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冀教版英语八班级下册课文原文及翻译中英对比版Lesson 7Lesson 7 Planting Trees第7课种树It's March 12.今日是三月十二日。

Li Ming and his classmates are on a hillside.李明和同学们在山坡上。

They are planting trees as a school project.他们在进行学校的一个工程——种树。

A worker is there helping them.一位工人在那儿关心他们。

Excuse me, sir.打搅了,先生。

We are digging a hole.我们在挖洞。

Is it big enough?这个洞大小够了吗?Maybe you should make the hole a little bigger.你还需要把洞再挖大一点。

It must be large enough to hold the roots of the seedling.它必需足够大,能盖得住幼苗的根部。

I see. Thank you.我知道了。


Now, put the seedling inside,cover the roots and fill the hole with dirt.现在,把幼苗放进去,用土把根部盖住,把洞填满。

Then pack the dirt around the new tree with your feet.然后用脚把树四周的土压实点。

OK.By the way,there is another group of people down the hill.好的。


Are they also ing to plant trees?他们也是来种树的吗?Yes.Many people are worried because the environment is changing,and they want to do something to help.是的。



文印室英文篇一:科室牌中英文对比标识标牌中医院科室牌中英文对比(五)心理询问 Psychology Consulting佝偻病专科 Rachitis Dept.神经、脊柱 Neurology Rachitis神经科Neurology贵宾(特需)门诊 VIP Clinic体检中心风湿专科挂号须知请便后冲水请勿吸烟未经批准不得进入严禁吸烟医患沟通园地在此候诊暂停服务急诊部急救分中心办公室急救中心抢救室急诊诊疗室急诊化验室急诊收费急诊药房输液室抢救监护室急诊仪器室医师办公室观看区医技科室药剂科药剂科办公室药剂科会议室制剂讨论室 Physical Examination Center Rheumatism Notes for Registration Please Flush After Use Please No Smoking No Admittance No Smoking Patient-Doctor Communication Grounds Waiting Aera Service Suspended Office of Branch Emergency Center Emergency Center Emergency Treatment Room Emergency Room Emergency Laboratory Emergency Cashier Emergency Pharmacy Infusion Room First-aid Care Room Emergency Instrument Room Physician’s Office Observation Ward Pharmacy Dept.Pharmacy Office Meeting Room of Pharmacy Preparation Research Room西药调剂室 Prescription Room of Medicine中药调剂室 Prescription Room of TCM一般制剂室 General Preparation Room中药制剂室 Preparation Room for TCM西药库Medicine Store中药库TCM Store一次性物品库 DisposabLe Storage Room无菌室Asepsis Room无菌制剂室 Aseptic Preparation Room口服液灌封间 Filling Enveloping Room for Orally Liquid灌封间Filling Enveloping Room灯检包装间 Packing Room of Light Examination配制间Confecting Room工作人员休息室 Staff’s Rest Room中药制剂产前处理 TCM Preparation Processing片剂调剂室 Dispensary Room for Tablet针剂调剂室 Dispensary Room for Injection输液库Infusion Store小型仪器室 small- scale instrument room大型仪器室 large -scale instrument room 纯水制备室 pure water preparation room无菌操作室 asepsis operation room药品贮存室 physic storeroom玻璃器械室 glass appliance room更衣室 locker room中心化验室 laboratory center room总经理室 general manager room副总经理室 vice general manager room会议室 meeting room接待室 reception room楼层牌 floor厕所 toilet董事长室 president room服务台information desk急诊室 emergency room抢救室 rescue room换药室re-dressing room观看室observation room输液室1 observation room (1)检验中心lab center传染病检验室 epidemiology laboratory room病理检验室pathology laboratory room 细菌室bacteriology room心电图室ECG roomb超室(一)B-ultrasonic room(1)供应室provide room接收室receive room发放处extend locate粗洗间ordinarily washing room精洗间earnest washing room清洁间cleaning room消毒间disinfected room综合门诊 out-patient integrate内科中心mdeicine center外科中心surgery center肝病中心liverish center呼吸内科respiratory medicine神经内科neurology心血管内科cardiovasology消化内科gastroenterology胃镜室gastroscopy lab room内分泌室endocrinology room免疫科immunology儿科pediatrics Dept.普外科general surgery伤骨科orthopedic surgery伤骨科治疗室treatment room for orthopedic肛肠科colorecta dept.肛肠科治疗室treatment room for colorecta皮肤科(一)dermatology(1)中医科traditional chinese medicine肿瘤科medical oncology肝病科(一)liverish dept.(1)门诊部办公室out-patient office医学美容中心medicine for hairdressing center 询问处consult医生办公室doctor’s office手术室operating room妇科中心gynecology center妇科(一)gynecology dept.(1)妇科治疗区treatment area for gynecology冲洗室(一)washing room(1)微波室(一)microwave room(1)激光室(一)laser room(1)方案生育室Spcoialist Clinic检查室examination room泌尿科中心urology center泌尿外科(一)urology surgery眼耳鼻喉科中心ophthalmologyENT center 口腔科(一)stomatology (1)耳鼻喉科(一)ENT dept. 1眼科ophthalmology预备室preparation room内儿科病区pediatrics medicine area外科病区surgery area妇科病区gynecology area院长室 affair AD院办公室director of the hospital医务科clinic AD护理部nursing dept.经营部manage dept.企划部layout dept.总务科general affair dept.文印室printing room财务科financial dept.卫生间toilet男卫生间men toilet女卫生间women toilet饮水间drinking room程控室procedure control room护士站nurse station导医台enquiryct线诊断室 ct scan test roomx线诊断室 x-ray test room餐厅 dining hall警卫室gatehouse泌尿科治疗区treatment area for urologyb超、心电图、生化、消毒b-ultrasonic、ECG、biochemistry lab、disinfected 放射科radiology dept 收费处cashier行政办公室 administratve office院长办公室President’s Office职能科室 function dept.