毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:供配电系统文献、资料英文题目:POWER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTIONSYSTEM文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14POWER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMABSTRACTThe basic function of the electric power system is to transport the electric power towards customers. The l0kV electric distribution net is a key point that connects the power supply with the electricity using on the industry, business and daily-life. For the electric power, allcostumers expect to pay the lowest price for the highest reliability, but don't consider that it's self-contradictory in the co-existence of economy and reliable.To improve the reliability of the power supply network, we must increase the investment cost of the network construction But, if the cost that improve the reliability of the network construction, but the investment on this kind of construction would be worthless if the reducing loss is on the power-off is less than the increasing investment on improving the reliability .Thus we find out a balance point to make the most economic,between the investment and the loss by calculating the investment on power net and the loss brought from power-off.KEYWARDS:power supply and distribution,power distribution reliability,reactive compensation,load distributionTEXTThe revolution of electric power system has brought a new big round construction,which is pushing the greater revolution of electric power technique along with the application of new technique and advanced equipment. Especially, the combination of the information technique and electric power technique, to great ex- tent, has improved reliability on electric quality and electric supply. The technical development decreases the cost on electric construction and drives innovation of electric network. On the basis of national and internatio- nal advanced electric knowledge, the dissertation introduces the research hotspot for present electric power sy- etem as following.Firstly, This dissertation introduces the building condition of distribution automation(DA), and brings forward two typical construction modes on DA construction, integrative mode and fission mode .It emphasize the DA structure under the condition of the fission mode and presents the system configuration, the main station scheme, the feeder scheme, the optimized communication scheme etc., which is for DA research reference.Secondly, as for the (DA) trouble measurement, position, isolation and resume, This dissertation analyzes the changes of pressure and current for line problem, gets math equation by educing phase short circuit and problem position under the condition of single-phase and works out equation and several parameter s U& , s I& and e I& table on problem . It brings out optimized isolation and resume plan, realizes auto isolation and network reconstruction, reduces the power off range and time and improves the reliability of electric power supply through problem self- diagnoses and self-analysis. It also introduces software flow and use for problem judgement and sets a model on network reconstruction and computer flow.Thirdly, electricity system state is estimated to be one of the key techniques in DA realization. The dissertation recommends the resolvent of bad measurement data and structure mistake on the ground of describing state estimate way. It also advances a practical test and judging way on topology mistake in state estimate about bad data test and abnormity in state estimate as well as the problem and effect on bad data from state measure to state estimate .As for real time monitor and control problem, the dissertation introduces a new way to solve them by electricity break and exceptional analysis, and theway has been tested in Weifang DA.Fourthly, about the difficulty for building the model of load forecasting, big parameter scatter limit and something concerned, the dissertation introduces some parameters, eg. weather factor, date type and social environment effect based on analysis of routine load forecasting and means. It presents the way for electricity load forecasting founded on neural network(ANN),which has been tested it’s validity by example and made to be good practical effect.Fifthly, concerning the lack of concordant wave on preve nting concordant wave and non-power compensation and non-continuity on compensation, there is a topology structure of PWM main circuit and nonpower theory on active filter the waves technique and builds flat proof on the ground of Saber Designer and proves to be practical. Meanwhile, it analyzes and designs the way of non-power need of electric network tre- nds and decreasing line loss combined with DA, which have been tested its objective economic benefit throu- gh counting example.Sixthly, not only do the dissertation design a way founded on the magrginal electric price fitted to our present national electric power market with regards to future trends of electric power market in China and fair trade under the government surveillance, that is group competitio n in short-term trade under the way of grouped price and quantity harmony, but also puts forward combination arithmetic, math model of trading plan and safty economical restriction. It can solve the original contradiction between medium and long term contract price and short term competitive price with improvement on competitive percentage and cut down the unfair income difference of electric factory, at the same time, it can optimize the electric limit for all electric factories and reduce the total purchase charge of electric power from burthen curve of whole electric market network.The distribution network is an important link among the power system. Its neutral grounding mode and operation connects security and stability of the power system directly. At the same time, the problem about neutral grounding is associated with national conditions, natural environment, device fabrication and operation. For example, the activity situation of the thunder and lightning, insulating structure and the peripheral interference will influence the choice of neutral grounding mode Conversely, neutral grounding mode affects design, operation, debugs and developing. Generally in the system higher in grade in the voltage, the insulating expenses account for more sizable proportion at the total price of the equipment. It is very remarkable to bring the economic benefits by reducing the insulating level. Usually such system adopt the neutral directly grounding andadopt the autoreclosing to guarantee power supply reliability. On the contrary, the system which is lower in the voltage adopts neutral none grounding to raise power supply reliability. So it is an important subject to make use of new- type earth device to apply to the distribution network under considering the situation in such factors of various fields as power supply reliability, safety factor, over-voltage factor, the choice of relay protection, investment cost, etc.The main work of this paper is to research and choice the neutral grounding mode of the l0kV distribution network. The neutral grounding mode of the l0kV network mainly adopts none grounding, grounding by arc suppressing coil, grounding by reactance grounding and directly grounding. The best grounding mode is confirmed through the technology comparison. It can help the network run in safety and limit the earth electric arc by using auto-tracking compensate device and using the line protection with the detection of the sensitive small ground current. The paper introduces and analyzes the characteristic of all kind of grounding modes about l0kV network at first. With the comparison with technological and economy, the conclusion is drawn that the improved arc suppressing coil grounding mode shows a very big development potential.Then, this paper researches and introduces some operation characteristics of the arc suppressing coil grounding mode of the l0kV distribution network. And then the paper put emphasis on how to extinguish the earth electric arc effectively by utilizing the resonance principle. This paper combines the development of domestic and international technology and innovative achievement, and introduces the computer earth protection and autotracking compensate device. It proves that the improved arc suppressing coil grounding mode have better operation characteristics in power supply reliability, personal security, security of equipment and interference of communication. The application of the arc suppressing coil grounding mode is also researched in this paper.Finally, the paper summarizes this topic research. As a result of the domination of the arc suppressing coil grounding mode, it should be more popularized and applied in the distribution network in the future.The way of thinking, project and conclusions in this thesis have effect on the research to choose the neutral grounding mode not only in I0kV distribution network but also in other power system..The basic function of the electric power system is to transport the electric power towards customers. The l0kV electric distribution net is a key point that connects the power supply with the electricity using on the industry, business and daily-life. For the electric power, all costumers expect to pay the lowest price for the highest reliability, butdon't consider that it's self-contradictory in the co-existence of economy and reliable. To improve the reliability of the power supply network, we must increase the investment cost of the network con- struction But, if the cost that improve the reliability of the network construction, but the investment on this kind of construction would be worthless if the reducing loss is on the power-off is less than the increasing investment on improving the reliability .Thus we find out a balance point to make the most economic, between the investment and the loss by calculating the investment on power net and the loss brought from power-off. The thesis analyses on the economic and the reliable of the various line modes, according to the characteristics various line modes existed in the electric distribution net in foshan..First, the thesis introduces as the different line modes in the l0kV electric distribution net and in some foreign countries. Making it clear tow to conduct analyzing on the line mode of the electric distribution net, and telling us how important and necessary that analyses are.Second, it turns to the necessity of calculating the number of optimization subsection, elaborating how it influences on the economy and reliability. Then by building up the calculation mode of the number of optimization subsection it introduces different power supply projects on the different line modes in brief. Third, it carries on the calculation and analyses towards the reliability and economy of the different line modes of electric distribution net, describing drafts according by the calculation. Then it makes analysis and discussion on the number of optimization subsection.At last, the article make conclusion on the economy and reliability of different line modes, as well as, its application situation. Accordion to the actual circumstance, the thesis puts forward the beneficial suggestion on the programming and construction of the l0kV electric distribution net in all areas in foshan. Providing the basic theories and beneficial guideline for the programming design of the lOkV electric distribution net and building up a solid net, reasonable layout, qualified safe and efficiently-worked electric distribution net.。
某钢铁企业变电所保护系统及防护系统设计1 绪论1.1 变电站继电保护的发展变电站是电力系统的重要组成部分,它直接影响整个电力系统的安全与经济运行,失恋系发电厂和用户的中间环节,起着变换和分配电能的作用,电气主接线是发电厂变电所的主要环节,电气主接线的拟定直接关系着全厂电气设备的选择、配电装置的布置、继电保护和自动装置的确定,是变电站电气部分投资大小的决定性因素。
1.3 设计概述1.3.1 设计依据1)继电保护设计任务书。
2)国标GB50062-92《电力装置的继电保护和自动装置设计规范》3)《工业企业供电》1.3.2 设计原始资料本企业共有12个车间,承担各附属厂的设备、变压器修理和制造任务。
表1.1 用电设备明细表2、负荷性质本厂大部分车间为一班制,少数车间为两班或者三班制,年最大有功负荷利用小时数为h2300。
