


What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise
We pray for wisdom, Your voice to hear
We pray for blessngs, we pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are your mercies in disguise
What if my greatest disappointments or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy
What if trials of this life
And all the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love us way too much to give us lesser things
'Cause what if your blessings come through rain drops



HappinessArashi日文--————-—-——---——-—-——--------———---—---—-————----—-——-—-————-—-———--—————---—-———-—---——Yeah yeah yeah…向(む)かい風(かぜ)の中(なか)で嘆(なげ)いてるよりも上手(うま)く行(い)く事(こと)を想像(そうぞう)すればいつの日(ひ)か変(か)わる時(とき)がくる夢中(むちゅう)で生(い)きてたら何気(なにげ)ないことで愛(あい)が傷(きず)ついてためらいながら何(なん)度(ど)も立(た)ち上(あ)がるよ思(おも)い出(で)の後先(あとさき)を考(かんが)えたら寂(さび)しすぎるね騒(さわ)がしい未来(みらい)が向(む)こうできっと待(ま)ってるから走(はし)り出(だ)せ走(はし)り出(だ)せ明日(あす)を迎(むか)えに行(い)こう君(きみ)だけの音(おと)を聞(き)かせてよ全部(ぜんぶ)感(かん)じてるよ止(と)めないで止(と)めないで今(いま)を動(うご)かす気持(きも)ちどんなに小(ちい)さなつぼみでも一(ひと)つだけのHappiness涙(なみだ)の気持(きも)ちさえ言葉(ことば)に出来(でき)ない幸(しあわ)せの虹(にじ)は何(なに)色(しょく)なんて気(き)にしなくていいから答(こた)えを見(み)つけようと思(おも)い出(で)また積(つ)み重(かさ)ねてるここから新(あたら)しい場所(ばしょ)へ何(なに)も恐(おそ)れないで遠(とお)くまで遠(とお)くまでどこまでも続(つづ)く道(みち)君(きみ)だけの声(こえ)を聞(き)かせてよずっとそばにいるよ止(と)めないで止(と)めないでずっと信(しん)じる気持(きも)ち今(いま)は名(な)もないつぼみだけど一(ひと)つだけのHappiness走(はし)り出(だ)せ走(はし)り出(だ)せ明日(あす)を迎(むか)えに行(い)こう君(きみ)だけの音(おと)を聞(き)かせてよ全部(ぜんぶ)感(かん)じてるよ止(と)めないで止(と)めないで今(いま)を動(うご)かす気持(きも)ちどんなに小(ちい)さなつぼみでも一(ひと)つだけのHappinessYeah yea h yeah…罗马-----——-——-—-—-—----—-—-—-————--—--—--—-——-——————-—————-—-—-——----------—--———-—-—-——--—Yeah yeah yeah…mukai kaze no naka de nagei teruyorimoumaku iku koto wo souzou sureba itsuno hi ka kawa ru toki gakurumuchuu de iki tetara nanigena ikotodeai ga kizutsu ite tamerainagara nando mo tachiaga ruyoomoide no atosaki wo kangae tara sabishi sugirunesawaga shii mirai ga mukou de kitto matte rukarahashiri dase hashiri dase asu wo mukae ni iko ukimi dakeno oto wo kika seteyo zenbu kanji teruyotome naide tome naide ima wo ugoka su kimochidonnani chiisa natsubomidemo hitotsu dakeno Happinessnamida no kimochi sae kotoba ni dekina ishiawase no niji ha naniiro nante kini shinakuteiikarakotae wo mitsu keyouto omoide mata tsumikasane terukokokara atarashi i basho he nanimo osore naidetooku made tooku made dokomademo tsuduku michikimi dakeno koe wo kika seteyo zuttosobaniiruyotome naide tome naide zutto shinji ru kimochiima ha mei monaitsubomidakedo hitotsu dakeno Happinesshashiri dase hashiri dase ashita wo mukae niyukoukimi dakeno oto wo kika seteyo zenbu kanji teruyotome naide tome naide ima wo ugoka su kimochidonnani chiisa natsubomidemo hitotsu dakeno Happiness译文—--——-—-——------—----——-—----—————--—-—-—-——-—------——-———-——-—-——-———-—-——--—-----—----Yeah yeah yeah…与其在迎面而来的风中只知一味叹息何不想像一切顺利总有一天改变终会降临只要活的全心全意不经意的小事情或许会刺伤爱情令我们犹豫但我们会一再重新站起若是思考回忆的先后顺序未免太孤寂热闹喧嚣的未来必定就在那头等著我们向前跑向前跑前去迎接明天的来临让我听见只属於你的声音感受全部的你不要停不要停不要停下推动此刻的心情无论是多小的花蕾都是独一无二的Happiness连泪水的情绪都无法用言语表明幸福的彩虹究竟有几色又何必去在意为了找出答案又在堆积回忆从这里奔向崭新的地方毋需恐惧远远的远远的这条道路绵延无尽让我听见只属於你的声音永远陪伴著你不要停不要停不要停下愿意相信的心情虽然现在是无名的花蕾却是独一无二的Happiness 向前跑向前跑前去迎接明天的来临让我听见只属於你的声音感受全部的你不要停不要停不要停下推动此刻的心情无论是多小的花蕾都是独一无二的Happiness。



so no me wa i u n da
bo ku wa ko ko ni i ru
da re ka ga wa ra te ta
da ka ra i tan da
so no ki o ka i se n
それなら 私は
若是如此 我将
so re na ra wa ta shi wa
so no te o hi ku
ki mi wa mo hi to ri jya na i n da te
shi te ho shi n da yo
ki mi no na ma e
na ni ga a te mo
ka na ra zu yo bu ka ra
ki mi wa gi za gi za ha to no mo chi mu shi
tsu re te ku ga ra
i e na i na ra
ko no te o tsu yo ku ni gi te

