



外文参考文献译文及原文目录外文文献译文 (1)1.中国光伏发电的战略地位 (1)2.世界光伏产业现状和发展预测 (2)3.中国光伏发电市场和产业现状 (3)4.中国光复发电的市场预测和规划建议 (5)5.结论 (6)外文文献原文 (7)1.China's strategic position PV (7)2.The world's current situation and development of photovoltaic industryforecast (9)3.The Chinese PV market and industry statu s (10)4.China's PV market forecasting and planning proposals (13)5.Conclusions (15)外文文献译文1、中国光伏发电的战略地位1.1 中国的能源资源和可再生能源现状和预测;无论从世界还是从中国来看,常规能源都是很有限的,中国的一次能源储量远远低于世界的平均水平,大约只有世界总储量的10%。



根据欧洲JRC 的预测,到2030年太阳能发电将在世界电力的供应中显现其重要作用,达到10%以上,可再生能源在总能源结构中占到30%;2050 年太阳能发电将占总能耗的20%,可再生能源占到50%以上,到本世纪末太阳能发电将在能源结构中起到主导作用。


我国目前可再生能源的发展现状如下:水能:我国经济可开发的水能资源量为3.9 亿千瓦,年发电量1.7 万亿千瓦时,其中5 万千瓦及以下的小水电资源量为1.25 亿千瓦。



光伏发电逆变器毕业论文中英文资料外文翻译文献附录:文献翻译TMS320LF2407, TMS320LF2406, TMS320LF2402TMS320LC2406, TMS320LC2404, MS320LC2402DSP CONTROLLERSThe TMS320LF240x and TMS320LC240x devices, new members of the ‘24x family of digital signal processor (DSP) controllers, are part of the C2000 platform of fixed-point DSPs. The ‘240x devices offer the enhanced TMS320 architectural design of the ‘C2xx core CPU for low-cost, low-power, high-performance processing capabilities. Several advanced peripherals, optimized for digital motor and motion control applications, have been integrated to provide a true single chip DSP controller. While code-compatible with the existing ‘24x DSP controller devices, the ‘240x offers increased processing performance (30 MIPS) and a higher level of peripheral integration. See the TMS320x240x device summary section for device-specific features.The ‘240x family offers an array of memory sizes and different peripherals tailored to meet the specific price/performance points required by various applications. Flash-based devices of up to 32K words offer a reprogrammable solution useful for:◆Applications requiring field programmability upgrades.◆Development and initial prototyping of applications that migrate to ROM-baseddevices.Flash devices and corresponding ROM devices are fully pin-to-pin compatible. Note that flash-based devices contain a 256-word boot ROM to facilitate in-circuit programming.All ‘240x devices offer at least one event manager module which has been optimized for digital motor control and power conversion applications. Capabilities of this module include centered- and/or edge-aligned PWM generation, programmable deadband to prevent shoot-through faults, and synchronized analog-to-digital conversion. Devices with dual event managers enable multiple motor and/or converter control with a single ‗240x DSP controller.The high performance, 10-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) has a minimum conversion time of 500 ns and offers up to 16 channels of analog input. The auto sequencing capability of the ADC allows a maximum of 16 conversions to take place in a single conversion session without any CPU overhead.A serial communications interface (SCI) is integrated on all devices to provide asynchronous communication to other devices in the system. For systems requiring additional communication interfaces; the ‘2407, ‘2406, and ‘2404 offer a 16-bit synchronous serial peripheral interface (SPI). The ‘2407 and ‘2406 offer a controller area network (CAN) communications module that meets 2.0B specifications. To maximize device flexibility, functional pins are also configurable as general purpose inputs/outputs (GPIO).To streamline development time, JTAG-compliant scan-based emulation has been integrated into all devices. This provides non-intrusive real-time capabilities required to debug digital control systems. A complete suite of code generation tools from C compilers to the industry-standard Code Composerdebugger supports this family. Numerous third party developers not only offer device-level development tools, but also system-level design and development support.PERIPHERALSThe integrated peripherals of the TMS320x240x are described in the following subsections:●Two event-manager modules (EV A, EVB)●Enhanced analog-to-digital converter (ADC) module●Controller area network (CAN) module●Serial communications interface (SCI) module●Serial peripheral interface (SPI) module●PLL-based clock module●Digital I/O and shared pin functions●External memory interfaces (‘LF2407 only)●Watchdog (WD) timer moduleEvent manager modules (EV A, EVB)The event-manager modules include general-purpose (GP) timers, full-compare/PWM units, capture units, and quadrature-encoder pulse (QEP) circuits. EV A‘s and EVB‘s timers, compare units, and capture units function identically. However, timer/unit names differ for EV A and EVB. Table 1 shows the module and signal names used. Table 1 shows the features and functionality available for the event-manager modules and highlights EV A nomenclature.Event managers A and B have identical peripheral register sets with EV A starting at 7400h and EVB starting at 7500h. The paragraphs in this section describe the function of GP timers, compare units, capture units, and QEPs using EV A nomenclature. These paragraphs are applicable to EVB with regard to function—however, module/signal names would differ.Table 1. Module and Signal Names for EV A and EVBEVENT MANAGER MODULESEV AMODULESIGNALEVBMODULESIGNALGP Timers Timer 1Timer 2T1PWM/T1CMPT2PWM/T2CMPTimer 3Timer 4T3PWM/T3CMPT4PWM/T4CMPCompare Units Compare 1Compare 2Compare 3PWM1/2PWM3/4PWM5/6Compare 4Compare 5Compare 6PWM7/8PWM9/10PWM11/12Capture Units Capture 1Capture 2Capture 3CAP1CAP2CAP3Capture 4Capture 5Capture 6CAP4CAP5CAP6QEP QEP1QEP2QEP1QEP2QEP3QEP4QEP3QEP4External Inputs DirectionExternalClockTDIRATCLKINADirectionExternal ClockTDIRBTCLKINBGeneral-purpose (GP) timersThere are two GP timers: The GP timer x (x = 1 or 2 for EV A; x = 3 or 4 for EVB) includes:● A 16-bit timer, up-/down-counter, TxCNT, for reads or writes● A 16-bit timer-compare register, TxCMPR (double-buffered with shadow register), forreads or writes● A 16-bit timer-period register, TxPR (double-buffered with shadow register), forreads or writes● A 16-bit timer-control register,TxCON, for reads or writes●Selectable internal or external input clocks● A programmable prescaler for internal or external clock inputs●Control and interrupt logic, for four maskable interrupts: underflow, overflow, timercompare, and period interrupts● A selectable direction input pin (TDIR) (to count up or down when directionalup-/down-count mode is selected)The GP timers can be operated independently or synchronized with each other. The compare register associated with each GP timer can be used for compare function and PWM-waveform generation. There are three continuous modes of operations for each GP timer in up- or up/down-counting operations. Internal or external input clocks with programmable prescaler are used for each GP timer. GP timers also provide the time base for the other event-manager submodules: GP timer 1 for all the compares and PWM circuits, GP timer 2/1 for the capture units and the quadrature-pulse counting operations. Double-buffering of the period and compare registers allows programmable change of the timer (PWM) period and the compare/PWM pulse width as needed.Full-compare unitsThere are three full-compare units on each event manager. These compare units use GP timer1 as the time base and generate six outputs for compare and PWM-waveform generation using programmable deadband circuit. The state of each of the six outputs is configured independently. The compare registers of the compare units are double-buffered, allowing programmable change of the compare/PWM pulse widths as needed.Programmable deadband generatorThe deadband generator circuit includes three 8-bit counters and an 8-bit compare register. Desired deadband values (from 0 to 24 µs) can be programmed into the compare register for the outputs of the three compare units. The deadband generation can be enabled/disabled for each compare unit output individually. The deadband-generator circuit produces two outputs (with orwithout deadband zone) for each compare unit output signal. The output states of the deadband generator are configurable and changeable as needed by way of the double-buffered ACTR register.PWM waveform generationUp to eight PWM waveforms (outputs) can be generated simultaneously by each event manager: three independent pairs (six outputs) by the three full-compare units with programmable deadbands, and two independent PWMs by the GP-timer compares.PWM characteristicsCharacteristics of the PWMs are as follows:●16-bit registers●Programmable deadband for the PWM output pairs, from 0 to 24 µs●Minimum deadband width of 50 ns●Change of the PWM carrier frequency for PWM frequency wobbling as needed●Change of the PWM pulse widths within and after each PWM period as needed●External-maskable power and drive-protection interrupts●Pulse-pattern-generator circuit, for programmable generation of asymmetric,symmetric, and four-space vector PWM waveforms●Minimized CPU overhead using auto-reload of the compare and period registersCapture unitThe capture unit provides a logging function for different events or transitions. The values of the GP timer 2 counter are captured and stored in the two-level-deep FIFO stacks when selected transitions are detected on capture input pins, CAPx (x = 1, 2, or 3 for EV A; and x = 4, 5, or 6 for EVB). The capture unit consists of three capture circuits.Capture units include the following features:●One 16-bit capture control register, CAPCON (R/W)●One 16-bit capture FIFO status register, CAPFIFO (eight MSBs are read-only, eightLSBs are write-only)●Selection of GP timer 2 as the time base●Three 16-bit 2-level-deep FIFO stacks, one for each capture unit●Three Schmitt-triggered capture input pins (CAP1, CAP2, and CAP3)—one input pinper capture unit. [All inputs are synchronized with the device (CPU) clock. In order fora transition to be captured, the input must hold at its current level to meet two risingedges of the device clock. The input pins CAP1 and CAP2 can also be used as QEPinputs to the QEP circuit.]●User-specified transition (rising edge, falling edge, or both edges) detection●Three maskable interrupt flags, one for each capture unitEnhanced analog-to-digital converter (ADC) moduleA simplified functional block diagram of the ADC module is shown in Figure 1. The ADC module consists of a 10-bit ADC with a built-in sample-and-hold (S/H) circuit. Functions of the ADC module include:●10-bit ADC core with built-in S/H●Fast conversion time (S/H + Conversion) of 500 ns●16-channel, muxed inputs●Autosequencing capability provides up to 16 ―autoconversions‖ in a single session.Each conversion can be programmed to select any 1 of 16 input channels●Sequencer can be operated as two independent 8-state sequencers or as one large16-state sequencer (i.e., two cascaded 8-state sequencers)●Sixteen result registers (individually addressable) to store conversion values●Multiple triggers as sources for the start-of-conversion (SOC) sequence✧S/W – software immediate start✧EV A – Event manager A (multiple event sources within EV A)✧EVB – Event manager B (multiple event sources within EVB)✧Ext – External pin (ADCSOC)●Flexible interrupt control allows interrupt request on every end of sequence (EOS) orevery other EOS●Sequencer can operate in ―start/stop‖ mode, allowing multiple ―time-sequencedtriggers‖ to synchronize conv ersions●EV A and EVB triggers can operate independently in dual-sequencer mode●Sample-and-hold (S/H) acquisition time window has separate prescale control●Built-in calibration mode●Built-in self-test modeThe ADC module in the ‘240x has been enhanced to pro vide flexible interface to event managers A and B. The ADC interface is built around a fast, 10-bit ADC module with total conversion time of 500 ns (S/H + conversion). The ADC module has 16 channels, configurable as two independent 8-channel modules to service event managers A and B. The two independent 8-channel modules can be cascaded to form a 16-channel module. Figure 2 shows the block diagram of the ‘240x ADC module.The two 8-channel modules have the capability to autosequence a series of conversions,each module has the choice of selecting any one of the respective eight channels available through an analog mux. In the cascaded mode, the autosequencer functions as a single 16-channel sequencer. On each sequencer, once the conversion is complete, the selected channel value is stored in its respective RESULT register. Autosequencing allows the system to convert the same channel multiple times, allowing the user to perform oversampling algorithms. This gives increased resolution over traditional single-sampled conversion results.Figure 2. Block Diagram of the ‘240x ADC ModuleFrom TMS320LF2407, TMS320LF2406, TMS320LF2402TMS320LC2406, TMS320LC2404, MS320LC2402数字信号处理控制器TMS320LF240x和TMS320LC240x系列芯片作为’24x系列DSP控制器的新成员,是C2000平台下的一种定点DSP芯片。



