

Kf ( / Ts+1)
图5 Fig. 5
Sketch of transfer function of motor current
图 5 中, 当逆变器的开关频率足够高时, 忽略开 关频率附近及以上各次谐波, 逆变器可视为一比例环 节 K PWM , 只对调制波进行放大; i m 为实际的电机定子 电流, 电流调节器选用 PI 型, 其参数为 K i ( τ i s + 1 ) / τ i s; K f / ( Ts + 1) 为电流环的反馈环节模型; Z1 = R1 + L1 s 为均流电抗器 1 的阻抗,Z L = R L + L L s 为电机等 效阻抗。因此, 电机电流的开环传递函数 G m 为 K( τ i s + 1 ) G m ( s) = , (7) ( L1 + NL L ) s s ( Ts + 1 ) ( R1 + NR L ) + 1
( Department of Electrical Engineering,Naval University of Engineering,Wuhan 430033 ,China)
Abstract: In order to solve the problem of current balancing control of parallel inverters for lowvoltage largecurrent motor drive system,the masterslave vector control system of tracking the reference current is studied. Based on the circuit models and the control principles of motor current and circulating current,the masterslave control system of tracking the reference current was developed,and the current regulator was designed from the motor stability. The performances of the control system were verified by simulations and experiments. The results show that the motor current can be shared and has good dynamic characteristics. Key words: parallel inverters; motor drive; masterslave control; current sharing

逆变电源并联控制综述潘慧梅【摘要】The parallel of inverter power can improve power system's capacity,maintainability and redundancy,but design of main circuit and control method is more complex.This paper detailed the analysis of the inverter's main circuit with topology.including independent parallel systems,interactive parallel system,independent parallel of DC power inverter and parallel of common DC power,and their advantages and disadvantages. Aim to different topologycal main circuit,this paper introduced the relevant control method,which is of certain guidance for improving the stability and reliability of industrial automatic power and high-end inverter welding power system.%逆变器并联虽然能提高电源系统的容量、可维护性和可冗余度,但是其主电路设计和控制方法比单台逆变器复杂,基于此,详细综述了逆变器主电路的拓扑结构.在主电路结构中,分别介绍了独立并联系统、交互并联系统、独立直流电源逆变器并联和共用直流电源并联的主电路结构,同时分别介绍了各自的优缺点,针对不同的主电路拓扑电路,介绍了相应的控制方法.对提高工业自动化电源、高端焊接逆变电源系统的稳定性和可靠性具有一定的参考价值.【期刊名称】《电焊机》【年(卷),期】2011(041)005【总页数】4页(P22-25)【关键词】逆变电源;并联;直流电源;拓扑电路;控制【作者】潘慧梅【作者单位】攀枝花学院电气信息工程学院,四川攀枝花617000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM71随着电力电子技术不断的发展,逆变电源并联广泛应用于工业自动化、军工以及船舶等高端设备系统中。

综合式(1.6)、式(1.8)和式(1.9),可将逆变器侧电感 L1 的大小表示为 (1.10)
1.4 设计结果
额定有功功率 Pn=100 kW,电网线电压有效值 Us=380 V,开关频率 =12 kHz。 利用 1.3 节中的滤波器设计方法,对 LCL 滤波器参数进行优化设计。
取 λ=1%,由式(6)计算得 Cf=21.9 µF。 取 µ=0.05,采用 1.3 节的优化方法 k 取 11 时总电感量最小,h=240。 将 Cf、k 代入式(8)、式(10)得 L2 =0.088 mH, L1=0.035 mH。
对逆变器的控制通常分为电压控制和电流控制。采用电压控制时, 如果逆变器输 出电压相位与电网电压不一致, 将会有环流出现, 而且并网后, 交流侧只能检测电网电 压而不能有效地控制输出电压的变化。如果逆变器的输出采用电流控制, 则只需控制逆 变器的输出电流以跟踪电网电压, 即可达到并联运行的目的。由于其控制方法相对简单, 因此使用比较广泛。鉴于以上原因, 光伏并网逆变器一般都采用电压源输入、电流源输 出的控制方式。
与 L 型滤波器相比,LCL 滤波器是利用了电感与电容对不同频率分量所呈现阻 抗的差异性的特点,滤波器增加了滤波电容 Cf 和网侧滤波电感 L2,高频情况下电感 支路的阻抗大,而电容支路阻抗则小,引入 L2 和 Cf 后可对含有高次谐波的逆变器桥 输出电流 进行并联阻抗分流,滤波电容 Cf 为高频部分提供低阻通路,从而有效降 低注入电网电流 中的谐波电流分量。
电流谐波衰减与两侧电感量比值的变化关系。但参数设计过程中需要首先给定两侧电感 量合适的比值,否则将不能保证满足所有的约束条件,需重新给定两侧电感量的比值。 文献[4]提出了利用滤波电容吸收的无功功率设计滤波电容、利用纹波电流限制条件设计 逆变器侧电感、利用开关频率处电流衰减率要求设计两侧电感比值的 LCL 型滤波器的 参数设计方法,并且分析了阻尼电阻对系统稳定性的影响。

