



HUMAN MACHINEINTERFACESENERGYMANAGEMENTSOLUTIONSFA COMPONENTSMACHINE VISIONSYSTEMSUV CURINGSYSTEMSCX-400CY-100EX-10EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440EQ-30EQ-500MQ-WRXRT-610Hardly affected by colorThe color or size of the object does not affect its sensingperformance.Hardly affected by backgroundThe sensor does not detectthe background beyond theset distance since it is ofdistance adjustable type.RobustIts robust enclosure is made of die-cast zinc alloy.High-speed response time: 1 msIt can be used on a high speed assembly line.BASIC PERFORMANCEWaterproof IP67 (IEC)The equipment on which the sensor is mounted can bewashed without any problem.ENVIRONMENTAL RESISTANCENote: H owever, take care that if it is exposed to water splashesduring operation. It may detect a water drop itself.Insusceptible to dustThe sensing performanceis less affected by dust asit does not depend on theincident light intensity.has a specular surface.Adjustable Range Reflective Photoelectric SensorRX-LS200344FIBER SENSORSLASER SENSORS PHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMSMEASURE-MENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS PLC HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FACOMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSEX-Z CX-400CY-100EX-10 EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440EQ-30EQ-500RX RT-6105 m cable length type5 m 16.404 ft cable length type (standard: 3 m 9.843 ft ) is also available for NPN output type.Model No.: RX-LS200-C5Accessory• MS-RX-1 (Sensor mounting bracket)Narrow-view slit mask• OS-RXL-□Protective tubeTwo M4 (length 16 mm 0.630 in )hexagon-socket-head bolts are attached.056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONIC AG345Adjustable Range Reflective Photoelectric Sensor RX-LS200FIBERSENSORSLASERSENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRICSENSORSAREASENSORSSAFETY LIGHTCURTAINS /SAFETYCOMPONENTSPRESSURE /FLOWSENSORSINDUCTIVEPROXIMITYSENSORSPARTICULARUSESENSORSSENSOROPTIONSSIMPLEWIRE-SAVINGUNITSWIRE-SAVINGSYSTEMSMEASURE-MENTSENSORSSTATICCONTROLDEVICESLASERMARKERSPLCHUMANMACHINEINTERFACESENERGYMANAGEMENTSOLUTIONSFACOMPONENTSMACHINEVISIONSYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSEX-ZCX-400CY-100EX-10EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440EQ-30EQ-500RXRT-610I/O circuit diagram Wiring diagramSymbols … D : Reverse supply polarity protection diodeZ D : Surge absorption zener diodeTr : NPN output transistor±10 %RX-LS200NPN output type 056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONICAGAdjustable Range Reflective Photoelectric SensorRX-LS200346FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORSAREA SENSORS SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMSMEASURE-MENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS PLC HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FACOMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UVCURINGSYSTEMSEX-Z CX-400CY-100EX-10EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440EQ-30EQ-500RX RT-610I/O circuit diagramWiring diagramNote: T he output does not incorporate a short-circuit protection circuit.Do not connect it directly to a power supply or a capacitive load.Symbols … D : Reverse supply polarity protection diodeZ D : Surge absorption zener diode Tr : PNP output transistorto 24 V DCSensing fields• Setting distance: 200 mm 7.874 in (Horizontal)• Setting distance: 200 mm 7.874 in (Vertical)• Setting distance: 150 mm 5.906 in (Horizontal)• Setting distance: 150 mm 5.906 in (Vertical)• Setting distance: 150 mm 5.906 in with slit mask (Vertical)• Setting distance: 150 mm 5.906 in with slit mask(Horizontal)0.3940.394Left Center in )S e t t i n g d i s t a n c e L (m m i n Up Center Operating point ℓ (mm in )0.3940.394S e t t i n g d i s t a n c e L (m m in Left Center in)0.1570.157S e t t i n g d i s t a n c e L (m mi nUp Center in )0.1570.157S e t t i n g d i s t a n c e L(m m i nLeft Center Operating point ℓ (mm in )0.1570.157S e t t i n g d i s t a n c e L (m m i nUp Operating point ℓ (mm in )0.1570.157S e t t i n g d i s t a n c e L (m m i nCorrelation between sensing object size and sensing range0.787 1.575 2.362 3.1503.937 in , 7.874 in , each, with white non-glossy 1.969 × 1.969 in ).side length a (mm in )S e n s i n g r a n g e L (m m i n D i s t a n c e L (m m i n RX-LS200-P PNP output type056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONIC AG347Adjustable Range Reflective Photoelectric Sensor RX-LS200FIBERSENSORSLASERSENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRICSENSORSAREASENSORSSAFETY LIGHTCURTAINS /SAFETYCOMPONENTSPRESSURE /FLOWSENSORSINDUCTIVEPROXIMITYSENSORSPARTICULARUSESENSORSSENSOROPTIONSSIMPLEWIRE-SAVINGUNITSWIRE-SAVINGSYSTEMSMEASURE-MENTSENSORSSTATICCONTROLDEVICESLASERMARKERSPLCHUMANMACHINEINTERFACESENERGYMANAGEMENTSOLUTIONSFACOMPONENTSMACHINEVISIONSYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSEX-ZCX-400CY-100EX-10EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440EQ-30EQ-500RXRT-610Correlation between material (50 × 50 mm 1.969 × 1.969 in) and sensing range200 mm 7.874 in100 mm 3.937 in50 mm 1.969 inWhitenon-glossypaperPlywoodCardboardCeramiccircuitboardGraynon-glossypaper(Lightness:3)BlackrubbeMirrorThese bars indicate the sensing rangewith respective objects when thedistance adjuster is set at the sensingrange of 200 mm 7.874 in, 100 mm3.937 in and 50 mm 1.969 in long,each, with white non-glossy paper.(GreenmaskedsurfaceGlassepoxyprintedcircuitboardSensingrangeL(mminWiring• The output of RX-LS200-P does not incorporate a short-circuit protection circuit. Do not connect it directly to apower supply or a capacitive load.Others• Do not use during the initial transient time (50 ms) afterthe power supply is switched on.Mounting• The tightening torque should be 1.17 N·m or less.• Care must be taken regarding the sensor mountingdirection with respect to the object’s direction of movement.Do not make the sensordetect an object in thisdirection because it maycause unstable operation.Sensing object Sensing object Sensing objectintersection of the “ ”mark on the lens faceand the “ ” line.• When detecting a specular object (aluminum or copperfoil) or an object having a glossy surface or coating,please take care that there are cases when the objectmay not be detected due to a small change in angle,wrinkles on the object surface, etc.• When a specular body is present below the sensor, usethe sensor by tilting it slightly upwards to avoid wrongoperation.Use conditions to comply with CE Marking• Following work must be done in case of using thisproduct as a CE marking (European standard EMCDirective) conforming product.Ensure that the shield is connected to 0 V or the actualground.• In case of connecting a sensor to power supply 0 V by usinga shield (piping, etc.)• In case of grounding by using a shield (piping, etc.)Note: The shield (piping, etc.) must be insulated.• If a specular body is present in the background, wrongoperation may be caused due to a small change in theangle of the background body. In that case, install thesensor at an inclination and confirm the operation withthe actual sensing object.• Do not install the sensor at a distance of less than 50 mm1.969 in from the object because the sensing is unstablein this range.Correct Correct Incorrect056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONICAGAdjustable Range Reflective Photoelectric SensorRX-LS200348FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORSSAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORSINDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORSSENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMSMEASURE-MENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS PLC HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FACOMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSEX-Z CX-400CY-100EX-10 EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440EQ-30EQ-500RX RT-610Distance adjustmentSensorRX-LS200 RX-LS200-PProtective tube (Optional)PT-RX500 PT-RX1000MS-RX-1Sensor mounting bracket (Accessory)Assembly dimensions• Follow only steps 1 and 2 respectively. Since the sensing point may change depending on the sensing object, be sure to check the operation with the actual sensing object.<When a sensing object is approaching / moving away from the sensor><When a sensing object moves horizontally to the sensor>) hexagon-socket-AdjustersAdjusting procedure056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONIC AG。









