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1. Dogs are man's best friend. If you plan on buying a dog, try to put in a little bit of research. You will find out that there are plenty of dog breeds(品种)to choose from, but some are more expensive than others. Not just in terms of the purchase price, but also grooming(动物美容)and medical expenses.

In this list, we will cover the most expensive dog breeds in the world that you can buy. We’ll eve n include the dog's price tag, grooming expenses, and average health care costs.

Kerry Blue Terrier

With a purchase price at $ 600 this dog might be inexpensive. However, due to their many health concerns, health care costs can reach up to $ 7, 000. If taken care of, they can live up to 15 years.

Great Dane

The Great Dane breed is a big dog with an average price of $ 800. This breed has a life expectancy of 7 to 10 years. The average health care costs are expected to be around $7, 100.

Bernese Mountain Dog

The purchase price for one of these huge 120-pound dogs is around $800. This breed has a life expectancy of 9 to 12 years. This breed has many health concerns like elbow and hip dysplasia(髓关节发育不良)which will cost you around $ 6, 500.

German Shepherd

Known for their cleverness as a sheepherder, the purchase price for one is around $ 800. Although they can live for up to 13 years, their health care costs up to $20, 500. What causes their health care

to be expensive is treating common health conditions such as hip dysplasia.

【小题1】How long can a Kerry Blue Terrier live?

A.7 years. B.15 years. C.10 years. D.12 years.

【小题2】Of all the dogs introduced, which is the most expensive to raise?

A.Kerry Blue Terrier. B.Great Dane.

C.Bemese Mountain Dog. D.German Shepherd.

【小题3】What is the passage mainly about?

A.Where to buy a great dog. B.How to take care of a dog. C.What to know in choosing a dog. D.How to make friends with dogs.

2. Last Monday, I decided to go into a superstore to

prepare a picnic. It was a huge one, spread onto 2 stories. After 45 minutes of shopping to just get some tomatoes, cheese and 3

toothpicks-yes, the ratio time/articles is ridiculous-I arrived to

the cashier line, thoughtful and a bit frustrated by the time I spent to get 3 articles. I wondered why I did not go to a small local store.

After 15 minutes of waiting in the line, the woman in front of me called me, "Hey you only have 3 articles? Pass before me. I have more articles than you!" It wasn’t the first time it had happened to me. She did not wear any mask, so I could see her smile. Not knowing what else to do, I accepted her offering. We chatted a bit waiting for the customers ahead of us to finish-she was incredibly pleasant. Then I thanked her, giving her back my brightest smile (although I was wearing a mask).

Getting back in my car, I rethought about that good moment, and realized that she made my day. In the meantime, I wondered how to

give it back to her. No doubt it was quite impossible, so I

considered how to pay-it-forward to someone else. While driving, I realized that she saved me 10 minutes. And while I was driving at

70mph, I reduced my speed to 55mph. My fuel consumption(消耗)strongly dropped down by 35%.

Admittedly, I re-lost part of the 10 minutes that the woman

offered me, but it was a way to repay her and do a small thing for

the environment.

【小题1】Which can best describes the author’s shopping experience based on Paragraph 1?

A.Tiring. B.Challenging.
