新概念英语青少版 1B 备课教案电子版本

新概念英语青少版1B备课教案新概念英语青少版 1BUnit16:On the London Eye 1:Teaching objectives复习一般现在时学习Some和any的用法2:Language focus:Fun, believe, bridge, really, pass, binoculars, any ,ship 3:Teaching procedurePart 1:Greeting: 介绍自己,同时要求学生做自我介绍,内容包括Name, (My name is…or I am…)Age, (I am …years old or I am a girl or a boy of …years old)Gender, Hobbies (I like doing …)等几个方面。
Warm up: I see a little bee, sitting on my knee, looking at the see.(用来学习音标/i:/)Saying: He knows a lot about the secret thing. But he lets the cat out of the bag today.Part 2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题What can they see on Westminster Bridge? 然后学习生词和短语,重点单词.最后做详细讲解。
Unit17.Smile, please!1:Teaching objectives情态动词can的学习2:Language focus:Smile, watch, do ,try, as well, easy, on one’s knees, good at, gymnastics, useless, maths, take a photo, gym3:Teaching procedureGreeting:Ask a question: Do you like take photos? Do you usually take photos?Warm Up: chick, chick, chick, I’m a little chick, sitting on the stick, with my brother Nick.saying: She is an early bird, she often gets up at 5:30 in the morning.(What’s the meaning of ‘early bird’? Part2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题(Who can take a photo of Lucy and Flora?),然后学习生词和短语,最后做详细讲解。

新概念英语青少版1B备课教案UnitTopicKeywordandentence●Therearetwocarin/on/under...●Ar ethereanywomeninfrontof/near/beide...●Therearen'tanychildrenint hepark.●Thereareomechildrenintheclaroom.OntheLondon●Howmanyboa taretherein...16Eye●Ican'teeanychildrenin...butIcaneeomein...●Therearetwo meninthetreet.Theyarepolicemen.●CanyoudoMathYe,Ican. /No,Ican't.●CanyoudriveacarYe,Ican.It'eay./No,Ican't.It'Smile,1 7pleae!●CanyouplayviolinYe,Ican.I'mgoodatit./No,Ican't.I'muelea tit.18Mencancook●What'inthepacketIitteacake.●Clairewantacamera.Shedoen'twantaCDplayer.●He/Shelike Japaneecamera.●WhatkindofbagdoyouwantIwantaleatherone.Ilikeleat herbag.●DoyoulikevegetableYe,Ido./No,Idon't.●DoyouliketeaAligh t24dinner●I/We/Theydon'tlikevegetableverymuch.●Ilovevegetable! Ihatethem!●Iwantabagofugar/abottleofwine/apacketo ftea...Theweek end●She/Heneedomeugar.25hopping●Howmuch(ugar)doehe/heneed●She /Heneedone/abo某ofchocolate.●Irregularnounplural:a/oneloaf-twoloave●HaKarengotacoat/anygloveANo,hehan't.Showherthatone/tho e.Ye,Ido,butIdon'twantanynow.26elf-ervice●Showit/them/thatone/thoetoKaren.retaurant●Giveme/her/hi mthatone/thoe.●Pame/her/himthatone/thoe.andwarminpring.Manyhappy●Whichithefirt/latmonthoftheyearUnit16:OntheLondonEye1:Teachingobjective复习一般现在时学习Some和any的用法2:Languagefocu:Fun,believe,bridge,really,pa,binocular,any,hip3:TeachingprocedurePart1:Greeting:介绍自己,同时要求学生做自我介绍,内容包括Name,(Mynamei…orIam…)Age,(Iam…yearoldorIamagirloraboyof…year old)Gender,Hobbie(Ilikedoing…)等几个方面。
新概念英语青少版 1B全册备课教学设计

新概念英语青少版1B全册教学设计Unit16:On the London Eye1:Teaching objectives复习一般现在时学习Some和any的用法2:Language focus:Fun, believe, bridge, really, pass, binoculars, any ,ship3:Teaching procedurePart 1:Greeting: 介绍自己,同时要求学生做自我介绍,内容包括Name, (My name is…or I am…)Age, (I am …years old or I am a girl or a boy of …years old)Gender, Hobbies (I like doing …)等几个方面。
Warm up: I see a little bee, sitting on my knee, looking at the see.(用来学习音标/i:/)Saying: He knows a lot about the secret thing. But he lets the cat out of the bag today.Part 2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题What can they see on Westminster Bridge?然后学习生词和短语,重点单词.最后做详细讲解。
Unit17.Smile, please!1:Teaching objectives情态动词can的学习2:Language focus:Smile, watch, do ,try, as well, easy, on one’s knees, good at, gymnastics, useless, maths, take a photo, gym3:Teaching procedurePart 1:Greeting:Ask a question: Do you like take photos? Do you usually take photos? Warm Up: chick, chick, chick, I’m a little chick, sitting on the stick, with my brother Nick.saying: She is an early bird, she often gets up at 5:30 in the morning.(What’s the meaning of ‘early bird’? Part2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题(Who can take a photo of Lucy and Flora?),然后学习生词和短语,最后做详细讲解。

