【托福听力资料】托福TPO18 听力文本-Lecture 1
【托福听力资料】托福TPO18 听力文本-Lecture 1众所周知,托福TPO材料是备考托福听力最好的材料。
TPO 18 Lecture 1 AstronomyWe are going to start a study of sunspots today, and I think you’ll find itrather interesting. Now I’m going to assume that you know that sunspots, in themost basic terms, are dark spots on the Sun’s surface. That will do for now. Theancient Chinese were the first to record observations of sunspots as early asthe year 165. When later European astronomers wrote about sunspots, they didn’tbelieve that the spots were actually on the Sun. That’s because of their beliefat the time that the heavenly bodies, the Sun, Moon, Stars, and Planets, wereperfect, without any flaws or blemishes. So the opinion was the spots wereactually something else, like shadows of planets crossing the Sun’s face. Andthis was the thinking of European astronomers until the introduction of thetelescope, which brings us to our old friend, Galileo. In the early 1600s, basedon his observations of sunspots. Galileo proposed a new hypothesis. He pointedout that the shape of sunspots, well, the sunspots weren’t circular. If theywere shadows of the planets, they would be circular, right? So that was aproblem for the prevailing view. And he also noticed that the shape of thesunspots changed as they seemed to move across the Sun’s surface. Maybe aparticular sunspot was sort of square, then later it would become more lopsided,then later something else. So there is another problem with the shadowhypothesis, because the shape of a planet doesn’t change. What Galileo proposed was that sunspots were indeed a feature of the Sun, but he didn’t know what kind of feature. He proposed that they might be clouds in the atmosphere, the solar atmosphere, especially because they seemed to change shape and there was no predicting the changes, at least nothing Galileo could figure out. That random shape changing would be consistent with the spots being clouds. Over the next couple hundred years, a lot of hypotheses were tossed around. The spots were mountains or holes in the solar atmosphere through which the dark surface of the Sun could be seen. Then in 1843, astronomer named Heinrich Schwa be made an interesting claim, Trobe had been watching the Sun every day that it was visible for 17 years, looking for evidence of a new planet. And he started keepingtracks of sunspots, mapping them, so he wouldn’t confuse them, so he wouldn’tconfuse them with any potential new planet. In the end, there was no planet, but there was evidence that the number of sunspots increased and decreased in a pattern, a pattern that began repeating after 10 years, and that was a huge breakthrough. Another astronomer named Wolf kept track of the Sun for an even longer period, 40 years actually. So Wolf did 40 years of research, and Trobe did 17 years of research. I think there is a lesson there. Anyway, Wolf went though all records from various observatories in Europe and put together a history of sunspot observations going back about 100 years. From thisinformation, he was able to confirm the existence of a pattern, a repeating cycle but Wolf detected an 11-year cycles? Dose that sound familiar to anyone? No? Well, geomagnetic activity, the natural variations in Earth’s magnetic field, it fluctuates in 11-year cycles. Well, we’ll cover this later in this semester, but for now, well, scientists in the late 19th century were aware of geomagnetic cycles, so when they heard that the sunspots’ cycle was also 11 years, well, they just had to find out what was going on. Suddenly, everyone was doing studies of the possible relationship between the Sun and the Earth. Did the sunspots cause the geomagnetic fields or did the geomagnetic fields cause the sunspots? Or is there some other thing that caused both? And astronomers did eventually figure out what sunspots had to do with magnetic fields. And the fact that sunspots are magnetic fields accounts for their dark appearance. That’s because magnetic fields reduce the pressure exerted on the gases inside of them, making the spots cooler than the rest of the Sun’s surface. And since they are cooler, they are darker.希望这些对你的托福备考有帮助,预祝大家托福考试能取得理想成绩。
托福写作tpo18task1范文TPO18 Task1: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students are more influenced by their teachers than by their friends.In my opinion, I disagree with the statement that students are more influenced by their teachers than by their friends.First off, let's think about how much time students spend with each group. Students are often with their friends outside of class, during breaks, and on weekends. It's like they're glued together. For example, my best friend and I are always chatting about the latest video games, new music, and cool movies. We influence each other's tastes in these thingsjust because we spend so much time together. Teachers, on the other hand, only have students for a few hours a day in the classroom. It's like ashort visit compared to the long hang outs with friends.Secondly, friends are on the same level as students. They understand each other's feelings and problems more easily. When I was struggling witha math problem, my friend was able to say, "Hey, I get it. I felt the same way last week. Let's figure this out together." But a teacher might just explain the solution in a more formal way without really getting how confused and frustrated I was feeling. Friends can share their own experiences of dealing with school stress, relationships, and family issues, and that kind of shared experience has a huge impact on students.Finally, friends often have a more direct and personal influence on things like fashion and attitude. I mean, if all my friends start wearing a certain style of shoes or using a particular slang word, I'm more likely to follow suit. It's not that teachers don't have an influence on our values, but friends' influence is right there in our face all the time.So, all in all, students are more influenced by their friends than by their teachers.。
[007105:101047.289203]B: Well, I worked in the university library last year. But I already checked at the library here.
