F 在侧棱1A 上,若要使1C F ⊥平面BDF ,则1AF FA 的值为( )A .1B .12或2C .22或2D .13或3 15.(0分)[ID :12385]一锥体的三视图如图所示,则该棱锥的最长棱的棱长为 ( )A .√33B .√17C .√41D .√42二、填空题16.(0分)[ID :12473]在学习公理四“平行于同一条直线的两条直线平行”时,有同学进行类比,提出了下列命题:① 平行于同一平面的两个不同平面互相平行;② 平行于同一直线的两个不同平面互相平行;③ 垂直于同一直线的两个不同平面互相平行;④ 垂直于同一平面的两个不同平面互相平行;其中正确的有________17.(0分)[ID :12463]已知圆22:20(0)M x y ay a +-=>截直线0x y +=所得线段的长度是22,则圆M 与圆22:(1)(1)1N x y -+-=的位置关系是_________.18.(0分)[ID :12458]已知圆22(1)16x y ++=,点(1,0),(1,0)E F -,过(1,0)E -的直线1l 与过(1,0)F 的直线2l 垂直且圆相交于,A C 和,B D ,则四边形ABCD 的面积的取值范围是_________.19.(0分)[ID :12483]已知三棱锥P ABC -的四个顶点在球O 的球面上,PA PB PC ==,ABC △是边长为2正三角形,,E F 分别是,PA AB 的中点,90CEF ︒∠=,则球O 的体积为_________________。
奉贤中学2017学年第二学期第二次月考试卷高一英语II. Grammar and Vocabulary 20%Section A 10%Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Do you know how 26 is when you see someone yawn and you start yawning too? Or how hard it is to be among people laughing and not laugh yourself? Well, apparently it’s because we have mirror neurons (神经元)in our brains.27 (put) simply, the existence of mirror neurons suggests that 28 we see someone else do something, our brains imitate it, whether or not we actually perform the same action. This explains a great deal about 29 we learn to smile, talk, walk, dance or play sports. But the idea goes 30 (far):mirror neurons not only appear to explain physical actions, they also tell us that there is a biological basis for the way we understand other people.Mirror neurons can undoubtedly be found all over our brains, but especially in the areas which relate to our ability to use languages, and to understand how other people feel. Recently, researchers31 (find) that mirror neurons relate strongly to language. A group of researchers discovered that32 they gave people sentences to listen to (for example: “The hand took hold of the ball”), the same mirror neurons were triggered 33 when the action was actually performed (in this example, actually taking hold of a ball).Any problems with mirror neurons may well result in problems with behavior. Much research suggests that people with social and behavioral problems have mirror neurons which are not fully 34 (function). However, it is not yet known exactly how these discoveries might help find treatments for social disorders.Research does mirror that neurons seems to provide us with even more information concerning how humans behave and interact. Indeed, it may turn out to be the equivalent for neuroscience of what Einstein’s theory of relativity was for physics. And the next time you feel the urge 35 (cough) in the cinema when someone else does-well, perhaps you’ll understand why.it; put; every time/each time; how; further; have found; if/when; as; functioning; to coughSection B 10%Directions:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A drop in the sun’s radiation can cause cold winters in parts of North America and Europe, scientists say, a finding that could improve long-range forecasts and help countries (36) ___ for storms.Scientists have known for a long time that the sun has an 11-year cycle during which radiation from the sun reaches a(n) (37) ___ then falls. But detecting a clear link of the cycle to the weather has proved much (38)___.“Our research notices a link between solar activities and regional winter climate,” lead author Sarah Ineson of the UK Met Office told the reporters in an email.Her team focused on the data from the recent minimum solar radiation period during 2008-10, which was a(n) (39) ___ calm period for the sun but at the same time, (40) ___ winters in the U.S and Europe were recorded which brought troubles to many businesses and made people’s lives difficult.The researchers found that a reduction in radiation from the sun can affect wind patterns, (41) ___ cold winters.“While radiation levels won’t tell us what the day-to-day weather will be, they provide the exciting (42) ___ of improved prediction for winter conditions for months and even years ahead. These predictions play an important role in long-term weather planning,” Ineson said.Ineson’s team used the data in a complex computer to (43) ___ long-term weather patterns. It successfully reproduced what scientists had observed happening in the upper atmosphere during changes in solar radiation. More study was needed, though. The key (44) ___ in the experiment lay in the satellite data used, because it spans (跨度) only a few years.”So there are still questions concerning whether the current research results are accurate and whether they can be (45) ___ to other solar cycles,” she said.JAHGC DBKFIIII.Reading ComprehensionSection A 15%Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.It’s a high-risky, multibillion-dollar industry with tight deadlines, demanding customers and lives in danger.The business is (46) ___. And it’s booming.The number of jobs for translators and interpreters doubled in the past 10 years while their wages steadily (47) ___ before, during and after the recession. During a period of stagnating (停滞的) wages across the labor market, the language-service industry with its 50,000 jobs is a (48) ___spot in the jobs