物联网中英文词汇对照表一、物联网基础概念相关词汇物联网(Internet of Things,IoT):通过各种信息传感器、射频识别技术、全球定位系统、红外感应器、激光扫描器等各种装置与技术,实时采集任何需要监控、连接、互动的物体或过程,采集其声、光、热、电、力学、化学、生物、位置等各种需要的信息,通过各类可能的网络接入,实现物与物、物与人的泛在连接,实现对物品和过程的智能化感知、识别和管理。
射频识别(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID):一种无线通信技术,可以通过无线电讯号识别特定目标并读写相关数据,而无需识别系统与特定目标之间建立机械或者光学接触。
全球定位系统(Global Positioning System,GPS):一种以空中卫星为基础的高精度无线电导航的定位系统。
红外感应器(Infrared Sensor):利用红外线来进行数据处理的一种传感器。
激光扫描器(Laser Scanner):一种通过发射激光束来测量物体表面形状和位置的设备。
WiFi(Wireless Fidelity):一种允许电子设备连接到一个无线局域网(WLAN)的技术。
LoRa(Long Range):一种远距离、低功耗的无线通信技术。
NBIoT(Narrow Band Internet of Things):窄带物联网,构建于蜂窝网络,只消耗大约 180kHz 的带宽。
三、物联网数据处理与分析相关词汇云计算(Cloud Computing):一种基于互联网的计算方式,通过这种方式,共享的软件资源、硬件资源和信息可以按需提供给计算机和其他设备。
英文字母缩写含义大全带翻译A•API: 应用程序接口(Application Programming Interface)•ASCII: 美国信息交换标准代码(American Standard Code for Information Interchange)•AWS: 亚马逊网络服务(Amazon Web Services)B•BBC: 英国广播公司(British Broadcasting Corporation)•B2B: 企业对企业(Business-to-Business)•B2C: 企业对消费者(Business-to-Consumer)C•CEO: 首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer)•CRM: 客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management)•CSS: 层叠样式表(Cascading Style Sheets)D•DNA: 脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic Acid)•DIY: 自己动手做(Do It Yourself)•DVD: 数字视频光盘(Digital Versatile Disc)E•EU: 欧盟(European Union)•EPL: 英超联赛(English Premier League)•EPC: 电子商务协议(Electronic Product Code)•FBI: 联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation)•FAQ: 常见问题解答(Frequently Asked Questions)•FML: 我要死了(F*ck My Life)G•GDP: 国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product)•GPS: 全球定位系统(Global Positioning System)•GUI: 图形用户界面(Graphical User Interface)H•HTML: 超文本标记语言(HyperText Markup Language)•HTTP: 超文本传输协议(HyperText Transfer Protocol)•HVAC: 供暖、通风与空调(Heating, Ventilation,and Air Conditioning)I•IBM: 国际商业机器公司(International Business Machines Corporation)•IoT: 物联网(Internet of Things)•ISP: 互联网服务提供商(Internet Service Provider)J•JPEG: 联合图像专家组(Joint Photographic Experts Group)•JPG: 联合照片专家小组(Joint Photographic Group)•JSON: JavaScript对象表示法(JavaScript Object Notation)•KPI: 关键绩效指标(Key Performance Indicator)•KFC: 肯德基(Kentucky Fried Chicken)•KGB: 苏联国家安全委员会(Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti)L•LCD: 液晶显示屏(Liquid Crystal Display)•LAN: 局域网(Local Area Network)•LTE: 长期演进(Long-Term Evolution)M•MB: 兆字节(Megabyte)•MRI: 核磁共振成像(Magnetic Resonance Imaging)•MP3: 音频压缩格式(MPEG Audio Layer 3)N•NASA: 美国国家航空航天局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)•NSA: 国家安全局(National Security Agency)•NATO: 北约(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)O•CEO: 首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer)•CRM: 客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management)•CSS: 层叠样式表(Cascading Style Sheets)P•PDF: 便携式文档格式(Portable Document Format)•PDF: 便携式文档格式(Portable Document Format)•PhD: 博士学位(Doctor of Philosophy)•QR Code: 快速响应代码(Quick Response Code)•Q&A: 问答(Question and Answer)•QPSK: 四相移键控(Quadrature Phase Shift Keying)R•RAM: 随机存取存储器(Random Access Memory)•R&D: 研发(Research and Development)•ROI: 投资回报率(Return on Investment)S•SEO: 搜索引擎优化(Search Engine Optimization)•SQL: 结构化查询语言(Structured Query Language)•SME: 中小型企业(Small and Medium-sized Enterprises)T•TV: 电视(Television)•TBA: 待定(To Be Announced)•TBD: 待定(To Be Determined)U•UN: 联合国(United Nations)•UFO: 不明飞行物(Unidentified Flying Object)•USB: 通用串行总线 (Universal Serial Bus)V•VPN: 虚拟专用网络(Virtual Private Network)•VIP: 重要人物(Very Important Person)•VAT: 增值税(Value-Added Tax)W•WIFI: 无线局域网(Wireless Fidelity)•WTO: 世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization)•WWF: 世界自然基金会(World Wide Fund for Nature)X•XML: 可扩展标记语言(eXtensible Markup Language)•X-ray: X射线(X-ray)•XSS: 跨站点脚本(Cross-Site Scripting)Y•Y2K: 2000年问题(Year 2000 Problem)•YMCA: 基督教年轻人协会(Young Men’s Christian Association)•YTD: 为止到今天(Year-To-Date)##Z•ZIP: 压缩文件格式(Zone Improvement Plan)•ZARA: 西班牙时尚品牌(ZARA)以上是一些英文字母缩写的含义及其翻译,希望对您有所帮助。
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ABI 应用二进制接口(Application Binary Interface)ACSI 国家信息化咨询委员会(advisory committee for state informatization)ADSL 非对称数字用户线路(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line)AI 人工智能(artificial intelligence)AMPS 高级移动电话系统(Advanced Mobile Phone System)API 应用程序接口(Application Programming Interface)ASIC 特定用途集成电路(Application Specific Integrated Circuit)ASTM 美国试验材料学会(American Society for Testing Material)AT&T 美国电话电报公司(American Telephone and Telegraph Company)ATM 异步传输模式(Asynchronous Transfer Mode)ATOS Origin 源讯公司Auto-ID 自动识别(Auto-ID)AWS 美国航空气象处(Air Weather Service);BAP 基本汇编程序(Basic Assembler Program)BGA 集成电路采用有机载板的一种封装法BOINC 伯克利开放式网络计算 (Berkeley Open Infrastructure For Network Computing ) BSP 板级支持包(Board Support Package)Business Processing 业务处理流程CaaS 通信即服务(communication as a Service)CAN 控制器局域网络(Controller Area Network)CAS 中国科学院(Chinese Academy of SciencesCCTV 中国中央电视台(China Central Television)CDMA2000 电信移动通信系统CIP 预编目录(cataloging in publication)CITYNET 城市间合作网络CMU 卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)CN 通信网络(Communicating Net)CPU 中央处理机(Central Processing Unit)CRA 应答验证 (challenge-response authentication)DARPA 美国国防部高级研究计划局(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)DARPA 研究计划署(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)DASH7Data mining 数据挖掘技术(即指从资料中发掘资讯或知识)DDoS 分布式拒绝服务(Distributed Denial of Service)DG INFSO 媒体总司DG INFSO/D4 欧盟委员会DGINFSO‐D4DMM 分布式内存多处理器(distributed memory multiprocessor)DNS 域名服务器(Domain Name Server)DoD 美国国防部(Department of Defense of the United States)DRAM 动态随机存取存储器(Dynamic Random Access Memory)DSL 数字用户线路(Digital Subscriber Line)DSP 数字信号处理器(Digital Signal Processor)DSS 决策支持系统(Decision Support Systems)DynDNS 动态DNSEAN 欧洲商品编码(Europ Article Number)EAS 电子防窃系统(Electronic Article Surveillance)ECMA 欧洲电脑制造商协会(European Computer Manufactures Association)EPC 电子产品代码(Electronic Product Code)EPCglobal 国际物品编码协会EAN和美国统一代码委员会( UCC )的一个合资公司ERP 企业资源计划(Enterprise Resource Planning)ETSI 欧洲电信标准协会(European Telecommunication Standards Institute)EU-funded CASAGRAS1 coordination 欧盟资助CASAGRAS1协调FAT 文件分配表(File Allocation Table)FP7 欧盟第七框架计划(Framework Program 7)FreeOTFE 免费实时加密FSTC 金融服务技术联盟(Financial Services Technology Consortium)FTP 文件传输协议(File Transfer Protocol)GM 通用汽车公司(General Motors)GMSA 全球移动通信系统协会(global system for mobile communications association) GPRS 通用分组无线业务(General Packet Radio Service)GPS 全球定位系统(Global Position System)GSM 全球移动通信系统(Global System for Mobile Communications)GUI-based 图形用户界面HP 惠普公司HTML5 HTML5是HTML下一个的主要修订版本,现在仍处于发展阶段HTTP 超文本传输协议(Hyper Text Transport Protocol)HTTPS 安全超文本传输协议(Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)I²C 两线式串行总线(Inter-Integrated Circuit)IaaS 架构即服务(Infrastructure As A Service)IATA 国际航空运输协会(International Air Transport Association)ICC 集成电路卡(integrated circuit card)ICT 集成电路计算机遥测技术(Integrated Computer Telemetry)iDA 资讯通信发展管理局(infocomm Development Authority)IEC 国际电工技术委员会(International Electrotechnical Commission)IEEE 电气与电子工程师协会(Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers)IETF Internet工程任务组(Internet Engineering Task Force)IMT-2000 国际移动电话系统-2000(International Mobile Telecom System-2000)IOT 物联网(Internet Of Things)IPSec 网际协议安全(Internet Protocol Security)IPSO 因特网协议安全选件(Internet protocol security option )IPv4 IPv4,是互联网协议(Internet Protocol,IP)的第四版IR 指令寄存器(instruction register)ISA 工业标准总线(Industry Standard Architecture)ISM 美国供应管理协会(the Institute for Supply Management , ISM)ISO 国际标准化组织(International Standardization Organization)ISTAG IST咨询集团(IST advisory group)IT 信息技术(Information Technology)ITSO_LtdITU 国际电信联盟(International Telecommunication Union)KAEC 阿卜杜拉国王经济城(King Abdullah Economic City)KVM 基于内核的虚拟机(K Virtual Machine)LAN 局域网(local area network)LCD 液晶显示屏(liquid crystal display)LR-WPAN 低速率无线个人区域网络(Low Rate-Wireless Personal Area Network)LSI 大规模集成电路(Large Scale Integrated circuit)MAC 多路存取计算机(Multi-Access Computer)MAN 城域网(Metropolitan Area Network)MASDAR 马斯达尔MEMS 微电子机械系统(Micro-electromechanical Systems)METI 日本经济贸易产业省(Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)MIC 部门内部事务和通讯(the ministry of internal affairs and communications) MIT 麻省理工学院(Massachu-setts Institute of Technology);MPP 大量信息并行处理机,大规模并行处理机(Massively Parallel Processor)MRI 核磁共振成像(Magnatic Resonance Imaging);MSI 中规模集成电路(medium-scale integration)MVNO AdicaNaaS 网络即服务(Network As A Service)NASA 美国国家航空和宇宙航行局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)NetBSD 一个免费的,具有高度移植性的UNIX-like操作系统NFC 近场通讯(Near Field Communication)NFCIPNIC 网络接口卡(Network Interface Card)NMT 北欧移动电话(Nordic Mobile Telephone)NSF (美国)国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation)NTT DoCoMo 移动通信网公司NYU 纽约大学(New York University)OLED 有机发光二极管(Organic Light Emitting Diode)ONS 国家统计局(Office For National Statistics)P2P 点对点技术(peer-to-peer);PaaS 平台即服务(Platform As A Service)PARC 帕洛阿尔托研究中心(Palo Alto Research Center)PC 个人电脑(Personal Computer);PCI 外部控制器接口(Peripheral Component Interconnect)PHY 物理层协议(Physical Layer)PKI 公钥基础设施(Public Key Infrastructure)POTS 普通老式电话服务(Plain Old Telephone Service)QNX 嵌入式实时操作系统(Quick Unix )R&D 研发(Research & Development)RACO 德国雷科resPONDER 响应器RFID 无线射频识别(radio frequency identification devices)RISC 精简指令集计算机(Reduced Instruction-Set Computer)ROM 只读存储器(read only memory)RS-232 串行数据通信的接口标准RTOS 实时操作系统(Real Time Operating System)SaaS 软件即服务(Software as a Service)SAP SAP是目前全世界排名第一的ERP软件SAVVIS 维斯公司SCADA 监测控制和数据采集(supervisory control and data acquisition)SIM 用户身份识别卡(subscriber identity module)SIMD 单指令多数据(Single Instruction Multiple Data)SIMIT 中国科学院上海微系统与信息技术研究所SMP 对称多处理机(SymmetricalMulti-Processing)SOC 片上系统(System on a Chip)SPOM 自动程序单芯片微处理(Self Programmable One Chip Microprocessor)SPT 季票 (season parking ticket)SRI 斯坦福研究院(Stanford Research Institute)SSE 单指令多数据流式扩展 ( streaming SIMD extensions)SSI 小规模集成(电路)(Small Scale Integration);SSO 单点登录(single sign-on)T2TITTACS 全接入通信系统(Total Access Communication System)TCB 可信计算基(Trusted Computing Base)TCP/IP 传输控制/网络通讯协定(Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol)TD-SCDMA 即时分同步的码分多址技术(Time Division-Synchronization Code Division Multiple Access)TEDS 传感器电子数据表(Transducer Electronic Data Sheet)TLS/SSL SSL(Secure Sockets Layer,安全套接层)TPANSmitterTRON 实时操作系统核心程序(The Realtime Operating System Nucleus)U.S.Department of Defence 美国国防部UCC 统一编码委员会(uniform code council inc)UCLA 加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California at Los Angeles)UHF 超高频(Ultra High Frequency)UML 统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language)UNL 无处不在的网络实验室(ubiquitous networking laboratory)USAID 美国国际开发署(United States Agency for International Development)USB 通用串行总线(Universal Serial Bus)USDA 美国农业部(United States Department of Agriculture)VLSI 超大规模积体电路(Very Large Scale Integrated Circuites)VNP-VNOWAN 广域网(Wide Area Network)WCDMA 宽带码分多址移动通信系统(Wideband Code Division Multiple Access)Wi-Fi 无线上网技术WROM 一次写/读很多内存(write once/read many memory)WSN 无线传感网络(wireless sensor network)。
日积月累.180501英汉短语翻译1.中国品牌日Chinese Brands Day2.云计算Cloud computing3.房屋限购Purchase limits for real estate4.网络强国A country with strong cyber technology5.Mainstream media主流媒体6.Electronic social security card电子社保卡7.High-speed aerotrain高速气动悬浮列车8.Targeted poverty alleviation精准脱贫9.Leap year闰年百科词条1.“希腊三贤”指的是哪三位伟大的哲学家?苏格拉底,柏拉图,亚里士多德2.被视为近代西方哲学的奠基之作是哪本书?《第一哲学沉思录》3.“人是万物的尺度”这句话是哪位哲学家首次提出?普罗泰戈拉4.亚里士多德认为最理想的政府是()阶级执政。
中产阶级5.被黑格尔称作“现代哲学之父”的哲学家是笛卡尔日积月累.180502英汉短语翻译1.大众创新,万众创业mass entrepreneurship and innovation2.虚拟现实Virtual Reality(VR)3.新时代中国特色社会主义socialism with Chinese characterism in a new era4.孔子学院Confucius Institute5.网红经济Internet celebrity economy6.dynamic equivalence动态对等7.back translation回译8.fight corruption and build a clean government反腐倡廉9.CAT计算机辅助翻译10.to teach fish to swim班门弄斧日积月累.180503英汉短语翻译隐形贫困人口the invisible poverty-stricken population/the invisible poor国家安全意识the national security awareness政府集中采购centralized government procurement比特币Bitcoin人工智能artificial intelligenceharmony without uniformity和而不同zero-sum mentality零和博弈ppp政府和社会资本合作(public-private partnership)bond default债券违约Translationese翻译腔日积月累.180504英汉短语翻译1.三大攻坚战three tough battles2.征税清单tariff list3.人才争夺战talent scramble battle4.全面二胎政策the universal second-child policy5.军事分界线military demarcation line(MDL)6.QR code快速响应矩阵码7.sponge city海绵城市8.IPO首次公开募股9.autonomous driving technology自动驾驶技术10.Onomatopoeia拟声法百科知识1.下列我国哪个古迹被誉为“世界八大奇迹”(C)A.万里长城B.乐山大佛C.秦始皇兵马俑D.敦煌2.石头城是对我国哪座城市的美称(B)A.南昌B.南京C.拉萨D.西安3.请问:火车连续发出两声长鸣,这表示(C)A.前进B.停留C.倒退D.故障4.我国第一座国家森林公园是(C)A.武夷山B.长白山C.张家界D.九寨沟5.我国古代“十恶不赦”中的首恶是(D)A.不义B.不道C.内乱D.谋反日积月累.150505英汉短语翻译新一线城市new first-tier city暂定税率provisional tax rate十九大the19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China(CPC)朝鲜半岛无核化denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula长江考察trip along the Yangtze Riverthe six-party talks六方会谈Island-wide quota policy全域限购政策SOHO小型家居办公literal translation字面翻译;直译over-translation超额翻译日积月累.180507英汉短语翻译1.公积金provident fund2.综合国力comprehensive national strength3.人脸识别facial recognition4.物联网the Internet of Things(IoT)5.移动支付mobile payment6.一带一路the Belt and Road7.电子商务e-commerce8.限购令limited purchasing order9.自主知识产权Independent Intellectual Property Rights10.马克思主义Marxism11.birth defect出生缺陷12.live within their means量入为出13.programmer motivator程序员鼓励师14.rural vitalization strategy乡村振兴战略15.bilateral interpreting双边传译16.covert translation隐形翻译17.double First-Class initiative双一流18.CTO首席技术官19.VAT增值税20.APEC亚太经合组织百科知识:1.第一次世界大战的开战时间是(B)A.1910B.1914C.1939D.19402.下列农民起义哪次是洪秀全领导的(D)A.大泽乡起义B.黄巾起义C.赤眉起义D.金田起义3.下列清朝皇帝中哪位是末代皇帝(A)A.宣统B.光绪C.同治D.道光4.中华人民共和国国旗五星红旗的设计者是(C)A.毛泽东B.周恩来C.曾联松D.梁思成5.我国最早的一部医学理论著作是(B)A.《本草纲目》B.《黄帝内经》C.《千金方》D.《伤寒杂病论》日积月累.180508英汉短语翻译1.软实力soft power2.硕士生导师supervisor of postgraduate3.人才流失brain drain4.不要在错误的道路上越走越远refrain from going further down the wrong path5.21世纪数字丝绸之路a digital silk road of21st century6.down payment首付7.demographic dividend人口红利8.two centenary goals“两个一百年”奋斗目标9.Corpora语料库10.domesticating translation归化翻译日积月累.180509英汉短语翻译1.网络安全cyberspace security2.协同发展develop in a coordinated way3.朝鲜半岛局势the situation on the Korean Peninsula4.前沿领域cutting-edge areas5.谅解备忘录memorandum of understanding6.TPP跨太平洋伙伴关系协定7.independent intellectual property rights自主知识产权8.Silk Road Spirit丝路精神9.Abusive translation滥译10.Exoticism异国情调百科知识1.我国古代诗歌史上被称为“双璧”的一篇是《孔雀东南飞》,另一篇是(A)A.《木兰诗》B.《木兰辞》C.《离骚》D.《格萨尔王》2.著名的《大卫》像是谁的作品(C)A.拉斐尔B.达.芬奇C.米开朗琪罗D.阿古斯特尔3.现在美国国旗星条旗上有多少颗星(C)A.25B.30C.50D.604.有的学校实行学分制,在我国最早提倡学分制的是(B)A.鲁迅B.蔡元培C.吴玉章D.毛泽东5.相传我国古代能作“掌上飞”的是(B)A.杨玉环B.赵飞燕C.西施D.貂蝉日积月累.180510英汉短语翻译词条1.“三步走”战略Three-Step Development Strategy2.全面建成小康社会Build a moderately prosperous society3.积分落户points-based household4.按揭贷款mortgage loans5.朝韩首脑会晤inter-Korean summit6.IMF国际货币基金组织7.public rental housing公租房8.capability of independent innovation自主创新能力9.semantic translation语义翻译10.idiomatic translation语义翻译日积月累.180512英汉短语互译1.自由贸易试验区pilot free trade zone2.近海防御offshore waters defense3.医患纠纷patient-doctor disputes4.量子通信quantum communication5.春联Spring Festival Couplets6.Negative list负面清单7.intelligent vehicles智能汽车8.THAAD末端高空区域防御系统(萨德)9.pay by installment分期支付10.the Renaissance文艺复兴日积月累.180514英汉短语互译1.交流互鉴exchanges and mutual learning2.经济全球化economic globalization3.监测网络monitoring network4.伊朗核协议Iran nuclear deal5.工匠精神craftsmanship spirit6.bubble economy泡沫经济7.special effect特效8.Ferrari法拉利9.F.I.T国际翻译工作者联合会10.arms race军备竞赛日积月累.180515英汉短语翻译1.战略沟通strategic communication2.稳中求进to make progress while ensuring stability3.基础设施建设infrastructure construction4.反倾销措施anti-dumping measures5.轮值主席rotating presidency6.FTA自由贸易协定7.leap year闰年8.health resort疗养胜地,养生度假村9.singe one's wings损害自己的名誉或利益10.cohesion and coherence衔接与连贯日积月累.180516英汉短语翻译国产航母domestically built aircraft carrier退耕还林return cultivated land to forest or pastures传销pyramid selling房子是用来住的,不是用来炒的housing is for accommodation rather than speculation中等收入陷阱middle-income traphome with joint property rights共有产权住房the Doctrine of Mean《中庸》OTC非处方药cross-border e-commerce境外电子商务vape电子烟百科知识1.“月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后。
信息管理专业英语unit1-12单词以及句子翻译专业英语一、专业术语RFID射频识别IOT物联网Cloud Computing云计算ANN神经网络BI商业智能E-business /Web-business / e-commerce电子商务KM知识管理GIS地理信息系统PDA掌上电脑Bluetooth蓝牙技术CAD计算机辅助设计CMD计算机辅助制作branch manager部门经理binary format二进制格式USB(Universal Serial Bus)通用串行总线computer case计算机机箱temporary storage of information临时存储信息floppy disk软盘CD-ROM只读光盘textual源代码video card视频卡,显卡sound card音频卡,声卡DVD数字化视频光盘SISP战略信息系统计划Project Management项目管理Human Resources人力资源End-User Systems Development最终用户系统开发rolling business plans流动业务计划MIS(management information system)管理信息系统DB(database)数据库DBMS(database Management system)数据库管理系统DSS(decision support system)决策支持系统operational manager运营经理Senior manager 高级经理semi-structured decision半结构化决策ANS(Advanced Network&Service)高级网络及服务公司TPS(Transaction Processing systems)事务管理系统KWS(Knowledge Work Systems)只是工作系统GRASP绘制机器人技术应用软件包OAS(Office Automation Systems)办公自动化系统ESS(Executive Support Systems)经理支持系统EIS(Executive Information Systems)经理信息系统OLAP(on-line analytical processing)联机分析处理GIS(Group Information Systems)集群信息系统GDSS(Group Decision Support Systems)集群决策支持系统MIT(Management Information technology)管理信息技术RAD(rapid application development)快速应用开发Two-way communications 双工通讯client-server environment 客户服务环境Data warehouse 数据仓库logistics information systems 物流信息系统ERP(Enterprise resource planning)企业资源规划CRM(customer relationship Management)客户关系管理OOD(Object-Oriented design)面向对象设计OOP(Object0Oriented Programming)面向对象编程HLLs(High Level Languages)高级语言ADTs(Abstract Data Types)抽象数据类型Software Ics软件的组成单元machine code机器码op-code输出码EDI(Electronic Data interchange)电子数据交换SMEs(small and medium sized enterprises)中小企业B2B企业对企业电子商务B2C企业对用户电子商务CERT(Character Error Rate Tester)字符出错率测试器CIAS(Communication Link Analyzer System)通信链路分析系统IMS(Information Management System)管理信息系统NDMS(Netware Data Management System)网络数据管理系统二、翻译Unit 11. Management is the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources.管理是组织目标通过计划、组织、领导、控制组织资源实现的有效方式。
物联网英语作文四级范文The Development of IoT。
With the rapid development of technology, the Internet of Things (IoT) has become a hot topic in recent years. IoT refers to the connection of everyday objects to the internet, allowing them to send and receive data. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work, and it is already being used in various industries.One of the biggest advantages of IoT is its ability to improve efficiency and productivity. For example, in manufacturing, IoT sensors can be used to monitor machines and equipment, allowing for predictive maintenance and reducing downtime. In healthcare, IoT devices can be used to monitor patients remotely, allowing for more personalized and efficient care. In agriculture, IoT sensors can be used to monitor soil moisture and nutrient levels, allowing for more precise irrigation andfertilization.Another advantage of IoT is its potential to improve safety and security. For example, in transportation, IoT sensors can be used to monitor road conditions and traffic, allowing for better traffic management and accident prevention. In homes, IoT devices can be used to monitorfor fires, carbon monoxide, and other hazards, allowing for quicker response times and potentially saving lives.However, there are also challenges and concerns associated with IoT. One of the biggest concerns is security, as the vast amount of data being transmitted and stored by IoT devices makes them vulnerable to hacking and cyber attacks. Another concern is privacy, as IoT devices can collect and transmit personal data without the user's knowledge or consent.Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of IoT are too great to ignore. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more innovative uses of IoT inthe future. It is important for businesses and individualsto stay informed and take steps to ensure the security and privacy of their IoT devices. With responsible use and development, IoT has the potential to transform our world for the better.。