[001102:132014.216101]They said their remaining positions were for work-study students getting financial aid. I've never run into that before. <BR>
[003204:172057.213900]You'd probably end up with a bit of everything rather than a regular spot. On the bright side you'll probably be able to get some studying done between calls.
[007103:174058.250302]B: About average I'd say. I helped teach some of the basic computer classes. Northeastern offers for new users, if that helps any. <BR>
[008103:113021.225502]A: Well, I guess each school has its own policies. Uh, we really don't have much right now. You might be better. If you really want something, how are your computer skills? <BR>
新托福听力原文TPO 18 Lecture 2 Art HistoryA: Today we’ll continue our examination of ancient Roman sculpture. We’ve already looked at portrait sculpture which are busts created to memorate people who had died, and we’ve looked at relief sculpture, or sculpting on walls. And today we’ll look at yet another category of sculpture-made copies of famous Greek sculptures.B: Why did they do that?A: Well no one knows for sure. You see, in the late4th century B.C., the Romans began a campaign to expand the Roman Empire, and in 300 years they had conquered most of the Mediterranean area and parts of Europe. You know the saying, copies. Roman sculptors often “To the victor belong the spoils”? Well, the Roman army returned to Rome with many works of Greek art. It’s probably fair to say that the Romans were impressed be Greek art and culture and they began making copies of the Greek statues. Now the dominant view in traditional art his that Roman artists lacked creativity and skill especially pared to the Greek artists who came before them. Essentially, the traditional view, a view that’s been prevalent for over 250 years, is that the Romans copied Greek sculptures because they couldn’t create sculpture of their own. But finally some contemporary arthistorians have challenged this view. One is ElaineGazda . Gazda says that there might be other reasons that Romans made copies. She wasn’t convinced that it was because of a lack of creativity. Can anyone think of another possible reason? Well maybe they just admired these sculptures. You know, they liked the way they looked. Yes. That’s one of Gazda’s points. Another is that while nowadays reproduction is easy,it was not so easy in Roman times. Copying statues required a lot of skill, time and effort. So Gazda hypot hesizes that copying didn’t indicate a lack of artistic imagination or skill on the part of Roman artists, but rather the Romans made copies because they admired Greek sculpture. Classical Greek statues represented an idealization of the human body and were considered quite beautiful at the time. Gazda also believes that it’s been a mistake to dismiss the Roman copies as, well, copies for copy’s sake and not to consider the Roman function and meaning of the statues.B: What do you mean the Roman function? W eren’t they just for decoration?A: Well, not necessarily. Under the Emperor Augustus at the height of the Roman Empire, portrait statues were sent throughout the empire. They were supposed to municate specific ideas about the emperor and the imperial family and to help inhabitants of the conquered areas bee familiar with the Roman coins were also distributed throughout the empire. Anybody care to guess what was on them?The emperor’s face? That’s right! The coins were easy to distribute and they allowed people to see theemperor or at least his likes and served as an additional reminder to let them know, well, who was in charge. And the images helped people bee familiar with the emperor. Statues of him in different roles were sent all over the empire. Now, actually some Roman sculptures were original but others were exact copies of Greek statues and some Roman sculptures were binations of some sort. Some bined more than one Greek statue and others bined a Greek god or an athlete with a Roman’s head. At the t ime of Julius Caesar, I wasn’t unmon to create statues that had the body of a god and the head of an emperor. And the Romans were clever. What they did was they made plaster casts from molds of the sculptures. Then they shipped these plaster casts to workshops all over the empire, where they were replicated in marble or bronze. And on some statues the heads were removable. They could put an emperor’s head on different bodies, showing him doing different things. And then later when then time came they could even use the head of the next emperor on the same body.。
【托福作文185篇真题范文专项练习】Topic18:一个好的上级应当具有什么样的品质?Topic18 What are some important qualities of a good supervisor (boss)? Use specific details and examples to explain why these qualities are important.[参考提纲]18 一个好的上级应当是(1)尊重下级,有礼貌,(2)有高超的专业知识(3)在自己工作遇到困难的时候,能够尽自己的努力帮助自己[托福参看范文] T opic: 18Even though job situations can be very different, there are several qualities that all good supervisors have in common. A good boss treats all her employees fairly. She doesn't single out one employee for better (or worse) treatment than the others. A poor supervisor has favorites.Sometimes she'll even use her favorites to spy on other employees. She expects them to tell her what the others are saying about her. This can cause a lot of bad feelings among employees.A good supervisor gives clear and understandable directions, She doesn't constantly change her mind about what she wants employees to do. She also doesn't get angry with an employee who is confused and needs her to explain the directions again or more fully. Delegating authority well is another quality of a good supervisor. She knows how to use the skills of her employees to best advantage. A poor supervisor insists on doing everything herself. She is unwilling to give anyauthority to others.A good boss evaluates her employees on a reasonable set of criteria, not on how she feels about them personally. And she lets the employees know what those criteria are, so they have a fair chance of meeting them. She gives both praise and criticism in a straightforward manner. She also offers guidance when needed.A poor supervisor will criticize without giving any suggestions on how to improve.Most importantly, a good supervisor sets the standards for her employees by her own behavior. She works hard and treats employees like valuable assets to the company. This promotes good morale among her workers, and this is of great benefit to her business.。