风力发电外文翻译中英文英文Wind power in China – Dream or reality?HubacekAbstractAfter tremendous growth of wind power generation capacity in recent years, China now has 44.7 GW of wind-derived power. Despite the recent growth rates and promises of a bright future, two important issues - the capability of the grid infrastructure and the availability of backup systems - must be critically discussed and tackled in the medium term.The study shows that only a relatively small share of investment goes towards improving and extending the electricity infrastructure which is a precondition for transmitting clean wind energy to the end users. In addition, the backup systems are either geographically too remote from the potential wind power sites or currently financially infeasible. Finally, the introduction of wind power to the coal-dominated energy production system is not problem-free. Frequent ramp ups and downs of coal-fired plants lead to lower energy efficiency and higher emissions, which are likely to negate some of the emission savings from wind power.The current power system is heavily reliant on independentlyacting but state-owned energy companies optimizing their part of the system, and this is partly incompatible with building a robust system supporting renewable energy technologies. Hence, strategic, top-down co-ordination and incentives to improve the overall electricity infrastructure is recommended.Keywords: Wind power, China, Power grids, Back-up systems1. IntroductionChina 'wsi nd energy industry has experienced a rapid growth over the last decade. Since the promulgation of the first Renewable Energy Law in 2006, the cumulative installed capacity of wind energy amounted to 44.7 GW by the end of 2010 [1]. The newly installed capacity in 2010 reached 18.9 GW which accounted for about 49.5% of new windmills globally. The wind energy potential in China is considerable, though with differing estimates from different sources. According to He et al. [2], the exploitable wind energy potential is 600–1000 GW onshore and 100–200 GW offshore. Without considering the limitations of wind energy such as variable power outputs and seasonal variations, McElroy et al. [3] concluded that if the Chinese government commits to an aggressive low carbon energy future, wind energy is capable of generating 6.96 million GWh of electricity by 2030, which is sufficient to satisfy China ' selectricity demand in 2030.The existing literature of wind energy development in China focuses on several discussion themes. The majority of the studies emphasize the importance of government policy on the promotion of wind energy industry in China [4], [5], [6], [7]. For instance, Lema and Ruby [8] compared the growth of wind generation capacity between 1986 and 2006, and addressed the importance of a coordinated government policy and corresponding incentives. Several studies assessed other issues such as the current status of wind energy development in China [9]; the potential of wind power [10]; the significance of wind turbine manufacturing [11]; wind resource assessment [5]; theapplication of small-scale wind power in rural areas [12]; clean development mechanism in the promotion of wind energy in China [4], social, economic and technical performance of wind turbines [13] etc.There are few studies which assess the challenge of grid infrastructure in the integration of wind power. For instance, Wang [14] studied grid investment, grid security, long-distance transmission and the difficulties of wind power integration at present. Liao et al. [15] criticised the inadequacy of transmission lines in the wind energy development. However, webelieve that there is a need to further investigate these issues since they are critical to the development of wind power in China. Furthermore, wind power is not a stand-alone energy source; it needs to be complemented by other energy sources when wind does not blow. Although the viability and feasibility of the combination of wind power with other power generation technologies have been discussed widely in other countries, none of the papers reviewed the situation in the Chinese context. In this paper, we discuss and clarify two major issues in light of the Chinese wind energy distribution process: 1) the capability of the grid infrastructure to absorb and transmit large amounts of wind powered electricity, especially when these wind farms are built in remote areas; 2) the choices and viability of the backup systems to cope with the fluctuations of wind electricity output.2. Is the existing power grid infrastructure sufficient?Wind power has to be generated at specific locations with sufficient wind speed and other favourable conditions. In China, most of the wind energy potential is located in remote areas with sparse populations and less developed economies. It means that less wind powered electricity would be consumed close to the source. A large amount of electricity has to be transmittedbetween supply and demand centres leading to several problems associated with the integration with the national power grid system, including grid investment, grid safety and grid interconnection.2.1.P ower grid investmentAlthough the two state grid companies-(SGCC) State Grid Corporation of China and (CSG) China Southern Grid - have invested heavily in grid construction, China 'pso wer grid is still insufficient to cope with increasing demand. For example, some coal-fired plants in Jiangsu, which is one of the largest electricity consumers in China, had to drop the load ratio to 60 percent against the international standard of 80 percent due to the limited transmission capacity [16]. This situation is a result of an imbalanced investment between power grid construction and power generation capacity. For example, during the Eighth Five-Year Plan, Ninth Five-Year Plan and Tenth Five-Year Plan,1 power grid investments accounted for 13.7%, 37.3% and 30% of total investment in the electricity sector, respectively. The ratio further increased from 31.1% in 2005 to 45.94% in 2008, the cumulative investment in the power grid is still significantly lower than the investments in power generation [17]. Fig. 1 gives a comparison of the ratios ofaccumulative investments in power grid and power generation in China, the US, Japan, the UK and France since 1978. In most of these countries, more than half of the electric power investment has been made on grid construction. By contrast, the ratio is less than 40% in China.According to the Articles 14 and 21 of the Chinese Renewable Energy Law, the power grid operators are responsible for thegrid connection of renewable energy projects. Subsidies are given subject to the length of the grid extension with standard rates. However, Mo [18] found that the subsidies were only sufficient to compensate for capital investment and corresponding interest but excluding operational and maintenance costs.Again, similar to grid connection, grid reinforcement requires significant amounts of capital investment. The Three Gorges power plant has provided an example of large-scale and long-distance electricity transmission in China. Similar to wind power, hydropower is usually situated in less developed areas. As a result, electricity transmission lines are necessaryt o deliver the electricity to the demand centres where the majority are located; these are the eastern coastal areas and the southern part of China. According to SGCC [19], the gridreinforcement investment of the Three Gorges power plants amounted to 34.4 billion yuan (about 5 billion US dollars). This could be a lot higher in the case of wind power due to a number of reasons. First, the total generating capacity of Three Gorges project is approximately 18.2 GW at this moment and will reach 22.4 GW when fully operating [20], whilst the total generating capacity of the massive wind farms amount to over 100 GW. Hence, more transmission capacities are absolutely necessary. Second, the Three Gorges hydropower plant is located in central China. A number of transmission paths are available, such as the 500 kV DC transmission lines to Shanghai (with a length of 1100 km), Guangzhou (located in Guangdong province, with a length of 1000 km) and Changzhou (located in Jiangsu province, with a length of 1000 km) with a transmission capacity of 3 GW each and the 500 kV AC transmission lines to central China with transmission capacity of 12 GW. By contrast, the majority of wind farm bases, which are located in the northern part of China, are far away from the load centres. For example, Jiuquan located in Gansu has a planned generation capacity of 20 GW. The distances from Jiuquan to the demand centres of the Central China grid and the Eastern China grid are 1500 km and 2500 km, respectively. For Xinjiang, the distances are even longer at 2500 km and 4000 km,respectively. As a result, longer transmission lines are required. Fig. 2 depicts the demand centres and wind farms in detail.2.2.Grid safetyThe second problem is related to grid safety. The large-scale penetration of wind electricity leads to voltage instability, flickers and voltage asymmetry which are likely to cause severe damage to the stability of the power grid [21]. For example, voltage stability is a key issue in the grid impact studies of wind power integration. During the continuous operation of wind turbines, a large amount of reactive power is absorbed, which lead to voltage stability deterioration [22]. Furthermore, the significant changes in power supply from wind might damage the power quality [23]. Hence, additional regulation capacity would be needed. However, in a power system with the majority of its power from base load provider, the requirements cannot be met easily [24]. In addition, the possible expansion of existing transmission lines would be necessary since integration of large-scale wind would cause congestion and other grid safety problems in the existing transmission system. For example, Holttinen [23] summarized the majorimpacts of wind power integration on the power grid at the temporal level (the impacts of power outputs at second, minute to year level on the power grid operation) and the spatial level (the impact on local, regional and national power grid). Besides the impacts mentioned above, the authors highlight other impacts such as distribution efficiency, voltage management and adequacy of power on the integration of wind power [23].One of the grid safety problems caused by wind power is reported by the (SERC) State Electricity Regulatory Commission [25]. In February and April of 2011, three large-scale wind power drop-off accidents in Gansu (twice) and Hebei caused power losses of 840.43 MW, 1006.223 MW and 854 MW, respectively, which accounted for 54.4%, 54.17% and 48.5% of the total wind powered outputs. The massive shutdown of wind turbines resulted in serious operational difficulties as frequency dropped to 49.854 Hz, 49.815 Hz and 49.95 Hz in the corresponding regional power grids.The Chinese Renewable Energy Law requires the power grid operators to coordinate the integration of windmills and accept all of the wind powered electricity. However, the power grid companies have been reluctant to do so due to the above mentioned problems as well as technical and economic reasons. For instance, more than one third of the wind turbines in China, amounting to 4 GW capacity, were not connected to the power grid by the end of 2008 [17]. Given that the national grid in China is exclusively controlled by the power companies – SGCC and CSG - the willingness ofthese companies to integrate wind energy into the electricity generation systems is critical.2.3.T he interconnection of provincial and regional power gridsThe interconnection of trans-regional power grids started at the end of 1980s. A (HVDC) high voltage direct current transmission line was established to link the Gezhouba2 dam with Shanghai which signifies the beginning of regional power grids interconnection. In 2001, two regional power grids, the North China Power Grid and Northeast China Power Grid were interconnected. This was followed by the interconnection of the Central China Power Grid and the North China Power Grid in 2003. In 2005, two other interconnection agreements were made between the South China Power Grid with North, Northeast and Central China Power Grid, and the Northwest China Power Grid and the Central China Power Grid. Finally, in 2009, the interconnection of Central China Power Grid and the East China Power Grid was made. In today ' s China, the Chinesepower transmission systems are composed of 330 kV and 500 kV transmission lines as the backbone and six interconnected regional power grids and one Tibet power grid [26].It seems that the interconnectivity of regional power grids would help the delivery of wind powered outputs from wind-rich regions todemand centres. However, administrative and technical barriers stillexist. First, the interconnectivity among regions is always considered as a backup to contingencies, and could not support the large-scale, long-distance electricity transmission [27]. In addition, the construction of transmission systems is far behind the expansion of wind power. The delivery of large amounts of wind power would be difficult due to limited transmission capacity. Furthermore, the quantity of inter-regional electricity transmission is fixed [27]. Additional wind power in theinter-regional transmission might have to go through complexadministrative procedures and may result in profit reductions of conventional power plants.3. Are the backup systems geographically available and technically feasible?Power system operators maintain the security of power supply by holding power reserve capacities in operation. Although terminologies used in the classification of power reserves vary among countries [28], power reserves are always used to keep the production and generation in balance under a range of circumstances, including power plant outages, uncertain variations in load and fluctuations in power generations (such as wind) [29]. As wind speed varies on all time scales (e.g. from seconds to minutes and from months to years), the integration of fluctuating wind power generation induces additional system balancing requirements on the operational timescale [29].A number of studies have examined the approaches to stabilize the electricity output from wind power plants. For example, Belanger and Gagnon [30] conducted a study on the compensation of wind power fluctuations by using hydropower in Canada. Nema et al. [31] discussed the application of wind combined solar PV power generation systems and concluded that the hybrid energy system was a viable alternative to current power supply systems in remote areas. In China, He et al. [2]investigated the choices of combined power generation systems. The combinations of wind-hydro, wind-diesel, wind-solar and wind-gas power were evaluated respectively. They found that, for instance, the wind-diesel hybrid systems were used at remote areas and isolated islands. This is because the wind-diesel hybrid systems have lower generation efficiency and higher generation costs compared to other generation systems. Currently, the wind-solar hybrid systems are not economically viable for large-scale application; thus, these systems have either been used at remote areas with limited electricity demand (e.g. Gansu Subei and Qinghai Tiansuo) or for lighting in some coastal cities [2]. Liu et al. [32] adopted the EnergyPLAN model to investigate the maximum wind power penetration level in the Chinese power system. The authors derived a conclusion that approximately 26% of national power demand could be supplied by wind power by the end of 2007. However, theauthors fail to explain the provision of power reserves at different time scales due to wind power integration.Because of the smoothing effects of dispersing wind turbines at different locations (as exemplified by Drake and Hubacek [33] for theU.K., Roques [34] for the E.U. and Kempton et al. [35] for the U.S.), the integration of wind power has a very small impact on the primary reserves which are available from seconds to minutes [36]. However, the increased reserve requirements are considerable on secondary reserves (available within 10 –15 min) which mainly consist of hydropower plants and gas turbine power plants [29]. Besides, the long-term reserves, which are used to restore secondary reserves after a major power deficit, will be in operation to keep power production and consumption in balance for a longer timescale (from several minutes to several hours). In the following subsection, we examine the availability of power plants providing secondary and long-term reserves and investigate the viability of energy storage system in China.中文中国的风力发电–梦想还是现实?胡巴切克摘要经过近几年风力发电能力的巨大增长,中国现在拥有 44.7 吉瓦的风力发电。




