1.e-mail spam垃圾邮件2.Jet lag时差3.European Union欧共体European Community欧盟4.IELTS雅思TOEFL托福5.Inflation通货膨胀6.virtuous circle良性循环vicious circle恶性循环7.aircraft carrier航空母舰8.CPI居民消费价格指数9.World Expo世界博览会10.economically affordable house经济适用房11.ceasefire agreement停火协议12.expand domestic demand扩大内需13.High-speed railway高速铁路14.Magnetic levitation train磁悬浮列车15.Resource-conservative and enviroment friendly资源节约,环境友好16.State Tobacco Monopoly Bureaus国家烟草专卖局17.On-the-job training在职培训18.People’s livehoood民生19.The state civil servants examination国家公务员考试20.Fake diploma假文凭21.Orange alert橙色预警22.Academic threshold学术门槛23.A bite of China舌尖上的中国24.Bulletin board告示牌,贴吧25.Hit-and-run肇事逃逸26.Cash on delivery货到付款27.Palmtop computer掌上电脑28.29.The Analects of Confucious论语30.Live from paycheck to paycheck月光族31.Brain drain人才流失32.Internet of things物联网pulsory education义务教育39.Martial arts武术40.Feed additions饲料添加剂41.The housing endowment以房养老42.Halal food清真食品43.Establish an all-round affluent society全面建设小康社会Establish a moderately prosperous society建设小康社会44.Product placement植入广告45.Even-odd license plate plan单双号限行46.Jaywalking乱穿马路47.Plastic surgery整形手术48.Shopping spree疯狂购物49.Up in the air悬而未决50.A yes-man唯唯诺诺的人51.Helicopter parent直升机父母52.Legal festivals法定节假日53.Chain debts三角债54.Purchasing power购买力55.Economic lever经济杠杆56.(non)-renewable resources(不)可再生资源57.Fiscal deficlt财政赤字58.Alleviate poverty扶贫59.Ant tribe蚁族60.Purchase restriction限购令61.Tablet PC平板电脑62.(secret)ballot(不记名)投票63.Unveil fresh policy颁布新政64.Hostage人质65.Qualifying examination资格考试66.News briefing新闻发布会67.Confer a degree on sb授予某人学位68.Alumni校友69.Non-resident student走读生Boarder住宿70.degree cerrtificate学位证71.Exam-oriented education应试教育72....73.enrolment and placement office招生就业指导办公室74.The trimester system三学期制75.middle school affilicated to......附中76.food allowance伙食补助77.academic record成绩单78.Intership实习生79.High scores and low abilities高分低能80.National Proficiency Test of Putonghua全国普通话考试81.Alma Mater母校82.Bar code条形码83.Caller ID display来电显示84.Hoax恶搞85.Seekill秒杀86.Trouble-shooting查找故障87.Open audition海选88.Disposable chopsticks一次性筷子89.Amentdent宪法、法案等的修正90.Breath alcohol酒精呼气测试91.Mortgage slave房奴92.Fake singles隐婚93.Affuenza富贵病。
物联网专业英语复习第一部分单词或词组英译中10空,共10分汉语中译英10空,共10分第一单元单词actuator 执行器Cyber-Physical System CPS信息物理融合系统Cyberspace 网络空间device processing power 设备处理能力fibre-based network 基于光纤的网络Global Positioning System GPS 全球定位系统Internet of Things IoT 物联网Machine to Machine M2M 机器对机器nano-technology 纳米技术quick response QR-code reader QR 码阅读器radio frequency identification RFID无线射频识别技术RFID scannerRFID扫描仪Sensor 传感器shrinking thing 微小的物体storage capacity 存储空间tag 标签middleware中间件中间设备paradigm 范例、概念ubiquitous 普遍存在的gateway device 网关设备logistics 物流in the scenario of … 在…背景下from the point view of … 从…角度convergence 收敛、集合pervasive 普遍存在的domotics 家庭自动化e-health 电子医疗in the context 在…方面with reference to 关于,根据第二单元单词3rd-Generation 3G第三代移动通信技术bluetooth蓝牙cloud computing云计算database数据库embedded software嵌入式软件enterprise local area network企业局域网EPC Global一个组织产品电子代码Fibre to the x FTTx光纤入户=Identity authentication身份认证implant microchip植入芯片infrared sensor红外传感器infrared technology红外技术intelligent processing智能处理IPv6一种互联网协议Japanese Ubiquitous ID日本泛在标识Location Based Service LBS基于位置的服务logistics management物流管理serviced-oriented面向服务的Telecommunications Management Network TMN电信管理网络application layer应用层business layer商业服务层perception layer感知层processing layer处理层transport layer传输层ubiquitous computing普适计算Wireless Fidelity WiFi一种无线局域网络技术ZigBee一种低功耗个域网协议deployment调度、部署intervention介入unprecedented空前的refinement精炼、提炼concrete具体的attribute特征、属性conform to符合、遵照e-commerce电子商务assign分配、指定、赋值diverse多种多样的connotation内涵enterprise企业、事业、进取心appropriateness适当、合适immense巨大的、无穷的magnitude大小、量级representative典型的、代表module模块literacy读写能力、文化素养ultra mobile broadband UMB超移动宽带mass大规模的,集中的第三单元chip芯片integrated综合的、集成的precision精度、精确、精确度reliability可靠性sensitive敏感的、易受伤害的semiconductor半导体silicon硅、硅元素thermocouple热电偶hall门厅、走廊、会堂、食堂programmable可编程的biological sensor生物传感器chemical sensor化学传感器electric current电流electrode potential电极电位integrated circuit集成电路sensor/transducer technology传感器技术sensing element敏感元件transforming circuit转换电路overload capacity过载能力physical sensor物理传感器intelligent sensor智能传感器displacement sensor位移传感器angular displacement sensor角位移传感器pressure sensor压力传感器torque sensor扭矩传感器temperature sensor温度传感器quantity量、数量voltage电压pulse脉冲acquisition获取eliminate消灭、消除volume体积breakthrough突破superconductivity超导电性magnetic磁的inferior in在…方面低劣craft工艺、手艺、太空船quantum量子interference干涉antibody抗体antigen抗原immunity免疫inspect检查、视察organism有机体、生物体hepatitis肝炎high polymer高分子聚合物thin film薄膜ceramic陶瓷adsorption吸附hydrone水分子dielectric medium电解质humidity湿度plasma等离子体polystyrene聚苯乙烯intermediary媒介物polarization极化、偏振corrosion腐蚀tele-measure遥测oxidation氧化lithography光刻diffusion扩散deposition沉淀planar process平面工艺anisotropic各项异性evaporation蒸镀sputter film溅射薄膜resonant pressure sensor谐振压力传感器sophisticated富有经验的etch蚀刻diaphragm膜片beam横梁、照射Wheatstone Bridge惠斯通电桥piezo-resistance压阻gauge计量器ion离子petroleum石油lag落后第五单元barcode条码encode编码graphic图形one-dimensional barcode一维码two-dimensional barcode二维码capacity容量disposal处理、安排algorithm算法barcode reader条码阅读器facsimile传真、复写transcript成绩单authenticate认证、鉴定photocopy复印件asymmetric非对称的cryptographic加密的tamper篡改merchandise商品track跟踪personalized个人化的reflectivity反射率recognition识别agency代理commodity商品portable便携式的execute执行impair损害pantry食品柜distinguish区分individual个人的,个别的encrypt把…加密issuing authority发行机关biometric生物识别iris minutiae虹膜特征trigger switch触发开关establish建立dynamic动态的grasp抓住exchange交换retrieve重新获取capture拍摄duplicate复制forge伪造signature签名第六单元synchronous同步的asynchronous异步的barrier障碍物proliferation扩散router路由器restriction限制seismic地震的scenario方案;情节scalability可扩展的spatially空间地topology拓扑latency延迟facilitate促进release发布thermal热的intrusion入侵coordinator协调器node节点surveillance监督base station基站access point接入点,访问点ad hoc无线自组织网络data-link layer数据链路层network topology网络拓扑peer-to-peer点对点power consumption能耗resource constraints资源受限solar panels太阳能电池版plant equipment工厂设备energy efficient高效能end device终端设备Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE美国电气与电子工程师学会Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems, MEMS 微机电系统Personal Area Network, PAN个域网Wireless Sensor Network, WSN 无线传感网络缩写词展开完整形式10空,共10分;IoTInternet of Things物联网RFIDRadio Frequency Identification无线射频识别QR-codeQuick Response Code快速响应码GPSGlobal Positioning System全球定位系统CPSCyber Physical System信息物理融合系统M2MMachine to Machine机器对机器HTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol超文本传输协议SOAPSimple Object Access Protocol简单对象访问协议EPCElectronic Product Code电子产品码WLANWireless Local Area Network无线局域网LBSLocal Based Service基于位置的服务GSMGlobal System for Mobile Communications全球移动通信系统DNSDomain Name Server域名服务器HTMLHypertext Makeup Protocol超文本标记语言CPUCentral Processing Unit中央处理器单元EPROMErasable Programmable Read Only Memory可擦除可编程只读存储器UHFUltra High Frequency超高频第二部分完型填空4大题,每题5空,共20分第三部分阅读理解2大题,每题5空,共20分第四部分:句子翻译5题,每题6分,共30分2、5、7、11可能不考,不是作业本上的1、The main strength of the IoT idea is the high impact it will have on severalaspects of everyday-life and behavior of potential users. From the point of view of a private user, the most obvious effects of the IoT introduction will be visible in both working and domestic fields. In this context, domotics, assisted living, e-health, enhanced learning are only a few examples ofpossible application scenarios in which the new paradigm will play a leading role in the near future.物联网理念的主要强大之处在于,它对潜在用户的日常生活和行为的方方面面产生很大影响;从个人用户的角度来看,它最明显的影响就是工作和家庭方面的影响;在这方面,家庭自动化、辅助生活、电子医疗和加强学习只是物联网应用的几个例子,在不久的将来,这种新模式将发挥主导作用;2、Similarly, from the perspective of business users, the most apparent consequences will be equally visible in fields such as, automation and industrial manufacturing, logistics, business/process management, intelligent transportation of people and goods.同样,从企业用户的角度来看,同样会在一些领域产生最显着的影响,如自动化工业制造、物流、业务/流程管理、人员和货物的智能交通;3、In the IoT, "things" are expected to become active participants in business, information and social processes where they are enabled to interact and communicate among themselves and with the environment by exchanging data and information "sensed" about the environment, while reacting autonomously to the "real/physical world" events and influencing it by running processes that trigger actions and create services with or without direct human intervention.在物联网中,“物”有望成为商业、信息和社会进程的积极参与者;通过交换数据和“感受到”环境的信息,它们可以进行彼此之间及与环境之间的互动和通信;与此同时,通过运行触发动作、创造服务过程,不管有没有人为干预,来自主反应和影响“真实/物理世界”的事件; 4、As the Internet of Things is different from Internet and Telecommunications Network, the above two models is not suitable for IoT directly. But they have some similar features in common. So through the technology architecture of the Internet and the logical structure of Telecommunications Management Network and combined with the specific features of the Internet of Things, we established anew architecture of IoT.由于物联网不同于互联网和电信网络,所以这两种模式不能直接适用于物联网;但是它们有一些相似的共同特征;所以凭借互联网的技术架构和电信管理网络的逻辑结构,再结合物联网的具体特征,我们建立了一个新的物联网架构;5、We believe that this architecture would better explain the features and connotation of the Internet of Things. We divided IoT into 5 layers, which are the Business Layer, the Application Layer, the Processing Layer, the Transport Layer and the Perception Layer.我们相信,这种架构将更好地解释物联的内涵和特征;我们将物联网分为5层:业务层,应用层,处理层,传输层和感知层;6、We think the existing 3-layer structure has certain significance to understand technical architecture of the Internet of Things at the initial stage of its development, but it cannot completely explain its structure and the connotation. Just because of this, many scholars have different opinions on the definition and scope of the Internet of Things.我们认为,在物联网发展的初级阶段,现有的三层结构对了解技术架构方面具有重要意义,但是并不能完全解释物联网的结构和内涵;正因为如此,许多学者在物联网的定义和范畴上持不同意见;7、Such micro-silicon sensor is an advanced sensor technology nowadays. Its basic advantage is that the sensitive components' volume is micron sized, which is one-tenths or one-hundredths of that in traditional sensors. Hence it plays an important role in the fields of industrial control, aerospace, biomedicine etc. Another advantage is its high sensitivity which makes minuteness measurement possible. For example, it could serve as blood pressure sensor.像这样的硅微传感器是当今传感器发展的前沿技术,其基本特点是敏感元件体积为微米量级,是传统传感器的几十、几百分之一;在工业控制、航空航天领域、生物医学等方面有重要的作用;另一特点是敏感度高,使得微小量可被测量,可制成血压压力传感器;8、Traditional sensor could not rival integrated sensor in many respects.Integrated sensor is not only a simple sensor but also a chip, in which there are auxiliary components and sensors, with the function of calibration, compensation, self-diagnosis and network communication. It has lower cost to increase the quantity of production. American LUCAS, NOVASENSOR Inc. produces 10,000 integrated blood pressure sensors per week.在很多方面,集成传感器的优势是传统传感器无法竞争的,它不仅仅是一个简单的传感器,更是一个将辅助元件与传感器同时集成在一块的芯片,使之具有标定、补偿、自诊断和网络通信的功能,它可降低成本、增加产量,美国LUCAS、NOVASENSOR公司每星期能生产1万只这种集成血压传感器;9、The technology behind RFID uses inductive coupling to transfer data. Induction occurs when a wire or any other conductor of electricity passes through a magnetic field, generating an electric current in the wire. It is similar to the principal of electromagnetism-that passing an electric current through a coil of wire will generate a magnetic field-only in reverse. An RFID chip has a coil of wire built into it. An electric current jumps between the two coils of wire,signaling data-carrying, short-range radio waves to pass between the two devices. RFID技术利用电感耦合来传输数据;当电线或其它任何导体通过磁场会产生电感,从而在电线中形成电流;这与电磁原理相似,电流通过线圈将形成磁场—只不过是一个相反过程;RFID芯片内部封装有线圈,电流在两个线圈之间传递,携带的数据信号利用短距离无线电波在两个设备之间传输;10、Barcode is the varying width of the black bars and blank, arranged according to the encoding rules for the expression of a set of information graphics identifier. The common barcode is reflectivity big difference between black bars and the white empty arranged in parallel line pattern. Barcodes can be marked goods producers, manufacturers, product name, production date, number of books, mail starting and ending location, category, date and other information.条形码是将由宽度不等的多个黑条和空白,按照一定的编码规则排列,用以表达一组信息的图形标识符;常见的条形码是由反射率相差很大的黑条和白条空排列成的平行线图案;条形码可以标出物品的生产国、制造厂家、产品名称、生产日期、图书分类号、邮件起止地点、类别、日期等许多信息;11、There are three types of ZigBee devices: ZigBee coordinator, ZigBee router, and ZigBee end device. ZigBee coordinator initiates network formation, stores information, and can bridge networks together. ZigBee routers link groups of devices together and provide multi-hop communication across devices. ZigBee end-device consists of the sensors, actuators, and controllers that collects data and communicates only with the router or the coordinator.ZigBee设备有3种类型:ZigBee协调器,ZigBee路由器和ZigBee终端设备;ZigBee协调器负责网路的形成、信息存储和桥接网络;ZigBee路由器将多组设备联系在一起,提供不同设备间多跳式通信;终端设备由传感器、执行器、控制器组成,可以收集数据,只能和路由器或者协调器进行通信;。
中英文资料外文翻译Internet of Things1.the definition of connotationThe English name of the Internet of Things The Internet of Things, referred to as: the IOT.Internet of Things through the pass, radio frequency identification technology, global positioning system technology, real-time acquisition of any monitoring, connectivity, interactive objects or processes, collecting their sound, light, heat, electricity, mechanics, chemistry, biology, the location of a variety of the information you need network access through a variety of possible things and things, objects and people in the Pan-link intelligent perception of items and processes, identification and management. The Internet of Things IntelliSense recognition technology and pervasive computing, ubiquitous network integration application, known as the third wave of the world's information industry development following the computer, the Internet. Not so much the Internet of Things is a network, as Internet of Things services and applications, Internet of Things is also seen as Internet application development. Therefore, the application of innovation is the core of the development of Internet of Things, and 2.0 of the user experience as the core innovation is the soul of Things.2.The meaning of "material"Where the "objects" to meet the following conditions can be included in the scope of the "Internet of Things":1. Receiver have the appropriate information;2. Have a data transmission path;3. Have a certain storage capabilities;4. To have the CPU;5.To have the operating system;6. Have specialized applications;7. Have a data transmitter;8. Follow the communication protocol of Things;9. World Network, a unique number that can be identified.3. "Chinese style" as defined inInternet of Things (Internet of Things) refers to is the ubiquitous (Ubiquitous) terminal equipment (Devices) and facilities (Facilities), including with the "inner intelligence" sensors, mobile terminals, industrial systems, floor control system, the family of Intelligentfacilities, video surveillance systems, and external can "(Enabled), such as RFID, a variety of assets (the Assets), personal and vehicle carrying the wireless terminal" intelligent objects or animals "or" smart dust "(the Mote), through a variety of wireless and / or cable over long distances and / or short-range communication networks to achieve interoperability (M2M), application integration (the Grand Integration), and based on cloud computing, SaaS operation mode, in internal network (intranet), private network (extranet), and / or the Internet (Internet) environment, the use of appropriate information security mechanisms to provide a safe, controlled and even personalized real-time online monitoring, retrospective positioning, alarm linkage, command and control plan management, remote control, security, remote repair and maintenance, online upgrades, statistical reporting, decision support, the leadership of the desktop (showcase of the Cockpit Dashboard) management and service functions, "Everything," "efficient, energy saving, security environmental protection, "" possession, control, Camp integration [1].4.EU definitionIn September 2009, the Internet of Things and enterprise environments held in Beijing, China-EU Seminar on the European Commission and Social Media Division RFID Division is responsible for Dr. Lorent Ferderix, given the EU's definition of things: the Internet of Things is a dynamic global network infrastructure, it has a standards-based and interoperable communication protocols, self-organizing capabilities, including physical and virtual "objects" of identity, physical attributes, virtual features and smart interface and seamless integration of information networks .Internet of Things Internet and media, the Internet and business Internet one, constitute the future of the Internet.5.changeThe Internet of Things (Internet of Things) the word universally recognized at home and abroad Ashton, Professor of the MIT Auto-ID Center in 1999 first proposed to study RFID. The report of the same name released in 2005, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the definition and scope of the Internet of Things has been a change in the coverage of a larger expansion, no longer refers only to the Internet of Things based on RFID technology.Since August 2009, Premier Wen Jiabao put forward the "Experience China" Internet of Things was officially listed as a national one of the five emerging strategic industries, to write the "Government Work Report" Internet of Things in China has been the great concern of the society as a whole degree of concern is unparalleled in the United States, European Union, as well as other countries.The concept of Internet of Things is not so much a foreign concept, as it has been the concept of a "Made in China", his coverage of the times, has gone beyond the scope of the 1999 Ashton professor and the 2005 ITU report referred to, Internet of Things has been labeled a "Chinese style" label.6.BackgroundThe concept of Internet of Things in 1999. Internet-based, RFID technology and EPC standards, on the basis of the computer Internet, the use of radio frequency identification technology, wireless data communication technology, a global items of information to real-time sharing of the physical Internet "Internet of things" (referred to as the Internet of Things) , which is also the basis of the first round of the China Internet of Things boom set off in 2003.The sensor network is built up based on sensing technology network. Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1999 on the start sensor network research and has made some achievements in scientific research, the establishment of applicable sensor network.1999, held in the United States, mobile computing and networking International Conference, "The sensor network is a development opportunity facing humanity in the next century. In 2003, the United States, "Technology Review" proposed sensor network technology will be future changes ten people's lives first.November 17, 2005, the WSIS held in Tunis (WSIS), the International TelecommunicationUnion released ITU Internet Report 2005: Internet of Things ", citing the concept of the" Internet of things ". The report pointed out that the ubiquitous "Internet of Things" communication era is approaching, all the objects in the world, from tires to toothbrushes, from housing to the tissue via the Internet, take the initiative to be exchanged. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), sensor technology, nanotechnology, intelligent embedded technology will be more widely used.According to the description of the ITU, the era of things, a short-range mobile transceivers embedded in a variety of daily necessities, human beings in the world of information and communication will receive a new communication dimension, from any time communication between people of the place of connection extended to the communication connection between persons and things and things and things. The Internet of Things concept of the rise, largely due to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the title of Internet of Things 2005 annual Internet Report. However, the ITU report the lack of a clear definition of Things.Domestic Internet of Things is also there is no single standard definition, but the Internet of Things In essence, the Internet of Things is a polymer application of modern information technology to a certain stage of development and technological upgrading of various sensing technology modern network technology and artificial intelligence and automation technology aggregation and integration of applications, so that the human and material wisdom of dialogue to create a world of wisdom. Because the development of the Internet of Things technology, involving almost all aspects of IT, innovative application and development of a polymer, systematic, and therefore be called revolutionary innovation of information industry. Summed up the nature of the Internet of Things is mainly reflected in three aspects: First, the Internet features that need to be networked objects must be able to achieve the interoperability of the Internet; identification and communication features, that is included in the Internet of Things "objects" must to have the functions of automatic identification and physical objects communication (M2M); intelligent features, the network system should have automated, self-feedback and intelligent control features January 28, 2009, Obama became the President of the United States, held with U.S. business leaders a "round table", as one of the only two representatives, IBM CEO Sam Palmisano for the first time that "the wisdom of the Earth" this concept, it is recommended that the new government to invest in a new generation of intelligent infrastructure.February 24, 2009 news, IBM Greater China CEO money crowd called "Smarter Planet"strategy announced in the forum 2009IBM.This concept was put forth, that is the great concern of the United States from all walks of life, and even analysts believe that IBM's vision is very likely to rise to U.S. national strategy, and caused a sensation in the world. IBM believes that the industry, the next phase of the mission is to make full use of the new generation of IT technology in all walks of life among specifically, is the embedded sensors and equipment to the power grid, railways, bridges, tunnels, highways, buildings, water supply systems dams, oil and gas pipelines and other objects, and is generally connected to the formation of Things.Strategy conference, IBM, and implant the concept of "wisdom" in the implementation of the infrastructure, strong, not only in the short term to stimulate the economy, promote employment, and in a short period of time for China to build a mature wisdom infrastructure platform.IBM "Smarter Planet" strategy will set off again after the wave of Internet technology industrial revolution. Former IBM CEO Lou Gerstner has raised an important point of view, every 15 years, a revolution in computing model. This judgment is the same as Moore's Law accurately call it a "15-year cycle Law". Before and after 1965, changes to the mainframe as a symbol, 1980 marked by the popularization of personal computers, 1995, the Internet revolution. Each such technological change are caused by the enterprise, industry and even the national competitive landscape of major upheaval and change. To a certain extent in the Internet revolution is ripening by the "information superhighway" strategy. 1990s, the Clinton administration plan for 20 years, $ 200 billion to -4000 billion, construction of the U.S. National Information Infrastructure, to create a huge economic and social benefits.Today, the "Smarter Planet" strategy by many Americans that there are many similarities with the "information superhighway", the same they revive the economy, a key strategy for competitive advantage. The strategy can be set off, not only for the United States, such as the Internet revolution was the wave of technological and economic concern, more attention from the world."Internet of Things prospects are very bright, it will dramatically change our current way of life." Demonstration director of the Center of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, National Electrical and Electronic Zhao Guoan said. Industry experts said that the Internet of things to our life personification of the things became a kind of human.Goods (goods) in the world of physical objects associated with each other "exchange", without the need for human intervention.The Internet of Things using radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, to achieve the interconnection and sharing of the automatic identification of goods (products) and information through the computer Internet. It can be said that the Internet of Things depict the world is full of intelligent. In the world of Internet of Things, material objects connected to the dragnet.The second session, held at Peking University in November 2008, China Mobile Government Seminar "Knowledge Society and Innovation 2.0", the experts made the mobile technology, the Internet of Things technology led to the development of economic and social form, innovative forms of change, and promote the The next generation of innovation for the knowledge society as the core of user experience (innovative 2.0) the formation of innovation and development of the form to pay more attention to the user to focus on people-oriented. Research institutions is expected to 10 years, the Internet of Things may be mass adoption of this technology will develop into one of thousands of yuan-scale high-tech market, the industry than the Internet 30 times.It is learned that the things industry chain can be broken down into the identity, perception, processing and information transfer, four links, each link of the key technologies for the wireless transmission network of RFID, sensors, smart chip and telecom operators. EPOSS in the "Internet of Things in 2020" report, an analysis predicted that the future development of the Internet of Things will go through four stages, 2010, RFID is widely used in the field of logistics, retail and pharmaceutical objects interconnect 2010 to 2015, 2015 ~ In 2020, the object into the semi-intelligent, intelligent objects into 2020.As the vanguard of the Internet of Things, RFID has become the most concerned about the technology market. The data show that the global RFID market size in 2008 from $ 4.93 billion in 2007 rose to $ 5.29 billion, this figure covers all aspects of the RFID market, including tags, readers and other infrastructure, software and services. RFID card and card-related infrastructure will account for 57.3 percent of the market, reaching $ 3.03 billion. Application from financial and security industries will drive the market growth of RFID cards. Analysys International forecasts, the Chinese RFID market size in 2009 will reach 5.0 billion, a CAGR of 33%, in which the electronic tag is more than 3.8 billion yuan, the reader close to 700 million yuan, software and services market to reach 500 million yuan pattern.MEMS is the abbreviation of the micro-electromechanical systems, MEMS technology is built on the basis of micro / nano, the market prospect is broad. The main advantage of the MEMS sensoris the small size, large-scale mass production cost reduction, mainly used in two major areas of automotive and consumer electronics. Under ICInsight the latest report is expected in 2007-2012, global sales of semiconductor sensors and actuators based on MEMS will reach 19 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR), compared with $ 4.1 billion in 2007 to five years will achieve $ 9.7 billion in annual sales.7.PrincipleInternet of Things is on the basis of the computer Internet, RFID, wireless data communications technology, to construct a cover everything in the world's "Internet of Things". In this network, the goods (products) to each other "exchange", without the need for human intervention. Its essence is the use of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to achieve the interconnection and sharing of the automatic identification of goods (products) and information through the computer Internet.The Internet of Things is a very important technology is radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. RFID is radio frequency identification (Radio Frequency Identification) technology abbreviation, is an automatic identification technology in the 1990s began to rise, the more advanced a non-contact identification technology. The development of RFID technology based on a simple RFID system, combined with existing network technology, database technology, middleware technology, to build a one composed by a large number of networked readers and numerous mobile label, much larger than the Internet of Things trend.RFID, It is able to let items "speak" a technique. In the "Internet of Things" concept, RFID tags are stored in the specification and interoperability information collected automatically by wireless data communications network to a central information system, to achieve the identification of goods (products), and then through the open computer network for information exchange and sharing, items "transparent" management.The information technology revolution in the Internet of Things is referred to as IT mobile Pan of a specific application. Internet of Things through IntelliSense, identification technology and pervasive computing, ubiquitous network convergence applications, breaking the conventional thinking before, human beings can achieve ubiquitous computing and network connectivity [3]. The traditional thinking has been the separation of physical infrastructure and IT infrastructure: on the one hand, airports, roads, buildings, while on the other hand, the data center, PC, broadband. In theera of the "Internet of Things", reinforced concrete, cable with the chip, broadband integration into a unified infrastructure, in this sense, the infrastructure is more like a new site of the Earth, the world really works it, which including economic management, production operation, social and even personal life. "Internet of Things" makes it much more refined and dynamic management of production and life, to manage the future of the city to achieve the status of "wisdom" to improve resource utilization and productivity levels, and improve the relationship between man and nature. 8.Agency1, institution-buildingAs the first national Internet of Things industry community organizations - the application of professional Committee of China Electronic Chamber of Things technology products (referred to as: "objects of the IPCC"), the Ministry of Civil Affairs in June 2010, preliminary approved by the Ministry of August being reported that the Ministry of Civil Affairs for final approval.2, the main taskServe as a bridge between business and government to assist the Government of the industry guidance, coordination, consultation and services to help members to reflect the business requirements to the Government; coordinate the relationship between enterprises to strengthen technical cooperation, product distribution, the elimination of vicious competition ; supervision of members the correct implementation of national laws and regulations, to regulate the industry; member of information communication technology products, cooperation, resource sharing, capital operation, and promote the application of Internet of Things technologies and products, and promote the Internet of Things industrial scale , co-development.9.ConstructionInternet of Things in the practical application to carry out requires the involvement of all walks of life, and need the guidance of the national government as well as related regulations and policies to assist the launching of the Internet of Things has the scale, broad participation, management, technical, and material properties, etc. other features, the technical problem is the most crucial issues of Things billion Bo logistics consulting, Internet of Things technology is an integrated technology, a system not yet which company has overall responsibility for network planning and construction of the entire system, theoretical studies have commenced in all walks of life and the practical application is limited to within the industry. The key is on the planning and design andresearch and development of the Internet of Things research in the field of RFID, sensors, embedded software, and transmission of data calculation. In general, to carry out the steps of the Internet of things mainly as follows:(1) identified the object attributes, properties, including static and dynamic properties of the static property can be stored directly in the label, the dynamic properties need to start with sensors to detect real-time;(2) the need to identify the equipment to complete the reading of object attributes, and information into a data format suitable for network transmission;(3) the object of information transmitted over the network to the information processing center (processing center may be distributed, such as home computers or mobile phones, may also be centralized, such as China Mobile IDC) by the processing center to complete the object communication calculation.10.key areasInternet of Things 4 key areas:(1) RFID;(2) sensor network;(3) The M2M;(4) integration of the two.11.TrendIndustry experts believe that the Internet of things on the one hand can improve economic efficiency and significant cost savings; the other hand, can provide technical impetus to global economic recovery. Currently, the United States, the European Union are all invested heavily in-depth study to explore the Internet of Things. The country is also highly concerned about the emphasis of Things, Industry and Information Technology Ministry in conjunction with the relevant departments are conducting research in a new generation of IT to the formation of policies and measures to support the development of a new generation of IT.China Mobile CEO Wang Jianzhou has repeatedly mentioned the Internet of Things will become the focus of future development of China Mobile. He will be invited to Taiwan to produce RFID, sensors and bar code manufacturers and China Mobile. According to him, the use of the Internet of Things technology, Shanghai Mobile has a number of industrial customers tailor the datacollection, transmission, processing and business management in one set of wireless application solutions. The latest data show that Shanghai Mobile has more than 100,000 chips mounted on a taxi, bus, various forms of matter networking applications in all walks of prowess, to ensure the orderly operation of the city. During the Shanghai World Expo, "the bus services through" will be fully applied to the Shanghai public transport system, the smooth flow traffic to the most advanced technology to protect Expo area; for logistics transportation management, e-logistics ", will provide users with real-time accurate information of Cargo, vehicle tracking and positioning, the transport path selection, logistics network design and optimization services greatly enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of logistics enterprises.In addition, the popularization of the "Internet of Things" for the number of animals, plants and machinery, sensors and RFID tags of items and related interface devices will greatly exceed the number of mobile phones. The promotion of the Internet of Things will become a drive to promote economic development for the industry to open up a potential development opportunities. According to the current demand on the Internet of Things, in recent years, billions of sensors and electronic tags, which will greatly promote the production of IT components, while increasing the number of job opportunities.According to reports, it is necessary to truly build an effective Internet of things, there are two important factors. First, the scale, only with the scale to make the items of intelligence play a role. For example, a city of one million vehicles, if we only 10000 vehicles installed on the smart system, it is impossible to form an intelligent transportation system; two mobility items are usually not static, but in the state of the movement , we must maintain the items in the state of motion, and even high-speed motion state can at any time for dialogue.FORRESTER of the authority of the U.S. advisory body predicted that 2020, the world of business of the Internet of Things, compared with the business of interpersonal communication, will reach 30 to 1, so the "Internet of Things" is known to be the next one trillion communications services.Internet of Things heat wave Why is rapidly growing in China? Internet of Things in China rapid rise thanks to the several advantages of our country in terms of things.In the early 1999 launched the Internet of Things core sensor network technology research, R & D level in the world; the second, sensor network field in the world, China is the standard one ofthe dominant country, the patent owner; third China is one of the countries to achieve a complete industrial chain of Things; Fourth, China's wireless communications network and broadband coverage provides a solid infrastructure to support the development of the Internet of Things; Fifth, China has become the world's first the three major economies, with strong economic strength to support the development of the Internet of Things.12.MythThe current understanding of the Internet of things there are a lot of misunderstanding, which is also a direct impact on our understanding of Things on the development of the logistics industry, it is necessary first to distinguish errors, clarify our thinking.One sensor networks or RFID network equivalent of Things. The fact that sensor technology, or RFID technology, or are simply one of the information collection technology. In addition to the sensor technology and RFID technology, GPS, video recognition, infrared, laser, scanning can be achieved automatically identify physical objects to communicate technical information collection technology can become the Internet of Things. Sensor networks or RFID network is just an application of Things, but not all of Things.Second, the Internet of Things as a myriad of unlimited extension of the Internet of Things as a completely open for all things, all of the interconnections, all shared Internet platform.In fact, the Internet of Things is not simple infinite extension of the global sharing of the Internet. Even if the Internet is also not only refers to we typically think of the international sharing computer network, Internet, WAN and LAN. Internet of Things can be both an extension of our usual sense of the Internet to the matter; LAN, professional can also be based on real needs and industrial applications. The reality is not necessary and can not make all the items networking; no need to make professional, LAN must be connected to the global Internet sharing platform. Of things in the future the Internet will be very different from the professional network of similar smart logistics, smart transportation, smart grid; the intelligence community and other local area network is the largest use of space.Ter, that the ubiquitous network of the Internet of Things Internet of Things, and therefore the Internet of Things is a castle in the air, is difficult to achieve the technology. In fact the Internet of things are real, many of the primary Internet of Things applications already for our services. The Internet of Things concept is introduced in many real-world applications based on polymericintegrated innovation, pre-existing network with the Internet of Things, intelligent, automated system, summarized and upgrading it upgraded from a higher perspective our knowledge.Four of Things as a basket, and everything installed inside; based on self-awareness, and only be able to interact, communication products as the Internet of Things applications. For example, just embedded some of the sensors, to become the so-called Internet of Things appliances; products labeled with RFID tags, became the Internet of Things applications.esThings widely used throughout the intelligent transportation, environmental protection, government, public safety, peace at home, smart fire, industrial monitoring, environmental monitoring, elderly care, personal health, floriculture, water monitoring, food traceability, enemy detection and intelligence collection and other fields.International Telecommunication Union in 2005, a report has portrayed the picture of the era of the "Internet of Things": car when the driver operational errors will automatically alarm; briefcase will remind the owner forgot something; clothes will "tell" washing machine color and water temperature requirements. Billion Bo logistics consulting vivid introduction of Things in the logistics field, for example, a logistics company, application of Things truck, when loading overweight, the car will automatically tell you overloaded and overload how many, but the space remaining , the severity of goods with how to tell you; when handling staff unloading a cargo packaging may be shouting "throw you hurt me", or "My dear, you do not get too barbaric, you can?"; when the driver and others gossip, trucks will pretend boss's voice roaring "stupid, the grid!Internet of things to make full use of a new generation of IT technology in all walks of life among, specifically, is embedded sensors and equipment to the power grid, railways, bridges, tunnels, highways, buildings, water systems, dams, oil and gas pipelines, etc.kinds of objects, and then "Internet of Things" with the existing Internet to integrate and realize the integration of human society and the physical system, which in this integrated network, there is the ability to super-powerful central computer cluster, integrated network staff implementation of real-time management and control of the machinery, equipment and infrastructure, on this basis, the human can be more refined and dynamic management of production and life, to achieve the status of the "wisdom", to improve resource utilization and productivity levels, and improve human the relationship between the natural.。