blessing 歌词

blessing 歌词

Blessings for your everyday最後(さいご)の一秒(いちびょう)まで前(まえ)を向(む)け剥(は)がしても何故(なぜ)だか増(ふ)えてくタグとランク付(つ)けされてく理不尽(りふじん)な価値(かち)そんな数値(もの)で人(ひと)を推(お)し量(はか)らないでと飞(と)び交(か)う言叶(ことば)を手(て)で覆(おお)い隠(かく)したOh... It's time to get up 灯火(ともしび)を消(け)す前(まえ)にOh... It's time to get up 足元(あしもと)を照(て)らせ!ほらここをじっと见(み)つめてみて最高(さいこう)の味方(みかた)が映(うつ)ってるでしょ?それは命(いのち)の证(あかし)Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday例(たと)え明日(あした)世界(せかい)が灭(ほろ)んでもBlessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday最後(さいご)の一秒(いちびょう)まで前(まえ)を向(む)けHip hip HOORAY これから先(さき)もHip hip HOORAY 君(きみ)に幸(さち)あれゼロからイチを生(う)むのは容易(たやす)くない事肝心(かんじん)な物(もの)は见(み)えないし触(さわ)れない事(こと)不幸(ふこう)とは幸(しあわ)せだと気(き)づけない事(こと)毎日(まいにち)が诞生日(たんじょうび)で命日(めいにち)な事(こと)Oh... Stand up take action 泥沼(どろぬ)を掻(か)き分(わ)けてOh... Stand up take action 莲(はす)の花(はな)は咲(さ)くほらここに手(て)を重(かさ)ねてみて温(ぬく)もりが伝(つた)わってくるでしょ?それは命(いのち)の证(あかし)Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday例(たと)え绮丽(きれい)事(ごと)だって构(かま)わないBlessings for your birthdayこの世(よ)に产(う)まれてくれてありがとうHip hip HOORAY これから先(さき)もHip hip HOORAY 君(きみ)に幸(さち)あれさぁさ寄(よ)ってらっしゃい见(み)てらっしゃいロックでいったらこんな风(ふう)Like this x 2 Yeahアカペラでいったらこんな风(ふう)Like this x 2 Yeahゲームでいったらこんな风(ふう)Like this x 2 Yeahダンスでいったらこんな风(ふう)Da da da da daよく食(た)べてよく眠(ねむ)ってよく游(あそ)んでよく学(まな)んでよく喋(しゃべ)ってよく喧哗(けんか)してごく普通(ふつう)な毎日(まいにち)を泣(な)けなくても笑(わら)えなくても歌(うた)えなくても何(なに)もなくても爱(あい)せなくても爱(あい)されなくてもそれでも生(い)きて欲(ほ)しいBlessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday例(たと)え明日(あした)世界(せかい)が灭(ほろ)んでもBlessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday最後(さいご)の一秒(いちびょう)まで前(まえ)を向(む)けIf you're alive あの子(こ)が振(ふ)り向(む)くかもIf you're alive 宝(たから)くじ当(あ)たるかもIf you're alive 再(ふたた)び始(はじ)まるかも生(い)き抜(ぬ)くためなら棒(ほう)に振(ふ)れ水(みず)を差(さ)せ烟(けむ)に卷(ま)け油(あぶら)を売(う)れ现(うつつ)を抜(ぬ)かせそして来周(らいしゅう)も来月(らいげつ)も来年(らいねん)も来世(らいせ)も一绪(いっしょ)に祝(いわ)おうBlessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday例(たと)え绮丽(きれい)事(ごと)だって构(かま)わないBlessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everydayここに集(つど)えた奇迹(きせき)にありがとうHip hip HOORAY これから先(さき)もHip hip HOORAY 君(きみ)に幸(さち)あれHip hip HOORAY これから先(さき)もHip hip HOORAY 君(きみ)に幸(さち)あれHip hip HOORAY。



Blessi ng 作词:halyosy 作曲:halyosy 编曲:halyosy呗:初音夕?镜音】丿^ ?镜音'^^?巡音丿"力?KAITO ? MEIKO 翻译:kyrosleeBless ings for your birthdayBless ings for your everyday最后^一秒前总向"扌/前进直到最后一秒吧saigo no ichibyou made mae wo muke剥何故^力、増夕^七/揭下了却还是无缘无故地不断增加的标签hagashite mo n aze daka fueteku tagu to付"扌^^疋<理不尽^価値/还有被不断评下等级的无理价值ranku tsukesareteku rifuji n na kachi乞数値^人总推量/就说不要用那样的数值去推量一个人啊sonna mono de hito wo oshihakara nai de to飞tf交9言叶总手T覆P隠尢/用手覆盖起不断交错的言语tobikau kotoba wo te de ooikaku shitaOh... It's time to get up 灯火总消^前/在灯火熄灭之前Oh... It's time to get up tomoshibi wo kesu mae niOh...It's time to get up 足元艺照B^! /照亮眼前吧! Oh... It's time to get up ashimoto wo terase!见/来吧试着凝视着这裏hora koko wo jitto mitsumete mite最高^味方力N映oT^Tb^? /正映照出最棒的同伴对吧?saikou no mikata ga utsutteru desho?命^证/那就是生命的证明sore wa ino chi no akashiBless ings for your birthdayBless ings for your everyday例^明日世界力•灭/即使明天世界将会灭亡tatoe ashita sekai ga horon de moBless ings for your birthdayBless ings for your everyday最后^一秒前总向"扌/前进直到最后一秒吧saigo no ichibyou made mae wo mukeHip hip HOORAY 乙h力、^先/Hip hip HOORAY 即使是从今以后Hip hip HOORAY korekara saki moHip hip HOORAY 君幸/Hip hip HOORAY 愿你能得到幸福Hip hip HOORAY kimi wa sachiare^口力、^生止容易事/由零至产生出一并非不容易这事zero kara ichi wo umu no wa tayasuku nai koto肝心^物。



作曲:アメリカ民谣作词:木村利人歌曲:幸せなら手をたたこう歌手:坂本九作词:PD 木村利人作曲:PD歌词:幸しあわせなら 手てをたたこう幸しあわせなら 手てをたたこう幸しあわせなら態度たいどで しめそうよほら みんなで手てを たたこう幸しあわせなら 足あしならそう幸しあわせなら 足あしならそう幸しあわせなら態度たいどで しめそうよほら みんなで足ならそう幸しあわせなら 肩かたたたこう幸しあわせなら 肩かたたたこう幸しあわせなら態度たいどでしめそうよほら みんなで肩かたたたこう幸しあわせなら ほっぺたたこう幸しあわせなら ほっぺたたこう幸しあわせなら態度たいどでしめそうよほら みんなでほっぺたたこう幸しあわせなら ウインクういんくしよう幸しあわせなら ウインクういんくしよう幸しあわせなら態度たいどでしめそうよほら みんなでウインクういんくしよう幸しあわせなら 指ゆびならそ幸しあわせなら 指ゆびならそ幸しあわせなら態度たいどでしめそうよほら みんなで 指ならそ幸しあわせなら手てをたたこう幸しあわせなら手てをたたこう幸しあわせなら態度たいどでしめそうよほら みんなで手てをたたこう幸福拍手歌如果感到幸福你就拍拍手,如果感到幸福你就拍拍手,如果感到幸福就快快拍拍手呀,看哪大家一齐拍拍手.如果感到幸福你就跺跺脚,如果感到幸福你就跺跺脚,如果感到幸福就快快跺跺脚呀,看哪大家一齐跺跺脚.如果感到幸福你就伸伸腰,如果感到幸福你就伸伸腰,如果感到幸福就快快伸伸腰呀,看哪大家一齐伸伸腰.如果感到幸福你就挤挤眼儿,如果感到幸福你就挤挤眼儿,如果感到幸福就快快挤挤眼儿呀,看哪大家一齐挤挤眼儿.如果感到幸福你就拍拍肩,如果感到幸福你就拍拍肩,如果感到幸福就快快拍拍肩呀,看哪大家一齐拍拍肩.如果感到幸福你就拍拍手,如果感到幸福你就拍拍手,如果感到幸福就快快拍拍手呀,看哪大家一齐拍拍手.欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。