TPO-18C1Applyforapart-timejoboncampus 第 1 段1.Listen to a conversation between a student and an administrator in the university employment office.听⼀段学校雇员室中学⽣和管理⼈员间的对话。
第 2 段1.Hi! I hope you can help me, I just transferred from Northeastern State University near Chicago.你好,我希望你能帮帮我!我刚刚才从芝加哥附近的东北⼤学转学过来。
第 3 段1.Well welcome to Central University.欢迎来到中央⼤学。
2.But Chicago is such a great city. Why did you leave?不过芝加哥是个特别棒的城市,你为什么要离开呢?is such ~第 4 段1.Everyone asks that, It's my hometown, and it was sure convenient to go to a school nearby.每个⼈都这么问。
2.But Northeastern is still fairly small and it doesn't have the program I'm interested in.但是,东北部还是太⼩了。
3.I want to major in international studies.我想把专业定在国际关系研究上4.And the only program in the State is here.州⾥⾯开设有这个项⽬的⼤学就在这⼉。
TPO 18-Independent writing
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students are more influenced by their teachers than by their friends. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.同意to agree1、Teachers are more experienced and can offer suggestions that students might find more reasonable;2、Students spend most of their time in class with their teachers.不同意to disagree1、Out of generation gap, students often see eye to eye with their friends instead of teachers.2、Students are willing to spend time and confide to their friends since that is what a friend for, thus being influenced by their friends more.Students, from Grade One all the way to their universities, spend most of their time in campus and they tend to be influenced a lot by both teachers and friends on personality building, outlook, key decision-making and the like. Balancing the weight of their impact on students, I believe teachers maintain a dominant rule for the following reasons.First off, teachers are more experienced and children usually take teachers as their role models, thus following their lead and taking their advice more willingly. (分论点1)For most countries, teachers are selected with high standards, who therefore enjoy a high status in the society. They are very affectionate and caring in personality and professional in education, so students usually look up to their teachers and try to establish a close bond with them.(理论论证)For instance, my nephew who is in Grade Two now, take his teacher’s words so seriously that he has thus developed many good habits later. He learns to be very respectful to everyone and brush his teeth by himself every night, voluntarily. (举例论证)For a lot of high school students and college students, they tend to ask their teachers for advice on people skills and school or career pursue in the future since they have more say on these issues considering their expertise and experience. (总结论证)Second of all, students spend most of their time in class with their teachers, so they will be more influenced by their teachers subconsciously. In general, students spend 7 to 11 hours at school save for boarding schools, in which case, students only spend 1-2 days a week at home. I watched TED talk a lot, a neuro psychologist used to make an experiment on a 15-month baby, proving that humans have amazing imitation and response mechanism. Even a baby will imitate others’ behavior, let alone students whose brain are more mature and developed.(科研论证) Often, teachers who are very polite have a bunch of genteel students; teachers who are very old-fashioned and stubborn are quite likely to have a bunch of students of science around them. An old saying in Chinese goes, once in red ink, a brush will be red; in black, it will turn black as well, like the saying that a person who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl.(引经据典)Students are new generations and in their whole life, they will be influenced by many people, be it parents, extended family members, teachers, friends, colleagues and even complete strangers, but by and large, I believe teachers gain the upper hand compared with friends with the above reasons discussed.短语很多,送给大家共享。
2019年托福口语:TPO18口语Task3题目及参考答案TPO18口语Task3题目:PassageUniversity Choir to Enter Off-Campus Singing CompetitionsCurrently, the university choir gives singing concerts only on campus. Next year, however, the choir will add competitive events at other locations to its schedule. The choir ’s new director feels that entering singing competitions will make the quality of the choir’s performance even better than it is now. “Competitions will motivate students in the choir to pursue a higher standard of excellence in singing,” he said. In addition, it is hoped that getting the choir off campus and out in the public will s trengthen the reputation of the university’s music program. This in turn will help the program grow.ConversationNow listen to two students discussing the article.Woman:Jim, you’re in the choir, right? What do you think about what they are doing next year? This article?Man: I really like it.Woman: Yeah?Man:Yeah! The new director is right that it’ll motivate us.Woman:How’s that?Man: Well, some of the other schools are really good, so we’ll really have to work hard to go up against t hem.Woman: Yeah!Man:I mean, right now, we don’t rehearse more than once a week. But if we know we’d be competing with other schools, we’d probably rehearse more often and improve our singing the line.Woman:That’s true, uh, the more you practice thebetter you get. So, uh, what about the article said about how this will help the program?Man: I hope it works. Right now, the program is pretty small