




The silent lamb wasn’t the first thriller I saw, but it left me with the deepest impression, rooted in my mind, and settled down. No matter how thin the film is to the text, I remember it over and over again. Young trainee investigator Starling starts with a simple task interview Dr.Lecter, and explores clues to hunt down buffalo Bill from case files under Dr.Lecter’s cue. The reasoning proce ss and the interference of Dr.Lecter Starling hidden in mockery, memories, Chilton and all, readers need to like Shi Dalin, a step by step carefully, to see the results. Starling’s fear and cruelty, Dr.Lecter’s “art of crime”, and his disgusting motives, s tep by step introduce tourists into the two world full of fear, and make the reader’s emotion and the mood of the characters in the book rise and fall.

Dr.Lecter in the book is doctor of psychiatry, and he is also a rare object of psychological research with abnormal psychological crux. And the other two killers are also psychological patients. Abnormal Psychology was originally translated as “abnormal psychology”. From the people’s curiosity, it is always attractive to describe the works of “psychological perversion”. Therefore, the silent lamb series has become a popular thriller suspense reasoning work. Clarice is a FBI student, but she has the trait of perseverance, calmness and tact. Childhood, family poverty, lost her father, orphaned wandering childhood, let her fear of everything around. She escaped from the farm because she couldn’t bear the screaming of the lamb, and it was painful for her. These lambs can’t change the fate of being slaughtered, because they’re too weak. Clarice saw all th is and felt the weakness of his own strength. She fled the farm, into the orphanage, began to study hard, again and again to challenge themselves, in order to hide the fear inside. Her hard work and hard work are reflected in the eyes of the boss. And as a FBI student, she was given an opportunity to investigate terrorist murders. Of course, that’s what she wants. She wants to succeed, and she wants to change the identity of the weak in her


电影《疯狂动物城》观后感700字 《疯狂动物城》讲述了在一个所有动物和平共处的动物城市,兔子朱迪通过自己努力奋斗完成自己儿时的梦想,成为动物警察的故事。以下是为大家推荐的关于一些电影《疯狂动物城》观后感700字,希望能帮助到大家! 电影《疯狂动物城》观后感700字1 上周五,我和同学一起去看了《疯狂动物城》。这部电影十分好看,班上看过的同学都在议论纷纷。同桌告诉我,这部电影里有一只树懒,名字叫闪电,但动作却十分慢,他模仿了一下闪电盖章时的动作,真的非常慢,我不禁对这部电影产生了浓厚的兴趣。 上周五,同学的妈妈打来电话,原来阿姨买了《疯狂动物城》的电影票,问我有没有时间一起去看。我每周五都闲着的,而且这部电影现在非常火,我自然想看。得到爸爸妈妈的批准后,我高兴地答应了同学。 晚上七点钟,我准时来到同学家楼下,一起步行去电影院。 电影主要讲了这样一件事:疯狂动物城是一座独一无二的现代动物都市。每种动物在这里都有自己的居所,比如富丽堂皇的撒哈拉广场,或者常年严寒的.冰川镇。它就像一座大熔炉,动

物们在这里和平共处——无论是大象还是小老鼠,只要你努力,都能在此闯出一番名堂。不过乐观的警官兔朱迪却发现,作为史上第一任兔子警官,要和一群强硬的大块头动物警察合作可不是件容易事。为了证明自己,她决心侦破一桩神秘案件。追寻真相的路上她被迫与口若悬河、谎技高超的狐尼克联手,却发现这桩案件背后隐藏着一个意欲颠覆动物城的巨大阴谋午夜嚎叫,于是兔朱迪和狐尼克一起卷入了这场由羊副市长谋划的风波看了这部电影,我的感触颇多:在这部电影中,无条件帮助兔朱迪、工作勤勤恳恳的羊副市长却是阴谋背后的主使;狡猾的狐尼克最后却成了兔朱迪的警察同事;一堆北极熊的大先生却是一只鼹鼠反转太多,让我来不及反应。 我印象最深刻的几句话,就是:在动物城,每一个动物都有无限的可能。我们唯一要害怕的就是害怕本身。光有志向是不够的,重要的是你的能力。永远要保持淡定。现实生活可比墙上的标语复杂多了。心比天高,看看自己的能耐。 在动物城,每一个动物都有无限的可能。同样,在生活中,每一个人都有无限的可能。 电影《疯狂动物城》观后感700字2