二、选型原则和要考虑的因素1. 电流范围:选择电流传感器时,首先要考虑的是测量范围。


2. 精度和灵敏度:电流传感器的精度和灵敏度直接影响到测量结果的准确性。


3. 响应时间:对于某些需要实时监测的应用,电流传感器的响应时间非常重要。


4. 绝缘性能:在电力电子技术中,绝缘性能很重要,特别是在高压电力系统中的应用。


5. 温度特性:电流传感器的性能在不同温度下可能变化,因此需要考虑其温度特性。


三、常见问题及解决方案1. 大电流的测量:对于需测量大电流的应用,可以选择低阻抗的电流传感器,以避免因传感器本身的电阻损耗而导致的测量误差。

2. 系统故障和电磁干扰:在电力电子技术中,电流传感器容易受到系统故障和电磁干扰的影响。


3. 安装和连接:在安装和连接电流传感器时,应遵循制造商提供的安装指导,并确保连接可靠和稳定,以避免因不良连接而导致的测量误差。







以下是常见的几种传感器类型:1. 压阻式称重传感器:基于压阻效应,将外部施加的压力通过压阻片转换为电阻值的变化。

2. 电容式称重传感器:基于电容效应,通过测量电容的变化来间接测量重量或负荷。

3. 电磁式称重传感器:基于电磁效应,通过测量磁场的变化来获得重量的信息。

三、选型要点在选型称重传感器时,需考虑以下几个重要要点:1. 测量范围:根据实际需求确定所需测量的重量范围。


2. 精度要求:确定所需的测量精度,即测量结果与实际重量之间的误差容忍度。


3. 环境条件:考虑传感器的使用环境,包括温度、湿度、振动等因素。


4. 物体特性:了解待测物体的形状、大小、材质等特性。


5. 可靠性和耐久性:选择可靠性高、寿命长的传感器,以减少维护和更换的成本。

四、常见应用场景及推荐传感器类型根据不同的应用场景,我们可以推荐以下传感器类型:1. 工业生产线:适用于重量稳定的物体,推荐压阻式称重传感器或电容式称重传感器。

2. 货物运输:适用于重量范围较大的物体,推荐电磁式称重传感器。

3. 医疗设备:通常涉及轻微的重量测量,推荐压阻式称重传感器。

4. 食品加工:要求高精度测量,推荐压阻式称重传感器或电容式称重传感器。





光纤式传感器D10光电传感器Q10QS18应用索引建议选用建议选用建议选用建议选用应用索引问题建议选用建议选用EZ-BEAM系列S18传感器建议选用Q45系列传感器Q85系列传感器应用索引建议选用建议选用建议选用建议选用应用索引建议选用建议选用QC50系列颜色识别传感器建议选用R55系列色标传感器应用索引建议选用PBP46UC建议选用建议选用问题建议选用48型号说明(以QS18VN6FPQ 为例)Q S 18产品型号产品型号:D10=10mm 宽,标准35mm DIN 轨道安装D11=11mm 宽,标准35mm DIN 轨道安装D12=12mm 宽,标准35mm DIN 轨道安装FI22=扁平式塑料光纤放大器VS1=小型自含传感器(聚焦式)VS2=小型自含传感器(对射,聚焦式)VS3=小型自含传感器(对射,反射板式)VS4=小型自含传感器(对射式)T08=8mm 螺纹T 型Q10=小型自含式直流光电传感器Q14=14mm 直角型传感器QS12=MINI-BEAM2®12mm 螺纹小型光电传感器Q23=23mm 直角型传感器Q23H =水平式23mm 直角型传感器QS18=小型自含式光电传感器,具有多种安装方式,带18mm 安装螺纹外壳QS18E =小型自含式专家型光电传感器,具有多种安装方式,带18mm 安装螺纹外壳QS30=有激光直反式、区域式、反射板式,带30mm 安装螺纹外壳SM312=MINI-BEAM 系列传感器,具有普通型和专家型及各种检测方式S12=12mm 螺纹圆柱型光电开关S18=18mm 螺纹圆柱型光电开关M18=18mm 螺纹金属圆柱型光电开关S30=30mm 螺纹圆柱型光电开关Q25=25mm 宽,带安装螺母18mm 螺纹Q40=40mm 宽,带安装螺母30mm 螺纹T18=18mm 螺纹T 型TM18=18mm 螺纹金属T 型光电开关T30=30mm 螺纹T 型SM30=30mm 螺纹圆柱型增强密封型光电开关QM42 & QMT42= 金属外壳自含式直流光电传感器PD45=聚焦式高精度激光传感器Q50=光电位移传感器Q60=可调区域式光电传感器60x75mm Q85=端子输出形式,直角型85x65mm R55=色标传感器SL30=30mm 宽,槽型传感器SL10=10mm 宽,槽型传感器SLC1=标签检测传感器,带自适应数字逻辑电路M12=激光发射器1、2级QC50=真彩颜色传感器QL50, QL55= 荧光传感器OTB =光电按钮LTB =锁定功能光电按钮STB =自检功能光电按钮VTB =工序校验光电按钮V N输出特性:A =亮态操作或常开B =可选(常开或常闭)DA =动态输出(AC 耦合,常开)DR =动态输出(AC 耦合,常闭)F =预留I =隔离型互补输出(常开加常闭)L =模拟量输出R =暗态操作或常闭S =可选输出(互补输出或常开加报警输出)T =可选输出(互补输出或常闭加报警输出)V =互补输出(常开加常闭)X =适用总线加(两位定义总线类型和模式)Z=Z 形式输出(1常开+1常闭,独立)输出形式:B =双极性(1NPN & 1PNP 输出)D =2线直流(晶体管输出)I =模拟量电流输出IU =模拟量电流电压输出M =NPN/PNP 可选输出N =NPN 晶体管输出P =PNP 晶体管输出R =继电器输出(机电触点)U =模拟量电压输出W =3线交流W1=4线交流(晶闸管输出)W2=3线交流短路保护W3=4线交流(互补固态输出)Z=2线交流(晶闸管输出)49 •Email: sensors@6F P Q后缀:A =自动修正B =公制管螺纹C1=600V 交流电缆H =高增益(不改变响应时间)MK =kodak 定制(940nm 发射器)Q =接插件式QP =电缆接插式S =慢速响应时间T =延时功能W/..=加长电缆Y =高速响应Y1=高速响应/脉宽延时Y2=高速响应/脉宽延时(暗态操作)MHS =高速型供电电压范围:1=90 ~ 130V ac 2=90 ~ 250V ac 21=90 ~ 240V ac 23=22 ~ 36V ac3=20 ~ 250V ac 或12 ~ 250V dc + 24 ~ 250V ac(“通用电压型”)30=预留31=20 ~ 250V ac + 22 ~ 36V dc 4=预留40=预留6=10 ~ 30V dc 62=10 ~ 48V dc 63=12 ~ 24V dc 64=15 ~ 24V dc 65=24V dc ±10%7=10 ~ 30V dc TTL 兼容72=5V dc ±10%, TTL 兼容8=预留81=20 ~ 30V ac/dc 9=NAMUR, V dc检测模式:C =聚焦式(红外光)W =宽角度直反式CB =聚焦式(蓝光)E =发射器CW =聚焦式(白光)EB =发射器(镜头齐平)CG =聚焦式(绿光)EF =发射器光纤式CV =聚焦式(可见红光)EK =发射器带同步线CVB =聚焦式(可见蓝光)EL =发射器(长距离)CVW =聚焦式(可见白光)ELD =发射器(激光器)CVG =聚焦式(可见绿光)EX =发射器(高能量)F =光纤式(红外光,玻璃光纤)R =接收器FP =光纤式(可见红光,塑料光纤)RB =接收器(镜头齐平)FV =光纤式(可见红光,玻璃光纤)RF =接收器光纤式FVB =光纤式(蓝光,玻璃光纤)RK =接收器带同步线FVW =光纤式(白光,玻璃光纤)RL =接收器(长距离)FVG =光纤式(绿光,玻璃光纤)RX =接收器(高能量)FPB =光纤式(蓝光,塑料光纤)FF =固定区域式FPW =光纤式(白光,塑料光纤)AF =可调区域式FPG =光纤式(绿光,塑料光纤)LAF =激光固定区域式D =直反式(短距离)L =反射板式(红外光)DL =直反式(长距离)LV =反射板式(可见红光)DB =直反式(镜头齐平)LP =反射板式(偏振光)DBZ =直反式(镜头齐平)LPC =反射板式(偏振光,透明物体检测)DX =直反式(高能型)LL =反射板式(激光)LD =激光直反式LLP =反射板式(激光偏振)LDL =激光直反式(长距离)LLPC =反射板式(激光偏振,低对比度)。






















