正文:一、电动叉车的基本结构1. 主要构件:电动叉车主要由底盘、起升机构、驱动装置、控制系统和操纵杆等主要构件组成。
2. 电池系统:电动叉车配备了电池系统来提供动力,需要注意电池的充电和更换事项。
3. 提升高度和载重能力:根据实际需求,选择适当的叉车提升高度和载重能力。
二、电动叉车的操作要点1. 上下车:正确使用手扶梯上下叉车,遵守上下车的安全操作规程。
2. 载货操作:根据货物的特性,合理选择叉车的插叉方式和操作角度。
3. 转弯操作:在转弯时,要注意车速的控制,避免超速或急转弯造成意外。
4. 停车和熄火:停车时,请将车辆放置在平稳的地方,并熄火断电。
三、电动叉车的安全注意事项1. 安全帽和防护鞋:操作员要佩戴好安全帽和防护鞋,提高个人安全保护。
2. 视线和行走通道:保持视线清晰并保持行走通道的畅通,避免碰撞和意外事故。
3. 载货平衡:正确放置货物,保持叉车的重心平衡,避免超载或斜载。
4. 高温和潮湿环境:电动叉车不适宜在高温和潮湿的环境下使用,以免损坏设备。
5. 紧急情况处理:遇到紧急情况时,及时采取措施,如触动停车按钮或紧急制动。
四、电动叉车的维护保养1. 定期保养:定期检查车辆的关键部件,包括电池、液压油和刹车系统等,确保其正常工作。
2. 清洁和防腐处理:定期清洗叉车,并进行防腐处理,延长叉车的使用寿命。
3. 紧固件检查:检查叉车的紧固件,确保其安全可靠,如有松动或损坏应及时处理。
4. 保养记录:建立完善的保养记录,按照保养计划进行维护,及时排除故障。
五、电动叉车的操作技巧1. 平稳起步:起步时要平稳提速,避免冲击和动力波动。
2. 操作角度:根据实际需求选择合适的操作角度,提高工作效率。
关键词:叉车、电液控制、液压元件Abstract:Along with the development of modern civilized society, the use of forklift truck is more and more common. The purpose of forklift truck loading and unloading, storage and open and the short form the move work. Because have good mobility, forklift truck and a strong applicability. Apply to more than goods, the volume and must be quickly distribution and the department, so use turnover forklift ports, railway station, warehouse almost indispensable freight model. Because of the social demand for forklift truck increasing, make the performance of the forklift truck improved varieties and specifications, and the number is growing, using range and grow.As China's economic construction, speed up the pace of the engineering construction will also increase; engineering construction also cannot leave the hoisting machinery. At present the control system is mainly crane mechanical hydraulic control, with electro-hydraulic proportional control technology and electronic technology in control system is more and more big and the proportion of its superiority, the electro-hydraulic control will be the main development trend. Along with the hydraulic components, computer technology and information technology, the development of the intelligent hydraulic crane are coming in. Then the "giant" can replace people do harder work for human development have can't estimate role.Keywords: forklift、electro-hydraulic control、hydraulic components目录摘要 (I)Abstract: (II)第一章绪论 (1)1.1课题发展现状和前景展望 (1)1.2 课题主要内容和要求 (2)第二章设计内容和要求 (3)2.1叉车介绍 (3)2.2 叉车系统主要参数 (3)第三章液压传动系统的设计及计算 (4)3.1 液压传动概述 (4)3.2 草拟液压系统原理图 (6)3.3 液压系统的参数确定 (7)第四章液压元件的选择 (8)4.1 油泵和电机选择 (9)4.2 控制阀的选用 (11)4.3 管路,过滤器,其他辅助元件的选择计算 (14)4.4 液压系统性能验算 (20)第五章液压集成油路的设计 (22)5.1 液压阀块简介 (22)5.2 集成块的设计步骤 (23)第六章液压站结构设计 (25)6.1 液压站的结构型式 (25)6.2 液压泵的安装方式 (26)6.3 液压油箱的设计 (26)6.4 液压泵结构设计的注意事项 (30)总结 (33)参考文献 (34)第一章绪论1.1课题发展现状和前景展望自2001-2008年,中国工业车辆行业的产销量每年平均以31.67%的速度增加,出口的年均增长速度更是达到55.12%以上。
• 叉车简介 • 新型叉车操作说明 • 新型叉车使用指南 • 新型叉车故障排除 • 新型叉车安全须知
01 叉车简介
叉车主要用于在仓库、物流中心、 港口等场所进行货物的装卸,提 高物流效率。
叉车能够快速、准确地堆垛和取货, 满足生产、仓储等环节的需求。
可能是由于转向器故障或轮胎 气压不足导致,需要检查并维 修转向器或调整轮胎气压。
可能是由于燃油或机油质量不 佳导致,需要更换油品。
可能是由于电路故障或发动机 过热导致,需要检查电路或冷
04 新型叉车故障排除
在停车时,应选择平坦、稳定的地面,并确保货 物的稳固性,避免货物滑落或倾倒。
叉车应配备必要的防护罩,以保护驾驶员和货物 免受意外伤害。
为了确保行驶安全,叉车应安装限速器,以限制 行驶速度。
在紧急情况下,驾驶员应立即按下紧急制动按钮, 以迅速停车。
将档位调至空挡,拉起手刹,关闭钥 匙开关,关闭发动机。
踩下离合器踏板,将档位 调至前进挡,慢慢松开离 合器踏板,同时踩下油门 踏板,叉车开始前进。
踩下离合器踏板,将档位 调至后退挡,慢慢松开离 合器踏板,同时踩下油门 踏板,叉车开始后退。
转向时需轻轻转动方向盘, 注意转向角度不宜过大, 避免侧翻。
目录一、叉车驾驶、操作安全规程????2二、主要技术参数???5三、叉车的主要部件介绍6四、叉车的结构、原理、调整及维护?71. 动力系统 72. 传动装置103. 驱动桥194. 电气系统205. 制动系统296. 转向系统327. 液压系统378. 起升缸和倾斜缸??479. 起重系统51一、叉车驾驶、操作安全规程叉车驾驶人员和管理人员必须牢记―安全第一‖,按照叉车《使用维护说明书》和《司机手册》进行安全操作,规范操作。
1. 叉车的运输用汽车装运叉车时须注意如下事项:(1)刹住停车制动;(2)门架与配重前后都应用钢丝固定好;前后轮胎相应位置用楔块垫好楔牢;(3)起吊时按照叉车的―起吊标牌‖所注位置进行起吊。
2. 叉车的存放(1)放净燃油;( 冷却液是防锈防冻液,则不要放)(2)未漆件表面涂以防锈油,起升链条涂润滑油;(3)门架降到最低位置;(4)刹住停车制动;(5)前后轮胎用楔块垫好。
3. 使用前准备(1)不要在有明火的地方检查燃油、漏油、油位以及检查电气仪表,不要在运转时加燃油;(2)检查轮胎气压;(3)前进、倒退档手柄应在中间位置(零档位置);(4)在燃油系统工作及检查电瓶时不要吸烟;(5)检查各手柄及踏板情况;(6)作好起动前准备工作;(7)松开停车制动;(8)进行门架升降、前后倾、转向、制动的试动作。
关键词叉车;工作装置;门架系统;额定负载abstractWith the development of modern civilization, the use of forklift trucks and more common, it's port from the past into the whole community. This paper describes forklift vehicle structure, composition and performance analysis, and design research forklift attachment to the rated load for two tons of small wheelbase flexible development process of the tire forklift series as the basic parameters of the system and the forklift mast parts of the structure and specifications, the goods and to enhance the height of the driver's field of vision of three meters wide, so humane, secure and beautify the appearance of the purpose. Finally, the design and implementation of specific technology, analyzes and summarizes the effect of the application of design experiments. So as to achieve the combination of design and practical purpose.Keywords forklift; working device; door frame system; rated load目录摘要 (I)abstract (II)目录 (III)前言 (1)1 绪论 (2)1.1 课题的背景 (2)1.2 叉车技术的发展回顾及现状 (2)1.2.1 我国叉车现状及形式分析 (3)1.2.2 国外叉车技术的发展情况 (4)1.3 未来叉车的发展趋势 (5)1.3.1 技术方面 (5)1.3.2 需求方面 (7)1.4 本课题的设计目的与主要研究内容 (8)1.4.1 课题设计目的 (8)1.4.2 课题研究内容 (8)2 总体设计方案 (10)2.1 方案比较和设计选型 (10)2.2 设计思路 (10)2.3 本次毕业设计的设计方案 (10)2.4 设计进程安排 (11)2.4.1 调研阶段 (11)2.4.2 各个模块的研究分析阶段 (11)2.4.3 设计阶段 (11)2.4.4 总结阶段 (12)2.5 总体结构设计 (12)2.5.1 机械结构 (12)2.5.2 传动方面 (13)2.5.3 动力方面 (14)2.5.4 电路和控制元件 (14)3 参数及校核计算 (15)3.1 叉车最大起升高度、起重量的确定 (15)3.1.1 纵向堆垛稳定性 (15)3.1.2 横向堆垛稳定性 (16)3.2 各结构的校核设计计算 (20)3.2.1车架体的受力校核计算 (21)4.1 电动机功率大小的选定 (25)4.1.1 选择直流电动机的原因 (25)4.1.2 电机功率的选用 (25)4.1.3 蓄电池的有关说明 (27)4.2 传动链的选用 (28)4.2.1 链条介绍及型号的选择 (28)4.2.2 链条的受力验证 (29)5 叉车总体布置 (31)5.1 总体设计的概述 (31)5.2 重心与整机性能的关系 (31)5.3 总体设计中涉及的整机特性 (35)结论 (42)致谢 (43)参考文献 (44)附录 (45)前言叉车是指对成件托盘货物进行装卸、堆垛和短距离运输、重物搬运作业的各种轮式搬运车辆,在汽车生产、零部件搬运、邮政、铁路等系统邮件、行李搬运,医药、烟草等系统药品、货物搬运,大型展览会筹备组委会资料搬运、仓储物流系统小型设备、货物搬运等方面起着至关重要的作用,是人们生活、工作必不可少的工具之一。
HANGCHA provides Li-Ion battery (LiFePO4) with 10 years or 20000 hours warranty.AppearanceIt follows the entire profile of appearance of A series, with clear lines on side of the truck, and smooth transition to counter weight. These lines are shaped as an integral whole, with powerful visual tension./High PerformanceElectromagnetic brake is used as service brake, instead of traditional hand brake, which realizes intelligent parking brake, with lower labor intensity of the operator, and higher safety.Soft landing system lowers descending speed automatically when fork reaches the height range of 3.9-2.4” from the ground, so as to reduce vibration of the entire truck, and provide e ective protection for goods.Full AC configuration includes AC traction motor + AC pump motor; With higher performance of entire truck, and longer battery life.E cient driving control system of high-frequency MOSFET integratedcontroller guarantees smooth and accurate control on driving and lifting, superior speed regulation performance, with regenerative braking, reverse braking,anti-slipping on slope and other functions, resulting in more e cient, safer, and more comfortable operations.The application of load sensing hydraulic power steering technology realizes reliable, sensitive, and easy steering; distribution of optimized oil in steering oil circuit and working oil circuit increases e ciency of hydraulic system.LED lights for entire truck reduce energy consumption.