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1. 阅读理解20%

2. 词汇选择20%

3. 句型短语(中翻英)20%

4. 句子翻译(英翻中)20%

5. 复合句应用20%


Unit 1

1.Does it feel like you're being torn in all directions? Like you're getting stressed out? Like every teacher thinks his or her class is the only one you're taking? Like everything is coming down on you all at once, and you're not sure you can, or even want to, withstand the pressure? Do things feel like they are out of control? (para.1)


2.The useful part of this understanding is that if we determine it, then we can control it. We determine meaning! We are in control!(para.5)这个认识的有用之处在于:如果我们决定压力,我们就可控制它。是我们确定意义的!我们处在控制这方!

3.What if you're having trouble at home, then you're having some relationship problems, and maybe some small problems with a roommate and then a couple of exams on top of that?(para.9)


4.We all have to get old, but how we decide to approach getting old makes all the difference. It's not the destination; it's the ride! (para.15)我们都会衰老,可决定如何走向衰老却大不相同。衰老不是目的,而是过程。

5.For your own sake, and for the sake of finding renewed motivation, end unpleasant relationships, and don't wallow in feelings of hostility, antagonism, or revenge.(para.22)


6. But in every situation, you have options. That is, you have opportunities to bring to bear your own unique personality. You have

ways to be creative. You have room to offer your own insights.(para.31)


7.No matter the controls and regulations, no matter the rules and restrictions, the creative person will find ways to be creative. .(para.31)有种种约束与规定也罢,种种条规与限制也罢,有创造力的人总能千方百计发挥创造力。

8.Accomplishing, producing, and completing are so important that I continually setting new goals--- but believe me, they are ones that I can accomplish. (para.34)


9.Doing nothing is no substitute for doing what you feel you must.(para.35)


10.The real heroes are those who doggedly and joyfully work at becoming more lively and self-actualizing on a daily basis.(para.39)


11.The invigoration of the spirit is most likely to occur when we successfully deal with the stresses in our lives. (para.39)


12.Your personal advance hinges on efforts --- your willingness to put into practice techniques for activating the spirit. (para.39)


Unit 2

1.Excessive cravings do not necessarily involve physical substances. Gambling can become compulsive: drinking can become obsessive. (Para.1)


2.Even researchers who study TV for a living marvel at the medium's hold on them personally. (Para.1)


3. Less attention has been paid to the basic allure of the small screen --- the medium, as opposed to the message. (para.2)

