专题19 立体图形的直观图(解析版)

专题19 立体图形的直观图一、单选题1.关于斜二测画法画直观图说法不正确的是A .在实物图中取坐标系不同,所得的直观图有可能不同B .平行于坐标轴的线段在直观图中仍然平行于坐标轴C .平行于坐标轴的线段长度在直观图中仍然保持不变D .斜二测坐标系取的角可能是135【试题来源】2021年高考一轮数学(文)单元复习一遍过 【答案】C【分析】根据斜二测画法的规则,平行关系不变,平行于x 、z 轴的线段长度不变,平行于y 轴的线段长度减半,直角变为45或135进行判断,即可得出结论.【解析】对于A 选项,在实物图中取坐标系不同,所得的直观图有可能不同,A 选项正确; 对于B 、C 选项,由平行于x 轴或z 轴的线段长度在直观图中仍然保持不变, 平行于y 轴的线段长度在直观图中是原来的一半,则B 选项正确,C 选项错误; 对于D 选项,在平面直角坐标系中,90xOy ∠=,在斜二测画法中,45x O y '''∠=或135,D 选项正确.故选C . 2.如图,水平放置的三角形的直观图,D 是A B ''边上的一点且13D A A B ''''=,//A B Y '''轴,//C D X '''轴,那么C A ''、C B ''、C D ''三条线段对应原图形中的线段CA 、CB 、CD 中A .最长的是CA ,最短的是CB B .最长的是CB ,最短的是CAC .最长的是CA ,最短的是CDD .最长的是CB ,最短的是CD【试题来源】河北省唐山市第十一中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期中 【答案】D【分析】直接利用斜二测画法求解. 【解析】因为//A B Y '''轴,//C D X '''轴, 所以在原图中,,2,AB CD AB A B CD C D ''''⊥==,所以22222222222,2CB CD BD CD B D CA CD AD CD A D ''''=+=+=+=+, 因为13D A A B ''''=,所以CB CA CD >>,故选D 3.如果一个正方形的边长为4,那么用斜二测画法画出其直观图的面积是A .B .C .8D .16【试题来源】山西省吕梁市汾阳中学、孝义中学、文水中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期中 【答案】B【分析】由斜二测画法的原则:横等纵半,,写出直观图面积即可.【解析】若斜二测画法所得正方形如下图A’B’C’D’,根据横等纵半知4A B C D ''''==,2A D B C ''''==且45A D C '''∠=︒,所以直观图的面积sin 45S A B A D ''''=⋅⋅︒=B .4.已知水平放置的ABC 是按“斜二测画法”得到如图所示的直观图,1B O C O ''''==,12A O ''=,那么原ABC 的面积是AB .12C .1D .2【试题来源】福建省三明市三地三校2020-2021学年高二上学期期中联考 【答案】C【分析】由直观图求出原图三角形的高,即可求解.【解析】由直观图中12A O ''=,2B C ''=知原图中1212AO =⨯=,且AO BC ⊥,2BC =,所以原ABC 的面积是面积为1121122BC OA ⨯⨯=⨯⨯=,故选C5.如图,一个正方形OABC 在斜二测画法下的直观图是个一条边长为1的平行四边形,则正方形OABC 的面积为A .1B .4C .1或4D .不能确定【试题来源】2020-2021学年高一数学单元测试定心卷(人教版必修2) 【答案】C【分析】由题意,111O A =或111O C =,可得正方形OABC 的边长为1或2,即可求出正方形OABC 的面积.【解析】由题意,111O A =或111O C =,所以正方形OABC 的边长为1或2, 所以正方形OABC 的面积为1或4.故选C6.如图直角'''O A B △是一个平面图形的直观图,斜边''4O B =,则原平面图形的面积是A .B .C .4D【试题来源】山东省山东师大附中2019-2020学年高一下学期5月月考【答案】A【分析】根据斜二测画法规则可求原平面图形三角形的两条直角边长度,利用三角形的面积公式即可求解.【解析】由题意可知'''O A B △为等腰直角三角形,''4O B =,则O A ''=,所以原图形中,4OB =,OA =故原平面图形的面积为142⨯⨯=A7.如图是一个水平放置的直观图,它是一个底角为45,腰和上底均为1,1的等腰梯形,那么原平面图形的面积为A .2+B 122C .22+D .1+【试题来源】陕西省西安市阎良区2019-2020学年高一上学期期末 【答案】A【分析】先判断原平面图形为直角梯形,且直角腰长为2,上底边长为1,1,代入梯形的面积公式计算.【解析】平面图形的直观图是一个底角为45︒,腰和上底长均为11的的等腰梯形,∴原平面图形为直角梯形,且直角腰长为2,上底边长为1,梯形的下底边长为1+∴原平面图形的面积22S ==+A .8.如图,A B C '''是ABC 的直观图,其中//,//A B O x A C O y '''''''',且1A B A C ''''==,那么ABC 的面积是A .1B .C .8D 【试题来源】安徽省合肥市第六中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期末(文) 【答案】A【分析】根据斜二测画法的原则,确定原三角形的形状,以及边长,即可求出三角形的面积. 【解析】根据斜二测画法可得,原图形中,//AB Ox ,//AC Oy ,则AB AC ⊥, 又1AB A B ''==,22AB A C ''==,所以ABC 的面积是112ABCS AB AC =⨯=, 故选A .9.如图,正方形O A B C ''''的边长为1,它是一个水平放置的平面图形的直观图,则原图形的周长为A .4B .6C .8D .2+【试题来源】陕西省西安中学2020-2021学年高一上学期期末 【答案】C【分析】根据斜二测画法求解. 【解析】直观图如图所示:由图知原图形的周长为13138OA AB BC CO +++=+++=,故选C10.某水平放置的OAB 用斜二测画法得到如图所示的直观图O A B '''△,若O B A B '''=',则OAB 中A .90OBA ∠=︒B .OB BA =C .OB OA =D .OB OA >【试题来源】重庆市2020-2021学年高二上学期期末联合检测数学(康德卷)试题 【答案】D【分析】90OBA ∠≠,所以选项A 错误;OB BA ≠,所以选项B 错误; OB OA >,所以选项C 错误,选项D 正确.【解析】设O B A B x '''='=,所以45B A O '''∠=,所以O A ''=,所以在OAB 中,90,90BOA OBA ∠=∴∠≠,所以选项A 错误;由题得2OB x =,BA ==,所以OB BA ≠,所以选项B 错误;因为2,OB x OA ==,所以OB OA ≠,OB OA >所以选项C 错误,选项D 正确.故选D11.采用斜二测画法作一个五边形的直观图,则其直观图的面积是原来五边形面积的 A .12倍 B .14倍C .2倍 D 倍【试题来源】江苏省徐州市第一中学2020-2021学年高三上学期期末 【答案】D【分析】根据斜二测画法中原图形面积S 与直观图面积S '的关系式S ='即可得出答案.【解析】斜二测画法中原图形面积S 与直观图面积S '的关系式S ='所以S S '==故选D 12.如图,已知等腰三角形O A B '''△,O A A B ''''=是一个平面图形的直观图,斜边2O B ''=,则这个平面图形的面积是A .2B .1CD .【试题来源】江苏省苏州市工业园区园区三中2019-2020学年高一下学期期中 【答案】D【分析】利用斜二测画法,由直观图作出原图三角形,再利用三角形面积公式即可求解.【解析】因为O A B '''△是等腰直角三角形,2O B ''=,所以O A A B ''''==,所以原平面图形为且2OB O B ''==,OA OB ⊥,2OA O A ''==所以原平面图形的面积是122⨯⨯=D 13.在用斜二测画法画水平放置的△ABC 时,若∠A 的两边分别平行于x 轴、y 轴,则在直观图中∠A ′等于 A .45° B .135° C .90°D .45°或135°【试题来源】【新教材精创】 练习 苏教版高中数学必修第二册 【答案】D【分析】根据直角在直观图中有的成为45°,有的成为135°即可得答案【解析】因∠A 的两边分别平行于x 轴、y 轴,故∠A =90°,在直观图中,按斜二测画法规则知∠x ′O ′y ′=45°或135°,即∠A ′=45°或135°.故选D . 14.关于斜二测画法所得直观图,以下说法正确的是 A .等腰三角形的直观图仍是等腰三角形 B .正方形的直观图为平行四边形 C .梯形的直观图不是梯形D .正三角形的直观图一定为等腰三角形【试题来源】【新教材精创】 练习 苏教版高中数学必修第二册 【答案】B【分析】根据斜二测画法的方法:平行于y 轴的线段长度减半,水平长度不变即可判断.. 【解析】由于直角在直观图中有的成为45°,有的成为135°; 当线段与x 轴平行时,在直观图中长度不变且仍与x 轴平行, 当线段与x 轴平行时,线段长度减半,直角坐标系变成斜坐标系,而平行关系没有改变.故选B .15.如图,正方形O A B C ''''的边长为2cm ,它是水平放置的一个平面图形用斜二测画法得到的直观图,则原图形的周长是A .16cmB .12cmC .10cmD .18cm【试题来源】江西省吉安市省重点中学2020-2021学年高二年级(10月)联合考试(文) 【答案】A【分析】将直观图还原为平面图形是平行四边形,然后计算. 【解析】将直观图还原为平面图形,如图所示.2OB O B ''==2OA O A ''==,所以6AB ==,所以原图形的周长为16cm ,故选A .【名师点睛】本题考查斜二测画法,掌握斜二测画法的定义是解题关键.根据斜二测画法的定义才能根据直观图中直线的位置关系确定原图形中直线的位置关系,从而解决原图形中的问题.16.一个水平放置的平面图形的直观图是一个底角为45︒,腰和上底长均为1的等腰梯形,则该平面图形的面积等于A .1B .2+C .122+D .12+【试题来源】宁夏贺兰县景博中学2020-2021学年高一上学期期末考试 【答案】B【分析】根据斜二测直观图的特点可知原图形为一直角梯形,根据梯形面积公式即可求解. 【解析】如图,恢复后的原图形为一直角梯形,所以1(11)222S =⨯=+B .17.如图,边长为1的正方形''''O A B C 是一个水平放置的平面图形OABC 的直观图,则图形OABC 的面积是A B .2C D .【试题来源】江西省南昌县莲塘第三中学2020-2021学年高二上学期第二次月考 【答案】D【分析】根据直观图画出原图可得答案.【解析】由直观图''''O A B C 画出原图OABC ,如图,因为''O B =OB =,1OA =,则图形OABC 的面积是 故选D18.已知用斜二测画法得到的某水平放置的平面图形的直观图是如图所示的等腰直角O B C ''',其中1O B ''=,则原平面图形中最大边长为A .2B .C .3D .【试题来源】重庆市南开中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期中【答案】D【分析】在斜坐标系中作A C B C ''''⊥交x '轴于A '点有2A C,根据斜二测法的画图原则:纵半横不变,得222AC A C ,1OA =,即可知最长边BC 的长度.【解析】由斜坐标系中作A C B C ''''⊥交x '轴于A '点,由1O B ''=,O B C '''等腰直角三角形,2A C由斜二测法的纵半横不变,可将直观图在直角坐标系中还原成原平面图形如下:所以222AC A C ,1OA =,所以最长边BC =,故选D 19.如图,A O B '''为水平放置的AOB 斜二测画法的直观图,且3,42''''==O A O B ,则AOB 的周长为A .9B .10C .11D .12【试题来源】广西崇左高级中学2020-2021学年高一12月月考【答案】D【分析】由斜二测画法的直观图与原图的关系,运算即可得解.【解析】由直观图可得,在OAB 中,23,4OA O A OB O B '''='===,且OA OB ⊥,所以5AB ==,所以OAB 的周长为34512++=.故选D .20.如图,平行四边形O A B C ''''是四边形OABC 的直观图.若3O A ''=,2O C ''=,则原四边形OABC 的周长为A .10B .12C .14D .16【试题来源】安徽省宿州市十三所重点中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期中联考(文)【答案】C【分析】按直观图画法可知原四边形的边长,进一步可求原四边形的周长.【解析】由直观图与原图形的关系,可知原四边形为矩形,边3OA =,边4OC =, 所以原四边形周长为14.故选C21.如图是水平放置的三角形的直观图,2AB BC ==,AB ,BC 分别与y '轴、x '轴平行,则ABC 在原图中的对应三角形的形状和面积分别为A B .等腰三角形;2C .直角三角形;4D .直角三角形;8【试题来源】浙江省台州市书生中学2020-2021学年高二上学期12月第三次月考【答案】C【分析】利用斜二测画法的定义和过程,可判断三角形的形状,以及利用边长求面积.【解析】根据斜二测的直观图的画法可知,原图中,AB BC ⊥,并且原图中2BC =,4AB =,所以ABC 在原图中的对应三角形的形状是直角三角形,面积12442S =⨯⨯=.