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Nowadays , anincreasingnumberofpeoplearewillingtoserveasvolunt eersespeciallytheuniversitystudentsinthattheyconsid erthatvolunteeringisnotonlyagr eatcontri b utiontoo ur socie ty and t ho sew hoar eirrne ed, bu t als oimpro ves themsel ve sinmanya s pects o


F or onething , thereisno doubtthatv olunteerin gmakescon t ribution to oursoci ety andpeo plei nneed。Thev olun teersp rov idethei ra ssistanc e withoutre quiringany financialr ewardso Th e ircontri bu tionsha vea greati mpac tonha rmony soci etycon tri bution。



Foran othe r, serv ing asavolu nt eerisals o beneficia ltothevolu nteersthem selveso Th e ycanimpr ov etheirm uni cation skil lswhe nprov idin ghelpf oro therso o ne oftheexa m plesistha ttheuniver sitystuden tswhoserv e incanton Fa irwillg eta greatc hanc etopr actic alth eirEng lis handget in touchwit h different kindsofpeo pleaswella sbroadthe i rhorizon。I nadditi on, byserv inga sdiff ere nt kind sofvol unt eers, th ey areeasie r tounderst andthemsel vesandknow inwhichfi e Idstheya re interes ted。


Inaword , volunteer inghasbrou ghtmanyben efitstoou r society, th osewhoa rei nneeda swel lasth evolu ntee rsthem sei ves o The re fore, let u senjoythe timewhense rvingasavo lunteer o



Th e voluntee ri ngspiri tha ssprea damo ngthe

chine sepe oplein rec entyear s, especial 1 y amongyou ngpeople。

Volunte er ingisof tre mendou sben efits tobot htho seinne eda ndsocie ty。Takethe

wenchuan Earthquake asanexamp 1 e。Hundre ds ofthous and sofvol unte erspl ayan

Andt heycontrib ac tiverol ei nwenchua. n quake~hit areas


utedailyn e cessarie s, offer

med icalh el pan dpsy cholog ica lhelp to th edisaste r reliefwor k。

Beside s, volunte e tingwoul db ebenefi cia ltothe volu nt eer st hem selv es~Ge t tin ginvolv ed

involu nteering, v olunteersw illbeexpo s edto anew en vironme nt, and the yean learn how

tow orkwell in ateam, ho w toimprove theirinter personalsk illsandor g anizatio na lskills ,

allof which arec ritico lfo rtheirp ro fessiona 1 growtho

Asacollege student, I s incerely ho pethate ver yonewo uldj ointh evolu ntee ringwo rk。Itis

n o tonlygood tooursocie ty, butalso achancefo r ustogrow an dtolear n o 志愿者英语作文(三):

I nrecent ye ars, thev o lunteerin gspirithas spreadamon gthechine s epeople, es peciall yam ongyou ngst erso A ccord ingt oasurv ey, in2008, th erewerea b outl , 700, OOOvolunte erswhooffe redservic e forolymp ic Games o A ctu ally, a nine reasi ngnum bero fpeopl ebe evolimt ee rseveryy e arinchina。

Volunte eringacti o nsareoft re mendous ben efitst obot hthos einne edan dtheso cie ty。olym pi cGamesar e agoodexam pie。Asiskn owntoall , v olunteers p layedana ct iverole inB ei jing olym picGa mes o w itho utthem , it wouldbe at oughtask t oholdthis un-precede ntolympicG ames o Ther e fore, wee an saythat itw asthos evol untee rswho ensu redthe sue cessoft he segameso

Asmodern collegestu dents, wes h ouldgeta ct ivelyin vol vedinv olun teeri ngact ivit ies。By par ticipat in g, wecanl e arnhowtow orkwellina team, how to improveou r interper so nalskil Isa ndorga niza tiona labil ity o Undoub ted ly, allo ft hesearec r iticalfor ourpersong rowth o So, w eshouldta k ethischa nc etolear nan dtogro w o 志愿者英语作文(四):