新概念英语青少版1BUnit Topic Key words and sentences16On theLondon Eye ●There are two cars in/on/under ...●Are there any women in front of / near / beside ...?●There aren't any children in the park.●There are some children in the classroom.●How many boats are there in ...?●I can't see any children in ... but I can see some in ...●There are two men in the street. They are policemen.17 Smile, please! ●Can you do Maths?Yes, I can. / No, I can't.●Can you drive a car?Yes, I can. It's easy. / No, I can't. It's difficult.●Can you play violin?Yes, I can. I'm good at it. / No, I can't. I'm useless at it.18Men can cooktoo! ●What's in the packet? Is it tea? No, it isn't (tea). It's coffee.●I can't see any tea.I can. There's some in the packet.●Pass / Give me some milk, please.●I can't see a cup in the cupboard. No, there isn't one.●I can't see any tea in the cupboard. No, there isn't any.19 You must eat! ●There's a lot of / lots of fish ...There are a lot of / lots of peaches ...●Is there any fish ...?Yes, there is, but there isn't any meat.●Are there any peaches ...?Yes, there are, but there aren't any grapes.●Buy some bread / peaches, please. Why? There are a lot ...●Don't buy any bread / peaches.Why not? There aren't any ...●You must eat.20What asurprise! ●What time is it?It's a quarter past two / half past two / a quarter to three.●What time's / When's your English lesson?At one o'clock. / At a quarter past two. / At half past two. / At a quarter to six.●I / We must hurry.●Come on! Hurry up!21Breakfastblues ●Have you got any tea?Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.●Have we got any coffee?Yes, we have. / No, we haven't.●They've got some bread, but they haven't got any cake.●How much coffee have you / we got?I / We haven't got much.●Do you want any ...?No, I don't want any ...●I don't want any ..., but I want some ...22Watching theneighbours ●Paul has got a lot of friends.●They haven’t got a lot of spare time.●He can introduce her to them.●How many CDs has Paul got?23An expensivecamera ●Has he / she got a British camera?Yes, he / she has. / No, he / she hasn't.●What kind of camera has he / she got?He's / She's got a Japanese one.●Claire wants a camera. She doesn't want a CD player.●He / She likes Japanese cameras.●What kind of bag do you want?I want a leather one. I like leather bags.24 A light dinner ●Do you like vegetables?Yes, I do. / No, I don't.●Do you like tea?Yes, I do, but I don't want any now.●I / We / They don't like vegetables very much.●I love vegetables!I hate them!25The weekendshopping ●I want a bag of sugar / a bottle of wine / a packet of tea ...●She / He needs some sugar.●How much (sugar) does she / he need?●She / He needs one / a box of chocolates.●Irregular noun plural: a / one loaf - two loaves26A self-servicerestaurant ●Has Karen got a coat / any gloves?No, she hasn't. Show her that one / those.●Show it / them / that one / those to Karen.●Give me / her / him that one / those.●Pass me / her / him that one / those.●Take her / him that one / those.●I don't want a coat / any gloves. I've already got one / some.27 Toothache ●What day is it?It's Sunday.●When is / When's your appointment?It's on Sunday.●When can the dentist see you?He can see me at four o'clock on Sunday.●How does Robert feel / look?He feels awful. He looks miserable.●What's the matter with Robert?He has got / He's got toothache."28Every day isdifferent! ●What's the weather like in spring / summer / autumn / winter?●Is it ever fine and warm in spring (in England)?●It's often/usually/sometimes/always/never fine and warm in spring.●The sun often shines. / It rains sometimes. / It sometimes snows.●Which season do you like?I like winter.29 Many happyreturns of theday!●Which is the first / last month of the year?January / December.●Which month comes after / comes before January? -February / December.●What's the date?It's the second of February. / It's February thesecond.●When is Linda's birthday?It's in January.It's on the ninth of January / on January the ninth.●How old is Linda?She's 42. / She's 42 years old.30Aninternationalevent●Where does he / she come from?He / She comes from Australia.●Where do they / you come from?They / We / I come from China.●Where does he / she live?He / She lives in Sydney.●What language does he / she speak?He / She speaks English.Unit16:On the London Eye1:Teaching objectives复习一般现在时学习Some和any的用法2:Language focus:Fun, believe, bridge, really, pass, binoculars, any ,ship3:Teaching procedurePart 1:Greeting: 介绍自己,同时要求学生做自我介绍,内容包括Name, (My name is…or I am…)Age, (I am …years old or I am a girl or a boy of …years old)Gender, Hobbies (I like doing …)等几个方面。

新概念英语青少版入门B教学提纲Unit 1 That’s my father! 那是我的爸爸!一、本单元应掌握的知识Lesson 1单词:grandfather祖父grandmother祖母father父亲mother母亲uncle叔叔aunt婶婶cousin堂兄弟句型:1.That’s my aunt.那是我的婶婶。
2.-Is that your grandfather?那是你的祖父吗?-Yes,it is./ No,it isn’t. 是的,那是。
语法:be动词is的缩写that’s=that is it isn’t=it is notLesson 2单词:man男人woman女人句型:1. -Who’s that?那是谁?-It’s Max.那是Max。
2. –Who’s that man?那个男人是谁?-He’s the king.他是国王。
语法:特殊疑问词who的用法Lesson 3音标:er /ə /单词:tall高的short矮的fat胖的thin瘦的behind在…后面in front of在…前面句型:1.The boy is short.这个男孩很矮。
/ He is fat.他很胖。
2.His cap is blue.他的帽子是蓝色的。
/ His name is Fred.他的名字是Fred。
Unit 2 This is our house.这是我们的房子。
一、本单元应掌握的知识Lesson 1单词:bedroom卧室house房子kitchen厨房sitting room客厅句型:1.This is our sitting room.这是我们的客厅。
2.-Is this your kitchen?这是你的厨房么?-Yes,it is/No,it isn’t.是的,这是。
/不,这不是语法:形容词性的物主代词our、your、their的用法(后跟名词)Lesson 2单词:bathroom浴室between在….中间dining room餐厅next to在….旁边句型:1. –Where’s Pop? Pop在哪里?-He’s in the dinning room.他在餐厅。
002 新概念英语青少版入门级B 教案