but we have some really talented people and it would be great to attract even more people.Woman: So, how would this plan help?Man: Well, if we go to these off campus events and other people hear us and think we are really good, we might be able to get some new students interested in coming to this university, to be a part of our music program and perform in our choir concerts.Woman:You’re right! I haven’t really thought about that.QuestionThe man expresses his opinion about the change described in the article. Briefly summarize the change then state hisopinion about the change and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.Key Points1. better performance2. better reputationTPO18口语Task3参考答案(范文模板):The man endorses the school’s plan to add competitive events to the choir and also allow travel to other places on the choir schedule. According to the school’s new choir director, he feels that the students will be more motivated to sing better through having competition, and the man reckons it’s true, saying that students will be more motivated cos a lot of the other schools that will be competing are really good and students will want to practice more often. The school also notes that getting the choir out in public in more places will increase the reputation of the school’s music program and help it grow, and the man ad ds that the program is really small right now, so if they go sing at other places, they will probably increase people’s interest in coming to their school instead of a different one and be a part of their music program.。
托福TPO18口语Task6听力文本: Listen to part of a lecture in a business class. People who are likely to buy a company's product are called target customers and these target customers influence a company's marketing strategy. In order to develop a marketing strategy, a company would look at certain characteristics of target customers to decide when and where to advertise, so that they'll reach the target customers most effectively. I'd like to talk to you today about two characteristics of target customers that can influence marketing strategy, specifically age and geographic location of target customers.Say a company makes toy cars, who are its target customers? Kids, right? So if a company wants to make sure its television advertising reaches its target customers, it'd want to advertise during times when kids are actually watching television, like during children's television shows. That way it can make sure that kids see the advertisements and that way the company will get people in that age group to go buy toy cars or to ask their parents to buy them, at least. Now, another important characteristic to consider is geographic location, places where the company’s target customers live. Think about a company that makes boats. Its target customers are people who own homes near oceans or lakes, places where they can use boats, after all, people who don’t live near water don’t have much use for boats. So by placing advertisement on signs along the road or on television in cities and towns that are near oceans or lakes, the company would be more likely to reach the target customers for its boats and sell more of them as a result. 托福TPO18口语Task6题目: Using points and examples from the lecture, explain how the characteristics of target customers influence marketing strategy for products. 托福TPO18口语Task6满分范文: There're two major characteristics of target customers that influence marketing strategy for products. The first one is age. For example, a toy car company tends to put their advertisements during children's TV show so that they're more likely to be viewed by children and their parents, which are the target customers for the company. If the children see the commercial, they'll probably ask their parents to buy the toy for them. Another is geographical location, that's where the target customers live. A boat company will not release ads in cities and towns that are far away from waters, but rather in places near seas or lakes, because people in those places have the need for a boat and the company will be able to maximize its sales.(133 words) 以上是给大家整理的托福TPO18口语Task6听力文本+题目+满分范文,希望对你有所帮助!。
托福tpo18口语题目Question:Imagine your life ten years in the future. Talk about one way you think your life will be different in ten years than it is now. Use details to explain your answer.托福tpo18口语答案解析:Tip1.Job2.Having a great job3.Save up some money for a more relaxing life4.Learn stuff and see the world5.Reading all kinds of books6.Expanding knowledge base7.Pick up an musical instrument8.Be able to play a song or two when Im blue9.Appreciate the beauty of the world托福tpo18口语范文一:The life in ten years occurring in my imagination is living in a all new circumstance, being a freelancer, and owning more time to enjoy my life rather than being tied to work day and night. I can read more books, from classic literatures to romantic novels, from historical records to contemporary affairs, expanding my knowledge and broadening my horizon. Besides that I can also take up a musical instrument, at least be capable to playing several songs when I am blue. Music always helps me feel the beauty of the world. This is what I imagine my life will be in ten years.托福tpo18口语范文二:I imagine my life ten years in the future to be free. My life will be different in one way from now that I dont have to be tied to a job. I can travel around the world, go anywhere, see different things, meet different people, broaden my horizon and thus feel the world. I dont have to confine myself to just one place. I can go to France, South Africa, South America and Islands in the Pacific. Inaddition, I can be a freelancer, live on my royalties. I will have plenty of time to write novels and read all the masterpieces. This is what I imagine my life will be in ten years.托福口语通用的题型技巧通用题型技巧(适用于所有task)使用natural pauses。
Student: Thanks! At first I was afraid all that prep work would be a waste of time.