流电压幅值不一定为 Um,振荡器电路必须有衰减 振荡或自激振荡到 Um 的过程。当振荡器电路电压 幅值高于 Um 时,SR 模块工作于电阻状态,系统衰 减振荡。当振荡器电路电压幅值低于 Um 时,SR 模 块工作于电流源状态,且要求 SR 模块发出的能量
大于电阻 ROS 消耗的能量,系统自激振荡。 文献[11]处理振荡器自激振荡的方法是让图 3
(a) SR 模块作用于受控电流源模式
(b) SR 模块作用于可控电阻模式
图 2 振荡器电路结构
Fig. 2 Circuit structure of oscillator
设 gSR 为 SR 模块的等效电导值,则 gSR 的大 小为
gSR = iSR / uO
设图 2(b)的 iSR 的方向为参考正方向,若式(3) 中 iSR 的方向与参考方向相同,则 gSR > 0,SR 模块 体现为电阻性质;反之 gSR < 0,SR 模块体现为负 阻性质。图 3 为 SR 模块受控于输出电压 uO 的函数 模型[11]。从 SR 模块的函数图像可以得出,当振荡
duO (t) dt
(GOS dt
)uO (t)]
uO (t)
整理式(5),可得到 SR 模块分别工作于电阻状 态和电流源状态的振荡器系统微分方程如下:
d2uO (t) dt 2
duO (t) dt
+ uO


毕 业 论 文课 题 急于逆变器并联运行及其控制技术的设计学生姓名毛卧龙 院 部电气工程系 专业班级电气工程及其自动化(2)班 指导教师 朱珠二 ○ 一 四 年 五 月铜陵学院毕业论文(设计)摘要逆变电源的并联能够能够把复杂的大容量的供电变为现实,是逆变技术现在需要着力发展的去向。
关键词:逆变器;输出滤波器;逆变电源;环流毛卧龙:逆变器并联运行及其控制技术的设计AbstractThe parallel power supply can change the complex large capacity into reality, and it is the destination of the development of the inverter technology.. Parallel inverter technology can expand capacity, which greatly increases the flexibility of the system, and can reduce the volume of power supply system to reduce the weight loss. So the reliability of the system is enhanced and the power density of the system is also increased.. So now many scientists and researchers are working on the use of multi inverters parallel technology to increase the capacity of power supply, making each power supply module load power is smaller, makes these modules in flowing through the inverter main switch current variable low current stress decreases, so as to increase the reliability, reduce the capital equipment, increase the powerdensity, flexible composition of a variety of power capacity.Because the quality of the inverter can also affect the parallel system performance is good or bad, so this paper I first from how to design the inverter start relates to mathematical modeling and filter design and control parameter settings, etc. some knowledge. In this thesis, the design of inverter and some problems in parallel system are analyzed and some solutions are also made.. Of course, our main research or circulation and its elimination method these aspects, and launched a systematic explanation, in the results of the study show parallel inverter system can eliminate the differential base of circulation. The results show that because of the various modules in parallel electrical sense current to follow the consent given. At this time, the filter capacitor is the primary factor affecting the circulation, and the influence of current feedback coefficient is also subsequently.Key words:inverter; output filter; inverter power supply;circulation目录摘要 (I)插图清单:........................................................................................................................................................ I II 第1章绪论 ............................................................................................................................................. - 1 -1.1逆变技术的研究背景................................................................................................................. - 1 -1.2逆变技术的发展方向................................................................................................................. - 1 -1.3主要研究内容................................................................................................................................ - 1 - 第2章逆变器的基本概念和逆变器的设计 ..................................................................................... - 2 -2.1现代逆变技术概述 ..................................................................................................................... - 2 -2.1.1逆变的概念和分类 .......................................................................................................... - 2 -2.1.2 逆变控制技术 ................................................................................................................... - 2 -2.1.3 逆变技术的应用.............................................................................................................. - 3 -2.2 逆变的目的和优越性................................................................................................................. - 4 -2.2.1逆变的目的....................................................................................................................... - 4 -2.2.2 使用逆变技术的好处 ..................................................................................................... - 4 -2.3逆变器主电路的建模 ................................................................................................................ - 4 -2.4 滤波器设计.................................................................................................................................. - 6 -2.5控制电路的设计 ......................................................................................................................... - 8 -2.5.1电流内环的设计.............................................................................................................. - 8 -2.5.2 电压外环的设计.............................................................................................................. - 9 -第3章逆变电源并联原理 .................................................................................................................. - 11 -3.1逆变电源并联原理.................................................................................................................... - 11 -3.2串联限流电感均流的技术......................................................................................................- 13 -3.3有功和无功功率的控制方法 ................................................................................................- 13 -3.4主从模块法 .................................................................................................................................- 15 -第4章总结与展望................................................................................................................................- 17 -4.1设计总结 ..................................................................................................................................- 17 -4.2设计展望...................................................................................................................................- 17 -致谢 ....................................................................................................................................................- 18 -参考文献: ................................................................................................................................................- 19 -铜陵学院毕业论文(设计)插图清单:图2- 1 主电路的拓扑结构................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。


