Les Miserables 音乐剧《悲惨世界》歌词教学教材
音乐剧《悲惨世界 Les Miserables》
音乐剧《悲惨世界Les Miserables》中的歌曲《我曾有梦I Dreamed a Dream》I dreamed a dream in days gone byWhen hope was highAnd life worth livingI dreamed that love would never dieI dreamed that God would be forgivingThen I was young and unafraidAnd dreams were made and used and wastedThere was no ransom to be paidNo song unsungNo wine untastedBut the tigers come at nightWith their voice soft as thunderAs they tear your hope apartAs they turn your dream to shameHe slept a summer by my sideHe filled my days with endless wonderHe took my childhood in his strideBut he was gone when autumn cameAnd still I dream he'll come to meThat we'll live the years togetherBut there are dreams that cannot beAnd there are storms we cannot weatherI had a dream my life would beSo different from this hell I'm livingSo different now from what it seemedNow life has killedThe dream I dreamed.忆花样年华春梦开,我生活多姿向往多彩。
悲惨世界音乐剧台词1) 富人个个吝啬,女的都是假正经;你们这个世纪很不幸。
2) 内战?这意味着什么?难道还有一种外战吗?人与人之间的战争,不都是兄弟之间的战争吗?战争的性质只取决于它的目的。
3) 当时天上全不见星光,惨淡的愁云,层层叠叠,堆在地平线上。
4) 经过长期的摸索,科学今日已经知道肥效最高的肥料就是人肥。
5) 一个人在生活上或财产上遭了大难还可能不为所动,但有时有一种神秘可怕的打击,打在人的心上,却能使人一蹶不振。
6) 禽兽不过是我们的美德和邪恶的形象化,在我们眼前游荡,犹如我们的灵魂的显形。
7) 人生有两间屋子,一间是暗的,一间是黑的。
8) 夜幕降临,白日西沉。
9) 人心和岩石一样,也可以有被水滴穿的孔。
10) 这是一条古老的规律——妒忌和憎恨在起作用;有才华的人难免招致诽谤,伟人多少要听到狗吠。
关于悲惨世界音乐剧台词1) 当一个人内心黑暗时便会犯罪,有罪的不是犯罪的人,有罪的是制造黑暗的人。
2) 风度是理想的形态,容止则是理想的动态。
3) 重大的错误和粗绳子一样,是由许多细微的部分组成的,分开细看都没有什么,但许多小错误合在一起便会形成大错误。
4) 他那种过分的仁爱是什么?是一种冷静的对人关切的心,他关心众人,正如我们指出过的已经无微不至,有时还关心到其他的生物。
5) 人一旦流浪并显得自由自在,那就完蛋了。
6) 人心是广漠辽阔的天地,人在面对良心,反省自己胸中抱负和日常行动时往往黯然神伤。
精品文档悲惨世界》音乐剧赏析背景介绍不可辨驳,音乐剧《悲惨世界》(Les Miserables)改编自雨果的超级IP著作《悲惨世界》,但也推动书籍《悲惨世界》成为了人们心中不朽的著作,两种艺术形式互相成就。
音乐剧从20 世纪开始就成为了舞台上闪耀的一颗明星,当然音乐剧《悲惨世界》已经成为了经典中的经典,有一丝后不见来者不可撼动感。
情景简介那是十九世纪的巴黎,贫困潦倒的冉.阿让为了自己妹妹的孩子活下来不被活活饿死,选择了去偷面包,结果被不知人间饥渴的法官判处了19 年的牢狱苦役,出狱之后的冉.阿让依旧的无以生存,陷入多年以前的走投无路的困境,但上帝还没有完全地将这个悲惨的人物忘记,好心的米里哀主教收留了他过夜,但贫穷再次让他犯下了错误,填饱肚子抓住偷走了主教的银器潜逃。
在开始的Starring( in order of appearance )中,开始以厚重的中音啊来拉开篇章啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊天可怜见悲惨世界低头等死俯首认降烈日荼毒此处是人间炼狱十年内老死无望曲子开始工人们愤愤唱着歌,一边不断的劳作控诉这黑暗的现实,工人们一刻也不得闲,只要敢怠慢一分钟,头顶的皮鞭就会落在身上,在劳累和疼痛的折磨下唱出了低鸣声啊,奠定了一种极其悲惨的氛围,描绘了当时的社会背景,正如歌词中演唱的人间炼狱,等死无望。
An aristocrat who fell out with his royalist grandfather after discovering his father was an officer under Napoleon. He studies law, joins the revolutionary ABC students and later falls in love with Cosette.
His novels
Notre-Dame de Paris
les Miserables
L’Homme qui Rit
Les Miserables " (1862) is representative works of Victor Hugo, as one of the most famous novels in the French literature.
Les miserables
1 The author
2 The novel
3 The movie
4 The musical
Victor-Marie Hugo (February 26, 1802 – May 22, 1885) was a French poet, playwright, novelist, essayist, visual artist, statesman, human rights activist and perhaps the most influential exponent of the Romantic movement in France. In France, his literary reputation rests primarily on his poetic and dramatic output and only secondarily on his novels. He is sometimes identified as the greatest French poet. Outside France, his bestknown works are the novels Les Misérables and Notre-Dame de Paris.
Les Misérables
The musical opened at the Barbican Centre in
London, England, on 8 October 1985, and it continues to run in the West End. In 2010, it played its ten-thousandth performance in London, at Queen's Theatre. On 3 October 2010, the show celebrated its 25th anniversary with three productions running in London: the original show at the Queen's Theatre; the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary touring production at the original home of the show, the Barbican Centre; and the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary concert at London's O2 Arena.
I dreamed a dream
He slept a summer by my side
He filled my days with endless wonder
He took my childhood in his stride But he was gone when autumn came
The Thénardiers' elder daughter. As a child, she is pampered
《悲惨世界》音乐剧赏析背景介绍不可辨驳,音乐剧《悲惨世界》(Les Miserables)改编自雨果的超级IP着作《悲惨世界》,但也推动书籍《悲惨世界》成为了人们心中不朽的着作,两种艺术形式互相成就。
在开始的Starring(in order of appearance)中,开始以厚重的中音啊来拉开篇章啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊天可怜见悲惨世界低头等死俯首认降烈日荼毒此处是人间炼狱十年内老死无望曲子开始工人们愤愤唱着歌,一边不断的劳作控诉这黑暗的现实,工人们一刻也不得闲,只要敢怠慢一分钟,头顶的皮鞭就会落在身上,在劳累和疼痛的折磨下唱出了低鸣声啊,奠定了一种极其悲惨的氛围,描绘了当时的社会背景,正如歌词中演唱的人间炼狱,等死无望。
3. 情感方面本班学生具有积极的学习态度,强烈的探究欲望,能主动参与课堂活动并共同探究获得新知。
(二)、音乐渗透,读懂《悲惨世界》的魂1、序曲《苦囚之歌》欣赏0 3 | 6 · 3 | 6 · 3 | 6 7 1 7 | 6 0 3 | 6 · 3 | 6 · 3 | 5 3 3 2 | 3 0|思考问题:(1)、旋律的主干音?行进特点?营造出怎样氛围?(2)、从这段演唱中,你能感受到人物怎样的内心世界。
01. Prologue - Work SongLook down, look downDon't look 'em in the eyeLook down, look down,You're here until you dieThe sun is strongIt's hot as hell belowLook down, look down,There's twenty years to goI've done no wrong!Sweet Jesus, hear my prayer!Look down, look down,Sweet Jesus doesn't careI know she'll wait,I know that she'll be true!Look down, look down,They've all forgotten youWhen I get free ya won't see meHere for dust!Look down, look downDon't look 'em in the eyeHow long, oh LordBefore you let me die?Look down, look down,You'll always be a slaveLook down, look down,You're standing in your graveNow bring me prisoner 24601Your time is upAnd your parole's begunYou know what that means.Yes, it means I'm free.No!It means you getYour yellow ticket-of-leaveYou are a thiefI stole a loaf of bread.You robbed a house.I broke a window pane.My sister's child was close to deathAnd we were starving.You will starve againUnless you learn the meaning of the law.I know the meaning of those 19 yearsA slave of the lawFive years for what you didThe rest because you tried to runYes, 24601.My name is Jean ValjeanAnd I am JavertDo not forget my name!Do not forget me,24601.Look down, look downYou'll always be a slaveLook down, look downYou're standing in your grave.02.On Parole & The BishopValjean:Freedom is mine. The earth is still.I feel the wind. I breathe again.And the sky clearsThe world is waking.Drink from the pool. How clean the taste. Never forget the years, the waste.Nor forgive themFor what they've done.They are the guilty - everyone.The day begins...And now lets seeWhat this new worldWill do for me![He finds work on a farm.]Farmer:You'll have to goI'll pay you off for the dayCollect your bits and pieces thereAnd be on your way.Valjean:You have given me halfWhat the other men get!This handful of tinWouldn't buy my sweat!Laborer:You broke the lawIt's there for people to seeWhy should you get the sameAs honest men like me?Valjean:Now every door is closed to me Another jail. Another key. Another chain For when I come to any townThey check my papersAnd they find the mark of CainIn their eyes I see their fearWe do not want you here.'He comes to an inn.Innkeeper's Wife:My rooms are fullAnd I've no supper to spareI'd like to help a strangerAll we want is to be fairValjean:I will pay in advanceI can sleep in a barnYou see how dark it isI'm not some kind of dog!Innkeeper:You leave my houseOr feel the weight of my rodWe're law-abiding people hereThanks be to God.They throw him out of the inn.Valjean:And now I know how freedom feelsThe jailer always at your heelsIt is the law!This piece of paper in my handThat makes me cursed throughout the landIt is the law!Like a curI walk the street,The dirt beneath their feet.[He sits down despairingly outside a house from which emerges the Bishop of Digne.]Bishop:Come in, Sir, for you are weary,And the night is cold out there.Though our lives are very humbleWhat we have, we have to share.There is wine here to revive you.There is bread to make you strong,There's a bed to rest till morning,Rest from pain, and rest from wrong.Valjean:He let me eat my fillI had the lion's shareThe silver in my handCost twice what I had earnedIn all those nineteen years -That lifetime of despairAnd yet he trusted me.The old fool trusted me -He'd done his bit of goodI played the grateful serfAnd thanked him like I shouldBut when the house was still,I got up in the night.Took the silverTook my flight![Valjean Arrested, Valjean Forgiven]1. Tell his reverence your story2. Let us see if he's impressed1. You were lodging here last night2. You were the honest Bishop's guest.And then, out of Christian goodnessWhen he learned about your plight1. You maintain he made a present of this silver.Bishop:That is right.But my friend you left so earlySurely something slipped your mind[The bishop gives Valjean two silver candlesticks.]You forgot I gave these alsoWould you leave the best behind?So, Messieurs, you may release himFor this man has spoken trueI commend you for your dutyAnd God's blessing go with you.[Constables leave. The bishop addresses Valjean.]But remember this, my brotherSee in this some higher planYou must use this precious silverTo become an honest manBy the witness of the martyrsBy the Passion and the BloodGod has raised you out of darknessI have bought your soul for God!