IoT传感器选型指南在当今日益普及的物联网(Internet of Things, IoT)技术中,传感器是不可或缺的关键组件。



1. 确定应用场景在开始选型之前,首先需要明确您的应用场景。




2. 传感器类型选择IoT传感器的类型繁多,根据应用需求,选择适合的传感器类型非常重要。

以下是一些常见的传感器类型及其应用场景:- 温度传感器:用于监测环境温度,包括室内和室外环境。


- 湿度传感器:用于监测环境湿度,适用于农业、制药等领域。


- 光传感器:用于检测光线的强弱,广泛应用于照明控制、自动调节等领域。


- 加速度传感器:用于测量物体的加速度或振动。


- 压力传感器:用于测量气体或液体的压力,广泛应用于工业自动化和气象测量等领域。

- 声音传感器:用于检测环境中的声音水平,适用于安防系统和环境监测等领域。

3. 技术参数考虑在选择传感器时,还需要考虑一些关键的技术参数。

以下是一些常见的技术参数:- 测量范围:传感器能够测量的物理量范围,确保传感器能够满足您应用的要求。

- 分辨率:传感器能够检测的最小变化量,分辨率越高,精度越高。

- 响应时间:传感器从检测到信号输出的时间。

- 精度和准确性:传感器输出值与实际值之间的偏差。

- 耐久性和可靠性:传感器在长时间使用和恶劣环境下的稳定性和耐用性。

4. 接口和协议兼容性在选择IoT传感器时,还需考虑传感器的接口和协议兼容性。

STT 3000温度传感器选型指南说明书

STT 3000温度传感器选型指南说明书

STT 3000 Temperature Transmitter Model Selection GuideSeries STT250Instructions● Choose availability column based on mounting configuration.● A dot (●) denotes unrestricted availability. A letter denotes restricted availability.● Blank denotes unavailable - choose alternate mounting. Restrictions follow Table VII. ● Select the desired Key Number based on the desired communications protocol. ● Select options and approvals from Tables.Key NumberI II III IV VI VII VIII STT25_ -_-_ _ _-_ _ _-_ _ _-_ _ _-_ _-_ _-_HOW WILL THE UNIT BE MOUNTED?Module only (no housing), to be DIN rail or wall mountedModule to be "head mounted" directly to the sensor in smaller housingModule to be "field mounted" in Explosion-Proof housing remotely from or directly to the sensor Key NumberSTT25M ●●●STT25H ●●●STT25S ●●●STT25D ●●●STT25T ●●●All modules carry the following approvals:CE Mark for compliance to EN 50081-2 and 50082-2Russian Certificate of Pattern Approval No. 2064 of Jan. 1998Choose additional safety approvals required in Table VII 0●●●0 _ _●FieldE _ _● Mount (2)T _ _●Head Mt C _ _●_ 0 _●_ N _●●_ M _●_ _ 0●●●●h _ _ Si(2)With a Field Mount Housing, 20 characters max. of customer information is available on the nameplate at no charge. (See 13:STT-OE pages for ordering instructions.) (3)For the STT25D and STT25M transmittersSmart Temperature Transmitter Module 4-20mA Output, SFC/SCT Configurable HART 5, Protocol, 4-20mA Output HART 6, Protocol, 4-20mA OutputDigital DE/ 4-20mA Output, for Digital Integration V DescriptionSelection AvailabilityNo Integral Sensor Probe or Thermowell SuppliedTABLE II - Transmitter Housing and Integral Meters (Reference EN0I-6032 for details)HousingNo Housing SuppliedExplosion-Proof Aluminum with Beige Epoxy Coating Explosion-Proof 316 Stainless Steel Type 4X housing - BeigeDual input, HART Protocol, 4-20mA output TABLE I - Sensor, Probe and Thermowell Accessories _ _ M E.U. Meter for Field Mount Housing_ _ E Smart Meter for Field Mount Housing (3)Cable/ Conduit Entry Not Applicable - No Housing Supplied 1/2" NPT Cable/ Conduit Entry M20 x 1.5 Cable/ Conduit EntryIntegral Meter No Integral Meter SuppliedAnalog Meter for Field Mount HousingHOW WILL THE UNIT BE MOUNTED?Availability(4) Full model number does not appear on module or head mount housing.If model number is to appear on unit, order wired on tag.(5)Chosen Operator's Manuals and chosen Certificates are automatically shipped with unit.See 13:STT-OE pages for additional manuals and alternate shipping.HOW WILL THE UNIT BE MOUNTED?AvailabilityModule only (no housing), to be DIN rail or wall mountedModule to be "head mounted" directly to the sensor in smaller housingModule to be "field mounted" in Explosion-Proof housing remotely from or directly to the sensor TABLE VII - Safety Approvals (6)00●●●Class I, Div. 1, Groups A,B,C,D Class II, III Div. 1, Groups E,F,GClass I, II, III, Div. 1,Groups A,B,C,D,E,F,GClass I, Div. 2, Groups A,B,C,DSuitable for Class II, III, Div. 2,Groups F, GEnclosure Rated NEMA 4X Class I, Div. 1, Groups B,C,D Class II, III, Div. 1 Groups E,F,GClass I, II, III, Div. 1,Groups A,B,C,D,E,F,GClass I, Div. 2, Groups A,B,C,DSuitable for Class II, III, Div. 2,Groups F, GEnclosure Rated NEMA 4XClass I, II, III, Div. 1,Groups A,B,C,D,E,F,GClass I, Div. 2, Groups A,B,C,DSuitable for Class II, III, Div. 2,Groups F, GOutdoor Location Enclosure Rated NEMA 4X Class I, Div. 1, Groups A,B,C,DClass I, Div. 2, Groups A,B,C,D Class I, Div. 1, Groups B,C,D Class II, III, Div. 1, Groups E,F,GClass I, II, III, Div. 1,Groups A,B,C,D,E,F,GClass I, Div. 2, Groups A,B,C,DSuitable for Class II, III, Div. 2,Groups F, GEnclosure Rated Type 4XClass I, II, III, Div. 1,Groups A,B,C,D,E,F,GClass I, Div. 2, Groups A,B,C,DSuitable for Class II, III, Div. 2,Groups F, GEnclosure Rated Type 4X Class I, Div. 1, Groups A,B,C,DClass I, Div. 2, Groups A,B,C,Dcontinued next pageNone No approval body certifications included Factory Mutual Explosion-Proof 1CfApprovalBody Approval Type Location or Classification SelectionDust Ignition-Proof Intrinsically SafeNon-Incendive Outdoor Location Explosion-Proof 1J●Dust Ignition-Proof Intrinsically SafeNon-Incendive Outdoor Location Non-Incendive Intrinsically Safe1G●Non-Incendive CSAExplosion-Proof 2J●Intrinsically Safe 1G●●Dust Ignition-Proof Intrinsically SafeNon-Incendive Outdoor Location Intrinsically Safe2G●Non-Incendive Outdoor Location Intrinsically Safe 2G●●Non-IncendiveTABLE VII - Safety Approvals (6) Continued Ex ia IICT6 (Ta = -50ºC to +40ºC)T5 (Ta = -50ºC to +55ºC)T4 (Ta = -50ºC to +85ºC)(Module)Ex d IICT6 (Ta = -50ºC to +80ºC)T5 (Ta = -50ºC to +85ºC)Ex tD A21 T80ºC (Ta = 80ºC)T95ºC (Ta = 85ºC)Enclosure rated IP 66/67Ex ia IICT6 (Ta = -50ºC to +40ºC)T5 (Ta = -50ºC to +55ºC)T4 (Ta = -50ºC to +85ºC)Ex d IICT6 (Ta = -50ºC to +80ºC)T5 (Ta = -50ºC to +85ºC)Ex tD A21 T80ºC (Ta = 80ºC)T95ºC (Ta = 85ºC)Ex nA, IICT6 (Ta = -50ºC to +85ºC)(Honeywell)Enclosure Rated IP 66/67SAExEx ia IICS/08-371XT6 (Ta = -50ºC to +40ºC)T5 (Ta = -50ºC to +55ºC)T4 (Ta = -50ºC to +85ºC)SAExEx d IICS/08-372XT6 (Ta = -50ºC to +80ºC)T5 (Ta = -50ºC to +85ºC)Ex tD A21 T80ºC (Ta = 80ºC)T95ºC (Ta = 85ºC)Enclosure rated IP 66/67SAExEx ia IICS/08-371XT6 (Ta = -50ºC to +40ºC)T5 (Ta = -50ºC to +55ºC)T4 (Ta = -50ºC to +85ºC)SAEx Ex d IICS/08-372XT6 (Ta = -50ºC to +80ºC)T5 (Ta = -50ºC to +85ºC)Ex tD A21 T80ºC (Ta = 80ºC)T95ºC (Ta = 85ºC)Enclosure rated IP 66/67●●●●●●Enclosure rated IP 66/67●●●(6) The module itself is rated intrinsically safe, IP20. An appropriately rated enclosure is required for Outdoor and Dust locations. * Module must be installed in IP54 or better housig for Zone 2 approval validity.** The user must determine the type of protection required for installation of the equipment. The user shall then check the box ( ) adjacent to the type of protection used on the equipment certification label. Once a type of protection has been checked on the label, the equipment shall not be reinstalled using any of the other certification type.ATEX*Intrinsically Safe Zone0/13S ●●●Flameproof, Zone 1ApprovalBodyApproval Type Location or ClassificationSelection●Multiple Marking** Int. Safe, Zone 0/1, or Flameproof, Zone 1, or Non-Sparking,Zone 23H p3D pNon-SparkingZone 2Ex nA, IIC T6*3N ●●Flameproof, Zone 1ZD ●●●SAEx (South Africa)Intrinsically Safe Zone 0/1Z2●●●Intrinsically Safe Zone0/1and Flameproof, Zone 1ZA ●●●IECExFlameproof, Zone 1(with IS transmitter)Ex d IIC; T6 (Ta = –50 to +80ºC)T5 (Ta = –50 to +85ºC)Ex tD A21 IP6X T80ºC (Ta = –50 to +80ºC Ex tD A21 IP6X T95ºC (Ta = –50 to +85ºC CB Intrinsically SafeZone 0/1Ex ia IIC; T6 (Ta = –50 to +40ºC)T5 (Ta = –50 to +55ºC)T4 (Ta = –50 to +85ºC)CS Intrinsically Safe, Zone0/1BR Ex ia IIC T6, T5, T46SINMETRO (Brazil)Flameproof, Zone 1BR Ex d IIC T6, T5, T46D pNotes:(6) The module itself is rated intrinsically safe, IP20. An appropriately rated enclosure is required for Outdoor and Dust locations.See 13:STT-9 or Operator's Manual EN1I-6190 for part numbers.See 13:STT-OE pages for Order Entry Information including tagging, transmitter configuration,manuals, certificates, drawings and SPINS.To request a quotation for a non-published "special", fax RFQ to Marketing Applications at (1) 602 313-6155.Ordering Example: STT25M-0-000-000-000-000-00-1C。