图书阅览室reading room病理室(1)pathology dept.1卫生间toilet药剂主任办pharmacy director’s office药剂财会科pharmacy financial dept.遗传检验室genetic exanine room西药库房medicine store理疗室physiotherapy多功能会议室multi-function meeting room乳腺科口腔科(1)oral medicine 1眼科ophthalmology口腔科(2)oral medicine 2针灸理疗室acupuncture massagephysical therapy 暗室darkroom病理室(2)pathology dept.2病理室(3)pathology dept.3B超室B ultrasonic room耳鼻喉科ENT dept.胃镜gastroscopy lab心电图室ECG lab超声诊断室(1)ultrasonic diagnostic room1超声诊断室(2)ultrasonic diagnostic room2白带检验科特别检验科exceptional lab dept.放免室radiological innunology room细菌室bacteriology room临床检验室 laboratory medicine room血液分析室 clinic chemistry blood篇二:学校功能室门牌英语翻译请把下面的中文翻译成英文:1、美术室 Art Room2、休息室 Lounge3、音乐室 Music Room4、老师办公室Teachers Office5、体育室 Sports Room6、综合活动室 Multi-functional Hall7、文学社 Literary Association8、语文辅导室Chinese Office9、数学辅导室 Mathematics Office10、英语辅导室 English Office11、综合活动室 Multi-functional Hall12、活动室 Activity Room13、名师工作室Distinguished Teacher Workshop14、德育工作室Moral Education Workshop15、档案室Files Room16、会议室 Meeting Room17、校长室Principal’s Office18、副校长室 Vice-principal’s Office19、小会议室 Small Meeting Room20、少先队队部室 Young Pioneers Committee21、德育处Moral Education Office22、教导处Teaching Affair Office23、卫生室 School Clinic24、总务处General Maintenance Office25、后勤部Logistics Department26、文印室Printing Room27、舞蹈室 Dancing Room28、管乐训练室Wind Training Room29、电脑3室Computer Room 330、演播室Studio31、电脑2室Computer Room 232、电脑1室Computer Room 133、仪器室Instrument Room34、科学试验室Science Lab35、阶梯室Stairs Hall36、心理辅导活动室Psychological Consultation Room37、图书馆 Library38、书法室 Calligraphy Room39、书法展厅Exhibition Hall篇三:学校办公室门牌英语翻译1.校长室(Principal’s Office)2.副校长室(Deputy Principal’s Office)3.教务处(Teaching Affairs Department)4.总务处(General Affairs Department)5.同学处(Student Affairs Department) 政教处6.财务处(Financial Department)7.团委(CYL Committee)8.工会(Teachers’Union)9.教学楼(Teaching Building)10.行政楼(Administrative Building)11.试验楼(Laboratory Building)12.食堂(Canteen)13.图书馆(Library)14.学校语文组(Junior High Chinese Teachers Office)15.学校数学组(Junior High Math Teachers Office)16.学校英语组(Junior High English Teachers Office)17.学校科学组(Junior High Science Teachers Office)18.学校___组(Junior High Politics, History and Geography Teachers Office)19.高中语文组(Senior High Chinese Teachers Office)20.高中数学组(Senior High Math Teachers Office)21.高中英语组(Senior High English Teachers Office)22.高中物理组(Senior High Physics Teachers Office)23.高中生化组(Senior High Biology and Chemistry Teachers Office)24.高中政史地组(Senior High Politics, History and Geography Teachers Office)25.信息与技术教研组(IT Teachers Office)26.艺术教研组(Art Teachers Office)27.体育教研室(PE Teachers Office)28.学校老师办公室(Junior A Teachers Office)29.高中老师办公室(Senior A Teachers Office)30.物理试验室(Physics Lab)31.物理试验预备室(Physics Experiment Preparation Room)32.生物试验室(Biology Lab)33.生物试验预备室(Biology Experiment Preparation Room)34.化学试验室(Chemistry Lab )35.化学试验预备室(Chemistry Experiment Preparation Room)36.音乐教室(Music Classroom)37.美术教室(Art Classroom)38.电脑教室/ 微机室 (Computer Cluster)39.阶梯教室(Lecture Hall)40.高A(b)班(Class b Senior A )41.初A(b)班(Class b Junior A)42.阅览室(Reading Room)43.期刊室(Periodical Room)44.外文阅览室(Foreign Book Journal Reading Room)45.广播室(Broadcasting Studio )46.洗手间(Lady’s / Gentlemen’s)47.医务室(Clinic)48.文印室(Copy Center)49.会议室(Meeting Room)50、远程训练室:Distance education room51、老师阅览室:Teachers reading room52、同学阅览室:Students reading room53、心理询问室:Psychological consultation room54、柳编室:Willow room55、平安办公室:Safety Office56、电教器材室:Electronic equipment room57、思品组:Moral teacher’s office58、历史组:History teachers Office59、地理组:Geography teachers Office60、教科室:The teaching research61、器材室:Equipment room62、综治办:Comprehensive management office63、七班级一班: Class 1 Grade 7 (班1 班级 7) 依据班级换数字就行64、贮存室 storeroom65、仪器室 Instrument room66、多媒体教室 Multi-media classroom67、舞蹈室、Dancing room68、学前一班、Pre-School One舞蹈室、Dancing Room葫芦丝教室、 Hulus Classroom古筝教室、Zithers Classroom钢琴教室、 Piano Classroom美术教室、 Art Classroom书法室、 Handwriting Classroom图画室、 Picture Room跆拳道室、Taekwondo room围棋室、Chess Room奇妙英语室 Magic English room小一班、 Pre-kindergarten One中三班、Kindergarten Three大一班、Senior Class One园长办公室、Principal’s Office钢琴室、Piano Classroom美术室、Art Classroom保健室、Health Clinic舞蹈室、Dancing Room资料室、 Reference Room科学发觉室、Scientific discovery room 图书阅览室 Library《文印室英文》由:创业找项目整理转载请保留,感谢!。