中英文资料对照外文翻译文献综述Design of a Lead-Acid Battery Charging and Protecting IC in Photovoltaic System1.IntroductionSolar energy as an inexhaustible, inexhaustible source of energy more and more attention. Solar power has become popular in many countries and regions, solar lighting has also been put into use in many cities in China. As a key part of the solar lighting, battery charging and protection is particularly important. Sealed maintenance-free lead-acid battery has a sealed, leak-free, pollution-free, maintenance-free, low-cost, reliable power supply during the entire life of the battery voltage is stable and no maintenance, the need for uninterrupted for the various types of has wide application in power electronic equipment, and portable instrumentation. Appropriate float voltage, in normal use (to prevent over-discharge, overcharge, over-current), maintenance-free lead-acid battery float life of up to 12 ~ 16 years float voltage deviation of 5% shorten the life of 1/2. Thus, the charge has a major impact on this type of battery life. Photovoltaic, battery does not need regular maintenance, the correct charge and reasonable protection, can effectively extend battery life. Charging and protection IC is the separation of the occupied area and the peripheral circuit complexity. Currently, the market has not yet real, charged with the protection function is integrated on a single chip. For this problem, design a set of battery charging and protection functions in one IC is very necessary.2.System design and considerationsThe system mainly includes two parts: the battery charger module and the protection module. Of great significance for the battery as standby power use of the occasion, It can ensure that the external power supply to the battery-powered, but also in the battery overcharge, over-current and an external power supply is disconnected the battery is to put the state to provide protection, the charge and protection rolled into one to make the circuit to simplify and reduce valuable product waste of resources. Figure 1 is a specific application of this Ic in the photovoltaic powergeneration system, but also the source of this design.Figure1 Photovoltaic circuit system block diagramMaintenance-free lead-acid battery life is usually the cycle life and float life factors affecting the life of the battery charge rate, discharge rate, and float voltage. Some manufacturers said that if the overcharge protection circuit, the charging rate can be achieved even more than 2C (C is the rated capacity of the battery), battery manufacturers recommend charging rate of C/20 ~ C/3. Battery voltage and temperature, the temperature is increased by 1 °C, single cell battery voltage drops 4 mV , negative temperature coefficient of -4 mV / ° C means that the battery float voltage. Ordinary charger for the best working condition at 25 °C; charge less than the ambient temperature of 0 °C; at 45 °C may shorten the battery life due to severe overcharge. To make the battery to extend the working life, have a certain understanding and analysis of the working status of the battery, in order to achieve the purpose of protection of the battery. Battery, there are four states: normal state, over-current state over the state of charge, over discharge state. However, due to the impact of the different discharge current over-capacity and lifetime of the battery is not the same, so the battery over discharge current detection should be treated separately. When the battery is charging the state a long time, would severely reduce the capacity of the battery and shorten battery life. When the battery is the time of discharge status exceeds the allotted time, the battery, the battery voltage is too low may not be able to recharge, making the battery life is lower.Based on the above, the charge on the life of maintenance-free lead-acid batteries have a significant impact, while the battery is always in good working condition, battery protection circuit must be able to detect the normal working condition of the battery and make the action the battery can never normal working state back to normal operation, in order to achieve the protection of the battery.3.Units modular design3.1The charging module Chip, charging module block diagram shown in Figure 2. The circuitry includes solar battery array Charge controller controller Discharge controller DC load accumulatorcurrent limiting, current sensing comparator, reference voltage source, under-voltage detection circuit, voltage sampling circuit and logic control circuit.Figure2 Charging module block diagramThe module contains a stand-alone limiting amplifier and voltage control circuit, it can control off-chip drive, 20 ~30 mA, provided by the drive output current can directly drive an external series of adjustment tube, so as to adjust the charger output voltage and current . V oltage and current detection comparator detects the battery charge status, and control the state of the input signal of the logic circuit. When the battery voltage or current is too low, the charge to start the comparator control the charging. Appliances into the trickle charge state when the cut-off of the drive, the comparator can output about 20 mA into the trickle charge current. Thus, when the battery short-circuit or reverse, the charger can only charge a small current, to avoid damage to the battery charging current is too large. This module constitutes a charging circuit charging process is divided into two charging status: high-current constant-current charge state, high-voltage charge status and low-voltage constant voltage floating state. The charging process from the constant current charging status, the constant charging current of the charger output in this state. And the charger continuously monitors the voltage across the battery pack, the battery power has been restored to 70% to 90% of the released capacity when the battery voltage reaches the switching voltage to charge conversion voltage Vsam charger moves to the state of charge. In this state, the charger output voltage is increased to overcharge pressure driverV oltage amplifierV oltage sampling comparatorStart amplifier State level control Charging indicator Logical module Undervoltage detection circuit R- powerCurrent sampling comparator Limiting amplifier Power indicatorV oc is due to the charger output voltage remains constant, so the charging current is a continuous decline. Current down to charge and suspend the current Ioct, the battery capacity has reached 100% of rated capacity, the charger output voltage drops to a lower float voltage VF.3.2 Protection ModuleChip block diagram of the internal protection circuit shown in Figure 3. The circuit includes control logic circuit, sampling circuit, overcharge detection circuit, over-discharge detection comparator, overcurrent detection comparator, load short-circuit detection circuit, level-shifting circuit and reference circuit (BGR).Figure3 Block diagram of battery protectionThis module constitutes a protection circuit shown in Figure 4. Under the chip supply voltage within the normal scope of work, and the VM pin voltage at the overcurrent detection voltage, the battery is in normal operation, the charge and discharge control of the chip high power end of the CO and DO are level, when the chip is in normal working mode. Larger when the battery discharge current will cause voltage rise of the VM pin at the VM pin voltage at above the current detection voltage Viov, then the battery is the current status, if this state to maintain the tiov overcurrent delay time, the chip ban on battery discharge, then the charge to control the end of CO is high, the discharge control side DO is low, the chip is in the current mode, general in order to play on the battery safer and more reasonable protection, the chip will battery over-discharge current to take over the discharge current delay time protection. The general rule is that the over-discharge current is larger, over the Sampling circuitOver discharge detection comparator Control logic circuitLevel conversion circuit Overcharge detection comparator Over-current detection comparator2 Over-current detection comparator1Over-current detection circuitLoad short detection circuitshorter the discharge current delay time. Above Overcharge detection voltage, the chip supply voltage (Vdd> Vcu), the battery is in overcharge state, this state is to maintain the corresponding overcharge delay time tcu chip will be prohibited from charging the battery, then discharge control end DO is high, and charging control terminal CO is low, the chip is in charging mode. When the supply voltage of the chip under the overdischarge detection voltage (Vdd <Vdl,), then the battery is discharged state, this state remains the overdischarge delay time tdl chip will be prohibited to discharge the battery at this time The charge control side CO is high, while the discharge control terminal DO is low, the chip is in discharge mode.ProtectionmoduleFigure4 Protection circuit application schematic diagram4.Circuit DesignTwo charge protection module structure diagram, the circuit can be divided into four parts: the power detection circuit (under-voltage detection circuit), part of the bias circuit (sampling circuit, the reference circuit and bias circuit), the comparator (including the overcharge detection /overdischarge detection comparator, over-current detection and load short-circuit detection circuit) and the logic control part.This paper describes the under-voltage detection circuit (Figure 5), and gives the bandgap reference circuit (Figure 6).Figure5 Under-voltage detection circuitFigure6 A reference power supply circuit diagramBattery charging, voltage stability is particularly important, undervoltage, overvoltage protection is essential, therefore integrated overvoltage, undervoltage protection circuit inside the chip, to improve power supply reliability and security. And protection circuit design should be simple, practical, here designed a CMOS process, the undervoltage protection circuit, this simple circuit structure, process and easy to implement and can be used as high-voltage power integrated circuits and other power protection circuit.Undervoltage protection circuit schematic shown in Figure 5, a total of five components: the bias circuit, reference voltage, the voltage divider circuit, differential amplifier, the output circuit. The circuit supply voltage is 10V; the M0, M1, M2, R0 is the offset portion of the circuit to provide bias to the post-stage circuit, the resistance, Ro, determine the circuit's operating point, the M0, M1, M2 form a current mirror; R1 M14 is the feedback loop of the undervoltage signal; the rest of the M3, M4 and M5, M6, M7, M8, M9, M10, M11, M12, M13, M14, composed of four amplification comparator; M15, DO, a reference voltage, the comparator input with the inverting Biasing circuit Reference circuit Bleeder circuit difference amplifier Output circuitAmplifierAmplifierinput is fixed (V+), partial pressure of the resistance R1, R2, R3, the input to the inverting input of the comparator, when the normal working of the power supply voltage, the inverting terminal of the voltage detection is lost to the inverting terminal voltage of the comparator is greater than V+. Comparator output is low, M14 cutoff, feedback circuit does not work; undervoltage occurs, the voltage divider of R1, R2, R3, reaction is more sensitive, lost to the inverting input voltage is less than V when the resistor divider, the comparator the output voltage is high, this signal will be M14 open, the voltage across R into M at both ends of the saturation voltage close to 0V, thereby further driving down the R1> R2, the partial pressure of the output voltage, the formation of the undervoltage positive feedback. Output, undervoltage lockout, and plays a protective role.5. Simulation results and analysisThe design of the circuit in CSMC 0.6 μm in digital CMOS process simulation and analysis of the circuit. In the overall simulation of the circuit, the main observation is that the protection module on the battery charge and discharge process by monitoring Vdd potential and Vm potential leaving chip CO side and DO-side changes accordingly. The simulation waveform diagram shown in Figure 7, the overall protection module with the battery voltage changes from the usual mode conversion into overcharge mode, and then return to normal working mode, and then into the discharge mode, and finally back to normal working mode. As the design in the early stages of the various parameters to be optimized, but to provide a preliminary simulation results.Figure7 Overvoltage and under-voltage protection circuit simulation waveform6.ConclusionDesigned a set of battery charging and protection functions in one IC. This design not only can reduce the product, they can reduce the peripheral circuit components. The circuit uses the low-power design. This project is underway to design optimization stage, a complete simulation can not meet the requirements, but also need to optimize the design of each module circuit.光伏系统中蓄电池的充电保护IC电路设计1.引言太阳能作为一种取之不尽、用之不竭的能源越来越受到重视。





