Blessing -World Edition-歌词

Blessing -World Edition-歌词

Blessing -World Edition-歌词Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday最後の一秒まで前を向け(Face forward until the very last second)Howl (BR-Portuguese): Muitos rótulos vai receber e mesmo se tentar mudarO valor que vāo dar a vocēocuparáesse lugar(With tags that multiply even if torn off, and the unreasonable worth from the rank attached to you)MastaH (Italian): Nascondi tutto ciòche sai in te, anche quello che non pensi maiQuelle parole un tempo feci mie, e cercai di non lasciarle più(You shouldn’t make assumptions about people with such values. I make those fluttering words with my hands.)Tune (English): Oh…It’s time to get upEnae (Korean): 둥불을꺼버리기전에너(Before you trun off the light)Tune (English): Oh…It’s time to get upEnae (Korean): 발밑을한번비춰봐(brighten your step)Ehmz (tagalog): Kung susubukan mo lang na pagmasdang mabuti(Hey, try and take a good look over here)鳥子(Japanese): 最高の味方が映ってるでしょ?(your greatest ally is reflected back at you, right?)Un3h (Swedish): Det är det som visar att livet finns där(That’s the proof of life)全员:Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everydayKiro (Spanish): Aunque el mundo se pueda acabar, disfrútalo(Even if the world is in ruins tomorrow)全员:Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday茶理理(Chinese): 直到最后的一秒我也会抬头向前看(Face forward until the very last second)Enae (Korean) Sumashu (French) Paperblossom (German)Kiro (Spanish) 茶理理(Chinese) Ehmz (tagalog) : Hip hip HOORAYFrom now on to the futureHowl (BR-Portuguese) MastaH (Italian) 蓮(Russian) 鳥子(Japanese) Un3h (Swedish) Tune (English) cheeseman: (Polish):Hip hip HOORAYAll the best blessings for youcheeseman: (Polish): Kiedy ręce puste masz, niełatwo jest, żrobic z tego cośNie zobaczysz i nie dotkniesz rzeczy, co najważniejsze są(It’s not easy to make something from nothing. The important things are the ones you can’t see or touch)Paperblossom (German): Wir sind unglücklich und merken nicht dass wir unser Glück nicht seh’nDrum lebe jeden Tag als wäre er dein Geburtstag und dein Tod(Unhappiness is when you can grasp that you are happy. Live everyday as if it’s your birthday and your last day)茶理理(Chinese): 噢~快行动起来(Oh…Stand up and take action)蓮(Russian): Черезтерниипутъкзвездамотыши(Push your way through the mud)茶理理(Chinese): 噢~快行动起来(Oh…Stand up and take action)蓮(Russian): Птицасчастъяждеттебя!(and the lotus flowers will bloom!)MastaH (Italian): Adesso prova a metter la tua mano sopra la mia(Hey, try to place your hand on topof mine)Enae (Korean): 따뜻한온기가전해져오고있죠(you can feel the warmth, right?)Howl (BR-Portuguese): E éa prova que nào estásó(That’s the proof of life.)全员:Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everydayUn3h (Swedish): Även om det är svårt så spelar det ingen roll(Even if it’s a challenge, it doesn’t matter)全员:Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everydaySumashu (French): Laisse moi te remercier pour être nédans ce monde(Thank you for being born into this world)Howl (BR-Portuguese) Sumashu (French) MastaH (Italian) 茶理理(Chinese) Un3h (Swedish) Paperblossom (German): Hip hip HOORAYFrom now on to the futureTune (English) Enae (Korean)Kiro (Spanish) Ehmz (tagalog)蓮(Russian) 鳥子(Japanese) cheeseman: (Polish):Hip hip HOORAYAll the best blessings for youTune (English):Come now, hurry hurry, step right this way.Howl (BR-Portuguese): como rock nós can taremos (If you stay in a rock style it’s like this) Kiro (Spanish): Así, así, yeah!(Like this, like this, yeah!)cheeseman: (Polish): W acapella atylu zaśpiewasz tak (If you say it in an acapella style it’s like this)Sumashu (French): Comme ça, comme ça, yeah!(Like this, like this, yeah!)Un3h (Swedish): Eller så här, precis som en rappare (If you say it in a rap style it’s like this) Enae (Korean【English】): Like this, like this, yeah!MastaH (Italian): Se lo dirai ballando, diventerà(If you say it in a dance style it’s like this)茶理理(Chinese【English】): Da da da da dacheeseman: (Polish):Tak jak trzeba jedz (Eat well)Howl (BR-Portuguese): E durma bem (Sleep well)Un3h (Swedish): Ha en massa kul (Play well)Enae (Korean): 잘배우고(Learn well)Tune (English): Speak proper and wellKiro (Spanish): Resiste bien (Fight well)蓮(Russian) cheeseman: (Polish) Howl (BR-Portuguese) Un3h (Swedish) Enae (Korean) Tune (English) Kiro (Spanish) : Living quite a normal everydaySumashu (French): Même quand tu ne peux pleurer (Even if you can’t cry)MastaH (Italian): Non riesci a ridere (Even if you can’t laugh)茶理理(Chinese): 即便无法歌唱(Even if you can’t sing)蓮(Russian): Хотьтвояжизньпуиста(Even if you’ve got nothing) Ehmz (tagalog): Kahit ’di magmahal (Even if you can’t love)鳥子(Japanese): 愛されなくても(Even if you aren’t loved)Paperblossom (German): Nein, ich gebe niemals auf!(Even then, I want you to live)全员:Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday蓮(Russian): Дажееслизавтрашнийплямирадеиьненаступит(Even if the world is in ruins tomorrow)全员:Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everydayPaperblossom (German): Ich geb nie auf und bleib stark, bis zum letzten Moment!(Face forward until the very last second)Sumashu (French): Si tu es vivant (If you are alive)蓮(Russian): Вернетсяважныйчеловек(That person might turn around)Sumashu (French): Si tu es vivant (If you are alive)Ehmz (tagalog): Sa lotto malay mo ika’’y manalo (You might win the lottery)Sumashu (French): Si tu es vivant (If you are alive)Un3h (Swedish): Så att du kan fåbörja om igen (It might begin again)Kiro (Spanish): Si tu quieres puedes cambiar (If it’s for the sake of living on, go ahead andEnae (Korean): 붕에앚고(Waste)Howl (BR-Portuguese): E Atrapalhe (Interrupt)Tune (English): Confuse and mystifyEhmz (tagalog): Sige, maglimayon (Disturb)MastaH (Italian): Vai ed innamorati (Obsess)蓮(Russian): Ичерзпарудней(And next week)Sumashu (French): Et le mois prochain (next month)茶理理(Chinese): 来年也(next year)cheeseman: (Polish): Życiu też(next life)Paperblossom (German): Komm wir feiern jeden Tag (Let’s celebrate together)全员:Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everydayEhmz (tagalog): Kung pagsubok lamang ’to ay’di na mahalaga(Even if it’s a challenge, it doesn’t matter)全员:Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday鳥子(Japanese): ここに集えた奇跡にありがとう(Thank you for the miracle you managed to gather here)Howl (BR-Portuguese)鳥子(Japanese) Un3h (Swedish) Tune (English) cheeseman: (Polish) Enae (Korean): Hip hip HOORAYFrom now on to the futureSumashu (French) Paperblossom (German)Kiro (Spanish) 茶理理(Chinese)Ehmz (tagalog) MastaH (Italian)蓮(Russian): Hip hip HOORAYAll the best blessings for you全员:Hip hip HOORAYFrom now on to the futureHip hip HOORAYAll the best blessings for youHip hip HOORAY~。