人教版七年级下册汉译英Unit 11.n.吉他2.v.唱歌3.v.游泳4.v.跳舞;舞蹈5.v.画6.n.国际象棋7.下国际象棋8.v.说;说话9.说英语10.v.参加;加入11.n.俱乐部;社团12.擅长于……13.v.讲述;告诉14.n 故事;小说15.v.写作;写字24.弹钢琴25.n.小提琴26 .拉小提琴27.adv 也;而且28.n人;人们29.n 家;活动本部.adv 到家;在家30.善于应付……的;对……有办法31.v.使成为;制造32.结交朋友33.a dv.在今天34.在某方面帮助(某人)35.)中心;中央36.n.周末37.(在)周末38.v教;讲授39.n.音乐家16.n.演出;节目v.给……看;展示17..或者18.v. n 说话;谈话19. 跟……说20.n.(中国)功夫21.n.鼓22.敲鼓23.n.钢琴Unit 21. adv 向上24. n.组;群25.adj.& adv.最好的(地)2.起床;站起26. n.一半;半数3.v.穿衣服n.连衣裙27.prep.晚于;过(时间)adj.过去的4.穿上衣服28. n.一刻钟;四分之一5.v.刷;刷净n.刷子29. n.家庭作业6.n.牙齿(复数)30. 做作业7.n.v 淋浴;淋浴器(间)31.v 跑;奔8.洗淋浴32. v 打扫;弄干净;adj 干净的9.adv.通常地;一般地33.n.&v.行走;步行10.四十34. 散步;走一走11..(表示惊奇或敬佩)哇;呀35. adv 很快地12. adv 从不;绝不36.adv 或者;也(用在否定词组后)13. adv. adj 早(的)37. 要么……要么……;或者……或者……14. num.五十38. pron. 大量;许多15.n.工作;职业39.大量;许多16. n.& v.工作40.] adv.有时17.n.电(视)台;车站41. v.有……的味道;品尝n.味道;滋味18.广播电台42. n.生活;生命19.a dv.(表示整点)……点钟20.n.晚上;夜晚21.adj 奇怪的;滑稽好笑的22.v.n 锻炼;练习23.(在)周末Unit 31. n.火车2.n.公共汽车3.] n.地铁4.乘地铁5.v 骑n 旅行6.n.自行车7.骑自行车8.六十9.七十10..八十11..九十12..一百13.n.分钟14.j 远;远的25.认为26.v. 横过;越过27.n. 河;江28.许多29.村庄;村镇30..介于…之间31. 在……和……之间32.n. 桥33.n.小船34.n. 索道35.. 年;岁36. 害怕;畏惧37.. 像;怎么样38.n.村民39.v. 离开l15. n.公里16..新的;刚出现的17..每一;每个18. 每天40.n 梦想;睡梦v.做梦41.. 真的;符合事实的42. 实现;成为现实19.(表示方式)乘(交通工具)20.骑自行车21.开车22..小汽车;轿车23.. 居住;生活24. n.车站;停止Unit 4 1..规则;规章24.脏的25.n. 厨房2. v.到达26..更多的3. 准时27.. 吵闹的4. n. 走廊;过道28. v. 放松;休息5.n.大厅;礼堂29. v. 读;阅读6. 餐厅30. 非常讨厌的;可怕的7. v.听;倾听31.. 感受;觉得8. 听……32. 严格的;严厉的9. v.打架;战斗33.(对某人)要求严格10..抱歉的;难过的;惋惜的34.v. 记住;记起11..在外面adj 外面的35. 遵循;跟随12. v.穿;戴36..幸运;运气13.adj. 重要的37.. 保持;保留14.v. 带来;取来38. 头发;毛发15.n.校服;制服39. v.学习;学会16.adj.安静的17.外出18.外出(娱乐)19.v.& n.练习20.n.碟;盘21.清洗餐具22.j 在……以前adv 以前23. 铺床Unit 5 1. n 熊猫24.adj 友好的25.羞怯的;腼腆的2.n 动物园26. v 救;救助3.n 老虎27. n 象征4.n 大象28. n 旗;旗帜5.n 树袋熊29. v 忘记;遗忘6.n 狮子30. 迷路7.n 长颈鹿31.] n 地点;位置8.n 动物32. n 水9.a dj 可爱的;机灵的33. n 危险10.adj.懒散的;懒惰的34.处于(极大)危险中11.adj 聪明的35. v 砍;切12.adj 美丽的;美好的13.adj 吓人的;恐怖的14.n 种类15.f 稍微;有点儿16.n 澳大利亚17.a dj 南方的n 南;南方18.n 非洲19.南非36.adv(坐、躺、倒)下prep.向下;沿着37.砍倒38.n 树39.v 杀死;弄死40.n 象牙41.p rep 超过;多于;在……上方42.由……制成的20.n 宠物21.n 腿22.n 猫23. v.n 睡觉Unit 6 1. n 报纸24.美国;美利坚合众国25.adj.美国的;美洲的n.美国人;美洲人2. 看报纸26.n.龙3. v 使用;运用27. 端午节4.n 汤5.做汤6.v 洗7.n 电影8.看电影9.adv 只是;恰好10.出去吃饭11.n 房子12. v 喝n 饮料13.n 茶;茶叶14. 喝茶28.adj.任何的、任一的pron.任何;任一29.a dj.其他的;另外的pron.另外的人或物30.adj.幼小的;年轻的31. n.儿童(复数])32. v.怀念;思念;错过33.v.希望;想要34.adj.美味的;可口的35.adv.还;仍然36.客厅15. adv 在明天n.明天;未来16.n 游泳池;水池17.v.购物n.商店18.n.超市19.n.男人;人20.n.竞赛21.n.主人;东道主22.v.n 研究;学习23.n.州Unit 71. n.雨水v.下雨24.n.