Professor: Well, especially with a challenging topic like yours: factors leading to the emergence of sociology as an academic discipline. There’s just so much history to consider; you could get lost without a solid outline. So did you have a question?
ent: It’s Professor Largin - Intro to Marketing. He hasn’t mentioned the study though. Professor: Oh, well, the marketing department’s pretty big. I happen to be friends with a woman who is doing the TV study. Ok, well, we don’t want you missing class. How’s Thursday? Student: Oh, I work from 5 till 9 that night. Professor: Hmm, no flexibility with your schedule? Where do you work? Student: At Fox’s Diner, as a server. Professor: Oh, I love Fox’s. I eat there every week. Maybe you could switch shifts with someone. Student: I’m still in training. And the only night my trainer works is Thursday. Professor: Look! I know the owners there really well. Why don’t you let me give them a call and explain the situation? Student: OK! It’d be cool to be part of a real research study. And the gift certificate wouldn’t hurt either. 托福 TPO18 听力 Conversation2 题目 1.What is the conversation mainly about? A. The topic of the man's research paper. B. Some current research projects in sociology. C. Effective ways of conducting sociology research. D. The man's possible participation in a research project. 2.What does the professor imply about the man's outline? A. It has revealed that he should limit the focus of his paper. B. It does not provide enough information for him to write the paper. C. It will help him write clearly about a complex topic.
TPO 18满分口语答案示范
1.Now I am a graduate student majoring in international journalism. I think tenyears later I would have become a pretty good reporter and a well-known TV anchor because of the two reasons. First, I am passionate about this career, I mean as a journalist, and I feel enthusiastic reading books, travel to places, writing about people, places and incidents and everyday I’m making small progress in becoming a better journalist, I think it will be a dream come true when I am thirty-four. Second, my families and my friends are very supportive,I think with their encouragement, I can do it.2.I agree that it is important to learn about other cultures. It is inevitable thatwe come across people from different cultures, and in order to communicate with them we have to learn the dos and don’ts in their culture so as not to offend them. For example, in American culture, the gesture okay means something is good or is acceptable, but in France, it means worthless or trivial things. So it’s better not to shown approval using the gesture cause it may work the opposite way. And that’s basically why I think we should learn about other cultures.I think its okay not to learn about other cultures, because one may not needto interact with another culture. Moyan, the Chinese writer who won noble prize, never talked to a foreigner and doesn’t read much about foreign lands, but his works were received beyond boarders. Also, it is not always necessary to learn about other cultures because essentially one can only adapt to one or two culture. To have a cultural identity, a distinctive personality, and not to get one’s identity blurred, it is sometimes better to be exclusive from other cultures.3.The man in the conversation is a big fan of the university’s decision about thechoir’s entering off-campus competitions. As a member of the choir, he thinks it would help improve the performing quality of the choir as entering competitions will enable members to see the gap between they and the really good choirs, so they may want work hard to improve the singing skills, say, practice more than once a week. The other thing is that the choir right now is small in scale, if the choir performs at other campuses, it may attract new students to join in, so the choir could sort of renew and grow. That’s basically why the man is in favor of the plan.4.Relict behavior is a behavior that no longer serves a clear purpose, in that theoriginal function disappeared. The professor takes the example of an American animal pronehorn as an example. The pronehorn live on the grassy plain in the middle of North America. It runs much faster than its predators like the coyotes. The reason why it runs so fast is that lions used to live on the grassy land hundreds of thousands years ago. Lions runs much faster than the present predators. So, the pronehorn has to run really fast in order to survive.When lions extinct from the plain, the remaining pronehorn kept the speed even though they don’t have to run that fast to avoid the new predators. So, their super fast running has now become a relict behavior.5.The man’s problem is that he left his paper at home, and the paper wassupposed to be handed in at the class he’s about to attend. And there are two possible solutions. One is to drive home to get it, and hand in before the end of the class. The other is to talk to the professor and hand it in later via e-mail.If I were the man, I will definitely choose to talk to the professor, explain about the situation because for one thing, I don’t want to miss the class, I’ll have to make it up after that, and it’s not something efficient to do. Just hand in the paper as soon as I got home, I’m sure the professor will understand, and won’t blame for that.6.The characteristics of the target customers influence the marketing strategyin two ways. One is their age, and the other their geographical location. For example, to sell a toy car, when to broadcast the advertisement on TV is a top concern. The advertisement will be more effective if it were inserted in the break time of children’s television shows. Kids who see the toy will likely ask their parents buy it for them. For geographical location, it means that advertisements are better to be placed around where the target customers live. For example, a boat advertisement is better put up around the neighborhoods where people living in cities or towns where rivers and lakes are available. These two considerations will help a product reach its customers more efficiently.。