【French】Blessings for your birthday【Chinese】Blessings for your everyday【Japanese】最後の一秒まで前を向け(face forward until the very last second)【BR-Portuguese】Muitos rótulos vai receber e mesmo se tentar mudar.O vãlor que vao dar a você ocupará esse lugar(With tags that muliply even if torn off, and the unreasonable worth from the rank attached to you )【Italian】Nascondi tutto ciò che sai in te, anche quello che non pensiMai. Quelle parole un tempo feci mie, e cercai di non lasciarlepiù(you shouldn’t make assumptions about people with such values. I masked those fluttering words with my hands)【English】Oh... It's time to get up【Korean】둥불을꺼버리기전에너(before you turn the light)【English】Oh... It's time to get up【Korean】발밑을한번비춰봐(brighten your step)【Tagalong】Kung susubukan mo lang na pagmasdang mabuti(hey,try and take a good look over here)【Japanese】最高の味方が映ってるでしょ?(your greatest ally is reflected back at you, right?)【Swedish】Det är det som visar att livet finnsdär(That’s the proof of life)Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday【Spanish】Aunque el mundo se pueda acabar ,disfrúalo(Even if the word is in ruins tomorrow)Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday【Chinese】直到最後的一秒我也会抬头向前看(Face forward until the very last second)Hip hip HOORAY From now on to the futureHip hip HOORAY All the best blessings for you【Polish】Kiedy ręce puste masz, nielatwo jest, żeby zrobić z tego cośNie zobaczysz i nie dotkniesz rzecz y, co na jważnie jsze są(It’s not easy to make something from nothing. The important things are the ones you can’t see or touch)【German】Wir sind unglücklich und merken nicht dass wir unser Glücknicht seh’n. Drum lebe jeden Tag als wäre er dein Geburtstagund dein Tod(Unhappiness is when you can’t grasp that you’re happy. Live everyday as if it’s your birthday and your last day)【Chinese】噢...快行动起来(Oh...Stand up take action) 【Russian】череэ тернии путь к эвеэдам отыщи(Push your way through the mud)【Chinese】噢...快行动起来(Oh...Stand up take action) 【Russian】Птица счастья ждет тебя!(and the lotus flowers will bloom!)【Italian】Adesso prova a metter la tua mano sopra la mia (hey, try to place your hand on top of mine) 【Korean】따뜻한온기가전헤저오고있죠?(you can feel the warmth,right?)【BR-Portuguese】E é a prova que não está só(that’s the proof of life)Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday【Swedish】Även om det är svårt så spelar det ingen roll(Even if it’s a challenge, it doesn’t matter)Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday【French】Laisse moi te remercier pour être né dans ce monde(Thank you for being born into this world) Hip hip HOORAY From now on to the futureHip hip HOORAY All the best blessings for you【English】come now, hurry hurry step right this way 【BR-Portuguese】Como rock nós cantaremos(if you say it in a rock style it’s like this)【Spanish】Así, así, yeah!(Like This Like This Yeah) 【Polish】W acapella stylu zaśpiewasz tak(if you say it in an acapella style it’s like this)【French】Comme ca, comme ca, yeah(Like This Like This Yeah)【Swedish】Eller sa här, precis som en rappare(if you say it in a rap style it’s like this)【Korean】Like This Like This Yeah【Italian】Se lo dirai ballando, diventera(if you say it in a dance style it’s like this)【Chinese】dadadadada【Polish】Tak jak trzeba jedz(Eat well)【BR-Portuguese】E durma bem(sleep well)【Swedish】Ha en massa kui(play well)【Korean】찰배우고(learn well)【English】speak proper and well【Spanish】Resiste bien(fight well)【P-S】Living quite a normal every【French】Même quand tu ne peux pleurer(Even if you can’t cry)【Italian】Non riesci a ridere(Even if you can’t laugh)【Chinese】即便无法歌唱(Even if you can’t sing)【Russian】Хоть твоя жиэнъ пуста(Even if you’ve got noting)【Tagalog】Kahit ’di magmahal(Even if you can’t love)【Japanese】爱されなくても(Even if you aren’t loved)【German】Nein, ich gebe niemals auf!(Even then, I want you to live)Blessing for your birthdayBlessing for your everyday【Russian】Даже если эавтрашний для мира день не наступит(Even if the world i s in ruins tomorrow) Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday【German】Ich geb nie auf und bleib stark, bis zum letzten Moment!(Face forward until the very last second) 【French】Si tu es vivant(If you're alive)【Russian】Вернегея важный человек(That person might turn around)【French】Si tu es vivant(If you're alive)【Tagalog】Sa lotto malay mo ika’y manalo(you might win the lottery)【French】Si tu es vivant(If you're alive)【Swedish】Sa att du kan fa börja om igen(it might begin again)【Spanish】Si tu quieres puedes cambiar(if it’s for the sake of living on , go ahead and)【Korean】봉에및고(waste)【BR-Portuguese】E Atrapalhe(interrupt)【English】Confuse and mystify【Tagalog】Sige, maglimayon(Disturb)【Italian】Vai, ed innamorati(Obsess)【Russian】И череэ пару дней(and next week)【French】Et le mois prochain(next month)【Chinese】来年也(next year)【Italian】Życiu też(next lift)【German】Komm wir feiern jeden Tag(let’s celebrate together)Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday【Tagalog】Kung pagsu bok lamang ’to ay ’di na mahalaga(Even if it’s a challenge, it doesn’t matter) Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday【Japanese】ここに集えた奇迹にありがとう(Thank you for the miracle you managed to gather here) 【6】Hip hip HOORAY From now on to the future【6】Hip hip HOORAY All the best blessings for you Hip hip HOORAY From now on to the futureHip hip HOORAY All the best blessings for youHip hip HOORAY。