One Hundred Years of Solitude_百年孤独英语读后感800字

One Hundred Years of Solitude_百年孤独英语读后感800 字 I just finished reading "hundred years of solitude", and I can't tell what it feels like. Heart slightly pantothenic acid, but more ignorant. To tell the truth, Nobel's literary works are full of magic realism in the between the lines of author Garcia Marcks with its extremely absurd techniques and rich imagination, show a different world to readers -- alone. In one hundred years of solitude, the rise and fall of a Boone family after a hundred years reflects the ups and downs of a small town called Macondo, and some people think it can even be said to reflect the rise and fall of Latin American culture. The book tells the story of the first generation of Boone Macondo and then create Lydia, breeding for 7 generations, but can not fight the curse of natural fate, the ultimate family or escape down to the unknown point, even the final, Macondo in the town is the destruction of Hurricane destruction. "One hundred years of solitude" by the revolutionary army commander Aureliano Boone and Colonel of the seven


基督山伯爵中英文读后感 中文读后感 “有一颗愿意等待的心,说明你对未来抱有希望;有一颗充满希望的心,那么等待,又算什么?”——题记 听同学推荐说《基督山伯爵》是欧洲文艺复兴时期大仲马的代表作,向来对欧洲文化“叶公好龙”的我,在几经诱惑下,将两本像砖头一样的书搬回了家。 “法老号”大副唐泰斯受船主委托,为拿破仑党人送了一封信,遭到两个卑鄙小人和法官的陷害,被打入死牢。狱友法里亚神甫向他传授了各种知识,并在临终前把埋于基督山岛上的一批宝藏的秘密告诉了他。唐泰斯越狱后找到了宝藏,成为巨富,从此化名基督山伯爵,经过精心策划,报答了恩人,惩罚了仇人,最后将宝藏的秘密告诉了曾有恩于他的莫雷尔船长之子——马克西米利安。 整部巨作是以伯爵先生留给马克西米利安的一封信结尾的,其中,伯爵先生告诫马克西米利安的一段话令我记忆犹新: “在这世界上既无所谓幸福也无所谓不幸,只有一种状况和另一种状况的比较,如此而已。只有体验过极度不幸的人,才能品尝到极度的幸福,直至天主垂允为人类揭示未来图景的那一天来到之前,人类的

所有智慧就包含在这五个字里面 ‘等待和希望!’” 伯爵先生所经历过的不幸是无人能比的,在四面环海、不见天日的死牢中被关押了整整十九年。在狱中,他并没有绝望,而是努力地向神甫学习各种知识,不仅我佩服他的毅力,神甫因为“佩服这个年轻人”更是为他创造了许多条件。九死一生越狱成功之后,他并没有贪图享乐,而是向着自己的目标不断地前进——为自己的不幸报仇! 伯爵先生对唐格拉尔、费尔南和维尔福这三仇人的复仇是最精彩绝伦,跌宕起伏的。他先后进入他们的社交圈,又通过决斗的方式使费尔南的儿子——阿尔贝蒙羞,直至他的父亲发疯;再利用经济网、发假情报使唐格拉尔彻底破产;又通过精心的策划使维尔福的妻子起了歹心,没让自己亲自下手便使他们全家支离破碎。 看完整部巨作,不由自主地热泪盈眶。这泪水,不为伯爵和海黛的云游四方而悲伤,而是为伯爵内心深处的坚韧感到敬佩。我无法想像,大仲马笔下的伯爵先生竟可以将自己的一切隐藏那么久,竟可以在仇敌面前仍旧优雅……这一切,都超出了我的想像,唯有丁玲的一句话好似“醍醐灌顶”:人只要有一种信念,有所追求,什么艰苦都能忍受,什么环境都能适应。 不错,人世间可怖的东西是什么?是血肉之躯中深藏着的意志在刹那间迸发,就似一把宝剑在经过炼剑师的千锤百炼之后,在忽然间亮剑,寒光、剑气,此时无人,亦无招