回复•3楼•2006-10-26 06:55•举报 |•••九命青猫•苦为囚犯103.What Have I Done? (Valjean's Soliloquy)Valjean:What have I done?Sweet Jesus, what have I done?Become a thief in the night,Become a dog on the runAnd have I fallen so far,And is the hour so lateThat nothing remains but the cry of my hate,The cries in the dark that nobody hears,Here where I stand at the turning of the years?If there's another way to goI missed it twenty long years agoMy life was a war that could never be wonThey gave me a number and murdered ValjeanWhen they chained me and left me for deadJust for stealing a mouthful of breadYet why did I allow that manTo touch my soul and teach me love?He treated me like any otherHe gave me his trustHe called me brotherMy life he claims for God aboveCan such things be?For I had come to hate the worldThis world that always hated meTake an eye for an eye!Turn your heart into stone!This is all I have lived for!This is all I have known!One word from him and I'd be backBeneath the lash, upon the rackInstead he offers me my freedomI feel my shame inside me like a knifeHe told me that I have a soul,How does he know?What spirit comes to move my life?Is there another way to go?I am reaching, but I fallAnd the night is closing inAnd I stare into the voidTo the whirlpool of my sinI'll escape now from the worldFrom the world of Jean ValjeanJean Valjean is nothing nowAnother story must begin![He tears up his yellow ticket-of-leave.]回复•4楼•2006-10-26 06:57•举报 |•••九命青猫•苦为囚犯104.At The End of The Day[1823, Montreuil-sur-Mer. Outside the factory owned by the Mayor, Monsieur Madeleine (Jean Valjean in disguise).]The Poor:At the end of the day you're another day olderAnd that's all you can say for the life of the poorIt's a struggle, it's a warAnd there's nothing that anyone's givingOne more day standing about, what is it for?One day less to be living.At the end of the day you're another day colderAnd the shirt on your back doesn't keep out the chillAnd the righteous hurry pastThey don't hear the little ones cryingAnd the winter is coming on fast, ready to killOne day nearer to dying!At the end of the day there's another day dawningAnd the sun in the morning is waiting to riseLike the waves crash on the sandLike a storm that'll break any secondThere's a hunger in the landThere's a reckoning still to be reckoned andThere's gonna be hell to payAt the end of the day![The foreman and workers, including Fantine, emerge from the factory.]Foreman:At the end of the day you get nothing for nothingSitting flat on your butt doesn't buy any breadWorker 1:Here are children back at homeWorkers 1&2:And the children have got to be fedWorker 2:And you're lucky to be in a jobWoman:And in a bed!Workers:And we're counting our blessings!Woman 2:Have you seen how the foreman is fuming today?With his terrible breath and his wandering hands?Woman 3:It's because little Fantine won't give him his wayWoman 1:Take a look at his trousers, you'll see where he stands!Woman 4:And the boss, he never knowsThat the foreman is always in heatWoman 3:If Fantine doesn't look out, watch how she goesShe'll be out on the street!Workers:At the end of the day it's another day overWith enough in your pocket to last for a weekPay the landlord, pay the shopKeep on grafting as long as you're ableKeep on grafting till you dropOr it's back to the crumbs off the tableYou've got to pay your wayAt the end of the day!Girl: (Grabbing a letter from Fantine)And what have we here, little innocent sister?Come on Fantine, let's have all the news![Reading the letter.]Ooh... "dear Fantine you must send us more money...Your child needs a doctor...There's no time to lose..."Fantine:Give that letter to meIt is none of your businessWith a husband at homeAnd a bit on the side!Is there anyone hereWho can swear before GodShe has nothing to fear?She has nothing to hide?[They fight over the letter. Valjean (M. Madeleine) rushes on to break up the squabble.]Valjean:What is this fighting all about?Will someone tear these two apart?This is a factory, not a circus!Now come on ladies, settle downI run a business of reputeI am the Mayor of this town(To the foreman)I look to you to sort this outAnd be as patient as you can-He goes back into the factory.Foreman:Now someone say how this began!Girl:At the end of the dayShe's the one who began itThere's a kid that she's hidingIn some little townThere's a man she has to payYou can guess how she picks up the extra You can bet she's earning her keep Sleeping aroundAnd the boss wouldn't like it!Fantine:Yes it's true there's a childAnd the child is my daughterAnd her father abandoned us,Leaving us flatNow she lives with an innkeeper manAnd his wifeAnd I pay for the childWhat's the matter with that?Women:At the end of the dayShe'll be nothing but troubleAnd there's trouble for allWhen there's trouble for one!While we're earning our daily breadShe's the one with her hands in the butter You must send the slut awayOr we're all gonna end in the gutterAnd it's us who'll have to payAt the end of the day!Foreman:I might have known the bitch could biteI might have known the cat had clawsI might have guessed your little secretAh, yes, the virtuous FantineWho keeps herself so pure and cleanYou'd be the cause I had no doubtOf any trouble hereaboutYou play a virgin in the lightBut need no urgin' in the night.Girl:She's been laughing at youWhile she's having her menWomen:She'll be nothing but trouble again and againWoman:You must sack her todayWorkers:Sack the girl today!Foreman:Right my girl. On your way!05.I Dreamed a Dream[Fantine is left alone, unemployed and destitute.]Fantine:There was a time when men were kindWhen their voices were softAnd their words invitingThere was a time when love was blindAnd the world was a songAnd the song was excitingThere was a timeThen it all went wrongI dreamed a dream in time gone byWhen hope was highAnd life worth livingI dreamed that love would never dieI dreamed that God would be forgivingThen I was young and unafraidAnd dreams were made and used and wasted There was no ransom to be paidNo song unsung, no wine untastedBut the tigers come at nightWith their voices soft as thunderAs they tear your hope apartAs they turn your dream to shameHe slept a summer by my sideHe filled my days with endless wonderHe took my childhood in his strideBut he was gone when autumn cameAnd still I dream he'll come to meThat we will live the years togetherBut there are dreams that cannot beAnd there are storms we cannot weatherI had a dream my life would beSo different from this hell I'm livingSo different now from what it seemedNow life has killed the dream I dreamed.回复•6楼•2006-10-26 07:04•举报 |•••九命青猫•苦为囚犯106.Lovely Ladies[The docks. Sailors, whores and their customers, pimps, etc. Fantine wanders in.]Sailor 1:I smell womenSmell 'em in the airThink I'll drop my anchorIn that harbor over thereSailor 2:Lovely ladiesSmell 'em through the smokeSeven days at seaCan make you hungry for a pokeSailor 3:Even stokers need a little stoke!Women:Lovely ladiesWaiting for a biteWaiting for the customersWho only come at nightLovely ladiesReady for the callStanding up or lying downOr any way at allBargain prices up against the wallOld Woman:Come here, my dearLet's see this trinket you wearThis bagatelle...Fantine:Madame, I'll sell it to you...Old Woman:I'll give you fourFantine:That wouldn't pay for the chain!Old Woman:I'll give you five. You're far too eager to sell. It's up to you.Fantine:It's all I haveOld Woman:That's not my faultPlease make it tenOld Woman:No more than fiveMy dear, we all must stay alive!Women:Lovely ladiesWaiting in the darkReady for a thick oneOr a quick one in the parkWhore 1:Long time short timeAny time, my dearCost a little extra if you want to take all year!All:Quick and cheap is underneath the pier!Crone:What pretty hair!What pretty locks you got thereWhat luck you got. It's worth a centime, my dear I'll take the lotFantine:Don't touch me! Leave me alone!Crone:Let's make a price.I'll give you all of ten francs,Just think of that!Fantine:It pays a debtJust think of thatFantine:What can I do? It pays a debt.Ten francs may save my poor Cosette!Sailor 3:Lovely lady!Fastest on the streetWasn't there three minutesShe was back up on her feetSailor 1:Lovely lady!What yer waiting for?Doesn't take a lot of savvyJust to be a whoreCome on, ladyWhat's a lady for? Fantine re-emerges, her long hair cut short.Pimp:Give me the dirt, who's that bit over there?Whore 1:A bit of skirt. She's the one sold her hair.Whore 2:She's got a kid. Sends her all that she canPimp:I might have knownThere is always some manLovely lady, come along and join us!Lovely lady!Whore 1:Come on dearie, why all the fuss?You're no grander than the rest of usLife has dropped you at the bottom of the heapJoin your sistersWhore 2:Make money in your sleep!Fantine goes off with one of the sailors.Whore 1:That's right dearie, let him have the lotWhore 3:That's right dearie, show him what you've got!Women:Old men, young men, take 'em as they comeHarbor rats and alley cats and every kind of scumPoor men, rich men, leaders of the landSee them with their trousers off they're never quite as grand All it takes is money in your hand!Lovely ladiesGoing for a songGot a lot of callersBut they never stay for longFantine:Come on, Captain,You can wear your shoesDon't it make a changeTo have a girl who can't refuseEasy moneyLying on a bedJust as well they never seeThe hate that's in your headDon't they know they're making loveTo one already dead!07.Fantine's Arrest[Bamatabois is a well dressed gentleman.]BamataboisHere's something new. I think I'll give it a try.Come closer you! I like to see what I buy...The usual price, for just one slice of your pieFantine:I don't want you. No, no, m'sieur, let me go.Bamatabois:Is this a trick? I won't pay more!Fantine:No, not at all.Bamatabois:You've got some nerve, you little whoreYou've got some gall.It's the same with a tart as it is with a grocerThe customer sees what he gets in advanceIt's not for the whore to say `yes sir' or `no sir'It's not for the harlot to pick and to chooseOr lead me to a dance![He hits her with his stick, she claws at his face, drawing blood.]Fantine:I'll kill you, you bastard,Try any of that!Even a whore who has gone to the badWon't be had by a rat!Bamatabois:By Christ you'll pay for what you've doneThis rat will make you bleed, you'll see!I guarantee, I'll make you sufferFor this disturbance of the peaceFor this insult to life and property!Fantine:I beg you, don't report me sirI'll do whatever you may wantBamataboisMake your excuse to the police![Javert enters, accompanied by constables.]Javert:Tell me quickly what's the storyWho saw what and why and whereLet him give a full descriptionLet him answer to Javert!In this nest of whores and vipersLet one speak who saw it allWho laid hands on this good man here? What's the substance of this brawl?Bamatabois:Javert, would you believe itI was crossing from the parkWhen this prostitute attacked meYou can see she left her markJavert:She will answer for her actionsWhen you make a full reportYou may rest assured, M'sieur,That she will answer to the court.Fantine:There's a child who sorely needs me Please M'sieur, she's but that highHoly God, is there no mercy?If I go to jail she'll die!Javert:I have heard such protestationsEvery day for twenty yearsLet's have no more explanationsSave your breath and save your tearsHonest work, just reward,That's the way to please the Lord.