//////MaintenanceFully-openable cover enables easy maintenance of battery.Easy-to-open airtight cover plate realizes easier debugging and maintenance of electric control system, and avoids the system from invasion of rain and dust.The brushless, maintenance-free AC drive motor reduces operation cost significantly.The option of side roll out battery is very convenient for fast, e cient, and safe replacement of battery, and is suitable for continuous work conditions.////StabilityThe internationally advanced parallelarrangement is adopted for traction motor, and the battery is sunken to chassis,resulting in lower gravity center and better stability of entire truck.Flexible steering system, with smaller turning radius, allows stable turnaround within confined passageway.//ComfortThe adjustable, small-diameter steering wheel with tilt designed based onergonomics o ers good hand feeling, and the seat can also be adjusted forward and backward, which can provide best driving position for the operator.Head-up display are applied to increase visibility, operability of meters, thus with higher driving safety.Silent running of entire truck, with extremely small vibration, o ers more comfortable acoustical environment for the operator.Integrated control valve makes levers be placed at the most comfortable position for hands, resulting in lower labor intensity of the operator.////Reliability & SafetyMajor electrical components such as motor controller, contactor, power plug, and emergency power o switch are all of foreign famous brands.Major load bearing parts such as carriage, drive axle, steering axle, and mast are all designed with high strength to satisfy high-strength work conditions.As a standard configuration, the emergency power o switch complies with European safety standards.Dual overload protection systems ofelectronic and hydraulic modes are adopted.////8000lbs A Series Mast SpecificationA Series Four Wheel Electric Pneumatic Tire Forklift TruckAC4: meansCURTIS AC traveling system with AC Pump system, full-AC systemD i s t i n g u i s h i n g m a r kW e i g h tT y r e s , c h a s s i sD i m e n s i o n sP e r f o r m a n c e D a t aA d d i t i o n d a t aE l e c t r i c -e n g i n eHANGCHA GROUP CO.,LTD.Manufacturer (abbreviation)HCFA ModelManufacturers type designationDrive: electric (battery or mains), diesel, petrol, fuel gas Operator type: sit-down Load capacity/rated load Load centre distanceLoad distance, centre of drive axle to fork Wheelbase Service WeightAxle loading, laden front/rear Axle loading, unladen front/rearTyres: solid rubber, superelastic, pneumatic, polyurethane Tyre size, front Tyre size, rearWheels, number front rear (x = driven wheels)Tread, front Tread, rearTilt of mast/fork carriage forward/backward Height, mast lowered Free lift LiftHeight, mast extended Height of overhead guard STD.Seat height/stand height Coupling height Overall length Length to face of forks Overall width Fork dimensionsFork carriage DIN 15 173 --- ISO 2328, class/type A,B Fork-carriage width Distance between fork-arms Ground clearance, laden, below mast Ground clearance, centre of wheelbase Aisle width for pallets 39.4 x 47.2 crossways Aisle width for pallets 31.5 x 47.2 crossways Turning radius Internal turning radius Travel speed, laden/unladen Lift speed, laden/unladen Lowering speed, laden/unladen Drawbar pull, laden/unladen Max. Drawbar pull, laden/unladen Gradeability, laden/unladen Max. gradeability, laden/unladenAcceleration time, laden/unladen (0-10m)Service brake Parking brakeDrive motor rating S2 60 min Lift motor rating at S3 15%Battery acc. to DIN 43 531/35/36 A,B,C, no Battery voltage, nominal capacity K5Battery weight Battery dimensionsEnergy consumption acc. to VDI cycle Min. battery weight Max. battery weight Type of drive control ManufacturerOperating pressure for attachments Oil volume for attachmentsSound level at the driver´s ear according to EN / DIN 12 053Towing coupling, type DINHydraulic Tank - capacity (drain & refill) (lbs)c (in)x (in)y (in)lbs lbs lbsb 10 (in)b 11 (in)Grad h 1 (in)h 2 (in)h 3 (in)h 4 (in)h 6 (in)h 7 (in)h 10 (in)l 1 (in)l 2 (in)b 1 (in)s/e/l (in)b 3 (in)b 5 (in)m 1 (in)m 2 (in)Ast (in)Ast (in)Wa (in)b 13 (in)mph fpm fpm lbf lbf %%s kW kW V/Ah lbs l/b/h(in)kWh/h lbs lbs bar l/min dB (A)liter FB40CPD40-AC4electric sit-down 80002421.677.51477121010/25797253/7518pneumatic 250 - 1523x10 - 122x/245.246.26/11865.9118.1164.190.948.813.7157.3115.256.61.9/4.8/42.1ISO2328 3A49.212.2/ /3822539514.5/15.516/285.2/5.4Hydraulic electric 16.6 AC 25.4 AC DIN 43536A 80/700410740.5×33.7×30.912.539684299MOSFET/AC CURTIS 1856575Φ24 Pin 10.1FB45CPD45-AC4electric sit-down 90002421.677.51532222597/26457341/7981pneumatic 250 - 1523x10 - 122x/245.246.26/11865.9118.1164.190.948.813.7157.3115.256.61.9/5.9/42.1ISO2328 3A49.212.2/ electric 16.6 AC 25.4 AC DIN 43536A 80/700410740.5×33.7×30.91339684299MOSFET/AC CURTIS 1856575Φ24 Pin 10.1FB50CPD50-AC4electric sit-down 100002421.877.51591724206/27337352/8565pneumatic 28x12.5- 1523x10 - 122x/245.246.26/11865.9118.1164.190.948.813.7158.9116.857.82.1/5.9/42.1ISO2328 3A49.212.2/ electric 16.6 AC 25.4 AC DIN 43536A 80/700410740.5×33.7×30.913.539684299MOSFET/AC CURTIS 1856576Φ24 Pin 10.1LOAD CHART51.243.335.427.619.7(”)10000900080007000600050004000(lbs) 10000lbs9000lbs8000lbsa=7.9” safety clearanceAST=a+Wa+X+BOptions///////////////////Solid pneumatic tire Non-marking tyre3rd or 4th hydraulic function 98.4-196.8” duplex mast 157.5-236.2” triplex mast Rear working LED light Rear handle with horn Integrated side shift Other attachments Other dimension forksSpecial carriage and backrest Battery side extractionMinilever control on the adjustable armrest Suspension seat FreezerFull closed cabin Blue spot light Strobe lightLeft and right mirror/////////////Standard Specification////////High e ciency AC driving motor Multi-functions instrument Rubber floor mat PC PlatfondEmergency disconnect switch Pneumatic tyreElectronic parking brake Battery slung removing 2-way-valveLED combination headlight LED rear combination lightPanoramic rearview mirror (in the middle position of the overhead guard)118” duplex mastAdjustable steering columnFull electronic controlled traveling, lifting and steering Horn and reversing buzzer CAN-BUS systemLow noise gear pump (Brand: Shimadzu, Made in Japan)Full hydraulic power steering Soft landing systemOPS systemISO9001:2015ISO14001:2015HANGCHA GROUP CO., LTD. reserves the right to make any changes without notice concerning colors, equipment, or specifications detailed in this brochure, or to discontinue individual models. The colors of trucks, delivered may di er slightly from those in brochures.2020 V E R S I O N 1/C O P Y R I G H T 2020/04Follow us onFacebookFollow us on YouTubeFollow us on WeChatCompany address:10405-A Granite Street Charlotte,NC 28273HC FORKLIFT AMERICA CORPORATION**********************Toll Free :888-652-8395Phone :980-888-8335 Fax :980-888-8336A M E R I C A。