英文读后感 英文读后感范文一 feels the very forbidden reason exceeds , king arrogant and conceited, be absorbed in the pursuit of wealth businessman , pedantic lighting a lamp person, … He sighs with emotion that "adult's world is indeed queer" thereupon ceaselessly. In the dyadic here author child sight with young Prince, grasp the essence of out these adults' inanity , blind and ignorant but conceited, unfavourable situation also saying that lonely having produced an adult lonely , is at a loss what to do. Finally, he has arrived in the earth. He has come across one Charley in here , this that Charley has been resolved that squeamish small rose by him has made him clear to feeling uncertain that matching lip-moving that he brings about loves, love has implied responsibility , has implied mercy, have had all inside the love (broad wide love)life to have had meaning just now. Charley tell him: "To your tame thing of making, you have responsibility forever. You want to fulfil one's duty to your rose". "If you have made me tame, my life is only capable to do being full of sunlight , merry get up. I will be able to listen to out one kind of footfall different from the rest. … … . You have a blonde hair , this will become brilliant thereupon, once you have made me tame! The aureate wheat will make me remember you time coming. I only am capable to do upper trajection of love thereupon news of the rippling wheat, ,'' That love has made person understand distressed sum agony, has made the person breakaway lonely lonely at the same time , messenger life has become having being full of temperament and interest and significance. Young Prince of elephant speaks exactly to "me": "This resembles flower one kind right away. If you have fallen in love with the flower one growing on a star, you are happy to feel sweet right away being looking at the sky , spend as if being coming untied on all stars at night". The author is clear thereupon , this world is previous, the small sheep eats up one flower , is to have no remarkable thing, but as for young Prince, "go out transiently like all stars". When one final , small the Prince celestial body in leaving him anniversary, let a poisonous snake bark to have died he, he can "shake off body's weight " like this , B-612 returning to him is small floating star, by the proud but fragile rose returning to him. The little girl who has left , resembles right away to buy a match faces swiftly and grandma is in young Prince together the world not having frigidity not having hunger is the same , he gallops to his everlasting love. Leave for this only aureate the world wheat field and one garden rose of no importance. Still have us weeping in fruitless labour field. We are resembling but aspiration right away that smooth Charley one kind are tamed , are missing small aureate Prince hair to the wheat field. Because of young Prince , I believe that the desert is hiding a well li indeed, he hears the burton sound in wind because of young Prince , joins the sweet spring water having watered that making a barren desert become beautiful. 英文读后感范文二 I read the Chinese version of “Camille” a few years ago. At that time I was deeply moved by the main character Marguerite Gautier. “Camille” or “The Lady of the Camellias” by Alexandre Dumas, fils, is the story of Marguerite Gautier, a young courtesan, or kept woman, in Paris in the mid 1800's, and how she falls in love with a young man, Armand Duval, and then tries to escape from her questionable past. Unfortunately, it comes back to haunt her and she ends up returning to