物联网产业链全梳理物联网(IoT,Internet of things)是指“万物相连的互联网”。
通过 RFID(Radio Frequency Identification, 无线射频识别)、感应器等信息传感设备,按约定的协议,把物品和互联网连接起来,进行信息交换和通信,以实现对物品的智能化识别、定位、跟踪、监控和管理。
根据中国产业信息网的数据及预测,2019 年全球物联网设备数量已达到 107 亿台,预计 2025 年物联网连接数将达到 251 亿台,保持 12%以上的增长。
市场规模方面,statista 数据显示,2020 年全球物联网市场规模达到 2480 亿美元,到 2025 年预计市场规模将超过 1.5 万亿美元,复合增长率达到 44.59%。
(1)5G 技术5G 的规模化商用带来新的市场机遇。
5G(5th-generation mobile networks)是第五代移动通信技术,也是对现有的 2G、3G、4G、WiFi 等无线接入技术的延伸。
作为最新一代移动通信技术,5G 依托全新的网络架构,具备高速率、低延时、高可靠性、大带宽等优势。
5G 技术在物联网行业应用中指的是以 5G 技术为物联网传输层的核心传输技术,将感知层采集的物体信息进一步传输与交换,以实现人与物、物与物互通互联。
5G 技术具有增强型移动宽带(eMBB)、超高可靠低时延通信(uRLLC)、海量机器类通信(mMTC)三种网络切片类型:1)增强型移动宽带(eMBB):在现有移动宽带业务场景的基础上,eMBB 通过提供更高体验速率和更大带宽的接入能力,优化人与人之间的通信体验。
在此场景下,用户体验速率可达 100Mbps 至 1Gbps (4G 最高体验速率为 10Mbps),峰值速度可达 10 至 20Gbps。
eMBB 场景主要面向 3D/4K/8K 超高清视频、AR/VR、云工作/娱乐、5G 移动终端等大流量移动宽带业务;2)超高可靠低时延通信(uRLLC):uRLLC 应用场景提供低时延和高可靠的信息交互能力,支持互联物体间高度实时、精密及安全的业务协作。
与物联网相关的专业词汇1.物联网Internet of Things2.体系结构architecture3.连接模式interconnection model4.通信协议communication protocol5.服务机制service mechanism6.信息模型information model7.物品关联thing association8.信息感知information sensing9.信息交互information interaction10.无线传感器网络wireless sensor network11.传感仪器sensing instrument12.光谱Spectrum13.系统架构architecture of IoT14.协议体系protocol structure15.时空数据spatial-temporal data16.海量数据管理 massive data management17.数据库集群系统database cluster system18.数据挖掘data mining19.电子饲喂站electronic feeding station20.信息采集系统 information acquisition system21.上下文感知context-aware22.服务质量QoS23.语义标注semantic annotation24.可信计算trusted computing25.匿名认证anonymous authentication26.匿名传输anonymous transmission27.无线射频识别 Radio Frequency Identification(RFID)28.农业物联网agriculture Internet of Things29.设施农业facility agriculture30.服务推荐service recommendation二、我感兴趣的一些专业词汇31.大数据big data32.深度学习deep learning33.社会计算social computing34.可视化visualization35.数据可用性data usability36.流式计算stream computing37.内存计算memory computing38.非结构化数据 unstructured data39.社交网络数据 social network data40.云计算技术cloud computing41.自然语言处理 natural language processing42.自然语言理解 natural language understanding43.贝叶斯推理Bayesian inference44.主题模型topic model45.机器翻译machine translation46.聚类分析clustering analysis47.词频分析frequency analysis48.主题词提取topic words extraction49.人工智能artificial intelligence50.混合模型hybrid model。
Reform and Opening Up: 改革开放Economic restructuring: 经济重组Market-oriented reforms: 市场化改革Opening up to the outside world: 对外开放Foreign investment: 外资投资Trade liberalization: 贸易自由化Foreign trade: 外贸Foreign direct investment (FDI): 外商直接投资Export-oriented economy: 出口导向型经济Special Economic Zones (SEZs): 经济特区Opening up of the financial sector: 金融业开放State-owned enterprise (SOE) reform: 国有企业改革Private enterprise development: 民营企业发展Market economy: 市场经济Socialism with Chinese characteristics: 中国特色社会主义Poverty alleviation: 扶贫Rural revitalization: 乡村振兴Belt and Road Initiative: 一带一路倡议Technological innovation: 科技创新Sustainable development: 可持续发展经济与金融:State-owned enterprise (SOE) reform: 国有企业改革Mixed ownership reform: 混合所有制改革Financial liberalization: 金融自由化Stock market: 股票市场Bond market: 债券市场Foreign exchange market: 外汇市场Free trade zone: 自由贸易区Capital market: 资本市场Intellectual property rights protection: 知识产权保护Financial deregulation: 金融放松管制贸易与对外关系:31. Free trade: 自由贸易Trade surplus/deficit: 贸易顺差/逆差Bilateral trade: 双边贸易Multilateral trade: 多边贸易Trade barriers: 贸易壁垒Trade imbalance: 贸易不平衡Foreign direct investment (FDI): 外商直接投资Trade cooperation: 贸易合作Export-oriented industries: 出口导向产业Cross-border e-commerce: 跨境电子商务社会发展与改革:Urbanization: 城市化Poverty alleviation: 扶贫Social welfare: 社会福利Healthcare reform: 医疗改革Education reform: 教育改革Environmental protection: 环境保护Rural revitalization: 农村振兴Housing reform: 住房改革Pension system reform: 养老保险制度改革Social security system: 社会保障体系51. Technological advancement: 科技进步Innovation-driven development: 创新驱动发展Research and development (R&D): 研发High-tech industry: 高科技产业Artificial intelligence (AI): 人工智能Internet of Things (IoT): 物联网Big data: 大数据Cloud computing: 云计算Cybersecurity: 网络安全教育与文化:Cultural exchange: 文化交流Cultural diversity: 文化多样性Intangible cultural heritage: 非物质文化遗产Cultural preservation: 文化保护Art education: 艺术教育Cultural tourism: 文化旅游Education reform: 教育改革Lifelong learning: 终身学习Cultural heritage conservation: 文化遗产保护Quality-oriented education: 素质教育Vocational education: 职业教育Cultural exchange: 文化交流Cultural heritage protection: 文化遗产保护Film and television industry: 影视产业Performing arts: 表演艺术Literary works: 文学作品农业与农村发展:Agricultural modernization: 农业现代化Rural revitalization: 乡村振兴Agricultural subsidies: 农业补贴Crop diversification: 作物多样化Organic farming: 有机农业Rural infrastructure: 农村基础设施Farmer cooperatives: 农民合作社Agricultural technology transfer: 农业技术转让Rural poverty alleviation: 农村扶贫Agricultural reforms: 农业改革Agricultural modernization: 农业现代化Agricultural reform: 农村改革Agricultural technology: 农业技术Agricultural sustainability: 农业可持续发展Rural entrepreneurship: 农村创业Farmer's income: 农民收入Agricultural cooperation: 农业合作就业与劳动力:Employment opportunities: 就业机会Labor market: 劳动力市场Job creation: 就业创造Labor rights: 劳工权益Wage reform: 工资改革Labor mobility: 劳动力流动性Unemployment rate: 失业率Labor union: 工会Labor protection: 劳动保护Work-life balance: 工作与生活平衡城市发展与建设:Urban renewal: 城市更新Urban planning: 城市规划Sustainable urbanization: 可持续城市化Smart cities: 智慧城市Urban infrastructure: 城市基础设施Urban transportation: 城市交通Urban pollution control: 城市污染控制Urbanization rate: 城镇化率Urban-rural integration: 城乡一体化Livable cities: 宜居城市交通与基础设施:High-speed rail: 高速铁路Expressways: 高速公路Airport expansion: 机场扩建Port development: 港口发展Infrastructure investment: 基础设施投资Public transportation: 公共交通Logistics network: 物流网络Rail transit: 轨道交通Bridge construction: 桥梁建设Urban transport planning: 城市交通规划环境保护与可持续发展:Green development: 绿色发展Renewable energy: 可再生能源Carbon emissions reduction: 减排Eco-friendly practices: 环保实践Biodiversity conservation: 生物多样性保护Waste management: 废物管理Clean energy technology: 清洁能源技术Sustainable agriculture: 可持续农业Environmental regulations: 环境法规Climate change mitigation: 气候变化缓解社会治理与法律改革:Rule of law: 法治Judicial reform: 司法改革Anti-corruption campaign: 反腐败运动Legal system reform: 法制改革Social stability: 社会稳定Public security: 公共安全Community governance: 社区治理Crime prevention: 犯罪预防Human rights protection: 人权保护Legal education: 法律教育社会福利与保障:Social insurance: 社会保险Healthcare coverage: 医疗保障Pension system: 养老保险制度Poverty alleviation program: 扶贫计划Social assistance: 社会救助Disability support: 残疾人扶助Childcare services: 儿童保育服务Elderly care: 老年人护理Housing subsidies: 住房补贴Family planning policy: 计划生育政策科学与教育:Scientific research: 科学研究Higher education: 高等教育Scientific achievements: 科研成果Science and technology parks: 科技园区STEM education: 科学、技术、工程、数学教育School curriculum: 学校课程Talent cultivation: 人才培养Academic exchange: 学术交流Digital learning: 数字化学习Education equity: 教育公平性文化与娱乐:Cultural industry: 文化产业Artistic expression: 艺术表达Cultural tourism: 文化旅游Film festival: 电影节Music concert: 音乐会Literary award: 文学奖项Cultural heritage sites: 文化遗产地Performing arts center: 表演艺术中心Art exhibition: 艺术展览Online streaming platform: 在线流媒体平台经济与金融:Market-oriented reforms: 市场化改革Foreign direct investment (FDI): 外商直接投资Economic liberalization: 经济自由化Free trade zone: 自由贸易区Financial reform: 金融改革Stock market: 股票市场Monetary policy: 货币政策Economic globalization: 经济全球化Supply-side reforms: 供给侧改革Consumer market: 消费市场国际合作与外交:Belt and Road Initiative: 一带一路倡议Multilateral cooperation: 多边合作Diplomatic relations: 外交关系International trade: 国际贸易Foreign aid: 外援Cultural diplomacy: 文化外交Global governance: 全球治理Regional integration: 区域一体化International organizations: 国际组织Peacekeeping missions: 维和任务社会变革与社会价值观:Gender equality: 性别平等Family values: 家庭价值观Social equality: 社会平等Human dignity: 人的尊严Social justice: 社会公正Civil society: 公民社会Youth empowerment: 青年赋权Volunteerism: 志愿服务Social inclusion: 社会包容Cultural diversity: 文化多样性人民生活与社会福利:Living standards: 生活水平Social security system: 社会保障体系Health insurance: 医疗保险Education system: 教育体系Housing affordability: 住房可负担性Consumer rights: 消费者权益Social welfare: 社会福利Elderly care services: 老年人护理服务Maternity leave: 产假Cultural activities: 文化活动科技与创新:Technological advancements: 科技进步Innovation-driven development: 创新驱动发展Research and development (R&D): 研发Intellectual property rights: 知识产权Science parks: 科技园区Start-up ecosystem: 创业生态系统High-tech industries: 高科技产业Digital transformation: 数字化转型Artificial intelligence (AI): 人工智能Big data analytics: 大数据分析环境保护与可持续发展:Environmental conservation: 环境保护Sustainable development: 可持续发展Clean energy: 清洁能源Carbon emissions: 碳排放Renewable resources: 可再生资源Ecological restoration: 生态恢复Green technology: 绿色技术Waste management: 废物管理Biodiversity conservation: 生物多样性保护Climate change mitigation: 气候变化缓解城市化与城市发展:Urbanization: 城市化Urban planning: 城市规划Smart cities: 智慧城市Urban infrastructure: 城市基础设施Public transportation: 公共交通Urban renewal: 城市更新Urban design: 城市设计Urban governance: 城市治理Urban development: 城市发展Housing construction: 住房建设医疗与健康:Healthcare reform: 医疗改革Universal health coverage: 全民医保Primary healthcare: 基层医疗Medical research: 医学研究Disease prevention and control: 疾病预防和控制Telemedicine: 远程医疗Health promotion: 健康促进Traditional Chinese medicine: 中医药Public health emergency response: 公共卫生应急响应Health education: 健康教育法律与司法:Rule of law: 法治Judicial reform: 司法改革Legal system: 法律体系Legal rights: 法律权益Legal aid: 法律援助Anti-corruption campaign: 反腐败运动Judicial independence: 司法独立Criminal justice: 刑事司法Civil litigation: 民事诉讼Legal awareness: 法律意识体育与奥运:Sports development: 体育发展Olympic Games: 奥运会Sportsmanship: 体育精神Athlete training: 运动员培训Sports facilities: 体育设施Sports culture: 体育文化Sports diplomacy: 体育外交Fair play: 公平竞争Paralympic Games: 残奥会Sports nutrition: 运动营养军事与国防:National defense: 国防Military modernization: 军事现代化Defense technology: 防务技术Peacekeeping operations: 维和行动National security: 国家安全Defense budget: 国防预算Military strategy: 军事战略Defense industry: 国防工业Cybersecurity: 网络安全Military cooperation: 军事合作经济与贸易:Economic reform: 经济改革Market-oriented economy: 市场经济Foreign direct investment (FDI): 外商直接投资Free trade: 自由贸易Economic globalization: 经济全球化Export-oriented manufacturing: 出口导向型制造业Financial market: 金融市场E-commerce: 电子商务Economic growth: 经济增长Sustainable development: 可持续发展科学与教育:Scientific research: 科学研究Technological innovation: 技术创新STEM education: 科学、技术、工程和数学教育Knowledge-based economy: 知识经济Research institute: 研究所Academic exchange: 学术交流Science and technology policy: 科技政策Intellectual property protection: 知识产权保护Educational reform: 教育改革Lifelong learning: 终身学习社会与人文:Social harmony: 社会和谐Poverty alleviation: 扶贫Social equality: 社会平等Gender equality: 性别平等Social welfare: 社会福利Volunteer work: 志愿者工作Community development: 社区发展Cultural tolerance: 文化包容Ethical values: 道德价值观Social responsibility: 社会责任农业与农村发展:Agricultural modernization: 农业现代化Rural revitalization: 乡村振兴Agricultural productivity: 农业生产力Agricultural subsidies: 农业补贴Rural infrastructure: 农村基础设施Agricultural technology: 农业技术Rural entrepreneurship: 农村创业Agricultural sustainability: 农业可持续性Farmer's income: 农民收入Crop diversification: 农作物多样化交通与基础设施:Transportation network: 交通网络High-speed rail: 高铁Expressway: 高速公路Urban transportation: 城市交通Airport construction: 机场建设Port development: 港口发展Bridge and tunnel: 桥梁和隧道Public transportation system: 公共交通系统Infrastructure investment: 基础设施投资Smart transportation: 智能交通外交与国际关系:Diplomatic relations: 外交关系Bilateral cooperation: 双边合作Multilateral cooperation: 多边合作International trade: 国际贸易Global governance: 全球治理International cooperation: 国际合作Foreign aid: 外援Peacekeeping mission: 维和任务Non-interference policy: 不干涉政策Soft power: 软实力党风廉政与反腐败:Party discipline: 党纪Anti-corruption campaign: 反腐败运动Party building: 党建设Clean governance: 清廉政府Anti-graft measures: 反贪措施Integrity education: 廉政教育Corruption investigation: 腐败调查Asset recovery: 资产追回Whistleblower protection: 举报保护Anti-corruption legislation: 反腐败立法城市化与城市发展:Urbanization: 城市化Urban planning: 城市规划Urban renewal: 城市更新Sustainable urban development: 可持续城市发展Smart city: 智慧城市Urban infrastructure: 城市基础设施Urban transport system: 城市交通系统Urban design: 城市设计Urban environmental protection: 城市环境保护Urban governance: 城市治理环境保护与可持续发展:Environmental protection: 环境保护Pollution control: 污染治理Carbon emissions reduction: 碳排放减少Renewable energy: 可再生能源Ecological conservation: 生态保护Biodiversity preservation: 生物多样性保护Clean energy development: 清洁能源开发Waste management: 废物处理Green technology: 绿色技术Sustainable development goals: 可持续发展目标科技与创新:Technological advancement: 科技进步Innovation-driven development: 创新驱动发展Research and development: 研发Artificial intelligence: 人工智能Big data: 大数据Internet of Things: 物联网Cloud computing: 云计算Robotics: 机器人技术Quantum computing: 量子计算5G technology: 5G技术社会保障与福利:Social security: 社会保障Pension system: 养老金制度Healthcare reform: 医疗改革Social insurance: 社会保险Poverty alleviation program: 扶贫计划Social assistance: 社会救助Disability rights: 残疾人权益Maternity benefits: 生育津贴Unemployment insurance: 失业保险Housing welfare: 住房福利人民生活水平提高:Standard of living: 生活水平Income inequality: 收入不平等Consumerism: 消费主义Quality of life: 生活质量Education equality: 教育平等Affordable housing: 负担得起的住房Employment opportunities: 就业机会Social mobility: 社会流动性Leisure and entertainment: 休闲与娱乐Consumer rights: 消费者权益法律与知识产权保护:Intellectual property rights: 知识产权Patent protection: 专利保护Copyright infringement: 侵权Trademark registration: 商标注册Anti-counterfeiting measures: 打击假冒行动Cybersecurity: 网络安全Data protection: 数据保护Legal enforcement: 法律执法Anti-corruption campaign: 反腐败斗争Anti-money laundering: 反洗钱。
物联网的基本概念、核心技术和信息安全一、物联网发展概述二、物联网基本概念三、物联网核心技术四、物联网信息安全五、物联网几点讨论六、物联网发展展望一、物联网发展概述一般认为,物联网的基本概念,最早于1999年由美国麻省理工学院Kevin Ashton、Sanjay Sarma和David Brock提出,其核心思想是基于互联网、RFID(Radio Frequency Identification,无线射频识别)技术、EPC(Electronic Product Code,电子产品编码)标准(一个网络、一项技术、一个标准),在计算机互联网的基础上,利用无线射频识别技术、无线数据通信技术等,构造一个实现全球物品信息实时共享的实物互联网——“Internet of Things”(简称物联网)。
1. The program crashed due to a memory leak.(A) 由于内存泄漏,程序崩溃了。
(B) 该程序由于内存泄漏导致了崩溃。
(C) 因为内存泄漏,该程序崩溃了。
(D) 该程序的崩溃是由于内存泄漏引起的。
2. The software update will be rolled out next week.(A) 下周将推出软件更新。
(B) 下周会发布软件更新。
(C) 软件更新将在下周推出。
(D) 软件更新计划在下周上线。
3. The algorithm is optimized for efficiency.(A) 这个算法经过了优化,以提高效率。
(B) 这个算法旨在提高效率。
(C) 这个算法是为了达到更高的效率而进行优化的。
(D) 这个算法被优化以提高效率。
4. The server is experiencing high latency.(A) 服务器延迟较高。
(B) 服务器正在高延迟状态下。
(C) 服务器正在遭受高延迟。
(D) 服务器的延迟问题比较严重。
5. The database was corrupted, resulting in data loss.(A) 数据库损坏,导致数据丢失。
(B) 数据库出现损坏,造成了数据丢失。
(C) 数据库受损,导致数据丢失。
(D) 由于数据库损坏,导致数据丢失。
1. 什么是操作系统?操作系统是一种软件,它管理和控制计算机硬件资源,并为用户和其他软件提供统一的接口。
2. 简要解释一下什么是编程语言?编程语言是一套用于编写计算机程序的符号和规则的系统。
3. 请简要描述一下传输控制协议(TCP)是如何工作的。
中英文对照外文翻译(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Android: A Programmer’s Guide1 What Is Android1.1 Key Skills & Concepts● History of embedded device programming● Explanation of Open Handset Alliance● First look at the Android home screenIt can be said that, for a while, traditional desktop application developers have been spoiled. This is not to say that traditional desktop application development is easier than other forms of develop ment. However, as traditional desktop application developers, we have had the ability to create alm ost any kind of application we can imagine. I am including myself in this grouping because I got my start in desktop programming.One aspect that has made desktop programming more accessible is that we have had the ability to interact with the desktop operating system, and thus interact with any underlying hardware, prettyfreely (or at least with minimal exceptions). This kind of freedom to program independently, how ever, has never really been available to the small group of programmers who dared to venture int o the murky waters of cell phone development.NOTE :I refer to two different kinds of developers in this discussion: traditional desktop applicati on developers, who work in almost any language and whose end product, applications, are built to run on any “desktop” operating system; and Android developers, J ava developers who develop for the Android platform. This is not for the purposes of saying one is by any means better or wors e than the other. Rather, the distinction is made for purposes of comparing the development styles and tools of desktop operating system environments to the mobile operating system environment1.2 Brief History of Embedded Device ProgrammingFor a long time, cell phone developers comprised a small sect of a slightly larger group of developers known as embedded device developers. Seen as a less “glamorous” sibling to desktop—and later web—development, embedded device development typically got the proverbial short end of the stick as far as hardware and operating system features, because embedded device manufacturers were notoriously stingy on feature support.Embedded device manufacturers typically needed to guard their hardware secrets closely, so they gave embedded device developers few libraries to call when trying to interact with a specific device. Embedded devices differ fro m desktops in that an embedded device is typically a “computer on a chip.” For example, consider your standard television remote control; it is not really seen as an overwhelming achievement of technological complexity. When any button is pressed, a chip interprets the signal in a way that has been programmed into the device. This allows the device to know what to expect from the input device (key pad), and how to respond to those commands (for example, turn on the television). This is a simple form of embedded device programming. However, believe it or not, simple devices such as these are definitely related to the roots of early cell phone devices and development.Most embedded devices ran (and in some cases still run) proprietary operating systems. The reason for choosing to create a proprietary operating system rather than use any consumer system was really a product of necessity. Simple devices did not need very