



丝路视野从功能对等理论的视角看英语经济新闻的汉译李贝龙 魏 羽(成都信息工程大学银杏酒店管理学院,四川 成都 611743)【摘要】本文基于功能对等理论,以英语经济新闻为例,目的在于研究功能对等理论在英语经济新闻汉译中的应用。




















关键词:新闻翻译;功能对等理论;翻译技巧1 功能对等理论在简单陈述翻译的功能对等理论之前,作者在此先表达对翻译的理解。








2 新闻英语随着信息时代的到来,新闻在文化传播及实时交流方面起着很大作用。





例如:“In the latest move, the People's Liberation Army of China will be organized into five new "strategic zones" in place of the original seven military regions. ”本句中,仅仅简单陈述了中国军队改革的新闻事实,言简意赅。
















例如,“The stock market is volatile today”(今天股市波动很大)可以翻译成“今天股市的波动很大”。




比如,在描述股市行情时,英语中常用“upside down”表示下跌趋势,而中文则用“一片绿”表示同样的意思。






功能对等理论视角下的时事新闻英语翻译研究1. 引言1.1 研究背景The background of this research lies in the increasing importance of cross-cultural communication in today's globalized world. With the rapid development of technology and the internet, news is now being disseminated worldwide inreal-time, making accurate and effective translation crucial. In the field of news translation, English is often the dominant language used, leading to the need for efficient and reliable translation methods.1.2 研究意义The significance of research on the perspective of the Functionalist Equivalence Theory in the translation of current events in English lies in its potential to provide a more accurate and culturally sensitive representation of news from different languages and cultures. By understanding the principles and concepts of the Functionalist Equivalence Theory, translators can better assess the relevance and impact of news events in different contexts and communicate effectively with audiences around the world. This research also holds the key to improvingcross-cultural communication and promoting global understanding, as it enables translators to bridge the gap between different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Ultimately, the study of the Functionalist Equivalence Theory in the translation of current events in English serves as a critical tool for promoting intercultural dialogue, fostering mutual respect, and encouraging cooperation and collaboration among people from diverse backgrounds.2. 正文2.1 功能对等理论概述According to Function Equivalence Theory, translation should not only consider the linguistic elements of the source text but also take into account its intended purpose and effect on the target audience. This means that the translator needs to adapt the message to suit the cultural norms, linguistic conventions, and rhetorical strategies of the target language in order to achieve functional equivalence.2.2 时事新闻英语翻译特点分析时事新闻英语翻译具有独特的特点,需要翻译人员对新闻文本进行准确、及时、简洁、生动的传达。



社会科学功能对等理论视角下的时事新闻英语翻译探究梁海波(唐山职业技术学院,河北 唐山 063000)摘 要:时事新闻英语的主要特点体现在它的专业性上。




































如译为:It is really not easy for the foreigner,who does not know Chinese,to have traveled much of China.[2]在这里,斜体的who是一个关系代词,在中文中不需要,可是在英文里却必不可少。

所以形合注重的是显性接应(overt cohesion),以形显义;意合注重的是隐形连贯(covert cohesion),以意统形。





论功能对等理论在财经新闻标题翻译中的应用作者:赵冉昕来源:《青年文学家》2015年第02期摘 ;要:随着全球化进程的不断深入,英语财经新闻作为一种“硬新闻”越来越起着举足轻重的作用和受到人们的关注。




[中图分类号]:H059 ;[文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2015)-02--01前言当今社会的发展越来越倾向于全球一体化和国际化,所以国际性的新闻也日益成为许多人了解有价值资讯的重要窗口。































【关键词】功能对等理论、新闻翻译、应用方法、挑战、实践案例、启示、重要性、未来发展、总结1. 引言1.1 功能对等理论在新闻翻译中的应用功能对等理论在新闻翻译领域扮演着重要的角色,它强调在翻译过程中要保持原文和译文在功能上的对等,而不是形式上的对等。