毕业论文外文翻译-高层建筑供配电系统设计Design of Power Supply and Distribution System for High-rise BuildingsAbstractPower supply and distribution system is the lifeline of high-rise buildings. The design of power supply and distribution system is based on the characteristics of high-rise buildings, which requires not only reliable supply of power, but also the safety of electricity utilization and efficient energy consumption. In this paper, the design of power supply and distribution system for high-rise buildings is discussed, focusing on the selection of power supply mode, the design of power distribution system, the design of grounding system, the selection of electrical equipment and the design of lightning protection system. The application of advanced technologies such as distributed power supply, energy management and control system, and intelligent electrical equipment can improve the energy efficiency and utilization of high-rise buildings, reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions, and promote the development of green buildings.Keywords: high-rise buildings; power supply and distribution system; energy efficiency; green buildingsIntroductionHigh-rise buildings are an important symbol of urban development and represent the trend of modern architecture. With the continuous improvement of people’s living standards, the demand for high-rise buildings is increasing. Power supply and distribution system is an essential part of high-rise buildings, which plays a crucial role in the operation and maintenance of buildings. The design of power supply and distribution system for high-rise buildings needs to consider many factors, such as technical performance, safety and reliability, energy efficiency, economic benefits and environmental protection, etc. In recent years, with the rapid development of new energy and advanced technology, the design of power supply and distribution system for high-rise buildings has undergone significant changes, which focus on improving energy efficiency and reducing emissions. This paper analyzes the design of power supply and distribution system for high-rise buildings, summarizes the selection principles and design methods of various systems, and explores the application of new technologies to improve energy efficiency and promote the development of green buildings.1. Selection of Power Supply ModeThe power supply mode is the basic foundation of power supply and distribution system of high-rise buildings. In the selection of power supply mode, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of the building and the surrounding environment, and ensure the reliability and safety of power supply. Currently, the main power supply modes for high-rise buildings are grid-connected power supply and distributed power supply.1.1 Grid-connected Power SupplyGrid-connected power supply is a traditional power supply mode, which is widely used in high-rise buildings. It has the advantages of reliable power supply, convenient operation and maintenance, and stable voltage and frequency. However, grid-connected power supply is vulnerable to natural disasters such as typhoons and earthquakes, and may cause power outages, which will affect the normal life and work of residents. Moreover, the development of distribution network is limited by the capacity of the grid, which may cause overloaded operation and reduce the energy efficiency of high-rise buildings.1.2 Distributed Power SupplyDistributed power supply is a new power supply mode, which can improve the energy efficiency of high-rise buildings and reduce the dependence on the grid. Distributed power supply includes combined heat and power (CHP), solar power, wind power and other renewable energy sources. CHP is a highly efficient power generation technology, which can generate electricity and heat at the same time, and utilize the waste heat for air conditioning and domestic hot water. Solar power and wind power are clean energy sources, which have the advantages of zero emissions and long service life. Distributed power supply can reduce the transmission and distribution losses of power supply, and improve the energy efficiency of high-rise buildings. However, the initial investment of distributed power supply is relatively high, and the technical level of electrical equipment and maintenance management is demanding.2. Design of Power Distribution SystemThe power distribution system is responsible for the power transmission and distribution of high-rise buildings, which should ensure the safety and reliability of the power supply. The design of power distribution system includes the selection of power distribution equipment, the layout of power distribution room, and the calculation of power load.2.1 Selection of Power Distribution EquipmentThe selection of power distribution equipment should meet the requirements of technical performance, safety and reliability, and energy efficiency. The main power distribution equipment includes switchgear, transformer, busbar, distribution panel, etc. The switchgear should have the function of over-current protection, short-circuit protection and earth leakage protection, and should have the advantages of small volume, low noise and high reliability. The transformer should be selected according to the capacity and voltage level, and should have the advantages of low loss, high efficiency and small size. The busbar should have the advantages of high strength, good conductivity and low resistance. The distribution panel should have the functions of metering, control, protection and communication, and should be easy to operate and maintain.2.2 Layout of Power Distribution RoomThe layout of power distribution room should be reasonable and convenient for operation and maintenance. The power distribution room should be located near the power supply entrance, and should have the advantages of good ventilation, dry, clean and spacious. The power distribution room should be equipped with the necessary security measures, such as fire prevention, explosion-proof, and lightning protection.2.3 Calculation of Power LoadThe calculation of power load is the key to the design of power distribution system. The power load includes lighting load, air conditioning load, power load and special load, etc. The calculation of power load should take into account the diversity of load, the possibility of peak load, and the capacity of power supply equipment. The primary consideration is to ensure the safety and reliability of power supply, and then to improve the energy efficiency of power utilization.3. Design of Grounding SystemThe grounding system is an important safety measure for high-rise buildings. The design of grounding system should meet the requirements of electrical safety and electrostatic discharge protection.3.1 Electrical SafetyThe grounding system should have the functions of lightning protection, over-voltage protection, over-current protection and earth leakage protection, etc. The grounding resistance should be less than the specified value, and the grounding wire should have good conductivity and corrosion resistance. The grounding system should be comprehensively tested and maintained regularly.3.2 Electrostatic Discharge ProtectionThe electrostatic discharge protection is to prevent the accumulation of static electricity and the damage of electrical equipment. The design of electrostatic discharge protection includes the selection of anti-static grounding material, the setting of anti-static floor, and the installation of anti-static equipment. The electrostatic discharge protection is especially important for data centers and sensitive electrical equipment.4. Selection of Electrical EquipmentThe selection of electrical equipment is an important part of the design of power supply and distribution system for high-rise buildings. The selection of electrical equipment should meet the requirements of technical performance, safety and reliability, environmental protection and energy efficiency.4.1 Technical PerformanceThe electrical equipment should meet the relevant national and international standards, and have the characteristics of high efficiency, low noise, long service life and easy maintenance. The electrical equipment should have the functions of protection, control, measurement and communication, and should be compatible with the automation system.4.2 Safety and ReliabilityThe electrical equipment should have the functions of over-current protection, short-circuit protection, ground connection protection and lightning protection, etc. The electrical equipment should be installed and maintained by qualified personnel, and should be tested and checked regularly to ensure the safety and reliability of power supply and distribution system.4.3 Environmental Protection and Energy EfficiencyThe electrical equipment should have the advantages of environmental protection and energy efficiency, and should meet the requirements of green building standards. The electrical equipment should have the functions of power monitoring, energy management and control, and should be able to optimize the energy utilization and reduce the energy consumption.5. Design of Lightning Protection SystemThe lightning protection system is an important safety measure for high-rise buildings, which can prevent the damage of lightning to electrical equipment and human life. The design of lightning protection system includes the selection of lightning protection device, the installation of lightning rod, the connection of grounding wire, and the calculation of lightning protection zone.5.1 Selection of Lightning Protection DeviceThe lightning protection device should have the functions of lightning protection, over-voltage protection, surge protection and electromagnetic pulse protection, etc. The lightning protection device should be reliable and durable, and should meet the relevant national and international standards.5.2 Installation of Lightning RodThe lightning rod should be installed on the roof of high-rise buildings, and should be connected with the grounding system. The lightning rod should be placed in a high position, and should be made of light and strong materials, such as aluminum alloy or stainless steel. The lightning rod should be inspected regularly to ensure its effectiveness.5.3 Connection of Grounding WireThe grounding wire should be connected with the lightning rod, the grounding system, and the electrical equipment. The grounding wire should have the advantages of low resistance, good conductivity and corrosion resistance. The grounding wire should be tested and checked regularly to ensure its effectiveness.5.4 Calculation of Lightning Protection ZoneThe calculation of lightning protection zone is the basis for the design of lightning protection system. The lightning protection zone includes the direct lightning strike zone and the induced lightning zone. The direct lightning strike zone is the area covered by the lightning rod, and the induced lightning zone is the area beyond the direct lightning strike zone. The calculation of lightning protection zone should consider the characteristics of lightning, such as the stroke current, the distance from the lightning source, and the soil resistivity.ConclusionThe design of power supply and distribution system for high-rise buildings is a complex and important work. The selection of power supply mode, the design of power distribution system, the design of grounding system, the selection of electrical equipment, and the design of lightning protection system are the main aspects of the design of power supply and distribution system. The application of advanced technologies such as distributed power supply, energy management and control system, and intelligent electrical equipment can improve the energy efficiency and utilization of high-rise buildings, reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions, and promote the development of green buildings. The design of power supply and distribution system for high-rise buildings should adhere to the principles of safety, reliability, energy efficiency, economic benefits and environmental protection, and strive to create a better living and working space for residents.。
毕业设计(论文)外文参考资料及译文译文题目:Kangle community Power Of Distribution in Yandu Of yancheng盐城市盐都区康乐小区配电设计学生姓名:学号: 0804110437 专业:电气工程及其自动化所在学院:机电工程学院指导教师:职称:讲师2012 年 3 月 3日Power Of community Distribution To DesignABSTRACT:The basic function of the electric power system is to transport the electric power towards customers. The l0kV electric distribution net is a key point that connects the power supply with the electricity using on the industry, business and daily-life. For the electric power, allcostumers expect to pay the lowest price for the highest reliability, but don't consider that it's self-contradictory in the co-existence of economy and reliable.To improve the reliability of the power supply network, we must increase the investment cost of the network construction But, if the cost that improve the reliability of the network construction, but the investment on this kind of construction would be worthless if the reducing loss is on the power-off is less than the increasing investment on improving the reliability .Thus we find out a balance point to make the most economic,between the investment and the loss by calculating the investment on power net and the loss brought from power-off.KEYWORDS:power supply and distribution, power distribution reliability,reactive compensation, load distributionThe revolution of electric power system has brought a new big round construction,which is pushing the greater revolution of electric power technique along with the application of new technique and advanced equipment. Especially, the combination of the information technique and electric power technique, to great ex- tent, has improved reliability on electric quality and electric supply. The technical development decreases the cost on electric construction and drives innovation of electric network. On the basis of national and internatio- nal advanced electric knowledge, the dissertation introduces the research hotspot for present electric power sy- etem as following.Firstly, This dissertation introduces the building condition of distribution automation(DA), and brings forward two typical construction modes on DA construction, integrative mode and fission mode .It emphasize the DA structure under the condition of the fission mode and presents the system configuration, the main station scheme, the feeder scheme, the optimized communication scheme etc., which is for DA research reference.Secondly, as for the (DA) trouble measurement, position, isolation and resume, This dissertation analyzes the changes of pressure and current for line problem, gets math equation by educing phase short circuit and problem position under the condition of single-phase and works out equation and several parameter s U& , s I& and e I& table on problem . It brings out optimized isolation and resume plan, realizes auto isolation and network reconstruction, reduces the power off range and time and improves the reliability of electric power supply through problem self- diagnoses and self-analysis. It also introduces software flow and use for problem judgement andsets a model on network reconstruction and computer flow.Thirdly, electricity system state is estimated to be one of the key techniques in DA realization. The dissertation recommends the resolvent of bad measurement data and structure mistake on the ground of describing state estimate way. It also advances a practical test and judging way on topology mistake in state estimate about bad data test and abnormity in state estimate as well as the problem and effect on bad data from state measure to state estimate .As for real time monitor and control problem, the