关键词:多逆变器并联;下垂控制;下垂系数;自愈能力;小信号模型中图分类号:TM72文献标识码:ADOI :10.19457/j.1001-2095.dqcd20125Abstract:When multiple inverters are connected in parallel ,in order to solve the problem of frequency and voltage overstepping caused by the limited capacity of primary frequency and voltage regulation in traditional droop control ,an improved droop control strategy with self-healing ability was proposed.By properly increasing the no-load frequency and no-load voltage ,the difference between the actual output power and the expected power of the inverter was used to adjust the droop coefficient through the integral link ,so as to realize the self-healing of frequency and voltage.On this basis ,the influence of droop coefficient on power distribution was analyzed.By sharing the power change information of the reference inverter and setting the integral coefficient according to the capacity ratio ,the droop coefficient of different inverters was controlled to be proportional at different times ,and the precise distribution of active and reactive power among inverters with different capacities was realized while the frequency and voltage self-heal was realized.The small signal modeling of the system was established ,and the influence of the controller parameters on the system stability was analyzed by the root locus method.Finally ,simulation and experimental results verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed strategy.Key words:multiple inverters in parallel ;droop control ;droop coefficient ;self-healing ability ;small signal model作者简介:刘勇(1976—),男,硕士,副教授,Email :Multi -inverter Power Distribution Control Based on Improved Droop Control LIU Yong 1,LIU Peng 1,PAN Hongbin 1,YANG Jian 2,HE Shengguo 1,LEI Yanke 1(1.College of Information Engineering ,Xiangtan University ,Xiangtan 411105,Hunan ,China ;2.Shenghong Shenzhen Electric Co.,Ltd.,Shenzhen 518000,Guangdong ,China )微网作为未来多种微源组网运行的一种趋势,越来越多地被人们关注,为可再生能源的利用开辟了新的途径[1-2]。

目前,实现逆变器并联运行的几类典型方法有:1 自整步法[1][2][3]并联系统中各模块是等价的,没有专门的控制模块。

摘 要 :传统 的 逆变器 并联 控制 方案 中各 个模 块相互 之 间存在 连线 。随 着模 块数 目的 增加 和模块 间距 离 的增
大, 各个 模 块之 间 的信 号容 易受 到 干扰 。根 据逆 变器 弗联 运 行 的原理 , 文分 析 了几 种 逆 变器 并联 的 控制 方 该 案, 比较 了几种 常见 的 P Q下 垂法 的优 缺 点 , 一步研 究 了无 互联 线 逆变 器并 联控 制策 略 , 进 介绍 了一 种 更 加适 合 光 伏并 网 系统 的无 置联 线逆 变 器并联 控 制方 案 , 方 案考 虑 了并 网线 路 电阻 以及谐 波 的影 响 , 该 提高 了系统 的动态 响应 能力 。通 过仿 真验证 了此 方案 的 可行性 。 关键 词 : 光伏并 网 ; 变器 并联 ;Q法 逆 P
m e h d t k s i t a co n i t o a e no c u to gr f d-c ne t d l e r ss a c n h pa a r  ̄csM e wh l, lo i pr v s t e d n on c e i e it n e a d t e i n m ct f o hr no an i i as m et o e h y am i c
中 图分 类 号 :M 6 T 44
文 献 标 识 码 : A
文 章 编 号 :0 300 ( 1)50 1— 4 10 - 172 1 -0 lo 0 0
Abs r ct T ad t aln e t rp r l n r l c em e hchha e t o ne t n a o g e h m o l i h n r as n t e n J — ta : r ion v re a al co to h i i el s sw i v he c n c i m n ac due W t t e i c e e i h L o h m be fmodue nd t e i c e s h sa ce a o g m o l , e sgn s a o g e ch m o l e v l r bl o s fe t re — ro ls a h n r a eso t e dit n m n f duest i al m n a h due 8r une a e t u ri e f r n e ceAcc r n t h rn i e o a al e  ̄ i n o n re st i p ay s s v r lpa a lliv t r c t c e e a d n o dig o t e p i cpl f p r l op r o ive t r , s pa eran lz e e a r l n er on r s h m s.n el f h e e ol c m p r dv n a s a d s d an a esof e e al o n onPQ o  ̄ h dsFu e .t y ft o to e hn l y o ar l o a esa a t ge n dia v t g v r r m s c dr op m o , Rh rsud s o he c n r l c oog fp al t el