outlook.Lillian Clementi is a French translator working in corporate communications from her home in Arlington, Massachusetts and is routinely on tight deadlines to hand in translated material. “The risks can be huge,” said Clementi, “There’s tons of (49) ___ pressure.”In some cases, a(n) (50) ___ translation or interpretation is also vital. If a user’s guide for medical equipment is not translated well, it could lead to (51) ___ during an emergency. Soldiers inconflict areas require excellent interpreters to speak with community members. Any change of tone or context could put lives (52)___.Translators’ and interpreters’ immunity (免疫力) to the nation’s economic downturn also (53) ___the growing demand for people who can speak several languages in an increasingly globalized economy, experts said.“Good translators who (54) ___a particular subject and become really good at it can really make six-digit figures annually,”said Jiri Stejskal, spokesman for the American Translators Association.Multinational corporations, U.S.demographic (人口的) changes and the Internet economy raise the need for translated and localized information. Companies increasingly want their content (55) ___ to the tongue of the town, even between dialects of the same language.“As more people (56) ___ the worldwide economy, that’s going to drive more commerce, and that’s going to drive more language services,” said Bill Rivers, executive director of the National Council for Language and International Studies in the Washington region.(57)___, qualifications for translators and interpreters are not as simple as they may seem. Speaking two languages does not mean a person can work in the language-service industry, experts said. Learning how to translate or interpret is a (58) ___skill beyond knowing the language.Furthermore, the most successful translators and interpreters maintain a (59)___, such as legal documents, quarterly earnings reports or a special knowledge of industry.Technological advances may cut jobs in some industries, but online translation services like Google Translate (65) ___ raise demand for human translators and interpreters, experts said. Online sales companies also drive demand for translation.46.A. tourism B. language C. technology D. economy47.A. shrank B. changed C. grew D. remained48.A. bright B. scenic C. historic D. tough49.A. money B. peer C. blood D. time50.A. proper B. quick C. direct D. innovative51.A. disease B. depression C. violence D. confusion52.A. in order B. at risk C. compared D. delivered53.A. highlights B. understands C. increases D. resists54.A. set up B. depend on C. specialize in D. object to55.A. limited B. accustomed C. related D. tailored56.A. agree with B. have access to C. are confident of D. insist on57.A. Instead of B. Therefore C. However D. Otherwise58.A. separate B. genetic C. learnable D. worthwhile59.A. certificate B. diploma C. strategy D. specialty60.A. automatically B. respectively C. actually D. immediatelyBCADA DBACD BCADCSection B 20%Directions:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Science not always so seriousDid you know that if you attach a weighted stick to the back of a chicken, it walks like a dinosaur?No, you did not know (or care to know) such things, but now you do! Thanks to this year’s winners of the Ig Nobel Prizes! Now in its 25th year, the Ig Nobel is the goofy younger cousin of the honored Nobel Prize. It applauds achievements in the fields of medicine, biology, physics, economics, literature, etc. Every September at Harvard University, awards are presented in 10 categories that change year to year, depending on —according to the organization —what makes the judges “laugh, then think”.The ceremony officially begins when audience members launch paper airplanes at an assigned human target on the stage, then speakers only have 60 seconds to present their research. In previous years, the one-minute rule was imposed by a young girl —nicknamed Miss Sweetie Poo —who would go up to the platform and repeat the words: “Please stop, I’m bored,” in a sharp tone until the speaker left the stage.Fortunately for candidates though, the Ig Informal Lectures are held afterwards on Saturday to give presenters more time to explain the crazy things they’re working on.The research can seem more like the brainchildren of teenage boys than of respectable adults. Justin Schmidt won the physiology Ig for creating the “Sting Pain Index,”which rates the pain people feel after getting stung (蛰) by insects. Smith pressed bees against 25 different parts of his body until they stung him. Five stings a day for 38 days, Smith concluded that the most painful sting locations were the nostril (鼻孔) and the upper lip. Ouch.As silly as they sound, not all of the Ig awards lack scientific applicability. A group of scientists from 12 different countries won in the medicine category for accurately diagnosing patients with appendicitis (阑尾炎) based on an unusual measurement: speed bumps (减速带). They found that patients are more likely to have appendicitis if they report pain during bumpy car rides.All these weird experiments