2.2.2 牵引计算 (1)发动机功率
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Pej =β DvmaxVmax(G+Q)/(3600η )+Pf
=1.1×0.08×20×(50000+75000)/(3600×0.85)+Pf =71.9+Pf 式中: 为限速影响系数,取为 1.1; Dvmax 为高档动力因素,取为 0.08; Vmax 为最大车速,取为 20Km/h; G+Q 为叉车自重与起重量之和,单位为 N; η 为传动效率,取为 0.85; Pf 为附件功率。 取附加功率为 10%,考虑到其他因素的影响,再增大 20%, 发动机的额定功率 Pemax=1.2×(Pej+Pf) = 1.2×(71.9+1.1) =94.9Kw 选发动机为朝柴 CY6102BG, 功率为 81Kw, 转速为 2500r/min, 最低油耗为 480g/Kw· h。 (2)传动系统总速比确定: 取最大转矩约等于额定转矩:Memax≈Mn=9550Ne/ne =9550×81×2500 =309.4N·m 式中:Ne 为额定功率,单位为 Kw; ne 为额定转速,单位为 r/min。 取车轮半径为 0.4m,选轮胎为 8.25-15-14(教材表 3—6) ,则 最大传动比 i 总 max =i 变低 i 主 i 轮=(G+Q) ( max+f)r/(Memaxη ) (2-6) (2-5) (2-4)
1.1 产品设计的目的与步骤
一个性能完善的产品,必须做到价格低廉、外形美观、性能好。耐用可靠以及在使用 中生产率与经济性较高。一个产品从研制到投产,通过要经历调查研究、总体与部件方案 设计、技术设计、调试与试验改进这样一些阶段。 一个新产品的研制成功,是在经历情报收集、设计、试验、制造、改进等环节反复后 达到的。产品最后能否投产,却绝与产品性能的好坏与产品成本的高低。下面就五吨叉车 传动系统设计部分详细说明。
新型叉车采用了节能型发动机和高效的液压系统,降低了燃油消耗和液压系统的热量损失,提高了能源利用效率。Βιβλιοθήκη 新型叉车使用说明03
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Hyster 3-Wheel 电动叉车技术指南说明书
![Hyster 3-Wheel 电动叉车技术指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e561bcb9a48da0116c175f0e7cd184254b351be0.png)
J32-40UTT J32-40UTTL23Hyster uses the above ITA formula to calculate right angle stack on our 3 and 4 wheel trucks with a zero turn steer axle and counter rotating load wheels.Some documentation incorrectly calculates right angle stack on a 3-wheel zero-turn truck with counter rotating load wheels using the following formula:Right angle stack = OTR + Load distance + Load length. This formula generates a value which is invalid and lower than actual right angle stack.When making comparisons, be sure the correct ITA formula is used to calculate right angle stack.(For a 40” wide by 48” long)*RL=rated load, NL=no loadCERTIFICATION: Hyster lift trucks meet the design and construction requirements of B56.1-1969, per OSHA Section 1910.178(a)(2), and also comply with the B56.1 revision in effect at time of manufacture. Certification of compliance with the applicable ANSI standards appears on the lift truck. Performance specifications are for a truck equipped as described under standard equipment on this technical guide. Performance specifications are affected by the condition of the vehicle and how it is equipped, as well as by the nature, condition of the operating area, proper service and maintenance of the vehicle. If these specifications are critical, the proposed application should be discussed with your dealer.4J32-35UTT/J32-35UTTL MAST CHARTJ40UTT/J40UTTL MAST CHART56Battery type: “EO” (without cover)Battery compartment length is measured front to rear. Battery compartment width is measured across the truck Battery lead: length 250 mm (10”), position “B”, 2/0 AWGJ32-35UTTJ40UTT0.59 (15)0.59 (15)24.69 (627)24.80 (630)7.09 (180)1.97 (50)0.79 (20)32.68 (830)22.83 (580)0.20 (5)9.84 (250)0.59 (15)0.59 (15)24.69 (627)29.06 (738)7.09 (180)1.97 (50)22.83 (580)32.68 (830)0.79 (20)0.20 (5)9.84 (250)7。
THREE-WHEEL ELECTRIC COUNTERBALANCED LIFT TRUCKSA1.3-1.5XNT1 300-1 500 KGEQUIPMENT AND WEIGHT:Weights (line 2.1) are based on the following specifications: Complete truck with 3360 mm 2 stage LFL mast with standardcarriage,1000 mm forks and load backrest, DIN battery configuration, manual hydraulics, pneumatic shaped solid drive and steer tyresA1.3XNT, A1.5XNT4.1 Tilt of mast/fork carriage forward/backward a / b (°) 4.2 Height, mast lowered h 1 (mm) 4.3 Free lift ¶ h 2 (mm) 4.4 Lift ¶h 3 (mm) 4.5 Height, mast extended n h 4 (mm) 4.7 Height of overhead guard (cabin) ª h 6 (mm) 4.8 Seat height relating to SIP/stand height £ h 7 (mm) 4.12 Coupling height h 10 (mm) 4.19 Overall length ‡ l 1 (mm) 4.20 Length to face of forks ‡ l 2 (mm) 4.21 Overall width *b 1/b 2 (mm) 4.22 Fork dimensions ISO 2331s /e /l (mm)4.23 Fork carriage ISO 2328, class/type A, B4.24 Fork carriage width l b 3 (mm) 4.31 Ground clearance, laden, below mast m 1 (mm) 4.32Ground clearance, centre of wheelbasem 2 (mm) 4.34.1 Aisle width for pallets 1000 × 1200 crossways ★ Ast (mm) 4.34.2 Aisle width for pallets 800 × 1200 lengthways < Ast (mm) 4.35 Turning radius Wa (mm) 4.36 Internal turning radiusb 13 (mm) 5.1 Travel speed, laden/unladen s km/h 5.2 Lift speed, laden/unladen m/s 5.3 Lowering speed, laden/unladen m/s 5.5 Drawbar pull, laden/unladen ** N 5.6 Max. drawbar pull, laden/unladen *** N 5.7 Gradeability, laden/unladen **** † % 5.8 Max. gradeability, laden/unladen *** † % 5.9 Acceleration time, laden/unladen s s 5.10 Service brake6.1 Drive motor rating S2 60 min kW 6.2 Lift motor rating at S3 15%kW 6.3 Battery according to DIN 43531/35/36 A, B, C, no 6.4 Battery voltage/nominal capacity K5 (V)/(Ah)6.5 Battery weightkg6.6 Energy consumption according to VDI cycle r : kWh/h @Nr of Cycles8.1 Type of drive unit10.1 Operating pressure for attachmentsbar 10.2 Oil volume for attachments G l/min 10.7 Sound pressure level at the driver’s seat L PAZ J dB(A)10.8Towing coupling, type DIN1.1 Manufacturer (abbreviation) 1.2 Manufacturer’s type designition1.3 Drive: electric (battery or mains), diesel, petrol, fuel gas 1.4 Operator type: hand, pedestrian, standing, seated, order-picker 1.5 Rated capacity / rated load Q (t) 1.6 Load centre distancec (mm) A1.3XNT A1.5XNTElectric (battery)Electric (battery)SeatedSeated 1.3 1.5500 500 326 3261168 122227002905 3319 631 3755 649 1184 1516 1240 1665 SE SE 18x7-8 18x7-8- 12.0 12.5 12.0 12.5 0.30 0.51 0.30 0.51 0.50 0.46 0.50 0.46 951 975 942 970 6246 6221 6212 6242 8.2 12.1 7.3 11.2 16.3 24.3 14.5 22.4 5.6 4.75.7 4.9HydraulicHydraulic 4.7 4.7 6.0 6.0DIN 43535ADIN 43535A24 735/875 24 840/1000 570 630 642 7103.94.0 ACAC 155 155 20 20 59 59 PinPin2.1 Service weightkg 2.2 Axle loading, laden front/rear kg 2.3 Axle loading, unladen front/rearkg3.1 Tyres: L = pneumatic, V = solid, SE = Pneumatic Shape Solid 3.2 Tyre size, front 3.3 Tyre size, rear3.5 Wheels, number front/rear (x = driven wheels) 3.6 Tread, front b 10 (mm) 3.7 Tread, rearb 11 (mm) P E R F O R M A N C E D A T ASpecification data is based on VDI 2198* Standard / Wide tread ** 60 minute rating *** 5 minute rating **** 30 minute ratingS T I N G U I