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计算机研究与发展ISSN 1000-1239?CN 11-1777?TPJournal of Computer Research and Development 49(7):1420-1431,2012


龙建武 申铉京 陈海鹏

(吉林大学计算机科学与技术学院 长春 130012)

(符号计算与知识工程教育部重点实验室(吉林大学) 长春 130012)


Interactive Document Images Thresholding Segmentation Algorithm Based onImage Regions

Long Jianwu,Shen Xuanjing,and Chen Haipeng

(College of Computer Science and Technology,Jilin University,Changchun130012)

(Key Laboratory of Symbolic Computation and Knowledge Engineering(Jilin University),Ministry of Education,Changchun130012)

Abstract In order to overcome the two problems,parameters selection in the local thresholdingsegmentation methods which have many parameters usually and discontinuous problem amongneighbor regions in the segmentation results,an interactive document images thresholdingsegmentation algorithm based on image regions is proposed in this paper with the priori knowledge orexperience from the users.Firstly,the presented method divides the image into several regionsroughly.Secondly,it sorts all the image blocks according to their standard deviation values,whichare taken as a measure to tell how much information of the background and object every blockcontains.Thirdly,the users input interactive information to separate all regions into three parts:blocks containing background or target only,blocks containing a small amount of background ortarget,and blocks containing distributing equilibrium background and target.Finally,the binarizationof every block is conducted according to different criterion.Extensive experimental results show thatthe proposed scheme yields more promising binarization outcomes and also has better performance fordocument images under normal and inadequate illumination conditions,compared with globalmethods,simply thresholding approaches based on regions,and Chou s method.Moreover,theintroduced approach is also effective for part of the non-text images.

Key words image segmentation;interactive document image segmentation;threshold selection;localthreshold;Otsu method

摘 要 针对现有局部阈值分割算法因参数过多带来的参数选择问题以及在分割结果中块与块之间不连续性问题,利用用户提供的先验知识或经验,提出了一种基于灰度图像区域的交互式文本图像阈值分割算法.该方法首先粗略地将图像进行分块;利用标准差作为衡量图像块含有信息量(背景信息与目标信息)多少这一度量,接着按标准差大小对所有图像块进行排序;然后由用户输入交互式信息将所有图像块分为3个集合:仅含背景或仅含目标的图像块、含有少量背景或者是含有少量目标的图像块以及背景和目标分布比较均衡的图像块;最后对各个集合中的图像块分别按相应准则进行分割.实验结果表明,对于均匀和非均匀光照条件下的文本图像,与全局分割算法、直接分块分割算法和Chou方法相比,该