Blessings - Laura StoryWe pray for blessings我们祈求祝福We pray for peace我们祈祷平安Comfort for family, protection while we sleep我们祈求家庭幸福还有安睡时的守护We pray for healing, for prosperity我们祈求得到医治,我们祈求兴旺We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering我们祈求你巨大的手能减轻我们的苦痛All the while, You hear each spoken need自始至终,你垂听每一个呼求Yet love us way too much to give us lesser things然而你爱我们的方式是如此的多,以至于给了我们更多的东西Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops因为你的祝福透过风雨而降下What if Your healing comes through tears你的医治经过泪水而赐下What if a thousand sleepless nights在无数个不眠夜之后Are what it takes to know You're near才懂得原来你就在身旁What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise今生的试炼就是你化作的恩典We pray for wisdom我们祈求智慧Your voice to hear祈求听你柔和声音And we cry in anger when we cannot feel You near我们也愤愤哭求因为感觉不到你We doubt Your goodness, we doubt Your love我们怀疑你的善良,不相信你的慈爱As if every promise from Your Word is not enough仿佛你的承诺是不足以实现的All the while, You hear each desperate plea而你自始至终都能听见每一个绝望的呼求And long that we'd have faith to believe使我们有足够的信心相信Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops因为你的祝福透过风雨而降下What if Your healing comes through tears你的医治经过泪水而赐下What if a thousand sleepless nights在无数个不眠夜之后Are what it takes to know You're near才懂得原来你就在身旁And what if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise 今生的试炼就是你化作的恩典When friends betray us当朋友背叛我们When darkness seems to win当黑暗快要吞没我们We know the pain reminds this heart我们才知道这痛是要唤醒这颗心That this is not, this is not our home这里不是不是我们的家乡Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops因为你的祝福透过风雨而降下What if Your healing comes through tears你的医治经过泪水而赐下And what if a thousand sleepless nights在无数个不眠夜之后Are what it takes to know You're near才懂得原来你就在身旁What if my greatest disappointments我最深的失望Or the aching of this life或今生最大的苦痛Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy 就是明白这世界不能满足自己内心最深的渴求And what if trials of this life这一生的试炼The rain, the storms, the hardest nights无论狂风暴雨还是艰苦岁月Are Your mercies in disguise全是你化作的恩典-困难往往是上帝给予幸福的另一种表现。




blessing 中日文歌词

blessing 中日文歌词

Blessing 作词:halyosy 作曲:halyosy 编曲:halyosy呗:初音ミク・镜音リン・镜音レン・巡音ルカ・KAITO・MEIKO 翻译:kyrosleeBlessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday最后の一秒まで前を向け/前进直到最后一秒吧saigo no ichibyou made mae wo muke剥がしても何故だか増えてくタグと/揭下了却还是无缘无故地不断增加的标签hagashite mo naze daka fueteku tagu toランク付けされてく理不尽な価値/还有被不断评下等级的无理价值ranku tsukesareteku rifujin na kachiそんな数値で人を推し量らないでと/就说不要用那样的数值去推量一个人啊sonna mono de hito wo oshihakara nai de to飞び交う言叶を手で覆い隠した/用手覆盖起不断交错的言语tobikau kotoba wo te de ooikaku shitaOh... It's time to get up 灯火を消す前に/在灯火熄灭之前Oh... It's time to get up tomoshibi wo kesu mae niOh...It's time to get up 足元を照らせ!/照亮眼前吧!Oh... It's time to get up ashimoto wo terase!ほらここをじっと见つめてみて/来吧试着凝视着这裏hora koko wo jitto mitsumete mite最高の味方が映ってるでしょ?/正映照出最棒的同伴对吧?saikou no mikata ga utsutteru desho?それは命の证/那就是生命的证明sore wa inochi no akashiBlessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday例え明日世界が灭んでも/即使明天世界将会灭亡tatoe ashita sekai ga horon de moBlessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday最后の一秒まで前を向け/前进直到最后一秒吧saigo no ichibyou made mae wo mukeHip hip HOORAY これから先も/Hip hip HOORAY 即使是从今以后Hip hip HOORAY korekara saki moHip hip HOORAY 君に幸あれ/Hip hip HOORAY 愿你能得到幸福Hip hip HOORAY kimi wa sachiareゼロからイチを生むのは容易くない事/由零至产生出一并非不容易这事zero kara ichi wo umu no wa tayasuku nai koto肝心な物は见えないし触れない事/无法看见触碰到重要的事物这事kanjin na mono wa mie nai saware nai koto不幸とは幸せだと気づけない事/察觉不到不幸和幸福这事fukou to wa shiawase dato kizuke nai koto毎日が诞生日で命日な事/每天亦是生日和死忌这事mainichi ga tanjoubi de meinichi na kotoOh~Stand up take action泥沼を掻き分けて/Oh~Stand up take sction拨开泥沼吧Oh... Stand up take action doronuma wo kakiwaketeOh... Stand up take action莲の花は咲く/Oh...Stand up take sction让莲花绽放吧!Oh... Stand up take action hasu no hana wa saku!ほらここに手を重ねてみて/来吧试着在这裏叠起手hora koko ni te wo kasanete mite温もりが伝わってくるでしょ?/正往彼此传达着温暖对吧?nukumori ga tsutawattekuru desho?それは命の证/那就是生命的证明sore wa inochi no akashiBlessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday例え绮丽事だって构わない/即使只是漂亮话亦没关系tatoe kireigoto datte kamawa naiBlessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everydayこの世に产まれてくれてありがとう/感谢你让我诞生於这世上kono yo ni umarete kurete arigatouHip hip HOORAYこれから先も/Hip hip HOORAY 即使是从今以后Hip hip HOORAY korekara saki moHip hip HOORAY 君に幸あれ/Hip hip HOORAY 愿你能得到幸福Hip hip HOORAY kimi wa sachiareさぁさ寄ってらっしゃい见てらっしゃい/来靠过来看一看吧saasa yotte rasshai mite rasshaiロックでいったらこんな风/是如摇滚的话就会是如此rokku de ittara konna fuu Like this x 2 Yeahアカペラでいったらこんな风/是无伴奏合唱的话就会是如此akapera de ittara konna fuu Like this x 2 Yeahゲームでいったらこんな风ge-mu de ittara konna fuu Like this x 2 Yeahダンスでいったらこんな风/是舞曲的话就会是如此dansu de ittara konna fuu Da da da da daよく食べて/好好地吃饭yoku tabeteよく眠って/好好地睡觉yoku nemutteよく游んで/好好地游玩yoku asondeよく学んで/好好地学习yoku manandeよく喋って/好好地聊天yoku shabetteよく喧哗して/好好地吵架yoku kenkashiteごく普通な毎日を/过着平凡普通的每日goku futsuu na mainichi wo 泣けなくても/即使无法哭泣nake nakute mo笑えなくても/即使无法欢笑warae nakute mo歌えなくても/即使无法歌唱utae nakute mo何もなくても/即使一无所有nani mo nakute mo爱せなくても/即使无法爱人aise nakute mo爱されなくても/即使不被人爱aisare nakute moそれでも生きて欲しい/但我依然想要活下去soredemo ikite hoshii Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday例え明日世界が灭んでも/即使明天世界将会灭亡tatoe ashita sekai ga horon de moBlessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday最后の一秒まで前を向け/前进直到最后一秒吧saigo no ichibyou made mae wo mukeIf you're aliveあの子が振り向くかも/If you're alive 或许她会回心转意呢If you're alive ano ko ga furimukuka mo If you're alive宝くじ当たるかも/If you're alive 或许会中得到大奖呢If you're alive takarakuji ataru ka moIf you're alive 再び始まるかも/If you're alive 或许能从头开始呢If you're alive futatabi hajimaru ka mo生き抜くためならikinuku tame naraに振れ水を差せ/白白放弃泼冷水hou ni fure mizu wo sase烟に卷け油を売れ/连蒙带骗偷懒kemu ni make abura wo ure现を抜かせ/被迷得神魂颠倒utsutsu wo nukaseそして来周も来月も来年も来世も/然后下周或是下个月或是明天甚至来世soshite raishuu mo raigetsu mo rainen mo raise mo一绪に祝おう/亦一起献上祝福吧issho ni iwaouBlessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday例え绮丽事だって构わない/即使只是漂亮话亦没关系tatoe kireigoto datte kamawa naiBlessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everydayここに集えた奇迹にありがとう/感谢聚集於此的奇迹koko ni tsudoeta kiseki ni arigatouHip hip HOORAY これから先も/Hip hip HOORAY 即使是从今以后Hip hip HOORAY korekara saki moHip hip HOORAY 君に幸あれ/Hip hip HOORAY 愿你能得到幸福Hip hip HOORAY kimi wa sachiareHip hip HOORAY これから先も/Hip hip HOORAY 即使是从今以后Hip hip HOORAY korekara saki moHip hip HOORAY 君に幸あれ/Hip hip HOORAY 愿你能得到幸福Hip hip HOORAY kimi wa sachiareHip hip HOORAY。