夏天;夏季25.v.坐2.adj.多风的26.n.果汁;饮料3.a dj.多云的27. adv.不久;很快4.adj.睛朗的28. n.假期5.v.下雪n.雪29. 度假6.n.天气30.adv.努力地adj.困难的7. v.做饭31. n.欧洲8.adj.坏的;糟的32. n.高山9.n.公园33.n.国家;乡村10.n.消息;信息34. v.滑冰11.捎个口信;传话35.adj.下雪的12.pron.他(he 的宾格) 36. n.冬季;冬天13.可以;能;可以;37.adj.俄罗斯的n.俄罗斯人;俄语14.a dv.回来n.后面adj.后面38.n.雪人15.(给某人)回电话39.adj.多雨的;阴雨的16.n.困难;难题17.adv.再一次;又一次18.a dj.干燥的19.adj.冷的;寒冷的20.adj.热的21.adj.温暖的22.v.拜访;参观23.n.加拿大Unit 8 1.n.邮政-2. n.办公室24.v.转向;翻25.adv. 向右边n.右边26.adv .向左边n.左边3.邮局27.向右、左转4.n.警察28.n.十字路口5.警察局29. n.街区;街坊6.n.旅馆;酒店30. v.花(时间、钱等)7.n.餐馆31.花时间8.n.银行32. v.爬9. n.医院33. n.路;方法10. n.大街34.adv.常常;时常11. v.付费35.n.空气12.付费电话36..阳光13.prep.在……附近37.adj.自由的;免费的14.adv.prep 过;穿过38. v.享受;喜爱15.在……对面39. 喜欢阅读16.n.前面40. adv.容易地17. 在……前面41. n.钱;18..在……的后面19.n.镇;市镇20.prep.在……周围adv.在周围;大约21.n.北;北方adj.北方的22.prep.沿着23.沿着(这条街)走Unit 91. adj.卷曲的24.adj.圆形的25.n.脸2.adj.直的26. n.眼睛3.adj.高的27. n.歌手4.adj.中等的28. n.艺术家5.n.高度;高度29. n.犯罪活动6.中等身高30. n.罪犯7.a dj.薄的;瘦的31. v.放8.a dj.重的32. adj.pron.每个;各自9.n.身材v.建造33. n.方式;路线10.中等身材34. v.描述11.n.adv 今晚;(在)今夜35.adv.不同地12.adj.小的35. adj.&pron 另一;又一13.一点;少量36. n.结尾;尽头14.n.电影院37. 最后15.n.眼镜38. adj.真实的;真正的16.adv.以后39. n.牛仔裤17.a dj.英俊的18.n.演员;行动者19.n.女演员20.n.人21.n.鼻子22.adj.金黄色的23.n.嘴Unit 10 1.n.面条24.世界各地25.n.答案v.回答2. n.羊肉26. adj.不同的3. n.牛肉27. n.蛋糕4.n.卷心菜;洋白菜28. n.蜡烛5.n.马铃薯;土豆29.n.年龄6.adj.特别的;特殊的30. 许愿7. v.愿意31. v.吹8.愿意;喜欢32. 吹灭9.a dv.(用于否定句或疑问句)还;仍然33. conj.是否;如果10.adj.大号的;大的34. v.将要;会11.v.点菜;命令35. n 英国12. 点菜36. n.糖果13.n.大小;尺码37.adj.幸运的14.n.碗38. adj.受欢迎的;普遍的15.一(大)碗39.受欢迎;流行16.豆腐40.切碎17. n.肉41.n.主意;想法18. n.饺子42. 给……带来好运19.n.粥;面糊20.n.洋葱21.n.鱼;鱼肉22.n.烙饼23.n.世界;地球Unit 111. n.牛奶v.挤奶25.消防站26.n. 绘画;油画2.n.奶牛27. adj.令人兴奋的;使人激动的3.给奶牛挤奶28. adj.可爱的4.n.马29.adj.昂贵的5.骑马30. adj. 便宜的;廉价的6.v.喂养;饲养31.adj. 缓慢的7.喂鸡32.adj.adv 快地(的)8.n.农民;农场主33. n.机器人9.adv.相当;完全34. n.向导;导游10.许多35. n.礼物;赠品11.pron.任何事物;任何东西36. 总的说来12.v.种植;生长;发育37. pron.一切;所有事物13.n.农场v.务农;种田38.adj.感兴趣的14. v.采;摘39.对……感兴趣15.adj.极好的;优秀的40.adj.黑暗的;昏暗的16.n.乡村;农村41. v.听到;听见17.e 在乡下;在农村18.n.昨天19.n.花20.v.n 担心;担忧21.a dv.幸运地;好运地22.n.太阳23.n.博物馆24. n.火;火灾Unit 121.v. 扎营;搭帐篷2.n. 湖;湖泊3.n. 海滩;沙滩4.n. 羽毛球运动5.n. 羊;绵羊6.作为;当作7.a dj. 自然的8.n. 蝴蝶9.n. 游客;访问者10.adj. 疲倦的;疲劳的11.v. 停留;待12.深夜不睡;熬夜13.a dv. 离开;远离14.跑开15.n. 老鼠;耗子16.adj.幼小的n.婴儿17.v. 呼叫;喊叫18.冲……大声叫嚷19.n. 语言25 adv. 以前26.n. 印度27.n. 帐篷28.搭起;举起29.n. 月亮30.n.惊奇;惊讶;v.使吃惊31.吃惊32.n. 蛇33.adj. 惊慌的;吓坏了的34.v. 移动35.对……大声喊叫36.v. 开始;着手37.v. 跳;跃38.上上下下;起伏39.v. 弄醒;醒40.把……弄醒41.prep. 到……里面;进入42.n. 森林43.n. 耳朵20.v. 飞(过去式)21.n. 风筝22.放风筝23.高的(地)24.中学。