2. 正文2.1 功能对等理论概述功能对等理论是翻译理论中的重要概念之一,它将翻译看作是在不同语言文化系统之间进行信息传递的过程。









【关键词】新闻翻译、功能对等理论、应用方法、局限性、挑战、实际应用意义、发展方向1. 引言1.1 新闻翻译的重要性新闻翻译在当今社会中扮演着至关重要的角色。











1.2 功能对等理论在新闻翻译中的作用功能对等理论在新闻翻译中的作用非常重要,它可以帮助翻译人员更好地理解和传达新闻信息,确保所翻译的内容准确传达原文的意义和信息。








本文通过对《经济学人》期刊文章Meet the new boss 的译文分析,发现新闻翻译具有灵活变通的特点。



1 功能对等理论简述及其在新闻翻译中的可行性功能对等理论由美国人尤金·A·奈达(Eugene Nida)提出,所谓“功能对等”,就是说翻译时不求文字表面的死板对应,而要在两种语言间达成功能上的对等。






2 《经济学人》新闻特点《经济学人》从内容上看,文章类型题材广泛,专题报道上有其自己的立场和观点,同时也具有综合新闻事实的分析。






关键词:新闻英语功能翻译理论新闻汉英Translation from Chinese to English in Journalismfrom the Perspective of Fuctional TranslationAbstract: Chinese to English translation in journalism plays an important role in communicating cultures. Therefore, it is a crucial part to translate journalistic articles. Based on the fundamental theories of functional translation, this paper combines functional translation and journalistic translation on the basis of characteristics of journalistic articles. Functional translation provides counter theoretical basis for C-E translation in journalism. Based on the theory, this paper comes up with some translation strategies, such as delete translation, amplification, interpretation, adaptation and so on.Key Words: Journalistic English; Functional Translation; Chinese to English Translation in Journalism一、新闻英语的特点及其翻译中的跨文化意识新闻,通俗地讲就是社会生活中新近发生的事,它包括政治、经济、文化、体育、教育、卫生、科技、农业、军事等方面。


Manyscholarsat home and abroad have proposed various translation theories in the process of idioms translating, and Nida’s functionalequivalence translationtheory is much flexible in dealing with the target language and source language in translating because of basing on functionalequivalence. Additionally, the theory also considers thereceptorin the target language, providing a new perspective for Nida’s translation theory. And the thesis will discuss thetranslation of idioms from English to Chinese, Chinese to English based on Nida’s functionalequivalence. The idioms to be discussed in the paper will bedefinedin broad, including set phrases, common sayings, proverbs, allusions, etc. It is hoped that themisunderstandingand mistranslation of idioms can be reduced through comprehensively idioms study,meanwhile, it will help us to learn the excellent cultures in English and Chinese nations to promote intercultural communication in the world.However, due to the different cultural systems between the east and the west, Chinese and English idioms have similarities and obvious differences in meanings and expression forms. So in the real intercultural communication there will surely appear misunderstanding, culture conflict, even hatred among people from different regions and countries, leading the failure of intercultural communication among different nations.



2021年38期总第582期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS【摘要】新闻翻译在外宣工作中举足轻重。



【关键词】新闻翻译;双语新闻;功能对等【Abstract】 News translation is a vital part of foreign publicity. This study, with Nida's Functional Equivalence Theory, gives a detailed analysis of the bilingual news from China Daily(2020). It includes four aspects: vocabulary, syntax, discourse and style and explores the application of the theory in news translation. The investigation indicates that the bilingual news basically achieves the functional equivalence in translation.【Key words】news translation; bilingual news; Functional Equivalence【作者简介】王辰(1998-),女,汉族,山东济南人,齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院),外国语学院(国际教育学院),翻译专业在读本科生;(通讯作者)赵康雯,齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院),外国语学院(国际教育学院),讲师。


Research on English-Chinese Translation of Attributive Clause in Business English
Study on Strategies of Learning the New Words in Business EnglishReading
Interpersonal Function of Hedges in Commercial Advertising Discourse
A Study of Interpersonal Meaning in Business
English Letters of Claims
A Study of the Interlanguage Error Analysis in Business English Writing
A Study on the Ambiguity in Business Contract from the Perspective of Transformation—generative Grammar and Disambiguation Strategies
Research on the Application of Passive Construction in English Business Correspondence and Its Translation Strategies






