[Fantine gives a last despairing cry as she is arrested by the constables. Valjean emerge s from the crowd.]Valjean:A moment of your time, JavertI do believe this woman's taleJavert:But M'sieur Mayor!Valjean:You've done your duty, let her beShe needs a doctor, not a jail.Javert:But M'sieur Mayor!Fantine:Can this be?Valjean:Where will she end -This child without a friend?I've seen your face beforeShow me some way to help youHow have you come to griefIn a place such as this?M'sieur, don't mock me now, I prayIt's hard enough I've lost my pride You let your foreman send me away Yes, you were there, and turned aside I never did no wrongValjean:Is it true, what I have done?Fantine:My daughter's close to dying...Valjean:To an innocent soul?Fantine:If there's a God aboveValjean:Had I only known then...Fantine:He'd let me die insteadValjean:In His name my task has just begun I will see it done!Javert:But M'sieur Mayor!Valjean:I will see it done!Javert:But M'sieur Mayor!I will see it done!Voices:Look out! It's a runaway cart!•••九命青猫•苦为囚犯108.The Runaway Cart[The crowd parts to reveal that the cart has crashed, trapping Monsieur Fauchelevant.]Voices:Look at that!Look at that!It's Monsieur Fauchelevant!Don't approach! Don't go near!At the risk of your life!He is caught by the wheel!Oh, the pitiful man!Stay away, Turn away!There is nothing to do!There is nothing to do!Valjean:Is there anyone hereWho will rescue the man?Who will help me to shoulderThe weight of the cart?Voices:Don't go near him, Mr. MayorThe load is heavy as hellThe old man's a goner for sureIt'll kill you as well.[Valjean attempts to lift the cart... but fails. He tries again. They manage to pull Fauchelev ant clear.]Fauchelevant:M'sieur le Mayor, I have no wordsYou come from God, you are a saint.Javert takes Valjean aside.Javert:Can this be true?I don't believe what I see!A man your ageTo be as strong as you are!A mem'ry stirs...You make me think of a manFrom years agoA man who broke his paroleHe disappearedForgive me, Sir,I would not dare!Valjean:Say what you mustDon't leave it there...Javert:I have only known one otherWho can do what you have doneHe's a convict from the chain gangHe's been ten years on the runBut he couldn't run foreverWe have found his hideawayAnd he's just been re-arrestedAnd he comes to court today.Well, of course he now denies itYou'd expect that of a `con'But he couldn't run forever -No, not even Jean Valjean!Valjean:You say this man denies it allAnd gives no sign of understanding or repentance? You say this man is going to trialAnd that's he's sure to be returnedTo serve his sentence?Come to that, can you be sure,That I am not your man?Javert:I have known the thief for agesTracked him down through thick and thinAnd to make the matter certainThere's the brand upon his skinHe will bend, he will breakThis time there is no mistake.[Javert leaves. Valjean is alone.]•••九命青猫•苦为囚犯109.Who Am I? (The Trial)Valjean:He thinks that man is meHe knew him at a glance!That stranger he has foundThis man could be my chance!Why should I save his hide?Why should I right this wrongWhen I have come so farAnd struggled for so long?If I speak, I am condemned.If I stay silent, I am damned!I am the master of hundreds of workers. They all look to me.How can I abandon them?How would they liveIf I am not free?If I speak, I am condemned.If I stay silent, I am damned!Who am I?Can I condemn this man to slavery Pretend I do not see his agonyThis innocent who bears my faceWho goes to judgement in my place Who am I?Can I conceal myself for evermore? Pretend I'm not the man I was before? And must my name until I dieBe no more than an alibi?Must I lie?How can I ever face my fellow men?How can I ever face myself again?My soul belongs to God, I knowI made that bargain long agoHe gave me hope when hope was goneHe gave me strength to journey onHe appears in front of the courtWho am I? Who am I?I am Jean Valjean![He unbuttons his shirt to reveal the number tattooed to his chest.]And so Javert, you see it's trueThat man bears no more guilt than you!Who am I?24601!e To Me (Fantine's Death)[Fantine is lying in a hospital bed, deliriously dreaming of her daughter Cosette.]Fantine:Cosette, it's turned so coldCosette, it's past your bedtimeYou've played the day awayAnd soon it will be night.Come to me, Cosette, the light is fadingDon't you see the evening star appearing?Come to me, and rest against my shoulderHow fast the minutes fly away and every minute colder.Hurry near, another day is dyingDon't you hear, the winter wind is crying?There's a darkness which comes without a warningBut I will sing you lullabies and wake you in the morning.[Valjean enters.]Valjean:Oh, Fantine, our time is running outBut Fantine, I swear this on my lifeFantine:Look, M'sieur, where all the children playValjean:Be at peace, be at peace evermore.Fantine:My Cosette...Valjean:Shall live in my protectionFantine:Take her nowValjean:Your child will want for nothingFantine:Good M'sieur, you come from God in Heaven.Valjean:And none shall ever harm CosetteAs long as I am living.Fantine:Take my hand. The night grows ever colder.Valjean:Then I will keep you warm.Fantine:Take my child. I give her to your keeping.Valjean:Take shelter from the stormFantine:For God's sake, please stay till I am sleepingAnd tell Cosette I love herAnd I'll see her when I wake...[She dies with a smile. Javert arrives.]•••九命青猫•苦为囚犯111.The confrontationJavert:Valjean, at last,We see each other plainM'sieur le Mayor,'You'll wear a different chain!Valjean:Before you say another word, JavertBefore you chain me up like a slave againListen to me! There is something I must do.This woman leaves behind a suffering child.There is none but me who can intercede,In Mercy's name, three days are all I need.Then I'll return, I pledge my word.Then I'll return...Javert:You must think me mad!I've hunted you across the yearsA man like you can never changeA man such as you.Valjean (in counterpoint):Javert (in counterpoint):Believe of me what you will || Men like me can never changeThere is a duty that I'm sworn to do || Men like you can never changeYou know nothing of my life || No, 24601All I did was steal some bread || My duty's to the law - you have no rightsYou know nothing of the world || Come with me 24601You would sooner see me dead || Now the wheel has turned aroundBut not before I see this justice done || Jean Valjean is nothing nowI am warning you Javert || Dare you talk to me of crimeI'm a stronger man by far || And the price you had to payThere is power in me yet || Every man is born in sinMy race is not yet run || Every man must choose his wayI am warning you Javert || You know nothing of JavertThere is nothing I won't dare || I was born inside a jailIf I have to kill you here || I was born with scum like youI'll do what must be done! || I am from the gutter too![Valjean breaks a chair and threatens Javert with the broken piece. Turns to Fantine.]Valjean (to Fantine):And this I swear to you tonightJavert: (to Valjean):There is no place for you to hideValjean:Your child will live within my careJavert:Wherever you may hide awayValjean:And I will raise her to the light.Valjean & Javert:I swear to you, I will be there![They fight, Javert is knocked out. Valjean escapes.]•••九命青猫•苦为囚犯112.Castle on a Cloud[Young Cosette is working as a drudge in the Théardier's inn at Montfermeil.]Young Cosette:There is a castle on a cloud,I like to go there in my sleep,Aren't any floors for me to sweep,Not in my castle on a cloud.There is a room that's full of toys,There are a hundred boys and girls,Nobody shouts or talks too loud,Not in my castle on a cloud.。
悲惨世界英文 PPT
• Alias [ˈeɪliəs] • n. 别名,化名 • adv. 别名叫;化名为 • n. (Alias)人名;(西)阿利亚斯;(法)阿利亚;(阿尔巴)阿利亚丝 • Use your alias or nickname. • 用你的化名或昵称。 • Insufficient [ɪnsə'fɪʃ(ə)nt] • adj. 不足的,不充足的 • n. 不足 • Our school has been reprieved from insufficient financial resources. • 我们学校财力不足的困境现已暂时得到缓解。
1 Written and published by Victor Hugo in 1962;
set the time period between 1789 and 1848.
2 Paints a vivid picture of Paris after the French
Revolution and the controversial rule of Napoleon Bonaparte.