高级英语上册课文逐句翻译Lesson One Rock Superstars关于我们和我们的社会,他们告诉了我们些什么?What Do They Tell Us About Ourselves and Our Society?摇滚乐是青少年叛逆的音乐。

——摇滚乐评论家约相?罗克韦尔Rock is the music of teenage rebellion.--- John Rockwell, rock music critic知其崇拜何人便可知其人。

——小说家罗伯特?佩恩?沃伦By a man’s heroes ye shall know him.--- Robert Penn Warren, novelist1972年6月的一天,芝加哥圆形剧场挤满了大汗淋漓、疯狂摇摆的人们。

It was mid-June, 1972, the Chicago Amphitheater was packed, sweltering, rocking.滚石摇滚乐队的迈克?贾格尔正在台上演唱“午夜漫步人”。

Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones was singing “Midnight Rambler.”演唱结束时评论家唐?赫克曼在现场。

Critic Don Heckman was there when the song ended.他描述道:“贾格尔抓起一个半加仑的水罐沿舞台前沿边跑边把里面的水洒向前几排汗流浃背的听众。


“Jagger,” he said, “grabs a half-gallon jug of water and runs along the front platform, sprinkling its contents over the first few rows of sweltering listeners. They surge to follow him, eager to be touched by a few baptismal drops”.1973年12月下旬的一天,约1.4万名歌迷在华盛顿市外的首都中心剧场尖叫着,乱哄哄地拥向台前。



Unit 1 | Reading and ThinkingWHY DO WE CELEBRATE FESTIVALS我们为什么庆祝节日?Festivals are celebrated all around the world. They have a wide range of origins, such as the seasons of the year, religions, famous figures, and important events. Every festival has its different customs and unique charms. However, no matter how different they may seem, all over the world, the spirit of sharing joy, gratitude, love, or peace is common in all festivals.世界各地都庆祝各种节日。




Of all the traditional festivals, the harvest festival can be found in almost every culture. This important agricultural festival takes place after all the crops have been gathered in. People celebrate to show that they are grateful for the year’s supply of food. In ancient Egypt, the harvest festival was celebrated during the springtime—the Egyptian harvest season. It featured a parade and a great feast with music, dancing, and sports. Today, in some European countries, people decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit, and get together to celebrate over a meal. During the Mid-Autumn Festival in China, families gather to admire the shining moon and enjoy delicious mooncakes.在所有的传统节日中,丰收节几乎可见于每一种文化之中。



英语(二)上册课文中英文对照翻译U-1 How to be a successful language learner?怎样成为一名成功的语言学习者“Learning a language is easy, even a child can do it!”“学习一门语言很容易,即使小孩也能做得到。

”Most adults who are learning a second language would disagree with this statement. For them, learning a language is a very difficult task. They need hundreds of hours of study and practice, and even this will not gua rantee success for every adult language learner.大多数正在学习第二语言的成年人会不同意这种说法。



Language learning is different from other kinds of learning. Some people who are very intelligent and successful in their fields find it difficu lt to succeed in language learning. Conversely, some people who are succ essful language learners find it difficult to succeed in other fields.语言学习不同于其他学习。


2023四级真题 (3)

2023四级真题 (3)