故选C 22.已知水平放置的ABC 是按“斜二测画法”得到如图所示的直观图,其中1B O C O ''''==,A O ''=,那么原ABC 的面积是A B .2C .D .4 【试题来源】江西省余干县新时代学校2020-2021学年高一上学期阶段测试(二)【答案】C【分析】由直观图可以推得原三角形底边长及高,从而可得原三角形的面积.【解析】由直观图可知,原三角形BC 边长为2,BC 边上的高为所以ABC 的面积是122⨯⨯= C . 23.若边长为2的正111A B C △是水平放置的一个平面图形的直观图,则原图形的面积是ABC .D .【试题来源】【新东方】418【答案】D【分析】先画出该直观图,由题中条件,根据斜二测画法,求出原图形的高,以及底边长,进而可求出原图形的面积.【解析】因为直观图是由斜二测画法作出的,图中1145A OC ∠=,因为111A B C △是边长为2的正三角形,11120OA C ∠=,在11OA C 中,由正弦定理可得12sin120sin 45OC =,解得1OC =根据斜二测画法的特征,可得原水平放置的三角形的高为12OC =,底边长等于112A B =,所以原图形的面积为122⨯=D . 24.一个三角形用斜二测画法所作的直观图是一个边长为2的正三角形,则原三角形的面积为A BC .D .【试题来源】重庆市万州第三中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期中【答案】C【分析】在直观图中求出三角形的高,利用斜二测画法的规则求出原三角形中三角形的高后,利用面积公式可得结果.=角形的高为=122⨯=C 25.利用斜二测画法得到:①三角形的水平放置的直观图是三角形;②平行四边形的水平放置的直观图是平行四边形;③矩形的水平放置的直观图是矩形;④菱形的水平放置的直观图是菱形.以上结论正确的是A .①B .①②C .③④D .①②③④【试题来源】陕西省西安交大附中2019-2020学年高一上学期12月月考【答案】B【分析】根据斜二测画法的规则,平行关系不变,平行x 轴的线段长度不变,平行y 轴的线段长度减半,直角变为45或135判断.【解析】由斜二测画法的规则可知因为平行关系不变,所以①正确;因为平行关系不变,所以②是正确;因为直角变为45或135,所以矩形的直观图是平行四边形,所以③错误;因为平行于y 轴的线段长度减半,平行于x 轴的线段长度不变,所以④是错误,故选B . 26.一个平面图形的斜二测画法的直观图是一个直角边为a 的等腰直角三角形,则原图形的面积为A 2B .2C 2D 2 【试题来源】安徽省合肥市第十一中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期中(理)【答案】D【分析】先计算出直观图的面积,再根据原图面积S 与直观图的面积S '的关系为S =',即可求解. 【解析】平面图形的斜二测画法的直观图是一个直角边为a 的等腰直角三角形,212S a '∴=,则原图形的面积2212S a ==.故选D . 27.下列命题中正确的是A .正方形的直观图是正方形B .平行四边形的直观图是平行四边形C .有两个面平行,其余各面都是平行四边形的几何体叫棱柱D .用一个平面去截棱锥,底面与截面之间的部分组成的几何体叫棱台【试题来源】2020-2021学年高一数学单元测试定心卷(人教版必修2)【答案】B【分析】选项A ,正方形的直观图是平行四边形;选项B ,由斜二测画法规则知平行性不变知②正确;选项C ,要注意棱柱的每相邻两个四边形的公共边互相平行;选项D ,用一个平行于底面的平面去截棱锥,底面与截面之间的部分组成的几何体叫棱台.【解析】选项A ,正方形的直观图是平行四边形,故A 错误;选项B ,由斜二测画法规则知平行性不变,即平行四边形的直观图是平行四边形,故②正确;选项C ,有两个面平行,其余各面都是四边形,并且每相邻两个四边形的公共边都互相平行的几何体叫棱柱,要注意棱柱的每相邻两个四边形的公共边互相平行,故C 错误;选项D ,用一个平行于底面的平面去截棱锥,底面与截面之间的部分组成的几何体叫棱台,故D 错误.故选B .28.若水平放置的四边形AOBC 按“斜二测画法”得到如图所示的直观图,其中//AC O B '''',A C B C ''⊥'',1A C ''=,2O B ''=,则原四边形AOBC 的面积为A .12B .6C .D 【试题来源】江西省景德镇一中2020-2021学年高一上学期期末考试(理)【答案】C【分析】根据图象,由“斜二测画法”可得,四边形AOBC 水平放置的直观图为直角梯形,进而利用相关的面积公式求解即可【解析】根据图象可得,四边形AOBC 水平放置的直观图为直角梯形,作A M O B '⊥'',则211O M '=-=,由'''4A O B π∠=,得''A O =2''AO A O ==,''1AC A C ==,''2OB O B ==,且AO OB ⊥,//AC OB ,所以,原四边形AOBC 的面积为11()(12)22S AC OB AO =+⨯=⨯+⨯=C29.已知水平放置的平面四边形ABCD ,用斜二测画法得到的直观图是边长为1的正方形,如图所示,则ABCD 的周长为A .2B .6C .2D .8【试题来源】河南省洛阳市2020-2021学年高一上学期期末【答案】D【分析】根据斜二测画法可换元原图形,根据原图形计算周长即可.【解析】由直观图可得原图形如图,根据斜二测画法可知,1AB CD ==,AC =在Rt ABC 中, 3BC ===,又AD BC =,所以四边形ABCD 的周长为23218⨯+⨯=,故选D30.如果一个水平放置的平面图形的斜二测直观图是如图所示的直角梯形,其中2O A ''=,45B A O '''∠=,//B C O A ''''.则原平面图形的面积为A .32B .62C .322D .34【试题来源】【新东方】绍兴qw119【答案】A【分析】作出原平面图形,然后求出面积即可.【解析】45B A O '''∠=B O A '''=∠,则O A B '''△是等腰直角三角形,所以2A B OB '''==O C C B ''''⊥,45C O B '''∠=︒,所以1B C ''=,在直角坐标系中作出原图形为梯形OABC ,//OA BC ,2,1OA BC ==,高22OB = 所以其面积为1(21)22322S =+⨯=A 【名师点睛】本题考查斜二测法画平面图形直观图,求原图形的面积,可能通过还原出原平面图形求得面积,也可以通过直观图到原图形面积的关系求解:直观图面积为S ',原图形面积为S ,则24S S '=. 二、多选题1.利用斜二测画法得到:①水平放置的三角形的直观图是三角形;②水平放置的平行四边形的直观图是平行四边形;③水平放置的正方形的直观图是正方形;④水平放置的菱形的直观图是菱形;以上结论正确的是A .①B .②C .③D .④【试题来源】2021年新高考数学一轮复习学与练【答案】AB【分析】根据斜二测画法的概念选择.【解析】水平放置的n 边形的直观图还是n 边形,故①正确;因为斜二测画法是一种特殊的平行投影画法,所以②正确;因为斜二测画法中平行于纵轴的线段长度减半,所以③④错误,故选AB .【名师点睛】本题考查斜二测画法,属于基础题.2.水平放置的ABC 的直观图如图所示,其中1B O C O ''''==,A O ''=,那么原ABC 是一个A .等边三角形B .直角三角形C .三边互不相等的三角形D 【试题来源】人教A 版(2019) 必修第二册 过关斩将 第八章【答案】AD【分析】根据斜二测画法的规则还原图形的边角关系再求解即可.【解析】由题中图形知,在原ABC 中,AO BC ⊥.2A O ''=,AO ∴=1B O C O ''''==,2BC ∴=,2AB AC ==,ABC ∴为等边三角形.ABC ∴的面积为122⨯=AD . 3.如图所示是斜二测画法画出的水平放置的三角形的直观图,D ′为B ′C ′的中点,且A ′D ′∥y ′轴,B ′C ′∥x ′轴,那么在原平面图形ABC 中A .AB 与AC 相等B .AD 的长度大于AC 的长度C .AB 的长度大于AD 的长度D .BC 的长度大于AD 的长度【试题来源】【新教材精创】 练习 苏教版高中数学必修第二册【答案】AC【分析】首先根据斜二测画法的直观图还原几何图形,根据实际图形的长度关系判断选项.【解析】根据斜二测画法的直观图,还原几何图形,首先建立平面直角坐标系xoy ,//BC x 轴,并且BC B C ''=,点D 是BC 的中点,并且作//AD y 轴,即AD BC ⊥,且2AD A D ''=,连结,AB AC ,所以ABC 是等腰三角形,AB AC =,AB 的长度大于AD 的长度,由图可知BC B C ''=,2AD A D ''=,由图观察,12A DBC ''''>,所以2B C AD ''''<,即BC AD <.故选AC【名师点睛】本题考查由直观图还原实际图形,判断长度关系,重点考查斜二测画法的规则,属于基础题型.三、填空题1.已知水平放置的四边形ABCD ,按照斜二测画法画出它的直观图A ′B ′C ′D ′如图所示,其中A ′D ′=2,B 'C '=4,A ′B ′=1,则DC 的长度是___________.【试题来源】备战2021年新高考数学一轮复习考点微专题【答案】【分析】根据直观图画出原图,并计算出DC 的长.【解析】画出原图如下图所示,由图可知DC ==【名师点睛】本题主要考查斜二测画法的直观图和原图的对应关系,属于基础题. 2.用斜二测画法画出的某平面图形的直观图如图,边AB 平行于y 轴,BC ,AD 平行于x轴.已知四边形ABCD 的面积为2,则原平面图形的面积为___________.【试题来源】备战2021年新高考数学一轮复习考点微专题 【答案】28cm【分析】根据平面图形中,原图面积与直观图面积之间的关系即可求解. 【解析】设原图面积为S ,直观图面积1S ,根据直观图面积与原图面积的关系1S =,因为1S =容易解得8S =,故答案为28cm .【名师点睛】本题考查斜二侧画法中直观图与原图面积之间的关系,属基础题.3.如图所示,直观图四边形''''A B C D 是一个底角为45︒,腰和上底均为1的等腰梯形,那么原平面图形的面积是___________.【试题来源】四川省武胜烈面中学校2020-2021学年高二上学期开学考试(文)【答案】2+【分析】根据斜二侧画法可知,原图为直角梯形,上底为1,高为2,下底为1+梯形面积公式求解即可.也可利用原图和直观图的面积关系求解.【解析】根据斜二侧画法可知,原图形为直角梯形,其中上底1AD =,高2''2AB A B ==,下底为1BC =+22=+2+ 【名师点睛】本题考查水平放置的平面图形的直观图斜二测画法,比较基础. 4.水平放置的ABC ,用斜二测画法作出的直观图是如图所示的A B C ''',其中1O A O B ''''==,2O C ''=,则ABC 面积为___________.【试题来源】安徽省合肥168中学2019-2020学年高二(上)期中数学(文)试卷题【分析】把直观图还原为原图形,再计算对应图形的面积. 【解析】用斜二测画法作出的直观图,还原为原图形,如图所示;ABC 中,1OA O A ''==,1OB O B ''==,2OC O C ''==,且OC AB ⊥,所以ABC 的面积为11·222ABC S AB OC ∆==⨯= 【名师点睛】本题主要考查利用斜二测画法作直观图,考查直观图面积的计算,意在考查学生对这些知识的理解掌握水平.5.如图,梯形''''A B C D 是一平面四边形ABCD 按照斜二测画法画出的直观图,其中''//''A D B C ,''2A D =,''4B C =,''1A B =,则原图形DC 边的长度是___________.【试题来源】备战2021年高考数学(理)一轮复习考点一遍过【答案】.【分析】画出原图,根据斜二测画法,由边的关系,即可得解. 【解析】如图,做DH BC ⊥与H ,由题意可得2AD =,4BC =,2AB =,2,2DH HC ==,由勾股定理可得222228,DC DC =+==【名师点睛】本题考查了直观图和原图的关系,考查了斜二测画法,计算量不大,属于基础题.6.如图,平行四边形O A B C ''''是四边形OABC 的直观图.若3O A ''=,2O C ''=,则原四边形OABC 的周长为___________.【试题来源】安徽省宿州市十三所重点中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期中联考(理) 【答案】14【解析】因为平行四边形O A B C ''''是四边形OABC 的直观图,且'''45AO C ∠=︒,所以四边形OABC 是矩形,且3,4OA OC ==, 所以四边形OABC 的周长为2(34)14⨯+=,故答案为147.水平放置的ABC 的斜二测直观图'''A B C 如图所示,已知''3,''2A C B C ==,则ABC 的面积为___________.【试题来源】安徽省蚌埠市田家炳中学2020-2021学年高二上学期12月月考(文) 【答案】6【解析】由已知直观图根据斜二测化法规则画出原平面图形,如图所示;ABC ∴的面积为132262⨯⨯⨯=.故答案为6.8.利用斜二测画法得到: ①三角形的直观图是三角形; ②平行四边形的直观图是平行四边形; ③正方形的直观图是正方形; ④菱形的直观图是菱形.以上结论中,正确的是___________(填序号).【试题来源】【新教材精创】 练习 苏教版高中数学必修第二册 【答案】①②【分析】根据斜二测画法的特点进行判断即可.