robust and optimized operating systems.As a product of device evolution, many of the more complex embedded devices, such as early PDAs, household security systems, and GPSs, moved to somewhat standardized operating system platforms about five years ago. Small-footprint operating systems such as Linux, or even an embedded version of Microsoft Windows, have become more prevalent on many embedded devices. Around this time in device evolution, cell phones branched from other embedded devices onto their own path. This branching is evident whenyou examine their architecture.Nearly since their inception, cell phones have been fringe devices insofar as they run on proprietary software—software that is owned and controlled by the manufacturer, and is almost always considered to be a “closed” system. The practice of manufacturers using proprietary operating systems began more out of necessity than any other reason. That is, cell phone manufacturers typically used hardware that was completely developed in-house, or at least hardware that was specifically developed for the purposes of running cell phone equipment. As a result, there were no openly available, off-the-shelf software packages or solutions that would reliably interact with their hardware. Since the manufacturers also wanted to guard very closely their hardware trade secrets, some of which could be revealed by allowing access to the software level of the device, the common practice was, and in most cases still is, to use completely proprietary and closed software to run their devices. The downside to this is that anyone who wanted to develop applications for cell phones needed to have intimate knowledge of the proprietary environment within which it was to run. The solution was to purchase expensive development tools directly from the manufacturer. This isolated many of the “homebrew” develo pers.NOTE:A growing culture of homebrew developers has embraced cell phone application development. The term “homebrew” refers to the fact that these developers typically do not work for a cell phone development company and generally produce small, one-off products on their own time.Another, more compelling “necessity” that kept cell phone development out of the hands of the everyday developer was the hardware manufacturers’ solution to the “memory versus need” dilemma. Until recently, cell phones did little more than execute and receive phone calls, track your contacts, and possibly send and receive short text messages; not really the “Swiss army knives” of technology they are today. Even as late as 2002, cell phones with cameras were not commonly found in the hands of consumers.By 1997, small applications such as calculators and games (Tetris, for example) crept their way onto cell phones, but the overwhelming function was still that of a phone dialer itself. Cell phones had not yet become the multiuse, multifunction personal tools they are today. No one yet saw the need for Internet browsing, MP3 playing, or any of the multitudes of functions we are accustomed to using today. It is possible that the cell phone manufacturers of 1997 did not fully perceive the need consumers would have for an all-in-one device. However, even if the need was present, a lack of device memory and storage capacity was an even bigger obstacle to overcome. More people may have wanted their devices to be all-in-one tools, but manufacturers still had to climb the memory hurdle.To put the problem simply, it takes memory to store and run applications on any device, cell phones included. Cell phones, as a device, until recently did not have the amount of memory available to them that would facilitate the inclusion of “extra” programs. Within the last two years, the price of memory has reached very low levels. Device manufacturers now have the ability to include more memory at lower prices. Many cell phones now have more standard memory than the average PC had in the mid-1990s. So, now that we have the need, and the memory, we can all jump in and develop cool applications for cell phones around the world, right? Not exactly.Device manufacturers still closely guard the operating systems that run on their devices. While a few have opened up to the point where they will allow some Java-based applications to run within a small environment on the phone, many do not allow this. Even the systems that do allow some Java apps to run do not allow the kind of access to the “core” system that standard desktop developers are accustomed to having.1.3 Open Handset Alliance and AndroidThis barrier to application development began to crumble in November of 2007 when Google, under the Open Handset Alliance, released Android. The Open Handset Alliance is a group of hardware and software developers, including Google, NTT DoCoMo, Sprint Nextel, and HTC, whose goal is to create a more open cell phone environment. The first product to be released under the alliance is the mobile device operating system, Android.With the release of Android, Google made available a host of development tools and tutorials to aid would-be developers onto the new system. Help files, the platform software development kit (SDK), and even a developers’ community can be found at Google’s Android website, This site should be your starting point, and I highly encourage you to visit the site.NOTE :Google, in promoting the new Android operating system, even went as far as to create a $10 million contest looking for new and exciting Android applications.While cell phones running Linux, Windows, and even PalmOS are easy to find, as of this writing, no hardware platforms have been announced for Android to run on. HTC, LG Electronics, Motorola, and Samsung are members of the Open Handset Alliance, under which Android has been released, so we can only hope that they have plans for a few Android-based devices in the near future. With its release in November 2007, the system itself is still in a software-only beta. This is good news for developers because it gives us a rare advance look at a future system and a chance to begin developing applications that willrun as soon as the hardware is released.NOTE:This strategy clearly gives the Open Handset Alliance a big advantage over other cell phone operating system developers, because there could be an uncountable number of applications available immediately for the first devices released to run Android.Introduction to AndroidAndroid, as a system, is a Java-based operating system that runs on the Linux 2.6 kernel. The system is very lightweight and full featured. Android applications are developed using Java and can be ported rather easily to the new platform. If you have not yet downloaded Java or are unsure about which version you need, I detail the installation of the development environment in Chapter 2. Other features of Android include an accelerated 3-D graphics engine (based on hardware support), database support powered by SQLite, and an integrated web browser.If you are familiar with Java programming or are an OOP developer of any sort, you are likely used to programmatic user interface (UI) development—that is, UI placement which is handled directly within the program code. Android, while recognizing and allowing for programmatic UI development, also supports the newer, XML-based UI layout. XML UI layout is a fairly new concept to the average desktop developer. I will cover both the XML UI layout and the programmatic UI development in the supporting chapters of this book.One of the more exciting and compelling features of Android is that, because of its architecture, third-party applications—including those that are “home grown”—are executed with the same system priority as those that are bundled with the core system. This is a major departure from most systems, which give embedded system apps a greater execution priority than the thread priority available to apps created by third-party developers. Also, each application is executed within its own thread using a very lightweight virtual machine.Aside from the very generous SDK and the well-formed libraries that are available to us to develop with, the most exciting feature for Android developers is that we now have access to anything the operating system has access to. In other words, if you want to create an application that dials the phone, you have access to the phone’s dialer; if you want to create an application that utilizes the phone’s internal GPS (if equipped), you have access to it. The potential for developers to create dynamic and intriguing applications is now wide open.On top of all the features that are available from the Android side of the equation, Google has thrown insome very tantalizing features of its own. Developers of Android applications will be able to tie their applications into existing Google offerings such as Google Maps and the omnipresent Google Search. Suppose you want to write an application that pulls up a Google map of where an incoming call is emanating from, or you want to be able to store common search results with your contacts; the doors of possibility have been flung wide open with Android.Chapter 2 begins your journey to Android development. You will learn the how’s and why’s of using specific development environments or integrated development environments (IDE), and you will download and install the Java IDE Eclipse.2 Application: Hello World2.1 Key Skills & Concepts●Creating new Android projects●Working with Views●Using a TextView●Modifying the main.xml file●Running applications on the Android EmulatorIn this chapter, you will be creating your first Android Activity. This chapter examines the application-building process from start to finish. I will show you how to create an Android project in Eclipse, add code to the initial files, and run the finished application in the Android Emulator. The resulting application will be a fully functioning program running in an Android environment.Actually, as you move through this chapter, you will be creating more than one Android Activity. Computer programming tradition dictates that your first application be the typical Hello World! application, so in the first section you will create a standard Hello World! application with just a blank background and the “Hello World!” text. Then, for the sake of enabling you to get to know the language better, the next section explains in detail the files automatically created by Android for your Hello World! application. You will create two iterations of this Activity, each using different techniques for displaying information to the screen. You will also create two different versions of a Hello World! application that will display an image that delivers the “Hello World!” message. This will give you a good introduction to the controls and inner workings of Android.NOTE:You will often see “application” and “Activity” used interchangeably. The difference between the two is that an application can be composed of multiple Activities, but one application must have at leastone Activity. Each “window” or screen of your application is a separate Activity. Therefore, if you create a fairly simple application with only one screen of data (like the Hello World! application in this chapter), that will be one Activity. In future chapters you will create applications with multiple Activities.To make sure that you get a good overall look at programming in Android, in Chapter 6 you will create both of these applications in the Android SDK command-line environment for Microsoft Windows and Linux. In other words, this chapter covers the creation process in Eclipse, and Chapter 6 covers the creation process using the command-line tools. Therefore, before continuing, you should check that your Eclipse environment is correctly configured. Review the steps in Chapter 3 for setting the PATH statement for the Android SDK. You should also ensure that the JRE is correctly in your PATH statement.TIP:If you have configuration-related issues while attempting to work with any of the command-line examples, try referring to the configuration steps in Chapters 2 and 3; and look at the Android SDK documentation.2.2 Creating Your First Android Project in EclipseTo start your first Android project, open Eclipse. When you open Eclipse for the first time, it opens to an empty development environment (see Figure 5-1), which is where you want to begin. Your first task is to set up and name the workspace for your application. Choose File | New | Android Project, which will launch the New Android Project wizard.CAUTION Do not select Java Project from the New menu. While Android applications are written in Java, and you are doing all of your development in Java projects, this option will create a standard Java application. Selecting Android Project enables you to create Android-specific applications.If you do not see the option for Android Project, this indicates that the Android plugin for Eclipse was not fully or correctly installed. Review the procedure in Chapter 3 for installing the Android plugin for Eclipse to correct this.2.3 The New Android Project wizard creates two things for youA shell application that ties into the Android SDK, using the android.jar file, and ties the project into the Android Emulator. This allows you to code using all of the Android libraries and packages, and also lets you debug your applications in the proper environment.Your first shell files for the new project. These shell files contain some of the vital application blocks upon which you will be building your programs. In much the same way as creating a Microsoft .NET application in Visual Studio generates some Windows-created program code in your files, using the Android Project wizard in Eclipse generates your initial program files and some Android-created code. Inaddition, the New Android Project wizard contains a few options, shown next, that you must set to initiate your Android project. For the Project Name field, for purposes of this example, use the title HelloWorldText. This name sufficiently distinguishes this Hello World! project from the others that you will be creating in this chapter.In the Contents area, keep the default selections: the Create New Project in Workspace radio button should be selected and the Use Default Location check box should be checked. This will allow Eclipse to create your project in your default workspace directory. The advantage of keeping the default options is that your projects are kept in a central location, which makes ordering, managing, and finding these projects quite easy. For example, if you are working in a Unix-based environment, this path points to your $HOME directory.If you are working in a Microsoft Windows environment, the workspace path will be C:/Users/<username>/workspace, as shown in the previous illustration. However, for any number of reasons, you may want to uncheck the Use Default Location check box and select a different location for your project. One reason you may want to specify a different location here is simply if you want to choose a location for this specific project that is separate from other Android projects. For example, you may want to keep the projects that you create in this book in a different location from projects that you create in the future on your own. If so, simply override the Location option to specify your own custom location directory for this project.3 Application FundamentalsAndroid applications are written in the Java programming language. The compiled Java code — along with any data and resource files required by the application — is bundled by the aapt tool into an Android package, an archive file marked by an .apk suffix. This file is the vehicle for distributing the application and installing it on mobile devices; it's the file users download to their devices. All the code in a single .apk file is considered to be one application.In many ways, each Android application lives in its own world:1. By default, every application runs in its own Linux process. Android starts the process when any of the application's code needs to be executed, and shuts down the process when it's no longer needed and system resources are required by other applications.2. Each process has its own virtual machine (VM), so application code runs in isolation from the code of all other applications.3. By default, each application is assigned a unique Linux user ID. Permissions are set so that the application's files are visible only to that user and only to the application itself — although there are ways to export them to other applications as well.It's possible to arrange for two applications to share the same user ID, in which case they will be able to see each other's files. To conserve system resources, applications with the same ID can also arrange to run in the same Linux process, sharing the same VM.3.1 Application ComponentsA central feature of Android is that one application can make use of elements of other applications (provided those applications permit it). For example, if your application needs to display a scrolling list of images and another application has developed a suitable scroller and made it available to others, you can call upon that scroller to do the work, rather than develop your own. Application have four types of components:(1)ActivitiesAn activity presents a visual user interface for one focused endeavor the user can undertake. For example, an activity might present a list of menu items users can choose from or it might display photographs along with their captions. A text messaging application might have one activity that shows a list of contacts to send messages to, a second activity to write the message to the chosen contact, and other activities to review old messages or change settings. Though they work together to form a cohesive user interface, each activity is independent of the others. Each one is implemented as a subclass of the Activity base class.An application might consist of just one activity or, like the text messaging application just mentioned, it may contain several. What the activities are, and how many there are depends, of course, on the application and its design. Typically, one of the activities is marked as the first one that should be presented to the user when the application is launched. Moving from one activity to another is accomplished by having the current activity start the next one.Each activity is given a default window to draw in. Typically, the window fills the screen, but it might be smaller than the screen and float on top of other windows. An activity can also make use of additional windows — for example, a pop-up dialog that calls for a user response in the midst of the activity, or a window that presents users with vital information when they select a particular item on-screen.The visual content of the window is provided by a hierarchy of views — objects derived from the base View class. Each view controls a particular rectangular space within the window. Parent views contain and organize the layout of their children. Leaf views (those at the bottom of the hierarchy) draw in the rectangles they control and respond to user actions directed at that space. Thus, views are where the activity's interaction with the user takes place.For example, a view might display a small image and initiate an action when the user taps that image. Android has a number of ready-made views that you can use — including buttons, text fields, scroll bars, menu items, check boxes, and more.A view hierarchy is placed within an activity's window by the Activity.setContentView() method. The content view is the View object at the root of the hierarchy. (See the separate User Interface document for more information on views and the hierarchy.)