Honeywell STT850智能温度传感器选型指南说明书

Honeywell STT850智能温度传感器选型指南说明书

34-44-16U-14Issue 1Page 1 of 2Model STT850Smart Temperature TransmitterModel Selection GuideAvailability KEY NUMBERInput TypeSelection Universal InputSTT850*√Table IInput DetailsS *√T *Table IIDigital outputDigital OutputNo 0*√Yes1TABLE III0*√FM Explosion proof, Intrinsically Safe, Non-incendive, & Dustproof A *√CSA Explosion proof, Intrinsically Safe, Non-incendive, & Dustproof B *√ATEX Explosion proof, Intrinsically Safe & Non-incendive C *√IECEx Explosion proof, Intrinsically Safe & Non-incendive D *√TABLE IV Connection1/2 NPT A _ _*√M20 B _ _*√1/2 NPT C _ _*√M20 D _ _*√1/2 NPT E _ _*M20 F _ _*1/2 NPT G _ _*M20H _ _*Analog Output4-20mA dc _ H _*√4-20mA dc_ D _*√IndicatorExt Zero, Span & Config ButtonsLanguagesNone None_ _ 0*√None _ _ A *√Basic None _ _ B *√Basic Yes _ _ C *√Advanced None _ _ D *√Advanced Yes _ _ E*√TABLE V1 _ _*√Write ProtectFail Mode√Disabled High> 21.0mAdc Honeywell Std (3.8 - 20.8 mAdc)_ 1 _*√Disabled Low< 3.6mAdc Honeywell Std (3.8 - 20.8 mAdc)_ 2 _*√Enabled High> 21.0mAdc Honeywell Std (3.8 - 20.8 mAdc)_ 3 _*√Enabled Low< 3.6mAdcHoneywell Std (3.8 - 20.8 mAdc)_ 4 _*√Enabled N/A N/A _ 5 _g √DisabledN/AN/A_ 6 _g√Factory Standard _ _ S *√_ _ C*3NAMUR Output Limits 3.8 - 20.5mAdc can be configured by the customer or select custom configuration Table Vcc. General ConfigurationCustom ConfigurationCONFIGURATION SELECTIONSa. Application SoftwareDiagnosticsStandard Diagnosticsb. Output Limit, Failsafe & Write Protect SettingsHigh & Low Output Limits3Fieldbus or Profibus Fieldbus or Profibus EnglishEN,GR,FR,IT,SP,RU,TU EN,GR,FR,IT,SP,RU,TUb. Output/ ProtocolDigital ProtocolHART Protocol DE Protocolc. Customer Interface SelectionsNone Yes (Zero/Span Only)None English 316 Stainless Steel (Grade CF8M)None 316 Stainless Steel (Grade CF8M)Yes 316 Stainless Steel (Grade CF8M)YesNone Polyester Powder Coated Aluminum Yes Polyester Powder Coated Aluminum Yes 316 Stainless Steel (Grade CF8M)None Agency Approvals (see data sheet for Approval Code Details)ApprovalsNo Approvals RequiredTRANSMITTER ELECTRONICS SELECTIONSa. Electronic Housing Material & Connection TypeHousing and MaterialLightning protectionPolyester Powder Coated Aluminum None Polyester Powder Coated AluminumList Price equalsthe sum of all selections made. No of InputsSingle Dualavailability. Letter (a) refer to restrictions highlighted in the restrictions table. Tables delimited with dashes. Instructions: Make selections from all Tables Key through XIII using column below the proper arrow. Asterisk indicatesList Price: Price equals the s um of prices for all selections made.Key I II III IV V VI VII VIII IXSTT850-_ -_-_-_ _ _-_ _ _-_-_ _ _ _-_ _, _ _, _ _-X X X X34-44-16U-14Issue 1Page 2 of 2√√√√√√√√√√√√√√√。






位移传感器基础概念1. 磁电式位移传感器:通过检测磁场变化来确定位移量,适用于高精度测量环境。

2. 电位计式位移传感器:利用电阻变化与位移量成正比的原理,实现位移测量。

3. 光电式位移传感器:利用光电效应,通过测量光强度变化来检测位移。

选型要素1. 测量范围短行程(mm级):适用于小范围、高精度位移测量。

2. 精度和分辨率精度:指传感器测量结果的准确性。


3. 环境适应性温度:考虑传感器在特定温度范围内的稳定性和可靠性。



4. 连接方式电气接口:根据控制系统选择合适的电气接口,如模拟输出、数字输出等。


松下位移传感器系列概览1. MX系列特点:高精度,磁电式,适合各种工业应用。


2. E6系列特点:高分辨率,电位计式,安装简便。


3. EX系列特点:长行程,光电式,适应性强。





实际应用考量1. 耐用性使用寿命:根据传感器的工作环境和频率,选择耐用性强的产品,以确保长期稳定运行。




邦纳公司可针对安全生产的不同需求来提供相应的产品供 您选择。包括各种用途的安全光幕产品:美观小巧的 MICRO-SCREEN光幕,用于小型设备;常规的MINI-SCREEN光 幕系统;坚固的MACHINE-GUARD及PERIMETER-GUARD系统。 另外,我们还为您提供全系列的安全模块,双手控制系统 及安全互锁开关。
对于色标的检测,传感器具有红色、绿色、蓝色或白色光。 对于特别的色标检测应用,请联系最近的Banner区域销售工程 师,帮您进行最佳的传感器选择。
邦纳公司运用创新技术开发出新产品WORLD-BEAM系列光电开关,并成为行业内光电开关的新标准,通用的外型 设计适合于各种安装方式。WORLD-BEAM光电开关可以替换现有大多数其它类型的光电开关,不仅节省了安装空 间,而且提高了产品性能。前端18mm螺纹安装方式可直接替换18mm圆柱型光电开关,标准的通孔安装方式可替换 流行的方型光电开关。
为什么邦纳公司的产品可以成为世界各地工程师们的首选呢? 因为邦纳公司的产品是通过听取用户的建议,根据用户的使用需求而设计的。 邦纳公司的销售人员、经销商都要通过严格的产品应用培训,而且他们可在世界范 围内为客户提供面对面的服务。
邦纳公司的产品适用于各种制造及加工领域,可帮助任何制造和加工企业提高自动化程度,增加效率、效益,保证产品 质量和生产安全。 美国邦纳公司和德国图尔克公司产品互补,双方在国际商业领域中已有20多年的合作历史。图尔克中国分公司自1994年 起在中国代理邦纳公司的产品,双方通力合作,为您提供完善的专业服务。