S H I N G M A R K SW E I G H T ST Y R E S / C H A S S I SD I ME N S I O N SHYSTERHYSTERE L E C T R I C -E N G I N EA D D I T I O N A L D A T A5 / 55 / 52230 2230 100100 3320 3320 3868 38682060 (1980 3)2060 (1980 3) 926 926 540 5402724 2778 1724 1778 996 1056 996 105640 80 100040 80 1000 I I A I I A 907 907 88 88 85 85 3053 3107 3176 323013981452 0 0TRUCK DIMENSIONSNOMINAL CAPACITYSafety:Dimensions A1.3XNT A1.5XNT(mm) d 525 520 f 655 700 k 485 485n ¥10261026A1.3-1.5XNT - Capacity Chart in kg @ 500mm Load CentreA1.3-1.5XNT - Capacity Chart in kg @ 600mm Load CentrePneumatic Shaped Solid TyresWith integral sideshiftWithout sideshiftMaximumfork height (mm) vA1.3XNTA1.5XNTA1.3XNTA1.5XNT2900 1300 1500 1280 1480 3360 1300 1500 1280 1480 3860 1300 1500 1270 1470 4360 1300 1500 1260 1460 4860 1230 1430 1190 1390 3018 1300 ¯ 1500 ¯ 1260 ¯ 1450 ¯ 3218 1300 ¯ 1500 ¯ 1250 ¯ 1450 ¯ 3718 1300 ¯ 1500 ¯ 1250 ¯ 1450 ¯ 43381300 ¯ 1500 ¯ 1230 ¯ 1440 ¯4300 1300 1500 1240 1440 4600 1300 1470 1220 1420 4900 1220 1400 1160 1360 5200 S 1170 w 1360 w 1110 w 1300 w 5500 S 1110 w 1210 w 1050 w 1210 wVista Plus3-Stage full free liftVista2-Stage full free liftVista Plus2-Stage limited free liftDEPENDABILITYn S trong chassis construction provides excellent durability and stability, boosting driver confidenceand enhancing productivity.n T he use of proven components, such as O-ring face seal fittings and sealed electrical connectors, as well as a CANbus communications network, ensure long term reliability.n H all-Effect sensors on the transmission replace internal encoder bearings, making the truck morereliable and decreasing downtime.n A C motor technology on traction and hoist allows the truck to work more reliably and for longer,reducing downtime significantly.n A steel hood and durable side covers provide increased resistance to impact damage and general wear and tear.LOW COST OF OPERATIONn H yster intelligent design delivers the right balance (e-Balance) of performance, manoeuvrabilityand battery shift life, matched to the application,providing productivity and throughput at less cost.n T he eLo (Energy-Low) performance setting reduces energy costs, delivering the lowest energy consumption of 3.9kWh/h (1.3t) and 4.0 kW/h (1.5t) on the VDI 2198 test (45 cycles).n T he Vehicle System Manager (VSM) allows adjustment of truck performance parametersas well as monitoring key functions, leadingto application matched performance and lowmaintenance.n D urable, quality components mean long term reliability and lower maintenance costs. Virtuallymaintenance free components such as AC motorsmean that Hyster Electrics require a full servicecheck only after 1 000 hours.n I n-built thermal protection on the tractionmotor protects truck components, leading toreduced maintenance costs.n F ast delivery of diagnostic information allows precise troubleshooting, easy maintenance planning and lower costs.n A vailable options, which help to reduce operating costs, include; Return to set tilt*, light kits, integral side shift, non-marking tyres, load backrest,extended warranty.ERGONOMICSn T he truck has been intelligently designed, focusing on the operator. Generous foot space, an intuitivepedal arrangement and a low step height offera comfortable working space for the driver. Thismeans on/off access and driving in reverse causeless fatigue over long shifts.n T he operator compartment features a standard full suspension seat with 80mm suspension travel. This helps to provide unrivalled operator comfort and asmooth ride, delivering low vibration levels from0.3-0.5m/s2, reducing the chance of back problems.n A class leading low noise level of 59dB(A) reduces the stress on operators making them moreproductive for longer by ensuring that they arecomfortable at all times.PRODUCT FEATURESThe A1.3-1.5XNT has been designed to manoeuvre in the tightest of spaces, to load and unload lorries in the most efficient manner and to move pallets in containers and warehouses, delivering a cost effective solution to meet the requirements of light/medium duty applications.This series offers many functions and features, including eLo and HiP performance settings and a high mounted multi feature dash display, which are standard across the range of Hyster electric forklift trucks.ERGONOMICSn T he optional adjustable mini-lever modulearmrest with built in hydraulic controls,integrated directional control, emergency off switch and horn offers the ultimate in comfort and control.n A ‘Heads-up’ display keeps the driver’s field ofvision clear but provides him with ‘at a glance’information on truck operating conditions or performance settings and also allows for maximum storage space in the dash.n A vailable options, which enhance ergonomicsinclude; high backrest seat with lumber supportand headrest, telescopic steering column with memory tilt, Monotrol pedal.PRODUCTIVITYn 24 volt rear-wheel drive with AC motorsthroughout provides smooth acceleration andexcellent travel, torque and lifting performance. This is combined with regenerative braking to deliver efficient load handling.n T he A1.3XNT is the most compact truck in itsclass, with the tightest turning circle for excellentmanoeuvrability in working aisles (AST with 1000 x 1200mm wide pallet = 3053mm with 40mm thick forks). This allows the operator to move faster with more confidence in restricted spaces or congested loading/ unloading bays. An overall truck width of 996mm facilitates block stacking wherever space is at a premium.n T he Vista Plus mast offers class leading visibilityallowing the operator to work quicker whenpicking and depositing loads.n 735-875Ah (1.25t) and 840-1000Ah (1.5t)batteries are available to ensure optimal shift life is achieved between charges.n T he HiP (High Productivity) performancesetting delivers a competitive top speed of12.0km/h (laden) and lifting speed of 0.3m/s (laden), easily meeting the requirements of medium duty applications.n A vailable options, which enhance productivity: Achoice of 11 standard masts, TouchPoint TM minilevers, Return to set tilt, light kits, integral sideshift.SERVICEABILITYn A ccess to diagnostic information via the displayor plug-in point on the steering column allowsengineers to monitor truck conditions and plan maintenance requirements.n E asily removable two-piece floor plate provideseasy access to power contactor, fuses and relays.n T he truck is fully serviceable without having toremove the battery – the motor, pump, controllerand oil tank are easily accessible.n D owntime for service requirements isminimised, thanks to features such asmaintenance free AC motors, DIN wheel nuts, self-adjusting service brakes and gear driven steering (no chain - no lubrication