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The dielectric constant is assumed to be a linear interpolation between CdTe (=10.9) and ZnTe (= 9.7) and using a zinc fraction of 0.13, as determined from the PL spectrum, a Bohr radius of 62.6 Å is predicted. From this one can obtain an exciton reduced mass of 0.090m0, which implies a hole effective mass of 0.40m0, which is a little below the conductivity effective mass (0.47m0 for ZnTe, 0.53m0 for CdTe).
3.3.1 Carrier mobility
One of the great strengths of CdTe compared to other high-Z materi -als is its relatively high electron mobility (1100 cm2/V s at 300K). The hole mobility, on the other hand, is about a factor of 10 lower. It is typically found that the electron mobility of Cd1-xZnxTe is comparable to that of CdTe, while the hole mobility is somewhat lower than in CdTe.
for electrons.
Valence band wave functions have p-like symmetry rather than s-like, which makes the matrix elements that appears in the scattering probability more difficult to evaluate.
Fig. 39. Calculated electron mobilities for CdTe (solid) and ZnTe (dashed) as a function of temperature
In the case of Cd1-xZnxTe
Ue =0.3 eV Ue =0.7 eV, Uh=0.1 eV
Two factors are relevant to the dependence of the carrier mobilities on alloy composition : first, the alloy scattering rate varies as x(1-x) and therefore is greatest in the middle of the composition range; second, all scattering rates increase with the effective mass of the carrier, which in turn increases with bandgap.
Transport properties 、 Electrical contacts and
current versus voltage measurements of CZT
Transport properties Electrical contacts and current versus voltage measurements
Assuming an isotropic (in k-spa ce) conduction band, this involves solving for the perturbation function, f(E), from the equation:
where S0(E) is the scattering-out rate due to LO phonon scattering, and ac, pz and al are the mean scattering lifetimes for acoustic phonon, piezoelectric and alloy scattering, respectively. S(E) is the scattering-in rate by emission/absorption of a LO phonon, and kT0 is the LO phonon energy at the zone center. In this calculation the two-mode phonon structure of Cd1-xZnxTe is accounted for by using two terms, weighted by the alloy composition. The composition dependence of each mode frequency was taken as a linear interpolation between the end points calculated by Talwar et al.
Scattering between the heavy-hole and light-hole bands must be taken into account.
After Wiley the mobilities are calculated separately for light-hole and heavy-hole bands, and the overall mobility is then estimated as:
Transport is characterized by two parameters for each carrier type: mobility,μ,and mean trapping lifetime,. The quantity which is directly related to detector performance is the product μE, where E is the electric field. This quantity is the mean drift length, sometimes called the schubweg. Despite the underlying complexity of trapping phenomena, simple macroscopic models based on the use of the mean drift length predict detector behavior remarkably.
The latter result is more intuitively pleasing, since U is often identified with the band offset between the constituents, and we expect the conduction band offset to be much greater than the valence band offset for CdTe/ZnTe, based on the common-anion rule.

Transport properties
Carrier mobility Exபைடு நூலகம்erimental determination of mobility
The effect of electron and hole transport properties on detector performance.
The lattice constant, a, and effective mass, m* are taken as a linear interpolation between CdTe and ZnTe.
Fig. 40. Calculated electron mobility of Cd1-xZnxTe at T=300 K as a function of x using Ue=0.3 eV(solid) and Ue=0.7 eV(dashed). Here Ue is the alloy scattering potential
On the other hand Szeles et al.have argued that the composition dependence of hole trap ionization energies implies that either the inert atomic-like character of localized levels or the small valence band offset is invalid. This may be a moot point since Singh has pointed out that that the alloy scattering potential is a fairly ill-defined quantity. It is not clear theoretically whether it corresponds to the difference in electron affinities, the difference in bandgaps, the band offsets, or some other quantity. Furthermore, clustering effects also affect the alloy scattering rate. Hence, alloy scattering potentials are determined by fitting of experimental data.
where nhh/nlh is the ratio of occupancies of the two bands, which is approximately equal to
Eq. (23) is solved by iteration, with the f(E±kT)terms (o2n4) the right hand side being set to zero in the first pass. After each iteration the mobility is calculated as
Ideally carrier mobilities can be calculated from the scattering rates for acoustic phonon, polar optical phonon, piezoelectric, impurity and allo -y scattering, with polar optical scattering being dominant for nonalloyed II-VI and III-V materials at room temperature .Suzuki et al. found that for Cd0.8Zn0.2Te:Cl the hole mobility was limited by trappindetrapping involving the Acenter complex (VCdClTe)-.