2023四级真题一、阅读理解Passage 1(1)Nowadays, it is common to see people glued to their smartphones wherever they go. With the rapid development of technology, smartphones have become an indispensable part of our lives. (2) Some people argue that smartphones limit human interaction because people become engrossed in their devices and ignore the people around them. (3) However, others believe that smartphones actually promote social interaction and make our lives more convenient.(2)Those who support the idea that smartphones limit human interaction argue that people often become isolated and anti-social when they are constantly on their phones. (5) This can lead to a lack of communication skills and poor relationships with others. (6) While it is true that excessive use of smartphones can be detrimental to human interaction, it is also important to acknowledge the positive aspects that smartphones bring.(3)On the other hand, smartphones have made it easier for people to connect with others. (8) Social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, allow users to share their experiences and communicate with friends and family. (9) In addition, messaging apps like WhatsApp and WeChat enable people to communicate instantly, regardless of geographical distance.(10) As a result, people are able to maintain relationships and keep in touch with loved ones more easily.(4)Furthermore, smartphones have enhanced the convenience of ourlives. (12) With just a few taps on a smartphone, people can order food, book plane tickets, or even pay their bills. (13) This saves time and effort, allowing individuals to focus on more important tasks or spend quality time with family and friends. (14) Therefore, smartphones have become an essential tool in our fast-paced society.In conclusion, while some people argue that smartphones limit human interaction, others believe that smartphones enhance social interaction and convenience. It is important to strike a balance and use smartphones responsibly to reap the benefits they offer.Passage 2(1)In recent years, there has been a growing concern about the impact ofsocial media on mental health. (2) Social media platforms, such as Facebookand Instagram, have gained immense popularity worldwide, but studies have shown that excessive use of these platforms can have negative effects onmental well-being.(2)One of the main concerns is the comparison effect. (4) When users seetheir friends or acquaintances posting pictures of their perfect lives on social media, they may feel inadequate or dissatisfied with their own lives. (5) Thiscan lead to low self-esteem and feelings of depression or anxiety. (6) Inaddition, social media often highlights only the positive aspects of people’s lives, creating an unrealistic image of happiness and success. (7) This can furthercontribute to feelings of inadequacy and a distorted perception of reality.(3)Another issue with social media is cyberbullying. (9) Due to theanonymity provided by the internet, some individuals use social media as aplatform to harass or bully others. (10) This can have severe psychologicaleffects on the victims, leading to depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts.(11) Furthermore, the constant monitoring and validation on social media cancreate a cycle of addiction and dependency, where users feel the need toconstantly check their notifications and seek validation from others.(4)However, it is important to note that social media can also havepositive effects on mental health. (13) For example, online support groups and communities can provide a sense of belonging and support for individualsfacing mental health issues. (14) In addition, social media can be a valuable tool for spreading awareness and educating the public about mental health.In conclusion, while social media can have negative effects on mental health, it also has the potential to provide support and awareness. It is important for individuals to be mindful of their social media usage and seek a balance between online and offline interactions.二、听力理解Part 1You will hear a conversation between two friends, Laura and Mike, who are discussing their plans for the weekend.Laura: Hey Mike, what are you up to this weekend?Mike: Not much, just planning to relax. How about you?Laura: I’m thinking of going hiking with some friends. There’s a nice trail nearby, and the weather is supposed to be great.Mike: That sounds fun! I haven’t been hiking in ages. Do you mind if I join you?Laura: Of course not! The more the merrier. We’re meeting at the trailhead at 9 am on Saturday. Don’t forget to b ring some water and sunscreen.Mike: Thanks for the invite. I’ll definitely come prepared. Looking forward to it.Laura: Great! See you then.Mike: See you!Part 2You will hear a news report about a new transportation system in a city. Listen carefully and answer the questions below.News reporter: Good evening. In an effort to reduce traffic congestion and promote sustainability, the city of Greenfield will be introducing a new transportation system. The system, known as GreenTrans, will consist of electric buses that travel along dedicated lanes. These buses will be powered by renewable energy sources, making them environmentally friendly.The routes will cover all major areas of the city, including residential neighborhoods, commercial districts, and educational institutions. The buses will have designated stops, equipped with charging stations to ensure a continuous power supply. Passengers will be able to purchase electronic tickets through a smartphone app or at kiosks located at the bus stops.The introduction of the GreenTrans system aims to provide a convenient and reliable alternative to private vehicles. City officials hope that this will encourage more people to choose public transportation over driving their own cars, reducing traffic congestion and lowering carbon emissions. The system is set to launch nextmonth, and a trial phase will be implemented to gather feedback and make any necessary adjustments.That concludes the news report. Stay tuned for more updates on GreenTrans.三、翻译请根据以下提示,将下面的英文翻译成中文。



smile的中文意思是什么_smile在线翻译_读音及用法_例句如何翻译单词smile?你会运用smile这个英文单词吗?请阅读以下文章,跟着一起来学习!smile的中文意思是什么_smile在线翻译_读音及用法_例句smile【基本解释】名词微笑,笑容及物动词以微笑表示; 以微笑完成不及物动词微笑; 赞许; 不在乎【详细释义】n.(名词)微笑,笑容欢快恩惠,好意冷笑笑脸,笑靥,笑意喜气,喜滋滋友好态度一杯威士忌酒笑盈盈,笑嘻嘻忍俊不禁v.(动词)惠及有利微笑,以微笑表示露出(笑容),漾出笑容做某种笑容讥笑,冷笑眉开眼笑现笑脸表示友好态度,示好意变晴朗呈现乐观气象含笑,笑容可掬笑着说,笑眯眯地说嫣然一笑,莞尔一笑对…赞许,对…青睐微笑着表示开颜,面呈喜色微笑着使…【双解释义】n.(名词)[C] 微笑,笑容an expression of the face, usually with the corners of the mouth turned up, showing happiness, amusement, pleasure, approval, or sometimes bitter feeling, etc.v.(动词)vt. & vi. 微笑have, make or give (a smile)vt. 以微笑表示express with a smile【常用短语】Smile Again 再次微笑; 笑吧!东海; 再次微笑; 你让我微笑Smile Baby 微笑宝贝; 和我一起来唱逍遥歌; 微笑宝宝; 微笑婴儿smile at 对; 一笑置之; 冲某人笑; 看着The Smile 微笑; 浅笑; 笑颜; 笑smile angel 爱笑的天使; 微笑天使Smile Hotel 合肥微笑主题酒店; 微笑酒店; 沈阳薇笑快捷酒店GO SMILE 牙齿美白剂; 高斯密; 牙齿美白; 美白牙齿Smile You 你笑了; 微笑的你No Smile 伤感; 没有微笑; 没有笑smile to oneself 暗笑smile on 向…微笑;对…加以赞许all smiles 满面笑容;喜气洋洋smile at 对……微笑;一笑置之big smile 笑容满面smile upon 向…微笑forced smile 苦笑;勉强的微笑keep smile 保持微笑wear a smile 带着笑容;面带笑容mona lisa smile 蒙娜丽莎的微笑【常见句型】用作名词(n.)A smile of pleasure passed across his face.他脸上露出高兴的微笑。



小升初英译试题及答案一、单句翻译(每题2分,共10分)1. 他每天早晨都去公园散步。

答案:He goes for a walk in the park every morning.2. 你喜欢看什么类型的电影?答案:What type of movies do you like to watch?3. 她正在图书馆里找一本书。

答案:She is looking for a book in the library.4. 他们计划下周去北京旅行。

答案:They plan to travel to Beijing next week.5. 我需要一些时间来完成作业。

答案:I need some time to finish my homework.二、段落翻译(每题5分,共20分)1. 请把下面的中文翻译成英文。



英文:Last night, our whole family went to the cinema to watch a movie.2. 请把下面的中文翻译成英文。



英文:The teacher told us that the math test tomorrow is very important.3. 请把下面的中文翻译成英文。