required), as well as extended service intervals:n S tandard service interval is 1000 hours / 6months, the drive axle / transmission oil changeis 4000 hours and the hydraulic oil change is4000 hours. The standard warranty is 2000 hours or one year and the powertrain warranty is 4000 hours or two years.n A vailable options, which enhance serviceabilityinclude; extended warranty = 6000 hours, and aprogrammable maintenance reminder.PRODUCT FEATURESOPTIONSn11 standard mast offeringsn W ide tread (front) for wide load handlingn L oad backrest and forksn I ntegral sideshiftn N on-marking tyresn H igh backrest seat with lumbar support and headrestn T elescopic steering column with memory tilt n M onotroln L ED light packages with visible alarm strobe n A udible back up alarmn12V power outletn B atteries and chargers n E xtended Warranty (36 months / 6000 hours) n D ual internal and Panoramic mirrorn L oad weight indicatorn I mpact sensorn K eyless start with Operator IDn D aily Operator checklistn S ystem Monitoringn T ouchPoint TM Mini leversn R eturn to Set Tilt (RTST)n F ront screen (with wiper) and top screenn S ub-zero cold store constructionn A utomatic speed reduction when cornering@fwww.hyster.eu*********************/HysterEurope @HysterEurope/HysterEuropeSTRONG PARTNERS. TOUGH TRUCKS.TMFOR DEMANDING OPERATIONS, EVERYWHERE.Hyster supplies a complete range of warehouse equipment, IC and electric counterbalanced trucks, container handlers and reach stackers. Hyster is committed to being much more than a lift truck supplier.Our aim is to offer a complete partnership capable ofresponding to the full spectrum of material handling issues: Whether you need professional consultancy on your fleet management, fully qualified service support, or reliable parts supply, you can depend on Hyster.Our network of highly trained dealers provides expert,responsive local support. They can offer cost-effective finance packages and introduce effectively managed maintenance programmes to ensure that you get the best possible value. Our business is dealing with your material handling needs so you can focus on the success of your business today and in the future.HYSTER-YALE UK LIMITED trading as Hyster Europe. Registered Address: Centennial House, Building 4.5, Frimley Business Park, Frimley, Surrey, GU16 7SG, United Kingdom.Registered in England and Wales. Company Registration Number: 02636775.HYSTER,and FORTENS are registered trademarks in the European Union and certain other jurisdictions.MONOTROL® is a registered trademark, and DURAMATCH andare trademarks in the United States and in certain other jurisdictions.Printed in Netherlands. Part number: 3990017 Rev03-12/15-TLCHYSTER EUROPECentennial House, Frimley Business Park, Frimley, Surrey, GU16 7SG, England.Tel: +44 (0) 1276 538500。
J1.5-3.5UT 4轮电动叉车产品介绍说明书
![J1.5-3.5UT 4轮电动叉车产品介绍说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/552262ba7e192279168884868762caaedd33bacd.png)
J1.5-3.5UT 4-WHEEL ELECTRIC FORKLIFT2HIGH STRENGTH OVERHEAD GUARDThe overhead guard features profiled steel, with high strength materials to help enhance reliability and operator protection.2LOW STEP HEIGHTThe conveniently positioned lo w step provides easy access to the t ruck.3AC CONTROLLERAC controllers coupled with AC traction and hydraulic motors allow for precise truck controllability. The controllers are easily accessible which can also minimize service time.The Hyster ® UT series provides the ideal solution to meet your needs, without compromising on performance.OVERVIEW1243THE RANGE1,500kg – J1.5UT 1,800kg – J1.8UT 2,000kg – J2.0UTDESIGNThe design of the UT series has been engineered with the operator in mind. The ergonomically designed compartment provides a natural and comfortable environment to help reduce fatiguethroughout the shift. A range of standard features and options help to configure the truck to the needs of the application.2,500kg – J2.5UT 3,000kg – J3.0UT 3,500kg – J3.5UT36WIDE VIEW MASTThe wide view mast provides the operator with a significant front field of view, minimizing blind spots and increasing operator comfort, thereby enabling safe, productive and efficient operation.4SMALL STEERING WHEELThe adjustable steering wheel position provides convenience for the operator as it provides 8degrees of adjustment. Low steering effort makes it easy to operate in confined spaces.5INTEGRATED MOTOR, TRANSMISSION AND AXLEThe compact structure of the drive system provides adequate access for maintenance. Precision cut gears are incorporated, leading to reduced wear and lower noise levels.65LOW COST OF OWNERSHIPThe use of high quality and robust components contribute to reliableoperations and lower wear and tear. This, together with fast availability of cost-effective replacement parts helps to reduce maintenance requirements and costs.HYDRAULICSHigh quality cylinders with hard chrome rods reduce seal wear for long life. A full-flow, low pressure filter on the return line keeps the hydraulic oil clean, which helps to minimize seal and pump wear. In addition, this keeps the control valve in good condition, which can lead to low service costs.4ENGINEERED FOR OPERATORSSAFETY AND STABILITY• High visibility mast with soft landing absorbs shock• Controlled mast lowering speed helps reduce damaging product• Secure overhead guard • LED lights are standard • Operator presence system • Travel speed limiting • Parking brakeCOMFORT• Hydraulic power steering requires low steering effort without kick-back which helps with precise positioning• Full suspension seat• Adjustable steering column and seat to accommodate a variety of operators • Low entrance step and large floor space • Ergonomically designed hand brakePERFORMANCE• Simple and clear display of speed, power,error code, working hours to keep the operator informed• Color display integrated with functions such as performance selection allows the operator to configure the truck to meet different application requirements• AC traction and lifting motors, with electronic control, deliver a high level of performanceSERVICE• AC traction and hydraulic motors help reduce maintenance cost • Reliable IP54 design• The controller assembly is mounted inside the counterweight and is protected by an easy-to-remove cover• CANbus communication simplifies troubleshooting5Mast TypeMax fork height(mm)Overall Extended HeightFree lift Mast Tilt Capacity without side shift Lowered height (mm)Lift heightWithout LBR (mm)With LBR (mm)Forward (Deg)Back (Deg)@ 500mm Single Pneumatic Tire (kg)@ 600mm Single PneumaticTire (kg)Without LBR (mm)With LBR (mm)1.5t1.8t 1.5t 1.8t 1.5t 1.8t 1.5t 1.8t 1.5t 1.8t 