have just one thing in common. They’re improbable. It can be tempting to assume that “improbable” implies more than that —implies bad or good, worthless orvaluable, trivial or important. Something improbable can be any of those, or none of them, or all of them, in different ways. And what you don’t expect can be a powerful force for not only entertaining science, but also for the boundary-pushing science we call innovation.61. The underlined word “goofy”in Paragraph 2 probably means __________.A. timidB. funnyC. gloriousD. warm-hearted62. According to the passage, what can we know about the awarding ceremony of Ig Nobel?A. It is held at a fixed place.B. Candidates should know how to fold paper planes.C. Miss Sweetie Poo is one of the hostesses.D. Ig Informal Lecture gives presenters 60 seconds to finish their speeches.63. The example in Paragraph 6 is used to illustrate that Ig Nobel __________.A. celebrates the diligent work of researchersB. offers another opportunity to those who miss the Nobel PrizesC. serves as a platform for the creative and practical achievementsD. amuses the audience64. Among the four candidates below, who is most likely to win an Ig Nobel?A. A chemist who invents a chemical method to partially un-boil an egg.B. A novelist who criticizes social injustice severely.C. A physicist who studies the origin of the universe.D. An economist who achieves a breakthrough in the study of international trade.BACA(B)JENISON PUBLIC SCHOOLSJenison International Academy is excited to offer online, nonessential courses to international students. Kindly view the online elective options, as well as the enrollment process, below. The application window for part time enrollments will close on Friday, December 30, 2016. Online Courses Offered Grades 1-12Elective OpportunitiesPlease click to view our Elective Course Offerings.Part Time Enrollment at JIAStudents participating in the program are allowed to enroll in up to 4 elective courses each semester, and have the option to take 100% of their courses online or create a schedule combination of online and on-campus courses at Jenison Public Schools, which may also include Tech Center, Co-op, and other qualified programs.Student Application ProcessSTEP 1: Online PreparationPlease review the following Interactive Online Readiness Criteria. Please keep this form for your own records.Online Readiness CriteriaSTEP 2:Submit Forms & DocumentationBy completing the Part Time Enrollment Application, applicants are fulfilling the Virtual Learning and District-Required Documentation.Printed ApplicationParents or guardians can download, print, and complete the JIA Enrollment paperwork & JPS District Application. Mail, scan or fax all completed paperwork using the contact information provided on the first page.Printed ApplicationAdditional Required Documentation can be found within the enrollment packet .An email will be sent to the parent or guardian email account when a completed application has been received. Upon review and approval, a welcome message and course selection email will be issued to the same address.65. The courses are designed for .A. high-level students who are studying in Jenison Public SchoolsB. international students whose parents work in Jenison Public SchoolsC. foreign students who can’t study full time in Jenison International AcademyD. graduate students who want a part-time job in Jenison International Academy66. To get enrolled, one should .A. prepare both online and offlineB. print the Online Readiness CriteriaC. contact JIA in person beforehandD. email the J1A Enrollment paperwork67. What can be learned from the webpage?A. The enrollment should be applied on December 30, 2016.B. The parent or guardian needs to have an email account.C. The students need to study at least 8 courses each year.D. The courses can only be learned online.CAB(C)About the time that schools and others quite reasonably became interested in seeing to it that all children, whatever their background, were fairly treated, intelligence testing became unpopular.Some thought it was unfair to minority children. Through the past few decades such testing has gone out of fashion and many communities have indeed forbidden it.However, paradoxically(自相矛盾的), just recently a group of black parents filed a lawsuit (诉讼) in California claiming that the state’s ban on IQ testing discriminates(歧视) against their children by denying them the opportunity to take the test. (They believe, correctly, that IQ tests area valid method of evaluating (评估) children for special education classes.) The judge, therefor, reversed, at least partially his original decision.And so the argument goes on and on. Does it benefit or harm children from minority groups to have their intelligence tested? We have always been on the side of permitting, even promoting such testing. If a child of any color or group is doing poorly in school it seems to us very important to know whether it is because he or she is of low intelligence, or whether some other factor is the cause.What school and family can do to improve poor performance is influenced