【解析】斜二测画法得到的图形与原图形中的线线相交、线线平行关系不会改变,有的边的长度会发生变化,因此三角形的直观图是三角形,平行四边形的直观图是平行四边形. 故答案为①②9.四边形ABCD 的直观图是一个底角为45,腰和上底均为1的等腰梯形A B C D '''',那么四边形ABCD 的面积为___________.【试题来源】贵州省遵义市航天高级中学2020-2021学年高二上学期第一次月考【答案】2+【分析】根据四边形ABCD 的直观图是一个底角为45,腰和上底均为1的等腰梯形,可得原图是上底为1,下底为1+2的直角梯形,即可求出原图四边形ABCD 的面积.【解析】由题意知直观图如图:1A D ''=,1D C ''=,45D A B '''∠=,过点D 作D O A B '''⊥于点O ,所以2A O '=,所以121A B ''=+=,原图如图:1AB =2AD =,1CD =,所以梯形ABCD 面积为11222+⨯=+,故答案为2+【名师点睛】本题主要考查了斜二测画法作图规则,属于逆用题型.10.某水平放置的平面图形的斜二侧直观图是等腰梯形(如图所示),45ABC ∠=,112AD BC ==,则该平面图形的面积为___________.【试题来源】江西省赣州市会昌县会昌中学2020-2021学年高二上学期第一次月考(理)【答案】2【分析】根据题中条件,先求出直观图的高,得出直观图中的AB 的长,再由斜二测画法的特征,得出原图形为直角梯形,根据梯形面积公式,即可求出结果.【解析】在直观图中,过点A 作AE BC ⊥于点E ,过点D 作DF BC ⊥于点F , 因为45ABC ∠=,112AD BC ==,所以1EF AD ==,则12BE CF ==,因此2cos 452BE AB ==, 又根据斜二测画法的特征可得,在原图中,AB BC ⊥,//AD BC ,即原图为直角梯形,且高为直观图中AB 的2倍,所以该平面图形的面积为()11222S =⨯+=.故答案为2.【名师点睛】本题主要考查由直观图求原图的面积,熟记斜二测画法的特征即可,属于基础题型.11.已知ABC 的斜二测直观图如图所示,则ABC 的面积为___________.【试题来源】山西省朔州市怀仁县大地学校2019-2020学年高二上学期第一次月考 【答案】2【分析】求出斜二测直观图的面积,再由斜二测直观图的面积与原图的面积关系即可得解. 【解析】由题意,ABC 的斜二测直观图的面积1212sin 4522S '=⨯⨯⨯=,所以ABC 的面积22S '===.故答案为2. 12.如图,一个水平放置的平面图形的斜二测直观图为直角梯形O A B C '''',且2O A ''=,1O C ''=,A B ''平行于y '轴,则这个平面图形的面积为___________.【试题来源】安徽省马鞍山二中2020-2021学年高二上学期10月阶段考试(文)【答案】【分析】根据斜二测画法的规则原图是水平放置的一个直角梯形,画出图象求解即可. 【解析】根据斜二测画法的规则可知水平放置的图形OABC 为一直角梯形,如图:由题意可知上底为2OA =,高为AB =213BC =+=,所以该图形的面积()1322S =⨯+⨯=;故答案为 13.如图,A B C D ''''是一个平面图形ABCD 的水平放置的斜二测直观图,则这个平面图形ABCD 的面积等于___________.【试题来源】【新东方】杭州新东方高中数学试卷360【答案】。

吕梁市2020-2021年度高二上学期语文期中考试试卷(I)卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________一、现代文阅读 (共3题;共27分)1. (6分) (2016高二上·公安期中) 阅读下面的文字,完成文后各题。

1、如图所示,M、N两点分别放置两个等量异种电荷,A为它们连线的中点,B为连线上靠近N的一点,C为连线的中垂线上处于A点上方的一点,在A、B、C三点中( )A.场强最小的点是A点,电势最高的点是B点B.场强最小的点是A点,电势最高的点是C点C.场强最小的点是C点,电势最高的点是B点D.场强最小的点是C点,电势最高的点是A点2、五根平行的长直导体棒分别过竖直平面内正方形的四个顶点和中心,并和该正方形平面垂直.各导体棒中均通有强度相等的电流,方向如图所示.则中心处的导体棒受到其余四根导体棒的磁场力的合力方向是A.竖直向上B.竖直向下C.水平向左D.水平向右3、.如图所示,将一根粗细均匀的电阻丝弯成一个闭合的圆环,接入电路中,电路与圆环的O点固定,P为与圆环良好接触的滑动头.闭合开关S,在滑动头P缓慢地由m点经n点移到q点的过程中,电容器C所带的电荷量将A.由小变大B.由大变小C.先变小后变大D.先变大后变小4、在重复奥斯特的电流磁效应实验时,下列操作中现象最明显的是()A.沿导线方向放置磁针,使磁针在导线的延长线上B.沿导线方向放置磁针,使磁针在导线的正下方C.导线沿南北方向放置在磁针的正上方D.导线沿东西方向放置在磁针的正上方5、2018年9月19日,我国在西昌卫星发射中心用长征三号乙运载火箭,以“一箭双星”成功发射北斗三号系统第13、14颗组网卫星,预计到2020年将全部完成发射35颗卫星,其中有5颗是静止轨道卫星(地球同步卫星,离地约36000公里),其它30颗为中轨道卫星(离地高度约21500公里),则下列说法正确的是()A.中轨道卫星比静止轨道卫星角速度更小B.中轨道卫星比静止轨道卫星受地球引力一定更小C.静止轨道卫星相对地球静止,可以定位温州正上空D.中轨道卫星的发射速度一定大于第一宇宙速度6、如图所示为一组电场线,A、B为其中两点,则()A.A点的场强大于B点的场强B.A点电势低于于B点电势C.将电子从A点移到B点,电场为做正功D.正电荷在A点的电势能小于正电荷在B点的电势能二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。

全部选对的得4分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错的得0分)1、下列各量中,与检验电荷无关的量是( )A.电势能E P B.电场力F C.电势差U D.电场做的功W2、下列关于电动势的说法正确的是()A. 电动势数值上就等于电源正负极之间的电压B. 所有电源的电动势都是1.5VC. 体积越大的电源,其电动势一定越大D. 不同电源的电动势不同3、电场中有A、B两点,在将某电荷从A点移到B点的过程中,电场力对该电荷做了正功,则下列说法中正确的是( )A.该电荷是正电荷,且电势能减少B.该电荷是负电荷,且电势能增加C.该电荷电势能增加,但不能判断是正电荷还是负电荷D.该电荷电势能减少,但不能判断是正电荷还是负电荷4、两个质量都是m的小球,都用细线拴在同一点,两细线长度相等,两球都带上正电荷,但甲球电量比乙球多,平衡时两细线分别与竖直方向夹角为θ1和θ2,则二者相比有()A.θ1>θ2B.θ1<θ2C.θ1=θ2D.θ1、θ2的大小无法确定5、直线AB是某电场中的一条电场线,一正电荷从A点处自由释放,电荷仅在电场力作用下沿电场线从A点到B点运动过程中的速度图像如图所示,比较A、B两点电势 的高低和场强E的大小,下列说法中正确的()1图2 A .ϕA >φB ,E A >E B B .ϕA >φB ,E A <E B C .ϕA <φB ,E A >E B D . ϕA <φB ,E A <E B6、一段粗细均匀的电阻丝,横截面的直径是d .电阻是R .把它拉成直径是d /10均匀细丝后,它的电阻变成 ( )A .R /10000B .10000RC .R /100D .100R7、在相同时间内,电流通过电阻丝甲产生的热量比通过电阻丝乙产生的热量多,则下列说法正确的是( )A .甲的电阻一定大于乙的电阻B .甲两端的电压一定大于乙两端的电压C .甲中的电流一定大于乙中的电流D .甲的实际功率一定大于乙的实际功率8、有两个导体a 、b ,它们的I-U 图象如图1所示,据此分析,正确的结论是( )A .导体a 电阻较大B .导体a 两端的电压较大C .导体b 的电阻较大D .流过导体b 的电流较大 9、如图2所示,当滑动变阻器滑动片向b 端移动时( )A .电压表的读数增大,电流表的读数减小;B .电压表和电流表的读数都变大;C .电压表和电流表的读数都变小;Ks5uD .电压表的读数减小,电流表的读数增大;10、在“用电流表和电压表测定电池的电动势和内电阻”的实验中,某同学通过测量两个电图1U I0 图 3ab 池的电流和电压,得到了如图3所示的U —I 图线,从图象中可以看出( ) A .电池a 的电动势较大,内电阻较大 B .电池a 的电动势较小,内电阻较小 C .电池b 的电动势较小,内电阻较大 D .电池b 的电动势较大,内电阻较小11、在图4中,A. B 两图分别为测灯泡电阻 R 的电路图,下述说法正确的是( )A .A 图的接法叫电流表外接法,B 图的接法叫电流表的内接法 B .A 中R 测>R 真,B 中R 测<R 真C .A 中误差由电压表分流引起,为了减小误差,就使R<<Rv ,故此法测较小电阻好D .B 中误差由电流表分压引起,为了减小误差,应使R>>RA ,故此法测较大电阻好12、如图5所示的实验装置中,极板A 接地,平行板电容器的极板B 与一个灵敏的静电计相接。


吕梁市2020-2021年度高二上学期期中语文试卷D卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________一、选择题 (共3题;共6分)1. (2分)依次填入下列横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是()①让反贪倡廉持续迈进,是十八大以来党与政府的自我________,也是对人民的郑重承诺。
A . 期许甄选灌注B . 期盼甄选灌注C . 期许甄别贯注D . 期盼甄别贯注2. (2分)下列各句中,没有语病的一项是()A . 由于缺乏科学和权威的统计数据,中国的房地产市场正陷入一团统计迷雾中,围绕它为核心所进行的争论也只能是雾里看花。
B . 现实生活中,面对功名、地位、金钱这些让人利令智昏的东西,一些腐败分子毫不自律,给党和人民的事业造成了极大的损失。
C . 面对众多的稿件,一个合格的新闻编辑要精心选择、善于取舍、分清主次,将多条新闻进行搭配、重组,让新闻编排发挥最大作用。
D . 随着资源环境约束的日益强化和人民生活水平的不断提高,我国在对外贸易中,既要保持出口额的稳定增长,又要进一步重视进口,适当扩大进口规模。
3. (2分)填入横线处与上下文衔接最恰当的一项是()她仍然头上扎着白头绳,,眼光也没有先前那样精神了。
①顺着眼②乌裙③月白背心④脸色青黄⑤眼角上带些泪痕⑥蓝夹袄⑦只是两颊上已经消失了血色A . ⑥③②①⑤④⑦B . ⑥⑤④⑦②③①C . ②⑥③④⑦①⑤D . ②③⑥①④⑦⑤二、现代文阅读 (共3题;共36分)4. (6分) (2015高二上·河北期中) 阅读下面的文字,完成小题。

1、电路中有一段金属丝长为L,电阻为R,要使电阻变为4R,下列方法可行的是()A.将金属丝拉长至4L B.将金属丝拉长至2LC.将金属丝对折后拧成一股D.将金属丝两端的电压提高到原来的4倍2、如图,粗糙水平桌面上有一质量为m的铜质矩形线圈,当一竖直放置的条形磁铁从线圈中线AB正上方等高快速经过时,若线圈始终不动,则关于线圈受到的支持力F N 及在水平方向运动趋势的正确判断是()A.F N先小于mg后大于mg,运动趋势向左B.F N先大于mg后小于mg,运动趋势向左C.F N先小于mg后大于mg,运动趋势向右D.F N先大于mg后小于mg,运动趋势向右3、下列说法中,正确的是()A.电场中,电势高的地方,电场强度一定大B.电场中,电场强度大的地方,电势一定高C.电场中任意两点的电势差与零势能点选取有关D.电荷在电场中某点的电势能与零势能点选取有关4、已知A、B两物体的质量之比为5:3,所受合外力之比为2:1,则A、B的加速度之比为()A .5:6B .6:5C .3:10D .10:35、如图,在正电荷Q 的电场中有M 、N 、P 、F 四点,M 、N 、P 为直角三角形的三个顶点,F 为MN 的中点,∠NMP=30°,M 、N 、P 、F 四点处的电势分别用表示,已知点电荷Q 在M 、N 、P 三点所在平面内,则A .连接PF 的线段一定在同一等势面上B .将正试探电荷从P 点搬运到N 点,电场力做负功C .将正试探电荷从P 点搬运到N 点,电势能增加D .点电荷Q 一定在MP 的连线上6、汽车发动机的额定功率为120kW ,它在平直公路上行驶的最大速度可达20/.m s 那么汽车在以最大速度匀速行驶时所受的阻力是( ) A .6000N B .2000N C .4000N D .8000N二、多项选择题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。

在争鸣中发展完善 D.对儒家思想的褒扬3。
这些主张的实施A.传承了先秦教育与用人体制 B。
适应了郡国并行的政治要求C.结束了战国“百家争鸣”的局面 D。
为宋明理学体系的形成奠基 B.促进了人性的解放C.提高了普遍民众的文化素养D.排斥董仲舒的思想5.白鹿洞书院是朱熹讲学基地之一。
重视人伦教育 B.提出“三纲五常" C。

由此现象可以判断()A. 塑料丝和PVC管都带正电B. 塑料丝和PVC管都带负电C. 塑料丝和PVC管带同种电荷D. 塑料丝和PVC管带异种电荷2.关于电源的电动势,下列说法正确的是()A. 反映电源把电能转化为其他形式能的本领大小B. 数值上等于路端电压C. 数值上等于在电源内移动1C正电荷从正极到负极静电力做的功D. 数值上等于在电源内移动1C正电荷从负极到正极非静电力做的功3.半径为R、带电量为+4q的绝缘球A固定,在距其球心为3R处放一点电荷B,电荷量为−q。