2LFL3300214021404284428438133813135135510150018001350162035002240224044844484401340131351355101500180013501620400025402540498449844513451313513551014001700126015322FFL300019901990398439843513351314151030510150018001350162033002140214042844284381338131565118051015001800135016203FFL450020402040548454845013501314701080561200140010801260480021402140578457845313531315701180561100120099010805500240524056484648460136013183514453675085067076060002590261069846984651365132040165036450550400490J1.5-1.8UT MAST AND CAPACITY CHARTSMast TypeMax fork height(mm)Overall Extended HeightFree lift Mast Tilt Capacity without side shift Lowered height (mm)Lift heightWithout LBR (mm)With LBR (mm)Forward (Deg)Back (Deg)@ 500mm Single Pneumatic Tire (kg)@ 600mm Single PneumaticTire (kg)Without LBR (mm)With LBR (mm)2.0t2.5t 2.0t 2.5t 2.0t 2.5t 2.0t 2.5t 2.0t 2.5t 2LFL3300216521653915391543174317140140510200025001810226035002265226541154115451745171401405102000250018102260400025652565461546155017501714014051020002500181022602FFL30002015201536153615401740171385985510200025001810226033002165216539153915431743171535113551020002500181022603FFL450020752075517151715516551614401040561600200014501810480021752175547154715816581615401140561250170011301540550024402440617161716516651618001400369001200810109060002625262566716671701670161990159036700800630720J2.0-2.5UT MAST AND CAPACITY CHARTSMast TypeMax fork height(mm)Overall Extended HeightFree lift Mast Tilt Capacity without side shift Lowered height (mm)Lift heightWithout LBR (mm)With LBR (mm)Forward (Deg)Back (Deg)@ 500mm Single Pneumatic Tire (kg)@ 600mm Single PneumaticTire (kg)Without LBR (mm)With LBR (mm)3.0t3.0t3.0t 3.0t 3.0t 2LFL3300219539404440165165510300027203500229541404640165165510300027204000259546405140165165510285025802FFL3000204536404140139093551030002720330021953940444015401085510300027203FFL450020955165564015109755625002270480021955465594016101075562250204055002460616566401865133036160014506000264566657140206015253612001090J3.0UT MAST AND CAPACITY CHARTSMast TypeMax fork height(mm)Overall Extended HeightFree lift Mast Tilt Capacity without side shift Lowered height (mm)Lift heightWithout LBR (mm)With LBR (mm)Forward (Deg)Back (Deg)@ 500mm Single Pneumatic Tire (kg)@ 600mm Single PneumaticTire (kg)Without LBR (mm)With LBR (mm)3.5t3.5t3.5t 3.5t 3.5t 2LFL3300227040104440170170510350031803500237042104640170170510350031804000267047105140170170510330030002FFL30002120370041001415100051035003180330022704000440015651150510350031803FFL450021705250565015109755628002550480022705550595016101075562500227055002535625066501865133036170015406000272067507150206015253613001180J3.5UT MAST AND CAPACITY CHARTSNote: For integral sideshift deduct 50kg from stated capacityMAST SPECIFICATIONS6SPECIFICATIONSG E N E R A L1.1Manufacturer HYSTER HYSTER HYSTER HYSTER HYSTER HYSTER 1.2Model designationJ1.5UT J1.8UT J2.0UT J2.5UT J3.0UT J3.5UT 1.3Power: battery, diesel, LPG, electric mainsBatería Batería Batería Batería Batería Batería 1.4Operation: manual, pedestrian, stand, seat, orderpicker Sentado Sentado Sentado Sentado Sentado Sentado 1.5Load capacity Q (kg)1500180020002500300035001.6Load center c (mm)5005005005005005001.8Load distance x (mm)410410454454475495 51.9Wheelbasey (mm)138013801485148516701690W E I G H T 2.1Unladen weight (max. battery)kg 2950323039304100475054002.2Axle loading, laden front/rear (max. battery)kg 3960/4904280/6105160/7505755/8456900/8507865/10352.3Axle loading, unladen front/rear (max. battery)kg1390/15601290/18001895/20351650/24502070/26802300/3100T I R E S , C H A S S I S 3.1Tires: L=pneumatic, V=cushion SE= super elastic SE SE SE SE SE SE 3.2Tire size, front 6.00-921x8-923 x 9-1023 x 9-1023 x 9-1023 x 10-123.3Tire size, rear5.00-8 5.00-818 x 7-818 x 7-818 x 7-8200/50-103.5Number of wheels, front/rear (X = driven)2x/22x/22x/22x/22x/22x/23.6Track width, front b10 (mm)95595510581058106511243.7Track width, rear b11 (mm)9209209609609801010D I M E N S I O N S 4.1Mast tilt, forward a /back b degrees 5/105/105/105/105/105/104.2Height of mast, lowered h1 (mm)2000200020152015204521204.3Free lift, "h2 (mm)1351351401401651654.4Lift height, "h3 (mm)3000300030003000300030004.5Height of mast, extended E h4 (mm)3980398039803980398039804.7Height to top of overhead guard m h6 (mm)2155215521522152215221384.8Seat height u h7 (mm)1080108010801080108010804.12Towing coupling height h10 (mm)2902902502502702704.19Overall length (with forks)l1 (mm)2993 29933356 5 3356 5 3618 3709 4.20Length to face of forks l2 (mm)207320732286.52286.5254826394.21Overall width b1 (mm)1120112012851285128513654.22Fork dimensionss/e/l (mm)35/100/92035/100/92040/122/107040/122/107045/122/107050/122/10704.23Fork carriage DIN 15173. Class, A/B 2A 2A 2A 2A 3A 3A 4.24Fork carriage width E b3 (mm)1040104010401040110011004.25Width over forksb5 (mm)89089010001000106010604.31Ground clearance, laden, below mast m1 (mm)9595656565804.32Ground clearance at center of wheelbasem2 (mm)1051059595110834.33Aisle width with pallets 1000mm long x 1200mm wide Ast (mm)3541354137323732402541014.34Aisle width with pallets 800mm wide x 1200mm long Ast (mm)3741374139323932422543014.35Outer turning radius Wa (mm)1965196520802080234924054.36Inner turning radius b13 (mm)703703599599830815P E R F O R M A N C E D A T A 5.1Travel speed laden/unladen km/h 15/1615/1615/1615/1615/1615/165.2Lifting speed laden/unladen mm/s 320/400300/400320/400280/400320/400280/4005.3Lowering speed laden/unladenmm/s 390/500390/500390/420390/420390/420400/3205.6Maximum drawbar pull laden/unladen, 5 minute rating N 11600/750011600/750013000/1050013000/1050019000/1100019000/110005.8Maximum gradeability with/without load, 5 minute rating %15/2314/2215/2315/2215/2215/225.9Acceleration time with/without load 10m sec 5/4.55/4.5 5.4/4.5 5.5/4.7 5.5/4.7 5.7/5.25.10Service brakeHidráulico Hidráulico Hidráulico Hidráulico Hidráulico Hidráulico E L E C T R I C -M O T O R 6.1Drive Motor Rating, S2, 60min kW 6.5 motor, S3 15% rating kW 8.68.6111115156.4Battery voltage/capacity (5hr rate)V/Ah 48/42048/42048/60048/60080/50080/5006.5Battery weight (min/max)kg 71071095095014201420NEW Battery dimensionsl/w/h(mm)985/465/750985/465/7501028/500/7801028/500/7801028/674/7801028/674/7806.6Power consumption in accordance with VDI cycle kWh/h 4.8 5.0 5.7 T H E R 8.1Drive control CA CA CA CA CA CA ManufacturerCurtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis Curtis 8.2Operating pressure for attachments x bar 1451451751751751758.3Oil volume for attachments l/min 3838383838388.4Average noise level at operator's ear ¬dB (A)70.370.367.567.571.871.88.5Towing coupling, type DINClavija de Ø30Clavija de Ø30Clavija de Ø30Clavija de Ø30Clavija de Ø30Clavija de Ø30¬ L PAZ, measured according to the test cycles and based on the weighting values contained in EN12053“ Bottom of forksu Full suspension specified E Without load backrestm h6 subject to +/- 5 mm tolerance x VariableSpecification data is based on VDI 2198, with the following configuration: Complete truck with 3000mm 2-stage limited free lift mast, standard carriage and forks, overhead guard and standard super elastic drive and steer tires.7DIMENSIONS100 mm100 mm4. 