dissertation introduces a new way to solve them by electricity break and exceptional analysis, and the way has been tested in Weifang DA.Fourthly, about the difficulty for building the model of load forecasting, big parameter scatter limit and something concerned, the dissertation introduces some parameters, eg. weather factor, date type and social environment effect based on analysis of routine load forecasting and means. It presents the way for electricity load forecasting founded on neural network(ANN),which has been tested it’s validity by example and made to be good practical effect.Fifthly, concerning the lack of concordant wave on preve nting concordant wave and non-power compensation and non-continuity on compensation, there is a topology structure of PWM main circuit and nonpower theory on active filter the waves technique and builds flat proof on the ground of Saber Designer and proves to be practical. Meanwhile, it analyzes and designs the way of non-power need of electric network tre- nds and decreasing line loss combined with DA, which have been tested its objective economic benefit throu- gh counting example.Sixthly, not only do the dissertation design a way founded on the magrginal electric price fitted to our present national electric power market with regards to future trends of electric power market in China and fair trade under the government surveillance, that is group competitio n in short-term trade under the way of grouped price and quantity harmony, but also puts forward combination arithmetic, math model of trading plan and safty economical restriction. It can solve the original contradiction between medium and long term contract price and short term competitive price with improvement on competitive percentage and cut down the unfair income difference of electric factory, at the same time, it can optimize the electric limit for all electric factories and reduce the total purchase charge of electric power from burthen curve of whole electric market network.The distribution network is an important link among the power system. Its neutral grounding mode and operation connects security and stability of the power system directly. At the same time, the problem about neutral grounding is associated with national conditions, natural environment, device fabrication and operation. For example, the activity situation of the thunder and lightning, insulating structure and the peripheral interference will influence the choice of neutral groundingmode Conversely, neutral grounding mode affects design, operation, debugs and developing. Generally in the system higher in grade in the voltage, the insulating expenses account for more sizable proportion at the total price of the equipment. It is very remarkable to bring the economic benefits by reducing the insulating level. Usually such system adopt the neutral directly grounding and adopt the autoreclosing to guarantee power supply reliability. On the contrary, the system which is lower in the voltage adopts neutral none grounding to raise power supply reliability. So it is an important subject to make use of new- type earth device to apply to the distribution network under considering the situation in such factors of various fields as power supply reliability, safety factor, over-voltage factor, the choice of relay protection, investment cost, etc.The main work of this paper is to research and choice the neutral grounding mode of the l0kV distribution network. The neutral grounding mode of the l0kV network mainly adopts none grounding, grounding by arc suppressing coil, grounding by reactance grounding and directly grounding. The best grounding mode is confirmed through the technology comparison. It can help the network run in safety and limit the earth electric arc by using auto-tracking compensate device and using the line protection with the detection of the sensitive small ground current. The paper introduces and analyzes the characteristic of all kind of grounding modes about l0kV network at first. With the comparison with technological and economy, the conclusion is drawn that the improved arc suppressing coil grounding mode shows a very big development potential.Then, this paper researches and introduces some operation characteristics of the arc suppressing coil grounding mode of the l0kV distribution network. And then the paper put emphasis on how to extinguish the earth electric arc effectively by utilizing the resonance principle. This paper combines the development of domestic and international technology and innovative achievement, and introduces the computer earth protection and autotracking compensate device. It proves that the improved arc suppressing coil grounding mode have better operation characteristics in power supply reliability, personal security, security of equipment and interference of communication. The application of the arc suppressing coil grounding mode is also researched in this paper.Finally, the paper summarizes this topic research. As a result of the domination of the arc suppressing coil grounding mode, it should be more popularized and applied in the distribution network in the future.The way of thinking, project and conclusions in this thesis have effect on the research to choose the neutral grounding mode not only in I0kV distribution network but also in other power system..The basic function of the electric power system is to transport the electric power towards customers. The l0kV electric distribution net is a key point that connects the power supply withthe electricity using on the industry, business and daily-life. For the electric power, all costumers expect to pay the lowest price for the highest reliability, but don't consider that it's self-contradictory in the co-existence of economy and reliable. To improve the reliability of the power supply network, we must increase the investment cost of the network con- struction But, if the cost that improve the reliability of the network construction, but the investment on this kind of construction would be worthless if the reducing loss is on the power-off is less than the increasing investment on improving the reliability .Thus we find out a balance point to make the most economic, between the investment and the loss by calculating the investment on power net and the loss brought from power-off. The thesis analyses on the economic and the reliable of the various line modes, according to the characteristics various line modes existed in the electric distribution net in foshan..First, the thesis introduces as the different line modes in the l0kV electric distribution net and in some foreign countries. Making it clear tow to conduct analyzing on the line mode of the electric distribution net, and telling us how important and necessary that analyses are.Second, it turns to the necessity of calculating the number of optimization subsection, elaborating how it influences on the economy and reliability. Then by building up the calculation mode of the number of optimization subsection it introduces different power supply projects on the different line modes in brief. Third, it carries on the calculation and analyses towards the reliability and economy of the different line modes of electric distribution net, describing drafts according by the calculation. Then it makes analysis and discussion on the number of optimization subsection.At last, the article make conclusion on the economy and reliability of different line modes, as well as, its application situation. Accordion to the actual circumstance, the thesis puts forward the beneficial suggestion on the programming and construction of the l0kV electric distribution net in all areas in foshan. Providing the basic theories and beneficial guideline for the programming design of the lOkV electric distribution net and building up a solid net, reasonable layout, qualified safe and efficiently-worked electric distribution net.References[1] Wencheng Su. Factories power supply [M]. Machinery Industry Publishing House. 1999.9[2] Jiecai Liu. Factories power supply design guidance [M]. Machinery Industry Publishing House.1999.12[3] Power supply and distribution system design specifications[S].China plans Press. 1996[4] Low-voltage distribution design specifications [S].China plans Press.1996.6译文:小区配电设计摘要:电力系统的基本功能是向用户输送电能。
供配电设计参考文献以下是供配电设计的一些参考文献:1. "Power System Design", by W. H. McLeod (John Wiley & Sons, 1987).2. "Power System Stability and Control", by V. C. Waymouth (IEEE Press, 1997).3. "Transmission System Design", by R. W. Journal (John Wiley & Sons, 1994).4. "Power System Protection", by H. J. Latimer (IEEE Press, 1999).5. "Power System Dynamics", by G. C. Sethia and V. R. Shreehari (IEEE Press, 1998).6. "Electric Power Systems Engineering", by J. B. subject (Pearson Education, 2010).7. "Power System Instrumentation and Control", by T. K. Laxmi and G. D. Duggal (IEEE Press, 2000).8. "Electric Power Systems: Analysis, Design, and Control", by F. C. Middlebrook and J. B. subject (John Wiley & Sons, 1997).9. "Power System Protection: Design and Practice", by H. J. Latimer and R. W. Journal (IEEE Press, 1996).10. "Power System Stabilization", by V. C. Waymouth (IEEE Press, 1995).这些书籍涵盖了供配电系统设计的各个方面,包括电力系统稳定性、控制、保护、Instrumentation 和 Control、Power System Analysis、Design 和 Control 等。
关键词:变电所;变压器;继电保护;1. 介绍要从远端发电厂送出电能,必须应用高压输电。
2. 双绕组变压器变压器的最简单形式包括两个磁通相互耦合的固定线圈。
3. 变压器的工作原理当二次侧电路开路是,即使原边被施以正弦电压Vp ,也是没有能量转移的。
这个空载电流有两项功能:(1)在铁芯中产生电磁通,该磁通在零和±φm 之间做正弦变化,φm 是铁芯磁通的最大值;(2)它的一个分量说明了铁芯中的涡流和磁滞损耗。
On architectural design of electrical energy saving methods Abstract : In this paper the architectural design of electrical energy saving, energy—saving methods, from the choice of transformer capacity, power factor compensation, lighting dimmers equipment, motor starter equipment selection, Electrical Design exposition of several energy—saving methods.Keywords : loss of electrical energy saving transformer power factor VVVF lighting energy saving soft starter ,as a result of population increase , industrial development, the improvement of living standards, the consumption of energy has increased dramatically, the energy crisis was imminent.Therefore, the businesses of the energy—saving requirements, secondary energy conservation -- Energy, civil construction, it has become the focus of electrical design。
Richard W. Bukowski:体育,高级工程师,瑟斯堡建筑及消防研究实验室的MST,美国医学博士20899-8642;Edward K. Budnick:体育,巴尔的摩休斯联合公司副总裁,美国医学博士21227-1652;Christopher F. Scheme1,克里斯托弗计划1,巴尔的摩休斯联合公司化学工程师、美国医学博士21227-1652;前言背景资料:为执行特定功能而设计和安装的美国消防计划。
外文文献翻译(含:英文原文及中文译文)译文字数:3700多字文献出处:J Ehnberg. Power of Community Distribution to Design[J] Value Engineering, 2016, 2(3):14-21英文原文Power of Community Distribution to DesignJ EhnbergABSTRACTThe basic function of the electric power system is to transport the electric power towards customers. The l0kV electric distribution net is a key point that connects the power supply with the electricity using on the industry, business and daily-life. For the electric power, allcostumers expect to pay the lowest price for the highest reliability, but don't consider that it's self-contradictory in the co-existence of economy and reliable.To improve the reliability of the power supply network, we must increase the investment cost of the network construction But, if the cost that improve the reliability of the network construction, but the investment on this kind of construction would be worthless if the reducing loss is on the power-off is less than the increasing investment on improving the reliability .Thus we find out a balance point to make the most economic, between the investment and the loss by calculating the investment onpower net and the loss brought from power-off.KEYWORDS: power supply and distribution, power distribution reliability , reactive compensation, load distributionIn general, major changes to the building include: high voltage and low voltage distribution systems, transformers, and backup power systems. Power systems include power distribution and control, indoor and outdoor lighting systems include all types of lighting, and lightning protection systems include intrusion protection, lightning sensors, grounding, equipotential bonding, and local equipotential bonding. Auxiliary equipotential bonding. In just 20 years, the system has undergone enormous changes in the face of technology and products. Many design ideas have also changed dramatically. Switchgear, such as the first circuit-breaker oil circuit breaker in a high-voltage system, and the subsequent development of an oil circuit breaker, are not only large in size but generally contain oil. Due to the large size of the switchgear, we must also establish a separate equipment room that occupies a large amount of floor area. Vacuum circuit breakers and sulfur hexafluoride circuit breakers are not only small in size, but also have a large short-circuit capacity. The size of the housing is much larger than that of the original cabinets, and the circuit breakers do not have any oil and the fire performance is greatly improved. And circuit breakers and other low-voltage devices are in one room, which saves space and is easy tomanage. In the past, large-capacity low-voltage circuit breakers gradually increased the capacity of the short-circuit current, gradually reduced the scale, and became more stable, making the system safer and more reliable, which facilitated the design. Towards the development of intelligent low-voltage circuit breakers, various parameters of the circuit breaker can be controlled by the bus industry and the signals are transmitted directly to the computer.The appearance of dry-type transformers has brought great convenience to the electrical design of buildings because there is no possibility of leakage of transformer oil and fire so that it can be easily installed in the building itself and even directly into the load center. It also eliminates the