新概念英语青少版入门B教学提纲Unit 1 That’s my father! 那是我的爸爸!Lesson 1单词:grandfather祖父grandmother祖母father父亲mother母亲uncle叔叔aunt婶婶cousin堂兄弟句型:1.That’s my aunt.那是我的婶婶。
2.-Is that your grandfather?那是你的祖父吗?-Yes,it is./ No,it isn’t. 是的,那是。
语法:be动词is的缩写that’s=that is it isn’t=it is notLesson 2单词:man男人woman女人句型:1. -Who’s that?那是谁?-It’s Max.那是Max。
2. –Who’s that man?那个男人是谁?-He’s the king.他是国王。
语法:特殊疑问词who的用法Lesson 3音标:er /? /单词:tall高的short矮的fat胖的thin瘦的behind在,后面in front of在,前面句型:1.The boy is short.这个男孩很矮。
/ He is fat.他很胖。
2.His cap is blue.他的帽子是蓝色的。
/ His name is Fred.他的名字是Fred。
Unit 2 This is our house.这是我们的房子。
Lesson 1单词:bedroom卧室house房子kitchen厨房sitting room客厅句型:1.This is our sitting room.这是我们的客厅。
2.-Is this your kitchen?这是你的厨房么?-Yes,it is/No,it isn’t.是的,这是。
/不,这不是语法:形容词性的物主代词our、your、their的用法(后跟名词)Lesson 2单词:bathroom浴室between在….中间dining room餐厅next to在….旁边句型:1. –Where’s Pop? Pop在哪里?-He’s in the dinning room.他在餐厅。