by its cause. It is not discriminative to evaluate either a child’s physical condition or his intellectual level.Unfortunately, intellectual level seems to be a sensitive subject, and what the law allows us to do varies from time to time. The same fluctuation (起伏) back and forth occurs in areas other than intelligence. Thirty years or so ago, for instance, white families were encouraged to adopt black children. It was considered discriminative not to do so.And then the style changed and this cross-racial adopting became generally unpopular, and social agencies felt that black children should go to black families only. It is hard to say what are the best procedures. But surely good will on the part of all of us is needed.As to intelligence, in our opinion, the more we know about any child’s intellectual level, the better for the child in question.68. Why did the intelligence test become unpopular in the past few decades?A. Its validity was challenged by many communities.B. It was considered discriminative against minority children.C. It met with strong opposition from the majority of black parents.D. It robbed the black children of their rights to a good education.69. The author believes that intelligence testing .A. may ease racial discrimination in the United StatesB. can encourage black children to keep up with white childrenC. may seriously worsen racial discrimination in the United StatesD. can help black parents make decisions about their children’s education70. The author’s opinion of child adoption seems to be that .A. no definite rules can be prescribedB. white families should adopt black childrenC. adoption should be based on IQ test resultsD. cross-racial adoption is to be advocated71. Child adoption is mentioned in the passage to show that ______.A. good will may sometimes complicate racial problemsB. social surroundings are vital to the healthy growth of childrenC. intelligence testing also applies to non-academic areasD. American opinion can shift when it comes to sensitive issuesBDADSection C 4%Directions:reading the following passage.Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box.Eachsentence can be used only once.Note that there are two more sentences than you need.Secret codes (密码)keep messages private. Banks, companies, and government agencies use secret codes in doing business, especially when information is sent by computer.People have used secret codes for thousands of years. 72 Code breaking never lags(落后) far behind code making. The science of creating and reading coded messages is called cryptography.There are three main types of cryptography. 73 For example, the first letters of “My elephant eats too many eels” Spell out the hidden message “Meet me.”74 You might repres ent each letter with a number, for example. Let’s number the letters of the alphabet, in order, from 1 to 26. If we substitute a number for each letter, the message “Meet me” would read “13 5 20 13 5.”A code uses symbols to replace words, phrases, or sentences. To read the message of a real code, you must have a code book. With a code book, you might write down words that would stand for other words. For example, “bridge” might stand for “meet” and “out” might stand for “me.” The message “bridge out” would actually mean “Meet me.” 75 However, it is also hard to keep a code book secret for long. So codes must be changed frequently.DEFAIV. Verb filling: 15%Is kept; being married; to handle; admitted; referred to; copy; had been waiting; to be enjoying; would appreciate; will acquire; not realizing; be spared; jumping; fueling; causing;V. Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given expressions. 5%1.He likes his daughter to his relatives and colleagues.2.He football, and we can always see him on the playground.3.The scientists are absorbed in . Don’t interrupt them.4.When the teacher asked the question, he felt greatly puzzled and how to answer it.5.Some actors and actress do 90% of the stunts and the last 10% stunt professionals.bragging about; has a passion for; conducting an experiment; was at a loss; are left toVI. Translation: 20% (3+4+4+4+5)1.你应该要像督促他人那样督促自己。
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曙光中学2017学年度第二学期期中考试II. Grammar and Vocabulary20%Section A10%Directions:After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with the given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.It is difficult for doctors to help a person with a damaged brain.__1___enough blood, the brain lives for only three to five minutes. More often the doctors can't fix the damage. Sometimes__2__are afraid to try something to help because it is dangerous to work on the brain. The doctors___3___make the person worse if he operates on the brain.Dr. Robert White, __4___famous professor and doctor, thinks he knows a way to help. He thinks doctors should make the brain very cold. ___5__it is very cold, the brain can live without blood for 30 minutes. This gives the doctor a___6___ (long) time to do something for the brain.Dr. White tried his idea on 13 monkeys.___7___he taught them to do different jobs, then he ___8___(operate) on them. He made the monkeys" blood back to the monkeys' brains. __9___the brain's tempernturwas10oC, Dr. White stopped the blood to the brain. After 30 minutes, he turned the blood back on. He warmed the blood again. After their operations, the monkeys were like they had been before. They were healthy and busy. Each one could still do the jobs the doctor___10___(teach)them.【答案】1.without2.they3.may/might4.a5.if6.longer7.first8.operated9.when10.had taught1. 考逻辑。