University Choir to Enter Off-Campus Singing Competition Currently, the university choir gives singing concerts only on campus. Next year, however, the choir will add competitive events at other locations to its schedule. The choir’s new director feels that entering singing competitions will make the quality of the choir’s performance even better than it is now. “Competitions will motivate students in the choir to pursue a higher standard of excellence in singing,” he said. In addition, it is hoped that getting the choir off campus and out in the public will strengthen the reputation of the university’s music program. This in turn will help the program grow.Now listen to two students discussing the article.Woman: Jim, you’re in the choir, right? What do you think about what they are doing next year? This article?Man: I really like it.Woman: Yeah?Man: Yeah! The new director is right that it’ll motivate us.Woman: How’s that?Man: Well, some of the other schools are really good, so we’ll really have to work hard to go up against them.Woman: Yeah!Man: I mean, right now, we don’t rehearse more than once a week. But if we know we’d be competing with other schools, we’d probably rehearse mor e often and improve our singing the line.Woman: That’s true, uh, the more you practice the better you get. So, uh, what about the article said about how this will help the program? Man: I hope it works. Right now, the program is pretty small but we have some really talented people and it would be great to attract even more people.Woman: So, how would this plan help?Man: Well, if we go to these off campus events and other people hear us and think we are really good, we might be able to get some new students interested in coming to this university, to be a part of our music program and perform in our choir concerts.Woman: You’re right! I haven’t really thought about that.QuestionThe man expresses his opinion about the change described in the article. Briefly summarize the change then state his opinion about the change and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.笔记缩写live up to the reputation 名副其实this will in turn will give me more chances to grow. bring a lot of benefits for me。
托福口语模板18岁成人投出选票Introduction:In today's society, it is paramount for young adults to participate in voting to ensure their voices are heard. Therefore, I firmly believe that individuals who have reached the age of 18 should be given the right to cast their votes.Body Paragraph 1: Increasing Political AwarenessAt the age of 18, individuals are generally mature enough to understand and form opinions on political matters. Many young adults actively involve themselves in discussions and debates about political issues. Granting them the right to vote would encourage them to take a more active role in the political process, leading to increased political awareness and engagement. This would contribute to a more informed electorate and improve the overall decision-making process.Body Paragraph 2: Responsibility and AccountabilityGiving 18-year-olds the right to vote promotes a sense of responsibility and accountability. This young adult age group is often expected to make significant life decisions, such as pursuing higher education, entering the workforce, or even serving in the military. By allowing them to participate in the political system, society is acknowledging their ability to contribute to the democratic process and make informed choices that will affect their future as well.Body Paragraph 3: Representation and Diverse Perspectives18-year-olds form a significant portion of the population, and their interests and perspectives should be fairly represented. Issues such as education policies, economic opportunities, and environmental concerns greatly affect young adults. By allowing them to vote, their voices are included in the decision-making process. This leads to a more balanced representation of society and ensures that policies and decisions address the needs and aspirations of all citizens, regardless of age.Counterargument:Some argue that young adults may not have enough life experience or knowledge to make informed decisions when voting. However, it should be noted that 18-year-olds are legally considered adults and are required to take responsibility for their actions. Additionally, the education system plays a significant role in fostering critical thinking skills and civic education, preparing young adults to make informed decisions.Conclusion:Granting 18-year-olds the right to vote is crucial for ensuring a fair and inclusive democracy. It promotes political awareness, responsibility, and representation. By allowing this age group to participate, we empower them to contribute to society and have a say in shaping their own futures. Therefore, it is essential that we uphold their right to cast their votes and make their voices heard.。