最新新概念英语青少版_1B_备课教案Unit Topic Key words and sentences16On the LondonEye●There are two cars in/on/under ...●Are there any women in front of / near / beside ...?●There aren't any children in the park.●There are some children in the classroom.●How many boats are there in ...?●I can't see any children in ... but I can see some in ...●There are two men in the street. They are policemen.17 Smile,please!●Can you do Maths? Yes,I can. / No,I can't.●Can you drive a car?Yes,I can. It's easy. / No,I can't. It's difficult.●Can you play violin?Yes,I can. I'm good at it. / No,I can't. I'm useless at it.18Men can cooktoo!●What's in the packet? Is it tea? No,it isn't (tea). It's coffee.●I can't see any tea.I can. There's some in the packet.●Pass / Give me some milk,please.●I can't see a cup in the cupboard. No,there isn't one.●I can't see any tea in the cupboard. No,there isn't any.19 You must eat!●There's a lot of / lots of fish ... There are a lot of / lots of peaches ...●Is there any fish ...?Yes,there is,but there isn't any meat.●Are there any peaches ...?Yes,there are,but there aren't any grapes.●Buy some bread / peaches,please.Why? There are a lot ...●Don't buy any bread / peaches.Why not? There aren't any ...●You must eat.20 What a surprise!●What time is it? It's a quarter past two / half past two / a quarter to three.●What time's / When's your English lesson?At one o'clock. / At a quarter past two. / At half past two. / Ata quarter to six.●I / We must hurry.●21 Breakfast blues●Have you got any tea? Yes,I have. / No,I haven't.●Have we got any coffee?Yes,we have. / No,we haven't.●They've got some bread,but they haven't got any cake.●How much coffee have you / we got?I / We haven't got much.●Do you want any ...?No,I don't want any ...●I don't want any ...,but I want some ...22Watching theneighbours●Paul has got a lot of friends.●They haven’t got a lot of spare time.●He can introduce her to them.●How many CDs has Paul got?23An expensivecamera●Has he / she got a British camera? Yes,he / she has. / No,he / she hasn't.●What kind of camera has he / she got?He's / She's got a Japanese one.●Claire wants a camera. She doesn't want a CD player.●He / She likes Japanese cameras.●What kind of bag do you want?I want a leather one. I like leather bags.24 A light dinner●Do you like vegetables? Yes,I do. / No,I don't.●Do you like tea?Yes,I do,but I don't want any now.●I / We / They don't like vegetables very much.●I love vegetables!I hate them!25The weekendshopping ●I want a bag of sugar / a bottle of wine / a packet of tea ...●She / He needs some sugar.●How much (sugar) does she / he need?●She / He needs one / a box of chocolates.●Irregular noun plural: a / one loaf - two loaves26A self-servicerestaurant●Has Karen got a coat / any gloves? No,she hasn't. Show her that one / those.●Show it / them / that one / those to Karen.●Give me / her / him that one / those.●Pass me / her / him that one / those.●Take her / him that one / those.●I don't want a coat / any gloves. I've already got one / some.27 Toothache●What day is it? It's Sunday.●When is / When's your appointment?●When can the dentist see you?He can see me at four o'clock on Sunday.●How does Robert feel / look?He feels awful. He looks miserable.●What's the matter with Robert?He has got / He's got toothache."28Every day isdifferent!●What's the weather like in spring / summer / autumn /winter?●Is it ever fine and warm in spring (in England)?●It's often/usually/sometimes/always/never fine and warm inspring.●The sun often shines. / It rains sometimes. / It sometimessnows.●Which season do you like?I like winter.29 Many happyreturns of theday!●Which is the first / last month of the year?January / December.●●What's the date?It's the second of February. / It's February the second.●When is Linda's birthday?It's on the ninth of January / on January the ninth.●How old is Linda?She's 42. / She's 42 years old.30An internationalevent●●●Where does he / she live?He / She lives in Sydney.●What language does he / she speak?He / She speaks English.Unit16:On the London Eye1:Teaching objectives复习一般现在时学习Some和any的用法2:Language focus:Fun,believe,bridge,really,pass,binoculars,any ,ship3:Teaching procedurePart 1:Greeting: 介绍自己,同时要求学生做自我介绍,内容包括Name,(My name is…or I am…)Age,(I am …years old or I am a girl or a boy of …years old)Gender,Hobbies (I like doing …)等几个方面.Warm up: I see a little bee,sitting on my knee,looking at the see.(用来学习音标/i:/)Saying: He knows a lot about the secret thing. But he lets the cat out of the bag today. Part 2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题What can they see on Westminster Bridge?然后学习生词和短语,重点单词.最后做详细讲解.Part3:根据课文问问题,要求学生回答,P5,对话练习,做P9的选择填空.做P6句型练习.然后两人对练对话,最后再做P8书面练习,按照句型来写句子.Part4:语音学习,辅音组/f//v/的学习.Unit17.Smile,please!1:Teaching objectives情态动词can的学习2:Language focus:Smile,watch,do ,try,as well,easy,on one’s knees,good at,gymnastics,useless,maths,take a photo,gym3:Teaching procedurePart 1:Greeting:Ask a question: Do you like take photos? Do you usually take photos? Warm Up: chick,chick,chick,I’m a little chick,sitting on the stick,with my brother Nick.saying: She is an early bird,she often gets up at 5:30 in the morning.(What’s the meaning of ‘early bird’? Part2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题(Who can take a photo of Lucy and Flora?),然后学习生词和短语,最后做详细讲解.Part3:根据课文问P13问题,要求学生回答,做P17选择填空.然后做P14句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最后再做p16书面练习,按照句型来写句子.Part4:语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去.学习后面歌谣London bridge.Unit18. Men can cook,too!1:Teaching objectives学习情态动词must的用法.2:Language focus:Cook,dinner,help,water,pan,chop,onion,spoon,get,fork,drawer,hand,wet,you see,open,restaurant,must,jug,dry,sugar,milk 3:Teaching procedurePart 1:Greeting: What can you cook?Warm up: Ted was having bread,happy in his bed. Mum came and said: no bread in the bed.Saying: He has a big name in the football world.Part2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题What can Robert and William open? 然后学习生词和短语,最后做详细讲解.Part3:根据课文P21问问题,要求学生回答,做p25选择填空.做P22句型练习,然后两人对练对话,最后再做P44书面练习,按照句型来写句子.Part4:鼻音:/m/,/n/Unit19. You must eat!1:Teaching objectives情态动词must的用法,以及名词复数的学习.2:Language focus:Eat,finish,why,tired ,problem,lots of ,fish ,salad,dish ,drink,peach3:Teaching procedurePart 1:Greeting: What is your favorite food?Warm up:学习/æ/的发音:- What’s that,Sam?-It’s a black bag.-What’s under the bag?-Oh,it’s a fat cat.Saying: It’s a piece of cake for me. I can do it easily.Part 2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题Who can eat lots of peacher?后学习生词和短语,并做课文详细讲解.Part3:根据课文P29问题,要求学生回答,做p33填空.做P30练习,然后两人对练对话,最后再做P32练习,按照句型来写句子.Part4:语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去.Unit 20: What a surprise!1:Teaching objectives继续学习情态动词must的用法,复习时间表达方法.2:Language focus:Surprise,lesson,half past,talk,a quarter,find,bye,when? Look for 3:Teaching procedurePart 1:Greeting: What’s the time now? What do you usually do at this time?Warm up:小游戏:hour hand and minute handPart 2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题Where is Lucy’s music book?后学习生词和短语,并做课文详细讲解.Part3:根据课文P34问题,要求学生回答,做p41填空.做P37练习,然后两人对练对话,最后再做P38练习,按照句型来写句子.Part4:语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去.Unit21: Breakfast blues1: Teaching objectives掌握much的意义,会用how much 来造句.以及了解have got的用法.2:Language focus:Breakfast blues,want,something,train,stomach,have got,pot,start,morning,yoghurt,canteen,3:Teaching procedurePart 1:Greeting: Do you like eating breakfast every day? What do you usually eat?Part 2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题Is the food at the academy good?后学习生词和短语,并做课文详细讲解.Part3:根据课文P45问题,要求学生回答,做p49填空.做P45互相提问,然后两人对练对话,最后再做P46练习,按照句型来写句子.Part4:语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去.Unit 22: Watching the neighbours1: Teaching objectives复习名词单复数和have got,学习how many2:Language focus:A lot of,shy many,introduce,to,studies,true,always,3:Teaching procedurePart 1:Greeting: Do you like your neighbours?Warm up: Fliegen klatschenPart 2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题Who’s always busy?后学习生词和短语,并做课文详细讲解.Part3:根据课文P53问题,要求学生回答,做p57填空.做P53互相提问,然后两人对练对话,最后再做P56练习,按照句型来写句子.Part4:语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去.Unit 23 An expensive camera1: Teaching objectives复习have got,时态:一般现在时,学习国家2:Language focus:Kind,let me think,Japanese,remember,another,birthday,at any time 3:Teaching procedurePart 1:Greeting: let’s talk something about taking photos.Warm up: Fliegen klatschen复习之前单词Part 2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题who wants Daisy’s old camera?后学习生词和短语,并做课文详细讲解.Part3:根据课文P61问题,要求学生回答,做p65填空.做P62互相提问,然后两人对练对话,最后再做P62练习,按照句型来写句子.Part4:语音学习,同时把语音学习融入到课堂中去.。