小幸运日语版歌词 荒木毬菜

小幸运日语版歌词 荒木毬菜
没看到时又悄悄靠近 无论多么拥挤的人群

あなたも 同 じでしょうか

おんな なが ぼし なが
同 じ流れ星が流れたの
き ど あ い ら く とちゅう
その 隣 わ
だ い じ ひと
我都能一眼 锁定你的背影 你是否也跟我一样呢 你那边的天空 也有同样的流星划过吗 喜怒哀乐的途中 你的身边 是否也会有 一个她呢
无论多么拥挤的人群 我都能一眼 锁定你的背影 你是否也跟我一样呢 你那边的天空 也有同样的流星划过吗 喜怒哀乐的途中 你的身边 是否也会有 一个她呢ざと避けようと


あなたも 同 じでしょうか

おんな なが ぼし なが
同 じ流れ星が流れたの
き ど あ い ら く とちゅう
その 隣 わ
だ い じ ひと


小幸运 日语版 开始还像在昨天 离春天还差一点点 到结束我都还没分得清 桃花和梅花的区别



Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday赛一共no无极bio玛德卖莫无给哈噶西de莫laze 呐de 护儿de哭打狗do 蛋哭子给so奈得哭理护jio你那噶几so嗯纳莫莫de 袭多哦~哦西列噶啦奈e多头比噶kodo吧哦得列哦一卡哭西打Oh... It*s time to get up透莫西米恩ki死玛e你Oh... It*s time to get up阿西列to莫wu啦赛ho拉阔ko哦几多mei子没de米de仔够no米噶噶gan子de鲁de修so列哇伊no几no 啊噶西Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday它头夜a死该色该伊拉ho咯de莫Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your birthday赛一共no无极bio玛德卖莫无给Hip hip HOORAYko列噶拉撒伊莫Hip hip HOORAYkimi你撒几啊e泽尔噶拉一级莫哦mun no哇ai呀素古奈阔do 感几呐mono哇密夜奶四so哇米奶狗do护哭哦多哇死啊哇塞打多起子do奶狗do奈米起噶蛋久bi得mei你起na狗do Oh... Stand up take action都wu挖wu噶起瓦给deiOh... Stand up take action哈西no哈那哇嘎古ho拉阔ko你de哦卡撒奈de米de一子no一噶子噶哇打鼓dei修ko列哇一no起no啊噶西Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everydayta透业ki lei一kodo吧爹卡吗哇奈Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everydayko no哟你无啦列得哭列爹啊理噶多Hip hip HOORAYko列噶拉撒伊莫Hip hip HOORAY kimi你撒几啊e撒撒哟爹来晒米爹来晒ruaku爹噶纳工那护Like this x 2 Yeah给啦爹噶纳工那护Like this x 2 Yeahge-mu爹噶纳工那护Like this x 2 Yeah蛋死爹噶纳工那护哒哒哒哒哒哟哭塔别爹哟哭奈母爹哟哭赔松爹哟哭赔男爹哟哭瞎赔爹哟哭肯噶s爹wu哭护子狼奶米起莫那凯奈爹莫哇来夜那爹莫哇来也那爹莫男你莫那爹莫爱撒那爹莫爱撒来那爹莫(do爹莫)一ki爹ho西Blessings for your birthday Blessings for your everydayta透e啊西噶色该一噶ho咯爹莫Blessings for your birthday Blessings for your everyday赛一共no无极bio玛德卖莫无给If you*re alive啊no ko ga护li nu噶莫If you*re aliveta噶来哭西啊该lu噶莫If you*re alivehu塔塔比哈几马路噶莫一哭nu哭糖命马拉棒樱hu来米zuo sta爹ki谬木你ma给阿布打哇wu列sususu木s噶爹所死爹来修木来给子木来年木来森木一修你为哦Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everydayta透业ki lei一kodo吧爹卡吗哇奈Blessings for your birthday Blessings for your everyday阔ko你子do也卡起色起你阿里嘎多Hip hip HOORAYko列噶拉撒伊莫Hip hip HOORAYkimi你撒几啊eHip hip HOORAYko列噶拉撒伊莫Hip hip HOORAYkimi你撒几啊eHip hip HOORAY。