(2)ServicesA service doesn't have a visual user interface, but rather runs in the background for an indefinite period of time. For example, a service might play background music as the user attends to other matters, or it might fetch data over the network or calculate something and provide the result to activities that need it. Each service extends the Service base class.A prime example is a media player playing songs from a play list. The player application would probably have one or more activities that allow the user to choose songs and start playing them. However, the musicplayback itself would not be handled by an activity because users will expect the music to keep playing even after they leave the player and begin something different. To keep the music going, the media player activity could start a service to run in the background. The system would then keep the music playback service running even after the activity that started it leaves the screen.It's possible to connect to (bind to) an ongoing service (and start the service if it's not already running). While connected, you can communicate with the service through an interface that the service exposes. For the music service, this interface might allow users to pause, rewind, stop, and restart the playback.Like activities and the other components, services run in the main thread of the application process. So that they won't block other components or the user interface, they often spawn another thread for time-consuming tasks (like music playback). See Processes and Threads, later.(3)Broadcast receiversA broadcast receiver is a component that does nothing but receive and react to broadcast announcements. Many broadcasts originate in system code — for example, announcements that the timezone has changed, that the battery is low, that a picture has been taken, or that the user changed a language preference. Applications can also initiate broadcasts — for example, to let other applications know that some data has been downloaded to the device and is available for them to use.An application can have any number of broadcast receivers to respond to any announcements it considers important. All receivers extend the BroadcastReceiver base class.Broadcast receivers do not display a user interface. However, they may start an activity in response to the information they receive, or they may use the NotificationManager to alert the user. Notifications can get the user's attention in various ways — flashing the backlight, vibrating the device, playing a sound, and so on. They typically place a persistent icon in the status bar, which users can open to get the message.(4)Content providersA content provider makes a specific set of the application's data available to other applications. The data can be stored in the file system, in an SQLite database, or in any other manner that makes sense. The content provider extends the ContentProvider base class to implement a standard set of methods that enable other applications to retrieve and store data of the type it controls. However, applications do not call these methods directly. Rather they use a ContentResolver object and call its methods instead. A ContentResolver can talk to any content provider; it cooperates with the provider to manage any interprocess communication that's involved.See the separate Content Providers document for more information on using content providers. Whenever there's a request that should be handled by a particular component, Android makes sure that the application process of the component is running, starting it if necessary, and that an appropriate instance of the component is available, creating the instance if necessary.3.2 Activating components: intentsContent providers are activated when they're targeted by a request from a ContentResolver. The other three components —activities, services, and broadcast receivers —are activated by asynchronous messages called intents. An intent is an Intent object that holds the content of the message. For activities and services, it names the action being requested and specifies the URI of the data to act on, among other things. For example, it might convey a request for an activity to present an image to the user or let the user edit some text. For broadcast receivers, theIntent object names the action being announced. For example, it might announce to interested parties that the camera button has been pressed.。
物联网1.定义内涵物联网的英文名称为The In ternet of Thi ngs ,简称:IOT。
因此应用创新是物联网发展的核心,以用户体验为核心的创新2.0 是物联网发展的灵魂。
3.“中国式”定义物联网(In ternet of Thin gs)指的是将无处不在(Ubiquitous)的末端设备(Devices)和设施(Facilities),包括具备“内在智能”的传感器、移动终端、工业系统、楼控系统、家庭智能设施、视频监控系统等、和“外在使能” (Enabled) 的,如贴上RFID的各种资产(Assets)携带无线终端的个人与车辆等等“智能化物件或动物”或“智能尘埃” (Mote) ,通过各种无线和/或有线的长距离和/或短距离通讯网络实现互联互通(M2M)、应用大集成(Grand Integration)、以及基于云计算的SaaS营运等模式,在内网(Intranet)、专网(Extranet)、和/或互联网( Internet) 环境下,采用适当的信息安全保障机制,提供安全可控乃至个性化的实时在线监测、定位追溯、报警联动、调度指挥、预案管理、远程控制、安全防范、远程维保、在线升级、统计报表、决策支持、领导桌面(集中展示的Cockpit Dashboard等管理和服务功能,实现对“万物”的“高效、节能、安全、环保” 的“管、控、营”一体化[1] 。
Backscatter Coupling
Bar Code System
Binary Phase—ShiftKeying
QueryTree Protocol
Q Protocol
Radio Frequency
RadioFrequency Identification
EPC InformationServices
EPCglobal Network
Electronic Billof Rights
ElectronicData Interchange
物联网毕业论文中英文资料外文翻译文献Internet of Things1.the definition of connotationThe English name of the Internet of Things The Internet of Things, referred to as: the IOT.Internet of Things through the pass, radio frequency identification technology, global positioning system technology, real-time acquisition of any monitoring, connectivity, interactive objects or processes, collecting their sound, light, heat, electricity, mechanics, chemistry, biology, the location of a variety of the information you need network access through a variety of possible things and things, objects and people in the Pan-link intelligent perception of items and processes, identification and management. The Internet of Things IntelliSense recognition technology and pervasive computing, ubiquitous network integration application, known as the third wave of the world's information industry development following the computer, the Internet. Not so much the Internet of Things is a network, as Internet of Things services and applications, Internet of Things is also seen as Internet application development. Therefore, the application of innovation is the core of the development of Internet of Things, and 2.0 of the user experience as the core innovation is the soul of Things.2.The meaning of "material"Where the "objects" to meet the following conditions can be included in the scope of the"Internet of Things":1. Receiver have the appropriate information;2. Have a data transmission path;3. Have a certain storage capabilities;4. To have the CPU;5.To have the operating system;6. Have specialized applications;7. Have a data transmitter;8. Follow the communication protocol of Things;9. World Network, a unique number that can be identified.3. "Chinese style" as defined inInternet of Things (Internet of Things) refers to is the ubiquitous (Ubiquitous) terminal equipment (Devices) and facilities (Facilities), including with the "inner intelligence" sensors, mobile terminals, industrial systems, floor control system, the family of Intelligentfacilities, video surveillance systems, and external can "(Enabled), such as RFID, a variety of assets (the Assets), personal and vehicle carrying the wireless terminal" intelligent objects or animals "or" smart dust "(the Mote), through a variety of wireless and / or cable over long distances and / or short-range communication networks to achieve interoperability (M2M), application integration (the Grand Integration), and based on cloud computing, SaaS operation mode, in internal network (intranet), private network (extranet), and / or the Internet (Internet) environment, the use of appropriate information security mechanisms to provide a safe, controlled and even personalized real-time online monitoring, retrospective positioning, alarm linkage, command and control plan management, remote control, security, remote repair and maintenance, online upgrades, statistical reporting, decision support, the leadership of the desktop (showcase of the Cockpit Dashboard) management and service functions, "Everything," "efficient, energy saving, security environmental protection, "" possession, control, Camp integration [1].4.EU definitionIn September 2009, the Internet of Things and enterprise environments held in Beijing, China-EU Seminar on the European Commission and Social Media Division RFID Division is responsible for Dr. Lorent Ferderix, given the EU's definition of things: the Internet of Things is adynamic global network infrastructure, it has a standards-based and interoperable communication protocols, self-organizing capabilities, including physical and virtual "objects" of identity, physical attributes, virtual features and smart interface and seamless integration of information networks . Internet of Things Internet and media, the Internet and business Internet one, constitute the future of the Internet.5.changeThe Internet of Things (Internet of Things) the word universally recognized at home and abroad Ashton, Professor of the MIT Auto-ID Center in 1999 first proposed to study RFID. The report of the same name released in 2005, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the definition and scope of the Internet of Things has been a change in the coverage of a larger expansion, no longer refers only to the Internet of Things based on RFID technology.Since August 2009, Premier Wen Jiabao put forward the "Experience China" Internet of Things was officially listed as a national one of the five emerging strategic industries, to write the "Government Work Report" Internet of Things in China has been the great concern of the society as a whole degree of concern is unparalleled in the United States, European Union, as well as other countries.The concept of Internet of Things is not so much a foreign concept, as it has been the concept of a "Made in China", his coverage of the times, has gone beyond the scope of the 1999 Ashton professor and the 2005 ITU report referred to, Internet of Things has been labeled a "Chinese style" label.6.BackgroundThe concept of Internet of Things in 1999. Internet-based, RFID technology and EPC standards, on the basis of the computer Internet, the use of radio frequency identification technology, wireless data communication technology, a global items of information to real-time sharing of the physical Internet "Internet of things" (referred to as the Internet of Things) , which is also the basis of the first round of the China Internet of Things boom set off in 2003.The sensor network is built up based on sensing technology network. Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1999 on the start sensor network research and has made some achievements in scientific research, the establishment of applicable sensor network.1999, held in the United States, mobile computing and networking International Conference, "The sensor network is a developmentopportunity facing humanity in the next century. In 2003, the United States, "Technology Review" proposed sensor network technology will be future changes ten people's lives first.November 17, 2005, the WSIS held in Tunis (WSIS), the International Telecommunication Union released ITU Internet Report 2005: Internet of Things ", citing the concept of the" Internet of things ". The report pointed out that the ubiquitous "Internet of Things" communication era is approaching, all the objects in the world, from tires to toothbrushes, from housing to the tissue via the Internet, take the initiative to be exchanged. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), sensor technology, nanotechnology, intelligent embedded technology will be more widely used.According to the description of the ITU, the era of things, a short-range mobile transceivers embedded in a variety of daily necessities, human beings in the world of information and communication will receive a new communication dimension, from any time communication between people of the place of connection extended to the communication connection between persons and things and things and things. The Internet of Things concept of the rise, largely due to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the title of Internet of Things 2005 annual Internet Report. However, the ITU report the lack of a clear definition of Things.Domestic Internet of Things is also there is no single standard definition, but the Internet of Things In essence, the Internet of Things is a polymer application of modern information technology to a certain stage of development and technological upgrading of various sensing technology modern network technology and artificial intelligence and automation technology aggregation and integration of applications, so that the human and material wisdom of dialogue to create a world of wisdom. Because the development of the Internet of Things technology, involving almost all aspects of IT, innovative application and development of a polymer, systematic, and therefore be called revolutionary innovation of information industry. Summed up the nature of the Internet of Things is mainly reflected in three aspects: First, the Internet features that need to be networked objects must be able to achieve the interoperability of the Internet; identification and communication features, that is included in the Internet of Things "objects" must to have the functions of automatic identification and physical objects communication (M2M); intelligent features, the network system should have automated, self-feedback and intelligent control features January 28, 2009, Obama became the President of the United States, held with U.S. business leaders a "round table", as one of the only two representatives, IBM CEO Sam Palmisano for thefirst time that "the wisdom of the Earth" this concept, it is recommended that the new government to invest in a new generation of intelligent infrastructure.February 24, 2009 news, IBM Greater China CEO money crowd called "Smarter Planet" strategy announced in the forum 2009IBM.This concept was put forth, that is the great concern of the United States from all walks of life, and even analysts believe that IBM's vision is very likely to rise to U.S. national strategy, and caused a sensation in the world. IBM believes that the industry, the next phase of the mission is to make full use of the new generation of IT technology in all walks of life among specifically, is the embedded sensors and equipment to the power grid, railways, bridges, tunnels, highways, buildings, water supply systems dams, oil and gas pipelines and other objects, and is generally connected to the formation of Things.Strategy conference, IBM, and implant the concept of "wisdom" in the implementation of the infrastructure, strong, not only in the short term to stimulate the economy, promote employment, and in a short period of time for China to build a mature wisdom infrastructure platform.IBM "Smarter Planet" strategy will set off again after the wave of Internet technology industrial revolution. Former IBM CEO Lou Gerstner has raised an important point of view, every 15 years, a revolution in computing model. This judgment is the same as Moore's Law accurately call it a "15-year cycle Law". Before and after 1965, changes to the mainframe as a symbol, 1980 marked by the popularization of personal computers, 1995, the Internet revolution. Each such technological change are caused by the enterprise, industry and even the national competitive landscape of major upheaval and change. To a certain extent in the Internet revolution is ripening by the "information superhighway" strategy. 1990s, the Clinton administration plan for 20 years, $ 200 billion to -4000 billion, construction of the U.S. National Information Infrastructure, to create a huge economic and social benefits.Today, the "Smarter Planet" strategy by many Americans that there are many similarities with the "information superhighway", the same they revive the economy, a key strategy for competitive advantage. The strategy can be set off, not only for the United States, such as the Internet revolution was the wave of technological and economic concern, more attention from the world."Internet of Things prospects are very bright, it will dramatically change our current way of life." Demonstration director of the Center of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,National Electrical and Electronic Zhao Guoan said. Industry experts said that the Internet of things to our life personification of the things became a kind of human.Goods (goods) in the world of physical objects associated with each other "exchange", without the need for human intervention. The Internet of Things using radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, to achieve the interconnection and sharing of the automatic identification of goods (products) and information through the computer Internet. It can be said that the Internet of Things depict the world is full of intelligent. In the world of Internet of Things, material objects connected to the dragnet.The second session, held at Peking University in November 2008, China Mobile Government Seminar "Knowledge Society and Innovation 2.0", the experts made the mobile technology, the Internet of Things technology led to the development of economic and social form, innovative forms of change, and promote the The next generation of innovation for the knowledge society as the core of user experience (innovative 2.0) the formation of innovation and development of the form to pay more attention to the user to focus on people-oriented. Research institutions is expected to 10 years, the Internet of Things may be mass adoption of this technology will develop into one of thousands of yuan-scale high-tech market, the industry than the Internet 30 times.It is learned that the things industry chain can be broken down into the identity, perception, processing and information transfer, four links, each link of the key technologies for the wireless transmission network of RFID, sensors, smart chip and telecom operators. EPOSS in the "Internet of Things in 2020" report, an analysis predicted that the future development of the Internet of Things will go through four stages, 2010, RFID is widely used in the field of logistics, retail and pharmaceutical objects interconnect 2010 to 2015, 2015 ~ In 2020, the object into the semi-intelligent, intelligent objects into 2020.As the vanguard of the Internet of Things, RFID has become the most concerned about the technology market. The data show that the global RFID market size in 2008 from $ 4.93 billion in 2007 rose to $ 5.29 billion, this figure covers all aspects of the RFID market, including tags, readers and other infrastructure, software and services. RFID card and card-related infrastructure will account for 57.3 percent of the market, reaching $ 3.03 billion. Application from financial and security industries will drive the market growth of RFID cards. Analysys International forecasts, the Chinese RFID market size in 2009 will reach 5.0 billion, a CAGR of 33%, in which the electronic tag is more than 3.8 billion yuan, the reader close to 700 million yuan, software and services marketto reach 500 million yuan pattern.MEMS is the abbreviation of the micro-electromechanical systems, MEMS technology is built on the basis of micro / nano, the market prospect is broad. The main advantage of the MEMS sensor is the small size, large-scale mass production cost reduction, mainly