新概念英语青少版2B教案详解版Unit 1 Lesson 1教学目标:1.通过本节课的学习,学生能够独立朗读并理解课文内容;2.学生能够掌握本节课所学的生词和短语;3.学生能够用正确的语音、语调和语法编写一篇简短的日记。
教学过程:Step 1 Warm-up1. Greetings and daily report.2. Review the alphabet and numbers(1-100).3. Sing the song “Let’s Count” and do the actions.Step 2 Pre-reading1. Look at the pictures and ask questions.- Can you see a girl? What is she doing?- Is she in the garden?- Can you see a dog?- What can you see in the garden?- What is the girl doing with the dog? Why do you think?2. Introduce the title and authors of the story.Step 3 Reading and listening1. Play the recording and have the students listen.2. Ask the students to read the story by themselves.3. Check the answers together as a class.Step 4 Vocabulary2. Use pictures, gestures, and examples to explain the meanings of the words and phrases.3. Let the students practice saying the words and phrases.4. Play the recording and have the students repeat.1. Ask the students questions about the story.2. Check the answers together as a class.Step 6 Practice1. Have the students work in pairs.2. Ask the students to write a short diary entry about their own day, using the new words and phrases they learned.3. Provide sentence starters to help the students begintheir diary entries.Step 7 Consolidation1. Have the students present their diary entries to the class.2. Discuss any new vocabulary or phrases that the students used.Step 8 Wrap-up1. Review the new words and phrases.2. Preview the next lesson.3. Give the students homework.教学拓展1.小组活动:让学生分为若干小组,每个小组讨论在园子里可能会发生的事情,然后用英语描述。

新概念英语青少版入门B教案Unit 1 That’s my fatherLesson 11、Background Informationa、b、teaching contentWords:grand-father,grand-mother,father,mother,uncle,aunt,cousin Sentences:Is that …?Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.Teaching Aim:can read and spell these words.Learn how to ask others about another person.Be friendly to others.Teaching focus:ask “Is that your **?”Teaching aids:cards &video &ball& family tree Teaching time:hour 1.5Teaching Procedurea、Greeting&Roll-callT:Hello, boys and girls.S:Hello,Irene.T:Good morning,**.And how are you,everyone?S:Good morning,Irene.Fine,thank you.T:OK.one two threeS: four four fourT:You four are G1.And you five are G2.b、warming upT:OK,now let’s do the 26 sound and letter.OK?S:OK..T:A æ apple. Ready go.S:A æ apple.B b ball.....c、New contentNew vocabularyUnclePresent:family tree (show them card)(T:look, what’s this?S:叔叔.T:Yes, uncle.)Practice:lead reading(T:uncle*3 S:cat*3T:OK.touch the card and say uncle,OK?S:Cat~~(T:OK .now how to spell the word. u*3 S:[ʌ]*3T:n S:[n] T:c S:[k] T:le [l]S:[l ] T:together[ʌnkl]S:[ʌnkl])Other words is same to “uncle”.ClosureGame time:flash card to review all the words.Key pointPresent:Is that your **?Is this your **? Yes,it is./No.it isn’t. That&thisPractice: Trick game.Closure:G1&G2 number1PK···EpisodePresent:Flora And Robert are taking with their dogs on the road.Now let’s listen to the tap and guess what are they talking about?Practice:Listen and readDo after me (body moving)Reflection:3 students have learned this unit.So they don’t spend their time to review again.But they don’t learn well. I have to find a solution to solve this question.Lesson 2a、teaching contentWords: man,womanSentences:Who is that man?He’s the king.Who’s that woman? She’s the queen. Teaching Aim:read and spell these words.Distinguish man/boy woman/girl Teaching focus:Who is that? Who is=who’s Teaching aids:cards &video &ball&diceTeaching Procedurea、Greeting&Roll-callT:Hello, boys and girls.S:Hello,Irene.T:Good morning,**.And how do you do,everyone?S:Good morning,Irene.how do you do?T:OK.one two threeS: four four fourT:Wow,great ,a sticker for you./ one point for G1b、warming upT:now let’s review our family relationship.Grandma(grandmother),grandpa(grandfather),mother ,father and me.c、New contentNew vocabularyManPresent:card (T:look, he is a boy .when he grows up .he’s a man.manS:man*3)Practice:lead reading(T:apple*3 S:apple*3T:OK.jump and touch the card and say apple,OK?S:apple~~)(T:OK .now how to spell the word. M*3 S:[m]*3 T:a*3 S:[æ]*3 T:n*3 S:[n]*3 T:together [mæn] S:[mæn] )Other words is same to “Man”.ClosureGame time:two cards are bomb,then flash card to review all the words.Key pointPresent:Who is that?Practice: Flash cards.Closure:G1&G2 number1PK···EpisodePresent:Peg Pop and Max are playing. Now let’s listen to the tap and guess what are they doing?Practice:Listen and read.Then let’s make a roll play.And use their voice to imitate Pop and Max.Do after me (body moving)Reflection:students are very happy.But some boys are too active.I must spend some time to control them.。