体(からだ)中(じゅう)に 纏(まと)う知識‐ガラクタ‐に【一面让曾经奉为真理的旧有观念】
百(ひゃく)、千(せん)の必定(ひつじょう)も偶然(ぐうぜん)が勝(まさ)る【即使百千的必然 也敌不过一次偶然】
何処(どこ)に居(い)てもこの思(おも)いは揺(ゆ)るがない【不管身处何方 这份信念也毫不动摇】
それを嘲笑(わら)う傍観者 ‐幸(しあわ)せな者(もの)‐達(たち)へ【即使幸福的旁观者在我身后嘲笑】
果(は)てを見(み)る瞳(ひとみ)を凝(こ)らして…飛(と)び越(こ)える【凝聚眺望前路的目光 才能飞跃坎坷】
怠慢(たいまん)な願(ねが)いなど幾(いく)つもいらない【怠惰不诚的心愿 就算再多又有何用】
個(こ)の本心(ほんしん)は返(かえ)す 世俗(せぞく)まで【我要让俗世间的众人 寻回自己本心】
今(いま)この手(て)が知(し)るから 迷(まよ)わない【因为我的手已经懂得 从此不再迷惑】
どこへ行(い)くもこの思(おも)いは揺(ゆ)るがない【不管走向何方 这份信念也毫不动摇】

Blessing 世界版歌词

Blessing 世界版歌词

【French】Blessings for your birthday 整理者:狸域【Chinese】Blessings for your everyday【Japanese】最後の一秒まで前を向け(face forward until the very last second)【BR-Portuguese】Muitos rótulos vai receber e mesmo se tentar mudar.O vãlor que vao dar a você ocupará esse lugar(With tags that muliply even if torn off, and the unreasonable worth from the rank attached to you ) 【Italian】Nas condi tutto ciò che sai in te, anche quello che non pensiMai. Quelle parole un tempo feci mie, e cercai di non lasciarlepiù(you shouldn’t make a ssumptions about people with such values. I masked those fluttering words with my hands)【English】Oh... It's time to get up【Korean】둥불을꺼버리기전에너 (before you turn the light)【English】Oh... It's time to get up【Korean】발밑을한번비춰봐(brighten your step)【Tagalong】Kung susubukan mo lang na pagmasdang mabuti(hey,try and take a good look over here)【Japanese】最高の味方が映ってるでしょ?(your greatest ally is reflected back at you, right?)【Swedish】Det är det som visar att livet finns där(That’s the proof of life)Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday【Spanish】Aunque el mundo se pueda acabar , disfrúalo(Even if the word is in ruins tomorrow)Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday【Chinese】直到最後的一秒我也会抬头向前看(Face forward until the very last second)Hip hip HOORAY From now on to the futureHip hip HOORAY All the best blessings for you【Polish】Kiedy ręce puste masz, nielatwo jest, żeby zrobić z tego cośNie zobaczysz i nie dotkniesz rzeczy, co na jważnie jsze są(It’s not easy to make something from nothing. The important things are the ones you can’t see or touch)【German】Wir sind unglücklich und merken nicht dass wir unser Glück nicht seh’n. Drum lebe jeden Tag als wäre er dein Geburtstagund dein Tod(Unhappiness is when you c an’t grasp that you’re happy. Live everyday as if it’s your birthday and your last day)【Chinese】噢...快行动起来(Oh...Stand up take action)【Russian】череэ тернии путь к эвеэдам отыщи(Push your way through the mud)Qerree terrnii put k eveedam o teixi【Chinese】噢...快行动起来(Oh...Stand up take action)【Russian】Птица счастья ждет тебя!(and the lotus flowers will bloom!)ptica sqasi ya ridet tebya【Italian】Adesso prova a metter la tua mano sopra la mia (hey, try to place your hand on top of mine)【Korean】따뜻한온기가전헤저오고있죠?(you can feel the warmth,right?)【BR-Portuguese】E é a prova que não está só(that’s the proof of life)Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday【Swedish】Även om det är svårt så spelar det ingen roll(Even if it’s a challenge, it doesn’t ma tter)Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday【French】Laisse moi te remercier pour être né dans ce monde(Thank you for being born into this world)Hip hip HOORAY From now on to the futureHip hip HOORAY All the best blessings for you【English】come now, hurry hurry step right this way【BR-Portuguese】Como rock nós cantaremos(if you say it in a rock style it’s like this)【Spanish】Así, así, yeah!(Like This Like This Yeah)【Polish】W acapella stylu zaśpiewasz tak(if you say it in an acapella style it’s like this)【French】Cvmme ca, cvmme ca, yeah(Like This Like This Yeah)【Swedish】Eller sa här, precis som en rappare(if you say it in a rap style it’s like this)【Korean】Like This Like This Yeah【Italian】Se lo dirai ballando, diventera(if you say it in a dance style it’s like this)【Chinese】dadadadada【Polish】Tak jak trzeba jedz(Eat well)【BR-Portuguese】E durma bem(sleep well)【Swedish】Ha en massa kui(play well)【Korean】찰배우고(learn well)【English】speak proper and well【Spanish】Resiste bien(fight well)【P-S】Living quite a normal every【French】Même quand tu ne peux pleurer(Even if you can’t cry)【Italian】Non riesci a ridere(Even if you can’t laugh)【Chinese】即便无法歌唱(Even if you can’t sing)【Russian】Хоть твоя жиэнъ пуста(Even if you’ve got noting) Hotb tvoya riien rrrusta【Tagalog】Kahit ’di magmahal(Even if you can’t love)【Japanese】爱されなくても(Even if you aren’t loved)【German】Nein, ich gebe niemals auf!(Even then, I want you to live)Blessing for your birthdayBlessing for your everyday【Russian】Даже если эавтрашний для мира день не наступит(Even if the world is in ruins tomorrow)darie esli eavtrrrashnii dlya mirra den ne nastupitBlessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday【German】Ich geb nie auf und bleib stark, bis zum letzten Moment!(Face forward until the very last second)【French】Si tu es vivant(If you're alive)【Russian】Вернегея важный человек(That person might turn around)Verrnegea varineii qelovek【French】Si tu es vivant(If you're alive)【Tagalog】Sa lotto malay mo ika’y manalo(you might win the lottery)【French】Si tu es vivant(If you're alive)【Swedish】Sa att du kan fa börja om igen(it might begin again)【Spanish】Si tu quieres puedes cambiar(if it’s for the sake of living on , go ahead and)【Korean】봉에및고(waste)【BR-Portuguese】E Atrapalhe(interrupt)【English】Confuse and mystify【Tagalog】Sige, maglimayon(Disturb)【Italian】Vai, ed innamorati(Obsess)【Russian】И череэ пару дней(and next week)I qerree parru dnei【French】Et le mois prochain(next month)【Chinese】来年也(next year)【Italian】Życiu też(next lift)【German】Komm wir feiern jeden Tag(let’s celebrate together)Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday【Tagalog】Kung pagsubok lamang ’to ay ’di na mahalaga(Even if it’s a challenge, it d oesn’t matter)Blessings for your birthdayBlessings for your everyday【Japanese】ここに集えた奇迹にありがとう(Thank you for the miracle you managed to gather here)【6】Hip hip HOORAY From now on to the future【6】Hip hip HOORAY All the best blessings for youHip hip HOORAY From now on to the futureHip hip HOORAY All the best blessings for youHip hip HOORAY。