4.311.8 3.74.354.223.64.217807307152X 670690116116334414102868320501101457807307003X 67565653344141028503205080111ModelCompartment sizeBattery specifications Electrical Battery size WeightW mm (in)L mm (in)H mm (in)Voltage W mm (in)L mm (in)H mm (in)Min kg (lbs)Max kg (lbs)J1.5-1.8UT Vertical extract 993 (39.0)478 (18.8)785 (30.9)48980 (38.6)465 (18.3)750 (29.5)650 (1435)790 (1740)J2.0-2.5UT Vertical extract 1041 (40.9)500 (19.6)785 (30.9)481028 (40.4)500 (19.6)780 (30.7)855 (1885)1045 (2300)J3.0-3.5UT Vertical extract1041 (40.9)674 (26.5)785 (30.9)801028 (40.4)674 (26.5)780 (30.7)1280 (2825)1560 (3435)Battery type: “EO” (without cover)Battery compartment length is measured front to rear. Battery compartment width is measured across the truck Battery lead: length 250mm (10”), bosition “B”, 2 / 0 AWGBATTERY COMPARTMENT SPECIFICATIONSHyster Company P .O. Box 7006Greenville, North Carolina 27835-7006Part No. J1.5-3.5UT/BTG/CARIB 8/2020 Litho in U.S.A.Visit us online at or call us at 1-800-HYSTER-1.Hyster, and STRONG PARTNERS, TOUGH TRUCKS, are registered trademarks in the United States and certain other jurisdictions. Hyster products are subject to change without notice.Trucks may be shown with optional equipment. © 2020 Hyster Company. All rights reserved.J1.5-1.8UT7506809804682X 702X 139J2.0-2.5UTJ3.0-3.5UT。
1-货叉 2-叉架 3-门架及起升液压缸 4-倾斜液压缸 5-方向盘 6-操纵杆7-底盘及车轮图1-1 叉车的结构及外形叉车的基本技术参数有起重量、载荷中心矩、起升高度、满载行驶速度、满载最大起升速度、满载爬坡度、门架的前倾角和后倾角以及最小转弯半径等。
目录1 绪论1.1 国内叉车外观造型设计的现状 (1)1.2 国际叉车外观造型设计的现状 (2)1.3 叉车造型设计几个方面 (2)1.4 叉车技术的发展趋势 (4)1.5 叉车在特殊条件下的应用 (11)2 叉车设计总体方案2.1 设计总体方案确定 (15)2.1.1 方案的制定原则 (15)2.1.2 设计方案的规划 (15)2.1.3 方案设计内容总结 (17)2.2 叉车发动机的选择 (17)2.2.1 发动机基本型式的选择 (17)2.2.2 发动机主要性能指标的选择 (19)3 变速箱设计3.1 变速箱的构造和原理 (23)3.2 变速箱的结构方案图 (26)3.3 变速箱主要参数的选择 (27)3.3.1 变速箱挂慢速档时参数选择 (27)3.3.2 变速箱挂快速档时参数选择 (30)3.3.3 变速箱挂倒档时参数选择 (32)3.3.4 中心距确定 (34)3.3.5 齿轮模数确定 (34)3.3.6 齿数分配 (35)3.3.7 齿轮其他基本几何参数与结构图 (38)3.3.8 主要零件的计算 (44)3.4 齿轮公差组的确定 (49)3.5 轴的结够设计及强度计算 (50)3.5.1 第一轴的结够设计及强度计算 (50)3.5.2 中间轴的结够设计及强度计算 (63)3.6 轴承的选择与校核 (73)3.7 键的选择与校核 (76)3.8 确定箱体的基本参数 (80)4 差速器设计4.1 差速器的类型及选择 (81)4.2 差速器齿轮设计 (81)4.2.1 齿轮主要参数选择 (81)4.2.2 几何参数的计算 (82)4.2.3 行星齿轮轴直径及支撑长度确定 (84)4.3齿轮强度计算 (84)4.4 主减速器齿轮几何尺寸计算 (85)5 液压驱动与控制系统的设计5.1 驱动马达的选择 (86)5.2 举升液压缸的计算 (87)5.2.1 液压缸主要尺寸的确定 (87)5.2.2 液压缸的结构设计 (90)5.3 货叉前端液压缸设计 (95)5.4 驱动方案的选择 (98)5.5 驱动方案的确定 (100)6 液压系统的常见问题及解决措施 (101)结论 (107)参考文献 (108)附录 1 叉车总图 (110)翻译部分英文原文 (111)中文译文 (117)致谢 (121)摘要叉车具有装卸和搬运功能,机动灵活,能适应多变的装卸搬运要求,普遍适用于港口、车站、货场、车间、仓库、油田及机场等处,还可以进入船舱和集装箱内进行装卸作业,除此之外,还广泛应用于军事部门和特殊防爆部门,有的车辆可无人驾驶,到人员不断接近的地方工作适用于柔性加工系统,总之,随着物流技术的不断发展和工业化水平的提高,叉车使用范围将日益扩大,成为一种产量与品种很多的装卸搬运机械。
三菱电动叉车 48V 80V 110V 140V 系列 电动叉车 使用说明书
![三菱电动叉车 48V 80V 110V 140V 系列 电动叉车 使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/390cd8adb9f67c1cfad6195f312b3169a551ea7c.png)
CODEELECTRICFORKLIFT TRUCKSSUMITOMO NACCO MATERIALS HANDLING CO.,LTD., manufacturer of forklift trucks and materials handling equipments, uses a quality management sys-tem certified compliant with ISO9001.SUMITOMO NACCO MATERIALS HANDLING CO.,LTD., manufacturer of forklift trucks and materials handling equipments, uses an environmental manage-ment system certified com-pliant with ISO14001.SUMITOMO NACCO MATERIALSS HANDLING continually upgrades and improves its products. Actual features and specifications may therefore differ slightly from those described in this catalog.SUMITOMO NACCO MATERIALS HANDLING SALES CO., LTD.2-18, Heiwajima 3-chome, Ota-ku, Tokyo, 143-0006 JAPAN Phone: 81-3-6404-3262 Fax: 81-3-6404-3272Manufactured bySUMITOMO NACCO MATERIALS HANDLING CO., LTD.2-75, Daitoh-cho, Obu-shi, Aichi-ken, 474-8555 JAPAN Phone: 81-562-48-5251 Fax: 81-562-48-5396Powerful, high-speed forklifts for efficient handling of large, heavy loads!Rugged power, nimble footwork, and excellent controllability. Incorporating the latest in electronics technology, SUMITOMO’s new range of 3.5~4.0 ton large electric forklifts can handle heavy loads and large, cumbersome goods with ease and reliability. Outstanding working performance that beats the pack!Top class speedHigh-performance motors installed fortravel and goods handling, to boostoperation efficiency and shift large,heavy loads smoothly and speedily.Compact bodyUnbelievably compact body for aheavy-duty forklift. Nifty maneuveringround narrow warehouse aisles.Heavy-duty head guardLarge, heavy-duty head guard keeps operator safe.All the features needed for comfort on the jobOperational dataincluding several hour meters, travel distance, and charging time, are recorded for weekly periods.Operator can select from 3 working modes: ‘energy-saving’ mode, mid~high power plus hyper mode, and ‘my’ mode, which allows operator to make own settings.For security, password entry feature requires a numeric code to be input before the vehicle can be switched ON. Up to 10 codes can be pre-set.Display shows data according to vehiclestatus: speedometer and battery dischargeindicator during travel, and digital clock and battery dischargeindicator when stationary.Auto power-OFFPower switches OFF automatically if the vehicle is not operated for more than 15 mins. Power is not wasted due to operator’s oversight.Tilt-adjustable steering wheelSteering wheel can be adjusted at the most comfortable angle for the operator.Easy-to-readmulti-display screenMulti-display screen gives data on vehicle status, including travelspeed, battery discharge indication, password entry, and operation management.Open step for easy accessWide, low step for ready mounting/dismounting, despite the vehicle’s large size.Adjustable seatOperator’s seat slides forward/back for adjustment at the optimal position to keep operator free of fatigue over long stretches.High energy-saving performanceAll the braking energy generated when reducing speed, by releasing accelerator, applying brake, shifting levers, etc., as well as inertia inmast, is returned to the batteries for high energy efficiency.