A self-service restaurant
1.Words:self-servicemenuassistantsouptomatosaucemy dearlady
P5:9. Here you are.固定短语;给你.
P6:10. Ladies.对两位以上女士的尊称;复数边y为i加es;不用women.
Now; circle the sentences; No1.What’s on the menu No2. Pass me a bowl of soup; please. No3.Can you bring us some coffee; please ok; close your book This time;IspeakChinese; you speakEnglish; okGood 1.菜单上有什么how to say2.请递给我一碗汤how to say3.麻烦你能给我们带一些咖啡过来;好吗how to say4.那个看起来不错how to saygoodNow; turn to page86

新概念英语青少版入门B教学提纲Unit 1 That’s my father! 那是我的爸爸!一、本单元应掌握的知识Lesson 1单词:grandfather祖父grandmother祖母father父亲mother母亲uncle叔叔aunt婶婶cousin堂兄弟句型:1.That’s my aunt.那是我的婶婶。
2.-Is that your grandfather?那是你的祖父吗?-Yes,it is./ No,it isn’t. 是的,那是。
语法:be动词is的缩写that’s=that is it isn’t=it is notLesson 2单词:man男人woman女人句型:1. -Who’s that?那是谁?-It’s Max.那是Max。
2. –Who’s that man?那个男人是谁?-He’s the king.他是国王。
语法:特殊疑问词who的用法Lesson 3音标:er /ə /单词:tall高的short矮的fat胖的thin瘦的behind在…后面in front of在…前面句型:1.The boy is short.这个男孩很矮。
/ He is fat.他很胖。
2.His cap is blue.他的帽子是蓝色的。
/ His name is Fred.他的名字是Fred。
Unit 2 This is our house.这是我们的房子。
一、本单元应掌握的知识Lesson 1单词:bedroom卧室house房子kitchen厨房sitting room客厅句型:1.This is our sitting room.这是我们的客厅。
2.-Is this your kitchen?这是你的厨房么?-Yes,it is/No,it isn’t.是的,这是。
/不,这不是语法:形容词性的物主代词our、your、their的用法(后跟名词)Lesson 2单词:bathroom浴室between在….中间dining room餐厅next to在….旁边句型:1. –Where’s Pop? Pop在哪里?-He’s in the dinning room.他在餐厅。
新概念英语青少版 b 备课教案

新概念英语青少版1BUnit16:On the London Eye 1:Teaching objectives复习一般现在时学习Some和any的用法2:Language focus:Fun, believe, bridge, really, pass, binoculars, any ,ship3:Teaching procedurePart 1:Greeting: 介绍自己,同时要求学生做自我介绍,内容包括Name, (My name is…or I am…)Age, (I am …years old or I am a girl or a boy of …years old)Gender, Hobbies (I like doing …)等几个方面。
Warm up: I see a little bee, sitting on my knee, looking at the see.(用来学习音标/i:/)Saying: He knows a lot about the secret thing. But he lets the cat out of the bag today.Part 2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题What can they see on Westminster Bridge? 然后学习生词和短语,重点单词.最后做详细讲解。
Unit17.Smile, please!1:Teaching objectives情态动词can的学习Smile, watch, do ,try, as well, easy, on one’s knees, good at, gymnastics, useless, maths, take a photo, gym3:Teaching procedurePart 1:Greeting:Ask a question: Do you like take photos? Do you usually take photos?Warm Up: chick, chick, chick, I’m a little chick, sitting on the stick, with my brother Nick.saying: She is an early bird, she often gets up at 5:30 in the morning.(What’s the meaning of ‘early bird’? Part2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题(Who can take a photo of Lucy and Flora?),然后学习生词和短语,最后做详细讲解。