已知A上电荷均匀分布,则关于A对B的静电力,下列说法正确的是()A. 大小为kq2,方向沿AB连线背离A4R2B. 大小为4kq2,方向沿AB连线指向A9R2C. 大小大于4kq2,方向沿AB连线指向A9R2D. A不是点电荷,故静电力不能用库仑定律计算4.如图,电荷量为q(q>0)的点电荷固定在P点,M、N是电场中的两点,且PM>PN、PM⊥PN,下列说法正确的是()A. 沿MN直线从M点到N点,电场强度的大小逐渐减小B. 沿MN直线从M点到N点,电势逐渐升高C. 将正电荷从M点移动到N点,静电力先做负功后做正功D. 正电荷在M点的电势能比其在N点的电势能大5.电容式指纹识别在门锁、手机屏幕等方面已有广泛的应用。


孝义三中2020┄2021学年高二第一学期期中考试试题英语第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分)第一节单项填空(共15小题,每小题 1 分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项1. I can guess you were in a hurry. You your sweater inside out.A. had wornB. woreC. were wearingD. are wearing2. “You can’t catch me!” Janet shouted, ____ away.A. runB. runningC. to runD. ran3. As we know, many of Zhang Yimou’s movies are_______ the countryside where a there is beautiful scenery.A. made ofB. located inC. begun withD. set in4._______, or we will be late for the meeting!A. Moving onB. Get a moving onC. Get a move onD. Get ona moving5. My plan is to ____ next weekend, when the summer vacation begins, for Kunming, the city for its beauty and mild temperatureA. take offB. get offC. go offD. set off6. It is almost five years_______ we saw each other last time.A. beforeB. sinceC. forD. when7.He has decided to settle ____in France because he is fond of the romantic country.A. temporaryB. temporarilyC. permanentD. permanently8. E-mail, as well as the telephone, _____an important part in daily communication.A.is playing B.have played C.are playing D.play9. I’d like to arrive 20 minutes early ________I can have tim e for a cup of tea.A.as soon as B.as a result of C.in case D.so that10. The head office of the bank is in Beijing, but it has _______ all over the country. A.companies B. branches C.organizations D.businesses11. He went home for lunch____ the clock struck twelve.A. whileB. immediatelyC. right awayD. at once12. ______ the day went on, the weather got worse.A. WithB. SinceC. WhileD. As13.It was not ______she took off the glasses ________ I realized she was a famousfilm star.A. when; thatB. until; thatC. until; whenD. when; until14. They talked for about an hour of things and persons _____ they remembered in the school.A. whichB. thatC. whoD. whom15. She is the only one of the students who ____ praised by the teacher.A. isB. areC. hasD. have第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题4分,满分40分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项I was driving in my car the other day. The sun was out, the radio was playing, and I was__16__ along. The song was a __17__ one and even my weak voice sounded good singing it. Then it __18__, however. The sweet sound of the music __19__ and there came the __20__ news. Gas prices _21___ again. Fans of two sports teams got into fight. I sighed and wondered about this __22__ world we live in.__23__, I could take no more and turned off the __24___. Silence seemed preferable to listening to __25__ else about the crazy, competitive society we live in. I slowed down as I entered a town and _26___ the people as I drove by. A tall man was _27___ an elderly lady out of a car and helping her place her walker so she could go into store. A smiling woman was __28__ food onto the square while a dozen birds flew down to enjoy the __29__ being laid out before them. A young man was walking along, carrying his __30__ safely in his arms. When the daughter pulled the hat off his head, they both __31__. I laughed too as I looked at all of his_32___. The radio may have been off in my car, ___33__ in my heart I was __34___ singing.In truth, this world could have more kindness and less __35___. Kindness makes us all winners in this life and our life is full of kindness, love and joy.16. A. talking B. singing C. walking D. driving17. A. long B. boring C. joyful D. sad18. A. appeared B. remained C. happened D. stayed19. A. ended B. continued C. jumped D. fell20. A. sports B. business C. unpleasant D. welcome21. A. cut B. changed C. going down D. going up22. A. exciting B. interesting C. unusual D. crazy23. A. Finally B. Generally C. Secretly D. Calmly24. A. television B. radio C. gas D. lights25. A. anything B. everything C. something D. nothing26. A. touched B. watched C. avoided D. recognized27. A. freeing B. protecting C. helping D. keeping28. A. collecting B. moving C. covering D. throwing29. A. water B. bread C. grass D. food30. A. daughter B. son C. dog D. cat31. A. stopped B. stood C. laughed D. shouted32. A. weakness B. kindness C. loneliness D. safeness33. A. for B. or C. and D. but34. A. still B. just C. soon D. first35. A. silence B. development C. competition D. sickness第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题3分,满分60分)第一节(共15小题,每小题3分,满分45分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项AIf you’re like most kids, you’ve probably made more than a few paper airplanes in your day. But how many kids can say their paper airplanes have been built life-size and then flown?At least one:12-year-old Arturo Veldenegro of Tucson, Arizona, who won the Pima Air& Space Museum’s first annual Great Paper Airplane Project Fly-Off in March“ The purpose of the competition is to inspire and draw kids’ interest in science and flight,” says Tim Vimmerstedt, director of the museum.About 150 kids entered the competition. The young designers learned about how airplanes fly and then set to work designing their own planes.Arturo designed and built his airplane. When hen was finished, he took his plane to the flight area and let it fly, outdistancing the other competitors in all age groups. At last, Arturo’s airplane flew the farthest---more than 75 feet!As the winner, Arturo got to meet with a team of engineers, which took his design and made a bigger one. The new paper airplane might have been the largest one ever built! Arturo named his large paper airplane Arturo’s Desert Eagle.Later a helicopter tried to lift the paper airplane over the Arizona desert, but it was unsuccessful. Engineers worked for eight hours to repair it for a second try. This time, the helicopter managed to raise it to 2700 feet and then set the plane free.Arturo watched as his plane flew through the sky at speeds of up to 98 miles per hour for 10 seconds before falling to pieces.