功能对等翻译理论在商务英语中的应用—以金融英语翻译为例摘要: 金融英语翻译,作为接触西方最新的金融资讯的桥梁,在经济生活中起到的作用越来越大。




关键词:商务英语翻译,金融英语翻译,功能对等The Application of Functional Equivalence Theory in Business English: A Case Study of Financial EnglishAbstract: Financial English translation, as the bridge of the latest information between Western and China’s financial markets, is playing an increasingly important role in economic activities. Nida's functional equivalence theory has been widely used in the study of business English translation. Although studies on the application of that theory in the translation of financial English remain relatively limited, the study on other business English translation is still valuable for reference. The initial purpose of this essay is to summarize the former study on functional equivalence theory and its application in business English translation. Then the examples of financial English translation will be carefully cited and explored to show the significance of functional equivalence in practice.Key words: business English, financial English, functional equivalenceContent1. Introduction (1)1.1 Definition of functional equivalen ce (1)1.1.1 Lexical equivalence (1)1.1.2 Sentence equivalence (1)1.1.3 Passage equivalence (2)1.1.4 Style equivalence (2)1.2 The development of functional equivalence theory (2)2. Features of financial Englis h translation (2)2.1 Definition of financial English (3)2.2 Features of financial English texts (3)2.2.1 Meaning of words (4) Oneness of meaning (4) Antonyms (4) Hyponymy (5) Conventional use of words (5)2.2.2 Forms of words (5) Simplicity of words and the frequent use of abbreviations (5) Large quantity of derivates and new expressions (6)2.3 Requirements of financial English T ranslation (6)3. Functional equivalence theory in the financial English translation (6)3.1 The guiding significance of functional equivalence theory in financial English Translation (6)3.1.1 Lexical equivalence: insist on literal translation in the case of professional words (7)3.1.2 Passage equivalence: grasp the special meaning in the whole context (7)3.2 Strategies of application of functional equivalence theory in translation practice (7)4. Application of functional equivalence in financial English (8)4.1 Application in dealing with specialized vocabulary (8)4.2 Application in dealing with meaning in different contexts (9)4.3 Application in dealing with conventional expressions (9)4.4 Application in dealing with new expressions (10)5. Conclusion (10)6. Suggestions (11)References (12)The Application of Functional Equivalence Theory in Business English: A Case Study of Financial English Translation1. IntroductionWith the gradual opening of china’s financial market, a great number of financial English words also flow into Chinese people’s life. An accurate and standard translation is in need. Nevertheless, the reality turns out disappointing. Take banks for example, confusing translated names of business exists and varies in the main commercial banks of the country. “Subjectively, major banks do not pay attention to the translation of financial English and the international unity; the translator has poor professional knowledge in both finance and translation”, said Fu (2013). Therefore, an instructive theory has to be implemented in this field. Functional Equivalence Theory, with its emphasis on the receptors understanding as well as the original text, will serve as an ideal solution. In this section, the definition of Nida’s functional equivalence theory will be described in details, and the development of this theory will also be shown.1.1 Definition of functional equivalenceAt the core of Nida’s translation theory is the conception of Functional Equivalence. Rather than a literal identity, this idea requires achieving of equivalence on function, which means the meaning and the style of the translation must be the closest equivalent to that of the original language. Generally, functional equivalence includes the following four aspects: lexical equivalence, sentence equivalence, passage equivalence and style equivalence.1.1.1 Lexical equivalenceThe meaning of a word is on its use in the language. In translation practices, a major problem we face is to find out the meanings of the specific words in the target language. Lexical equivalence in English-Chinese translation contained five situations: literal equivalence, synonyms, polysemy, meaning interwoven and no-equivalents. Among these, exactly equal in translation is most likely to be achieved whileinvolving professional and technical terms. Although between two languages, no meanings of the two words are exactly the same, but we can use different forms of language to express the same meaning.1.1.2 Sentence equivalenceIn translation between English and Chinese, the most apparent problem is dealing with gender, plural and tenses consistent. Therefore, the translator should not only be clear whether there is such structure in the target language, but also to understand when and where the structure can be used.1.1.3 Passage equivalenceDiscourse is a unit of language. Thus when we are analyzing discourse, we do not simply analyze the language itself, but we view the words from the perspective of what meaning or, function they reflect in the specific context. Passage equivalence consists of three levels: context, environment and intellectual background.1.1.4 Style equivalenceDue to the difference between the source and the target language, the styles of these two languages are quite different, which requires the translator to master in both languages in order to reflect the authentic style