听啊,人们在唱歌 黑夜幽谷,歌声回荡 那是一个民族的欢呼 翻山越岭终见光芒 人间困苦都尝遍 还有一线希望位泯灭 哪怕长夜漆黑 太阳也终将升起
• Controversial [kɒntrə'vɜːʃ(ə)l] • adj. 有争议的;有争论的 • 例:Immigration is a controversial issue in many countries. • 移民在很多国家都是一个有争议的问题。 • benevolent [bɪ'nev(ə)l(ə)nt] • adj. 仁慈的;慈善的;亲切的 • 例:The company has proved to be a most benevolent
悲惨世界教案第一篇:悲惨世界教案《排演--悲惨世界》教案[ 教学目标 ]1、通过观看音乐剧和探究性学习,让学生了解构成音乐剧的主要元素、音乐剧的起源与发展及艺术特征。
[ 教学重、难点 ] 学唱《苦囚之歌》,准确塑造人物形象。
[ 教学过程 ]一、导入:1、播放音乐剧《猫》的片断《回忆》问:同学们对这首歌曲熟悉吗?生答(略)问:我们刚才看到的这一幕表演,是属于哪种艺术形式?(师提醒,艺术形式有歌剧、舞剧、音乐剧等等)生答(略)问:你知道音乐剧有哪些元素构成吗?(可提醒学生从刚才聆听过的《猫》画面中去寻找答案,音乐、舞蹈、戏剧)二、新课教学1、音乐剧的概念(课件出示音乐剧简介)2、今天,老师想带同学们一起去聆听感受一部著名的音乐剧《悲惨世界》。
L e s M i s e r a b l e s音乐剧悲惨世界歌词Document serial number【LGGKGB-LGG98YT-LGGT8CB-LGUT-Les MiserablesAct IPrologue - Work SongValjean Arrested, Valjean Forgiven What Have I Done (Valjean's Soliloquy) At The End of the DayI Dreamed a DreamLovely LadiesFantine's ArrestThe Runaway CartWho Am I (The Trial)Come To Me (Fantine's Death)The ConfrontationCastle on a CloudMaster of the HouseThe BargainThe Thénardier Waltz of Treachery Look DownThe RobberyJavert's Intervention (Another Brawl) StarsEponine's ErrandThe ABC Cafe - Red and BlackDo You Hear the People SingRue Plumet - In My LifeA Heart Full of LoveThe Attack on Rue PlumetOne Day More!Act IIAt the Barricade (Upon these Stones) On My OwnBuilding the BarricadeJavert's ArrivalLittle PeopleA Little Fall of Rain (Eponine's Death) Night of AnguishFirst AttackDrink With MeBring Him HomeDawn of AnguishThe Second AttackDeath of GavrocheThe Final BattleDog Eats DogThe SewersJavert's SuicideTurningEmpty Chairs at Empty TablesEvery Day (Marius and Cosette) Valjean's ConfessionThe Wedding ChoraleBeggars at the FeastEpilogueFinalePrologue - Work Song1815, Toulon, France. The chain gang, overseen by brutal warders, works in the sun.Chorus (Prisoners):Look down, look downDon't look 'em in the eyeLook down, look down,You're here until you die 1st Convict:The sun is strongIt's hot as hell belowChorus:Look down, look down,There's twenty years to go2nd Convict:I've done no wrong!Sweet Jesus, hear my prayer! Chorus:Look down, look down,Sweet Jesus doesn't care3rd Convict:I know she'll wait,I know that she'll be true!Chorus:Look down, look down,They've all forgotten you4th Convict:When I get free ya won't see meHere for dust!Chorus:Look down, look downDon't look 'em in the eye5th Convict:How long, oh LordBefore you let me dieChorus:Look down, look down,You'll always be a slaveLook down, look down,You're standing in your grave Javert:Now bring me prisoner 24601Your time is upAnd your parole's begunYou know what that means. Valjean:Yes, it means I'm free.Javert:No!It means you getYour yellow ticket-of-leaveYou are a thiefValjean:I stole a loaf of bread.Javert:You robbed a house.Valjean:I broke a window pane.My sister's child was close to deathAnd we were starving.Javert:You will starve againUnless you learn the meaning of the law. Valjean:I know the meaning of those 19 yearsA slave of the lawJavert:Five years for what you didThe rest because you tried to runYes, 24601.Valjean:My name is Jean ValjeanJavert:And I am JavertDo not forget my name!Do not forget me,24601.Chorus:Look down, look downYou'll always be a slaveLook down, look downYou're standing in your grave. Valjean:Freedom is mine. The earth is still.I feel the wind. I breathe again.And the sky clearsThe world is waking.Drink from the pool. How clean the taste.Never forget the years, the waste.Nor forgive themFor what they've done.They are the guilty - everyone.The day begins...And now lets seeWhat this new worldWill do for me!He finds work on a farm.Farmer:You'll have to goI'll pay you off for the dayCollect your bits and pieces thereAnd be on your way.Valjean:You have given me halfWhat the other men get!This handful of tinWouldn't buy my sweat!Laborer:You broke the lawIt's there for people to seeWhy should you get the sameAs honest men like meValjean:Now every door is closed to meAnother jail. Another key. Another chainFor when I come to any townThey check my papersAnd they find the mark of CainIn their eyes I see their fear`We do not want you here.'He comes to an inn.Innkeeper's Wife:My rooms are fullAnd I've no supper to spareI'd like to help a strangerAll we want is to be fairValjean:I will pay in advanceI can sleep in a barnYou see how dark it isI'm not some kind of dog!Innkeeper:You leave my houseOr feel the weight of my rodWe're law-abiding people hereThanks be to God.They throw him out of the inn.Valjean:And now I know how freedom feelsThe jailer always at your heelsIt is the law!This piece of paper in my handThat makes me cursed throughout the land It is the law!Like a curI walk the street,The dirt beneath their feet.He sits down despairingly outside a house from which emerges the Bishop of Digne. Bishop:Come in, Sir, for you are weary,And the night is cold out there.Though our lives are very humbleWhat we have, we have to share.There is wine here to revive you.There is bread to make you strong,There's a bed to rest till morning,Rest from pain, and rest from wrong. Valjean:He let me eat my fillI had the lion's shareThe silver in my handCost twice what I had earnedIn all those nineteen years -That lifetime of despairAnd yet he trusted me.The old fool trusted me -He'd done his bit of goodI played the grateful serfAnd thanked him like I shouldBut when the house was still,I got up in the night.Took the silverTook my flight!Taking the silver cup, he runs off, but is brought back by two constables.Valjean Arrested, Valjean Forgiven Constables1. Tell his reverence your story2. Let us see if he's impressed1. You were lodging here last night2. You were the honest Bishop's guest.And then, out of Christian goodnessWhen he learned about your plight1. You maintain he made a present of thissilver.Bishop:That is right.But my friend you left so earlySurely something slipped your mind The bishop gives Valjean two silver candlesticks.You forgot I gave these alsoWould you leave the best behindSo, Messieurs, you may release himFor this man has spoken trueI commend you for your dutyAnd God's blessing go with you.Constables leave. The bishop addresses Valjean.But remember this, my brotherSee in this some higher planYou must use this precious silverTo become an honest manBy the witness of the martyrsBy the Passion and the BloodGod has raised you out of darknessI have bought your soul for God!What Have I Done (Valjean's Soliloquy) Valjean:What have I doneSweet Jesus, what have I doneBecome a thief in the night,Become a dog on the runAnd have I fallen so far,And is the hour so lateThat nothing remains but the cry of my hate,The cries in the dark that nobody hears,Here where I stand at the turning of the yearsIf there's another way to goI missed it twenty long years agoMy life was a war that could never be wonThey gave me a number and murdered ValjeanWhen they chained me and left me for deadJust for stealing a mouthful of breadYet why did I allow that manTo touch my soul and teach me loveHe treated me like any otherHe gave me his trustHe called me brotherMy life he claims for God aboveCan such things beFor I had come to hate the worldThis world that always hated meTake an eye for an eye!Turn your heart into stone!This is all I have lived for!This is all I have known!One word from him and I'd be backBeneath the lash, upon the rackInstead he offers me my freedomI feel my shame inside me like a knifeHe told me that I have a soul,How does he knowWhat spirit comes to move my lifeIs there another way to goI am reaching, but I fallAnd the night is closing inAnd I stare into the voidTo the whirlpool of my sinI'll escape now from the worldFrom the world of Jean ValjeanJean Valjean is nothing nowAnother story must begin!He tears up his yellow ticket-of-leave.At The End of The Day1823, Montreuil-sur-Mer. Outside the factory owned by the Mayor, Monsieur Madeleine (Jean Valjean in disguise).The Poor:At the end of the day you're another day olderAnd that's all you can say for the life of the poorIt's a struggle, it's a warAnd there's nothing that anyone's givingOne more day standing about, what is it forOne day less to be living.At the end of the day you're another day colderAnd the shirt on your back doesn't keep out the chillAnd the righteous hurry pastThey don't hear the little ones cryingAnd the winter is coming on fast, ready to killOne day nearer to dying!At the end of the day there's another day dawningAnd the sun in the morning is waiting to riseLike the waves crash on the sandLike a storm that'll break any secondThere's a hunger in the landThere's a reckoning still to be reckoned andThere's gonna be hell to payAt the end of the day!The foreman and workers, including Fantine, emerge from the factory.Foreman:At the end of the day you get nothing for nothingSitting flat on your butt doesn't buy any breadWorker 1:Here are children back at homeWorkers 1&2:And the children have got to be fedWorker 2:And you're lucky to be in a jobWoman:And in a bed!Workers:And we're counting our blessings!Woman 2:Have you seen how the foreman is fuming todayWith his terrible breath and his wandering hands Woman 3:It's because little Fantine won't give him his wayWoman 1:Take a look at his trousers, you'll see where he stands!Woman 4:And the boss, he never knowsThat the foreman is always in heatWoman 3:If Fantine doesn't look out, watch how she goesShe'll be out on the street!Workers:At the end of the day it's another day overWith enough in your pocket to last for a week Pay the landlord, pay the shopKeep on grafting as long as you're ableKeep on grafting till you dropOr it's back to the crumbs off the tableYou've got to pay your wayAt the end of the day!Girl: (Grabbing a letter from Fantine)And what have we here, little innocent sisterCome on Fantine, let's have all the news! Reading the letter.Ooh... "dear Fantine you must send us more money...Your child needs a doctor...There's no time to lose..."Fantine:Give that letter to meIt is none of your businessWith a husband at homeAnd a bit on the side!Is there anyone hereWho can swear before GodShe has nothing to fearShe has nothing to hideThey fight over the letter. Valjean (M. Madeleine) rushes on to break up the squabble.Valjean:Will someone tear these two apartWhat is this fighting all aboutThis is a factory, not a circus!Now come on ladies, settle downI run a business of reputeI am the Mayor of this town(To the foreman)I look to you to sort this outAnd be as patient as you can-He goes back into the factory.Foreman:Now someone say how this began!Girl:At