《青红》观后感 影视艺术欣赏课上观看了《青红》这部影片,看完之后对其中的女主人公有所同情,为那份悲剧的爱情感到悲悯。同时悲剧的爱情故事增添了哀伤的色彩,让这部影片结束时感到伤感和微微的叹息声,符合了整部影片的色调和情调。以下是对这部影片的具体想法和思考。 《青红》整部影片的情节在众多暗流的前呼后应下向前慢慢推进的,但是通过影片的结尾的影像,我们产生了许多思考,整个故事就像结尾那个连绵不断的山峰画面,让我们感到迷茫,不知下一个方向在哪儿,不知道下一步该往哪里走。 这部电影主要描述的是一个发生在上个世纪八十年代初期的故事。故事的女主人公叫张青红。张青红的家庭是一个典型的移民家庭,在六十年代中期,随内迁的工厂,由沿海繁华的大都市上海迁移到了内地边远的贵州(当时这被叫做支援三线建设), 十九岁的女孩张青红开始了她的第一次感情历程。20年过去了,当初因具有战略意义而迁移的工厂也在新的改革浪潮中,逐渐失去了往日的荣光。本以为将终老此地,人们开始惶惶不安,随着中国的改革开放,许多家庭都开始在想办法能够回到上海老家,那里有他们熟悉向往的生活环境,是他们的根,也能够给下一代更好的前途。这些家庭正面临着生活中最重要的一次选择,青红的父亲就是其中之一。青红的父亲心里只有一个意念,那就是回到大都市上海,希望自己的女儿能在上海发展,因为只有在那里才会有出息,只有那里才适合自己的女儿生活。然而青红并不理解父母的愿望。她和她的伙伴生于这里、长于这里,这里就是她人生中记忆的一切。在青红心中,这里才是她的家园,有童年的乐趣,有真诚的友谊,还有在青春萌动的心中难以割舍的初恋情人小根,一个来自当地农民家庭,刚刚进工厂做临时工的小伙子。然而女儿心中美好的恋情,在父亲看来却是一个最大的障碍。在她父亲的心里,那地方的人根本不配和自己的女儿谈恋爱。于是他是千方百计地组织女儿与小根的恋情。于是青红父亲开始严密的监视女儿的一举一动。他要不惜一切代价地摧毁这段感情。 为了阻断女儿的恋情青红父亲像押解犯人一样,每天跟着女儿上下学,编造 病假条以尽力压缩女儿与外界接触的空间。青红的心灵受到极大的折磨,心中充满对父亲粗暴干涉的反感。在好友小珍的帮助下,青红以各种方式和借口与父亲周旋、对抗。直至使用绝食这样的极端手段。在青红近乎搏命式地抗争下,父亲暂时退缩了。青红重新获得一丝自由空间。与此同时父亲也加快了步伐,决意不惜一切代价,尽快把全家迁回上海。在青红父亲与同事策划抛弃户口、工作,不顾一切离开贵州的时候,青红与小根在后山相会了。小根不解于青红突然冷淡的态度,而青红也终于讲出家庭正在发生的私密,在爱恨交织情绪亢奋的状态下,小根不顾一切的占有了青红。之后,青红自杀,被救过来之后精神恍惚。青红父亲则告发了小根。小根一开始拒不认罪,听说青红自杀后悉数交待。青红一家秘密返回上海的路上,正遇上通报执行所有死刑,小根亦在此列。当听到小根的名字时,青红父母紧张地看着青红的表情,青红全无反应,青红一家所乘的车子盘旋山路上,一边传来数声清脆的枪声。这就是《青红》所讲述的一个在边远山区,一个来自上海的家庭所发生的故事。 在《青红》中有三个人物的想法和一系列的动作能够影响全局,这就是青红,青红的父亲以及小根。三个人之间的情感纠葛,使影片故事情节,由平淡举荐引入高潮,奠定了整部影片的主基调。父亲错误的教育方法。影片开场不久,在青红穿那幢红色高跟鞋被父亲发现后,通过一个过肩镜头中青红惊恐的眼睛以及父亲那模糊的背影都在向观众表达父亲在这个家中的权威的至高无上。父辈对子女的“爱之深,责之切。”在影片中有充分的展示。父亲希望青红通过考上大学光明正大的回到上海,不再走自己的老路,在这种思想下,对青红的管教成都日益加深,本着“现在恨我,将来感谢我都来不及”的想法,让青红失去了去工厂实习的机会,而青红也已绝食来回应父亲的蛮横,影片中另一个知青家庭也就是小珍家,与青红家形成鲜明对比,一个温暖舒适,一个沉默呆板,小珍的性格也与青红形成了强烈反差。一个活泼开朗,一个安静沉稳。通过这种反差,也说明在父亲的严格管教下青红的顺从冷漠。


Book Review of the《One Hundred Years of Solitude》 García Márquez makes up a town called Macondo and the protagonists——the Buendía s,lives there for more than one hundred years.During this period,the Buendía s goes from prosperity to decay and everyone dies with solitude.This family includes seven generations and everyone is willing to adventure and full of passion,but they don’t like having a heart-to-heart talk and they release pressure only through sex .It is said that this book shows the sruggle and loneliness of Latin America and the Macondo Town is actually a epitome of Latin America.For a long time,people in Latin America constantly started the civil wars and fought with their compatriots and many of them are fooled by ridiculious religion,so that these areas are still poor and underdeveloped and are like pathetic children abandoned by all other countries.This is a country’s and history’s solitude.So this book gains a lot of admiration and agreement from the people of Latin America.And we appreciate García Márquez for he gives us a way to know these people and strikes a chord with people from other underdeveloped country like us. When we probe into this book deeper and wonder why everyone lives so lamentably,we can see that it is not just because of the short of supplies or the lack of status and fame.If so,the book would not be praised but on the contrary it would be criticized to be superficial and na?ve.In fact,García Márquez points that the real solitude is from fate and death.It is just like everyone called Aurelian in the Buendía s are always composed and calm but in the end will all become callous and indifferenced to all other things.People who fight with fate and want to live another lives ,but finally fail look like flying leaves in the windy sky,which can’t control where to stop but move froward by the force of wind.Then you will feel nobody really knows you and your life is setted long time ago by the fate and the only thing you can do is to beobedient to it and try to admit that you can’t do anything,even to change a little.Is is real loneliness.When you feel you are separated from the outside world and your world only has youself,even though you are given plenty of money and luxury,you will not be happy and think you are rich.The solitude from the bottom of your heart will last forever and nothing that comes from material world can influence it. In the meanwhile I read carefully and try to find the solution to this kind of solitude. And the answer that García Márquez gives is hiding among the