of the original one. In addition, the difference in style of the work means the difference in cultural factors, so one has to take full account of cultural differences between different works on different subjects.1.2 The development of functional equivalence theoryIn his book The New Edition of Nida’s Translation Theory, Tan(1999) outlined the development of Nida’s functional equivalence in translation. Eugene Nida's functional equivalence theory originated from his translation practice of the Bible. As the translator of the Bible, Nida believed translation was to faithfully convey the Christian doctrine and, to make the receptors (readers of the translated version) and the readers of the original language feel the same way. Zhu (2010) said the first term Nida had used was "dynamic equivalence". Nida defined the idea in this way: readers of a translation work should react basically the same as readers of the original version. “Due to a huge disparity in both cultural and historical background, these two groups of readers can rarely achieve the goal of basically the s ame” Nida and Taber (1969)said, “however, there exists a maximum degree of similar reaction, and otherwise, this translation fails to reach its purpose”. Nida(1993) later replaced "dynamic equivalence" with the new expression “functional equivalence", and pointed out that there were no substantial differences between the content of the new expression and the former one. He adopted the substitution simply because “functional” better indicated that translation was a form of communication which “focused on th e content and result of the translation”.2. Features of financial English translationBusiness English, which is a language requirement for people in the working situations, involves all aspects of business activity. It differs greatly from general English, especially in vocabulary, since its broader vocabulary is related to every area of business, including economic and trade, logistics, management, marketing, finance and other fields. One significant feature of business English translation is that it requires the translator something more than English using ability. That is, in translation one has to integrate his business knowledge into his language ability, to convey readers the Western ideas of management, their working psychologies, and even how to deal with foreigners in professional settings, the way to work with them, their working methods, their living habits and so on. To some extends these are included in the concept of culture. Financial English belongs to business English, thus it shares most f eatures of business English. What’s more, financial English has its unique characteristics. In this section, the author will first define financial English, and then, the special features of financial English are discussed. At the end of this section, the impact of these special features on the requirement for financial English translators will be stated and analyzed.2.1 Definition of financial EnglishThe special features of financial English, which is quite different from other business English topics, can rarely be analyzed alone without taking finance activities into concern. The study of finance is a branch of economics, which means comparing with other business activities, more quantitative models will be involved in finance. Like CAPM, Capital Asset Pricing Model, can hardly be avoided in the fieldinvestment, as well as in the translation of this field. In addition, new field in finance is emerging in China, and it is foreseeable that more changes which firstly took place in the western world will be introduced to China. The former topics about the finance were corporate finance and valuation, corporate finance governance and securities investments. Nevertheless, after the financial crisis, 2008, a new trend of risk management is starting to get more attention from the market. The new field will definitely bring new vocabulary in the field. Besides, in 2014, China has its own derivatives business. Since derivatives have long been studied and developed in the western world, a large amount of translations are required because China is still in the first stage of the derivatives market.More than those “professional” characteristics, financial English is also unique for its coverage of a wide range of fields. Some of these fields are in covered by other topics in business English, like logistics, advertising and marketing. However, sometimes the filed is totally not a business thing, like legal English, journalism English. As we can see, financial English is actually more than letters of guarantees or bond-issues, it is a branch of business English which concentrates on a complex field. According to former studies and the author’s observations, financial English is similar as general business English for they both try to convey business ideas, while financial English is more professional, more abstract. In the next part of this section, specific features of financial English texts will be analyzed.2.2 Features of financial English textsFeng (2007) summarized the features of financial English texts. He general came up with the following six points: wide use of professional vocabulary and professional terminology; specific use of professional expressions in financial English; more proper nouns; frequent use of abbreviations; same words with different meanings in deferent contexts due to the strong match-up capacity of core words; a large quantity of derivates and new expressions. Cui (2013) pointed out that professional financial English has its professional