the end of the dayShe's the one who began itThere's a kid that she's hidingIn some little townThere's a man she has to payYou can guess how she picks up the extraYou can bet she's earning her keepSleeping aroundAnd the boss wouldn't like it!Fantine:Yes it's true there's a childAnd the child is my daughterAnd her father abandoned us,Leaving us flatNow she lives with an innkeeper manAnd his wifeAnd I pay for the childWhat's the matter with thatWomen:At the end of the dayShe'll be nothing but troubleAnd there's trouble for allWhen there's trouble for one!While we're earning our daily breadShe's the one with her hands in the butterYou must send the slut awayOr we're all gonna end in the gutterAnd it's us who'll have to payAt the end of the day!Foreman:I might have known the bitch could biteI might have known the cat had clawsI might have guessed your little secretAh, yes, the virtuous FantineWho keeps herself so pure and cleanYou'd be the cause I had no doubtOf any trouble hereaboutYou play a virgin in the lightBut need no urgin' in the night.Girl:She's been laughing at youWhile she's having her menWomen:She'll be nothing but trouble again and again Woman:You must sack her todayWorkers:Sack the girl today!Foreman:Right my girl. On your way!I Dreamed a DreamFantine is left alone, unemployed and destitute. Fantine:There was a time when men were kindWhen their voices were softAnd their words invitingThere was a time when love was blindAnd the world was a songAnd the song was excitingThere was a timeThen it all went wrongI dreamed a dream in time gone byWhen hope was highAnd life worth livingI dreamed that love would never dieI dreamed that God would be forgivingThen I was young and unafraidAnd dreams were made and used and wasted There was no ransom to be paidNo song unsung, no wine untastedBut the tigers come at nightWith their voices soft as thunderAs they tear your hope apartAnd they turn your dream to shameHe slept a summer by my sideHe filled my days with endless wonderHe took my childhood in his strideBut he was gone when autumn cameAnd still I dream he'll come to meThat we will live the years togetherBut there are dreams that cannot beAnd there are storms we cannot weatherI had a dream my life would beSo different from this hell I'm livingSo different now from what it seemedNow life has killed the dream I dreamed. Lovely LadiesThe docks. Sailors, whores and their customers, pimps, etc. Fantine wanders in.Sailor 1:I smell womenSmell 'em in the airThink I'll drop my anchorIn that harbor over thereSailor 2:Lovely ladiesSmell 'em through the smokeSeven days at seaCan make you hungry for a pokeSailor 3:Even stokers need a little stoke!Women:Lovely ladiesWaiting for a biteWaiting for the customersWho only come at nightLovely ladiesReady for the callStanding up or lying downOr any way at allBargain prices up against the wallOld Woman:Come here, my dearLet's see this trinket you wearThis bagatelle...Fantine:Madame, I'll sell it to you...Old Woman:I'll give you fourFantine:That wouldn't pay for the chain!Old Woman:I'll give you five. You're far too eager to sell.It's up to you.Fantine:It's all I haveOld Woman:That's not my faultFantine:Please make it tenOld Woman:No more than fiveMy dear, we all must stay alive!Women:Lovely ladiesWaiting in the darkReady for a thick oneOr a quick one in the parkWhore 1:Long time short timeAny time, my dearCost a little extra if you want to take all year! All:Quick and cheap is underneath the pier! Crone:What pretty hair!What pretty locks you got thereWhat luck you got. It's worth a centime, my dearI'll take the lotFantine:Don't touch me! Leave me alone!Crone:Let's make a price.I'll give you all of ten francs,Just think of that!Fantine:It pays a debtCrone:Just think of thatFantine:What can I do It pays a debt.Ten francs may save my poor Cosette!Sailor 3:Lovely lady!Fastest on the streetWasn't there three minutesShe was back up on her feetSailor 1:Lovely lady!What yer waiting forDoesn't take a lot of savvyJust to be a whoreCome on, ladyWhat's a lady for Fantine re-emerges, her long hair cut short.Pimp:Give me the dirt, who's that bit over there Whore 1:A bit of skirt. She's the one sold her hair. Whore 2:She's got a kid. Sends her all that she can Pimp:I might have knownThere is always some manLovely lady, come along and join us!Lovely lady!Whore 1:Come on dearie, why all the fussYou're no grander than the rest of usLife has dropped you at the bottom of theheapJoin your sistersWhore 2:Make money in your sleep!Fantine goes off with one of the sailors.Whore 1:That's right dearie, let him have the lot Whore 3:That's right dearie, show him what you've got! Women:Old men, young men, take 'em as they comeHarbor rats and alley cats and every kind ofscumPoor men, rich men, leaders of the landSee them with their trousers off they're neverquite as grandAll it takes is money in your hand!Lovely ladiesGoing for a songGot a lot of callersBut they never stay for longFantine:Come on, Captain,You can wear your shoesDon't it make a changeTo have a girl who can't refuseEasy moneyLying on a bedJust as well they never seeThe hate that's in your headDon't they know they're making loveTo one already dead!Fantine's ArrestBamatabois is a well dressed gentleman. BamataboisHere's something new. I think I'll give it a try.Come closer you! I like to see what I buy...The usual price, for just a slice of your pie Fantine:I don't want you. No, no, m'sieur, let me go. Bamatabois:Is this a trick I won't pay more!Fantine:No, not at al`.Bamatabois:You've got some nerve, you little whoreYou've got some gall.It's the same with a tart as it is with a grocerThe customer sees what he gets in advanceIt's not for the whore to say `yes sir' or `no sir'It's not for the harlot to pick and to chooseOr lead me to a dance!He hits her with his stick, she claws at his face, drawing blood.Fantine:I'll kill you, you bastard,Try any of that!Even a whore who has gone to the badWon't be had by a rat!BamataboisBy Christ you'll pay for what you've doneThis rat will make you bleed, you'll see!I guarantee, I'll make you sufferFor this disturbance of the peaceFor this insult to life and property! Fantine:I beg you, don't report me sirI'll do whatever you may wantBamataboisMake your excuse to the police!Javert enters, accompanied by constables. Javert:Tell me quickly what's the storyWho saw what and why and whereLet him give a full descriptionLet him answer to Javert!In this nest of whores and vipersLet one speak who saw it allWho laid hands on this good man hereWhat's the substance of this brawl Bamatabois:Javert, would you believe itI was crossing from the parkWhen this prostitute attacked meYou can see she left her markJavert:She will answer for her actionsWhen you make a full reportYou may rest assured, M'sieur,That she will answer to the court.Fantine:There's a child who sorely needs mePlease M'sieur, she's but that highHoly God, is there no mercyIf I go to jail she'll die!Javert:I have heard such protestationsEvery day for twenty yearsLet's have no more explanationsSave your breath and save your tears`Honest work, just reward,That's the way to please the Lord.Fantine gives a last despairing cry as she is arrested by the constables.Valjean emerges from the crowd.Valjean:A moment of your time, JavertI do believe this woman's taleJavert:But M'sieur Mayor!Valjean:You've done your duty, let her beShe needs a doctor, not a jail.Javert:But M'sieur Mayor!Fantine:Can this beValjean:Where will she end -This child without a friendI've seen your face beforeShow me some way to help youHow have you come to griefIn a place such as thisFantine:M'sieur, don't mock me now, I prayIt's hard enough I've lost my prideYou let your foreman send me awayYes, you were there, and turned asideI never did no wrongValjean:Is it true, what I have doneFantine:My daughter's close to dying...Valjean:To an innocent soulFantine:If there's a God aboveValjean:Had I only known then...Fantine:He'd let me die insteadValjean:In His name my task has just begunI will see it done!Javert:But M'sieur Mayor!Valjean:I will see it done!Javert:But M'sieur Mayor!Valjean:I will see it done!Voices:Look out! It's a runaway cart!The Runaway CartThe crowd parts to reveal that the cart has crashed, trapping Monsieur Fauchelevant. VoicesLook at that!Look at that!It's Monsieur Fauchelevant!Don't approach! Don't go near!At the risk of your life!He is caught by the wheel!Oh, the pitiful man!Stay away, Turn away!There is nothing to do!There is nothing to do!Valjean:Is there anyone hereWho will rescue the manWho will help me to shoulderThe weight of the cartVoicesDon't go near him, Mr. MayorThe load is heavy as hellThe old man's a goner for sureIt'll kill you as well.Valjean attempts to lift the cart... but fails. He tries again. They manage to pull Fauchelevant clear.Fauchelevant:M'sieur le Mayor, I have no wordsYou come from God, you are a saint.Javert takes Valjean aside.Javert:Can this be trueI don't believe what I see!A man your ageTo be as strong as you are!A mem'ry stirs...You make me think of a manFrom years agoA man who broke his paroleHe disappearedForgive me, Sir,I would not dare!Valjean:Say what you mustDon't leave it there...Javert:I have only known one otherWho can do what you have doneHe's a convict from the chain gangHe's been ten years on the runBut he couldn't run foreverWe have found his hideawayAnd he's just been re-arrestedAnd he comes to court today.Well, of course he now denies itYou'd expect that of a `con'But he couldn't run forever -No, not even Jean Valjean!Valjean:You say this man denies it allAnd gives no sign of understanding or repentanceYou say this man is going to trialAnd that's he's sure to be returnedTo serve his sentenceCome to that, can you be sure,That I am not your manJavert:I have known the thief for agesTracked him down through thick and thinAnd to make the matter certainThere's the brand upon his skinHe will bend, he will breakThis time there is no mistake.Javert leaves. Valjean is alone.Who Am I (The Trial)Valjean:He thinks that man is meHe knew him at a glance!That stranger he has foundThis man could be my chance!Why should I save his hideWhy should I right this wrongWhen I have come so farAnd struggled for so longIf I speak, I am condemned.If I stay silent, I am damned!I am the master of hundreds of workers.They all look to me.How can I abandon themHow would they liveIf I am not freeIf I speak, I am condemned.If I stay silent, I am damned!Who am ICan I condemn this man to slaveryPretend I do not feel