英文:She likes to go shopping on weekends.4. 请把下面的中文翻译成英文。



英文:They are discussing the plan for next week.三、完形填空(每题1分,共10分)1. The teacher asked us to ______ the homework before class.答案:finish2. She ______ the book on the table.答案:picked up3. They ______ to the park yesterday.答案:went4. He ______ a new bicycle last week.答案:bought5. ______ you ______ your homework?答案:Did, finish6. The cat is ______ the door.答案:under7. She ______ a red dress today.答案:wears8. They ______ to the beach last summer.答案:went9. He ______ his homework at school.答案:does10. ______ you like to play basketball?答案:Do四、阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)阅读下面的短文,然后回答问题。



选择疑问句练习篇一:选择疑问句练习题选择疑问句练习A.用所给的词将下列句子变位选择疑问句.1.He can speak English .(Japanese).ﻫ2.My friend isa girl.( boy )3.She is in Class Four.( ClassFive)4.Peter is fromEngland.( Australia)5.Iam a teacher .( manager)ﻫ 6.My bike isblack.( white)ﻫ二、情景反应:谁的反应最快呢?请根据不同的情景写句子。


该问:Who________________________________________________?ﻫ2、售货员让顾客在白色和黑色的物品中选一选该说:ﻫWhich_________________________________________________?3、Miss Lee问Jim在教室还是在操场。







征兵语言能力试题及答案一、选择题1. 以下哪个选项是正确的语法结构?A. 他正在跑步。

B. 他跑正在。

C. 正在他跑。

D. 跑他正在。

答案:A2. “请把书递给我。

”这句话的正确表达是:A. Please pass me the book.B. Please give me the book.C. Please hand me the book.D. All of the above.答案:D二、填空题3. 请在空格处填入合适的词语完成句子。


A. 阅读B. 吃饭C. 睡觉D. 跑步答案:A4. 请根据语境填写合适的词语。


”A. 饿了B. 累了C. 渴了D. 无聊了答案:B三、阅读理解5. 阅读以下段落,并回答问题:“小明的爸爸是一名医生。




”问题:小明的姐姐正在学习什么专业?答案:法律四、翻译题6. 请将以下句子从英语翻译成中文。

“Please keep the door closed when you leave the room.”答案:当你离开房间时,请保持门关闭。

7. 请将以下句子从中文翻译成英语。


”答案:He likes to take a walk in the park.五、写作题8. 请根据以下提示写一篇短文。







1. 放置、搁置:PUT可以表示将某物放置在某处。

例如,Put the book on the table.(把书放在桌子上。


例如,I'll put our discussion on hold for now.(我暂时搁置我们的讨论。

)2. 放进、投放:PUT也可以表示将某物放进其他物体或场所中。

例如,Please put the key in the drawer.(请把钥匙放进抽屉里。


例如,They put an advertisement in the newspaper.(他们在报纸上刊登广告。

)3. 总结、归纳:PUT还可表示总结、概括、归纳某一内容。

例如,In conclusion, I would like to put forward some recommendations.(总之,我想提出一些建议。


例如,I can't understand why people put so much emphasis on appearance.(我不明白为什么人们如此注重外貌。

)4. 写下、记下:PUT可以表示书写、写下。

例如,She put her thoughts down ina journal.(她将自己的想法写在日记里。


例如,He put down the address on a piece of paper.(他把地址记在纸上。

)5. 提交、提交:PUT还可表示提交、递交文件或提案等。

例如,Please putyour application in the box marked "Applications".(请将您的申请放入标有“申请文件”的盒子中。

最新英文绘本Dear Zoo(中英文翻译)

最新英文绘本Dear Zoo(中英文翻译)
英文绘本Dear Zoo(中英文翻译)
Dear Zoo(亲爱的动物园)
I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet. They sent me:我给动物园写了封信,请求他们给我寄来一只宠物。他们给我送来了什么呢?
He was too fierce! I sent him back.这头狮子太凶猛了,所以我也把他送回了动物园。
A camel.一头骆驼。
He was too grumpy! I sent him back.这ຫໍສະໝຸດ 骆驼太暴躁了,所以我也把他送了回去。
A snake.一条蛇。
He was too scary! I sent him back.这条蛇太吓人了,所以我也把他送回了动物园。
A monkey.一只猴子。
He was too naughty! I sent him back.这只猴子太调皮了,所以我也把他送了回去。
A frog.一只青蛙。
He was too jumpy! I sent him back.这只青蛙太喜欢蹦蹦跳跳了,所以我又把他送回了动物园。
A dog.一只狗。
He was perfect! I kept him.
An elephant.一只大象。
He was too big! I sent him back.这只大象太大了,所以我把他送回了动物园。
A giraffe.一只长颈鹿。
He was too tall! I sent him back.这只长颈鹿太高了,所以我也把他送了回去。




下面我们就来看看英文单词concert具体的中文意思,欢迎大家阅读!concert的中文意思英 [ˈkɒnsət] 美 [ˈkɑ:nsərt]第三人称复数:concerts名词音乐会; 一致,和谐及物动词通过双方协议来计划或安排; 调整,解决不及物动词协调一致行动例句1. They came into town to hear a concert.他们进城来听音乐会。

2. He had his head turned by a concert of praise.他因受到异口同声的赞颂而忘乎所以。

concert的词典解释1. 音乐会A concert is a performance of music.e.g. ...a short concert of piano music...一场短暂的钢琴音乐会e.g. I've been to plenty of live rock concerts.我去现场看过很多摇滚音乐会。

2. 现场演出If a musician or group of musicians appears in concert, they are giving a live performance.e.g. I want people to remember Elvis in concert.我希望大家记住现场演唱会上的猫王。

3. 合作;同心协力If a number of people do something in concert, they do it together.e.g. He wants to act in concert with other nations.他想和其他国家采取一致行动。





以下是一些用法和中英文对照的例句:1. The library is quieter than the cafeteria. (图书馆比餐厅更安静。

)2. Please speak quieter as people are trying to concentrate. (请说得更小声,因为有人正在专心工作。