features. Cui summed up the following six points: one ness of words’ meanings, antonyms, hyponymy, simplicity of words, conventional use of words, newly emerging expressions. While so many features are listed, theycan be classified into to categories: the meaning of words and, the form of words. Examples will be cited to discuss these features.2.2.1 Meaning of words2.2.1.1 Oneness of meaningFinancial English’s “uniqueness” lies in two aspects. One is each term represents one specific concept in finance and no other word can be used in substitution to that term. For example, in English “the credit standing” (current situation of one’s credit), the word “position” cannot be used to replace the word “standing” though basically they are of the same meaning; in “standby credit” , one shall not use a “spare” for “standby”.Second is a term, even if it is a polysemous word, can keep only one explanation in financial English. For example, in “listed company” (a company that appear on the stock market), the “list” is explained and, can only be explained, as “appear o n the stock market” though in other text the word may mean “lists of items”, “lists of people in mind”, "columns on the table", etc. . In translation, the translator should pay special attention to special expression of single meaning in financial English vocabulary. AntonymsAntonym means words referring to meanings that are contradictory, conflicting or interrelated. It is a couple of words which express the concepts that are contradicted or associated in logic. There are three types of antonyms. One is gradable antonym, which means a pair of words with opposite meanings where the two meanings lie on a continuous spectrum. One is complementary antonym which means a pair of words with opposite meanings but do not lie on a continuous spectrum. The final one is relational antonym, which means a pair of words with opposite meanings, where opposite makes sense only in the context of the relationship between the two meanings.In financial English, we can see a lot of pairs of words that can be count into the three types mentioned in the previous paragraph. Here are some examples of gradable and complementary antonyms.1. supply/demand2. shortage/surplus3. wage ceiling (the highest wage)/wage floor (the lowest wage)4. premium(the expected forward exchange rate overate the spot exchange rate)/discount5. inflation/deflation6. assets/liabilities7. bear market/bull marketIn addition, Associated words refers to the two corresponding words that are not necessarily to be exactly opposite in meaning, but apparently they do have opposite meanings while in comparison and association. It represents the concepts associated with each other. Here are some examples.1. fiscal policy (a conduction by the government to control the money value with open-market operation, tax, etc.)/monetary policy (the conduction of the government of directly adjusting the money supply and the amount of credit)2.capital market (the financial market which offers long-term,which is more than a year, securities or debt)/money market (the financial market with short-term, less than a year, financing)3.spot transaction/forward transaction4.preferred shares/ordinary shares5.current account (changes in net foreign assets)/capital account2.2.1.3. HyponymyHyponymy refers to the sense relation between more general, more inclusive word and a more specific word. The world which is more inclusive and explains the general concept is called the superordinate, while the more specific words are called its hyponyms. Hyponym is a process that classifies words with concepts. If we take “transaction” for the superordinate, then “deposit money”,“draw money”,“settle an account”,“honor a draft”,“accept stocks”,which are different phases of a transaction, can be viewed as hyponyms. Meanwhile, these words belongs to the same concept category are called co-hyponyms to each other. Conventional use of wordsSome words in the target language have been used since ancient time which finally forms a convention. The situation applies in financial industry. Some financial terms used in the ancient times are still working. For example, lease, bill, share and so on. In some cases, if one forcibly tries to change the well-established convention of a specific terminology, it will cause trouble. For example, “drawing advice” (invoice notifications) is used as a terminology in banking. If one tries to replace it with the word “counterfoil”, it seems correct literally. However, there is an essential difference between these two because “counterfoil” is used to describe the stub retained after a bill is drawn or torn off.2.2.2 Forms of words2.2.2.1 Simplicity of words and the frequent use of abbreviationsTypically, the system of financial English is clear, reliable and authoritative. It is a language that is used to manage the finance industry, to regulate the market, to resolve contradictory. It is tailed and explained by specialists and experts according to a fixed pattern of language. Therefore, under the premise of oneness of meaning and accuracy, financial English has the special feature of simplicity. One of the most obvious phenomena reflecting this feature is the wide use of abbreviations. For example,1. US$ for US Dollar2. VC for venture capital3. EPS for earnings per share4. FDI for foreign direct investment5. V AT for value added taxBut it is important to note that some acronyms will have different meanings in different contexts. For example: TSE can refer to Tokyo Stock Exchange as well as the Toronto Stock Exchange2.2.2.2 Large quantity of derivates