“I felt happy but sad,” Arturo says, “ It flew really well, but it was sad to see it destroyed.”But that wasn’t the end of Arturo’s Desert Eagle. The Pima Air & Space Museum collected the pieces of the broken plane and put them on show to inspire other young engineers to reach for the sky.36. According to the text, the Great Paper Airplane Project Fly-Off competition _______A. has been held many timesB. can only be entered by kidsC. is to choose the largest planeD. is held by a team of designers37. The underlined word ”outdistancing” in Para 4 means ________A. looking forB. believing inC. throwing awayD. leaving behind38. What do we know about the paper airplane Arturo built?A. It flew the highestB. It flew for 20 minutesC. It flew more than 75 feetD. it took him eight hours to build39. In the end, Arturo’s Desert Eagle ______A. was made into a helicopterB. was produced in many placesC. was sold to a team of engineersD. was put on show in the museumBJoe is interested in getting exercise and competing on a team. He reads about the events at the local pool and finds the perfect activity.Swimming ProgramsSummer Swim TeamJoin a Summer Swim Team and compete with other swimmers! The program is offered at eight different local pools for youths to 17 years old. The season runs June 21—August 21. Practices are daily (Monday through Friday) throughout the summer. The championship meet(冠军赛) is August 21. Cost:$50.00Pools & Practice TimesBuckman 2-3 P.M. Montavilla 8-9 A.M.Creston 7-9 A.M. Peninsula 4-7 P.M.Dishman 8-9 A.M. Pier noon-1 P.M.Grant 8-10 A.M. Sellwood 7-9 A.M.Junior Swim InstructorTwo weeks, 20 hours of instruction, two hours per day for children 11-14 years old. Pre-training for youths interested in becoming swim instructors($45 per child)Two weeks, 30 hours of instruction, three hours per day for children 11-14 years old. Pre-training in lifeguarding, and customer service ($45 per child)Junior Swim Instructor & Junior Lifeguard Training DatesJune 28-July 9 August 9-August 20June 12-July 23 August 23-September 3June 26-August 6Special OfferAnyone who takes part in both junior swim instructor and junior lifeguard programs at the same time need only spend $75 instead of $90 for 50 hours of training.Register OnlineYou can now register online! Visit our website at You can choose an area of town, a specific local center, a program, or search for classes which can meet the needs of students of different ages. Just visit our website, and you’re on your way!40. If Joe joins the Summer Swim Team, he _____A. needs to pay $45.00B. begins training at 6 A.M.C. has to practice for two monthsD. needs to practice for 7 days a week41. Anyone who wants to be a junior swim instructor should _____A. be 11-14 years oldB. pay the instructor by the hourC. do at least 30 hours of trainingD. be an experienced junior lifeguard42. What’s the main purpose of this text?A. To introduce Joe’ s hobbies.B. To introduce a new website.C. To introduce several swimming poolsD. To introduce some swimming activities.CEvery day, 15-year-old Martha wrote on the Internet about the meal she ate at school. She also took pictures of the food. However, Martha was very honest about the food. She did not just describe the food. She judged the taste and health of the food.Martha also began to use her blog for an important reason. She began to raise money for the organization Mary’s Meals in the East African country of Malawi. It provides food food for children in schools for free. Martha encouraged her readers to send money to Mary’s Meals to help build a kitchen.But then, Martha began to have a problem. Many people read her blog. She became big news. The news stories showed that the food at Martha’s school was not always healthy. And that made some people angry. So the school officials decided to stop Martha’s blog. They said that she could not take her camera to school.But an amazing thing happened. Many people began sending messages of support across the Internet. Martha’s story was even bigger than before. Now the officials had to change their minds. A few days later, Martha was again writing her blog. But more than that, people had sent a lot of money for the Malawi school children. Martha had hoped to raise about10,000 dollars. But the total reached 10,000 dollars and still kept on growing!Martha’s blog also helped to improve meals at her school. One day she wrote:As we waited for dinner we were told that we are allowed to eat as much fruit and bread as we want.No one knows what will happen to Martha’s blog in future. But already this little girl has helped to change the eating experience of many children just by sharing on the Internet pictures of her school meals.43. Martha wrote about her school meals on her blog to ______A. invite students to judge the foodB. show the terrible taste of foodC. express her opinion about the foodD. ask the school t improve the food44. The organization Mary’s Meals _______A. was set up by MarthaB. provides free school mealsC. is an international organizationD. help poor families build kitchens45. Why did the school officials want to prevent Martha writing her blog?A. It had a bad influence on her study.B. Some people were upset by it content.C. Taking pictures needs a lot of time.D. Many other students started to copy her.46. What’s the best title for the text?A. School mealsB. Mary’s MealsC. Power of the InternetD. Martha shares her foodDKids at the Interlake School Division were the first Canadian students to take part in a program to send experiments to the International Space Station.