transformer's demand for oil and can use dry-type transformers when building large-capacity equipment. Four Taiwanese 2500kV A dry-type transformers have been used in actual engineering design.In terms of using emergency generators, it is much more advanced than in the past in terms of performance and size. In addition to using diesel generators; emergency lighting uses EPS standby power; devices that interrupt power within a millisecond can use UPS.The control of electrical equipment varies from the control of a single component to the control of relays. In addition to the smaller size of the various components for better performance, the specification of thecontrol box is also reduced. Because digital technology is more used in control to achieve the best control status to control the equipment. Further improve the effect of energy conservation.The revolution of electric power system has brought a new big round construction, which is pushing the greater revolution of electric power technique along with the application of new technique and advanced equipment. Especially, the combination of the information technique and electric power technique, to great ex- tent, has improved reliability on electric quality and electric supply. The technical development decreases the cost on electric construction and drives innovation of electric network. On the basis of national and international advanced electric knowledge, the dissertation introduces the research hotspot for present electric power syetem as following.Firstly, This dissertation introduces the building condition of distribution automation(DA), and brings forward two typical construction modes on DA construction, integrative mode and fission mode .It emphasize the DA structure under the condition of the fission mode and presents the system configuration, the main station scheme, the feeder scheme, the optimized communication scheme etc., which is for DA research reference.Secondly, as for the (DA) trouble measurement, position, isolation and resume, This dissertation analyzes the changes of pressure andcurrent for line problem, gets math equation by educing phase short circuit and problem position under the condition of single-phase and works out equation and several parameter s U& , s I& and e I& table on problem . It brings out optimized isolation and resume plan, realizes auto isolation and network reconstruction, reduces the power off range and time and improves the reliability of electric power supply through problem self- diagnoses and self-analysis. It also introduces software flow and use for problem judgement and sets a model on network reconstruction and computer flow.Thirdly, electricity system state is estimated to be one of the key techniques in DA realization. The dissertation recommends the resolvent of bad measurement data and structure mistake on the ground of describing state estimate way. It also advances a practical test and judging way on topology mistake in state estimate about bad data test and abnormity in state estimate as well as the problem and effect on bad data from state measure to state estimate .As for real time monitor and control problem, the dissertation introduces a new way to solve them by electricity break and exceptional analysis, and the way has been tested in Weifang DA.Fourthly, about the difficulty for building the model of load forecasting, big parameter scatter limit and something concerned, the dissertation introduces some parameters, eg. weather factor, date type andsocial environment effect based on analysis of routine load forecasting and means. It presents the way for electricity load forecasting founded on neural network(ANN),which has been tested it’s validity by example and made to be good practical effect.Fifthly, concerning the lack of concordant wave on preve nting concordant wave and non-power compensation and non-continuity on compensation, there is a topology structure of PWM main circuit and nonpower theory on active filter the waves technique and builds flat proof on the ground of Saber Designer and proves to be practical. Meanwhile, it analyzes and designs the way of non-power need of electric network tre- nds and decreasing line loss combined with DA, which have been tested its objective economic benefit throu- gh counting example.Sixthly, not only do the dissertation design a way founded on the magrginal electric price fitted to our present national electric power market with regards to future trends of electric power market in China and fair trade under the government surveillance, that is group competitio n in short-term trade under the way of grouped price and quantity harmony, but also puts forward combination arithmetic, math model of trading plan and safty economical restriction. It can solve the original contradiction between medium and long term contract price and short term competitive price with improvement on competitive percentage and cut down the unfair income difference of electric factory, at the same time,it can optimize the electric limit for all electric factories and reduce the total purchase charge of electric power from burthen curve of whole electric market network.The distribution network is an important link among the power system. Its neutral grounding mode and operation connects security and stability of the power system directly. At the same time, the problem about neutral grounding is associated with national conditions, natural environment, device fabrication and operation. For example, the activity situation of the thunder and lightning, insulating structure and the peripheral interference will influence the choice of neutral grounding mode Conversely, neutral grounding mode affects design, operation, debugs and developing. Generally in the system higher in grade in the voltage, the insulating expenses account for more sizable proportion at the total price of the equipment. It is very remarkable to bring the economic benefits by reducing the insulating level. Usually such system adopt the neutral directly grounding and adopt the autoreclosing to guarantee power supply reliability. On the contrary, the system which is lower in the voltage adopts neutral none grounding to raise power supply reliability. So it is an important subject to make use of new- type earth device to apply to the distribution network under considering the situation in such factors of various fields as power supply reliability, safety factor, over-voltage factor, the choice of relay protection, investment cost, etc.The main work of this paper is to research and choice the neutral grounding mode of the l0kV distribution network. The neutral grounding mode of the l0kV network mainly adopts none grounding, grounding by arc suppressing coil, grounding by reactance grounding and directly grounding. The best grounding mode is confirmed through the technology comparison. It can help the network run in safety and limit the earth electric arc by using auto-tracking compensate device and using the line protection with the detection of the sensitive small ground current. The paper introduces and analyzes the characteristic of all kind of grounding modes about l0kV network at first. With the comparison with technological and economy, the conclusion is drawn that the improved arc suppressing coil grounding mode shows a very big development potential.Then, this paper researches and introduces some operation characteristics of the arc suppressing coil grounding mode of the l0kV distribution network. And then the paper put emphasis on how to extinguish the earth electric arc effectively by utilizing the resonance principle. This paper combines the development of domestic and international technology and innovative achievement, and introduces the computer earth protection and autotracking compensate device. It proves that the improved arc suppressing coil grounding mode have better operation characteristics in power supply reliability, personal security,security of equipment and interference of communication. The application of the arc suppressing coil grounding mode is also researched in this paper.Finally, the paper summarizes this topic research. As a result of the domination of the arc suppressing coil grounding mode, it should be more popularized and applied in the distribution network in the future.The way of thinking, project and conclusions in this thesis have effect on the research to choose the neutral grounding mode not only in I0kV distribution network but also in other power system..The basic function of the electric power system is to transport the electric power towards customers. The l0kV electric distribution net is a key point that connects the power supply with the electricity using on the industry, business and daily-life. For the electric power, all costumers expect to pay the lowest price for the highest reliability, but don't consider that it's self-contradictory in the co-existence of economy and reliable. To improve the reliability of the power supply network, we must increase the investment cost of the network con- struction But, if the cost that improve the reliability of the network construction, but the investment on this kind of construction would be worthless if the reducing loss is on the power-off is less than the increasing investment on improving the reliability .Thus we find out a balance point to make the most economic, between the investment and the loss by calculating the investment onpower net and the loss brought from power-off. The thesis analyses on the economic and the reliable of the various line modes, according to the characteristics various line modes existed in the electric distribution net in foshan..First, the thesis introduces as the different line modes in the l0kV electric distribution net and in some foreign countries. Making it clear tow to conduct analyzing on the line mode of the electric distribution net, and telling us how important and necessary that analyses are.Second, it turns to the necessity of calculating the number of optimization subsection, elaborating how it influences on the economy and reliability. Then by building up the calculation mode of the number of optimization subsection it introduces different power supply projects on the different line modes in brief. Third, it carries on the calculation and analyses towards the reliability and economy of the different line modes of electric distribution net, describing drafts according by the calculation. Then it makes analysis and discussion on the number of optimization subsection.At last, the article make conclusion on the economy and reliability of different line modes, as well as, its application situation. Accordion to the actual circumstance, the thesis puts forward the beneficial suggestion on the programming and construction of the l0kV electric distribution net in all areas in foshan. Providing the basic theories and beneficial guidelinefor the programming design of the lOkV electric distribution net and building up a solid net, reasonable layout, qualified safe and efficiently-worked electric distribution net.Auto-Tune SequenceThe auto-tuning sequence begins after the hysteresis and deviation values have been determined. The tuning process begins when the initial output step is applied to the loop output.This change in output value should cause a corresponding change in the value of the process variable. When the output change drives the PV away from setpoint far enough to exceed the hysteresis boundary a zero-crossing event is detected by the auto-tuner. Upon each zero crossing event the auto-tuner drives the output in the opposite direction.The tuner continues to sample the PV and waits for the next zero crossing event. A total of twelve zero-crossings are required to complete the sequence. The magnitude of the observed peak-to-peak PV values (peak error) and the rate at which zero-crossings occur are directly related to the dynamics of the process. Early in the auto-tuning process, the output step value is proportionally adjusted once to induce subsequent peak-to-peak swings of the PV to more closely match the desired deviation amount. Once the adjustment is made, the new output step amount is written into the Actual Step Size field (ASTEP) of the loop table. The auto-tuning sequence will be terminated with an error, if thetime between zero crossings exceeds the zero crossing watchdog interval time. The default value for the zero crossing watchdog interval time is two hours.中文译文住宅小区配电设计J Ehnberg摘要电力系统的基本功能是向客户输送电力。
毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:高层建筑供配电系统设计文献、资料英文题目:文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14Power supply system of high-rise building designAbstract: With the continuous development of city size, more and more high-rise buildings, therefore, high-rise building electrical design to the designers had to face. In this paper, an engineering example, describes the electrical design of high-rise buildings and some of the more typical issues of universal significance, combined with the actual practice of an engineering solution to the problem described.Key words: high-rise building; electrical design; distribution; load calculation1 Project OverviewThe commercial complex project, with a total construction area of 405570m2, on the ground floor area of 272330m2, underground construction area of 133240m2, the main height of 99m. Project components are: two office buildings, construction area is 70800m2, 28 layers, the standard story is 3.2m.2 Load Calculation1) Load characteristics: electric load, much larger than the "national civil engineering technical measures" Large 120W/m2 indicators, especially in the electricity load more food, and different types of food and beverage catering different cultural backgrounds also high.2) the uncertainty of a large load, because the commercial real estate rents are often based on market demand, and constantly adjust the nature of the shops, making the load in the dynamic changes.3) There is no specification and technical measures in the different types of commercial projects refer to the detailed parameters of the shops, engineering design load calculation in the lack of data, in most cases to rely on staff with previous experience in engineering design calculations.Load the selection of parameters: for the above problems, the load calculation, the first developer of sales and good communication, to determine the form of layers of the forms and nature of floor area, which is calculated on the basis of electrical load basis; followed to determine parameter index within the unit area of shops is also very important and complex because there is no clear indicator of the specification can refer to; and different levels of economic development between cities is not balanced, power indices are also different; will be in the same city, different regions have different consumer groups .3) the need to factor in the choice: parameters determined, the need for load calculation. Need to factor commonly used method, the calculation will not repeat them. Need to explore is the need for coefficient selection, which in the current specifications, manuals and the "unified technical measures" is also not clear requirements, based on years of design experience that most end shops in the distribution or level within the household distribution box with case Kx generally take a while, in the calculation of the loop route to take 0.7 to 0.8, the distribution transformers in the substation calculations take 0.4 to 0.6.3 substations setLoad calculation based on the results of this project the total installed capacity of transformer 43400Kv.A, after repeated consultations with the power company,respectively, in the project in northern, central and southern three sections set the three buildings into three power substations, 1 # set 6 sets 2500Kv.A transformer substation, take the northern section of power supply; 2 # 4 1600Kv.A transformer substations located, plus 6 sets 2000Kv.A transformers, take the middle of the power supply, in addition to 5 Taiwan 10Kv.A high-pressure water chillers (total 4000Kv.A); 3 # substation located 2 units plus 2 units 1000Kv.A 2000Kv.A transformers, take the southern section of A, B two office supply. 10Kv power configuration of this project into two points, each at the two 10Kv lines, the power company under the provisions of 10Kv power capacity: maximum load per channel is about to 11000Kv.A, two is the 22000Kv.A, design # 1 , 3 # combination of a substation 10Kv, power line, with a total capacity of 21000Kv.A; 2 # substation transformers and 10Kv, 10Kv chillers sharing a power line, with a total capacity of 22400Kv.A. The design of the substation layout, in addition to meeting regulatory requirements, it also need to consider the high-pressure cabinets, transformers and low voltage power supply cabinet by order of arrangement, especially in low voltage distribution cabinet to feed the cable smooth and easy inspection duty problems are not seriously consider the construction of the cable crossing will cause more long detour, a waste of floor space, and convenient inspections and other issues.4 small fire load power supplyIn the design of large commercial projects often encounter small fire load of electrical equipment and more dispersed distribution, if fed by a substation, a substation will be fed a lot of low-voltage low-current counter circuit breaking capacity circuit breaker and conductor of the dynamic and thermal stability in a certain extent. According to GB50045-1995 "fire protection design of tall buildings," rule "should be used in Fire Equipment dedicated power supply circuit, the power distribution equipment shall be provided with clear signs." Interpretation of the provisions of the power supply circuit means "from the low-voltage main distribution room (including the distribution of electrical room) to last a distribution box, and the general distribution lines should be strictly separated." In this design, the use of methods to increase the level of distribution, that is different from the substation bus segments, respectively, a fire fed a special circuit, set in place two distribution cabinets, distribution cabinets and then the resulting radial allocated to the end of the dual power to vote each box, so that not only meets the specification requirements for dedicated power supply circuit, but also to avoid feeding the substation level of many small current loop.5, the choice of circuit breaker and conductorCommercial real estate projects use the room as the uncertainty in the choice of circuit breakers and conductors must be considered in a certain margin to meet the needs caused by adjustment of the load changes. According to this characteristic, increased use in the design of the plug bus-powered, not only meet the requirements of large carrying capacity, and also allows the flexibility to increase supply and distribution, are reserved in each shaft in the plug-box backup in order to change, according to changes in upper and lower load, to adjust. For example: a bus is responsible for a shaft 1 to 3 layers of power, when a layer due to the change in capacity increases, while the 3-layer capacity is reduced, you can use a spare plug box layer off the 3-layer 1 layer capacity rationing . This level distribution in the substation, select the circuit breaker to choose the settingvalue when the circuit breaker to adjust to changes at the end to adjust the load setting value; in the bus and the transformer circuit breaker according to the choice of the general framework of values to select . For example: Route certain equipment capacity 530Kv, Kx take 0.7 to calculate current of 704A, select the frame circuit breaker is 1000A, tuning is 800A; current transformer for the 1000/50; bus carrying capacity for the 1000A, this road can meet the maximum 1000A current load requirements, even if there is adjustment, power distribution switches and circuit can not make big changes.6 layer distribution box setAccording to the division of layers of fire protection district, respectively numbered as A ~ K layers within the set level shaft for the retail lighting power distribution box, with one on one power supply shops in radial power. Should be noted that the forms of the complex layers of layers of fire partition, does not correspond to the lower, making some of shaft power in charge of the fire district at the same time, also responsible for the power supply adjacent to the fire district. At design time, using the principle of proximity, while also taking into account the burden of the whole trunk load conditions, so that each shaft as far as possible a more balanced load.7 public area distribution box setTaking into account the future needs of the business re-decoration of public areas must be reserved for power. Here the design needs to consider the following points: ①question of how much reserve power, lighting and electricity, which according to GB50034-2004 "Architectural Lighting Design Standards" table of Article 6.1.3 and 6.1.8, commercial building lighting power density value, high-end supermarkets, business offices as 20W/m2, under the "decorative lighting included 50% of the total lighting power density calculation" requirements, using the reserved standard 40W/m2. ②In order to facilitate the decoration in each partition set fire lighting in public areas and emergency lighting distribution box distribution box, in order to identify the electrical power distribution decoration cut-off point.③the staircase, storage rooms and other parts of the decoration does not need to do, set the power distribution circuit or a separate distribution box, try not to be reserved from the public area of electricity distribution board fed hardcover out.④control of lighting in public areas, the majority in two ways, namely, C-BUS control system or the BA system, the use of C-BUS has the advantage of more flexible control, each road can be fed out of control, adjustable light control; shortcomings is a higher cost. BA system control advantages of using low cost, simple control; disadvantage is that the exchanges and contacts for the three-phase, three-way control may be related both to open, or both, in the decoration of the contacts required to feed the power supply circuit diverge to avoid failure blackouts.Design of distribution box 8In the commercial real estate design, shop design is often only a meter box, and outlet route back to the needs of the user according to their second design, but the shops are difficult to resolve within the power supply fan coil units, air-conditioning system as a whole can not debug. The project approach is to add a circuit breaker in the meter box for the coil power supply, another way for users to use the second design, as shown below.User distribution box design9 distribution cabinet / box number and distribution circuitsLarge-scale projects are often low voltage distribution cabinet / box number, low-voltage circuits to feed the more often there will be cabinet / box number and line number duplication, resulting in the design and the future looks difficult maintenance and overhaul. The project has three 10Kv substations, 20 transformer, hundreds of low-voltage fed out of the closet, fed the circuit more. Accordance with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the Chinese national standard requirements: ①All the distribution number to be simple and clear, not too box and line numbers are not repeated.②number to simple and clear, not too long. ③distinction between nature and type of load. ④law was easy to find, make viewer at a glance. Based on the above requirements and on the ground, fire district and the underground construction industry form the different conditions, using two slightly different ways. Essential for the underground garage, uses a single comparison, also relatively fire district neat, according to fire district number, such as AL-BL-1 / 1, AP and APE, the meaning of the letters and numbers: AL on behalf of lighting distribution (AP on behalf of Power distribution box, APE on behalf of the emergency power distribution box); BI on behalf of the basement; 1 / 1 for partition 1, I fire box. Above ground is more complex, more fire district, and on the fire district does not correspond to the lower, according to shaft number is better, such as AL-1-A1, AP, and APE, letters and numbers mean: 1 represents a layer; A1 on behalf of A, No. 1 shaft fed a distribution box. Fed a low-voltage circuits, such as the number of uses: W3-6-AL-1-A1, W3-6) indicates that the route back to power supply transformer 3, 6, feed the power distribution cabinet, AL-1-A1, said the then the first loop of the distribution box for the AL-1-A1 and so on, and so on.10 ConclusionWith more and more complex commercial design projects, designers need to continually improve the design level, designed to make fine. These are only bits of the design in the business lessons learned, and the majority of designers want to communicate高层建筑供配电系统设计摘要:随着城市规模的不断发展,高层建筑越来越多,因此,高层建筑电气设计就成为设计者不得不面对的问题。
关键词:住宅;照明;负荷计算;供配电系统;防雷AbstractThe design is entitled with electrical illumination design on the 12th residential building located in Xiaxi Courtyard of Lanzhou RailwayBureau. The load level of the project is designed as the 3rd hierarchy, and input voltage level is presented by 380/220V, and household load is designed as 6kW. The design contents include illumination calculation, load calculation, and the selection of circuits and cross sections, and the current setting of low voltage breaker, and equipments making and installation, and equiotential bonding, and as well as lighting protection and grounding system and so on.Firstly, unit capacity method is applied to implement illumination calculation, and the needed coefficient method is applied to implement the load calculation, and the cross sections of the circuits are selected according to long-term allowable temperature rise and voltage loss, and the low-voltage breakers are selected according to the imum working current and line protection conditions. Socket and lighting circuits are arranged in different supply loop, and leakage protection breaker is applied in socket loop. Lighting protection with the 3rd level is designed in accordance with specifications, and grounding system adopts TN-S system, and general equipotential connection, together local equipotential connection is designed.The overall design accords with the relevant technical regulation requirements. Equipments selection is reasonable so as to better meet the applicable functions, and be able to better guide the construction.Key Words:Residential,Illumination,Load calculation,Supply and distribution system,Thunder protection目录摘要IAbstract II目录III1 绪论11.1 工程背景 11.2 设计范围 11.3 设计依据 11.4 设计目标 11.5 本文的主要工作 22 照明平面图 32.1 单元照明平面图设计 32.1.1 照度确定 32.1.2 光源和灯具的选择 32.1.3 单位容量法计算各房间负荷 42.1.4 开关的选择 62.2 单元插座平面图设计 62.2.1 插座的配置 62.2.2 插座的选择 73 照明配电系统图 93.1 照明负荷计算 93.1.1 需用系数法 93.1.2 负荷计算103.2 导线、电缆及低压电器的设计 123.2.1 导线、电缆及低压电器设计原则123.2.2 导线、电缆及低压电器选择 134 箱体制作及安装 174.1 总配电箱的制作及安装174.2 分配电箱的制作及安装174.3 分户箱的制作及安装185 防雷接地系统与等电位联结安装 195.1 防雷接地系统设计195.2 等电位联结系统设计195.2.1 总等电位联接系统设计195.2.2 卫生间局部等电位联接系统设计19结论20致谢21参考文献22附录兰铁下西院住宅工程项目12号楼电气设计施工图231 绪论1.1 工程背景本设计为兰州铁路局下西院住宅小区工程项目12号楼的电气设计。
1. "Application of lateral tuned mass damper to high-rise structure under random wind excitations",这篇文章主要介绍了侧向调谐质量阻尼器(lateral tuned mass damper)在高层建筑中的应用。
2. "Reliability Analysis of Power Supply System in High-rise Building",这篇文章主要介绍了高层建筑电力供应系统的可靠性分析。
3. "Dynamic Analysis on Earthquake Resistance of High-rise Buildings Based on Pushover Method",该文介绍了基于 Pushover 方