新概念英语青少版1BUnit Topic Key words and sentences16On theLondon Eye●There are two cars in/on/under ...●Are there any women in front of / near / beside ...?●There aren't any children in the park.●There are some children in the classroom.●How many boats are there in ...?●I can't see any children in ... but I can see somein ...●There are two men in the street. They arepolicemen.17 Smile,please!●Can you do Maths?Yes, I can. / No, I can't.●Can you drive a car?Yes, I can. It's easy. / No, I can't. It's difficult.●Can you play violin?Yes, I can. I'm good at it. / No, I can't. I'm uselessat it.18 Men cancook too!●What's in the packet? Is it tea?No, it isn't (tea). It's coffee.●I can't see any tea.I can. There's some in the packet.●Pass / Give me some milk, please.●I can't see a cup in the cupboard.No, there isn't one.●I can't see any tea in the cupboard.No, there isn't any.19 You musteat!●There's a lot of / lots of fish ...There are a lot of / lots of peaches ...●Is there any fish ...?Yes, there is, but there isn't any meat.●Are there any peaches ...?Yes, there are, but there aren't any grapes.●Buy some bread / peaches, please.Why? There are a lot ...●Don't buy any bread / peaches.Why not? There aren't any ...●You must eat.20What asurprise!●What time is it?It's a quarter past two / half past two / a quarter tothree.●What time's / When's your English lesson?At one o'clock. / At a quarter past two. / At halfpast two. / At a quarter to six.●I / We must hurry.●Come on! Hurry up!21 Breakfastblues●Have you got any tea?Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.●Have we got any coffee?Yes, we have. / No, we haven't.●They've got some bread, but they haven't got anycake.●How much coffee have you / we got?I / We haven't got much.●Do you want any ...?No, I don't want any ...●I don't want any ..., but I want some ...22Watchingtheneighbours●Paul has got a lot of friends.●They haven’t got a lot of spare time.●He can introduce her to them.●How many CDs has Paul got?23 An expensivecamera●Has he / she got a British camera?Yes, he / she has. / No, he / she hasn't.●What kind of camera has he / she got?He's / She's got a Japanese one.●Claire wants a camera. She doesn't want a CDplayer.●He / She likes Japanese cameras.●What kind of bag do you want?I want a leather one. I like leather bags.24 A lightdinner●Do you like vegetables?Yes, I do. / No, I don't.●Do you like tea?Yes, I do, but I don't want any now.●I / We / They don't like vegetables very much.●I love vegetables!I hate them!25 The weekendshopping●I want a bag of sugar / a bottle of wine / a packetof tea ...●She / He needs some sugar.●How much (sugar) does she / he need?●She / He needs one / a box of chocolates.●Irregular noun plural: a / one loaf - two loaves26 A self-servicerestaurant●Has Karen got a coat / any gloves?No, she hasn't. Show her that one / those.●Show it / them / that one / those to Karen.●Give me / her / him that one / those.●Pass me / her / him that one / those.●Take her / him that one / those.●I don't want a coat / any gloves. I've already gotone / some.27 Toothache ●What day is it?It's Sunday.●When is / When's your appointment?It's on Sunday.●When can the dentist see you?He can see me at four o'clock on Sunday.●How does Robert feel / look?He feels awful. He looks miserable.●What's the matter with Robert?He has got / He's got toothache."28 Every day isdifferent!●What's the weather like in spring / summer /autumn / winter?●Is it ever fine and warm in spring (in England)?●It's often/usually/sometimes/always/never fineand warm in spring.●The sun often shines. / It rains sometimes. / Itsometimes snows.●Which season do you like?I like winter.29 Many happyreturns ofthe day!●Which is the first / last month of the year?January / December.●Which month comes after / comes beforeJanuary? - February / December.●What's the date?It's the second of February. / It's February thesecond.●When is Linda's birthday?It's in January.It's on the ninth of January / on January theninth.●How old is Linda?She's 42. / She's 42 years old.30Aninternationalevent●Where does he / she come from?He / She comes from Australia.●Where do they / you come from?They / We / I come from China.●Where does he / she live?He / She lives in Sydney.●What language does he / she speak?He / She speaks English.Unit16:On the London Eye1:Teaching objectives复习一般现在时学习Some和any的用法2:Language focus:Fun, believe, bridge, really, pass, binoculars, any ,ship3:Teaching procedurePart 1:Greeting: 介绍自己,同时要求学生做自我介绍,内容包括Name, (My name is…or I am…)Age, (I am …years old or I am a girl or a boy of …years old)Gender, Hobbies (I like doing …)等几个方面。

新概念英语青少版B教案详解版文件管理序列号:[K8UY-K9IO69-O6M243-OL889-F88688]新概念英语青少版2B教案详解版Unit16 what’s your middle name?1:Teaching objectives引导学生学习一般过去时,重点是规则变化动词的过去式,以及规则动词过去式的发音规则。
句型:Did he clean his teeth after breakfast When did she clean her teeth I finished the job last month. Did you finish the job last month2:Language focus:Middle names, impossible, all the time, unlock, discuss, talk about, plan, everywhere, key-ring, silly, silliness, for example, keep3:Teaching procedurePart 1:Greeting: 介绍自己,同时要求学生做自我介绍,内容包括Name, (My name is…or I am…)Age, (I am …years old or I am a girl or a boy of …years old)Gender, Hobbies (I like doing …)等几个方面。
Warm Up: I see a little bee, sitting on my knee, looking at the see.(用来学习音标/i:/)Saying: Hoist sail when the wind is fair.Part 2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题Where were Karen’s car keys然后学习生词和短语,重点单词:impossible, drive, silliness,最后做详细讲解。

新见解英语青少版入门B授课大纲Unit1 That’smyfather!那是我的爸爸!Lesson1单词:grandfather祖父grandmother祖母father父亲mother母亲uncle叔叔aunt婶婶cousin表兄弟句型:1.That’smyaunt.那是我的婶婶。
语法:be动词is的缩写that’s=thatis itisn’t=itisnotLesson2单词:man男人woman女人句型:1.-Who’sthat?那是谁-It’sMax.那是Max。
Unit2 Thisisourhouse.这是我们的房屋。
/不,这不是语法:形容词性的物主代词our、your、their的用法(后跟名词)Lesson2单词:bathroom浴室between在.中间diningroom餐厅nextto在.旁边句型:1.–Where’s Pop? Pop在哪里-He’sinthedinningroom.他在餐厅。