以下是常见的几种温度传感器类型:1. 热敏传感器:基于材料的电阻、电容、电压或电流与温度关系的变化来测量温度。

2. 热电偶(Thermocouple):利用热电效应将两种不同材料的热电动势转化为温度。

3. 红外线温度传感器:通过检测物体发出的热辐射来测量温度。

4. 温度传感器芯片:集成度高,体积小,精度高,适用于需要高精度测量的场合。

选型指南在选型过程中,需考虑以下几个关键因素:1. 测量范围和精度首先,确定所需的温度测量范围和精度。


2. 工作环境和材料考虑传感器是否适应项目的工作环境,例如温度、湿度、腐蚀性等因素。


3. 接口和通讯协议根据项目的需求,选择合适的接口和通讯协议。



4. 供电需求了解传感器的供电需求,包括电压、电流和功耗等。


5. 价格和供应链最后,考虑传感器的价格和供应链情况。


常见温度传感器推荐根据以上选型指南,以下是几种常见的温度传感器推荐:1. DS18B20:数字温度传感器,适用于数字化系统,精度高,价格较为合理。

2. LM35:模拟温度传感器,简单易用,精度较高。

3. AM2320:数字温湿度传感器,可同时测量温度和湿度,适用于对环境要求较高的项目。





Inductive SensorsBalluff offers a variety of inductive sensor solutions: standard designs, block styles, extended range, weld field-immune, specialized sensing – whatever the need, there’s a Balluff inductive sensor that will provide optimum service. Balluff sensors are found in machine tool equipment, the plastics industry, textile production machines, woodworking, automotive manufacturing – wherever there is a need to automate. From Mini to Maxi block style sensors from 5 x 5 mm to 80 x 80 mm, and tubular housings from 3 mm to 30 mm sizes, Balluff inductive sensors monitor, control, measure, and automate production sequences with high reliability and freedom from wear. Photoelectric SensorsBalluff photoelectric sensors are designed to provide specific process tracking, position information, and part quality solutions in all areas of the automation process. They are especially suited for applications in robotics, assembly, and material handling. Along with tubular housings both in plastic and metal sized from 5 mm to 30 mm, Balluff also offers a range of sensors in rigid, block-shaped plastic housings. From classic diffuse, retroreflective, and thru-beam types to more specialized versions, the Balluff photoelectric line will handle the toughest applications. Cylinder & Valve SensorsMagnetic field sensors are primarily used for monitoring the piston position on pneumatic cylinders. The magnetic field of a magnet embedded in the piston is detected by the sensor through the cylinder housing wall. Thanks to their non-contact position sen-sing capability, these electronic magnetic field sensors are reliable, wear-free, and are finding ever-wider use. Balluff offers perfect solutions for a variety of typical pneumatic cylinders. Balluff’s universally compatible range of cylinder sensors with their engineered mounting bracket kit concept will fit virtually any cylinder shape or size.Capacitive SensorsCapacitive sensors detect the change in capacitance caused by the approach of an object in their electrical field. These sensors find broad use in sensing metals, plastics, or liquids and are used extensively in applications involving packaging, plastics handling, and liquid level sensing.Remote SystemsSensors are often required to rotate or follow the movement of a machine component or part being manufactured. This often results in repeated twisting and tangling of wiring, resulting in cable wear and ultimately failure. Balluff power remote systems consist of a transmitter and receiver unit that transmits power and sensor information through an air gap. They eliminate wiring failure while providing noise and contactless wear-free operation even in extreme conditions.Connectors/connectorsID SystemsTransducersBalluff Micropulse linear position transducers provide highly accurate and reliable position control signals. Balluff’s non-contact magnetostrictive technology means performance does not degrade over time, as with linear potentiometers.Micropulse transducers are available with a variety of housingstyles and electrical outputs to fit a wide range of applications and are very popular in the lumber industry, plastic injection and blow molding, tire and rubber manufacturing, stamping presses, die casting, and all types of automated machinery where a continuous, absolute position signal is required.AccessoriesA compete range of accessories helps save costs and provides optimum sensor integration in any environment. In addition toprotecting Balluff sensors, our accessory line is designed to permit precise, lasting sensor location positioning while permitting quick sensor change out at any time.Connectivity ProductsA comprehensive line of cables, cordsets, and connection blocks complement our product line, facilitating sensor use in every area of automation. Balluff offers custom application expertise on request.Mechanical SwitchesEngineered for the most demanding switching requirements and harsh environmental conditions, Balluff cam switch systems are still the preferred solution of automatic machinery builders around the world. Key applications include control of automatic machine tools, overtravel limiting, and robot dynamic zone control.Balluff provides a range of RFID systems to track work in progress and provide feedback on in-process testing. Computer-assisted manufacturing, modern warehouse systems, flexible assembly lines, plus logistics and distribution systems benefit from Balluff BIS RFID systems. BIS components are available in plastic or metal housings and plug-in versions to meet any applicationrequirement. Balluff has developed a complete line of easy to use read-only systems that interface directly into a PLC throughdiscrete inputs or an RS-232 interface. These systems offer data reliability and environmental ruggedness not found in bar code systems. Read-only systems are ideal when product data are stored centrally in a control system and referenced by a code contained on RFID tags located on products, parts, or pallets.Miniature, long-rangeinductive proximitysensorsSpecializedphotoelectricsensorsA new level of reliabilityand performance frompneumatic cylinderposition sensorsUltra-reliable RFIDsystems with the latestin connection options Rugged, long-rangeinductive proximitysensorsAccurate and reliablephotoelectricsensorsThe industry standardmultiple mechanicalswitchesUltra-reliable RFIDsystemsRugged, long-rangeinductive proximitysensorsAll types of lasers,true color, and UVsensorsUltra-reliable RFIDsystems with the latest inconnection optionsBalluff MeansIndustry ExpertiseSpecial coatingsprovide weld-fieldimmunity withBalluff's weld-specificproximity sensorsA new level ofreliability and weld-field immunity withpneumatic clampsensorsDynamic zonerestriction usingBalluff multiplemechanical switchesEliminate troublesomeconnection problemswith Balluff's powerremotesIntro/aboutRugged, long-range inductive proximity sensors for machine Long-range lasers for error proofing and position feedbackSteel face and long-range inductive proximity sensorsMiniature tubular andblock style sensors are easily bunkered within the dieReliable detection of plastic parts and pellets with Balluff's capacitive Reliable position feedback with Micropulse magnetoresistive linear Rugged, long-range inductive proximity sensors for machine Long-range lasers for positioning and UV sensors for wood gradingPhotoelectirc/photoelectrics18 mm Diameter18 mm Diameter18 mm Diameter30 mm Diameter18K 18KF/18KW 18M/18E Threaded Combination ThreadedPlasticStraight or Right AngleThreaded Tubular Style Block Style Specialty– Sensing modes include: - 50 m, 60 m Thru-Beam- 9 m, 16 m Polarized Retroreflective - 250 mm Diffuse– Highly visible safe Class I Laser emission – Simple potentiometer adjustment – Straight or right angle versions – M12 connector or cable outBlock Style Photoelectric Sensors8x8x50 mm31x55x13 mm LaserLaser5K 32x20x11 mm 6K 32x20x12 mm5K & 6K 23x44x13 mm 42x29x13 mm20x7.5x10 mmPhotoelectirc/photoelectrics65x55x20 mm90x73x30 mm55x86x26 mm70x90x35 mm85x72.5x32 mm66M 25K 50x50x18 mm 26K 50x50x17 mmTubular Style Block Style SpecialtySpecialty Photoelectric SensorsPlastic or Metal 18 mm Diameter30x20x12 mm 18 mm Tubular 30x20x12 mm 32x20x12 mm 50x50x17 mm 50x50x25 mm 70x90x35 mm 5, 10, 20, 30, 50,80, 120, 180,Photoelectirc/photoelectricsPlastic 2, 4, 5 mm Smooth Tubular, 3, 5, 6 mm 22 mm/22 mm 43 mm/43 mm 42 mm/62 mm36x52x15 mm18 mm, 50x65x10 mm28x69x13 mm 30.7x54.6x13 mm 30.7x67.3x13 mm 30x60x13 mm 30x60x9 mm Tubular Style Block Style Specialty– No alignment necessary – Simple mounting, no hardware requiredBGLAdvanced Slot Sensors ·1-800-543-8390Specialty Photoelectric Sensors50x50x17 mm50x50x25 mm18 mm DiameterNew Specialty Photoelectric Sensors63MAnalog Distance Sensor– 3 channel color sensor with C (Chromaticity) or C+I (Chromaticity and Intensity) functions– RGB value via RS485 offers millions of color combinations – Wide spectrum white light LED emission improves color detection– 3 independent NPN or PNP outputs– RS485 interface used for: - remote set-up - teaching color- changing tolerance and timer settings- chromacity or chromacity and intensity settings– Small laser spot for detecting small objects over large distances– Virtually unaffected by the reflective properties of the object within aparticular sensing range – Background suppression (HGA) is adjustable over the entire working range – Discrete sensing and alarm outputs27KAdvanced Full Color Sensor25Photoelectirc /photoelectrics18 mm Diameter100 mm, 150 mm,300 mm LightGrids40x80 mm, 80x80 mm,120x80 mm Dynamic50x43x15 mm83x58x31 mm18 mm Diameter32x20x12 mmTubularStyleBlockStyleSpecialty- 0 to 10 Vdc analog output– Static outputs can detect movingor stationary targets– Rugged metal housing withstands– M8 connection for。


● 专业品质,适用于多种恶劣环境 ● 强大功能,-1bar ~ 600bar检测范围 ● 多种选择,5种输出形式满足各种控制要求
光电传感器 XU*
● 全能产品,模式自学习功能使一种产品即可实现所有5种光电检测要求 ● 技术领先,先进的核心处理器实现更强大的检测功能 ● 行业专家,凭借丰富的行业应用经验推出满足各种特殊要求的专业产品
安全光电类 4级安全光幕
安全对话类 使能开关
XPE R110
XPE M310
XY2 SB71
Schneider Electric Building, No. 6, East WangJing Rd., Chaoyang District Beijing 100102 P.R.C. Tel: (010) 8434 6699 Fax: (010) 8450 1130