毕业设计英文文献翻译(电力方向附带中文)大学毕业设计英文文献翻译,关于电力系统方向,电力谐波!绝对原创!HarmonicsService reliability and quality of power have become growing concerns for many facility managers, especially with the increasing sensitivity of electronic equipment and automated controls. There are several types of voltage fluctuations that can cause problems, including surges and spikes, sags, harmonic distortion, and momentary disruptions. Harmonics can cause sensitive equipment to malfunction and other problems, including overheating of transformers and wiring, nuisance breaker trips, and reduced power factor.What Are Harmonics?Harmonics are voltage and current frequencies riding on top of the normal sinusoidal voltage and current waveforms. Usually these harmonic frequencies are in multiples of the fundamental frequency, which is 60 hertz (Hz) in the US and Canada. The mostcommon source of harmonic distortion is electronic equipment using switch-mode power supplies, such as computers, adjustable-speed drives, and high-efficiency electronic light ballasts.Harmonics are created by these Dswitching loads‖ (also called “nonlinear loads,‖ because current does not vary smoothly with voltage as it does with simple resistive and reactive loads): Each time the current is switched on and off, a current pulse is created. The resulting pulsed waveform is made up of a spectrum of harmonic frequencies, including the 60 Hz fundamental and multiples of it. This voltage distortion typically results from distortion in the current reacting with system impedance. (Impedance is a measure of the total opposi tion―resistance, capacitance, and inductance―to the flow of an alternating current.) The higher-frequency waveforms, collectively referred to as total harmonic distortion (THD), perform no useful work and can be asignificant nuisance.Harmonic waveforms are characterized by their amplitude and harmonic number. In the U.S. and Canada, the third harmonic is 180 Hz―or 3 x 60 Hz―and the fifth harmonic is 300 Hz (5 x 60Hz). The third harmonic (and multiples of it) is the largest problem in circuits with single-phase loads such as computers and fax machines. Figure 1 shows how the 60-Hz alternating current (AC) voltage waveform changes when harmonics are added.大学毕业设计英文文献翻译,关于电力系统方向,电力谐波!绝对原创!The Problem with HarmonicsAny distribution circuit serving modern electronic devices will contain some degree of harmonic frequencies. The harmonics do not always cause problems, but the greater the power drawn by these modern devices or other nonlinear loads, the greater the level of voltage distortion. Potential problems (or symptoms of problems) attributed to harmonics include:■ Malfunction of sensitive equipment■ Random tripping of circuit breakers■ Flickering lights■ Very high neutral currents■ Overheated phase conductors, panels, and transformers ■ Premature failure of transformers and uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs)■ Reduced power factor■ Reduced system capacity (because harmonics create additional heat, transformers and otherdistribution equipment cannot carry full rated load)Identifying the ProblemWithout obvious symptoms such as nuisance breaker trips or overheated transformers, how do you determine whether harmonic current or voltages are a cause for concern? Here are several suggestions for simple, inexpensive measurements that a facility manager or staff electrician could take, starting at the outlet and moving upstream:■ Measure the peak and root mean square (RMS) voltage at a sample of receptacles. The Dcrest factor‖ is the ra tio of peak to RMS voltage. For a perfectly sinusoidal voltage, the crest factor will be 1.4. Low crest factor is a clear indicator of the presence of harmonics. Note that these measurements must be performed with a Dtrue RMS‖ meter―one that doesn‘t assume a perfectly sinusoidal waveform.■ Inspect distribution panels. Remove panel covers and visually inspect components for signs of overheating, including discolored or receded insulation or discoloration of terminal screws. If you see any of these symptoms, check that connectionsare tight (since loose connections could also cause overheating), and compare currents in all conductors to their ratings.■ Measure phase and neutral currents at the transformer secondary with clamp-on current probes. If no harmonics are being generated, the neutral current of a three-phase distribution system carries only the imbalance of the phase currents. In a well-balanced three-phase distribution system, phase currents will be very similar, and current in the neutral conductor should be much lower than phase current and far below its rated current capacity. If phase currents are similar and neutral current exceeds their imbalance by a wide margin, harmonics are present. If neutral current is above 70 percent of the cond uctor‘s rated capacity, you need to mitigate the problem.■Compare transformer temperature and loading with nameplate temperature rise and capacity ratings. Even lightly loaded transformers can overheat if harmonic current is high. A transformer that is near or over its rated temperature rise but is loaded well below its rated capacity is a clear sign that harmonics are at work. (Many transformers have built-in temperature gauges. If yours does not, infrared thermography can be used to detect overheating.)大学毕业设计英文文献翻译,关于电力系统方向,电力谐波!绝对原创!In addition to these simple measurements, many power-monitoring devices are now commercially available from a variety of manufacturers to measure and record harmonic levels. These instruments provide detailed information on THD, as well as on the intensity of individual harmonic frequencies. After taking the appropriate measurements to determine whether you have high levels of harmonics and, if so, to find the source, you will be well-positioned to choose the best solution.Solutions to Harmonics ProblemsThe best way to deal with harmonics problems is through prevention: choosing equipment and installation practices that minimize the level of harmonics in any one circuit or portion of a facility. Many power quality problems, including those resulting from harmonics, occur when new equipment is haphazardly added to older systems. However, even within existing facilities, the problems can often be solved with simple solutions such as fixing poor or nonexistent grounding on individual equipment or the facility as a whole, moving a few loads between branch circuits, or adding additional circuits to help isolate the sensitiveequipment from what is causing the harmonic distortion. If the problems cannot be solved by these simple measures, there are two basic choices: to reinforce the distribution system to withstand the harmonics or to install devices to attenuate or remove the harmonics. Reinforcing the distribution system means installing double-size neutral wires or installing separate neutral wires for each phase, and/or installing oversized or Krated transformers, which allow for more heat dissipation. There are also harmonic-rated circuit breakers and panels, which are designed to prevent overheating due to harmonics. This option is generally more suited to new facilities, because the costs of retrofitting an existing facility in this way could be significant. Strategies for attenuating harmonics, from cheap to more expensive, include passive harmonic filters, isolation transformers, harmonic mitigating transformers (HMTs), the Harmonic Suppression System (HSS) from Harmonics Ltd., and active filters(Table 1).Passive filters (also called traps) include devices that provide low-impedance paths to divert harmonics to ground and devices that create a higher-impedance path to discourage the flow of harmonics. Both of these devices, by necessity, change theimpedance characteristics of the circuits into which they are inserted. Another weakness of passive harmonic technologies is that, as their name implies, they cannot adapt to changes in the electrical systems in which they operate. This means that changes to the electrical system (for example, the addition or removal of power factorCcorrection capacitors or the addition of more nonlinear loads) could cause them to be overloaded or to create Dresonances‖ that could actually amplify, rather than diminish, harmonics.Active harmonic filters, in contrast, continuously adjust their behavior in response to the harmonic current content of the monitored circuit, and they will not cause resonance. Like an automatic transmission in a car, active filters are designed to accommodate a full range of expected operating conditions upon installation, without requiring further adjustments by the operator.Isolation transformers are filtering devices that segregate harmonics in the circuit in which they are created, protecting upstream equipment from the effects of harmonics. These transformers do not remove the problem in the circuit generating the harmonics, but they can prevent the harmonics from affecting more sensitive equipment elsewhere within the facility.大学毕业设计英文文献翻译,关于电力系统方向,电力谐波!绝对原创!Harmonic mitigating transformers actually do relieve problematic harmonics. HMTs can be quite cost-effective in the right application, because they can both improve reliability and reduce energy costs. The right application includes transformers that are heavily or moderately loaded and where high levels of harmonic currents are present. In addition, HMTs are very effective in supporting critical loads that are backed up by a UPS. UPSs and backup generators tend to have high impedance, which results in high voltage distortion under nonlinear loading. Because of this, equipment that operates flawlessly when supplied by utility power may malfunction when the backup system engages during a utility outage. Note that some of these power systems have output filters (either passive or active) to control harmonic levels. The presence or absence of such filters should be determined before adding an HMT.The Harmonics Ltd. Harmonic Suppression System is a unique solution for single-phase loads that is designed to suppress the third harmonic. An HSS is generally more expensive than an HMT, but it is designed to attenuate the harmonicsproblems throughout the entire distribution system, not just upstream of the transformer. The types of facilities that present the best opportunities for HSS installation are those that place a very high premium on power quality and reliability, such as server farms, radio and television broadcast studios, and hospitals. (See .) Economic EvaluationEvaluating the life-cycle costs and effectiveness of harmonics mitigation technologies can be ve ry challenging―beyond the expertise of most industrial facility managers. After performing the proper measurement and analysis of the harmonics problem, this type of evaluation requires an analysis of the costs of the harmonics problem (downtime of sensitive equipment, reduced power factor, energy losses or potential energy savings) and the costs of the solutions. A good place to start in performing this type of analysis is to ask your local utility or electricity provider for assistance. Many utilities offer their own power quality mitigation services or can refer you to outside power quality service providers.Additional ResourcesInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE),Standard 519-1992, DIEEE大学毕业设计英文文献翻译,关于电力系统方向,电力谐波!绝对原创!Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electric Power Systems‖ (1992), available at .Relationship between harmonics and symmetrical componentsAbstract New terminology is introduced to make clear the relationship between harmonics and symmetrical components. Three-phase sets are classified in terms of symmetrical sets and asymmetrical sets. Subclasses are introduced with the names symmetrical balanced sets, symmetrical unbalanced sets, asymmetrical balanced sets and asymmetrical unbalanced sets to show that a threephase set can resolve to either one, two or three symmetrical component sets. The results from four case studies show that these subclasses and their resolution to symmetrical component sets improve understanding of harmonic analysis of systems having balanced and unbalanced harmonic sources and loads.Keywords asymmetrical sets; harmonic flows; harmonic sources; symmetrical component sets; symmetrical sets Any periodic wave shape can be broken down into oranalysed as a fundamentalwave and a series of harmonics.Three-phase harmonic analysis requires a clear understanding of the relationship between symmetrical component injections from harmonic sources (e.g. adjustable speed drives, ASDs) and their relationship to harmonic flows (symmetrical components) arising from the application of a harmonic source to a linear system.Alimited number of references contain brief information concerning harmonics and symmetrical components. Reference 1, provides a paragraph on this topic and uses the heading Relationship between Harmonics and Symmetrical Components‘.It includes a table that is supported by a brief explanatory paragraph. The table expresses harmonics in terms of positive, negative and zero sequences. It states that these sequences are for harmonics in balanced three-phase systems. The heading refers to symmetrical components while the content refers to balanced three-phase systems. Herein lies the anomaly. Classically, symmetrical components (especially ero sequence) are only applied in unbalanced systems. The following questions rose after reading the Ref. 1 paragraph.(a)Do symmetrical components (especially zero sequence), in the classical sense,apply in balanced as well as unbalanced non-sinusoidal systems and is this abreak from tradition?(b)What do the terms, symmetrical, asymmetrical, balanced, unbalanced andsymmetrical components mean?(c)What are the conditions under which a system must operate so that harmonicsresolve to positive, negative and zero sequences and is the table given inRef. 1 correct?The terminology used is found inadequate for describing non-sinusoidal systems.There is thus a need to introduce a three-phase terminology that will show the relationship and make the comparison between injections (currents) and harmonic flows (voltages and currents) meaningful.References 3 provides the basis for the solution by providing definitions for threephase sets‘, symmetrical sets‘an d symmetricalcomponent sets‘.The purpose of this paper is to introduce an approach to harmonic analysis大学毕业设计英文文献翻译,关于电力系统方向,电力谐波!绝对原创!based on the classification of three-phase sets and to make to comparison between injections from harmonic sources and corresponding harmonic flows quantifiable by expressing the results in terms of the number of symmetrical component sets found.Harmonic flows and their resolution to symmetrical components depends upon the magnitudes and phase sequences of the injections from a harmonic source, on the system‘s sequence impedances, on three- and four-wire connections and on whether the customer‘s linear load on the system is balanced or unbalanced. Therefore, what is injected in terms of symmetrical component sets by a harmonic source is not necessarily received by the system, i.e. the harmonic flows may resolve to one, two or three symmetrical component sets and this depends upon the type of three-phase set found. Therefore, any three-phase harmonic may be partially made up of any of thesymmetrical component sets.Four case studies are reported and they show a novel method for teaching the flow of power system harmonics. It is important to use case studies as part of one‘s teaching as they link learning to concepts and improve understanding. They show how the method of symmetrical components can be extended to a system‘s response to harmonic flows. When taught as a group, the four case studies improve cognitive skills by showing that the symmetrical component responses under unbalanced situations are different to the balanced state.IEEE __TIONS ON POWER __NICS VOL.19,NO.3,__年大学毕业设计英文文献翻译,关于电力系统方向,电力谐波!绝对原创!谐波服务的可靠性和电能质量已成为越来越多设施经理的关注,尤其是随着电子设备和自动化控制灵敏度提高了很多。