毕业设计论文 外文文献翻译 光伏电力系统 中英文对照

毕业设计论文 外文文献翻译 光伏电力系统 中英文对照

翻译原文 (4)Photovoltaic (PV) Electric Systems (4)The Advantages of Mitsubishi Solar Panels (5)1光伏电力系统光伏电力系统利用太阳能电池吸收太阳光线,并将这种能量转化成电能。






1.1 太阳能电池的类型目前有单晶硅,多晶硅和薄膜三种基本形式的光伏组件。








有关太阳能电池发电的更多的信息,可以查询Cooler Planet’s的《太阳能电池如何工作》。


1.3 太阳能电池板与光伏建筑一体化太阳能电池板是用于捕获太阳光的平面板,他们以阵列的形式安装在建筑物顶部或者柱子上。





















大型风力发电对电力系统稳定性的影响Ch. Eping, J. Stenzel电力系统研究所TU DarmstadtLandgraf-Georg-Stra¼e 464283 Darmstadt/德国e-mail:*********************************.de********************************.deM. PÄoller, HMÄullerDIgSILENT GmbHHeinrich-Hertz-Stra¼e 972810 Gomaringen /德国e-mail:*******************************************摘要近年来,风力发电量不断增加,对电力系统的安全性和系统运行的影响也不断增加。