(ISS).Jordan Schott and three other sixth grade students came up with the idea to test royal jelly (蜂王浆) in space . Their experiment came very close to be tested on the space station. “Wewere seeing if we could send it to space, and if it would lose its nutritional value” faster and or slower, ”said Schott. Schott is one of the 18 students in the Space Knights Club at Woodlands Elementary School, part of the Interlake School Division. Over 450 students from the Division took part in the program.“I thought we were just students and we couldn’t do much in the way of that. It’s a way to communicate with people up there ,” said Braeden Clark, a seventh grade student who is also in the club.The astronauts shared what they learned with their school with a full day of activities all about science and space.Teacher Maria Nickel is the organizer of the club. She said the day was great for students to learn what they could do. “Space is one of those great things that get kids excited, but it also gives them the chance to do so much. They can be an astronaut; they can be anengineer, ”She said.The day was held in honour of Chris Hadfield, a Canadian astronaut now in the Internal Space Station. “It gives kids someone more to look up to. Here’s a real hero to look up to who’s doing it all, doing it through education,” said Nickel.Jordan Schott thinks it’s really cool. “To me it seems so cool how people can go up to space, and science is something I’ve always liked,” She said. Schott says she wants to follow in the footsteps of Hadfield and be an astronaut when she gets older.One of the winning experiments in the competition was produced by students from Argyle, Manitoba. It will travel to the space station in the fall of47. The program at the Interlake School Division________-A. was carried out by 18 students.B. was to test royal jelly in spaceC. was designed to send experiments to the ISSD. allowed the first students to connect with the ISS48. We can infer from the text that Maria Nickel__________-A. thinks it’s cool to live in the ISSB. encourages students to be astronautsC. helps students develop their interest in spaceD. thinks Chris Hadfield sets a good example to the students49. What do we know Jordan Schott?A. She is seventh graderB. She dreams of being an engineerC. She respects Chris Hadfield very muchD. She didn’t like science when she was young50. What’s the main idea of the text?A. Kids carry out experiments for the ISS.B. Winners of competitions travel to the ISS.C. Astronauts do activities together with studentsD. Interlake School Division trains students to be astronauts.第二节(共5小题,每小题3分,满分15分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

2020-2021学年山西省吕梁市汾阳中学高二上学期期中物理试卷一、单选题(本大题共10小题,共30.0分)1.在以下列举的事例中,属于静电防止的是()A. 静电复印B. 静电喷涂C. 静电除尘D. 在高大建筑物顶端装上避雷针2.下列说法正确的是()A. 电源电动势等于路端电压B. 把电压表直接和电源连接时,电压表的示数等于电源电动势C. 纯电阻电路中的电流跟电源电动势成正比,跟整个电路的电阻成反比D. 若外电压减小,内电阻不变,内电压也就不变,电源电动势必然减小3.一个带电量为+Q的点电荷固定在空间某一位置,有一个质量为m的带电小球(重力不能忽略)在+Q周围作匀速圆周运动,半径为R,向心加速度为√3g(g为重力加速度)。
关于带电小球带电情3况,下列说法正确的是()A. 小球带正电,电荷量大小为8√3mgR23kQB. 小球带正电,电荷量大小为√3mgR23kQC. 小球带负电,电荷量大小为8√3mgR23kQD. 小球带负电,电荷量大小为√3mgR23kQ4.如图所示为示波管内的聚焦电场,图中实线为电场线,虚线为等势线,a,b,c为静电场中的三点,b,c在同一条直线的电场线上,则下列说法正确的是()A. a,b,c三点中,c点电势最高B. a,b,c三点中,a点场强最大C. 正电荷在b点的电势能大于在c点的电势能D. 负电荷在b点由静止释放,仅在电场力的作用下能沿直线由b点运动到c点5.一平行板电容器充电后,把电源断开,再用绝缘工具将两板距离拉开一些,则()A. 电容器的带电荷量增加B. 电容增大C. 电容器电压增加D. 两板间电场强度增大6.在如图所示的ABCD四种电场中,分别标记有a、b两点.其中a、b两点的电势相等,电场强度大小相等、方向也相同的是()A. B.C. D.7.如图所示,实线为一簇未标明方向的点电荷的电场线,虚线是一个仅受电场力的带负电的粒子从a点运动到b点的运动轨迹,则()A. 场源点电荷带负电B. 带电粒子在b点的加速度较大C. 带电粒子在b点的电势能较大D. 带电粒子在a点的动能较小8.如图所示,在电路中由于某一电阻发生短路,使得电路中的A灯变暗,B灯变亮,则发生短路故障的是()A. R1B. R2C. R4D. R39.如图甲所示,在两距离足够大的平行金属板中央有一个静止的电子(不计重力),当两板间加上如图乙所示的交变电压后,若取电子初始运动方向为正方向,则下列图象中能正确反映电子的速度v、位移x、加速度a、动能E k四个物理量随时间变化规律的是A. AB. BC. CD. D10.如图所示,a、b、c、d为匀强电场中的等势面,一个质量为m、电荷量为q的粒子在匀强电场中运动,A、B为其运动轨迹上的两个点。
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山西省吕梁市汾阳中学、孝义中学、文水中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期中测评英语试题学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________一、阅读选择1. Dogs are man's best friend. If you plan on buying a dog, try to put in a little bit of research. You will find out that there are plenty of dog breeds(品种)to choose from, but some are more expensive than others. Not just in terms of the purchase price, but also grooming(动物美容)and medical expenses.In this list, we will cover the most expensive dog breeds in the world that you can buy. We’ll eve n include the dog's price tag, grooming expenses, and average health care costs.Kerry Blue TerrierWith a purchase price at $ 600 this dog might be inexpensive. However, due to their many health concerns, health care costs can reach up to $ 7, 000. If taken care of, they can live up to 15 years.Great DaneThe Great Dane breed is a big dog with an average price of $ 800. This breed has a life expectancy of 7 to 10 years. The average health care costs are expected to be around $7, 100.Bernese Mountain DogThe purchase price for one of these huge 120-pound dogs is around $800. This breed has a life expectancy of 9 to 12 years. This breed has many health concerns like elbow and hip dysplasia(髓关节发育不良)which will cost you around $ 6, 500.German ShepherdKnown for their cleverness as a sheepherder, the purchase price for one is around $ 800. Although they can live for up to 13 years, their health care costs up to $20, 500. What causes their health careto be expensive is treating common health conditions such as hip dysplasia.【小题1】How long can a Kerry Blue Terrier live?A.7 years. B.15 years. C.10 years. D.12 years.【小题2】Of all the dogs introduced, which is the most expensive to raise?A.Kerry Blue Terrier. B.Great Dane.C.Bemese Mountain Dog. D.German Shepherd.