基督山伯爵读后感 是法国作家大仲马的代表作之一。材料于警察局里一份名为的案卷。下面是X为大家整理的基督山伯爵读后感,希望大家喜欢! 基督山伯爵读后感篇一 等待和希望!”合上这本法国作家大仲马的传世名作一—我脑中只剩下了这五个金光闪闪的大字。它有如一把金光闪闪的钥匙,意味深长、价值无量,而又耐人细细咀嚼。 讲述了主人公埃德蒙?唐代斯坎坷离奇的一生。唐代斯青年时是一名出色的水手。就在他即将当上船长、取得美满爱情之际,遭到嫉妒之人的暗算,蒙受不白之冤进了监狱。这一呆就是十四年。越狱前唐代斯意外地获得了一笔巨大的财产,并回到了他的故乡。 报答恩人。接着,他买下了基督山岛,成为伯爵,交下了许多名门贵族的朋友,终日娱乐,去卩在暗中打探情况,谋略计划。伯爵待到一切时机成熟,开始复仇。他不动声色而又暗中袭击,往日的仇人有的死、有的疯。而当他报最后一仇时,却大发善心放了仇敌。伯爵又把一切财产送给了恩人和穷人,从此带着义女远走高飞…… 有一句古话叫做:“冤冤相报何时了。”的确,如果一个人总把每个小小的怨恨积在心中,并总是想着去复仇解 恨,那么他的复仇计划何时才会消停呢?基督山伯爵遭人陷 害在牢狱中度过了黑暗痛苦的十四年,最宝贵的青春以及幸福美满的生

活由此埋葬,心中当然不知有多少仇恨。可他最后却也能驱走心中复仇的恶魔,至U处行善。因为他知道善有善报,恶有恶报,上帝会派使者完成这项光荣的使命。 我们又何尝不能做到这样呢?有时小怨小恨或许只是命运和你开的一个小小的玩笑,翻过这一页吧,让仇恨烟消云散,就像沙地上的字被风抚平一般,永远消失。但是恩惠却是需要我们去报答的,哪怕是极其微小的事物,也要像刻在石头上的印记那样永不磨灭。 从今天开始吧,驱走心中复仇的恶魔,迎来心中感恩的天使,让心灵如初落的冰雪一般纯净、高洁…… 基督山伯爵读后感篇二 是法国作家大仲马一生中最著名的作品之一,这部小说不仅长的出奇,而且情节曲折离奇,扣人心弦,让人一捧上它就难以再放下。 讲述的是一名水手爱德蒙唐泰斯在即将成为“埃及王” 号的船长时,遭到了唐格拉等人的嫉妒和诬陷,在唐泰斯与他的未婚妻梅塞苔丝的订婚之夜他以虚有的罪名被假公济私的维尔福判入了永生都无法获释的黑牢中去了。 但幸运的是爱德蒙在黑牢中于遇见了在他生命中的贵 人一一法利亚长老。法利亚是一位知识渊博的老人,而且为 人和善友好。两人在黑牢中的不期而遇,似乎也寓意着新生 活的降临。在入狱期间,我们看到了法利亚成为了爱德蒙德益友也是良师,看到了这位可敬的长老在唐泰斯14年的牢狱生活里教会了他很多很多的东西,这让唐泰斯从一位无知冲动的水