SELECTION GUIDE According to EN 954-1** The given information is indicative and synthetic; it is compulsory to refer to the complete EN 954 standard for a correct risk and safety type evaluation.TYPE2TYPE41515UNSHIELDEDCABLESSHIELDED CABLESAPPLICATIONSO P E R A T I N G P R O T E C T I O N P O I N TACCESSORIESC O N N E C T O R C A B L E SS E 2-335S F 2-330POWER SUPPLY 24 Vdc 24 Vdc RESOLUTION 35 mm 30 mm OPERATING RANGE 0.2 ... 15 m 0.2 ... 15 m CONTROLLED HEIGHT 150 ... 1650 mm 150 ... 1500 mm RESPONSE TIME 15 ... 32 ms 24 ms max.OUTPUT 2 transistor PNP2 transistor PNPCONNECTION Rx:M12 8-poles; Tx:M12 4-polesRx:M12 5-poles; Tx:M12 4-polesDIMENSIONS 35 x 40 mm31 x 32 mm DEVICE FUNCTIONSTestTestManual/auto reset selection Manual reset Total/partial Muting selection Automatic resetOverrideCERTIFICATIONSAutomatic packaging machinesAutomated assembly lines Automatic working machines Automatic machines for packing and packaging Automatic warehousing and materials handling Automated assembly lines (pick and place)Textile, ceramic, wood and leather industryAccording to IEC 61496-1/ IEC 61496-2C V s e r i e sC S s e r i e sM12 axial and radial connector cables with 3, 4, 8 poles Cable lengths: 3, 5, 10, 15, 25 m Cable material: PVCThe use of shielded cables is compulsory for the safety devices of the SE2and SE4 series, suggested for the Sx -SS T2/ST4M12 axial and radial connector cables with 3, 4, 5 polesCable lengths: 3, 5, 7, 10 m Cable material: PVCM12 4-poles non-cabled connectors are availableAPPLICATIONSO P ER AT IN G P R O T E C T I O N P O I N TS E 4-330S E 4-335POWER SUPPLY24 Vdc 24 Vdc 24 Vdc 24 Vdc RESOLUTION 14 mm 20 mm 30 mm 35 mm OPERATING RANGE 0.2 ... 6 m 0.2 ... 6 m 0.2 ... 15 m 0.2 ... 15 m CONTROLLED HEIGHT 150 ... 900 mm 150 ... 1650 mm 150 ... 1650 mm 150 ... 1650 mm RESPONSE TIME 18 ... 39 ms 16 ... 39 ms 15 ... 32 ms 15 ... 32 ms OUTPUT 2 transistor PNP2 transistor PNP2 transistor PNP2 transistor PNPCONNECTION Rx:M12 8-poles; Tx:M12 4-polesRx:M12 8-poles; Tx:M12 4-polesRx:M12 8-poles; Tx:M12 4-polesRx:M12 8-poles; Tx:M12 4-polesDIMENSIONS 35 x 40 mm 35 x 40 mm 35 x 40 mm 35 x 40 mm DEVICE FUNCTIONSTestTestTestTestManual/auto reset selection Manual/auto reset selection Manual/auto reset selection Manual/auto reset selection Total/partial Muting selectionTotal/partial Muting selectionTotal/partial Muting selectionTotal/partial Muting selectionOverrideOverride Override OverrideCERTIFICATIONSOTHER FUNCTIONS S E 4-114S E 4-220Benders and cuttersMetal, plastic and leather working machinesPresses and punching machinesMetal forming, milling and drilling machinesAccording to IEC 61496-1/IEC 61496-2Presses and punching machinesBenders and cutters Metal working machines COLUMN AND FLOOR STANDSACCESSORIESC O L U M N A ND F L O O R S T A N D S / P R O TE C T I V E S T A N D SPROTECTIVE STANDSS E -S S s e r i e sS E -P P s e r i e sTo be used with the SE2, SE4, SF2safety light curtains series and SE -DD M deviating mirror series Available in different heights:800, 1000 and 1200 mm with 30 x 30 mm profile dimensions1500 and 1800 mm with 45 x 45 mm profile dimensionsGround fixing plate dimensions: 240 x 240 mmTo be used with the SE2, SE4and SF2 safety light curtains series Available in different heights ranging from 273 mm to 1743 mmPRESENCE CONTROL PROTECTION: TYPE 2APPLICATIONSPR ES EN C E C O N T R O L P R O T E C T I O NS F 2-550S F 2-990POWER SUPPLY 24 Vdc 24 Vdc RESOLUTION 50 mm 90 mm OPERATING RANGE 0.2 ... 15 m 0.2 ... 15 m CONTROLLED HEIGHT 300 ... 1500 mm 300 ... 1500 mm RESPONSE TIME 24 ms max.24 ms max.OUTPUT 2 transistor PNP2 transistor PNPCONNECTION Rx:M12 5-poles; Tx:M12 4-polesRx:M12 5-poles; Tx:M12 4-polesDIMENSIONS 31 x 32 mm 31 x 32 mm DEVICE FUNCTIONS TestTestAutomatic resetAutomatic resetCERTIFICATIONSStorage and stacking areasWorking areas Robot areas Robot areas Transfer areas Palletising areasStorage and stacking areasAccording to IEC 61496-1/ IEC 61496-2(pending)(pending)ACCESSORIESF I X I NG B R A C K E T S / S A F E T Y R E L A Y SFIXING BRACKETSSAFETY RELAYSS T s e r i e sS E -S S R 2 s e r i e sThe fixing brackets are supplied together with the safety light curtains of the SE2, SE4 and SF2 seriesStandard fixing brackets (4 pcs kit) are available for the SE2and SE4safety light curtains, as well as orientable, anti-vibration supports and anti-scratch fixing brackets for the SF2 seriesT ype 4 safety relays - safety contacts: 3 NO 1 NCT o be used with the SE2, SE4and SF2safety light curtain seriesPRELIMINARYPRELIMINARYAPPLICATIONSA C C E S S P R O T E C T I O NSB -B B WS-T T 2+Sx -SS T2POWER SUPPLY 24 Vdc24 Vdc N° BEAMS2-3-4up to 2OPERATING RANGE 0.5 ... 50 mup to 50 m CONTROLLED HEIGHT500-800-900-1200 mm 500 mm RESPONSE TIME 14 ms22 ms max.OUTPUT 2 transistor PNP2 relayCONNECTION Rx:M12 8-poles; Tx:M12 4-polesDIMENSIONS 35 x 40 mmDEVICE FUNCTIONSTestTestManual/auto reset selection Manual resetTotal/partial Muting selection OverrideS E 2-P PCERTIFICATIONSAccording to IEC 61496-1/ IEC 61496-2Automatic warehousesRobots Transfer areasPalletisers / depalletisers Automatic warehousesAccess control, working areas and robotsConveyorsSAFETY SENSORS3-pole shielded cable S5/S10-ST2M12 connector – S5/S10/S30-ST2Terminal block – S30-ST2SB-BWS-T2 control unitS5-ST2 M18 plastic safety sensors S10-ST2 M18 metal safety sensors S30-ST2 maxi safety sensorsACCESSORIESD E V I A T I N G M I R R O R S / L A S E R P O I N T E RDEVIATING MIRRORSLASER POINTERS E -D D M s e r i e sS E -L L P s e r i e sT o be used with safety light curtains of the SE2, SE4, SF2series and Sx -S S T2/ST4monobeam safety photosensor seriesAvailable in different heights ranging from 150 mm to 1800 mm Deviating mirrors dimensions: 124 mm width, 6 mm depthTo be used with SE2and SE4 safety light curtain seriesACCESSORIESMUTIN G D E V I C E S /T E S T P I E C E S APPLICATIONSA C C E S S P R O T E C T I O NS E 4-P PSB -B B WS -T T 4+Sx -S S T4POWER SUPPLY 24 Vdc 24 Vdc 24 Vdc N° BEAMS2-3-42-3-42-3-4OPERATING RANGE 0.5 ... 25 m4 ... 50 mup to 50 m CONTROLLED HEIGHT 500-800-900-1200 mm 500-800-900-1200 mm RESPONSE TIME 14 ms14 ms32 ms max.OUTPUT 2 transistor PNP2 transistor PNP2 relayCONNECTION Rx:M12 8-poles; Tx:M12 4-polesRx:M12 8-poles; Tx:M12 4-polesDIMENSIONS 35 x 40 mm 35 x 40 mm DEVICE FUNCTIONSTestTestTestManual/auto reset selection Manual/auto reset selection Manual/auto reset selection Total/partial Muting selection Total/partial Muting selection Total/partial Muting selection OverrideOverrideDouble Muting/OverrideS E 4-Q QCERTIFICATIONSAccording to IEC 61496-1/ IEC 61496-2Assembly robotised linesPalletisers Conveyors Palletisers / depalletisers Automatic warehousesAccess control, working areas and robotsConveyorsSAFETY SENSORS3-pole shielded cable S5/S10-ST4M12 connector – S5/S10/S30/SL5-ST4T erminal block – S30-ST4SB-BWS-T4 control unitS5-ST4 M18 plastic safety sensors S10-ST4 M18 metal safety sensorsSL5-ST4 laser M18plastic safety sensors S30-ST4 maxi safety sensorsMUTING DEVICESTEST PIECESL M S s e r i e sMuting lamps: standard, tower modular, with horizontal and vertical mountingMuting sensors: DATASENSOR non-safety sensors can be used (refer to relative documentation)T P s e r i e sVersions with 14, 20, 30 and 35 mm diameterOTHER FUNCTIONSDATASENSOR SpA is the Italian leading company in the production and sales of optoelectronic devices for detection, safety, measurement and inspection for industrial automation. The range includes complementary products, such as temperature controllers and ultrasonic sensors. The DATASENSOR worldwide presence is guaranteed by the subsidiaries in France, Germany, Spain and UK, as well as a widespread network of local distributors, including selected Qualified Automation Partners (QAPs). Thanks to its unique technology of the product and production process, DATASENSOR can boast an active partnership with the main companies operating in the world of automation.T h e w o r l d w i d e d i s t r i b u t i o n n e t w o r k i s o n -l i n e :w w w .d a t a s e n s o r .c omDATASENSOR SpAvia Lavino 265, 40050 Monte San Pietro, BO - Italy Tel. +39 051/6765611 • Fax +39 051/6759324 •e-mail:*******************DATASENSOR FRANCE Tel. +33 (0)4/72476180Fax +33 (0)4/72470721 e-mail:******************DATASENSOR GmbH Tel. +49 (0)8104/89060Fax +49 (0)8104/890699e-mail:******************。