【小题3】What is the passage mainly about?A.Where to buy a great dog. B.How to take care of a dog. C.What to know in choosing a dog. D.How to make friends with dogs.2. Last Monday, I decided to go into a superstore toprepare a picnic. It was a huge one, spread onto 2 stories. After 45 minutes of shopping to just get some tomatoes, cheese and 3toothpicks-yes, the ratio time/articles is ridiculous-I arrived tothe cashier line, thoughtful and a bit frustrated by the time I spent to get 3 articles. I wondered why I did not go to a small local store.After 15 minutes of waiting in the line, the woman in front of me called me, "Hey you only have 3 articles? Pass before me. I have more articles than you!" It wasn’t the first time it had happened to me. She did not wear any mask, so I could see her smile. Not knowing what else to do, I accepted her offering. We chatted a bit waiting for the customers ahead of us to finish-she was incredibly pleasant. Then I thanked her, giving her back my brightest smile (although I was wearing a mask).Getting back in my car, I rethought about that good moment, and realized that she made my day. In the meantime, I wondered how togive it back to her. No doubt it was quite impossible, so Iconsidered how to pay-it-forward to someone else. While driving, I realized that she saved me 10 minutes. And while I was driving at70mph, I reduced my speed to 55mph. My fuel consumption(消耗)strongly dropped down by 35%.Admittedly, I re-lost part of the 10 minutes that the womanoffered me, but it was a way to repay her and do a small thing forthe environment.【小题1】Which can best describes the author’s shopping experience based on Paragraph 1?A.Tiring. B.Challenging.C .Interesting.D .Annoying.【小题2】What can we learn about the woman?A .She bought 5 articles.B .She knew the store well.C .She wanted to buy a mask.D .She saved the author’s time.【小题3】Why did the author slow down?A .To kill time.B .To get home safely.C .To repay the kindness.D .To make way for others.【小题4】What can be a suitable title for the text?A .The Good Moment I GainB .A Special Superstore I VisitC .A Delighted Talk with StrangersD .Ways of Protecting the Environment3. On the 1st of March Bulgarian people celebrate atraditional holiday called Baba Marta and it is related to welcoming the approaching spring. People all over the world meet spring withjoy and new hopes but in Bulgaria it is saved as an ancient tradition.On that day, Bulgarians exchange so-called "Martenitsa" and tell each other, "Chestita Baba Marta!"(Happy Grandma Marta! ). Thiscustom is essentially to wish great health, good luck, and happiness to family and friends. The name "Martenitsa" is taken from the Bulgarian word for March, or, as a legend tells, an angry old lady called Grandma Marta-Baba Marta in Bulgarian.In Bulgarian folklore Baba Marta is a grumpy old woman whochanges her mood very rapidly and it reflects in the changeable March weather. When she is smiling the weather is sunny and warm, but if she gets angry the cold will stay for longer and it may even snow. By wearing the red and white colors of the Martenitsa, they hoped that it will make winter pass faster and bring spring.The Martenitsa is made of twined red and white threads-woollen, silk, or cotton. The white is a symbol of strength, purity and happiness. The red is associated with health and blood.When someone gives you a Martenitsa you should wear it either pinned on your clothes, on the hand tied around the wrist, or around your neck until you see, or a fruit tree in blossom for the first time in the season. After that you can tie it on a blossoming tree for fertility. Like kind of amulet, Martenitsa was regarded as a magic power believed to protect folks from "ill fortune", diseases and an evil eye.The custom of wearing Martenitsa is probably one of the most interesting Bulgarian traditions and it is considered to be unique to Bulgaria. According to one of the many legends, this tradition is also related to the founding of the Bulgarian state in 681 AD.【小题1】What do we know about Martenitsa?A.It marks a huge improvement on agriculture.B.It is celebrated by Bulgarian people on May 1st.C.It lasts from March 1st until around the end of May.D.It is a traditional holiday connected with welcoming spring.【小题2】What does the underlined word "grumpy" in Paragraph 3 mean? A.Open-minded. B.Ill-tempered. C.Easy-going. D.Cold-blooded. 【小题3】How should a Martenitsa be worn correctly?A.By pinning it on the head. B.By drawing it on the body. C.By tying it around the wrist. D.By sticking it on the trousers. 【小题4】What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?A.To promote cultural research. B.To tell people what to do in spring.C.To introduce a Bulgarian tradition. D.To show how to make the Martenitsa.4. Scientists from Imperial College London have found that using virtual reality(VR)headsets can reduce sensitivity to pain, by immersing(沉浸)people in icy Arctic scenery. In a study published in Pain Reports, a team from Imperial used VR video to reduce peop le’s sensitivity to ongoing pain and sharp shooting pain.According to the researchers, the findings add to the growing evidence for the potential of VR technology to help patients with long-term pain. Beyond the distracting effect, they think VR may actua lly cause the body’s own inbuilt pain-fighting systems to start working.Dr Sam Hughes, the first author on the paper, said "Our work suggests that VR may be getting involved in processes in the key parts of our inbuilt pain-fighting systems and are helpful in regulating the spread of increased sensitivity to pain.To test their theory, researchers applied a cream containing capsaicin(辣椒素)-the chemical that makes your mouth bum-to 15 healthy volunteers. The capsaicin makes the skin more sensitive to painful stimuli(刺激)like a very small electric shock.In the first trial, participants