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Blessi ng 作词:halyosy 作曲:halyosy 编曲:halyosy呗:初音夕?镜音】丿^ ?镜音'^^?巡音丿"力?KAITO ? MEIKO 翻译:kyrosleeBless ings for your birthdayBless ings for your everyday最后^一秒前总向"扌/前进直到最后一秒吧saigo no ichibyou made mae wo muke剥何故^力、増夕^七/揭下了却还是无缘无故地不断增加的标签hagashite mo n aze daka fueteku tagu to付"扌^^疋<理不尽^価値/还有被不断评下等级的无理价值ranku tsukesareteku rifuji n na kachi乞数値^人总推量/就说不要用那样的数值去推量一个人啊sonna mono de hito wo oshihakara nai de to飞tf交9言叶总手T覆P隠尢/用手覆盖起不断交错的言语tobikau kotoba wo te de ooikaku shitaOh... It's time to get up 灯火总消^前/在灯火熄灭之前Oh... It's time to get up tomoshibi wo kesu mae niOh...It's time to get up 足元艺照B^! /照亮眼前吧! Oh... It's time to get up ashimoto wo terase!见/来吧试着凝视着这裏hora koko wo jitto mitsumete mite最高^味方力N映oT^Tb^? /正映照出最棒的同伴对吧?saikou no mikata ga utsutteru desho?命^证/那就是生命的证明sore wa ino chi no akashiBless ings for your birthdayBless ings for your everyday例^明日世界力•灭/即使明天世界将会灭亡tatoe ashita sekai ga horon de moBless ings for your birthdayBless ings for your everyday最后^一秒前总向"扌/前进直到最后一秒吧saigo no ichibyou made mae wo mukeHip hip HOORAY 乙h力、^先/Hip hip HOORAY 即使是从今以后Hip hip HOORAY korekara saki moHip hip HOORAY 君幸/Hip hip HOORAY 愿你能得到幸福Hip hip HOORAY kimi wa sachiare^口力、^生止容易事/由零至产生出一并非不容易这事zero kara ichi wo umu no wa tayasuku nai koto肝心^物。

止见触事/无法看见触碰到重要的事物这事kanjin na mono wa mie nai saware nai koto不幸七。

止幸七気事/察觉不到不幸和幸福这事fukou to wa shiawase dato kizuke nai koto毎日力N诞生日^命日^事/每天亦是生日和死忌这事mai nichi ga tanjoubi de mei nichi na kotoT /Oh〜Stand up take sction 拨开泥沼吧Oh~Stand up take action 泥沼总搔'^分"扌Oh... Stand up take action doronuma wo kakiwaketeOh... Stand up take action 莲^花。

止咲</ Oh...Stand up take sction 让莲花绽放吧! Oh... Sta nd up take action hasu no hana wa saku!手总重/来吧试着在这裏叠起手hora koko ni te wo kasa nete mite温力*伝/正往彼此传达着温暖对吧?n ukumori ga tsutawattekuru desho?命^证/那就是生命的证明sore wa ino chi no akashiBless ings for your birthdayBless ings for your everyday例^绮丽事构/即使只是漂亮话亦没关系tatoe kireigoto datte kamawa naiBless ings for your birthdayBless ings for your everyday世产/感谢你让我诞生於这世上kono yo ni umarete kurete arigatouHip hip HOORAY C^^^先/Hip hip HOORAY 即使是从今以后Hip hip HOORAY korekara saki moHip hip HOORAY 君幸/Hip hip HOORAY 愿你能得到幸福 Hip hip HOORAY kimi wa sachiare寄o 疋^oL^V 见疋^oL^V /来靠过来看一看吧saasa yotte rasshai mite rasshai口',夕风/是如摇滚的话就会是如此rokku de ittara konna fuu Like this x 2 Yeah了力风/是无伴奏合唱的话就会是如此aka pera de ittara konna fuu Like this x 2 Yeah一厶风ge-mu de ittara konna fuui <喧哗'L 疋/好好地吵架yoku kenkashitee <普通^毎日总/过着平凡普通的每日goku futsuu na mainichi wo泣/即使无法哭泣 n ake n akute mo 笑;t^<Tfe /即使无法欢笑warae n akute mo 歌/即使无法歌唱utae n akute moLike this x 2 Yeah/是舞曲的话就会是如此 dansu de ittara konna fuuDa da da da dayoku tabete ^<眠0疋/好好地睡觉 yoku n emutte ^<游^^ /好好地游玩 yoku asonde ^<学^^ /好好地学习 yoku manande ^<喋0疋/好好地聊天yoku shabette何/即使一无所有nani mo nakute mo爱/即使无法爱人aise nakute mo爱/即使不被人爱aisare nakute mo生'疋欲LU、/但我依然想要活下去soredemo ikite hoshiiBless ings for your birthdayBless ings for your everyday例^明日世界力•灭/即使明天世界将会灭亡tatoe ashita sekai ga horon de moBless ings for your birthdayBless ings for your everyday最后^一秒前总向"扌/前进直到最后一秒吧saigo no ichibyou made mae wo mukeIf you're alive 子力振^向 < 力灼/If you're alive 或许她会回心转意呢If you're alive ano ko ga furimukuka mo If you're alive宝当尢^力/If you're alive 或许会中得到大奖呢If you're alive takarakuji ataru ka moIf you're alive 再tf始力/If you're alive 或许能从头开始呢If you're alive futatabi hajimaru ka mo ikin uku tame nara振^ 水总差/白白放弃泼冷水hou ni fure mizu wo sase烟卷0扌油总売/连蒙带骗偷懒kemu ni make abura wo ure现总抜力、^ /被迷得神魂颠倒utsutsu wo nu kase来周fe来月fe来年fe来世fe /然后下周或是下个月或是明天甚至来世soshite raishuu mo raigetsu mo rainen mo raise mo一绪祝/亦一起献上祝福吧issho ni iwaouBless ings for your birthdayBless ings for your everyday例^绮丽事构/即使只是漂亮话亦没关系tatoe kireigoto datte kamawa naiBless ings for your birthdayBless ings for your everyday集^尢奇迹/感谢聚集於此的奇迹koko ni tsudoeta kiseki ni arigatouHip hip HOORAY 乙;h力、^先/Hip hip HOORAY 即使是从今以后Hip hip HOORAY korekara saki moHip hip HOORAY 君幸feh /Hip hip HOORAY 愿你能得到幸福Hip hip HOORAY kimi wa sachiareHip hip HOORAY 乙h力、^先/Hip hip HOORAY 即使是从今以后Hip hip HOORAY korekara saki moHip hip HOORAY 君幸/Hip hip HOORAY 愿你能得到幸福Hip hip HOORAY kimi wa sachiareHip hip HOORAY。