used in two major areas of automotive and consumer electronics. Under ICInsight the latest report is expected in 2007-2012, global sales of semiconductor sensors and actuators based on MEMS will reach 19 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR), compared with $ 4.1 billion in 2007 to five years will achieve $ 9.7 billion in annual sales.7.PrincipleInternet of Things is on the basis of the computer Internet, RFID, wireless data communications technology, to construct a cover everything in the world's "Internet of Things". In this network, the goods (products) to each other "exchange", without the need for human intervention. Its essence is the use of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to achieve the interconnection and sharing of the automatic identification of goods (products) and information through the computer Internet.The Internet of Things is a very important technology is radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. RFID is radio frequency identification (Radio Frequency Identification) technology abbreviation, is an automatic identification technology in the 1990s began to rise, the more advanced a non-contact identification technology. The development of RFID technology based on a simple RFID system, combined with existing network technology, database technology, middleware technology, to build a one composed by a large number of networked readers and numerous mobile label, much larger than the Internet of Things trend.RFID, It is able to let items "speak" a technique. In the "Internet of Things" concept, RFID tags are stored in the specification and interoperability information collected automatically by wireless data communications network to a central information system, to achieve the identification of goods (products), and then through the open computer network for information exchange and sharing, items "transparent" management.The information technology revolution in the Internet of Things is referred to as IT mobile Pan of a specific application. Internet of Things through IntelliSense, identification technology and pervasive computing, ubiquitous network convergence applications, breaking the conventionalthinking before, human beings can achieve ubiquitous computing and network connectivity [3]. The traditional thinking has been the separation of physical infrastructure and IT infrastructure: on the one hand, airports, roads, buildings, while on the other hand, the data center, PC, broadband. In the era of the "Internet of Things", reinforced concrete, cable with the chip, broadband integration into a unified infrastructure, in this sense, the infrastructure is more like a new site of the Earth, the world really works it, which including economic management, production operation, social and even personal life. "Internet of Things" makes it much more refined and dynamic management of production and life, to manage the future of the city to achieve the status of "wisdom" to improve resource utilization and productivity levels, and improve the relationship between man and nature. 8.Agency1, institution-buildingAs the first national Internet of Things industry community organizations - the application of professional Committee of China Electronic Chamber of Things technology products (referred to as: "objects of the IPCC"), the Ministry of Civil Affairs in June 2010, preliminary approved by the Ministry of August being reported that the Ministry of Civil Affairs for final approval.2, the main taskServe as a bridge between business and government to assist the Government of the industry guidance, coordination, consultation and services to help members to reflect the business requirements to the Government; coordinate the relationship between enterprises to strengthen technical cooperation, product distribution, the elimination of vicious competition ; supervision of members the correct implementation of national laws and regulations, to regulate the industry; member of information communication technology products, cooperation, resource sharing, capital operation, and promote the application of Internet of Things technologies and products, and promote the Internet of Things industrial scale , co-development.9.ConstructionInternet of Things in the practical application to carry out requires the involvement of all walks of life, and need the guidance of the national government as well as related regulations and policies to assist the launching of the Internet of Things has the scale, broad participation, management, technical, and material properties, etc. other features, the technical problem is the most crucial issues of Things billion Bo logistics consulting, Internet of Things technology is an integratedtechnology, a system not yet which company has overall responsibility for network planning and construction of the entire system, theoretical studies have commenced in all walks of life and the practical application is limited to within the industry. The key is on the planning and design and research and development of the Internet of Things research in the field of RFID, sensors, embedded software, and transmission of data calculation. In general, to carry out the steps of the Internet of things mainly as follows:(1) identified the object attributes, properties, including static and dynamic properties of the static property can be stored directly in the label, the dynamic properties need to start with sensors to detect real-time;(2) the need to identify the equipment to complete the reading of object attributes, and information into a data format suitable for network transmission;(3) the object of information transmitted over the network to the information processing center (processing center may be distributed, such as home computers or mobile phones, may also be centralized, such as China Mobile IDC) by the processing center to complete the object communication calculation.10.key areasInternet of Things 4 key areas:(1) RFID;(2) sensor network;(3) The M2M;(4) integration of the two.11.TrendIndustry experts believe that the Internet of things on the one hand can improve economic efficiency and significant cost savings; the other hand, can provide technical impetus to global economic recovery. Currently, the United States, the European Union are all invested heavily in-depth study to explore the Internet of Things. The country is also highly concerned about the emphasis of Things, Industry and Information Technology Ministry in conjunction with the relevant departments are conducting research in a new generation of IT to the formation of policies and measures to support the development of a new generation of IT.China Mobile CEO Wang Jianzhou has repeatedly mentioned the Internet of Things willbecome the focus of future development of China Mobile. He will be invited to Taiwan to produce RFID, sensors and bar code manufacturers and China Mobile. According to him, the use of the Internet of Things technology, Shanghai Mobile has a number of industrial customers tailor the data collection, transmission, processing and business management in one set of wireless application solutions. The latest data show that Shanghai Mobile has more than 100,000 chips mounted on a taxi, bus, various forms of matter networking applications in all walks of prowess, to ensure the orderly operation of the city. During the Shanghai World Expo, "the bus services through" will be fully applied to the Shanghai public transport system, the smooth flow traffic to the most advanced technology to protect Expo area; for logistics transportation management, e-logistics ", will provide users with real-time accurate information of Cargo, vehicle tracking and positioning, the transport path selection, logistics network design and optimization services greatly enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of logistics enterprises.In addition, the popularization of the "Internet of Things" for the number of animals, plants and machinery, sensors and RFID tags of items and related interface devices will greatly exceed the number of mobile phones. The promotion of the Internet of Things will become a drive to promote economic development for the industry to open up a potential development opportunities. According to the current demand on the Internet of Things, in recent years, billions of sensors and electronic tags, which will greatly promote the production of IT components, while increasing the number of job opportunities.According to reports, it is necessary to truly build an effective Internet of things, there are two important factors. First, the scale, only with the scale to make the items of intelligence play a role. For example, a city of one million vehicles, if we only 10000 vehicles installed on the smart system, it is impossible to form an intelligent transportation system; two mobility items are usually not static, but in the state of the movement , we must maintain the items in the state of motion, and even high-speed motion state can at any time for dialogue.FORRESTER of the authority of the U.S. advisory body predicted that 2020, the world of business of the Internet of Things, compared with the business of interpersonal communication, will reach 30 to 1, so the "Internet of Things" is known to be the next one trillion communications services.Internet of Things heat wave Why is rapidly growing in China? Internet of Things in Chinarapid rise thanks to the several advantages of our country in terms of things.In the early 1999 launched the Internet of Things core sensor network technology research, R & D level in the world; the second, sensor network field in the world, China is the standard one of the dominant country, the patent owner; third China is one of the countries to achieve a complete industrial chain of Things; Fourth, China's wireless communications network and broadband coverage provides a solid infrastructure to support the development of the Internet of Things; Fifth, China has become the world's first the three major economies, with strong economic strength to support the development of the Internet of Things.12.MythThe current understanding of the Internet of things there are a lot of misunderstanding, which is also a direct impact on our understanding of Things on the development of the logistics industry, it is necessary first to distinguish errors, clarify our thinking.One sensor networks or RFID network equivalent of Things. The fact that sensor technology, or RFID technology, or are simply one of the information collection technology. In addition to the sensor technology and RFID technology, GPS, video recognition, infrared, laser, scanning can be achieved automatically identify physical objects to communicate technical information collection technology can become the Internet of Things. Sensor networks or RFID network is just an application of Things, but not all of Things.Second, the Internet of Things as a myriad of unlimited extension of the Internet of Things as a completely open for all things, all of the interconnections, all shared Internet platform.In fact, the Internet of Things is not simple infinite extension of the global sharing of the Internet. Even if the Internet is also not only refers to we typically think of the international sharing computer network, Internet, WAN and LAN. Internet of Things can be both an extension of our usual sense of the Internet to the matter; LAN, professional can also be based on real needs and industrial applications. The reality is not necessary and can not make all the items networking; no need to make professional, LAN must be connected to the global Internet sharing platform. Of things in the future the Internet will be very different from the professional network of similar smart logistics, smart transportation, smart grid; the intelligence community and other local area network is the largest use of space.Ter, that the ubiquitous network of the Internet of Things Internet of Things, and therefore theInternet of Things is a castle in the air, is difficult to achieve the technology. In fact the Internet of things are real, many of the primary Internet of Things applications already for our services. The Internet of Things concept is introduced in many real-world applications based on polymeric integrated innovation, pre-existing network with the Internet of Things, intelligent, automated system, summarized and upgrading it upgraded from a higher perspective our knowledge.Four of Things as a basket, and everything installed inside; based on self-awareness, and only be able to interact, communication products as the Internet of Things applications. For example, just embedded some of the sensors, to become the so-called Internet of Things appliances; products labeled with RFID tags, became the Internet of Things applications.esThings widely used throughout the intelligent transportation, environmental protection, government, public safety, peace at home, smart fire, industrial monitoring, environmental monitoring, elderly care, personal health, floriculture, water monitoring, food traceability, enemy detection and intelligence collection and other fields.International Telecommunication Union in 2005, a report has portrayed the picture of the era of the "Internet of Things": car when the driver operational errors will automatically alarm; briefcase will remind the owner forgot something; clothes will "tell" washing machine color and water temperature requirements. Billion Bo logistics consulting vivid introduction of Things in the logistics field, for example, a logistics company, application of Things truck, when loading overweight, the car will automatically tell you overloaded and overload how many, but the space remaining , the severity of goods with how to tell you; when handling staff unloading a cargo packaging may be shouting "throw you hurt me", or "My dear, you do not get too barbaric, you can?"; when the driver and others gossip, trucks will pretend boss's voice roaring "stupid, the grid!Internet of things to make full use of a new generation of IT technology in all walks of life among, specifically, is embedded sensors and equipment to the power grid, railways, bridges, tunnels, highways, buildings, water systems, dams, oil and gas pipelines, etc.kinds of objects, and then "Internet of Things" with the existing Internet to integrate and realize the integration of human society and the physical system, which in this integrated network, there is the ability to super-powerful central computer cluster, integrated network staff implementation of real-time management and control of the machinery, equipment and infrastructure, on this basis, the human。
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物联网翻译Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】第一题:The proposed IoT architecture from a technical perspective is shown in Fig. 1. It is divided into three layers. The basic layer and their functionalities are summarized as follows: Perception layer: its main function is to identify objects and gather information. It is formed mainly by sensors and actuators, monitoring stations (such as cellphone, tablet PC, smart phone, PDA, etc.), nano-nodes, RFID tags and readers/ work layer: it consists of a converged network made up ofwired/wireless privately owned networks, Internet, network administration systems, etc. Its main function is to transmit information obtained from the perception layer.Application layer: it is a set of intelligent solutions that apply the IoT technology to satisfy the needs of the users.. Perception layerThis layer provides context-aware information concerning the environment of disabled people. The components of this layer according to the disability of the person (visually impaired, hearing impaired or physically impaired) are described next.The components designed for the visually impaired are:(1) body micro-and nano-sensors and (2) RFID-based assistive devices. Next, those components are introduced.(2001), a retinal prosthesis is developed to restore some vision to patients affected by retinitis pigmentosa and age-related macular degeneration, two diseases that cause degenerative blindness. Although these disorders are characterized by the progressive loss of photoreceptor (rod and cone)cells of the outer retina, they do not affect the inner retinal ganglion nerve cells which form the optic nerve(Ye etal.,2010). Consequently, a camera mounted on a pair of glasses can be used to transmit image data to an implant attached to the retina, which is formed by an array of body micro-sensors. This artificial retina (Schwiebert et al., 2001) uses electrical impulses to stimulate the appropriate ganglion cells, which convert these electrical impulses into neurological signals. The generated response is carried via the optical nerve to the brain.Currently, researchers are working to develop an artificial retina at the nanoscale. The venture Nano Retina is developing Bio-Retina, a bionic retina that incorporates several nano-sized components in a tiny retinal implant (see Fig. 2). Bio-Retina is designed to replace the damaged photoreceptor in the eye with the equivalent of a 5000 pixel (second generation)retinal implant. It transforms naturally received light into an electrical signal that stimulates the neurons, which send the images received by Bio-Retina to the brain. The implant’s nano-sized components are powered by a special pair ofactivation eyeglasses. In the next years, as technology evolves, it will be possible to send information concerning the images captured by the artificial retina towards the monitoring station (smart phone) (see Fig. 1), so that new IoT applications to help people with visual impairments in their orientation, identification of faces, etc. will be developed.(Saaid et al., 2009).The RFID cane (see Fig. 1) has a tag reader with an antenna that emits radio waves; the tags respond by sending back their stored data, hence identifying the location of the blind person. The tag reader (RFID cane) transmits via Bluetooth or ZigBee the data read from the RFID tag, which includes the tag ID string (D’Atri et al., 2007). This data is sent from the monitoring station through the network layer to the RFID server of the application layer. The blind person can record the destination’s name as a voice message using the monitoring station. Directions are received by the monitoring station and played as voice messages (Shiizu et al., 2007).An obstacle detection system based on an ultrasonic sensor can also be added (Martin et al., 2009). The sensor is mounted on the RFID cane to extend its effective range and perceive obstacles the cane alone would not be able to detect (such as a garbage can in Fig. 1). A voice message played at the monitoring station alerts the visuallyimpaired when an obstacle is detected. A multiple sensor-based shoe-mounted sensor interface is also developed in Zhang etal.