were then asked to rate the pain caused by the capsaicin cream on a scale of 0-100 (from 'no pain' to 'worst pain possible' )while either watching a VR scene of Arctic exploration through a headset, or looking at a still image of an Arctic scene on a monitor. Under the same conditions, they were also asked to say when a stimulus applied directly to the skin area is considered as painful.The team found that ongoing pain was reduced following VR immersion, and that sensitivity to painful stimuli was also reduced. However, the same effect was not seen in people who looked at still images of the polar environment.They explain that while the findings made at the beginning are encouraging, the study is limited by the small number of healthy participants, without long-term pain. However, the researchers believe VR could hold a bright future to treat patients with long-term pain who have poor inbuilt pain fighting systems.【小题1】How can VR possibly help long-term pain sufferers?A.By making their pain-fighting systems function.B.By drawing their attention to fighting pain.C.By controlling the spread of pain sensitivity.D.By slowing down their brains' reaction to pain.【小题2】Which step comes first in their theory testing?A.Making a capsaicin cream.B.Putting on virtual reality headsets.C.Applying capsaicin cream to the skin.D.Looking at pictures on a computer screen.【小题3】What conclusion can be drawn from the trial?A.Still images helped to ease people's pain.B.VR immersion was the key factor in pain reduction.C.Healthy people were less sensitive to VR than pain sufferers. D.Capsaicin cream brought people more pain than electronic stimulus. 【小题4】What does the last paragraph imply?A.The team feels confident about future VR treatment.B.The researchers will work on the side effect of VR.C.VR treatment can be applied in other medical fields.D.The trial only has an effect on short-term pain patients.二、七选五5. How to Make FriendsMeeting new people and making friends can be difficult, but witha little effort and willingness to step outside of your comfort zone, you can easily make friends.【小题1】. If you want to make friends, you first need to put yourself out there somehow in order to meet people. If you just sit alone, friends might come to you, but that’s not likely. For example, if you're still in school, sit somewhere with other people. 【小题2】, but try to choose one with at least 2 other people.Pursue common interests. If you've discovered that the personyou're talking to shares a common interest with you, ask them more about it and, if appropriate, whether they get together with othersto pursue this interest. If so, this is a perfect opportunity to ask about joining them. 【小题3】, they'll probably invite you.Be reliable. When you say you'll do something, do it.【小题4】.If you show these qualities in your treatment of others, it will attract others who appreciate reliability and who will be reliable in return.Keep in touch with your friends. People often lose contact with their friends because they're either too busy or just don't valuetheir friends enough.【小题5】, the friendship may end up. And when you do try to contact them again, it can be hard to restore the friendship.A.Make yourself availableB.Choose your friends wiselyC.If you clearly express interestD.It doesn’t have to be a crowded tableE.When you lose your connection with a friendF.This gives the person the opportunity to contact youG.Be someone that people know that they can count on三、完形填空6. The Story of A Wandering WalletA few years ago, I was given a wallet. It was small, with only a single pocket for______, cards and coins. A zipper kept everything inside from______out. The wallet came to me all the way from Tanzania,_____to me by a close friend. I fell in love with it immediately, which was the perfect size and came from a place I hoped to someday visit. I______it everywhere; it was always uncertainly hanging out of one pocket or______.I seem to have a habit of______things-jackets, water bottles,text books, even my favorite wallet; I lost it almost weekly. Fortunately the most common______for me to lose it was in my own house, so of course I would______find it.One day, however, as I was______a football stadium at a school, the wallet once again leaped from my pocket. I______the loss when I got home that evening. I______the house and prayed as usual. Nothing.Around a week later, my parents______a message on their business voicemail. A______stranger was calling with______of my wallet. I couldn't believe it. This man, in an attempt to find who thewallet______, looked inside of it, and found a______which my parents had written to me. It happened to have their______phone number on it.I don't know if I believe in luck, but I do know I believe inthe___acts of kindness, which filled my life. Every day my hope for the world is renewed______I remember people who go out of their way to______whomever they can.【小题1】A.books B.bill C.cases D.cash【小题2】A.falling B.finding C.breaking D.running【小题3】A.lent B.gifted C.borrowed D.purchased 【小题4】A.showed B.saw C.carried D.felt【小题5】A.another B.others C.else D.above【小题6】A.hiding B.losing C.forgetting D.handling 【小题7】A.reason B.way C.time D.place【小题8】A.eventually B.generally C.never D.seldom【小题9】A.leaving B.arriving C.approaching D.heading【小题10】A.understood B.expected C.missed D.discovered 【小题11】A.visited B.searched C.changed D.cleaned【小题12】A.sent B.cancelled C.received D.ignored【小题13】A.different B.complete C.perfect D.familiar 【小题14】A.paper B.comment C.news D.picture【小题15】A.turned to B.turned off C.dropped off D.belonged to 【小题16】A.check B.call C.account D.document 【小题17】A.personal B.work C.business D.local【小题18】A.special B.careful C.shameless D.selfless【小题19】A.as B.when C.because D.once【小题20】A.believe B.lead C.help D.beat四、用单词的适当形式完成短文7. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。