托福TPO18听力Conversation1文本 Narrator: Listen to a conversation between a student and an administrator in the university employment office. Student: Hi! I hope you can help me. I just transferred from Northeastern State University near Chicago. Professor: Well welcome to Central University .But Chicago is such a great city. Why did you leave? Student: Everyone asks that. It’s my hometown. And it was sure convenient to go to a school nearby. But Northeastern is still fairly small. And it doesn’t have the program I’m interested in. I want to major in international studies. And the only program in the State is here. Professor: We do have a great program. Well how did you get interested in international studies? Student: My family hosted a few foreign exchange students while I was growing up. Then I took part in an international summer program after I graduated from high school. I thought I really like meeting people from all over, getting to know them. Professor: OH! Ok! And that led you to our program. Right now though I assume you are looking for a job. Student: Yeah, a part time job on campus. I thought I’d save money, being away from the big city. But it doesn’t seem to be working that way. Anyway I’m not having much luck. Professor: I’m not surprised. Most of our campus jobs are taken in the first week or two of the semester. What work experience have you had? Student: Well, I worked in the university library last year. But I already checked at the library here. They said their remaining positions were for work-study students getting financial aid. I’ve never run into that before. Professor: Well, I guess each school has its own policies. Uh, we really don’t have much right now.You might be better if you are waiting until next semester. If you really want something, how are your computer skills? Student: About average I’d say. I helped teach some of the basic computer classes. Northeastern offers for new users, if that helps any. Professor: OK, The technology support department needs people to work its helpdesk. It’s basically a customer service job, answering questions, helping people solve their computer problems, give you a chance to develop your people skills. Student: Something every diplomat needs. But is there some problem? I mean why is the job still open? Professor: Well, they have extended hours, from 6 am to 2 am every day. So they need a large staff. But right now they only need people early mornings, late nights, and weekends. You’d probably end up with a bit of everything rather than a regular spot. On the bright side you’ll probably be able to get some studying done between calls. At least it could be a start and then you can try for better hours next semester. Student: Um, I see why the hours might be a problem. But I guess I can’t afford to be too picky if I want a job. Still maybe we can work something out. 托福TPO18听力Conversation1题目 1.Why does the student go to the university office? A. To apply for a work-study job. B. To get information about hosting an exchange student. C. To find out if there are any jobs available on campus. D. To find out the hours of the computer lab. 2.Why did the student transfer to Central University? A. To take advantage of an academic program. B. To participate in a student exchange program. C. To attend a smaller university than the one he was at before. D. To benefit from Central University’s international reputation. 3.Why does the student mention hosting foreign-exchange students? A. To explain his interest in a particular field of study.。
托福TPO18听力Conversation1文本Narrator: Listen to a conversation between a student and an administrator in the university employment office.Student: Hi! I hope you can help me. I just transferred from Northeastern State University near Chicago.Professor: Well welcome to Central University .But Chicago is such a great city. Why did you leave?Student: Everyone asks that. It’s my hometown. And it was sure convenient to go to a school nearby. But Northeastern is still fairly small. And it doesn’t have the program I’m interested in.I want to major in international studies. And the only program in the State is here.Professor: We do have a great program. Well how did you get interested in international studies?Student: My family hosted a few foreign exchange students while I was growing up. Then I took part in an international summer program after I graduated from high school. I thought I really like meeting people from all over, getting to know them.Professor: OH! Ok! And that led you to our program. Right now though I assume you are looking for a job.Student: Yeah, a part time job on campus. I thought I’d save money, being away from the big city. But it doesn’t seem to be working that way. Anyway I’m not having much luck.Professor: I’m not surprised. Most of our campus jobs are taken in the first week or two of the semester. What work experience have you had?Student: Well, I worked in the university library last year. But I already checked at the library here. They said their remaining positions were for work-study students getting financial aid. I’ve never run into that before.Professor: Well, I guess each school has its own policies. Uh, we really don’t have much right now.You might be better if you are waiting until next semester. If you really want something, how are your computer skills?Student: About average I’d say. I helped teach some of the basic computer classes. Northeastern offers for new users, if that helps any.Professor: OK, The technology support department needs people to work its helpdesk. It’s basically a customer service job, answering questions, helping people solve their computer problems, give you a chance to develop your people skills.Student: Something every diplomat needs. But is there some problem? I mean why is the job still open?Professor: Well, they have extended hours, from 6 am to 2 am every day. So they need a large staff. But right now they only need people early mornings, late nights, and weekends. You’d probably end up with a bit of everything rather than a regular spot. On the bright side you’ll probably be able to get some studying done between calls. At least it could be a start and then you can try for better hours next semester.Student: Um, I see why the hours might be a problem. But I guess I can’t afford to be too picky if I want a job. Still maybe we can work something out.