2. 考人称代词。
they指代前文More often the doctors can't fix the damage一句中的“the doctors”3. 考语义。
4. 考同位语中冠词用法。
文中Dr. Robert White并不为人所熟知,或有相当大影响力,故这里用不定冠词a更合适。
5. 考条件状语从句。
6. 考比较级。
7. 考表步骤顺序的连接词。
8. 考时态。
first, then等表时间顺序的过渡词所在的语句前后时态保持一致。
前一句taught 说明时态为一般过去时,故后一句也应用一般过去时,即operate的过去式operated。
9. 考时间状语从句。
10. 考宾语从句时态用法。
这里teach发生在do the jobs之前,故用过去完成时表过去的过去。
Section B 10%Direction: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Ever since humans have lived on the earth, they have made use of various forms of communication. Generally, this expression of thoughts and feelings has been in the form of__1__ speech. When there is a language barrier, communication is___2___ through sign language in which motions___3__for letters, words, and ideas. Tourists and the people unable to hear or speak have had to tum to this form of___4___. Many of these symbols of whole words are very lively and exact and can be used ___5___; spelling, however, cannot.Body language sends ideas or thoughts by certain actions, either__6___or not.A wink can be a way of showing that the party is only joking. A nod means approval, while shaking the head indicates__37__.Other forms of nonlinguistic language can be found in Braille (a system of __8__ dots read with the fingertips, signal flags, Morse code, and smoke signals ,Road maps and picture signs also__9__and warn people. While language is the most common form of communication, other systems and techniques also __10__ human thoughts and feelings.【答案】1.C2.H3.K4.J5.F6.I7.D8.G9.E 10.B1. 考词性。
“通常,这种思想和情感的表达是以口头表达的形式来完成的”2. 考语态。
3. 考词义。
4. 考词性。
5. 考词性和词义。
6. 考词义。
7. 考词义。
8. 考词义。
9. 考词性。
10. 考词性。
III. Reading comprehension39%Section A15%Directions:For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.My Emotional(感人的)Experience in JaipurI came to India in February 20 12 to. complete a volunteer practicum requirement with some fiends. It was really an unforgettable experience!Before we set off, I thought it would be a hard job, __1__ that I could not adapt to the poor living conditions. After arriving in Jaipur, we went straight to the hotel that the Center had __2__for us; a relief to us as we were tired from the journey. During the flowing days we were introduced to the city and had Hindi lessons with our guide Ravi.On our fourth day in Jaipur we were taken to the head office. There we were__3__ for the Child Development Program and over the course we __4__ two studies related to child work and child rights. We focus on the experiences of the children who were working and the _5_ that pushed them into work. The experience was entirely new for me and I learned so much through the process. The best part of the work, however, was__6__ being in the communities and interacting with the children and their parents. I was__7__ to a way of life completely different from my own. In spite of the poor living situations, people in Jaipur were __8__.We found that the parents communicated openly with each other and they were always__9__ to share their own thoughts and feelings with their children, I could__10_ that people in Jaipur have positive relationships with their family and community members. Talking with the people there and hearing their stories was something that had a strong effect on my worldview, continuing to __11__ how I understand everything around me now. I have been__12__by the people that I met through this experience.On the weekends I spent time in Jaipur, __13__ the city and shopping. We were lucky enough to be there during Holi, an exciting and colorful celebration in February end or early March in India! We really_14-every minute of the life in Jaipur!Generally my practicum experience with positive, I know that I will be thinking about everything that I saw, learned and _15_ in India and look forward to the day that I can return to this amazing country.1. A. expecting B. worrying C. determining D. promising2. A. booked B. covered C. reported D. designed3. A. responsible B. available C. famous D. powerful4. A. described B. conducted C. exchanged D. benefited5. A. standards B. chances C. fears D. causes6. A. really B. simply C. properly D. generally7. A, exposed B. selected C. compared D. delivered8. A. independent B. attractive C. comfortable D. cheerful9. A. careful B. willing C. upset D. ashamed10. A. predict B. advise C. sense D. wonder11. A. influence B reflect C. analyze D. test12. A. reminded B. witnessed C. admitted D. inspired13. A. identifying B. exploring C. representing D. charging14. A. valued B. delayed C. confirmed D. permitted15. A. declared B. imagined C. experienced D, promoted【答案】1-5 BAABD 6-10 BADBC 11-15 ADBAC【分析】1.考查非谓语。