)3. The countryside is quieter than the city. (乡村比城市更寂静。

)4. She became quieter as the night went on. (随着夜晚的深入,她变得越来越安静。

)5. The baby fell asleep, and the room became quieter. (宝宝睡着了,房间变得更安静了。

)6. I prefer a quieter lifestyle, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. (我更喜欢安静的生活方式,远离城市的喧嚣。

)7. The teacher asked the students to work quietly. (老师要求学生安静地工作。

)8. Can you turn the music down? It's too loud, and I want it quieter. (你能把音乐音量调低吗?声音太大了,我希望更安静些。

)9. The park is quieter in the morning before it gets crowded. (在人潮涌动之前,早上的公园更安静。

)10. As she walked deeper into the forest, the sounds of civilization grew quieter and quieter. (当她走进森林的深处,人类的声音变得越来越安静。



四年级上册英语module练习题一、单词拼写(根据所给的汉语意思,写出对应的英文单词)1. 学校 _________2. 学生 _________3. 老师 _________4. 朋友 _________5. 书籍 _________6. 铅笔盒 _________7. 桌子 _________8. 椅子 _________9. 窗户 _________10. 门 _________二、选择填空(从下列选项中选择正确的答案填空)1. What's this in English? It's a ________.A. bookB. pencilC. deskD. chair2. How many ________ do you have?A. bookB. booksC. pencilD. pencils3. The ________ is in the classroom.A. deskB. chairC. teacherD. window4. Where is the ________?A. schoolB. studentC. teacherD. classroom5. I have a new ________.A. friendB. friendsC. pencil boxD. pencil boxes三、翻译句子(将下列句子从中文翻译成英文)1. 这是我的英语书。

2. 你有多少支铅笔?3. 我们的老师很友好。

4. 请把书包放在桌子上。

5. 我喜欢我的学校。

四、阅读理解(阅读下面的短文,然后回答问题)Tom is a student in a primary school. He has a new pencil box and a lot of books. He likes his school very much. His classroom has many desks and chairs. There is a big window and a door in the classroom. Tom's teacher is very kind. He has many friends at school.1. What does Tom have in his pencil box?A. A bookB. A pencilC. A lot of booksD. A pencil box2. How does Tom feel about his school?A. He doesn't like it.B. He likes it very much.C. He is not sure.D. He hates it.3. What can you see in Tom's classroom?A. A window and a door.B. A desk and a chair.C. A pencil and a book.D. A teacher and a student.4. Who is Tom's teacher?A. A student.B. A friend.C. A kind person.D. A primary school teacher.5. How many friends does Tom have?A. One friend.B. Many friends.C. No friends.D. We don't know.五、写作(根据提示,写一篇小短文介绍你的学校)提示:学校名称,学校设施,你的老师和同学,你在学校的活动。



yourmother翻译中文"your mother" 可以翻译成中文为 "你的母亲"。

以下是一些用法和中英文对照的例句:1. "Your mother is a kind and caring person."(你的母亲是一个善良和有爱心的人。

)2. "I saw your mother at the supermarket yesterday."(昨天我在超市看到了你的母亲。

)3. "Your mother made delicious cookies for us."(你的母亲给我们做了美味的饼干。

)4. "Please tell your mother I said hello."(请向你的母亲问候。

)5. "Your mother's support means a lot to me."(你的母亲的支持对我来说意义重大。

)6. "Your mother is a great cook."(你的母亲是一个很棒的厨师。

)7. "I admire the way your mother handles difficult situations."(我钦佩你的母亲处理困难情况的方式。

)8. "Your mother's advice was very helpful."(你的母亲的建议非常有帮助。

)9. "I'm sorry if I offended your mother unintentionally."(如果我无意中冒犯了你的母亲,我很抱歉。

)10. "Your mother always puts her family's needs first."(你的母亲总是把家人的需求放在第一位。

pull out翻译中文

pull out翻译中文

pull out翻译中文pull out翻译成中文是"拔出"或"拉出"。

以下是一些用法和中英文对照例句:1. The dentist pulled out my tooth.牙医拔出了我的牙齿。

2. The driver pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road.司机驶出停车场,上了马路。

3. He pulled out a pen from his pocket and started writing.他从口袋里拿出一支笔,开始写作。

4. The company decided to pull out of the market due to financial difficulties.公司决定因为财务困难而退出市场。

5. The soldier pulled out a knife and prepared for battle.士兵拔出一把刀子,准备战斗。

6. The train is about to arrive, so make sure you pull out your ticket.火车快要到了,所以请确保你拿出车票。

7. The team was losing the game, so the coach decided topull out their star player.队伍在比赛中落后,所以教练决定换下他们的明星球员。

8. He pulled out his phone and took a picture of the beautiful scenery.他拿出手机,拍下了美丽的风景照片。

9. The country's troops are planning to pull out of the war zone.这个国家的军队计划撤离战区。

10. The company decided to pull out all the stops to ensure the success of the product launch.公司决定全力以赴,确保产品发布的成功。

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⏹The aim of KANBAN is to reduce overall stock at the Dometic Group.
⏹DWI provides weekly forecast for products with high repetitive order.
⏹Mobicool is responsible for planning safety stock for components and to build
up components stock before the high season.
⏹Mobicool can produce according to batch size but must ship no more than 2
weeks demand from DWI.
⏹Every year in Sep, DWI will make a pre-season plan and send 30% Kick-off
orders to MBC. Revise budget plan in spring time when order from customers come in.
⏹Kanban is open for new items
⏹We use the same philosophy for both OE and AM.
⏹Every year in Sep, DWI will make a pre-season plan and send 30% Kick-off
orders to MBC. Revise budget plan in spring time when order from customers come in.
⏹Kanban is open for new items
⏹We use the same philosophy for both OE and AM.。