ABB 传感器选型指南说明书

ABB 传感器选型指南说明书

GeneralThe following questionnaires are used to select sensors according to the client's requirements.The characteristics shown in the catalogue are given with respect to a defined environment (worst case conditions).The technical requirements will not always reach these extreme limits, and it is possible, following confirmation by us, to propose higher maximum electrical or thermal values to those published, thanks to a knowledge and detailed analysis of the sensor operating environment.A technical relationship between the client and ABB will allow the proposal of the best selection of sensors, equally from the viewpoint of performance and economy.Two principal areas are considered in the selection of a sensor:–the electrical aspect–the thermal aspectThe sensor performance is based on a combination of electrical and thermal conditions; any values other than those indicated in this catalogue cannot be guaranteed unless validated by us. The information below is only valid for sensors using closed loop Hall effect technology.Contact your local supplier for other technologies.Profile missionDue to the design of converters with integrate more power with less volume, sensors are very constraint; leading to reduce their life time. As a matter of fact, even though the application main conditions are well within the sensors characteristics, these conditions have an impact on the sensor life time.The main general characteristics that involves the sensors life time are the following:–the ambient temperature above 40 °C. It is usually said that every additional 10 °C, the life time is reduced by a factor of 2. Of course, this value is a theoretical value and has to be defined in line with the concerned project.–the ambient temperature variations also impact the sensor life time. Even small variations (like 10 °C) can change the life time of the sensor especially on the electronic part.–the way the sensors are used also impact its duration (numbers of ON/OFF per day, average current or voltage value, powersupply value, load resistor value, vibrations levels…)The above general impacting conditions are well defined in standards like IEC 62380, UTE C 80-810 and must be consider during any new converter design.ABB can provide theoretical reliability calculation based on specific profile mission of your projects.Electrical characteristicsThe electrical characteristics values mentioned in this catalogue are given for a particular sensor operating point. These values may vary, according to the specific technical requirement, in the following way:–The primary thermal current (voltage) (I PN or U PN) may be increased if:-t he maximum operating temperature is lower than thevalue shown in the technical data sheet-the sensor supply voltage (V A) is reduced-the load resistance value (R M) is increased–The maximum current (voltage) measurable by the sensor may be increased if:-the maximum operating temperature is lower than thevalue shown in the technical data sheet-the sensor supply voltage (V A) is increased-the secondary winding resistance value (R S) is reduced(e.g. by using a lower transformation ratio)-the load resistance value (R M) is reducedThermal characteristicsThe operating temperature values mentioned in this catalogue are given for a particular sensor operating point. These values may vary, according to the specific technical requirement, in the following way:–The maximum operating temperature may be increased if: -the primary thermal current (voltage) (I PN or U PN) is reduced -the sensor supply voltage (V A) is reduced-the load resistance value (R M) is increasedPS: The minimum operating temperature cannot be lower than that shown in the technical data sheet as this is fixed by the lower temperature limit of the components used in the sensor.74S21Application1. Application :–Variable speed drive ................................................................ –UPS ....................................................................................... –Wind generator ....................................................................... –Active harmonic filter ............................................................... –Welding machines ................................................................... –Solar ...................................................................................... –Other (description) ......................................................................2. Quantity per year: ...........................................................................Mechanical characteristics1. Sensor fixing:–By soldering to the PCB .......................................................... –By the enclosure ..................................................................... –By the primary conductor ........................................................ 2. Primary conductor:–Cable diameter ................................................................... (mm) –Cable connection size ......................................................... (mm) –Bar size .............................................................................. (mm)3. Secondary connection:–By connector .......................................................................... –By cable without connector ..................................................... –Other ......................................................................................Sensor environmental conditions1. Minimum operating temperature ................................................ (°C)2. Maximum operating temperature ............................................... (°C)3. Presence of strong electromagnetic fields ....................................4. Max. continuous primary conductor voltage ................................ (V)5. Main reference standards ................................................................Electrical characteristics1. Nominal current (I PN ) ......................................................... (A r.m.s.)2. Current type (if possible, show current profile on graph):–Direct ..................................................................................... –Alternating .............................................................................. 3. Bandwidth to be measured ...................................................... (Hz)4. Current measuring range:–Minimum current .................................................................... (A) –Maximum current ................................................................... (A) –Duration (of max. current) .................................................... (sec) –Repetition (of max. current) ......................................................... –Measuring voltage (on R M ) at max current .............................. (V)5. Overload current (not measurable):–Not measurable overload current ........................................... (A) –Duration.............................................................................. (sec) –Repetition ...................................................................................6. Sensor supply voltage:–Bipolar supply voltage .......................................................... (±V) –Unipolar supply voltage .......................................... (0 +V or 0 -V)7. Output current–Secondary current at nominal current I PN ............................. (mA) 8. Current output (NCS range only)–Secondary current at maximum current I PMAX ....................... (mA)9. Voltage output–Secondary voltage at nominal current I PN ............................... (V)10. Voltage output (NCS range only)–Secondary voltage at maximum current I PMAX (V)Company:Address:Tel:Name:Fax:Email:Other requirements (description)74S 0201Company:Address:Tel:Name:Fax:Email:Other requirements (description)Application1. Project name ...................................................................................2. Application:Rolling stock:–Power converter ..................................................................... –Auxiliary converter ................................................................... –Other ......................................................................................Short or long distance train:–Power converter ..................................................................... –Auxiliary converter ...................................................................Metro or tramway:–Power converter ..................................................................... –Auxiliary converter ................................................................... Fixed installation (e.g. substation)..................................................... 3. Quantity per year: ............................................................................4. Total quantity for the project.............................................................Mechanical characteristics1. Sensor fixing:–By the enclosure ..................................................................... –By the primary conductor ........................................................ 2. Primary conductor:–Cable diameter ................................................................... (mm) –Bar size .............................................................................. (mm) 3. Secondary connection:–Screw or Faston...................................................................... –By connector .......................................................................... –By shielded cable .................................................................... –Other ...................................................................................... Electrical characteristics1. Nominal current (I PN ) .......................................................... (A r.m.s.)2. C urrent type (if possible, show current profile on graph):–Direct ..................................................................................... –Alternating .............................................................................. 3. Bandwidth to be measured ....................................................... (Hz)4. Current measuring range:–Minimum current .................................................................... (A) –Maximum current ................................................................... (A) –Duration (of max. current) .................................................... (sec) –Repetition (of max. current) ......................................................... –Measuring voltage (on R M ) at max current .............................. (V)5. Overload current (not measurable):–Not measurable overload current ............................................(A) –Duration.............................................................................. (sec) –Repetition ...................................................................................6. Sensor supply voltage:–Bipolar supply voltage .......................................................... (±V) –Unipolar supply voltage .......................................... (0 +V or 0 -V)7. Output current–Secondary current at nominal current I PN ............................. (mA) 8. Current output (NCS125 & NCS165 only for fixed installations)–Secondary current at maximum current I PMAX ....................... (mA)9. Voltage output (NCS125 & NCS165 only for fixed installations)–Secondary voltage at nominal current I PN ............................... (V)10. Voltage output (NCS125 & NCS165 only for fixed installations)–Secondary voltage at maximum current I PMAX (V)Sensor environmental conditions1. Minimum operating temperature ................................................ (°C)2. Maximum operating temperature ............................................... (°C)3. Average nominal operating temperature ......................................(°C)4. Maximum continuous primary conductor voltage ..........................(V)5. Main reference standards ................................................................74S 0201Company:Address:Tel:Name:Fax:Email:Other requirements (description)Application1. Project name ...................................................................................2. Application:Short or long distance train:–Power converter ..................................................................... –Auxiliary converter ...................................................................Metro or tramway:–Power converter ..................................................................... –Auxiliary converter ...................................................................Fixed installation (e.g. substation) ................................................ 3. Quantity per year: ............................................................................4. Total quantity for the project.............................................................Mechanical characteristics1. Primary connection:–By screw ................................................................................ –Other ...................................................................................... 2. Secondary connection:–Screw or Faston...................................................................... –By connector .......................................................................... –Other ...................................................................................... Electrical characteristics1. Nominal voltage (U PN ) ........................................................ (V r.m.s.)2. Voltage type (if possible, show voltage profile on graph):–Direct ..................................................................................... –Alternating .............................................................................. 3. Bandwidth to be measured ...................................................... (Hz)4. Voltage measuring range:–Minimum voltage .................................................................... (V) –Maximum voltage ................................................................... (V) –Duration (at max. voltage) .................................................... (sec) –Repetition (at max. voltage) ......................................................... –Measuring voltage (on R M ) at max voltage ............................... (V)5. Overload voltage (not measurable):–Not measurable overload voltage ............................................ (V) –Duration.............................................................................. (sec) –Repetition ................................................................................... –Category (from OV1 to OV3) ........................................................6. Sensor supply voltage:–Bipolar supply voltage .......................................................... (±V) –Unipolar supply voltage .......................................... (0 +V or 0 -V)7. Output current–Secondary current at nominal voltage U PN ............................ (mA)Sensor environmental conditions1. Minimum operating temperature ................................................ (°C)2. Maximum operating temperature ............................................... (°C)3. Average nominal operating temperature .....................................(°C)4. Main reference standards ................................................................74S 0201Company:Address:Tel:Name:Fax:Email:Other requirements (description)Application1. Project name ...................................................................................2. Application:Short or long distance train:–Power converter ..................................................................... –Auxiliary converter ...................................................................Metro or tramway:–Power converter ..................................................................... –Auxiliary converter ...................................................................Fixed equipment (e.g. substation) ................................................ 3. Quantity per year: ...........................................................................4. Total quantity for the project.............................................................Electrical characteristics1. Nominal voltage (U PN ) ............................................................ (V DC)2. Maximum voltage long duration: 5 min (U MAX2) ........................ (V DC)3. Maximum voltage overload: 20 ms (U MAX3) .............................. (V DC)4. Minimum voltage to be detected . (V)Sensor environmental conditions1. Minimum operating temperature ................................................ (°C)2. Maximum operating temperature ............................................... (°C)3. Average nominal operating temperature ..................................... (°C)4. Pollution degree ..............................................................................5. Over voltage category (from OV1 to OV3) .........................................6. Maximum ambient light level ......................................................(lux)7. Main reference standards ................................................................74S 0201。






