his agonyThis innocent who bears my faceWho goes to judgement in my placeWho am ICan I conceal myself for evermorePretend I'm not the man I was beforeAnd must my name until I dieBe no more than an alibiMust I lieHow can I ever face my fellow menHow can I ever face myself againMy soul belongs to God, I knowI made that bargain long agoHe gave me hope when hope was goneHe gave me strength to journey onHe appears in front of the courtWho am I Who am II am Jean Valjean!He unbuttons his shirt to reveal the number tattooed to his chest.And so Javert, you see it's trueThat man bears no more guilt than you!Who am I24601!Come To Me (Fantine's Death)Fantine is lying in a hospital bed, deliriously dreaming of her daughter Cosette.Fantine:Cosette, it's turned so coldCosette, it's past your bedtimeYou've played the day awayAnd soon it will be night.Come to me, Cosette, the light is fadingDon't you see the evening star appearingCome to me, and rest against my shoulderHow fast the minutes fly away and every minute colder.Hurry near, another day is dyingDon't you hear, the winter wind is cryingThere's a darkness which comes without a warningBut I will sing you lullabies and wake you in the morning.Valjean enters.Valjean:Oh, Fantine, our time is running outBut Fantine, I swear this on my life Fantine:Look, M'sieur, where all the children play Valjean:Be at peace, be at peace evermore. Fantine:My Cosette...Valjean:Shall live in my protectionFantine:Take her nowValjean:Your child will want for nothingFantine:Good M'sieur, you come from God in Heaven. Valjean:And none shall ever harm CosetteAs long as I am living.Fantine:Take my hand. The night grows ever colder. Valjean:Then I will keep you warm.Fantine:Take my child. I give her to your keeping. Valjean:Take shelter from the stormFantine:For God's sake, please stay till I am sleepingAnd tell Cosette I love herAnd I'll see her when I wake...She dies with a smile. Javert arrives.The ConfrontationJavert:Valjean, at last,We see each other plain`M'sieur le Mayor,'You'll wear a different chain!Valjean:Before you say another word, JavertBefore you chain me up like a slave againListen to me! There is something I must do.This woman leaves behind a suffering child.There is none but me who can intercede,In Mercy's name, three days are all I need.Then I'll return, I pledge my word.Then I'll return...Javert:You must think me mad!I've hunted you across the yearsA man like you can never changeA man such as you.Valjean (in counterpoint):Javert (in counterpoint):Believe of me whatyou willMen like me cannever changeThere is a duty thatI'm sworn to doMen like you cannever changeYou know nothingof my lifeNo, 24601All I did was stealsome breadMy duty's to thelaw - you have norightsYou know nothingof the worldCome with me24601You would soonersee me deadNow the wheel hasturned aroundBut not before I seethis justice doneJean Valjean isnothing nowI am warning youJavertDare you talk to meof crimeI'm a stronger manby farAnd the price youhad to payThere is power inme yetEvery man is bornin sinMy race is not yetrunEvery man mustchoose his wayI am warning youJavertYou know nothingof JavertThere is nothing Iwon't dareI was born inside ajailIf I have to kill youhereI was born withscum like youI'll do what must bedone!I am from thegutter too!Valjean breaks a chair and threatens Javert with the broken piece. Turns to Fantine.Valjean (to Fantine):And this I swear to you tonightJavert: (to Valjean):There is no place for you to hideValjean:Your child will live within my careJavert:Wherever you may hide awayValjean:And I will raise her to the light.Valjean & Javert:I swear to you, I will be there!They fight, Javert is knocked out. Valjean escapes. Castle on a CloudYoung Cosette is working as a drudge in the Théardier's inn at Montfermeil.Young CosetteThere is a castle on a cloud,。
歌剧魅影 悲惨世界 西贡小姐
《悲惨世界》原系法国文学家雨果 的长篇小说,1985年,该小说语版本 音乐剧由麦金什制作公司搬上伦敦舞 台,并于两年后在纽约百老汇上演, 由此开始了其风靡世界的历程。其中 《人去楼空》是此剧中最为精典的曲 目之一。剧中人马里奥在经过革命后, 失去了朋友、亲人,一无所有,但是 为了正义又不得革命,在悲痛之中的 一段诉说。目前, 《悲惨世界》在全 球各地已连续上演16年,并衍生出17 个演出版本,在全球票房收入接近18 亿美元,被尊为20世纪音乐剧经典作 品。
音乐剧(英语:Musical theater, 简称 Musicals),又称为歌舞剧, 是音乐、歌曲、舞蹈和对白结合的 一种戏剧表演,剧中的幽默、讽刺、 感伤、爱情、愤怒作为动人的组成 部分,与剧情本身通过演员的语言, 音乐和动作以及固定的演绎传达给 观众。
一种高度综合性的舞台综合艺 术,它的构成要素几乎囊括了 当今世界上现存的绝大多数艺 术品种----从文学、戏剧、诗歌、 音乐、舞蹈、雕塑、绘画、建 筑,到幽默艺术、滑稽表演和 声光艺术,甚至也包括了电影、 杂技、魔术等等。
剧中名曲 “我曾有梦/ I Dreamed A Dream” “我是谁/ Who Am I ?” “带他回家/Bring Him Home” 缔造了不朽的经典。
没有超级巨星、没有眩目舞台景 观与服装,有的仅是动人的音乐与 感人的情节,《悲惨世界》感动着 全球的观众,每每令人泪湿前襟。
这是一部雄浑的史诗,是一个人 的史诗,但又不限于个人的意义
当冉阿·让曾经是一个拥有无数财产的市长时,他却把绝大 多数的钱都捐给了慈善机构和穷人们,以至于他出门时往 往口袋里装满了钱,回来时又都空了。除此之外他还经常 把面包送给挨饿的人,把衣服送给挨冻的人,到处访贫问 苦。对于穷人而言,他就是一顶保护伞,一个正义的化身。
有一位老人被压在车下,整个车子的重量都压在他的胸口 上,此时除非有谁去把车子从下面撑起来,否则无法把他 救出来。谁有那么大的力量呢?人们都知道:只有一个正 在被通缉的苦役犯——冉阿让,才有那么大的力量。当时 身为市长的冉阿让正在旁边,可他要是去救的话,等于承 认自己就是冉阿让;可要是不救或是再犹豫几分钟的话, 那位老人就会死去。就在这时,他还是冒着可能被认出来 的危险救下了老人
1870年法国恢复共和政体(第二共和),雨果亦结束流亡生涯,回到 法国。无论政治或文学,均有贡献。
主人公冉阿让是个因饥饿而偷一个面包而坐牢的苦囚犯,因 为四次逃狱都被发现而加刑。在监狱里度过了十九年,他出 狱后在一个小镇收到主教的教化,决心从善,他历尽千辛万 苦来到了一个小城,成为巨富他广施仁爱却不能挽回自己因 为饥饿而偷一个面包的错误,这时他碰到了苦难的芳汀,芳 汀因为太穷而被迫把女儿寄养给两个暴发户,可她自己却不 知情,还蛮以为自己的孩子吃得好穿的好,其实那两个人把 她的心肝当成女佣了,这时芳盯受到了冉阿让的接济,可是 没过几天芳盯却死了。冉阿让也被抓了,冉阿让故意掉海里 去,死里逃生了,他把珂赛特(芳汀的女儿)接回了自己家, 并把她抚养大,最后成为了一个漂亮的姑娘,珂赛特嫁给了 一个叫马吕斯的人,但是冉阿让也去世了。
维克多·雨果,19世纪法国浪漫主义代表作家。1802年生于法国白桑 松, 有兄长二人。父亲为拿破仑麾下大将。少年时期家庭因父亲职 业而追随军旅迁徙各处,虽然家庭环境困难,仍然持续接受教育。
• Fantine • a woman cheated by a dissolute manage. • Thénardiers
• the couple raise Cosette at first, Marius’s father’s
lifesaver. • Éponine • elder daughter,love Marius very much .
• Hugo began planning a major novel about social misery and injustice as early as the 1830s, but it would take a full 17 years for his most enduringly popular work, Les Misérables, to be realized and finally published in 1862.
les-miserable-悲惨世界-英语 演讲PPT
• The author • Backgrounds • Main characters • Summary • Value • Theme • My thoughts
• Victor-Marie Hugo (February 26, 1802 – May 22, 1885) was a French poet, playwright, novelist, essayist, visual artist, statesman, human rights activist and perhaps the most influential exponent of the Romantic movement in France. In France, his literary reputation rests primarily on his poetic and dramatic output and only secondarily on his novels. He is sometimes identified as the greatest French poet. Outside France, his bestknown works are the novels Les Misérables and NotreDame de Paris.
师接着问道:“那么知道它是属于什么艺术形式吗?”师提示道:“歌剧?舞剧?”不少同学抢答到:“音乐剧!”师说:“对了!那么你们了解音乐剧吗?什么是音乐剧呢?你们看过音乐剧吗?”师继续说道:“我这里有一部非常著名的音乐剧《猫》,你们想看吗?”全班同学一起回答说:“想!”在观看过程中,同学们非常专注的观看,时不时会发出一些赞叹声和笑声,当听到歌曲《回忆》时,全班同学不约而同的:“啊?这首啊!”“莎拉德曼唱的那首歌啊!”“原来是《猫》里面的歌曲呀” 二:观看结束后,师说:“请同学们自己总结一下什么是音乐剧?” 生说:“音乐剧是又歌又舞的艺术形式。
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L e s M i s e r a b l e s音乐剧《悲惨世界》歌词Les MiserablesAct IPrologue - Work SongValjean Arrested, Valjean Forgiven What Have I Done? (Valjean's Soliloquy) At The End of the DayI Dreamed a DreamLovely LadiesFantine's ArrestThe Runaway CartWho Am I? (The Trial)Come To Me (Fantine's Death)The ConfrontationCastle on a CloudMaster of the HouseThe BargainThe Thénardier Waltz of TreacheryLook DownThe RobberyJavert's Intervention (Another Brawl) StarsEponine's ErrandThe ABC Cafe - Red and BlackDo You Hear the People Sing?Rue Plumet - In My LifeA Heart Full of LoveThe Attack on Rue PlumetOne Day More!Act IIAt the Barricade (Upon these Stones) On My OwnBuilding the BarricadeJavert's ArrivalLittle PeopleA Little Fall of Rain (Eponine's Death) Night of AnguishFirst AttackDrink With MeBring Him HomeDawn of AnguishThe Second AttackDeath of GavrocheThe Final BattleDog Eats DogThe SewersJavert's SuicideTurningEmpty Chairs at Empty TablesEvery Day (Marius and Cosette) Valjean's ConfessionThe Wedding ChoraleBeggars at the FeastEpilogueFinalePrologue - Work Song1815, Toulon, France. The chain gang, overseen by brutal warders, works in the sun.Chorus (Prisoners):Look down, look downDon't look 'em in the eyeLook down, look down,You're here until you die1st Convict:The sun is strongIt's hot as hell belowChorus:Look down, look down,There's twenty years to go2nd Convict:I've done no wrong!Sweet Jesus, hear my prayer!Chorus:Look down, look down,Sweet Jesus doesn't care3rd Convict:I know she'll wait,I know that she'll be true!Chorus:Look down, look down,They've all forgotten you4th Convict:When I get free ya won't see meHere for dust!Chorus:Look down, look downDon't look 'em in the eye5th Convict:How long, oh LordBefore you let me die?Chorus:Look down, look down,You'll always be a slaveLook down, look down,You're standing in your graveJavert:Now bring me prisoner 24601Your time is upAnd your parole's begunYou know what that means.Valjean:Yes, it means I'm free.Javert:No!It means you getYour yellow ticket-of-leaveYou are a thiefValjean:I stole a loaf of bread.Javert:You robbed a house. Valjean:I broke a window pane.My sister's child was close to deathAnd we were starving.Javert:You will starve againUnless you learn the meaning of the law. Valjean:I know the meaning of those 19 yearsA slave of the lawJavert:Five years for what you didThe rest because you tried to runYes, 24601.Valjean:My name is Jean ValjeanJavert:And I am JavertDo not forget my name!Do not forget me,24601.Chorus:Look down, look downYou'll always be a slaveLook down, look downYou're standing in your grave. Valjean:Freedom is mine. The earth is still.I feel the wind. I breathe again.And the sky clearsThe world is waking.Drink from the pool. How clean the taste.Never forget the years, the waste.Nor forgive themFor what they've done.They are the guilty - everyone.The day begins...And now lets seeWhat this new worldWill do for me!He finds work on a farm.Farmer:You'll have to goI'll pay you off for the dayCollect your bits and pieces thereAnd be on your way.Valjean:You have given me halfWhat the other men get!This handful of tinWouldn't buy my sweat!Laborer:You broke the lawIt's there for people to seeWhy should you get the sameAs honest men like me?Valjean:Now every door is closed to meAnother jail. Another key. Another chainFor when I come to any townThey check my papersAnd they find the mark of CainIn their eyes I see their fear`We do not want you here.'He comes to an inn.Innkeeper's Wife:My rooms are fullAnd I've no supper to spareI'd like to help a strangerAll we want is to be fairValjean:I will pay in advanceI can sleep in a barnYou see how dark it isI'm not some kind of dog!Innkeeper:You leave my houseOr feel the weight of my rodWe're law-abiding people hereThanks be to God.They throw him out of the inn.Valjean:And now I know how freedom feelsThe jailer always at your heelsIt is the law!This piece of paper