Photovoltaic System Design1 IntroductionAfter PV workers unremitting efforts, solar cell production technology constantly improve, and increasingly widely used in various fields. Posts and telecommunications in particular, the telecommunications industry in recent years because of the rapid development of communication power requirements have become more sophisticated, so stable and reliable power Solar energy is widely used in communications. And how the various regions of solar radiation conditions, to the design of both economic and reliable photovoltaic power system, which is one of the many experts and scholars study the long-standing issue, but there are many excellent research results, for the development of China's photovoltaic laid a solid foundation. The author of the study at the design methodology of experts found that the design has only considered the self-maintenance of battery time (that is, the longest consecutive rainy days), without taking into account the loss of electric batteries as soon as possible after the recovery time (ie, two sets of the longest continuous rain days, the shortest interval between the days). This problem particularly in the southern China region should pay great attention to the southern region because of our rainy day is long too, and for the convenience of independent photovoltaic power system, because there is no other emergency backup power protection, so this problem should be included in the design considered together.In this paper, an integrated design method of the previous advantages, combined with the author over the years actually engaged in the design of photovoltaic power systems experience, the introduction of two sets of the longest consecutive rainy days, the shortest interval between the number of days as the basis for the design of one, and comprehensive consideration of the the impact of solar radiation conditions of the factors that made solar cells, the formula for calculating battery capacity, and related design methods.2 Many factors affect the designSun solar cells on the ground square on the radiation of light spectrum, light intensity by the thickness of the atmosphere (ie air quality), geographic location, the location of the climate and weather, terrain and surface features such as the impact of its energy in one day, January and a year of great change, or even years between the total annual amount of radiation There were also large differences.Square solar photoelectric conversion efficiency, by the battery itself,temperature, sunlight intensity and battery voltage fluctuations, which is three in one day will change, so square photovoltaic solar cell conversion efficiency is also variable.Battery is charging in the float state, with the square of its voltage output and load power consumption changes. Batteries to provide energy is also affected by environmental temperature.Solar energy battery charge and discharge controller made by the electronic components manufacturer, it is also necessary energy, while the use of components of performance, quality, etc. is also related to the size of energy consumption, thus affecting the efficiency of charge.Load of electricity, but also as determined by uses, such as communications relay stations, unmanned weather stations and so on, have a fixed power equipment. Some equipment such as a lighthouse, beacon lights, civilian power consumption such as lighting and equipment power consumption are often changing.Therefore, the solar power system design, the need to consider many factors and complex. Characteristics are: the data used in most previous statistical data, the statistical data measurement and data selection are important.Designers of the mission are: In the solar cell matrix under the conditions of the environment (that is, the scene of the geographical location, solar radiation, climate, weather, terrain and surface features, etc.), the design of solar cell and battery power system matrix is We should pay attention to economic efficiency, but also to ensure system reliability.Location of a particular energy of solar radiation data to meteorological information provided the basis for the design of solar cells used phalanx. These meteorological data required to check the accumulation of several years or even decades on average.Various regions on the Earth by sunlight and radiation changes in the cycle for the day, 24h. In a square area of solar cells also have the power output 24h of the cyclical changes in its laws and sun radiation in the region, the changes of the same. However, changes in weather will affect the square of the generating capacity. If you have a few days consecutive rain days, almost square on the power generation should not rely on batteries to power, and battery depth of discharge and then need to be added as soon as possible good. Most designers in order to weather the sun to provide a daily total of radiation energy or the annual average sunshine hours as the design ofthe main data. Each year because of a regional data is not the same as for the sake of reliability should be taken within the last decade of the minimum data. Under the load of electricity consumption, in sunshine and no sunshine when battery power is required. Weather provided by solar power or the total amount of radiation the total sunshine hours on the battery capacity of the size of the decision is indispensable data.Phalanx of the solar cell, the load should include all power system devices (except for use but also have a battery and electrical circuits, controllers, etc.) consumption. Matrix components of the output power and the number of series-parallel, and series are required in order to obtain the operating voltage, in parallel are necessary in order to obtain the current work, an appropriate number of components through which the composition of series-parallel connection of solar cells required phalanx.3 Designed capacity of batteriesSolar cell power supply system is the battery energy storage devices. And solar cell batteries are usually square matching job at Floating state, with the square of its voltage output and load power consumption changes. Its load capacity than the power required is much greater. Batteries to provide energy is also affected by environmental temperature. And solar cells in order to match the job requirements of long life battery and easy maintenance.(1)Battery SelectionAnd be able to support the use of solar cells, many different types of batteries, widely used at present have lead-acid maintenance-free batteries, ordinary lead-acid batteries and alkaline nickel-cadmium batteries of three. Domestic use are mainly maintenance-free lead-acid batteries, because of its inherent "free"maintenance of properties and less polluting to the environment characteristics, it is suitable for the performance of reliable power systems solar power, especially in unattended workstations. Ordinary lead-acid batteries require regular maintenance because of its larger environmental pollution, so the main suitable for the maintenance of the ability or have the use of low-grade occasions. Although alkaline nickel-cadmium batteries have better low-temperature, over-charge, take-off performance, but because of their higher prices, only applies to more special occasions.(2)Calculation of battery capacityBattery capacity to ensure continuous power supply is very important. At one year,the month of matrix generation has very different. Phalanx at the generating capacity can not meet the electricity needs of the month, to rely on battery power give supplement; electricity required in more than month, are relying on batteries to store excess energy.Phalanx so inadequate generating capacity and surplus value, is to determine the basis for one of the battery capacity. Similarly, the continuous overcast and rainy days during the load of electricity must also be obtained from the battery. Therefore, the power consumption during this period to determine the battery capacity is also one of the factors.光伏系统设计1引言经过光伏工作者们坚持不懈的努力,太阳能电池的生产技术不断得到提高,并且日益广泛地应用于各个领域。















一个显示Spalart-Allmaras湍流方程湍流模型(书珥等,1998),另一个对基线鲍德温 - 洛马克斯零方程湍流模型进行了研究。



毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:风力发电文献、资料英文题目:ABSTRACT文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14摘要风力发电是清洁的、无污染的可再生能源,它的优势已被人们所认识。





关键字:风力发电社会总成本实际成本风电场ABSTRACTThis paper introduces wind Power generation cost in china Wind Power is a kind of cleaner and no pollution and regenerate power, Its benefits has been known by most people.But it has been yet inferior to routine power in cost, especially in our country. So studying the cost of the wind power generation and studying the factors of affecting wind power generation costs and finding the ways of decreasing the wind power generation costs in our country have very important realistic meanings and it can promote the cause of the wind power generation and improve the energy constitutes and administer circumstance pollution in our country.hence,this paper is accomplished to develop the study of the wind power generation cost:First ,the history and the present of wind power generation are introduced: Second ,the social cost of wind power generation are studied by means of comprehensive analyses.draw a conclusion;the social cost of wind power generation is lower;Third ,the real cost of wind power generation are studied by model of wind distribution and generation amount and calculating the cost of wind power generation;the factors affecting wind power generation cost are studied by sensitivities with a real example and draw a conclusion:average wind rate is most influence to wind power generation cost and the ways of reducing wind power generation cost are discussed. Fourth ,the trend of wind power generation cost is analysised and draw a conclusion;wind power generation cost is dropping.Key word: wind power generation the social cost the real cost wind power generation farm目录1 概述 (1)1.1风力发电的研究现状 (1)1.2我国风力发电的发展状况 (3)1.3发展风力发电的必要性和意义 (4)2中国风力发电社会总成本的研究 (6)2.1研究方法的选择 (6)2.2原理及步骤 (6)2.2.1具体步骤 (6)2.2.2 进行层次总排序 (8)3层次分析综合评价法的应用 (9)3.1建立层次结构模型 (9)3.2构造判断矩阵 (9)3.3 进行层次单排序极其一致性检验 (10)3.4进行层次总排序 (13)3.5层次总排序一致性检验 (13)3.6世界各国促进风力发电发展的激励政策 (13)3.7小结 (15)4 中国风力发电的成本走势分析 (16)4.1风机国产化的形式对成本走势的影响 (16)4.2.国家政策 (16)4.3目前我国风力发电成本较高原因分析 (17)4.3.1目前我国风力发电成本较高原因 (17)4.3.2解决的方法 (18)4.3.3风力发电在我国发展的美好前景 (19)谢辞 (20)参考文献 (21)1 概述1.1风力发电的研究现状风力发电于1890年起源于丹麦,之后经过几个重要的发展阶段。