(2010) as a supplementary device to the cane to detect obstacles within 61 cm ahead of the visually impaired.A widespread approach for outdoor navigation relies on Global Positioning System (GPS). It does not require tags to work. However, its resolution is limited (few meters) and it cannot work properly indoors. Therefore, some navigation systems for the visually impaired integrate both technologies (RFID and GPS) ( Yelamarthi et al., 2010).This layer (see Fig. 1) enables the access of the monitoring stations to the radio channel to transmit the information obtained from the perception layer. Although the Internet protocols were originally designed for fixed networks, there is a growing need for these protocols to accommodate mobile networks, as demonstrated by the use of many different wireless access technologies in IoT (EU FP7 Project CASAGRAS,The convergence of heterogeneous networks and applications is possible due to the existence of a single Internet Protocol (IP)- based network. The IP for Smart Object (IPSO) Alliance is a non- profit association of more than 50 members from leading technology, communications and energy companies. They advocate the use of IPnetworked devices to build the IoT (Dunkels and Vasseur, 2010). They stress that IP is a long-lived and stable communication technology that supports a wide range of applications, devices and underlying communication technologies. In addition, the end-to-end IP architecture is lightweight, highly scalable and efficient. Furthermore, the authors of Internet also recommend the use of the IP protocol to offer the I nternet’s interoperability and scalability directly to embedded devices rather than needing gateways for protocol conversion(Gershenfeld and Cohen, 2006).It is necessary to ensure the connectivity, interoperability and compatibility of heterogeneous networks. The low-power net- working industry, from ZigBee ad hoc control to industrial automation standards . ISA100), is quickly converging to the use of IP technology (Shelby and Bormann, 2009). In this sense,6LoWPAN is the name of a working group of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) that has developed a set of Internet standards, which enable the efficient use of IPv6 over Low-power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPANs). 6LoWPAN enables resource-limited embedded devices (often battery-powered) in low-power wireless networks to be Internet-connected by simplifying IPv6 (header compression of IPv6 header fields) and taking the nature of wireless networks into account.The IPv6 protocol stack with 6LoWPAN is shown in Fig. 4. A small adaptation layer (named the LoWPAN adaptation layer) has been defined in the 6LoWPAN protocol stack (see Fig. 4) to optimize the transmission of IPv6 packets over IEEE and similar link layers (Shelby and Bormann, 2009). IEEE is a standard that defines the physical and MAC layers for low-power, low-rate wireless embedded radio communications at GHz, 915 MHz and 868 MHz . The adoption of Internet protocols by wireless embedded devices is challenging due to several reasons (Shelby and Bormann, 2009): Battery-powered wireless devices require low duty cycles, whereas IP is based on always connected devices.Multicast is not supported natively in IEEE but it is essential in many IPv6 operations.Sometimes it is difficult to route traffic in multi-hop wireless mesh networks to achieve the required coverage and cost efficiency.Low power wireless networks have low bandwidth (20–250 kbit/s) and frame size (IEEE packets are rather small, 127 bytes maximum at the physical layer, minus MAC/security and adaptation layer overhead). On the other hand, the minimum datagram size that all hosts must be prepared to accept, for IPv6 is 1280 bytes. IPv6 requires that every link in the Internet has a Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of 1280 bytes or greater. On any link that cannotconvey a 1280-byte packet in one piece, link-specific fragmentation and reassembly must be provided at a layer below IPv6.Standard protocols do not perform well in low-power wireless networks. For example, TCP performs very poorly in wireless networks due to its inability to distinguish between packet losses due to congestion and those due to channel error.. Application layerThis layer (see Fig. 1) provides an operation support plat form, which can be accessed by monitoring stations and applications. It provides important functionalities such as authentication, billing, service management, service acceptance and routing of packets based on defined policies. IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) is a transport platform well-suited to perform these functions (Domingo, 2011), since services can be offered to the subscribers independently of the access media used, heterogeneous networks can be easily integrated and new applications and services can be rolled out faster reusing well defined common functions such as authentication, service provision, billing, group management and presence. This way, the IoT can be uniformly managed.The Web of Things (WoT) is a vision where smart objects are integrated with the Web. Smart object applications can be built on top of Representational State Transfer (REST) architectures(Fielding and Taylor). The REST architectural style decouples applications from the services they provide, which can be shared and reused. The key abstractions of information in the REST architecture are resources . a document or image). Resources in web-based REST systems are identified by Universal Resource Identifiers (URIs). REST-style architectures consist of clients and servers. Clients initiate requests to servers; servers process these requests and return the appropriate responses. Resources are accessed by clients using methods such as GET, PUT, POST and DELETE of Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). The resources themselves are conceptually separate from the representations that are returned to the client. For example, the server does not send its database, but rather, perhaps, some HyperText Markup Language (HTML), Extensible Markup Language (XML) or Java- Script Object Notation (JSON) that represents some database records depending on the details of the request and the server implementation.A web service is a software system designed to support inter- operable machine-to-machine interaction over a network. Web services enable the communication between processes applying REST for the manipulation of resources using HTTP, or Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) for sending messages and making Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) in a distributed environment.The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Constrained REST- ful environments (CoRE) working group has defined a REST based web transfer protocol called Constrained Application Protocol(CoAP) (Shelby et al., 2011). The aim of CoAP is to extend the REST architecture for constrained IoT devices and networks . 6LoWPAN). It has been designed taking into account the requirements of important Machine-to-Machine (M2M) applica-tions such as energy and building automation. We also think it is appropriate for the IoT applications for people with disabilities. CoAP consists of a subset of REST common with HTTP functionalities, which have been optimized for M2M applications. CoAP offers features for M2M applications such as very low overhead, multicast support and asynchronous message exchanges.第二题3. Application scenariosNext, several application scenarios of the Internet of Things for handicapped people are introduced. They illustrate the interaction of the different components of the IoT architecture.. Shopping scenarioIn this scenario, people with visual impairments shop autonomously as shown in Fig. 6. The blind navigation system helps them to find their way in a store. The store’s RFID system can use software toguide the visually impaired in shopping. In Lo′ pez-de- Ipina etal.(2011), an RFID-tag based navigation system is proposed. The supermarket is divided into cells containing a shelf and passageway cells. RFID tags are distributed through the floor. The tag IDs within a cell are mapped to navigation information such as the type of a given cell and the types of neighboring cells. The monitoring station (smart phone) maintains a Bluetooth connection with the RFID reader (smart cane) of the user to keep track of his/her position anytime using the mapping of tag IDs with navigation information. The speech synthesis and recognition module of the monitoring station (smart phone) enables the visually impaired person to say the section of the supermarket where he/she wants to go. The route to follow is obtained invoking web services through a WLAN connected to the Internet. As the visually impaired walks, routing directions from an android application are received through the headphone of the smart phone and played as voice messages.RFID tags attached to the supermarket products supply pro- duct data such as name, description and price. Sensor enabled RFID tags provide essential data such as temperature or shocks during transportation. The tag reader (RFID cane) transmits the tag ID string to the monitoring station, which forwards it to the RFID server (Krishna et al., 2008). Product information is returned from theRFID database to the monitoring station and played as voice messages. Additional product characteristics can include food composition, caloric intake and specific data related to the user profile such as food allergies and intolerances. Friend’s opinion s about the product and price comparison with similar ones can be obtained using social networks. In Krishna et al. (2008), experiments of the RFID system were conducted to study detection range of RFID readers with respect to different tags and materials (where the tag is installed); it was concluded that the product materials did not affect the performance of the RFID readers.Several practical works have been developed related to this application scenario (Kulyukin and Kutiyanawala, 2010; Lanigan et al., 2007; Narasimhan , 2006; Nicholson et al., 2009; Winlock et al., 2010). In Lanigan et al. (2007) the authors propose Trinetra, a system designed to assist blind people in grocery shopping for product search and identification. As the visually impaired scans a grocery item with a portable barcode or RFID reader, the scanned input is sent via Bluetooth to the user’s smart phone, which checks its cache for a product match. In case of cache miss, the smart phone communicates through GPRS with a remote server or, in case of miss, with a public Universal Product Code (UPC) or RFID database, which converts the barcode or tag into a human- interpretableproduct name (and related information) and returns it to the smart phone. An onboard text-to-speech software in the smart phone converts the displayed text into speech. The advan- tages of RFID tags compared to barcodes are reprogrammability , ability to contain more product information and ability to read without line-of-sight reading (Narasimhan, 2006). Trinetra was successfully tested at the Carnegie Mellon University’s campus store.ShopTalk (Nicholson et al., 2009) is a wearable system to assist visually impaired shoppers. The users get verbal instructions from a handheld computer. Modified Plessey (MSI) barcodes located on the shelves enable navigation within the store. UPC barcodes enable product localization in a store aisle. In a production version, the system would connect to the store’s inventory control database and look up product information. Successful experiments with visually impaired participants were performed at supermarkets.GroZi (Winlock et al., 2010) focuses on real-time product detection from mobile video in grocery stores. A user compiles a shopping list of products on the website and uploads it on a portable device. Later, the shopper scans a scene in the super- market with a camera. GroZi uses in vitro images of items (images of products taken under ideal lighting and perspective conditions) on the user’s shopping list to detect items in situ (from actual video stream). A hand glove withvibrating motors and the audio of the portable device are used to guide the shopper. The capability of detecting a shopping list’s items is demonstrated with experiments.Automatic payment can also be performed using RFID. A scanner reads all items in the cart at once, totals them up and charges the customer’s account while adjusting the inventory. RFID credit cards use a radio frequency to transmit personal financial data. Furthermore, periodic reports and statistics concerning the shopping can be computed and sent periodically from the monitoring server to the monitoring station.第三题5. Research challengesNext, the research challenges to IoT for people with disabilities are introduced.A key challenge is customization for people with disabilities. Since handicapped people have special needs, the IoT should be adapted to their particular circumstances. Smart workflows are context-aware processes that are executed pervasively. They take context-aware decisions based on context information of the environment captured automatically by sensors. The authors in Wieland et al.(2008) describe an architecture that converts lowlevel context-aware information captured by sensors into information at the businesslevel using smart workflows. Developers use business process modeling tools to describe smart workflow tasks. Presto is a model-based (Giner et al.,2010) software architecture that captures the concepts that are involved in the interaction between physical elements and their digital counter- parts. When the business models are deployed in an execution engine, humans are usually required to perform some tasks in a workflow. Presto’s architecture processes these demands and offers the appropriate mechanisms for users to complete these tasks by enabling their interaction with the physical world. The resulting system is capable of presenting to each participant in the process the services associated with his/her context (physical environment) according to his/her role and current pending tasks. This way, the user is guided through a workflow. For example, if a library member with a monitoring station (PDA) enters the library, Presto shows in the monitoring station the tasks that the user can initiate and complete depending on the available task processors. We propose that if the user is disabled, the list of tasks is received in an appropriate way. For instance, the return boxes of the library automatically detect the returned books by means of RFID. If the disabled person selects the ‘return book’ option, different ways to orient the user towards the closest return box according to his/her disability should be provided (visual or auditory related information,indications for paralytics about how to access the area where the return box is, etc.).Another significant challenge to the IoT for people with disabilitiesis self-management. It refers to the process by which the IoT manages its own operation without human intervention. For this purpose, support for self-configuration, self-healing,self-optimization and self-protection capabilities is required (Haller et al., 2009). Self-configuration is related to the automatic configuration of components; self-healing handles the automatic discovery and correction of faults; self-optimization focuses on the automatic monitoring and control of resources to ensure the optimal functioning with respect to the defined requirements; self-protection tackles the proactive identification and protection from arbitrary attacks. Self-healing is particularly important, since handicapped people usually depend on IoT devices to compensate for their disabilities. Therefore, the detection and elimination of faulty nodes and the design of efficient fault- tolerant algorithms are required. Standardization is also a very important challenge. It is necessary to create globally accepted standards to avoid interoperability problems. 6LoWPAN provides wireless internet connectivity to low-power devices with limited processing capabilities, so that they can be used in the IoT. As a result, with this standard, interoperability andintegration with current heterogeneous Internet-aware devices is accomplished to expand the IoT for disabled people. On the other hand, existing mobility protocols like Mobile IP for IPv6 (MIPv6) or management protocols like Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) cannot be directly applied to 6LoWPAN devices, since they are inefficient in terms of energy, communication and computation cost(Jara et al.,2010). Therefore, more research to adapt existing protocols or find new solutions is required.Furthermore, enabling people with disabilities to establish deeper contact with the outside world is challenging. IoT objects can automatically share pictures, comments and sensor data via social networks. For instance, relatives of a disabled person that belong to the same social network can obtain real-time data about the activities of the handicapped person (if he/she is sleeping, eating, leaving home, has fallen, etc.).This information is automatically sent by‘smart objects’ that surround the disabled person in his/her domestic environment (smart home) (Kranz et al., 2010). Although direct communication with devices via social networks seems to be an exciting and promising way of maintaining social contact, the possibility of machines flooding social networks with auto-generated content exists.The amount of traffic in the IoT will rise exponentially once connections between most objects are established in the next years. Scalability is required to guarantee the proper functioning of the IoT with a very high number of nodes. Senseless communications between ‘things’ should be avoided to favor scalability, since they increase the communication overhead and energy consumption. However, a minimum number of connections between devices should be established for the proper functioning of applications (such as enough tag density and messages to orient a blind person). In addition, security and privacy issues are real (Zorzi et al.,2010). It is essential to guarantee the privacy of the IoT for people with disabilities, who are particularly vulnerable. The IoT should be protected against distributed denial-of-service attacks, which can be defined as the result of any action that prevents any part of the IoT from functioning correctly or in a timely manner. The vulnerabilities of applications and sensors are exploited to launch such attacks. Consequently, an efficient security framework should be developed. Cooperation between devices in the IoT is also indispensable (Zorzi et al., 2010). Scenarios where more capable nodes (monitoring stations) discover other resource-restricted nodes, synchronize with one another and help each other in reliable data delivery seem very promising. Nowadays, most IoT mass consumer applications aremobile devices-centered, since monitoring stations are more likely to integrate sensing, computing and communication capabilities. However, we envision that over time more direct thing- to-thing connections (between ‘things’ that are currently considered resource-restricted) will be established as communication, proces- sing capabilities, technologies deployed for web services and energy harvesting techniques evolve.Finally, we envision that the IoT for disabled people (especially physically disabled individuals)will evolve dramatically in the following years. The advances of brain–computer interfaces(BCIs) made possible the development of prototypes such as brain- controlled prosthetic devices, wheelchairs, keyboards and com- puter games. In the following years BCI technologies will be brought out of the lab and transform into real-world applications (Milla′n et al.,2010). Disabled people will benefit from the advancements in BCI technology combined with assistive technologies in four basic application areas(Milla′n et al.,2010): communication and control (Internet browsing, e-mails), motor substitution (in particular grasping and assistive mobility), entertainment (gaming, music browsing, photo browsing and virtual reality) and motor recovery. Neurophysiological signals (electroencephalogram, EEG) originating from the brain will be used to control external devicesphone, computer, bed), which means human beings will be fully embedded in the Internet of the Things.。