外国名著读后感英文版 Sense and Sensibility was the first Jane Austen published. Though she initially called it Elinor and Marianne, Austen jettisoned both the title and the epistolary mode in which it was originally written, but kept the essential theme: the necessity of finding a workable middle ground between passion and reason. The story revolves around the Dashwood sisters, Elinor and Marianne. Whereas the former is a sensible, rational creature, her younger sister is wildly romantic——a characteristic that offers Austen plenty of scope for both satire and compassion. Commenting on Edward Ferrars, a potential suitor for Elinor's hand, Marianne admits that while she "loves him tenderly," she finds him disappointing as a possible lover for her sister. Soon however, Marianne meets a man who measures up to her ideal: Mr. Willoughby, a new neighbor. So swept away by passion is Marianne that her behavior begins to border on the scandalous. Then Willoughby abandons her; meanwhile, Elinor's growing affection for Edward suffers a check when he admits he is secretly engaged to a childhood sweetheart. How each of the sisters


【沉默的羔羊读后感】沉默的羔羊观后感100字 沉默的羔羊读后感(一) 已经是第三遍阅读了,细细翻过去,仍有不舍之意,索性静下心来,真正和克拉丽丝、莱克特医生谈谈感悟心得,许能抑制自己一再读下去的渴望。 闭上眼睛,我看到了克拉丽丝那亮丽的长发,苗条的身材,美的象冬天的晚霞,很轻易就可得到别人的青睐,不仅仅是因为她美丽,更重要的是她可贵的灵魂。我喜欢她和莱克特医生(书中的变态杀手)的交流,审视着他们的对话,我不知道知己是喜欢克拉丽丝,还是莱克特,还是他们心灵的碰撞使我感慨、感叹以至感动。 我似乎爱上了莱克特,爱上他凝视克拉丽丝时眼中闪烁的火花,爱上他的教养,爱上他递给疲惫的头发湿湿的克拉丽丝的叠好的干净毛巾而且我知道克拉丽丝也爱他,虽然她从未透露这一点,其实她内心一直在斗争:他是个连杀九条人命的精神病罪犯,他所杀之人都是该死之人,死者都是无辜的,但他们都平庸,是社会的负担 审视着此时自己的强盗逻辑,不禁哑然失笑,之所以如此为莱克特辩护,是因为我触摸到了莱克特的灵魂:他不是为了自己越狱而帮克拉丽丝,是为了让她梦中的羔羊从此沉默。感动于他对克拉丽

丝的爱,这种爱也许并不深厚,但是心灵碰撞的产物,无须说出来,但彼此都明白的感觉,他们注定无法走到一起( ___与罪犯),而且也从未想过要走到一起,能这样心有灵犀的交流过其实就是一生的财富了。()如莱克特给克拉丽丝的留言:世界有你更精彩。我理解的意思是:世界有爱更精彩! 凝视着克拉丽丝熟睡的笑脸,我终于释怀,合上书,耳边传来巫启贤深沉的歌声:不爱那么多,只爱一点点,别人的爱比那天长我的爱情短,不爱那么多,只爱一点点,别人的爱比那海深我的爱情浅在这寂静的夜里,真正理解了这首歌,一点爱,足矣!世界有爱更精彩。 很早就看过了《沉默的羔羊》这部片子了,却一直没有机会一览小说版,今年暑假闷得慌,突然想起来,于是花了时间找到了这本小说!细细翻过去,仍有不舍之意,索性就再仔细研读一遍,《沉默的羔羊》读后感。或许再次体会克拉丽丝和莱克特医生的感悟心得,或许就能抑制一再下去的渴望。此时,才了解看书的时候恐怖气氛弥漫在整个蚊帐里,才发现原来心理上的恐惧远远超越于视觉上的恐惧呀。 有着亮丽的长发,苗条的身材,美得像冬天的晚霞的克拉丽丝,可以轻易的得到别人的青睐,绝不仅仅是因为美丽,而是因为她可


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除百年孤独英文读后感 百年孤独英文读后感(一) ”onehundredyearsofsolitude”isknownas”LatinAmeri canhistoryofliteratureinthevisionofthesociety”.Itistherepr esentativeworkofgabrielgarciamarquez,istherepresentativ eworkofLatinAmericanmagicrealismliterature.Afterreadi ng,thebookmorbidalone,foravarietyofabnormalpersonalit y,floatinginmyaround,foralongtimenottogo. thecharactersinthebook,mrAShLEyboone,emperor,thisisa diligent,pragmatic,creativepeople.Butbecausehe’sfascinat ionwithscienceandknowledge,wrongly,alchemy,godcoppe rplatepicture...hewascompletelyinsane,soheisalonely. hiswifeUrsulaisawomanofflashingmotherallgoodquality.I nmyopinion,sheisthefamilyfoundation.thewholebookishe rbusyfigure,thiswoman’sbodywithanotherkindoflonelines s.