Wind Power Generation TechnologyWind is very important and reserves of energy, it is safe, clean, and can provide abundant energy, stability of the stream. Now, use wind power has become the main form of wind, the world's attention, and the fastest.Wind energy technology is a high-tech; it relates more than a dozen of subjects, including meteorology,aerodynamics, structural mechanics, computer technology, electronic control technology,material science,chemistry, electrical engineering, electrical engineering, so the difficulty of a system technology may beyond the difficulty of space technology. First, The division of wind energy technologies:Wind energy technology is divided into large-scale wind power technology and small and medium sized wind power technology, although both are wind energy technology, working principles are the same, the two industries are completely different: specific performance of the "policy orientation is different in different markets, different applications, applied technology is different, totally belong to the same kinds of industries in the two sectors. Therefore, in China machinery industry meeting on the wind to large wind power and wind power to distinguish between small and medium treated separately. In addition, to meet different market needs, extending from the wind and solar technology has not only promoted the development of small wind power technology, but also for the small wind power opens up new markets.1. Large-scale wind power technology:The technology of large-scale wind power in China still has a certain gap between international.The technology of large-scale wind power technology originated in Denmark and some other European countries, the wind power industry propelled by the government, because of the local wind resource-rich,large-scale wind power technology and equipment ahead of the international development. Our government has also started to boost the development of large-scale wind power technology, and a range of policies to guide industry development. Large-scale wind power technology are for the large-scale wind turbine design,wind turbine applications for large area on the very strict environmental requirements are applied to limited resources, wind energy resource-rich wind field, to accept a variety of perennial bad environment that something was the complex nature of the environment, high demands on the technology up on the line.Currently large-scale wind power technology in general is not yet ripe, the core technology of large-scale wind power still rely on foreign, national policy guidance to the domestic wind power project launched in various places, like crazy, all overlook forward to slice. Worthy of the name "mad electricity" through the wind began to Negative effect and Precaution policy. Although wind power projects have been started, but more as complementary type, complete with independent intellectual property rights of large-scale wind power systems technology and core technology few. The test environment needs to have been a large-scale wind power technology to mature. In addition, the large-scale wind power generation technology and network technology has also improved a number of issues still restrict the development of large-scale wind power technology.2. The technology of small wind power:The technology of small wind power in China could compare with the international technology.In 1970s, the small wind power technology in China had been developed which has wind resources for a better situation, including Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang areas, the first small wind power technology is widely used in power transmission project to the Township for a one of farmers and herdsmen household power supply, continuously updated as the technology improvement and development, not only alone but also with the combination of complementary optical has been widely used in distributed independent power supply. These years as Chinese exports of small and medium wind steadily. Internationally, China's small and medium sized wind power technology and wind and solar technology have leapt to international leadership.Small wind power technology is mature and relatively small by natural resource constraints, distributed independent power as a significant effect not only connected, but also the formation of more stable and reliable combination of optical complementary technologies scenery Moreover, technology is completely self-localization. Both from a technical or price in the international arena are very competitive; with international has now started a small wind power in China brand; "wall flower wall Hong" has intensified. In the country's most technical advantages and competitiveness of small and medium wind power has always been forgotten by the government and policy in a corner of reasons, in the early states has been to locate the small and medium sized wind power in Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, farmers and herdsmen in remote areas to use and return into the agricultural class, low cost, shoddy, low-performance reliability, security, no security of land mostly sparsely populated areas, most of the domestic market are subject to loss of reliability of large price war; in people subconsciously form a poor understanding of So get national attention and development.Domestic small wind power technology in the "low wind start, low wind speed generation, pitch moment, multiple protection, and a series of technical attention by the international market and international clientsunanimously approved, has a leading position. Moreover, the small and medium Wind power technology is ultimately distributed independent power supply to meet end-market, rather than large-scale wind power generation and network technologies to meet the domestic monopoly market, technology, update rate must be adapted to a broad and rapidly growing market.3. wind and solar technology:Wind is the integration of technical skills and the Small and Medium Wind Energy Solar Energy Technology, combines a variety of applications of new technology, and it covers many areas, the wide range of applications, technical differentiation is so great that a variety of techniques which can separate match.Wind and solar power is currently the world in the use of new energy technology the most mature, most large-scale and industrial development of the industry, separate and individual solar wind has its drawbacks of development, but both wind and solar power complementary combined to realize the two new configuration of energy in natural resources, the technical programs of integration, performance and price compared to aspects of the new energy source for the most reasonable, not only reduces the demand to meet under the same unit cost and expand the scope of application of the market, also increases the reliability of the product.In addition: solar and wind power are both new energy, solar energy than the wind started to be late more than 30 per solar PV / W by the general public about the price of recognition can be converted to a 15% rate;while the price of small wind power conversion rate is only 1/5-1/6 of the same 60% -80%, only the low price Worse still suppressed, photoelectric production of pollution on the environment greater than wind power, than substantial development in wind energy, this comparison contrast twist of meditation ......, if people use the energy from the point of view, our goal is to meet the electricity from wind power generating capacity to measure the cost of solar energy economy than many .Wind, solar and wind power integration advantages, not only for the "energy saving, emission reduction,"opened up new horizons for the application of science to meet human needs, for the world to open a fourthRevolution.Second,Wind power has three kinds of operation mode:one is independent operation mode, usually a small wind generators to one or a few families to provide power, storage battery energy, to ensure the electricity without wind, Second is the wind turbines and other power mode (such as engine power), combining to aunit or an village or an island power supply, Three is wind power into conventional power operate and to provide electric power grid, is often a wind tens or hundreds of sets installed wind generators, this is the main development direction of wind power.Wind power system in the two main parts is wind machine and generators. Wind turbines to change from adjusting technique, plasma generator toward VSCF technology, this is the development trend of wind power technology is the core technology nowadays wind turbines. The following simple introduction of this two respects.1 the change of wind plasma from regulationWind turbines impeller, will capture the wind by converting wind effects on the mechanical wheeltorque.Change is the change from adjustment with vertical axis wind leaf surface of Angle, thus affecting the force and the blade, when the wind resistance increases, the output power of the fan is kept constant power output. By regulating mode, fan from the output power curve is smooth. In the rated wind leaf Angle of attack,controller will be placed near zero, do not change, approximate distance equal to adjust for pulp. In the rated wind above, variable structure control function from pulp, adjust the blade Angle of attack, the output power control in near ratings. Change from the wind plasma starting from wind speed is set slurry machine downtime at low impact stress relative ease. The normal work, is mainly adopts power control, in practical applications, power and speed is directly proportional to the set. Small changes will cause the wind changes of wind.Due to the change of wind from pulp by adjusting the impact than other wind from small, can reduce material utilization rate, reduce overall weight. And the change of wind from accommodation type at low speed, can make the blades, keep good Angle of attack than accommodation type stall wind turbines have better energy output, therefore is suitable for low average speed of the region.Change from another advantage of regulation, when the winds reach a certain value, stall type of wind and downtime, must from type machine can gradually changes to the wind load without a blades of open mode, avoid wing, increase of wind turbine.Change is to adjust the defect is sensitive response requires gusts. Because the wind accommodation typestall fan vibration power pulse are small, and accommodation type from wind turbines is bigger, especially for the change from the constant speed windmills way, this kind of circumstance, this does not require more obvious change in the fan is the response speed of wind system to fast enough, can reduce this phenomenon.Third, the development of wind energy technology requires constant innovation:At present, China's wind energy development in technological innovation is still very weak, the lack of core technologies with independent intellectual property. Thus, much would import technology from abroad.Although the arrival of knowledge economy era, all countries take full advantage of global resources and international cooperation through the introduction of technology to bridge the gap and improve competitiveness. But if there is no capability of independent innovation, not know what the introduction of advanced technologies, are not able to absorb the future, can not carry out another record, which is on the one hand; on the other hand, the core technology is the introduction of foreign countries cannot, and must be rely on innovation to master the core technology; Moreover, the domestic policy of independent innovation of technology needs to supporting, guiding, supporting, with the core technology of wind energy products to be increasing support, such a "wall flower wall incense" situation can be change, innovation and power can come from constant innovation.In short: the wind power industry continuing to creating in a single generation from wind energy technology to power the various areas of need ,its additional products have emerged such as: street, landscape, traffic control, communication, irrigation, planting, breeding, sea water desalination , fire, alarm, islands, mountains and so on. Shows the development of wind energy in this new industry can be brought aboutnumerous development and transformation of traditional industries, but the application of wind energy technology in various fields has become the industry's benchmark. World revolution will be caused by wind energy technology from the New Energy and Industrial revolution.风力发电技术风能是非常重要并储量巨大的能源,它安全、清洁、充裕,能提供源源不绝,稳定的能源。