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Recently, the use of critical loads such as computers, medical equipment, process controllers, and data processing systems has steadily increased. These critical loads are sensitive to voltage variations and other power quality related problems. Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) systems that can supply reliable power to critical loads during power quality events are one of the most popular solutions used in dealing with power quality problems [1]. UPS systems are used in parallel configuration frequently to increase total power capacity of the system or to secure a higher reliability at critical loads [2] [3]. During parallel operation, the load sharing control to maintain the current balance is critical. The load sharing is very sensitive to differences between each UPS module such as amplitude/phase difference, line impedance, and output LC filter. Various methods of parallel operation to increase the total capacity rating and reliability have been researched, including power deviation compensation, voltage/frequency droop method and instantaneous modulation control [4] [5] [6]. However, in these methods, the output voltages of all the modules in parallel need to be synchronized exactly in frequency, phase and amplitude to guarantee identical equality of load sharing. Otherwise, the output current may contain reactive circular components, that is, circulating currents. This can result in decrease of system capability, malfunction and damage to the parallel operation system [7]. Thus, parallel operation schemes are difficult to implement and provide
expansion of the system. Another disadvantage is that these kinds of parallel operation methods could not be applied to UPS systems with different ratings. In this paper, a current sharing control strategy is introduced to solve some of the existing problems with conventional parallel operation. The system consists of a master and a slave UPS. The master UPS provides CVCF (constant voltage, constant frequency) output. The slave UPS added in parallel operation tracks and follows the current reference acquired from the load current. If the slave UPS regulates the output voltage simultaneously with the master UPS without applying adequate controls that were mentioned previously, a circulation current will be generated due to the difference in amplitude and phase difference of the voltages of the master and slave UPS systems. However, this problem can be solved, if the slave UPS performs only current sharing control. This will allow parallel operation of UPS systems with different ratings. Values of parameters such as passive filters (L, C) for UPS systems are not identical for different rating. This affects current sharing and it is difficult to achieve precise current sharing between systems that are operated in parallel. To solve this problem a phase control algorithm is proposed If the master UPS fails during operation, the slave UPS can also control the output voltage by changing the operation mode from a current control to a voltage control within the operating limits of the slave UPS. Therefore, a higher reliability can be guaranteed. In this paper, general problems that need to be considered for parallel operation of UPS systems with different ratings are also presented. The solution is discussed in detail. II. GENERAL PROBLEMS OF PARALLEL OPERATION
A Master and Slave Control Strategy for Parallel Operation of Three-Phase UPS Systems with Different Ratings
Woo-Cheol Lee, Taeck-Ki Lee Sang-Hoon Lee, Kyung-Hwan Kim, Dong-Seok Hyun Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering HanKyong National University HanYang University AnSung, Kyonggi-do, Korea Seoul, Korea woocheol@hnu.hankyong.ac.kr sanghoon@ihanyang.ac.kr Abstract— Parallel operation of UPS system has been used to increase power capacity of the system or to secure reliable supply of power to critical loads. During parallel operation, load sharing control to maintain the current balance is critical for reliable operation, since load sharing is very sensitive to differences in components of each module such as amplitude /phase difference, line impedance, and output LC filters. To solve these problems various control algorithms have been researched. However, these methods cannot be applied to UPS systems with different ratings. For this case, master and slave control algorithms for parallel operation is adequate. If the ratings of UPS systems are different, the value of passive LC filters will be different, and it will affect current sharing. This paper presents the general problems associated with parallel operation of UPS systems, and control strategy for parallel operation with different ratings. The validity of the proposed control strategy is investigated through simulation and experiment with two UPS systems. Keywords-component; Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), Parallel Operation, Load-sharing Control In-Young Suh Power&Industrial Systems R&D Center Hyosung Corporation Seoul, Korea iysuh@