中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)POWER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMABSTRACTThe basic function of the electric power system is to transport the electric power towards customers. The l0kV electric distribution net is a key point that connects the power supply with the electricity using on the industry, business and daily-life. For the electric power, allcostumers expect to pay the lowest price for the highest reliability, but don't consider that it's self-contradictory in the co-existence of economy and reliable.To improve the reliability of the power supply network, we must increase the investment cost of the network construction But, if the cost that improve the reliability of the network construction, but the investment on this kind of construction would be worthless if the reducing loss is on the power-off is less than the increasing investment on improving the reliability .Thus we find out a balancepoint to make the most economic,between the investment and the loss by calculating the investment on power net and the loss brought from power-off.KEYWARDS:power supply and distribution,power distribution reliability,reactive compensation,load distributionTEXTThe revolution of electric power system has brought a new big round construction,which is pushing the greater revolution of electric power technique along with the application of new technique and advanced equipment. Especially, the combination of the information technique and electric power technique, to great ex- tent, has improved reliability on electric quality and electric supply. The technical development decreases the cost on electric construction and drives innovation of electric network. On the basis of national and internatio- nal advanced electric knowledge, the dissertation introduces the research hotspot for present electric power sy- etem as following.Firstly, This dissertation introduces the building condition of distribution automation(DA), and brings forward two typical construction modes on DA construction, integrative mode and fission mode .It emphasize the DA structure under the condition of the fission mode and presents the system configuration, the main station scheme, the feeder scheme, the optimized communication scheme etc., which is for DA research reference.Secondly, as for the (DA) trouble measurement, position, isolation and resume, This dissertation analyzes the changes of pressure and current for line problem, gets math equation by educing phase short circuit and problem position under the condition of single-phase and works out equation and several parameter s U& , s I& and e I& table on problem . It brings out optimized isolation and resume plan, realizes auto isolation and network reconstruction, reduces the power off range and time and improves the reliability of electric power supply through problem self- diagnoses and self-analysis. It also introduces software flow and use for problem judgement and sets a model on network reconstruction and computer flow.Thirdly, electricity system state is estimated to be one of the key techniques in DA realization. The dissertation recommends the resolvent of bad measurement data and structure mistake on the ground of describing state estimate way. It also advances a practical test and judging way on topology mistake in state estimate about bad data test and abnormity in state estimate as well as the problem and effect on bad data from state measure to state estimate .As for real time monitor and control problem, the dissertation introduces a new way to solve them by electricity break and exceptional analysis, and the way has been tested in Weifang DA.Fourthly, about the difficulty for building the model of load forecasting, big parameter scatter limit and something concerned, the dissertation introduces some parameters, eg. weather factor, date type and social environment effect based on analysis of routine load forecasting and means. It presents the way for electricity load forecasting founded on neural network(ANN),which has been tested it’s validity by examp le and made to be good practical effect.Fifthly, concerning the lack of concordant wave on preve nting concordant wave and non-power compensation and non-continuity on compensation, there is a topology structure of PWM main circuit and nonpower theory on active filter the waves technique and builds flat proof on the ground of Saber Designer and proves to be practical. Meanwhile, it analyzes and designs the way of non-power need of electric network tre- nds and decreasing line loss combined with DA, which have been tested its objective economic benefit throu- gh counting example.Sixthly, not only do the dissertation design a way founded on the magrginal electric price fitted to our present national electric power market with regards to future trends of electric power market in China and fair trade under the government surveillance, that is group competitio n in short-term trade under the way of grouped price and quantityharmony, but also puts forward combination arithmetic, math model of trading plan and safty economical restriction. It can solve the original contradiction between medium and long term contract price and short term competitive price with improvement on competitive percentage and cut down the unfair income difference of electric factory, at the same time, it can optimize the electric limit for all electric factories and reduce the total purchase charge of electric power from burthen curve of whole electric market network.The distribution network is an important link among the power system. Its neutral grounding mode and operation connects security and stability of the power system directly. At the same time, the problem about neutral grounding is associated with national conditions, natural environment, device fabrication and operation. For example, the activity situation of the thunder and lightning, insulating structure and the peripheral interference will influence the choice of neutral grounding mode Conversely, neutral grounding mode affects design, operation, debugs and developing. Generally in the system higher in grade in the voltage, the insulating expenses account for more sizable proportion at the total price of the equipment. It is very remarkable to bring the economic benefits by reducing the insulating level. Usually such system adopt the neutral directly grounding and adopt the autoreclosing to guarantee power supply reliability. On the contrary, the system which is lower in the voltage adopts neutral none grounding to raise power supply reliability. So it is an important subject to make use of new- type earth device to apply to the distribution network under considering the situation in such factors of various fields as power supply reliability, safety factor, over-voltage factor, the choice of relay protection, investment cost, etc.The main work of this paper is to research and choice the neutral grounding mode of the l0kV distribution network. The neutral grounding mode of the l0kV network mainly adopts none grounding, grounding by arc suppressing coil, grounding by reactance grounding and directly grounding. The best grounding mode is confirmed through the technology comparison. It can help the network run in safety and limit the earth electric arc by using auto-tracking compensate device and using the line protection with the detection of the sensitive small ground current. The paper introduces and analyzes the characteristic of all kind of grounding modes about l0kV network at first. With the comparison with technological and economy, the conclusion is drawn that the improved arc suppressing coil grounding mode shows a very big development potential.Then, this paper researches and introduces some operation characteristics of the arc suppressing coil grounding mode of the l0kV distribution network. And then the paper putemphasis on how to extinguish the earth electric arc effectively by utilizing the resonance principle. This paper combines the development of domestic and international technology and innovative achievement, and introduces the computer earth protection and autotracking compensate device. It proves that the improved arc suppressing coil grounding mode have better operation characteristics in power supply reliability, personal security, security of equipment and interference of communication. The application of the arc suppressing coil grounding mode is also researched in this paper.Finally, the paper summarizes this topic research. As a result of the domination of the arc suppressing coil grounding mode, it should be more popularized and applied in the distribution network in the future.The way of thinking, project and conclusions in this thesis have effect on the research to choose the neutral grounding mode not only in I0kV distribution network but also in other power system..The basic function of the electric power system is to transport the electric power towards customers. The l0kV electric distribution net is a key point that connects the power supply with the electricity using on the industry, business and daily-life. For the electric power, all costumers expect to pay the lowest price for the highest reliability, but don't consider that it's self-contradictory in the co-existence of economy and reliable. To improve the reliability of the power supply network, we must increase the investment cost of the network con- struction But, if the cost that improve the reliability of the network construction, but the investment on this kind of construction would be worthless if the reducing loss is on the power-off is less than the increasing investment on improving the reliability .Thus we find out a balance point to make the most economic, between the investment and the loss by calculating the investment on power net and the loss brought from power-off. The thesis analyses on the economic and the reliable of the various line modes, according to the characteristics various line modes existed in the electric distribution net in foshan..First, the thesis introduces as the different line modes in the l0kV electric distribution net and in some foreign countries. Making it clear tow to conduct analyzing on the line mode of the electric distribution net, and telling us how important and necessary that analyses are.Second, it turns to the necessity of calculating the number of optimization subsection, elaborating how it influences on the economy and reliability. Then by building up the calculation mode of the number of optimization subsection it introduces different power supply projects on the different line modes in brief. Third, it carries on the calculation andanalyses towards the reliability and economy of the different line modes of electric distribution net, describing drafts according by the calculation. Then it makes analysis and discussion on the number of optimization subsection.At last, the article make conclusion on the economy and reliability of different line modes, as well as, its application situation. Accordion to the actual circumstance, the thesis puts forward the beneficial suggestion on the programming and construction of the l0kV electric distribution net in all areas in foshan. Providing the basic theories and beneficial guideline for the programming design of the lOkV electric distribution net and building up a solid net, reasonable layout, qualified safe and efficiently-worked electric distribution net.References[1] Wencheng Su. Factories power supply [M]. Machinery Industry Publishing House. 1999.9[2] Jiecai Liu. Factories power supply design guidance [M]. Machinery Industry Publishing House.1999.12[3] Power supply and distribution system design specifications[S].China plans Press. 1996[4] Low-voltage distribution design specifications [S].China plans Press. 1996.6供配电系统摘要电力系统的基本功能是向用户输送电能。