and new expressionsWith the development of science and technology, new financial English words are emerging. Some of them are derivates of current-exist words. Some of them useblend. Some of the words are created specially to express the meaning. Here are some examples of new financial expressions.1. call option (purchase options)2. put option (selling option)3. future transaction4. E-bank (electronic banking)5. Cyber-trade (online transactions).2.3 Requirements of financial English TranslationSince finance English has so many special features which raise high requirement for translators, experts have made great effort in working out the standard of financial English translation. Gao (2005) pointed out that the special requirement for terminology translation is indirect, single, standardized. Though it can be applied in terminology translation, financial English has its own characteristics. Liang and Li (2014) put forward the requirements for financial English translators. That is, a decent translator should accurately grasp the exact meaning of financial English, as well as the influence of contexts. Chen (2002) proposed in his book Strategies and Techniques of Financial English translation the following principles of financial English translation: accuracy, that translators have to be in the right position, showing the right point of views, noticing conventional expressions; standardization, that vocabulary and sentences should meet syntax habits of the specific language, avoiding the appearance of Westernized Chinese; apt and vivid, that translators take the context in to account to appropriately process the central meaning, and avoid loss, dilution and even twist of the intent; correspondence of meaning, that sometimes English vocabulary can find its exact counterpart in Chinese , while sometimes they are only partially correspondent. While Chang (2002) referring to the principles and standards of business translation, he also said "the basic task of translation is not to convert from one language to another, but to convey meaning, content and information".3. Functional equivalence theory in the financial English translation3.1 The guiding significance of functional equivalence theory in financial English TranslationLiu Fang (2013) pointed out that Nida considered it necessary to comprehensively consider culture, specific language environment and the target audiences in order to make the translation understood and accepted by receptors. This is in line with Chang’s (2002) conclusions that business English translation is to convey information. Readers of financial English text are the parties in the transaction. In this circumstance, the accurate understanding of each other's intentions and principles is essential to ensure the success of financial activities. Thus functional equivalence theory, which takes the transmission of information as its primary purpose, is suitable and of guiding significance to financial English translation. For financial English, functional equivalence theory functions pretty well in the aspects of lexical equivalence and passage equivalence.3.1.1 Lexical equivalence: insist on literal translation in the case of professional wordsFinancial English is a relatively formal style. Its formality is mainly shown in the use of financial terms. Financial terms can be divided into two kinds, one is the proper nouns which is specifically created for, and will, in most cases, only appear in financial English. These financial terms themselves have specific meanings. In the meantime, an exact counterpart of the English word can be found in Chinese vocabulary. Therefore, it is suitable to translate it as its literal meaning instead of paraphrasing.No matter it is a noun or a verb, the translator should insist on literal translation as long as the meaning of the word is single, fixed and belongs to the finance industry only.3.1.2 Passage equivalence: grasp the special meaning in the whole contextThe other terminologies are not unique in financial English, which means they can appear in other English texts with different meanings. But in financial English, their meanings are spe cific and fixed. For example, the word “acquire” means get or make something in ordinary texts, but it means purchase and merger in the professional setting of finance. Another example is the word “policy”, it means insurance (sometimes used as “policy of insurance) in financial English.3.2 Strategies of application of functional equivalence theory in translation practiceAs mentioned in section two, financial English is part of business English, thus they share many commons in translation. So studies on business English translation with functional equivalence can be borrowed in the translation of financial English. Wen (2014) talked about equivalence in two aspects of business translation: First, the semantic equivalence. First of all is the equivalence of vocabulary, especially professional vocabulary in translation; following is the sentence equivalence, which is to grasp its structure when complex sentences appear in business English translation. In addition, in the process of translation, reciprocity of the whole context is most likely to be neglected. It’s required to grasp the meaning of sentences in the setting of the whole article; Second, the style equivalence. Business English, financial English, particularly, emphasizes on practice. Its use shows the special feature of the industry.Shi (2014) viewed the application of the theory from the perspective of business letters. She also proposed the idea of cultural equivalence. In her