有一颗充满希望的心,那么等待,又算什么?”——题记 这本书是全世界流传最广的名著之一.朋友向我推荐这本书,但一直没有去看,原以为会有枯燥的开头和与现代合不上的对白,没想到一读就放不下了,欲罢不能.翻看全书,不能不佩服作者高超的写作技巧和布局谋篇的编故事才能。在这部将近一百多万字的小说里,既有节奏紧张、大起大落的高潮,也有节奏相对舒缓、充满浪漫传奇色彩的小故事。大仲马在小说中还不时穿插一些典故传说、奇闻轶事、异域风情和大海、岛屿的景色描写。如果单纯以故事情节论,我认为《基督山伯爵》确实是难得一觅的好书,并且让人大开眼界、回味无穷情节跌宕起伏,迂回曲折,结构十分严谨。让我们先来认识一下本书的作者吧! 大仲马,全名亚历山大·仲马,法国十九世纪积极浪漫主义作家,杰出的通俗小说家。其祖父是侯爵德·拉·巴那特里,与黑奴结合生下其父,名亚历山大,受洗时用母姓仲马。他父亲具有强烈的反封建思想,大仲马继承了父亲反封建传统,终生信守共和政见,一贯反对君主专制;他憎恨和不满复辟的波旁王朝。他曾被视为拿破仑分子而受到歧视。他先后参加了1830年推翻波旁王朝的七月革命和1848年推翻七月王朝的二月革命。他曾两次被迫长期流亡国外,1860年他还去意大利协助民族英雄加里波第作战。大仲马三岁时父亲病故,二十岁只身闯荡巴黎,曾当过公爵的书记员、国民自卫军指挥官。拿破仑三世发动政变,他因为拥护共和而流亡。大仲马终生信守共和政见,一贯反对君主专政,憎恨复辟王朝,不满七月王朝,反对第二帝国。由于他的黑白混血身份,其一生都受种族主义的困扰,心中受到创伤。家庭出身和经历使大仲马形成了反对不平、追求正义的叛 逆性格。1842年,欧仁·苏德社会风俗小说《巴黎的秘密》在报纸上连载一炮打 响后,出版社约请大仲马也以巴黎为背景写一部当代题材的小说。大仲马接受约请后的第一步工作,就是搜集素材。他在巴黎警署退休的档案保管员珀歇写的回忆录里,发现了一份案情记录,它记述了拿破仑时代一个年轻鞋匠皮科的报仇故事。他根据这个素材,构思了一个复仇故事的轮廓。然后,他又听取了在创作上和他多年合作的助手马凯的一些很有见地的建议,在对波旁王朝的憎恨下写下了 这部著作.再让我们梳理作者的行文思路,概况本文主要内容吧! 十九岁的爱德蒙·唐泰斯,是个活力四射的年轻水手。他有慈爱的父亲、甜蜜的爱人,有光辉的前程、幸福的生活。善良乐观的天性,使得他对周遭的每个人都以礼相待,并且真挚热情。他清澈明亮的目光里,写满对未来幸福生活的期待与神往。1815年2月底,埃及王号远洋货船年轻的代理船长爱德蒙·唐泰斯回到马塞港。老船长病死在途中,他曾托唐泰斯把船开到一个小岛上去见囚禁中的拿破仑。拿破仑委托邓肯斯带一封密信给在巴黎的亲信。唐泰斯这次回国可以说是春风得意:他已经准备好要和相爱多年的女友结婚,然后一同前往巴黎。唐代斯遇到了法里亚神甫,由于神父让唐代斯获得重生,拥有了智慧与财富。于是唐代斯改名为水手辛巴达,对于当初的滴水之恩,他如今以涌泉相报,之后他又改名为基督山伯爵开始了他十几年来梦寐以求的复仇计划。复仇之路当然是无比的坦顺,所有的罪人都受到了应有的惩罚。基督山伯爵是一个我非常喜欢的人物,他非常的敢爱敢恨、豪爽气派,也聪慧过人,由于饱经沧桑,他对任何事都格外的执着。基督山伯爵可以说是一个比较完美的形象,但他并不是凭空捏造的,他蕴藏了部分作者的写照。作者大仲马是一个非常豪爽的人,他在基督山城堡连续