光伏发电英文文献Ultra-High Efficiency Photovoltaic

光伏发电英文文献Ultra-High Efficiency Photovoltaic

Ultra-High Efficiency Photovoltaic Cells for Large Scale Solar Power GenerationYoshiaki NakanoAbstract The primary targets of our project are to dras-tically improve the photovoltaic conversion efficiency and to develop new energy storage and delivery technologies. Our approach to obtain an efficiency over40%starts from the improvement of III–V multi-junction solar cells by introducing a novel material for each cell realizing an ideal combination of bandgaps and lattice-matching.Further improvement incorporates quantum structures such as stacked quantum wells and quantum dots,which allow higher degree of freedom in the design of the bandgap and the lattice strain.Highly controlled arrangement of either quantum dots or quantum wells permits the coupling of the wavefunctions,and thus forms intermediate bands in the bandgap of a host material,which allows multiple photon absorption theoretically leading to a conversion efficiency exceeding50%.In addition to such improvements, microfabrication technology for the integrated high-effi-ciency cells and the development of novel material systems that realizes high efficiency and low cost at the same time are investigated.Keywords Multi-junctionÁQuantum wellÁConcentratorÁPhotovoltaicINTRODUCTIONLarge-scale photovoltaic(PV)power generation systems, that achieve an ultra-high efficiency of40%or higher under high concentration,are in the spotlight as a new technology to ease drastically the energy problems.Mul-tiple junction(or tandem)solar cells that use epitaxial crystals of III–V compound semiconductors take on the active role for photoelectric energy conversion in such PV power generation systems.Because these solar cells operate under a sunlight concentration of5009to10009, the cost of cells that use the epitaxial crystal does not pose much of a problem.In concentrator PV,the increased cost for a cell is compensated by less costly focusing optics. The photons shining down on earth from the sun have a wide range of energy distribution,from the visible region to the infrared region,as shown in Fig.1.Multi-junction solar cells,which are laminated with multilayers of p–n junctions configured by using materials with different band gaps,show promise in absorbing as much of these photons as possible,and converting the photon energy into elec-tricity with minimum loss to obtain high voltage.Among the various types of multi-junction solar cells,indium gallium phosphide(InGaP)/gallium arsenide(GaAs)/ger-manium(Ge)triple-junction cells that make full use of the relationship between band gaps and diverse lattice con-stants offered by compound semiconductors have the advantage of high conversion efficiency because of their high-quality single crystal with a uniform-size crystal lat-tice.So far,a conversion efficiency exceeding41%under conditions where sunlight is concentrated to an intensity of approximately5009has been reported.The tunnel junction with a function equivalent to elec-trodes is inserted between different materials.The positive holes accumulated in the p layer and the electrons in the adjacent n layer will be recombined and eliminated in the tunnel junction.Therefore,three p–n junctions consisting of InGaP,GaAs,and Ge will become connected in series. The upper limit of the electric current is set by the mini-mum value of photonflux absorbed by a single cell.On the other hand,the sum of voltages of three cells make up the voltage.As shown in Fig.1,photons that can be captured in the GaAs middle cell have a smallflux because of the band gap of each material.As a result,the electric currentoutputAMBIO2012,41(Supplement2):125–131 DOI10.1007/s13280-012-0267-4from the GaAs cell theoretically becomes smaller than that of the others and determines the electric current output of the entire tandem cell.To develop a higher efficiency tandem cell,it is necessary to use a material with a band gap narrower than that of GaAs for the middle cell.In order to obtain maximum conversion efficiency for triple-junction solar cells,it is essential to narrow down the middle cell band gap to 1.2eV and increase the short-circuit current density by 2mA/cm 2compared with that of the GaAs middle cell.When the material is replaced with a narrower band gap,the output voltage will drop.However,the effect of improving the electric current balance out-performs this drop in output voltage and boosts the effi-ciency of the entire multi-junction cell.When a crystal with such a narrow band gap is grown on a Ge base material,lattice relaxation will occur in the middle of epitaxial crystal growth because the lattice constants of narrower band-gap materials are larger than that of Ge (as shown in Fig.2).As a result,the carrier transport properties will degrade due to dislocation.Researchers from the international research center Solar Quest,the University of Tokyo,aim to move beyond such material-related restrictions,and obtain materials and structures that have effective narrow band gaps while maintaining lattice matching with Ge or GaAs.To achieve this goal,we have taken three approaches as indicated in Fig.3.These approaches are explained in detail below.DILUTE NITROGEN-ADDED BULK CRYSTAL Indium gallium nitride arsenide (InGaNAs)is a bulk material consists of InGaAs,which contains several percent of nitrogen.InGaNAs has a high potential for achieving a narrow band gap while maintaining lattice matching with Ge or GaAs.However,InGaNAs has a fatal problem,that is,a drop in carrier mobility due to inhomogeneousdistribution of nitrogen (N).To achieve homogeneous solid solution of N in crystal,we have applied atomic hydrogen irradiation in the film formation process and addition of a very small amount of antimony (Sb)(Fig.3).The atomic hydrogen irradiation technology and the nitrogen radical irradiation technology for incorporating N efficiently into the crystal can be achieved only through molecular beam epitaxy (MBE),which is used to fabricate films under high vacuum conditions.(Nitrogen radical irradiation is a technology that irradiates the surface of a growing crystal with nitrogen atoms that are resolved by passing nitrogen through a plasma device attached to the MBE system.)Therefore,high-quality InGaNAs has been obtained only by MBE until now.Furthermore,as a small amount of Sb is also incorporated in a crystal,it is nec-essary to control the composition of five elements in the crystal with a high degree of accuracy to achieve lattice matching with Ge or GaAs.We have overcome this difficulty by optimizing the crystal growth conditions with high precision and devel-oped a cell that has an InGaNAs absorption layer formed on a GaAs substrate.The short-circuit current has increased by 9.6mA/cm 2for this cell,compared with a GaAs single-junction cell,by narrowing the band gap down to 1.0eV.This technology can be implemented not only for triple-junction cells,but also for higher efficiency lattice-matched quadruple-junction cells on a Ge substrate.In order to avoid the difficulty of adjusting the compo-sition of five elements in a crystal,we are also taking an approach of using GaNAs with a lattice smaller than that of Ge or GaAs for the absorption layer and inserting InAs with a large lattice in dot form to compensate for the crystal’s tensile strain.To make a solid solution of N uniformly in GaNAs,we use the MBE method for crystal growth and the atomic hydrogen irradiation as in the case of InGaNAs.We also believe that using 3D-shaped InAs dots can effectively compensate for the tensile strainthatFig.1Solar spectrum radiated on earth and photon flux collected by the top cell (InGaP),middle cell (GaAs),and bottom cell (Ge)(equivalent to the area of the filled portions in the figure)occurs in GaNAs.We have measured the characteristics of a single-junction cell formed on a GaAs substrate by using a GaNAs absorption layer with InAs dots inserted.Figure 4shows that we were able to succeed in enhancing the external quantum efficiency in the long-wavelength region (corresponding to the GaNAs absorp-tion)to a level equal to GaAs.This was done by extending the absorption edge to a longer wavelength of 1200nm,and increasing the thickness of the GaNAs layer by increasing the number of laminated InAs quantum dot layers.This high quantum efficiency clearly indicates that GaNAs with InAs dots inserted has the satisfactory quality for middle cell material (Oshima et al.2010).STRAIN-COMPENSATED QUANTUM WELL STRUCTUREIt is extremely difficult to develop a narrow band-gap material that can maintain lattice matching with Ge orGaAs unless dilute nitrogen-based materials mentioned earlier are used.As shown in Fig.2,the conventionally used material InGaAs has a narrower band gap and a larger lattice constant than GaAs.Therefore,it is difficult to grow InGaAs with a thickness larger than the critical film thickness on GaAs without causing lattice relaxation.However,the total film thickness of InGaAs can be increased as an InGaAs/GaAsP strain-compensated multi-layer structure by laminating InGaAs with a thickness less than the critical film thickness in combination with GaAsP that is based on GaAs as well,but has a small lattice constant,and bringing the average strain close to zero (Fig.3.).This InGaAs/GaAsP strain-compensated multilayer structure will form a quantum well-type potential as shown in Fig.5.The narrow band-gap InGaAs layer absorbs the long-wavelength photons to generate electron–hole pairs.When these electron–hole pairs go over the potential bar-rier of the GaAsP layer due to thermal excitation,the electrons and holes are separated by a built-in electricfieldFig.2Relationship between band gaps and lattice constants of III–V-based and IV-based crystalsto generate photocurrent.There is a high probability of recombination of electron–hole pairs that remain in the well.To avoid this recombination,it is necessary to take out the electron–hole pairs efficiently from the well and transfer them to n-type and p-type regions without allowing them to be recaptured into the well.Designing thequantumFig.3Materials and structures of narrow band-gap middle cells being researched by thisteamFig.4Spectral quantum efficiency of GaAs single-junction cell using GaNAs bulk crystal layer (inserted with InAs dots)as the absorption layer:Since the InAs dot layer and the GaNAs bulk layer are stacked alternately,the total thickness of GaNAs layers increases as the number of stacked InAs dot layers is increased.The solid line in the graph indicates the data of a reference cell that uses GaAs for its absorption layer (Oshima et al.2010)well structure suited for this purpose is essential for improving conversion efficiency.The high-quality crystal growth by means of the metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE)method with excellent ability for mass production has already been applied for InGaAs and GaAsP layers in semiconductor optical device applications.Therefore,it is technologically quite possible to incorporate the InGaAs/GaAsP quantum well structure into multi-junction solar cells that are man-ufactured at present,only if highly accurate strain com-pensation can be achieved.As the most basic approach related to quantum well structure design,we are working on fabrication of super-lattice cells with the aim of achieving higher efficiency by making the GaAsP barrier layer as thin as possible,and enabling carriers to move among wells by means of the tunnel effect.Figure 6shows the spectral quantum effi-ciency of a superlattice cell.In this example,the thickness of the GaAsP barrier layer is 5nm,which is not thin enough for proper demonstration of the tunnel effect.When the quantum efficiency in the wavelength range (860–960nm)that corresponds to absorption of the quan-tum well is compared between a cell,which has a con-ventionally used barrier layer and a thickness of 10nm or more,and a superlattice cell,which has the same total layer thickness of InGaAs,the superlattice cell demonstrates double or higher quantum efficiency.This result indicates that carrier mobility across quantum wells is promoted by even the partial use of the tunnel effect.By increasing the P composition in the GaAsP layer,the thickness of well (or the In composition)can be increased,and the barrier layer thickness can be reduced while strain compensation is maintained.A cell with higher quantum efficiency can befabricated while extending the absorption edge to the long-wavelength side (Wang et al.2010,2012).GROWTH TECHNIQUE FOR STRAIN-COMPENSATED QUANTUM WELLTo reduce the strain accumulated in the InGaAs/GaAsP multilayer structure as close to zero as possible,it is nec-essary to control the thickness and atomic content of each layer with high accuracy.The In composition and thickness of the InGaAs layer has a direct effect on the absorption edge wavelength and the GaAsP layer must be thinned to a satisfactory extent to demonstrate fully the tunnel effect of the barrier layer.Therefore,it is desirable that the average strain of the entire structure is adjusted mainly by the P composition of the GaAsP layer.Meanwhile,for MOVPE,there exists a nonlinear rela-tionship between the P composition of the crystal layer and the P ratio [P/(P ?As)]in the vapor phase precursors,which arises from different absorption and desorption phenomena on the surface.As a result,it is not easy to control the P composition of the crystal layer.To break through such a difficulty and promote efficient optimiza-tion of crystal growth conditions,we have applied a mechanism to evaluate the strain of the crystal layer during growth in real time by sequentially measuring the curvature of wafers during growth with an incident laser beam from the observation window of the reactor.As shown in Fig.7,the wafer curvature during the growth of an InGaAs/GaAsP multilayer structure indicates a periodic behavior.Based on a simple mechanical model,it has become clear that the time changes ofwaferFig.5Distribution of potential formed by the InGaAs/GaAsP strain-compensated multilayer structure:the narrow band-gap InGaAs layer is sandwiched between wide band-gap GaAsP layers and,as a result,it as quantum well-type potential distribution.In the well,electron–hole pairs are formed by absorption of long-wavelength photons and at the same time,recombination of electrons and holes takes place.The team from Solar Quest is focusing on developing a superlattice structure with the thinnest GaAsP barrier layercurvature are proportionate to the strain of the crystal layer relative to a substrate during the growing process.One vibration cycle of the curvature is same as the growth time of an InGaAs and GaAsP pair (Sugiyama et al.2011).Therefore,the observed vibration of the wafer curvature reflects the accumulation of the compression strain that occurs during InGaAs growth and the release of the strain that occurs during GaAsP growth.When the strain is completely compensated,the growth of the InGaAs/GaAsP pair will cause this strain to return to the initial value and the wafer curvature will vibrate with the horizontal line as the center.As shown in Fig.7,strain can be compensated almost completely by adjusting the layer structure.Only by conducting a limited number of test runs,the use of such real-time observation technology of the growth layer enables setting the growth conditions for fabricating the layer structure for which strain has been compensated with highaccuracy.Fig.6Spectral quantum efficiency of GaAs single-junction cell using InGaAs/GaAsP superlattice as theabsorption layer:This structure consists of 60layers of InGaAs quantum wells.The graph also shows data of a reference cell that uses GaAs for its absorption layer (Wang et al.2010,2012)Fig.7Changes in wafer curvature over time during growth of the InGaAs/GaAsP multilayer structure.This graph indicates the measurement result and the simulation result of the curvature based on the layer structure(composition ?thickness)obtained by X-ray diffraction.Since compressive strain is applied during InGaAs growth,the curvature decreases as time passes.On the other hand,since tensile strain is applied during GaAsP growth,the curvature changes in the oppositedirection (Sugiyama et al.2011)FUTURE DIRECTIONSIn order to improve the conversion efficiency by enhancing the current matching of multi-junction solar cells using III–V compound semiconductors,there is an urgent need to create semiconductor materials or structures that can maintain lattice matching with Ge or GaAs,and have a band gap of1.2eV.As for InGaNAs,which consists of InGaAs with several percent of nitrogen added,we have the prospect of extending the band edge to1.0eV while retaining sufficient carrier mobility for solar cells by means of atomic hydrogen irradiation and application of a small quantity of Sb during the growth process.In addition,as for GaNAs bulk crystal containing InAs dots,we were able to extend the band edge to1.2eV and produce a high-quality crystal with enoughfilm thickness to achieve the quantum efficiency equivalent to that of GaAs.These crystals are grown by means of MBE. Therefore,measures that can be used to apply these crys-tals for mass production,such as migration to MOVPE, will be investigated after demonstrating their high effi-ciency by embedding these crystals into multi-junction cells.As for the InGaAs/GaAsP strain-compensated quantum well that can be grown using MOVPE,we are working on the development of a thinner barrier layer while compen-sating for the strain with high accuracy by real-time observation of the wafer curvature.We have had the prospect of achieving a quantum efficiency that will sur-pass existing quantum well solar cells by promoting the carrier transfer within the multilayer quantum well struc-ture using the tunnel effect.As this technology can be transferred quite easily to the existing multi-junction solar cell fabrication process,we strongly believe that this technology can significantly contribute to the efficiency improvement of the latest multi-junction solar cells. REFERENCESOshima,R.,A.Takata,Y.Shoji,K.Akahane,and Y.Okada.2010.InAs/GaNAs strain-compensated quantum dots stacked up to50 layers for use in high-efficiency solar cell.Physica E42: 2757–2760.Sugiyama,M.,K.Sugita,Y.Wang,and Y.Nakano.2011.In situ curvature monitoring for metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy of strain-balanced stacks of InGaAs/GaAsP multiple quantum wells.Journal of Crystal Growth315:1–4.Wang,Y.,Y.Wen,K.Watanabe,M.Sugiyama,and Y.Nakano.2010.InGaAs/GaAsP strain-compensated superlattice solar cell for enhanced spectral response.In Proceedings35th IEEE photovoltaic specialists conference,3383–3385.Wang,Y.P.,S.Ma,M.Sugiyama,and Y.Nakano.2012.Management of highly-strained heterointerface in InGaAs/GaAsP strain-balanced superlattice for photovoltaic application.Journal of Crystal Growth.doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2011.12.049. AUTHOR BIOGRAPHYYoshiaki Nakano(&)is Professor and Director General of Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology,the University of Tokyo.His research interests include physics and fabrication tech-nologies of semiconductor distributed feedback lasers,semiconductor optical modulators/switches,monolithically integrated photonic cir-cuits,and high-efficiency heterostructure solar cells.Address:Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo,4-6-1Komaba,Meguro-ku,Tokyo153-8904,Japan.e-mail:nakano@rcast.u-tokyo.ac.jp。



毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料题目:一种使用风光互的补混合能源目前和未来的发展状况文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14一种使用风光互的补混合能源目前和未来的发展状况Pragya Nema , R.K. Nema, Saroj Rangnekar巴基斯坦阿扎德国家技术研究所,能源部,能源中心巴基斯坦阿扎德国家技术研究所,电气工程系摘要风能和太阳能是无处不在的,免费的,清洁环保的能源。









关键词:混合能源系统、太阳能、风能、可行性研究、模型、优化、控制器内容1.介绍2.混合系统的可行性研究分析3.机组规模和优化4.建立混合可再生能源系统组件的模型4.1 建立光伏组件的模型4.2 建立风能组件的模型4.3 建立柴油发电机组的模型5.能量流通和管理的混合控制器5.1 使用传统的方法5.2 使用专业系统6.混合动力系统的设计和操作的未来发展趋势7.结论致谢参考文献1.介绍一种可行的合理利用可再生能源的技术是在架设电网成本昂贵,燃料成本大幅增加的偏远地方安装混合能源系统。










传统的充电和保护IC 是分立的,占用而积大并且外围电路复杂。








电池的电压与温度有关,温度每升高1℃,单格电池电压下降4 mV,也就是说电池的浮充电压有负的温度系数-4 mV/℃。



光伏发电技术中英文资料外文翻译文献Research Article 1: Title of the ArticleAbstractResearch Article 2: Title of the ArticleAbstractThis research article focuses on the environmental impact of PV technology. It explains how solar panels convert sunlight into electricity and highlights the role of PV systems in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The article discusses the benefits and challenges associated with PV technology, including its dependence on sunlight, land requirements, and recyclability of materials. It also examines the life cycle assessment (LCA) of PV systems to evaluate their overall environmental performance. The research concludes by suggesting strategies to mitigate the environmental impact of PV technology, suchas improving panel efficiency and implementing responsible recycling practices.Research Article 3: Title of the ArticleAbstractThis article explores the economic aspects of PV technology. It analyzes the cost of installing and maintaining PV systems, including considerations for equipment, installation, and operation. The research discusses various financial incentives, such as government subsidies and tax credits, that promote the adoption of PV technology. It also highlights the economic benefits of PV systems, including job creation and energy independence. The article concludes by discussing the future potential of PV technology in reducing energy costs and stimulating economic growth.Research Article 4: Title of the ArticleAbstractThe focus of this research article is on the technical advancements in PV technology. It discusses the development of new materials and manufacturing processes to improve the efficiency and reliability of solar panels. The article explores the integration of PV systems with smart grid technology and how it enables better management of electricity generation and consumption. It also highlights the role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in optimizing PV system performance. The research concludes by suggesting future research directions in PV technology, such as exploring nanomaterials and enhancing the intelligence of PV systems.Conclusion总结这份文献收录了关于光伏发电技术的各个方面的研究,涵盖了与环境影响、经济考量和技术进展相关的主题。

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根据IncCo nd算法开发的一种新方法。







对于远程、远离电网的地方,它往往是比用输电线路[1] 提供一个独立的电力来源拥有可行性。

在这些电网中,在混合动力系统结合模块的基础上,可再生能源发电以柴油为动力的备用发电机已考虑ERED等效为一个可行的选择[2, 3]。


为了取代柴油备用发电机,独立的混合动力系统经常采用结合可再生能源来源的TARY 型材,如风力和光伏发电,合适的存储设备,如电池。






















在光伏电池阵列中,产生的电流表达式类似于eqn. 1:其中代表并行模块的数量,由串联的电池构成。













混合动力系统的动态模型可以通过瞬时切换模式的DC / DC降压转换器建立,以下是描述方程:(6b)其中和,是DC / DC转换器输出端子的电压和电流,u是开关控制信号,它只能采取离散值0(开关打开)或1(开关闭合)。

然后,考虑到电池组模型,包括一个理想的电压源(),电容器()和电阻() [9],整个动态串联系统模型可以写成:(7b)(7c)其中是上的电压,,和是可测量的电流。














在模型下右侧操作光伏阵列特性(B 点)更适合点,因为它允许更广泛的功率调节范围。


最后,在最大发电的曲线上,C点代表MPOP 。


这点来自于:考虑一个理想的DC / DC变换器,决定一种工作模式或其他方式可与(eqn. 9)进行比较,阵列可以根据MPOP建立。

以能用下式表示其中eqn.11中的左侧操作可以通过乘以eqn. 10中电流得到。









然后,为了实现滑动存在的条件[10],切换的控制信号必须是:等效控制是连续控制信号用来保持表面的不变性,得到即然后,把eqn. 16代入eqn. 7,理想的滑模动态可得:Eqn. 17a绘制在图5。











所有这些方法当中,相比最成功的为MPOP 跟踪的,因为它们不受特定的大气条件或实际负载影响[6]。








对于这种操作模式,IncCond方法滑模控制在发电条件不足的下的设计要满足eqn.10:然后,基于滑动面的考虑,可以看出,横截条件根据MPOP实行:因此,要实现滑动的存在条件,切换的控制信号必须是:在这种情况下,相当于控制假设下面的表达式:然后,考虑eqn.18和eqn.7 ,eqn.21,理想的滑模动态将写成:(22b)Eqn. 22a清楚地显示了一个稳定的平衡点。
