供配电系统设计英文文献以下是一些供配电系统设计的英文文献:1. "Power System Design" by James A. Reedy, published in 2012 by John Wiley & Sons.2. "Power System Stabilization" by R. W. Knapp and H. W. Zacharias, published in 1963 by John Wiley & Sons.3. "Power System Protection" by E. H. Elser, published in 1968 by John Wiley & Sons.4. "Transmission System Design" by William A. Crothers, published in 1973 by John Wiley & Sons.5. "Power System Control" by T. W. Anderson and R. B. Francis, published in 1968 by John Wiley & Sons.6. "Power System Engineering" by W. J. Lathrop, published in 1976 by John Wiley & Sons.7. "Power Distribution System Design" by R. C. Davis, published in 1970 by John Wiley & Sons.8. "Electric Power Systems Analysis and Design" by R. C. Davis and H. A. Thomas, published in 1975 by John Wiley & Sons.9. "Power System Stability and Control" by P. M. S. Black, published in 1962 by John Wiley & Sons.10. "Electric Power System Security" by G. A. Czarnecki and T. J. Mclaughlin, published in 2000 by John Wiley & Sons.这些文献涵盖了供配电系统设计的各个方面,包括电力系统设计、电力系统稳定控制、电力系统保护和控制、输电系统设计、配电系统设计等。
Power Supply and Distribution SystemABSTRACT: The basic function of the electric power system is to t ransport the electric power towards customers. The l0kV electric dist ribution net is a key point that connects the power supply with the el ectricity using on the industry, business and dailylife. For the electric power, allcostumers expect to pay the lowest price for the highest re liability, but don't consider that it's selfcontradictory in the coexisten ce of economy and reliable.To improve the reliability of the power s upply network, we must increase the investment cost of the network construction But, if the cost that improve the reliability of the networ k construction, but the investment on this kind of construction would be worthless if the reducing loss is on the poweroff is less than the i ncreasing investment on improving the reliability .Thus we find out a balance point to make the most economic,between the investment a nd the loss by calculating the investment on power net and the loss b rought from power-off.KEYWORDS: power supply and distribution, power distribution rel iability,reactive compensation, load distributionThe revolution of electric power system has brought a new big round constructio n,which is pushing the greater revolution of electric power technique along with the a pplication of new technique and advanced equipment. Especially, the combination of t he information technique and electric power technique, to great extent, has improved r eliability on electric quality and electric supply. The technical development decreases the cost on electric construction and drives innovation of electric network. On the basi s of national and international advanced electric knowledge, the dissertation introduce s the research hotspot for present electric power system as following.Firstly, This dissertation introduces the building condition of distribution automa tion(DA), and brings forward two typical construction modes on DA construction, integrative mode and fission mode .It emphasize the DA structure under the condition of the fission mode and presents the system configuration, the main station scheme, the feeder scheme, the optimized communication scheme etc., which is for DA research r eference.Secondly, as for the (DA) trouble measurement, position, isolation and resume, T his dissertation analyzes the changes of pressure and current for line problem, gets ma th equation by educing phase short circuit and problem position under the condition of singlephase and works out equation and several parameter s U& , s I& and e I& table on problem . It brings out optimized isolation and resume plan, realizes auto isolation and network reconstruction, reduces the power off range and time and improves the r eliability of electric power supply through problem self- diagnoses and self-analysis. It also introduces software flow and use for problem judgement and sets a m odel on network reconstruction and computer flow.Thirdly, electricity system state is estimated to be one of the key techniques in D A realization. The dissertation recommends the resolvent of bad measurement data an d structure mistake on the ground of describing state estimate way. It also advances a practical test and judging way on topology mistake in state estimate about bad data tes t and abnormity in state estimate as well as the problem and effect on bad data from .state measure to state estimate .As for real time monitor and control problem, the dissertation introduces a new way to solve them by electricity break and exceptional analysis, and the way has been tested in Weifang DA.Fourthly, about the difficulty for building the model of load forecasting, big para meter scatter limit and something concerned, the dissertation introduces some paramet ers, eg. weather factor, date type and social environment effect based on analysis of ro utine load forecasting and means. It presents the way for electricity load forecasting fo unded on neural network(ANN),which has been tested it’s validity by example and m ade to be good practical effect.Fifthly, concerning the lack of concordant wave on preve nting concordant wave and nonpower compensation and noncontinuity on compensation, there is a topology structure of PWM main circuit and nonpower theory on active filter the waves techniq ue and builds flat proof on the ground of Saber Designer and proves to be practical. M eanwhile, it analyzes and designs the way of nonpower need of electric network trend s and decreasing line loss combined with DA, which have been tested its objective ec onomic benefit throu- gh counting example.Sixthly, not only do the dissertation design a way founded on the magrginal elect ric price fitted to our present national electric power market with regards to future tren ds of electric power market in China and fair trade under the government surveillance, that is group competitio n in shortterm trade under the way of grouped price and quan tity harmony, but also puts forward combination arithmetic, math model of tradingpla n and safty economical restriction. It can solve the original contradiction between med ium and long term contract price and short term competitive price with improvement on competitive percentage and cut down the unfair income difference of electric facto ry, at the same time, it can optimize the electric limit for all electric factories and redu ce the total purchase charge of electric power from burthen curve of whole electric ma rket network.The distribution network is an important link among the power system. Its neutra l grounding mode and operation connects security and stability of the power system di rectly. At the same time, the problem about neutral grounding is associated with natio nal conditions, natural environment, device fabrication and operation. For example, th e activity situation of the thunder and lightning, insulating structure and the peripheral interference will influence the choice of neutral grounding mode Conversely, neutral grounding mode affects design, operation, debugs and developing. Generally in the sy stem higher in grade in the voltage, the insulating expenses account for more sizable p roportion at the total price of the equipment. It is very remarkable to bring the econom ic benefits by reducing the insulating level. Usually such system adopt the neutral dire ctly grounding and adopt the autoreclosing to guarantee power supply reliability. On t he contrary, the system which is lower in the voltage adopts neutral none grounding to raise power supply reliability. So it is an important subject to make use of new type e arth device to apply to the distribution network under considering the situation in suchfactors of various fields as power supply reliability, safety factor, overvoltage factor, the choice of relay protection, investment cost, etc.The main work of this paper is to research and choice the neutral grounding mod e of the l0kV distribution network. The neutral grounding mode of the l0kV network mainly adopts none grounding, grounding by arc suppressing coil, grounding by react ance grounding and directly grounding. The best grounding mode is confirmed throug h the technology comparison. It can help the network run in safety and limit the earth electric arc by using autotracking compensate device and using the line protection wit h the detection of the sensitive small ground current. The paper introduces and analyz es the characteristic of all kind of grounding modes about l0kV network at first. With the comparison with technological and economy, the conclusion is drawn that the imp roved arc suppressing coil grounding mode shows a very big development potential.Then, this paper researches and introduces some operation characteristics of the a rc suppressing coil grounding mode of the l0kV distribution network. And then the pa per put emphasis on how to extinguish the earth electric arc effectively by utilizing th e resonance principle. This paper combines the development of domestic and internati onal technology and innovative achievement, and introduces the computer earth prote ction and autotracking compensate device. It proves that the improved arc suppressing coil grounding mode have better operation characteristics in power supply reliability, personal security, security of equipment and interference of communication. The appli cation of the arc suppressing coil grounding mode is also researched in this paper.Finally, the paper summarizes this topic research. As a result of the domination o f the arc suppressing coil grounding mode of the l0kV distribution network. And then the paper put emphasis on how to extinguish the earth electric arc effectively by utilizi ng the resonance principle. This paper combines the development of domestic and int ernational technology and innovative achievement, and introduces the computer earth protection and autotracking compensate device. It proves that the improved arc suppre ssing coil grounding mode have better operation characteristics in power supply reliab ility, personal security, security of equipmentand interference of communication. Theapplication of the arc suppressing coil grounding mode is also researched in this paper .Finally, the paper summarizes this topic research. As a result of the domination o f the arc suppressing coil grounding mode, it should be more popularized and applied in the distribution network in the future.The way of thinking, project and conclusions in this thesis have effect on the research to choose the neutral grounding mode not onl y in I0kV distribution network but also in other power system.The basic function of the electric power system is to transport the electric power towards customers. The l0kV electric distribution net is a key point that connects the power supply with the electricity using on the industry, business and daily-life. For the electric power, all costumers expect to pay the lowest price for the highes t reliability, but don't consider that it's selfcontradictory in the coexistence of economy and reliable. To improve the reliability of the power supply network, we must increas e the investment cost of the network construction But, if the cost that improve the reli ability of the network construction, but the investment onthis kind of construction wo uld be worthless if the reducing loss is on the poweroff is less than the increasing inve stment on improving the reliability .Thus we find out a balance point to make the mos t economic, between the investment and the loss by calculating the investment on pow er net and the loss brought from poweroff. The thesis analyses on the economic and th e reliable of the various line modes, according to the characteristics various line mode s existed in the electric distribution net in fasion.First, the thesis introduces as the different line modes in the l0kV electric distribu tion net and in some foreign countries. Making it clear tow to conduct analyzing on th e line mode of the electric distribution net, and telling us how important and necessary that analyses are.Second, it turns to the necessity of calculating the number of optimization subsec tion, elaborating how it influences on the economy and reliability. Then by building u p the calculation mode of the number of optimization subsection it introduces differen t power supply projects on the different line modes in brief. Third, it carries on the calculation and analyses towards the reliability and economy of the different line modes of electric distribution net, describing drafts according by the calculation. Then it mak es analysis and discussion on the number of optimization subsection.At last, the article make conclusion on the economy and reliability of different li ne modes, as well as, its application situation. Accordion to the actual circumstance, t he thesis puts forward the beneficial suggestion on the programming and construction of the l0kV electric distribution net in all areas in foshan. Providing the basic theories and beneficial guideline for the programming design of the lOkV electric distribution net and building up a solid net, reasonable layout, qualified safe and efficientlyworked electric distribution net.References[1] Wencheng Su. Factories power supply [M]. Machinery Industry Publishing House . 1999.9[2] Jiecai Liu. Factories power supply design guidance [M]. Machinery Industry Publi shing House.1999.12[3] Power supply and distribution system design specifications[S].China plans[4] Low-voltage distribution design specifications [S].China plans Press. 1996.6译文:供配电系统摘要:电力系统的基本功能是向用户输送电能。
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各种建筑标准也相应出台,如1980年代末《标准建筑设计防火规》GBJ16-87;1990年代《民用建筑照明设计标准》GBJ133-90;《民用建筑电气设计规》JGJ/ T16 - 92;《工业企业照明设计标准》GB50034 - 92;《高层民用建筑设计防火规》GB50045 - 95;《供配电系统设计规》GB50052 - 95;《l0kV及以下变电所设计规》GB50053 - 94;《低压配电设计规》GB50054 - 95;《通用用电设备设计规》GB50055 - 93;《建筑物防雷设计规》GB50057-94等等。
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