•Neutral regenerative•Brake pedal regenerative •Shift lever regenerative •Hydraulic regenerativeAdvantages of AC drive systemMotor1. Simple, robust structureStator coil and rotor are only major components. Bearing only part that may require replacement.2. Maximum torque is limited, reducing risk of overheatingThermo sensor reports stator coil temperature to control system, to protect motor from overheating. Transistors in the controller are similarly protected.3. Large torque at high speedLarge torque even in mid- to high-speed range allows good acceleration.4. Large regenerative torqueLarge regenerative torque provides good maneuverability.Controller1. No F/R contactor or regenerative contactor requiredCrisp response, reduced maintenance, and less noise.2. Regenerative braking throughout speed rangeRegenerative braking from zero to top speed improves driveability and recovers more energy.3. Excellent control across speed rangeConsistently high controllability from low to high speed.SpecificationsModel PerformanceCapacity kgWith load center at mmMax. Lifting height A mmStandard free lift B mmTilt of mast (Forward/backward ) C/D digreeTravel speed Unladen km/h(Standard tread) Laden km/hLiftingspeed Unladen mm/sLaden mm/sMinimum turning radius E mmEqual aisle width mmDimensionsOverall length with forks G mmOverall width H mmHeight Canopy guard I mmExtended mast J mmCollapsed mast K mmFork length L mmFork spread Max.-Min. M/N mmWheelbase O mmTread Front/Rear P/Q mmGround clearance Mast R mmUnladen weight w/ standard battery kgw/o battery kgTireFront wheelsBack wheelsElectrical ComponentsControl type DriveHoistSteeringDrive motor T ypeRated output kWHoist motor T ypeRated output kWPower steer motor T ypeRated output kWBattery compartment W L Hmm Battery capacity Minimum Volt Ah/hr Maximum Volt Ah/hr Dual TireOverall width mmTread Front mmUnladen weight w/o battery kgT yre size Front 8FB35PZX 3,5006003,0101506/1218.017.04803702,5702,3003,9401,3602,2154,2502,1701,0701,200-3001,8551,130/1,1401405,7204,3902.50-15-16PR (I)7.00-12-12PR (I)FET inverter FET inverter IGBT chopper AC induction 10.3AC induction 20.9DC permanent magnet 1.2710 1,028 78072 440/572 600/51,7601,3054,4407.00-15-10PR (I)8FB40PZX 4,0006003,0101456/1218.016.54803502,7202,3704,0851,3602,2804,2502,1701,0701,200-3002,0001,130/1,1401405,9504,4102.50-15-18PR (I)7.00-12-12PR (I)FET inverter FET inverter IGBT chopper AC induction10.3AC induction20.9DC permanent magnet1.2800 1,028 78072 600/572 700/51,7601,3054,4607.00-15-10PR (I)8FB35PZX 8FB40PZX ControlsAuto-power-OFFRegenerative braking Neutral regeneration (*1)Ramp start (*2)Neutral start (*3)Accelerator pedal adjustment (*4)Traction power adjustment (*4)Hoist speed limit (*4)Tilt speed limit (*4)Travel speed limit (*5)BDI interrupt (*6) Multi-displayBattery discharge indicator Digital clockMulti hour metersSpeedometer Safety monitor Operation managementPassword entry (*7) LightsHeadlights (*8)Turning indicators Back buzzerTilting steering wheelSuspension seatBattery Ah/5HR (72V)440 600700 Main Accessories*1 Releasing accelerator during travel activates regenerative braking to slow vehicle speed.*2 When starting on a grade, automatic torque adjustment prevents roll-back.*3 If the key is switched ON with travel lever engaged or accelerator depressed, vehicle is held stationary and an error message is displayed.*4 Acceleration, and power, hoist and tilt speeds can be adjusted to match job requirements.*5 Max. speed can be set to conform with workplace speed limit.*6 When battery charge falls below 20%, hoist speed is first reduced by 50%, then fork operation stops altogether, to prevent damage to batteries.*7 10 different codes can be pre-set.*8 With warning buzzer.OptionalLoad Capacity Charts8FB35PZX 3002000230026002900320035003800400500600700Load center (mm)L o a d c a p a c i t y (k g )800900100011001200S4.0m/4.5m/5.0 mast 8FB40PZXL o a d c a p a c i t y (k g )3002500280031003400370040004300400500600700Load center (mm)800900100011001200S4.0m/4.5m/5.0 mastMasts8FB35/40PZX 3000mm3300mm 3500mm 3700mm 4000mm4300mm 4500mm 4700mm 5000mm 5300mm 5700mm 6000mmMax. lifting heightStandard mast High mast3-stage full-free mast full-free mastOptions•Long fork•Extension fork •High backrest •Wide carriage •Double tires•Pneumatic solid tires •Colored tires •Windscreen•Rear view mirror•Left-hand shift levers •Working lights •Rotating lights•Forward/reverse chime•Forward/reverse melody alarm •Battery top up device •Spare batteryDimension chart。
第1章绪论1.1选题背景、目的及意义最近5 年,中国叉车市场的生产和需求量每年的增幅均达到了25%以上,2006 年中国就已经成为仅次于美国的全球第二大叉车消费市场。
这种快速增长的势头持续到2008 年,直至被金融危机的爆发打断。
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第1章绪论选题背景、目的及意义最近5 年,中国叉车市场的生产和需求量每年的增幅均达到了25%以上,2006 年中国就已经成为仅次于美国的全球第二大叉车消费市场。
这种快速增长的势头持续到2008 年,直至被金融危机的爆发打断。
环保要求推动了动力技术的更新,如:上世纪90 年代液化石油气(LPG) 叉车、压缩天然气(CNG叉车、丙烷叉车等低公害叉车面市,且发展势头强劲;现在林德3吨内燃平衡重式叉车尾气排放符合欧洲U号标准。
LPG CNG等燃料叉车及混合动力叉车将进一步发展。
对于电动车辆,传统的电阻调速控制器已被淘汰,而新型M O SFET晶体管因其门极驱动电流小,并联控制特性好且有软、硬件自动保护和硬件自诊断功能等优点,得到广泛采用。
在全球叉车市场格局中,丰田和林德遥遥领先,年销售收入超过50 亿美元;而安叉和杭叉在国内叉车市场上称雄,合计市场占有率超过50%。
于我国叉车出口量占海外市场比重仍较低、性价比优势突出以及出口退税导致国内企业出口冲动等理由,预计未来中国叉车出口仍将保持较快增速,未来3 年,国内叉车销量年增速有望保持在20%以上,对海外市场的依赖度将加大。
虽然我国现在已经能够生产起重量从吨到45 吨各种型号的电动叉车,但每年仍有近两亿美元的电动叉车进口。
据1996 年的海关统计,当年电动叉车进口亿美元,相当于电动叉车行业的年产值,其中集装箱电动叉车和电动叉车进口亿美元。
由此可看,电动叉车在可靠性、舒适性方面距发达国家水平依然较大, 因此对平衡重式电动的开发任重道远。
当前,平衡重式电动叉车市场的竞争日益激烈,要求平衡重式电动叉车产品技术更新换代的速度越来越快,尽管我国物流业尚处于起步阶段, 物流技术和物流设施与物流发达国家还存在较大的差距, 这些对我国叉车的发展有一定的阻碍作用, 但是, 随着我国政府、企业及民众对物流设备的认识加深, 我国国际贸易的日益加强, 外国企业介入中国市场带来先进的物流经验。
为此,本课题基于计算机仿真平台,应用AutoCAD (AutoCAD是由美国Autodesk 公司于二十世纪八十年代初为微机上应用CAD技术而开发的绘图程序软件包,经过不断的完美,现已经成为国际上广为流行的绘图工具。
AutoCAD可以绘制任意二维和三维图形,并且同传统的手工绘图相比,用AutoCAD绘图速度更快、精度更高、而且便于个性,它已经在航空航天、造船、建筑、机械、电子、化工、美工、轻纺等很多领域得到了广泛应用,并取得了丰硕的成果和巨大的经济效益)、当前CAD领域应用比较广泛的三维软件Pro/E (PRO/E是全世界最普及的3D CAD/CAM系统•被广泛应用于电子、机械、模具、工业设计、汽车、机车、自行车、航天、家电、玩具等各行业.PRO/E可谓是个全方位的三维产品开发软件,整合了零件设计、产品装配、模具开发、数控加工、板金设计、铸造件设计、造型设计、逆向工程、自动测量、机构模拟、应力分析、产品数据库管理等功能于一体)、有限元软件ANSY,S 进行平衡重式电动叉车的强度、刚度及稳定性等方面的计算机仿真研究与分析,为我国电动叉车产品的设计、技术开发方面提供更多的理论参考,进一步提高电动叉车的稳定性和可靠性。
国内外研究现状我国叉车工业起步于20 世纪五、六十年代。
进入20 世纪80 年代后,计划经济的束缚逐渐减轻,各家企业根据自身的技术、资源力量,在原来的型号基础上向上、向下延伸,普遍建立起一套不同型号的产品系列,技术上主要以动力系统、液压系统作为核心。
20 世纪90 年代中后期,随着国际上Linder 、Toyota 等大公司产品的进入,对我国的叉车制造行业形成了极大的冲击。
国际叉车制造企业对形态更加重视,受汽车形态设计新锋锐(New Edge)风格的影响,叉车形态在原流线型的基础上增加了一些坚挺的块状轮廓明显的线条,流畅中彰显力量、圆润中蕴涵挺拔,叉车形态随社会审美情趣的演变不断地发展变化并成为叉车更新换代的主要手段之一。
2003 年世界叉车展览会的4 款叉车。
总体而言,当今世界叉车形态设计的趋势可以用8 个字概括:流线、遮盖、高效、舒适。
研究内容及研究方法1.3.1 设计主要内容本设计的叉车额定起重量为2000kg,标准载荷中心距为500mm最大起升高度为3000mm门架前后倾角为6/12,最大起升速度(满载)为340mm/s最大行驶速度为12Km/h,最大爬坡度为18%最小转弯半径为2000mm前轮胎为50-10-10 ,后轮胎为。
利用AutoCAD、Pro/E 软件完成叉车变速器、升降油缸、货叉二维设计及整车三维造型、利用ANSYS软件对货叉部分关键零部件进行强度、刚度及稳定性校核。
1.3.2 研究方法(1)参考内燃叉车的资料确定总体布局,举升机构及液压控制系统的设计(2)根据已经确定的相关资料制定平衡重式电动叉车的总体方案设计;(3)选取关键零部件进行强度、刚度及稳定性的校核。
叉车分类:1. 越野叉车:其基本构造和工作原理与普通叉车相同,但具有较大的离地间隙,较大的爬坡能力,更好的稳定性,采用类似于拖拉机的越野轮胎,有时还采用前后桥驱动,其最大特点就在于具有良好的通过性能和越野性能,可用语城镇建设工地和管道铺设等工程建设,如图2-1所示。
2. 集装箱叉车:除起重量较大和往往采用集装箱吊具外,工作原理和结构特点与普通平衡重式叉车无异,如图2-2所示。
3. 集装箱空箱堆高机:空箱堆高机的起重量一般不超过8t,常见为4t,结构类似于集装箱叉车,虽然起重量不大,但起升高度很大,行驶速度较高,采用特殊的空箱侧面集装箱吊具,如图2-3所示。
4. 集装箱正面吊运机:集装箱正面吊运机具有机动性强、作业效率高、操作简便等优点,已成为集装箱货场作业的一种重要机型,如图2-4所示。
5. 叉装机:叉装机在结构上类似于集装箱正面吊运机,知识个头小一些,取物装置还原为货叉,叉装机在底盘方面类似与越野叉车,如图2-5所示。