霍尔传感器 选型指南

霍尔传感器 选型指南

霍尔传感器·选型指南 “BingZi 兵字”/传递品质安全典范“BingZi 兵字”霍尔传感器选型指南霍尔传感器是一种基于霍尔效应的新一代磁传感器,能在电隔离条件下通过检测磁场变化测量直流、交流、脉动以及各种不规则波形的电流。




“BingZi 兵字”霍尔传感器分为电流型和电压型,被测电流覆盖0-800A ,分为多种额定电流等级;被测电压覆盖0-500V ,可选择合适限流电阻来调整输入输出电流,以得到合适采样电压。

选择一款合适的传感器要考虑到如下方面:☆ 电气性能:包括供电电源、测量范围、测量峰值、响应时间、di/dt 等。

☆ 机械特性:包括孔径尺寸、外形尺寸、质量、材质、安装方式。

☆ 环境状况:包括振动、耐压、电流温升、工作温度范围。

如何快速选择合适您使用的霍尔传感器:1.根据输入电流范围来初步确定一个合适的型号; 2.根据输出电流的大小来确定一个合适的变比; 3.根据电源供电方式和机械特性等最终确定所需型号。

例如:你需要测量输入电流范围为30-100A 的信号,将其转换为不超过50mA 的电流。

首先您可以根据输入电流的范围选择额定为100A 的型号,再根据输出电流大小,选择变比2000:1(输入30-100A ,输出电流为15-50mA)的霍尔传感器,如HS01-100/0.05A-C 或者HS02-100/0.05A-P 两款均满足要求,最后再通过机械特性和环境特性来确定所需型号。

“BingZi 兵字”霍尔电流传感器选型表额定 输入电流 输入电流 范围 供电 电源 额定输出频率(kHz)工作温度℃负载 变比 型号 页码5A 0-7A ±15V 25mA 0-150-0…+65 ≤300Ω1000:5 HS03-25A-NP 104 6A 0-9A ±15V 24mA 0-150-0…+65 ≤300Ω1000:4 HS03-25A-NP 104 6A 0-20A 5VDC 2.5±0.625V 0-200-10…+85≥2k Ω 2000:1 HS04-6A-NP 106 8A 0-12A ±15V 24mA 0-150-0…+65 ≤300Ω1000:3 HS03-25A-NP 104 12A 0-18A ±15V 24mA 0-150-0…+65 ≤300Ω1000:2 HS03-25A-NP 104 15A 0-48A 5VDC 2.5±0.625V 0-200-10…+85≥2k Ω 2000:1 HS04-15A-NP 106 20A 0-30A ±15V 50mA 0-150-20…+75≤85Ω 400:1 HS-20A-P 100 25A 0-36A ±15V 25mA 0-150-0…+65 ≤300Ω1000:1 HS03-25A-NP 104 25A 0-80A 5VDC 2.5±0.625V 0-200-10…+85≥2k Ω 2000:1 HS04-25A-NP 106 30A 0-45A ±15V 50mA 0-150-20…+75≤80Ω 600:1 HS-30A-P 100 0-70A ±15V 50mA 0-150-20…+75≤200ΩHS01-50/0.05A-C 1010-70A ±15V 50mA 0-200-20…+75<160Ω1000:1HS02-50/0.05A-P 103 50A 0-75A ±15V 100mA 0-150-20…+75≤40Ω 500:1 HS-50A-P 100 0-150A ±15V 50mA 0-150-20…+75≤175ΩHS01-100/0.05A-C 1010-150A ±15V 50mA 0-200-20…+75<110Ω2000:1HS02-100/0.05A-P 103 100A 0-150A ±15V 100mA 0-150-20…+75≤30Ω 1000:1 HS-100A-P 100 200A 0-300A ±15V 100mA 0-150-20…+75≤73Ω 2000:1 HS01-200/0.1A-C 101 300A 0-500A ±15V 150mA 0-150-20…+75≤43Ω 2000:1 HS01-300/0.15A-C 101 500A 0-800A ±15V 100mA 0-150-20…+75≤30Ω 5000:1 HS05-500/0.1A-C 107“BingZi 兵字”霍尔电流型电压传感器额定 输入电流 输入电流 范围 输入电压 范围 供电电源额定 输出电流频率(kHz)工作温度℃负载型号页码10mA 0-14mA 10-500V ±15V 25mA 0-1500…+65 ≤200ΩHV03-10/25mA-P 108。

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后需要保持稳定度——时漂 ................................ 20 1.10 用户方需要考虑传感器的互换性 ............................... 20 加速度传感器选型 ................................................... 20 2.1 工作环境 ................................................... 20 2.2 测量轴数量 ................................................. 20 2.3 加速度量程 ................................................. 20 2.4 灵敏度要求 ................................................. 21 2.5 所测动态信号的带宽 .......................................... 21 2.6 线性度 ..................................................... 21 2.7 最大抗冲击能力.............................................. 21 2.8 稳定性指标 ................................................. 21 2.9 机械安装固定 ............................................... 21 2.10 传感器输出 ................................................ 21 角速度传感器选型 ................................................... 22 3.1 工作环境 ................................................... 22 3.2 测量轴数量 ................................................. 22 3.3 角速度量程 ................................................. 22 3.4 刻度因子及刻度因子稳定性 .................................... 22 3.5 偏置及偏置稳定性............................................ 22 3.6 所测信号的带宽.............................................. 22 3.6 线性度 ..................................................... 23 3.7 冲击存活率 ................................................. 23 3.8 加速度灵敏度 ............................................... 23 3.9 机械安装固定 ............................................... 23 温度传感器选型 ..................................................... 23 4.1 传感器的结构 ............................................... 23 4.2 温度测量范围和灵敏度 ........................................ 24 4.3 线性度 ..................................................... 24 4.4 响应时间 ................................................... 24 4.5 稳定性 ..................................................... 24 4.6 互换性 ..................................................... 24 湿度传感器选型 ..................................................... 25 5.1 选择测量范围 ............................................... 25 5.2 测量精度 ................................................... 25 5.3 时漂 ....................................................... 25 5.4 温漂 ....................................................... 26 5.5 线性度和灵敏度.............................................. 26 5.6 互换性 ..................................................... 26 5.7 使用环境 .................................................... 26 5.8 信号传输 ................................................... 26 流量传感器选型 ..................................................... 27 6.1 流体介质的性质.............................................. 27 6.2 机械结构及安装.............................................. 27 6.3 流量测量范围 ............................................... 27
北京领邦仪器技术有限公司 地址:北京市海淀区中关村南大街 9 号理工科技大厦 1312 室 Tel:010-51283628 Fax: 010-51283628-12


一、传感器测量原理 ............................................... 1
二、主要被测物理量及选型 ........................................ 18
1 压力传感器选型 ..................................................... 18 1.1 压力介质的特性.............................................. 18 1.2 工作的温度范围.............................................. 18 1.3 所测的压力量程.............................................. 19 1.4 安装接口形式 ............................................... 19 1.5 工作环境 ................................................... 19 1.6 需要多大的精度.............................................. 19 1.7 需要得到怎样的输出信号 ...................................... 19 1.8 选择怎样的电源电压 .......................................... 20 北京领邦仪器技术有限公司
电阻式传感器 ....................................................... 1 1.1 电阻式传感器原理............................................. 1 1.2 电阻式传感器测量电路 ......................................... 1 2 电感式传感器 ....................................................... 2 2.1 电感式传感器测量原理 ......................................... 2 2.2 电感式传感器测量电路 ......................................... 3 3 热电式传感器 ....................................................... 4 3.1 热电式传感器测量原理 ......................................... 4 3.2 热电式传感器测量原理 ......................................... 4 4 谐振式传感器 ....................................................... 5 4.1 谐振式传感器测量原理 ......................................... 5 5 压电式传感器 ....................................................... 6 5.1 压电式传感器测量原理 ......................................... 6 5.2 压电式传感器测量基本电路 ..................................... 6 6 磁电式传感器 ....................................................... 7 6.1 磁电式传感器测量原理 ......................................... 7 6.2 磁电式传感器结构形式 ......................................... 7 7 光电式传感器 ....................................................... 8 7.1 光电式传感器测量原理 ......................................... 8 7.2 模拟式光电传感器............................................. 9 7.3 开关式光电式传感器 .......................................... 10 8 气敏式传感器 ...................................................... 11 8.1 气敏式传感器测量原理 ........................................ 11 8.2 气敏式传感器测量基本电路 .................................... 12 9 电容式传感器 ...................................................... 12 9.1 电容式传感器测量原理 ........................................ 12 9.2 电容式传感器测量基本电路 .................................... 12 10 超声波传感器 ..................................................... 15 10.1 超声波传感器测量原理 ....................................... 15 10.2 超声波传感器测量电路 ....................................... 17