The impression of A Little Princess and Little Women A Little Princess is a touching novel written by Frances Hodgson Burnett—a famous novelist and dramatist. It obviously contains lots of fancied plots, but the parts it talks about creating miracles, can really reach the bottom of my heart. The book can bring me into a world that is more than reality while reading it. The extraordinary story makes me ponder a lot and gives me a deep impression that every girl can be a princess. After reading this outstanding book, I was shocked by Sara, a little girl who suffered such unimaginable pain and tortures, but still had an opposite attitude towards life. What impresses me most is that Sara put on her act of being a princess when she wore thin bottom shoes, wading in the street of London. From my point of view, her spirit of being so strong-minded when she was in hard times is worth admiring. Every girl can be a princess if she can do all I mentioned, no matter she is rich, beautiful or not. To speak truthfully, I cannot do as well as Sara. However, I will exert myself on being a princess mentally. The story of a little princess reminds me a book I read many years ago, called little women. Thestory of little women also impressed me and makes me think a lot. Little Women is a "coming of age" drama tracing the lives of four sisters: Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. During the American Civil War, the girls father is away serving as a minister to the troops. The family, headed by thier beloved Marmee, must struggle to make ends meet, with the help of their kind and wealthy neighbor, Mr. Laurence, and


《沉默的羔羊》观后感 初次观影时,我全心思都投入在剧中的各种猎奇事件里。在电影高潮部分,更是一直在期待女主角克拉丽丝能平安完成任务,反而忽视了剧中一些重要的线索。回味起来,发现电影中有不少待人发掘的内涵。 从片名“沉默的羔羊”入手。片名应该来源于克拉丽丝对于过去在农场生活的回忆。女主角某次听到待宰羔羊的惨叫声,对羔羊心生怜悯,于是打开羊圈,希望羊群逃出农场、获得自由,然而羊群却一动不动。她抱起一只羊逃跑,结果被警察拦住……剧中的“羔羊”代表着无法主宰自己命运的弱者,当面临危险时,只能惨叫着任人宰割,就如5位被“野牛比尔”杀死后剥皮的受害人。剧中提到:克拉丽丝希望羔羊惨叫声停止。结合克拉丽丝过去抱着羊逃跑的表现来看,她希望尽己所能拯救弱者。因此尽管要和高度危险的精神病专家汉尼拔博士斗智斗勇,还要追踪变态杀人犯野牛比尔,克拉丽丝依然凭借智慧与勇气活跃在案件中。 影片聚焦于野牛比尔的第六个猎物——参议员的女儿凯瑟琳被绑架一案。参议员利用各种权利救女儿:做电视演讲、为汉尼拔转移监狱等等。也是由于凯瑟琳的特殊身份,该案件才得以受到政府的重视。试想,如果遭到绑架的只是普通人,野牛比尔一案能集中广大人力物力财力,并顺利告破吗? 凯瑟琳作为突面生死存亡的普通人,她自救的行动也值得瞩目。她将野牛比尔的宠物猫引诱进深坑,以小猫的性命威胁他放走自己。凯瑟琳的自救也许只能起到拖延时间的作用,但她仍为了逃跑尽自己的努力,并为克拉丽丝的到来争取了宝贵的时间。不得不说,凯瑟琳的获救有一部分是源自她自身的冷静思考和不懈努力。与其他受害者比起来,她作为一只“羔羊”,更多了些与命运抗争的勇气和智慧。 纵观影片,角色主要分为两种:变态和勇者。在面对诸如汉尼拔、野牛比尔这样的变态时,克拉丽丝和凯瑟琳被迫用自己的勇气和智慧与他们作斗争。虽然汉尼拔逃跑了,但凯瑟琳获救,野牛比尔被击毙。克拉丽丝最终凭借自己的努力救出待宰“羔羊”,实现了心中的正义。羔羊的惨叫声也许终于能够停止了。