in my handThat makes me cursed throughout the land It is the law!Like a curI walk the street,The dirt beneath their feet.He sits down despairingly outside a house from which emerges the Bishop of Digne. Bishop:Come in, Sir, for you are weary,And the night is cold out there.Though our lives are very humbleWhat we have, we have to share.There is wine here to revive you.There is bread to make you strong,There's a bed to rest till morning,Rest from pain, and rest from wrong. Valjean:He let me eat my fillI had the lion's shareThe silver in my handCost twice what I had earnedIn all those nineteen years -That lifetime of despairAnd yet he trusted me.The old fool trusted me -He'd done his bit of goodI played the grateful serfAnd thanked him like I shouldBut when the house was still,I got up in the night.Took the silverTook my flight!Taking the silver cup, he runs off, but is brought back by two constables.Valjean Arrested, Valjean ForgivenConstables1. Tell his reverence your story2. Let us see if he's impressed1. You were lodging here last night2. You were the honest Bishop's guest.And then, out of Christian goodnessWhen he learned about your plight1. You maintain he made a present of thissilver.Bishop:That is right.But my friend you left so earlySurely something slipped your mindThe bishop gives Valjean two silver candlesticks.You forgot I gave these alsoWould you leave the best behind?So, Messieurs, you may release himFor this man has spoken trueI commend you for your dutyAnd God's blessing go with you.Constables leave. The bishop addresses Valjean.But remember this, my brotherSee in this some higher planYou must use this precious silverTo become an honest manBy the witness of the martyrsBy the Passion and the BloodGod has raised you out of darknessI have bought your soul for God!What Have I Done? (Valjean's Soliloquy)Valjean:What have I done?Sweet Jesus, what have I done?Become a thief in the night,Become a dog on the runAnd have I fallen so far,And is the hour so lateThat nothing remains but the cry of my hate,The cries in the dark that nobody hears,Here where I stand at the turning of the years?If there's another way to goI missed it twenty long years agoMy life was a war that could never be wonThey gave me a number and murdered ValjeanWhen they chained me and left me for deadJust for stealing a mouthful of breadYet why did I allow that manTo touch my soul and teach me love?He treated me like any otherHe gave me his trustHe called me brotherMy life he claims for God aboveCan such things be?For I had come to hate the worldThis world that always hated meTake an eye for an eye!Turn your heart into stone!This is all I have lived for!This is all I have known!One word from him and I'd be backBeneath the lash, upon the rackInstead he offers me my freedomI feel my shame inside me like a knifeHe told me that I have a soul,How does he know?What spirit comes to move my life?Is there another way to go?I am reaching, but I fallAnd the night is closing inAnd I stare into the voidTo the whirlpool of my sinI'll escape now from the worldFrom the world of Jean ValjeanJean Valjean is nothing nowAnother story must begin!He tears up his yellow ticket-of-leave.At The End of The Day1823, Montreuil-sur-Mer. Outside the factory owned by the Mayor, Monsieur Madeleine (Jean Valjean in disguise).The Poor:At the end of the day you're another day olderAnd that's all you can say for the life of the poorIt's a struggle, it's a warAnd there's nothing that anyone's givingOne more day standing about, what is it for?One day less to be living.At the end of the day you're another day colderAnd the shirt on your back doesn't keep outthe chillAnd the righteous hurry pastThey don't hear the little ones cryingAnd the winter is coming on fast, ready to killOne day nearer to dying!At the end of the day there's another day dawningAnd the sun in the morning is waiting to riseLike the waves crash on the sandLike a storm that'll break any secondThere's a hunger in the landThere's a reckoning still to be reckoned andThere's gonna be hell to payAt the end of the day!The foreman and workers, including Fantine, emerge from the factory.Foreman:At the end of the day you get nothing for nothingSitting flat on your butt doesn't buy any breadWorker 1:Here are children back at homeWorkers 1&2:And the children have got to be fedWorker 2:And you're lucky to be in a jobWoman:And in a bed!Workers:And we're counting our blessings!Woman 2:Have you seen how the foreman is fuming today?With his terrible breath and his wandering hands?Woman 3:It's because little Fantine won't give him his wayWoman 1:Take a look at his trousers, you'll see where he stands!Woman 4:And the boss, he never knowsThat the foreman is always in heatWoman 3:If Fantine doesn't look out, watch how she goesShe'll be out on the street!Workers:At the end of the day it's another day overWith enough in your pocket to last for a week Pay the landlord, pay the shopKeep on grafting as long as you're ableKeep on grafting till you dropOr it's back to the crumbs off the tableYou've got to pay your wayAt the end of the day!Girl: (Grabbing a letter from Fantine)And what have we here, little innocent sister?Come on Fantine, let's have all the news! Reading the letter.Ooh... "dear Fantine you must send us moremoney...Your child needs a doctor...There's no time to lose..."Fantine:Give that letter to meIt is none of your businessWith a husband at homeAnd a bit on the side!Is there anyone hereWho can swear before GodShe has nothing to fear?She has nothing to hide?They fight over the letter. Valjean (M. Madeleine) rushes on to break up the squabble.Valjean:Will someone tear these two apart?What is this fighting all about?This is a factory, not a circus!Now come on ladies, settle downI run a business of reputeI am the Mayor of this town(To the foreman)I look to you to sort this outAnd be as patient as you can-He goes back into the factory.Foreman:Now someone say how this began!Girl:At the end of the dayShe's the one who began itThere's a kid that she's hidingIn some little townThere's a man she has to payYou can guess how she picks up the extraYou can bet she's earning her keepSleeping aroundAnd the boss wouldn't like it!Fantine:Yes it's true there's a childAnd the child is my daughterAnd her father abandoned us,Leaving us flatNow she lives with an innkeeper manAnd his wifeAnd I pay for the childWhat's the matter with that?Women:At the end of the dayShe'll be nothing but troubleAnd there's trouble for allWhen there's trouble for one!While we're earning our daily breadShe's the one with her hands in the butterYou must send the slut awayOr we're all gonna end in the gutterAnd it's us who'll have to payAt the end of the day!Foreman:I might have known the bitch could biteI might have known the cat had clawsI might have guessed your little secretAh, yes, the virtuous FantineWho keeps herself so pure and cleanYou'd be the cause I had no doubtOf any trouble hereaboutYou play a virgin in the lightBut need no urgin' in the night.Girl:She's been laughing at youWhile she's having her menWomen:She'll be nothing but trouble again and again Woman:You must sack her todayWorkers:Sack the girl today!Foreman:Right my girl. On your way!I Dreamed a DreamFantine is left alone, unemployed and destitute. Fantine:There was a time when men were kindWhen their voices were softAnd their words invitingThere was a time when love was blindAnd the world was a songAnd the song was excitingThere was a timeThen it all went wrongI dreamed a dream in time gone byWhen hope was highAnd life worth livingI dreamed that love would never dieI dreamed that God would be forgivingThen I was young and unafraidAnd dreams were made and used and wasted There was no ransom to be paidNo song unsung, no wine untastedBut the tigers come at nightWith their voices soft as thunderAs they tear your hope apartAnd they turn your dream to shameHe slept a summer by my sideHe filled my days with endless wonderHe took my childhood in his strideBut he was gone when autumn cameAnd still I dream he'll come to meThat we will live the years togetherBut there are dreams that cannot beAnd there are storms we cannot weatherI had a dream my life would beSo different from this hell I'm livingSo different now from what it seemedNow life has killed the dream I dreamed. Lovely LadiesThe docks. Sailors, whores and their customers, pimps, etc. Fantine wanders in.Sailor 1:I smell womenSmell 'em in the airThink I'll drop my anchorIn that harbor over thereSailor 2:Lovely ladiesSmell 'em through the smokeSeven days at seaCan make you hungry for a pokeSailor 3:Even stokers need a little stoke!Women:Lovely ladiesWaiting for a biteWaiting for the customersWho only come at nightLovely ladiesReady for the callStanding up or lying downOr any way at allBargain prices up against the wallOld Woman:Come here, my dearLet's see this trinket you wearThis bagatelle...Fantine:Madame, I'll sell it to you...Old Woman:I'll give you fourFantine:That wouldn't pay for the chain!Old Woman:I'll give you five. You're far too eager to sell.It's up to you.Fantine:It's all I haveOld Woman:That's not my faultFantine:Please make it tenOld Woman:No more than fiveMy dear, we all must stay alive!Women:Lovely ladiesWaiting in the darkReady for a thick oneOr a quick one in the parkWhore 1:Long time short timeAny time, my dearCost a little extra if you want to take all year! All:Quick and cheap is underneath the pier! Crone:What pretty hair!What pretty locks you got thereWhat luck you got. It's worth a centime, my dearI'll take the lotFantine:Don't touch me! Leave me alone!Crone:Let's make a price.I'll give you all of ten francs,Just think of that!Fantine:It pays a debtCrone:Just think of thatFantine:What can I do? It pays a debt.Ten francs may save my poor Cosette!Sailor 3:Lovely lady!Fastest on the streetWasn't there three minutesShe was back up on her feetSailor 1:Lovely lady!What yer waiting for?Doesn't take a lot of savvyJust to be a whoreCome on, ladyWhat's a lady for? Fantine re-emerges, her long hair cut short.Pimp:Give me the dirt, who's that bit over there? Whore 1:A bit of skirt. She's the one sold her hair. Whore 2:She's got a kid. Sends her all that she can Pimp:I might have knownThere is always some manLovely lady, come along and join us!Lovely lady!Whore 1:Come on dearie, why all the fuss?You're no grander than the rest of usLife has dropped you at the bottom of theheapJoin your sistersWhore 2:Make money in your sleep!Fantine goes off with one of the sailors.Whore 1:That's