P4:8. one of those…整体中的一部分(学生中的一个how to say:one of the students)
P5:9. Here you are.固定短语,给你.
P6:10. Ladies.对两位以上女士的尊称,复数边y为i加es,不用women.
Now, circle the sentences, No1.What’s on the menu? No2. Pass me a bowl of soup, please. No3.Can you bring us some coffee, please? ok, close your book! This time,IspeakChinese, you speakEnglish, ok?Good! (1.菜单上有什么how to say?2.请递给我一碗汤how to say?3.麻烦你能给我们带一些咖啡过来,好吗?how to say?4.那个看起来不错how to say?)good!Now, turn to page86
P6,any new words?(快速讲解,然后领读,看情况选择领读1遍或2遍!) Try again!(这次学生自己读,一遍)who can try?(两人两组,PST)This time,
P4&P5&P6,together,who can try? (各组选三人,选两组,组员联合roll the dice,赢的组员扔球)全班一起念P1&PP2&P3 together!ok, now,P1to P6,read it together! what’s on the menu, ready go(全班一起念P1-P6一遍)who can try?(各组6人,一组或两组)……
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新概念英语青少版B备课教案Document number【SA80SAB-SAA9SYT-SAATC-SA6UT-SA18】新概念英语青少版1BUnit16:On the London Eye1:Teaching objectives复习一般现在时学习Some和any的用法2:Language focus:Fun, believe, bridge, really, pass, binoculars, any ,ship3:Teaching procedurePart 1:Greeting: 介绍自己,同时要求学生做自我介绍,内容包括Name, (My name is…or I am…)Age, (I am …years old or I am a girl or a boy of …years old)Gender, Hobbies (I like doing …)等几个方面。
Warm up: I see a little bee, sitting on my knee, looking at the see.(用来学习音标/i:/)Saying: He knows a lot about the secret thing. But he lets thecat out of the bag today.Part 2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题What can they see on Westminster Bridge?然后学习生词和短语,重点单词.最后做详细讲解。
Part4:语音学习,辅音组/fsaying: She is an early bird, she often getsup at 5:30 in the morning.(What’s the meaning of ‘early bird’? Part2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题(Who can take a photo of Lucy and Flora?),然后学习生词和短语,最后做详细讲解。
学习后面歌谣London bridge.Unit18. Men can cook, too!1:Teaching objectives学习情态动词must的用法。
2:Language focus:Cook, dinner, help, water, pan, chop, onion, spoon, get, fork, drawer, hand, wet, you see, open, restaurant, must, jug, dry, sugar, milk3:Teaching procedurePart 1:Greeting: What can you cook?Warm up: Ted was having bread, happy in his bed. Mum came and said: no bread in the bed.Saying: He has a big name in the football world.Part2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题What can Robert and William open? 然后学习生词和短语,最后做详细讲解。
Part4:鼻音:/m/,/n/Unit19. You must eat!1:Teaching objectives情态动词must的用法,以及名词复数的学习。
2:Language focus:Eat, finish, why, tired , problem, lots of , fish ,salad, dish , drink, peach3:Teaching procedurePart 1:Greeting: What is your favorite food?Warm up:学习/?/的发音:- What’s that, Sam?-It’s a black bag.-What’s under the bag?-Oh, it’s a fat cat.Saying: It’s a piece of cake for me. I can do it easily.Part 2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题Who can eat lots of peacher?后学习生词和短语,并做课文详细讲解。
Unit 20: What a surprise!1:Teaching objectives继续学习情态动词must的用法,复习时间表达方法。
2:Language focus:Surprise, lesson, half past, talk, a quarter, find, bye, when? Look for3:Teaching procedurePart 1:Greeting: What’s the time now? What do you usually do at this time?Warm up:小游戏:hour hand and minute handPart 2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题Where is Lucy’s music book?后学习生词和短语,并做课文详细讲解。
Unit21: Breakfast blues1: Teaching objectives掌握much的意义,会用how much 来造句。
以及了解have got的用法。
2:Language focus:Breakfast blues, want, something, train, stomach, have got, pot, start, morning, yoghurt, canteen,3:Teaching procedurePart 1:Greeting: Do you like eating breakfast every day? What do you usually eat?Part 2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题Is the food at the academy good?后学习生词和短语,并做课文详细讲解。
Unit 22: Watching the neighbours1: Teaching objectives复习名词单复数和have got,学习how many2:Language focus:A lot of, shy many, introduce, to, studies, true, always,3:Teaching procedurePart 1:Greeting: Do you like your neighbours?Warm up: Fliegen klatschenPart 2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题Who’s always busy?后学习生词和短语,并做课文详细讲解。
Unit 23 An expensive camera1: Teaching objectives复习have got,时态:一般现在时,学习国家2:Language focus:Kind, let me think, Japanese, remember, another, birthday, at any time3:Teaching procedurePart 1:Greeting: let’s talk something about taking photos.Warm up: Fliegen klatschen复习之前单词Part 2:讲解课文:先听录音回答问题who wants Daisy’s old camera?后学习生词和短语,并做课文详细讲解。