view, the principle of equivalence in business translation is reflected in the following three areas: Authentic language and semantic equivalence. V ocabulary is the basis and prerequisite for the translation work. You must understand the meaning of every single word in order to more accurately convey the commercial information, to achieve functional equivalence; appropriate sentence and cultural equivalence. Note in particular that Chinese letters often contain expressions of modesty, and this expression is not that common in the English language; distinctive style and emotional equivalence. Business translation focuses more on strong descriptive or textual style and is seldom involved with personal emotions; such business translation may be successful.Financial English has its unique features. In 2011, Wang specialized in the application of equivalence theory in the translation of the financial English. Wang described the following 6 types of equivalence in translation in details: lexeme equivalence, that requires translator has professional quality and language sensitive to discover this kind of trap in translation, avoiding ambiguity; semantic equivalence,that requires flexibly modify the translation while dealing with different translation form and habits; equivalence of autonomies, that means use a couple of opposite things to indicate opposite financial concepts; style equivalence, that requires financial English translation to be simple but accurate, because information transmitted pretty fast in the financial market. In addition, the simplicity of style is also expected, which means some shared knowledge and the explanations of conventions can be omitted; equivalence of readers’ degree of acceptance, that requires translators to care more about receptors’ understanding of the connotation and extended meaning of the translation (which is supposed to be no less than that of readers using the original language) than showing professional; strategy of treating daily words’ new concepts in financial texts with equivalence, that means daily words, while used in financial English texts, may have a great change in their meanings.4. Application of functional equivalence in financial EnglishThere are plenty of researches on business English. Though these researches cover a large part where financial English and business English have in common, studies on financial English, especially the study on financial words translation under functional equivalence, remain limited. In this section, the author will try to use typical examples to illustrate how functional equivalence works in financial English.4.1 Application in dealing with specialized vocabularyThe example that is going to be analyzed is “hedge fund” and “PE”.The translation of “hedge fund” should be “对冲基金”. It can be translated just literally, for “hedge” is “回避”, and “fund” is “基金”. In investment, “回避” means reducing risk, and the professional Chinese for that is “对冲”. However, in some text we can also see hedge fund is translated into “私募基金”, and the word can easily be garbled with another term—PE. But surely these two are not the same in China’s financial market. Hedge fund is the opposite of mutual fund. Though hedge fund is “private”, it works on the secondary market while private equity, PE, aimin g at the basic level market.Then what is PE? The exact name of PE in China is “私募股权基金” On China’s financial market, PE aims at the private equity of a mature company which has arather big scale and can generate steady cash flow before the company is listed.Hedge fund involves securities and derivatives. Since China has just developed its derivatives market, there is currently no “real” hedge fund in China like that of the USA. The concept of hedge fund and PE are interwoven, but in basically they are not the same. In addition, the translator must notice that “私募基金” is a rather gener al idea which is the opposite of public offering. It is the superordinate of hedge fund and PE.In this case, the translator has to combine his knowledge and familiarity of China’s market to do good translation, which achieves lexical equivalence. Otherwis e, readers can easily get confused.4.2 Application in dealing with meaning in different contextsThe example the author is going to analyze is the word “liquidity”. The words appear frequently in financial English. In financial management, the word can be translated as “流动资金”. Broadly speaking, liquidity refers to the total amount of current assets, including cash, inventory, accounts receivable, securities, deposits and other projects. The more liquidity a company has, the more its ability to pay for short-term debt. Besides, since it’s of higher credit, the company can finance in the more easily with lower cost in the capital market.But in other fields, the word has to be translated into “流动性”. Here liquidity means :the ability to transfer a certain asset into cash at a reasonable price. It is the relationship between an investment of time (how long it needed to sell it) and the price (the discount comparing with the fair market value).Generally, the liquidity of cash is the largest, then deposits, securities and real estate.We cannot say the meanings of liquidity in these two situations are totally different since they both involve a much flexible way of money using. However, their meaning differs a lot from each other, and they are applied to different context. To translate the word accurately, the translator has to take the context into concern in order to achieve passage equivalence.4.3 Application in dealing with conventional expressions。