托福TPO18听力Conversation1题目1.Why does the student go to the university office?A. To apply for a work-study job.B. To get information about hosting an exchange student.C. To find out if there are any jobs available on campus.D. To find out the hours of the computer lab.2.Why did the student transfer to Central University?A. To take advantage of an academic program.B. To participate in a student exchange program.C. To attend a smaller university than the one he was at before.D. To benefit from Central University’s internationa l reputation.3.Why does the student mention hosting foreign-exchange students?A. To explain his interest in a particular field of study.。
托福口语模板及参考范文:18岁成人投出选票托福口语题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?18-year-old adults are not mature enough to vote.托福口语参考范文:In my opinion, 18-year-old people already have theability to vote. Firstly, because I think when we are 18, we are adults, which means we can take responsibility for our behaviors and actions. (At the age of 18, we begin to make decisions independently, and thus our votes can represent our own opinions)【括号内的也能够不说】 And also I think young people above 18 are very concerned about the future of the country and they have the ability to reason and also enough knowledge about politics, which will help them to make right decisions. 补充例子:For example, my friends and I are just 18 years old, and we often surf online to learn about the information related to national policies. And our politics teachers always tell us not to just repeat what others say but think by ourselves. So we are mature enough to vote.托福口语参考答案:Well, I don't think I can agree with statement because I think +people who are already 18 years old are mature enough to vote.【也能够直接说: In my opinion, 18-year-old people already have the ability to vote.】Firstly, because I think when we are 18, we are adults, which means we can take responsibility for the our behaviors and actions. (At the age of 18, we begin to make decisionsindependently, and thus our votes can represent our own opinions)【补充了一些细节,否则,这第一个理由根本就没有论证,丢下一句:我18,我成年了,就走了……哎~不要这么傲娇嘛!至少稍微结合咱们的话题解释一句嘛!】And also I think young people above 18 are very concerned about the future of the country and they have the ability to reason and also enough knowledge about politics, which will help them to make right decisions.补充例子(能够跟着Pt的答案一路说到结尾):For example, my friends and I are just 18 years old, and we often surf online to learn about hte information related to national policies. And our politics teachers always tell me, "Please don't just repeat what others say but think by yourself, think critically." So I am pretty sure that we are mature enough to vote. (/ 语速快的同学,能够挑战加长版结尾So I am pretty sure that we have the capability to decide what is good for the nation and the people and thus we definitely are old enoughto vote. )这纯粹为了凑时间的结尾,能够不读了:So I think they have both the right and capability to decide what is good for the nations and what is good for the people. So that's why Ithink they are old enough and mature enough to vote.【很啰嗦,其实就是因为没有内容了,所以用漫长的结尾来拖时间】托福口语模板分析:本文来自亦鸥高分网友shurui,非常赞的发音!这个次之所以没有选择晨读团同学的录音,并不是因为大家的答案【内容】不够好,而是因为:大家的【发音】错误真的太多了!shurui同学是亦鸥有名的淡定大神,不论什么内容,她都说得从容不迫。
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Imagine your life ten years in the future. Talk about one way you think
your life will be different in ten years than it is now. Use details to explain
your answer.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important to
learn about other cultures.
University Choir to Enter Off-Campus Singing Competitions
Currently, the university choir gives singing concerts only on campus. Next
year, however, the choir will add competitive events at other locations to its
schedule. The choir ’s new director feels that entering singing competitions
will make the quality of the choir ’s performance even better than it is now.
“Competitions will motivate students in the choir to pursue a higher standard of
excellence in singing.” He said. In addition, it is hoped that getting the choir
off campus and out in the public will strengthen the reputation of the
university ’s music program. This in turn will help the program grow.
The man expresses her opinion about the change described in the article.
Briefly summarize the change. Then state her opinion and explain the reasons she
gives for holding that opinion.
Relict Behavior
In general, animals act in ways that help them to survive within their
specific habitats. However, sometimes an animal species may display a behavior that no longer serves a clear purpose. The original purpose for the behavior may have disappeared long ago, even thousands of years before. These behaviors, known as relict behaviors, were useful to the animal when the species’ habitat was different: but now, because of changed conditions, the behavior no longer serves its original purpose. Left over from an earlier time, the behavior
remains as relict, or remnant, long after the environmental circumstance that influenced its evolution has vanished.
Using the example of the pronghorn and lion, explain the concept of a
relict behavior.
Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend and explain the reasons for your
Using points and examples from the lecture, explain how the characteristics of target customers influence marketing strategy for products.