right dearie, let him have the lot Whore 3:That's right dearie, show him what you've got! Women:Old men, young men, take 'em as they comeHarbor rats and alley cats and every kind ofscumPoor men, rich men, leaders of the landSee them with their trousers off they're neverquite as grandAll it takes is money in your hand!Lovely ladiesGoing for a songGot a lot of callersBut they never stay for longFantine:Come on, Captain,You can wear your shoesDon't it make a changeTo have a girl who can't refuseEasy moneyLying on a bedJust as well they never seeThe hate that's in your headDon't they know they're making loveTo one already dead!Fantine's ArrestBamatabois is a well dressed gentleman. BamataboisHere's something new. I think I'll give it a try.Come closer you! I like to see what I buy...The usual price, for just a slice of your pie Fantine:I don't want you. No, no, m'sieur, let me go. Bamatabois:Is this a trick? I won't pay more!Fantine:No, not at al`.Bamatabois:You've got some nerve, you little whoreYou've got some gall.It's the same with a tart as it is with a grocerThe customer sees what he gets in advanceIt's not for the whore to say `yes sir' or `nosir'It's not for the harlot to pick and to chooseOr lead me to a dance!He hits her with his stick, she claws at his face, drawing blood.Fantine:I'll kill you, you bastard,Try any of that!Even a whore who has gone to the badWon't be had by a rat!BamataboisBy Christ you'll pay for what you've doneThis rat will make you bleed, you'll see!I guarantee, I'll make you sufferFor this disturbance of the peaceFor this insult to life and property! Fantine:I beg you, don't report me sirI'll do whatever you may wantBamataboisMake your excuse to the police!Javert enters, accompanied by constables. Javert:Tell me quickly what's the storyWho saw what and why and whereLet him give a full descriptionLet him answer to Javert!In this nest of whores and vipersLet one speak who saw it allWho laid hands on this good man here?What's the substance of this brawl? Bamatabois:Javert, would you believe itI was crossing from the parkWhen this prostitute attacked meYou can see she left her markJavert:She will answer for her actionsWhen you make a full reportYou may rest assured, M'sieur,That she will answer to the court.Fantine:There's a child who sorely needs mePlease M'sieur, she's but that highHoly God, is there no mercy?If I go to jail she'll die!Javert:I have heard such protestationsEvery day for twenty yearsLet's have no more explanationsSave your breath and save your tears`Honest work, just reward,That's the way to please the Lord.Fantine gives a last despairing cry as she is arrested by the constables.Valjean emerges from the crowd.Valjean:A moment of your time, JavertI do believe this woman's taleJavert:But M'sieur Mayor!Valjean:You've done your duty, let her beShe needs a doctor, not a jail.Javert:But M'sieur Mayor!Fantine:Can this be?Valjean:Where will she end -This child without a friend?I've seen your face beforeShow me some way to help youHow have you come to griefIn a place such as this?Fantine:M'sieur, don't mock me now, I prayIt's hard enough I've lost my prideYou let your foreman send me awayYes, you were there, and turned asideI never did no wrongValjean:Is it true, what I have done?Fantine:My daughter's close to dying...Valjean:To an innocent soul?Fantine:If there's a God aboveValjean:Had I only known then...Fantine:He'd let me die insteadValjean:In His name my task has just begunI will see it done!Javert:But M'sieur Mayor!Valjean:I will see it done!Javert:But M'sieur Mayor!Valjean:I will see it done!Voices:Look out! It's a runaway cart!The Runaway CartThe crowd parts to reveal that the cart has crashed, trapping Monsieur Fauchelevant. VoicesLook at that!Look at that!It's Monsieur Fauchelevant!Don't approach! Don't go near!At the risk of your life!He is caught by the wheel!Oh, the pitiful man!Stay away, Turn away!There is nothing to do!There is nothing to do!Valjean:Is there anyone hereWho will rescue the man?Who will help me to shoulderThe weight of the cart?VoicesDon't go near him, Mr. MayorThe load is heavy as hellThe old man's a goner for sureIt'll kill you as well.Valjean attempts to lift the cart... but fails. He tries again. They manage to pull Fauchelevant clear.Fauchelevant:M'sieur le Mayor, I have no wordsYou come from God, you are a saint.Javert takes Valjean aside.Javert:Can this be true?I don't believe what I see!A man your ageTo be as strong as you are!A mem'ry stirs...You make me think of a manFrom years agoA man who broke his paroleHe disappearedForgive me, Sir,I would not dare!Valjean:Say what you mustDon't leave it there...Javert:I have only known one otherWho can do what you have doneHe's a convict from the chain gangHe's been ten years on the runBut he couldn't run foreverWe have found his hideawayAnd he's just been re-arrestedAnd he comes to court today.Well, of course he now denies itYou'd expect that of a `con'But he couldn't run forever -No, not even Jean Valjean!Valjean:You say this man denies it allAnd gives no sign of understanding or repentance?You say this man is going to trialAnd that's he's sure to be returnedTo serve his sentence?Come to that, can you be sure,That I am not your man?Javert:I have known the thief for agesTracked him down through thick and thinAnd to make the matter certainThere's the brand upon his skinHe will bend, he will breakThis time there is no mistake.Javert leaves. Valjean is alone.Who Am I? (The Trial)Valjean:He thinks that man is meHe knew him at a glance!That stranger he has foundThis man could be my chance!Why should I save his hide?Why should I right this wrongWhen I have come so farAnd struggled for so long?If I speak, I am condemned.If I stay silent, I am damned!I am the master of hundreds of workers.They all look to me.How can I abandon them?How would they liveIf I am not free?If I speak, I am condemned.If I stay silent, I am damned!Who am I?Can I condemn this man to slaveryPretend I do not feel his agonyThis innocent who bears my faceWho goes to judgement in my placeWho am I?Can I conceal myself for evermore?Pretend I'm not the man I was before?And must my name until I dieBe no more than an alibi?Must I lie?How can I ever face my fellow men?How can I ever face myself again?My soul belongs to God, I knowI made that bargain long agoHe gave me hope when hope was goneHe gave me strength to journey onHe appears in front of the courtWho am I? Who am I?I am Jean Valjean!He unbuttons his shirt to reveal the number tattooed to his chest.And so Javert, you see it's trueThat man bears no more guilt than you!Who am I?24601!Come To Me (Fantine's Death)Fantine is lying in a hospital bed, deliriously dreaming of her daughter Cosette.Fantine:Cosette, it's turned so coldCosette, it's past your bedtimeYou've played the day awayAnd soon it will be night.Come to me, Cosette, the light is fadingDon't you see the evening star appearing?Come to me, and rest against my shoulderHow fast the minutes fly away and every minute colder.Hurry near, another day is dyingDon't you hear, the winter wind is crying?There's a darkness which comes without a warningBut I will sing you lullabies and wake you in the morning.Valjean enters.Valjean:Oh, Fantine, our time is running outBut Fantine, I swear this on my life Fantine:Look, M'sieur, where all the children play Valjean:Be at peace, be at peace evermore. Fantine:My Cosette...Valjean:Shall live in my protectionFantine:Take her nowValjean:Your child will want for nothingFantine:Good M'sieur, you come from God in Heaven. Valjean:And none shall ever harm CosetteAs long as I am living.Fantine:Take my hand. The night grows ever colder. Valjean:Then I will keep you warm.Fantine:Take my child. I give her to your keeping.Valjean:Take shelter from the stormFantine:For God's sake, please stay till I am sleeping And tell Cosette I love herAnd I'll see her when I wake...She dies with a smile. Javert arrives.The ConfrontationJavert:Valjean, at last,We see each other plain`M'sieur le Mayor,'You'll wear a different chain!Valjean:Before you say another word, JavertBefore you chain me up like a slave againListen to me! There is something I must do.This woman leaves behind a suffering child.There is none but me who can intercede,In Mercy's name, three days are all I need.Then I'll return, I pledge my word.Then I'll return...Javert:You must think me mad!I've hunted you across the yearsA man like you can never changeA man such as you.Valjean (in counterpoint):Javert (in counterpoint): Believe of me whatyou will Men like me can never changeThere is a duty that I'm sworn to do Men like you can never changeYou know nothing of my life No, 24601All I did was steal some bread My duty's to the law - you have no rightsYou know nothing of the world Come with me 24601You would sooner see me dead Now the wheel has turned aroundBut not before I see this justice done Jean Valjean is nothing nowI am warning you Javert Dare you talk to me of crimeI'm a stronger man by far And the price you had to payThere is power in me yet Every man is born in sinMy race is not yet run Every man must choose his wayI am warning you Javert You know nothing of JavertThere is nothing I I was born inside awon't dare jailIf I have to kill youhereI was born withscum like youI'll do what must bedone!I am from thegutter too!Valjean breaks a chair and threatens Javert with the broken piece. Turns to Fantine.Valjean (to Fantine):And this I swear to you tonightJavert: (to Valjean):There is no place for you to hideValjean:Your child will live within my careJavert:Wherever you may hide awayValjean:And I will raise her to the light.Valjean & Javert:I swear to you, I will be there!They fight, Javert is knocked out. Valjean escapes. Castle on a CloudYoung Cosette is working as a drudge in the Théardier's inn at Montfermeil.Young CosetteThere is a castle on a cloud,I like to go there in my sleep,Aren't any floors for me to sweep,Not in my castle on a cloud.There is a room that's full of toys,There are a hundred boys and girls,Nobody shouts or talks too loud,Not in my castle on a cloud.There is a lady all in white,Holds me and sings a lullaby,She's nice to see and she's soft to touch,She says "Cosette, I love you very much."I know a place where no one's lost,I know a place where no one cries,Crying at all is not allowed,Not in my castle on a cloud.Oh help! I think I hear them now,and I'm nowhere near finished sweeping andscrubbing and polishing the floor.Oh, it's her! It's Madame!Mme. Théardier:Now look who's here。