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二、功能对等理论动态对等的概念是尤金•奈达于20 世纪60 年代在《翻译科学探索》一书中提出的。











《经济学人》作为全球范围内阅读量最大的时尚杂志之一,是1843 年由詹姆士•威尔逊创办的杂志,设有商业、财经、科学与科技等板块,文章机智又不失幽默,用有力度的文字感染读者。




例1:The AI bloom: Lessons from history译文:AI 热潮:以史为鉴bloom 作为名词有“繁荣,兴旺”的意思,AI bloom 表示人工智能领域的兴盛发展。

AI 作为缩略语已经被大众广泛认识和接受,因此选择不译反而能百分百传递原文信息。

而“热潮”一词表示“蓬勃发展”,恰好能诠释标题中“AI 行业热火朝天的发展形势”的含义。

“AI bloom”译为“AI 热潮”不仅能最大限度地实现读者反映的一致,还遵循了简洁明了的原则。

“lesson from history”按字面意思直译为“吸取历史的教训”,而在汉语中恰好有四字词语能够表达“从历史中吸取经验教训”这层含义。





1. 术语的翻译《经济学人》作为国际上权威的财经类期刊,具有极强的专业性和技术性,文中含有大量的财经术语。


例2:What makes it famous is that it's built into every circle you see-circumference equals pi times diameter-not to mention a range of other unrelated context in nature,from the bell curve distribution to general relativity.译文:它之所以有名,是因为他内嵌于你所见到的每一个圆形中——周长等于兀乘以直径。


例2 的原文在解释说明为什么数学概念“兀”会如此有名。

其中“bell curve”和“general relativity”均为相关领域的术语。

bell curve 两个单词分别表示“铃,钟;铃声,钟声;钟状物”,curve 则有“曲线;弯曲”的意思。



可见,bell curve 是数学术语,固可采用汉语中的固有表达“钟型曲线”或“贝尔曲线”来表示。


相同地,“general relativity”的字面意思是“广泛相对论”,借助尝试与物理学知识可知,该词的术语翻译应为“广义相对论”。



2. 一词多义英语中一词多义现象频繁,很多日常词汇在不同语境下也会作为术语出现。

例如,stock 和share两个词平时有库存和分享的意思,而在金融领域,stock 表示“股票”,share 则有“股份”的意思,是很常见的金融术语。

再例如,credit 一词有“赞扬,信誉,声望”的意思,作为财经术语也有“信用,信贷,存款金额”等意思。


例如,claim 作为动词有“声称;索取;使丧生”等意思,作为名词有“声称,索赔,所有权”等含义。






1. 长难句的翻译《经济学人》作为财经类专业刊物,新闻中包含大量结构复杂、信息繁多的长句难句,其中的附加信息多以从句、修饰语、插入语等成分出现。


例2:A clear boundary between embracing new technologies on the one hand,and protecting workers on the other,has still to be drawn.译文:一方面要欣然接受新技术,另一方面要保护员工——两者之间的明确界限仍有划定。

本句主要探讨“平衡监视与隐私保护的关系”,主干是“a clear boundary has to be drawn”,即“某事有待被完成”。


on one hand 和on the other hand,指明了“拥抱新技术”和“保护员工”这两个矛盾对立的关系。




2. 被动句的处理被动与主动是英汉两种语言语体差异的重要方面,汉语习惯以人作主语,英语习惯以物作主语。





例3:Meanwhile,fishermen like Rennie are left in limbo.译文:像雷尼先生这样的渔民可陷入了困境。
